Dear Ms.Fiozzo, I have two dogs, my eldest dogs name is Mattie she is a satose.She is white with brown spots. The younger of the two is named Miley, she is a morkie (Maltese and yorkie) she is all white. I also have a cat by the name of Poptart. Poptart is gray and white. I have a younger sister, her name is Kelsey. Kelsey is two and a half. She is very active and gets into everything! My favorite color is green, my room is green. I am very athletic unless I just don’t want to be lazy. I am a varsity wrestler and this is my first year on this level. I got my varsity letter and had 20 wins. I also like to play volleyball. I wanted to play it this year but I missed tryouts. I am hoping to at least make junior varsity for that next year. I used to bowl but I wasn’t very good, that didn’t stop me from bowling because I enjoy it but I bowled on weekends and that is when I had wrestling tournaments. I am also in band which I enjoy very much. I play in concert band, field band, marching band, and wind ensemble. I play baritone and have been playing it for four years. I used to play trumpet for three years until Mr.Varga asked me to switch. I will admit though that I am a way better baritone player than I was a trumpet player. My mother and I used to live in California for six months. I have moved six times. My family and I go to Florida every year. My parents are both in the law enforcement career field. My mom is a corrections officer and my step-dad is a luitenet for the police department. I do not have many hobbies except for hanging with friends. From, Jordan Alburger
I like my name because I feel that it suits me. I really don’t know of any meaning of my name. I did look it up and it says “an Arabic country and the river Jordan. My grandmother says” I am tall tan and handsome and very smart”. My mother didn’t consider any other names. In the end though I am glad my name is Jordan.
A-Alburger-my last name B-baritone-the instrument I play C-Christopher-my middle name D-delightful-I is fun to be around E-electrifying-I have a sparking personality F-funny-I like to make people laugh G-green-my favorite color H-house keeper-have to clean the house I-intelligent-I have high 80’s grades J-Jordan-my first name K-Kapable-I can do things that I put my mind to L-legit-my favorite word M-Mattie-my dogs name N-nice-I use manners O-outgoing-go places with people P-pretty good looking-I am
Q-quiet-don’t talk much in class anymore R-random-I say random things while texting S-shy-don’t talk much too new people T-text-I text all the time U-uplifting-I make people sad feel happy V-volleyball-one of the sports I play W-wrestler-wrestle on varsity level X-Xmas-favorite time of year Y-young-only fifteen z- zoologist- a cool profession
• Comedy movies
• Scary movies
• Wrestling
• Reading long books
• Volleyball
• Golf
• Ham
• Basketball
• Sketching designs
• Failing classes
• Hanging out with my friends
• Babysitting
• Playing Xbox
• Not having my phone
• Taking naps
• Chores
• Being athletic
• Homework
• Eating
• Young bratty children
• Band
Taste- The taste of hotdogs from the hotdog parade Cold mouth pieces from the instruments Touch- cold instruments Smooth metal instruments Smell- Fresh air after marching People BBQ See- Shining instruments in the sun light Orange and black uniform- The sound of every instrument in the band playing People cheering Happy- When I am with friends and the one I like
Shy- When I meet new people I have never meet When I am a new kid Excited- When I get my allowance When I am home alone all day Comfortable- When my bed is warm When my dog is my pillow Athletic- When I’m pinning my opponent in wrestling When I am outside on the trampoline doing tricks Angry- When I am grounded Hardworking- When I am doing work at school or anywhere else Hungry- When I am done being athletic Regretful- When I lied about something or have a very guilty consequence Busy- when I have to clean the whole house When I am mowing lawns
Welcome to the life of a 15 year old boy. His name is Jordan Alburger. He lives in a small town called Rotterdam. Jordan has experienced many different things in his 15 years of life in this town. He deals with people, school, teachers, family and etc. through his everyday life. You will learn the many things Jordan has done, his characteristics and the encounters with friends, family, his girlfriend and others in his day to day life.
Green is a work of art with an amazing impact on the environment
Reaches out to me as my favorite color
Environmentally friendly
Everyone should like it many different shades
Not something people should hate
My room is my own in many ways. First it is the color green which is my favorite color. Also my room has a good sized TV and has lots game systems. I have a poster of jaws on the wall because it is my favorite movie of all time. There is a ton of wood furniture in my room which I think makes my room seem tough. I lastly have pictures of my family because they all mean a lot to me.
Bird- So I could fly anywhere Mini cooper- small and fast like me Sweater- likes to keep warm Friday- everyone loves that day Rice- favorite food Green- very bright color Jaws- very beastly movie
Mint- very soothing fragrance Cabin- short like me Olive tree- lives long Baritone- is the instrument I play Circle- keeps going around Couch- lazy like people who use them A techno song- has cool beats and is cool like me Spring- everything is reborn Stewie Griffin- he is very sarcastic The flash-I would want to run really fast Car-I like to go places Disney world-it is very renowned Legit- sounds very cool
I chose a mini-cooper because it suits who I am. It is small like me, well I mean it’s bigger but it’s still small. It’s also pretty fast. I am a pretty fast runner and did track for 3 years. It’s capable of handling though and quick challenges. I can do things quick
like wrestling matches. They are quick and tough. Lastly is they are very wild, I am too when I like to party. Mini-coopers and I am a good match.
I choose a bird because we are very similar. It is a small and doesn’t weigh very much. I am small and this is the first year I broke 100 pounds. It likes to fly. I like taking rides in airplanes even though it is only when I go on vacation. They can fend for themselves. I know how to make certain kinds of food. We are pretty similar things.
I chose Stewie Griffin because he is sarcastic like me. I use sarcasm almost every day. Stewie is young and so am I. we are also both smart. He is 2 and is as smart as a 22 year old. I have good school grades. He talks to his dog. I talk to my dog all the time and it is funny. We are pretty similar if I do say so.
A cabin because it is short compared to other buildings. Like me compared to a NBA star. It is pretty sturdy. It has to survive for many years. I am hoping to survive until a very old age. They are in nature or wooded areas. I would like to live in nature, in a house though. They can be very unique. They are made to the owner’s specific designs. I am my own person and very unique. We are sort of alike.
I chose Jaws because we are both good swimmers. He is also very tough. I am tough because of wrestling. We both like Steven Spielberg. My favorite director. We also both like Peter Benchley. He is another director I like. We are somewhat similar.
What you will need: 1/6 body of sweetness 1/6 body of athletic 3 cups of annoying 1 cup of boring A pinch of lucky 2/6 body of patient 1/6 body of lazy 2 cups of exciting 1 cup of outgoing 4 tablespoons of creative
Blend outgoing, lucky and annoying until blended evenly (first blend). In a separate bowl combine patience, lazy boring and athletic. Stir slowly. Slowly mix with the first blend. Add creative and exciting. Then blend everything together until you have a creamy blend. Bake at 361 degrees for 23 minutes until tan. Let cool then top it off with sweetness. WARNING: Could be extremely amazing!!!
Please excuse me from being absent from your class today. I was extremely busy. I was in the process of typing this project, but it was only this excuse that made me late. Then when I was done with this I
rushed out of my room and my dog stuck out her paw and tripped me down the stairs! I tumbled down them loudly and landed on my cat! She scratched me and I had a little cut and started bleeding. So I limped to the bathroom to try to find a band aid to cover up the cut. I found one. But after that my grandma called and she couldn’t find her teeth. I then had to rush to the garage, grab my bike and go over there as fast as I could. I got there and we started looking. We looked everywhere! My great uncle frank then came out of his room holding and ice pop and started talking. We both noticed he had never spoken so clearly and we realized that he had her teeth! He actually toke them to try to impress the mail lady. After that I left because I had to get air in my tires because they mysteriously were flat. I had to run my bike to Stewarts, fill them up, and then rush here so I wouldn’t miss your class. I am so glad I got here and didn’t miss your class. Oh, and it’s great to see you today.
• I usually worry about when I am not doing well in school. This is because want to get into a really good college. • I feel angry when my mom grounds me.
• I am moody when I don’t get to be with friends or that special someone because my mom grounds me. • I am happiest when I am with that special someone. Also when I am with my friends. • I feel confident when I study for a test and do well on it and when I am winning a wrestling match. • I feel frustrated when I do badly on a test I thought I did good on, usually in math. • I feel depressed when I go on vacation for a week and don’t see all my friends. • I am comfortable when I am in bed listening to music. • I feel nervous when I am waiting around for my wrestling match. • I feel sentimental when I do something nice for someone and they really appreciate it.
I have a trophy that is a symbol for who I am. This trophy is a wrestling trophy that I won at my first varsity wrestling tournament. It symbolizes that I did the best I could that day and have improved from last year. This trophy is orange, black, white, gold and very shiny. This trophy may not mean a lot to anyone else but it means a lot to me.
A pen. This is because it shows you shouldn’t make mistakes.
A question because u ask them every day.
New. You don’t know what could happen.
A nightmare. You can’t control nightmares.
A year. It lasts longer.
13. Snow. It’s only seen one season a year. 14. A signature. Shows that you aren’t as famous. 16. A friend. They can get you things. 19. Art. It can be whatever you make it. 20. Truth. It shows that you are caring. 22
If I could relive one day it would be this; it would be to go to Disney with my grandfather. My grandfather was my inspiration. He died shortly after we returned home due to cancer. I would want to spend every minute with him during that time. I would change this. I would have done everything with him. This would accomplish all the time I didn’t spend with him.
I would most likely bring money. This would buy me food, and anything else that I could afford. I would bring clothes so I am not dirty or cold. I would bring a blanket for some reason. Probably so I stay warm at night. Toothpaste
and a toothbrush for dental purposes. Lastly I would bring pictures of family and friends because I would miss them a lot.
I learned I shouldn’t have lied when it was too late. I told my mother I was going to a friend’s house. I went there like I said. But we then went somewhere else. He said we were going for a bike ride but we went where I wasn’t allowed to go. We went to Wal-Mart which is really far from my house. We went there because my friend needed something for his bike. We got it then rode back to his house to fix the problem with his bike. We were about to fix it when he realized he got the wrong piece. We then rode all the way back to Wal-Mart and got the right piece. We were on our way out and my stepdad caught me. I was then grounded for a while.
1. Don’t make anyone mad. 2.Don’t bother the coaches. 3.Don’t be a whiner. 4.Do what you are told. 5.Don’t lazily fall behind in running. 6.Never give up. 7.Eat right. 8.Stay in shape. 9.Maintain your weight. 10. Respect your elders. Dear whomever, I learned not to lie to anyone. If you lie you will get in trouble. I lied but never do it! Also do well in school. I am a pretty good student but I failed once. Make lots of friends you can trust. If they do drugs, steal and etc. don’t be their friend. Lastly respect your parents. They love you and don’t treat them like crap. Sincerely, Jordan
I was once home all day and my friends weren’t. My buddy invited everyone to play paintball except
me. They left at noon and I was with him before that. I was extremely mad. I found out that they didn’t want me to know. I was even madder when I found that out when they got home. I thought they were jerks. Now I feel that I was over reacting. I still don’t like the fact that they couldn’t just tell me. I guess you could say I’m over it just not completely. I wish they could’ve realized I understand.
1. Asking someone out. I learned she is amazing and I like her a lot. #1 2. I’ve passed every grade so far. I learned and got something new.#5 3. Made the varsity wrestling team. I had improved a lot from last year and had a good amount of wins.#4 4. Finished varsity wrestling. I got a varsity letter.#2 5. Did my chores. I got money.#9 6. Mowed lawns. Got money. #10 7. Helped build a three-wheeler. I got to ride it and it’s my now. #6 8. Shoveled snow for people. I got money… again. #8 9. Got a trampoline. I learned I am very flexible.#7 10. Joined band. Made a tone of friends and learned how to play to instruments. #3
1. Don’t lie. You will get grounded. 2. Don’t always jump to conclusions. You will get yourself in a lot of trouble. 3. Never yell in any situation involving friends and family. You will only make things worse. 4. Do what you are told to do. You will create a lot of conflicts. 5. Don’t start rumors. People will start rumors about you. 6. Don’t procrastinate. You will waste all your time doing English work if you do. 7. Don’t blow people off. They will do it to you. 8. Drink milk. Helps build strong bones. 9. Don’t be lazy. You won’t want to do anything. 10.Don’t cheat in board games. Your uncle won’t like or like an hour or so.
My dream car would be a tricked out mini cooper. No one in my family has one or ever has had one but I really like it. I would have a dark green one with a white strip up the middle of the car. I would want it to have a white interior. This car would have to be fast and have a sunroof. I would have to have to work hard and earn enough money until I can buy one. It would have to have no dents or rust, and have to be at least a 08 model. I would probably have to put in a good stereo system with a good bass boost. If I were to drive this car I would have to be safe and follow the rule of the road.
My dogs name is Mattie. She is part Jack Russell, Terrier and something else. She is white with some brown. She has a brown face with a brown spot and a brown spot by her tail. She is almost as tall as my waste. She is really annoying like my sister. Onetime she did a back flip because she ran out of leash and got yanked back by it. She is seven years old and super annoying. She chases the cat around the house all day. Her tail is always curled and she has a blue collar. Mattie is a really great dog.
My favorite dish is very weird but its mine. I like white rice with steak sauce on it. It is only by its self with no sides. I only eat it at home because that is the only place I like it. My mom or I usually make it. My favorite part is the first bite. Yum!
One person who I look up to is Franklin Delanore Roosevelt. He inspires me because he was president four times! This shows me that I can do what I want if I try hard enough. Also he was a wrestler. I am a wrestler also and I was on varsity as a freshman and had forty-one matches. Also he was very friendly and so am I because I talk to a lot of people. Lastly he was successful, and like him, I have a job. Another is Derek Jeter. Like FDR he is also successful. He is also pretty good looking which is how I want to still be when I am his age. He is also athletic. I do two sports and am always outside doing something. I think I am on the right track. Lastly Steven Spielberg. I look up to him because he is creative. I like to make movies and maybe someday a hit. At least one that is on YouTube. Also because he is very
smart and it is good to express yourself through building mechanical sharks.
I am not that impacted by current events. I say that because I don’t know anyone involved in them. I mean I’m not saying that it doesn’t matter but I don’t really think about it. I do feel bad for those people though. I know 9-11 was a bad day and that did impact me. I really felt it was wrong and bad. I just don’t think I am as impacted as much as people who have people in this war.
I am a very athletic person. I used bowl for town bowling academy. I wasn’t great but I enjoyed it. I had to quit because I made varsity wrestling. I was surprised I made it but I did very well. Coach Daley is my cousin which is how I got involved in wrestling. I also play volleyball. It’s really fun because the team
I’m on had a special dance we did when we scored a point. I like to be outside a lot and keep active. I like to be athletic and stay involved in all these sports.
BY: Jordan Alburger
About the author Born in New York, raised in Rotterdam and Schenectady, Jordan Alburger, a fifteen year old boy af many talents has had many events in his life so far.he is a boyfriend, wrestler, volleyball player, baritone player and a singer. He still lives in
rotterdam enjoying hanging out with his girlfriend and friends. He loves his family and pets.
Page number 1. Prologue 2. Letter of introduction
3. What’s in a name & Personal Alphabet 4. Personal alphabet continued 5. Likes/dislikes list 6. Sensory experiences 7. Metaphorical definitions 8. Color Your world 9. Room sweet room & Personal metaphors 10.Personal metaphors continued 11.Extended metaphors 12.Symbolic recipe 13.The ultimate excuse 14.Unfinished sentences 15.Personal symbol 16.Synectics & Flashback 17.Lesson I learned after it was too late & One medium size suitcase 18.How to survive wrestling practice & Advice to the Young 19.Left out and lonely & Rewarding experiences 20.Valuable lessons & Dream Car 21.Extraordinary pet & Are you hungry 22.Look who I look up to 23.Coping with current events & Athleticism 24.About the Author