1852 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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Most A.neieDt and Honorable Fraternity OJ


STATE OF MISSOURI, Con v ened in t k e .Vi ty


Boo n e viiie ,

May 3rd, A. D. 1852, A. L. 5852.




PROCEEDINGS. THE ANNuAL COMMUNICATION Oll' THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE, OF ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, was held in the city of Booneville, on the first Monday of May, A. D. 1852, A. L. 5852. !tJ-t~ ~~ 4(r .?n~ There were present: M. W.· B. W. GROVER, Grand Master, R. W. S. F. CURRIE, G. S. 'V., " P. H. McBRIDE, P. G. M., G. J. W. Pro tem., " J. LITTLE, G. Treas. Pro tern., " C. D. W. JOHNSON, G. Secretary, W. and Rev. J. F. TRUSLOW, G. C., R. W. A. O'SULLIVAN, G. S. D., " O. F. POTTER, G. J. D., " J. W. MURPHY, G. Tyler, Bro. Jesse Little,. • • Missouri, No.1, " Benj. Houts,. • Miami, No. 106, " J. F. Taylor, • Versailles, No. 117, " W. R. Scott,. • Sarcoxie, No. 134, " J. W. Chenowith, • D. D. G. M., Dis. No•. 14,. " J. J. Clarkson, • • W. M., Taylor, U. D., " Mathew Givens, . Montieello, No. 58, " D~ T. Wainwright, " " " J. F. Wayland, • Ezell, No. 112, " Lewis Chivington, • Chapel Hill, U. D., " Jno. R. Brown, • • Olive Branch, No. 88) " G. W. Mitchell, . • Green, No. 101, " N. A. Langston. • Bloomington, No. 102, " D. L. Griffith, • Relief, No. 105, " R. W. Chinn, • Ridgeley, No. 135, " A. W. Robinson,. • W. M., Union, U. D.,



of the

Bro. Wm. Conaway, . . ,Smith, U. D., " J. F. Truslow, G. C., Taylor, U. D., " Joseph Megquire,P. G. S. W., " Robt. A. Raphel, P. M., " A. O'Sullivan,. Meridian, U. D., " P. H. McBride, ~ B No 94 P. G. M., 5 oone,., " James McCown, Johnson, No. 85, " James M. Edgar,. . W. M., Cooper, No. 36, " Adam Lory,. . • Howard, U. D., " Thos. W. Cloney, . Jefferson City, No. 43, " Thos. L. Crawford, " " " J. S. Watson,P. G. T., St. Louis, No. 20, " W. B. Giddings, • Union, No. 19, " T. J. Chowning,. • Florida, U. D., " J. C. Offutt,. • • Mexico, U. D., " L. S. Cornwell, • • Mitchell, No. 86, " D. P. Wallingford,. W. M., Westo~ No. 53, " C. S. Canaday, • • W. M., Athens, No. 121, " C. H. Jett, • • Polar Star, No. 79, " Chas. W. Levy,~ NapthaJi, No. 25,

D. D. G. M.,


O. F. Potter,


• • Arrowrock, No. 55.

The Grand Lodge was opened on the Third Degree in ample form. Prayer by Rev. Bro. J. F. Truslow, G. Chaplain. The G.Master appointed Bros. Chas. W. Levy, L. S. Cornwell and D. P. Wallingford, Committee on Credentials. , There not being a quorum present, the G. Lodge w~s called from labor to refreshment, until two o'clock. TWO O'CLOCK, P. M.

The G. Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. There not being a. quorum present, the Gl'and Lodge was called from labor to .refreshment, until to-morrow morning at eight o'clock. TUESDAY MORNING, 8 O'CLOCK. The G. Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. The Committee on Credentials made the following Report:

Grand Lodge

of Missouri.


To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri : The Committee on Credentials beg leave to report that they find the following Lodges represent~d : Missouri,

No.1, Bro. S. F. Currie W. M., and proxy for J.W. " Jesse Little, proxy for S. W. Geo. Washington, 9, " J. Farrar, proxy for W. M. Paris Union, 19, " W. :B. Giddings W. M., and proxy for S. and J. W. St. Louis, 20, " J. S. Watson, proxy for W. M. Napthali, 25, " Chas. Levy, proxy for W. M. and J. W. J. M. Edgar W. M. Cooper, 86, " " C. D. W. Johnson S. W. J. W. Cloney, proxy for W. M. Jefferson City, 5 ~ 43, " " T. L. Crawford, proxy for J. W. Livingston, 51, " J. H. Turner W. M. Weston, 53, " D. P. Wallingford W. M. O. F. Potter J. W., and proxy W. M• .I1rrow Rock, ~ 55, "" W. W. McGilton S. W. Richmond, 57, " H. C. Garner J. W. M. Givens W. M. Monticello, ~ 58, "" D. T. Wainright S. W. Osceola, 61, " ~L J. Harris J. W. , a.nd proxy for W. M. and S. W. tfllexandria, 69, " E. F. Greenleaf, proxy S. and J. W. Polar Star, 79, " S. C. Jett, proxy S. and J. W. Johnson, 85, " J. McCownW~ M., andproxyforJ.W. Mitchell, 86, " L. S. Cornwell W. :M., and proxy for

S. w. J. R. Brown, 'proxy for W. M. and S. W. J. W. Dawson J. W., and proxy for

Olive Branch,

88, "


91, "


94, " R. W. P. H. McBride, P. G. M.,

W. M. and S. W.

.fI.cacia, Green, Bloomington,

proxy for W. M. M. L. Caldwell S. W. 101, " G. W. Mitchell, proxy for W. M. and S.W. 102, " N. A. Langston, proxy for W. M. 95, "


of the


105 Bro. D.L. Griffith,proxyÂŁorW.M.& S.W. ' " T. E. Staples, " J. W. Ezell, 112," J. F. Wayland W. M., and proxy for S. and J. W. Sibley, 115, " S. G. Parish, proxy for W. M., S. and J.W. 117, " J. F. Taylor, proxy for J. W. Versailles, 120, " T. W. Davis W. M. Compass, 121, " C. W. Horn W. M., and proxy for S. Erwin, and J. W . .I.lthens, 127, ,', C. S. Canaday W. M. Ridgeley, 135," R. W. Chinn W. M. Warrenton, 137," C. W. Johnson, proxy for S. & J. W. Your Committee would remark, that some of the Lodges seem to entertain the opinion, that it is necessary for them to appoint a dele.. gate to represent them in the Grand Lodge 1 overlooking the plain law upon that subject, which constitutes the W. Master and Wardens, or their legally appointed proxies for the time being, the lawful representatives. We are of opinion, that they are led into this error by consulting works on Masonic usage and custom, that have not been approved by this Grand Lodge. We find that Landmark Lodge, No. 64, and Sarcoxie, No. 134, have sent up delegates according to the above plan; but we are of opinion that their intention was not to act contrary to the laws of the Grand Lodge, but from a mistaken idea in relation to it. We would therefore recommend, as soon as the Grand Lodge shall determine' a quorum present, the, adoption of the following resolution:



Resolved, That the delegates from,Landmark, Sarcoxie and St. John's, be permitted

to take their seats as Representatives of their respective Lodges.


D. P. WALLINGFORD, L. S. CORNWELL. On motion the Report was adopted. ~ro. Turner moved a call of the Lodges - which was sustained. 'ihe call was made, there being thirty-three Lodges represented, and quorum found to be present. Bro. Levy moved the adoption ~f the resolution appended to the Report of the Committee on Credentials.-Adopted.

Grand Lodge o/Missouri.


Bro. Levy oft'ered the following: That the Lodges Lodge.-Adopted.


D. be permitted to participate in the deliberations of the Grand

:Bro. Raphel offered the following: Resolved, That the Delegates of subordinate Lodges be permitted to sit without their jewels.-Adopted.

The Grand Master appointed the following committees:

Committee on Work and Proceedings of Subordinate Lodges. -:Bros. John H. Turner, John S. Watson, C. H. Jett, John R. Brown and S. H. Sanders. Committee on Lodges under Dispensation. - Bros. Charles Levy, J. W. Chenowith and L. S. Cornwell. Committee on .8ccounts.-Bros. John S. Watson, D. L.Griffith and James McCown. Committee on Unfinished Business. - Bros. P. H. McBride, R. W. Chinn and John R. Brown. Committee on Grievances. - Bros. Perry Wallingford, Thos. L. Crawford, W. B. Giddings, Oscar F. Potter and C. S. Canaday. Committee on .I:l.pplications and Communications.-Bros. Jesse Little, B. F. Houts and J. F. Taylor. Committee on Charity.-Bros. S. F. Currie, H. C. Garner and Mathew Givens. The Grand M8.8ter then proceeded to deliver his annual Address:

My Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Missouri: IN the performance of a duty, enjoined by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, sanctioned by custom, and rendered imperative by immemorial usage, requiring at my hands a detailed account of my offi.. cial acts, during the recess of the Grand Lodge, it affords me pleasure to congratulate you, my brethren, that we are permitted, through the goodness and mercy of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, to assemble again, as the Representatives of the subordinate Lodges of the State, under circumstances 80 peculiarly favorable. As members of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, we have just cause for renewed thankfulness and rejoicing. As Masons, we ought to rejoice at the tokens of continued usefulness and solid prosperity, distinguishing the subordinate Lodges, in our jurisdiction, during the ~fasonic year, now about to close. No previous year, perha.ps, since the organization of the Gre.nd



of the

Lodge, has exhibited a healthier Masonic tone, a more cheerful conformity to Mas'onic law and usage, or more solid proofs of enlightened zeal and fidelity to our "time-honored Institution." While it is true, perhaps, that the subordinate Lodges of the State may not have increased their numbers so rapidly during the past year as in some others, still it is true, that" good rnen and true," have generally been admitted to the privileges of Masonry throughout our jUl'isdiction. New Lodges have sprung into being, in various portions of our growing State; and the welcome sound of the gavel is now heard where, but lately, the red man guided his venturous canoe. Under such circumstances, we cannot exercise too great solicitude and watchfulness in our annual deliberations; the respectability and perpetuity of our glorious Order depends, in no small degree, upon the careful supervision of the Craft, by those to whom this high and sacred duty has been confided. Our solicitude, amid the rapid augmentation of our numbers, ought to spring not merely from a sense of duty, but adeep and lasting regard for the future permanency of the Order. We should guard with sleepless vigilance, not only the entrance to our mystic temple, but every avenue by which it may be approached for injury• We should see to it, that no "rough AshIer" is permitted to deform its beautiful proportions or mar its harmony. We should shut out every symptom of innovation, no matter how high the assumed authority or by whom introduced. . No institution, merely human, is altogether free from the danger of innovation; although it is the boast of ours, that its ritual is essentially the same, and its purity has remained, in a great measure, unviolated during many ages that are past: yet it must depend on its own inherent excellence and a steadfast adherence to our "ancient landmarks," for its future respectability and permanency. The foundation of our Order, the aims and tendency of Masonry, require the practice of social and moral virtue. To be "good and true," are among the first great lessons it enforces-true to it, and true to the "ancient landmarks " and " usages" of the Order. If we were not bound by a cement such as this; if such were not the rnaterials of which the edifice is composed: the pillars of our" mystic temple" long since would have tottered to their base, and the "time-honored fabric" crumbled to ruins. While other: institutions have fallen beneath the malice of the one, and carried to oblivion by the progress of the other - MASONRY

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


alone has survived, and still spreads her glory over the earth; and if we are true to it, and true to ourselves, it will continue to last. - continue to dispense its benefits and blessings, undimmed by age, unchilled by the havoc of Time. My official acts, during the past year, have been limited and unimportant. From circumstances, over which I have had no control, my time has been so pre-occupied, as to permit me to visit but few of the subordinate Lodges of the State. In the discharge of my official duty, I have faithfully endeavored to walk within the bounds of our " ancient landmarks," and execute the law as it is; and in the few Lodges I have visited, honestly endeavored to advance the character and promote the interest of our noble Institution. During the month of June last, I received from the Master of Dana Lodge, No. 83, a pressing invitation to visit that Lodge, and, if possible, restore" peace a~d harmony" among its members, which unhappily had been seriously disturbed. I accordingly attended a meeting of the Lodge, on the anniversary of St. John, (24th June;) and although difficulties ofa grave and serious character existed, threatening the existence of th.e Lodge-after three days' work and lectures, I had hoped and believed, that "harmony" and "brotherly love" were fully restored, and the entire membership with renewed energy and zeal would go forward in the discharge of their Masonic duties. But I am pained to say that this expectation was doomed to a premature disappointment. On the 28th of October following, I attended another meeting of Dana Lodge, No. 83 - a special meeting, called for the purpose of investigating certain charges of unmasonic conduct,. preferred by the Lodge, against .Brothers James A. Tutt and Laban Clark. After a tedious and protracted trial of the accused, which resulted in the acquittal of Brother Tutt, and the withdrawal of the charges against Brother Clark, I found such a state of feeling existing among the members or the Lodge, as to utterly forbid the hope of its existing longer as a Masonic body; indeed, the painful necessity of arresting the charter of the Lodge seemed the only alternative left me. I accordingly arrested the charter of Dana Lodge, No. 83, and took charge of the books; furniture and effects of said Lodge, and directed Brother Goodwin, the Secretary, to transmit the same to the Grand Secretary, at this communication of the Grand Lodge. The Hall having been deeded to the Grand Lodge, for the use and



of the

benefit of Dana Lodge, No. 83, becomes the property of the Grand Lodge, and will have to be disposed of at this annual communication. In this official act, I may have given offence to some of the members of that Lodge; but when the path of duty is' plain before me, and the good of the whole body is involved, (for l\Iasonry is a unit,) however painful the duty, I will not falter in its performance. I have granted dispensations to open new Lodges in the following places, and in every instance authorized some competent brother to constitute the same, viz: Taylor Lodge, at Springfield, in Greene county; Osage Lodge, in Bates county; and Grover Lodge, at Calhoun, in Henry county. I also continued the dispensation to Ringgold Lodge, as required by a resolution of the Grand Lodge, at our last communication. i have received reports from the District Deputy Grand Masters, of Districts Nos. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14, from which I learn, that the general condition of the Craft, in theu- respective districts, with some路 few and unimportant exceptions, is encouragingly prosperous. It affords me pleasure, in this connection, to say, that such is our happy and prosperous condition, both in our domestic and foreign relations, as to require but little legislative action. In the Report of R. W. J. W. Chenowith, District Deputy Grand Master for the 14th District, I observe, for reasons and causes assigned in his Report, he felt it his duty to arrest the charter of Barry Lodge, No. 130. As there is some diversity of opinion in our jurisdiction, as to the power of aD. D. Grand Master to arrest a charter of a- subordinate Lodge under any circumstances, I desire to call the attention of the Grand Lodge to the subJect; and suggest that the Report of Bro. Ohenowith be referred to a special committee, to report upon the authority in question. The question of power ought to be settled, and that too in an authoritative manner by this Grand Lodge. If the D. D. Grand Master possesses the power, then the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, defining his duties, should expressly confer the authority. So far as a precedent can settle this question, the Grand Lodge of Missouri has already recognized the power in orle instance, at least, and sustained the authority claimed by Bro. Ohenowith. I refer to the act of Bro. A. M. Tutt, late D. D. Grand :Master, who arrested the charter of Ozark Lodge, No. 50-( See printed Proceedings, 1847, page 18.)

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


The Distri~t Deputy Grand Master is created by appointment of the Grand Master, ostensibly to assist him in the duties of his office: he has authority to grant dispensations to open new Lodges; to examine and correct the work and records of the Lodge; and is made, by virtue of h~s appointment, the supreme Masonic authority in his district, during the absence of the Grand Master. By the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, the express authority to arrest a charter of a subordinate Lodge is only given to the Grand Master; but if the District Deputy Grand Master is his legal representative, acting for him, by his own appointment, may he not exercise the same authority that the Grand Master could rightfully exercise, were he present? The subject of denying Past Masters membership in the Grand Lodge, has for some time occupied the attention of some of the oldest and best informed in our own jurisdiction, as well as in some of our sister Grand Lodges. While I cannot subscribe to the claim, that " Past Masters have an inalienable and inherent right to membership in Grand Lodges," yet, after the most mature reflection, I doubt the policy, in our jurisdiction at least, of altering our legislation upon this subject. Until the number of Past Masters increase in our jurisdiction to such an extent (which is altogetherimprobable for many years, if ever,) as to exercise an undue influence upon our legislation - I should regret, deeply regret, to see them debarred from the privileges of membership; for by cutting off Past Masters, as proposed, we certainly cut off much of our Masonic light and experience without any corresponding advantage, either to the Grand Lodge or the subordinate Lodges. The number of subordinate Lodges in the State has increased, and still are increasing so rapidly, as to make a change desirable, if not absolutely necessary, in reference to the number of Representatives constituting a quorum. It not unfrequently happens, that, on the first day of the session, the requisite number of delegatcs fail to attend, and those illore punctual, are kept at considerable inconvenience and expem;c, one or two days, waiting the appearance of a few additional delegates to constitute a quorum. It seems to me, the law ought to be modified so as to reduce the number, so that fifteen or twenty Representatives from subordinate Lodges shall constitute a quorum, and thereby obviate the difficulty I have suggested. As our By-Laws an: to undergo revision at this communication of the Grand


Proceedlngs of the

Lodge, I hope the Committee, having charge of the subject, if they have not already done so, will give it their careful consideration. I have caused the charter, jewels and records of Marshall Lodge, No. 55, to be returned to the Grand Secretary, as required by a resolution of the Grand Lodge at our last annual communication. Since my arrival at Booneville, I have received a letter from Bro. John D. Taylor, a member of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, from which I learn, that circumstances beyond his control have prevented him from acting in conjunction with the other members of that Committee, in preparing a Report for the Grand Lodge. The absence of the Chairman of the Committee, R. W. J. W. S. :Mitchell, is to be regretted, as the probability now is, that no Report will be received from them at this communication. While it is now generally ex{>ected that the Grand Master will call the attention of the Grand Lodge, over which he presides, to such subjects of local interest, affecting the good of the Craft, in his own jurisdiction, as the local interest and condition of Masonry requires; so, in like manner, it is expected, and indeed considered the duty, of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, to call the attention of the Grand Lodge to such subjects of foreign interest in other jurisdictions as their importancedemands. While I regret, deeply regret, that no Report is to be received from that Committee, I must be permitted to say, -that under the peculiar circumstances in which Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell, their Chairman, was placed by the action of the Grand Lodge at our last annual communication, no blame ought to attach to him. After devoting, as he did, much time and labor in preparing a lengthy, and I may add, a luminous and able Report, as Chairman, the attempt of the Grand Lodge to prune and modify it in many important particulars, was well calculated to discourage, if not prevent, him from submitting another Report. Although I do not concur in all the positions aSEumed in that Report, nor agree with all its deductions, still it was the production of the Chairman, so recognized and understood by every well-informed Mason; he alone was responsible for it, and not the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Any attempt, therefore, to importantly change or modify the positions. as well as the reasoning of its author, was calculated not only to place him in afalse attitude before the Masonic Fraternity, in our sister Grand Lodges, but to inflictjlagrant injustice in our own.

Grand Lodge oj Missouri.


You will observe by the printed proceedings of our last Grand An... nual Communication, th~t I appointed Bros. John S. Watson, A. J. Coons and Joseph Rowe, College Fund Commissioners, who accepted the appointment and executed bond, as required by the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. Bya strange oversight or want of attention, (I know not which,) the former Board of College Fund Commissioners have failed to execute bonds for the faithful performance of their duties; or, if executed, they cannot be found. At all events no such bonds are filed with the Grand Secretary, and, thus far, I have been unable to find any clue to their existence. Immediately after the close of our last Grand Annual Communication, I visited St. Louis, and endeavored, unsuccessfully however, to ascertain the true condition of our College fund in the hands of the former Board of Col.. lege Fund Commissioners. I also required Bro. John S. Watson, who has been a College Fund Commissioner for several years, to report at his earliest convenience, to the present Board, a full and detailed account of the College fund: to whom loaned, on what security, the amount of the principal and interest, how the interest (if any) had been funded-and I therefore respectfully refer you to the Report of the present Board, for the \necessary information in relation to this subject. You will, of course, look carefully to the condition of this fund, as well as the general fiscal concerns .of the Grand Lodge; holding all receiving and disbursing agents to a strict account; for, allow me to suggest, that a want of attention to these matters has doubt.. less been the cause of more pecuniary embarrassment than any-than all others. The Reports of the Board of Curators and Faculty of the Masonic College, will afford you the best data for your deliberations upon this important subject. There is now resting upon us - upon the Grand Lodge of Missouri -in relation to the College, responsibilities of no light character; responsibilities, from which it would be wrong, if not cowardly, to retreat. We are the pioneers in the experiment of a Masonic College, in the United States. We are the first, be it said to our lasting praise, to attempt the permanent establishment of an institution of learning, destined to educate the homeless and destitute orphan. Thus far its friends - the friends of human improvement and mental illumination-have stood firmly by it: and in reference to the state of feeling on the part of the Fraternity in our own jurisdic...



of the.

tion, I am happy to state, there is almost a. universal desire still to sustain it. The only question with some, not naturally sanguine, is, whether we did not begin on a basis too extensive for the means and demands of the Fraternity in Missouri. But that question is not now debateable: we have begun - we have embarked in the enterprise as it is-and to it we have again and again pledged thefaith of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Allow me to say, that the success which has so far attended our efforts, gives flattering augury not only of the lasting benefits which it promises in the future, but of its ultimate triumph. Let us then be diligent and assiduous in urging forward its just claims; let us spare no effort, shrink from no Ia'brJr, to liberally endow it, and thereby attain the noble end, the gI0ri0u.~ lJurpr)i:e for which the Institution was established. Let us go forward, uf;rved with the assurance that the Grand Master of the Universe will Ilf;Hr suffer the" vine, pla~ted by his own right hand," to witht,{" or die. Le:t u.r; remember, that "time, patience and perseverance" will accomplish all things. Let us console ourselves with the reflection, that under the most adverse circumstances, so much has becn learned, so much accomplished for our future direction. Let u.:; with a determined purpose and untiring zeal, worthy of the eIJlargr.A [)(;J;r;yr)lpnce of Masonry, liberally, I>ermanently endow this Instituti()n ()f learning; place it beyond the reach of failure; make it, what it was originally designed to be, " an institution which will furnish a homo to shelter and a school to educate the helpless orphan of every indigent Mason; an institution, the sight of whose stately columns awl open doors, wz'll brighten the care-worn features and hush the wailings of the -disconsolate widow." My brethren, as members of the wide-spread family of Masons, we have a great duty, an exalted mi!Jsion, to perform: to educate, to clothe, to cherish and protect the widow and the orphan; to lift the heart-broken and disconsolate widow from beneath the dark cloud of despair, in which misfortune or the icy. hand of death has placed her; to pillow her bruised and broken spirit on the unfailing charity of our mystic brotherhood; so that when the angel of death. shall beckon her away to that "bourne" whose sands are marked by no returning foot-print-when she too shall be called to the spirit-land-she may tum her last lingering look upon its massy columns, and be solaced with the reflection, die-in the full assurance, that her desolate house-

Grand Lodge of Miasouri.


hold, her orphan children shall be educated and protected, while the eternal charity of Masonry endures. Bro. Levy offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master's Address be referred to a committee of three, to report in reference to the various subjects therein contained.-Adopted.

The Grand Master appointed the following a Committee for that purpose: Bros. D. P. Wallingford, C. Levy and J. Megquire. Resolution by Bro. Megquire: Resolved, That in consequence of the accidental mutilation of the charter of Land Mark Lodge, No. 64, the Grand Secretary be authorized and required to fill up another charter with the dates of the old one, and deliver it to said Lodge on its paying. the legal fee.-Adopted.

The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until two o'clock. TWO O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor. The Committee on Credentials made the following report: To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The Committee on Credentials beg leave to make the following additional Report of Lodges represented:

~~o. CW路NScWobesth'Y路 M. J W . . or mg t on . .

Rocheport, S No.


Fayette, Danville,

47," S. H. Ransberger W. ~I. 72, " W. B. Adams W. M. " W. R. Scott, proxy for W. M.




184, "


Landmark, 64, " Star of the West, 133, " Monticello, 58, " Lebanon, 77, "

R. W. Burrus, proxy for S. W.

Wm. Sharmon, proxy for J. W. Wm. Killbuck, proxy for W. M. Andrew Peace W. :M. Wm. Ellis J. W. John T. Garvin, proxy for W. M. CHARLES LEVY, Chairman.

Adopted. Resolution by Bro. McBride, P. G. M. : Resolved, That the Grand Lodge will, on to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, proceed to the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year.-Adopted.


Proceedings of the

&solution by Bro. Levy: Resolved, That the Committee on the By-Laws, present their Report at half past seven o'clock this evening.-Adopted.

Appeal of E. Schreiner, of Mitchell Lodge, No. 86, received and referred to the Committee on Grievances. Also a memorial from A. G. Lyons was received and referred to the same Committee. On motion of Bro. Wa.tson, P. G. T., it was Resolved, That the readin~ of the minutes of the last communication be dispensed with, the brethren being furnished with printed copies.

The Committee to settle with Gra.nd Treasurer and Secretary, made the following Report:

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State

of Missouri:

The undersigned Committee, appointed to settle with the Grand Secretary, Bro. C. D. W. Johnson, and the P. G. Treasurer, .Bro. J. M. Reed, having examined into their books and papers, beg leave to make the following Report : We find that Bro. Johnson received during the year 1849, and up to the meeting of the Grand Lodge 1850, $66, which amount was paid over to the Grand Treasurer, Bro. J. M. Reed. The Grand Treasurer received as follows: From the P. G. Treasurer, Bro. Watson...... •••••• .... •• •••• $1,842 78, " "Secretary, Bro. Mitchell····.. •• •••• •••• •••••• 601 00 " present G. Secretary, as above stated.... •••••• ••• ••• 66 00 $2,409 78


And paid out upon drafts, drawn by Grand Secretary Bro. Johnson, as follows: $ 20 00 Draft in favor Bro. Murphy, G. Tyler. " "Masonic College...... •••• •••• •••• •••••. •••••• 857 00 " "w. H. Huntsville Lodge... ••• ••••.• •.•• ••.• •• • 50 00 " "Masonic College...... •••••• •••• •••• •.•• •••••• 138 00 " "A. Hammond, prin~ •••• •.•••. •.•••• •••• •••• 52 85 Amount paid over to G. Treasurer Johnson·..... •••••• •••••• • 1,292 17



$2,410 00 Amount due Bro. Reed, Past G. Treas... •••• ••••


All of which is respectfully submitted.


T. R. SMITH. :Bro. C. D.W. Johnson presented two memorials : one from Bro. J. D. Taylor, and one from G.O. Wickerlin, which were referred to the Committee on Grievanoes.


G"and Lodge of Missouri.

Bro. P. Draper, by G. Secretary, presented the following Report :

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of ltflssouri: The undersigned Agent for the sale of the "Masonic College property," respectfully reports the following account-current of receipts and payments on account of said property, since your last Grand Annual Communication, by which it will be seen that there is in his hands a balance of $9 69, which has been retained to pay recording fees of the deeds to said property. Up to this time, no payment has been made on the note of the purchaser of that property, due on the first ultimo, but I have little doubt it will be paid in a short time. Respectfully submitted. P. DRAPER, .Agent.

P . .Draper, .lJgent, in .lJccount with Grand Lodge of Missouri. DEBTOR.

1851. May 3,

June 1~ Nov. 10,

To cash of Knox, part of Note due 1st April .•••







"bal. principal and interest .•.•.

$ 898 00 100 00 8623 $1,084 23




May 3, June 16, -Nov. 29, 1852. March 15,

By balance due, as per last annual Report. . .• •••• By amount paid E. Winsor, per vouchers •••••••••



75 89800 100 00 70 00

By expenses to Palmyra...... .•.. .•••.• •••••• .. By sundry postages to this date . • . Balance in hands of Agent......

500 79 969






$1,084 23


To balance brought down $

9 69

The Committee on the Address of the Grand Master reported as follows: The ·Committee to whom was referred the Address of the M. W. Grand Master, beg leave to make the following Report: That so much of the Address as relates to Dana Lodge, be referred to a special committee; SD much as relates to Fund Commissioners, to the Committee on Accounts; so much as relates to the arrest of the charter of Barry Lodge, No. 130, by D. D. G. M. Chenowith, to a. special committee; so much as relates to Past Masters, to a special ~



of the

committee; 80 much as relates to the constitutional number to form a quornm of this Grand Lodge, to the Committee on the By-Laws; and the remainder of the Address to a select committee. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. P. WALLINGFORD, Chairman. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until seven o'clock this evening. SEVEN O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Grand Master. The Grand Officers at their several stations. The Committee appointed to revise the By-Laws, presented the same, which were read regularly through, this being their first reading. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. WEDNESDAY HORNING,



The Grand Lodge was caned from refreshment to labor by the Grand Master. The Grand Officers at their several stations. The Minutes were read and approved. Bro. C. Levy, from the Committee on Credentials, presented the following additional Report of Lodges represented:

Dant'ille, Lqfayette, Waverly, Fulton,


No. 72, Bro. J. H. Robinson, proxy for S. W. " Wm. T. Wood, proxy for W. M. 32, " F. L. B. Sbaver, proxy for S. W. " E. Winsor, proxy for J. W. 114," G.. W. Hereford, proxy for W. 1\1., S. and J. W. 48, " Hiram Ra.wlings, proxy for J. W.

Ero. Levy moved, That that part of the Grand Master's Address in relation to Fund Commissioners, be re~erred to a select committee.-Adopted.

The Grand Master appointed the following additional committees :

On Ways and Means.-Bros. Wm. T. Wood, J. H. Turner, A. O'Sullivan and G. W. Hereford. On Masonic College.-Bros. L. S. Cornwell, D. P. Wallingford,

H. C. Garner, C. Levy, E. Winsor, W. Ellis and S. H. Saunders.

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


On .flrrest of Charter of Dand Lodge, No. 83.--Bros. S. H. Sa.unders, C. Wood and H. C. Garner. On Report of R. W. J. W. Chenowith, D. D. G. M. 14th Dis,trict.-Bros. L. S. _Cornwell, G. W. Hereford and T. W. Davis. , On Subject of Past Masters. - Bros. C. LeVy, A. O'Sullivan , and D. P. Wallingford. On College Fund Commissioners. -Bros. W. T. Wood, P. H. McBride and C. Wood. The hour having arrived for the election of Grand Officers for the ensuing year, the Grand Lodge proceeded to the election, which resulted路 as follows: M. W. BENJ. W. GROvn, G.M路 f D. G. M., R. W. Saml. F. CURRIE, G. S. W., " J. H. TURNER, G.. J. W., " S. H. SAUNDERS, G. Treasurer, " J. T. JOHNSON, G. Secretary. " A. O'SULLIVAN, On motion, Resolved, That the Grand Officers be installed.-Adopted.

Whereupon the R. W. P. H. McBride, P. G~ M.,'installed G. M.; M. W. B. W. Grover, who then installed the other Grand Officers, as follows : R. W. S. F. Currie, D. G. M., " J.H. TUr1~er, G. S. w., " S. H. Saunders, G. J. w., " J. T. Johnson, G. Treas., " .fl. 0' Sullivan, G. Sec't., W. O. F. Potter, G. S. D., " T. W. Davis, G. J. D.~ " J. W. Murphy, G. Tyler. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until two o'clock. TWO O'CLOCK, P. II.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Gra.nd Master. The Grand Officers at their Be~eral stations.


Proceedings oj the

The following Report of the Board of Curators was submitted:

To the M. W. Grand Lodge: The Board of Curators, of the Masonic College, Lexington, Mo., respectfully present the following Report of the management and condition of, the College for the year ending this day, May 1st, 1852. For particular information in regard to the internal condition and management of the College, we refer to the Report of the President' relating thereto, and herewith submitted as a part of this Report. About the 1st of July, 1851, the Board engaged the services of Brother Joseph Megquire to make sale of scholarships for the College; and very soon thereafter, he entered upon the duties of his agency, accompanied and assisted by President Shaver, and prosecuted the work with great zeal and energy until August 2~th, at which time circumstances, over which the Curators had no control, made it necessary for him to cease his labors. Copies of the proceedings of the Board in relation thereto, are hereto annexed and submitted as a part of this Report. The amount of scholar~hips sold by him, was $8,300, for which he is entitled, per contract with Board of Curators, to $830 ; one hundred of which has been paid; and we recommend that the oalance be paid by the Grand Lodge at its earliest convenience. On the 3rn day of November, 1851, the Board requested President Shaver to m~ke a trip to the Southern States, for the purpose of representing the claims of the College to the patronage of the Fraternity, and of disposing of the scholarships remaining unsold. The success of his trip will be made known to you by a communication from the President himself. The whole amount of scholarships now sold, is $30,155; and we earnestly recommend to the Grand Lodge, the adoption of some measures that will insure the speedy disposal of the remaining $19,845. The employment of adjuncts in the Preparatory Department of the College, has now been sufficiently tried to prove whether the system is advantageous or not; and the opinion of the Board is unanimous in sa.ying, that although the services of superior young men have been obtained, such indeed as can rarely be found, yet they believe, that to have an experienced and well-qualified Principal in that Department, would greatly advance the interests of the College, and give entire ~atisfaction to its friends and patrons. Although the Board are of opinion that the establishment of a


Grand Lodge of Missouri.

Boarding House, to be in some way connected with the College, is of vital importance to its prosperity, yet they have taken no steps to accomplish that end, because there were no means provided for that purpose or placed at their disposal. As the College property is now entirely paid for, and free of debt, we recommend that the original subscriptions for the erection of College buildings, now remaining unpaid, be appropriated to the erection of a College Boarding House, to "be under the control and authority of the Board of Curators. The financial condition of the College is shown in the statement herewith annexed. At the last communication of the Grand Lodge, the amount of deficiency, as shown by Report of Board of Curators, was then paid off; but the $500, reported as being due from the Grand Lodge and set down as part of the resources of the College, was not paid. This will make the amount required of the Grand Lodge at its present session, appear larger than usual, when the real deficiency is less than at our last Report.

Statement of .Ilccounts of Masonic College, Lexington, Mo., May 1st, 1852. DEBTOR.

Cash in hands of Board of Curators, per last Report to Grand Lodp;e, May 1st, 1851· .•..•...••..•......•.....•.•••••..• $ 613 06 Cash received from Grand Lodge to meet deficiency per last Report ••...••.•••••••..••....•...•........••.....••..•...• 2,800 00 Cash received of P. Draper, Agent for sale of old College property 1,068 00 Cash received of students for balance of 3rd Collegiate year after May 1st, 1851····· ...........••••.••..•••••••...••• 104 84 Cash received of students for 4th Collegiate year, up to May 1st, 1852· .. 1,543 11 Cash received from Hunter & Alford on account of fund due from Building Committee.··· •••••••.•.••.•..•••.••••••.•. 253 40 $6,382 41


Cash paid Ex-President C. G. Macpherson ..•••..••.•••••••..• $ 658 65 , President F. L. B. Shaver .. 1,400 00 " Professor Archibald Patterson.· ..•.•.••••••••...•.• 1,450 00 " "William Cameron.· •..••.•..•...•••.....• 800 00 " Adjunct Professor C. H. Grover.· ..••.•.......•.••• 125 00 " " " S. W. Lambeth . 125 00 " " " J. C. Bledsoe . 80 00 " " " G. W. Knight . 41 25 Fund for purchase of apparatus .. " 31 82 " General expense of Collcp;e ~. .. .. 643 48 624 63 " Expense of Agents for sale of scholarships .........• 402 58 Balance of Cash on hand $6,382 41

Proceedings of the


of Masonic College, May 1st, 1852, including salaries of Professors for Fourth Collegiate year, ending Oct. 1st, 1852. President Ferdinand La Boma Shaver •••••••••••. $1,192 31 Professor Archibald Patterson·...... •••••• •••••• •••••••••••• 900 00 ,,' William Cameron· •. •• •••••• •••• •••••• •••••• •••••• 1,000 00 Adjunct Professor Charles ,H. Grover •••••••••••••••••••••••• 300 00 " ,( Samuel W. Lambeth ••••••••••••••••••••.•• 30000 Fund from sale of old College property, held for purchase of books and apparatus.... •••• •••• •••• •••• •••••• •••••••••••• 930 17




$4,622 48


of Masonic College, May 1st, 1852. Cash in hands of Board of Curators...... •••••• •••••• • •••••• $ 402 58 Arnount due by students •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 104 05 " "Building Committee.... •••••• •••• •••••• • .•••• 25825 Grand Lodge for cash paid Agents and expenses in the llale of scholarshlps'6 . 1,124 63 RESOURCES

$1,889 51 Deficiency to be provided f6r by Grand Lodge. •••• • ••• •••• •••• Add amount due College by Grand Lodp;e •• •••• •••••• •••• •••• •


$2,732 97 1,124 63

Total amount to be paid by Grand Lodge $3,857 60

All of which is respectfully submitted.


Acting President Board Curators. Sec. Board Curators.

On motion, said Report was referred to the Committee on College. The following resolution was offered by Bro. M. W. Hall: Resolved, By the Grand Lodge of Missouri, that any Master Mason guilty of unmasonic conduct, is amenable to the Lodge within whose jurisdiction said offence is committed, whether he be a member of that or any other Lodge.

On motion, Bro. Hall's resolution was referred to a special commit.. tee, consisting of Bros. C. Levy, W. T. Wood, D. P. Wallingford. The Committee on Lodges U. D., made the following Report: 'The Committee on Lodges under dispensation, submit the following Report: They have examined the records and proceedings of Meridian, Smith, Howard, Grover, Taylor, Ark, Osage, Mexico, Williamsburgh, Memphis, Chapel Hill, Paulding, Auburn, Central, Wellington and Florida Lodges. The proceedings of Meridian Lodge are unusually perfect and correct. The proceedings of Howard, Taylor, Ark, Grover, Williams..

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


burgh, Chapel Hill, Paulding, Auburn and Florida Lodges~ are throughout entirely correct, and in accordance with the usages of Mo.路 sonry and the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. It is recommended that charters be granted to Meridian Lodge, and be numbered 2 ; Howard, No.4; Taylor, No.5; Ark, No.6; Grover, No.7; Williamsburgh, No.8; Chapel Hill, No. 10; Paulding, No. 11; Au路 burn, No. 14, and Florida, No. 23. The proceedings of Smith Lodge are correct, with the exception that the brother, authorized by the D. D. G. M., "Installed the W. M., Sr. and Jr. Wardens in form." While your Committee cannot regard the act other than contrary to Masonic usage, they, at the same time, exonerate said Lodge from any censure in the premises, and recommend that a charter be granted and numbered 13. The proceedings of Osage Lodge are correct, with the exception that she uses the term, in closing their meetings, ".Ilmple Form." Not doubting, but that to be reminded of the error will be sufficient for its correction, they recommend that a charter be granted, and be No. 29. The proceedings of Mexico Lodge are correct, with the exceptions that she balloted for Initiation with only six members being present, and has allowed the members to demit contrary to the rules of the Grand Lodge. The proceedings of Memphis Lodge are correct, with the exception that she allows an appeal from the decisions of the W. M. Believing that said Lodges, when properly advised on the subjects, will be disposed strictly to conform to the rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge, they recommend that charters be granted to Mexico Lodge, to be No. 26, and Memphis Lodge, to be No. 16. The proceedings of Central Lodge are very defective. Instead of closing, they "call off" (from the stated monthly meeting) "to the next stated monthly meeting." On "Nov. 1st, Dec. 6th, 1851, Jan. 3rd-31st, Feb. 28th, 1852," they balloted for Initiation, pAfl. ing and Raising, without opening the Lodge. We cannot believe that the Lodge was so negligent in such an important object, but incline to the opinion, that it is thefault and act of the Secretary in carelessly observing the proceedings and recording the minutes of the Lodge. They have also granted demits contrary to the edicts of the Grand Lodge. On March 3rd, 1852, a petition was received for Initiation;


Proceedings of the

it was declared a case of emergency: balloted-and initiated the candidate the same evening. The proceedings of Wellington Lodge are also defective, owing to their having two stated communications in each month (to which there is no objection;) they have, however, provided by their By-Laws, the taking of the ballot on the first succeeding stated communication after the presentation of the petition. This is in violation of the ByLaws of the Grand Lodge. On the 21th December, 1851, they received four petitions; on the 16th Jan., 1852, three of the said petitioner:J were Initiated, Passed and Raised - D. D. G. M. Searcy presiding, who granted a dispensation for the Raising of the several brethren. We cannot dismiss this, without calling the attention of the Grand Lodge to the acts, in more than one instance, of the D. D. G. M. If the Lodge, in this instance, did not possess the power of Initiating, Passing and Raising the same candidates a.t the one and same meeting, and the D. D. G. M. entertaining the same opinion, he erred in granting a dispensation, as he possesses no such power. The Committee recommend, that the Lodges be required to initiate their candidates into no more than one degree on the same evening. They deem it necessary to state, that if Central and Wellington Lodges had made themselves acquainted with the laws of the Grand Lodge, (which it was their duty to have done,) they would not have fallen into the errors complained of. Taking into consideration that one of the aforesaid acts was that of D. D. G. M., exceeding his powers, and that the Lodges will, no doubt, in future let all their acts be in conformity with the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Grand Lodge-we, therefore, recommend, that charters be granted to Central Lodge, to be No. 21, and Wellington Lodge, to be No. 22. Grover Lodge asks of the Grand Lodge to allow them all the right and title to the Masonic Hall, funds and other effects, that existed in the late Dana Lodge, No. 83, agreeing to pay all their liabilities-which we recommend be granted. Your Committee recommend, that in granting charters to new Lodges that may hereafter be formed, the same be filled up with the vacant numbers, if there be any such on the list. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES LEVY, L. S. CORNWELL, J. W. CHENOWITH. Adopted.

Gr,and Lodge

of Missouri.


A memorial from Green Lodge, No. 101, was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Grievances. The following resolution was offered by Bro. L. S. Cornwell: Resolved, That Bro. Charles Levy be requested to deliver the lectures and exemplifly the work on the first, second and third degrees of Masonry during this communication, at such time as the Grand Master may select.-Adopted.

The following Report of the Committee on .so ~lUch of the Grand Master's Address as relates tc the arrest of the charter of Dana Lodge, No. 83, was read: The Committee to whom was referred that portion of the M. W. Grand ~faster's Address, in regard to arresting the charter of Dana Lodge, No. 83, beg leave to report, that, after a careful examination into the causes that led to the arrest of the charter of Dana Lodge, No. 83, by the M. W. Grand Master, it meets with our unqualified approbation, and would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following r.esolution : Resolved, That the charter of Dana Lodge, No. 83, be and is hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted.


The above Report and resolution were adopted. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until halfpast seven 0' clock this evening. HALF-PAST SEVEN O'CLOCK, P.M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Grand Master. The Grand Officers at their several stations. On motion of Bro. J. D. Watson, the Grand Master called fo1' the reading of the Report of the Committee to revise the By-Laws, a second time, which was done by its title. The following resolution was offered by Bro. W. T. Wood: Resolved, That so much of the Report of the Committee on the revision of the ByLaws, as remains not acted on, be re-committed to the Committee, with instructions to present at the next regular communication of the Grand Lodge a complete and full revision of all By-Laws to be in force, and along with the By-Laws, so to be revised and presented and recommended路 by the Committee, a report of the part~culars and points as to which they make amendments, including all By-Laws now in force which in the judgment of the Committee should not be re-enacted or revised.-Adopted.

Bro. C. Levy exemplified the work and lectures of the Third Degree.


Proceedings of the

The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until eight o'clock to-morrow morning. THURSDAY MORNING,



The Grand Lodge was c~lled from refreshment to labor. by the Grand Master. The Grand Officers at their several stations. On motion, the reading of the Minutes was dispensed with. Bro. J. T. Garvin was excused from attendance during the remainder of the session, on account of sickness in his family. The Committee on the resolution of Bro. M. W. Hall made the following Rep?rt: That a brother M. Mason trespassing against our rules is amenable to the particular Lodge of which he is So member. This rule applies with equal force against a sojourner who may commit an offence. The charge or charges against him, can only be preferred in the Lodge of which he is a member. Should an offence be committed by one who has taken, up his residence, the Lodge who has jurisdiction over the place where he resides, is the body to whom the charges will have to be preferred, as we have no rule that authorizes a change of venue. Any brother feeling aggrieved at the decision, on the trial of a brother, has the right of an appeal to the Grand Lodge. All of which CHARLES LEVY. is respectfully submitted. Adopted.

A memorial from B. F. Baker, referred to Committee on Grievances. A memorial from Ringgold Lodge U. D., referred to Committee on Lodges U. D. The following Report of Bro. F. L. B. Shaver, President of the Masonic College, was read:

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: BRETHREN: Under the merciful protection and guidance of tho Giver of every good and perfect gift, I have been graciously spared through another year, and am permitted to present my annual Report to your Worshipful Body. And whilst in looking back upon the scenes through which I have been called to pass, there is much to awaken my liveliest gratitude, in view of the many mercies vouchsafed to me, there is also a mingling of sadness and sorrow in the recollection of

Grand Lodge of Missouri.


afflictive bereavements, which the wisdom of Divine Providence permitted to come on me ~nd a bereaved and suffering family. It is matter of the sincerest congratulation, that I am permitted to report a larger attendance of students during the collegiate year now closing, than at any other since the establishment of the Institution. One hundred and thirty students (of whom twelve are beneficiaries of the Grand Lodge) have been and are now receiving instruction in the various branches of a common and collegiate education. True, the number of students this session is not as large as that of the preceding, reaching to but siXty-five up to this date, owing principally to the three following causes: The first of these, and possibly the chief one, has been found in the great pressure existing in money matters, and the condition of advance payments, required of all who would enter any of the classes. So general and severe was this,both in and out of the city of Lexington, that business transactions of every grade suffered very materially, and the interests of education more severely, perhaps, than any other, as is too generally the case under such circumstances. Another very great obstacle to our success, exists in the high price of boarding in the vicinity of the College. Many gentlemen who would have sent their sons and wards to our College, have been deterred from doing so by the extent of the bill of expenses. And some have actually removed their sons, after the session had progressed seVUM ~eeks, in consequence of the high tariff demanded of them. Iii is needless to attempt a detail of the causes producing such a result; it is enough to know and lament its existence, and if possible devise some practical and efficient remedy. If this M. W. Grand Lodge can adopt a plan for the immediate erection of an Ordinary in connection with the College, it would facilitate matters very much, and doubtless afford the surest and speediest relief. Out of the original, outstanding subscriptions by the people of Lexington and vicinity, there is an ample sufficiency yet uncollected to accomplish this enterprise, and relieve our interests and prospects of this oppressive incubus. A third reason is to be found in the dissatis faction manifested toward the employment of adjuncts in the Preparatory Department. The arrangement was met in its incipiency with a prejudice which has shown itself untiring and unrelenting, exhibiting its opposing influences in many ways, and apparently unwilling now longer to tolerate


Proceedings of the

its existence. The idea of an advanced student teaching others, although his classes may be, confessedly, of a far inferior grade of scholarship, seems to meet with no favor in our midst. The opinion appears to prevail, that if one, who essays to teach, is also a student, he is, therefore, necessarily incompetent for the task, and really cannot have the time to attempt to instruct others. No matter what extent of acquirement, what degree of energy, or what amount of experience he may bring to bear upon the discharge of his duties the withering assumption is, that he is unqualified for his work and cannot succeed. This feeling magnifies slight imperfections into great defects, and makes insignificant failures appear enormous errors. The spread and prevalence of such sentiments in the community, render it imperative that that Department should, if possible, be under the superintendence of some one Principal of acknowledged competency and well-established reputation. Hence, I would earnestly request, that that consideration be given to this matter which its great importance demands, and that some plan be devised and carried out, by which the more permanent establishment and perfect success of that important Department may be secured. When these causes of momentary depression shall have passed away, and all the elements of success brought to bear upon her progress, we confidently anticipate a greater degree of prosperity to the College than she has hitherto enjoyed. In accordance with the request of yourWorshipful Body, at its la~t annual communication,. I was enabled to spend most of the last vacation in traveling through a portion of the State, and addressing the Lodges and the community generally on the subject of education, and the condition and prospects of the Masonic College. In that tour it was my privilege to visit the following places: Sibley, Independence, Westport, Kansas, Savannah, St. Joseph, Weston, Platte City, Pa'l'kville, Liberty, Richmond, Carrollton, Brunswick, Keytesville, Bluff Church, Huntsville, Glasgow, Fayette, Booneville, Rocheport, Columbia, :Fulton, Danville, Warrenton, St. Charles and St. Louis. In most of the above-named places I endeavored to address audiences on the subjects alluded to above. During the first three weeks of that time, I was accompanied by Brother Joseph :Megquire, Agent for the sale of scholarships. And

Grand Lodge oj' Missouri.


it is with great pleasure that I bear my cheerful testimony to the zeal, ability and success with which he prosecuted that work. On his withdrawal from the agency, at the request of the Board of Curators, I undertook the work of attempting to dispose of路 scholarships, in addition to that already imposed upon me; and succeeded in selling some $1,250 worth of them. On arriving at St. Louis about the 20th of last September, a telegraphic dispatch from Lexington informed me of the severe illness of an affectionate wife, summoned me to her bedside to receive her dying charges, and after that last, sad, solemn change that awaits us all, to follow her remains to the silent grave. In consequence of the representations of many friends of the College, from different parts of the State, who addressed them earnest written solicitations on the subject, the Board of Curators were induced to request me to accept an appointment to the Southern States, to present the claims of the College to the consideration of the Fraternity in that portion of our country, and to effect the sale of as many scholarships as it might be practicable for me to do. In accordance with that appointment, I was absent from the middle of November until the last of April, visiting Lodges in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Missouri. It was my privilege to be in attendance upon the'sessions of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Louisiana, during its last convocation in January, in the city of New Orleans. The very kind and fraternal reception they gave me, as a constituent member of the Fraternity in your jurisdiction, and the courtesy and consideration with which they were pleased to treat me, demand my lively gratitude and sincere acknowlegments. By their permission, I tried to present the claims of our enterprise to their consideration in an address, which they have published in their Proceedings; and, on motion made and seconded, their M. W. Grand Lodge resolved to purchase six perpetual scholarships in our College, provided this Worshipful Body will permit them to pay for them in six annual instalments of $300 each, without interest. That resolution was reconsidered, and laid upon the ,table until their next annual communication, to give time to hear from this M. W. Grand Lodge in reference to the matter; and I am intrusted with the duty of bringing that subject before you, and asking your concurrence in the proposition.


Proceedings oj the

Owing to the following considerations, however, the sale of ~cholar颅 ships was found to be almost impracticable in the South: 1st. The agents of the Kentucky and Tennessee Colleges had been through most of the South, and disposed of scholarships at almost every available point. Ai3 these schools were about failing, that fact was an effectual barrier to our success. 2nd. The great pressure in money matters, in consequence of the great decline in the prices of their grand staples, cotton and sugar, was another very serious impediment. Brd. The severity of our climate during the winter season, and the difficulty of access to the city of Lexington for. several months in the year, were also alledged as almost insuperable difficulties. 4th. The determination of building up colleges and seminaries in their own midst; an enterprise to which they have been driven by the necessities of their position and circumstances. These influences combined, rendered it impossible for me to accomplish much in the enterprise that had called me thither. The total amount of scholarships sold by me, including the six perpetual scholarships proposed to be taken by the M. W. Grand Lodge of Louisiana, is $4,715. In addition to the above, I obtained the promise of from fifteen to twenty students from the South) and about the.same number from the city of St. Louis; some ~f whom are already attending recitations in College, and others are expected at the commenc~nt of our next term. During my absence from my place in College, the utmost order and harmony have prevailed in all the Departments. Under the able, indefatigable and efficient superintendence of Professor Patterson, who acted as President pro tem., all things have gotten on quietly and pleasantly. So far ~ I have been- enabled to ascertain the opinions of the community generally, there is undiminished confidence in the ability, integrity and efficiency of .the Faculty proper and the Board of Curators. In conclusion, wherever I have gone, in and out of the State of Missouri, the una.nimous wish and earnest desire of almost all parties ha.ve been to sustain the College, and to Isbor zealously to gi~e it that commanding position and extended influence its great importance to almost every interest so imperatively demands. And if entire una路


Gt:and Lodge of Missouri.

nimity of feeling and action, On the part of the Fraternity in our large and flourishing State, can but be secured, nothing else will be wanting to insure its unquestionable perpetuity and unparalleled prosperity. This (the necessity for which is constantly inculcated in all our teachings) has been the secret of the success of other College enterprises in our land, and may meet with a renewed verification in the history of our own. All which is respectfully submitted. Truly and fraternally yours, F. L. B. SHAVER, Pres't. Referred to Committee on the College. The Committee on Credentials made the following Report: The Committee on Credentials would respectfully report the following additional Lodges represented : Phrenix, No. 136, Bro. Wm. Bolton, W. M. Mount Moriah, 40, A. Bruin, proxy for S. W. The

~ollowing Report

of the College Agents was read: LEXINGTON, Mo., May 1, 1852. The undersigned Agents of the Grand Lodge, not being able to attend at the meeting of that body this year, beg leave to make the following statement in relation to the collections and disbursements of money, arising from subscription, for the year endiD;g May 1st, 1852.

Hunter _8,• .Illfora in account with the Grand Lodge. DEBTOR.

1852. May 1,

To amount collected in notes and subscription for the year ending May 1st, 1852............ •••• ......






" "

Sept., July 20,

By cash paid Morri~on & Mckee, part •• · .••••••.••

60 00 19 63 36 30

" " bal·,· ••••••••••• " " account •..••••••• " " interest . " Alford & Lamb, bal· •• ••.• •••••• •••• " A. P. Mackey, bal ••••••••••••• ~ .•.• " James A. Crump, part. •. •••• •••••..• " Jame'J A. Crump, bal •••••••.••.••.•• " bal. to Samuel Ball ••••••.•••••••••.• " Register of Lands. •.•••• • •••••..•.•• " George - - taxes· ...••••••••••.•• :By commission on $1,204 40, collected· ••••••.....• By cash paid to Board of Curators· .

40 55 89 15

279 00 50 00 32 66 216 57

5 70 1 00

120 44 253 40 $1,204 40




Proceedings of the

The foregoing Report was referred to the Committee on Accounts. R. W. G. H. C. Melody, Grand Lecturer, made the following Report:

To the M. W. Grand Master


the Grand Lodge of Missouri : The undersigned having accepted the appointment of Grand Lecturer, which you did him the honor to confer at our last communication, begs leave to say, that he has visited several of the subordinate Lodges during the past year; and it affords him pleasure to bear ample testimony to the uniform courtesy and fraternal kindness everywhere extended to him as an officer of the Grand Lodge. Having received an appointment from R. W. P. G. M. Tucker in 1822, as Grand Lecturer in Missouri; having spent, now, thirty years of his life in propagating the principles of our beloved Order; having filled almost every station in the subordinate as well as the Grand Lodge; having stood by it at a period made dark by the fierce assaults of political prostitution: - I feel the hand of time making such inroads upon me, as to warn me that, in all human probability, I shall be permitted to witness again, and mingle fraternal greetings with my brethren at, but few if any more annual communications of the M. W. Grand Body over whom you preside. The long period, reaching now to thirty years, as I have said, in which 1 have faithfully endeavored to advance the character and promote the interest of our beloved Order; with the infirmities of age pressing so heavily upon me; admonish me, that I ought not to desire nor accept the appointment of Grand Lecturer, should your partiality induce you to tender it to me again. Tendering you my warmest thanks for the confidence you have reposed, I desire to commend you, M. W. Grand Master, and the interest of the Craft, to the guidance and protection of our Supreme Grand Master; and to my beloved brethren, my most earnest wish for their future happiness and prosperity. Truly and fraternally, G. H. C. :MELODY, Grand Leoturer. May 4th, 1852.

Grand Lodge of Mz'ssouri.


On motion, a call was made for the third路 reading of revised ByLaws. The first section was then read, when Bro. John S. Watson offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Grand Lodge, of Free and Accepted Ancient Masons, of the State of Missouri, shan hold their regular Grand Annual Communications at such place and time as the Grand Lodge may, by resolution, determine at each annual communication.-Adopted.

The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until two o'clock, P. M. TWO O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Grand Master. Grand Officers at their several stations. The following resolution was offered by Bro. Wayland: Resolved, That the next Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, shall be held in the city of St. Louis, on the first Monday in June, 1853.-Adopted.

Bro. Chenowithoffered the following resolution: Resolved, That the eleventh section of the fifth article of the By-Laws of this Grand Lod~e, shall not be so construed as to require a unanimous vote to restore a suspended 111. Mason to the privileges of Masonry; but a majority of two-thirds of all the members present may restore to the privileges of Masonry.-Adopted

The Committee to whom was referred that part of the Grand Master's Address in relation to the Arrest of the Charter of Barry Lodge, No. 130, by R. W. J. W. Chenowith,D. D. G. Master 14th District, beg leave to make the following Report: That they have given the subject that consideration which its importance demands, and are of opinion, from the facts set forth in Bro. Chenowith's Report, that the welfare of the Craft demanded the arrest of said charter. The question of the authority of D. D. G. :Masters to arrest charters for good cause, has been doubted by some whose opinions we regard as high authority upon all questions of Masonic usage and customs. But we, nevertheless, are of opinion, that the power vested in D. D. G. Masters, by the laws of this Grand Lodge, authorizes them to exercise a general supervision over the work, lectures and bylaws of the several Lodges within their district, and to grant dispensations to form new Lodges - is not transcended when, for good cause, they arrest a charter or dispensation. We would, therefore, offer for adoption the following resolution:




of¡ the

Resolved, That the action of R. W. J. W. Chenowitb in arresting the charter ot Barry Lod~e, No. 130, be approved by this Grand Lodg~ j and that the said charter is hereby declared null and void.



A memoriai was presented by Bro. Robt~ Raphel, which was, on motion, referred to the Committee on. Grievances. The following memorial from Bloomington Lodge, No. 102, WfJ,S received:

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The undersigned, under instruction of his Lodge, would respectfully represent, that at a stated communication of Bloomington Lodge, No. 102, held in August, 1851, the petition of the Rev. John G. Sweeny was presented, praying for initiation into the mysteries of Masonry. On the 19th of September he was initiated, and in the October following he was elected to the second degree - but before receiving said degree, he met with an accident which resulted in the amputation of the left leg, near to or above the knee joint. 'Ve respectfully ask of your M. W. Body, if in accordance with the usages of the Order, permission to pass Bro. Sweeny to the degree of F. C., and in due time to raise him to the sublime degree of M. M. Done by order of Bloomington Lodge. N.A. LANGSTON, Proxy. On motion, referred to a Committee of three, consisting of Bros.

W. Ellis, C. Levy and G. H. C. Melody. . The following resolution was offered by Bro. D. P. Wallingford: Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Master appoint a Committee to audit and settle the accounts of the late Past Grand Secretary and Treasurer•

. '\Vhich resolution was adopted, and the following brethren appointed a Committee for the purpose: D. P. Wallingford, Edward Winsor and Jesse Little. The Committee on Unfinished Business made the following Report: To the M. W. the Grand Lodge of Missouri: The undersigned Committee on Unfinished Business have examined the Proceedings of the last Grand Lodge, and have the honor of submitting the fpllowing Report:

GtOand Lodge of Mis$()urz路.

Page 9, of the printed Proceedings. ...-A resolution was adopted, "that :Miami Lodge, No. 106, be required to forward the Grand Secretary the returns and dues of said Lodge, for the year ending May 1, 1850, within ninety days from this date, &c." Upon inquiry, your Committee find that the delinquent LQdge com. plied with the said resolution. Page 11, of the printed Proceedings. - A resolution was passed requiring the Grand Secretary to procure aprons for the Grand Offi. cers, corresponding with the collars worn by them. This duty has been performed. Page 13, of the printed Proceedings. - A resolut~On was passed requiring Bro. Mitchell to deliver to the Committee on the By-Laws, all of the books that were procured by the order of the Grand Lodge, &c. Bro.:Mitchellhas not complied with this requisition. Page 14, printed Proceedings. - A special committee was ordered to settle with Bro. Ashby; late College Agent,路 &c. The Committee cannot find in the Proce-edings that the committee was appointed; nor have they learned certainly that a settlement has: been made, although they have some rumor to the effect that a settlement has been made. Page 14.-The Committee charged with the revision of the By-La.ws have made their Report. Page 29, printed Proceedings.-The Committee appointed to settle with the Gr-and Secretary and report to the present meeting, have performed that duty and the Report is filed. Your Committee submit the following resolution :. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary, of the Grand Lodge, be required to call upon Bro. Mitchell, and obtain from him the books referred to in the resolution the last Grand Lodge.


P. H. McBRIDE, Chairman. Adopted. The following was presented by Bro. Joseph Megquire : Resolved, That Savannah Lodge, No. 71, be allowed until the next regular communication of this Grand Lodge to pay her dues, amounting to $77.-Adopted.

The Committee on Lodges U. D. made the following Report : That they have had under consideration the memorial of Ringgold Lodge, U. D., with the Report of the D. D. G. Master in reference thereto. After giving the same that attention which the importance


Proceedings of the

of the case demanded, they recommend that a charter be granted to Ringgold Lodge, to hold their meetings as soon as practicable at Camden Point. CHAS. LEVY, Chairman. Adopted. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until halfpast seven o'clock. HA.I..E'-PAST SEVEN O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Grand Master. The Grand Officers at their several stations. The Committee on Grievances presented their Report, when, on motion, they were permitted to withdraw the same. The following was offered by Bro. N. A. Langston: Resolved, That the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri purchase from Bro. G. H. C. Melody, for the use of the Grand Lecturer, three Masonic Carpets, being One for the illustration of the emblems of each of the three degrees.-Adopted.

The following was offered by Bro. L. S. Cornwell: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to nominate Curators for the Masonic College, tofUl the vacancy that occurs at this communication of the Grand Lodge.Adopted.

And the following Committee appointed for the purpose: Brus. H. C. Garner, C. Wood and G. W. Hereford. Bro. John S. Watson, as Chairman of the old Board of College Fund Commissioners, submitted the following Report: BOONEVILLE, May 6th, 1852. To the M W. Grand Lodge of .fl. F. and .Ilccepted Masons,

of the State of Missouri: The undersigned Chairman of the old Board of College Fund Commissioners, submits the following Report: That they have received of G. Treasurer, as per resolution of Grand •.• . •. . • $ 68 50 Lodge in MaYl 1848···· ...••• •.•.•• •....• Amount received of same, be~ one-half of Charity fund, as di227 06 rected by resolution of Grand Lodge, May 1849.. ••.• ••.. •... Amount of Interest on same tor three years, at 10 per cent· •.••••

$345 56 103 66

Total, $449 22


The abo've amount is in the hands of the old Board, secured to the Grand Lodge by the necessary bond required of them, and subject to


Grand Lodge 01 Mi8souri.

such disposal as the laws and acts of this Grand Lodge may require. Most respectfully submitted. JOHN S. WATSON, Chairman of Old Board O. F. Commissioners. The Committee on so much of Grand Master's Address to Past Masters made the following Report :

as relates

The Committee on that portion of the M. W. Grand Master's Ad.. dress on the subject of Past Masters, make the following Report : They coincide fully with the recommendati6ns of the Grand Master; especially as the subjeot has been presented twiee within the last two years to the several Lodges under this jur:Sdiotion. The first time it was presented, they refused to take any action; on its presentation the seoond time, but two Lodges took action - one in favor and one against it. The Committee further state, that should there ever occur in this Grand Lodge any cause to apprehend any undue influence by the privileges granted to Past Masters; that the Lodges cast (instead as at present, five votes,) say ten, or if needs be twenty, so that all fears shall be allayed by those who entertain anyon' this subject. All __ of which is respectfully submitted.


D. P. WALLINGFORD. Adopted. The Grand Master requested all below the degree of Past Master to retire. After which a convocation of ~ast Masters. were assembled, who proceeded to open a Lodge of P. M., and the following brethren were severally introduced, and legally qualified to preside over their respective Lodges by having the Past Master's degree conferred upon them: Joseph C. Offutt, .11. M. Robinson, Wm. Conway and L.

Ckivz'ngton. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, until eight o'clock to-morrow morning. FRIDAY MOlUUNG,



The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Grand :Master. The Grand Officers at their several stations.


Proeeedings qf tke

On motion, the reading of the Minutes was dispensed with until·two o'clock, P. M. A memorial of E. Sehreiner was referred to Committee on Grievanees. A memorial from Barry Lodge, No. 130:On motion,said memoria.l was referred to .theD. D. Grand ~Iaster of that District. Bro. John S. Watson, from the Committee on Accounts, made the follewing Report : To the M. 'w. Grand Lodge of .11. F. and J1ccepted Masons, 0/ the State 0/ Missouri: , The undersigned Committee on Accounts beg leave to report, that they have examined the Report, with the vouchers, of Bros. Hunter & Alford, Agents of the Grand Lodge, and find their account correct, viz.That they have received on notes and subscriptions tor the year ending May 1st, 1852...... •••.•• •.••• •••••• •.••• •.•••• ••••• $1,204 40


lJy a~o1,1.nt .disbursed by them, as per vouchers ~ccompany. mg thea Report...... •..•••• •••••• •••••• •••• ••.•••• .... ••••


$1,204 40

All of which they respectfully submit. . :Booneville, May 7th, 1852.


Adopted. Bro. Wm. T. Wood, from the COIllIUittee on College Fund Commissioners, made the following Report: To the M. W. Grand Lodge qf .IJncient Free and .IJccepted Masons, of the State qf Missouri: The Committee appointed to inquire into and report on the subject of the College Fund, in the hands and subject to the control of the College Fund Commissioners, would respectfully report, that they have nsed every means practicable to ascertain the true amount and COlltution of that Fund, and submit the following as the result:

Grand Lodge of Mi Jsouri.


On the 5th day of May, 1849, by order of the then M. W. G. M. Foster, under resolution of the Grand Lodge of 1848, the Grand Treasurer paid into the hands of the Board 01 Fund Commissionersl (then composed of Bros. John S. Watson, Frederick L. Billon ana. John Hall,) the sum of······ •.•••• •••.•• •••••• ••••••••••••••• $ 345 56 with whidh that Board should be charged, with interest at 10 per cent., three years.. • ••• •••••• •••••• •••• •••• •••••• • ••••• Interest 10366

$44922 Under resolution of the Grand Lodge of 1851, on the 21th MaYl 1851, M. W. G. M. Grover paid to present Board Fund CommissIoners, (composed of Bros. Watson, Rowe and Coons,) the further sum ot $1,155 86 Interest on same for one year, 10 per cent., as p.er their R,epurt...... 115 5& Balance in hands of M. W. G. M. Grover...... •••••• •••••• •••••• 33 73

$1,75438 Cr., as per Report of Commissioners, Rowe & Coons, •••••• $11 25 Am't of counterfeit bank bill, to be credited to Grover, 10 00

21 25

Whole amount, $1,733 13

Your Committee, after diligent inquiry, have not been able to learn the existence of any other sum or sums than the foregoing, belonging to this Fund, and recommend the adoption of the resolution herewith submitted, making the usual appropriations for increasing this Fund. Your Committee have satisfactory information, that $1,271 38 of this Fund is on loan, well secured by real estate; but the first item of $449 22 has never been paid over to the present Boa.rd, nor ha.s the same been loaned on any security; and your Committee recommend such action in the premises as will place the whole of this Fund beyond the danger of loss. Your Committee are informed by Bro. Watson, one of the Commissioners, that neither the old or present Board has or will make any charge for their services, in the management of this Fund, so that the total amount above stated can be reported as unencumbered by charges or otherwise. Resolved, That after the payment of the current expenses of this co' 'llunication and the warrants authorized by this Grand Lodge to be drawn on the cOP .jent fund, the remainder be and the same is hereby required to be paid to the Fund ,-,ommissioners. And all sums which may, under this resolution or otherwise, come to the hands of the Fund Commissioners, they are hereby required to keep at interest, (requiring punctual payment of interest,) well secured by real estate, (unencumbered,) of at least double the value- of the sum or sums loaned. And the Fund Commissioners are also hereby instructed to coiled of the former Board of Fund Commissioners the sum of $449 22, amount reported as remaining in their hanus, with interest from 5th May; and having collected, to loan the same as hereinbefore directed. And further resolved, that the Grand Secretary be and he is hereby required every year, as soon as may be after the adjournment of the Grand Lodge, to take from the Fund Commissioners a


Proceedings of the

new bond, to be approved by the Grand Master, in a penalty at least double the amount of the whole Fund, with good security, conditioned for the faithful perform. ance of their duties, and for accounting for and paying over, according to the laws, resolutions and orders of the Grand Lodge, any and all moneys and securities that may come to their hands.

WM. T. WOOD, Chairman. Said Report and resolution were adopted. Bro. D. P. Wallingford, from the Committee on Grievances, presented the following Report, a路 second time:

To the M. 1fT. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The Committee on Grievances, to whom was referred the appeal of Bro. George D. Wickerlin, of Herman Lodge, No. 123, ask leave to report: That having examined the documents accompanying said appeal, they would recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the decision of Herman Lodge, No. 123, be sustained.

The same路 Committee had under consideration a communication from Bro. John D. Taylor, of St. Louis, in relation to the case of Adam !srang, who was expelled from St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, and would recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the action of St. Louis Lodge, No. 20, in the case referred to in saM communication, is in accordance with the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge in such cases, and that the same be sustained.

The Committee had also under consideration a memorial from A. G. Lyons, who, together with Bro. Steinfield, and upon the same charges, was, sometime in the year 1846, expelled from Cooper Lodge, No. 36. Inasmuch, therefore, as Bro. Steinfield has since been reinstated by Cooper Lodge, No. 36, we would recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That A. G. Lyons be reinstated, by the Grand Lodge, to all the rights and privileges of the Order.

The Committee had also under consideration the appeal of E. Schreiner, of Mitchell Lodge, No. 86, and from an examination of the documents accompanying said appeal, would recommend the adoption of the following: Resolved, That the decision of Mitchell Lodge, No. 86, in the case above referred

to, be sustained.

The same Committee had under consideration the memorial from a committee 'of Greene Lodge, No. 101, and would respectfully report, after a careful examination of the facts that come before us, that the

Grand Lodge

of Missouri,


charges and specifications set f.orth in said memorial are not substan.. tiated; and that the course pursued by the M. W. Grand Master, in granting Taylor Lodge a dispensation, is fully approved of by said Committee. • The same Committee had under consideration a petition from B. F. Baker, of Wakanda Lodge, No. 52, and from an examination of said petition, we would recommend the 11doption of the following: Resolved, That the case of B. F. Baker be remanded to Wakanda Lodge, No. 52, for further action.

The Committee would further report, that they have had before them the memorial of Bro. Robt. A. Raphel, and would recommend the following: Resolved, That in the opinion of this.Committee, said memorial requires no further action of this Grand Lodge.

All of which is res{>ectfully submitted.

D. P. o. F. C. S. T. L.



I concur in all of the foregoing resolutions, except the appeal from :Mitchell Lodge, No. 86. WM. B. GIDDINGS. That part in relation to Mitchell Lodge was laid on the table; the balance of the Report was adopted. Bro. Wm. Ellis from the Committee on the memorial of Blooming.. ton Lodge, begs leave to make the following Report: To the M. W. Grand Lodge of JJfissouri: The undersigned Committee, to whom was referred the memorial of Bloomington Lodge, No. 102, beg leave to report, that although the circumstances set forth in the memorial may be true, and do call forth the sympathies of this Grand Lodge; yet, we believe, if the prayer of the memorialists were granted, it would be in violation of the ancient usa,ge of M:asonry, which this Grand Lodge has no power to do: we therefore recommend that the prayer of the memorialists be rejected. Wl\-f. ELLIS, Chairman. Adopted. Bro. John S. Watson, from the Committee on Accounts, made the following Report:


Proceedings qf the

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The Committee onAccounts beg leave to report t that they have examined the account of Bro. Wm. French, and find the sum of $58 50 due him for 9 collars and 9 satin aprons, furnished this GTand Lodge. Your Committee are¡ informed, that the sewing on the articles furnished as above stated is badly done, and recommend the paYment of this account so soon as the work is made good. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN S. WATSON t JAB. McCOWN, May 7th, 1852. D. L. GRIFFITH. Adopted. The following resolution was offered by Bro. A. Peace: Resolved, By the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, that the Grand Secretary be instructed to strike out the name of Pilot Knob in the charter of the Star of the West Lodge, No. 133, and insert Arcadia in lieu thereof.-Adopted.

Bro. C. Levy offered the following: . Resolved, That this Grand -Lodge cannot recognize as legally constituted Lodges: Polar Star, No.1, Los Amigos del Orden, No.3, Los Deciples de Senate Maconique, No.5, New Orleans; (placed there by a body unknown and not recognized by us;) and Pythagoras Lodge, in the city of New York, recently chartered by the Grand Lodge of Hamburg. Be it further resolved, that the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodges within their own limits as well as over the first three degrees of Masonry, in the United States, has been too long settled to be now disturbed; and all Lodges established therein without tlleir authority, are declared by this Grand Lodge to be clandestine Lodges.-Adopted.

Bro. C. Levy offered the following: Resolved, That the subordinate Lodges under this jurisdiction be requested to celebrate, in a suitable manner, on the 4th day of Nov. 1852, the centenary anniversary of the initiation of our Brother, the Father of his Country, George Washington, into the mysteries of our Order.-Unanimously adopted. Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to procure a certificate from Fredericksburg Lodge, Va., as to the exact date of the initiation of Bro. Geo. Washington. -Adopted.

The following Report of the D. D•. Grand Master was received: To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The undersigned D. D. G. Master of the 8th District would respectfully represent: That he visited Pleasant Hill Lodge, No. 95, at Pleasant Hill, in Cass Co., Mo., for the purpose of examining their work and records; and he is sorry to say, that they are very defective as well as in direct violation of Masonic usage and the laws of this

Grand Lodge

l!f Missouri.


Grand Lodge, in numerous instances. Be found, also, that they had not sent up to this Grand Lodge an abstract of their records for three years past, and he therefore ordered them, officially, in the month of February last, to return a. full and complete transcript of their records ( embracing the whole time since they last made their Report) to this communication of the Grand Lodge. He now finds, that they have not obeyed that· order, nor given any reason to this -Grand Lodge for their neglect. He would therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the charter of Plell.Sant Hill Lodge, No. 95, be suspended in its ope~ ration until the next annual communication of this Gran1 Lodge; and that brother 'James L. Duncan be requested and authorized to take charge of the same, together with the furniture, jewels, funds andreeords, and return the same to the Grand Secretary on the first day of our next meeting.

L. S. CORNWELL. Adopted. The following was otreredby Bro. D. P. Wallingford:

Resolved, That the balloting for the several degrees in subordinate Lodges, be had

in the Lodge or degree for which the petitioner applies for.

Said resolution was, on motion, referred to Committee on Revising the By-Laws. Bro. -John H. Turner, from the Committee on Chartered Lodges, presented the following Report:

To the Grand Lodge of Missouri: The undersigned Committee on Work of Chartered Lodges, respectfully report, that they have examined all the Reports received up to this time, and submit herewith a list of the same in tabular form, together with some particulars which we have deemed important for the information of the Grand Lodge.

Returns for 1852. -d

No. Names of Lodges.

1, 9, 19, 20, 26, 28,

MissourI, Geo. Washington, Paris Union, St. Louis, N ap th ali, St. John's,

30, Huntsville,



-d Q)

-d Q)

] i

~ :S

15 10


12 6 8 9 8 7

10 9 7 9 6 7

37 43





9 8




~ ~

47 40

34 49


Dues unpaid.

~§ .A

College Fund


$ c. ............ ............ 200

............ ............ 43G.L.dues. 21Coll. " 59 00

$ -c. 47.00 40.00 32.fJO

49.00 37.00


$ •••••••••• 31 .......... 25

•••..•• ···24 ....... ···26 ...... ····22


Proceedrngs of the Returnsfor 1852, Continued. ~ • oc

No. Names of Lodges.

Dues unpaid.


College Fund



32, Lafayette, 34, Troy, 36, Cooper, 4(}, Mount Moriah, 43, Jefferson City, 47, Fayette, 48, Fulton, 61, Livingston, 63, Weston, 54, Douglass, 55, Arrow Rock, 67, Richmond, 58, Monticello, 61, Osc~ola, 64, Landmark, 67, Rocheport, 69, Alexandria; 71, Savannah, 72, 76, 77, 79, 80, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90,

Danville, Independence, Lebanon, Polar 1;tar, Bridgeton, Multnomah, Oregon Ter., Johnson, Mitchell, Washington, Olive Branch, Prairie,


7 8 4


7 7

4 6

4 5


9 1


9 1 15

17 2

16 2

72 21 34 20 48 33 40 21 74 11

3 6




36 20 20 25 23 14 23

2 19 3 19 2 3 6 ~

3 9



10 14 2 1

15 3



8 13 4 2 3

5 2

5 4

4 4

15 38

14 2 48

11 2 43

10 3 44

55 21 71

9 2 1 9 7







1 15 9

1 12 G

21 29 30

8 3 3

4 3 3

3 2 '1

3 3 6

37 29 32 26

8 6 3 7

8 7 4 6

33 36 46 25 15 17 16 19 29


25 00

6 00

Madison, Perseverance Boone, Acacia, St. Andrews, Greene, Bloomington, Relief, MiamI, Marcus,

10 4 2 4 2 6 8 6 4 7

112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122,

Ezell, Plattsburgh,. Waverly, Sibley, Versailles, Hiram,




2 1

2 1 1




6 6 3 7

1 9


4 5

Erwm, Dover,

6 6 8 1

124, Cedar,




9 1


33 28


15 20 16




36.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 6 00

23G.L.dues. 9Coll. "

17.00 14.00 15.00 38.00

71G.L.dues. 135 ColI. "

30G.L.dues. 22Coll. "

91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 101, 102, 105, 106, 110,

$ c. 72.00 21.00 33.00 20.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 21.00 74.00

$ .......... 23 .... •••• .. 22 ..... ·• ••• 12 •.•. ······15 •••••••••• 27 •••••••••• 4

•.••• ·•• •• 49 .......... 3 •••• ··•· .. 52 .......... 6 $12N. Ap.21 .......... 17 •.•••••••• 12 •••••••••• 27 •.....•... 42 .......... 9 ........... 1

•••.•.. ·.·14 •.•.••••• ·10

55.00 21.00

•••••••••• 35

28.00 24.00 21.00

•.•••. ····21 .......... 8 ••...•.... 3


•.•.•••..• 7

••••••.•••• 36


.......... 22



200 600


.•.••. •· .• 10 .......... 8 •..••. ····10 $2N. Ap. 9

32.00 26.00

.......... 19 .......... 24

27.00 36.00 46.00 25.00

.......... 19


.......... 7

.......... 11

15G.L.dues. 20Coll. "

16.00 10 00 1 00


I 14.00

•••••• , ... 9

15.00 16G..L.dues. 3ColI. "

.......... 4

.......... 3 .... •• .. ··24 ...... ···.17 •••. ·····.16 $2overp'd 14 ........ ··24

19.00 19.00 29.00 28.00


Grand Lodge of Missouri. Returns for 1852, Continued. • No. Names of Lodges•

'i ~

Athens, Phrenix, Potosi, Farmington, Star of the West, Sarcoxie, RidgeleTc' Warren Qn,

43, 57, 58, 69, 71, 88, 95, 101, 110,

Jefferson City, Richmond, Monticello, Alexandria, Savannah, Olive Branch, Acacia, Greene, Marcus,




14 6 7 4 16 5 6 10



127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137,


3 7 4 12 5 7 8

-d Q> I7.l

~ 17 3 11 4 14 6 7 7





Dues unpaid.


30 16 31 22 39 18 25 16

] ~


College Fund


$ c. 10 50

...... ...... 5 00 3 50

........ ,':,. 1 00 I ............ 7 00

$ c. 19.50 16.00 26.00 17.50 39.00 17.00 1 259.00 .00


•••••••••• 46 9 •..... ~ •• 25 .......... 14


.... ······42 •••••••• ··16 ...... •• .. 20

•......... 25

Returns for 185l.

58, 88, 91, 101,

Monticello, Olive Branch, Savannah, Greene,




2 1

2 1

2 1







~I 16

12 20 23


21 26 13

............ ............ ............ 100 20 00

............ Overpaid $6.

44.00 36.00 16.00 11.00

.....•.... 3 •....... ··20 •....... ·.6 .. ••••• ··.3

23.00 21.00 26.00

•••••••• ··33 .. ........ 22 •••••• •.. ·12

120000 \

.......... 8 ••••• ····.20

............ 1 13G.L.dues. 6Coll.dues.

Returns for 1850. ...... ....... 3 3 .............

:1 15




Your Committee have carefully examined the returns and abstracts of the subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of this Grtwd L&dg~, so far as they have come to hand. We find that only eleven ,Lodges, have sent up a transcript of their work, as required by the By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. The transcripts 'that have been sent up, we are happy to state, are in accordance with the By-Laws o~ this Grand Lodge with some slight exceptions. The returns of Osceola Lodge, No. 61, are very informal. They do not show at what time the Initiations, Passings and Raisings were had, which the By-Laws require to be done. The returns from Leb~non Lodge, No. 77, are so very complicated, that your Committee cannot make anything out of said returns. The returns from Star of the West Lodge, No. 188, are very informal in not giving the'names of its officers and members, and no dates to the Initiation, Passing and Raising of Masons made in said Lodge. The balance of the returns we find are in ac?ordance



of the

with the .By-Laws with some slight exceptions. The returns from Multnomah Lodge, No. 84, have been sent up, and made out up to the 18th September, 1851, amounting to $路71 as Grand Lodge dues, and $135 as College .dues. From a communication, accompanying the returns of said Lodge, it appears that there has been organized a, Grand Lodge in Oregon, and Multnomah has (as she says) attached herself to said Grand Lodge of Oregon. Said Multnomah Lodge in said communication asks this GrMld Lodge to remit the amount of her indebtedness to the College of $135,. for the reasons in said communication stated. Your Committee offer the following resolutions: Resolved, That the subordinate Lod~es in making out and sending up their returns, have their attention called to the By-Laws, Section 4th, Article v, on the subject which requires each Lodge to send up a transcript of their proceedings. Resolved, That as the returns from Lebanon Lodge, No. 77, are so complicated and imperfect, she be required to send up her returns in accordance with the By-Laws.


Respectfully submitted.

Adopted. Bro. L. S. Cornwell offered the following: Resolved, That the sum of Twenty-five Dollars be appropriated to Bro. '.['ruslow for his services as Assistant Grand Secretary.-Adopted.

Bros. Crawford and Cloney, from Jefferson City, were granted leave of absence for the remainder of the session. Bro. G. W. Hereford, from the Committee appointed to nominate Curators for the Masonic College, made the following Report :

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri: The Committee appointed to nominate Curators for the Masonic College, to serve during the ensuing two years, would respectfully beg leave to present the following named brothers for your consideration: For District No.8, " " " "



1 2 3 4

Wm. T. Wood, Dr. J. G. Chinn, Howard Williams, R. M. Hende,fson,

Grana Lodge qf Missouri. For District No.8,



" "

" "

" " " "

" " " "


5 F. C. Sharp,

6 B. F. Walla.ce, 7 Dr. G. W. Shewalter,

8 Wm. C. Anderson, 9 Wm. J. Pigott, 10 A. V. C. Schenackt 11 C. W. Lamberth, 12 J. C. Reinhard, " No.7, 13 Dr. Chew, " No.3, 14 H. T. Mallory, No.9, 15 Clifton Wood, " " No.7, 16 Charles R. l\forehead. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. W. HEREFORD, DR. GARNER, CLIFTON WOOD. Adopted. Bro. D. P. Wallingford offered the following: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be requested to furnish, as far as practicable, to each 路of the subordinate Lodges chartered at the present session of this Grand Lodge, the Constitution and By-Laws of said Grand Lodge, also a copy of the proceedings of each session of the Grand'Lodge since the year 1844.-Adopted.

Bro. Joseph Megquire resigned as Curator of the Masonic College, whereupon the M. W. Grand :Master was appointed to fin the vacancy. The Grand Lodge. was called from labor to refreshment till three o'clock, P. M. THREE O'CLOCK, P. M.

The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Grand :l\Iaster. The Grand Officers at their several stations. The following resolution was offered by Bro. C. Levy, and adopted: Resolved, '111at there be loaned to Bro. Melody the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, and that the charts already disposed of during this communication, together with twenty more to be left in the hands of the Grand Treasurer, be held as security tor the payment of the same-the last part of the proposition having been made by Bro. Melody himself.

The following were offered by Bro. Levy: Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to obtain a block of marble with a suitable inscription, to be forwarded to Washington City, to be there placed in the Monument being erected to the memory of Washington.-Adopted.


Proceedings of the

Resolved, That the Grand Lodge place at the disposal of the Board of Relief, of the city of St. Louis, Four Hundred Dollars, to be by them applied to the relief of distressed Masons, their widows and orphans.-Adopted.

Bro. Wallingford, from the Committee appointed to settle with G. Treasurer and Secretary, made the following Report:

To the M. W. Grand Lodge: The Committee to whom was referred the examination and settlement of the accounts of the Past Grand Secretary and Treasurer beg leave to report, that they have carefully examined the accounts as rendered by the Past Grand Secretary, and find that he Received at the last annual communication of this Grand Lodge, $3,545 50 And at the present communication· • ••• •••••• •••• •••••• •••••• 3,463 65 Making in all, $7,009 15

As will be more fully shown in his own account, which is herewith submitted as a part of this Report, all of which has been paid over to the Grand Treasurer. We also find from the accounts rendered by the Past Grand Treasurer, that there was a. Bala~ce in his hands, per last settlement with Committee appointed at the last annual communication, (see page 28, printed Proceedings,) •.•.•••••••••.•••••••••••.•.••••...••..•••.••• $1,863 95 And he received from Past Grand Secretary at last annual com3,545 50 IDlmication •. •••• •.•• •.•.•• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• And at the present communication. •••••• •••• •••••• •• •••• •••• 3,463 65 Making in all, $8,873 10


Also that there has been paid out by him $4,825 54, for which proper vouchers appear. For the items reference is made to his account, herewith annexed and submitted as a part of this Report. Leaving in the hands of the Grand Treasurer this day, the sum of $4,047 56. All of which is respectfully submitted.

Booneville, May 7, 1852.



Grand Lodge of Missouri.

P. G. Secretary C. D. W. Johnson's Statement of Monies recelvedfor and on account of Grand Lodge of Missour'l, at the .Ilnnual Communication, May, 1852 :

1, 9, 19, 20, 25,

32, 34, 36,

43, 45,

47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 61, 64, 67, 69, 72, 76,


79, 80, 8.1), 86, 87, 88,


91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 101, 102, 105, 106, 110, 112,

113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 124, 125, 127,


MiSSOUrI, •••••••••••••••• Ge~. W3.;~hin~on, .

Pans UnIon, ••••.•••••.••• St. Louis, ..•••••.•••••• ;. Napthali, . Lafayette, .•••.• •••.•• • ••• Troy, •..••.•.•••.••••••• Cooper, ••••••••.•••••..• Jefferson City, for 1851 & '52 Bonhomme,' ...••••••••••• Fayette, ••••.•••••••••••• Fulton, •••••••••••••••••• Livingston, ••••••••••••..• Weston, •••••••••.•••••••• Douglass, ••••....•••.•••. Arrow Rock, . •••••• •••.•• Richmond, 1851 and 1852", Monticello, . •• • • •• . •.••••• Osceola, . Landmark,.••••••••••••••• Rocheport, .•..••..••••.•• Alexandria, 1851 and 1852 •• Danville, •.••••••.•••••••• Independence,. •. • • •• •••••• Lebanon, •..••••••••••••• Polar Star, • ••• . •• •••• • ••• Bridgeton, •• • • •• •••••• • ••• Johnson, ••••••••.••••••.• Mitchell, ....••••••••••••• Washington, •.•••••••.•••• Oli~e. Branch, .. PraIrIe,." . Madison•••.•..••.•••••.•• Perseverance, ••..••••••••• Boone, . Acacia,.• •·• ••.•..•••••.•• St. Andrews, •••.•.••••••• Greene, •.••••...••••••••• Bloomington, . •••.•• •••••• R~lief? . MIamI, .•••..••..••.••..•• Marcus, 1851 and 1852, •.• · Ezell, ..•..•...•..•••••..• Plattsbur~h,•..•..•...•.•.• Waverly, . Sibley, •...•••.••.••.•..• VersaHles, .' •.••.••.••••.• Hiram, .•.• · •••.••.•••••.• Compass, . ErWIn,' •••••••••.•••.•••• Cedar, .•.•••••.•..•••...• Gentryville, .. Athens, .••••••••••••••.••

Charity. $ c. 15 66 13 34 10 66 10 33 12 33 24 00 7 00

9 00 20 00

250 11 00 13 33

700 24 66 1 66 800 24 00 18 66

6 66 900

7 66 8 66 500 12 66 10 00 16 66 7 00 9 33 8 00 700 23 00 8 33 11 66 9 33 10 66 17 66 9 33 17 66 12 00 15 33 8 33 9 66 5 66 5 33 633






31 32 26 66

3700 2500

21 32

2400 26 00 2200

32 66 24 67

48 00 14 00 18 00 40 00 500 2200 26 66 14 00 49 32 3 32 16 00 4g 00

37 32 13 34 18 00

1534 17 34 1U 00 25 34

20 00 33 34 14 18 16 14

00 67 00 00

46 00 ~6 67 23 34 18 66

21 34 35 18 35 24 30


66 34

00 66 16 66 1933 11 34 10 66

12 67

6 33 9 66 9 33 4 66

12 19 18 9 13

800 650

16 00

6 66 4 66



34 66 34 34

9 34 13 00

3300 2200 12 00 3000 750

4 00

49 00 300 5200

6 00 21 00 37 00

26 00 2700 41 00 900 3 00 ]400 1000 30 00 35 00 7 00

21 00

800 300

72 00 27 00

22 00 10 00 8 00 3200 900

46 00 2400

19 00 11 -eO 26 00

7 00 400 300 2400 17 00 16 00 1700 2400 900 2500 4600

Proceedz'ngs of the


P. G. Secretary's Statement Continued. 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137,

Barry". ••••••••••••••••••• PotOSI, •••••••.•••.••••.• Farmington,••••••••••••••• Star of the West, ......... Sarcoxie, .•••••••••••••••• Ridgeley,................. Warrentolf. ••••..••••••••• Mexico, • D., .•.•••.•.•• Williamsburgh, U. D., ..... Chapel Hill, U. D." ...... Osage, U. D., ............ Union, U. D., ••••.••.•.•• Wellington, U. D., ........ Taylor, U. D., •••••••••••• MemNhisU U. D., ......... Flori a, . D., ........... HO"'ard, U. D., •.•..•••.. Smith, U. D." ............ Meridian, U. D.", ........ Pauldingville, U. D., •.••.• Auburn, .................

Contingent. c. $ 13 34 18 67 15 34 2600 12 00 16 67 1066

Charity. S c. 6 66 9 33 7 66 1300 600 8 33 5 33

College. $ c. 23 00 12 00 4200 15 00 2000 18 00 500 900


1500 600 3900 2500 500


$628 14



3500 2200 21 00 100 19 00

2000 2000


$1,318 66

$1,498 50

Grand Lodge of Mi.9souri in account with J. T. Johnson, as Grand Treasurer. 1851.


To amount paid Bro. Turner} f?r Bro. Grover, amount order fayor Colle~e Fund CommissIOners •.•..•.•..••••...••..• To amount p:ud Bro. Shaver, order for College Fund . " " " " " ContinlTent Fund···· •• " "Kesler, order for Charity :Fu~d . " "Printing and Binding, out of Contin~ent Fund, " "Bro. Blackwell, per order " " •• " "Chambers &. Knapp, per order" " .• " "Bro. Currie········" " " .• " "Bro. :Murphy...... . " " " .• " "Old Pike Lodgoe...." " " .• " "Bro. A. Patterson· . . " " " .• " "College Commissioners," Charity Fund •• " "I..angston. •. .• •. .• ...." " " ••

$ 499 58 1,600 00 1,200 00 25 00 7600 200 00 30 00 28 00

36 13 342 690 25

10 00 86 00 00


:By amount received of Grand Secretary..... •••• $3,545 50 13y a~ount received of Grand Secretary, present session·····. ••.. •... .... •.•. •.•• ..... •••• .•• 3,463 65 By balance as per settlement· ••••.••••'... •••••• 1,863 95 Balance

Boonville, MQ., May 7, 1852.




8,873 10 $4,047 56


Grand Lodge of Mis$Ouri.


The Grand Tyler presented an account, amounting路 to $58 05, which, on motion, was allowed. The Grand Master appointed the following D. D. G. Ma.sters: R. W. JNO. H. TURNER, D. D. G. Master-Glasgow. District No. t.-Composed of Howard, Macon, Adair, Randolph a.nd Chariton counties. R. W. ISAAO B. ALLEN, D. D. G. Master-Trenton. District No. !. - Consisting of Grundy, Livingston, Mercer, Linn, Harrison,Davis, Highland and Schuyler counties. R. W. AARON H. CONROW, D. D. G. Master-Richmond. District No. 3.-Consisting of Ray, Carroll and Caldwell counties. R. W. :M. H. McFARLAND, D. D. G. Master-Louisville. District No.4. - Consisting of St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren, Pike and Ralls counties. R. W. D. W. CAMPBELL, D. D. G. Master-Paris. District No.5. - Consisting of Shelby, Lewis, Scott, Monroe, ~Iarion and Clarke counties. R. W. EDWD. J. lIARPER,D. D. G. Master-St. Joseph. District No. 6.-Consisting of Buchanan, Andrew, Holt, Atchison, Nodoway, De Kalb and Gentry counties. R. W. D. P. WALLINGFORD, D. D. G. Master-Weston._ District No. 7.-Consisting of Platte, Clay and Clinton counties. R. W. L. S. CORNWELL, D. D. G. :M:astel' - Columbia. District No. S.-Johnson, Cass, Jackson and Lafayette counties.. R. W. OSCAR F. POTTER, D. D. G. Master - Arrowrock. District No.9. - Consisting of Saline, Pettis, Bates and Henry counties. R. '\V. S. H. SAUNDERS, D. D. G. Master - Otterville, Cooper Co. Distri~t No. to.-Consisting of Cooper, Morgan, Moniteau and Miller counties. R. W. J. H. ROBINSON, D. D. G. Master-Danville. District No. 11. - Consisting of Boone, Callaway, Audrain and Montgomery counties.


Proceedings oj the

R. W. S. F. CURRm, D. D. G. Master - Saint Louis. District No. 12.-Consisting of St. Louis city and county. R. W. JOHN R. BROWN, D. D. G. Master-Union. District No. lS.-Consisting of Jefferson, Franklin, Gasconade, Cole and Osage counties'. R. W. LAWRENCE LEWIS, D. D. G. Master-Osceola. District No. 14.-Consisting of Benton, Hickory, Camden, Dal11108, St. Clair and Cedar counties. R. W. JNO. W. CHENOWITH, D. D. G. Master - Springfield. District No. 1S.-Consisting of Dade,'Jasper, Lawrence, Green, Taney, Newton and Polk counties. R. W. EDWD. S. RUGGLES, D. D. G. Master-Caledonia. District No. 16.-Consisting of Washington, St. Francis, Crawford, Ca~e Girardeau, St. Genevieve, Perry and Madison counties. R. W. R0BT. HATCHER, D. D. G. Master - New Madrid. District No. 17. - Consisting of Wayne, Ripley, Mississippi, Dunklin, Scott, Stoddard and New Madrid counties. R. W. CHARLES LEVY,

- -




Grand Lectnrer.

The following were appointed Grand Chaplains of the Grand Lodge, of the State of Missouri: W. and Rev. F. L. B. SHAVER, " " " J. F. TRUSLOW, " " " J OBN LIBBEY, " " "J. B. WRIGHT,

" " "

" " "


The Grand Master appointed the following brethren, Committee on Foreign Correspondence: J. W. S. MITCHELL, Chairman, JOSEPH FOSTER, JOHN






Grand Lodge

of Missouri.

Bro. Cornwell, from Committee on the Masonic College, made the following Report, which was adopted:

To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri: The Committee to whom was referred the Report of the President of the College, and also of the Board of Curators, beg leave to make the following Report: That they have carefully considered the subjects therein presented, and are pleased to find that the College is now in a flourishing condition, and that ita friends are sanguine of its ultimate success. From the statement of the Board of Curators in relation to scholarships, it appears that $30,155 worth have been disposed of to Lodges and individuals; and, as the Grand Lodge r~quireB that $50,000 worth shall be sold before any of them can go into effect, it will be se'en that unless some measures are taken for the speedy disposalof the remaining $19,845 worth, aU that has been done will be of no avail, and the expenses already inljurred will be totally lost, and the Oollege fail of its endowment. We, therefore, in relation to that part of the Report, offer the following resolution: Resolved, That this Grand Lodge subscribe for and purchase Twenty Thousand Dollars' worth of scholarships, and that an Agent be appointed by the Curators to close up and issue certiiicates for the scholarships already sold, and to offer for sale on account of the Grand Lodge the twenty thousand dollars' worth which are hereby purchased; and that the M. W. Grand Master is hereby instructed for and on behalf of this Grand Lodge, to purchase and take said scholarships to the amount aforesaid, on terms that the Grand Lodge shall be held liable for payments of interest only at 6 per cent. And further, Resolved, That after the expiration of the next collegiate year, all funds DOW accruing from Lodges, and classed and known as the College fund, (except the fund in the hands of thf' Fund Commissioners,) and which has been, or hereafter may be, appropriated to the Fund Commissioners, be and the same are hereby appropriated to pay the interest that may from year to year become due from the Grand Lodge on the scholarships so to be purchased.

We also find from the Report of the President, that he sold to the Grand Lodge of Louisiana six perpetual scholarships, to be paid in six annual installIllents, on condition that the sale be ratified by this Grand Lodge. Although the sale is not upon the same terms as those made to other Lodges and individuals, yet we believe that the sale should be ratified, for the interest of the College and this Grand Lodge; we, therefore, offer the following resolution, relating thereto: Resolved, That the sale of the six perpetual scholarships, made by President Shaver to the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, payable in six annual installments of $300 eacb,


Proceedings of the

without interest, meets the entire approbation of this Grand Lodge; and President Shaver is hereby instructed to perfect the sale.

The Committee also beg leave to state, that, in their opinion, the interest of the College would be greatly promoted by the establishment of a College Boarding House, to be under the direction of the Board of Curators; and as there is a large sum (probably about $6,000) remaining unpaid on the original subscriptions for the erection of College buildings, which can be legally appropriated for this purpose, WQ recommend the passage of the following resolution: Resolved, That the Board of Curators be authoriz(>d to erect such buildings on the College ground as in their judgment may be sufficient for a College Boarding House; and that $5,000 be appropriated for that purpose out of the remainder of the money due and maturing on the original subscriptions for the erection of College Buildings.

As the system of employing adjuncts in the Preparatory Department of the College has met with less favor than was anticipated, and a. change in that Department is recommenrled by the Board, we offer the following resolution: Resolved, That the system of employing Adjunct Professors in the Preparatory Department of the College be discontinued, and that the Board of Curators be authorized and requested to appoint a suitable Principal in that Department, with such compensation as they may deem proper.

The Committee also find from the statement of the Board, that the deficiency to be provided for by this Grand Lodge, is $2,732 95. And from the Report of the Committee on Ways and Means we find, that the College fund is $1,399 50, which we recommend to be paid' over to the Board of Curators in part payment of the deficiency shown in their Report. We also recommend, that the Grand Lodge pay over to the Board of Curators the amount of funds advanced by them to the agents for the sale of scholarships (say $1,124 63;) and that the Grand Sec路 retary be instructed to draw his warrant on the Grand Treasurer for this amou!lt; and that the Board of Curators then refund to the Gra.nd Lodge the $342 86, advanced 'by them at the last annual communication for the payment of books purchased by Professor Patterson. All which is re~pectfully submitted. L. S. CORNWELL, E. WINSOR, H. C. GARNER, D. P. 'VALLINGFORD.


Grand Lodge qf Missouri.

Bro. Wm.· -T. Wood, from the Committee on Ways and Means, made the following Report: To the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri: The Committee on Ways and Mea.ns respectfully ask leave to report, that they have endeavored, in the short time at their command, to ascertain as near as possible the true amount of the liabilities and resources of the Grand Lodge, and submit the following as the result: From the Report of the Board of Curators of the Colle~e, there appears to be a deficiency to be met by the College Fund of··.. •••. $2,732 97 From same Report it also appears the Curators paid to Agents of Grand Lodge, for sale of scholarships .•. 1,124 63 Also, there appears to be due Joseph Megquire, (less expenses,).... 730 00 0






$4,587 60


To this is to be added the current expenses of this communication. 'Ve find the Grand Lodge, to meet the above liabilities, has resources as follows: Cash in hands Grand Treasurer.. ••••.• • •••••••••••••• Cash in hands Grand Secretary.... •.•• •••••• •••• •••• •••••• •••••• 0



$4,047 56 181 00

Total, $4,228 66 In addition to these resources, the Committee find, from a statement furnished them by Grand Secretary, there appears to be due from Lodges, as reported, the further aggregate sum of. 1,075 25 And from forty-nine Lodges, that have made no report, most of them for the year 1852, but some for two and three years, at the low estimate of an average of $20 per year to the Lodge, the Committee 1,380 00 estimate as due from these Lodges "0

•••••••••• 0


Total amount resources, $6,683 81 Total amount liabilities, 4,587 60 Excess of resources over liabilities, $2,096 21


The above sum of $4,228 56 is classed .by the Grand Secretary, anu belongs to the several Funds as follows: To College Fund, $1,399 50; to Contingent Fund, $1,323; and Charity Fund, $661 50. And as to the sum of $844 56, in the haste in which the Grand Secretary has been compelled to make out his statements, we have not been able to assign it to its appropriate fund, and recommend that that sum be added to the Contingent Fund, which will increase that sum to the amount of $2,167 56. It will be remembered, that the amount of deficiency, as reported by the Curators for the College, includes the whole of this Collegiate year ending in October next.


Proceedings of the

The Committee recommend that the College Fund be paid over to the Board of Curators, and that the M. W. Grand Master draw for the same in favor of E. Winsor, Secretary of the Board. And that such portion of the Contingent Fund be appropriated in payment of the above item of $1,124 63, advanced by the Board of Curators for the Grand Lodge, as in the opinion of the Grand Lodge can be now appropriated for that purpose; and that the Grand Master, in like manner, draw for the same. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. T. WOOD, Chairman. Adopted. The Committee on Credentials report the following additional representative: Rocheport, No. 67, Bro. Sampson, proxy for S. W. C. LEVY, Chairman. The following account of Past Grand Secretary was presented by Bro. Wm. T. Wood:

M. W. Grand Lodge of Missouri, To C.

n. w.

Johnson, P. G. Secretary.

For sundry post~ooes, for three years· •.•••• •••.•• •••••• .... •••• For inkstand, sand boxes, &c·...... ••.• •••• •.•• ••••.• •••• •.•• And for his services as Grand Secretary for three years.· •••• ••••

$ 12 00 2 50 450 00 $464 00

Allowed. Bro. John S. Watson presented the following: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary be required to procure a well bound book, in which shall be opened, and kept by him, a faithful account of all money transactions with the Masonic College since its commencement-the knowled~e of which he is to procure by any practicable means; and report at the next annual communication of this Grand Lodge, and at each annual communication thereafter.-Adopted.

Bro. E. Winsor offered the following: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary draw his warrant on the Grand Treasurer for $682 50, in favor of Bro. Joseph Megquire, in payment of this amou~t due him for services in the sale of scholarships, as per contract with Board of Curators.-Adopted.

Bro. C. Levy presented the following: Resolved, That the Masonic Signet, published by Bro. J. W. S. Mitchell, be and is hereby recommended to the patronage of the Fraternity in thIS jurisdiction.-Adopted.

Bro. Winsor offered the following: Resolved, That a Committee of two be appointed to get up a form for the scholarships of the Masonic College, issued by this Grand Lodge, and to have said forms signed by the M. W. Grand Master and the Grand Secretari in blank; and that said


Grand Lodge of Missouri.

certificates of scholarships shall not be valid unless countersigned by the Agent who may be employed to sell them.-Adopted.

The Grand Master appointed under the foregoing resolution: Bros. F.L. B. Shaver and E. Winsor, Committee. The Grand Lodge was called from labor to refreshment, till seven o'clock this evening. SEVEN O'CLOCK, P. M. The Grand Lodge was called from refreshment to labor by the Grand Master. The Grand Officers in their proper places. Minutes of former meetings read. Bro. Ellis offered the following: Resolved, That the Grand Secretary notify the delinquent subordinate such delinquency, and request an early payment of their dues.-Adopted.



Bro. Levy offered the following preamble and resolution, which were adopted: Whereas, It appears tha some Lodges under this jurisdiction, suspend their members from the privileges of Masonry without defining the time, and as the same operates equal to an expulsion, therefore be it Resolved, That when a Lodge suspends a brother, the time for which he stands suspended shall be defined.

The Grand Master appointed the following named brethren College Fund Commissioners; (Bro. John S. Watson having declined a reappointment: ) A. J. COONS, JOSEPH ROWE and GIRARD B. ALLEN. Bro. Watson offered the following resolution: Resolved, That 1000 copies of the Proceedings of this Communication be printed. -Adopted.

On motion, a dispensation was granted to sundry brethren at Bolivar, Polk Co., to open a new Lodge, to be called Bolivar Lodge. The following were appointed a Committee to procure a suitable block of marble for the Washington Monument, according to Bro. Levy's resolution: Bros. J 'V. S. MITCHELL, JOSEPH FOSTER and CHAS. LEVY. No further business appearing, after prayer byW. and Rev. Grand Chaplain, Bro. Truslow, the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri was closed in ample form.

A. O'SULLIVAN, G. Secretary.

Grand Sec1'etary's Tabular Statement for .fl. D. 1852, .fl. L. 5852, as per .flrticle 12, Section 11, of tlte By-Laws of the Grand Lodge. "'O~~~


1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8 9

10 11

12 13 14 16

17 18 19


21 22 23 25

26 27 28

29 30 31 32 34

Names of Lodges. Missouri.·.··· ...• Meridian ......... Beacon·.· ...••..• Howard ••..••...• Tuklor ............ Ar .' ............ Grover· •....•.•.• Williamsburgh .••.. Geo. Washin~on ... ChaEel Hill· •..•.. Pau ding- .••..••..• Tyro..••...•...•..• Smith ••••••.••..• A.uburn ••.••.••.•• Memphis .•••••... Clarksville· ••••..• Palmyra •..••••••• Paris Union· •••.•• St. Louis ••.•.••..• Central ...•••.... New London •••..• Wellington ••••••• Florida· •••••••••• Napthali ......... Mexico •••••••... Rin~gold .......... 8t. obn's····· ••• • OS<4?:C •..•••.••..• Huntsville··.· •..• Liberty .......... Lafayette ......... Troy .•.•.•••.••.•

Where held. St. Louis South Sf. Louis St. Louis New Franklin ~ringfield

County. St. Louis

" "

Howard Greene Knox Henry Callaway St. Louis Lafayette S1. 9harles

ewark Calhoun Williamsburgh St. Louis ChaEel Hill Pau dingville Caledoma Barry Auburn Memphis Clarksville Palmyra Paris St. Louis Smithville New London De Kalh Florida St. Louis Mexico Ringgold Hannibal Little Osage Huntsville

Clay Lincoln Scotland Pike Marion Monroe S1. Louis Cla~ Ral s Buchanan Monroe St. Louis Audrain Platte Marion Bates Randolph

Lexington Troy

Lafayette Lincoln




Time of Meeting. First and third Thursdays First and third Tuesdays






- -Wednesday before full moon Second and fourth Tuesdays Thursday before full moon Friday before full moon Saturday after full moon

Friday before full moon -First Saturday in each month -

First and third Tuesdays Saturday before full moon










Second and fourth Saturdays Third Saturday First and Third Wednesdays Third Tuesday Second Monday Third Saturday Second Saturday Second Monday No time of meeting

;: ~ .~ ~ Remarks. ~~~):l No date of charter 151210 47 Chartered at this com'cation 8 6 522 No returns Chartered at this com'cation 7 7 718 Chartered at this com'cation {) 18 Chartered at this com'cation 4 4 ,311 Chartered at this com'cation Chartered at this com'cation 4 4 118 No date of charter 10 6 956 Chartered at this com'cation 6 5 411 Chartered at this com'cation Chartered at this com'cation Chartered at this com'cation Chartered at this com'cation No returns No returns Date of charter, 1835 Date of charter1 1836 Chartered at thIS com'cation Date of charter, 1827 Chartered at this com'cation , Chartered at this com'cation No date of charter Chartered at this com'cation Chartered at this com'cation No date of charter Chartered at this com'cation Date of charter, 1840 No 'returns No date of charter No date of charter


1 9 9 624 15 11 925

~ ~ ~



t=' t-f

9 8 738 8 9 960 12 11 12 20 1 2 220 9 9 714 10 6 6 8 8 637 3 2 10 16 17 16 26 7 7 743 2 2 211 7 7 738 9 71 772 7 7' 8121


36 I Cooper . •. •. .• •.•• 40 / Mount Moriah. . . . • 4~ JetIhson City..... 4:1 ,Bonhomme ..••..• 47 Fayette ...•••...•• 48 Fulton ........... 51 Livingston •••••... 52 Wakanda· ...••••• 53 'Veston ........... 54 lJolwlass ......... 55 Arro"'w Rock •• • ... 56 Platte ....•..••..• 57 Richmond· ........ 58 Monticello •..••.•• 61 Osceola. . . .• •••••• 64 Landmark ••..•.•• 67 Rocheport •.•.•..• 68 Tebo· ............ 69 Alexandria ...•..• 71 Savannah .•..••..• 72 Danville .......... 73 Eureka· .. .. .... 74 Warren· .......... 75 Ashley ...••..•..• 76 Independence .•••• 77 Lebanon •..•.••..• 78 S1. JOlleph ........ 79 Polar Star· ........ 80 Brid~ton ........ 81 Neos o .•..••••..• 82 Jackson •..••.••.• 84 Multnomah .•.••••

85 86 87 88

John!lon •...•.•... Mitchell .......... Washington....... Olive Branch.· ...•

. Boonville Sf. Louis Jefferson City Manchester Fayette Fulton Glasgow Carrollton Weston Marthasville Arrow Rock Platte Cit} Richmond Monticello i Osceola Warsaw Rocheport Clinton Alexandria Savannah Danville Ke~esville

As ley Independence St.



Neos 0 Linneus Oregon City Warrensburgh Columbus Greenfield Union


Cooter St. ouis Col~

Fourth Friday No time of meeting First Saturday Third Saturday First Monday First Tuesday Saturday before full moon

Date of charter, 1841 No date of charter No date of charter Date of charter, 1841 No date of charter Date of charter, 1842 Date of charter, 1842

Second and fourth Saturday Saturday before full moon Saturday before full moon

Date of charter, 1842 No date of charter Chartered in 1842

Saturday after full moon Saturday before full moon

6 6 536 6 3 320 10 9 820 1414 1327 2 3 423

41 4 4 25 6\ 5: 4 20

919: 948 2 2,2 15

S1. Louis Howard Callaway Howard Carroll Platte Warren Saline Platte Ray Lewis Sf. Clair Benton Boone Henry Clarke Andrew Montgomery

Fourth Friday No time stated for meeting

Date of charter, 1842 Date of charter, 1842 Date of charter, 1842 Date of charter, 1843 No date of charter

Friday before full moon No time stated for meeting Thursday before full moon

Date of charter, 1844 Date of charter, 1844 Date of charter, 1844

1 212 3 3 323 5 5 415

Chariton Pike Jackson

Second Saturday

Date of charter, 1845

2 4 4138

No time for meeting of Lodge No time for meeting of Lodge

No date of charter No date of charter

St. Louis S1. Louis Newton Linn Oregon' Terr. Clackaws Co. Johnson

" Dade Franklin







Second Monday Friday before full moon Friday before full moon Saturday before fUll moon



No date of charter Date of charter, 1850 Date of charter, 1848 Date of charter, 1847

211 33 191515 40 21

1: 17116 74

222 11 3 3 324



2 2 3:21




9 6 631 2 3 324 1 1 1'21 915 1229


....., 0~


Grand Secretary's Tabular Statement Continued. No.

891 90

91 92


107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

1191 120 121

Prairie··········· M.di,on .......... Perseverance •••••• St. Mark's .••..•.• Boone •..••...•..• Acacia· ••••..•..• st. Andrew's .•••• • Pleasant Hill .••••• Western Star·· •• •• Mt. Vernon· ...... Canton ••• ; ••••••• Greene· •••••••••• Bloomington •••••• Carthage .......... Heroine ...•.••••. Relicf.•.••.•••••.• MiaIni .•.••..•.•• Golden Square •••• New Madrid •.•••• Montezuma ...•••• Marcus .......... Trenton .......... Ezell ............ Plattsburgh ••••••• Waverly ......... Sibley ..••••••..•. Davis •..••..•••.. V.ersailles .•.•••••. Hiram.· •.•.••••.. Fo,t., ........... Compass ......... Erwin ...........

Harrisonville Fredericktown Louisiana Ca~e Girardeau Co umbia Jackson Shelbyville Pleasant Hill

Ca!!s Monroe Pike Cape Girardeau Boone Calle Girardeau Shelby Cass

Mt. Vernon Canton Sringfield B oommgton Carthage Kansas Georgetown Miami Westport New Madrid Santa Fe Fredericktown Trenton St. Francisville Plattsburgh Waverly Sibley Gallatin Versailles St. Charles Benton Parksville Sf. Louis

Lawrence Lewis Greene Randolph Jasker Jac son Pettis Saline Jackson New Madrid New Mexico Madison Grundy Clarke Clinton Lafayette Jackson Davis MOJ6jan St. harles Scott Platte st. Louis


115 116

117 118

Where held. Chillicothe


93 9-1 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

County. Livingston

Names of Lodges. Fdend,hip ........



~ :2.!!3 ~ Remarks. :S~~~ Date of charter, 1847, rec'd 2 2 323 after close of com. G. L. 7 9 616 Date of charter, 1848 10 8 4 '37 No date of charter No time 4 3 329 Mond. or next before full m. No uate of charter Time of Meeting.



First Monday




Date of charter, 1847 Date of charter, 1841'

2 3 332 4 3 326 2 2 328

Tuesday precedinp: full moon Date of charter, 1849

4 4 214

No time


-- No time mentioned. - -- -Fourtb Saturday --





Date of charter, 1848 Date of charter, 1849 -No returns No returns No date of charler Date of charter, 1849

No returns Returns rec'd after close com. Date of charter, 1849 No returns Date of charter, 1850 Saturday before full moon Date of charter, 1850 Date of charter, 1850 First Saturday Date of charter, 1850 Saturday before full moon No returns Date of charter, 1849 Third Saturday Date of charter, 1850 Monday before full moon No returns Wednesday before full moon Date of charter, 1850 Date of charter, 1851 Second and fourth Friday





6 7 621 8 8 836

,...., ~



6 6 746 4 3 425

1 1 616 4 1 1 9

1 2 1 8

217 116 119 129

5 6 629 6 4 628 6 5 314 8 91 20

122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137

Dover •.•••••••••• Herman •••••••••• Cedar ....••.•.•.. Gentryville .•• - •.•• Athens •.•.• ••• ••• Kirksville •••.•••• Constantine ••••••• Barry ............ Potosi .••••••••••• Farmington .••.••• Star of the West· •• Sarcoxie •.••.•••• Ridgeley ••••••••• Phrenix ...•.••••• Warrenton •.•••••

Dover Herman Fremont Gentryville Athens Kirksville Charleston

Lafayette Gasconade Cedar Gentry Gentry Adair Mississippi

Potosi Farmington Pilot Knob Sarcoxie Ridgeley Bowling. Green Warrenton

Washington St. Francois Madison Jasper Platte Warren

No time given.



-First Saturday



Thursday before full moon



Second and fourth Saturdays

No time First Thursday Second and fourth Saturdays




Saturdar after full moon

Date of charter, 1850 No returns Date of charter, 1851 No returns for thi~ear Date of charter, 1 1 No returns No returns Charter arrested Date of charter, 1851 Date of charter, 1851 No date of charter Date of charter, 1851



No date of charter



1 1/1'16 3 3 314 24

1415 1730 1

7 7'10131 4 4 1 423

1612 14j39 5 5; 6 6 71 7,25 3 3j 316 10 8 j 7116







A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Sec't. I would respectfully cal~ the. attention of SecretaI:Ys of Lodj?;es to from date: the very irregular manner m whIch they send up theIr returns to the St. LOUIS, July 1, 1852. Grand LodO'e. Some of them omit to state the time when de~ees were. confe~red~ others do not giv~ the time for holdin~ the sta~ed· lMr In the Repor~ of the Chairman of ~e old Board College fund meetmgs. of theIr Lodges, and f~w, If anY:t take the trouble of addmg Commissioners, there IS an error. By addmg the two sums mentIOned up the dIfferent columns, or setting forth me amount of Gran~ Lodge in said Report the amount is $295 56: interest on same for. three and College dues; they neglect, arso, to send up the dat~ of th~lr char- years, at 10 pe'r cent., is $88 65: _ making in all, $384 21, instead of terse I fraternally ask the Secretarys to be more larttcular In these $449 22 as reported. matters. A. O'SULLIV N, Grand Sec't. As this error is incorporated in the Report of another Committe~l I thought it my duty to print the Reports as received and adopted by Ule I hereby notify all Lodges who have not made returns for the last Grand Lodge, with this explanation. year, or who are in arrears, to send in the same within sixty days A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Sec't.

[62] The Officers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri,for present year. M. W. Benj. W. Grover, G. M., - Warrensburg, R. W. Sam'l F. Currie, D. G. 1\'1., St. Louis, Glasgow, " John H. Turner, G. S. W., " S. H. Saunders, G. J. W., Cooper county, " J. T. Johnson, G. Treas." - Booneville, St. Louis, " A. O'Sullivan, G. Sec't., " C. Levy, G. Lecturer, St. Louis. " John H. Turner, D. D. G. M., 1st District, " Isaac B.Allen, "2nd" " Aaron H. Conrow, " 3rd" " M. H. McFarland, " 4th" " D. ,Y. Campbell, " 5th" " Edwd. J. Harper, " 6th" " D. P. Wallingford, " 7th" " L. S. Cornwell, " 8th" " O. F. Potter, "9th" " S. H. Saunders, " 10th" " J. H. Robinson, " 11th" " S. F. Currie, "12th " " J. R. Brown,. "13th " " L. Lewis, "14th " " J. 'Y. Chenowith, " 15th" H Edward S. Ruggles, " 16th" " Robert Hatcher, " 17th" W. and Rev. F. L. B. Shaver, Grand Chaplain, " J. F. Truslow, " " J. Libby, " " J. B. Wright, " " R. D. Morrow, " " S. Caldwell, " " B. T. Kavanaugh, " W. O. F. Potter, G. S. D:, Arrow Rock, " T. W. Davis, G. J. D., - Parksville, " J. W. Murphy, G. Tyler, Howard oounty. Representatives of Subordinate Lodges in the Grand Lodge of Missouri, at th.e .lJ.nnual Communz'cation, May, 1852. 1, Missouri, Bro. S. F. Currie W. M., and proxy J. W. " Jesse Little, proxy S. W. 9, Geo. Washington," J. Farrar, proxy W. M. 19, Paris Union, "W.B.GiddingsW.M, and proxy S&J.W. 25, Napthati, . "C. Levy, proxy W~路.M. and J. W. 32, Lafayette, " W. T. Wood, proxy W. M. " Rev. F. L. B. Shaver, proxy S. W. " E. Winsor, proxy J. W.

[63] 36, Cooper, 40, Mount Moriah, 43, Jefferson City,

47, 48, 51, 53, 55,

Fayette, Fulton, Livingston, Weston, .lirrow Rock,

57, Richmond, 58, Monticello,

61, Osceola,' 64, Landmark, 67, Rocheport, 69, .t/.lexandria, 72, Danville,

77, Lebanon, 79, Polar Star, 85, Johnson, 86, Mitchell,

88, Olil'e Branch, 91, Madison, 94, 95, 101, 102, 105,

Boone, .t/.cacia, Greene, Bloomington, Relief,

112, Ezell, 114, Waverly,

115, Sibley, 117, Versailles, 121, Erwin, 127, .t/.thens, 133, Star of the West,

Bro. J.M. Edgar W. M. " C. D. W. Johnson S. W. " A. Bruin, proxy S. W. " T. W. Cloney, proxy W. M. " T. L. Crawford, proxy J. W. " S. H. Ransberger, W. M. " Hiram Rawlings, proxy J. W. " J. H, Turner W. M. " D. P. Wallingford W. M. " O. F. Potter J. W., and proxy W. M. " W. W. McGilton S. W. " H. C. Garner J. W. cc M. Givins W. M. " D. T. Wainright S. W. " W. Ellis J. W. " M. J. Harris J. W., and proxy W. M. and S. W. " W. Kilbuck, proxy W. M. " W. Scobie W. M. " E. F. Greenleaf, proxy S. and J. W. " W. B. Adams W. M. " J. H. Robinson, proxy S. W. " J. T. Garvin, proxy W. M•. " S. C. Jett, proxy S. and J. W. " Bro. J. McCown W. M., and proxy J. W. " L. S. Cornwell W. M., and proxy S."V. " J. R.. Brown, proxy W. M. and S.W. " J. W. Dawson J. W., and proxy W. M. and S. W. " P. H. McBride, P. G. M., proxy W. M. " W. L. Caldwell S. W: " G. W. Mitchell, proxyW.M. & S.W. " N. A. Langston, proxy W. M. " D. L. Griffith, proxy W. M. & S. W. " T. E. Staples, proxy J. W. " J. F. Waylll.nd W. M., and proxy S. and J. W. " G. W. Hereford, proxy W. M., S. and J. W. " S. G. Parieh, proxy W. M., S. & J.W. " J. F. Taylor, proxy J. W. " C. W. Horn W. M., and proxy S. and


" "

C. S. Canaday W. M. Anw'ew Peace W. M.

[64] 134, Sarcoxie,

135, Ridgeley, 137, Warrenton,

Bro. W. R. Scott, proxy W. M. " R. W. Burrus, proxy S. W. " W. Sharman, proxy J. W. " R. W. Chinn W. M. " C. W. Johnson, proxy S. and J. W.

E:JJpulsion. By St. Louis Lodge, No. 20: Adam Israng, Nov. 18, 1851.

Suspensz'ons. By Napthali, No. 25: Robt. B. Bailey, Feb. 21, 1851, for 9 mos. By Troy, No. 34: Edwd. R. Lamie, non-payment of dues; Levi Robinson, unmasonic conduct. By Landmark: No. 64, J. R. Poynter, H. P. Watkins, C. A. Clark, F. A. Glover, Dec. 19, 1851. By Danville, No. 72: Wm. G. Monroe, April 29, 1852. By Independence, No. 76: Joseph Murphy, non-payment of dues. By St. Andrew's, No. 96: James Graham, Morgan Sherman, James Gooch, Wm. H. Eakle, James A. Carothers, James Griffith, C. J. Rockliffe, L. B. Hardy, B. B. Broughton,28th April, 1852, non-payment of dues. By Hiram, No. 118: Thos. W. Cunningham, Simon L. Snyder, March 29,1852. By Cedar, No. 124: Gideon Harrison. The following amounts have been received by the Grand Secretary at, and after the close of, the Annual Communication ot the Grand Lodge: $10 Howard, for charter 18", Palmyra-and returns······ •. $ 40 Taylor, for charter...... 10 32, Cooper-this amount is not due Grover, for charter 10 on the returns of 1852· •. •••• 8 40, Mount Moriah ........ ...... 35 Williamsburgh, for charter...... 10 Chapel Hill, for charter...... 75, Ashley-by letter, no returns.. 15 10 Smith, for charter.. .... ...... 89, Friendship •.••.. .•.•.•• •.•.•• 13 10 Memphis, for charter...... •... •..• 10 107, Golden Square-no returns.··· 100 122 Dover-returns •..... •..•.• .• 16 Central, for charter...... ...... .... 10 130' Phrenix •. • . .. •.•.•. •... •..• 25 1 Wellington, for charter. •••••• .....• 10 , Sincerity, U. D. . . 115 'Florida, for charter...... 10 Mexico. for charter...... 10 Ringe:old, " .. 49 Osage, for charter 10 " for charter 10 A. O'SULLIVAN, Grand Sec't. Meridian, " .. • .. . 10


The following ipteresting communication is in reply to a letter written to the Secretaryof J:. . r edericksburg Lodge, No.4, Va.} agreeable to a resolution of the Grand LodA'c of Missouri, passed at its last annual communication: MASONIC HALL, FREDERICKSBURG LODGE, No.4. To FREDERICKSBURG,7th June, A. L. 5852, A. D. 1852. R. W. A. O'Sullivan, Grand Sec't. . Your favor of the 28th ultimo, askinlJ' information in relation to the Initiation, Passsing and Raisin~ of our illustrious brot~er, Geo. Washington, came to hand thi~ day, and it affords me pleasure to g:ive you the information asked for. The first time his name appears in the record, is on the 4th of November, A. D. 1752, A. L. 5752, with others; (brethren who were present at that meeting;) and on the 6th of the same month, the Secretary credits his account by the initiation fee. On the 3rd March, A. D. 1753, A. L. 5753, Geor~e Washington is recorded as Passed Fellow Draft; and on the 4th of August, A. D. 1753, A. L. 5753, there is a full record of the meeting, with names of those present, and it is entered: Transactions of the evening - George Washington Raised Master Mason; Thomas James Entered an Apprentice. The record or proceedings of the C were not written out so fully at that time' as they are at present. Fraternally, ~ ROBT. W. HART, Secretary ~ SEAL. } Of Fredericksburg Lodge, No.4. '----'

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