7 minute read
Laos Cambo Dia
South V Ietnam
Informative l ec ture by KE NNETH
At College Assembl Y
March 12, 10: 15 A. M .
Kenneth S. Armstron9 h o • hod o wide and Int er, lhe marlicd sect \\OS sub es tl ng back ground In world o ffo i rs. He ha, been o n di ,·ld~d into those who paid 1hree r ecent o •signmen t• 1hroughout Southeo11 Asia , 1tttenl1on and lhose who l:ving fo r more thon a year in the fiery coun1 r ies of deemed themselv~s slightly Lao,, Com b od io, Thailand, and South Vie1nam, A less than god the;- wcrl' un- groduote of t he University o f Michigan, he become rhubtedlv from south o f the d i re ctor o f Ne ws an d Pub li c Affairs for Clev e land ' s bOller fo r ~ow • else could WJW -TV. Prior 10 1961 he sp e nt much t im e in th€'!'. noses uc<tUt re that Europe, including tr i p• into sa tellite cour,trie, ond brm,n Ungc un l e:,s the~ had th<l Sov iet U nion. Since then h e h as concentr ated o n bPefl 1110 l'lnse Lo the !,Un. So h A h h h h 58 000 f (I 1 th,•lr t,•eth were bl eached to ut ea st s,a, w ere e a • s ot ' ee.t u da.:-.zlln whiteness the mtlcsl ) of documentary fil m footage. Hos publish ed sc,uthl'~l :un or pe rh~ps the,· re po r ts have bee,:, featured i n the. Cleveland Pl_oin werC' pnln tl'd 10 match painted De a l er. A p erc:ept , ve obs erver , he_ , s also on a!tocu· 11 h lote o nd e x perienced ,poaker, w,t h t he capacity to
~nrns~ r bl e nd humo r , pa thos o n d h u man un derstand i ng
1 d 11 11 POI k d Ken Arm strong's presen t lecture s o re no1a b le fo r om 1 mons\~r,1 t \~ prov iding information In d e pth on 1he people , prob - 7!~ ;."~;~,,nOf'tOUS n r, e Jom s. and ,nun1rics o f S 0uth e a1I Asio1 as related
Ut,• thir;I !!~>nil is wherr> 1 to each other, and lo the r es t of lhe world n<'a1I\" run 1n1-<1 trouble this i:rnup w:is the hntP club, hatlfu, lhr nm· ai r the leader
I th<' mum ed "ec·t, nr shnul d
I ~•, the au1nc-rat of the
C' ass br.,nthPd this womnn mi, :;o r(·pulsin• lo Uwm thu tht0 ,· 1 .•; "rP close tn nuu "'". i was fri 1:htcn(ld l· mu,;, had lh<'Y slapped , 1
\\1 uld ha\·" di f'tJ a more hur - nble 'lr-nlh thnn the pr<'\'irms
.. .
Ut, r ·:.us '"'-' llltlo class pun clp11tion. h.,.,, could thc•r<•
1,,.. \',~''" thP rlns~ waH dom • nut· <I ti\ u sn1dc n1 ~\'runt
,,.,. Uns t, sa\ i will
1 Hr~, to tho t class a1,:ain r u Id \ ,,u l••u,·, mP a tiny
1 ,ir f J 1f n.c,ut ror a :,;ump ·
The story b eh i nd the headlines • • • So uth east A si a In fl a m es. Only th r ough doope r knowledge of the people, thei r h isto ry, ba ckground , reli9ion, customs, and ways of life, can o n e understand many of the ev e nts takln9 place in th i• troubl ed r egion Ken Armstron9 sheds ligh t on a colorful a nd vital area in crisis. No othe r A m eri ca n on the lectu r e platform today is so we ll q uol i fled to re port on Laos, Cambodi a, ond South V ietnam "Asia Aflame" l•Tht NIJC racing team is shown prof;tif;ing rhe fosr finish. with body low to rhe ground and rounded for rho /eost oir resistance. Left to r/gnt; Mlck•y Oolker, Roy Chorlleld, Don Worgl,. John Cooper, ond Sheldon Vlk.
Drill Team Developes Poise, Personality, Pep
8)' K, rry Jeflrios
This is 1ne t i me ofyeor many. young women be<,,,. wonderi ,g wnol is in tn& future. If you enjoy mc<>tor>g peoplo and desire to trove!, o future as on oirl,ne stewardess may ue tic 10b for you
Altnough they come from differ.,nt ports ,;f ti,,. country and their backgrounds ore not alike, s1ewardesses srcire simdor quallficotions
With the help of Collier ' s Encyclopedia and (ARlcERS
I hove compiled on outline 1h01 rells who I goes 1n1 0 being on airline stewordess
Quolif ocotions : excellent health, po"ed, ottroc•,ve, kno.-., how to smile, tactful. Between 20-27; 5 foet 2 nches 10 5 feet 8 inchos .•,ith weight in proportion to '•eight nr,t 10 exceed 130 lbs; single; some airlines accept contact '.mses.
Prepora1ion: h,gh school graduation r<>quired; :wo years college, nurses' troimng, or business ex~r1encf'.
Training: las1s for about five ,1i,eks at o cw,pony school. The 01rline usually provides o poss 10 fly ro •he school's location lo begin studies Room ond boorrl, while in troinong, ore provided by the cQmpony The c ,,,.e<,h,.., ,.,eludes: meteorology, flight routes and schedules, nov1qo11on, radio, emergency procedures, personal groo<T'mg, 1ubl ,<:: relot,ons, airline codes, theory of flight, con1por,y po!,:y, pos~enqor relof1ons, first aid, mointenonce, end aircraft fomiliurizot,on.
Nature of Work: responsible far possengers • cOff'forl, check tickets, give instr\Jclions, onswer questions. Se,ve food.
Employment Trend: keen comperit,on, alt!iougf-. •nony ,obs ovatloble due to high turnover rote.
Advantoges: trove! opporlu111tios, many emrloyf'\Cr t benefits, meet mony people, free oir travel. Off- b,se expenses ore poid by the a1rl1ne.
Disodvontoges: strenuous, trying, ond tinrig wcrk, irreg · ulor schedules, on feet most of the time.
Ko.&.hy ,Yilson sings w/fh the Imperials oJ thf!- Bortle of lhe Bonds '1oirce. held Fffb. 6 FNe hundreds tvdenrs or1end11d, rncluding mony from rho loco/ high ,chools.
Nine girls under the direction of Mrs Helen Brandt are in the process of tailoring ~t?i er an Easter suH or a wool cent and dress. 'The class, which started Feb. 2, wi,Y mecl evecy TUesday
'\,·ening from 3:30 to 6:00 (o r 10 weeks according to Mrs.
Florence Stranahan. home eo instructor.
Mrs. Stranahan said the nine girls who met the prerequisite or Clothing fundamentals 24.A are: Tlm!He Rodgers, carol Pia tter. Ann Cla rk , Tammy Grant, April Evans, Tercy OeCoss, Berni ta Oxford, Maureen MC Done ll, and Alice 11.arie
Modern Drug Center
Spec10/iz1ng ,n Colleg,01e Needs for Health ond Happ,ness
Our Plaza Restaurant Pleases Palate and Purse
MO· 4-3223
Serving Your Stud.,nt Union
Mlss Marsha LeFrancl s , leader or the group, creates the marehing routines and designs the costumes. 1n speaking of tbe advanlages of membership in the group, Miss LeFrancis added to the skills developed those of compan!onshjp, cooperation in a worthwhile project, devel opment of poise and the opportunHy to perform.
The girls practice three times a week, receiv e one credH in physical education and may win points for extm. work In the organization which can lead to special marks at the end of the semester.
Competl lion to join tbe organization is always keert , and at th e beginning or the semester, there were GO competitors for the honor
After the last home game or the season. the girls wlU appear in publlc events at Moscow for the Idaho-Washington game and the Lllac Festival Torchlight parade. Sign on back of ga rbage truck - "Satisfaction guaranteed or double your garbage back"
Arctic Circle
Delicious Hamburgers
Fos tes I Setvtce In Town 1724 Sheunon Ave-nue
Further information; wrote to Supervis0<, Stewardess R<lcrulting of major airlines.
Campus Chatter
by Rosemary Hom;on Stu Kimball says he's been In a rare mood lately: nothing he says Is filthy!
N /JC has a special secret laughing place. Do vou know where it u.? It's on the shelf above lhe coal hangers just outs ule o/ the main office 1n a brown and 11e !low cardboard box This box has been su1r plied 101 the use of all junior college students. Please do not look in this box unless vou are extre111elv depressed. The contents are guara11teed to bring a chuckle to the lips of anvorw.
Ras Hansen got into a fight with a roll or adhesive tape the other night. Be lost.
A wonderful demon:itration of the Mexican 1/at Dance mas given bv Russ Brown /or a few fortunate observe r s recently.
A smal 1 volunteer group Crom the North Idaho Jllllior College a cap pella choir gave lxlth Mr. soderllni; and Mr St.one moonlight serenades via the telephone
Suppott Your Advt'nisen
Exclusive Yardage Shop
Every rh,ng Fo , The Seoms tress 310 Lakes ide Ave. Coeur d ' Alene, Idaho
Rotc Program Is Subject Of Meeting
Salaries: start about $280 o nionth for 85 hours flying time ond 35 hours ground dutres Experienced range from $310 to $375 Poise, personality , and pep. These are what the drill team Is made of The 25 NIJC girls who make up the ddll team have taken what amounts to a semester co urse In rhythm, coordination, and precision marching.
Today at act vi I.I' period In room '18 a represent au ve from the military department of the unlversil.y o! [daho spoke b:> all boys interested in the two-year ROTC program available to Junior college graduates. According t.o Mr. Perry Christianson, presld~nt of the college, the program would permit Junlor college gradual~s to attend n summer camp and Lhel r Junior and senior years at the u of I or a siml le.r institution ta lake advanced RCII'C training which would culminnte in an Anny commiss1Jn
Boat Drive Inn
8. HARD TO LEAVE Red Robert&«,, Yo1.1, Host 2306 Fron! A¥e, Coeur d Alene, Idaho
See us fo, batteries, needles, lubes tepoirs. on lope rocorders stereo set~ - radios 802 R1vo r Av•. MO 4•2000
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