The Molokai Dispatch -- June 06, 2016

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JULY 6, 2016 - VOLUME 31, ISSUE 27


Molokai Dispatch T H E I S L A N D ’S N E W S S O U R C E S I N C E 198 5

Preventing Zika Infection on Molokai

A Day at the Races

By Catherine Cluett Pactol


osquito-borne viruses are making headlines lately, and while Zika hasn't yet made an appearance in Hawaii, the state has been identified as one of the country's higher risk areas for the disease. According to Dr. Lorrin Pang, an MD with the Hawaii Department of Health's Maui District Health Office, Zika has reached "crisis proportions" in many countries, and he visited Molokai to educate residents on the disease and preventive measures. Zika, pronounced "zeeka," is a virus carried by mosquitos and while many viruses carry nasty symptoms, Pang said 80 percent of the time, a Zika-infected person won't even know they're sick. The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash and joint pain, which can last for several days to a week after being bitten by an infected mosquito. If you suspect any of these symptoms, contact a DOH public health nurse on Molokai by calling (808) 5537880. Viruses like Zika can't be treated with drugs, and Pang said a reliable vaccine has not yet been released and may be years in the making. But identifying Zika cases is crucial in preventing the spread of the disease. Zika can be spread by two mosquito species, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, and Pang said Molokai has both. Mosquitos become infected by biting a Zika-positive human, and can then pass on the virus to other people it bites. Sexual transmission can only occur from infected men through semen. It can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus, one of the most dangerous scenarios of the disease. Zika infection in pregnant women is known to cause microcephaly, or babies born with small heads, and other severe fetal brain and nervous system defects. Pang advised women who have gone to a known Zika-infected area not to get pregnant for at least two months. For men infected with Zika, Pang advised, "don't have a baby for six months." Pang said mosquito control is the best form of prevention. He advised Molokai residents to control mosquitos within 200 yards of homes by clearing foliage and spraying your garden with soapy water every eight days. That treatment is effective in killing mosquito larvae that breed in standing water that often collects in plants and foliage, he said. He also advised using long sleeved clothing and insect repellent when outside to protect from bites, and lighting smoky repellents such as mosquito punks. The State of Hawaii has just launched a “Fight the Bite” campaign to help keep Hawaii free of diseases spread by mosquitos, such as Zika, dengue and chikungunya, through public education. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded Hawaii $1 million as part of $25 million in funding to protect Americans from Zika virus infection.

By Molokai Dispatch Staff


he summer's second paddling regatta brought the heat as crews from the island's canoe clubs came out in friendly competi-

tion. They were also vying for spots at the upcoming Hawaii Canoe Racing Association state race on Aug. 6. Though it will be held on Oahu, this year's state competition will be hosted and organized by the Molokai Canoe


Racing Association. Pictured here, youth from Wa`akapaemua Canoe Club and Molokai Canoe Club dig hard and put months of practice to the test as they paddle toward the finish lines. Photos by Catherine Cluett Pactol.



Molokai Student Competes in National Rodeo Pg. 2

By Molokai Dispatch Staff


ore than 100 students from Molokai Middle and High schools attended summer LIVE and UPLINK programs that offered both fun and learning in subjects like math, science, drama, cooking, robotics, music and creative writing. The opportunities included field trips and hands on learning, which all culminated in a gallery style celebration of student accomplishments to share with family and friends. For more information, see page 3. Photos courtesy of 21st CCLC Molokai LIVE.

Molokai Hunting Meeting

Why I fly with Makani Kai “Makani Kai is way easier,” says Shawn, “Check in is great because you know everybody there.” Shawn also appreciates Makani Kai’s fixed airfare, “You can depend on the pricing. I went with my girlfriend off island once with Mokulele and it cost us a bundle…you can easily pay over $200.” Truth is, lower fuel prices have helped us keep your airfare at the same great rate. As our old friend Malcolm Love used to say, “Why pay more?”

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$50 online fare, every seat, every flight, every day. | (808) 834-1111


Molokai Dispatch

P.O. Box 482219 Kaunakakai, HI 96748

Shawn Reyes Molokai Born & Raised

Pg. 3

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