Molokai Dispatch -- November 13, 2013

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November 13, 2013 - Volume 29, Issue 43


Molokai Dispatch p M o lo k a i n e w s , M o lo k a i S t y l e - w w w. t h e m o lo k a i d i s patc h . co m

Since 1985

$3.1M Battery Proposed for Power Plant

Photos by Jessica Ahles and Catherine Cluett

By Catherine Cluett | Editor-In-Chief


n i ’ n Ro p i

ain r e th

By Jessica Ahles and Catherine Cluett


ompetition got a little dirty during the first day of the eighth annual Molokai Stampede at Kapualei Ranch. Squinting through pouring rain, gripping slippery ropes as their horses sent mud flying across the arena, cowboys toughed it out through stormy conditions last Saturday. Eightyfive teams were narrowed down to eight by the final round of stiff competition in the # 11 team roping events, while the afternoon’s keiki and barrel events were postponed from the downpour. “Rain changes strategy and game plan -- anyone can rope under perfect conditions, but who can rope [when it’s not perfect]?” said emcee Zhantell Dudoit during the event. Bringing dozens of contestants of all ages from around the state, and -- for the first time -- the continental U.S., the annual two-day rodeo features events like team roping, barrel racing, branding and dummy roping for kids. The crowd took cover under canopies and umbrellas, thunderously cheering and applauding over the sound of rain for their paniolo favorites, while the weather put the ropers’ skills to the test. Kili Galam of Molo-

This Week’s


Working Women

Suds for Service

Pg. 2

Pg. 5

kai he said the wet and muddy conditions were tough for both him and his horse. “The horse kept sliding so he couldn’t run as fast,” he said. “If I felt the horse slip, I didn’t want to control him but let him do his thing.” But despite the challenges of the day, the rules of the game remain the same. As each team of cowboys back their horses up, one nods for the steer to be released from the chute and flies into action. The “header” paniolo ropes the horns and turns the steer while the heeler follows close behind, catching the two back legs for a “clean run.” Teams are penalized 10 seconds for “breaking the barrier” or coming out of the box too soon, five seconds for

roping one hoof instead of two, and are disqualified if unable to complete both tasks. It all happens within seconds. “Team roping is mostly a mental game of staying in the game,” said Hawaii Island cowboy Travis Gomes, who won the # 11 team roping event with Molokai’s Rex Kamakana. “When the conditions change, you change the game.” For Gomes, that meant taking his time when roping the steer in the final round after the arena became slick. Gomes said this is his second year competing at the Molokai Stampede, adding that he plans to keep coming back. The

Stampede Continued on pg. 10

By Catherine Cluett | Editor-InChief


artin Stepanek can dive more than 400 feet on a single breath of air. He’s set 13 freediving world records and knows more than anyone how dangerous the sport can be. But with the proper safety education, he said freediving has minimal risks -- and with the goal of sharing that knowledge, he’s become a pioneer in modern freediving education. Last month, Stepanek visited Molokai to offer a series of safety courses free of charge to local divers. Having been raised in Czech Republic, a country without ocean access, didn’t dampen Stepanek’s passion for diving, and when he was 20 years old, he relocated to the U.S. to pursue the sport more actively. To dive 400 feet on a single breath of air is not something you’re born with, said Stepanek. It’s the result of a lot of training, and there’s not much time for anything else. Because he couldn’t make a living from the sport, he decided to share his knowledge after moving to the U.S. “The biggest problem with freed-

Battery Continued pg. 3

Body Smarts Those natural responses, said Stepanek, called mammalian dive reflex, are something that everyone is born with but without regular practice, they become weak. Infants’ bodies will naturally turn over in the water so their airways are clear, explained Stepanek. But the bodies of adults normally float face first, requiring someone to be there to turn them over and assist by ensuring the Molokai divers participated in safety airway is clear of water. training offered by Freediving Instructors Diving Continued pg. 8 International. Photo by Catherine Cluett

Richard Schuman, President

(808) 834-1111 | Eight round trips to Honolulu daily | Makani Kai Air | 130 Iolana Place | Honolulu, Hawaii 96819


The majority of Molokai’s power is generated by three, 2 megawatt (MW) diesel generators and six smaller 1 MW generators at the Pala`au Power Plant. When a generator at plant shuts down,

iving wasn’t that people didn’t know how to do it, but they didn’t know how to do it safely,” said Stepanek. “In the ‘normal world,’ freediving is perceived as dangerous… but done the ‘right’ way, the risk is nearly eliminated. “The whole attitude that it’s a game of luck or fate was unacceptable,” said Stepanek. So he set about to change that perception, starting an organization called Freediving Instructors International (FII) to educate divers about safety and proper dive techniques by using their own inborn reflexes.

The government is asking for your opinion. It is considering keeping Makani Kai Air servicing the community of Kalaupapa. If you, your family or friends are happy with our air service to Kalaupapa, please let the government know. Your opinion means a lot. Please e-mail Mr. Scott Faulk at the DOT: Thank you,

P.O. Box 482219 Kaunakakai, HI 96748

The Problem

Diving to the Depths of Safety

Your Opinion Counts

Molokai Dispatch

f you’ve noticed a lot of temporary electricity outages and lights dimming lately on Molokai, you’re not alone -- and energy researchers have proposed a multi-million dollar project they hope will help stabilize the island’s electricity supply. About one fifth of Molokai’s electricity comes from photovoltaic (PV) energy from business and residential solar panels, according to Mathew McNeff, Maui Electric manager of Renewable Energy Services Department. However, that high percentage is causing instabilities in the flow of electricity. Because energy generated from PV depends on conditions like the weather and daylight, it doesn’t provide a steady source of electricity to Molokai’s electric grid. “For two years in a row, Maui Electric has been highest in the nation for number of PV [installations] so we’re having to come up with these solutions ourselves,” said McNeff. The grid is divided into five circuits that provide energy to various areas of the island -- about 2,000 customers in total. The peak load for Molokai -- when the most electricity is used -- is 5.4 MW, almost 200 times less than Oahu’s energy demands. But the smaller the grid, the greater the impact sudden changes in frequency can have, like the shut-down of a generator at the power plant or a tree falling on a power line, said McNeff.

Community News

The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •

Working Women

New Professional League on Molokai

Molokai Furniture Celebrates 10 Years By Jessica Ahles | Staff Writer

F By Jessica Ahles | Staff Writer


motivated group is working together to empower women on Molokai through an emerging professional organization called the Molokai Professional Women’s League (MPWL). The organization’s goal is to host professional networking opportunities, mentorship programs and collective support to encourage active leadership in the community. “We want to support the women here on Molokai,” said MPWL Vice President Liette Corpus. “If we support our women, we will strengthen our families and our communities.” More than 40 members, representing all ages, attended MPWL’s first membership meeting last Thursday at Hotel Molokai. There, they were introduced to the organization, its mission and plans for the future. “A few of us got together and realized we were getting older,” said Corpus. “We knew we wanted to share what we know [with young women].” MPWL founder and president Barbara Haliniak said that because there wasn’t an organization on Molokai that serves women, she was inspired to create MPWL to accomplish two main goals. Her mission is to build leadership and confidence in younger generations so they may become part of the community’s decision-making process or to fulfill their own employment aspirations. She also seeks to help support older businesswomen and provide resources to help them move forward in their careers and community development. “It’s hard to get anything going on this island. I’ve seen many people come forward to try to do something and failed,” said MPWL Director Lynn DeCoite. “But Barbara has been the bulldog of this orga-

nization and I believe in what she is doing for the island.” Haliniak told members at the meeting that she plans to organize a networking event with the Maui Economic Development Board’s (MEDB) Women in Technology (WIT) project and the Molokai High School robotics team sometime this month. “We are doing this because there’s an opportunity for our young women to partner and get involved with Women in Technology,” said Haliniak. “We are looking into branching out and sending women off island to…build networks.” WIT is an initiative funded by the MEDB that seeks to encourage young women to pursue science, math, engineering and technology-related career paths by partnering with educators and businesses to strengthen education-to-workforce connections. Though the organization has a vision, MPWL board members say they want to hear from members to guide the overall direction of the group. “It’s important to give feedback so we can hear what they want and we can move forward with the organization,” Corpus said at the meeting. Meeting attendees filled out a survey to express their topics of interest and preferred time and frequency of MPWL meetings. The next meeting will be scheduled after the surveys are recorded. “[Women] are considered to be at a social disadvantage, and Molokai has always been the ‘poor thing’ island,” said DeCoite. “But between us sharing and networking, I think we can move mountains.” For more information about the MPWL or how to become a member, contact Haliniak at 553-3773 or email Barbara.

The Molokai Dispatch at your service!

Community Contributed

Kalaupapa Celebrates Halloween Business cards

$15 50 cards $30 100 cards $15 one time set up fee Passport Photos $20 2 pictures $5 for additional pictures By Copies Father Pat Killilea | St. Francis $.20 Blackfor & apples. White Halloween in Kain water Church, Kalaupapa $.75 Color laupapa is a time to relive those happy Subscriptions $70 and memories 12 Month First Classwith USPS They stepped through the doors as we gather the com$45 6 Month First Class USPS looked around the hall at those seated at munity to celebrate our togetherness and $35 tables, like Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday for a 12 fewMonth hoursEmail to be as children again. Month Email as they entered the saloon in the$20 days of There6are always creative, funny, or darthe old west. were not,own however, costumes. as Hula Hana and You They can bring in your design or ing we can help buildI came your business card. wearing received a few• compliments on my outfit Display10-gallon & Classifiedhats ads • or Callarmed for detailswith or email 808.552.2781 holstered guns. They were dressed in from a couple of the guys (beer will do robot-like outfits and strutted around the that). Thank the Lord that no one made hall for all to see. One showed bulging a pass at me or I would have felt obliged biceps while the other displayed the legs to slap him! of a model. It was Mary Jane and Mark Then there was of course the best KAUNAKAKAI Molokai Molokai Cofffood ees ofprovided Hawaii Coff and they had come to McVeigh HallDispatch, to part, the delicious byeePali. OHA, Rawlins Chevron, Pizza Café, Takes Variety Shop, Swenson Realty. participate in our annual costume party Some of us left for our homes relatively Store, Molokai Mini-Mart, Molokai Public Library, WEST MOLOKAI sponsored as always beloved earlyMolokai, while others stayed to celebrate unMisakis, Molokai Winesby our own Paddlers’ Inn, Hotel Maunaloa General Store, Big Edwin Lelepali. til midnight. I do not know whether all and Spirits, Molokai Fish & UH Maui College Molokai. Wind Kite Factory, Ke Nani hap- of the beer was consumed by that hour Dive, Halloween Friendly Isle brings Realty, back mostly CENTRAL MOLOKAI Kai, Molokai Land & Homes, Imports Gift Shop, Friendly days, py memories of childhood of door but IHikiola do know and thatAall of us Ho`olehua Airport, Touch of enjoyed Molokai our Market, Deli, dressedCooperative, to doorSundown visits while in creative Ho`olehua Halloween celebration. For this we give EAST MOLOKAI Molokai Community costumes, of candyHealth and other treats. In Molokai thanks High to the Wavecrest Lord andCondos, we salute our Credit Union, Kilohana Center, Kuha`o Business School, Molokaigood Middle my own childhood days, we gathered friend and benefactor, Lelepali. School, Mana`e Goods & Center, Molokai Visitors School, Kualapu`u Market, with family and neighbors and bobbed Grindz. Association, Molokai Realty,

Distribution Locations

Kualapu`u Cookhouse,

Newspapers arrive Wednesdays at The Molokai Dispatch Office at 2:30p.m.


Molokai Dispatch Our Motto: News for the People of Molokai

The Molokai Dispatch is operated on the belief that media can inspire positive change and empowerment within small communities. This is precisely why you’ll find news in the Molokai Dispatch that focuses on youth, culture, history, leadership and community voice – the foundation of a healthy community. Publisher Editor -In -Chief Graphic Designer Sales Manager Staff Writer Subscriptions Distribution

Todd Yamashita Catherine Cluett Laura Pilz Laura Pilz Jessica Ahles

Our Philosophy: The Molokai Dispatch serves as the voice of the island by gathering and disseminating information, inspiring new ideas, and encouraging dialogue which will result in empowerment and action of community and the accountability of our leaders thus perpetuating Molokai’s unique cultural legacy. Jessica

Glenn Davis, Renato Watanabe & The Dispatch Crew

Opinions expressed in articles, letters, and advertisements are those of the individual reporters and advertisers, and may not reflect the view of the establishment. New Regime Press, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited by federal copyright law. The Dispatch is not responsible for any claims made in advertisements printed in this publication.

The Molokai Dispatch

P.O. Box 482219, Kaunakakai, Hawai`i 96748 Phone: (808) 552-2781 | Fax (808) 552-2334 w w w. T h e M o l o k a i D i s p a t c h . c o m

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or local business owner Denise Taueetia, growing up on Molokai meant always working hard. After 10 years of managing her own gift and furniture store, she’s taking a moment to celebrate. “I still look at our pictures from our first anniversary,” said Taueetia. “In the beginning it was fun and it’s still fun today.” Molokai Furniture got its start in 2003 after Taueetia had come back to the island after studying and working on Maui. “[My husband and I] had gotten rid of all our furniture on Maui,” said Taueetia. “When I came here, I thought it was going to be easy to get furniture, but it wasn’t.” After struggling to find furniture through garage sales and occasional, expensive trips off-island, Taueetia said she began to envision managing her own store. Soon after, she and her husband, Afa Taueetia, opened Molokai Furniture in Kualapu`u as the only on-island furniture store in its time, specializing in high-quality island style pieces. Despite no prior business experience, Taueetia said business management became second nature to her and with the support of her customers, family, and landlords and friends, Carol and Jim Gartland, she’s developed a successful business model to emulate. “If you can handle a year-and-a-half without spending your money and just saving it up, you can do it,” Taueetia advises anyone wishing to start a business. “If you can handle that, you can handle a business.” Over the years, the business changed locations from what is now the Aka`ula School to its current location next door in the Kualapu`u Center. Jim said they constructed the building specifically for Taueetia because the previous building layout didn’t quite work for her business. Today, Molokai Furniture carries more than 1,000 pieces from seven vendors throughout the U.S., offering wicker, rattan and wood furnishings as well as Polynesian gifts, jewelry, and clothing. Though Taueetia is pleased with how far the store has come, she said her 10 years in business didn’t go without struggle. “When times got hard and the business slowed down, we had to change everything we were doing,” she said. Taueetia said she used to order full containers of furniture pre-built every three months. However, when they felt the hardship of the economy in 2010, they switched their ordering based on request and received the pieces disassembled to save


money where they could. Today, they still follow the same model. “Now, we are still not doing as well as we use to do but we are surviving. If things are slow, I just keep my faith and I go, ‘Hey Lord, you gonna bless us?’” she chuckled. She said she’s also experienced competition from other furniture stores on the island. “Denise was raised on the island and she’s got family and friends who really support her,” said Jim Gartland. “If Denise needs help with anything I try to be there to lend a hand and help wherever I can.” Taueetia attributes much of her success to her loyal customers—many of whom she can recall by name. “One of my customers who I had only met once before came in yesterday and…I said, ‘Hey Mr. White, how are you?’” said Taueetia. “He looked at me and said, ‘I’m just astonished you remember my last name.’” Taueetia said she can even remember her first customers 10 years back. “When I moved to Molokai, I had no furniture and I was glad they were here because I bought a couch and all the basics I needed,” said Maria Sullivan, one of Molokai Furniture’s first customers. Sullivan said over the years, she has filled her home with furniture from the store. “She has a good selection, the service is prompt, they deliver and it is just a great service for us,” she said. “I think it’s great [they are celebrating their 10th year anniversary] and I wish them a long and happy business.” In the future, Taueetia said she plans to open another store to fill a demand she’s seeing on the island, however she wished not to disclose what the store will involve. “There are too many copycats!” she said smiling. She also hopes to someday hand her furniture store off to one of her children. “I hope one of my children can do it because I was always a hard worker--growing up here on Molokai, you have to work hard no matter what,” said Taueetia. “I just hope down the road that my kids will be about to take over and get something going here.” To celebrate this month, Molokai Furniture is having a sale of 10 to 50 percent off all items until the end of November. Additionally, they will be holding a celebration on Saturday, Nov. 23 in front of Aka`ula School with free hotdogs and BBQ “bring your own meat,” as well as live entertainment from King’s Chapel Church.

Community Contributed

The Tree of Life By Glenn I. Teves | UH County Extension Agent Breadfruit is one of foods of our past and also our future, and can help to address food security in Hawaii and the tropical world. Through the efforts of Dr. Diane Ragone of the Breadfruit Institute, a part of Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden, extensive breadfruit collections can be found in Hana on Maui and also on Kauai. Of the 120 varieties in the collection, many are being threatened with extinction in the wild due to land use changes, especially development. Some of the best varieties have no seed and are difficult of propagate. Traditional techniques include making root cuttings, or nicking the root so a keiki emerges, then after sufficient rooting, separating it from the mother plant. Through a partnership with Global Breadfruit, several million breadfruit plants have been micro-propagated, and are growing in Florida and Costa Rica nurseries for distribution to tropical countries. The first variety released, Ma`afala, is a Samoan variety considered one of the best tasting varieties, and is more compact than the Hawaiian variety, maturing at half the size. Under the right conditions, these plants can reach 8-10 feet tall in a few years. Pi`ipiia, a Tahitian variety recently released and distributed at the Molokai Taro Field Day, and is expected to be a much larger tree. Both can be expected to bear fruit in three years. Breadfruit is a tropical tree, and thrives in a humid rain forest environment found in wetter parts of Mana`e. Strong winds can easily break branches due to their large leaves, and require

protection. Special care is required in establishing and keeping them actively growing in less than ideal conditions on Molokai. Well drained soil with adequate water is critical, especially in the early stages of growth. In their young stage, keeping them too wet or too dry will kill them. If you received them in small pots, it’s advised to transplant them immediately into 1 gallon pots. Plant them at the same depth you received it; too shallow or too deep will create problems of drying out or drowning. When over one foot tall, they can either be planted in the ground or repotted to two to three-gallon pots, growing them to two to three-foot height before transplanting to the ground. Young breadfruit trees are very “hungry,” and will benefit from regular light fertilizing for rapid growth. A balanced fertilizer with a 1:1:1 ratio is recommended. When transplanting in the ground, especially in dry areas, creating a large bowl around the plant will facilitate deep watering, since roots will only travel where there’s water. With all the different soil types on Molokai, it’s difficult to come up with a one-size-fits-all watering schedule. Sticking your finger in the ground to determine wetness is the best way to determine this. Although breadfruit can be harvested at many stages, a “flattening” of the fruit surface and the oozing of sap from many areas of the fruit is the best indication of maturity. The fruit can be washed and scrubbed or peeled, quartered and steamed, and it will cook in 15 to 20 minutes. Some like to throw it whole into a fire or imu. Breadfruit is nutritious and is a great substitute for Irish potatoes in many dishes, including stews, salads, chowders, and French fries. It has a moderate glycemic index, but is still better than white rice as a carbohydrate source.

Community News

Waving Goodbye to Domestic Violence Hale Ho’omalu News Release This year’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month of October ended as it began with sign-waving on the highway. Lynda Dudoit, Kalola Kaulili, Rose Pettigrew and Kammy Purdy, pictured here, urged passersby to join in the cause of ending domestic violence. October’s events included the annual Candlelight Vigil at Kaunakakai Baptist Church, held in memory of those who lost their lives to domestic violence. Molokai’s own beloved Malia Kahalewai was honored in this year’s vigil. Unfortunately, domestic violence remains a threat for many families. Here is a list of questions that can predict whether you or someone you love could become a victim of domestic violence. If the answer to even one of these questions is “yes,” you could be in danger: • Are you ever afraid of your partner? • Has your partner ever actually injured or threatened to hurt or kill you, or someone you care about? • Does your partner ever force you to engage in sexual activities that make you uncomfortable? • Do you constantly worry about your partner’s moods and change

your behavior to deal with them? • Does your partner try to control where you go, what you do and who you see? • Does your partner constantly accuse you of having affairs? • Have you stopped seeing family or friends to avoid your partner’s jealousy or anger? • Does your partner control your ¬finances? • Does your partner threaten to commit suicide if you leave? • Does your partner blame alcohol, drugs or an abusive childhood when he loses his temper? • Is your partner cruel to animals? No one has to face domestic violence alone! If you or a loved one are in danger, call the Molokai Domestic Violence Hotline day or night for emergency help and advice at 567-6888.

Community Contributed

“Na Kupu Mana`olana -Seeds of Hope” Premier By Jamie Ronzello | MOM Hui It has been estimated that Hawaii currently imports 85 percent of their food. However, if we were to look at the history of the Hawaiian Islands, it was not that long ago that the Hawaiian people produced enough food to support a population of one million. Yet today, with the rising costs of shipping foods and the resurgence in the community to return to land, is there hope that Hawaii can feed itself once again? Come see the acclaimed documentary “Na Kupu Mana`olana -- Seeds of Hope” that chronicles the history and current challenges of agriculture in Hawaii today. Be inspired by the “seeds of hope,” farmers and educators, throughout the Hawaiian Islands who are “… growing new ideas that can solve Hawaii’s food crisis and inspire a world to become more sustainable and to nurture the land that feeds us.” The film will premier on Molokai

at Kalaniana`ole Hall on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 5:30 p.m. Join us in the statewide discussion about the state’s food security and food sovereignty, its agricultural resources and practices, and the future of our farming industry and rural communities. Discussion panel will include Glenn Teves, Jack Spruance, Alan Murakami and Walter Ritte as guest speakers. There will also be informational booths to browse and a free light dinner, organic popcorn, locally made Kiawe treats and refreshments will be served. Mahalo to the following organizations who have collaborated to make this premier possible on Molokai: Hawaii Rural Development Council (HRDC), Molokai Community Service Council (MCSC), the MOM Hui, OLA Molokai, and Hawaii SEED. For more information, contact Mercy Ritte at or 213-1021.



Saturday, November 23, 2013 Learn of the archeological secrets uncovered by Dr. Marshall Weisler in the Mokio Preserve stretching from Ka`a to `Ili`o location and dating of the fishing and ko`a and adze quarries; subsistence activities and Kealapupuakiha.

A GUIDED FIELD VISIT OF SITES WITH DR. WEISLER 8:30 am to 1 pm $50 donation for the ongoing conservation work of the Molokai Land Trust For details or to RSVP call Kathy at 808-646-0664


The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •

battery Continued From pg. 1 the system is built to automatically disconnect electricity from certain areas of Molokai to stabilize the grid and restore the system. In the case of a significant drop in electric frequency, rooftop PV systems are also designed to quickly disconnect, and the further loss of power causes a domino effect which can lead to island-wide blackouts, according to McNeff. “The increase in PV generation has increased the need for new solutions to reduce the impact of loss of generation,” he said. Last year, Maui Electric conducted a study on the Kaunakakai circuit to determine how much additional PV could be installed without sacrificing the reliability of the system. That study revealed some serious issues, said McNeff. Currently, several Molokai circuits have reached PV “saturation,” or the percentage of renewable energy a circuit can support while maintaining stability. Residents wishing to install rooftop PV in those areas must first pay for Maui Electric to perform an interconnection study to examine the effect of the proposed PV installation. But interconnection studies don’t assess the cumulative risks on the electric grid as a whole, said McNeff. Last year’s Kaunakakai circuit study found that the high percentages of PV on Molokai presented a risk to the entire grid, not just the circuit. There are two separate sets of problems, according to Richard Rocheleau, director of the University of Hawaii’s Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI.) One challenge is overall instability in the grid, in which one event can trigger a chain reaction causing widespread power outages until the electric frequency can be stabilized. The other problem is how to add more PV penetration to each circuit and increase renewable energy integration without sacrificing reliability. One proposed solution is a giant battery that would be installed at the Pala`au Power Plant and supplement the generators to stabilize the flow of electricity. “This battery is going to fix the first problem and reduce brown-outs [partial power loss] – hopefully very significantly,” Rocheleau said at a meeting last week to present the proposed project to the community. Some Molokai residents have noticed that the repeated drops and surges in electricity seem to have taken a toll on their appliances, costing them hundreds of dollars. “I know of five friends who have lost refrigerators lately… and that’s really weird,” said resident Cheryl Corbiell. She stressed the importance of surge protectors to save personal digital technology. “We all have to take a hard look at how to protect our sensitive equipment…. And I’m hoping this battery will help.”

Battery Specs The 2 MW battery, called a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), would allow energy to be stored and switched on or off the grid at a moment’s notice. If one of the 2 MW generators tripped offline, for example, the battery would turn on long enough for the utility to resolve the issue, resulting in fewer power interruptions. “One of the key things the battery can do is sit there for low cost and if there are generation losses, it can replace that power nearly instantaneously,” said Rocheleau. Made of lithium ion titanate, the battery is safe, uses lower voltage and has a longer life than most lithium batteries, according to Rocheleau. Its 2600 cells allow the battery to be replaced and repaired by units without shutting down the entire system. Rocheleau said a similar battery system was installed earlier this year on Hawaii Island and is being used successfully. The battery is housed in a large shipping container that is dropped onto a preinstalled pad, interconnected to grid and is ready to go on-line in a short amount of time. It also uses highly-tested fire suppression technology, minimizing any risks of overheating, said Rocheleau. The total project cost is estimated at $3.1 million for battery and installation on Molokai. HNEI would fund $1.8 million of the project through a grant from the Office of Naval Research, while Maui Electric would be responsible for the remaining $1.3 million. Maui Electric ratepayers would see an average monthly increase of 25 cents, spread across Maui County, according to Maui Electric officials. “There is no hidden cost or charge – a minimal impact for benefits it could bring,” said Rocheleau. Matt Yamashita, a Molokai resident and representative for Rising Sun Solar, said he sees no negatives to the proposed project. “I think it’s a good project and I don’t see why anyone would oppose it,” said Yamashita. “There’s really no negative impact on our wallet… and it’s going to take us to where we need in terms of reliable system.”


Why Molokai? The Navy is interested in reducing their fossil fuel dependence and developing energy efficient technology, and the Office of Naval Research manages that research, said Rocheleau. HNEI is partnering with them to obtain information about energy solutions that will be made public and used to help guide future projects. “We are looking at better ways to operate small grid systems with high PV penetration,” said Rocheleau. “We’re trying to provide unbiased information that people can use to make decisions. “We had funds and looked at where in Hawaii it made sense to put it. It turns out Molokai was ideal place to meet the objective of the program and meet a critical need here,” Rocheleau explained. The battery would be owned by its manufacturer, Altair Nanotechnologies, until it is installed on Molokai and tested to function as expected. At that time, ownership would transfer to HNEI, then transfer again to Maui Electric under a memorandum of agreement that allows HNEI to collect data on the performance of the battery and its impact on the grid for several years. The battery would remain the sole property Maui Electric for the duration of its use, which Rocheleau estimates to be a lifespan of at least 10 years. Hawaiian Electric’s Director of Systems Integration Marc Matsuura said they are working with the battery’s manufactures for the battery’s valuable parts to be recycled after it is no longer usable. Rocheleau said if all moves forward as proposed, HNEI anticipates the battery will be operational by this summer. Along with being able to quickly replace power from one of Maui Electric’s generators if it shuts down, the battery could also serve other functions. In its capacity as a research tool, the battery could continually monitor frequency on the grid, as well as serve as an operating reserve, reducing the need for additional fossil fuel and improving electrical stability, according to Rocheleau.

Stepping Stone for Solutions After the Kaunakakai circuit study revealed major weaknesses in the system, Maui Electric considered several options to improve service, said McNeff. One option was to add another diesel generator to the power plant, which would remain running at all times in case a drop in frequency required extra generation to stabilize the system. However, this solution would increase usage of fossil fuels as well as additional costs to customers. The utility also considered widespread use of smart grid technology, an emerging frequency-responsive grid system that’s still under experimentation. While Maui Electric officials say this type of technology will soon be used for the Maui County Kaunakakai Fire Station, it’s still under development for larger scale applications. The third option was the battery storage system. Despite the benefits researchers hope the battery will bring to Molokai, Rocheleau noted that it will not solve all of Molokai’s electrical challenges, calling it an important first step that will allow additional research to take place. Currently, he explained, once energy leaves the power plant, little is known about the system and there is “no active control of the grid at that point.” “There’s not enough data right now to come up with a [complete] solution,” said Rocheleau. “The next step is to try to put better instrumentation on each line [circuit] and then we can start looking for solutions [to allow increased PV penetration]…The battery will stabilize the whole system and that will enable us to look at getting more renewables on circuits. It’s a necessary step.” McNeff said one of the challenges to incorporation of PV into the circuit is a situation known as “back-feed,” in which excess energy generated by rooftop solar panels feeds back into the power line. Electrical circuits are not designed to handle back-feed, he said. The excess energy has no place to go if that circuit generates more electricity than the current load, or usage demand. Inverters, which are designed to trip off-line in the case of a voltage spike, can’t stop back-feed but can only react to it, causing the domino effect Rocheleau explained. McNeff said one solution to the backfeed problem is installing a “load bank” on each circuit. “Engaging a load bank… would ‘suck up’ the voltage spike for a fraction of a second,” he said -- enough time for the circuit to stabilize without the inverters shutting it off. McNeff called load banks “the most promising option” but added the utility is sensitive to the high electric rates charged to customers so they are “still looking for more cost effective options.” In the meantime, researchers and residents hope the battery will bring an end to frequent power outages. “This technology is solving one problem and hopefully contributing to the solution to another problem,” said Rocheleau.

youth & Education

The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •

Kamehameha Preschools Applications

Agriculture: Career and Technical Education UH Maui College Molokai News Release

The Agriculture and Natural Resource program at University of Hawaii Maui College, Molokai provides instruction for those in need of training, retraining, or skills upgrading in the field of agriculture. The credits earned also benefit those wishing to transfer to a four-year college or university. Diverse learning activities are provided right here on Molokai! The Molo-

Kamehameha Schools News Release ent and future preschool families aren’t left

kai farm includes a 5,000 square foot greenhouse, orchards, and vegetable field on 28 acres of land. Projections point to a continued need for welltrained people in all aspects of the green industry. Farms and agriculturally related businesses need informed individuals to implement new technologies and sustainable agriculture techniques. Come to the college for full details or call us at (808) 553-4490 option 5.

Kamehameha preschool applications are now being accepted for the 2014-2015 school year at the Kalama`ula, Molokai preschool. Families applying must be current residents of the state of Hawaii and all applications must be received by Kamehameha Schools’ (KS) Admissions Department no later than Jan. 31, 2014. This year, KS will be applying a new preschool entry age requirement in alignment with the Department of Education’s (DOE) Kindergarten age requirement and the elimination of the Jr. Kindergarten program that will take effect during the 201415 school year. New students applying for KS preschools for the upcoming school year must be 3 years old by July 31, 2014 to be eligible for the 3-year-old program and 4 years old by July 31, 2014 to be eligible for the 4-year-old program. “Since approximately 80 percent of our KS preschoolers matriculate into public schools and the minimum entrance age for public Kindergarten is 5, roughly 40 percent of our KS preschool keiki will not have met the minimum age requirement to enter the public Kindergarten program,” said Terry Kelly, director of KS’ Community Based Early Childhood Education Department. “The 40 percent would be left without structured educational programming with the elimination of the Jr. K program. In light of this change, we will apply a new preschool entry age requirement this coming school year which will ensure our pres-

M olokai M iddle S chool H onor R oll Bounlangsy, Kobelynn, Grade 7, 4.0; Davis, Makanilealea, Grade 7, 4.0; DeRouin, Kaitlin, Grade 7, 4.0; Duvauchelle, Kawohikukapulani, Grade 7, 4.0; Haase, Evelyn, Grade 7, 4.0; Kaalekahi, Payton, Grade 7, 4.0; Kahalewai, Cameryn, Rae, Grade 7, 4.0; Powell, Marion, Grade 7, 4.0; Afelin, Ainsley, Grade 7, 3.8; Bukoski, Mason, Grade 7, 3.8; Kaahanui, Stasia, Grade 7, 3.8; Mowat, Taye, Grade 7, 3.8; Nakayama, Talia, Grade 7, 3.8; Rowe, Matthew, Grade 7, 3.8; Albino, Kuuhulilau, Grade 7, 3.6; Dudoit, Chelsea, Grade 7, 3.6; Kaili, Sharnelle, Grade 7, 3.6; Naeole, Kaytlin, Grade 7, 3.6; Reyes, Acey, Grade 7, 3.6; Ringor, Mary, Rose, Grade 7, 3.6; McGuire, Michelle, Grade 8, 3.6; KamelamelaDudoit, Keli`iokalani, Grade 8, 3.5; Afelin, Buck, Grade 7, 3.4; Brown, Heavenly, Grade 7, 3.4; Fiesta, Derlina, Jhane, Grade 7, 3.4; Nakihei, Rubin, Crystal, Grade 7, 3.4; Poaipuni, Hauoli, Grade 7, 3.4; Poole, Keren, Grade 7, 3.4; Ringor, Mary, Grace, Grade 7, 3.4; Tancayo, Camilla, Grade 7, 3.4; Winfrey, Courtney, Grade 7, 3.4;

Davis-Mendija, Anuhealani, Grade 8, 3.4; Donnelly, Susan, Grade 8, 3.4; Maioho, Kau`i, Grade 8, 3.4; Ragonton, MA, Cassandra, Grade 8, 3.4; Tancayo, Cameron, Grade 8, 3.4; Cummings, Kaeya, Grade 7, 3.3; Albino, Ravahere, Grade 7, 3.2; Arce, Kauluhinano, Grade 7, 3.2; Brind, Keith, Makana, Grade 7, 3.2; Dudoit, Zahya, Grade 7, 3.2; Keanini, Brendan, Grade 7, 3.2; Place, Kodie, Grade 7, 3.2; Starkey-Ahyee, Kamalei, Grade 7, 3.2; Cariaga, Althea, Grade 8, 3.2; Ledesma, Camille-Paige, Grade 8, 3.2; Manaba, Lahilahi, Grade 8, 3.2; Pa-Kala, Meleana, Grade 7, 3.1; Poepoe-Mollena, Kauiwai, Grade 7, 3.1; Augustiro, Chevy, Grade 7, 3.0; Dudoit, Zeff, Grade 7, 3.0; Kaahanui, Gabriel, Grade 7, 3.0; Kee, Paaaina, Grade 7, 3.0; Ludgate, Ioana, Grade 7, 3.0; Stites, Abigail, Grade 7, 3.0; Stone-He, Toakase-Keakali, Grade 7, 3.0; Dudoit, Gamit, Shayani, Lee, Grade 8, 3.0; Florendo, Tashady, Grade 8, 3.0; Kahale, Nainoa, Grade 8, 3.0; LoricoCuello, Lelia, Grade 8, 3.0; McGuire, Tashia-Lyn, Grade 8, 3.0; Willing, Cullen, Grade 8, 3.0

in a bind after aging out of the 4 year-old program.” To achieve a seamless transition from the KS program, in the next two years, KS will be creating a 5-year-old program to accommodate the needs of those keiki who will complete the 4 year-old program in 2015. Those families will have an option to enroll in the 5-year-old program before they are eligible for DOE Kindergarten in 2016. Kamehameha operates 29 preschools statewide that enroll over 1,500 children ages 3 and 4. The focus of KS’ preschool program is to promote each child’s overall well-being addressing the child’s physical, social, emotional, cognitive, language, cultural and spiritual development. KS preschools, in partnership with families help each child achieve his/her highest potential by providing a setting for formal learning – classrooms, staff, materials, equipment, facilities and other students – and by facilitating active, meaningful learning experiences. For more information about applying to KS preschools and information about the preschool program, visit or call 842-8800. Neighbor island applicants may call toll-free 1-800-842-4682, ex. 28800. Information and help with the application process is also available at the KS Resource Center – Molokai, (808) 5533673, open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Kilohana Grandparents Day Kilohana School News Release You’re invited to Kilohana’s annual Grandparents Day, Student Showcase, and Turkey Trot. Grandparents, come to enjoy breakfast with entertainment. Students will have a showcase of their work, either orally or on bulletin board displays. Parents are encouraged to come and enjoy the showcase, activities

• To l l F re e N u m b e r 8 8 8 . 7 8 7 . 7 7 7 4 • M a u i 8 0 8 . 8 7 9 . 0 9 9 8 • F a x 8 0 8 . 8 7 9 . 0 9 9 4 • E m a i l z a c s i n c @ h aw a i i . rr. c o m

with the kupuna in the classrooms, turkey trot, and afternoon activities. The event will be held at Kilohana School on Nov. 27. From 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. will be breakfast and entertainment, 8:30 to 9:30 is the student showcase, 9:45 to 10:45 will be kupuna activities, the Turkey Trot will be from 10:45 to 11:30, lunch will be at 11:30, and from 12:15 to 1 p.m. will be outside activities.

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Community News Ho’olehua Homesteaders Association’s

The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •


Suds for Service


Annual Holiday Craft and Food Sale


To benefit post-high Scholarship fund

Sat. November 23, 2013 | 8 am - 2 pm at Lanikeha Center Plates: Laulau, Korean Chicken, Chinese Chili, Baked goods, Sushi, Bradda Pops, Shave Ice, Butters

Jewelry, Christmas Ornaments, Plants, Gifts Lucky Number, Entertainment and Silent Auction For more info contact O. Bush at 567-6027 or N. Kaawa 567-6442

Molokai Island Foundation Presents:

“Once Upon A”

Molokai Christmas ENTER TO WIN DECEMBER 7, 2013

By Jessica Ahles, Photo by Catherine Cluett


amily and friends of four ministries and churches held a free car wash Saturday behind the Store House in order to serve the community as well as to present the gospel in a new and fun way. Though the church suggested a one-dollar donation, after the wash, the driver would unexpectedly receive their dollar back. Pastor Bill Umi said their main goal was to “see them drive away blessed.”

“It’s not our intention [to receive donations]” said Umi. “We want to really explain that this is a labor of worship.” Umi said he originally got the idea from a Pastor in Canada and that this event was the first of its kind on Molokai. After seeing the success the car wash had brought, Umi said he plans to organize similar events in the future. “We love the community and it brings us joy that this is a labor not unto man but unto God,” he said.


"Aloha is Abundant"


MAHALO NUI to the Moloka`i Community for supporting Festivals of Aloha, Maui Nui Style!




Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, County of Maui, Tri-Isle RC&D, Inc., Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Mokulele Airlines, Alexander & Baldwin, Inc., Maui Hotel and Lodging Association, Information Analytics, KPOA 93.5 FM, Pacific Media Group, Native Intelligence, Moana’s Florist, Moana’s Hula Halau, Friendly Market Center, Misaki Inc., Moloka’i Drug Store, Imamura Store, Rawlins Chevron, Island Refuse, Inc., Alamo Rent-A-Car, Makoa Trucking, Castle Moloka’i Shores, Destination Moloka’i Visitors Bureau, Moloka’i Dispatch, Smythe Fujiwara Design, Connec, LLC., Festivals of Aloha Moloka‘i Committee members and Raquel Dudoit.

All of those that helped behind the scene’s that we might have missed please accept our appreciation for your Kökua and Aloha.

Pick-up applications today at Friendly Market, Kualapuu Market, or Business Depot! Print applications online at

Life is a journey.


is a great first step.

Follow us on Twitter @ MolokaiDispatch



“Like” us on Facebook The Molokai Dispatch

kamehameha preschool applications are now available for the 2014-2015 school year. 3- and 4-year-old programs available.* For more information about the preschool program, call (808) 534-8305. ApplicAtion postmArk deAdline:

January 31, 2014

How to Apply

Download an application with a complete list of preschool sites at or call us at (808) 842-8800 to request that an application be mailed to you.

Kamehameha Schools’ policy on admissions is to give preference to applicants of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law.

* Children must be 3 by July 31, 2014 to be eligible for the 3-year-old program. Children must be 4 by July 31, 2014 to be eligible for the 4-year-old program.

Community News

The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •

HallowHim Ushers in Season of Giving

Workshop for Backyard Egg Farmers and Buyers UH CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service News Release There will be a free workshop to assist those raising chickens for eggs as well as buyers. The workshop will cover candling and grading of shell eggs, washing and good handling practices, packaging and labeling, compliance with federal and state laws, and resources for the backyard egg farmer. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 26 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Queen Liliuokalani Children’s Center Activity Room at Kulana Oiwi. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own eggs for Q and A, and hands on candling practice. Speakers will include Mrs. Jeri Kahana, State Department of Agriculture, Quality

Assurance Administrator, representatives from the Hawaii Department of Health Sanitation Branch, and Food Safety educators from the UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Cooperative Extension Service. “Eggs for Home Use and OffFarm Sales: A Free Workshop for Backyard Egg Farmers and Buyers” is sponsored by the State Departments of Agriculture and Health, and UH College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR). Everyone is invited! To register, visit event/9211474769 or call the Molokai Extension Office at 567-6929 to reserve a seat.

By Jessica Ahles


olunteers served food, pictured here during this year’s HallowHim on Oct. 31. Held annually at the Kaunakakai Baptist Church, the event offered a non-scary and family-friendly alternative to Halloween with a traditional All Hallow’s Eve celebration the night




before All Saint’s Day. More than 1,000 people attended the event, according to Pastor Cameron Hiro, one of this year’s organizers. Families enjoyed games, candy and live music performances, and received free food, haircuts and shoes for keiki. Photo courtesy of Cameron Hiro.

M - Monday, T - Tuesday, W - Wednesday, Th - Thursday, F - Friday, S - Saturday, Su - Sunday


Adult “Aqua Jogger Class” Oct. 15 – Dec. 19 T, Th 9 a.m. at Cooke Memorial Pool 553-5775 Advanced Zumba with Preciouse Senica, 553-5848 T,Th Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 9-10am T,Th, F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 5-6pm Zumba Basic with Christina K. Aki, 553-5402 M Home Pumehana 10:30 a.m. T, Th Mitchell Paoule 9 a.m. F Kilohana Rec Center 5 p.m. Zumba Gold with Christina K. Aki, 553-5402 T, Th Mitchell Paoule 10:30 a.m. F Home Pumehana room #2 10:30 a.m. Personal Training with Elias Vendiola M,T,W,Th,F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 553-5848, by appointment only, Elias Vendiola 5am-1:30pm Turbo Fire Class with Kimberly Kaai/Ceriann Espiritu M, T, W, Th, F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 4-5pm 553-5848 T,Th Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 9-10am Beginning Hula with Valerie Dudoit-Temahaga W Home Pumehana 10:15 a.m. T Mirchell Paoule10:15 a.m. Intermediate Hula with Valerie Dudoit-Temahaga W Home Pumehana 11:20 a.m. T Mirchell Paoule 11:20 a.m. Hula: Ka Pa Hula `O Hina I Ka Po La`ila`i M Hula Wahine, 4:30-5:30 Advanced @ MCHC 5:30-6:30 Beginners

T Papa Oli (Chanting) 4:30 – 5:30 Svaroopa Yoga with Connie Clews M Home Pumehana, 7:45-9:30 a.m. T Home Pumehana, 5:15-7 p.m. Th Kualapu`u Rec Center, 5:15-7 p.m. F Home Pumehana, 7:45-9:30 a.m. Call 553-5402 for info. Yoga Class open to students, families and the community. TH Kilohana cafeteria from 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. Yoga class focused on individual form, internal practice, Call Karen at 558-8225 for info Aikido Class at Soto Mission behind Kanemitsu Bakery. M, W, F, 5-6 p.m. 552-2496 or visit Quit Smoking Na Pu’uwai Program Learn ways to quit with less cravings. Mondays 11:45 a.m. Na Pu’uwai conference room. 560-3653. Individual sessions available. Aloha Wednesday - Drop by and receive your weekly dose of Energy Healing in the Pu’uwai of Kaunakakai @ Kalele Bookstore - 3:30 to 4:30. Hosted by: Zelie Duvauchelle: 558-8207 Molokai Swim Club M, T, W, Th : Cooke Memorial Pool, 4:30 to 6 pm


Na Kupuna Hotel Molokai, Fridays 4-6 p.m. Na Ohana Hoaloha Music & Hula, Paddlers, Sun. 3-5 p.m. Aunty Pearl’s Ukulele Class W Home Pumehana, 9-10 a.m. F Home Pumehana, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Open to all. For more info call 553-5402


Alu Like Kupuna Mon & Thurs, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. OHA/DHHl. Wed, 9:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. at Lanikeha. 1st and 2nd Tues. each month at MAC Special field trips on Fridays. AA Hot Bread Meeting, Tues. & Fri from 9-10 p.m. Kaunakakai Baptist Church. 336-0191 Kingdom of Hawaii II monthly meetings. Third Thursday of every month, 6-8 p.m. at Kaunakakai Gym conference room. SPORTS & RECREATION AA Meeting Mana`e Meeting, Ka Hale Po Maikai Recreational Paddling with Wa`akapaemua Canoe Office upstairs (13.5 miles east of Kaunakakai on the Club. Call 553-3999 or 553-3530. All levels and abilities Mauka side of the road), Wed. & Sat. 5:30–6:30p.m. welcome. Al-Anon Meeting Mondays, Grace Episcopal Church in Th 7:30 to 8:30 am at Hale Wa`akapaemua. Ho`olehua, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Pick-up Soccer Alcoholics Anonymous Friendly Isle Fellowship Molokai General Hospital (around to the back please), W Duke Maliu Regional Park., 5pm Mon. & Thurs. 7-8 p.m. Molokai Archery Club Indoor Shoot Female Sexual Abuse Meetings, Seventh Day TH Mitchell Pauole Center, 7 p.m. Open to public. Adventist Church with a group of inter-denominational Youth in Motion SUP, sailing, windsurfing and Christian women. Second and fourth Thursday of each kayaking. Tues. & Thurs 3:30-5:30 p.m., Malama month at 6 p.m. For more info, call 553-5428. Park. Call Clare Seeger Mawae at 553-4477 or clare@


Anniversary dinner and silent auction at Hotel Moloka. Auction starts at 5p.m. Dinner ► Molokai Veterans Caring for Veterans & Entertainment 6:30 p.m. Tickets $40. Call General Membership Meeting at the new 567-6980 for more info. building site at 11a.m. Will elect new officers and board members, nominee slate available MONDAY, NOV 18 ► Income Taxes vs. Wealth instructed at the bunker. by Philip Lenefsky, DDS from 12 to 1 p.m. FRIDAY, NOV 15 at Kuha`o Business Center (KBC). ► Lino Printmaking Workshop with ► Operation Christmas Child on MoloArtAloha! Be creative this year and make kai drop off days at Molokai Baptist Church your own holiday cards or gifts. Learn in Hoolehua: Mon, Nov. 18 from 3-6 p.m. technique and design to create, cut and Tues, Nov. 19 - Fri, Nov. 22 8:30 - 2:30 p.m. print your own lino. $25 includes materials. Kaunakakai Fri, Nov 15 & Maunaloa Sat, Nov Sat, Nov. 22 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sun, Nov. 24 16 1-4 p.m. Contact Heather to register. 658- 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Contact Julia De George at 658-6513 or 567-9204 for more info. 0124 or


► 2nd Annual Art Show by the Molokai Arts Center at the library Nov 13 - Dec 2.


► Seeds of Hope Na Kupu Mana‘olana Film Premier & Talk Story from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m at Kalaniana`ole Hall. Come see the acclaimed documentary that chronicles the history and current challenges of agriculture in Hawai‘i today. Free organic popcorn, ‘ono Kiawe treats and refreshments. ► Akaula Ku Ka Lau Lama 2013: 10 Year


► Caregiver Workshop at Home Pumehana from 10 - 11:30 a.m. Call 871-5804 or 553-5241 for more info. ► Local Social Media Blueprint instructed by Joseph Cicchino & Tom Gaddis from 12 to 1 KBC. Learn how to implement social media blueprint that will increase your online presence and drive sales.

► Enrollment To enroll at Molokai High School please go call Lori Kaiama at 567-6950 ext. 228 or Julia De George at ext. 229 to set up an appointment for enrollment. Please go to the following

learn more about PC-33 and how this may affect your home based business prior to the public meeting/hearing at 6:00 p.m. at Mitchell Pauole Center. ► Home Business Ordinance Meeting at 6 p.m. at Mitchell Pauole.


► Health Coverage for Small Businesses & Their Employees instructed by Kanoelani Davis, Hi’i Ola Program Specialist- Molokai & Lana’i on Thurs, Nov. 21 from 9 to 11 a.m. Learn about Hawaii Health Connector, the Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance, Tax Credits and subsidies. Call KBC to register for this free class. ► Hoolehua Homesteaders’ Assn. Scholarship Holiday Craft & Food Sale, Nov. 23, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Lanikeha Hall, Hoolehua. Any questions see Ochie or Nona. ► The Archeological Secrets of Mokio with Dr. Marshall Weisler on Sat, Nov 23. Field visit at 8:30 am and lecture at 7 p.m.

event/9211474769 or call Lynn NakamuraTengan on Maui @ 808-244-3242 ext 222 for more info. ► Kilohana Grandparents Day on Nov 27 starting at 7:30 a.m. Student Showcase, Kupuna Activities, Outdoor Activities and Turkey Trot. ► Starting a Business in Maui County on Wed, Nov. 27 from 12 to 1 p.m. at KBC. In this workshop, Karen Arakawa, Economic Development Specialist with the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, will cover general information and requirements for starting a business in Maui County. ► Bennett Pottery Annual Show and Sale on Sat, Nov 30 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Kalae. Call 567-6585 for more info.

► Workshop for backyard egg farmer ► Once Upon A Molokai Christmas & buyers on Nov. 26 from 3:30 – 5:30 pm ► Home Based Business Update at MEO at QLCC Activity Room at Kulana Oiwi. Reg- parade and ho`olaulea on Dec 7. Business Development Center (Kuu’lei’s ister online at: Classroom) from 9 to 10 a.m. Join us to



I Aloha Molokai, alternative energy solutions for Molokai. First Monday of every month, 6 pm at Kulana Oiwi. Go to for schedule or location changes. Living through Loss, Support group for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Third Thursday of every month at 10 -11:30 a.m. or 4:30 -6 p.m. at Hospice Office in Kamoi Center. Call Barbara Helm at 336-0261. Molokai Inventors Circle meets Wednesdays 2-4 p.m. at the Kuha’o Business Center. Contact John Wordin at 553-8100 for info Narcotics Anonymous (No Fear Meeting) Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kaunakakai Ball Field dugout, 8 to 9 a.m.Open meeting. For more info, call Rodney at 213-4603. Plein Air Molokai - Art Outdoors First Fri & Sat. Third Thursdays. Work on your art with others inspired by nature. All levels welcome! This is not an instructor led class. Contact Heather (808) 658-0124 or ArtAloha! Keiki - Weds Nov 6- Dec 18 from 2-3 p.m, 3-4 p.m, 4-5 p.m. Email or call Heather 658-0124 Molokai Community Children’s Council Every second Thursday. Home Pumehana, 2:30-4 p.m. 567-6308 Read to Me at Molokai Public Library First Wednesday of the month, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Call 553-1765 Molokai Walk Marketplace Arts and Crafts Fair down the lane between Imports Gifts and Friendly Market, Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. MAC Ceramics Class at Coffees of Hawaii. 9 - 11 a.m.

Hawaii DOE website to see what documents will be needed for enrollment.

OPPORTUNITIES & SERVICES ► Free Monthly Rummage Sale.

Every second Saturday, we can help you get rid of unwanted junk and treasures. Call us at Coffees Espresso Bar for more info, 567-9490 ext. 27.

requested. For more info call 553-3999 or 553-3530. Upon request, special events such as weddings, scattering of ashes, etc. can be arranged.

► Visitor Paddle, Hawaiian Outrigger Cultural Experience. Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 am with Wa`akapaemua. Donation

Hey Molokai! Want to see your upcoming event or activity posted here -- FOR FREE? Let us know! Drop by, email or call us with a who, what, when, where and contact information to editor@themolokaidispatch. com or call 552-2781. Calendar items are community events with fixed dates, please keep between 20-30 words; community bulletin items are ongoing or flexible events, please keep between 50-60 words.

MEO Bus Schedule & Routes East 2 Expanded Rural Shuttle Service Kamo’i

Snack-n-Go New Bus Schedule as of January 3, 2012

Moloka’i General Store

From Puko`o Fire Station to Kaunakakai Route 1-1a 1-2a 1-3a 1-4a 1-5a 1-6a 1-7a 1-8a

Puko'o Fire Station 5:20 AM 6:55 AM 8:15 AM 10:50 AM 12:10 PM 1:30 PM 3:05 PM 4:40 PM

Kalua'aha Estates 5:25 AM 7:00 AM 8:20 AM 10:55 AM 12:15 PM 1:35 PM 3:10 PM 4:45 PM

Kilohana School 5:30 AM 7:05 AM 8:25 AM 11:00 AM 12:20 PM 1:40 PM 3:15 PM 4:50 PM

St. Joseph Church 5:35 AM 7:10 AM 8:30 AM 11:05 AM 12:25 PM 1:45 PM 3:20 PM 4:55 PM

Kawela Plantation I 5:45 AM 7:20 AM 8:40 AM 11:15 AM 12:35 PM 1:55 PM 3:30 PM 5:05 PM

Hotel Mkk / One Ali'I Park 5:50 AM 7:25 AM 8:45 AM 11:20 AM 12:40 PM 2:00 PM 3:35 PM 5:10 PM

MCC / MPC / Midnite Inn 5:55 AM 7:30 AM 8:50 AM 11:25 AM 12:45 PM 2:05 PM 3:40 PM 5:15 PM

The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •

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Church Services Topside Molokai UCC Church Waialua - 11:00am | Kalaiakamanu Hou - 9:30am Ho`olehua - 8 am | Kalua`aha - 12:30am (4th Sunday, only)

Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Robin Saban | 808-553-5235 | 1400 Maunaloa Hwy, Kaunakakai, HI | 9:15 am Adult and Children Sabbath School | 11:00 am Worship Service

Saint Damien Catholic Parish Father William Petrie | 553-5220 St. Damien, Kaunakakai , 6 pm Sat, 9 am Sun; Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, Kalua’aha, 7 am Sun; St. Vincent Ferrer, Maunaloa, 11 am Sun; St. Joseph, Kamalo, No weekly services

First Assembly of God King’s Chapel Kahu Robert Sahagun | 553-5540, Cell: 646-1140 Maunaloa, Sunday 9 am, Kaunakakai, Sunday 10:30 am, Sunday Evening 6 pm, Tuesday Evening 6:30, Mana’e, Sunday 6 pm

Kaunakakai Baptist Church Pastor Mike Inouye | 553-5671 | 135 KAM V HWY Kaunakakai | 9 am adult Sunday school | Worship service 10:15 am Heart of Aloha Church 1st Sunday - Kilohana Community Ctr 10:30 am | 2nd Sunday - Maunaloa Community Ctr 10:30 am| Other Sundays - Lanikeha Community Ctr 10:30 am Pastor Cameron Hiro, website: phone: 808-658-0433 Polynesian Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Bob Winters | 552-0258 South of Elementary School, Maunaloa Town Sunday School & Adult Worship Service,10 am, Sunday • • 808-553-3648 • Mobile 808-336-0085 • Fax 808-553-3783

Grace Episcopal Church 567-6420 | 2210 Farrington Ave | 10 am Sun | All are welcome Baha’i Faith Open house every third Sunday of the month Mile 14 east | 3pm | Discussion and refreshments | All are welcome | For information: 558-8432 or 213-5721 Email: | Molokai Shekinah Glory Church Pu’ukapele Avenue, Hoolehua (drive all the way down) 10:00 AM Worship Service Senior Pastor Isaac Gloor ,Pastor Brandon Joao “We Welcome All”

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Health & Education

Red Cross Disaster Team

The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •

Na Pu’uwai Fitness Challenge Winners


Na Pu`uwai Fitness Center News Release

Red Cross Hawaii News Release The Red Cross is growing their cadre of disaster volunteers on Molokai. Free disaster training was provided on Molokai at the end of October and new volunteers were trained. Currently, the Molokai Red Cross disaster team consists of 23 individuals, ready to respond on island to disasters that may occur. All disaster response and training of disaster volunteers are free of charge. Halona Kaopuiki is one of the newly trained Red Cross volunteers. “I was very impressed on the Red Cross orientation classes on Molokai,” he said. “When I saw Lester Keanini helping victims on the news in Louisiana, it made me feel proud to see a Molokai boy volunteering his services away from home. So I am grateful to be involved with this program and hope to continue and move forward.” Long time Molokai volunteer Phyllis Murakami-Siu added, “In times of need, people of Molokai huki as ohana. Molokai Red Cross is growing

DIVING Continued From pg. 1 Sensors around our faces can sense when we’re submerged or face up even when we’re unconscious, Stepanek said. When we’re face down, the body automatically closes our vocal chords so we can’t take in water. At this point, our body shuts down non-essential functions to save brain function. This state is known as black-out. The length of time our body can remain in black-out before taking a final breath known as a “terminal gasp” varies depending on factors such as age, water temperature and physical fitness, according to Stepanek. Young children are more likely to survive unconsciousness in the water -- Stepanek said he’s heard of a 3-year-old going 47 minutes in black-out without brain damage -- because of their strong mammalian dive reflex. “Our body has its own protective mechanisms,” said Stepanek. “The more often you trigger [the mammalian dive reflex] the faster it will kick in.” Most untrained people can hold their breath for about 45 seconds, according to Stepanek. After just one weekend developing their breathholding capacity, many people can hold their breath for three and a half to five minutes -- “the capacity we’re born with.” “We just show them how to use their bodies,” Stepanek explained. Stepanek said many Molokai residents are already accomplished divers, so the focus of the Molokai course wasn’t on developing breath-holding capacity, but on safety. The only way to a survive blackout is if our airway is clear -- and that requires the assistance of a buddy That’s why one of the most important things the FII team teaches is to dive with a buddy system. “When you go out and spearfish, always go in a buddy team and stay within arm’s reach of your buddy when they surface,” said Stepanek. “Always be aware of where they are and only one person should be diving at a time.” Stepanek said 90 percent of all cases of loss of consciousness happen on the surface. Even after a diver takes a few breaths, black-out can take place because oxygen takes time to reach the brain. He said it’s a common misconception that most black-outs happen at the bottom of the dive.

A Deep History On Oct. 28, the week’s events kicked off with a history lesson on diving in Hawaii from former Olympic swimmer, legendary spear fisherman and diver Sonny Tanabe of Hilo. “No one really knows how spearfishing got started,” said Tanabe, adding that historically any civilization living along the coastline utilized

as part of Molokai Ohana reaching out to help. Each volunteer brings added energy, skills, mana’o, and pono. E komo mai! I am humbly thankful, ha’a ha’a.” Michele Liberty, Red Cross Maui director, described the Molokai disaster team as an impressive group of people. “It is heartwarming to know how committed these volunteers are to ensuring that they are prepared to respond if and when an emergency or disaster happens on Molokai,” she said. If you are interested in becoming a Red Cross volunteer or for more information about upcoming trainings, please call the Maui office at 244-0051. The Red Cross encourages all families to make a disaster plan to include an evacuation plan with two different routes of escape, a communications plan to help families reconnect after disaster and a disaster supplies kit that is readily available to aid in a quick evacuation. Information on developing a family plan is available to the public at the ocean as a food source. Using long wooden spears, Hawaiian divers explored the underwater world to collect food. When soldiers arrived with bayonets in the 1890s, Tanabe said, divers began using half wood, half steel spears. And when rubber made its first appearance in the mid-1900s, the “Hawaiian sling” -- a short, hand-held spear using rubber tubing for projection -- gained popularity throughout the South Pacific. Later, a hinge was often used for the trigger mechanism, creating a handgun-like spear. Tanabe also brought a selection of historic Hawaiian swim goggles made of hollow woods such as bamboo, with glass inserts, which he showed to the audience, as well as the first underwater light used for night lobster diving, encased in black rubber tubing.

Putting Knowledge into Practice Each of the three courses during the week on Molokai offered classroom instruction followed by hands-on learning in the Cooke Memorial Pool. Six FII instructors and crew members came from Hawaii and the mainland to offer the training. “From the least experienced novice to some of Molokai’s most respected old time divers, all walked away with new safety knowledge and skills,” wrote Ka Honua Momona event organizers Kauwila Hanchett and Lindy Helm afterward. “Best of all everyone had a blast too!” With the support of Maui County staff, and the co-sponsorship of nonprofit Ka Honua Momona and Molokai Fish and Dive, which provided dive equipment for use during the course, FII instructors donated their time to offer the safety training on Molokai free of charge. For 12-year-old Buck Aselin, the course’s youngest participant, the best part was “practicing at the pool with the instructors.” “I enjoyed that the instructors encouraged me and told me I was good at the [safety] routines,” he wrote in a review of the course. “[For me, the best part was] learning things that could save other people’s lives,” said participant Maihilahila Hornswill. “This program is awesome!” “It has helped me to be a better and safer diver,” said another participant, Dicky Stone. “Anyone who dives or is involved in the ocean should take this class.” The week garnered so much interest and positive responses that FII instructors said they want to come back to offer more training on Molokai in the future. “Self-sufficiency is one of the things I love about Molokai,” said Stepanek. “There’s a lot of spearfishing here and I know how dangerous it can be without training. Our inspiration for coming was finding a way to contribute [to Molokai].”

Na Pu’uwai has brought its latest eight-week challenge to a close on Oct. 31, and results are in! This challenge produced 83 participants, including both men and women. We had a grand prize winner as well as first through fifth place winners for men and women, ranging from $25 to $100 in gift certificates, a month free membership at the fitness center, and cotton fitness center T-shirts. The grand prize was a custom long board with Na Pu`uwai’s logo made by Bouvey Bradley from Makaha, Oahu. Harley Tancayo sneaked in from the sidelines and took it home for the win. He was the overall grand prize winner. With humbleness, Harley was astonished and excited that his hard work, his endeavors, and his commitment paid off at the end. Harley reported that the eight-week challenge influenced him to “eat better, no rice and no high fructose corn syrup. Now I feel much better, not as much ‘owies’ in the mornings.” He started off on the elliptical at level 1 and now he is exercising at a level 4. When asked why he thinks he won, Harley replied, “Because of my mindset, I went at it mostly for the love of my family and the love of God. Love was my motivation, and should be the motivation for everything.” Harley and his wife, Janelle, also go walking frequently, picking up nails, screws and trash on the side of the road.

Harley plans to use his long board as soon as he has time, and will be entering the next upcoming eight-week health challenge in January, 2014. His tip to participants in future challenges is, “When you feel like not going to the gym and working out, that’s the time you should really go. Just like church, when you no like go, that’s when you should, because there is something special [in the sermon] for you.”

Caregiver Workshop Maui County Office on Aging News Release Maui Adult Day Care Centers and Maui County Office on Aging invite you to a free caregiver workshop, “Understanding the Older Adult.” The workshop will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Home Pumehana Hall. Gain awareness and understanding for the emotions an aging loved one goes through as you take over their care. Learn

also about factors that contribute to negative/positive behavior changes, caregiver tips to help you provide care with compassion and tips for surviving the holidays. The event will be taught by Kathleen Couch, Caregiver and Program Coordinator at the Maui Adult Day Care Centers. The workshop is open to the public and no reservations are needed. Certificates of attendance are available for professionals. For more information call Kathy 1-808-871-5804 or Rachelle 553-5241.

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The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •




ARIES (March 21-April 19): There’s something resembling a big red snake slithering around in your mind these days. I don’t mean that literally, of course. I’m talking about a big red imaginary snake. But it’s still quite potent. While it’s not poisonous, neither is it a pure embodiment of sweetness and light. Whether it ends up having a disorienting or benevolent influence on your life all depends on how you handle your relationship with it. I suggest you treat it with respect but also let it know that you’re the boss. Give it guidelines and a clear mandate so that it serves your noble ambitions and not your chaotic desires. If you do that, your big red snake will heal and uplift you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In my astrological opinion, almost nothing can keep you from getting the love you need in the coming days. Here’s the only potential problem: You might have a mistaken or incomplete understanding about the love you need, and that could interfere with you recognizing and welcoming the real thing. So here’s my prescription: Keep an open mind about the true nature of the love that you actually need most, and stay alert for the perhaps unexpected ways it might make itself available. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “People fall so in love with their pain, they can’t leave it behind,” asserts novelist Chuck Palahniuk. Your assignment, Gemini, is to work your ass off to fall out of love with your pain. As if you were talking to a child, explain to your subconscious mind that the suffering it has gotten so accustomed to has outlived its usefulness. Tell your deep self that you no longer want the ancient ache to be a cornerstone of your identity. To aid the banishment, I recommend that you conduct a ritual of severing. Tie one side of a ribbon to a symbol of your pain and tie the other side around your waist. Then cut the ribbon in half and bury the symbol in the dirt. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again,”said painter Joan Miró. “You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life,” he added. The coming days are likely to bring you none of the former kind of experiences and several of the latter, Cancerian. It’s a numinous time in your long-term cycle: a phase when you’re likely to encounter beauty that enchants you and mysteries that titillate your sense of wonder for a long time. In other words, the eternal is coming to visit you in very concrete ways. How do you like your epiphanies? Hot and wild? Cool and soaring? Comical and lyrical? Hot and soaring and comical and wild and cool and lyrical?

of the week, Virgo. May it inspire you to crack through blocks and barriers with subtle force. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You’re not being swept along in a flood of meaningless distractions and irrelevant information and trivial wishes, right? I’m hoping that you have a sixth sense about which few stimuli are useful and meaningful to you, and which thousands of stimuli are not. But if you are experiencing a bit of trouble staying well-grounded in the midst of the frenzied babble, now would be a good time to take strenuous action. The universe will conspire to help you become extra stable and secure if you resolve to eliminate as much nonsense from your life as you can. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Sweetness is good. Sweetness is desirable. To be healthy, you need to give and receive sweetness on a regular basis. But you can’t flourish on sweetness alone. In fact, too much of it may be oppressive or numbing. I’m speaking both literally and metaphorically: To be balanced you need all of the other tastes, including saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and savoriness. From what I understand, you are headed into a phase when you’ll thrive on more bitterness and savoriness than usual. To get an idea of what I mean, meditate on what the emotional equivalents might be for bitter tastes like coffee, beer, and olives, and for savory tastes like mushrooms, cheese, spinach, and green tea. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): When you procrastinate, you avoid doing an important task. Instead, you goof off, doing something fun or simply puttering around wasting time. But what if there were a higher form of procrastination? What if you could avoid an important task by doing other tasks that were somewhat less important but still quite valuable? Here’s what that might look like for you right now: You could postpone your search for the key to everything by throwing yourself into a project that will give you the key to one small part of everything. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In his utopian novel Looking Backward, American author Edward Bellamy wrote a passage that I suspect applies to you right now: “It is under what may be called unnatural, in the sense of extraordinary, circumstances that people behave most naturally, for the reason that such circumstances banish artificiality.” Think of the relief and release that await you, Capricorn: an end to pretending, a dissolution of deception, the fall of fakery. As you weave you way through extraordinary circumstances, you will be moved to act with brave authenticity. Take full advantage. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “I have your back” is an American expression that could also be rendered as “I’m right behind you, ready to help and defend you” or “I’m ready to support you whenever you’ve got a problem.” Is there anyone in the world who feels that way about you? If not, now would be an excellent time to work on getting such an ally. Cosmic conditions are ripe for bringing greater levels of assistance and collaboration into your life. And if you already do have confederates of that caliber, I suggest you take this opportunity to deepen your symbiotic connection even further.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): There’s a new genre of erotic literature: dinosaur porn. E-books like In the Velociraptor’s Nest and Ravished by the Triceratops tell tall tales about encounters between people and prehistoric reptiles. I don’t recommend you read this stuff, though. While I do believe that now is a good time to add new twists to your sexual repertoire and explore the frontiers of pleasure, I think you should remain rooted in the real world, even in your fantasy life. It’s also important to be safe as you experiment. You really don’t want to explore the frontiers of pleasure with cold-blooded beasts. Either travel alone or else PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Over a hundred countries round up a warm-blooded compassion specialist who has a around the world celebrate a holiday called Independence Day, memorializing a time when they broke away from anfew skills in the arts of intimacy. other nation and formed a separate state. I encourage you VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The saxifrage is a small plant to create your own personal version of this festival. It could with white flowers. It grows best in subarctic regions and commemorate a breakthrough moment in the past when cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere. The word “saxi- you escaped an oppressive situation, a turning point when frage” is derived from the Latin word saxifraga, whose literal you achieved a higher level of autonomy, or a taboo-busting meaning is “stone-breaker.” Indeed, the plant does often ap- transition when you started expressing your own thoughts pear in the clefts of stones and boulders. In his poem “A Sort and making your own decisions with more authority. By the of a Song,” William Carlos Williams celebrates its strength: way, a fresh opportunity to take this kind of action is available “Saxifrage is my flower that splits the rocks.” I nominate this to you. Any day now might be a good time to declare a new darling little dynamo to be your metaphorical power object Independence Day.



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By: Kala’I Vaughn-Helm Hawaiian: luapele

• Definition: He pu’u I puehu ‘ia ka lava mai loko mai • TRANSLATION: volcano • EXAMPLE: Aia I he mau luapele ma Hawai’I nei. • TRANSLATION: There a volcanoes in Hawai’I that still exist today.

By Dispatch Staff English: emulate

• Definition: To imitate with effort to equal or surpass • EXAMPLE: Young singers often emulate popular artists they admire.

Pidgin: Map hang

• DEFINITION: Expression of sadness or disappointment • EXAMPLE: Oh Kimo, he map hang. I tink he wen flunk da test. • Translation: Kimo seems disappointed. I think he must have failed the test.

Puzzle Answers on Page 10

Tide, Sun & moon Calendar




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“Villas” for rent. Unit 1193 LArgest sized, studio in complex, fully furnished, tastefully decorated, with partial ocean views. Conveniently located nearby are laundry facilities and open parking. Unit available for short term or long term rental, at $700.00 plus tax per month. Call owners for details. Call 552-2703 Real Estate for Sale Beach Home for Sale Great location, great potential, great price. Many rooms on the beach $450,000 Dayna E Harris, R 553 8334 Molokai Vacation Properties

For sale Potted Plants

Auto and small engine repair (lawn mower, chain saw, weed eaters…) Home maintenance repairs incl. electrical, plumbing & sewer backups. Call 553-3746 Rug Cleaning

Mahana Gardens is now selling “Bev’s veggie starts” and new “patio ready” potted plants. Also available are Molokai made decorative pots. Open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 8 to 5. Call 213-5590 for more information. Wanted

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Community Contributed

Molokai in Business: Something for Everybody By Jeannine Rossa This is the first in a monthly series on local businesses, both old and new. Our intent is to support our local businesses, help people who want to start a business, and tell a good story. What: Something for Everybody, an upscale, second-hand clothing store. Who: Wailani Tanaka When: Monday through Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 pm and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Where: Upstairs above American Savings Bank How: 808-553-8149 or wailanitanaka@

Ranch closed in 2008, they moved back to Maui to work, but stayed focused on their Molokai business dream. On the weekends, they mapped out garage sales hunting for anything they could potentially use. When they bought their first home on Molokai in 2011, they shipped everything over and decided to fill the rest of the shipping container with other used household goods to resell. “Every weekend, we would come home to work on our house and while doing that we would run Garage Sales!” She continued to work full-time on Maui and when a consignment store owned by a friend offered to sell them overstock, they jumped at that opportunity to add clothing to their garage sales. It was then they realized the business opportunity and need of those items on Molokai and Something for Everybody was born with the concept of clothes, household decor and more. Q: What’s your advice for someone who wants to start a business on Molokai? A: “Number one, take Aunty Ku`ulei’s business class [at MEO],” advises Wailani. “I opened up in August and didn’t take the class until December. I would have saved so much time! Before I opened, I had to go here and there and get all the right paperwork. The class has everything in a big, fat, textbook… and it’s free! Number two, look carefully for your space. I love my space because the utilities are paid.” Wailani also explains that she would not try to start a business if she couldn’t dedicate100 percent of her time to it. Her advice: “You gotta plan!” Final words? “Partnerships and cross promotions help you!!” affirms Wailani. “As with everything, we are stronger working together.” To suggest a business for this column, contact Jeannine Rossa at 808-567-6467 or email

Question: What do you do and how long have you been doing it? Answer: I own and operate the store Something for Everybody selling clothes, footwear, and accessories for men, women and teens in all sizes and styles. I also carry household goods and made on Molokai items such as jewelry, music, T-shirts, hats and accessories. We have been in business for a little over a year. Q: What training or education did you need? A: “I don’t have a college degree,” confesses Wailani, a Mana`e girl from Honouliwai, the daughter of Eddie and Vina Tanaka. “I went to Kamehameha Schools, then UH for a couple of years. I was dancing in Hula shows at night and the company I worked for opened another boat in Maui so I decided to take the infamous ‘semester off’ from college.” When she wasn’t performing, Wailani was doing business paperwork and on-island marketing. “I liked the per diem and paycheck and I never went back!” She then moved to San Diego and worked for Kaiser Human Resources then moved back to Molokai as the events coordinator for Molokai Ranch and most recently for The Westin Maui in Sales/Marketing/Public Relations. Q: How did you launch your business? A: “Ever since I went away to board for high school, my dream was to move back successfully,” explains Wailani. She and her fiancé, Dave, moved to Molokai in 2007 with the idea they would start a lunch wagon. They quickly learned that they couldn‘t work full-time and start a business. When the

STAMPEDE Continued From pg. 1 Stampede offers some of the biggest prizes in Hawaii, he said, including cash, saddles and an all-terrain vehicle for the overall winner. The prizes are funded by the Austin ohana, owners of Kaluaplei Ranch for generations, according to Saucie Dudoit, who manages the ranch with her husband Goat. The Dudoits organize the annual Stampede to perpetuate the culture and keep the paniolo lifestyle alive. It’s not just the prospect of winning that brings off-island ropers like Gomes back every year. “We like the peace and serenity [of Molokai] and the people take care of us like family,” he said. For the first time on Molokai, the Paniolo Preservation Society displayed the Paniolo Hall of Fame in a traveling exhibit at the Stampede. Created by and voted on

by the Oahu Cattlemen Association, the Paniolo Hall of Fame is currently made up of 128 members and is meant to commemorate past and present paniolo statewide who preserved the heritage and helped make it legendary. “These cowboys [in the hall of fame] are masters of the open range,” said Molokai paniolo Clifford Dudoit. Clifford said he was born ranching and training horses for a living. “This is our history but it’s dying -- there’s hardly any horsemanship anymore,” he said. “Seventy percent of people think they can just jump on a horse and be a cowboy.” To Clifford, horsemanship is about understanding and knowing how to communicate with the horse—something that requires practice and patience. He said it’s hard to predict where the future is heading, but the Hall of Fame and events like the Molokai Stampede help keep the tradition alive. Check next week’s Dispatch for more Stampede results.

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TRY OUR “GR AB N’ GO” IT EMS! MADE FRESH DAILY. O N E C O U P O N P E R C U S T O M E R . M U S T P R E S E N T C O U P O N AT T I M E O F S A L E . O F F E R VA L I D W I T H T H I S C O U P O N N O V 13 2013 - N O V 19 , 2013

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Letters & Announcements

Road Paving at Ho`olehua Cemetery DHHL Molokai News Release The Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL) is seeking professional design engineering services to prepare bid plans and specifications for construction of paved roadways within the Kanakaloloa Cemetery located at Tax Map Key: (2)5-2-17:003, situated at 2725 Lihi Pali Avenue, Ho`olehua, Molokai. The scope of services include, but are not limited to, preparing a topographic survey for comparison to the original survey and plot plan of the cemetery to identify encroachments and

realign the current dirt roads to avoid said encroachments. A re-survey of the parcel designated to hold ceremonial services is also required. The scope of work will also include preparation of any required environmental assessment documents, plans and specifications and bid package for paved roads, obtaining necessary permits and services during construction. Please see the State Procurement Office (SPO) website or the DHHL website for more information. Submittals are due by Nov. 22, 2013.

Come Swim with Us Maui Dolphins Swim Club Molokai News Release The season of eating is upon us! Keep your waist slim with regular swimming; stay or get in shape through the holiday season with the Maui Dolphins Swim Club on Molokai. Practices are offered at the Cooke Memorial Pool, Monday through Thursday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The 2014 registration period is open for both age group (18 and under) and Masters (19 and over) swimmers. Monthly dues include family pricing. For athletes who are interested in competitive swimming, USA Swimming-

sanctioned meets are held on Maui throughout the winter. Registration information and discounts on swim gear are available through the Maui Dolphins website, A special guest coach, Molokai native Ilia Reyes, will be on-deck throughout November and December. Reyes holds several Hawaii state records and raced at the 2012 Olympic Trials, and is currently training with the Navy Seals. Come learn to swim fast! Stop by the pool at any time during practice hours. A parent or coach will be able to assist and answer questions. See you in the water!

Swill Bids Kaunakakai Elementary News Release Kaunakakai Elementary School is accepting swill bids for this 2013-2014 school year. The bidding period is from Nov. 12 through Nov. 22, 2013 by 3 p.m.

Bidding application forms can be picked up at Kaunakakai Elementary School’s front office between 7:30 a.m. through 4 p.m. The bidding period will cover December 2013 through May 2014. If you have any questions, please call Kaunakakai Elementary School at 553-1730.

“A Place for Dad”

Aloha my Moloka’i Ohana. Mom and Dad loved Moloka’i. Mom passed last year, but Dad’s still going strong!!

Here’s our thought: Perhaps your family that has a property that is not for sale, rent or lease. There is a possibility that could be a Win-Win for both our families. Versatility note: If your family has a reunion and needs your place for a month or so each year, we can move Dad during this period. Your family could have $$$+ in cash to really do something; College tuition, a new car or boat, or an operation not covered by insurance. We would be willing to pay the lease in cash, in advance for 2 to 4 years, with of course the proper protection. Dad’s a perfectionist, and not only would your property be experiencing a minimum of attrition, but anything needing repair or attention would be immediately attended.

I’ve been away from my Beloved Island for almost 6 years now, caring for my Parents. I look forward to sharing creative and innovative possibilities to assure Dad’s remaining years provide a wonderful quality of life. Dad is self-sufficient and I already have my place. I’ll be looking in on him regularly, but will not be living with him. Dad’s happiness is most important: He wants his own place, his “Man Cave.” The necessary requirements for Dad would be a degree of privacy. He would be happy pretty much anywhere East End, but we are not limited to Mana’e. A place in town would be OK, preferably along Kam V, Ma’kai side. Kapa’akea would be perfect as well. I will be home mid-November until late December, and we can meet in person: Phone: 808 336 0866. Mahalo nui, malama pono, Me Kealoha Pumehana; Joe

The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •


Molokai According to Vince Molokai, what can I say about a place as magnificent as you? From the sweeping mountain ranges to the endless sunshine, Molokai is a great place I got the chance to call home. When I first got off the plane, I didn’t realize there was a place on earth with no stoplights, McDonalds, or tall buildings. Molokai, a place where a kid can play at night and walk to school. A place where being “on time” is an optional concept. Molokai, a place where you get to meet incredible people, many who will be friends for a lifetime. When the spirit of aloha brings you in its grip, it is hard to let go. While here, I was able to experience the trials and challenges of living as close to “off the grid” as possible. I got a chance to climb the highest sea cliffs in the world, swim in ancient waterfalls, collect exotic seashells, and even encounter a few dangerous eels! Coming here meant that I not only got a chance to work but gain the skills I need for the future. But the most important aspect of my time on Molokai were the friends I met. We

were roommates, co-workers and best friends. Some of our best conversations were under the Milky Way at the beach, nothing is more entertaining than talking about nothing important and loving it all the way. I thank you, Molokai, for giving me one of the best times of my life! Vincent Meadows Former Molokai Dispatch graphic design intern

Mahalo for Freediving Course Success Mahalo nui loa to the amazing crew of Freediving Instructors International (FII) who came to share your knowledge with Molokai—Niki and Martin Stepanek, Jon Ammerman, Daniel Koval, Mark Wallerstein, and Perrin. We were so very impressed with the excellent quality of the instructors, course content and delivery, and overall safety training. From the least experienced novice to some of Molokai’s most respected old time divers, all walked away with new safety knowledge and skills. Mahalo. Mahalo nui loa to Duke Sevilla with the Maui County Aquatics Division; Colette Baisa with the Maui County Parks and Recreation; Liz Lum and Zachary Helm with the Molokai Parks and Recreation; Kaleo Crivello, Breanne Montizor, and Doug at the Cooke Memorial Pool; Treat Kalilikane and Bernell Bishaw at the Kaunakakai Gym; the Molokai Police Station for your help with fingerprinting; and everyone else leading and working behind the scenes. We’d also like to extend our gratitude to the following people: Tim and

staff at Molokai Fish and Dive for co-sponsoring the event and providing equipment for those students that needed it; Uncle Sonny Tanabe who shared his extensive knowledge about the history of spearfishing in Hawaii at our community event; Dreanna Reyes and the Queen Liliuokalani Children’s Center; Uncle Murphy Kaahanui; Catherine Cluett and the crew at the Molokai Dispatch; Dr. Thomas and Dr. Aluli for your help with last minute medical release forms so that participants could take part in the class; the Molokai Youth Center for your support; the Scarlett ‘Ohana for providing the accommodation for the instructors and for bringing Martin and Niki to Molokai in the first place; Panacea’s captain and crew; KHM staff and interns for all your work; and finally mahalo nui loa to all the Molokai people who participated in the course and helped to make this event meaningful. We wish you all pono and safe diving for many years to come. Mahalo, Ka Honua Momona

Obituaries Collette Nohea Kalawe Collette Nohea Kalawe, 58, of Pukalani, Maui, passed away on Oct. 31, 2013. She was born on Jan. 4, 1955, on Molokai. Collette retired from the County of Maui. She is predeceased by her son Charles Kalawe-Joao and parents William and Dora Place and Charles Joao. She is survived by her husband Robert “Bob-


by” Kalawe, Sr.; son Robert (Kauwela) Kalawe Jr.; daughters Chasity (Al) Kalawe, Jesseca (Nathaniel) Oswald and Keawe Kalawe; mother Karen Joao; sisters Renee (William) Starkey, Dora (Les) De Rego and Dawn Joao; and 17 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Memorial services will be held on Molokai. Visitation will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 30, 2013, at Robert Kalawe Jr. residence, 255 Kahiwa St., Kalamaula. Service will begin at 11 a.m.; final visitation will follow.

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The Molokai Dispatch • Nov 13, 2013 •

Molokai Land & Homes Make it Molokai


CONDOMINIUMS • KEPUHI BEACH RESORT 1163 Larger floor plan in very desirable bldg. $138,000 2244 Oceanfront unit on top floor steps from beach. $229,000

*Featured Property- Papohaku Ranchlands Lot 132 ~ 20+ acre residential home site with


sweeping ocean views & amazing sunsets. Cool trade winds and quiet location. Offered at $199,000





1172 Newly remodeled unit Light & airy. $114,500

114 Beach & ocean view unit. 1131 One bedroom corner unit Good rental history. $160,000 recently remodeled. Neat &Clean. PRICE REDUCED $249,900 146 Completely remodeled COTTAGE #2-B OCEANFRONT & painted. Sold w/ high 2B/2B unit with excellent rental end furnishings. Unit is well maintained . Garden views & history. $450,000. private. $199,500.NEW LISTING

COMMERCIAL LOT IN KUALAPU`U, Located in desired neighborhood. 1 acre located on corner on Farrington Hwy. $250,000.

B-326 Top floor unit w/ Loft & sitting area. Lots of light & remodeled with new furniture $179,900. A-207 Nicely furnished well-maintained unit with rental history. $115,000

Jill McGowan Realtor ~ Broker ABR


• PAPOHAKU RANCHLANDS Lot 55 Ocean & mountain views. Close to beaches.$152,000. Lot 132 20 acre lot in Papohaku Ranchlands with sweeping ocean views. $199,000 Lot 237 Second tier oceanfront $294,850

• MAUNALOA VILLAGE LOTS D-97 Level lot ready to build. Nice views of the rolling ranchlands. $59,500 D-63 Top of the hill $34,925 D-17 Ocean view residential lot. $63,000 F-06 10,019 sf corner lot with ocean views. $99,900

Molokai Cottage #4 2 bedroom/ 1.5 bath $199,000 (fs)


w w w.molok

Beautiful 3 bedroom/ 1.5 bath home 4 bedroom/2 bath home with a gated inside a manicured gated yard. Good driveway and ocean views ocean views. Honomuni: IN ESCROW Kamiloloa: $359,000 (fs) Unique 39’ Geodesic Dome Home. 760sf, 4 bed/2 bath home in the Heights. Privately located with fantastic views in Newly remodeled with a 480sf garage the beautiful East End. all sitting on a 8,135 sf lot.

Maunaloa: $215,000 (fs)

Ranch Camp: IN ESCROW

2 bed/1 bath home, located in a quiet neighborhood. Close to town, shopping and hospital with custom rock wall entry.

Enjoy great ocean views in this 1,360 sf home. 3 bed/2 bath home with a large carport and lanai.

Kamiloloa: $255,000(fs) 1272 sf 3 bed/2 bath home. Good ocean views.

Kamiloloa:$279,000 (fs)

1527 Puili Place close to town w/ ocean views. $72,960 1531 Ocean view lot close to town. $87,910


2 Kamo`i Street, Suite #1B | P.O. Box 159 Kaunakakai, HI 96748

Ranch Camp $239,000 (fs)

Lot 225 on Makanui Rd. Nice ocean views with partial sunrise & sunsets. $135,000 NEW LISTING • EAST END Honouliwai Bay with views of 3 islands. Survey & Deeded access available. $160,000



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• KAWELA PLANATAIONS Lot 54 SUPERB 3 island views $199,000

Lot 199 Oceanfront private location close to Dixie Maru Beach. $775,000.

Accredited Buyer Representative| 808-552-2233 Direct|808-552-2255 Office

Ranch Camp $260,000 (fs)


East End: $822,000 (fs)

2.280 sqft 4 bedroom, 3 bath 3 bedrooms / 2.5 bath, home in the heights. covered garage with a home. Jacuzzi, gourmet kitchen with granite countertops sitting spacious screened lanai on a large 2.5 acre plus lot Kawela Beach: $775,000 (fs) A lovely 3 bed/ 1 bath home with Kualapuu: IN ESCROW 2 bedroom / 1 bath plantation separate 1 bed/ 1 bath suite. home. Located in a quiet Manila Camp: $169,000 (fs) neighborhood. 3 bed/1 bath home with great ocean views from the large lanai Ualapue: IN ESCROW 3 bedroom/2 bath home in beautiful east end. Many Kaluakoi: $749,950 (fs) upgrades in quiet cul-de-sac. 2140 sf home on 30 acres with ocean views.

Co m m e rC i a l

l an d

Co n d o s

Ranch Camp: $89,000 (fs)

Papohaku: $350,000 (fs)

Kaunakakai: $399,000(fs)

Kepuhi Beach Resort: $139,000(fs)

Ranch Camp: $99,500 (fs)

Kamiloloa: $96,000 (fs)

Kaunakakai: $150,000(fs)

$199,000 (fs) NEW LISTING 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath beautifully landscaped. One of 10 homes on this property. Great ocean views, next to an ancient fishpond. Prices to sell.

Lot #121, large parcel 21.184 acres of Great ocean views. Water meter installed. Close to schools, town and gentle sloping land. Across the street from Pophaku. hospital.

Commercially zoned with two installed water meters. Fenced with gate. Great opportunity.

Gently sloped lot on a quiet cul de sac.Wonderful ocean views

10,477 sf lot in the heights

Kawela: $155,000 (fs)

2 full acres, beautiful untouched land.

Nice level lot. Great location. Mountain side on Kam V Hwy.

16,306 sq. ft., This is a prime commercial property, in the heart of Kaunakakai town.

Halawa: $140,000 (fs)

Kaunakakai: $389,000 (fs)

East End: $200,000 (fs)

2.001 acres of prime vacant land with water meter. Incredible mountain views!

Vacant M-2 Zoned. A high visibility industrial parcel 2.62 acres located in one of Kaunakakai’s busiest intersections. Water meter installed.

Studio unit #2214 with loft. Enjoy nice ocean views just steps away from the beach.

Molokai Beach Cottage #4:

Ke Nani Kai:$19,000(fs)

One-Sixth time specific ownership. Great ocean views in this 1 bed/ 1 bath. Furnished and well maintained. Call for more details


WAVECREST B302 - Nice ocean views from this top floor unit. 1B/1B furnished . Tenant occupied call for an apt $99,000


KAWELA ON THE BEACH- 3 bedroom 2 bath oceanfront home 4 miles east of town on a large lot. $699,000

EAST END - Rare Find: One acre of land about 13 east of town. Large Kaiwe trees for shade and wild basil through out $145,000


Time for new hands for the Cook House. After years of running it, owner’s want to sell. Call for more information. Business only $150,000

KAWELA PLANTATION 217- Great ocean view from this 2 acre parcel. Very close to town. See Sunrise and Sunset from this affordable lot. Priced to sell at $114,000 KEPUHI BEACH RESORT Studio KKV1155- $119,000, StudioKKV1133 -$125,000 Studio KKV1212-$120,0000 1Bedroom KKV1201 $160,000

EAST END - Just Listed: This cozy 3 bed/1.5 bath home in Kaluahaa for sale. Owners are licenced agents in HI. Priced to sell at $240,000

Molokai Shores #324 listed at $114,000- LH One bedroom one bath with loft. Great views Our Meyer Building office has all the listing of our long term houses and condos available or a rental application.

FOR VACATION RENTALS: Call MVP @ 800-367-2984

Located in the Meyer Building off the Wharf Road: Mon - Fri 8 to 4:30 Visit or call our office at 553-8334

the way nature intended.




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