College Library ' .
Rece ives Gran t
IJoom Founda ti on Nt.JC \\'l ll receive approximately $600 this Year and whlle nmoun t» or tt will be >diVerted i nto holdings applicable to research, the bulk o f the funds wl II likely be spent in the a rea of literature >ant fiction.
Mr SOderUn g, in 1>rals!n!l
I tho Pound a. tion •s gcob.1 re, acllled Iha t It may prove to • mlftr vate o ther organizaUous and ind! victuals to n,sist area l l brarl es tn building nnd uAlll'adlni local library rac!li'ues
The Junior College recel ved wonl thls week that it would be/t o ne o r se veral schools to ' recer ve funds fo r II bmry expendltures from Book Foundal!on, Inc., a new]s organ ized C'l!!ur d 'Alene corporation ' 'i"he so le purpose or the Foundation 111 to pro,1de supplementary funds for u i.,-artes in this area, with f1 lhe i utent of bui !ding up the , book collect!uns or the par· tlcJPQt!ng libraries
, Jtecentb Dllecto r or Student
• Affairs Riebe confronted the Student Board or Control with the problem of posters tearins: •a,(!a_,· the paint rrom the waJ Is. It was decided that large 4 by 8 ' bullcUn boards would be , pu t u1> in ,·arious locations 'in the ne w wing and bonlers s tripped close to the rei Ung fo r hanging surrnce, accord1 i n¥ to Ru~i-ell Bruwn, studelll bo dy president Brown said student and facu ltv members must adhere 1 1<.1 this o r their posters will be removed. Pince them on the bulletin boards or thP bo rder stripping near thtJ , c lln11 In the main bui ldinit o r the strippini: soon to be placed 1n the new wing
NIJC President Says Enrollment Will Have To Be Restr icted 669 Are Enrolled Unless A New Source Of Revenue Is Found For Next Year At College For
"North Idaho .Junior College, llnuled by 11vadable ph,.vsical facil!lies aM faculty mnnpower, nnd rnstricl.ed by a\'ailable monies, is ut a 'crossroads' under the impact of mpldl.Y rlMni: enrollmPnt,," said NIJC Presit1,,11t P A. Chnstinason ln his scmJaununJ n,essage to lhe studenl bod~·.
NIJC will be forced In the 1965·66 college year lo ptQbablv deny adrnlsslon lo man;soeking educartoa b<'yond u,e 12th grade, ~Ir. Chnstianson brou ¢it out. A lrcud.v :SJ.JC is bc,fdnntng to bulge at the seams. The rl'corcl ,•nroll· ment for J 91H-65 saw 7H register ln the fall. rtnd 669 for the se~-ond semester now und,:,r way.
"'All SilUIS lJuinl to a shnl)') Increase ln enrollment next fall if nccomrnodatlons and funds are a ,111 lable". Christlnnson $1Ud Enmllments in nine Idaho insti lutlons of hli,:her "ducutlon are 20 per cent o,·er the enrollments estimated 1wo years ago by u,e Stanlnrd R~scar<'h Institut~ which $ur\"eyed higher eu~cntton for 1hr Slate of ldaho for the 1ef3:.:slat'Ure 1 President Chri.-sta am;on said.
ol 1n the fi\e northern crnmUes ol lthho lhNe wlll b<>," he said, "36 per cent more gmd11otes of high schools Jn ~!ny or 1965 thnn there were
Inst ,ear. statewide, the increase is e~pccted to be 30.6 per cent. These stud('nts must so somewhere f•H thl'i t posr hi 1'11 school lrain!ni:. rndcr the present svstcm, Idaho's insUtu Uons cannot a b;n rb them. /<!JC 111 have to curtail rnrollm•nt ne~l fnll. \l'e du not ha ,·e the finunc,.,, to !.'ducat.e nore SIU• dents. This can mean only one thing Man;' hi pi school ,naduolPS will be d•ni I'd the opportumty for post high school training."
"Currenll) I 0,55S !dnhu st11dents nrc nttendmi: ltlahn collrge:;; 4,764 are ~llendlng college, ln other states. With oul-of-stalc• h1ltlon fees being raised all o,·er tile country and, with scholastic admission reQul r~ment.s being raised, rmnv ol those sludents no" receJvtng Uainlni:outside of lhc• State "-Ill be forced back on Idaho's own InstiLullons.
·'In the interest or a good educational expenence !or our O\\n people, L I:, not deslrublo lo llmlt enrollment to Kootenai Councy studeats
A student's colleg~ experl~nc, ~hould include U1e opponunll\' or rubbing Plbows with students from othrr parts of our state and from othH ,antes, and wtere pos · slblc, lrorn omer c·iuntries. Enrollmt>nt could be curtn!led by uccepttn1; only tie upper
portions of our hllfh school ~radualin~ ciu,;s~. This , howe,·N, would dell.l CurlhN tralnlng to many gludents who ne!'d the training to Ii ,·e n sutlsfo.ctor) I.Cc. Enro Ument ulso could be c naa llld Vl'n· d(ecU•ely by sk;·rockel1ni: wttlon rate~ rtlis ls CPr· t.ninb· u11dus1 rab1e In thnl vou determine a swdent'S opportunl-'' for further tralnlng b.< lhc fl nnnclal condition or himself and his family
"The broadening or the t.11 base> "hich 16 provided ror ln the slx-<llslncr bill ~efou, Idaho':. legislature would enable :-I !JC to financ~ lh<' pro i; ram for all prospectl \'C students of our area for the romeeable ruture."
~,r Chrlsllanson eiplalned some of the oppos!Uon to the present b[I J stems from the fact thnt the assessment rate!< an the ,·nrtous rountle~ ,·ary from 1212 11cr cenl ,n Kootenai Count)' to approximateb· 30 per cent in B<,i~o County Tic said thas is n serious defPCt in our tax!n& system 1n Idaho and shw!d be co rrPcled. T herP Is o bill under consldNatlon nt Uie p resent time which would remedy this si tuution The current bill ror Juntor coll,.g,• dis triets hns lhe sup pc.rt of the Governor. Stat fi •aru of Educntion and PidSllJJ.: JUntor collei:es.
Sec ond Semester
A count o! econd semeste r rtgl~tranb whr~ thr deadllne for enrcllln& p<1-~s"'1 o n Feb. 15 shewed 669 srud~nts at1<·11dini: <:lasses. A ) 'ear ago tncrc were 60~ t he p renous u ll·llme rncuk for the second semc:;ter In 1963 enro llment wn.« 527 for the sprtni: tPrm Oolni: back still further , rroords show 38 0 re gistered in 1960, 3,, in 1001 , -127 in I!)62
Last rall 7H were L'tl rolled a r :,; I JC Th111 semes ter's total , s a drop of Jus t o ver 10 per cent which IS Just about the a ,·era!le expe rienced at NIJC. comi:n red with a , ...,, ago, howe \'Pr, the 66 9 !ntnl represenL, an lnc reru;e o r nearly 11 per cenl
The t>'i:tsunr 's o lf1ce bad not completed tub11latlon of reglstrntion slatlstics at the CIJP) deadline fur this Issue A studs of the data will be covered In the next fssue o f The Rc,u,v.
1\ll clubs and Ottlllnlzauons \\lshln~ IA) obtain budge t,; fo r dance,; and other activities ~houltl t;et t.hC' Jt requests 1n t , the Social :\cti vi lies Comm ttee right nway , nc conllng to HU.)' Hansen, chllrman
L,av• uruon which will be :eady to r use when class es s:a rt next fat I
approx Ima tel; 24 0 additlona I dl nln~ accommodoll,,ns Pro · vision is made ror mo,nble par titions whr ch will make ti poss! ble to dh!de the d!nln~ a reas into five se11arate rooms If necessa cy.
A bru;cmcnt will provide a 2 5 x 61 booksto re lO rl'l)lncn the pre.sent I,! x 20 book· store Th" ne" bookstor" will ennbl~ swdenls to \\nlk in aud se rve thcmsel \'CS, There will be n s torage n rea ro r bo<iks and als,:· a came room, 18x34, In the hasem~nt, with entranct'>< from boUl norlh and south ,ides
A new entmnre is provided frum the sou lh sade or the wt ldlng. for both floors.
ap11ro1 ed. Th" loan wl!l be used to construct an nddi· ll on t,, Edmtnsr<1r Student
The prese nt dlnlng raclli· ues accommodate about 2 JO; the ne•,1 addlUon wi 11 11ro,1 de
Stud.,nts w 1U also be abln to ente r both Ooors fo,rn the no rth and there w1 ll be an entrance rrorn the \\CSt
Jn<..ludEd un 1he ma tn noor will be n J3x~ lounge -<llnlng room arnilablf• fo r small luncheon:;, o,·erall dlmcMlon!I ~, the oddltion .ire 9Gx-! I on each floor. or n total or 'i,557 ad· dltlon11I squn re feet or build· lua,. The loan fi gu r<, does not Urdud~ mo\'uble IU misllln~-s. S0U1 bulldlng costs a nd runiJ.shlngg .i.tll b~ ftnnncOO , 1u lh~ Student Se n1c~ f'ee 31, ! lricom•... from tho cafelNla anrl boobt.ore The proJ r 1\111 lnvoh e no Lax o r other 11, ~e iu11<1s Architects for the arc CullN, Gale, .\lnrtrll. Norne and oa,is, wtth of· fices In Coeu r d'Alene and spuknnt•, The l!On><mg Comm1si;1on plans to call ror bitls early lhb spring 11nd constructlon "' 1ll ta lte approxunateh 90 <ln,
PuWilMd s.,.;.Mo•thly Duri•9 the Coll•oe v
Andfeo Ron, Glen Nlckeiuon
Rbpoctitu : Rosemo ry Hanacn. Jo Ann Oversbv, S«iio Co,l,on, Morge Mc Co rm i ck. Ardith Johnson, S tu Kimbell, Tom Atkins, Bob Leighty. Warr en Aller ,
Mos t of us used to 'lloke tho, so I, p.'>one col ,,l,en "'" were ten, thot kind 1h01 et "Prnt<. \ loon out or 11 " on " on<J so on Most of us hoven't 101,. y, bur o f w ~· icle•lf~ ,1111 need rhose sub-reen ktck!>, This 1s>or<' fo, th r pu · lot ion of rhe rest of us
O.,er the weekend, four '.ocol p,lurribers re, c:ull«. •o repoir nonex1s1en1 domog,> or NI JC. T,10 were wory b ,, •Ncoc t uolly come 10 make on ,r,specrion. Evr-n 'Tl , r. , rhe calls were mode in ,he no"1(1 ,.,f o foe I: mo ber. If 111<> foculry member were to someday feel plo)h J 011,I revNse 11 e ioke, they might decide he was oc· ng 1mmarurely, NCV<:r, it ,s doubrful if they ore able ro •ee l'lem,,)IV<'s os ,ch.
Whi le things like th,, moy no: sneom cJ1t1 o - ~:te:r oll • wa s norhing more than disturo,ng o <;0'1Ple of peep or, 1ho,r doy off - they do build rhe co'lege image. Thrs ,. rr rypo of rhing which makes motur" srudents b'vsl "her r~oy , tr from the rownspeople thol NI JC ,s a bll hgh school,sl .,c, bod rhey can't be iden11fied w11h lobel<-·or t10<--so 111. s•• dents who help to creore onoth<.?r ,moge needn'I be 1den:of1ed w,rh them
Associated Student Boey North llkiho Junior Colle1tc
Dear Students:
Jt is ALWAYS l,POd to know that you are remembered!
l saw this, Ii rst 1)11nd, when I 11ai; called out al lhe hall of the E\\'SC ir.ime nnd p-e· s ented with the NIJC blunkct and named "Cardinal Booster of the Year"
We have, in th<' pruit, heard ~tudents exprMs reeling,; thut our citizens "didn't ltnO\\ they existed at NIJCI"
\le knew that this wusn •t correct for we had, for yror,,, heard mony people exp r~ss appreciation for what N!JC ond ils students contributed to this entire area, both cul· tu rnll.v und economtca lly. 11·,1 knrw that thei recoiailzro the mnm contdbutlons made by the late or. G. o. Klldo" Perry Chnsllanson and their stalls.
Three Yl'll rn ago, wh~n it was decided at the collel!P. thol they would "nlargc their alhletic program, a group of us decided tl10t we'd hke to help We rel t thn l n good athletic program would niund out your fine scholasttc acuvities l\'e felt thut good troms not only orror an outl~t lh rou t,h competl Hon ror those who acll\'el\• participate but that they offer color, drill· teams, peJM;quodi;, bonds nnd more social acllvllles that weld together a sludPnt bod.v and a communll.\'. At thal time we organized th<' NlJC Booster Club.
NIJC Blankets Awarded To Two College Boosters
N IJC student B ody Pr1..1denl Russ Brown presented Mr. Joe ll'hilley Ille NlJC Blanket as the JC 13ooster of the yea r. This was the lhst, presentation o f t he award Mr. Wh!Uey , 4 2 1 N 12th , is active In the Ca 11Hnal Booster Club and was lnst ru menm.? tn , the printing or game Pr ograms sponso ri ng or NI JC d an ces : and keeping the comm unity infonned on N ! JC ' s actl Vitfes , and achievements $,eclal r eoognition also wen t to Jim Ehington , Card o:;slstant oonch fo r his v.~rk< dudng the past 2 years Mt H Pronk Evans, biology In· structor at NI JC acted fo r lhe American AS50Clatlon ol' Uni versit,y P rofesso rs In awarding Cea ch Elvington a NJJC blanket In a surprise presen.talion • The N IJC drill leam , the Rhylhmettes pe rformed at hair time.
RtH,. U I,' Dorpat 1n:s.trut.t"
lrt t~ll91on a, NUC this :.e"ie~rer, ,.s na;. on th~ college facvlry.
Lfe ,, pasto< of Cl•rl5r the Kfr,g
L.1.1:hcron Church rn Coc..,r d"
Al,:ne, cr,d rrer-:tly pres1d~nt of tho CC>"'vt •t- [#On ','J n1t,arial 1r,
Community Singers Plan Spaghetti Feed
Student Board Grants Req111ests
The Student B oa rd met Feb 2 , accordi n g lo R~~s Brown , p r esident.. ll was ' announced that the outstanding booster w recet ve the
ti vi ties, be said , the Clrcle K sponsored the Victory dance after the first game. Dec 4. Member,; have also put up the welcome slim for the college al the south entrance and are planning to place another at the north entrance.
The club has been wolklng wtth rhe Key Club on the
of Dimes, he added.
The Booster Club is a group of citizens who arn dl'<licated to help raise money to furnlsh scholurah!ps and help finance ALL aspects or thts program hcadoo tlY Roll)· Williams und his stal[. lie think that you, lhe student body. and Ron,· ha"e done an amazing Job In a short time ror, today, NIJC athletics rnnk In sta1we "1 lh ANY school in U1fs area. And we reel that It will. tr ALL or us continue to work together, go on to 11reater hei @hL~
The satisfocuon ol seeing this growth makes lllose or us who work 12 months a year on this pm~am !t>el that we have been more lhon amp!_,· rewarded.
Although this satlslactlon is all that we expect we nre STILL human enouA!l to be thnlled by tbe knowledge that we are nppteclnled ~you.
I, of course, know that lht're are man.v ln our group who deserved this recognl t!on ns much Qr mor~ than l, yet It was still <l f,!ft'al thdll ror me to know that the: nume "Joe \l"hllley" \\ Ill b<' lhe Ci rsl on the Hsi of "Boo!ltcrs or lhe Year" chosen by YOU.
Yes, il is i;nod to be rcmcmberoo ll Is an honor nnd n momrnlo I shall alwa,,·s
V/oodcock's Drug Store
C4nd,e, - Sund•·• p,.,:,, c.r"o+io:oi\ 82'. N. Fo udti St Co•ur d Al•"•
M,•m bcrs or the NJ JC a coppelJa cholt have begun selling ttckeL« to a spalthettl feed which will be held Morch 13 under the auspices of the Community Singers, according to Mr. Lou Kelly, director.
Tickets w the spn;metti re,•d wi 11 cost ~l per per,;on and s,•ectal tlctet~ will be sold at the rumlly rate or S3 he said.
11 wl 11 be held March 13 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m in the basement ,r the Eagle's Hall. K,,11, said. Members of the Commun! ty Singers wlll prep:ue the meal nnd the col· lo~~ cho1t mem bcrs will ,;erve DlnnN "tll include enter· ta!nmcnl by the NIJC n cap, p,• lln chol r, ens embl e, and women •s trio Kelly nddrd that the choir ts hoping ror a • 'real turnout" In this communi cy effort. An~ choir or Civic Choir member will have tickets ro1 sale, he ndd<>d. chrri sh. much. Thank you ,·eiy
Rep r esentatives or Pill Theta Kappa asked to install e candl machine In the trill, next to the office T he re· QU est was appro 1·ed, Brown said. Don \\urgl , r ep r esenting th e, Ski Club, requested $1 O for tt ck ets and ct1trance fees to the Intercollegiate race to be held al Scttweltzer Ba'sin• Feb 26 , 27 , and 28, Theil request wos approved also , he added H was announced tO m~m-' bers b)• Browo that to r emain a member or the Student Board one must main tain fnd pass et l east ten c r edit hou rs .' See us for .•.
-AfliMIUHH C I • 216 N 4th Street
Sine ere),v , Joe
Chemistry Classes 0 Get New Balances
ohr<'P OCI\ bu lan~l'S were 'purchased for the chem1strv classr~. uca,rdlni; to M ;, f', s. OakberR, h"ad or the d~rtment o( phy,;ical -dmces.
t '•Th ft Chou! was in need of r,, balances bet·ause the old !I. r• " have berome corroded l nnd lost thetr sensiti\-ity " ; w. Oakbcrg ,;u.Jd. '
Thc,e new balances are a ,,, to a much higher degree than those previously t " ed by the college. Accur m ·.v ,neons the abil,ty to " , d, , ernlne the COfff'Ct weight and shOuld not be confu»ed 6 •nth sensllhilY, ~tr. Oakberg
I said Sensiti\·lty I!! simply , th1 amount of ·.vel i:ht needed to mo\'e thn p0inter. A bal'111CC can be quite sensttivr-artl inaccurate al the same • tiJ t> u>usc '"'i ghts and k nUP ed~es ave bt,en eliminated l!r• these scales to increase ' accuracy. A dial replac\!S
the luoi;e wel MlS os lh ere is noOting lo beromP lost or , tni ccumte. "Knife edges have b<len r"l)laccd because lhe ~,ugh treatment that balnnces recel ve lrorn slU, dtt ts can chip or dull the edges and nUect the ncauuc-., .. ht: said.
Ailhou!lh u,ese balances
, t l\\lc~ a.s much ns ordi,a,v bahmccs, \Ir. Oukbcrg fe('l that the,;e ne\\ ones " ; b, wurtll the! r prlce be• cau P 01 the longer Ii tetlme II ·wocLs r,I them
I ·• l 1nl s vou con ,;Ive a I st, denl equ11,m•'Ill which Is "cnpablc or accuracy ar.d pre1 ~1,-1on. h•• will lusc lnteresl 111 tr,1pi, to do n Job pro-
I , P"i lY," Mr. oakberg nddcd
1 ' " Vl'lerans Club '""'
b. 3 In the Student linlon , actl ,ii.) period accord·
In I to Bob Poutre, p,,.,sldent.
'I t wns drclrkd al the meeting
to ho,d e bnskl'tball game
"'eb. 24 dun g ncllvHy per·
0 1, ~. Opponr•nts for thl' Rnme
w! 11 be mf·mhers of the lnculty
,·crsus mcmb••rs or the Vet•rans Club , Poutre said. , 1denth nre tn,itcd tn attend this ~ame, and If It runs
, N the time nllottro ror ~cl1''1h· p,•riod, Rpecmtors , " Il l b nllo" l'd to slay, he said.
At tho u L'lltlng, thP m,•m· crs nbo rlt•dd,•d to me<>l , , n 11mnC'Sda} during cu,-n1 period 111 th,• student
L i ,n. Poutre- ndded.
Grad,•s \\Ill be ma.ilf'<I lo 'lJd<'nLi nl tht·tr 1111n11 od·
d•c~~"'• nt'cordlni:; lo \\u<S
I, ' Ko Nrs 1 , rt•gisua,. ShP
• ufd tr.'lL ti< SP slurl<,nLq ii 1·ini:
, -d ,t-...,,CP a,\ a\. who arc un~
L to ,o: hnm" WC'ekends. ! , • be sht .,, theirs at the
~tr. Luu l<<'lly , dlrecror o f the N IJC 11 cappella chotr was glvim a surprl se bl rthdn{ party on Thursday, Feb. 18.
Although his birthday is on the. n1ncteenth, lhc chuir decide<! to l:!ve the partv on the last d3,) of chou rehear· snl ro r the week, acco rding to Tom Atkins , member. l:le said that way the chol r could all be present.
The choi r took tt collection and bought 11 bt rthda;· cnke fo r Mr. Kells, Atkfai; added. \Ihm the Cake was presented, they sang "Hapro B!rthda;" In assorted styles or mus!c including Baroque. popular, and jazz, he said "The choir Is ln th11 middle or numerous tiring rehearsals," Atkins added, "so the party was a welcome break In the routine."
Coro~-;-;-.Why do vuu \\ant to change that death ,·r>rtiflcrne, doctor?"
Doctor: "I signed m)· name in lhe $pace marked 'Caus<' or D~ath •
and enthusins\1 l', vet are not allo\\ed to pul forth th~l r i deas into acUon. Thr, <l!lln· Ions of the studen t s should be lahH more into oon~ldem · lion. our g<>vcrnm,·nt surC(l-~. but needs mam· re 100SSuppo rl You• A dvc 11 u u
I t isn't easy to ooconw nn officer in the l'ni~ed St.ates Army. Only the lx-sl young mer! ar,:, sele,·tt',1 The training and course of stu,Jv ,,re d,•m.;111,tmg But if you can qualif}-and )Ott should finrl ou if yo,, can you will rPt'•·ive tr:untr:~ Y.h ch 1\lll pu you a step ahead of other collcgu grndu 1'l"5, Army ROTC training will give you xpl'Tttncc tl1.1 0,~t college waduat,-s do not gc 1 I, ading nnd 111:rnaging o,her men, in organizational tech ,iqu , u: self-discipline and in ,peaking on your feet Tins kind of exp<:rience will pay or tu ,.,·er} Ihmii I ou
l ol )OUr W11. Tl.OTC has a new progmm de:;ignt/d spefor outsttl'itling men who already havt> nf ,·olle;w. and plan to continue Lhl'ir ol 1; l During your junior and senior year,; in h progr.,• • 1·011 will rece i,·., $-10 pt1r month "·I' L , find out more about 1he: progmm ? Simply s n,I 111 th!! coupon l'l('low, or sec th Professor o f Milit...r\ !-ctcllre if you are no\\ allenrling :10 RO re :ollegt·. ' f' here'" no obliw,tion except the on • you uwe to yourself. 're good enough to be an Army Officer , don't settle for less
Gentlemen: Please send me Information of\ tho 110w :?~Year Arm ROTC p,ogrnm I am now a student •t __ (collage or unlvorsll,l and pl~~ 10 con• nu my schooling al
·'Wolf's View from The Underside"
Th,·r,• are those who sco ff ut rNnl"Jmation , but for those bell pvcrs tn the pythagorean theory or the trnnsmi grntion of the soul , this \\ill be of interest
A few days a!ll) a member uf the start left 8 shcl'l of pnpl'r In the IYPPWriter In the st11denl <>lfi ce. Upon returnIng '"' found th!' following nOlC":
hello, m~ name ls wolfgang i,.inther schmldt. i run a ce11th1cde perhaps you r emember me , the famoui; 1<yndicated co lumnlst untl I that fateful day I \\ent l o sici l y and wrote on thP 1:rPat o r pnf711tion nr the mo.lJa , or perhaps you kne" my ancesto r, arch.y , whom don ma r quis sent to oosk ln th<' bllllimore sun my soul was reincarnated. Into n centipede .mu ma~cnll me wolf nHhou,:h it does nut reOcct any characte r tra.l t. I run not large enough to depress the shill key so thb ls oap!tn l punishment. would you l eave me a crust of !mm you r l unch; I hn\"e eaten two or my legs for nourishment
Wt· len him a c rumb or b r t'ad to pre'""nt his sC'lf-dcstruction nnd a f r esh sheet or pape r In hupes thnt hls imngl.ootlon won Id h<' inspired We we r e not dlslllusloned
thank you for the hearty meal. the other da.v l hitched o. ride on n student's trousers cuff and went to class with him here is wha t i ol>""'""d off the cutr so to
;.peak in class i noticed a 1·tulatlon of lhe sup r eme court ruling conce rnlns segrei;alion the class was clearly divided into three groups - the mo rri ed ,iect , the llstmln1t ~roup and the dissenting group. each group was u class by Itself. Ute Intent listeners we r e so I ntent on the R<>SPel they were of m.;- presence before them at least their intensiJJ· made them unob·
Ban d Joins Ca rds On Tour Fo r L -C , Idah o Fros h Ga mP s
Th(' bond with It le.der, \I r. James Bum.,, wrnt to Lewistt>n wht-rc members pla.ved (,,r thP NIJC-Lc\\lS end Clark N,onnnl basketball i:nnw Peb. t 9. They sta.ved nt the LPwts and Clarie Hot<'l, lee,·tnc thl• ne, I <!;1,> ror ~lo><eo" where thr) plu._vcd for the NIJC-Jda!111 ~'ro h gamr , nccordin~ to Bums. During the l)nlf-Umu of lhl' U of 1.-11·es1rm \lushlnclor, College gnmt>, they tu:companl ed the Rhy lhm ell cs, retu rnin i: home saturdn, nl Mt, Bums ,;aid.
Bums said he bN1cve<1 that taking the• tnn AA',, :;uppmt IQ thP team nnd did mu<"h lo publlci7.e UtP college In the Lewltiton and !\.Iosco,.,. o.reu He added lha t the, gmup had fonned a trombone quartet or Dave Clark , Steldon Vlk, Steve ~loe. and Tom HPbNl.
Thr danc band, he snld, hn.s been prncl1rlni,: weekl~fo r dance prni:rnms nnd he wunt.s to ren1111d o.n}·one who wants a lori:e band 111 n mini· mum cost. that It is available ror en1uigemcnts.
tuous dinner and to enhance c,.,nrer thlnklni:. U1ank vou wotr
Child Dev elopm ent
Class Studies A t Local Ki ndergarten
The Jack nnd ,1111 KlnM1 go r ten, o wnl'd Md 01ll'r.:ited by Mr s R J, PawceU, ,·.111 be the scene ,,1 muc'i actlnh this semest•r for !;iris ,·n rolled In Mrs BPt~v Gortlon 's child d eveto11mNtt ciuss. ~,rs . Go rdon said each girl w11l spend two hours <'ach week observing and partlclpnUn1t In st11dent act! "Illes. Shi' said each girl Is to do e case studs on one child and compare the child with the other chl l d rm in the ltfnu1• ,.,, to pby:sical, mental. social, and emotional dovclopmettt.
The aim or lhe course, said Mrs Gordon, IS to Id I'<' the swdent an understanding or the normnl prucesses ot devetopmentwh.lch will enable the ,student tn handle children, and lo Interest the student In child study lo such wi extent t hat she wt ll d<esl re to keep up tn date un cltlld care pbilosu11hles and practices.
The (:Iris wlll help ~"''-' tests to the children. ha \'4! a spnng tea for U1e children's parPnt:; and accompan) the children nn a runn trip and plentc for tho• children. added Mrs Cordon.
Bonds Tho lmpedols /:,offlod 1/,a Shadows Fob 6 o
, ,r, ,, MA by ,s.,)D tt'-'<tents
th<.'11 ldcnufi<:nt!on photos taken FPb 26. beginning at 9 ; ~5 in room 4, &<'Cording to ~Ii:;, Nishlu, registrar. she snid that these nre required and those studPnts who do not bn,•e them taken here ·,•,l ll be a:;kl'd to pro,·1de one Inter nt lhl'I r nwn ,•xpensP.
Itickets wlll be Is sued t6 d rivers pa rki n g In p l aces othe r t han those ma rk ed fo r parking
T he une xam ln ed 11 r e ls not wo rth livin g " - So crates