AUGUST 10, 2016 - VOLUME 31, ISSUE 32
Molokai Dispatch YOUR
T H E I S L A N D ’S N E W S S O U R C E S I N C E 198 5
GOL F - FO R A -
Photos by Rick Schonely
The third annual Molokai Business Conference was held at the UH Maui College Molokai campus on Aug. 4, and hosted by Maui County’s Office of Economic Development and the Kuha`o Business Center. The Dispatch asked attendees and speakers, “What was the most valuable piece of information or advice from today’s conference?” Zhander Fiesta and Marcy Ragonton Fiesta, owners of Fiesta Marketplace A lot of the information has been great but it was knowing that grants are available to local businesses to help fulfill their dreams. It’s a good feeling for us, after 3 ½ years in business, to know there is additional help out there.
U`i Colon, interested attendee Photo by Nathan Ignacio
By Rick Schonely | Sports Reporter
n July 30, Nathan Ignacio and his ohana and friends hosted the Trucker Dukes Golf Tournament to help Trucker's ohana as he battles brain cancer. Trucker Dukes is 3 years old and has endured many rounds of chemotherapy, radiation and surgeries to try to beat the disease. Ignacio works for Maui County Fire Department and so does Trucker's dad, Ua. Ignacio wanted to thank all
who helped put on this tournament. “Our first thank you is to Lord Jesus for providing such a beautiful sunny day for all people to enjoy," he said. "And his continued blessings upon little Trucker and his ohana.” The tournament was held on a beautiful sunny Saturday at beautiful Ironwoods Golf Course and Ignacio wanted to thank them for dedication to the game of Golf. “Thank you Iron Woods Golf Course for your hard work and dedication in providing a beautiful course so
Youth in Motion Takes on Channels
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Wailani Tanaka, owner of Something For Everybody It was all helpful and informative because I got to choose what I wanted to attend. I like being able to choose which seminar is beneficial and relevant to me and my business.
VOTERS’ ELECTION GUIDE By Molokai Dispatch Staff
P State Swimming Championships
that Molokai residents still have a place to golf and fellowship but especially to continue to introduce the game of golf to our youth and thank you to the 30 golfers that participated in the Trucker Dukes event,” he added. Ohana, friends and the Molokai golfing community helped Ignacio make this tournament a success and Ignacio wants to thank them. Go to for more info and how you can help Trucker's cause.
All of it was helpful, but I loved Helen Wai’s seminar [about financial management] the most. She is always coming up with innovative ideas and different ways of explaining.
rimary Election day is coming up this Saturday, Aug. 13. Your vote is your voice and one of the most powerful forces to shape the future by electing a representative government who will make decisions which affect you, your family and your community. This year, many Molokai candidates appear on the ballot. While some of them, such as the Molokai seat for the Maui County Council, won't appear until November's General Election, the primaries are an important opportunity to vote for who you think best represents your vision for the future. The options can be confusing, though, and seeing the ballot for the first time at the polls can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared. So to help you get ready for this year’s primary election, the Dispatch has compiled a list of the candidates that will appear on Molokai ballots.
Overview: The primary election is held to nominate candidates who will represent each political party in November’s general election. Candidates who don’t belong to a specific party must be nominated in order to appear on the general election ballot as a nonpartisan candidate. What: 2016 Primary Election When: Saturday, Aug. 13 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you can’t make it to the polls, walk-in absentee voting on Molokai is being held at the Mitchell Pauole Center between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (closed 12 to 1 p.m.) Monday to Friday until Thursday, Aug. 11. Where: Check your voter registration card that was mailed to you or visit to get your precinct location. Polling places on Molokai are: Kilohana Community Center, Kaunakakai School Cafeteria, Kualapu`u Community Center,
Election Guide Continued pg. 3
Helen Wai, speaker, Helen Wai, LLC I’ve been coming to Molokai for many years now, and I am always looking to teach the more difficult topics in new exciting ways. It’s important to me that I’m not diagnosing their problems; I’m helping them to see it for themselves.
Ruhi Moran, Molokai L.I.V.E. I attended People Smarts for Customer Service in the morning, and they offered D.I.S.C which is an online survey that determines how each person best works with other people. Our high school students are starting an internship program and are partnering with local businesses and this survey is great in preparing them for that. I also learned that there is always a way to learn a new skill set.
Why we fly with Makani Kai Painter/carpenter and all-around handy guy Quentin says he likes Makani Kai’s no hassle approach to air travel, “It’s easy to book and the fare’s always the same.” Plus, he likes the comfort off our Honolulu facility, “There’s the nice love seat, television to watch…it’s nice.” Quentin, who works with his dad Delfin, takes issue with Mokulele’s approach to pricing, “On their website, they show a special fare, an unrestricted fare, web specials…it’s all expensive. Why would you want to mess with that?” A former Mokulele employee, he knows whereof he speaks.
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Molokai Dispatch
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