Yun Hsuan Mai

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Molly mai

about me / Photographic work school work achievement

abou Molly Mai ( Yun Xuan Mai ) taipei, taiwan 03 june 1999

2014 February - Held a so l o p h ot o g ra ph ic ex h ib itio n “ Pre ju d ic e ” in Taipei - Udn TV Art interview - “Snap pp ” m a g a z i n e p ub lish e d a n a rtic le regarding Prejudice

Ma rch

- Persona l Art i c l e p u b lish ed o n “Ab o o k ” mag az in e - Won th e fi rst p l a c e o f th e “Yo u n g Vo ic e Award”

ut me Contact Email : 0 6 0 3 m ol l y @ gma il. co m Skype : m a i j u l y 0 6 0 3 flickrďźš

Software Skills Adobe Pho t o sh o p Adobe Il l u stra t o r

Interests Photog r a p hy Manga Japanes e So n g Reali sti c No v e l


phic work

double e


I used Photoshop CS6 to make the effect of double exposure and were often unexpected , which gave double exposure it’s charm. T message. Examples of the compositions are shown at the left. I us

most of the tries.

chooses between “Overlay” “Screen” and “ Soft-light”. The result The choice off the image should be simple and show a obvious sed 1:1 in most of my tries.


Both of the photograph are regarding the road. The first one shows a lone the second one give a positive mood of dreams and future. I combined th life decide and lead our future.

ely feeling when walking back home after a fatigued day . hese two to show that the effort we put into every day’s


This double exposure gave two “simple� photographs a brand new life. T is a dirty window. surprisingly when this two combined , the dirty windo

The first one is the inverted reflection in water of a tree and the second ow seems like snow , which created a completely different theme.




This is the final result after few trials. The cloud and the windmill gave a dre as the blending mode of the layer is because I love the color when the shado


eamy intense color. The reason of me choosing “overlay� ow underneath the cloud and the sunset combined.

Final Colors R to

lly, Returned Me


There was a period of time when I could not enjoy photography as much as black as the main hue. Although I did appreciate those images , but I missed series of photos, I named it “Finally,Colours Returned to Me�. ,

s before and my photographs gradually show a darker tone with brown and d the color that was once by my side. Therefore when I finished this colorful




l work

taken apart

This project was assigned in Art & Design class (IGCSE). We were given the topic “ Taken Apart” and were free to use any media. I choose photography as it is my strongest skill. At first I thought about all the elements related to “Taken Apart” and did an mind map. Then I came across the thought of destruction. From there I developed this serie of photographs. In the following photographs , few photos were being destroyed by burning or tearing. Thoese photos are either a symbol of relationship, memory or emotion. By recording them being destoryed , I want to express that relationships , memory and emotions dose not disappear , they change into different forms and continue to live deep inside our heart. Every relationship and momory influenced us as a individual person. Every emotion occurred , reveal who we are. Even though those events are unchangeable they will still influence our changeable future.




original conception ďź‹ Sketching ďź‹ Mind Map


Final Planning

golden ratio

A sketch of the golden ratio shape file downloaded to make the prosess easier.

The Fibonacci Square

The Fibonacci Spiral

Golden Ratio


The Fibonacci Circle

This project is regarding the math in art and how numbers influenced our definition of beauty. For example the seeds of the sunflowers is arranged in a spiral of the Fibonacci number. The golden ratio of the human face explained why we are attracted by a certain appearance.



All links are in attached document

Solo exhibition “p

prejudice” IN TAIPEI


abook article (page 16~21 )


Snappp article

Udn tv art interview

2013 Young voice award This is a annually held comptition for teenager from 13 ~18 years old , the theme of 2013 is “Different Love” (说我的爱情不一样). I participated in the photography group and won the first place .My photographs expressed the theme“Falling in Love With a Person in Heaven”(爱上已逝之人)


news paper report

Molly Mai Skype:maijuly0603 Flickr:

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