May 7, 2014 - Volume 30, Issue 18
Molokai Dispatch T h e i s l a n d ’s n e w s s o u r c e s i n c e 1985
Photos by Laura PIlz, Bianca Moragne and Catherine Cluett
By Bianca Moragne | Staff Writer
ncient Hawaiians used winds to recognize and heed messages of warning, blessings and things to come. The 23rd annual Ka Hula Piko festival brought the Molokai community, along with visitors from around the world, together to celebrate hula traditions and how Hawaiians today are connected to kupuna of the past through the elements. “The wind and the elements are so important in our lives and our ancestors made connections to them…that taught us to mind the protocol and be aware of these elements when they are in action,” said Kumu Hula Elsie Ryder, ho`opa`a, or chanter, of Halau Hula O Kukunaokala. “Our ancestors and Ke Akua communicate with us through the elements.” This year’s theme for the event was “Ku I Ke Kiu,” honoring the northwestern Kiu wind, or scout wind, that welcomed travelers to Pu`u Nana, the birthplace of hula, in the ancient days. Hawaiians built an intimate relationship with the winds which helped them to farm, fish, navigate. Caring for the environment is a kuleana Hawaiians can share through hula, according to Ryder. “Be sensitive to the sea, the breeze, the rain and understand what is happening around you,” she said. “That protocol will teach [younger generations] how to act because they were taught from their kupuna to respect the earth through the hula traditions. It’s through the hula that we are able to express the love of our ancestors.” Donning vibrant colored pa`u skirts and and fragrant lei, eight hula groups representing Oahu, Molokai and Hawaii
This Week’s
Molokai Charity Walk Raises Record Total Pg. 2
Dancing With Purpose
Pg. 2
Dancing With the Winds
Island shared their talents and traditions with hundreds of attendees at last Saturday’s ho`olaulea event held at Lanikeha in Ho`olehua. As festival-goers browsed Molokai vendors and food booths, they were serenaded by local musicians and performances by Hawaiian immersion students. Through ancient Hawaiian hula, oli and mo`olelo, attendees were immersed in Hawaiian culture and the celebration of hula’s origins during the three-day event. “Here we are on Molokai where, according to our traditions, hula began,” said Ryder. “If you look at the island chain Molokai is the piko. It’s the center. It connects all the islands.
Ka Hula Piko acknowledges those progenitors that kept records of the past, preserved it thorough hula and oral chant traditions and handed it down through generations.” According to legend, hula was born on a sacred hill at Ka`ana, and the art of the dance was later spread throughout Hawaii by the goddess Laka. “We honor Molokai as the birthplace of hula, however we understand Laka did travel to the other islands and that every island has their own rich traditions,” said Dion Dizon, alaka`i for Hula Halau Kukunaokala and volunteer organizer. “By inviting kumu
Tante’s at Hotel Molokai By Catherine Cluett | Editor-In-Chief Almost two years after the kitchen at Hotel Molokai was burned in a devastating fire, the restaurant and bar is seeking a fresh start with new management, and reconstruction is anticipated to begin next month. Tante’s Island Cuisine, a familyoperated restaurant on Maui, took over management of the former Hula Shores Bar on April 15, in partnership with a Molokai family. Owner Tante Urban said with a motto of “good service, good food and good price,” he looks forward to serving hotel guests and locals alike. Husband and wife Clint and Starlet Luczon Joao and Starlet’s sister Natalie Luczon are assisting with management of the bar and restaurant, now known as Tante’s at Hotel Molokai. Starlet called the new arrangement “a family affair,” and the three said they are happy for this opportunity to return home after living off-island. “I’m excited about this partnership,” said Hotel Molokai General Manager Michael Drew. “It is a great fit for
hula from other islands… [Ka Hula Piko provides] a broad experience for the general public in terms of educating people.” Ka Hula Piko -- founded by the late Kumu Hula John Kaimikaua in 1991, whose ohana is from Molokai -- kicked off this year with a cultural excursion to Ka`ana and a series of lectures from esteemed kumu hula on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, Molokai’s Anake Opu`ulani Albino shared personal anec-
Ka Hula Piko pg. 3
Be Hurricane Ready By Catherine Cluett | Editor-In-Chief
B Left to right, Natalie Luczon, Tante Urban, Starlet and Clint Luczon Joao. Photo by Catherine Cluett
what I’ve tried to build here. I expect nothing but success for both Tante’s and the community that we both love.”
Construction Coming Soon After many delays in the rebuilding of the kitchen after the 2012 fire, Drew said some revisions to the original design have been made and submitted to Maui County for review. He said he hopes construction will start by June 1, and anticipates completion will take about eight months.
Tante’s Continued pg. 3
ased on statistics, this year’s hurricane season beginning in June brings extra cause to be well-prepared for the worst, according to weather experts. 2014 is an El Nino year, said Mike Cantin of the National Weather Service, Central Pacific Hurricane Center in Honolulu. El Nino conditions are caused by abnormally warm water near the equator, where hurricanes typically form, and that -- statistically speaking -- brings a greater likelihood of tropical cyclones, according to Cantin. “You have a whole generation of people who grew up on Molokai who have never experienced a hurricane and have no idea what it is,” explained Cantin on a trip to Molokai last month. “There’s no set pattern to when these things happen and we need to be prepared every year.”
Hurricane Continued pg. 3
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Carolyn Bush Molokai born and raised