2022 Missouri Dairy Expo

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n o Beef Dairy SYMPOSIUM

From Milk Replacer to Marketing Making the Most of a Renewable Resource on Your Dairy January 21, 2022 | Oasis Hotel & Convention Center | Springfield, MO


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Visit MidwestDairy.com to find the latest resources available to dairy farmers! Undeniably Dairy Grants: Turn great ideas

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for promoting the dairy industry to consumers into reality by applying for grant funding through this program.

Promo Center: Looking for tools to help share your dairy story? For free coloring books, floor clings, posters and more, visit the promo center to order items to use on your farm or in your community to help bring dairy to life!

Dairy on the Air: Join podcast host Andy Vance as he talks with dairy farmers and industry experts about trends and issues impacting the dairy industry.

Learn more at


Schedule FRIDAY, JAN. 21 9 a.m. Registration and Coffee

1:30 p.m. MO Dairy business meeting

10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Symposium: Beef on Dairy — Adding value to your calves

3:30 p.m. Ice Cream Social

Featuring: n

The Ideal Carcass Starts Early — A Successful Calf Ranch Model


Financial Implications of Breeding to Beef on Your Operation


Panel of Experience ­­— Lessons Learned over the Past 5 Years

12 - 1 p.m. Lunch: Provided by our generous sponsors

6:00 p.m. MO Milking Shorthorn Assn. Annual Meeting 6:00 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres: Provided by our generous sponsors 6:30 p.m. Missouri Dairy – All Breeds Awards Banquet Cornhole tournament following the banquet, benefiting breed associations

SATURDAY, JAN. 22 10 - 11 a.m. Meetings MO Holstein Assn. Annual Meeting MO Brown Swiss Assn. n MO Guernsey Assn. n n

Please check the breed-specific pages for additional meeting information. 1

WELComE Welcome to Missouri Dairy’s second annual Dairy Expo. We’re excited to offer the opportunity for Missouri’s dairy industry to come together to chart a path forward for our organization and learn how to maximize on farm resources. I am proud to serve as chairman of Missouri Dairy, the singular voice for positive, professional and profitable dairy farms. This first full year in operation was eventful, featuring the hiring of Gene Wiseman, our new Legislative Director. Gene’s first main event was Legislative Day at the Missouri State Fair where MO Dairy hosted numerous elected officials at the Gerken Dairy Center. Additional highlights included the celebration of June Dairy month. Governor Parson joined Alfred and Sam Brandt, Darryl Braun, Ted and Megan Bruemmer in signing the June Dairy month Proclamation. MO Dairy supported dairy farmers Daryn and Stacie Koopal in hosting the “Picnic in the Pasture” on farm celebration in Avila. Our education mission engaged producers at the Forage Sorghum & Sudangrasses Summer Field Day to heighten awareness of genetic advancements of these forages to provide high quality and high tonnage, even when rain is limited. Additionally, sponsored the FARM 4.0 manuals and training at the Tri-Co Dairy Day in Versailles, MO. THANK YOU for joining us today. We hope you will join the membership, so we can best represent dairy producers statewide. Sincerely, Tom Oelrichs, Missouri Dairy Chairman 2

SPEAKER BIOS TEAGAN SCHNURBUSCH is originally from Millersville, Missouri. She currently resides in Columbia, Missouri where she is working towards her PhD in Animal Science-Meat Science. Teagan’s current research project includes working with Holstein x Simmental cross calves, ultimately looking at carcass and meat quality of these dairy beef calves. JOE HORNER serves as an agricultural economist with University of Missouri Extension. He primarily focuses upon farm management decisions encountered by beef, dairy and forage producers.

PANELISTS CHIP KEMP is the Director of ASA and IGS Commercial and Industry Operations. His duties range from assisting progressive commercial producers with genetic awareness of crossbred cow herds to the development of new technologies that highlight the profit potential of genetic knowledge in the beef industry – regardless of breed type. TOM OELRICHS operates a herd of 100 lactating Holsteins in Mora, MO on O-Rich Dairy in partnership with brother Randy and nephew, Russ. The 1200 acre Century farm supplies all the feed required to support the milk herd, replacement heifers and all steers finished on-site. BERNIE VAN DALFSEN operates a seasonal, Jersey cross, 500 cow grazing dairy near Carthage, since 1998. Crops are irrigated and milk cows are cooled using 2 pivots over 160 of the 320 acre dairy. Sexed semen is used on high fat/protein index cows and all heifers. Low index animals are AI bred to Charolais. 3

FRIDAY, JAN. 21 Following the Awards Banquet Have fun playing cornhole and earning great prizes! Donate your team’s proceeds to your breed of choice.




EXPO 2023 JA N UA RY 20, 2023

Your MO Dairy Team is here to serve Missouri dairy is the singular voice for the dairy industry. As YOUR commodity group we represent your interests in Jefferson City and provide production essential information for your operation. Our priorities are: building trust, fostering relationships, effectively communicating dairy concerns, and ensuring that Missouri Dairy represents it member interests. Please reach out to let us know how we can work for YOU! Educational Director

Legislative Director

Reagan Bluel 417-772-4231 Reagan@MODairy.org

Gene Wiseman 573-680-9786 Gene@MODairy.org

mo d air y.o rg 4


Sponsors GOLD



brought to you by Missouri soybean farmers and their checkoff




Jim’s Motors and Trailers Cuba, MO

Ice Cream Contributor: Hiland Dairy Foods 5

Missouri Dairy

board of directors Chairman Tom Oelrichs 30288 Pacific School Rd. Mora, MO 65345 660-620-4718 oelrichst@gmail.com Central district

Vice Chariman Alfred Brandt 269 Swan Creek Ln. Linn, MO 65051 573-680-9564 brandtdairy@gmail.com Central district

Secretary Sean Cornelius 8860 NE Rufus Dr. Hamilton, MO 64644 660-216-4911 Sean@bestaxis.com North district

Treasurer Mark Fellwock 18793 Lawrence 1100 Monett, MO 65708 417-737-0924 fellwockdairy@gmail.com Southwest district

Norris Sloan Rt 1 Box 92 Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-254-0256 Sloan.norris6@gmail.com Southeast district

Sally Burd 9329 Hwy 38 Graff, MO 65660 417-839-7002 sallyburd@yahoo.com Southeast district

Scott Maples 4400 State Hwy M Clever, MO 65631 417-848-2998 Scottmaples2998@gmail.com Southwest district

Rick Scheer 2725 Koelkebeck Rd. New Haven, MO 63068 314-578-4087 rickscheer@gmail.com Central district

Bernie Van Dalsen 6604 Incline Rd. Reeds, MO 64859 417-7932164 Berniev1960@hughes.net Southwest district


Missouri Dairy Bylaws Amended 4/29/2020

ARTICLE 1: GENERAL Missouri Dairy Mission Statement To speak with a unified voice for Missouri dairy farmers and to educate both dairy farmers and the legislative branch by being present in Jefferson City. Principle Office The principal office of the corporation shall be in Missouri at a location designated by the board of directors. Fiscal Year Fiscal year end shall be December 31 Purpose Shall operate as a business league or trade association to advance the interests of the Missouri dairy industry, more specifically including without limitation to: (a) Unite diverse constituents of the industry into a purposeful organization with common and representative leadership; (b) Provide educational programs for producers; (c) Monitor and participate in regulatory issues affecting the Missouri industry; (d) Act as a primary point of contact for those within and outside the industry. ARTICLE 2: MEMBERSHIP Membership Classification: (a) Voting Members: Dairy producers deriving income from the production of milk and those who are involved in the dairy industry that apply and are accepted by the Board of Directors which pay full dues shall be voting members. Each member shall have one vote. Members cannot vote by proxy. (b) Associate Members Any person engaged in any legitimate business or activity contributing to the progressive development of dairy farming in Missouri, and who is otherwise acceptable to the Board of Directors is eligible to become a nonvoting associate member of Missouri Dairy upon payment of the membership fee and fulfilling the requirements stipulated by the Board of Directors. Transfer of Membership: Membership in this association is not transferable. Membership Dues: Each member shall pay membership dues based upon their class of membership as established by resolution of the Board of Directors. 7

Admission of New Members: The secretary or designated person shall approve of the admission of any new member and shall notify the Board of Directors when a Members membership ceases. Termination of Membership: A member may resign at any given time by giving notice to this corporation. A member may be removed at any time, with or without cause by the two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the Board of Directors. Article 3: Meetings Annual Meeting: The annual meeting shall be held at such time and place as the Members may determine, for the purpose of electing directors, receiving a report of activities and financial condition of this Corporation and for the transaction of such other business as shall come before the meeting. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called at any time by the president or whenever a majority of the directors or when a majority of the members shall so request in writing. Notice: Notice of time and place no less than ten (10) days and not more than forty-five (45) days before the annual meeting will be given by written notice to last known address as shown on the organizations records. Meetings Conducted Through Electronic Communications: The Board of Directors may specify that a meeting will be conducted solely through one or more means of Remote Communications, provided that proper notice is given and that the quorum requirements are met. Participation in a meeting that is accomplished by means of electronics, telephone, video, or internet conferencing, or such other means, that is authorized by the Board of Directors, through which persons are not physically present in the same location may communicate with each other on a simultaneous basis constitutes personal presence at the meeting. Quorum: Except as otherwise required by statute at least ten percent (10%) of the Members entitled to vote shall be required to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the annual meeting. The act of a majority of the Members present at any duly held meeting at which a quorum is present, shall be the act of the Members. Special meeting quorum allows electronic presence and vote.


Order of Business: The order of business for all meetings of the Corporation shall be substantially as follows: 1. Call to order 2. Roll call for quorum 3. Reading of minutes of last meeting 4. Treasurer’s report 5. Report of committees 6. Unfinished business 7. New business 8. Election of officers 9. Adjournment Article 4: Board of Directors Section 1. Number: The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) voting members Section 2. Terms of Office: Directors may be elected to serve two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. The director shall vacate the office of director after six (6) years for at least one (1) year before being eligible to be considered as a candidate for nomination as a director. Section 3. Vacancies: A director vacancy due to death, resignation or removal of board member shall be filled by the Board of Directors by nominating and electing another member as director for the unexpired term at either a special or regular meeting of the Board. Section 4. Governance: Any member of this organization entitled to vote on matters submitted to the membership may be nominated for election to the board of directors, provided: 1. The board of directors will represent one (1) voting member from each of the four (4) districts. (a) North – North of I-70 (b) Central – South of I-70, down to NORTH Hwy 54 along the north county lines of Dallas and Laclede then diagonally along I-44 to St. Louis CENTRAL (c) Southeast: South of Central from St. Louis to Hwy 65 (d) Southwest: South of Central Hwy SOUTH SOUTH EAST WEST 65 to the state border



2. Additionally, five (5) voting members will be at large, not to exceed three (3) per each district for a total of nine (9) members on Missouri Dairy Board of Directors. 3. Not more than one (1) non-dairy producer can be elected as a board member. Section 5. Meetings: The directors shall hold meetings at least once every six (6) months at such time and place and/or manner as the board shall see fit. The chairman may call additional meeting at any time and shall do so upon demand of a majority of the directors. Section 6. Quorum: A majority of the directors shall be a quorum at the board meeting. Section 7. Meetings Conducted Through Electronic Communications: The Board of Directors may specify that a meeting will be conducted solely through one (1) or more means of Remote Communications, provided that proper notice is given and that the quorum requirements are met. Participation in a meeting that is accomplished by means of electronics, telephone, video, or internet conferencing, or such other means, that is authorized by the Board of Directors, through which persons are not physically present in the same location may communicate with each other on a simultaneous basis constitutes personal presence at the meeting. Section 8. Insurance: The directors may require every officer and employee to whom funds or other property of the organization are entrusted, or who is empowered to disburse or authorize the disbursement of its funds, or is charged with making or keeping its records, to furnish at the organizations expense, errors and omission insurance in such amount as the directors determine. Section 9. Removal of Board Member: Any Board Member of the organization who fails to carry out the responsibilities of his/her position may be removed at any regular or special meeting thereof by the two-third (2/3) majority of the entire Board of Directors. Article 5: Officers and Duties Section 1. Election: The directors, at their annual meeting shall elect from their number a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer and such officers as may be necessary who may or not be directors. All officers may be re-elected to as many terms of office as the directors approve, except Chairman with maximum of two (2) years consecutively.


Section 2. The Chairman Shall: (a) Preside over all meetings of the association and the board of directors. (b) Sign as chairman, with the treasurer, all notes, deed and other instruments on behalf of the organization. (c) Call special meetings of the association and the board of directors. (d) Perform all acts and duties required of an executive and presiding officer. Section 3. The Vice-Chairman Shall: in the absence, disability or refusal to serve of the chairman, perform all duties of that office, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Vice-Chairman by the Board of Directors. Section 4. The Secretary Shall: (a) Keep a complete record of all the meetings of the association and the Board of Directors. (b) Serve all notices required by law and by these bylaws. (c) Keep a complete list of members and their addresses. (d) Notify the officers and members of committees of their appointment. (e) To file with the State Director of Agriculture and the Secretary of State the Annual Report required by Section 274.160 Revised Statutes, Missouri. (f) Perform such other duties as may be required of them by the Board of Directors. Section 5. The Treasurer Shall: (a) Receive and disburse all funds and be the custodian of all securities of the Association. (b) Sign as treasurer all checks and with the chairman all notes of the association and deliver such books to his/her successor in office when qualified. (c) They shall make a full report of all matters and business pertaining to this office to other obligations of the association. (d) Keep a full and accurate account of all the financial transactions of the association and deliver such books to his/her successor in office when required. (e) He shall make a full report of all matters and business pertaining to this office to the members at the annual meeting, and to the directors whenever requested and make all reports required by law. (f) Deposit all moneys of the association in the name and to the credit of the association in depositories as may be designated from time to time by the board of directors. (g) Perform such other duties as may be required of them by the board of directors. Section 6. Compensation for Board of Directors: The Board of Directors may set the compensation for Board of Directors: mileage (at federal rate) and per diem of $50.00 per meeting doing business for Missouri Dairy. 11

Article 6: Committees The Board of Directors may by resolution designate one or more committees of directors. Each committee shall consist of at least three directors or voting members. Committees shall have powers specified in such resolution. Article 7: Audits At the close of each fiscal year, and at such other times as the Board shall determine, the officers shall make or cause to be made as accurate written statement of the financial condition of the organization, including when required, an accurate inventory of all its property. Article 8: Amendments of Bylaws 1. The directors are authorized to adopt or amend Bylaws. Bylaws adopted or amended by directors shall be reported to the members at the next membership meeting. 2. By majority vote of the members, Bylaws may be enacted, amended or repealed at any regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose. 3. Resolution for amendments may be made at meetings of the organization and may be referred to a resolutions committee for the annual meeting. A majority vote at the annual meeting will be required for resolutions for amendments for adoption. Article 9: Resolutions There is a resolutions process at the annual meeting to determine the goals and direction of Missouri Dairy. Article 10: Liability This corporation shall not be liable for acts of individual members or for the acts of directors who have acted beyond their authority as directors. Directors shall not be liable for acts of the association, either by vote or by their actions, unless they individually have acted beyond their authority as directors. Article 11: Disposition of Assets on Dissolution In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, all assets of the corporation shall be distributed to any organization or organizations selected by its Board of Directors which are qualified as exempt organizations under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.


dairy hall of honors 2020 The Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors announces their 2020 award winners. Due to the COVID-19 virus, the honorees will be honored in 2022. Joe Horner of Columbia is the recipient of the Dairy Leadership Award. Joe is a Univerfsity of Missouri Extension state specialist in agricultural economics. He previously served as the executive secretary for the Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors. Horner has been a fixture for over 30 years as an extension educator in the areas of dairy farm management and economics. Schoen Farms of Oak Ridge will receive the Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder Award. This third-generation dairy has earned recognition for high production and herd BAA scores. Their farm is truly a family affair. Started by Marvin and LaFern, children John, Cathy and their families continue to expand the facilities to aid in the efficiency and profitability of the farm for future generations to come. Darrell Pidgeon, owner of Pidgeon Cattle Company in Parker, Colorado, received a Meritorious Service award for his long history of being a cattle merchandiser, judge and showman for over 60 years. Pidgeon worked for the best herds: J.C. Penney, McDonald Farms, even riding in boxcars with the show cattle to state fairs and national shows and exported cattle to several countries including Japan, Mexico, Canada and Eastern Europe. He received his master’s degree in dairy cattle genetics from the University of Missouri. Eric Seifert, a field representative with Dairy Farmers of America, also received a Meritorious Service Award. He lives in Boonville, Missouri. Siefert has served dairy farmers for almost 40 years. His career began with Mid America Dairymen in 1981 and with the merger served as a field representative for Dairy Farmers of America. He was a valuable resource for numerous dairy farmers in the state. He was also active in the Missouri Dairy Fieldman and Sanitarians group, serving as president and past president. Bob Braswell, who died in 2000, will receive the Pioneer Dairy Leader Award for his contributions to the dairy industry. He owned Braswell Sales Service in Ozark, Missouri. He managed cattle sales in four states: Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. He and his wife Donna worked side by side with auctioneers Gary Estes and Richard Melton. Bob also established the Ozarks Dairyland Sale series in Mt. Vernon each spring and fall where dairy producers could consign animals for auction. Caleb Ruether, a senior at Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, has been awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors Foundation. 13

dairy hall of honors 2021 The Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors announces their 2021 award winners. Ken Bolte of Washington is the recipient of the Dairy Leadership Award. Ken retired after nearly 44 years from the University of Missouri as an Extension Specialist, 38 of those years in Franklin County. During this time, he served as the Regional Dairy Specialist, Farm Management Specialist and Agriculture Business Specialist. He also worked with Franklin County cattlemen and dairy farmers to develop educational programs that included annual herd health events and dairy seminars. Kloppe Dairy of New Haven will receive a Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder Award. The dairy was started in 1948 by Lee and Laverne Kloppe after being purchased from Lee’s parents. Starting with a mixture of cows from some of the dairy breeds, the Jerseys ended up being the only breed on the dairy. This third-generation dairy is one of only four farms from Missouri that have won a national award for reproduction from the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council. In fact, they have won five times. Toecky Farms of Huggins will also receive a Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder Award. Owned by Tom and Becky Durst, the main focus of their operation has always been the improvement of their herd genetics through breeding by combining type along with excellent management of their herd to achieve high production as well. They were awarded the Holstein Association’s Progressive Breeder Registry (PBR) award five times and have also ranked among the top in the state for their BAA score every year. Bill Wilberding is the Senior Vice President of Operations at Prairie Farms Dairy in Edwardsville, Illinois. In this role, he manages the Vice Presidents of Operations, the Cheese Division, Ice Cream Operations, Director of Quality, Director of Technical Services, Director of Safety and Vice President of Engineering. Bill has been involved in numerous innovative dairy solutions in Missouri. One collaboration with a retailer involved developing the first caseless delivery system. He was instrumental in the design, construction and startup of this project. Bill has served on several industry boards as well. Karl Musser will be recognized with the Pioneer Dairy Leader Award for his contributions to the dairy industry. He served as the Executive Secretary for 31 years with the American Guernsey Cattle Club. His Missouri ties run deep as he received a master’s degree under C. H. Eckles from the University of Missouri in 1914. Musser was very well respected by nearly everyone in the registered dairy cattle industry in that era. He is credited for major elements in developing the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association and the National Dairy Shrine. Taylor Klipp, a graduate of Northwest Missouri State University has been awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors Foundation. 14

For more information, please visit missouridairyhallofhonors.com


James Brixey Philip & Karen Brubaker Derek & Anaise England Dix-Lee Michael & Jennifer Droste Loren & Malinda Huber Curvin & Irene Horning Kloppe Dairy Farm, Inc. Kraus Dairy Farm, Inc. Robert Landgraf, Jr.

n n n n n n n n n n

Lohmann Farm, LLC Clifford & Louella Oberholtzer Lynnford Oberholtzer Emmanuel Roth Schoen Farms, Inc. Sprigg Street Dairy, LLC Stil Dreamin Dairy Ronald Walther Eugene & Lucinda Weiler Leslie Zimmerman

DFA: Dairy farmers of America value the confidentiality of their member producers. In 2021, 25% of the Central order (29/115) and 13% of the Southeast order (30/235) member farms achieved an average BTSCC less than 200,000. Congratulations producers!

ENERGY CORRECTED MILK AWARDS Large Herd 1st Riegel Farms, Inc. Washington, MO 31,078 lbs Rolling ECM

Small Herd 1st Aaron Brubaker Russellville, MO 27,597 lbs Rolling ECM

Large Herd 2nd Purina Animal Nutrition Center Gray Summit, MO 30,569 lbs Rolling ECM

Small Herd 2nd Clifford Oberholtzer Rutledge, MO 27,520 lbs Rolling ECM 15



MISSOURI GUERNSEY BREEDERS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS JANUARY 22, 2022 9:30 a.m. – Junior Meeting • 10 a.m. – Annual Meeting




Missouri Holstein Association OFFICIAL NOTICE Annual Membership Meeting & Convention Missouri Holstein Association January 21-22, 2022 Oasis Hotel, Springfield, MO National Holstein Convention June 27 – July 1, 2022 Souix Falls, SD

Schedule: Friday, January 21 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6 - 9 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM

MO Holstein Committee Meetings Social and hors d’oeuvres Junior & All-Breeds Silent Auction Awards Presentation All-MO, Cow of the Year Cornhole Tournament: Adult, Youth, Family

Sahara Paradise Ballroom Paradise Ballroom Paradise Ballroom Paradise Ballroom

9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM

MO Holstein Princess/Little Miss Interviews Mojave Missouri Holstein Board Meeting BoraBora MO Holstein Assoc. Annual Meeting Sahara MHA Junior Annual Meeting Mojave Junior Speech Contest (To be scheduled by advisors)

Schedule: Saturday, January 22

Holstein Association USA - Awards 2021 2021 Progressive Breeders Registry Awards Years Homebred BAA Qualified %

Alfred Brandt, Linn James&Novalee Coats, Mtn. Grove College of the Ozarks, Pt Lookout Groves-Vu Dairy, Billings Toecky Farm, Huggins University of Missouri, Columbia

8 6 6 12 6 3

87.6 100 90.5 89.9 100 100

106.4 105.0 108.5 109.2 106.7 106.0




27,645 27,237 26,620 31,442 28,207 28,735

1094 1112 1038 1195 974 1072

851 846 828 981 853 879

2021 Progressive Genetics Awards

Years Qualified Alfred Brandt, Linn 1 James & Novalee Coats, Mountain Grove 15 Oberholtzer Dairy, Rutledge 1 Purina Animal Nutrition Center, Gray Summitt 8 University of Missouri, Columbia

Average CTPI 2211 2277 2285 2284 2194

2020 Missouri Cow of the Year: Groves-Vu Large Maraca Groves-Vu Dairy, Billings, MO 19

National Jr Holstein Convention Awards 2021 National Dairy Jeopardy Contest: Jr Division: Amanda Brooks, Mtn. Grove

Prepared Public Speaking:

Senior Division: 1st Place: Blake Wright, Verona: “Anti-Ag Policies” Junior Division: 2nd Place: Sophia Geppert, Kingdom City: “Cow Handling” 4th Place: Sammi Justice, Clever: “Cow to Store”

Juniors at Nat’l Conv: Blake Wright, Sophia Geppert, Lora Wright, Amanda Brooks and Sammi Justice. Bottom Right: Princess Lila Wantland helping at Missouri State Fair. Top Right: Sophia & Blake

National Junior Advisory Committee:

Lora Wright (At-Large), Verona - chairman;

Blake Wright (Area 4), Verona

Missouri State Junior Awards 2021

MO Holstein Princess 2021: Lila Wantland, Niangua MO Holstein Little Miss 2021: Monique Turner, Springfield

Spring Classic, Distinguished Junior 2021 - Jr & Sr: No awards given Kay Bacon Memorial Award (20th): Sammi Justice, Clever:

Graber Warrior Chili-Red-ET, Fall Calf: Jr Champion 4-H/FFA State Fair

Mark Highfill Memorial Award (17th): Adeline Dickerson, Unionville:

Char-Land SS Deuce Acorn: Sr.2: Grand Champ 4-H/FFA State Fair.

2021 Sho-Me Futurity 3-Yr Old Holstein Show

1st Place Toecky Anna-Die Pety VG-85 Becky Durst, Huggins 2nd Place, 1st Prod. Teocky Brokaw Stockings VG-87 Candy Heppard, Huggins 3rd Place, 2nd Prod. C-of-O Beemer Asher-ET EX-90 College of the Ozarks 4th Place,3rd Prod.,1st Jr Gat-Dix Diamondback Mary Diesel Dixon, Conway 5th Place, 2nd Jr U-MO Loveman Maisie Jessilyn McLean, Republic 6th Place, 3rd Jr Gat-Dix DBack Holiday Jessilyn McLean, Republic Total Original Entries: 38 head, 7 breeders; Total Pot $950.00 Thank you to Futurity Sponsors: Select-Sires, ABS - Ray Schooley 20

Missouri Holstein Districts The Missouri Holstein Convention Host Schedule

2022 – Northwest 2023 – South Central 2024 – Southeast 2025 – Northeast 2026 – Southwest 2027 - West Central

2021 Membership Report Arkansas/Other Northeast District Northwest District South Central District Southeast District Southwest District West Central District TOTAL

2021 3 28 3 21 7 64 15 141

2020 5 35 4 21 7 67 14 153

2019 2 28 6 20 6 65 15 142

2018 2 33 5 24 7 63 16 160

2017 2 35 5 24 6 69 19 166

2022 DISTRICT OFFICERS: Pres, Vice President, Sec/Treas, Director At Large Northeast Central: James Penn, John Denbigh, Judy Borman, Alfred Brandt Northwest: Dallas Cornelius, Misty Langford, sec./treas/ director. Southwest: Nelson Hostetler, Janice Perry, Shannon Kleiboeker, Larry Wright, South Central: Tommy Scrivner, Sandra Buff, Andrea Scrivner, Becky Durst Southeast: John Schoen, Melinda (Schoen) Morrison, Cliff Strieker, Corvin Schoen West Central: Mark Chamberlin, Michael Leinbach, Marilyn Moreland, Jay Moreland State At Large Directors: Ed Wittorff (finishing term in 2021) & Jason Ewing (2022)


Juniors: Katie Wantland & Shannon Kleiboeker, co-chm; Janice Perry, Monica Ling, Susan Brooks, Kate Geppert, Melody Moreland Sale: Jason Ewing, chm; Nelson Hostetler, Mike Wilson, Brad Groves, Larry & Jodi Wright, Tim Ewing, Michael Leinbach, Brittany Groves Show & Futurity: Crissy Durst, chm; Janice Ling, Mike Hackman, Eric Ling, Crystal Chamberlin, Grant Groves, Leslie Parrigon, Ellie Wantland Finance: Alfred Brandt, chm; Rick King, Jay Moreland Nominating: Becky Durst, chm; Brad Groves, Mike Wilson, Kate Geppert Resolutions: Ed Wittorff, chm; Barry Steevens, John Underwood, Ted Probert, James Penn Awards: Roy Parsons, chmn: John Underwood, Cliff Strieker 21



Spring Heifer Calf AM C-Hill-Top Warrior Velveeta RAM Mi-Wil Analyst Destiny-Red JAM Mi-Wil Analyst Destiny-Red RJAM SL-Maples Rager 55

Mark & Gwen Chamberlin Colton Kleiboeker Colton Kleiboeker Jared Parrigon

Winter Heifer Calf AM Ram-Elle Summerfest Paige RAM J-Lean Casanova Dawn JAM JL-KEL-Land SD Fiddlesticks RJAM Groves-VU Charisma Leisure

Chase Eilenstine Jessilyn McLean Lila Wantland Kason Wilson

Fall Heifer Calf AM Graber Warrior Chili-Red-ET RAM Shatto Warrior Chelvi-Red JAM Graber Warrior Chili-Red-ET RJAM Shatto Warrior Chelvi-Red

Samantha Justice Whitney Yerina Samantha Justice Whitney Yerina

Summer Yearling AM Oak-Ridge-K Calva Sunshine RAM S&K-Vale Warrior Raisin JAM Oak-Ridge-K Calva Sunshine RJAM S&K-Vale Warrior Raisin

Lila Wantland Samantha Justice Lila Wantland Samantha Justice

Spring Yearling AM Toecky Duetta Cheers RAM Char-Land Parison Paisley JAM Char-Land Parison Paisley RJAM Char-Land Harvard Miley

Becky Durst Gretchen Dickerson Gretchen Dickerson Case Melzer

Winter Yearling AM Borderview 659 Avalanche-ET RAM Radine Backflip Soarin JAM Borderview 659 Avalanche-ET RJAM Radine Backflip Soarin

Blake Wright Sophia Geppert Blake Wright Sophia Geppert

Fall Yearling AM Mi-Wil Cheers to Cherry-Red RAM C-OF-O D-Back Mango Splash JAM Mi-Wil Cheers to Cherry-Red RJAM View-Haven RGR Lavender-Red

Colton & Cobie Kleiboeker College of the Ozarks Colton & Cobie Kleiboeker Michael Vedder

Junior Best 3 AM Amarillo / Tris / Mango RAM Sombra / Cheers / Gabriella

College of the Ozarks Toecky - Durst’s

Dry 3 & 4-Yr-Old AM U-MO Loveman Maisie

Jessilyn McLean

**Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, MO was the location of the All-Missouri State Show for 2021. Juniors are calculated on a point system based on district and state shows.



Junior 2-Year-Old Cow AM RedCarpet Door County - ET JAM C-OF-O Tatoo Buttercup

Rick King & Larry Wright College of the Ozarks

Senior 2-Year-Old Cow AM Toecky Byway Marlena RAM C-OF-O Undenied Royal JAM Char-Land Lucky Josie RJAM Char-Land SS Seuce Acorn

Tom Durst College of the Ozarks Molly Melzer Adeline Dickerson

Junior 3-Year-Old Cow AM Toecky Anna-Dice Pety RAM View-Haven Mayflower Lotus JAM View-Haven Mayflower Lotus

Crissy Durst Michael Vedder Michael Vedder

Senior 3-Year-Old Cow AM Toecky Brokaw Stockings RAM C-OF-O Beemer Asher-ET JAM View-Haven Roland Dolly

Candy Durst College of the Ozarks Brady Vedder

4-Year Old Cow AM Golden-Oaks Rayna-Red Lora Wright RAM View-Haven Elvis Carli Vedder Dairy JAM View-Haven Anv Cinnamon-Red Maria Vedder Aged Cow AM J-Lean Platte Ducky-Red RAM View-Haven Trak Lucky-TW JAM View-Haven Trak Lucky-TW

Jessilyn McLean Michael Vedder Michael Vedder

Produce of Dam AM Craz-Ate Atwood 865-ET (Amarillo/Asher) College of the Ozarks RAM View-Haven Trak Lucky-TW (Lotus/Lavendar) Michael Vedder JAM View-Haven Trak Lucky-TW (Lotus/Lavendar) Michael Vedder Daughter - Dam AM Platte Ducky / Epic Dorian RAM Trak Lucky / Mayflower Lotus JAM Trak Lucky / Mayflower Lotus RJAM Anv Cinnamon / Rager Luna

Jessilyn McLean Michael Vedder Michael Vedder Maria Vedder

Best 3 Females AM Anna-Dice / Marlena / Stockings Toecky - Durst’s RAM Buttercup / Royal / Asher College of the Ozarks Breeder’s Herd AM RAM AM = All-Missouri RAM = Reserve All-Missouri

Toecky - Durst’s College of the Ozarks JAM = Junior All-Missouri RJAM = Reserve Junior All-Missouri 23


Annual Meeting, Saturday, January 22, 2022, Springfield, MO The 2021 Resolutions Committee recommends the following resolutions for consideration at the 106th annual convention of the Missouri Holstein Association. Be it resolved: The Missouri Holstein Association expresses its sincere appreciation to Missouri Dairy and Reagan Bluel for their work and organization of the 2022 Missouri Holstein Association meeting at Oasis Hotel & Convention Center, Springfield, MO. Be it resolved: That Sue Ann Steele, Mid States News editor; Kate Geppert, Mid States managing editor; Jodi Wright, website manager, secretary-treasurer; Shannon Kleiboeker and Jenna Wilson, the Pulsator editors be commended for their hard work and diligent efforts. Be it resolved: That the Missouri Holstein Association expresses thanks to Nathaniel and Rose Graber and family of Valley View Farm, LaRussell, Missouri for hosting the 2022 Field Day. Whereas the Missouri Holstein Association is sincerely interested and considers itself a vital part of the dairy industry in the State of Missouri, be it resolved that the members individually and the corporate associations pledge support and offer its leadership and appreciation to the following: 1. Mark Witherspoon, General Manager, Executive Secretary-Treasurer Mid-South Dairy Records. 2. Regan Bluel, Director; Tom Oelrich, President; and Gene Wiseman, Legislative Director for Missouri Dairy. 3. Missouri State Department of Agriculture, under the direction of director Chris Chinn and staff, including Dr. Steve Strubberg, State Veterinarian, Mark Wolfe, director of Missouri State Fair and AmyJo Estes, state fair dairy superintendent. 4. The University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and the dairy extension team. 5. Missouri 4-H and FFA youth organizations through their educational and leadership building experiences. 6. The Midwest Dairy Association with special commendation to Ron Grusenmeyer and Stacy Dohle. Be it further resolved that our Association continue to underwrite, support, and encourage participation in the district Holstein shows, futurity, field day, and the Missouri State Convention Sale. Be it resolved: A special thank you to John Denbigh as Farm Manager recognizing his contributions to the University of Missouri Foremost Dairy in assisting with dairy research, education, and outreach to the Missouri dairy industry as John retired in 2021. Be it resolved that our association continue to support and encourage the Missouri Junior Holstein Association for the excellent leadership in assisting and encouraging the junior members. Be it resolved : Congratulations extended to National Junior Holstein Convention Awards 2021. National Dairy Jeopardy Contest, Jr, Division: Amanda Brooks, Mountain Grove, Mo. 24

2021 RESOLUTIONS Prepared Public Speaking Senior Division, First place, Blake Wright, Verona: “Anti-Ag Policies”. Junior Division; Second Place, Sophia Geppert, Kingdom City: “Cow Handling”. Fourth Place; Sammi Justice, Clever: “Cow to Store”. Be it resolved: Congratulations extended to juniors recognized for Missouri State Holstein Awards. Kay Bacon Memorial Award (20th): Sammi Justice, Clever, Mo. Graber Warrier Chili-Red-ET, Fall Calf,Jr. champion 4-H/FFA State Fair Mark Highfill Memorial Award (17th): Adeline Dickerson , Unionville, Mo. Char-Land SS Deuce Acorn: Sr.2: Grand Champion 4H/FFA State Fair. Be it resolved: A special thanks to Missouri Holstein Princess 2021: Lila Wantland, Niangua and Missouri Holstein Little Miss 2021: Monique Turner Springfield for advocation of the Missouri dairy industry and Missouri Holstein Association. Be it resolved: A special thanks to Katie Wantland and Shannon Kleiboeker, cojunior leaders, Janice Perry, Monica Ling, Susan Brooks, Kate Geppert, and Melody Moreland for their outstanding work as junior committee leaders, and to others who helped the juniors throughout the year. Be it resolved: A special thanks to John Denbigh for chairing the Futurity/Show Committee. Be it resolved: A special thank you to those that worked on the 2021 Missouri Heifer Tag Sale. Thank you to the consignors for providing high quality cattle and the sale committee and volunteers that made the event a success. Congratulations to those that purchased animals. Be it resolved: The Missouri Holstein Association expresses special thanks to this year’s officers, for their many hours of work and dedication to the cause of Registered Holsteins in the State of Missouri: President, Ryan Bilyeu; Vice president, Scott Wilson; Director at large, John Schoen; and Jodi Wright, secretary-treasurer. Be it resolved: The Missouri Holstein Association expresses its sincere sympathy to the families who have lost loved ones during the past year. Be it resolved that recognizing the value of education of present and future generations of producers is vital to the growth and well-being of the dairy industry in Missouri, the Missouri Holstein Association strongly urges the University of Missouri administration to fund and staff the Dairy Nutrition and State Dairy Extension positions. Be it resolved: Missouri Holstein Association congratulates all of this year’s inductees into the Missouri Dairy Hall of Honors. Be it resolved: Missouri Holstein Association congratulates Groves-Vu Dairy, Billings, Missouri for the 2020 Cow of the Year Award; Groves-Vu Large Maraca. Be it resolved: Missouri Holstein Association offers an expression of gratitude and thanks to all the first responders and those who put their lives at risk as well as our dairy and agriculture producers supplying food for our nation during the 2021 Covid pandemic year. Respectfully submitted: Ed Wittorff, chairman; Barry Steevens, Ted Probert and John Underwood 25


Become a Member Today! Register online at MODairy.org Questions? Contact Reagan Bluel, Educational Director Reagan@modairy.org or 417-772-4231

We’re here to help identify opportunities to improve your farm’s profit THE DAIRY TEAM Stacey Hamilton: 417-838-3548 Scott Poock: 573-808-3479

Reagan Bluel: 417-772-4231 Joe Horner: 573-882-9339

Stay current with the latest dairy news! Visit dairy.missouri.edu to listen to the Daily Science Digest Podcast and to sign up for the MU-Extension newsletter.

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FOR QUESTIO N S, CON TACT: Educational Director Reagan Bluel 417-772-4231 Reagan@MODairy.org


Legislative Director Gene Wiseman 573-680-9786 Gene@MODairy.org

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