DECEMBER 14, 2016 - VOLUME 31, ISSUE 49
Molokai Dispatch T H E I S L A N D ’S N E W S S O U R C E S I N C E 198 5
E. Coli Found in Ualapue Water
Bucks for
By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor
n Thursday, Dec. 8, the water source for Ualapue in east Molokai tested positive for E. coli bacteria. The water remained safe to drink, however, because water in the distribution system is disinfected, according to county Department of Water Supply (DWS) officials. The water sample that tested positive for the bacteria was collected on Dec. 7 in the Ualapue Shaft, a well source water located mauka of the highway near Ualapue. No E. coli was found in the distribution system, so officials gave the all-clear to continue drinking the water. The presence of E. coli can indicate contamination in the water from human or animal waste, according to the DWS. Symptoms caused by the microbes in this type of waste can include diarrhea, cramps, nausea and headaches. Infants, young children, some of the elderly, and people with severely compromised immune systems can be especially susceptible to risk. It takes 18 hours for E. coli testing to be completed on water samples. After the initial detection from the Dec. 7 sample, followup samples were taken on Dec. 8. One of the five samples also came back positive for E. coli on Dec. 9, according to DWS officials. "The Maui Department of Water Supply is consulting continuously with the Department of Health on the
E. Coli Continued pg. 3
Photo by Catherine Cluett Pactol
By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor
t first glance, it might have appeared to be a group of kids playing with a collection of innovative toys. Though they were having fun, the students at the Malamalama Education Fund dinner and fundraiser last Saturday were actually showcasing learning tools that may help them become engineers, mathematicians or scientists. The goal of the event, put on by the Molokai Island Foundation (MIF), was to benefit the island's education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Along with donations from corporate sponsors, proceeds from the dinner and silent auction held at the Molokai
Community Health Center will go into a fund to assist with equipment and travel expenses for STEM-related activities. "...In talking with teachers who are directly involved with STEM and robotics here, because of all schools in Maui County have these programs, grant funding became more competitive and thus Molokai schools weren't able to secure grants often as in the past," said Barbara Haliniak, MIF president. "So the Molokai Island Foundation board decided we wanted to make funding available to all our schools, thus the Malamalama Education Fund was created." A total of $12,770 was raised from the event, and those funds will be available for Molokai schools to apply for on a grant ba-
County Employees Recognized Photo courtesy County of Maui
By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor
ach year, the County of Maui honors those who serve on each island with Employee Recognition Awards. On Molokai, Guillermo Dela Cruz was named the 2016 Employee of the Year. Dela Cruz is a Building Maintenance Repairer II with the Department of Parks and Recreation. "We are very pleased with Guillermo’s performance," wrote his supervisors. "He is quick and has a positive attitude. He has a personality and is fun
to be around." Calling him "a talented individual," they said Dela Cruz exemplified the county Parks and Recreation mission, which is to provide safe, satisfying and cost-effective recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to Maui County. "He will answer your calls when you need his service, and he helps fellow workers understand some computer programs that we recently acquired for our department.... He attends workshops to help improve his skills
and achieve his goals," his supervisors added. Other Molokai nominees for the award were Hokulani K.M. Alcon, an Office Operations Assistant II with the Department of Police, and Clint K. Reyes, Equipment Operator IV with Department of Public Works. During the Molokai ceremony, county retirees on the island were also recognized: Shane K. Bush who worked 23 years with Department of Fire and Public Safety; Nazario G. Ragonton, Jr., who retired after 22 years from the Department of Parks and Recreation; and Rene M. Dilla, serving 10 years with Department of Public Works. “These employees being recognized exemplify everything good about our County workers,” said Mayor Alan Arakawa. “They're dedicated to public service, work well together, have a great attitude and go beyond the call to get things done. I’d like to wish all of our dedicated public servants a big mahalo for everything they do to make Maui County one of the best communities in the world.”
sis, said Leialoha Kaleikini, MIF secretary. "We may just have our own engineer here on Molokai," said Kaleikini. "Just to hear the excitement [of the students while demonstrating their projects] is really amazing. What better way to give hope for the new year?" She added this will foster STEM-related programs that are already happening at Molokai schools, with the support of other grants. Seven schools will benefit from the funding: Kaunakakai, Kilohana and Maunaloa elementary schools; Kualapu`u Charter School; Molokai High and Middle schools; and Aka`ula School. Students from around the island showed off their innovative projects in
Education Continued pg. 3
Cheer: A Way of Life
Remembering Joan Aidem Pg. 3
Why I fly with Makani Kai “It’s much more flexible,” says K-Cel about flying with Makani Kai Air. K-Cel, who is giving back to the Hawaiian community as a guidance counselor at Waianae High School, flew with us weekly when she was going to Chaminade. She flies with us at least once a month now. “I like that there’s no TSA, the fares are reasonable and the pilots are excellent.” But the biggest reason she likes Makani Kai is because of it’s relaxed, downhome feel, “They call me if I’m late for my flight and ask, ‘Are you coming?’ It’s kinda like going to your auntie’s house: she’ll call if you’re running late.”
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Molokai Dispatch
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Pg. 2
K-Cel Pawn-Kalilikane Molokai Born & Raised