The Molokai Dispatch -- January 11, 2017

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JANUARY 11, 2017 - V OLUME 32, I SSUE 2


Molokai Dispatch TH E I S LAND’ S NEW S SOU RCE S I NCE 1 9 8 5

Plane Disappears Off Molokai

Molokai on Voyage to Panama

By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor


Plane pg. 2

By Catherine Cluett Pactol | Editor


olokai's Lohiao Paoa is among the crew members aboard Hokule`a as the sailing canoe arrived in Panama last week. After 13 days traveling between Key West, Florida, and Colon, Panama, the crew prepared for a historic crossing of the 48-mile isthmus of Panama through the Panama Canal. The waterway ends in

Balboa, and there the Hokule`a will arrive in the Pacific Ocean for the first time in almost two years in its historic Worldwide Voyage. Paoa and fellow crew members spent New Year's aboard Hokule`a. As one crew member wrote, they enjoyed a package of New Year's goodies like 2017 sunglasses, blow horns and treats like sparkling cider. "At midnight, as determined by the position of the stars, pu were sounded and

Molokai Hosts Lanai in Basketball

a short celebration ensued," Dr. Colleen Finnegan wrote in the crew blog. The Hokule`a is nearing the completion of its epic four-year journey that will have covered 60,000 nautical miles, 125 ports, and 27 nations. With a planned homecoming to Hawaii this June, Hokule`a will make stops in the Galapagos Islands, Rapa Nui and French Polynesia before concluding the Worldwide Voyage.


Molokai Dispatch


private plane with three people onboard disappeared off Molokai's Ilio Point on Dec. 30. After taking off from Ho`olehua Airport en route to Honolulu that evening, the Cessna 172 disappeared off radar around 7 p.m., four miles east of Ilio Point. The plane's pilot was Michael Childers and passengers were John Mizuno and Whitney Thomas. The Coast Guard and Fire Department began searching for the plane that night, and continued until Jan. 1 and Jan. 2, respectively, finding no debris, remains or evidence of a crash. And though official searches have been called off, dozens of family members, friends and Molokai residents have continued to search miles of coastline and ocean, not yet giving up hope of finding answers. "It's been so hard emotionally but also physically," said Minky Hoopai, Thomas' cousin who has helped organize search efforts. "Molokai has been so gracious. The support has been overwhelming... So many people have taken time off their daily work schedules to come help. That kind of love I would never find anywhere else... It's an unreal feeling I cannot describe." Hoopai said nearly 100 residents have come out to help scour the coastline by foot, search by boat, donate food and housing, and offer support in many other ways. She said off-island resources have also come to assist, such as a Honolulu aviation company volunteering to fly the area for four days straight in search of clues from the air. A GoFundMe page set up by friends with an original goal of $2,000 to assist in search efforts has now raised more than $35,000 as of Sunday. "...This is about three people who are so loved, they won't be given up on," the page states. "These are people who don't just light up a room, they illuminate our lives. We need them back home, bringing us all joy... till then we are surviving on unrelenting hope." Childers had gotten his pilot's license less than a year ago -- a dream of his, according to friends. Childers and Thomas were a couple, and Mizuno was a close friend. "The love Whitney and her boyfriend had was special and the friendship the three of them had... you couldn't ask for better friends," said Hoopai, who grew up across from Thomas' family. "Their legacy... is living life to the fullest. That was radiated to everyone. You could feel the love of these kids." Hoopai said $20,000 of the funds raised will go towards hiring a salvage company, set for later this month. She said the family has received support from companies that use sonar to create underwater images they hope will locate the wreckage and allow the salvage company to extract it. The rest of the funds are slated to help reimburse those who have helped in the search, and she suggested there may be

Kaluakoi Car Fire

Pg. 2

Celebrating 35 Years of Makahiki

Pg. 2

Photo by Rick Schonely

By Rick Schonely | Sports Reporter

Kayla Garcia led the Pine Lasses with 13 points (2-3) and Camille Ledesma, Kaitlyn Girls Basketball Derouin and Nairene Bishaw-Mokiao each The Molokai Lady Farmers hosted had 6 points for the Lady Farmers (0-3). the Lanai Pine Lasses last weekend at The Lanai Assistant Coach Christian YuBarn. On Friday night, in the early game of mol was pleased with his team's play. a doubleheader, Lanai beat Molokai 39-23.

Basketball pg. 5

Why I fly with Makani Kai “It’s just easier here…no hassles with security,” says Micah. “It’s smooth and laid back.” Micah flies to Honolulu occasionally to visit with family and friends and finds in Makani Kai a bit of Molokai style, “The staff is friendly.” The guy should run for Mayor one day. After all, he knows just about everyone on the island and, after seven years on the job at Friendly Market, sees just about everybody at least once every week or two. And that smile is contagious. From topside Molokai to Honolulu or Kahului

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Molokai Dispatch

P.O. Box 482219 Kaunakakai, HI 96748

Micah Ritte-Manangan Molokai Born & Raised

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