111£ NWC IIVIIW Ca:rd1n3\ co1:.,ra D'ALEN'E, IDAIIO
\'OL UME V, N O. "-
TUESDAY, N OV. %1, 19150
Rev. Ostroot Heads Engineers Initiate; RHYTHMAIRES PROVIDE MUSIC FOR • • D Combine Feed, Ritual NO\'. 22-A. w. s. Fonua!. A. W. S. DANCE WEDNESDAY, JC GYM Than ksg1v1ng ay 01\ Wedn('11d•y, No,•. 8th, g-n,.n,, Do you have your dale. for the Program Tomorrow Marino Engin...ra Club held .. !easl ln the Sov. 2-1-H •• a. I I h C •• n ' . r A.W.S. Dance, gtrl.s?' Hurry u p! Room or Templin·· Grill DM.... Mid-term Exams "that man" to the blggul :--o". :S-24--HolldayEt. Q NI.JC'• ThanksgMng Day pn,- Following the dinn~r lhe club event ot the year. members and their guests wcr• ver; Many Sad gnun Wedne.lday. November 2Z. \Ved.ntsday, November 22 la the will be under lbc d.irec.U.on ot the shown mO\'lng p1oluro enUtled JC's Quartette But Average Glod datt-: the NIJC gymnulum 18 the COeur d"AlM.e ·.Mtniaterlal A.s.soct- ''The Ba.tUe of the Pactfic". Sov. 22-'l'h.Culk.tljp"·lng Pro,.
1---_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.,
T Sh
plaee; and 9:00 p. m. Is tha Ume. The gue•t 8j>t'aken of the •voBy JACK McA\ "OY ation headad by lhe Reverend. .Ed· M.wslc wW be. turnlahed by the. "11 tho pretly rod marks! toc:al R.hythmai.res u nde.r the theme "'in lll. O•troot, Mm. Morey Grid· nlng, )fo. .nl. Ru-u P•raons Sr., Yeah, lhal.'s your test pa])er. Well, of "'Harbor Ughts". The dance ley, t,u:ulty pn,grarn chairman, Joe Lallmoro. 1ohn ZoM. Tom Miller Sr.• and John Po!n!Or, tl,cn one nice lh!ng about the oem ..ter wDJ be stupendous-be lhorel revealed today. •Pok• on tl,elr respective bronehes t,•ata la that they a.re all over. lnte.nnlulon ent:ertainme.nl w Ul Mlsa Htle.nmarle NeU~n wru of the main subject "DICCorent. Di· t..a,u. Monday evC'nmg pTOvcd to ~~r ::a:e u;;~~~~ d = : reature Vctra Adam t in a ba lle t pla.y Ibo prolude followed by a vt.stons ot Civil Engineering". be- a buay one tor t,hl" man'• qua.r· 1them. There art!" .just three lhings dance: Kathy Rod.key and Ve.me group singing of two hymns. Mr. Paniorus I• J)tvts1on Engineer t~lte end othet mt!mbP.ra ot lba ln life you can be, sure of· Dealh Eaton singing a, duet; Mrs. Charlea JC'c mustc department. tor they lAXt.-.1 and tests. • .Finch ottering a aolo; and the Verne. Eaton and Kathryn Rodkey for the Idaho Bu.r ~au ot PubUc had two •lngtn,;- engagement.a and • men's quarletle. wtu $inf: n. dvt!t. "Whispering Roa.de: Mr. Latimore ts lhe Coeur Utt>v met them both. The t1rsl Ume we took- college Hope." d'Alene City Engineer; ~tr. Zo&a ta Th~ quJU'teltf', composed of lE"S\.8, ,vu cramtnod tor them: and Decorataon.s under the directlM Vcrno Eaton. \Vend~U Eae-ley, Bob whnt did we g~t ~ Oh, brother! So or Carol Lavigne ....., belJlg pre· A 8Cripture rea.dJng and pra.ye.r the Brtdge Engi.nttr In cba.rge ot Leealn. and Bill R~U. first aang lhlS ume we played Jt smo.rt- pared with anchors., lanterns. llfo ,.-.111 be follo wed by ··stng Prat.sea", con.st.ruclion of the Blur Creek tor thl' m,mbera of the Queen there'$ no 8ense In etudymg. A1l pre5ervera and a large ahlp pro!'iUnJr b)' the North Idaho .Junior brldK~- Mr. MIiier I• a highway .:Sther Chapt•r Ordor of th• Ea.It• you do Is get grey hairs. So wbat ,,,tding the background acie.neey for College chorus under U1b d,rectlon engineer ror the Idaho Bure.au <if crn SIJtl'. Their ol)""tnng number did we ge.t thiB time? A d.iacovery the orchestra. Pu?>hc Roads and Mr. Pointer a \\'fU. ..t Ain't tt..goto' to Grieve 'My of t.hc grtat lruth t.hat. lt does pay or Mrs. Helen Finch.. Pa.tron.t and patronuaes tor the meclm.nlcal engineer. :..Ord." roU<>wcd by "Some En- to 1tudy. dance are: Dr, and let.rs, E 11.rl Ogg, Th~ RcVl"nnd Carnes ot the After outllnkng work ln their n,~:· de~~ guys a.nd gnJa. we C8J1 Mr. and Mra. Frank Evan,,, Mr. EpiJscopal Olurch wlll otte.r a ISCTand Mrs. Wamm T. Sh epperd, Mr. mon followed by the toncludlng ;~e!.~:n~teld!r duet, :~:...: ; and Mra. R. W. Edmlnlater. Mr. Benediction. atudt.nta ··Meke- BrltflV/1," was sun¥ by nlong again, o.s uauu.J. and Mrs. Jl:lmes Rb.odes, Mr. and Dr. Ogg and Mr. Moser were I Kathryn Rodkey Mll Vcrnt> Eoton. Studt:nts arc urged to Jnvtte Mn,. Harold .J. Evans~ 'Mr. and lhalr fa.mmea and t.rhmds. Pro- the raculty member• prflle'nt al accomp1u\.led by Hrll"nmMt• Nt"J.f.. Mrs. Pneston Onstad, Mr. and Mn!. PREXY URG ES S.B. gram w!D 1tarl promptly at 10:(0 the dinner. Ralph Nel&On, Mr. e.,td Mn. L. L . N>n. lmrnodfal~ty after Ai.ng\Jlg (or TO PLAN EARLY FOR .. m. Go.rdnor. Mr. and Mra. Omn u.. lht- Ea~trm Stnn, th~ group hurand Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stnn&·
p1ays WO ows In Same Even·,ng
tbet:-:«~~::;:: ment. accompnnted them* A
Elect Officers; Raise Price To Meet High Costs
Engineers View Pie "Bottle of Pacific"; Hear Parsons Speak
ried to tbr Sh<'nnan Cr-d.d•. School And
pcrtonnnd before th<' P.T.A.
Anyway, :::!':ksUl7: :~::
n1etnlM<N o! thal echoot ThfThC" Student Boa.rd haa been t·horuA, und.... r t111• dln:ocUcn ()( .\.lu.._ ,uecung l'~J,!'Ularly on Monday 1 0101nLnga la.nd backing awo.y al f .nch. sang ··stng PnU&l'a... Tho~ to.lcm,; pa.rt tn tho chnn1• \11.rioub pn:,bleme that con!ront
LP.Coin-Marshall Present Y.M.C.A. Data .Jim Kildow, prd1dc:-nt. of the. Wt-·tt BRrbn.ra t...•Blanr., Belen .. NUC. 1-"or tn.atanc~. we have be-en
NIJC'a fruhmcn repTeaent.&tives E:nginf'enf Club announc"d Uu~t mttrte Nr,Uson. Kn.lhcyn Rodkey, huayl.Dg OW1'1<'lvu lately revamp,FrldaY, No" 17th waa the dat~ Norma Brug-gc.r, MyrU<' Th.Alcl:h .. r. tng and 1trrunb"IJ\C- a definttc .oa!o.l to the Coeur d'Alae Youth counOUlcers of the Stvdl'nl Union e,ct for the Engine-era' I.nlll&Uon. Be.tty St~cl., Oonll6 Lt.-e Stmlly, c,a.tendar and wou!d app.rocJ.11.te 1t cil, Bob ueatn and Bill Marshall, CouncU. chosen at a ~ n t mC!et- P&rty. Th<!: lnttla.Uon of the Fresh· Cary Bath"Y, Bill Ru,;geU, l'at Hu,.. U lh1• lf"ftdttrs or the dJlrcttnt o.,_. pre=led to lbe Review thla w eek tng, were: \Vend.ell Essley. Chair- rncn Engiru~erthg St.udenUI wna rrU, Don Alh•:n, Verne EAton. Nor• go.J\JZAUons would contact Lort,cn nn ouUlne or orpnJzation and opman: Bob Le:Catn. Vice-Cha.trman: lht main hlghltght ot the t!Vtning mun ftadford. \Yl!nd("II Esslf!y, Bob '.\loore, your social cb.aJnnan, and eration of this cJty"o advocated nnd Ed Ho.nson, Secretary•Trcu- comblntd with a genere.l good LcCu.Jn.. Phil Beudoutn, and Do1\ nol1fy her ot coming ttvcnt.. BChod- Y.M.C.A. program. u~h"r membora of the Boa.rd ~ ume: for all. MRy. uh.-d by your organtza.U9n. lnciluded ln the prognun -pre• Sue Ashley. Stan E:rlck80n, Roy 1 - - - - - - - -- --- -One ot11t'1' point ID be made., acn ted ls a. bulteun fro m the n&• Carson. student mcm.be.ra: Mr. fllf"t1ir I~ tbr fA<>t 1..tuu. lb.en\ .are tlonal Y .M.C.A. h.e adquarle.ra under Perry Chrloten.oon. faculty advisor. OJlt>nlng,; Cor g<'nera.l .....,rubll.. the theme, "Y.M.C.A. - A Ooma..nrt Mn. Clyde, Stmnahan, -faculty and n.n)' atgu.n.lz&Uon wlahlng to munJty Inve.etment.." m,mber. fnrnJ-.h u. progro.ru. and co.ll u.o. '"Youn la a growing eommunlly. Th• Stud•nt Union bas ••n•ed mb\y ma.)' do . . by ••,.,....,.. tl la a beautiful city. It hA8 ,rn,st cu'"tomers at sever11.t public a.tfo.lr.e Inc J..orN.'.o, ud cJearJ.nr It protnl.sc tor lhc future, rich a.saeta. h ld ln • ~- uTYC d 111 I thrnuKh n,.. 80C"lal calendar. .c ,•.uc •.,......, gym, an w T\\•clv,: membcni of the NIJC probkm• wn.a cnUgbtc>nlnK and , • And the rtchest ot lhue a.sae ts and continue the same poUcy· ln the- Jnte.rnat.iono.1 Reta.Uona Club 1;1.t· Hert· s a lhought-\Vhy don t the gl"Ca!eat promt.o tor tbe fut u ro tutl.1rc. with plans m(lde to be: op,tm R gl ml also W<"JI received by U,,r rnurec you whn 11.r(' 1nte~st00 in what 1a la the group or young people w ho 01 at th~ Bo.neflt danc~ on Novtmber tended the Northwe.sl e delegation. Or. Dtwleta UI ttt:or;· 1gom~ on. at.tend a atudcnt board art groWlng up to be your fUture 24.. Conff'rc:nce wh.ic.b Y.-.... held al Ta· n,.zed as one ot the toremosl au- meeting'! \\'e mf'et. <!Ve.ry A-fondtLy Citizens e.nd l•ad•rs. It la lmporL• In other bustneu, the SU .Boa.rd coma. \Vu.h.. F"rfd.Ji)' and thormci:a on Fa.:r EUt(lm a.Ho.Ira. during IICLhtfty p<'rlod . .It you bft.ve ant that they be surrounded w1tb authO.rlzed lhe lnstaU&tton ot se,•. day. The conf(!.rt-nc,r officials 11. problem or some sugg~llone to the but lntluence.e- tnflu micea tral ca.n..d.Y·vendlng ma.chlneai, and boute.d an atlendanct ot epproxl· Afl~r Lh1· banqu.,..t. e danc.e wu.s mRke, that la the pit,<.~ lo doll. that will help them grow ln l.o ~ ~ 2:otopr;;:, cm JJO..n4'ttfche.a mete.ly 200 dclepte-s. Thede dele- hf'ld an the College of Puget Sound HAROLD TRACY. ruJ cltiz~na. One such lnfluence ls lhe Young Men's ChrtaUan ~.. Wat.ch for lhe SU ad ln ca.ch gates C(tme trom about 15 North... StudPnl \Jl'llon building. Enlerlatn- M soctatJon movement. ; ..ue or lhls paper! w.,,t school._ and were divided menl "'"" rumt,.hed by lhe CosmoANY FILL JC GYM Into !iv• main dJocuoslon panels: Polttan Club fn>m the University FOR A N N UAL BALL '"The program of lh.o Y.lLO.A. Is coope-rauve. Oexlb!c, adapt.able, 111 Rear1mng Western Europe: or Wuhln!fion. Mo.ny M lh• clUbl N1JC"s gymno.alum-aud playod and may Include any activity t hat c2) Recognillon of Communh•1. Joined In the nrrair and qultc 8 ho)St to on,.. ot Coeur d'Ah~ne's wt.U contrib11te toward ft.a purpose China; r8l Jugoo!A\14, Probl•m• number or original folk denc,es and RO<lnl (Uncllons of t.bo year on ot buUdlng "'"Pol\Sible. acl!-dlroet• Tha North Idaho Health Center nC Natrona.I China; 1.J> Pe.ace ~ong11 wt'rr- given. The the.mo wu ArmillUt~ Oay, $al.utdfiy, No11. ll Ing Chr!oUan cltluna and Jeadora. Trt...aty tor Japan: un Human .. Undei·atllDdJ.ng" and ~\·t:ryone Thu Annual Pollcoman's Ban. Ila program lo designed to m eet the needs or the communfcy" 1n a d~~ Righla. Tho pa.nets held three commented on the auccua or the non-<"Om'petitive way. audlt.onum with proeee<a to flow rnoetlJlg• "'1d the !ln1'1 conclusions tsocta.l oonunlttet tn prc..eenting- Perry Pring and his orchestra with '"The nutp of the progn.m : : d"h!=~~or the newly advo-- were read durtng lbe laat plt>nary such fl tin.. progt11m. fcntur,~ acts thrown In by a pro. may in.elude au •K"tl and both · Included wm bf' a noor a.how session. The national pre..sfdent c,r me. troop from the Boul,vard hoy o 1'nd girls and meA headed by the Slh•cr Spure from EA.ch ma.ln pn.ncl had 30 or 3.'S \\'Uhtun ChristJaruon, gave n ahort. Po&llbly onr of the rtaaon.s lbc and womffl ln It• program. "In t.bo lMl anal)'lll•. the Young Spokane:. Washington. The Spurs meombers und from th('se delegates epl'«h n.fttr lunch Friday. He, de,. danc-~ waa o succe.ss wae t.hc .tact, n.tt M organtud r~atton group a. dlscusston leader and a s('-Q.reta.ry sen~ t.hf'" ,rro-wth of IRC and •'X· "nobody Ss gonnp. tell & Cop 'no'!' Men's Christl$.D .AIJ8ocl&tlon ta j uat or high !!Choo! atudents of twenty \\•a.-. t'.hoMn.. Th(' Ovtt moln panels -ptu.ln•)d the goah Of a ff!!w of th~ It. was A. blg Altair Md t.he Cop on that group of folko in your bomo m.em~s who ,o;,111 exhibit tha.lr we.r~ split tnl() four sub•pannela thr comer wtll undoubtedly have town who are interested tn YO\.WI' costumed nurn~r11 to the crowd. and these mb•pa.ncl.11 worked on clubs. Be " 180 told a.bout the :1. bt~ s.mll~ on his tac~ aa he writes people, whO agree with the purpoec o! the Y.M.C.A., and who A d3Jlce will follow the !toor spceific probJems ~ating- to the NatlonAl Cuntt'h:nce g n d l ht out your ticket. want to do somelhlng about IL show, beginning promptly Rt 8:00. tweraU topic. A• in moat round.. reR!IOn for the amendm~nts whJch ------Tb<! Y.M.C.A. la a oommunlty In• Teen.ageu wtll be admitted free table dlt1cu.sston groups. many lb.1.1' regton~d me.-.t. would vote TY--in F'R.lls, Ida.ho (Special) with nn admls.slon of fifty ttnts heatf'd oont.ro\"en,le.s developed upon. He made a lrlp lo Europe :111.11 L.akc City'"' Bob Van Em.an vesbnent In Ito young people." for adulta. over Lbe lnUpretauon o! the th· d d rtbtd snalchPd lht.4 Plonel!-r Ba.saba.11 Ho.mllton, N. Y. - (LP .)-Con me-nn.ing or words. )f.(lf1y aei,gatc.s u; aummer an t,;c many Ieugue'.-5 lOfiO batUng UUe from Lancaster. Pa.-(I.P.) - A 00• r-emarked sbout lhe laek ot under· o( lhe "go!ngs on .. ot th!" di!!erent ldnho Falla Mark Mart'ucct by the «rned over a survey eh.owing- that op<>rl'tive program ensbllng rngf· ,=ita.ndlng In terminology. COntE>re.nces. h~ Alltnd~ In France. nnrrowtJrt mnr~;n slnce Che.rlClt poor •tudent writing stem• maln\y nc~rtnr a:tudent.11 to obtain a. broad Germany, Sweden and many olh~r Hen~ and SoUy Remus came fTom laxity o.nd not from lgnorDr. R. L D~vfes. ot lh*' Unl· places. down to Lhf' wJr~ a mere .0001 of anco, Colgate Vnlverolty lhl• fall general educatJon before co.ncen· n potnt ,-t.pBrt In 18-fG Ht.nson al,;o ltllS ln.stltutod a funellonal writing trallng on • eh°"•n specl-1 field vcndty o( Brlli~'h Columbfa. de.. Durtng the t.1na1 Jlfo.na.ry ~!.:!Jlo.n,, ,,., $nil Lake Ctt.yll' • tum. 'with pn,gram dealgned l.o Integrate ot eclcnce or tech.n.oJogy ha.a been Uvered the major ad.dress or the I.he effected by Franklln md Marshall conference. lmmediatfly following election ot next yt"ar s oonr(lreneti .3631 took th,_. crown trom the Po• writing t ecltnlquoa with College and Rffllleseleer Polytech• the bRnquet Friday night. Bl8 c,trlcJtWl was held and the alte for ca.tello infielder. who had 1.1n even cour:i,Ps taken tn com mon by the r;prN"h Cflnc,,rntng- M1rrent Y.-nrtd ,ennttn11rt nn 1,agp 4 l ..'lBS. f'reAArmm claN nle Institute.
NIJC Delegates Attend IRC Meet,· Current WarId Problems Discussed
Health Center Assc. TO Sponsor Dance
:::.~:v~~~;~ Ju~
~a.die:~ :~,en~~:,; :; ~:'~~rwJ
THE NIJC REVIEW P ublhlh t>d Sc-1Hl-,h• Jtftl l ) lharln• 'l'l)e Culle ,i;t> Ycn r .Uy J 1.Ju.naal Lo,n , Stm lC"nt.• \c Tile
Nl JC 1'1'l\ 'RJW, COFWR D';U.ll?,'l!:, IDAHO
TIJESDA Y, NO V. 21, 1950
NIJC Leaf Raking
Review Reporter
Expert Gives The How, Why of It All
Discovers JC Student Owns World Wonder
The Student Council .met J-.&l By J AOK MoAVOY B,- \'ERNE EATON wtek wJlh th~ obJN:tlve ot olea.r,. Aui.Umn ·that wonderful time ot A 193.5 T flrrapl&ne - brother , Ing up I.be policy that direct.a t.hc schedul~ 1u1ll,•1lles ot NlJC'• gyn,- lhe year In which n.&tUJ"I! •heda U• \vhttt a car! New..- EdHo-r • V,,rno E:aton Ad,. J.Jan•.c• r , Uob RohlmAn n-3!11um green COllt and ln tum dona a. brfl· Back m th• :,.,;•, this TerraplMe S1>ort1 F.l,lllor, Norman 8-dforcl Cit\.• llAnactr Oon P'rt·,·borir lt \vu nvea.Jed by PrttSJdent G. lffflll mulU-colon!d one for a tew wu t.hti IAt~st thing, with ite long Hu•. lhn•c"r .~ ... Bob llud•on So,cl-,t>· Edllur •• ihh ,htlloy 0 Kildow Ulal althouirn he would nopor1u11; F'r~ )tlllf'f', J••l"ry }t.j,rku~n. Joho Ftoos>t-l" a,;J~k hne.a. tU shinny. lo:,g p1ecce weeks. Then I.he leav~ begin to Jlke to att lhc junior coll<'ge have of chrome, and Jt.o riahly uphol,spr~fert'n<'~ on dates in the gym, tho gmc•(ully flutter to Ole earth and Lettd lnatdes. Yt:k. t.n lhP pa.."l. lhl" g-:,'111n4.trium Is a,•aUablt: to lhO fe'!n• AoOn th~ ~ a.re bare ake.leton.1 WM a fine Cat, G IVE THANKS FOR BLESSINGS ernJ publlc along w1u, Ole .seboOI ntl!ng Into Ole bleak patlun of Today, tho 1936 Terraplanea are on a "t'lrsl comto, first .11e..rvtd" tht> comlng winter. This is the week or Thanksgiving. Americans every•WI a thing or the p11$t. Today Aloni, with this, President where will pause this week to offer thanks for the blessings bu!JI. KIidow urg,,d, "It la Ole r~opcm81But tor those few WNi.ka when they etm have. lines? chrome? or America. Americans EVERYWHERE? While stopping bl11t~· o! the vartou.s clubs, cl.usu And. oh y... Insides. r llttm ll a to pause I.his week, let us oUer thanks also to the men In And organl.za.tiona to •get. on lhe the le.ave. arc faUJng, l for one groat honor and privilege lo be tile fetl Uk~ crawling ln & bole an.d proud owner of one ot these tcw Korea who haven't the time to pause, for they are preset'11- ball' und IChrdulc their dAl<'II' ror le.ft ln cx.J.w.tcnce. lng the right !or us to be thankful. the coming wcola ah~ad of any pumng lhe hol~ ln atter mtt.
MO I TOfl • • • ,. U OII JOll ~.-..TO:\
outatde arpni&atlons.•• Peraona trom mtlca e.round have Many people merely look al thl.s tn ~,·tr to a qu~ry brought come to ~e my car and many have be.Core lhr counall regarding mill- natural phenomena aa: a. lhing ot remarked on IL some peop.1e have beauty. These lgnoront souls have Mked mt' Oagrant queet1~111 a.bout This week the REVIEW stuck its neck out and asked : :••~~~· never raked leaves. I am. an ex• m)• car, JJUCh a.s, ..Doe.a tl run?" for impressions concerning this young paper. =ooi Ho •t.at...i. "Thor• can .,.. porL In tho leaf-raking field. r "What Is ll ?" "W83 It Imported Mi·. Preston Onstad, speech and literary critic, and no mlllt.a:ry pro,rrnm at NIJC. from Russle. 1·• "Wha~ doe. themember of the NIJC faculty, took the 11rsL swing in an howe,·er tM NnUonal Cuord !JI httv~ ra.ked big leaves, small leaves cement come out?" A tow of these interview; nvallab!e to stuCen\8 who feel th•y and uny Juvea. J have raked rem.ul<a t took lightly Md l<>..ed He said that he thought the last issue o! the Review should hav, eom,• &ort of mJUtary round Jeavea. oblong le-AVt!s, equare ott. but. some of lbem I'll &?we.ya ltllveR: and pl«cs of leavei,. l have Che.rt.eh. Ukf A remark nudt> by a was very impressive in appearance and content, although trlllntn1r." many or the items were too old to be or great nows value. mkcd oak Jeavu, elm leaves. wU• lotttrlng old Eng11$h teacher, who 1ow Jeav~ hemJock It.aves, and lalf.r went Insane. He aaJd. ••Alu, He commented further that the members o! ~e R_e.-I.so tllo,,e ntc:e little pine n<tJdl••· old Tcrraplane, thou hut been view start were required to put In much valuable time m
.,!~.;y ~:~1n:"::
shunned by tbe e.yes of fool$, but order to produce a paper this large. Considering the si2e or Needed Material For But poMib1y )"(HI WOUid Uke to nevah (e.ar, thou l!lbalt ha1'e a year the school. a smaller paper like the first two Issues Is d knQw HO\V to do thla, tor ''Into or r('ckonlnf and thou wilt Jlve on order. Stu ent Advancement !'very Ute M>me 1tavc" mu.st tall". for many annums to ('()me.... On the question or ha\ing the paper printed outside Tb.uc n..re two maJn Lhlngs nece.&• Thi• otolom~nt lOUched by heart. the school, he thought It ~ould be better tr there were means By .TERR¥ ) fARJ<m,os sa.ry tor tbo tt".af.raJcing pr~u. so J rushed to my UlU(' Ter.. whereby the schoo! publication could be made self sustain-, Manv otud•nta nre unawan, of and a few ot.bu a~l-~<mtlaJ n.nd raplo.nl\ Jum~ tn. end drove mer· Ing without any outside help. With our own means of print- th< raot that th• J.a llbMlry fa on, t~~ tor oonvMttence AJ<(I>. Ffr:!ft rlly away. ing, the paper could be published more frequently and be of the be•t equipptd Ubrart.. 1n you muat have &.>me ground tor Of greater news Value. North ldAho. ll atforcu the atu- lhf" leavu LO be on (preferably o. Ed. Note: The Review weclomes all comments, con• dent wllh Innumerable books, Ju.wn). and nt'xt the leo.ves ne-ed structive or otherwise. mn~m•• Md p,unphlet1 which to be on the gorund. Some other
HANSON CHOSE TO •xpert.a the leaf-raking field People keep saying, I sure hope we win some basketball :i!;:',:~~ ~:!~~:t;!:·;~t".: Ing, butnots rake Is not. a compteu, HEAD LEWA STAFF Rrf' continua.Uy n«ded during n
ftgl'tt wflb
the follow•
games this year. Well, In order to ~ games you have got puc on tll• •helves ..., Yet becau•• ,osenUal. I could go into " longth.y Although lhe •Wt or Ulls year'• to have players-players that are m good physical shape. ,,r lh• unto• requl"..J t;, cata.loguo dh,courRO of tht-0r1e:R and pa11:t tx .. : iewa hM nol yet b«n deOniteJy When you play college ball nowadays you have to be able to them and pl•e«· them prop,rly pcrft'naes to pro,·c thJa bul "Jr you choaen. and IA open to nddittonal run the noor length .a good many times a game and that A•> stud•nt not u,tn~ 111 , 11 • hAven·, trfrd ~t. dQn't knock Jt". taJr.nl, a JIJtt of the member,: 80 ftLr lncludee: Ed Ho.ru!IOn, Editor~ calls for a good tra1rung program. · hrtll")' 1, d•prMoK hlm...-11 11t a With these ttems. plu.s a stroni:; Bob Bohlman ond lJIII Ru...u, ad· Some of you guys have dropped, for what reasons 1 wondorful opportnolt>·· M,... Krynu are reA.dy. First sun•cy \'t."rtl.8lng managers: Hsro)d Tracy. don't know, but I have a fairly good Idea. You think· the dor, lJhmrlAn. ,.,.n b<> to,md an back, i•our work-lay out a. plan of Al• fJOach doesn't pay enough InWn:.,"\t to you.. Well, aft.er all,
hurut at nll UmN to atd ••udr.nl•
tnck. To do lhts completely one
photogrspher; Bob Haneo--. Sport.s
there's more than one man there and he has to watch his In finding lnfor1113tJoo and d.. mt111l hA.v~ hf>&rd Uut weather (ore- Editor: and John Harrold. Jack McA VO.)', 8Jld Fred Miller. .Mr. whole team carefully, studying what ways they shoot and ;,ln·d bool<A. <>A11t a.nd al.so ha\'t' a Wind•soc.k. to try to figure out a way to improve I.heh' shoL~ so as to make Glandng ov•r lh• N.1.J.C. 11· rtnd O\lt which way th~ wind ls Gerald Wondl la advloor. \Vork on the 1.900 Lewa la now tticm catch on more easily. ~:;.;· m":;:n'°boo.-e: ~:,.; blowtng. Aho to b< t&lcon Into &C· under Wffy and comtng along on . How about It (you) you fellows that have slacked of~? th& magaz,no rock. Looking cieaer count ia the lay or the land-rises acb~ul~. 'although UtUe ot the tn ground ~vel, tttes. flow•r-bed3. Give your teammates and coach a chance, after all the1e ,'!c .,.,. that o,,.y ""' labeled the actua.J layout work c:an be comare five that start and you need teammates to back them up. '"Idaho Code" and nre • complolc elcr. Then a pattern of 1acUona: plP\.ed unttl later In the year. •hould be ma,-ked° of( IO lhot each You \\111 get your Chance. After all the season Is still young eompllollon of all the t<IAho laws. pllr wlll be compnratlvely uniform BohlmA11 a.nd Russell ha.,•e $0llcited and there is lots of fun for those who want it and go after it. Thi.I g,-oup or bookll ahould ht or ln atze, but conafdtring also the many adl. a.nd Tracy baa llll"Pt>od Ed. Note: 'th is urgent appeal was made by one of i;n,a1 value to lh• pn•-low and number or le-ffv('s tn each sectfon. a nutnb~r o! photoe. Milke-up and t he Cardinal basket ball p layers. go,·ummcnt sLudenta .. they a.re composition ot the annual UJ sWl in
comptH~ it1 Urntr ruc-planaUon and
Then come, Lhe act(on, lhc de- tho planning at.ag~. and a good presentation of Idaho law. Each L.'Ulrd work of ,,yetematfc:alJy thrine is atm ne«led. Any sug.. gestfon•?
Reprinted fron.1 the 1n~rcollt'glBtf" Pres..~ Bulletln." \'01umt contain• an i.nd~x of con· gathering t.ht Joovca Lnto piles, Trtnlt.,r CoUeg~ Ua rttord. Conn.-The probab1Hty ot "conVU.Wve tents Md o.n Ollftlyals of eac:h tndi- picking them up in a wheelbarrow ~ 6 ' " tor Trinity caused by th(' Kore.an War t...re tott&~cn by Preai• vtdual chapter. A._ law refenncc 1 th~ arm• will do If no such vedtmt C. Kotth Funston in hlfll annual re-port. pubJJ!lhe-d recenUy. pros1.. ~~~~ey ahould be an enl.fghte:n- htclt, •• a.va.llabte) and removing Lhrm to some aemt-tJh.eltered apnl. dtnt F"Unut.on re.itcr(lted hl'J ~He! that "t.h~ nation mua-t introduce a iiarc~f 1951 will be:h,ad• pn·f~rably • barrel for rapid oxl0 program of un1ver-.l military tra.unng before il w,u be adr-quatdy 1a tht to moitt a1J wage earnc:,rt •• t11tlon, '·"· bumlng. prepared.'' lht• 11 tho monlh wht-n Uncle Sam One Jmportant thing- to rtim~mNt>\\ Jt"n.ey Colll'g~ for \ \'011\("JJ. N<'W BrunswJc.k. N. J-Thc muth uka for ht. •ha.~. one or Ut, ber la: do not took b..'\Ck, I hoard dE>bnted quf"stlon of whetht'r "hymemnk,ng" coUJ"BC.s should ~ taken buol.. t booka In tile library at lh•t at one man who did 90. Be went umc wW n1\\n·ally be tho new 1n collegt rC'Cflvtd. a "PU\ d"'cleon rccd\Uy. Th1-• quNtUon. ··Do you back and raked the lea,... t.bal had ~ you should ha.v~ Lll.k.cn cou~ ln homemaklng whtfo you we:rr ln IDS0-5t edition or the "Fcdrrul Tux (Alim aftor he hod jusL raked that Courtt." lhch.ul«I In th111 volume coUege'!" wu put t.o 230 gro.duate,erom the clLLascs or 192~ and J9-I:). nr,• tlie bookl<•t.a, "FedcrnJ Regula· e.rffl,. kept doing ao. and wu not Although mor-c lhan h.uJ! or tho '2&;,ra an.awered Ute qu~\Jon In Uon on Jnoome Tnx ·and With- Cound unUI next l'J)l'l.ng. ~a:tthe atarm.nuvt. 58 per ct>nt o.t the rtpl,t• !rom the ltMS ch1sa \\ere holding on Wage3", and "llll!O mortem proved he died of thlrat, nega_livt" This would ~ to Lnd.lcat.t> that the mor,:. ~enl graduatA>!li Social Security Act.a With Expla- atarvn.Uon. exhaustion. pneutnonfa, and atao he WM troun to death. have, not yet fell the nt:cd <>r tl"O have df&COvcred other means of naUon..'. MUldyu>g It. How('"Vcr, it ca.uU:on Is Used and STUDENTS: The a,h-crUIIUll 1n Ult abovr proce(lun, followod dlllT«~™' TN"hnolot;:it<R.l Co11,•g"~ L ubboe>k, Tex-The cl4ah ot yellow thls luue are supporting you~ col.' genuy. raking lf1\\'es wfD l>e a nnJ orango on a Job applJcant't necktie, mtg-ht 1n0u~ce lhe man'• lege papt,r. l>Atronizr lhl'm m Tt'· rt"lntJvely simple Job, and the future mQt"t' than hla- teclmlcal skUl--a:nd the: di\1$1on of busmea &<f· tum. cb.t.\ncea !or .IU.r\'ival arc good. nun..trnUon l\l t.hla ootl•g• want,, to do aomelhlng abOul It. Dean (;N)rg~ C. H<o:at.ht-r auya peraonnel rnanttgcra and bu.sln,~'1:1· men art more Clitlcal of tho pe"'°"al traits of tho eolleg1ate job0
hunter tho.n hie know•hQw. Texas TC<lb therefore has inaugurated
a ncrw coul'tie lhl~ rsu Bwdness Comportrnc.nt-whlch aJma lo take the rourh t><l.(et ott tht- appllcant nnd gt,·e him poise In th4'1' budlnesa
1n ease you're wondering why people .-llnk by the m.aln otnce1t•s bf'Cause Tuki la matlng au, thf' mfd-tenn rrpnrt card&.
"Unding atud('lnts a.round by the nose It dh1~oumge<1 here, and how }'ou tarry t.he ball under )'OW' own
power wm count. far more. than the
.J~r- nt
your home town or your checking account,.. sa.ya North• fil'Jd, 'MJnneatota, college paper. tlJltercollegiato P - )
1~r·m .
00NDITl01'' ED
We Deliver FREE
We Telegraph Flowers Anyw~e.re
EVERGREEN Floral Shop "llondw Florl•ts"
107 N. Fourth
Phone 77
Refreshment Stand Always a Good Show Often a Great One
Tl/'ESD,u r, NO\'. :!I. 19~0
BASKETBALL RULES CHANGED FOR '50 Llstc-d below are the ba.skctba.11 nile C!lw.ngo,, ror lhc 11)$()..1951
NlJO RF.Ylt.'W , COEt'R O' \l.fll\'ll, IDAHO
Hoop Season To LETIERMAN CASTO Practice Game With Eagles Tonight; Start December 1; RETURNS TO AID Armstrong To Unveil '50 Cardinals Schedule Is Tough u.round tbc comer-IT'S NIJC HOOPSTERS Review Writer
I l) Flln•llhaJ)NI backbourds •bJ\.11 be used rn all now cqutpmL'11l BASKJ-.'l'BALL ~CllEOl'LE whlc.h ts inatalle<J .tor high sc.boo1 Tom CUto. who Jolttred here g&m08 o r Y.M.C.A. Such baok· St.nrting DeC<lmbt'r I with lho boards ma.y clUter be t.n:ina~nt co~gn. Frosh. a pa.rtiaJ C3rdjnAJ lJUlt. )'ear, I• a.nolhu ot NlJC'a rt'· turning bOOpste.rs. or non-Lra.nsparent. U lh(' tnm.s- bn,s.ketbft.ll schNhlle, wea re.veall"d Tom 1, a graduate oc Ralhdrum parent backboard is u11cd, the tar- by Cilach Diek Arnutrong today. lfigh and after high 11Ch0c>I he lmd gel behind lhe ba.1k,·l should be The Red Birds have ""hedulod mad~ in the flhtl pe oC nn lnverled •t:1mr of tho top teams In th,.. u. thr~ ye-ar Va.cation in lhe .Atrny. U rat.hC!.r lb.an a rectangle.. Norlh"·~t ,nctudtng: North Idaho .Europe wua tht· a.Ile ot Tom'• Al tht ~nc1 or lhe current ....o on•tsea.s a.ctlviUea and while in Ut, (2) Only ·1c:atbor covered ba.11.s Colleg"" of Edu<tal.lon. Eastorn u..o\.ouH 6(146Qn uppNaches ru.oat "N Army .ha 8(!fWJd \VJt.h tht: 3:lh.h of moulded typ~ ot con.1t.rucUon \\'a.s.hlngton Coll,.ge or &ducauon. L. J. t..;. 1,1g&KUl t-alhuatJLSta U-fl! arc legal. \\'enn.tchee Junior Colfoge. Yak· lnlanlry divllllon. c.1.rc1.u1J.)' cJ\cCktng Lh'-' AuOc:iateu wyomlltg ola.lms casto os a t:"tCffll l:'OU tor thl: r11.ungs of Lh.o.it 1mA ond the Whttv.--orth JV'& t3) RC.Cerce: ta responsible tor A ,ik,·ll'ton ,chcdulr '" gtv-en m1Uve son and he was born thu.re. l~,·onh: Lum•. 11 tho caliber Ol notifying each captain 3 minutes 27 y~ors ago. Before t!tt.tcrlng U101r tt·,un ia .!!iUCh trntt. it cJoe-a not b(llow: be(ore e ~ halt Is to start. NIJC Tom went to .Montan.a SU\lt nlDk JlkUunAll)', co.n.rcn-ncc at.a.ndOflc. 1- Go~ga Fro!J.h, there. College. (H Pia.yen, oonunltung per• mp ar\: c.·areCuUy scruUnizcd. Dec 9 Gon7..a.gn Froilh, ht,N!t. BOntll touls wm mlse lhf'Jr hnnda Tom'a st.ill single but !or how l:l,•erymiunly sportslo•Y• at N.l.J.C. •• above. thclr heads. Fallurl" to C(lmJan. 111-NJCE, boro. long he plans to rentnin l.n lb.at turned Lhe PUJ;:lflc Coast ply •• penallze<I by a technical foul. stnte he won't say. Slncu he's not t.:onterencc m etxpectalion ot the Jan. ill-NICE, hen-. man1Nl Tom ha.a a. hobby wh1ch Jan. 26-EWC.:. here. (5) All reference to o.n Official's omnual Roae Bowl at PaaadonA. Js gwtar ple.ying, at whJch he $0.)'8 Cll.U.fom1~ on New Year'• d.o.y. ln timeout has bc(in removed. Frb. 2 EWCF,, then-.
Reveals Rose Bowl Picture
(6 ) The ball beoon ,... dcft<I and the C11oclc It' atlopped o n aJJ Jm11p holl\111 Ctl.lled t or held ball
Ff'b. 2S--N1CE, t.ht"r~. F(•b. U-NlCJO. I.here
ISSl E \\'L'o:TEB ClnrHL'lG
Do goo.cbemea have ltg,17 No~
Ol'J-Thc army
\Vell, J Just o.te a. field mouse-.
he"$ pretty much or a ham. With Casto"& speed to help them out ctpln thls ycn.r JC should have a Ll'.am to nut.kt the aludtmt..a proud of lhcn,.
Rythmics Practiced By Fem P. E. Classes
B~k,•tba.11 &{'.&SOD 1J no tongar .HERE. TONICBTl T"king on lhe 10<:81 Eagle squad, Coach Dick ~t.rong wlU unveil lhls year's Cardlrul.l five In a prnc• l!~ pine ln the gym.nu.slum t.hla cv<'ning n.l 7 :00 p. m. Tho Eaglos aro appannUy n otrong oulllt again lh1s year wtth uddt.-d ht,Jght e.nd .shOUld pro\•e an nc1d to,t tor the JC :yearlings~ Employlng the doublo POBt •Yll·
lf"'m ,vllh the guards putting on an olff"nSi\'O weave, lh<' Rod Birds "-111 enter Lhe conteat ln good phy1icol condition and be able to
go at lop •P•ed.
Bowl"1ng Underway,·
Mar uson, Laster Top
th...- wnh:r'a opinion U1e two t~a.ms
By .JEJ.lR Y ~.IARKU$0K Bowling at N.I.J.C. ta In full will b'"' the Gold-en Bean or Call· hVlin,: a.s the Lh1nt week roll& lornia. and tht: 1-~lghtmg Jlltnl of around Both maJe and female UUnol!I. c,m bt- found e.tmtng for Ute ten SlaUst.lcatly CaJ has an u.ndis.- pins at t.ho Lal<" City Lan@a every pute-d lead 1n the 1·n.ce tor Lhe Rose Thurad.e,y nighL Howl which can ~nl.}1 be Jra~ned J.nt,·r<:JJt la growing n.pldly ln that \•:W 11\tWL on N~ Yea.r's day
e.nnnounced wlnler c1olhing had bL><'n tsau<..-d in bulk to dlvl,;Jon11 ln w,u, 11 at.unntng de.feat nt., the k.:>gUng o..n.d &11 N.l.3.C. Mould l(orco betwe.-n ~L 1 .,nd Oct. u,. h..'\nd:s: ot Stanford This- la h.lghl.y ;;oon be ,·e.ry bowling conscious.. STUDENTS: \VH.hout the ad .. Thnt wAtt nbout n month 'before. ro· .. Bounce. bounce: That's whal improbnbh: though as Stn.nford. al ThrN.' lh\tll Wurtt. bowJ~d. dete.nnlnvcrlUJlng ap))Mrlng in lhi~ ptiper. pc,rt,t beg,,n coming hi !roru ltu.' lhe start of tho s.c~n1 was an Ing \.he a.vo~ to 8.JT8ngv, the lt would not ht' possfblo lO ftna.nC(I f(orf.'urr trout thot many Amenc:1n y9u might hear lf you pokr -your oc-t.,iA-on tflvoritc:- to Win thr rnc~. lf>a.m.P. All averages were rela• it. K<:ep thts In mind when you oldh: t a w••rc t-U :hUng In Cree.z.1ng no:tit lnlo the, gym 11.!tt•r 3:20. Th,~ U. would gl\'e many nort.hWC11tcm uv._,1y trigh in accordance with the arc- Clow-ntown. w<'ather wllhouf w tnt('r ~lolhlng. gtrl•' phyatcal education clat..138•'.5 arc bci.ng m.st.ructcd in rythtnlc,c Cana greal phiasure m ~-~t'.lng tbll'r a.mount flf f'"Xpe:rtence of tho indt•• Cal will bo making Its t.hird trip vlduul4 and lhe all•y batUc •hould by MW s,,r.>·I John.AO.n. Th~y ha\'c btt.n ltnmlng mu.sci~ coordlnaUo.n m Wi many yean to thta C:Qlodul be cxtr.emdy close throughout lbe ,~vt.•JU a.L Paaa.dena. "\Vuhlngton ln 11~u.on. by bounclng snd catehlng Ml\8, AD ('X&Jnlnatlon ot Utr qualify~ Jlktpplng-, walk.tug-, and running Jn CO.St' of an upset would then have an rqw\.l chanu witll Cal tor 1.hc tng IIOOl"e.S and handicapping atarythmn. bid. ll WitshUtgt.On d:fd pt. the bJd u.sUca re,•eal lb.at the hlghrst. The last week thL')' h3vo b<-cn concentrating on 1.-ani.Jng runda- ll- would br the tir:s.t northwestern acorq 1hus far n.ro by Ben Laster, lcttm to ('omptte ai;:-a.lru,t o. Big 'ten Jf"IT)' );:farkuHOn, and Don May. ml'nud tiklll9 ill baHkelball be-for(' Col! in the BQwl In many years. .Anyoni' !nltort.-atcd tn b<mrllng ,t1rt n,r to plh)' any gam.cs. Sltu.ng ucr'OII$ thu fir-Id fmm tht.- llhould ~t tn toucJ1 With Ben Lu· PCC t.ld~._;nh will be l.he Big T«""n lt·r 4- there hl .sun Umf! lO aubmll Jpl'*"tt-~ J1,t th\1 pvuu In ~ B1g nn avorn.s•# Thu bowling lcngne: T, n 111ct!' mln.bts tUtd Wi.asoon.sln ehouJd provtd.v • g:rrat deal or
nr,• nmn:ing ahouldrr pn.d to ahonl- nl'ilnJ;Om..,nt for All pa.rUctpante n.nd :Irr pad tor th~ tnvlh~ out. wen_ will ce.rlatnl}· -rank .hlgh on the
tJUnota ls currcnUy riding high on (!XU'O. curriculn.r calendar !or r.he tn uruJ,e/c.au.-d Ma21on thu." tar. but 3,·car. s yet lhcy have not. met the t\1.-·o mo~t tonntda.blo t,;-ams i.n t.be BJg A nt"\v topic ts dominating the ·nie A.sl',oCta.t«i \Vomcn StudtnU. Ten. Wuteorutin and Ohio Slat.oJ. convi'rsatiou ot atU(lcnta o.t itla· h.rw ~ lx.-e.n busy with ,,~\•('ml pro· \\'uscorum ha.a 1uftercd a dose dc- all1~dppl State hi.A !uU. Words such Jt'Clt so tu.r lhJ..s yc-a.r llJ1c1 an j !tnt at t.hc band.a or Ohto State. os ··dra.rt". ••raaor;,·e.1·•, and ..mobilplanning mAny more. whiC'h I.a reputed to have ono of tho i%al.lon'1 ha:vc puabed uldc th~ 'The gt..rl& ae.rv{·d tood and ,;,·JUlh('"(J 1• trnngt.·~t team, 1-v<•r to play In lh.t. mo~ cnmlll.a.r "blind date". and dish~ a.L the ~tnoernUc: Rally Big Ti.'11, Oblo State could not got "p,•p rJlly". (lntereollcg1._to Press) md '1."Cntved $60 ror lh<"lr t:i0n·ic.es. n •tarting bl'rth tn th.la race, be.. '1'.hfM money \\111 b4!' lli~-d for \·IUi· Ct\U~ ,-,{ n B1g 1't.•n rule barring :1 Ttus question was a.aked recent• Otts club funcuon~ ft>itm the trtp only one~ tn thre,, ly of -12 members of a Frra.bm3Jl
e,, st ..£ ASJ.lLE'\-
A "pornt ,syelnm" ha.a bctn yt>a.n. English clt1R9- -"\Vba.t ls. your opin• Collcctlng tht>RO ta.cl.8 and btt.r- 100 as. to the DlOlft elf~ttve grod• worked out by the girls whN'eby lh~y ml\y earn point.a for l'!ervJce-s rlng n posSible upset Cwh1ch &re 8 tnr ayat"m for lha co11e-ge level? .. around the 11Cho01 After u gt..rJ hp,t •LIIM,u,J thins In (oolball) Call· An honor pass. and fall fiYSlem. (!oft.med 2,5 polnt.s •b~ 1, «ntillt'd to fomta will pla)• tmnota in the Rose knvwn t\.l t.h~! HPF nsttm was genn A.W.S. Inter. The girls have Sowl on the Ora:t d•y of 1951. lected as bq:t by lhl' studcnt.3. b~n dlJScuas1ng buying awraten, Thty ltoll t.lul.t tht- ay:rtcm allowed tor their letters. tTpan earning BJ1 the sb1dent to do hJs best. ·work •ddlUonal 25 point, a. gold pin I• At a ny gi.vcn mQm<'nl Of hl:atory, v.1thout won-yi.ng about a grade. presmt<.-d. ll la Lbt, tuncUon of UIOCUaUoM They 11-afd thnL aludents wouJd try Two l"(l}i~tatl\-es havt.• beir-n o( de\.·oted tn~l,•lduala to undtr- to get more than fl grade out ot a 4"hn"W•n lo atknd. the \'outh Coun- lake wko whlcb cJ.,.,..sJght<>d couue, and that tha .sy.stem, even
Shoes for
though lt avolda close dli,crtmt .. c.,11 al t.hl" Pre,sbyttirio.n ('hutch Tht·,>· fl.re Don.a. Stm,lr.)' and :tc,. p,t.-ople ~rct:!vc to be> nt.'C4-'&.',N")', na.llon. Is clOH~ enough lo give the b11t which nobody clae is wiU.tng to ,itud4!nl an Idea ot hI8 sto.ndl.ng. tt-n,• )1ool'f'. crnteroolleglate Pre"8.) At Prel('nt tbt girls have bt.e.n p-..•rform..--AldoWI Huxley.
busy mnklng plans for thelr com• lrr====================== ===,i ing !u11 formn.t. which is lo be Nov,.mbf-r 22, Chtcago, lllinoi• Stx tnont.hs ago "pl11cemM1t penonnet In col•
kgea were viLally concu,mcd a.bout the probl•m or plo<:lnr 19&1 grad uatl~s.. N"ow It a.ppea.r:, beyond any doubt that no Euch problem will exist, tn tnc:t. if lt. evrr did,' Untercollegiate Pre.s&)
Sneary-live thoUSIUld men have bought thls Roblee p,nem since it was fuse introduced! Such popularity must be deserved. And it isl T his super quality brown calf beauty has •rar11bin~including a 8"Dll'blc price. When you see it and cry it on, you'll bow why cuscom.cn keep co.ming back J~ • tecOad pair ••• and • thltdl
Flngint'er·s Nole: ''E,'en without po.rtint moblU~Uon tor war. t.ht'tt'CI b• ev,•ey reaaon to bi-Jl~,·c, that the teahnolo,tlca.J dcm1:1nd.s ot our ao. olety will requtn- an .-ver.increas Ing numbtt or ~,tineers In rcJa.tJan
ta t.ht\ total working force ot thn nation." (Jntercollcglale Pn,as)
I! I could gc,t lo the hlgbe,,l pJace tn Athens, t would llfl up my vofu Md say: '"\Vhat mean ye (t'"llow clllzcns, that ya tum every •lone to l'Crape wealth together
l'HONE 188
ond take lltue care of your children. tD wbom you muat one d&y rollnqul.lh all ?"-Socrates.
SOUP, CHILI and SANDWICHES CAKE - PIE Opera ted by J.\ffiS. "MO~l" GRASS
NEA Journal '!:=========================!!
TUJ!:SOAY, NOV, 21, UlllO
P.\ GE 1-'0VR
Hit Tunes Of Week listed As Seen By Critic
Marshall Directs Armed Services; Outlines Reserve Program, Discharge
Frosh To Sponsor "The Flame and The Gives Color, Valentine Dance . Arrow" Action and Glamour
Secret.ar)' ol O.•rense Marshall Tb.a JJJ)UruJOring of a SL Vall'tl• 8>· !\OB 11 ('0$0:-. By UOB BOHL.\!A!II Lmt'a Day dance wo..a d.ectdod tn hu finally dil'eclcd Ula armed th::~ :.s:~bl~e~ ; ~~ .':';~ Color1 action., and glamour. are services, aa soon 88 ))0Sllbte,, to rl'll'aatng rael"\.'lats and gun.rd~Kerl" A.rt" th,• lun,.a t.nnt r,• the F'r<•sbmcn'a tJret dua meeting of the year. pre81dent Veme Eaton Lhcs.e requlre.me:nts tor e. good &to.rt altru.ng re.'iC-rviata t. o U r mc:n eallfd in\'Olunt.u.rily ,and r~gu· ~~gt:,~;~r:':~ .:::. ldlOW? ll they are "The Flfl11\t, a.nd ff'VenJt'd today, n10nUtl Ul ad\'&llCO and Ulen at.art ~v,a.r:!n m!nte~\.~~a('~:~~;!': lhc-y ar'(' eeU1ng tho most record~ No cr>mrniltce, hOWC\'<.·r. we.a ap- th~ Arrow.. fa on that you don't "'"'ding them actual ordoro l\t lO&.ll It aay• Lite Job ot roleaamg lhom HARBOR t.lGHT!,, bJ ~lmmy pointed ror handling lh• dance. lt want to mlal. Th,· color i8 pro\•tde.d by Womer lhlrt.y daya Ln ad\'anctio. He turther '"may not be completl~ before lt.ewwdy a.ad Rugh ,vtUla:Jnli.. "1;1.1 ~tponl'd 11nU1 the next meet Brolh~ra tcchntcolor, the actto.n by dlr<..,tcd lbal ...,..rvlata ...Ued In- oarly 1952... Rf'COrds a,allable by: Ray Anth- Ing. Burt La.ncat:lel", and the glamour lncludod In thr bw<ln<aa or the ,.olunt.or1Jy bf' rrlcalied u &OOn L" .U. Th.t- prlorUy of t't"lt,-&Jle tor ony Jimmy Byrd and Jt·IT)' Murtay wu lhe elN:tiOl'I ot aecretar)•· by Virginia Mayo. :!1:~·~~d:i~: a&JQh "involuntecr.. enJlatOO re- ~~~Ip~~~~; K~!~~:~ ll't'UUrttr C&.rol 1.aVe.me, ·'The Flame and the Arrow" Rcrc la what. the.- .Arm}' ia doing ll•rvt-tlta--b\ll nor. gu•rtl!.ru~ri-wm BlnR" Cro&by Member• of th(' youth councn. t.al<M p1acf> in medieval France. w tullo,,. through on lt.brahall'• be ftgurt'd with a. polnl a;-ate.m. Thia la another ca.e ot a.n otd Bob i.A'Caln $Jld BIU &Corohall, 13urt Lanc.ute.r's Connor wit,:, Is dJ~U\'e. l. It ptara to ~n.d no ~~n : m ~nn~ tune IH!ing f\\\tl\:ed tor the bent•flt Wl'"rc de.stgnalNI to give a report married LO lhe rulhlee Duke who national guard unit.A O\•crsea.s. 2.. tl<'lt>et e.nlla~ l'."'eM.f'Vbts tor :w,- of the younl(,•r Jtf'L Sammy Kaye·e on t.he youth coundl'e progr-~ t1l controls Lhe a ~ Thf' Duke wanta ht.I wm,·• and t.a.nc8Jltttr's boy. No more c-nll11tecl ~rvt..ta wlll rrcordtnjC ot thla .<Wi!nllm~ntal baJ .. tho n~>tl mf!'ettng. who •• staying with the hero. be called involuntarily. ~c:ept tl :'!i:a"~::~cc1~ lad Is riding hlJth. nu. fight lhAt go.-s Into gcltlng limlted number of m ....dtcul and future- call-up. ALL ~n· t.0\.·t: by hul ouroand. lht boy back makes an rucclUng oountt•r 1nlt.•U!g'fl.nce corpa ,pccln.l• 'llt.:·ht•U Purlrih, and Hfflrl Cont.-L p1ctutt. The plot brlnp tn a. I.SU. 3, Those e.nl,at.ed ttso.rv,all BM'l!'a how you ttl«!n·faU, count Rt"OOrd.s a,•oUo.ble by: PotU Pa1ge: lravellnK carnival which helps who ;tire-ad)' hAVC!I OnlN'11 must potntAJ: One tor l·ach yeo.r ot age Xa\1rr Cugnt : Bln,c Croaby; Oorh Burt Lnncaat£>-r do b~lh·tald.ng comply wllh them. Tbfi row epecJaJ.. over 20. onr. tor each yeu.r f'lf ~ Doy; Cuy Lombardo. PAlU Patg,r f"''rom lhe t".nterta.lnme.nt wor:ld l\Crobatlea. 0 ~:~ Lon~!~u!~:~ can't be bf>at on this recordlng. today IL waa rc\'caled th.tu Betty 0: Lanca•trr, who w&.s &. d.rcua Hutton w111 soon bcgtn work on a performer, doc-• all the stunt.a hlmcr.,mpn.ny grade rtef.'r\'t• oUlcera nCU\·~ C~e:rat lkrvlce,. tour tor w~~,~~:~e~s b'.r Rarr, clrcWi picture. Cecil B. sclt and uses no at.&nd,in. 'l'he turnw:tn be noUfi~ lhis month to re- ~•oh year o.t ov~rfftte ,,.•n-lcc. and Rub, •nd KaJm•:r. Rr.cor<i11 ffC'nWn'°' Demtu~·s epic. '1'h.e Grcaksl Show Ing of this a.bot 11 the moet unpnrl tor duly 1n Jnnuary and f'lght tor each dt"Jk'ndenL For F'cbrw,...ry. 15. Art.er Januan• 1, nali\'e, fed~ral •·rvlco n.nd O\fl~l'Waa ,wa.Uablc by: Paul \Vcaton; !lay On .Earth .. Re-r role Js I.tun or a usual or th~ picture; you gel a tnipcr.e art.I.It Who "n~arly wrl"ckil good close-up or the actor while hr Ut:)l, oil otcictirs n?called wtll be &N'\'i~ you gel one point tor oa.cb ~1!:;1>~r;::n~~~~~~~:: lhc circus;· whkh JSh9uJd be ea.,y gMa t.hrough all t.be1e acrobaUCJJ kf\·en Cnur months notice. 6. Field thn.'('. month.8 ncUvti warume duly fc-.a.tu~ In lhe, mo\·lo ··Three LltU1, for B~tly. grade orticc-ra wilJ not bo ca.Uftd You'd ~t 12 poinLS (Or- tl'II"! three Bef0tt lhl• lssuo o( B,ollywood Lo.ndon•s Patio.chum may toan be- hhrtor)' ls conlplet~. La.neuter and ,n,·otwu.arUy unlbl U1tY A.re rnern- ~"Al'S, one point tor the two \VQr<b" fa ,:oin,r •tt'Ong .and b(i.tng bera of mobUizc.d unn.• ..ot or~ man\)1.s. ~~ rec.-l\'od by the, current pop N"toundln.g to tht' charlvarts cook· hU tollowtn tree the co\lJlt.ry. And «I up by Spll<• Jon•• •n<I hlJi Cll.y Lit• h•ro wins Virginia Mayo ror lfC"rce critlC'U.J Spt'elalJM..1 not Re.ni<'mbc.r thl!: point a.)NIU'm dot• "l'IIINIUNQ OF Tot· by Uarry Slicku~ CUrttnl ncgohnUom :!:s~~:~b:l~~!o.·:e~rtn~: not apply t.o nnUonal ,tunni.,m~n. Ruh~ and "&-r1 Kalmrr, Rtt,onh awttlt approval by Lb" British mu- hi!'!. wife. Agn.1n~ if aword play, courl alclana unlon to whom Spf!(e M".nt pomp. rrgtai«,I'tld under Ulr apcclnl drsll ~~·:;~;,c;;.:-:,..O:tawu.Jeble by· SArn.h Vflughn: Paul lot. ot e.olfon. bcautl!ul wo-0 may be iusurl'd of tour mont.b.l' or oJr ton:e • \\'raton; l\tl\rtha, TUton Thia t.une soma at hi• rt>COn;b. to prove, he mr-n lor good-looking in~), ts thaL hP Rnd hi.a boya aren't your d~h ~ .11ur~ LO see "The prlor notice atl~r .la.nuo.ry, 1951, ~ tuui thft Mme.- sourer a.a the one only ll th~y npply tor and ncetvr a.bO,·e, end la Ju.at Rs good: Ill• m1,11:1iCl&nJJ. f'Jame and th& Arrow.·• ruef"'fl t'onun.lutona t,etot't! then. Bt1olt. 'Wla, U. P,J A. n1.'"""· 'lt~~.Y- tt didn't catch qutlfo ,_,. point ayat,•.m for VdfJ)('r, co.nvo) ~ RNfu""l Dl""ltnrl(II ••Uon i,nd ,......, ....-oonc,•rl oU<nd(' l,', ANYONE F:XPLAI" by 8. Enlill:tM reJk•rvi•t. an d a.nee la now r1.-qwri>d oi all atu· Brnnlc- Bntjrunln. and Otoe,r,rf' guardsmf>n wtt.h tour dcpemkntt ,!cnt.A at a.toil Collrg• lhlo year \WI•. T<y Ray Anthony on lhu Statement or tho week. C'onaJ.111'. Ore.-Oreron Stain mu.~· t"(!({U('*t d.fac.hn.rge Utroufll .\llhOu,gh a total of 75 J)Q1nts att ttnl:! Olh(!r ""'-'0 "la by: Vic Da.lh••lr c:omm11nd1ng offtc,•r.11 U they poa,ubh JW<r M!mr11t..er, ench .st.udcmt. monr; DJ!k Sft'.\'l"b and othrra. griddt-"' ha.,·re finally too:nd lh«" 1 From lbe Avto.Uon .. M('C.banlc, nr~HF.L AND \ PECK. "R.e,. tormul.A rnr wln.olnK a "lo the' Drpl. wt he.a.r that Norman Ro· nre now o.n •cli\'e duly or n.r~ mu!'ll ea.mat l~ut iO point&, !O ot cnlled up lall r. but nol ,1 Lhe)~ which muat t,,e acx:umull\Lcd brfor.e cord! u·aJJable. by M11rgn.ret Whit, P4c':tlc Ooa-.t Contf'..: _ out... lo!f will tnk~ the C(vU Aeronauttc.s
Betty Hutton Circus Picture Is Planned
::r·:"~~C~~u~w: :.:c;cn~:;
i:,; I
How About It Dept. Trade School Activities Are Varied and Many
\\'stkely nnd 8e.tt>· M•Jr'-" llu- oth~t ltoam. Admtnlatr.f.ll1on MuJU ..Eng1ne ex h.a.\'t" not )'~l had Ordt>ra to report. mtd-,wmcsters,. and thf' rcmafn\ng tng-.Jtmmy Hutl.on.'P\ n,; Como. Thi• country APOCiRtf'd Presa-<bepatcb a.mln.atlon nf'xl F'lrldAy. Alao trom Parenta d"pe.ndent on the 1enic~ ::a camt'tl after mtd•seme.a;ti Ill. nt"n ftir OVf'r hnl/ thl'lr aupporl~ Acc~nllnc tu th, new plari. !~:~.h~t:"1:::oa~~n~~:t.~~e~ Tht-rea nnolllrr war• nlong wtth w1vu and d\.lldrrn arc giV«- thUi nov- lty n. bright bouna"Cod'a Country''-L,,n..k<> Cocu1· :'lictfrOrolo~ CJA.q ot NtJC. lh~ c,nl.)' Ont's counted u de· :;:;~~ :n!~: lt'tt llllrnded 2 point..; t!8Ch con- In~ treatm.c:nL I d" Alt"nr, Jdnha. •'Tbc,.re we found '''alt How,• haa told w, llmt pendents. vocnt1cm att<·ndrod. 1 polnt: t•o.cb l'LL NE\1'£R DE FREE .. Ka\.' rnlnbow trout liL8 big 88 25 pounds lh.Ort: •~ no\\• night Claa&e8 tor th~ 9. Th" army will oonunue to dra!l men ··aa rapidly a.a traiht.ng dnlgnalcd f'\'en.lng !L"CLW't'-oonccrt San nnd Tt:nne.~ P.m1o. havt- th{' nnd ht'&J'd or onee takf'n a.,i lArge bwclnr·~.. mm a.nd the techn.Jcl.Arut A•tcndfd. pojnt.a. hnnorl'I an thle tol.k nwnb(.r all th~ aa 37 poWld& Tb.CM big bruV>a OJ'ti ".·ho t1ro inlueat.ed 1n m<Uo n.nd f11cJllUf'.s will pM'tnfL" 2 \\'Al' bolh plcnU!ut and tun o.t ftghL" eleic:t.nmtcs. ThPtt are 2S pel"'SOna GOOlt(·~ • ,. Undoubl4.'dly the Amrrtcan Magulne,Oclobrr, 101)0. now tn top tune on lh1· corn lftL It'• gQOd lt Ma)' ht God's country, but Two new ,tudenta ha\·e enrolled ll•t.mng by Phil n 4 rrt,· Bt'nny S•ndpoint wfll be full or fl1<hl thl• ...,,.,.ter In u,~ Je\Velry ond 4
~= ~~~~:~i:.:t.=~~ I
, - -----------------------,1 Insulate him for C",oodman. W r P&ul. onn;R
LIFE 11\1 THE OPENwith a n ~ qlJll~D SIJRCOAT
~ L()\'l'.; - • Watch 1hl11 l'Jfl(I A.rlntht·r pop tum.• o.daptN!
Aviation tnatrumentl Class, ac ..
IRO CO~'E... TJOS cording to Don Rainey They .... l ConUnu••d from pagt> l > Cru:u'l.ea Brcwt>r 1Utd Boyd Joruen. (rorn tht" m\Udc of Fredric Ohoptn: thr nrxt C()n(Menotc was voted u wa.a ·"Ttll tht!' End ot Time" IUld upon. Tht• tlnMJ.outcomc of lh~ Ntw York, N. Y.·-C..Ul.ng tor '"I'm Alwoy,;, Cho.sing ReJnbow·s:' f'lN-Uon on tho ICX"ftllty of next. the aboUt\hmenl of "pr'e'-m.edical'' Rl'C:Or~ a,·all.Abln by Jo Statton! )'t>.ar'a meet wl.11 t,e, tornTJlnl<'d to M:Juca.Uon ln lht!I. noUon'a 00Uf'ge3 111d Tommy Dorsey. thla Club ln the "~l')' neor tulun>. nnd untverslUea, Or. \Villard C. Coming up are: Oh BA~: P~Ut"' NJJC \"nted 1n abffnle-t for the Rapplc.,yf". dtta.n of Columbia UnJ· W41Jti:; l"m In the Mtddlt oc a oont~no,nc~ to be htld at the l1nf· ''t'nity Faculty of l\fedicine de-. 1 Rlddl«-. ,·"~tty ot Montana. cl•m "lhere ls no .uch thing u a 'th" 111e-mbena atlt"ndin,t fl"Orn, ·pre-mrdlcar education! Colleg..-, NJJC wel't': t.l'le M.huJes Betty Mludmta who plan to rnter pN>fe• $wunn. .Barbara t:O Diano, Vetra l!llonaJ l!Choota in our fle)da should AdRm1. Cath~rinf' Mudge. and Jo nQt be regarded a pre medlca1 or Annr BnllJc. The men lncluded: rre-~~nlal student.
C1u•y F.3aJtey, Fred Miller, Sla.n
Erickson. Albf'rt Sommers. Rtch• "'"I t>t"' u•td a• cxn.mple wben NlJC holda Ila S11IH~<>g1onal m•el Frceborg. Mr. Jnmes Plp?'e'\' acted t.hla Spring. Ba nd,•l90r a.nd M.rs. Plprc,w nel',f()l"l JC dclrgatt'11 saw TV a.how•
«rd Qut~ley, Tom MWor. $Jld Don
;;:r;nn!:!i~!sr:u~~· t~:rr::c~ I ~:r ~~tolr:;.~as Hotel lobby for
Say Flowers! She Will Love
"7'4 ,u.-rA.Bcnc& Here'a a lad who's really u snug ., a bug in • blanket. Ho'• thoroughly iDIUlaled in hll Action.Fil Surooal made or IUIIZOus satin twill, quilted and interlined with new wool For added warmth - furry Timton collar and
for Lhe
concealed lmil wriaten. Your young man will like the loob o{ th~ ooat, loo, particularly becawe of the leathe,- belt and leather edged pockets. For a good selection of oolon and sizes beuer bring him In today!
GRIDLEY' S Men's Wear
49<IARGE Sllf 98(
A.'>'O WII¥ NOT 011!:l' I T FROM