JULY 8, 2015 - VOLUME 30, ISSUE 27
T H E I S L A N D ’S N E W S S O U R C E S I N C E 198 5
Molokai Dispatch
As The Molokai Dispatch celebrated its 30th anniversary last weekend, we asked residents and those who have been involved in the paper, “For you, what has been the role of the Dispatch in the community over the last 30 years?”
Community Celebrates 30 Years of News
Leslee Florea, daughter of Dispatch founder The Dispatch has been a wonderful outlet for connectivity. It’s truly become part of our culture here on the island, as it’s had such a genuine and homegrown talent that has always taken care of it. It has always been one of us who has been there, somebody who’s loved the island.
Photos by Colleen Uechi and Laura Klein
The Molokai Dispatch celebrated it's 30th anniversary on Friday, July 3 at the Molokai Community Health Center with the support of about 200 community members, advertisers and contributors.
Todd Yamashita, current majority owner The Dispatch—it’s responsible for trying to provide an element of information to people who live here so that they can define their own destiny, so that they can define themselves through their values and their culture and what they love. The Dispatch has provided hopefully a conduit for some of the information that people need.
Edie Anderson, former owner
Judge Rules County GMO Ban Invalid By Catherine Cluett | Editor-In-Chief
Fencing Proposed for Waikolu Pg. 2
Mayor's Proclamation Honors the Dispatch Pg. 3
federal judge has ruled that a Maui County ban on the cultivation of genetically engineered (GE) crops is invalid. U.S. District Court Judge Susan Mollway determined that the ordinance, initiated and passed by voters in November’s election, was preempted by federal and state law that allows cultivation of GE crops, and therefore the ban exceeds the county’s authority. In the decision issued last Tuesday in a 56-page order, Mollway made it clear that the decision was not a comment on the validity of concerns for or against the ban, but simply a legal response to the question of whether the ban was enforceable based on existing state and federal law. “None of the motions asks this court to determine whether GE activities or GMOs are good, bad, beneficial or dangerous,” the order reads. “The court recognizes the importance of questions about whether GE activities and GMOs pose risks to human health, the environment and the economy, and about how citizens may participate in
democratic processes…. This order is not an attempt by this court to pass judgement on any benefit or detriment posed by GE activities or GMOs.” During last November’s election, a highly disputed voter initiative to ban the growing of genetically engineered crops passed in Maui County by a narrow margin of 50 percent to 48 percent, with just over 800 votes’ difference. On Molokai, all of the island’s four precincts voted no by a ratio of nearly two to one, with 63 percent voting against the moratorium and 34 percent favoring it island-wide, according to stats from Hawaii’s elections website. Monsanto and Dow Agrosciences, known locally as Mycogen -- companies known for testing and cultivation of GE crops -- provide a majority of the island’s jobs and together, employee about 250 residents. The initiative called for a moratorium until a detailed environmental impact study of the harms associated with growing genetically engineered organisms had been completed and reviewed by the
It’s an educational tool. The kids look at it for sports. It’s the only exposure they have to a newspaper. Most kids do not see a newspaper, in this digital world it’s getting harder and harder to find. It’s a vehicle to keep the community involved, to pass information from one generation to the other. … The role of the newspaper to us was to keep the communication going and to give both sides of the story. It doesn’t get easier with time.
Flame Makahanaloa, Molokai resident It’s really serving the community in communication. … They become a sounding board or voice for the community. That’s important, because we don’t have any other newspaper. The Molokai Dispatch brings the community together.
Mel and Mrs. Chung, local business owners [The Dispatch’s role is] interaction. They inspire open communication … staying neutral and dispersing information in a nonjudgmental way.
GMO Ban Continued pg. 3
Why I fly with Makani Kai “It’s just so convenient,” says Kimberly, “booking a flight is simple, there’s less hassle overall and the price is great.” Kimberly, whose parents own Take’s Variety Store, also appreciates the laid-back atmosphere of our lobby, “I’m on the couch and they let me change the channel on the TV…it’s relaxed, not stressful.” (She likes the Sci-Fi channel, by the way). “You don’t even need a ticket…it’s real Molokai style.” From topside Molokai to Honolulu or return
$50 online fare, every seat, every flight, every day. MakaniKaiAir.com | (808) 834-1111
Molokai Dispatch
P.O. Box 482219 Kaunakakai, HI 96748
Kimberly Kanemitsu Molokai Born & Raised