Metaphorical Definitions
Guitar- the first guitar I bought cause I raised all the money myself to get it witch made buying it all the more special. Music- because it lets me express who I am and also it calms me down or puts me in a better mode. My first 100%- my first 100% I ever got on a test it was the best thing I ever did. Beebe gun- it was my first gun and it was awesome me I think I killed three birds that summer. Cousin- we would go mowing lawns and hang out for hours every summer it was awesome time. Fishing- I would go with my cousin or my youth leader josh or my dad and just some amazing times we all had. Bike- my dad taught me how to ride my first bike when I was four and I will never forget that he said just keeps peddling. Grandpa’s house- it was my first lawn job ever and I was so nervous that I mowed over his rose bush. Driving- the first time my dad let me drive I almost backed up into a basketball hoop. Family- on my tenth birthday my whole family came to my house and we all played baseball all day and it was great.
Color your world I don’t think I would change the color of the world or the colors that make up it. Like the blues of the ocean or the green of the grass valleys or the light blues of the sky. I mean how great are these colors now that if we tried to change them we would be destroying the perfect and balanced world that god has created. Cause if u think about it a bird in a specific region is black cause there is more black in that region so it can blend in easier so it doesn’t die out. If we go changing these things we would be killing of things that we need to survive.
Room sweet room In my room I share with my brother who throws his clothes all over the floor and on my side of the room. He makes the room a pigsty and its embarrassing cause there is food cups and bowls left place and I can’t leave any of my stuff in my room cause he either touches it or he plays with it and breaks it and then I get aggregated at him.Although I do have something’s in my room like my Yankee poster on my ceiling and a guitar on my wall and also a broken skateboard. And a pair of drum sticks all on my wall. And that is my room.
Personal metaphors
1) luger- a lion/ tiger and it is a great animal. 2) Camaro- 2010 red cause it’s the best car out there. 3) a new t-shirt- cause everyone loves a new t-shirt. 4) Friday cause everyone gets out of work or school on Friday.
5) pizza- Cause pizza taste great. 6) red- because it looks really good. 7) avatar- cause it was the best movie of the year. 8) something everyone would have. 9) library- because I would have lots of stories. 10) Venus- Cause it’s the hottest plant. 11) drums- cause there and explosion of fun. 12) circle- cause there is no ending. 13) tempropedic bed- because it is extremely conferrable. 14) monster monster- a great song by the almost band. 15) summer- cause it’s the warms and there is a break. 16) Owen Wilson- cause he is the greatest actor ever. 17) Raphael- from ninja turtles cause he is great. 18) bull dozer- that way I can plow throw all the crap. 19) hurricane- it be a lot of fun. 20) ginger- cause its who I am.
Extend metaphors 2010 red Camiaro it would great because it’s the best car ever. Also it is so beautiful and its red which is my favorite color. Also I have never cared about a car until I saw this one. A new T-shirt because everyone love getting a new T-shirt. That’s just the right size and looks so good on them that they never want to take it off.
Friday because Friday you get out of school you get out of work it is the symbol of a weekend. It’s a short break from going back to work or school for two days for most people. Circle because it has no end or beginning and also no edges. All so I would like to think that it represents being well round so you’re a jack of all trades. Venus because it’s the hottest planet. And I would like to think I am the hottest guy most of the time.
Symbolic recipe Chuck flavored ice cream 2 cups fire 1 cup friendliness 4 tbsp love 5 tbsp humor 3 cups family 2 cups friends 2 tbsp of good taste First you pour the family and friends in one big bowl and mixes well. Add in 2 cups fire make sure to beat it in well. Then in a separate bowl combined friendliness, good looks, love, humor, and taste in a bowl. Stir extra well and then combined the two bowls slowly. When well mixed put in freezer for 24 hours and well ah Chuck flavored ice cream.
The ultimate excuse Well Mrs. Fiozzo I would like to give you my homework. I really would its just………. I got home from school yesterday and did all my home work then I put it in my book bag all ready for tomorrow then I left to go to my friends house. While I was at my friends house the ups guy came to my house to get a package and my brother not knowing what the package was gave him my book bag. When I got home they told me that my bag was taken by the ups guy so I called then and they said it went to china. So I called china and they said they would ship it back overnight so I said ok. Well I guess there was a storm and the ship collapsed and my bag never made it. And that’s why I don’t have my homework.
Unfinished sentences I usually worry about not getting good grades on my test. I feel angry when I get bad grades on test I studied really hard for. I am moody when I am very tired. I am happiest when everything is just right. I feel confident when I know I am prepared. I feel frustrated when I know I am going to fail. I feel conferrable when I know I am doing right. I feel depressed when people put me down. I feel nervous before a soccer game or a test I did prepare for. I am sentimental when its needed.
Personal symbol A back hoe because my dad works with them every day. And it just always reminds me of the times he taught me how to use these heavy machinery. And also how I always want to grow up to do just what my dad did be a heavy machine operator. Just so many memories of him showing me how to use them and him working on them and the time we spent together because of it so in a way really the symbol is not a back hoe it’s my dad and all the times and things we have done together.
A mysterious place The ocean is full of unknown things. It’s like a hole another world that we can only catch a glimpse of it. It has so many cracks and crevasse that we probably don’t even know existed and there is so many animals and species there are that we don’t even know about or could begin to comprehend. And the stuff we do know about think how beautiful it is such as the great coral reef down in Australia. Think about the millions a pone billons of creatures that appear in the ocean every day to me the ocean would be my mysterious place.
Synaptic A pencil because with a pencil you can erase your mistakes. A sidewalk because a sidewalk you aren’t dogging car’s cause if you’re on the sidewalk and bump into someone you’re not really going to get hurt on a street your screwed. A calendar because it’s like a cheat sheet into your future a clock can make you late a calendar will put you there on time. Old because nobody wants to get old or get something old they would rather get something new.
A year because there is something greater to accomplished something in a year then in a hour. Snow because the first snow fall of the year is never really predictable. An autograph because who wants some ones signature when and autograph is way better. History because it is truth and not fiction and there is evidence to back it up. To find because when people usually find what they’re looking for it makes them feel sad. Music because music has a way of cheering a person up that not many thinks can.