PRIMA 2024 Webinar Series

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Further your public sector risk management education without leaving the office!

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PRIMA’s Webinar series features top presenters delivering risk knowledge right to your desktop.

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PRIMA’S 2024 RISK MANAGEMENT SERIES IS FREE FOR MEMBERS. Visit today to register for individual webinars or for the entire program. JANUARY 17 • Lessons Learned on Web and Digital Access for Customers with Disabilities FEBRUARY 21 • G uardian vs. Warrior Mentality in Law Enforcement: Re-evaluating Training MARCH 20 • Cultivating Relationships to Enhance a Culture of Safety APRIL 17 • A rtificial Intelligence: Strengths, Concerns, Opportunities, Impacts and Value to Public Entity Risk Management Professionals MAY 15 • Enjoying Actuarial Results: It’s as Easy as 3.14159265... JUNE 26 • Fraud in Risk Management JULY 17 • Succession Planning: Your People, Your Board and Growing Your Own AUGUST 21 • Driver Management Essentials SEPTEMBER 25 • Storytelling: How to Tell Your Organization’s Story to Gain Support and Drive the Narrative OCTOBER 16 • Incorporating Data Analytics into Enterprise Risk Management NOVEMBER 20 • Enhancing Community Fire Safety DECEMBER 18 • Award-Winning Ideas and Lessons from PRMYs

2024 JANUARY 17 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

FEBRUARY 21 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Lessons Learned on Web and Digital Access for Customers with Disabilities

Guardian vs. Warrior Mentality in Law Enforcement: Re-evaluating Training

SPEAKERS: Mell Toy, ADAC, University of Washington, Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation Eva de Leon, MA, CRC, ADAC, Director of Accessible Design and Innovative Inclusion, University of Washington, Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation

SPEAKER: Thomas Bullock, III, MSA, ARM-E, Virginia Risk Sharing Association

What are the common barriers on websites and electronic documents that discourage (and sometimes stop) people with disabilities from accessing information or completing an online task? Two members of the University of Washington’s Accessible Design and Innovative Inclusion team will share what they have learned from years of providing accessibility reviews for private businesses and state and local governments. The discussion will focus on general guidance to improve web and digital experiences for end-users, rather than how to code a website for accessibility.

Creating stronger human connections and community engagement are essential elements of the law enforcement profession. This webinar will discuss how current law enforcement training philosophies may contribute to a warrior mentality. The warrior mentality can prevent efforts to improve public perceptions of police legitimacy. ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Current state of law enforcement training 2. Understanding the importance of police legitimacy 3. What can be done to mitigate the warrior mindset

ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Give 3 examples of issues that can impede access and usability of websites and digital products 2. Briefly describe the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title II of the ADA and how website and digital access fits into the ADA 3. Give 3 national resources that can assist state and local government agencies to learn more about their ADA responsibilities, including website and digital access requirements and guidance

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2024 MARCH 20 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Cultivating Relationships to Enhance a Culture of Safety SPEAKERS: Brad Stein, Risk Manager, City of Asheville, NC Kirk Lingafelter, Safety Administrator, City of Asheville, NC How do you relate to co-workers with varying work environments and operations? How do you lead to infuse a culture of safety and trust? Do your employees view you and your safety experts as the “safety police” looking to bust bad actors? This webinar will present methods to develop relationships to enhance a culture of safety across your organization to foster employee engagement and trust while also preventing and mitigating employee injuries. ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Understand the value and opportunity in leading with a culture of safety 2. Identify the benefits of taking the show on the road to engage employees in their work environments 3. Understand how to be a resource to your organization, developing trust that benefits colleagues’ wellbeing and creates significant savings for your workers’ compensation program

APRIL 17 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Artificial Intelligence: Strengths, Concerns, Opportunities, Impacts and Value to Public Entity Risk Management Professionals SPEAKER: Karl Miller, VP, Sales and Compliance, American Computer Estimating As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a greater part of our professional lives, what does a public risk manager need to know to make the best decisions on how and when to utilize AI tools in the workplace? This webinar will look at ways to make AI work for you and your staff. We will also discuss the risk associated with utilizing AI tools, and how to identify the “sweet spot” where AI and human interaction work in tandem for maximum efficiencies and results. Finally, we will discuss ways to measure effectiveness and value of AI platforms. ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Better understanding of how AI usage has revolutionized the public risk sector 2. Discussion of some of the AI tools that are of value to the public risk sector 3. Considerations (pros and cons) when introducing AI tools into the workplace 4. Ways to measure value/ROI of AI tools

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2024 MAY 15 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Enjoying Actuarial Results: It’s as Easy as 3.14159265... SPEAKERS: Mike Harrington, FCAS, MAAA, President, Bickmore Actuarial Mark Priven, FCAS, MAAA, Vice President, Bickmore Actuarial Stefan Zepernick, ACAS, MAAA, Actuarial Manager, Bickmore Actuarial The actuarial report may have many numbers and look pretty daunting, but with knowledge of some basic concepts, reading an actuarial report can actually be enjoyable. This session will not only provide attendees with a firm understanding of key actuarial results such as outstanding liabilities and projected funding rates, but also important actuarial concepts including loss development, inflationary trends, claim frequency and severity, reserve discounting, and confidence levels. Current industry trends will also be discussed. ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Better understanding of actuarial concepts and results 2. Ability to reasonably check the assumptions in the actuarial report 3. Ability to use actuarial results to determine appropriate funding levels and claims trends

JUNE 26 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Fraud in Risk Management SPEAKER: Marilyn Rivers, CPCU, ARM, AIC, Principal, Rivers Risk Consulting, LLC Risk mitigation involves trust in governance — trust from your risk partners that an issue is universally reviewed in fairness with integrity and will be managed with those same qualities. What happens when an issue is shrouded in misinformation or subterfuge? What happens when you rely on information provided that is not what it appears to be. This session focuses on managing the integrity of risk and its governance and learning how to let go of what you can’t control. ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Understand the ethics of risk mitigation in governance. 2. Learn communication strategies to overcome obstacles while identifying risk 3. Learn to constructively accept the negative consequences of proactive risk mitigation 4. Understand the chain of command’s responsibility in managing the totality of risk and its integrity

4. Knowledge of current industry trends in various lines of business

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2024 JULY 17 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Succession Planning: Your People, Your Board and Growing Your Own SPEAKERS: Maria Williams, ARM, Member Services Supervisor, PRISM Rick Brush, Chief Member Services Officer, PRISM Jill Abel, HR Manager, PRISM

AUGUST 21 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Driver Management Essentials SPEAKER: Tiffany Allen, ARM-P, PS-MESH, Senior Territory Manager, Travelers

More than ever, it is imperative that organizations establish a plan to ensure the resiliency of their most important asset: their people. This session is intended to provide attendees with the steps to identify (potential) gaps in their organization’s succession planning for both internal staff as well as their committees/board. Additionally, attendees will also be provided with a template form and other resources that are key to establishing an effective succession plan.

Are you proactive or reactive? In the United States, emergency management has widely been approached from a reactionary manner through response and recovery. Hazard occurrences are increasing in frequency and severity with mounting negative impacts to our community systems. Response and recovery, no matter how refined, will not result in resilience. In order to get ahead of the curve of disaster impact, communities must have a change in mindset and focus time, energy and funds proactively. Disaster risk reduction involves tipping the scales in favor of preparedness, mitigation and capability growth.

ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Understand the succession planning (SP) needs of their organization

ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Identify how disasters are impacting communities in the U.S

2. Identify areas of immediate need (between 0-5 years)

2. Understand elements of disaster risk

3. Create a plan of action for both internal/external succession needs

3. Explore capability growth within community systems

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2024 SEPTEMBER 25 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Storytelling: How to Tell Your Organization’s Story to Gain Support and Drive the Narrative SPEAKER: Hollie Cammarasana, APR, MPA, Director of Communications, Virginia Risk Sharing Association

OCTOBER 16 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Incorporating Data Analytics into Enterprise Risk Management SPEAKER: Christine Packard, Assistant Vice President for Enterprise Risk Management, Administration and Finance, University of Massachusetts

Authentic storytelling can help your organization build a connection with your citizens. Whether your goal is to raise awareness, change attitudes, or motivate action, storytelling is a powerful tactic to add to your communications strategy.

Data drives decision-making in most institutions and can be a significant factor in how effective or ineffective an organization’s enterprise risk management program can be. The University of Massachusetts will share how they are enhancing the quality and aggregation of data to inform their enterprise risk management program.

In this session, learn how taking a strategic approach toward storytelling can help you identify stories within your organization, tie them to your organizational goals, and develop them for various platforms and audiences.

ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Learn how data from the ERM mitigation assessment tool MATRX is supporting ERM

ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Identifying how storytelling can help achieve your strategic communications goals 2. Learn how to identify stories and develop them to interest, engage and inform your audiences

2. Learn how academic program, enrollment and admissions data is supporting decision making and risk mitigation 3. Learn how to engage leadership about ERM data in a way that resonates

3. Overview of the 5 C’s of Storytelling 4. Technical tips to put it all together

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2024 NOVEMBER 20 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Enhancing Community Fire Safety SPEAKERS: Sara Lowenthal, AINS, Director of Safety and Risk, City of Hartford, CT Rodney Barco, Fire Chief, City of Hartford Fire Department This webinar emphasizes the critical importance of fire safety in preserving lives and property. It provides statistical insight into fire incidents, highlighting their profound impact on communities. The event advocates for a collaborative approach, emphasizing the need for a coordinated effort between operational and preventive measures. The webinar covers various aspects, including conducting community risk assessments, implementing data-driven approaches for targeted risk identification, integrating operational and preventive efforts, showcasing successful case studies, addressing challenges and providing practical recommendations for implementation. ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of fire safety’s significance and its impact on communities, emphasizing a holistic perspective 2. Learn about the benefits of a coordinated approach, integrating operational and preventive strategies for more effective risk identification and mitigation 3. Explore case studies highlighting successful coordinated strategies and their positive outcomes in diverse community settings 4. Acquire practical steps and resources for implementing coordinated strategies, addressing challenges, and contributing to measurable public and fire safety improvements

DECEMBER 18 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET

Award-Winning Ideas and Lessons from PRMYs SPEAKERS: Allie Matthews, Risk Management Administrator, City of Tucson, AZ (Ret.) John Burkholder, Risk Manager, LYNX Megan Damato, Esq., Director of Risk Management, Town of Greenwich, CT and Greenwich Public Schools Sean Catanese, ERM Manager, King County, WA This panel of PRIMA’s Risk Managers of the Year will help every level of risk professional. New risk managers can learn how to establish a solid program and more seasoned risk managers might leave knowing a few new tricks. These experts come from all different types of public risk (City, County, State, Schools, Special District Utility and Air/Seaports). They offer implementable strategies with million-dollar impacts. Attendees can learn ways to make risk managers superstars in their organization. ATTENDEE TAKEAWAYS: 1. Learn how to build credibility and influence in your organization by using performance-driven solutions 2. Develop and apply metrics to demonstrate your success 3. Identify and resolve organizational exposures 4. Evaluate your program, identify areas of improvement and apply effective solutions

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