January 1, 2014 - Volume 30, Issue 1
Molokai Dispatch M o lo k a i n e w s , M o lo k a i S t y l e - w w w. t h e m o lo k a i d i s patc h . co m
Since 1985
July - December Molokai Hoe 2013
Waikiki Surf Club paused for prayer beneath a rainbow before the annual October Molokai Hoe canoe race. Photo by Blaze Juario.
The Hokulea docked on Molokai July 8 before starting a three-year worldwide voyage, giving local youth a chance to experience the historic vessel.
Even the smallest community members helped at Sust`ainable Molokai’s first work day to plant gardens for schools.
Olexandr the clown kept the crowd laughing during The Modern American Circus performance in September.
Residents seek to preserve the 150-yearold Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove.
Molokai High senior Pono Chow takes aim during air riflery practice.
Olexand Modern r the Clown fr om America n Circus
6 7
Freediving Safety
Championship Air Riflery State Chow Competitor Pono
Celebrating Tradition
By Catherine Cluett | Editor-In-Chief
olokai is rooted in tradition. From celebrating the birthplace of hula, to longstanding family values, to the success of local businesses, traditions old and new create the foundation of community. Sometimes, we witness or experience the closing of a tradition. For fourth generation paniolo Uncle Jimmy Duvauchelle, 2013 was the end of an era. After nearly half a century of ranching Maunaloa’s rolling hills and herding cattle along the western shoreline, Duvauchelle announced a bittersweet retirement from ranching. And while the closure of Duvauchelle’s family-run Pohakuloa Ranch signaled the end of a six-generation family tradition, the paniolo lifestyle on Molokai carries on in a younger group. “The cowboy legacy is a dying race, so our generation has to keep it strong,” Nicholei Galam-Dudoit, 18, said. Added 18-year-old Kainoa Kamakana, “It’s a hard working life. You barely have free time because you’re chasing cows out of
the road or fixing fenses.” But they agree it’s worth the work, and while many of Molokai’s young paniolo are making a name for themselves in the rodeo arena, they’re also following their family’s traditions and carrying them forward. One of Molokai’s groceries, Friendly Market, also celebrated a milestone in family traditions this year -- the business’ 60th anniversary. Owner Jeff Egusa recalls stocking shelves as a kid, thinking ‘I never, ever want to work in this business.’ But when he moved home in 1980 to do just that, he later called it “the best decision of [his] life.” Meanwhile in Kalaupapa, the entire community celebrated patient resident Aunty Gloria Marks’ 10th ownership anniversary of Fuesaina’s Bar..Marks, the settlement’s only business owner, said she asked settlement officials if she could close the road for the celebration. And so, with colorful banners, games, and free drinks, residents gathered together for good company and laughter in the middle of the street.
All traditions begin somewhere, and this year fostered several events that may stick around for years to come. One of them came in July, when thousands of pounds of goods and dozens of services were given away during what was called the island’s largest ever humanitarian event. Organizers of the Weekend of Hope, sponsored by local churches and the nation-wide humanitarian effort Convoy of Hope, hope it will be even bigger next year. Emerging trends of excellence among Molokai’s students in science and technology were also celebrated this year. The Middle School robotics team, the Molokai Golden Eyes, won the county and state robotics championships and went to the national competition. As we enter the New Year, we look forward to the many traditions that will be carried forth, and the new ones that may get their start in 2014. As a community, let’s resolve to honor the past while leaving ourselves open for new possibility.
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Molokai Dispatch
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Micah Calair o-N Little League akagawa at Tou rnament 7
Kalaupapa residents enjoyed free drinks at Fuesainas Bar’s 10th anniversary celebration.
Freediving world recorder holder Martin Stepanek taught free safety courses to Molokai divers.
Molokai hosted it’s first county-wide Little League Tournament in seven years.
Year in Review july All Stars Play Ball on Home Turf Molokai’s Little League All Stars fought for the district champion title, taking on teams from across the county in the first tournament Molokai has hosted in seven years. After restructuring the league under new leadership, the championship games returned to the island. Molokai’s 11 and 12-year-old All Stars came in second in the district after a 0-8 loss to Central East Maui. Though the tournament marked the end of this year’s Little League season on Molokai, the athletes finished with a lot of pride in their accomplishments. “My favorite thing about it is having fun,” said All Star Chevy Augustiro, adding that he thought they would win the game, but he wasn’t disappointed. “It’s just a game; we can come back next year and try again.”
Invention Hits Home Run Erik Svetin, a freshman at Molokai High School, added a row of stitches to a baseball to see if it would affect the distance the ball traveled. He entered his invention in the national Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge and was named the Hawaii merit award winner. Svetin found his baseball traveled 2.26 percent, or about 2.8 additional meters, farther than a standard ball and depending how the bat hit the ball, it could cause more homeruns. Svetin said it could also affect the velocity or movement of the pitch. Though Svetin said his invention wouldn’t change the sport, his future inventions might be a continuation of his baseball.
Kalaupapa Bar Celebrates 10 Years A decade ago, Kalaupapa patient resident Gloria Marks bought the settlement’s only bar, and this year, the 100-resident community came out to celebrate the business’ 10th anniversary. A street in Kalaupapa closed for the second block party in the settlement’s history, but it was Marks who also hosted the settlement’s first block party for the bar’s firth anniversary in 2008. Called Fuesaina’s Bar, Marks’ business stocks more than 10 varieties of beer, and some wine as well. A popular community gathering spot, the bar gave away nearly 200 free drinks during a celebratory happy hour Friday evening. The festivities also included colorful banners, dozens of lucky number prizes, games, a photo booth, dinner and a desert contest, residents gathered together for good company, drinks and laughter in the middle of the street.
A Voyage of Tradtion Nearly 500 Molokai residents, students and visitors got the chance to step foot on the Hokulea -- a replica of the traditional Hawaiian double-hulled sailing canoe -- docked at the Kaunakakai Wharf. The vessel is touring Hawaii before embarking on a threeyear Worldwide Voyage that will span three years, 46,000 miles, 21 countries and at least 65 landfalls. During the Worldwide Voyage, an average crew of 12 to 15 will navigate the canoe on its journey, spreading a message of care for the environment. “We will carry everyone’s aloha and mana with us wherever we go,” said Ka`iulani Murphy, student navigator and captain participating on the Worldwide Voyage.
Mo’ Storage, Mo’ Food
the springs and grove. a good bonding experience for her and “That grove is sacred,” said Aunty her mom. Kauwila Reyes, who lives near Kapuaiwa. “We have to do something because Stuffing for Science it’s being abused.” Halealoha Ayau, acting supervisor of Molokai’s Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) said they are looking into installing a fence around the grove to keep out cars. However, everyone agreed education and awareness is the key and suggested that signs and a neighborhood watch group could better inform visitors, influencing them to stay out of the area voluntarily. Arleone Dibben-Young, Molokai’s New School Year, New water bird researcher, has dedicated Standards months to clean out her home freezer The state Department of Education re- of bird carcasses she’s acquired for the ceived federal approval to implement the past 10 years, collecting over 40 birds Strive HI Performance Strategy this 2013 and making taxidermies, or skins, she school year. The strategy holds schools ac- plans to donate to the Bishop Museum countable to achieve new, multiple stan- on Oahu. dards to measure growth and college and caPracticing bird taxidermy has been reer preparedness, rather than relying solely an integral part of biological research on test scores to quantify achievement. as early as the 18th and 19th centuries, Previously through No Child Left said Dibben-Young. The entire process Behind, students grades three through 10 can vary from one to 12 hours dependwere tested once a year through the Ha- ing on the size and body type of the waiian State Assessment (HSA). Today, bird, said Dibben-Young. A skilled taxiStrive HI standards focus on each student’s dermist can preserve the specimen for yearly progress in HSA scores, science as- 400 years and the practice provides imsessments and absent rates. How well the portant information researchers can use students progress each year will determine to better understand species as well a the amount of achievement recognition the global climate change. school receives or the amount of state support and intervention required to facilitate Circus Comes to Molokai The Modern American Circus showtheir students’ scores. cased its first-ever performance on Molokai Brother Dutton Statue as part of its statewide tour. With sold-out Installed shows, the big top boomed with cheers and laughter bringing exciting family fun and entertainment to Maunaloa, hosted by Molokai Ranch. The event consisted of concessions, face painting, rock climbing, and bounce house games, hosted by event sponsor Kama`aina Kids, in addition to the main attraction — world-acclaimed aerial, ground, and daredevil performers. “Guess what my favorite part was: Molokai Catholic parishioners received the motorcycles!” said seven-year-old Sirus a statue of Brother Joseph Dutton donated Niles after the show Saturday night. “They by Oahu benefactor John Perreira, who were spinning and no one else can do that.” worked with the late Molokai veteran Larry Circus Director Carl Vincenti said that Helm to design the statue. although it takes a lot of hard work to make It depicts the Civil War veteran, who these performances happen, it’s all about worked for 45 years in Kalaupapa with St. seeing the kids smiling and excited. Damien, in his youth wearing his Union uniform. There is a growing movement to pro- Protecting the Watershed Planners, landowners, natural remote Dutton to sainthood alongside Damien and Marianne Cope, and the statue may source managers and community members be one starting point for that process, said are putting their heads together to protect Molokai’s Father Bill Petrie of St. Damian one of Molokai’s most important resources Catholic Parish. Both residents and visitors — water. Many have noticed deterioration can admire the statute where it now stands of native forests in recent years, especially on the east end, because of invasive species, in Kamalo. and they say something needs to be done. Kalaupapa Recognized for A draft management plan, called the Waste Management East Slope Watershed Project, was presentThe Kalaupapa National Historical ed to Mana`e residents. It involves a 14,000Park Green Team, comprised of five local acre area of east end forests that would beMolokai employees, received national rec- come part of the East Molokai Watershed ognition for work they’re doing to make Partnership. Applied management stratethe peninsula a statewide model of waste gies would include invasive animal and management. weed control, fencing to protect upper forThe team has recently been named ests, monitoring and community outreach. one of seven recipients of the National Park Although more meetings need to Service’s 2013 Environmental Achieve- take place about the project, Dunbarment awards for recycling 203,163 pounds Co said she’s been encouraged by the of materials, composting 41,343 pounds amount of landowner support the project of green waste and properly disposing of has received. 7,200 pounds of hazardous materials in 2012. The team processed 37,755 pounds of household trash that’s sent to Oahu to be converted from waste to energy. Growing Food for Healthy Kids “It feels great to finally receive recogFoodCorps, a nonprofit program nition for our efforts in sustainability,” said team member Pa`one Lee-Namakaeha. newly introduced to the island, is work“Even though we are a small national park, ings to teach children about growing their the solid waste division has been making own food, encouraging them to grow up giant leaps in our recycling and compost- healthy. Two FoodCorps service members are working on Molokai this year — Lacey ing practices.” Phifer, a Molokai local and current biology student at University of Hawaii Maui College, Molokai, and Simon Mendes, a recent English graduate from Boston University. Molokai Business Goes They are working under Sust`ainable International Molokai, a nonprofit that works with the community to find modern strategies for sustainability, and focused on Molo-
With growing concerns on Molokai about food security, Friendly Market Center (FMC) plans to build a warehouse that will more than double the business’ current chill storage capacity for perishable items, according to co-owner Jeff Egusa. The warehouse will offer a buffer in case the barge cannot deliver on its current twice-weekly schedule, and could also mean cheaper food for Molokai shoppers, said Egusa. The project is currently valued at $400,000 and it will be located across from FMC’s current warehouse and storefront. The warehouse will include 4,495 square feet of storage space, as well as a loading dock, small office for warehouse workers Kalapaki Girls Dezigns (KGD) speand a 13-space parking lot. According to the county application, construction has cializes in transforming vintage fabrics and embellishments into one-of-a-kind modern still yet to begin at the end of 2013. dresses, hats and clutches, produced from Suzette Kahana’s home. Since their creation in December, KGD has appeared in two fashion shows and two state craft fairs inSaving the Sacred cluding the Merrie Monarch in Hilo and the Community members brainstormed Made in Hawaii Festival on Oahu. how to better protect the 150-year-old Today, KGD dresses are worn in Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove and those New York, Chicago, Texas, Virginia, who wish to view it. Kupuna said they Pittsburg, Brazil and Japan. often see trucks driven into the grove, Kahana’s daughter and business children swimming in the freshwater partner, Amber Andrade, said she feels springs, tourists oblivious to the dangers blessed that KGD has been so successful of falling coconuts and rubbish littering in a short period of time and sees this as
The Molokai Dispatch • Jan 1, 2014 •
kai High School (MHS), Molokai Middle School (MMS) and Maunaloa Elementary School to build and maintain school gardens and teach kids about the fun of cooking. “The kids seem like they really want to do it,” said Phifer. “Even if they had never eaten the vegetable before, they saw it being planted and know that they can eat it later and that’s the coolest thing ever.”
Island Air Decreases Molokai Flights Air carrier Island Air decreased the number of flights the carrier offers to Molokai to two per day, starting in November. The decision is pretty simple,” said Island Air CEO Paul Casey, who took the position two months ago. “We’re matching capacity with demand.” In March, the company cancelled all its flights between Molokai and Maui, and in May, decreased flights between Molokai and Honolulu from five to three per day. Now, the decrease from three to two daily flights caused various levels of outrage for Molokai customers, while others said they actually prefer flying other carriers, citing complaints with Island Air’s notorious delays.
Sending ‘Aloha’ by Nut
Decorated coconuts postmarked from Ho`olehua have been sent to every continent and most of the world’s countries, said Postmaster Gary Lam. They’ve been personalized and mailed as wedding invitations, birthday and anniversary cards, friendly greetings, and even a final farewell to cheer soon-departing loved ones. Lam said visitors have been known to take the ferry from Maui just to postmark a nut from Molokai. It was all started by Lam’s predecessor, Postmaster Margaret “Peggy” KeahiLeary, more than 20 years ago. That was before anyone had heard of postmarking a coconut. Since then, Lam estimates the Ho`olehua Post Office has mailed 50,000 coconuts. With post offices around the country being closed down and phased out, Lam credits community support – and the Post-a-Nut program – with keeping the Ho`olehua office open.
Federal Gov. Shutdown Across the country, 800,000 federal civilian workers were furloughed for 16 days after the government faced a partial shutdown starting Oct. 1. On Molokai, 47 workers are employees of the Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KNHP), according to Superintendent Erika Stein Espaniola — and 37 of those were furloughed for 16 days. Ten remained on to perform necessary functions within the Kalaupapa settlement, such as law enforcement, waste management, and utility personnel. Local U.S. Dept. of Agriculture employees were also furloughed. Federal employees went back to work when the U.S. House and Senate agreed to pass a bill, which raises the national debt ceiling. But enforcement of the debt limit is suspended until Feb. 7, 2014, after which another confrontation might take place, according to political analysts.
Cross Country MILs Hosted on Molokai For the first time in the history of the Molokai High School Cross Country team, the Maui Interscholastic League (MIL) Championship race was held on Molokai, bringing schools from around Maui County to compete on the Farmers’ home turf. More than 150 athletes representing nine schools ran the three-mile course at Ironwood Hills Golf Course, with Seabury Hall
Home Pumehana HOUSING APPLICATIONS for the 84-unit elderly Section 8 rental housing complex located at 290 Kolapa Place, Kaunakakai, Molokai, are available at all Hale Mahaolu site offices, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AT TIME OF APPLICATION: 1. Age: At least 62 years old 2. HUD income Limits: One Person: $47,600 Two Persons: $54,400 3. Capable of achieving an independent living status.
Year in Review
The Molokai Dispatch • Jan 1, 2014 •
taking the girls team crown, while Lahainaluna boys won first place for team score. The Molokai boys’ team finished the MIL championship meet in fifth place, while the girls closed in eighth place. Top three Farmer finishers were Luke Kikukawa, Keaoalono Ross and Grayson Aldridge on the boys’ side, and Coral Lopez-Kapuni, Krisitin Tancayo and Barbara Ludgate for the girls.
turn on long enough for the utility to resolve the issue, resulting in fewer power interruptions. The total project cost is estimated at $3.1 million for battery and installation on Molokai. University of Hawaii’s Hawaii Natural Energy Institute would fund $1.8 million of the project, while Maui Electric would be responsible for the remaining $1.3 million. Maui Electric ratepayers would see an average monthly increase of Down the Sewer Line 25 cents, spread across Maui County, said The wastewater facility, less than one Maui Electric officials. mile west of town, serves 2,200 residents in Kaunakakai and Manila Camp, collecting Freediving Safety Course Martin Stepanek can dive more than your unwanted and unmentionables from the toilet, shower, washing machine and 400 feet on a single breath of air. He’s set 13 freediving world records and knows more kitchen sink. Once your waste reaches the Kaunak- than anyone how dangerous the sport can akai wastewater treatment facility, it moves be. But with the proper safety education, he through a diverse range of processes that said freediving has minimal risks — and separates solid waste and disinfects the wa- with the goal of sharing that knowledge, ter, said Arleone Dibben-Young, local biolo- he’s become a pioneer in modern freediving education. Stepanek visited Molokai to gist and facility tour guide. After your wastewater completes the offer a series of safety courses free of charge cycle — an estimated 9,000 gallons in one to local divers. “In the ‘normal world,’ freediving hour — it is pumped underground and into the water table, where it can finish its natu- is perceived as dangerous… but done the ral purification cycle. .Waste facility opera- ‘right’ way, the risk is nearly eliminated,” tors ask Molokai residents to pay attention said Stepanek. Each of the three courses during the what they toss down the drain as the sewer system is only made for what you’ve eaten week on Molokai offered classroom instruction followed by hands-on learning in the night before and toilet paper. the Cooke Memorial Pool. Six Freediving Instructors International instructors and crew members came from Hawaii and the mainland to offer the training. Air Riflery Shoots at States
Two Molokai shooters represented the Farmers at the state championships for air riflery two weeks ago. Senior Pono Chow on the boys side and sophomore Pomai Gomes from the girls team gave it their best shot after the Farmers came in third in the Maui Interscholastic League (MIL) championship Oct. 19. Chow came in 24th place out of 42 male shooters in the state competition with 495 points out of a possible 600. Gomes finished in 27th place with 490 points out of the 42 girls competing.
Battery Proposed for Power Plant Energy researchers have proposed a multi-million dollar project they hope will help stabilize Molokai’s electricity supply. A 2 MW battery, called a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), proposed for the island would allow energy to be stored and switched on or off the grid at a moment’s notice. If one of the 2 megawatt (MW) generators tripped offline, the battery would
Stampede Rides Out the Rain
you change the game.” For the first time on Molokai, the Paniolo Preservation Society displayed the Paniolo Hall of Fame in a traveling exhibit at the Stampede. It is currently made up of 128 members and is meant to commemorate past and present paniolo statewide who preserved the heritage and helped make it legendary.
gallons of water through four miles of pipe to Molokai Ranch’s existing reservoir in the Forest Preserve area. I Aloha Molokai (IAM) cancelled its third annual Renewable Energy Festival scheduled for January, fearing the event would falsely imply IAM’s endorsement of the project, which they said lacks enough public input.
Reconstructing Mokio’s Past
8 Survivors, 1 Death in Makani Kai Kalaupapa Crash A Makani Kai flight departing Kalaupapa crashed into the ocean about 3:45 p.m. shortly after take-off about 1/2 mile off the peninsula. Eight on board the Cessna Grand Caravan survived, while Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy died in the water after exiting the sinking plane. “As the Director of Health, Loretta demonstrated an unwavering support for Hawaii and the people she served,” said Sen. J. Kalani English. “She will be dearly missed.” Maui Fire Rescue and the Coast Guard, rescued the passengers, taking three survivors to Molokai General Hospital, three directly to Oahu and two declined treatment and left the remaining two in Kalaupapa who declined treatment, according to emergency officials. The accident is under federal investigation and the aircraft was recovered from the water for answer on why its engine failed.
Marshall Weisler is an archeologist and professor at Australia’s University of Queensland. He’s been coming to Molokai the past 35 years to study the island’s many historic sites and piece together a picture of how ancient Hawaiians lived. Today, he studies native populations that once resided in the Mokio area. The Mokio Preserve is a 1,718 acre parcel owned by the Molokai Land Trust, a local organization with the mission of preserving and restoring native plants and animals as well as cultural sites on Molokai. Weisler’s work with dating samples and ancient Hospital Celebrates 50 Year native species identification has in turn Anniversary Molokai General Hospital celebrataided the Land Trust toward getting a better picture of what the landscape ed its 50th anniversary -- as well as remembered all the changes in Molokai used to look like. healthcare over the years. MGH administration honored Dr. Paul Stevens, the island’s oldest physiRenewable Energy Proposal cian, by renaming the hospital’s outpatient clinic the Paul G. Stevens OutpaA proposed renewable energy proj- tient Clinic. ect, called Ikehu Molokai, combines so“He has served this community lar and stored hydroelectric power with professionally and compassionately for the goal of 100 percent renewable en- over 56 years and still continues to pracergy for the island and lowered electric tice today,” said MGH board member rates for local customers. It would be a Kip Dunbar. joint endeavor between California-based To honor the past 50 years of the Princeton Energy Group and landowner hospital’s history and look towards the Molokai Ranch. future, MGH Vice President Randy Lite Nearly 100 acres of solar panels, said staff put together a time capsule, an approximately 10-acre water reser- now hidden in the hospital’s ceiling, voir, and a pumping and turbine station which will be opened on its centennial would be located above or near Manila anniversary in 2063. He said it includes Camp residential area. While the solar items from the facility’s early days in the panels charge during the day, energy 60s, as well as current objects like meal would be used to pump about 19 million tickets, 2013 coins and newsletters.
December Competition got a little dirty during the first day of the eighth annual Molokai Stampede at Kapualei Ranch. Eighty-five teams were narrowed down to eight by the final round of stiff competition in the # 11 team roping events, while the afternoon’s keiki and barrel events were postponed from the downpour. “Team roping is mostly a mental game of staying in the game,” said Hawaii Island cowboy Travis Gomes, who won the # 11 team roping event with Molokai’s Rex Kamakana. “When the conditions change,
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The Molokai Dispatch • Jan 1, 2014 •
Denise’s Island Fashion
Selective items in the store are 25 to 50% off Have a safe and happy Holiday! God bless each and everyone!
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The Molokai Dispatch • Jan 1, 2014 •
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Kalaupapa Airport
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west end beaches
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Ho`olehua Airport
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TrOPICAl IslAnD PrOPerTIes, llC dba sWensOn reAl esTATe
Church Services Topside Molokai UCC Churches Kahu Napua Burke | 553-3823 | Waialua - 11:00am Kalaiakamanu Hou - 9:30am | Ho`olehua - 8 am Kalua`aha - 12:30am (4th Sunday, only)
Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Robin Saban | 808-553-5235 | 1400 Maunaloa Hwy, Kaunakakai, HI | 9:15 am Adult and Children Sabbath School | 11:00 am Worship Service
Saint Damien Catholic Parish Father William Petrie | 553-5220 St. Damien, Kaunakakai , 6 pm Sat, 9 am Sun; Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, Kalua’aha, 7 am Sun; St. Vincent Ferrer, Maunaloa, 11 am Sun; St. Joseph, Kamalo, No weekly services
First Assembly of God King’s Chapel Kahu Robert Sahagun | 553-5540, Cell: 646-1140 Maunaloa, Sunday 9 am, Kaunakakai, Sunday 10:30 am, Sunday Evening 6 pm, Tuesday Evening 6:30, Mana’e, Sunday 6 pm
Kaunakakai Baptist Church Pastor Mike Inouye | 553-5671 | 135 KAM V HWY Kaunakakai | 9 am adult Sunday school | Worship service 10:15 am Heart of Aloha Church 1st Sunday - Kilohana Community Ctr 10:30 am | 2nd Sunday - Maunaloa Community Ctr 10:30 am| Other Sundays - Lanikeha Community Ctr 10:30 am Pastor Cameron Hiro, website: heartofaloha.org phone: 808-658-0433 Polynesian Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Bob Winters | 552-0258 South of Elementary School, Maunaloa Town Sunday School & Adult Worship Service,10 am, Sunday
www.island-realestate.com • info@island-realestate.com • 808-553-3648 • Mobile 808-336-0085 • Fax 808-553-3783
Grace Episcopal Church 567-6420 | 2210 Farrington Ave | 10 am Sun | All are welcome Baha’i Faith Open house every third Sunday of the month Mile 14 east | 3pm | Discussion and refreshments | All are welcome | For information: 558-8432 or 213-5721 Email: bahaimolokai@yahoo.com | www.bahai.org Molokai Shekinah Glory Church Pu’ukapele Avenue, Hoolehua (drive all the way down) 10:00 AM Worship Service Senior Pastor Isaac Gloor ,Pastor Brandon Joao “We Welcome All”
To add or update information for your church, email Editor@TheMolokaiDispatch.com Support faith on Molokai - sponsor this listing today for $150/mo. Call 808-552-2781 today.
Moloka’i Porta Potties
• Portable toilet rental • Grease trap • Cesspool & septic pumping
New Patients Welcome • Emergencies accomodated ASAP • Most Plans Honored
553 - 3602
Brent Davis - 553-9819
Molokai Princess Molokai-Maui Daily Ferry schedule
Kaunakakai to Lahaina Lahaina to Kaunakakai DePArTure ArrIvAl 5:15 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M.
DePArTure 7:15 A.M. 6:00 P.M.
ArrIvAl 8:45 A.M. 7:30 P.M.
sundays nO morning runs to or from lahaina
Effective June 1, 2011 the Molokai Ferry price increased due to mandated fuel charge changes.
FAres - One WAy
Adult: $67.84, Child: $33.92 book of six: $ 313.76 Monthly fuel charge rates may vary and are subject to change.
Toll Free: 800-275-6969 | reservations (808) 667-6165
Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
Sat 9am-3pm
W.A. Quality Masonry • Concrete • Block • Rock
Free Estimates!
“Professional Services At Reasonable Prices” Wiliama Akutagawa, Lic. # C-26379 Ph: 558-8520 | Cell: 658-0611 | Fax: 558-8540
2 mi. West of Town, Look for Signs
20-50% OFF Through The End of the Year
All Calandars, Holiday Bags, Wrapping Paper, Ornaments Pre-Lit Trees, Jewelry, Locally Made Ornaments
Final Days of the Fiestaware Clearance !! 10% OFF Boxed Moonstruck Holiday Candys & Kauai Chocolates
Free Wrapping ! We Box & Ship !
• RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • DEEP SOIL REMOVAL • FLOOD WATER REMOVAL • RUG CLEANING We’ll pick up your area rug, clean it and return it. Just give us a call.
Maria Sullivan - Wills & Trusts, Family Law, Civil Matters. (808) 553-5181 / mjs@aloha.net DUSTY’S POWER EQUIPMENT
SALES, SERVICE & REPAIR. Buy new, service, or sharpen chainsaws, weed-eater, mowers, & small-engine machines. At Mahana Gardens Nursery (at the base of Maunaloa on left, mile marker 10 West). 213-5365 Levie Yamazaki-Gray, MA, LMHC Counseling ~ Neurofeedback
Improved brain function, can help with: ADHD & other learning disabilities, asthma, anxiety, autism, developmental & behavioral problems, depression, recovery from addictions, sleep disorders, stroke, and often many other issues, most major insurances accepted. Call 336-1151 for more information or a consultation LEVIS SERVICES REPAIRS
The Molokai Dispatch • Jan 1, 2014 •
Homes/Condos For Rent For Vacation Rentals Visit Molokai.com 3BR/1.5 BTH Apartment
2nd story apt in kawela. $1300/ month includes elec., water, trash. (805) 434-2372 BEACH FRONT
2 or 3 Bedroom Units Available now! 4 miles east of Kaunakakai.Furn or Unfurn. Long or Short Term. SECT. 8 WELCOME. Dep req $995-$1595. 602-980-5070 and 808-553-3736 Beach House for rent
Available Jan 1st. 3 bed/2b on the beach 4 miles east of town. $1800 furnished. The Fishpond Cottage
Quiet, comfortable newly renovated seaside home. 2bd, & 1 ½ baths, sleeps 4, parking, close to town. Air, computer, Internet, flatscreen cable TV, teak furn, marble floors & counters. $175/nt, weekly & monthly discounts – snowbirds welcome. www. StayMolokai.com or 808-646-0542 West END Resort Condominium
Pacific Frames
“Villas” for rent. Unit 1193 LArgest sized, studio in complex, fully furnished, tastefully decorated, with partial ocean views. Conveniently located nearby are laundry facilities and open parking. Unit available for short term or long term rental, at $700.00 plus tax per month. Call owners for details. Call 552-2703 Wanted
Painting & Powerwashing
Rifles Wanted Looking to buy two 270s and one 30-06 bolt action rifles. Call Wiliama at 658-0611
Tractors (Industrial/Farm) • Trucks • Fork Lifts • Welding • Buses • Tires • Keeping you in business is our business Call 567-6012. LICENSED ARCHITECT
Rich Young - Doing business in Maui County since 1979. Online portfolio at richyoungarchitect.com. 553-5992 ryoung@aloha.net. Custom Picture Framing 553-5890 Ask for Jeff Reasonable Rates. Contact Dave Schneiter (H) 808-553-9077 (C) 808-205-7979, dlsmlk2415@gmail.com PARR & ASSOC. - ARCHITECTURE commercial & Residential
Commercial & Residential Arthur H. Parr, AIA Licensed in California, Nevada & Hawaii 808-553-8146 EMAIL: parr@aloha.net *Party Supply Rentals*
6 ft. Tables $8, Chairs .90, 10 gal. Juice Jugs $10, 150 Qt. White Coolers $12, 20’ x 30’ Ez Ups. Pick up or delivery avaialable for small fee. Located on the east end. For more info call: 658-1014 Roy’s Repair & Services
Auto and small engine repair (lawn mower, chain saw, weed eaters…) Home maintenance repairs incl. electrical, plumbing & sewer backups. Call 553-3746 Rug Cleaning
For Sale Teak Furniture Blowout Tables, chairs, armoirs, hutches, display cabinets, garden benches. New | Reconditioned | Floor Samples. Available now at Beach Break - the new shop at Holomua Junction. Look for the surfboard fence. Open 10-4 Mon - Sat
yoga Svaroopa Yoga Workshop Give Yourself a New Year’s Gift. Kualapuu Rec Center Sat Jan 4, 10 am - 1 pm (Arrive by 9:30) Potluck vegetarian lunch. $35 Register: Connie 553-3597
We’ll pickup your rug, clean it and return it. Call 553-3448 Spine & Joint Pain Relief Sheila Mohammed MD, PhD will be at Molokai Acupuncture. Call Lisa Davis 808658-0787 or 808-553-3930 Prolotherapy, Prolozone, PRP SunRun Solar PV Sales
Local crew and on-island support. On Molokai since 2010. Rising Sun Solar is Maui’s #1 solar company - Matt Yamashita 553-5011 Waialua Permafarm Home delivery Wednesdays Fruits, Vegetables, and Duck Eggs custom packed, Huge variety 35 years of Permaculture soil building Unequaled Flavor and Nutrition 558-8306
Signs 558 8359 docmotts@gmail.com
Proudly Serving the Islands of Molokai & Maui since 1999
Comstock Construction, inc. new Construction remodels & additions Commercial & residential “A Welcome Home” Serving Molokai & Maui since 1999 www.comstockhawaii.com
by Doc Mott
MOLOKAI BICYCLE BIKE SALES AND RENTALS High Quality, Well Maintained, Ride Information Camping, Hiking Information
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No insurance, Medicare, HMA, HMAA, and Kaiser subject to an additional $25
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Next clinic day will be March 9, 2014 The Office of MATTHEW BRITTAIN, LCSW is accepting new & return patients for the purpose of coordinating M.D. Services for the Medical use of Marijuana. QUALIFYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS INCLUDE: Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Glaucoma, Wasting Syndrome, Severe Pain, Severe Nausea, Seizures, Severe Cramping, Severe Muscles Spasms, including Asthma. We are not a dispensary. We are not government employees or contractors.
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Sandwiches, Salads & Soups F E AT U R ING: F r e n c h D i p, t r i p l e D e c ke r C l u b, R e u b e n , C o r n c h o w d e r, Po r t u g e s e B e a n S o u p, to f u Salad, Southwest Salad • Cate r i n g • B ox Lu n ch es • G i f t Ce r t i f i cates • H o l i d a y Pa r t y tra y s Lo cate d a c ro s s f ro m t h e Vete ra n’s M e m o r i a l Pa r k i n Ka u n a ka ka i Acce pt i n g V I SA a n d M a s te rca rd O p e n: M o n - F r i 10 a m -2 p m
$2.75 553 -3713
T RY OUR “GR AB N’ GO” IT EMS ! MADE FRESH DAILY. O N E C O U P O N P E R C U S T O M E R . M U S T P R E S E N T C O U P O N AT T I M E O F S A L E . O F F E R VA L I D W I T H T H I S C O U P O N J A N 1, 2014 - J A N 7, 2014
S U N D O W N D E L I V I P S A N DW I C H C A R D - B U Y 10 S A N DW I C H E S G E T 1 F R E E !
The Molokai Dispatch • Jan 1, 2014 •
• Toll Free Number 888.787.7774 • Maui 808.879.0998 •Fax 808.879.0994•Email zacsinc@hawaii.rr.com
A c u p u n c tu r e & Massage 553-3930 WWW. MOLOKAI-WELLNESS.COM
H E A L I N G C E N T E R & S PA Deep tissue, lomi lomi, sports therapy, prenatal & hot stone massage, acupressure, and nonsurgical face lifts. Call for an appointment.
M - Monday, T - Tuesday, W - Wednesday, Th - Thursday, F - Friday, S - Saturday, Su - Sunday
Adult “Aqua Jogger Class” Oct. 15 – Dec. 19 T, Th 9 a.m. at Cooke Memorial Pool 553-5775 Advanced Zumba with Preciouse Senica, 553-5848 T,Th Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 9-10am T,Th, F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 5-6pm Zumba Basic with Christina K. Aki, 553-5402 M Home Pumehana 10:30 a.m. T, Th Mitchell Paoule 9 a.m. F Kilohana Rec Center 5 p.m. Zumba Gold with Christina K. Aki, 553-5402 T, Th Mitchell Paoule 10:30 a.m. F Home Pumehana room #2 10:30 a.m. Personal Training with Elias Vendiola M,T,W,Th,F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 553-5848, by appointment only, Elias Vendiola 5am-1:30pm Turbo Fire Class with Kimberly Kaai/Ceriann Espiritu M, T, W, Th, F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 4-5pm 553-5848 T,Th Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 9-10am Beginning Hula with Valerie Dudoit-Temahaga W Home Pumehana 10:15 a.m. T Mirchell Paoule10:15 a.m. Intermediate Hula with Valerie Dudoit-Temahaga W Home Pumehana 11:20 a.m. T Mirchell Paoule 11:20 a.m. Hula: Ka Pa Hula `O Hina I Ka Po La`ila`i M Hula Wahine, 4:30-5:30 Advanced @ MCHC 5:30-6:30 Beginners
T Papa Oli (Chanting) 4:30 – 5:30 Svaroopa Yoga with Connie Clews M Home Pumehana, 7:45-9:30 a.m. T Home Pumehana, 5:15-7 p.m. Th Kualapu`u Rec Center, 5:15-7 p.m. F Home Pumehana, 7:45-9:30 a.m. Call 553-5402 for info. Yoga Class open to students, families and the community. TH Kilohana cafeteria from 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. Yoga class focused on individual form, internal practice, Call Karen at 558-8225 for info Aikido Class at Soto Mission behind Kanemitsu Bakery. M, W, F, 5-6 p.m. 552-2496 or visit FriendlyAikido.com Quit Smoking Na Pu’uwai Program Learn ways to quit with less cravings. Mondays 11:45 a.m. Na Pu’uwai conference room. 560-3653. Individual sessions available. Aloha Wednesday - Drop by and receive your weekly dose of Energy Healing in the Pu’uwai of Kaunakakai @ Kalele Bookstore - 3:30 to 4:30. Hosted by: Zelie Duvauchelle: 558-8207
► Throwing and Handbuilding for Wood Fire Ceramic Workshop instructed by Shannon Sullivan on Jan 7-9 at the Molokai Arts Center. $30 members, $60 non-members. Call 567-9696 to sign up.
► Native Hawaiian Scholarship Workshops will be held by UH for those
interested in college education and how to obtain scholarships and financial aid. Workshop and info sessions on Wed, Jan. 15, 2014 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Kulana `Oiwi.
► Enrollment To enroll at Molokai High School please go call Lori Kaiama at 567-6950 ext. 228 or Julia De George at ext. 229 to set up an appointment for enrollment. Please go to the following
Na Kupuna Hotel Molokai, Fridays 4-6 p.m. Na Ohana Hoaloha Music & Hula, Paddlers, Sun. 3-5 p.m. Aunty Pearl’s Ukulele Class W Home Pumehana, 9-10 a.m. F Home Pumehana, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Open to all. For more info call 553-5402
Oiwi. Go to IAlohaMolokai.com for schedule or location changes. Living through Loss, Support group for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Third Thursday of every month at 10 -11:30 a.m. or 4:30 -6 p.m. at Hospice Office in Kamoi Center. Call Barbara Helm at 336-0261. Molokai Humane Society meets the third Tuesday of every month, 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Kaunakakai Gym Conference Room Molokai Inventors Circle meets Wednesdays 2-4 p.m. at the Kuha’o Business Center. Contact John Wordin at 553-8100 for info Narcotics Anonymous (No Fear Meeting) Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kaunakakai Ball Field dugout, 8 to 9 a.m.Open meeting. For more info, call Rodney at 213-4603. Plein Air Molokai - Art Outdoors First Fri & Sat. Third Thursdays. Work on your art with others inspired by nature. All levels welcome! This is not an instructor led class. Contact Heather (808) 658-0124 or artalohamolokai@hotmail.com ArtAloha! Keiki - Weds Nov 6- Dec 18 from 2-3 p.m, 3-4 p.m, 4-5 p.m. Email artalohamolokai@hotmail.com or call Heather 658-0124 Molokai Community Children’s Council Every second Thursday. Home Pumehana, 2:30-4 p.m. 567-6308 Read to Me at Molokai Public Library First Wednesday of the month, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Call 553-1765 Molokai Walk Marketplace Arts and Crafts Fair down the lane between Imports Gifts and Friendly Market, Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. MAC Ceramics Class at Coffees of Hawaii. 9 - 11 a.m. 24 HOUR SEXUAL ASSAULT HOTLINE 808-213-5522
Fri and Sat, Jan 24 & 25. Help families gain control of their lives. Call the office at (808) 553-4310 for more information.
► Makahiki 2014 on Jan 23-25. Lecture and lomi lomi workshop Thurs, Jan 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Kulana Oiwi. Adult Decathalon on Fri, Jan 24 at 6 p.m. at Kaunakakai Ball Park. Registration at 5:30. Ceremonies, competition and ho`olaulea on Sat, Jan 25. Ceremonies begin 7 a.m. For more infor► Hospice Hawai Volunteer Training on mation call 646-0705 ► 10th Annual Keiki Expo at Mitchell Pauole on Sat, Jan. 18 from 8 a.m. to noon. Books, door prizes, keiki ID, keiki zumba, food booths, entertainment. Call 553-3224 or 658-0104 for more information.
Alu Like Kupuna Mon & Thurs, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. OHA/DHHl. Wed, 9:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. at Lanikeha. 1st and 2nd Tues. each month at MAC Special field trips on Fridays. AA Hot Bread Meeting, Tues. & Fri from 9-10 p.m. Kaunakakai Baptist Church. 336-0191 Kingdom of Hawaii II monthly meetings. Third Thursday of every month, 6-8 p.m. at Kaunakakai Gym conference room. AA Meeting Mana`e Meeting, Ka Hale Po Maikai SPORTS & RECREATION Office upstairs (13.5 miles east of Kaunakakai on the Recreational Paddling with Wa`akapaemua Canoe Mauka side of the road), Wed. & Sat. 5:30–6:30p.m. Club. Call 553-3999 or 553-3530. All levels and abilities Al-Anon Meeting Mondays, Grace Episcopal Church in welcome. Ho`olehua, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Th 7:30 to 8:30 am at Hale Wa`akapaemua. Alcoholics Anonymous Friendly Isle Fellowship Molokai General Hospital (around to the back please), Pick-up Soccer Mon. & Thurs. 7-8 p.m. W Duke Maliu Regional Park., 5pm Female Sexual Abuse Meetings, Seventh Day Molokai Archery Club Indoor Shoot Adventist Church with a group of inter-denominational TH Mitchell Pauole Center, 7 p.m. Open to public. Christian women. Second and fourth Thursday of each Youth in Motion SUP, sailing, windsurfing and month at 6 p.m. For more info, call 553-5428. kayaking. Tues. & Thurs 3:30-5:30 p.m., Malama I Aloha Molokai, alternative energy solutions for Park. Call Clare Seeger Mawae at 553-4477 or clare@ Molokai. First Monday of every month, 6 pm at Kulana youthinmotion.org
Molokai Swim Club M, T, W, Th : Cooke Memorial Pool, 4:30 to 6 pm
Hawaii DOE website to see what documents will be needed for enrollment. doe.k12.hi.us/register/index.htm
Every second Saturday, we can help you get rid of unwanted junk and treasures. Call us at Coffees Espresso Bar for more info, 567-9490 ext. 27. ► Visitor Paddle, Hawaiian Outrigger Cultural Experience. Thursdays 7:30 to
► Free Monthly Rummage Sale.
8:30 am with Wa`akapaemua. Donation requested. For more info call 553-3999 or 553-3530. Upon request, special events such as weddings, scattering of ashes, etc. can be arranged.
Hey Molokai! Want to see your upcoming event or activity posted here -- FOR FREE? Let us know! Drop by, email or call us with a who, what, when, where and contact information to editor@themolokaidispatch. com or call 552-2781. Calendar items are community events with fixed dates, please keep between 20-30 words; community bulletin items are ongoing or flexible events, please keep between 50-60 words.
MEO Bus Schedule & Routes
From Kaunakakai to Puko`o Fire Station Route
East 1 Expanded Rural Kamo’i
Moloka’i General Store
Tide, Sun & moon Calendar
1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8
MPC/MCC/ Midnite Inn 4:45 AM 6:20 AM 7:40 AM 10:15 AM 11:35 AM 12:55 PM 2:30 PM 4:05 PM
brought to you by
Hotel Mkk / One Ali'I Park 4:50 AM 6:25 AM 7:45 AM 10:20 AM 11:40 AM 1:00 PM 2:35 PM 4:10 PM
Kawela Plantation I 4:55 AM 6:30 AM 7:50 AM 10:25 AM 11:45 AM 1:05 PM 2:40 PM 4:15 PM
St. Joseph Church 5:05 AM 6:40 AM 8:00 AM 10:35 AM 11:55 AM 1:15 PM 2:50 PM 4:25 PM
Kilohana School 5:10 AM 6:45 AM 8:05 AM 10:40 AM 12:00 PM 1:20 PM 2:55 PM 4:30 PM
Kalua'aha Estates 5:15 AM 6:50 AM 8:10 AM 10:45 AM 12:05 PM 1:25 PM 3:00 PM 4:35 PM
Puko'o Fire Station 5:20 AM 6:55 AM 8:15 AM 10:50 AM 12:10 PM 1:30 PM 3:05 PM 4:40 PM
Friendly Market Center
The Molokai Dispatch • Jan 1, 2014 •
Molokai Land & Homes Make it Molokai
CONDOMINIUMS • KEPUHI BEACH RESORT 2244 Oceanfront unit on top floor steps from beach. $229,000 1172 Newly remodeled unit Light & airy. $99,995
*Featured Property- Papohaku Ranchlands Lot 132 ~ 20+ acre residential home site with
sweeping ocean views & amazing sunsets. Cool trade winds and quiet location. Offered at $199,000
114 Beach & ocean view unit. 1131 One bedroom corner Good rental history. $160,000 unit recently remodeled. Neat 146 Completely remodeled &Clean. $249,900 & painted. Sold w/ high COTTAGE #2-B OCEANFRONT end furnishings. Unit is well 2B/2B unit with excellent maintained . Garden views & rental history. $450,000. private. $199,500.NEW LISTING
B-326 Top floor unit w/ Loft & sitting area. Lots of light & remodeled with new furniture $179,900. A-207 Nicely furnished wellmaintained unit with rental history. $115,000
COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL LOT IN KUALAPU`U, Located in desired neighborhood. 1 acre located on corner on Farrington Hwy. $250,000.
Jill McGowan Realtor ~ Broker ABR
• PAPOHAKU RANCHLANDS Lot 55 Ocean & mountain views. Close to beaches.$120,000 Lot 132 20 acre lot in Papohaku Ranchlands with sweeping ocean views. $199,000 Lot 237 Second tier oceanfront $294,850
• MAUNALOA VILLAGE LOTS D-97 Level lot ready to build. Nice views of the rolling ranchlands. $59,500 D-63 Top of the hill $29,900 D-17 Ocean view residential lot. $63,000 F-06 10,019 sf corner lot with ocean views. $99,900
Lot 199 Oceanfront private location close to Dixie Maru Beach. $775,000.
Accredited Buyer Representative| Jill@molokailandandhomes.com 808-552-2233 Direct|808-552-2255 Office
w w w.molok airealtyLLC.com
Ranch Camp $239,000 (fs)
Heights: $279,000 (fs)
1527 Puili Place close to town w/ ocean views. $72,960 1531 Ocean view lot close to town. $87,910
• EAST END Honouliwai Bay with views of 3 islands. Survey & Deeded access available. $160,000
Molokai Cottage #4 2 bedroom/ 1.5 bath $199,000 (fs)
Email: ed.molokai@yahoo.com
Beautiful 3 bedroom/ 1.5 bath home 4 bedroom/2 bath home with a gated inside a manicured gated yard. Good driveway and ocean views ocean views. Honomuni: IN ESCROW Heights: $359,000 (fs) Unique 39’ Geodesic Dome Home. 4 bed/2 bath home in the Heights.Newly Privately located with fantastic views in remodeled with a 480sf garage all sitting the beautiful East End. on a 8,135 sf lot. Maunaloa: $215,000 (fs) Enjoy great ocean views in this 1,360 sf Ranch Camp: IN ESCROW home. 3 bed/2 bath home with a large 2 bed/1 bath home, located in a quiet neighborhood. Close to town, carport and lanai. shopping and hospital with custom Heights: $255,000(fs) rock wall entry. 1272 sf 3 bed/2 bath home. Good ocean views.
Lot 225 on Makanui Rd. Nice ocean views with partial sunrise & sunsets. $135,000 NEW LISTING
2 Kamo`i Street, Suite #1B | P.O. Box 159 Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Ranch Camp $260,000 (fs)
• KAWELA PLANATAIONS Lot 54 SUPERB 3 island views $199,000
B: (808) 553 - 4444 Fax: (808) 553-9075 | Cell: (808) 646-0837
h omeS
East End: $822,000 (fs)
Co m m e rC i a l
l an D
2.280 sqft 4 bedroom, 3 bath 3 bedrooms / 2.5 bath, home in the heights. covered garage with a home. Jacuzzi, gourmet kitchen with granite countertops sitting spacious screened lanai on a large 2.5 acre plus lot Kawela Beach: $775,000 (fs) A lovely 3 bed/ 1 bath home with Kualapuu: IN ESCROW 2 bedroom / 1 bath plantation separate 1 bed/ 1 bath suite. home. Located in a quiet Manila Camp: $169,000 (fs) neighborhood. 3 bed/1 bath home with great ocean views from the large lanai Ualapue: IN ESCROW 3 bedroom/2 bath home in beautiful east end. Many Kaluakoi: $749,950 (fs) upgrades in quiet cul-de-sac. 2140 sf home on 30 acres with ocean views.
Ranch Camp: $89,000 (fs)
Papohaku: $350,000 (fs)
Kaunakakai: $399,000(fs)
Ranch Camp: $99,500 (fs)
Heights: $96,000 (fs)
Kaunakakai: $150,000(fs)
Lot #121, large parcel 21.184 acres of Great ocean views. Water meter installed. Close to schools, town and gentle sloping land. Across the street from Pophaku. hospital.
16,306 sq. ft., This is a prime commercial property, in the heart of Kaunakakai town. Commercially zoned with two installed water meters. Fenced with gate. Great opportunity.
Gently sloped lot on a quiet cul de sac.Wonderful ocean views
10,477 sf lot in the heights
Kawela: $155,000 (fs)
2 full acres, beautiful untouched land.
Halawa: $140,000 (fs)
Nice level lot. Great location. Mountain side on Kam V Hwy.
Kaunakakai: $389,000 (fs)
East End: $200,000 (fs)
2.001 acres of prime vacant land with water meter. Incredible mountain views!
Vacant M-2 Zoned. A high visibility industrial parcel 2.62 acres located in one of Kaunakakai’s busiest intersections. Water meter installed.
Co n D o S
Kepuhi Beach Resort: $139,000(fs) Molokai Beach Cottage #4: $199,000 (fs)
Studio unit #2214 with loft. Enjoy nice ocean views just steps away from the beach. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath beautifully landscaped. One of 10 homes on this property. Great ocean views, next to an ancient fishpond. Prices to sell.
Ke Nani Kai:$19,000(fs)
One-Sixth time specific ownership. Great ocean views in this 1 bed/ 1 bath. Furnished and well maintained. Call for more details
HEIGHTS - A Great Fixer Upper! Bank owned partial ocean view. 3 B/2 B on a large lot. Spacious covered lanai greatly increases outdoor enjoyment, while carport and utility shed provide storage. $198,000
KAWELA ON THE BEACH- 3 bedroom 2 bath oceanfront home 4 miles east of town on a large lot. $699,000
Time for new hands for the Cook House. After years of running it, owner’s want to sell. Call for more information. Business only $150,000
KAWELA PLANTATION 217- Great ocean view from this 2 acre parcel. Very close to town. See Sunrise and Sunset from this affordable lot. Priced to sell at $114,000
KAWELA AREA - Over an acre of land on the water. Paddle in and out every day of the year!! $399,000
EAST END - Rare Find: One acre of land about 13 east of town. Large Kaiwe trees for shade and wild basil through out $145,000
EAST END - Just Listed: This cozy 3 bed/1.5 bath home in Kaluahaa for sale. Owners are licenced agents in HI. Priced to sell at $240,000
Steps to the Water’s edge. Located 3.5 miles east of town next to the Fishpond. $699,000 Our Meyer Building office has all the listing of our long term houses and condos available or a rental application.
FOR VACATION RENTALS: Call MVP @ 800-367-2984
Located in the Meyer Building off the Wharf Road: Mon - Fri 8 to 4:30 Visit www.molokai-vacation-rental.net or call our office at 553-8334
Kualapu`u Cookhouse Molokai’s Eating Landmark Hwy 470 & Uwao St Kualapu`u, HI 96757
EARLY BIRD DINNER Country Fried Chicken with Rice & Mac $10.95 3 - 4 pm | Take out only
the way nature intended.
EARLY BIRD BREAKFAST Single pancake and bacon - $6.99 7 - 8 am | Dine in only
Daily Breakfast & Lunch Specials – Call for take-out – 808-567-9655
Dinner Schedule Monday 7 am - 2 pm, Tues - Sat 7 am - 8 pm Now open on Sundays from 9 am – 2 pm with breakfast all day
State hula ChamPS na
Catering available - CALLkuPuna FOR INFO o moana at 6:30 Pm Breakfast: 7 am - 11 am | Lunch: All Day
SeaFooD SPeCialS - CraB CakeS/ muSSelS
eVerY thurS, aFter 5Pm SeaFooD PaSta-SPaghetti anD meatBallS
DiSCo PartY 9 Pm
Plan your holiday parties with us! SerVing BreakFaSt eVerY Sat & Sun at 8am
egg Fu Young /BlaCk Bean mahi mahi
553 - 3300
“Serving the Island Community”