This time around we explore collaborations, which is a language Africa speaks so fluently. Sadly the Eastern parts of the Southern hemisphere where hit by Cyclone Idai in mid-March, leaving a lot of people either, dead, missing or homeless. Communities were quick to come together to the aid of the affected areas to do whatever they can no matter how little, further showing the oneness of a continent. Flip through the pages as we have a take on the internal and external challenges of a Liberal Democracy, taking Mexico as our example. The question: has liberal democracy outlived itself like the cockatoo, or will it rise like a Phoenix from the ashes. Wesley Seale gives us an insight into South Africa from the Chinese perspective following the BOYA Conference on China-Africa Relations: Retrospect and Prospect hosted by one of China’s top leading institutions, Peking University. For the budding creatives, we get a few tips on what to do in preparation for your creative journey.