Queen's LLC Welcome Guide: Computer Science 2017-2018

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iving earning ommunities Computer Science 2017-2018

Welcome to the Living Learning Program at Queen’s! We are really looking forward to welcoming you to campus and getting to know you over the course of your first year. This welcome package has information specific to the LLC you have been accepted into for the 2017-2018 academic year and will give you a glimpse of what LLC events & programs you have to look forward to.

The LLC Program at Queen’s is designed to connect you with your specific LLC, as well as with Queen’s Faculty, Staff and with LLC members across our program as a whole.

Students who actively participate in Queen’s University Living Learning Communities will… ...develop meaningful connections with Faculty members through LLC specific and

educational programming opportunities; ...positively contribute to Queen’s campus culture and the Kingston Community by participating in events related to their field of study and specific LLC focus; …demonstrate personal and academic growth through participation in educational opportunities outside of the classroom and intentional reflection.

A great deal of intentional design and thought go into the delivery of the programs and events involved in the Living Learning Communities Program at Queen’s. You are one of one hundred and

ten students who were chosen from over three thousand LLC Program applicants. As such, you have a fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded peers, network with Faculty and Staff on campus and to continue building your leadership skills. You will be contacted by your LLC Don in the next few weeks through your Queen’s email, with the goal of connecting you with your fellow LLC members before you arrive at Queen’s. Following September move-in there will be a Meet and Greet for all LLC students during Orientation Week, which will be a great opportunity to continuing making those connections. Enjoy learning more about what is in store for you as a Computer Science LLC member. See you in the Fall!


LLP Wide Workshops are opportunities to connect with members from all 7 of the Living Learning Communities at Queen’s. HOW OFTEN:

LLP Wide Workshops will be hosted 3 times a term. LLP Leadership Certificate: elective workshops will provide opportunities to gain new leadership skills and grow as a leader at Queen’s.

POSSIBLE WORKSHOP TOPICS: - Strengths Based Leadership

- PostiveSpace Training

- Guest speaker (Faculty/Community member)

- Languages of Love Workshop

- Service Learning trip

FAQ: What is the difference between “LLP” and “LLC”?

The LLC Program at Queen’s has a two fold approach. “LLP” (Living Learning Program) refers to the program as a whole, meaning each student who is part of one of our seven “LLC” (Living Learning

Communities). LLP Wide Workshops are run every month except for December and April and are where all of the LLCs come together to do a variety of activities together as a group. This is an element that has been developed based on the expressed interest of past LLC members of getting to know and learn with other LLC members outside of their own LLC. Over the past four years the Living Learning Program has grown at a healthy and consistent rate which has given us the ability to further enrich the opportunities offered to the incoming 2017-2018

LLC students. An example of this is the new Leadership Certificate LLC students will have the opportunity to earn, should they opt into it. More information on the Leadership Certificate and other exciting additions will be shared over the course of the coming months! Turn the page for more information on LLC specifics !


Living with people who are in the same classes as you

Meeting Faculty from the School of Computing

Opportunity to enter a Hack-A-Thon

Study groups

Learning about different areas within the field of Computer Science

Sharing meals with Faculty and peers

Bi-Weekly LLC meetings

Examining the big picture impact your field has on the world

Hello Comp-Sci LLCs!! It is with great honor that I welcome you into the Comp-Sci LLC and the Queen’s family! My name is Max and I will be your Living Learning Community Don. I am going into my 5th year in Computing, specializing in Cognitive Science. I was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico and I am an international student at Queen’s. One of the first things that I noticed in my time at Queen’s was that it doesn’t matter if you’re coming from half-way across the world, or if you’re from Kingston, at Queen’s you will always be welcomed and you will meet some of the most inspiring, thoughtful, dedicated, and intelligent people. I hope that you are looking forward to this! Being your LLC Don provides me with the opportunity of welcoming you into Queen’s and helping you out in your transition from high school into university. I am extremely excited to be doing that and I know that we will have a lot of fun and we will learn a lot from each other! As members of this community you will have the unique chance of attending Learning Lunches and getting to meet faculty members from the School of Computing in a more social scenario. I do have one challenge for all of you and that is to try to learn something about tech outside of the classroom. It doesn’t have to be a new computer science language, it can purely be something theoretical that you learn while reading an article. I am looking forward to hearing about what you learned and that you feel passionate about it! I hope that you are all very excited to be coming into Queen’s and that you are thrilled about meeting everyone in the floor and making everlasting friendships! We’re going to have a great time! -Max Garcia


Molly Raffan Residence Life Manager (Education) mollyraffan@queensu.ca 613-533-6000 ext. 78326

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