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Sammy Meleti about the work he’s been doing in Mackworth and beyond…
Sammy on interest that were responded simply cannot wheels are in great things Org. spread his word possible –But in our and Sammy more love Sammy hopes to by holding and events can imagine, are hard to main platforms at present, and support as Facebook but don’t be find posters awareness both brought Mackworth, DE22. growing up, there things aimed at getting us off the streets away from drugs and trouble, like Mackworth St Francis Football Club, or our beloved youth club, to which a genuinely great guy Chris would hold sessions on a daily and weekly basis. losses to come – especially if we don’t put our foot down. drugs and trouble, like Mackworth St Francis Football Club, or our beloved youth club, to which a genuinely great guy Chris would hold sessions on a daily and weekly basis.
Sammy Meleti’s organisation, World Peace and Justice, has been up to plenty lately, keeping up with the knife amnesty and world injustices alike. Although Sammy is here in Derby, he manages to stay well briefed and in the loop regarding conflicts abroad –especially regarding the Eastern world. His passion lies in raising awareness for places such as Yemen and Palestine, with a plentiful array of other nations. Whether it’s by raising awareness or even funds for projects, Sammy never fails to show his heart on his sleeve.
I also enquired with Sammy on future topics of interest that were in the works, and he responded stating positively: “I simply cannot tell you until the wheels are in action,” hinting that great things are coming from WP&J Org.
We both feel like Derby is missing a lot of necessities for our youth at the moment – our community centres are shut down, there’s nothing to do for the youth, and day by day they get more frustrated and bored, so they eventually lead themselves and each other into mistakes that’ll end up costing them more than they could ever imagine.
I asked him how things have been for his org, and he assured me that things were steady, and he had still managed to pull a lot of knives from the streets. A bladed article had recently been brought to Sammys attention in walking distance from Murray Park School – mine and Sammy’s secondary school from 2012-2017. This came as a shock to us both, and shows we still need to make changes when socialising with our youth in our communities,
Sammy looks to spread his word as far as physically possible –worldwide, in fact. But in our community, which I and Sammy mutually agree needs more love and attention, Sammy hopes to achieve these targets by holding sponsored fundraisers and events in the future. As you can imagine, however, such events are hard to arrange. Sammy’s main platforms are on social media at present, with most responses and support coming from sites such as Facebook and Instagram – but don’t be surprised if you also find posters and banners raising awareness around Derby soon.
We both feel like Derby is missing a lot of necessities for our youth at the moment – our community centres are shut down, there’s nothing to do for the youth, and day by day they get more frustrated and bored, so they eventually lead themselves and each other into mistakes that’ll end up costing them more than they could ever imagine.
We need to put our foot down, and say enough is enough. Derby is a shadow of what it once was and a fraction of what it can become. In the future, Sammy can see the city becoming more attuned, and more up to date with other cities – which is something to work towards indeed.
We need to put our foot down, and say enough is enough. Derby is a shadow of what it once was and a fraction of what it can become. In the future, Sammy can see the city becoming more attuned, and more up to date with other cities – which is something to work towards indeed.
If you have any suggestions on how we can help our community, feel free to contact us at tristan@kutambua. com or wpj.organisation@gmail. com
Sammy and I were both brought up in the area of Mackworth, DE22. When we were growing up, there were all sorts of things aimed at
If you have any suggestions on how we can help our community, feel free to contact us at tristan@kutambua. com or wpj.organisation@gmail. com