JUNE 29, 2016 - VOLUME 31, ISSUE 26
Molokai Dispatch T H E I S L A N D ’S N E W S S O U R C E S I N C E 198 5
Newspaper Receives Statewide Awards
By Molokai Dispatch Staff
he Molokai Dispatch was honored with four Excellence in Journalism awards last weekend, at a dinner in Honolulu hosted by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Hawaii chapter. Awards were presented in newspaper, TV, radio and magazine categories, for news coverage during 2015. Molokai's own weekly paper received two first place and two finalists awards. Over the last three years, the Dispatch has now received 13 SPJ awards. Former Dispatch reporter Colleen Uechi, who now works at The Maui News, was awarded first place in the non-daily newspaper category for general news/enterprise reporting for her story, "Fuel for Thought: Molokai's Gas Prices," which printed last October. Judges called it a "well researched and reported look at gasoline prices." The story examined the factors that contribute to the island's high fuel costs and lack of statewide regulation in the industry. Uechi earned another first place in the non-daily newspaper community reporting category for her coverage of Kapuaiwa Coconut Grove, a series that printed last year and looked at community concerns regarding the health of the historic trees and government and environmental action that followed. Judges wrote in their comments, "A really terrific piece that led to major environmental changes. Good job!" The series concluded with a cleanup of the grove and a fence being installed to protect the delicate ecosystem and cultural sites. Catherine Cluett Pactol, editor of the Dispatch, was also awarded for 2015 coverage. She received a finalist award for "Secret Lives of Monk Seals" that printed last May, looking at a program that placed "critter cams" on Hawaiian monk seals to gain insight into their daily habits, with video footage analyzed by local students. Pactol also earned a finalist award for her story, "Molokai Drive Inn Closes," about the shutdown of a local dining icon last year. The Molokai Dispatch staff was honored to attend the SPJ awards dinner and represent the island and its local newspaper. We would like to thank Molokai residents, advertisers and subscribers for continuing to sup-
Right, Judy Caparida and her late husband were honored for their support of Molokai volleyball. Photos by Rick Schonely
By Rick Schonely | Sports Reporter
he "Give Back" Volleyball Clinic and exhibition game was held last week at the Molokai High School Barn. Molokai High School graduate and former head volleyball coach Matt Helm and his Whitman College girls volleyball team was here on the island for a week and conducted the clinic along with former professional volleyball players Logan Tom and Allen Allen and Farmer Alumni and former UH Wahine Middle Blocker Kalei Adolpho. Helm said he was very happy to give back to his home island. “Volleyball is big on Molokai and someone planted the seed for me and many have continued to water it and fer-
tilize it and let it grow and that's what we hope to do with this clinic an exhibition game," he said. "At the game we honored Cappie and Judy Caparida for all that they have done for the Molokai Volleyball community." Tom was an All-American at Stanford University and a four time Olympian. Allen was a three-time All-American at the University of Hawaii and was a professional volleyball player and a former Division I college coach that now has a business teaching volleyball all over the world. Allen said local athletes have what it takes to succeed. "These Molokai kids can do it,' he said. "They have the skill set and we just need to train them on what they have to do mentally when they come out to play."
Math Contest Adds Fun to the Equation
The exhibition game was played against the local Molokai volleyball club Kime Ka La and an enthusiastic crowd enjoyed some high-level volleyball, with Whitman College winning 3-1 in four sets (25-14, 2523, 23-25, 25-21). Many of Coach Helm's former players at Molokai High, who won the D II State Championship in 2010, played against his current Whitman team and assisted with the two-day clinic. Kealani (Kimball) Bartlett enjoyed
Volleyball Continued pg. 2
Damien Tours A Mokulele Airlines Benefit Concert For The Moloka‘i Humane Society Celebrates 50 Years Pg. 3
By Molokai Dispatch Staff
ore than 100 students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades from Kaunakakai, Kilohana, Kualapu`u and Maunaloa School participated in an annual math competition organized by Molokai High student Erik Svetin. Pictured here, Kaunakakai Elementary School participants pose with their certificates and Kamoi Snack-n-Go gift certificates. For more information, read Erik's story on page 3. Photo by Kimberly Svetin.
Dispatch Continued pg. 3
Concert Benefi July 15th at the ts Paddlers Inn 10 S Mohala Street, Kaunakakai, HI Humane Society Pg. 2 Doors Open At 7pm Regular Ticket Price: $30 or $35 at the door VIP Tickets: $60 includes prime seating, autographed poster and meet & greet with Anuhea.
With Special Guest MOBETTAH BAND Tickets: MolokaiHumaneSociety.org or call 808.558.0000 100% of the proceeds support the Moloka‘i Humane Society
Why I fly with Makani Kai “Makani Kai is awesome,” says Lauriel, “The people are friendly and free-spirited and the planes are always on time.” Lauriel, a new mom for the second time and former teacher’s assistant and cashier at Home Town, says she also appreciates Makani Kai’s flexible, downhome attitude, “My auntie was running late for a flight and she called you guys to say she was just down the road… and you held the plane for her.” What other airline listens when you say, “Try wait!”?
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Molokai Dispatch
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Lauriel Hernandez Molokai Born & Raised