or m ues F t D 4 ‘1 llo & Ba ed os Encl
Michelle Eilenstine- Secretary/Manager ♦Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 ♦ Phone (417)926-2679♦Website: www.missouriholstein.com
OFFICIAL NOTICE Annual Membership Meeting & Convention Missouri Holstein Association January 23 - 25, 2014 Ramada Oasis Hotel & Conv. Center Springfield, MO.
JUNIOR POOL FUN PLACE: Ramada Inn Oasis Hotel, Springfield, MO WHEN: Friday, January 24, 7:30 PM WHERE: Meet at pool side atrium after Awards WHAT: Fun and swimming
WHY: Meet and greet and get to know your new Jr Advisor, Shannon Kleiboeker. Plan to eat at the sale meal, then come to the pool for some fun after the Jr. All-MO Awards are presented.
ROOM RESERVATIONS: Please make room reservations directly to Ramada Oasis Hotel & Conv. Center, 2546 N. Glenstone, Springfield, MO. Room rates are $69 + tax per night, single/double. FREE hot breakfast with room. Cutoff date is January 10, 2014. Call the Ramada today for your reservation, 888-532-4388 Ask for Heart of America Dairy Expo rate. JUNIORS ~ Jr. Convention Meeting Come and participate in the Junior meeting on Saturday. National Convention competition slots will be filled at convention, We will also be electing new officers - so come prepared to have fun!
Junior Auction Items
There are no district baskets this year. So instead if any juniors have items that they would like to donate we will sell them at a fun auction and the proceeds will go to the juniors. Turn your items in by 4 PM Friday Jan. 24 to Shannon or Janice. Silent auction will close 15 minutes following Sat. All-MO Awards given during FRIDAY NIGHT MEAL! meeting. 2014 DISTRICT OFFICERS Northeast Central: Crystal Rademacher, president; Roy Parsons, vp; Judy Borman, sec./treas.; Eric Adkins, director. Northwest: Dallas Cornelius, president; Dan Hegeman, vice-president; Debby Cornelius, sec./treas.; Kirby Hanson, director. Southwest: Mike Wilson, president; Nelson Hostetler, vice-pres.; Shannon Wilson-Kleiboeker, sec./treas.; Larry Wright, director. South Central: Tommy Schrivner, president; Justin Nelson, vice-president; Michelle Ramaeker, sec./treas.; Nancy Hamner, director. Southeast: John Schoen, president; Melinda (Schoen) Morrison, v.p.; Cliff Strieker, sec./treas.; Marvin Schoen, director. West Central: Jay Moreland, president; Matt Moreland, vice-president; Marilyn Moreland, sec./treas.; Ed Steele, director. 2014 COMMITTEES Juniors: Shannon Kleiboeker, chm; Janice Perry, Ex-officio; Chris & Suzanne Lenz, Sherri Peters, Susan Brooks Sale: Jason Ewing, chm; Nelson Hostetler, Mike Wilson, Brad Groves, Larry Wright, Matt Day, James Penn Show: Larry Wright, chm; Michelle Rameaker; Candy Durst, Mike Nelson Futurity: Becky Durst, chm; Justin Nelson, Eric Ling, Nancy Hamner Finance: Harlan Borman, chm; Roy Parsons, James Penn Resolutions: Jay Moreland, chm; Ed Steele, Ed Wittorff By-Laws: Alfred Brandt, chm; Jodi Wright, Michelle Eilenstine Awards Committee: Ray Schooley, chmn; John Underwood, Kate Geppert, Marianna Thompson Nominating: Robert Perry, Chair; Barry Steevens, Tonny Schrivner
Springfield, MO
January 24, 2014 Springfield, Mo.
U-Wing Destry Tatum EX-92 Her 6/14 Damion heifer sells! Tatum was Res. Intermediate Champ., Mid-East Fall National ‘13
Charity Shottle Flavor EX-92 2E Her 6/13 + 1956 GTPI Casual daughter sells! From the Juror Faith family!
Miss Scientific Goldfawn EX-91 EX-MS Fancy milking Red Picolo sells. VG-85 dam then Goldfawn. Potential 11th gen VG/EX Roxy!
Fly-Higher Mac Mycca-ET VG-87 DOM Selling 2nd C. Supersire or Large x Mycca. Dam is VG-88 Shottle x Hendel Durham Mitzi 1390 EX-90
U-Mo Alan Mimi GP-83 VG-MS 2Y Fancy milking yearling sells! Dam is VG-85 VG-MS Cadet. 3rd dam is VG-85 Zenith with 22,900m
Wrightvale JL Velvet Emmie Fancy summer yearling for 2014 sells! Dam EX-92 Kite x VG-86 Milan x EX-93 Blackstar x VG-87
Toecky Sanchez Teaoni Sells fresh in December! Dam is GP-84 VG-MS Final Cut x VG-85 VG-MS x VG-86 x 3E-90
Red-Vision Ad Cory-Red-ET EX-92 2E Her RED 9/13 Barbwire sells! Grandam is 2E-92 Dory-Red then 5 more gen. Excellent!
Robthom Lilah Lou EX-90 EX-MS 1st C. Fever x EX Morty sells. Lilah is a mat. sister to pick. From the El-Dor Saber Pansy EX-95 family
Simple-Dreams Primrose-ET EX-90 EX-MS Sid embryos sell from Primrose. Grandam is EX-92 Durham x EX-94 Charles x EX-95 Jethro
· Gold Chip or Gold Chris sells from VG-87 *RC Debonair x Tri-Day Ashlyn 2E-96
· 2 Units of Goldwyn Semen
· Embryo packages from outstanding cow families
Radine Goldwyn Model-ET EX-92 Her 9/13 Aftershock granddaughter sells! Dam is VG-86. Backed by 2E-90 GMD DOM & EX-90 dams
www.missouriholstein.com · www.dairyagendatoday.com · www.holsteinworld.com · Request a catalog: Jason Ewing -- 417.689.2016 -- uwinggen@aol.com · Online bidding at www.cowbuyer.com -- Prior Registration is Required
MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT - MISSOURI HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION Name: ________________________________________ HFA# ____________________ Phone (____) ____________________ Address _______________________________ County _______________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip ______ Fax#: (____) _____________________ Farm Name: ___________________________ Prefix: ___________________________ Farm Email: (I send website update info): ________________________________ Website: ____________________________________
Membership dues are based on the number of Registered 87% or > RHA (or eligible) cows & heifers in the herd. 0-10 = $25.00 11-50 = $40.00 51-100 = $50.00 over 100 = $60.00 Junior membership, $2.00 per junior per year (those under age 21). Please list names & birth dates of Jr. Members:_______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
RETURN TO: Membership Dues (Mid-States Magazine included): _________________ Missouri Holstein Association Michelle Eilenstine, Sec.-Treas. Junior Member Dues (Mid-States NOT included): _________________ 840 Hwy AD, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 Ph. (417)926-2679 Total Enclosed: ________________
- Please answer questions on reverse side - FOLD & MAIL DUES and BALLOT
CONVENTION AUCTION: Districts don’t forget to bring your items for the fun auction on Saturday! Our auctions will be a little different this year. Juniors will have a silent auction on Friday evening and Saturday (ending 15 minutes after close of meeting). The adults will have a shortened version of the fun auction at the Saturday banquet.
Ballot’s Postmarked by: January 15, 2014 The MO Cow of the Year will recognize an animal which is bred & owned, at least 87%RHA, and was alive on January 1, 2013. Each cow had to be nominated through an ad in the Mid-States Holstein News. The award recognizes the animal you consider to be most worthy based on their overall performance. The winner will be awarded at the State Convention. Voting Rules: Each paid MO Holstein membership receives ONE vote. Each paid junior member (age 9 by Jan. 1, 2013) also receives ONE vote. Make copies of this ballot if need be. Mail to address on reverse.
NOMINEES FOUND IN MID-STATES HOLSTEIN NEWS (Indicates issue nominated) Vote for only one
Groves-Vu Toystory Rona, Groves-View Dairy (Dec.)
U-Wing Destry Tatum, U-Wing Farm (Dec.)
Print Name Birthday (If Jr. Member)
Any unsigned or unlegible ballots will not be counted.
______________ Milking Herd size (Holstein) ______________Reg. _________________ ID Holsteins _____________Grade Total Animals, including heifers ______________________ Production Testing: ________________ DHIA _______________ DHIR ______________ Other ____________ Not on Test
___________________ I would like to sell some Holsteins privately through the Missouri Association ___________________ I would like more information on advertising in the Mid-States Holstein News _________________
I would like to consign to Association sponsored sales
____________ Yes __________ No Would you like to serve on a committee of the Missouri Holstein Association?
For your name to appear in the Membership Directory your dues must be paid by March 15.
Dues are delinquent after that date and your name will be removed at the National Holstein office. Please return this card with your check today. Be sure your address is complete. If you have an e-mail please write it on the front. I only use it to send Holstein information. Thank you.
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Place Stamp Here
Missouri Holstein Association 840 Highway AD Mountain Grove, MO 65711
2014 Heart of America Dairy Expo
presented by
January 23-25, 2014
Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center• Springfield, MO
Schedule of Events
Thursday, January 23, 2014
6:00 p.m. Grand Opening Trade Show Reception 7:30 Early Bird Seminar: “Dairy Policy: Where Do We Go From Here?”—Jim Mulhern, CEO, National Milk Producers Federation (Grande Ballroom)
Friday, January 24, 2014
8:00 a.m. 9:25 a.m. 9:30 10:10 10:50 11:20 Noon 1:30 p.m. 2:10 2:50 3:00 3:15 4:30 5:00 5:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 8:00
7:00 a.m. 9:00 9:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 Noon
1:00 p.m.
Registration/Check-in, Trade Show Open, Coffee, Milk & Pastries sponsored by Southwest Dairy Farmers Expo Welcome - Larry Purdom, Expo Chairman Speaker TBD, sponsored by Alltech “How to Take (More) Money to the Bank” producer panel; Moderator Joe Horner, University of Missouri, sponsored by Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council Break, sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition and Southwest Dairy Farmers “Trace Mineral’s Role in Successful Dairy Production”, Dr. Dan Tracy, DVM MS, Technical Services Veterinarian, Multimin Pork Chop Luncheon sponsored by Missouri Pork Association & Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council; “Milk and Dairy Products in a Healthy Diet: Myth and Reality”, Dr. Adam Lock, Michigan State University, sponsored by Central Life Sciences “Formulating Diets for a Moving Target - The Developing Rumen”, Dr. Jim Quigley, Technical and Research Manager, Calf & Heifer, Provimi North America, sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition and Vigortone Speaker TBD President’s Ice Cream Social and Visit with Exhibitors, sponsored by F&H Food Equipment Company & Southwest Dairy Farmers Sho-Mo Dairy Heifer Growers Annual Meeting Missouri Dairy Association 29th Annual Meeting with Policy Development Session Missouri Dairy Association Annual Meeting Adjourns Missouri Holstein Association Committee Meetings Missouri Guernsey Breeders Association (MGBA) Committee Meetings Missouri Holstein Association dinner in trade show area, sponsored by Select Sires Mid-America Missouri Holstein Association 2013 Cow of the Year, All-Missouri & Jr. All-Missouri Presentations MGBA Board Meeting Missouri State Holstein Convention Sale
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Registration/Check-in, Trade Show Open, Coffee, Milk & Pastries sponsored by FCS Financial & Southwest Dairy Farmers Missouri Junior Guernsey Breeders Meeting (MGBA Annual Meeting immediately following) Missouri Holstein Association Board Meeting Missouri Holstein Princess/Little Miss Interviews Missouri Brown Swiss Association Annual Meeting Missouri Holstein Association (MHA) Annual Meeting Missouri Junior Holstein Association Annual Meeting Midwest Milking Shorthorn Annual Meeting Missouri Jersey Cattle Club Board Meeting Trade Show closes Luncheon, sponsored by Quality Liquid Feeds MHA All-Missouri, Junior Awards, Scholarships & Crowning of Holstein Princess & Little Miss MHA Annual Meeting will reconvene following luncheon if necessary Missouri Ayrshire Association Meeting
Hotel Headquarters: Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center 2546 North Glenstone, Springfield, MO Room reservations can be made by calling the Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center directly at 417.866.5253 or 888-5324338. A room block is available under the Heart of America Dairy Expo with a room rate of $69/night. The hotel is located just off I-44 on Glenstone. The rooms around the indoor pool have been reserved for attendees of the Dairy Expo. If interested in one of those rooms, make sure to indicate when making reservations.
2014 Heart of America Dairy Expo January 23-25, 2014 • Ramada Oasis Hotel and Convention Center• Springfield, MO
Registration is free for dairy farmers and their families but we do require meal reservations for planning purposes for the Friday and Saturday luncheons. Allied industry registration is $40.00 for the Expo (includes both luncheons, breaks and handouts). Exhibitors and sponsors get two free registrations. Primary Registrant: ________________________________________________________________________ Farm/Business: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: __________________ Zip: ______________ Phone: _________________Fax: ________________Email: ______________________________ Additional Attendees: ____________________________________________________________________
Dairy Farmer and family members:
Number of free reservations for Grand Opening reception, Thursday, Jan. 23: ___ Number of free lunch reservations for Friday, January 24: ___ Children’s Meals: ___ Number of free lunch reservations for Saturday, January 25: ___ Children’s Meals: ___ Number of Allied Industry Registrants @ $40 ___ Number of Allied Industry Grand Opening receptions reservations for Thursday, January 23: ___ Number of Allied Industry lunch reservations for Friday, January 24: ___ Number of Allied Industry lunch reservations for Saturday, January 25: ___ TOTAL: $___________ Please make payment to: MDA and send to Heart of America Dairy Expo, 1954 Sumter Ridge Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Mail, Email or Fax registration form to: Heart of America Dairy Expo at 1954 Sumter Ridge Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017, email dairystl@aol.com, FAX 636/519-1403 **Dairy farmers may also call in reservations to Dave at 636/519-9300 and leave their name(s), phone number and number of luncheon reservations for each day.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council
Bronze Sponsors
2016 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Holstein Futurity Nomination & Rentry Form
PURPOSE: The Missouri Holstein Futurity is a segment of the Missouri Holstein Association to stimulate interest in the breeding and exhibiting of outstanding Registered Holsteins in Missouri. Recognizing the accomplishments of the large and small breeder, and those of junior association members. ELIGIBILITY: Any Registered Holstein female at least 87%RHA born in Missouri and bred by a member of the Missouri Holstein Association that was born between Sept. 1, 2012 and Aug. 31, 2013 is eligible for the 2016 3-Yr Old Sho-Me Futurity. FEES: One-Time Nomination Fee of $25.00 Due February 1, 2014 Renomination and futurity entry due August or September 2016 depending on show date. PROCEDURE: Fill out entry blank on inside of form with animals in eligible age range. Fill out Payment Summary as to total number of animals entered and submit check made out to: Missouri Holstein Association by entry deadline. Entry form will be returned to you prior to the deadline for the renomination of entries. SHOWING: In order to be eligible for any part of the purse, fees must have been made by the required date and the animal must be exhibited in a special 3 Year-Old Futurity Class to be scheduled during the year 2016. PURSE: The purse in this 2016 Three Year-Old Futurity Class shall consist of all monies received by the Missouri Holstein Association as Nomination Fees, less any incidental expenses incurred for its poromotion and management. The purse shall be divided as follows: 1. Production Awards - $100.00 will be taken from the purse and divided among the top three cows shown in the 3-Year-Old Futurity Class on the basis of their 305 day 2-Year-Old Milk production. Only official DHIA or DHIR records will be considered and these records must accompany the animal and be checked by the committee before the show. The $100.00 will be divided as follows: $50.00, $30.00, $20.00 to the cow with the first, second & third highest actual 2-YearOld milk record respectively. 2. Showing Awards - The purse minus the $100.00 production award - minus any other authorized expense shall be divided among the first twenty placings in the special 3-Year-Old Sho-Me Futurity Class: 1st Place..................................................................... 20 percent 2nd Place.................................................................... 12 percent 3rd Place..................................................................... 9 percent 4th Place . .................................................................. 8 percent 5th Place . .................................................................. 6 percent 6th through 10th Place .............................................. 4 percent each 11th through 15th Place . ........................................... 3 percent each 16th through 20th Place ............................................ 2 percent each If less than 20 animals are shown, the remaining money shall be equally divided among the animals exhibited. NO REFUNDS: All nomination fees are committeed to the purse and no refunds will be made unless for some reason the Futurity Show is cancelled. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF ELIGIBLE ANIMALS: Any animal sold after being nominated initially will remain eligible provided the subsequent fees are paid as specified. In all cases, the responsibility of making required payments is the responsibility of the owner. GENERAL: The Missouri Holstein Association through its elected officers is sponsoring and governing the Futurity and will make all decisions not covered by these rules. However, they will not be responsible for accident or injury to animal or person in connection with the show.
Mail completed entry and payment to:
Missouri Holstein Association Michelle Eilenstine 840 Hwy AD Mtn. Grove, MO 65711
Name (Farm or Individual): __________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Reg. No.
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Ear Tag or Tattoo
Farm Name: ___________________________
2016 Futurity Selected to exhibit in 2016
Renomination:____ head are to be exhibited in the Futurity
Enclosed is $____ in One-time Fees for ____ Nominations
Payment Summary
Signature of Owner: __________________________
2016 Futurity One-Time Entry Fee due 2/1/14
Fee Schedule -- Nomination and Entry Fee = $25.00 each entry Due February 1, 2014 Show entry due Aug. or Sept. 2016 depending on show date