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Jodi Wright - Secretary/Manager ♦ Clever, MO 65631 ♦ Phone (417)743-2921 ♦ Website: www.missouriholstein.com
OFFICIAL NOTICE Annual Membership Meeting & Convention Missouri Holstein Association January 25 - 26, 2013 Ramada Oasis Hotel & Conv. Center Springfield, MO.
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: This is the official notice to all members of the Missouri Holstein Association that the annual membership meeting will be held Saturday, January 26, 2013 at the Ramada Oasis Hotel, Springfield, MO beginning at 10:00 AM, with president Al Brandt presiding.
Please make room reservations directly to Ramada Oasis Hotel & Conv. Center, 2546 N. Glenstone, Springfield, MO. Room rates are $69 + tax per night, single/double. FREE hot breakfast with room. Cutoff date is January 10, 2013. Call the Ramada today for your reservation, 417-866-5253 Ask for Missouri Dairy Forum rate. 2013 DISTRICT OFFICERS Northeast Central: Crystal Rademacher, president; Roy Parsons, vp; Judy Borman, sec./treas.; Eric Adkins, director. Northwest: Dallas Cornelius, president; Dan Hegeman, vice-president; Debby Cornelius, sec./treas.; Kirby Hanson, director. Southwest: Mike Wilson, president; Nelson Hostetler, vice-pres.; Shannon Wilson-Kleiboeker, sec./treas.; Larry Wright, director. South Central: Tommy Schrivner, president; Justin Nelson, vice-president; Michelle Ramaeker, sec./treas.; Nancy Hamner, director. Southeast: John Schoen, president; Melinda (Schoen) Morrison, v.p.; Cliff Strieker, sec./treas.; Marvin Schoen, director. West Central: Jay Moreland, president; Matt Moreland, vice-president; Marilyn Moreland, sec./treas.; Ed Steele, director. 2013 COMMITTEES Juniors: Janice Perry, chm; Joe & Sylvia McClellan, Chris & Suzanne Lenz, Sherri Peters, Susan Brooks Sale: Mike Wilson, chm; Nelson Hostetler, Jason Ewing, Brad Groves Show: Larry Wright, chm; Janice Ling; Michelle Rameaker; Candy Durst Futurity: Becky Durst, chm; Justin Nelson, Eric Ling, Nancy Hamner Finance: Harlan Borman, chm; Roy Parsons, Marvin Schoen Resolutions: Jay Moreland, chm; Ed Steele, Ed Wittorff Awards Committee: Ray Schooley, chmn; John Underwood, Kate Geppert, Marianna Thompson, Nominating: Barry Steevens, Chair; Dallas Cornelius, Robert Perry
100 Years of Missouri Holstein History & MFA Sires of Distinction Both books: the Missouri Holstein 100th History Book and the MFA Sires of Distinction Book are still available. These make great gifts, and memorial books for a library, they are also great resources for FFA Chapters. You may order off on the Missouri Holstein website, call Jodi Wright, or pick up at convention. The costs of the books are: History Book is $43 and MFA Book is $30 (without shipping). To Order contact: Jodi Wright, 3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever, MO 65631 or e-mail: jwright@missouriholstein.com, Phone 417-743-2921 or www.missouriholstein.com
POOL FUN PLACE: Ramada Inn Oasis Hotel, Springfield, MO WHEN: Friday, January 25, 6:00 PM WHERE: Meet at pool side atrium. WHAT: Food and fun and swimming WHY: FUN for all Junior Holstein members to relax and get to know one another better. Pizza and drinks will be provided and we will play some games and swim in the pool and hot tub.
JUNIORS ~ Jr. Convention Meeting Come and participate in the Junior meeting on Saturday. Bring ideas for the coming year for activities and contests! National Convention competition slots will be filled at convention, so start thinking about what you’d like to participate in. We will also be electing new officers - so come prepared to have fun!
All-MO Awards given during Saturday Banquet!
Junior Auction Items
Janice is not asking for district baskets this year. So instead if any juniors have items that they would like to donate we will sell them at the fun auction and the proceeds will go to the juniors. You can also get items donated from businesses. Please specify your items are for the juniors when you drop them off.
The Association is currently seeking a Secretary / Manager and Youth Advisory for its association. There will be a year training period. For a complete Job Description contact Jodi or Janice. Applications will be accepted until convention. Send letter of interest and resume for both positions to:
Alfred Brandt, President, 269 Swan Creek Lane, Linn, MO 65051 Association Manager: Currently the position is in combination with the Secretary / Treasurer, parts of this combined position could be separated out upon board approval and applicant skills.
Skills that are helpful for the position: Computer skills, ability to interact with members, coordinate all state activities, update state website, organization, creation and publication of ‘Pulsator’ newsletter to membership, work closely with Junior Advisor, photographer, work with Industry representatives, some travel and vehicle required, excellent book keeping / financial skills.
Association Junior Advisor:
Skills that are helpful for the position: need to love kids and the Holstein cow, computer skills, people skills a must, organization of Jr. association activities, coordinate all state youth activities, awards, fund raisers, contests and National Convention contests, work closely with State Secretary, some travel and vehicle required, report junior activities for website, and photographer.
MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT - MISSOURI HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION Name: ________________________________________ HFA# ____________________ Phone (____) ____________________ Address _______________________________ County _______________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip ______ Fax#: (____) _____________________ Farm Name: ___________________________ Prefix: ___________________________ Farm Email: (I send website update info): ________________________________ Website: ____________________________________
Membership dues are based on the number of Registered 87% or > RHA (or eligible) cows & heifers in the herd. 0-10 = $25.00 11-50 = $40.00 51-100 = $50.00 over 100 = $60.00 Junior membership, $2.00 per junior per year (those under age 21). Please list names & birth dates of Jr. Members:_______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
RETURN TO: Membership Dues (Mid-States Magazine included): _________________ Missouri Holstein Association Jodi Wright, Sec.-Treas. Junior Member Dues (Mid-States NOT included): _________________ 3259 Jasmine Rd, Clever, MO 65631 Ph. (417)743-2921 Total Enclosed: ________________ - Please answer questions on reverse side -
The MO Cow of the Year will recognize an animal which is bred & owned, at least 87%RHA, and was alive on January 1, 2012. Each cow had to be nominated through an ad in the Mid-States Holstein News. The award recognizes the animal you consider to be most worthy based on their overall performance. The winner will be awarded at the State Convention.
Voting Rules: Each paid MO Holstein membership receives ONE vote. Each paid junior member (age 9 by Jan. 1, 2012) also receives ONE vote. Make copies of this ballot if need be. Mail to address on reverse.
NOMINEES FOUND IN MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (Indicates issue nominated) Vote for only one Groves-Vu Blitz Lassie, Groves-Vu Dairy (Dec.) Robthom Amarilo Ramses, Robthom Farm (Dec.) U-MO Durham Patty, University of MO (Dec.) Whitehead Convincer Nicole, Whitehead Farms (June) **MISSED ON FIRST MAILING** _________________________________________________________________
Print Name Birthday (If Jr. Member)
Any unsigned or unlegible ballots will not be counted.
______________ Milking Herd size (Holstein) ______________Reg. _________________ ID Holsteins _____________Grade Total Animals, including heifers ______________________ Production Testing: ________________ DHIA _______________ DHIR ______________ Other ____________ Not on Test
___________________ I would like to sell some Holsteins privately through the Missouri Association ___________________ I would like more information on advertising in the Mid-States Holstein News _________________
I would like to consign to Association sponsored sales
____________ Yes __________ No Would you like to serve on a committee of the Missouri Holstein Association?
For your name to appear in the Membership Directory your dues must be paid by March 15.
Dues are delinquent after that date and your name will be removed at the National Holstein office. Please return this card with your check today. Be sure your address is complete. If you have an e-mail please write it on the front. I only use it to send Holstein information. Thank you.
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Place Stamp Here
Missouri Holstein Association 3259 Jasmine Road Clever, MO 65631
2013 Heart of America Dairy Expo January 24-26, 2013
Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center• Springfield, MO Note the new location
Schedule of Events Thursday, January 24, 2013
7:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. Early Bird Seminar “Ways to Reduce Risk for Dairy Farmers”—Dr. Scott Brown, Columbia, Missouri, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Missouri. Find out more about buying feed, selling milk and using futures to lock in a profit.
Friday, January 25, 2013
8:00 a.m. Registration/Check-in 9:25 a.m. Opening General Session
“Heifer Mastitis—Economics, Prevention, Treatment”—Rick Short, Romance, Arkansas, sponsored by Central Life Sciences Although the U.S. Dairy Industry has had a major focus on mastitis in the milking herd, what about the focus on developing heifers? The future of the herd is the place to start on controlling mastitis. “Market Outlook—What’s in the Cards for Dairy?”—Dr. Scott Brown Scott will cover the factors affecting grain prices and milk prices in 2013. Noon Luncheon sponsored by Hiland Dairy Foods, MO Agribusiness Assn., Purina Animal Nutrition
Afternoon General Session
1:30 pm Sessions reconvene “Top Producer Panel”—find out how some of Missouri’s leading dairy farmers, representing rotational grazing, confinement feeding and a combination of both, coped with the drought and their plans for 2013. “Dairy Policy: Where Do We Go From Here?”—Dana Brooks, Washington, DC, Senior Vice President of Government Relations, National Milk Producers Federation. Whether a new Farm Bill has passed or not, Dana will discuss what’s next for dairy farmers to worry about in Washington. 3:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 am 11:00 a.m Noon
Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Annual Meeting Missouri Dairy Association 28th Annual Meeting with Policy Development Session President’s Ice Cream Social in Trade Show Missouri Holstein Committee Meetings Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association (MGBA) Committee Meetings Missouri Junior Holstein Association Social at Poolside, light supper provided MGBA Board Meeting
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Registration/Check-in, Trade Show Open Missouri Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting (MGBA Annual Meeting immediately following) Missouri Holstein Association Board Meeting Missouri Holstein Princess/Little Miss Interviews Missouri Brown Swiss Association Annual Meeting Missouri Holstein Association (MHA) Annual Meeting Missouri Junior Holstein Association Annual Meeting Midwest Milking Shorthorn Meeting Missouri Jersey Cattle Club Board Meeting Trade Show closes Luncheon, sponsored by Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives MHA All-Missouri, Junior Awards, Scholarships & Crowning of Holstein Princess & Little Miss MHA Annual Meeting will reconvene following luncheon if necessary
2013 Heart of America Dairy Expo January 24-26, 2013 • Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center• Springfield, MO Registration is free for dairy farmers and their families but we do require meal reservations for planning purposes for the Friday and Saturday luncheons. Allied industry registration is $40.00 for the Expo (includes both luncheons, breaks and handouts). Exhibitors and sponsors get two free registrations. Primary Registrant: ________________________________________________________________________ Farm/Business: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: __________________ Zip: ______________ Phone: _________________Fax: ________________Email: ______________________________ Additional Attendees: ____________________________________________________________________
Dairy Farmer and family members:
Number of free lunch reservations for Friday, January 25: ___ Number of free lunch reservations for Saturday, January 26: ___ Number of Allied Industry Registrants @ $40 ___ Number of Allied Industry lunch reservations for Friday, January 25: ___ Number of Allied Industry lunch reservations for Saturday, January 26: ___ TOTAL: $___________ Please make payment to: MDA and send to Heart of America Dairy Expo, 1954 Sumter Ridge Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Refund Policy: If you register and are unable to attend, a full refund, less $15 processing fee, will be granted if cancellation is received prior to January 18, 2013. No refunds after January 18, 2013. Mail, Email or Fax registration form to: Heart of America Dairy Expo at 1954 Sumter Ridge Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017, email dairystl@aol.com, FAX 636/519-1403 **Dairy farmers may also call in reservations to Dave at 636/519-9300 and leave their name(s), phone number and number of luncheon reservations for each day.
Hotel Headquarters: Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center 2546 North Glenstone, Springfield, MO Room reservations can be made by calling the Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center directly at 417.866.5253 or 888-532-4338. A room block is available under the Heart of America Dairy Expo with a room rate of $69/night. The hotel is located just off I-44 on Glenstone.
The rooms around the indoor pool have been reserved for attendees of the Dairy Expo. If interested in one of those rooms, make sure to indicate when making reservations.