The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 55 No 11, May 8, 2002

Page 1

aow I: k Alo,, fIn e,a, 8obcock. Cl..a BOalov CZ1), v.orw., llalc;d\ Jgj8-11 C2), Ryan 8'm:: t3) Gone Bo:.1nccul M Ben, - Jnon Cal(! 1 /., ,,ca.,p, MJIIIQwrolRo,.l.-C:WO, fty,w,C-141 ClttCc,d:!(,. ,Jorw,Don,_EmlyOeslo, ,·,v,,nOonalu,CJO) Je:::,ollctf TrM r cul (27) ,.Nf >Mds. E.,,,,, Frarls, Oeol1 FrlEbem ps; N,_, F,o,;1 Row), ~ Fuw'l!!t. C'1!d Oabtlert. Joe C.,, "''°" Gaul Kei1n Gema,t !2•1 Rob Q (20) Ro •: R,o,:,,e) OJOO.oid, °""1 HOiiy (l,o, I Oemc:i< He,nn< h 125). Laura H«Nlndoz ..loroan HQlow:,, ,151 Row Sc TIii.,.,. Hott. T)for ltinl (18), .k•romy )Yins. M:indi Joni-, Meo,111

Ben LIii..., 128) Row 6: Todd ll>I Ben Mo ICl1on (8). francJM MoOI"" Cl•""8 M,11 J""""' N- AA,, N_, Row 7: Ju;>e 1'<>1<'<$00 J.,300 Prieol 131) RoYer1 Recun:o (8) i>.oarn Rouoe (5) Ryan So,la~ 1Y ( 13), Clm•

Racial lzaro\ , n1fnt plagues can1pus I

Middle-Ea~tcm. black ,cutlcnc file repom, alleging verbal assault/ PAGE 3 __

'Educatumal lonulor plans Coune 11·,rlulraH'a/ to lessen college ·\' prohlt·111\ Plan supponccl by Coeur ,.r Alene. University of Idaho and ~IC/ PAGE 3

We dn es d ay Summer movie preview
S©rt Ro• e , Ion S..ilc<o,10. Jeuoc;a snar.-,1, II. J.arr;!h 'ldflcl L,J,,SM51FISJ,ClmSrnei(2l).JoeSpo, 1;•)1 BillySta,l,,1(1 Camo,c,,SI-AreeStono !llol<a,,ry1or O<MdT AyanTuss Row9: Cini Arv!Voo',)l!lll.OiadVla:;n.M.<hoelW1<J.Ja,a,W"""'spam(3' ~--~ c-,eoo~~-Kenl EgglOSlon.- 18j4ct , v- ._ ,o, .--eo.:,, PaAM-"" 'llloaTnrlandOoosClu'ctyCoachl-IIC ELECTION ·ins wins residency 1 /andslide ,. voter turnout ,till :brr than la,t year', ~ PAGE 3 IN OTHER NEWS / PAGES 2-6
ONUNr WWW 11ic.cdu/M:t11lncl BY l'IIONE: 769-.lJKH BY f'AX; 769,3389 I ·ale almonm,/11 I, ,;h Co lil:ge could bn11g c~tm money if i1 chn~,·d for 1hc I dmp,./PAGE 4 TOUCH US --~---

£ducational corridor nearing inception

oUege campus expands. ty and public benefit

:r ySm:m<n


1lt' ,t.t lln1\-cn,1I) nf tdi)hO .illd the Cl!)·

l«urd• Akr'C' art one kp Cll)\Cr 10

1'1At JUI .:Juauo11id 1."'twridor 1tloog thco

bnc.Rhcr ~1 M1ch- l 8u1._e t.l;ntd JII

,:a:mc:n, rcl:ncd 101hc: c:ii;pan,ion Apnl U

1\is t~ llfi 1ile.& ~hU'.(! IJme lt!L~ C'l1'tw'


pl.on bas been ID lhe maki11i for more

111,u )f.'an :utd ,umt 10 pnn ilk benefit,

IC.d~ lTl. 1hed1,·, l..11.keCit,

tl11rrnt111 Coq, 11~d the ruMI<

pl.In 1:.111, fot nequirinJ land 1oe.i1cd

en 'lorthv.c,1 hoUlevanl o.nd the .lrlt' RiH·r wilh ~,c ticinc lht '®lhc:m and U.S 9$1hc nnnhcm hi.'l'l1nc.far)

1~'\C tlu: l.11nd .ind pl:m fa, 1hc

¥Kin. NIC h.a, t1> nml <w11.h n11uiy

01p;111icr, TI,c1.c.11t1:lu~:Sl 11JO(lt'J Cu,. Butl~ton Nonbcrn S;.1111,1 Fe

R•ilw.,) Co Lol()Q Paclrti: 1u11rolld.1bc Bu~uunf LauJ \,gemen1. Lew,, .and, S1,1tt' ('111.cgc ll'!Kt (\then

I vins wins election

FAST FACT sr,.~ cn11.1n...e M ~~-ILi uf.a.tW.r'lanJ

Thl!obJet:tl\nol 1hc-pl11n in-:ludo; pmvidme: NIC and UI with JnO't'~\4:d P,:tt•.a.-.: J'P.-mt\-hibility u.od room hlf upnmli, prc5erv:i1ion and crt:11illon (IfJot,, 11, Koo,r-11111 CC'unt) 11.-cotnmod111ing 1h~ C:Uffl'III

",l.)~Attr ttt•1tmcn1 fadhly and tJ.~i,nllllnf proJ,erty (of (Wb1lc tL"l:n."aUon.1t ac.~it\~ ,o lhc ri,·cr .\«otdu,11 m J mct11K1rn1Klum or undcr,.uulding. 1JJC"ific- bc:11dl11; u.1 S IC \\l)u ld inl.:lu(I~ 'l.CCUrinµ 1bc h.1u1u:nf M(: a 1 downmwn c:uTipl.lS,, cri:;ai1nll .a oc..cntra~ 10 tht e1>1lcg( nnd ih r.,dlili~, 1ind l"'-1'C.1-.Cdp.,rLmf!: ThC' city woold llenc(11 ""hh i.akr and l'1pn.iwkJ 10 l bC' Fon OrOOJnd, .a~.i. •Jdill(ln~l l.ll.X. IC\'CllUts llJK1 \IWil( C! or Nonh\\c,, &ulcvatd

m.111.1gcJ hli. "'ll) lO M0tit:1n11. Scaulc, How;ui. vtri~i: clbc, oa the: ~t Coo." ;md C\'<'O New A-al ;u)d tu, mon, a )('.it "'The onl)" thlnJ )·ou llfl: womcd .ilklu1 l:\ wtun·\ tion )·our bai:~ he ,aid orhb batkpia.;km,g lifo\l)'Tc W11h ;a 1.m,111 moto1bll:c.1he bll,;e camping C''-l<'ntiah, ond wurl.lng odl.l~ti, bc"s been.:1.bk: to ac:1 b)' Durin1 M\ lime tn HawAu lunl:rr lMllc homcm;idc b.t kch <m 1he beach 10 hctp r~ h\\ nc:" 11urftnJIICh , did 1hc lilllo j<,h\ h('re anJ thetc." ht u id. lo t99$,

Spc,c.1ht ~ncJi1 m 1bt puhlic •1klld he u,c climin.aoun t1I nuln.\,,kl lnKh cnbancrmi:rit of 14ntJ , .al~ .tlun)tthe rhtr

•nd ,mpcc,,cd ICl.'t\i to 1ht ('entennlat Trail

The memo oho ,we~ dw lhe part1b

1tntt'ld re» the co,1, 111,·~hcd in lk;o.111inn~ 111J llppl)'tnf rc,ource.

a,\l"l\:,~('d "'hhachk\h1ic thr 1r111nt:· AU

t.c,,,h 111.J <''"I-.C1H,C\ mlJ\I be plC•jpt,rO\(d b l "inUIIJ h)' •II ft-10i('\ tn\~h(d Pv,\tbl<"" li11•d111g ,c,1u·~, rnr the pl1n ..:ouliJ 1.ome Imm foknat •nd ,01nctt •uch 11, rch11:•hM sr:um, w11cr trc.111n<"11t·facilit~ fond• nr \lllte

u.ppntprillli(IQ On i:011111) •nJ cit)' to,.·<"h, fun,S\ m.11; b<" r.11,~..t h) ,·ount)~ U.I(' bonW.. 4'11)' apph~pri11.11n1111nJ urbo1n tC(lCl.\.-1 runJ,. The lll A1nd N'.IC found111h1n1 •ill llLel)" he '''""' of llkOJne for 1he l'tfl'IJ«1 a, wrll .1, pm .ito ,.ourtc-,i; wt:h o:, t.h.c Nonb MU'KUtn Otte ol chi:- ne,1 ,tep, l\ .a Lty .:omponent 11f 1hc plAn Oi'.'('"1u,ion~ • di h<',:in wllh Stim)('ln I.umber rcaardit1J :m 111tmwhc:, ,uc (nr t~ p11ll 1hat c11:,vpie, 1h( l.tnd 10 lhe nortJ1 <1( tbc: ,ompth

,1tu1.:t\lltd hk~(ylc thnl '4:bOc>l \\Ill pm,..Jdhtf Altrr l\1-1'\ ~m(,1('!\ h" l.n.:ic:k !Of ~xploring ~cmed tOt' dJ>,141JII .u~d he lef1 will1 nu fntcallc>ft ofc:omini:t,ac:l. ,r \ 1muit1jj, hul.'. go,c,J u (r<"h-.'" he •lud of bc1na on 1hc n..-.J ··me~·· al\l.u)"', ,mile 1h:1t n1mc, OUI 0111' Aller ho, l111c-,t lrn\<cllni; ad,cnturc, lllC.T<' 1hmuJh. he hew 11 1A·.u time to \Cctle do"' n 1md t111 thc.ltouh. He hititl 10 M:hocll enrolling III U \ llrit'l)' o(be#il'll'ICT

•md 1he,11~, clA,'i<':\ The suhjt:"cll tn~ri,rtd him JunUf be:r.ut pcrfomunr m lhcatcr anJ "•kins a, many Ari t:hl;l)l>C\ a., pouJbk Lo the full ac:.lldrm1c """tl»,Junkrtnc~ thl, nev.

Less than 300 students cast votes by Scan Oanturc siaiiwts. Witb.i mere 277\,0f~Cl!ll.lllbcM~)' J ASNIC•ttldcot cl«1t11n•.1bc MC'\\ ~idw.1 ar ASN1C 1: lt1ctn) h 11.1, lvin, WOJ> excited libl"1J1 hU ptt,idcn(;y ""Wc haxc \OIDC g,e;it mentben. on the boonl 1111d tome ttrc..C 1dcil> be , I'm n:1111) lc-.,1,,uqc forw.11\1 lo bl:1111 president." hin, formcri)' ,cncJ ;,1.a ""~Ill!', " l haJ ;1 k,t nf flm b ,c,11110rllu~ we )CM iu.r rn1 l\ri.1na tor .vd lb hci11p plc\lJcnt. · be ~td hin, .,..,in m I IIMld:o,.hd~ Y.1th IM-1 \1\k'. Jh , c,pr,c:1111n1 Kui. Thofn""""1,,..lneJ 9 1 The- \'Qh•t t1.1m<-.JI ""'" 111 hut ,hl,hd}' l;ll'gcr lhan 11151 )ut's 100. )d lht 11umh« " C(;t't1Ul'.IJ)' cl.1ffl~hlc 10 dtt 111." r~" >"·IJ"). l'hc: ASSIC'Sludtm lk\.mS1\ ~upoC an<""lsfu mcrnbcn,cn:ne four :w.,phoult•~ .ind t'oorfh:Ju 11e,1 ·nae 1.CalflC I, pn:.,icktl m o t,) the- A\~lt' di:nt and \ I« ~idc-nl 'fhc l'IC'A' "C-Pf'C'idet•• lnr lhc: u1J,-111 )IV\ C'NIIIIJ: tut, ,~ topbon.are ~\)' lhlics.'QO, \\llO h.u.;i::J ,b ,1 w:1i..i111r dll, )'l':Sr. TheclcctcJ \CIWl'lf"(fo!'neM yc.u- MC' Jod C"tattL', K.dte Hrw.ku. 81110.1,·cnpon 1u.d Nick FfO\I The SWAC conna bu, prompted h-uu 10 rt.u, \C,-.:nJ ncw,, (orh1~ rrc.\idcnqo , Amon~ thee~ hr wishes to lo~,i~llle arc cb1tngc., 111 N(C', ,pon, <oi1fcm,c:c "'My h1ggcs1 fo..-u1o h, 10Yl()Yo. d1ttkl:inlor1ru,1.t1:, altcm:ith~ t0SWAC.*' hinsYtd f\.1011 also wh,hct, lo lttp the bmlV of tnl._.«-, llpll ttd in 1he mondtJ '° comc-. lvin• bc1~¢$ lh:/lt ctic me~ pote"111i1Uy tbm"'iug d.ikmm.u uem from I~ o!,ltJ,t<" Jn 11k boord o( lnKICN. "'01.: or 1be bis.gnc probkno i, th.1~ the bomf of tru\lOCi h.l\n't been ln(onncd" he wdd, "'II 1bcy won'1 t.w' tbc initialh'C' 10 l'IC irt(QtmlXI, ttlcn 1'11 caltc , 1~ IQ inform tht'rn." In Pl-" )<c,u ASN1C Im.-. ,;paa)(ffd ,ruu1y ,tlllkni c'Yi::l'lt4, lncludoig octh·itk$ lbcoogb OtJ rdoot P\11,111 1 hum1111 nghu c\·cnu..camedy and mw.ic tho\\,. We:- nighl ••ftce rot 1&lls" 11nd m~ LO Sih"""l)()l( theme poirt. ASNIC bu.~ ilho orp11litiil tMn)' l1mdnti"". lr1dud,ni !,("\c~I ,~ lhc An'ff.-'ft('•,1Red~. 11,c.y tuwc bcJIJ bWICI dil,'t."- 11W gcncr1kJ llailc!III d~uun1u1 b11\i11c!>-«,. .uound C"ocu, d'A lene. h·ln,-, Ool~k> 11nd the~~ till look fcn.Jtd w vpcoming year '"\Vc."\'c had Mll,rl( rnll)' Jfelll pre,icknc< w 1·,·e gut "°me p~1t)' bJg ,1~ fill. bu1 I ha\c:- mil) higti

nf.'«I me: 10 ht.Ip thcm out'

lif<""\l)'le """'be\l "Si,·ffl~1I ha, btttt .111001 10 gt'I me 1n10 M* th,ng, jtid '"You·,c e,po"CJ t<> <10 muth Junke, hb hmded • \lt:Ml)' Job Ill Hul.ltqn '~ ,~~•w:11n1 ,n Coeu.r d'Alene Wo,king for the (arooui h11mhurgc1 ,tort for c:l())C. to ttA·u ) """ ntc:1n .i IP! td hlm ''Tflh ir,. dtfTcmll ror me,- he 1,.1iJ til an cmplo><r he: hill• lo)•ll> roi "ll's CH)(' or 1hc bcit cwcr-1ht-1ahlt JObJ lhllt Y\'IU cun h1nc." R«c;,..,n, 1tn •~wclll1c oram dcitte me:1n11 grt111 d,ul for Jur1lcr~hC'n h~ \ltl'l l h neltl wed.

·mm: • • • • • • NEWS
leollege ls planning northward expansion between Northwest Boulevard aM lhe Spokane Rtver.
World traveler takes time out for educatio n
~\Unla ~.., .. J,oomc:-ytu.•bi.c11
114 lcd;i
1®2 pl,jn,
1od1001 ·1.1n)·1h1ng
lo, "'ould bnc been proud •1og th.u 1.:ollegc h.11t1 oo for him or hT-. furn re: ,anted to tta\'t'I the world lwJot \\a,,1'1 "nt""hcrc at lb< 1M'myllM1flc:r1raJmuini;:· '<T,111d " ll,c ru::xt rcw yea,~ be
Jun lier dJd ~Ilk Jc,wn J b11 by lali: i n.g a )'C1r \\'Otth Cl! ('( B.\\('\ :ll NIC. h t"tut.l lt'U!ftRJil, hO\\'C\lct, (or hin, 10 h\c a
dventu rer enjoys
theater, burgers
lon1tfot•la)') Junker
from C1Xur d'
\("hool u1
•her high
nn \Chuo~
nv.vrJ..Wt: conunucdon Pa$C t6 LMJa Junker a WOf1d traveler tnthualaat, J>lamo to gradual• with an A.A. degree May 17. Cot i n4t\W tipl Con1;,c1 NN15 M1.10f fo!-h Stodo, Pl,ont: 769·3388. Fu: 769·3389. E-m.ail: Sen11 nt'


Educational journey to Americ

ph)"\i~u.l l ~)'- A~<bnlnl \l,.U born 1t110

by HIIIM)' Fm~


·Hf/WI~ Amcricll Hcv.aid.,;fll(;( 1J11:culn.1rtN\

Tn.vit:lin& to A.rneti(.o rrom C'Mk:R)C)n In t'll.-c:n losr. ,n antc:r 10 ICilffl 1111,rc o1twiv1 II. Africa "''IL\ nae aomtttung. 28 rt:Bf~ld ptopk 1"1Cni to 1-o t,r,tc; k co ('1Uhdl'(IO am 8 1ondcl A"°'1kcn c~ do r« fun uilk fo thcirddef\. One ohhc ClllhUul

'The ,.~ld i, fu ll or A,\ .1i.llid h w.t. .i 1K."Ctt,.11)' Step be 1Jun.r~ in tn, 1ribr ' " 1h,,c 1hc cldc" to

m.lnori!Jn. Som..•ha\t ~adto take.SMM!thm,:bc.)4id bl:cbo..e 10 111LtUUnd ahugc:c-.ampll~Junni 1hr fllgb1

difftrcn1 colon:d stin do (rir hl,nj,CI( as wdl as for tbc peopk ,n nnd ttll \l0!'1C' hi)'* the tnflc lnotd to

)(,mt h11.\·e ph)·~lcal hL coutUt')'. A<UOnkcn Qad ht \l.'ti DOC. be

twid1cvp\ aod Olhcr1 salllfted"' 11h the cdoc•IJon tuicouut.1')' hraJ A~J.dl Jl'(IW 1,1p t~\'C'ling w11h ti1~

N"C tt,Ul-pty of• to otrn. He: \\·111.ted nM>rt He 141d he fnmJ1)', wb d• kl1 hinn•,ilh vet) f1nlc

J.lftercnt a;cBdcr wMttd 10 fulfill hn h,·c• 1mb1IJOO lnowl~ of hi, awi1 tnbt.

81n A'-..anlen~hr adtt111nof OC1Cdl1) ,u" b) ffl) nanlt )OU 1;.nttcll ""l~11nt,c

m nN~c1b-.,uu,.. To ope,uni; llpfiyMtal 1hcnipy ..chool in I bi.Ion,: lO," A.,<i;onl.c:l'I t..ul.l. "'You ,n.1)

be-lp bringa'A11JmC'SS of Camcroon.)t) the people orb~ cuuntry h,m: srown up in Fcil'k't I'll' Anteria tiui

I11,c)I,(: ln,·blblc .,.,hll abo w1Ln1 a dc:1,1"C u'I ph) 'i•cal 1bcnq>) )'Ou belong 10 • 'dtllin rnbc -

m1oori1ic~. TbcScnund w1ll "0t"'-\ t~ 1r:1,,.,ol t0Americ111u. be A,..unlu:n11i,tJ l1h ire S.a1Mlna.: •&nh.,I ftitlU~ die wt ttf ll d,d. NIC i., JUM dit first s.c,p in h1~ journey mc-mbtr. b1,-c a h\O-)-t~r-olll dauJ;hk1 pan m1notit) 'llr'ti bom 41ml nl!,cd In tQmOJ Stcr,t1.sn1ie. "'hvm ht· Ii.., 11,c~c, mc1 fcuaum M"rit', IO be Cameroon fie h.u be:~ i1llaldit1g NIC for He \aid ht's ptC'lntC\ of hrr. Afto

<:<101pfo1cd hen:: •b. '(mc,.ters ll.nd h nwiJorlnt in pre· Silmlrrnc h-1 St.;flhnnll'.' , ,ttc:- anx h>


I lloh>\'Cpmbl<ln<

As sonken hope s to start 111<8a01llclcTrihc,oncold1CllOtrihe«n AUl('rk11mbewllh Blonckl. lbcirJ.11ughttr 1, jj\JnJ '4ilhlli~p:ll'Crlb in (.';lfflCfflt)ft btcall\C th(y rouJdn'1 affonl 10 brine her. As.sorll:rn'• Mli\ to lant:_u~c j., • lo"""' ..sp,ok l!oj:foh • NlC. physicaJ therapy school c:.. ~fl'IM)oftht1n1inti.a\\: Alter .\,"°"1!;1.-n gradu11tcJ from tllJ;h ~hoof m C1unc:ruon. he am:ndcd Ult N11,1.onal lnq,rutc (If Youth Md Sporti (flf ,~u )\ a.nd II profC'l.~ioou l im,litulion (QI' &httt )'l.'lllt\ 10 ~\C Q rh)$kal afuclWOtl '4.~htf. llcoan:,al bi.\ 1Ctdtif1$C:Mif.c:JilC' iand wotl:td {pr 11 )Cllf before comu:ig KJ ~IC

The JC)\·cmmcn1 of Cal'lltf'1)0n 1, mlldc up ol atinu1 JO trl~ A., a. pllttlb \\>Ork fc,r 1hc ~O\ffnmcnt a, 1c:«bc:~ ,\ 1nbc, in ¥"c.ncml U ,rovp t>I people ~nn,i. 1hc umc l.ing1.l.lla,:. collllff' and 11-..hrkm A,S(lfl\cn 11aid it (.:iw tribe~ 1tdl ll\'t "imr'c: and ";,nl so kcq, lhckr tn111.hlkln-. C.~ tMU\C."- 11~ \ 10 Amt'natft oo the: Ouhtdc: but re\\ houib hi., (' \.if"j>i.:1 t\-. )fJl,.o.n .,1JJ, 1bc lanbcr you 1,'0 w1u1h 1n1hccountl') t~biggctlhc ch,m;i:, in dk" b111.1..e,,

Wllhnnao,x,nc "l"CAld. A,;oraenC1metoNICsn 1999~~ v.Tt:Slling li(:boliu1tup•.....tuchdidn't w,oon. llc wd be dlON! OOI IO ~Ile 11kft. bccatDt hC' "'IIBICd 10 fOCUi on bit ~tldi~ A.'1(mcn 111td hi> wife UtC' tic. Vt'3> 1111d he ,aid he hope 111<) C>ltllll I Cris lt'o:iugbinadnC:mllhorull~ 1 i, 11·~•lll'Qli~blcto1.,..,., -p." \\~ MiOOkcU i.\doo: atNICbt continue h:i'.\ ecb:Piiai, ot Cll\&ml W Unh~ty. He will MuJOr in pb)°Q flcOlldhe<011'IJO•kklC•liniYlt"-11Choot llrld \\'Olt,Of '"' JlboMj c-. Al'bcl"k- t... fihWlofJ hai. dcgrw unJ ta JOUmcr 1n Amcrica,.Annonkca 'Q"ud ht on mumma kl Canrroon. "I om wrc my caunlfY tiam me.

He: '\Iii.I,,.., ramily ta.ugh1 him 10 re:i.pcc1 ocht n. to Ii~ 'JC'.hoc" Alonolco...., J

Increase causes concern by fa

b,> Scu.nGannin: ,Sra#wrliet'·

Wilh ttudcnl w1tbJntwib on llk n~ :i.nJ ,Wlknc body rnpldly grow mg. NJC h re,·il.wtng new way, 10 keep ;.llldtnu free Jroppin, dll>~ 'iClllC\krthm:wcTI: IS,218 ,tudcntc~ cmollmcna.1 It.I N:IC. 2.429 ct.i.ucs \locrc withdns.-., CUUN' ..,,,i,hdr:a~..11 q,ldc.mie h , a n1-..c-tl NIC w 1hc u~ o( • of,,~ 11hptrcd b)' oct. colleie, aod Olhcr> plwi, propo,<d by NlC ,..n

"""'"Thi~ I~ 11 g rowintt pt~lc:sn th:H we ~Uy tk.'Cll• t.akc, 1<a 111 ." 1w11d V1ec Prt-i.ldelu r« ln~l.l'\lCdaa L..nrsc i~i: ii, cnfoUmcnc an: fc.utct io

C'tlk'\!rti.l1c 1he i1hdntwuJ ptnbl('ffl nc,t re•• Wit NIC tmpkty11. a fla1 twtion ch.irg,r: "hcthcr a dlC'.lo:\c~ to 1.,l.t 8 crtd11., Of 18 c:rrun~ r,o _g~IQ' cba.q;e.) •ff illC'urml MM)· (;ac.-ull) tnnn~ b,;hot

1ba:t .alk)wingffl>dcnlJI t~(la,(.~ .,,,ill1l'IOCJJD

t,1,jll pn,mpc d,em to take 11."IO tmn}' cml.11!

' '"II\ policy UntnltllliOnilll}' 'CJK'OUN1£C'I' ,1 ~I formorctfflf1111.Uun they •M.Ufd ~d ~c.'),:"lV Ken WriJ:,ht lhn~c,tt 1he flo11 turlioo d IDO\t hl.dy t.t} 10 effocc.11.1-Jmy Get' ', "t, 10 (drop the fbt 1uloon dw,:ie) v.c \\>OUld h:t,·ctn look 111 Lile- f,~I t'll.l'l'lifl..::111ion:i. 10 1hr rollci:c, to 811 ~tudcnt\ 11nd 10 fi1111.1•:ial :ud The~ WO\llll need 10 be a numt,a uf fact~ 1hat wooldbc c, aluattdbc.forc-wc would adopt thn:I

P"J~ " '(lUC\ICr Mun)' coill:g,L-.

Tree-planting ceremony hel d behind library

by'runy Sqrm...rn 1,1,hl-n~n1,1mnnlC'ntallymlndN

Slllhwllwf tgc1>1:1C11 and organ11"1Unm

Wuh Apollo I:\, the Kcal Stiut

d1oocint,1. thc lklllh of Jlml

Hcndri x n:nd 1hc hinh 4,t fiber

optici-.1970 v.a.,ji)Tifo(

1gmf1ant c\ .:rt11-

Thc )-Ur a ~ marud tho fi111

cekbnuion o( Earth 't'-ith 20

mllllon Amcrte1t1S dcmon,tmtog

(or• hcallhy. ,

t'n \' U\WlnlCMI

A cho:k wr1Ut'o 10 NIC (Of

nearty S11.200 •ml thl: plauunc of

1 wtilcm htmlock ""Cft: two of

11>., higblighu ol Eanh O.i 2002


The ebixk v.,u; Pf"~~d to

NtC by rqn.-.c:n1ii11vc\ or I.he

Koc.1ci~i Coun1y Solid Wa"t,c, Dtpo,nmcnttKCSWO} for

collrgc'• rtcyc-ling c:(fon5 Tbc pre!IC'ntadoa wa.'I' p:1n oho S-ut.h

0~ :i.wutdll c:c~tnem)' hckl Ill .Etnc:"!'Y •s Rc,,1 1.11 lfw: Hedlund 131.:11ld11i1- h Oj\·a,;, one of tt~ (\'tflb held 0\t'f lh~ da) s lc.'l

« lcbcWc Eanh 0.). The lc:bnlUoo begaa April 20,

p,n,c:nlcd tnform..ikm t1bou1 chcm'tth" and 1.hc cn,uunmem.iJ i~ue~ lhc) •re in\ oh·NJ whh IO die J)!Jbhc 11,1 Silver Lake ~bll.

l1ll' C\'Cl\li at NIC codcd whh o l~c pl11nctntt l'Cttfll(M))' held hc:l~«n 1hc I.Nary and the ShefTN:fl ()ffic.,::B. Quarter,. Dtummin: b)- 1~ R~ Crtelr. Stngcrtr, bca•n 1hc ttrcmaoy. Si:\ N111, ,-e Amcriaan pr!, )Ill 111 :l tire.le around • drum 11.nd pl.1)'cd u tnbal co a«(lmp:any 1he1r,1f1Sint.b p:opk: made their \ottil)' 10 the f'lllll\tlng \rte from lbc- .awatds c-crcmOO)' and other pani of campus.

A cro...,J nr :.bout 20 pcpt>lc_. 1ncludmg Prt,i~l'II Mdlncl .Dt1rlc, c,atbt:.rtd tround the )1,unJ ll« 1h41 'Na.'!. alrQdy plll!Ct'd en 1 hok to proux:11ts roocs from 1.hc t<lrm,rt1h Buricc 1h.lnJ.:~ c,uyonc for IIIICndfn.g the certmony lllld C\'rtt Jc*al "ilh the cm,t,d, S1\)'ltlll., '"Comi 11Q. (ron1 Tc1:a), "''t' lilkS •n)

The Rose Creek Sun.set Slng•rs t>agan the Eanh Day celebrallon with drumming. eu~ 10 r,, a me."

Thl'.' hc:mlaclr. w11, pl.-n~ ncu 11 ,tand or bi,ch lrM lh111 "ore Jn.J,tw,: 1md \\ ,n t'IC cam,ns "°"'" fl in tht i,r,1 few )'C".1~ i.ald Oak Marcy hn<.l f'f dM! «-J"C'n.un>· _.,., mc-mbrt ol f!..anh D.a)' Coeur d'Aknr.: ~brc)' q,d the Utt -V.(Klld C'ICOI.WJJ) gtn\\ ht nll \par«

t 5,o ,._.

hciY.«n l'A1t t.usc 1,4J1c:s nc-.vt)) llftd IJl'\)\'ilk lor J,l:l'll'l"Qlfon:1 101.'\)ll'fC: f.anh l).,,y '111':n frlcm6cd b) G11yldnl Nd""'lfl , J US. Scrwft'f' lwn, WUo1.~•1111.m N~I~ t1up.:d • t'lilCk.m~tdc ptolat 1i1.ut1ld ",h.d,t! u-p the polluCllJ c1111bl11,hment and !On-c (lb( C11Vtn:11uncn1) untu tht•~11.

~=:: i:!i~ w•1hdmwn fmm -v.1thdm-v..11lt 1hnu QOt d11t c.a:i.e .11 N IC lboUlduti,,,:,• S5C1 (ce for iludcnt, to \llithdr.t."- dllS~ "l(NlChoo thari;cJ sso l)l'.'I C,OW'!i,c v,1thdtaw•I dunns 1bl, ac-.klcmic }~ 1hc l'C,'t.uuc: gtflCfalt'd would c\CC(!I Sl!)S.000." Wright srud.

M1tn)' JI NICdi!Jitlrcc, w1 1h 100 -v., fa.,,W "8~C" lh.11 N IC:- fflUSI CttlllC" 501ne 1ypr o( kl t,a:a: lf , ~lUlk'nti wh(, ....,, froqucnd).

Anochct option (or NlC i~ to ~mply hntil 1br r,1111 ofCOUBCw1 1hdnl\\u.bp:rMucknt MllO) aifktttll" ..._, U I) h:a,-c atd.11 hdr.'lwal limil~ The iA'ili l lh~ Ii nut woulll l.'Ctlt1.lnl) curt. 1.hc- drop DIii.,.

Pun.he.., l1w('l,"C' lldd1na, add1t1onal ftctt

, 1ucknh who wii.h 10 repeat l.'04.I~.

··we h,1,·e in.~ whtrc: ,1uJer11., ancmrt•~

throe or mon: 11 mn bcl:fort c.1tbcr JMSSing or p~lfl • .j

Wright .aid

1bt pl111111 fornt.ll )"C'.v,bo'v.,·,cr.are qu1ttdlffa.4

NICw, 11 bc"qldlm li l'\i o.g 1hc wld1dru-.11I~ JI c:a1i~r (('II' ,1utJcnt~ to droll d.a.,loe' "'Saud' ::~f~r a.ignaW~\ d~ ti¥)' I

The pmbkmis prc,.ak1\l.but 11 ~),!Ju l:lrfnP!d

\Oh'fd. "'\\'ill i1 h:tlppc111ud.iy?Prob.lbl) not C~' haflrt'Q 1n 1be fu1u~1 Sure," 0cc s.iid


Harassment plagues campu s again: victim writes down license number

b)· H1U;1ry Aou_!!~


So.."Utll)' \l,;n nc,cme\l 1hi11 v.,u, lJJl.:cn from a ~"h bn, tn Sic:b:n 11,111 Apnl 12. ,\ rrp,rt v,-111; filed ll ianusmcnt (8) A fCPon ur 3 h.ate: mml:/h~,l'n(flt tMI .-.~ 11l Un,:otn Wa) :ind \VcM Ow\lien A"cnuc ,y,.11h an

At11~C''411dtfJI ".t'-hlC'd 'll.ilhpolh.'t'AJVi l J7. ¥1,·um w&\ Ahk In \\,111~· Ju..,,,n 1h, pcrpc1ra:1tir', tittn~ pl11.1c ~dd v.C""m tanughl 101hc polk."\!. An 1m~~u,~1k,n Mlh (',~, d' Alclle lkp.,runrm

o 1Jntkr""•)'

ThtA (Cl S.Xunl) ,u nour.:J Apri l !Joo a 11.1olni prop:n) c:•11 Tillt\aciirn~.imc lnh)1hc: t.ttun,y 1'1lrtce

co ~I*' herh.:ind.te;Dppcrmil (thlli "'·"f1'1C'l(III"'

~pont'd i.toJcn la.11.t Nn,at1nbcr) wu aum1d) ldf u~ ,n :i hJrldk:ips.ptt,cc 111 fmnt o( Jl:t.11 fUI'

ho)-friCfld had 1hl'.' pcrm11 andrt'fu)Cd10Ji'f ' back. f>oitct Wt:tt l)OIJ(lrd, 1&ncl tbc ~!Jl)jt'ci H.•

b)' f)t\llcc fl'.lf ))0$.St~1on propen) 1'bc I pcrnu1 wa~ C"Uflfi~cd Thtft ti))

Rc-pon of11 ~•iblc burgl.a,ytotho ~,cv.·ditid Shop on l.oou\.lrial W•rwa\ mtdAfW112.$ Oit CU\todilul fouDd the g111c lod. mis1inJ aod tht~ I!

CI.Jt lh:ll \Ccuml the UOublc doo,.,. The 5b0p •• i·

[, ___
Class withdraw J
~um.1 1;111111 an lnmti.:tor ciould be ~xbcd w llct.ennine v.hat "•' mi ,lng. A ponahle 1-- ' Jyn,1n11e plas.mac,turr*• Unroh1 Po"'-crMil 1 Wcltk, \\'C1"e lill.:cn. Tou.l due \to'a't tc:11:1, su!IJ& j 111dl (EJ T\\·o picnic llbl~ b), 1be_SUB wctt repc-1cJ r,; m1~in, April 2b alkr 1hr Spnn1 D.\"b ,..-~ l',\, hold 1J«'umd on r:ampuJo. Boch w'ffe, ,r,IIK'd O'i1 ,

I( rolhtil'Aer would !oil\C ju\t St • da) ac • 10 pm c111 ;111i::R'~, re,, 56 )tar1t,th.U loo wlll buildup1o~I mi.Il ion. The 'th,kffl or Hugh6 nd Oujdale w1t.1 IQ end Amc:-rica.·, mc)nc) prMJcnu .ind uc111c ",:enerition or mUllonuJro

··welh·c ln 1he ,re11.1.:~1 ~nit)' 111 chc v.-~. and ?7 per«,u or 1hc people~ 10 rw.anoi.41 problctru." Oufdal,c ,aid

Crcdd caro, oad t11~ek$..<. ,pet1tJing "'en: 1h, ,peal.en (01..·1u oo pan or Arn..rk ll'1: dtbl


I Prizes issued for onlin e pay ments

NI ~tudc:m:; who p:l)' In i'UU f<lf the fllll ~ct \'lil lhe onJI.QF:

ffldC"l pOI.~\ '4·111 bccllgibk for~ 3'C'l1C't'f t."a"'1 gninl•i.ft.11ad~ Osle

-.:.Jdll on 1:1xh d;11c r.uigc: "A·tiomttt.s lhc pa)'mcn1 cb1c: rt'CJUlmnc:m pn,t ) f1N pl.k.'t pur will l'IIC" S77l g~ll-in-nad pi~. Onlme 'lll)eftl 1ncHI be rlDdc betwcto Af¥1J l:l_ und M:t) ~\I, Tbc: K'\."Ond

*·a.I pr11.t. Onllnt ~) 1ncul mu!>! he rnaJc tJCi--cm Jul} I and 'tlyll Jnf«mntitia·769-'.\~

>ost Falls student earn s academic honors

Tbc: U) ,\d\1C\-C1UC11t Aa....itmy announced lb.ii T111nmn Doogl.s of

.i F.11h ho been natlX\J 4t1 All ·\ Cc,l lqµ,1!c: Sctmll1t

'Ole l!SAA 1i;:o c.wblt-.bcd lhc All·Atncrlt:,111 CorHqildt Av..W ~~"llpcriur\tlll..l""ttb.whi.,eM:cllJlft.-.-;:Mlic:msr:


tapl!OC'S The ~,larmu.'<I c.un .11 ,CPA« highrr IA.lUglai w,1>

aii11:1k.'d b)' footff Re,Giillllr-Rkh.arJ Re-.1n.'\.

:Vriter 's workshop to be held in Sandpoini

1CDnfrcrin1•....-m 1.,r~m1Je.·'C''i'-'"""a"' \\1"d.~w1U-.

a:' Sandpc)in1Cet*'d' kl k'ach wnkr. lhc funilitnC'11t.a.h of hMo. 11>

II""'" ,rd f'\'Mhh • oon-fletlon t,,iol.. t Tbtfina~i,(mftl'la.n, tolp.m.M_.) 11.""(K'fhnp tlff Your Fni Nm-lirtkln A«,\(' "all hC'lr, 'lrOICA ('\itlu;ai~

:q,b.~tc and l'lff.anv.c idC':n ii.\ v.<11 IK li"6 mnr.1111nd s;;ica1 )llppoc1 PanlCipmnh will h.l\t 111c opp;W111tl1t) t,1 nll."Cr anJ (run pubti\hctl .1utoon;." The t'(IUl'C feet\. S:?3.

-~ ~·ourNoo,Ucr1on lb,l..'"w,llh.· l1no1'1!t~• 11 11K111n M.1\

lbn. worbhop will help wrucn team 1hc .~pr, 01 htVw I,~~•

flllA ~bL-.bc:d. lndudlng Tiuog a hool Jlf'ClJX'NII tin t.n11 1m ••h"Cnl Of 11nd ~n:hing the Mnt'fl!,lng tk.hnolo~) of c-hoou.1llt


'PtomulcYou,~oo -ftel.iOO Book.· 1A-1lllc..ich >Anl!!Chc\.l \\;t}'11 ~1111cwlypubl~h1:dbc.Jok Thc~,11"'11tb:(mn12•Sp.m

• 18. Panir:ipanu. wtU learn ~k'ps of prouiotkMt. lJJ1..IUWt1i

·Ina,. h.'Clilt ()Ul.leh. gumc:ring c:hc.ip 1~t,OOt}' 111.S boxamu1~ a for !he pubh=oon Tiie 1.'UIIBC' feel\ SIIJ ....,,,.,.,,,1&nm

CCh ildren's Center grabs Excelle nce award

Dl:~1C dU.IJn•tf\ttllkr.,.,.\'tU tis 2002: City of Coeur d' Alme

)ot'\A.,,·,rd fw-lh;ccUena: 1n Qv1~h1yChllJC~.

TIie A\\ard boo:w,.cl1ild C.VC f41,:iJi11~ lh:.,t prmKi\' lhc llighc\t

QICIVfyGl'CI llliJNJr.-i1011n~l«' (M),tUltjdtJIJtffl.OJ

n,C' mitm 1hnl l'C!Cd,cd the aw,,nL


,~\Comml~iion un OUkl Can: Ulld .i tct,!•nfUJ pmre1,).on11J fmm d.iine10~ id.ttc~rnter\ll lu-.k,1t1onei11'l\.~h1n,t,1p1:iqul'.111

CfflllOO!llp..'t lorbri)' l1iddhoodPmfc:si,..omb.M.a)urSivtdl

«t111.11n,:iieJ u perpcwJ.I Cil) •tiJI pl*fUC ,, ~1.i)' 7(t{y C\JUOCll

t T.1111 To ccldnrc 1h,.,. hooof v.llh lb..! (hilJf(:n !Ind fa1ultn,1~ lY(lr UI be \'l'-lting Ilic C'hl lJttn'i CtnlCt May~ fot 1111 to: i,.'l\'.UII

1'I Thr Otildr.:n • CalCe'I •lw hud <t,·cmJ tcncticN ttOCtul\iJIOO flX Ori., }, Pru,.i,,..,r,u.: Yc,r-. The) inclutlc, M,:ll)di Cara'11. ~Ouolmn'IOM,Jwni •lofflbt. C"illTliC ~kKC't' und Shllllllll,1~·i1,

i..:tn11mg im:nua l ,oromc a.\ "ell iu.cdWClllioo Al..o tbty mc-nl lorxd 10 dottt•~ i.pttldms. Ir the «iruumer pun.:twed .i Sl puc.k af dga"un each (U)' UI 10 pm,cnt lnt.crcu. 1hn1 totlll\ $5 17.000 •11hln 40 )<,I'\. I(, ,omplln)' "'ilh

l lu~'-aJldOurd.tlenocunl)'

CAr, ~ 10 g:C"t OUI OI ril'llllK'.lal problem, b) <Sccl'C'a,1ng '4)tnd ini JinJ

D1.1gl.lalc (eel, 1h11m~n)' people. 1hlnl. negth\ cly due 10 the fact lbat b) 1hc 1lme \\e rt:Kh 18 )'t.m 6( tCC' v.c ha;,•c hCllnl ~lhc:r Ille wont "'Tio o, hol\'C bttn told lhlll v,c can't do M>n'ltlhing, 600.(XXI tunci. A11d v.t hi,·c on ly hentd LbC' word )'CS- 100.0CX>

"""' sa~-<:.:,~~ t~": Dug~3lc said

Dl1~>J111c .W&(Ct'11ed \\'IMcbrng lV le~ often. read more tnd ob;cn c the cm ironmcnt. Kell) and Ous;<bk-rnrcrcdan cn,.. 1.ronmwtJ1I cxcn::ik· 1h1u would bc1p thtkc who thlnk negllll vcly, fflO\ C

You tu>d 1 ,111.'CCSSful pc-non iand )'QU: ,1an tQ R:J'C'lll lhe tttlviJJd."' Dugdalt uld.

l..t't'J SJl\'C / uncrk:11 Toor· Oram Round-up ra,uri n_g 1hc K elly H iqthC') ffond.

Hujbeii •md Dugdale: .iho ha.JlCScd out J 1•r cu which dst)' &\let! C:Vtt)().11< lO wrho down 1hdr dn:am golll lt 100011«1 one 1nill ion drcom" and,t1cfp 1ho,c people mule their dtt ,rm. cumc: tnic.

Tuzll, 2.5, pie ce the f nfshtng rouche.s on lhe house that wm be raffl ed oft on J uly 3.

Hou se to be given away in ' BIG ' raffle

t~(1,m Hcinnth s,.,,,, ,,..

llK: nir,tb .1rv1u.d Rull\' BIO R..IJllc i) up llrtir.111,rdnJilll, JPQ,n Tbc NIC founJ..uoo tlong .,.,1,b 0.1,,c \kkAe ~nd thtt.·.ttp::1'1f) ,1uui:111,h:m:

.Umoi.t .:1101pktcd 1hc::u proj«t r,t lb.: Jtlllld

I'"'< ~\C "1-nh Slt)"J.CKl), Aho indlllkJ m the rJfllc .tre a 1~JXri \,'.llt'otboiit,iatr.a\,cl p..1'.l1itC\loonbSJ

1nJ n S?JIOO t<horpns. ,prtt rllC ..:.i.dl

\.ili,c 11(1b.."<p1,r~.;.n.n~ .,"'°"red h~a pnu ol t~ v.mnC"n c~ H hckcb Nr pu.rdi.trt,\;J btfurt M.a)' 3I.1ho-< pcopk. will h:.- chi,:-1bk f,,,. ,-.,,tv:..u., Jlfl-"'• • J1pl..ll

CJ11t1l•.rn llC d1g,i.11 COIJl(:onkt nth r1rojr(1 b;" been gQln; on Im ic, 'l'l',11'). lml du: kc:;1lly tJICi ~fficdidna•

lnit pl.ii:('. Ftv tlk' po.,t e,ibl )'Can.. Jbc: SI(:" f-oundl'IJOfl hll\ rr,11tid.,.-J Cll~ flow 1U

1.mJct h1k !he projcc:1.

1'hh, CllOOlcd 1he c.upcnll')' rm,rr:tm 1<1 budd die hot&\(' 111.\l lho)· v,aiut'd 1,, blllliJ w11h ""11nc mp111 fmm U\ " '4ad R.a)'(1fe \rnk.NICI. '.\IC Jir«'ltlt(\r ck\'(.loplllrltl .,,d 1·\'!unda1k111 ('\C\.'1111\'C Wm:1( Thflmrh 1h15 rroJCCI. NJC n., ,11 a.~ ,,thtr f'"'l~, :ll't' brinJ promol.C'J II) U'IC ~UfflJt1\.lntl)'.

~11 1- "n O'le people 1n lho cotnm11111tie":\ du:l \Ul'ft-,und u.,. an CIJIPM,m1ry t•t pinklp.11c 11111:,mclhi11g fun llllCl WPl)l'ln

Ille ooll.:~-c Atll.lmoft &aid. Tiu1o )Cilr·~ hour.c D ;a.'C bedroom, IWO 1u1d iJ. h,llf bl11h (U\Ulffl m,td,cr I~ tbc

HtJhland\ C,nl(Coo:~ ,n Po« fnlb

Along Will\ lheC'XIJil $17-1 .$00 IJul i!i r,tl\Cl;I. "°.000 v..111._'0 1\'lv.,,1rd lfll11h 1tu1

"1l!T, (ACll.h)' anJ ~lWCRLU:-•n aPf!I} far,

•nd ()Cher ~)'\I.ill go 1t111i 11tJ 'lot'l'\'IO:"\

thll! NlC ncech;. The Wed~ Center, SN\-1« lun11n111ml c-.ct!C'f projects

hcc:n -q1rraon«1 b)' 1hc raffle and the NlC

Foul1Wlbon '°'nlc ll\'f.':nlt_!f P,:.Nlll WWlh IO "'Ul)!Xlr1

Nor1h hbhl.1 Col~e and chc Mudenh,"


Sc,1cn1y ~'" ol iupponm ire rrom

Noot1,, v..hik IJ1e Cllhet 20 pct\.'C".n:1awr. front SpoMlnc. And«iOn it011J Ll1>t )r:ir·s v.1nncr '4.1~ • rcllrtd '"' •dQW from Nampa

She dcC'ickod 10...cll lhc hoo,c: MIi.i WlWI

An~ L11n~ i.\ 11 tH& eon1nbu!Pr fQf

1hl,proJed. Tot) donascdS IOJmwonh

CIC 1,rodul,'.U..ilnd mot.t o(tbc prod.1.M.·.b for

I.he OOIJ"C .itt f"IJ\.il-1\td 1her~

The Jra'A·fn(I' Wi ll be hc)d 7 !'IJJI JUI)' ) OI

1hc: FCWI .Sherm® P:.d. hy the Chlldl'\'1'1'"


refn,.luntrtb. Jul )' IO t, tJ1e C"IMhts:1 tUy ttuu

1llt "' ln111tn. ot Ihe pnu mm c in ur do wtwa lbt) 'A't\.h Wttb ttle hoo'-!'

A11ic.ilt1'-lSl('I01kl..d\\\'l ll l'lt.,.,ld11.1


T1deb \'an b: puR'~ • I the follow1n1

1«:uic,n-.: Tom Addi, t• City FON in c.i·A.A~ L.umlx,- In Cd'A, 8.)' the:

La c Tr11\·el in Cd' \.NIC f"'O\lndutitlll

Offitt IA ~Hli-10,. N(CSunJpotn1C'cn1er iu Sffldpuint. NIC WorUOC'((' 'fminiag

~Mer'" Puw nu Rh'ff'ldc: ·\UlO (:cn(a in BOIMK'r5 F1.11), Sltin'i IOA in Raihdn11n. ~cU1:,gg, and ~m. Super I

Food" In Cd'A. H1ydm. Pw Fa.ll, 11:11d

R:.1hdrum and T1dyman', -n Cd' A. Pi»t F11.lh, Lcwt\lon miJ M<KoOO\\

Al\)'OflC rt frt"C In tPUr the hoa~. 0pm

Ilou\oe i) on 1hc following Sund.I)') from 12..J p.m· M•)' !l. 19.26.omdllloe l(),?J


To gci IC'I tht bCluK> from MO, take&,, 7 N"onh (Hll,hv.·at .ti •.1um lis)it 01) MuJlu.o., rum r15h1 oo Sterling 110d 1um k n tlfl

ln•n;n'Cv, The how,c loc:JtcJ OD the 1.,nncr of l,1,C'flJC'.,ff and Ounckc

teaches to save $1 million ougda le, Hughe s pu sh saving through stoc ks -11·re not pay1n1 nucml-On 11» clb} 10 get yowsclr lntO (1'1)Ublc," 111 ld OugJ111C'.1lic .,er,,gc fllfm l) ha\ c-ighl In IOcredu card::. "' 1rKrt:a,.1n3 income:. bu1 1hey :ah,o focu),CJ on the mc11ULI l to the J)O/\ith-c )Mic, They u,)d lO otN.'T'\·elhm( l''huwctnod:atc .,.,,,h 1111d model the Ont,. w1,o, an: pot.11, vc 11nd uy and :l\·6ld 1he 11e,1111h c fflf:rmoo chill Che!;(" arc "tUffK'kni optf(li!\!o, tM:11 ii v..-1ld 1ak.c a ituicr 11mc,uni of 11mc 10 build '"'Cft'~l In ohlcr ' " tM of lkb1 Huihc, IU1d DuJ:dlk. 1ug.t,tC'd
1 '401K wou d <'ffcr 1h11 ,.., me cmpioyce: tc, ~11 S1 a W1 In whb IO pctt('fll 111,11 ~01,1111 101,1.I man' l hlUI S'NXUXXI hy 1ht till'IC! he w1~ nb<,u110 rc11~
YOIJlt , Cl,i/dren Insured! Tl,ey Can le .. . .: lorlREE! • ..,, I Children's Health Insurance Program C1UP bencftts lndudc: • DoaorVWr..\ • • IIO<lpl Clrc _- • Denod Core • Presaipllo,)1 • l!\-eGIL<ses • ll!UllllniZlllons • Meow He:ddo Sem co "--ism1dlho Wswfli&jble for &tt b..ido cm 00\fflg<, 111.., 19 <'!allf)'OU world loba, l!W,YWOrldng lurullt$ llllolg $26.~72 a yt2r or IIIOrt WI g,,c l'REE ~lh cm. If you don' t have health Insurance, call 1-877-KJOS NOW U-877-5-IJ.7669 ) ~,..,,..~ Instr uc tor Dave M cRae, right, along wflh Damon Huht.afa 23 and Kevln
' [ =.,"t", ~re
rFORT GROUND CAFE 705 River Ave nu e 664-4611 Now Serving Espresso Xoff any : espresso: With this co upon Free 12 oz. Espresso with purchase of any breakfast '-- _J

- rmm \ repom •

The Machine Tcchooi~ •nil ~m hM tt(cnd)' purch:d«I • llh~ lcd n raptd i,rotul)(IIOJ fllilChbat, 1,tk\ OCN th(- Pr'Oi!rtlffl II) chc ~""' k \ t1 f<Jfd Mot.ur- 11nd Hewko Tho 111acl1i1.c i11 0 111)· 1n,c o f 2' i•4fit 1whon.l'O\I.HI~ k'I ~lOJ)()lhad h• 1 tc.nlly e1tc1t¢d 1tk:: ~.:iff of 1hc proyallb Tht 01at:.bi11e 1, 1ht ldnJ uf J¢'..~ hca\•ily b)' corparnhooi, VtCtOr Ci1Uk.i lmtrucior(nrlhc M1thl11tTC\'.hnnllis) pl'Ol!mm.dc5'Cl'lbc1 the in..;luoc a\• Jd pnnt'"-r lh11.t pcinb in J.o_ n,,.,,,, b dl'1\l.t111~h1g: cn.mp11tcr .aukd rrognim to. .M.utct -The imagr 11 -.c1u d ln,.-,cdy IO 1hr. m.-:hmc., wll:k.h 116 tv.o difrcumt (orm,: ftf pl11.,11ie unJ uw,_ p0wcn-d tilye: ,=un-rypc dc~lcc 111 mttt t011,c1her. Thi!! pmc~:i. Onct" took '11,'ffl now ii onl) lake,. tw~u"" to a,nipk1t The 1."0lktc purd1;~ 1hc lk!\'K • i end Qf Mal'(h with n~)', v. hk-h a~ from 1hc NIC irun1 f<nllld111ioi,

In di,e f\'"l· the ptOti.fflfft' tiad 1n !ti( pti1u i1te: 10 look Ul 3-·D t.lC".i;:ni. , the pH'Jo!!.rilm\ ai, ..« lk:1WII IMti-ill'I would have to trav el lhe long way around the donn. tbcir«k)ign,.

Letter highlight s p roblems IBRiEFs •

1 . Il graph1" C des1·gn program

Ho ldbacks kiU propo sed buildin

Wci1l. ptt,,,.m;al income ta,. payfflel'llll 1n Apri l h11.\ e kflkl. ' rc,·c-nuc(('iiO,n1lhonsho.n for1hc. 2003 n~a.1

Student·s new petition next in line of controversy

~I!.°!!!~(ffud OIJl,!:ru:1\!~:1

L)'LI O.».crwa.~a\ludtnt :tt LaleCi.ty

H,it, School 'A~ tj\( ~rd t1bciu1 Oavii.l

ClcnK11~ llrwd his contn.b11uon lO NIC'~


B:.Ursaid the w()C'l beinJ dont by

Cktnoft-.• lllltlenh wa,, the n'21in n:a~ ,.iw

1;h(1~ 10 i.a11md NIC

11\Wl'C'n:r, Baker did ni,IC lfkWl,fll Lbc: Lim.:,

ahttu1 chc u1rl1m\ crdlll & or d,c cbcl;n

f)f0i!1t1m t'UfnK'fC lb.u:1;i)-C111", it"\ bc.-ena sourcc of l't)OICnLloo unong u udcmb LIX'

facuh> anJ the &ltmni~ll.'litin or the cl'IIJq;e

A n:,x,111 pctitiol\ f mm "tkkrlli I() 1he heads of Ilic 1:rt J cpnnmcn1 hllr. OG'itt n~ll n ,.,:,rto.l

dcbalt abou1lhrec hs~ thl' ;ruflhlc

tbi:'1lpcogmm ""'ill be ru1,dcd ,howd(o it

reli.1tc toils parott dcp.mmcnt fine mu :and

'ol.'how1II be in ..: h~ or1hc p~m ncit t

k iter \\·ntt ~ff In

J.iol.llW)' 91· 2001 ni.11kllCf lkla1kd po!IJlblc ehan~ IO faeul1y,eurrkuhr1t1,fodhlio!\ uild funding. pnntt:u ;uf) nn«mg 1hc dL'ipllf11)' bcttA'CX'n •·hllt d,c Mudcru \\l:l\l: p))'i llJ (or nu,'°" and hc)\,I, much 1tk- pn,gmm 1bey "'"°re

TTQpring in 1Clt11dl)' m,.~\'(d It AIM

.:i&J~;,.o,cd ihe 1~1~, ol !he M.1dnttu.l1

~mJ>1,111tr I.Iii ~ b)" Ille clc,.ip rm,Nm Clemo"' Yid. ,t lht lrucru..'lic,ci.,f uppun fairiydivitkd. gniphKtkltig:11 would recc.m:

$50.000 • \'t'.Jr in)tclldt'IC ihc SJ.22S it ac:tunJI) ft.11Xh't!Jin11XX'· 200 1

~ttt At die hc3n o.f i1111 h Clcman\, tl'll' :M..'1ini

1111d wi,c,ine bead o( ••ii: dc.1ign. A pro(c-~~1<1n.:al i.llu~ll."lllor and gnarf,ic de\igJICI'

(o, 1tlnM;i\t 20 )''Cllt\ and :i J ui,11(' ll'd

(«mer in:1tt1.11.'10l'M An CCn1t.r C41.lregc of

°'-"'"'P.' in C.hfom1,11, he i:s oot bcmg

~-oo~ttd ror tht: ofricw pcl(li1ion or runn111$ lhc P"rhk dc<1$11 pn)8nlfn, lla.11&1.-c


00\er -.tud~ ffl' 1~1hng the 1111 dl,..bwri".,

adminbtr:11100 1'(1¥1' row the) rctf 1n an

(lpCAk"llcr fn ,prin,oFl(X)(), 0CfflOl'lot. lhCrt 1.:-;11;.hlnj

Ufc: OntWi"& pan 1hni:,1«1l. 0111hejab o( tl!lnpnmrily runni~ rhe: gtnplic tk..'ioig:n progmm when~ previ(IU5Jll'Oil'11ffl head.

Stt\e P :irtcr obrur11ly 1 ncd. VlcglnlG

Johnw1 tllC hc:MI o( Lhc: *"" and '-',mimm1ra11(m di\ isloo , aJ:ed Oenw,n,, to

TI,clnlltil 1mc:>C'r11


""""1mmdcd Wti S49.599 co up;:L,1c1hc:L1h1u

" Fonhe st11de111s' sake. I hope 1hey get somebody who's ready and ll'il/ing co m ake some clumges "


i. pmfessiQn.11 ~'tr 0 1.hcr l\W~ r,,,..~ indUIJcd po,iJbl) eA1c:-1,c,hnf 1hc .1.Jrtai.l)' fh·e.k"1ncttcr prosrnm by 11,othet )¢11.r..uld the pr<>C<'dun: tha t rUt."ulty ,houtJ be- fu rtJ for the Pm£1l'm Ckmc>M ii.)\ 1h.u 1h1, lc: u er. i.nd u foll C')w•up wrlu tn a, the t:~ or the <.w:mc\ltf, \\ i., fl(\('t ,li""II) rc11pPl'dcd 10 by 1bc- admmj(.IJ'U.Ucm Latr ill Sc-p1tmbt1 c,r :wu I KAtb) Pnrkcr.n i~pbic d~ign rn11jor, iwro1c 1 lh ird lt n cr, wllh , i1n:i1ure~ rmm J7 a1hcrt.tudcnu It was ¥1rim:n ll) a ro1;pnn~ 10 qUOs\lHJn, 1i111dcnl.\ h:td pfflci.l In C ltmnni.

1lbc)u1 Ilk' t\uu~orth~ ptuV<lrn. The Ihm:· r,a.;c kntt t"l\llhned 1.iA ,1tc.l'l lhc ,11.idcnh (ch ntedtJ dtlllll,l("'I One i,;suc w3.,. 1hc l;t1;1lhiiL,dcspdC' oot~ prov1du,, • l\\o,yt:tt, .1s:1(1Ci1Atc o4 ~led ,;c1r.nce ttruf,c;aic: degrtt Ullc lhc: ooe (lfltn..-d fot a pru(c,,.\ionnl·IC\:hn.c:al rn,r.inil. ,naphk dc"'!U' ¥lil\ ulllkr 1bc 4IOICkmlC' umtin:11.1 tl! lbc .irl dcpantl'ICltl iusd. 4f.M11.h, 1})etlJrjnjt.'tlitn,1tlicl lthltC'fb., the pm£C'S!®ftl\l niuun:, ctf lie sroplti.: Jo,ijlft tt\UU)U) It l, the unly proi;rum on i..-:un~,. lM.1,,.1Jt c,r 1hc JIO'lh\1<o"al·1lx-hruc.1I pl)t_tn11t1, d1,11 olfrn. '""'b u dcg,t"C, 'nx. or ~obr.tunt.l.irrl h11Nw:1~ tA·a" ai:aln rn e<oed a-. ••-' die need to, 4Jdi11on1al \:lnnc.1- 10 rn'Pt'rlt c-lttnpct.c: in 1bc dt 1,n l'idd. /\ cnc,n1h l111cr. Dr. krt) Oc:e. ,.,cc pR"1.tden1 to, t1N1w:licm, aM.c:d tbc \h1dc 111 10 be aw:irt or tht phy•11\:•I 11nd o..onomk 1,:on.~mu111,on the co.J lc,::c:. He !bled lhi:: ,1uJc.nL 111 "'11rk tolt(!d\c't "'·llh the Mln,in i1.irnbon 111,d .a,, ul'C'J 1ticm 1b11.1 thl,; lldndni'l.:lr:n1on ¥1'•" \li(Jrl1nii,un n:-wlvi,1,t: 11,r 1,M1C'1. lfowc\'ct, 1111111y iitudcllh (ch 1h11t the klt('I' dW no1 adcqu,11!'1)' ldJn:\., dic.irt:ttnL"cm,, AngtrcJ. ,omc )tudem~ wantc.J 10 go 10 the bootd or UU\teb, but Ck-mum. mMtaJ n:~>udcd 10 Gee', lrucr him~1f. whi<h pJQmptcd ft memo fl'Qm Pt(l,ideul Mt~h.,d Uud,c Lhill ,talcd Lh1u "'1hc curriculum design\ (Clcmo1h h2JI O\ll li ned \A Ill be ,c,n~ld!:11.."CJ mKc • JW'A Cull-u me hu:Uh ) member i~ ,:tio\c-n in Ora~K' Ocsi,:n Burkc .1lw >t111cJ 1h11t 1he tJ. ttnJcd 1cngth ,,,u,(am hc: l,,I Udl"tll>. 110d Clem~$ YICl'C M !l$hllnt "ltli not appropn ttlt for u ,JUn ior college hlc NIC and 1h111he dnl nos fottM:c 1h<: GRAPHICS• roo!Jtwed 10 P.ngc: Hi


Featuring our world famous gourmet sandwiches, salads and burgers Studen t's Disco unt

Dlne-ln, deUvery and carry-()IJl

Open al 8 a m till 4 pm Tuesday ·

r,tio,1..f.,U dMl ho, c11,1~ Gcw. Dlrf. KempthomC" 10 .:111 fl!Oi 1ht ~lp!XCd butldlni;,.1rk:llldmg NlC., Pf'OP'-.c:J heolllli b\uldrn~. The SI I millionproj(cc ¥1·1<,pu unholtl nc:-arffieft. ll(l11\I )ent. '1lic h,,:4hl1 ',(;l('l'ICC 00 1ld1ng Cfll ~nO'U'I)· ,at n<,\.," P'l"c.\,clca '1kh11d Burt~ si1id. '1'hl, h~ ,·et)' Jrim nr-.ti."

Other buildin; P,,JC('U, m lduho ha,t- ~"tll pw 11.1 ml. 11)\:h,,,! oi pl't1j(X111.1 1he Unhcr,,i1y ,,r fd11,l,n. Butl:t ~1dlw ' be m«tm1: ""Ith lhc ~idt:nh ol 1h<' mhlT in-.1 1Met. r,f tnv; (di,c.itl1ln 1bi~v.cel. m lklil,C" 10 "'" wb.rt ttK' dni(l an df'(\.'11: l'C\.:"1\1~ \I.Ill !nl:,lll l OChcm llk:-pn11~hcal1h~knt.'C"ti.11l1.IJflll"'OltlJtt.,-c1"'-°f'mllll · d~m 'P*"t' by 2.."i pc'l'n'.Dt. Jt 'iAOU.ld la;,1\·c- c, b.~)Cl,1<,~:anJl.1~ f

More c l assc ~ to be offered at the WFI

Due ..,, Sp.'k!it' c:°"1.1rJJm,, NJ(' will he ciffmn1 \'C,-1t'\C1. 1a 1hr Wtuf.ron.,c Tntini11g C:rntcr !litl' m {\))I r a il,. nnc: of lbc d.a.1sc-.w1ll hit\~ II.fl in,tm.'1ar~nt Thcrot be 1nttmi.:1i,(' \1dco l.'Ou nt Colle~-e cnmll me111 fl.u m ,c bcd 1.1boot olllOO 1411h imot1la tApec.:lt'd Ul(rt•bc l'ICll ~~,,ct TI-.: cl.f\~ 111 the- \\o'Fl'C iJIOUld hdp tk\·Ulc tbc t,rnwing p;tim,

I\ rlX'kie.Jami1111.1l'.'d ,:roup o( c.-dilo« w1ll i:u1dc. nic S«: oe,1 taU Smp lc-~~er ,ctttnn B~b) O.~ki.\lo,1~11:'t'l!li,o ' Srion• &lllor will be: Mant1'11Q$ bt1t f1rul !he 11ntu:ip:llcd 1ila! 301,u,dtnl\. TheS11ntJpoint n:d i\t'~h) uJ,,.kc ~ill(()fftt l.uJ.c ~c. m,umbcnl f'ho10 EdMr from Ycl111, W11Ji. New\ Edi.tor will be S(an Oo.m,ire l\((."oc:urd'Aietx.lCII othcrS(choncd l1tn\\iJ I be Lffc &lit.of Emil) [)c..krolli» Cit)', Am, Mind IMl1or J:m.- l)a,.." nr 811M Spon.,:Edil!V K:11} Duk)· of P~ Ri,er.J:in'IC'\Olikhd SruMfptNnt wtll oominuc &\ Onlh,e F.du~r nnd Mutl&h fldl:t1 CllC'ur d 'AlcllC wdlbe Uu\Jncs:, Mlll\O.$ff SC\'Cf',d Sttllinct tiCUdcf'll!l tlrt' fin:111,u.. ln (ni'11pctit 11,)!l •i$ ,tuJ eni.. rn11n t11hcr rcJMm11I colkJ1<"" nnd unhtN1iin. (d 10 be prc~ntcd So.aurd:t) a11hc Socte1y o f Pn)(~"(lf'l;II Jouruiill~'( ba:1Xflll't llll ll'k'Coeurd'Akne lnn.S<:ntmc:lti "inncn 01chc ldllOO C'lub n.1nque1 m Oo,i-.e ll,..c 'l\tci Childs for onlioo. Andy Tt,' I\ or Ra1hdn11.t1 rnr phOI'" Cbcryl Kubin"' A1hol fo r 'lp('lft l'cn tu re~

NEWS No access
Tho only wheelchllr access ramp In tho new Residence Hell le the front door In order to get co the llbrary • penon ln a wheek:hair
Friday 8 a m. tlll 3 p.m. Monday Idaho Ruby's ls avalable on SahJrday l)y ,....-..alloo ror parties group moellngs. breakfast bruneh or kioch We are located at 206 North 4th S tree t right next to All About Sports ldt1h0 Ruby's Offers 10% discount 10 all cash c:uslomors ,....... PhOne In or fax orders for delivery or pick-up Phone: 664 -8522 Faxc 667-6967 Receive a free drink w ith any order and thi s coupon. Nolgood ,,.,Ohlf"(lller- 324 S he rman ,\ve. Coeur d'A le ne

1what we think front page least Sentinel ;an do under circumstances

1 s-, 1bcn• ii h

n,, td1tt1r 1~urr "'nnted io dCI \()fflCthing ~pccial for the.

1uur of1~ )'CAt, bar 1111 tbc , tfmct we-.11.nttJ 1n bnrig

111e numhcn. all the ttUIIJ"1"1CJ ah\·t: \\'t'\tt CfPOtltd 1tio

nearlkr.but rorctlls ls uc -..., \l,ll1lcd to Mto,.... tht-

nbm11t(ICI Ju,1 Ull(d)' v.-lut\(' lh·C111bq· art n:.arr,ul,liu.i; for more 1h1n 1hrc,c moatb,, .,,cf,c been •ppla~cd IM IJUt

gr1;11 b) rtporuns 1hc ffl"ljoril} opintonc>f \ti..d.;rih, "f11rf,

:,ilty and n1cmben or the oomntl)t1ity. AJI we wen: do1n1

tfJ'Of1*"1 tbe u,·eralt opiniM

Oll1 cfld-cif-1ht-wudd hcuJ.hno °" l~wc 9 "''a., 1 tt•mblc., mu

•Z' onb 111n the end We ttcch·cd truW)' ert\aib, ,ayht,t

111.)0u., for 1tportm~ lhe rnuh ThtC'ocurd'Alc-hC'

,:0~11. upa from paJt rNCliol'I f.rtklc nhnut 11,c Scntmcl


'h',c ticen cntie,LCU,C\t COCJDC Why bfin,: M> mud1

1ion to tbc athlcu,; proJfllm it.,\lo' The loslc"' lh•t 011r

111i1t111Uo,n can ftlC('l ih boJgct by aw,idiq culling th.:-

,, our ma.l.ocompl:tlnt. 11·, emb~1nu,ing. rc&ll)'.1ha1

.Jnnnblillhoa tech 1h11, v.11y.

lllttt h.n ~n ffldcbm 11.boot 1'bc Sentinel •nd 1"

1n,: (ict l'n:'\Jcknt Borke.

n,err·~ •nod'tttdllonnl c:anuon totb.; ri5bl lb:U u 1tying

m~~e Ap,l•int 0rK'L" •µtn,tbi• nc,.,~p.rcr. ii nQt mlki7•n£

~1 brm,cU. We lrt, bowncr.cn11c:i11111 hi~

1 or adminllllnlhJ11 on h.andUng lbcM: cu11 'l'l'tli,;h

tkmrn1ary 10 ta.) 1he lea.\C

\n}vnt mn, to ~att idea, oh TI1< Sl-nln'Nll Spwh

lu, nt.111 ~pnog \\Wfd be ~ry ,on~id(nne. Wnh 1hc.i.c

,,11t)"' ,ub,our~1ued11or ""'ill b4\CJutl Ont "port w

~trfor1hccnurc.spt1ng\Cffltst« .,ohbn.11 \1.:.)'Nht:or

,111do1 \itfie~ of 1U1kk,on Or Burtt', i;olf gnmt'.

•On,nolhcrnotc: lbd,m


t.a.\l 1h1111 SIC nr N0111h hbh,n nttd, arc- Qt,mplamn

1ra.:ial hlflu,-,:lll(ltll ll'i ~. ~ally The f:w:11h.11 a C,'.c.)l)pk

ld1ah ','.4ft n,in 1111 enhtO 1tnX',ter for• m,norit)' ul ,.,udc.Jtt•

1fottuna1t. Wh1t'fC\cD morct.atl l,th1n ii lool,.:su if of the h'l,d1.1tors might bt 11tuJcn11. , It MJ, Bruce ford, vice sm-,.idt11t of .uudcm ~iett, 1tetdr.1a Nn 1bcn,

1 c,·erl"C'IUJ:111~ lO N'IC l'IO'N

I Personal Opinion

Tuition increases really aren't that bad

Y,11.1cn·11ta\'c)ou:rcut nndcarrt too,


I "il, tallunt ioa 1nrnd 'l'l'ho~"(,c..-J on hn-.· The Scnt111cl oftc:fl h., he:,dflnc,, ~t"Jhlitl(1",~ .\nd'fltlcnc'\'(f\UCh ,;a,,nc,, :tre\."C't\cn:d, tbett'1 u,uall)· 4 kJI of sn('lns 111,u '1~~ i.1a 1u p:iy ti~, m"'h Then. •"'C hl\'C the n.'\'ffll rrot,km, nf taftk' "f'Ol'l' J ctlJrtf. t"W bo..,t~ or niutll') prnhk-m1,11o11d~v.·h11l('~IVIII.

\b.)b(- 11 tncret..c:J 1111!.i(WI a IT1UI: w1! m11h1 holltik tnall-1'-d "1 t..a.,r 1h.:tpffl•!1d Olhn°proar.lm\. 8Ut)"OU IIClln lhilil #Iii lhnl rcnp&e t.CM1 "11\Wj, ll.itr i,lt,wf m,a-,10~) more 1t",ju..i11nhllnl1llp1n,,e pcupkWr,t1kl).Sf)momrci'1lyhcall ihui~., SSO. tlwt'ubout Ol1Cd4} ·,,,.,y. WM tJ.KX) p.i)1fl~ S50c..-h. 1twf, \200,Cl'W'I fflCIC'C the rollti-,~roul,,1 U\t' 10 hoo-11 ,·anou; ~·Th.11'-.~uuhofihl:buJgd

m) pl~e good ll,IC:", Bui through nu my compl:Unlni .anJ 1ilft'lflm.11 mu•t br knc).,.,p lh~r t teall)' do

lc»e NIC It 1, • be.Jut1(ul campu, filled v.--i1h tic uufa1 pc.:'f)k (fonllC lUO'II pAtt).

Sornttarne, I ~on«f it

c:hoo,ll'lg Dcommuni1) colk,c

\\,Iii,~ trOCM.f 1dca. l o.1 ,4>·•

aruwcr ,nyldr ")"et •· I ,un ,~ryd~1nl.Jul toaU m)

tn~t1.1.;1nn..1ht .Jminntt1'loo

((<1r11lilo4)._ tiling v.h!U i1 t.lUd

v.-1th a Jniin l•f utu and

c,;pcoall) m) (ri(ad,. friend\

hl.c Nib Rusdahl.

When I amc 10 NI(" for the

fi~a Kmc11ter, Ntb helped me

fttl hle I "'•" it r,,rt 11f 1101ntd1jng. HI.I po,,111\c

•IHIUrk .tnJ. iD\d"CUiltg buffldt

h.11 nuJt life- )('I bc-uer

lot me artJ C\m•ooc el\C be ~mc~m111eiwnh I hooc~d!r can't 1.n~1uic- .1.")"unc

•-ho 11,·wldp'11t c &trh

cc«ntm old ft'LIII.

S1l,.for,1ll lhr-URIC\)<lij

v.1kc up Ind>< middle or lhc

ttljht ...,OfT).,a, ahuot O\lr headline" 0t ,r we a.a~ dw

"ih Im all tbt 1111~ )'OU w whh me l,1nd .1m)U11C" cbc-, 1(11'

th,u n11tnaJ ilnd u1ll:i:J wtth Ui

about •h.11 I\ s:e11nJon 11\uittt

li,'n; fc,t bcinJ tmJcf'un~Urta for h11,·111i: p.,1lu,.;l1.

11 )'OW hrn,il(' •nd !ll~Jll'IJ

c,k"'°,G lh;Jt hill \l,1lh IB; fo, MC a hnmc -\.

)UU v,iu ha\¢tau1hl m(IO

mlk:h l'll11it,c,bc4hlcto

Clpn: )lllWffllJ..::h I


l,«,wgc\·")11~ ¥11'111 be hmd.Myrr,eoJ,111 ·111c

SenMcl mc1m .Q lot tn

Opinion only ¥ntb.1$KU t,1udant.f« C'ff)" IO)atta thal.11',S,S.,OI() L'nlcudc

l µ~p ykfwn 1,111cit,c,Jb lruit( llJkl<t(c~ au1nul.t IOl'J1C (\~.111,;lun,tt We .al \IC f\'I}' the k,,...N 11.11unn rati, m !he Wllle for~ Lwghl b) the~ ac..:bm h.:.1 ll'uc::hath•i;:hr:r pktJ - uir.:Luuni; (",ot1u.p f.a.ami Wo.~m,;.'lt"1\llll\'(r!Ulk--, A"f.1r.,~ ln\Nm..'fll\ in Ollr futwc .ind calf' cJutllbnn. "'"•n: p,t'U.)' fonun.uc '° be Oil tht dlt.apcr

Parallel parkers need a little refresher on basic driving education procedures


111,\c :i tc!C.kt·I 11,:~,itu,.ltu lonwb)..,.. thatV.l.!ba\~

r,mbl(m 111 t1UrbclQ,cJ "hool.11ry tcinw.\.ctl:khe!-1ol n


U.l"f'"MCh1n1 • piri.:ms p .ct. oo Oankn

Stn:n .IQ'OI., frtlffl 1hr: dorn,., I c:wlJ tire 1t w.i, ,.,1,.1vt. 1l afl'I, Tbr mt,torhl tn lrotll 11f th~· lopt'll lA,I.U.JUina lllhcf<.af llh ii sooJ !'i rm In rmot u( tin I ett.\t1hlp bc1.ide tw:r. rolkd In) •lndow ~rt And \ff) pubtcl)' 1111k.cJh..-r If ,lit

llnd• e.,n

I dn:Je aroortd uobl l lind • pl.xc to r111i, 1hc"n "'" IAC' cht dc\d 1.:, mlllc ,1 tn da

\\'hid I yi.·puld li1C' IO now" 11\'hy 1h,.t,.c "hocbocai< rn~11dp.1tl: clfl 1hr ,lr«b ...xornmllll.ik:' J'illllllcl raz\ltlJ fttl

c-ompd~I to lt.11\CK\'cful ftt1u11t1thtt

cnJ of t:ht1r \ChJd,.""1

Di1t1'I the)' rc11h1c that b) ll,rhl\".mrJ.: It up

• 11t1lt 119C') \liould be cn:-il&Jn, an rn1itt new p.:..rtin1 r.pot (l.ll' Jk."('lrlc 11kt me whu


Ca.v. tn pc,Utl A (c~· ~k\ ll~o M I wa.,


COUkl"'-'OOtl.lplCOllplcof fttt !'.ihr ,n.1PJ>Cll l.t me ,~ rourn &o p:c out'' mmtJ ap,,myy,..l) l..bJ),.f)lll.l l'IC'\"'J,f'-"1 totci.OLIIOl".a p..rkmg •;,a«.hcl!Jlnrd.i~1I ~1nsar one ol dK" put..irtJ kit1 w-S ,pen- u" )•'IW Ind. ot o.~ttil1QII, It bti ,·ruwd my tnind n,orc tlllut IJW'C •tirn I hi~ ~n UlC:IC r.i.-Lm,e job,. tO WC ir the doot uf Che l.'.llf 1• If.put 1hr r:l/l Ill l'lC'Ull'JI mJ pu~h 11 f<f".ard or t,a.;.k•••~J 10 d1;111hc

••> ll.'lf lht• "hc)lo, lll''w\J111 lf'3CC" dl>I

roulJ aiuly b: at"',1trJ. So, II JOO arc OhC' ul thae tl1'8ftS.iJe~IC'

1001\IJwl, '1>hil 1tt,id on pinllcl JWting

i.ll'IJ bu1i I half a nnlc rn~ th~ cud ol 1,ou, \, do u, ,111 • l.a\'\lt and la'r<! )oor ur joor I pronuw: noc tu bu/I 11

Trut, ltmdcr-.tmd ttwl c,·m-. hn& Y.t Pl)

i<ti.iU~lotlCXnc B«lh.a's •-bat

K001111ll»p monc:)' I\'°' Sc.) fNQ)

"-.ilotilNti:p. p, ,mfill-ddu,c 10 l;acl of 111i,,I~ I le:ae fillJng ~1'11 roptrt,t,i.wk, tllll 1,t,hffl JI mcatH ~la p.imJ 111.11 uf tnv ""~ OI n,.,1 I c.n mu.c: my"CJf dn 11.Soma.-1111,n. a,U • ptnlWI D«thtt a link ,nou,1114Jl:ia w 1..1\f! a ~:11:ofn111f1") Pcopic ncirJ 10 ,l-cU: \lilrrc I.lit.)' ~rd. .,..1il!t1,im1,.n1Ul\"c:dlJl.'Mimial~~ ,,r uau h»11'1 hie the h•iu-di¥Jt ~'1Ltr m:ML. )'(1,btll l.l11t~llablllf'"1\\C1UIIII) be png,liwrn f«lho-c unthc. kN tJ&:.1·1n kllTY• llul )W'll" 1,'0IIIS !Olr.:1\~ tr> I&~ lllC f~ th.Iii pn!.""t\fltt'IUlfllUf! Unk""M1hcdofl.-amoon1 £OCS up. cdue,:.;a1ionh):l.;1J1;10lndov.t1 Y,11.1ou1'1li\'C' 11t1t\iday •"'11)1>Uc-"'Wd IO)'Clln•gu

I Letters

It's time to open eyes

In r< ~ro• ..c to 1hc- ,nc1Jrn1 reg in.iln" th< re,,, .\fr~C~II Amc11,·,m tr,;11r1h t~IM nillt"J;C bbli.<lh.all pla)'tt', I j,1,1 •1n110 c,rre::u v,c, ~01,kol C"l.>C\ll J 1,\k11e,ti.:a,caltx1g h.l1J ,1rt.111!!k uhc.•.1J :JC u, 111 tc:m," or Jt.alrn_!!' with t11.d,n1 h lturu me pcNin11II), o.n,I m111k me ti1c>. Ul In) -..1.1,m.uh thh 1)p: l>r bch~\lOf 11ifl (lhh 11'1 limr toofl('n our r:)tt. 10 h,"'° lfllCklfll~~ .!JC: b(-1n1 IH' 1t"J• c.pc,&a.11)" 1t1 C'cinr J'Ak~,c I 'm Afrkan ,\n1c1ici111 In) ~,r •OJ I ..-:11111 end h) W)ln; rachm rs rc1I. and 11', ur co ('«ur d" ·\kM as• CDm11111t11I)' k.l .,,,m .:t1\d)" aJ ru,11· \ mk-1nl) de11!111J Wtlh the prttbkm .al h.iud, ··Rli:hm

O:ncSa.wr1 .\nidt'IU &litf,r"i ,-,u 111, St'nlmrl hud 1H,mM(t#ffl.mn1,w1/"'rr\fiJ/l/t,t J.m,"ff ro1Ju Editor· 11ti,, ""' t1'Mmf /J.u u,u,. OtMr1 th~, '1MI ·, rq'C't1t>tlf,, Jrr w1ttu111hl on Pa(r' ~II.

'j;;1 OU h ly 'i ::::, 2, feet • • • • • • • gein
me Our lns.111C' 11\lmlin of boun ,iu1011 In !toot o( a compu~ M.ffttl+ •a• .boul muoc •DJ lnlfCliO, t.1 (011\'C"ftlllJM V. JU noc forg<1C1r:n &ad will tlv.oH nim.a1n n fond 11fyou "'·howol\Jct 1f )'UI.I madr a m1'*11\.e 1."\lmt"' ltt NIC.ul.e ii ffnffl me- )OU dldn'I, T.« Sum!CI. PAOC 7 OPINION \JM ... ';:!<-~, ~ve. +o the_ ~: !>(.o,J \ ,'.j Ch,.\lCA,5<..d bvd3t...- ~I<.. ho.S bt.eV\ vM,blt.. +-o v~
'°''""""" ~~E':,.,..~
·-· ""'"'"'
C\t'l)J4,.Whauc1~ca,1l&J" '

Campus: I'm the adviser , not the paper's enforcer

H qw t:lltl )'GU lea chan pnlJI

IM1'"Whydoo 't youCOIWllllal pap:("" "rm l'Otfflllngnn )'l'IU "' Id

1fla in UlC popcr." "'The p;aper·t run du, t.mJ¢'(.:) I JmO(rcnJ. 11 ."


rquJwly ti lhc IJvl"iel" b.> Tbr

Stflrind. A pc,lltc \fflllc 1 , my btsc

rq>Cy. '!bc °"";,er i, my kt> rolo.

Ob. I'm 115'0.I a> the ~N:k1f

bcctuie It iJ a ti~ And 11\IIJI)'

)'CJl'I. 4'0 die bcmd rl tru lcc,, fti1med me~ the pubh!ahtt in bopci tMt I \\Wkl "'control the

""''"''"''he l"PN An<! roronc l""' l lou the jnb bc<uu"' I

1<11,S<d IO p,,form 11>thc pn:$ldcftt•lld boonl ~"'"'" Tho<,c roll• bljl 111"'<,ord l',cbccn happily htr< for I~ 1<1Jitl<>0ol )""'\1 y i:tlNl'C' and ffl)' 1egafRIie nl\lr.ay. h.'\\ c blxn CO 1)1;)1 C'W:N(tt Che patptr. Ou, tommy h:.b a lttt. ~. and l\'lC b, a puhJ.c lmcl1ucion.

Thc p,pcr ron by ond (o,llud<, and the NIC populotion. The

f&1 th1111b::y att. Mndcitt~ ~101Xber I '4-00•l conm,J. Tht

Stni&nef. ll"• 1 lr.wnlna 1"°'. lhc pb~al 1)!'00uc:c ora lub

'l'hc l\\'O isus t&;l\1~: 1nc:-1udcd'iuhc tbt ch:tJkns.C', Some

people: 'ii,~ u~ iu the .a+,ridl ha1dlmc (u~aUy aillcd an~f.

tbc,,worldXW), "'lJw c,uu~i£fl(ff~ Aflttl"Oln.idcnlbk

di.\nl:i,slon.1hc cd110n dttidNJ 1h:il f,,ra'-""'n 100 \ludmt,,: k,,i,ms

!heir alhlC'tk pn)plltn\, it ilri III l.:fbl a ltmJ)OM)· ml{l(tflcir w!Jftd os 1hey k.ncw. ll When1hcpro..,Je:,1tan&Jho.*"1tilfcl'l'dno~kan

IOJ1('tlk5Z1111 lheMi1rth mci:trng.thcpuhlill pcra:-i\cdi1 ,,.,lli.btlllg


The Sc:01mel IIJ/;Q n:tti,\'ld nca-m c- Q)mn'IC'ne'> ffpding Of)IJ'IK1n

pict'd. • p!tM>l\d COiumn and a toat't'rt ff'\'ie\l. The l:e)· ...,ml hm-

1) "'Q(!fn1an." whl(:h 1ht 'iliTI""'-1'S h:avc lht&tripht 40 tl"J'll'C1.1.. A pc~I cdunm tJ JU-" thm. and 11 l'C'\itw Qn e\f)l'C:S.', llkit!Jividual N:"pnk .It! c\ffll and oltcn OO'l'i pcrct'1\e\ dit pubt11i;

i ttprdlllJ ii, Nodoubc l fl hc...1ta1.:.aboul fl'tl'llf:Mp:ti4 lhl~

IS."ut. The ptll'JQit b lO ,1)0'4' dWII pcopf,e, nc,IJU')t <k>tlilri, 1ft the.

coo.~t.JCnOC or 11¥ horanl',.~kion '° N J'f\)l!:nu111.,..

Onc."C aa,au,, pttCqXion Ii d10 key hem:.

ILITTERS Sentinel run by students


\'G.)l nurubtt o/ un:wlit, to lhC!

Cilltor The Sa11mct ~m:d

ror1he l.t.\l~ue.

M:tny fictlffl, WC'N:' tn ob_,ea-')n

u:,Mt O\mnc'spffl.bu,~l!YIC'

\'c,iml., lxl. ii( lnidli; "111."C and

C'l tbc

« tn1cgn1y en (be


I ha\"C" writttn for o.nd been

amtU$ the! f-Ulff forlhc pa..t;t lV.O

Q.Y lhll~ I

M.'mbtcn.and l Olft

fuvc not met II (1)0('c de\'Ok'd

groupol liudC'nts 1h.m l h:a\·too the pope<.

I l !.t'l 1ttltlC to l\.'11tmd fflldcn thnl this 1J • (ICv,.,poprr Ntl ffllh~lyby"~A,ffllln)'"'ho

IR being inll'OWl.'led 10 the wN'ld

<J(joumnlwn via The S.:,,1111 nel.

111) a ldumng um.., ror alI, and lnvonobl) ~v.tllbcn:u.u1y ml~lllkc,, o. oo, the ',\·ay. I rn)'~I hll,•o h,id many 11,ncs I di,aa:n=td ail Ill the t'OOICl'II and opnlons of' .~ ~r.1:iw. h tu&., been thit.

flttdom of ~h I.hid 1w allowal my <N,n COQltl\11isJ,e angleon,tont\. l h.t\c mziJc my~ ut mi)lr.JiCS whale woctm1 lor The ~nunel, .u,d I '"°'* th:ru v. di tic mM)'~inlhe.(urutt,Ntl

k•~ Tht Sc:utintl h,LJ Cf'Clded an cn\·uunma11 ..,,here ~,tdcnt_.. do IIOC 111),c to l'oc pttrificd tu m.ik.e l'm~C'!t .-nd 1htrdott rlC\'Ct fllll thcm~h'b ooton the line The nUlotll,;o MC QC1e11 ~mdetful le.im111,: 100.i.. Jor tlk' 1tthok: ,ial( II§ wdf IIS fortbt(lnt m..kl.u.g lbc: mi<111\\c

I hi\~ kw'l'Cd • F•l ik'Jl from I.he joumalt~rn pn'i!Jitffl hffl: a1NIC.a11d J ...,..11111.u ~uJace chem for 1hctt l.'Qlllinued..:ommllrnt'tll tu Jhtdungs lhu1 af(l"t'l ltl a.'S Sl\ldcm., Kirn Qutvti<lft Snido,1

Former basketball player thanks CDA

I Yl'owd lib t0 1hnnk propll' wb..-.1pokt' out a,i;ain!il rac::ii;m. I am an u-~udcnt. ('JI;• boJtcc1b.i.ll pt.:aycr und I am Arrtc:an AmtriQI\ When I 1111eonded NIC ...,c li,d u (c1tt pmt,,lcn13 With pn,plc bnr:tnil'I~ Mdpick,og nghi,.

I h.ad10Jt(Cfld m):..clr 11tt numerous occasions. I !llso dtd aoc:lctlhatmecUk-ounageme, and I COllhllucd lo AAialJJ.t IWt be~ in lhe commuoh) lJ'"'t wian110 uy ch:it tht sood dc-fimtd)' OUI\IICfghcd lhe bad

I CIUQ)"Cd m) umc ~tit in Coeutd Aktic I h,\•e li(c-Joog fnmd~1~1 I come had. to v1\i1 t'\(t)' wnimcr 1111d ...,~,Jtl no1 ~dJtc 10 m..1,,c m)' (aouly IO Coeurd',\ l~ne Ir I had~ r,ppc,n1ml1)'. the pl p,,oplcofCocurJ'Ak,,,,.,I \I.011ld t.fkOOnlSC )'00 kl 1.&a11d Up and hi: tieird bcaulJt' >·OO will m:ilt 11 diffmn.;c. Al le1ttt )OU Nl,c mm)' ure. llnd I 1h nk )'OU $ln't'l/tfm Formrr11udp,1


\.I.C °'Pl in~ °'PtTial




"We have met 1he enemy. and he i, u~." Pogo - Wah Kell y

PTA Program - a great lo ss

lt ',t,.x,11,t'f) .appa.n;n1ili.d1bto1o1m

OOlk'ffll.• about NMh Id.Ibo CoOc~e·~

bud1d 1,,"Uh hio"t" ccn1<"-rtd uuund q>nrt"

There', been link n\CtuJon o<1hc Ph))lc:.,1

1°hi:fllf)I\I A\.,iJlllOI ProJ:;rnm. hov;-c\·tt, and wf'IM', bc:Cl'I i:lid h(I, ot1cn bocn t"rrotlcc>ui.

F'lN o( all the ~'Offh1 llllc fonhc pntKnim. and lhea,ndrulte, I\.Ph)·,atThcrnpi'IC

A,~u,ta.ot tP'TA1. QOt phys:k:d t.hmtP)

._~"111m1 or phpico l 4~~~11hcn.p) (\l.htft, did due ~'Clffle (mm?!)

Thi, 1, tmpP11.1n1 h«1~ gradull&t~ of 1ml program ~me tiieen..ed aMi'll11nb co rh)\~l 1hcr4pl\u. l1icy, 4" PTA\. w,"k .1lon)'.idc plJ)·,.cll d1tl"lpi,(), co deliver hand.\."lMI p;d1Cnl "11.ff' They ate qualified 10 ptrform reh;abil1t;,1tloo care for pNl.luk to a:ellliltlc: mdh ldwlJ-: )OOr ch1 ldtcn. )·ounclf. )Wr

a.m,,dpatt1tb 11wy tl.a\-e plu..,ed from o. n.itlonall) :w:crali1td projtnam hh pttteqUJ,lle\ 11nJ ngior cquil iu • RJb:~d nune nr ph)',Klan ~\l1iwnt pf'Cl1!.11t,d'l 1t.1,d ll'lt't1 \ U for it n111J1.#W !i(ala cumln.ditwt bcfcn

IJw:y i:an pracbcc a\ PTA• Sec.'Ql-.1, The Cocu, u· ..\lent~ N:'poncd dw &f)MJu,re. t1' (Mlf P'rA program tam IIC'P")'1m.a1cl)· S9 co SIO pct hoof<•mmd S20.000pt"r >·or)

Tbld $.llllary i>ror si phyaii.:QI thcraP) aide. - unbccn!IC'tl. nilfl.deJr~d mda,ldual tl)nt ts. b)' \Cal,,( lllw. noc .11JJoo;t,cd to pcrfonn pallcnl tut t-.«J)l fo, rooilnc p:Allltm· tt"IJ1~11b.l:.t Ow >TA pitlclll.ll"~ 1\·tr.1t,c l!-,re 1tt.n

SJO,O(X,> per )'C8f', ·n.e, \tlrttd 1t NIC 14·ilb drc:lm of beln,11 able tcJ ch;u1gc pcopk\' Ines lhrough lhcir rchab11itah\C, handw,n 111e) ,1,ockcJ lhruu,gh tl:k:: pn,r<ojui,ito and the pro~nutl. p.,,><11 the >Ullc bu;,nt u1am. wld Ml: now cooml'lutm;: IA\P,,'.o'C~ lllrw1bou1 lbc "'-'.LC nf IJl.lbc:1 4»J '\UIYOUf11.hn3 ~S. lo ,...-... our b:JJ Ko«cnai McJJCJJ Ct:n11:1 hb ,epbr(ed oll bu1 • c~ of then .1.Jb hh PTA). (k~r h~itaf!I: ,n B(tt?1C and 11le ,urroundirtti: area N\'e done 1hc iame. fht1 h;t• r.aLliNl 1he lc,·cl rfflabduahon care ~11,nlC11.":lt1d)' h~hi:1' 1hroughout ooncirtc. Thta IM)' D(I\ matterlO)'lKI tiow, Bui n \\di If )'0\1 or i. lo\1.-d one ,uffet , 11; injwca knee nr c.ei a ~1,n ,n ,m t'llim II wilt mam:r tr )'OUt~hlld it born wi1h .1 ph>"k..t dcrm .-.,)'ou 11rtcun;aibk 10 mciveo your\hoo1Jcr IO play golr or rt.i!;h ktt .1i0mrthmg (mm a \hell Ye~. NIC. out coint1i:u11lty and lhe ,t"tc 1~ gc,lng 1o~ufrct ~;real Id, lccl ttWiltdcd,bt1v.,c.,\(flhc ~" fi\'c )'C41n lht Ph), Thr:t.lpi<,1 Ar,.,,1\Uttt rnogrlnl W gr.&Juarrd QU&fil) ficuhh J'fT"'ldm,ttti,dlJlllte\l lhcltli\'f"\ ,.,,hAt Ilk:) can he.Ip chn.nlC )Wt life i.bouJJ )OOJ ff'l\1111.'fClwhtJh.ilKlfl NlC a, more Olin pon,.: 11·, •~ II~ iuuc.;: .aboul p.l'ljng~ 11', nw,~ 1hun pro,•khng OC'.-dcnt1c tdu;.:1111oi1 II"\ •bonl c:hnn&if1$11\c 'rbe PTA prosrum ond lh fMUII) 11DI.I ~w , • rmuct la M\·C bcca 4 j'hUI (I( 1h111 uu ~oo Ra,,da/1 C. ed>o·unls. Pr Dt'rt'(lu,, Plwnral 11tt'mpi.n Plt,gnun

Continue playing bas ketball

I v.ould ltkc 10 k'1 1hc NIC b~kctb3Jt pli)ffl ll>lll ho,t: b«-n bara»edn!l-ct1tl)'I.MW ch,11 nut~II prop~1nNonh lcbho (etf W way that the'ldc'I. I fl"CI II r.i, 1.nponan1

IO kt t.ho,,t b:t.U:db:111 r l-1)cn,..:\l\idC'Ob lhllt thctt wt pec)S)lc who Aipp('l1 lhcm aod hope lhcf CUl'•lluuc: to at.lald - I ot1d pl,y bmctboll 11NIC. Tho,c poopl< •ho rull'lllC'd I.he. bdJ.t:1bu.ll pl"),..'1' 11rc obviou:dy f~rlllll and l'IKi~I IUld arc not. ll'Utb(ul f't'JR.'iC'ntillion of lhc people o( Nonh Idaho.

KtmmaTobt1011 Sludtm

Club s peaks out against harassm

AUct ltmim1 of lhe r11el11J •h1n. d1rct1cJ .a, N'IC' .\Cnc~n-Amtricaa ,1udc.dh ouuukt Red Lob~ter, 1.thn1c1111;··h..'4-d mtLltceou, b.1n,,i.,1ne1u nl \ti otbrr- NIC 1,ui ,:ind 1hc n:,tnl f..::p(lrt m The Stn1, or dctosatof) und d"1u1eu.airi11, • d1ttcfcd 111 Ni e•, Ill)' and k,b1111 11Udtn1s. U1c- Nit Human Equ.!,t) Ctub ~uuunt:c, che!oC' •cli<'n• \Vhl"n reople U\.I." b.tuJul and 1 1n.1uJ11.:111I IL'ml) 10 dc-.crit,c, 1h.t1r clluw hurn.u, h(-1ott,s. ,,U ,odct) ,a,lttfl1 We w1ll 11oc ,h;hic~c cqu~1ll)' for p«iplc 11n1tl f1H1J\Kh(t and d1wm• '"at Ion ,~ t'ti1Ji.:Alt'd 11nd ulc;b bcb.1,lor h anl) a biMJ l'l)c.: 1i\Clr) fra the p:1.,1 Or !i.hartln Lt.uhtt ){u1i Jr. uwl i bt)1: ·•fn)u,1k~ IUl)'\lo here,, 1,1 IJ!rfd IC1j\l'IIIQ'C'C'liCT)WhC'rc.Wt:1m,·t111111 l" .ln foc'"pJhle nt'lwort. nl mu1u.iht) ocJ ,n 11 , 1n11!.: ~anncll d<"i.ltny. Y.h•tc\·cr"ft('l!h Ol)t dltccll), alft'.:h all fodirccll)' h " umc:i ,ut:h a~ 1h6i: lh•t 1c...i u1o oJ 1he ~llrk 1b,11 hc.11o ahc.tll \\e ,c.ind ro•d~ h' be an 111) lo d!O't * h1,;1: J1Krim1n1ttl1ln funy Str't'laH t"l(i 8111 DiJ~"tnpt,lf, '1111,ur IJrrd PrtuJrm o/ Jli,r~ E411alt1)·C/i,b



Tho,c.hnwl>m,t"""' llftll1hnn IO .100~(1t(h, 'tltll drm ltpbly m:id pn.w"lca pmncnim,crl mlcr to ,cn(y wudlc::11AC•)·.Snnw: n1,1y ntJlb.:' "'"*" b.."CDIDC ",,. llmtt1:iom..,Ybo.:w,,ctk') l)arewmlbreoa~nhero(~llin:at, n:awcdoolhcMNnccubJ(a,2)111ep,..libl) ti~or-3)uttdkt,iNr Scnw-=:I m«."nCli Ilic ttghl loo.ill k.11a'\ l(:m:n. Olil} l!t'mailo.l IOltic S..flmc,l .<,nUllcd r,IM>J ll'bmui,I', •• R,;.,mSJ ot th<S-n.,JIJ,aj Senbut'l·~ufte,...,~ Jtl.XJ\'v (ianblA\c.,C'n."Utd'Akn..101l1SH

A"'°" (nl '169,:\.188, P..,o ~I 7&).J:189. E·mwl Snllind°""'oll


Junky l... ~.
LOCKER & SHOWER FACll.lTIES • TANNING , PII.ATES MAT PROGRAM' ,----·-------, I I O I I I j••••••••••• •••• •; :$13.SO a month : : : I I I THREE MONTH : f,.':;"~ : : MEMBERSH l P : --..... :, $59.95 •••••••••••••••••': Uff('ltt.lJ'IJlV,f,-IS.f2 I L •• .__...., •••J Flt IDOff lafonullN ral 664-6213 OPINION
NIC'S S~ Beach JOa.m.- 6p.m Open Everyday-All Summer! (208) 769-3290 RENTALS SAILBOATS-$15 PER HOUR ONE PERSON KAYAK&-$6 PER HOUR TWO PERSON l<AYAKS-$10 PER HOUR
OI>ElfilfG ;J"Vlf:E 16TH

fair celebrates diversity

nltlt.htt ,u.~lt ,h child I, J'.:ifn, IP l:'C, "'"'"' l'IOC' Wl>· v. uh ho S.a:n s.bilJt)' ,~ fot•u, itnJ t,c,r ,)o,.j1J ln1tn: Jn 'i\nuni ,kill\ ,.m hao,.inr • f111ntM11.: d.a) ,"' -.1,1iJ 0;11r, l~hn• b) the lli,.rll> her pum -1..111,cll dau~titcr N.brk.'Cd on \1111!C • iOfl)' 8.imunl ol Nntth ld:lbo Cho~ 'khtll)I )'fm1dcd h"c f:\lllilf 111;..::nm('ltUJimdll 10 the 1.:h11dbood \011r.11nd ring ,-t:rte1n1 mem1nc11, I ,mt: h,:r,ch 11nd Spani,h. 'B.11rmn.1 iui.l.i. \\1th., ~n;.i,.11.1, ;rjn J1-1k1ni,: al)kinJ.,aJ, •ttOn\l ,,C'h.a1tll(f h1 t.11."<' Ht. ti,, ~,le iu1,J d.tup!cr 'AC"f\' oo.'C' Ht«l pcr10flncn. "ho pl.1)cJ <,(,11,~ In W\\ n 1htuuJht1UI EUTltpe..

Outings 'within a day's drive' focus of show

Local man presents photos

t,: M('l'JilD Vaurhn 01.11t.lflllt C'AC:unk!w •·ere lhc •Qbj«t uf \\' ,thha • Oa)··~ Drhc 1 r,ri:~1m1ti0MhJc u,o,,. bclcJ Apri l 19 Atell lM1h~1,:\m.at1 Chic Buri~ u~ 11,e 1X1n11"1•ned ""m" or lu, c., 'Cpllon11l r,hc14ography and 1hc NIC Outdoor Pun;uh~ proaimn tu \oue,t lk:t1,·u1t1 ac.orCoturd'A lcnc. 8ur~ h:a, hcto hilung.c:hmbmi.can(l('ta~. k11yak,ng. akiini: ilftJ c:a\:jnll for mnA)· )'C!.ai"!I The p re\Cnt.,11vn v.i~ of ooJjng~ ht", ho1d '4/thm the la1t n,e )-C;m, 8ufic 1, the fric"Clly f111Cc. ~ith l!Jtl,g h.iir 1Dd :a loot beard. dm b often behind 1hr counter of C111acrn Corn.I Mn,tcri~I prcKlllc:J (rt'l11J hmtl) m:rc~t«'CI i., b11Jd,om ran:u1 -, 81ff'3t l l iarl(t.l by 1tb('I\\IDI p.:tu.rn taki:-n JV"'I north af Wo,klng \.(II.Ith fro.n 1hc1c he pre~11ttdpho11~ (ro1n vi.nbll• local.Ian~ t:ndu1g lip i111hc C,\cur d'I\IC'11e vlondy. fltlc~U>i Jt41.C II bihlC run dc:iwn ttf ~rn"' 1b111 ate n<,nl>y Mo;.L piC'IU~, li'Cf'(I OI 1011,·>eJlc ":ltu/t ~~on JW<i11; I p,od ,WC'O'IC.1' or lhel IIN:'-"• Si.lmc wen: clo"C-upsor no ·c~.wddhrc.1ocb - fllkf hh penlOII.IJ I~ n.1ural 1~11-. ll~nn ,IL1pr, n1:...:1u In Nt\lrt. Wbc1M:\ed1< \.CC11, it iapooJJc.rod 111' W1)'lhinai C'I~. be llll..c• 11.phoo,1itnipl1 i\ l('lfl# with !he r«M:"\'111Tutg thtm~ of "mnlmg muuntatnj 111c 1o."flmftkln in hi , et>lkt,1011 B11rtc: cl.Jlnh 1b1,1t 1hi, fl. .an !k.ddcntal ~mlc.11&.ahoo Mc JOC"ln'1 mean 10 lllL.C'\ of ,n,c.,~ing rnoonl,11in'l! II ju,t hilppc,n\ 1b111 w11,-, f hl\ i\ 1 rbc.nun~nan 1biu ua:u,11 ha:11u'<' or dt1t1d, th•t mnl.c- Iba ml)!Jnt.airu, lool.. U..'- d the) Jl'I:' , •lllllcthins h bummt :at the k'lp "r ti.x~ui-c Ilic) ;11c lncr-.all) imt1k1nJ Somt'1h1n11 d~ 1l,i,11ni.; -urn-J ttflnt 1n hL\ c:oll<'didn o( pbotoi:mplu "tit' « J!Wt.. BIU)tt' "31.J they 1tle (Or'tlfll(•1 c:n.:1~urc• ;itt u,tly "poctcd und eiu.)· U>

• They .ttt' f.1ltly h.irmle-.1rt ,1111l"ill not lli,.rmb

P:Cll>k 1( liq Jnn't d1\IUrh them. OtlX'r •,ldbfc.1b11.1 he ,, •ble to 1:.aru1.rc oo. llh. 4lill, i1w.:ludcd sri,.ely t>tan .and Pi:f('r"' ·Jbr rnform111Kln D1.11;c pn.~ c•Ued'. v..i, ,cry ellco,l\c. A tl'J"CC'l1>\hc. ptt'\il!n1~1klq ,.:tid ·--the ,II~ .,l\O\I,' •111 fe.;nu,C"

1uc.a.'" "'""h 11,,- S1c,c1i- l•c-11~. Ilk' C."nlnnc1 \1ount.u11

tu l'Ulll!C in am.I ,oln 1b: run. II _., •

nd-d d4y 10 1."Clctm11c .)pnng.1t1 \-Clcbnuc

ity llnd le> ~tlcm'o1lc btillJ 11h\c

mid.,, 11 poepourri or cuJtur.iJ Mif.111.--0.

n and .Juli,~ muhlpl..- cihnk origin"

h:lru:h, d:uw:,ng n~)' attM.lnJ in rin,;1.

l:' tbdt ,OlnaJ \Utt.-0 LO 'IOClt:, lht)' giotKi1Jy-~u11c:drwdili1lll ol

'" ,ucti 11, "Allc,uette.'"

ndra c:ilur, fo~•B:O 1.'.'lnflllilll,"<'

mr:nt. and her 3-y,:u-old 1.1.aughtn

W;I p4Cwol l)' \\.il1.:~ln3 Til.Ji1)'1Jk1

·nma.1,iccpn;~klcn1 oflhe

aUC!ill.11 StuJl'IU ("lub, lh ht bru~ out

IM!llC 1n gJ'llli.'eruJ, JiqllUll...-,.C dusrdClcn..

It's t..:lu-lng. hut )w •11.C.1 t\11\e to

lnllC' ,11jd Nit!.11) .ima ()r hi( brui.h

ngsl.llh. uk Hayasa1 ,cry~lilJ.*k ,cnught, rokkd, ple tl'-CJ ttll die \\()filler

her as 1;hc 'l'o.thcd ror Nab)•l.tnA 10

e the ptClUre or tier~ - Her

At the cntr:tl'ICC', II tit~ lc..1 \oCtllOt[ (('If' (Qllt griked dlt' I "°ntll lill'k' Th,, \\.:11. .iJj.t«'hl 11, a c<ia,irtul lof)l;a,h ol cmn11al. cre1"1C r;q,c"r tk1'"\'.'l'!l.tlo11Lcy pl,ut~.('ln«11k M.1~d

J1t"'lt'f' a.nd 11n 111 hcn11, Meli ,i.·,m \flfflbrcro. l11e Aclldcmic Yc.t.1 ll'l lht UnllcJ S1iU¢' dl"f'I•)· le 11,ft'd • je"'\lwe i&rr•)' ,•I fflulO• coktfcd ,iti .1nJ pap.., r n, lrvm Jiap;a:n. it purpk nnJ ,~~IJ IJ(lJtl ~lth 1~m. Sffe« 11ntJ cnm-.on cnm fn'4n ll/"bcli.\tan IICld ii dc\:lm1d,·cJap;1tk'..c"C\':lioe,.1Js..:tt'l.'ft

A dt5plo1) rmm ,1.~1a."'" t-"1a'l.k\l l1l.lp,. lhc (OU11lty, PK110i:QJ'b\ u{lbc poo1>k u1 IU\hl), \Cnl.1n1 '\'tk:I)' ,l,Utlll\at)' ~·mrlc.11 m.:.Jc fmm the libn.lIDol)·,klk~1~ P3ptt.l\llli\L'hltlLlf:Jl.Jtioi,. \~l.lU$piW"OI ffl01H•olo11ral. caned, tn.1m lkn1i,, Afric;.1,c11v.1Q:cJ the .illfflhon c,f ~m iflE flnhd~.1he:n dll'C\;.h,-J thc:it h11."tb kl 1hc rei.plcti,knt. Ou~ wlk. tin~odt lilbk- c1t1th t,n ~hkh all 1hc 1t(1"\ "111 Anochcr ore• 11igtibghtcd Ill) 00$01nc dtmoa.,U'llbtln of tht J.,p;mc.)(' art of Ofl{l.,1mi.

k "(lh,,S, Tadayukf Nak ayama signs hl s name to I piece 01 r'TC* paper durl n,g tho Culture Fair.

l,hhJnntngOI ~pcr,b) 1.iim

(liiSJrcn and uJ:1lh11 \\.1klicd "bile ~u,1 ddU)' 1t11&1tlf11Ul11,t~ p.apenn111 btnl, :mJ 3-0 dode...thcdroi,l. Vktl)M4 l\iu, l};tn;~ Aml\lJ'OOI b.,tJ l:i«o pl1wHng the C\.'C:nl 1.lfll."<' J.11'.lulll)· alc111t,g

'A-lib the h1t1,'fflllli.c>tul Student Club and d!t! rnf\!iJn lan11u.,g,c dcpwtnll'nt -ll toou gmit." 'P\11.h !!aid "l\aot>lc (.'Ottun.,, t~ctlk..-r ond minghnJ -\(l t'otufONbly We c•n do 1hilt!t' bctt r~..c,·~'-,ne"

W1l1ktneh,(',l~J1k J.,41.~" Hla;h.,.,.1.,.tbt-lknd.011~ .• llft'Oi~ the 11rmmd t~ C"nlumhia R1\cr and 1ht t,,;onh ('JlSCadc:)."' Aoothc:rpmnt\Jftnu:n.·,t 1~.:a»1~1n;: 11n R\'lun,l.iQ Dain

t>n tlk T'cl\il OticUc Rucr rt11~ a~a 111..:lude, lltJ1uOful

••Lcrfall~ .tnJ.., i:,nc. 8uflc n:wmmcri1kd h1kin~ ,,. t.ili.:1cr P:trk At one p.,im lh.:-R' ;, ;a ~.7fll), f00t drop Mt Spu&.onc, ~i1bpc111,.Limg and a \'i\lA Hou~ .1t tbc umm1t l\ .a l)la.:c 10 ttlttar when lhc c:11lor., tum in IIJIUttlJI Al"° theft' l, tbt Pafo,J\oe Rhcr. !l J:«>1.-,J h1~illJ!, IIIU \\1th c-,ctptmn;al .,.,111c,flilt,.. 'IOmc up m 185 !tct. The tea •IM> hlh tnd rl'l(m,11lon" 1l~,,11 l)u1iro cJe~nbeJ a, .:1Wlc1-."'

01hc:, PQtnb of m1ett'11h:al 'i'C-rcuitkcJ :i.hout v..:tt Ml Rainatt, \it S,1in1 lldcn,. Iftll'»·on. D«p Crttl.. C11n)'oo .tnJ ~mul, Rud Sl.l1t: P.11rk M 'Atll u bNrinJ. fa ll biking 11111.I i.:Hmbiog.1hr:,c ArtaltCJlft offer bc11u1iful

lvh•&e. 11.uural an:hc, ri.1~ ""c11n111unil 1u11~ihhbc11.1~rA

Butt:(' II girl from Ooorg"iil was (1(('\CQt on o 1t1p and

b.aJ l!lt\CJ \tttl ,nu~ l,ef1:lf't.

~U\$ p1,hm:1o and cx-pc:nrncma 1hc grWICkur 1hc1oC art,,

~"c 10 olY<'f att twu different 1hlnw\. So pluo 111 1ni1

'IOl!k'" l-.-re i11 tht;.c ""'OOOf\ 11·, .i ll vd1hln • d1t~·,drhc

I W 111(Qfmt1l1UU COOI.ICI bo;on Lui«. NIC Outdotlr

1\1.nulh, 769-?!«Jl,l

owing club trains in various ways

ort demands many aspects of endura nce

Vau hn

akc ::a -.:i n. 0,1 lbe Yup-Kc~hn-Uru


1criou11 ob.Jen gliding ,-maothly the 11,:utr 11kt • -ah:MJr.1ppcr

Clo,.er ln~pt('llQfl ll'le O~r.ff

I d.i'°'\·rr

nu.:hlnc to time o( ~Ofnc. guy 0 1 ~~phone

"I. "'S1ro1.c, , lmlc. ,-1rokc_

'hc1t1cr )''"''''"c \Cen dm,, on 1ho

llpk, M (M M) TK" the6)' CCC"n

a.'h,g.h 11.hool nttk. "h~, )'00 lite

"'luu lhe •pon b rt<dl)' all •bout

b.1r.k111; rroo1 hiitb i°flo'.buoh 1n 1ht att.a f'hen: 1W '"'·oci,:ht-p:BOO ldid ,._.o Rowinit pt1Rr9m, a~ ane: or the fla~IOI foor-Jll.'f)(lo n_l(ing tlicll Ooc or Lhc 1-nw-1ng 11,pon, In Uni led SiiL&t, high dub", ntCltl!' tttt.111111.qul<ltk>I" "lY a "'"'~~. Sw«y qjd, \nd m,my 1\1(«1 (bnmJ 1:1.a~) thlil cOft he

••ulL:nu Pit to rov. i.n colki::.: eofo.:ncd fmn, Jout,lc tou p:ur.

l°hl.S IJJ()11 I\ eel-CJ Mc:R 2nd v.11111C.-n A double • ti ix'1&1 th11l

Jl!'otrulJy cOrtl~tc In lhtfcm1c "1'ftct1., VYlth 1'-'i'O lldh t,1eh A paid~ rdtrt,t~nl V.Ctjht'o). Uut l~.Wmott IWOM\\C.l'S\'.itlll1nt" i),:.IJ"CQC:h, Thoe

'A«n;:n 19:1,cJ up for-t01A-in1 nih1 new. n:qvirc d1rt1:"ren1 ~hntc1uc, ln-.ld1tlQ111

1N1n Olen The ~~lncJ "''*" f«hltl1 co t.hc~ K!Chniqt.11$ iuld the (If)(') used in ~hoal rmd c:o&ki,:~ 1 ne.vt)' !til) ~t'('('Ut the d1flcm11-su4.'d ~, ptrtw:fp,u.11 21) rm:t:n1 fl'll.'fl. train rur di(rcn."'ll't di!ttnno:6. 1'hu. ~ t ju,t Mocher b_ruae-\trtnglh Otll.: o( ihc rac....-...or Lt.I), i\ called ~::1 : 1 ,::.:~~ :~;!:ff II hc11d r.K'C T hi1; i11 ft S-kUomctet«•m.l('()Otdllllllnln ,\,:uOO~\C rodunan1;cnatc 11k:ocbcr l )J)COf "h or limlng a,• mu.'11 No1 onl)· "'~.Itta u e ~nt Rk-'t'. ~re m,ic 11.dctih l\llvc h• ix llblctct row t,1 fa.,ttr 1.111d r.111J:.C fm,n 1,000 to 2DOII unit;0ft'Wllh01hctf\'l""'C<".~11 1bo bo:1n

• • • • • a penny. • • LIFE ,eyukl Nakayama, 23, of J apan writes a person·• name it1 KanJI, a J apa.nue $tyle or brush stroku o,1g7;:;i'ng~rom na. The NIC foreign exchange student spent tho 1ftornoon domonstretlng the techn que 10 vtG-itore et the CuJture r' at the Coetir d Alene Cutturat C enlttr Apri l 28
hildre n , adult s ,et ta ste of cu lture p,Urjmc W11Jirun\ wd, begllft IU ll ~hill) al'kJ d1~I u,1 S1mduy huN Into., 1:i.l• '-lilt. 1."t' ,nd ~ng •hl"n lhc '4m forth cWtll> I.he l p..m,C-'IJ)CIIUIJ of ,he Cuf.lUl'C' F111t '"""'"<I< d10ltQ01000t.hooquebo! Log, butk'nc:OCch-ycllaw dllrf"'hl• n.nd &h&(ull) inco...t¢1dint h)ac1nth mv1k'l.l
the MC rowJng 1mg In m) l hnHC\IMJlrtOfl Q'V,:1n,g i.-.1111 Olympk ii;port. Yoo ftmcmbcr ,e-tint bo.aui: t'Jnly .,.,. de gb occommod:itt: )Out"'°"' in \CAI tilthl pct,plc ,i1 tn an,,.,, ormana thclr '°" ing 111 prri((I hlc .a •ell-oiled
ravdaO'c:rcnt 1hln1~ NfC '°" ing has bct.n ht~~.!:h>;:.;: ~h of 1he n1Club it. \ hru n SUK'C) R.(19.1ng Club •~ not lm,dc,J by IQ:1(1,c dcpnnmcn, .ind hn, It att•
meti:n 11te I.M<'ft'lld) u.rt-\Ubk a, ~d i nit i\ ~,c1h1111 CI\C° 1tut, \hould tic! lite lmik•off (ouJICCd. nK1U1oi..:d i1i the 11nnulil rowen.' in 4u1tc o fc'A dt.tTcren1 banque1, The IA~I ooc wn,: bdd .,,14t<'h asp."'" Ul ,.,.,pon dtnUMJd, 1111 v.dl h 1.., 2J It 1.t.11.~ for p.arcnt.. anJ ffl\\ffl lbc Ju~ ..1b<Ktl h\.,., , n, l1kc1r..;l( hJU<ot i'wiquc:i 111tlud "C11~ ,pco:kt't obot11 f\lntung. TmJnln!f t.:.lltl ul.c rtllllC(' M,1m1.11 Tr-wl. • memhcr of d ie US for m11ny d1ffettnl dunt~· hx i,\.11mpJI.'. Olympic 1c1m ui 200(). She h\J, w('ln illldcnh cnn tnlc ad~c ~r I IO 11.u icuul champtomhl:r:i. Sbc hc>IJi. nmnb!r o, ddfc~nl boub. or fflclh t.'Old, ,Jh~ 11.Dd b,n;xu.c \\'(',rid... Asl1'ey WI- and Amy Madioon (IJod<) row while Annie Dankjy loads Ille""'"' In "'6-n position. 'Ille NIC CrwwCkm on Fernan Lake ea,ty Monday. Wednetday and Frldoy momlngo. chrunp1<1mh1p mcdnl\ Titc mwcr·· duh 1, pntc(u l rn 1,i,th !let antJ Mr. Shult,. wtio mllk the b;inqut:1 po,;,i1blc 11.1 Emc't)·'-. htn: cimpo,. CoOcsc 1wdcn1 row m 6 il m Mond.11)"• Wednc\d~)·• and Fnd:i)'~ TIit' 'lt':L'\1-m l'q,itl.\ ln April ,uiJ c11Cb HI No,rmbcr Spllct' I\ h m1lt'J. Ptir informahon. call St.M:C)' m thr c,cnb1p ,.(;17-!1073. Col a ft~ture? Cor1r.x1 Lilt- td1to, M.1111\,1.Jy. Phone: 769·3J88. fax: 769-3)39. E-m.1il: Sen1mdOoic.OOu

Department of state now faces terrorism as reali

Slide s how informs st ude nts main goals of foreign policy

b) DAnJ &ronl

s,,,,., U.S. Dcp:1nn1em or S111c•, Robcn P.. McC"mghr \l)OkC abu,ur U.~, foreign polic)'

.:ha11<"DJ!r"' nflt'r St-pt I I IQ lht' Orifiy.ood Bil)' Room April ::?J

The U.S. btlie c,. O.ere 1, atkh o. thing n\ • ttli>pon,ihlc IUpcfpC)\locr, UiM:I \I.C bc l kve we' re i1;· Mc:C'rtl,ttht µid

Af1..c.r • brld in1roduc1 ion. ~frCrcigh1 1>e,a111

so.minu te , l! Jc ~ho"' dctailins tbrec m,1Jorpoint\ concerning flW'Cign pnli-q

He nn.1 prc~nicd lhC' main gallt, orro~11:n

pohcy before 1he Scp1. 11 auac:k<, which


Flaming Bacardi Rum

impersonate5 Dr. Pepper

b)' Morpn Vau9bn


- a ccau)e orliab1 l 11 y n:ll.~" mo,1

~1,blhhmcn1, wUI n(,I aUo\\· the cu1.11ttncr10 li l!hi ti~ ISi Rum On f'1tc ·

·0)111 ~ the OQtc thal i1- undet lhe recipe

1h11 I h11"e for1 l111:m1ns: Dr. Peppel'. l'\C:

11.h•••)'l vn1n1cd ht ...:,c thi<, drink. ,n tthatt.

blu a, di,c aOOvc Mtc 1-Wc:t., it t, n(IC allowed ba:.iu~ ur li1ibUi1t tt.t\Un,. Tht

l:Kl th.111 the ulcohol h 1h11. drh,._ '" a>;

llo:tnmablc a,. 11.wlim., C'l:lh be a big probh:m If m10,ic11ttd people. who«-

ttOo,c4' 1u•ll ,"OOfJ,nation may b.:. o. U1tJe

"'"· "p1ll 1h111. dnnk. chc nAm(' Cill\ , r

11).c v.Udliro Aboptoplc who b;hc )dng

hair tnJ) want to be. wMy.

Thu, m1gl11 be• good opponunity lQ

}·our mchn.nkd f nc1.d do ,omclhtng rcall)' \tupid But in the intcrc~t of m) hab1lity 1uid yc,uo, (l d(»,·1 wint 10 bt:

lndudeJ i,un.u1nv pc:icc in l"f*' I ond P1des1lnc NATO cxpa1Mnr1, hucm11 1100.C1 I uadc and lnipn.>\ cn1cn1 m rcll11io,11, -..llh Ru,si.a ll owt: \ Cr, Df1Cf tl:k: llt l.llC'b, lhc u.s (OKIJl'I fll,)llcy w1li faced ,ue olll) with i1,cvuatl l~ c:-hau,c bi.II at~ tc:rrorai.m

With terrori\m OO\I. 1 dooniep ruJ1ty. the l i.\k of dcf1n 111on and d11i 11KIIC1.n of 1cm,mm bc(111J)r" d,c baii• for Pt>li~) c.:honic or 1hc1e ,hom,cs '?ra~ 1hc ,mmcd btc (nh:mc:('tn('nt or home onJ O\'c,n,c;u. i.c~unt.)'. p,cramuon 1tnd dtpl('lymrn1 or unlh for r11 h ung. 1and pc:nulldini 01hcn to join in 1hc: cffor1 of findlnll and c:lim.,n•tlni I~ .1nd urgania1iOltfl, Thing., lh;d V.tfC' um1frcc:tttl h) the polil:l cl11u1gt, V+c~ the commiu~ul co glotial JJl.!ai:c:. in1cnw1u1ni.l -«Uli l )', 1h~ rcbtJl1dtl1B of tot,ut, frtril..-. or f11llcd '-ltt.1c1,1nd \mC"nc:an

re...p1.»t1,1blc r~r Ill)' iwu~ HmiJ, be cattlul• Thr- dr1n\ t,1,·111 nnl 111\IC: ••I)

JHrcm'II d ~~lt.i H!f-hl 111111 llrc ; lhn 11Ju,1

lh~ 1t)lc or pn:pilrali.oa In re~lll). lhi\ ...,Jll bum c1fr\OM1C\lf lhc nk,,hol TI1i, Jun\ 1, :o.lJJ'PP~ In l,hl«' hit Or ~ppcr Y0t1wdlnced11,h1>1gltM,4116

ot. bCt'f ;111 ). Am.ucuo hhi, i1- an um~r. ahuo11d 0:1H>t'cd hqucur you

(',ill 'fUb, 1iuuc :IJ))' ocher aJ 1n1111d n.vo~

ltqucur >. S.canh l:Cil Rom olld a 1:irtc.:r

"tylc hct.r.

AU )·our ,hlll »b•" 01tee•qisar1tf" w11h

AmMt ll('l lli,d OOC·4111111cr BMardl ISi

Rttm. FIU 1bcbcu ;I•'" h-1tr f11 II of th('

lagi.: r·'>t)'lc beet the prrpan11Jon h tn~. N,, for the proper dfcct, dl'Qr the \h(lll huo thc bl."C 1

u.od dnn5. the: enun- J:nnl. .a• 111,., 4 )"U

c.:o\l'I Jr d(llM:. c;-Mttlly. the: dnn., w1ll 1a~1c

IIJ..e the Dr Pc-pptt bna.nd ..oh dr ,nli..

Ir y(,o ltlU\t !W."C lhc -n1umn1f' dfc t• ol 01u11lng Or )'('ppcr. li;bt the .ikohul 11\ 1he ,hi,c pl,~• nn rn't' ~fore' q1.ucld)

"Tire U.S believes 1/rere is sric/1 a 1/ting as a responsible superpower, and we believe we're it."

Rob<n \ i<Cn,ight US Oop,Euffll!'COISUII

a peac:dul. pm•pc:rou,i:, ,11blc wcu1d, MeCre 1 i h1

a.'l\t'tttd tb,H 1bt U.S ...,ould ~no.ue human freedom and chd fl~tt,cs H \\cll ai. a

tC\(\)Uuun n l c 1hn 1c and tctritori,11.fl'>put.;.,,

In cl~1ng, Mc-CrC"lghl 1-11ld ahc lhrc~ 'It "nuLi1b11tl'3ct but reo~h. out anJ 10uth C\'C't)'body, nur 1Mhy lo rcm.,ln • 'llt \•r ld depcl\J'\Oll our ab lh1y 10 rol)hc lhrc>e Aftct'\\·:.nJ. \ i cCrc1Qht U-Pllndcd o n t fn inuC'I. ,u~h 111, the tcbu 1kS1ng of (ailcJ u._ \' remember U.S. ln"oh·c:mcnt tn Ku-w,o. Sot11G) i11 and Rwanda, all o (\\h'4 ~eff bc~•YMl the U.S i~ not uunato

• roi led , 1111te,-hc 111id

m\·ohc:m('nt In 11ml•~n1,ates •nd • ttli.ance oi, tcchnofog)' 111J Klffl« ill (lfdcr 10 n: uun 11 c((oo, con,en1tn1Ci:I on the~ i1eon at. ._di, c.11d m1t lttr(lm.m llnd brlngana 1hrcu, llbdQ «an uol, he aa1d tom~111l~ edge a,ll wpcrpowcr. McCn: 1izh1 a.aid lh.1,1 m.lltcNtli)'Yt Al"C 11111 iS.\UCS pcndln~ and prior to the cvc:nl a.nd au ncwiHuc-, In lbc'(~h for

\1 <'Cfl' i&hl ',.ll{d_(a ilctl 111a1c~ " ett boc:att C:4.m),tlnl dcgrad•t10t'I, much hkc nnccr..:l hou~ ln • neiJhborhcH>d hun• 1he ent1rt

nc:1gh bo,hood Thu,. lhe ~ml) wit to t.0l"e 1he prot,q "cutt 1he leg \'ti' CUI I on.- In 1hc: f\l l l.ltc, lhc:. Un ited S1u1~ will hlh! all

Big Brothers, Si sters provide kid s' bowlin

Organization host s Bowl for Ki

Sake benefit as main fund- raiStr by 0&\ 1d H\llcird Sra1t ,uOne o( lht' teMI ,.ipcalns for Bis Brothct'\. Md Bit Sl.icr, 11 hu.t1no.,,m,1jnrNo1w l!C"Schlattcr. Schlana:r r~1,oc ln\·ohl'd't11

"$0 llod ...,IJ i.he did u '" ,~, ou, • nd ~. Ho\l.e,.tt, Schl1111cr l'k"4' .stt~ lt iu. a hlllll lum•;tn,iu'ld TI,c SMh Jd$o hnmcfl n, 81g 8rochcn iu»d e,, ~,swn ,, hoJd1n111 "°"' rcir Kid,· Stile bc1'1Cfi1 an MA) 10, 11 1tnd l~ Ill Still.',(1 li ft.$ Ccntct. The bcodit \\di rah<: 1.1)(11~· 10 l:cep 1hc do'Ui ntown 6ffl« opcra11 ng nd ti 1ht' n,11,1n fundnu-.c-r '"' doiot w. Se.\-c:r.ll 1..:11111 t:111)1.11,n, an: n;,pc,1h1hk for rw,log mone)'.tilhtr lhN>utti Jnr1.11kJn \lt othl.:ni,, 1\C, tin:IIOO.i1' ,tic -.:vcl'lt l:ach 1eam. which eon,iUl'I o( a cupt~un nnd four n"ltmhers. will bcw,,I few 1¥10 houn.

'11lc nnvln.1 1.!ii;n-up Ii. 11 h1i pmtt»." * M1d 111s CMJiwll lins:crr,oottd 111>11 ru1 thro&Jlth o 1horough 1':ickilffllmd ch« tech 1UC1t,hct 1-1, ~kcd lot 11n initial 1n\·ohcn1en1 ot oo It-\, 1hlit )Qt IC. k«:p 1Urfl0\CI )O\\·. Mttt ~It$~ ~k..:1ed, brothc::f' ood a.i~ei,, at'\' p;ibohr 11Ct0rdm~ ,o un1l.u,oc.1. aod ('a.;h 1t1u\:I M:1«1lhe ocher Tiic llf(WJti.tuUon"m'(:Jfr,


• Cillni.11d 11(, .1.r.; rrn~01nni.:i.l nnJ put tbttiurh a lboruu,h b&:lr::ground cilc."cl.

m,tt:hc, oo • cot111ou tt:i,,, A-.t11e11Jllcllflllll, Schbtltti,~f.iblt c11hcr a $60 Joo.llklft t S1~ pl<dt<. She h# h~1nbkJfw(Jk:Qlll6 bet worl..ailA\ 1\tUlld rui~Sj(X).

JltM1 (llt IJniJly H4 Jmp l'l1tl f 'all f or R f'Mn'•Clo Lor11r 11'\lrn, ir,;.flBII .,,.km sr,, ~1s 1-61l.ll ~11 .llhl11 , .,.·uro, m131111(.S.t

• F.,"Ct ) t. a11d 1J.atr bo1 .Ji rdl11r an 1111u1 l 1t1\ohm.:r11 ut nu k'" chao ont yoar

• Ri g .Si trni .uiJ Otocbi:t111J~ mm trJ \lollb d1ildn:11

• Thh ucg.1,ni1.1.1iun "11,ln\ 1,"cl ain11n1111l 44 roau:lic, Rild)'IY[l_C>

Tbc (OO!plit.B,)' 1.U C4'"b\:;&pl.lUl'l';l thlJ kt1cr .wd C'tu.11.t dl.)(lilhllfl, t-111 Sdllaao l,(lffteafCW·ill.i~to a1 flDtt n,cmion o( thc t\nl1, Soru.b;int.,. t1btitlll'l\'t ,ompm,.Jo. KMC'imd1"'0~ Rotlll)'dub,.h.a, elND' Scb.tauer rttomfn('nth W Pfflllntm to c\-ct)·botl). b&it more ,pcc,ficall )' 10 tlx,,.,;.c in 1-oc111.I K'.ionl.'ef, child ,lc:\-cl,ipnein f.'lf '*1111,, Schl.llti:r wdl bl- bo-.\.-l11ig 1hc rir,.1 nigh1 \l.1lh hct little , 11ltf, Chc)ctl.OC O!aDQ. 11, ol fflnan F.atmcnllll) ··fcan'1 bclic:\'C u·s.~n ''" )t".ffl: oltttidy.'· Sehl.11tt"r1"l. 1h.11 l hc OOC•)('llr commtt:n~nc ,runuM1 \:Onrr~I to ll.e w"hMUC111,p.:.tJ1nct"

Senor FroSSY

Specializing in fresh. delicious Mexican food

79 cen t Tac os AU day, every ml)'

-..-71h and Sherman Downtown Coeur ti Al ene 765-8522

Jeremy Smlth pushos tho Campus S. tety-Naughl's bed driven by Frank Maxon II llley pass the S ltbelt Building d uring tho Extr om<> Folly Days Bod Raco. 'Ille CamptJ s S.foty t"m took second p lace In t he ovenl. Tho May 3 actlv1ty organized by the Phun Committee helped niloo money toward student sct,olarshl ps --------------~
,ln'lf"lllrt~· II lnl4 b«r The tA·nt('r, The Sc:nlind 11nd 1hc collC'gc arc not tc\J)l1lhlMt' fnr \·uur ptc~km,. Him.~ fun l\lki Jrin\. """11:1) 1
10 % off for NIC Students & Facu l Ly with co ll ege I.D.

Student's band plans U.S . tour, music video

t C J . . .. ~o over not ust screanun g mus ic, or ·wanna-be Korn band' \UDJ\' W<'llrrom

()nSIJMhl)' Jui.I fflll} be 1ho Ley ltl \:..,, (o, 1hc: SWldpoi m bond No

WhllcMMMhnncb 11\ily I

10 • "" '"" llll lh< ""'fl> lhe) pby

lb< Jar.ibck ~""""'· :)t,olnk'l'Mike, 17,AndTim.19. 111111111 1Cbtl~ R~ylll'lld,. t6

ll>iftJ thcar :lbi1UtiCS CO f.W lhcm

bct'n hJnd1ng M111he band'!! fih··

~, ill'.'mo 1ttnurMI t.:11mpu\, Tm, dcsc;nboo hi~ bt.lnd' lii mu,K :is :1 "'mi~ bet~~i:n Gui\\ N Rtht"JRill)' Jor i "' "We're flOl. 'l·mwnlug mmi.: « 1 •unn.111-bc Kam lwd."'Tim ,.,mJ. "'Md "c'n- not ptm\ Arlnlhc:1 ~) f rurc. ln rmmot1n1 lhc: band I\'. Janke JlltJ.Jlbt:\.. A., n;o1hct ,t1,d m,m:iger. h.a, b:en booLing "'-o\\111. lkloulk.1 Lhc Unllcd Slit.le, ;ukJ F.Jintpe, m.alanl! Nn Cover noc ~la N0t1hv.~1 h:md

.,..Jl\ \\TIIICII "-'hen he- \l,J.\ 12 )di')

olJ. Reynold-... v.-M compmc, 'i011$jj

lb "ell. h.i.\ ml.en f&N die (lfl.\l tour )·enA lt1r111i111r wtb.i1 1ht li(YIICl lffimr<(lfl ltvl Fi,li\:11"' lhc lJnhtrr.U) or ld~ht') 11,c k.irn.l Wil\ II'!() ,he on1,· lk'.l ill ihc &tifC\I (8,mk ol the D.ttll.b) Ln:l Juut.

In Ap'II. No Covc:r miidc II lnp m Florida II) rm,rd n:,uch trai:i.:.: WW h') (Wit poo-~ihk ''"P:" \001hcr prNnl\ing event h1r1,1xr1ing for l~

I.he trio p l.uis tu cop ,o 1hc Atllnm MWK' ln Atlu.nt.1 Whcrt tbcy'U 111 frur11 ol 11.n tuid1<"nco "'1 mahlly of =l<l t.'(\111\'CS. Their la'it '\hc,W >II 1hc Ill s:a,·r tbem on offer from o

[nstructors iominate

Wtill~ 1bc)'II plu} .al \Liti:-p.u\-,o, ,,ni1.Ucr club,, soinc of lhtrt WCl«rt~ 1trc bell.I in \ C'1,uc,.. W )(ll. SOOp«>pk

~n•l 1\ 1l11t lilmm~ of their fiDI m,Mc \'idoo. f,1b10Jafcl.'-111 cl!llll· lime. S11ncua'-1 ·11\\a.rd \\-11,nu,g dirc-t1or, ,, O)ing from Mor1do. t.o proJtk'~ t~lr Mtna, ••()u, Pb)ltl'IUl'ld" With 111l 1lm', h.lppentl\l, die band dot",n'I pl,m 10 \ll)) pJ.i)1t), II) lcbho \ti)· loct~ Tim ..a;d JMicc .,.111 he bu)·,n• fl \·an"°° the)· CilR IOOtlbc llnih..S Sla1('.ll: 1hi,,unml('r .,. i11 Mflt)'IMCI 'The)' h:l,..e:n'c t,,·kkJ if lbty' II ii1-n ""ilh hUn )'et. fill'!, al~ an NIC 11.lUdcn1. ha.t-

Reynold,: ..inJ Mllc:J,1n.:ihcl''\ WCI\I ha., MC gone unnn1iC(d J;u-,Jbek. ~ho began pl.1ymJ1. the puma 111 nJ:( S. v.l'ln .m hnl•Nahk inc.ntion in the Xunh RillboanJ Son.:\lo'Oter,. Conk.,.I. :i llillion• Jd,: compc1i1i1'lfl The ··rull,ion~ Ile ,iiJd b:'U,,ly nnl bt oom1n,i b.w:l. tt1 :"\1(" nu1 ~mc~r

:>oetry event

~re invites co mmunity

.o read poe ms, th oug hts


IJO\C~f)' )u11t1, mlk:llt'I\ 1hene.\l .but oo April 2J.1hr« hou11-of null,111 ha\'C bocn ,._. much (or me odl<

Tot~kbn.k NwlJIIW l'octl}' Mondt, 1Mi1C&J 1hr comrmm1t) 10 •'ft\'(' M1nut~olHunc-lnd1e

R!Vl[W Oril\woocl B•y ROOIII of the SUB 11 COfl,.isu,d or t.:dcn1~ rc:iding poecM lhi:) wmtc

Jl('Cm by'W'l"IC0(1bi:irfa\"Or1le

Tho ffl)'4'd 1cndcd to Oucu;u11c noc hinJ mrire than lS pcork. h :,1\0

:anrd 1ik.e Lhc nnl) p.wlc 1hlll \lotrc &rnns poem, ~~re Eng.Ji~ in\l~. "poon rc,alJ), )tl.Ud;. 1ft nt)' head

*l'tAJ b) f.:.ngli\h bt,11\Mot <.icoti;ic

e,,callie;d, Oii.t IM,.,, Anylhin~

,._.bWM :tboula~tuJcnt who~4b hue

•da.'o.t. LI WA.~ r,obably any hi\'Of'IIC


Orie Olbcr ptlC.'11.MI rtally n'l1ttt:,1eJ

t•atScull P00Jc.ooco<1he re~

hkown ~ock. He t'COO poem\

illed ·('11.:u•Je, 1:mson', Mom- at1d 'h)' f l.M,c M y Gararc Door


a\nolhcr 1akn1cJ pe-n,on wu.." Michael ho ae. CYtr)'One Uk~ bttJ)r;

f:ffl n:adinJ 111.t pl..t)~d Getman und futll Amcrx".:in '4.'.lng on

.tl,-tr Ii ~4) prub;it,ly my f:tvc,rite lime die: v.-hofc show, 1,1,d the only limr I

,,,,ii) lni.c~,tcd tn.,. h il .,.~ tolng

NruLo,11) lt\.4tc,-er)~ehc"·;ali ht\C.:lte1II> ,hart


l~nlc 11 wuukl ha\e t,c,w:.n be.Utt if

llt't ,wdcn1, and Olbc:ruh;arcd mqn: 'dit.r uwn poent1 lm,tclld of other

,itt•, poems. The onl)' 1, me 1was

t.led WI) '4ben they 1.Ud there o-,.·n, ••llhoosh I wu, 111,n&c tued I it111

..ity enJO)CIJ h ~temog to ('\'Cf)'(N'I(' ,r lhcirNFhc 1\i1nutcs of Fame."

Ar,r, /ir,f,;j,MCIW1 l'ylOr ca.mpbell uf d10 SOaill o-bo.ed bond Ol j,ou ploya~ O.vo M etthewt wvor aong for a lunchtlme audJenc:e In lhe SUB

Seattle band grabs desired lunch crowd

Student Events Board does •g reat job' this semester by G:av1n Oobtb

·SIIIIMII MC: hccom,n,: qu11c 1hc link enk'tu1n mcnl t.:c"fll<-r \J~ ltUtlC' rllr.'.l I'd !-a) (J'lfl!i;-1

1ipcnJ1n1 up h1 51~ tm 11 (POC(T1 dt~-cl

We h.a\~ .-.ccn b;anch pfa) aod .:11111\'d&11n who JIAW fn..k U\ The.• u 1 0~

~'Trim.,inmcrtl bro11rh1 hm: hll\ t1Ctn II hrigl.i

,-h1nit1J ,w, u,cr the L'(IIJa:m c hcokb ul l111: Stl.ldcnl F,,·tnh U"'1rd

The Lue..1 J:fflUP It~ i,:on'IC' lcuhc SUR ., It ~nd rrom ScaUlc Cilllcd 8i)(IY April 17 'nat

sroup "'"'" mllde up_,, ,:uu.u

IREVIE\Y p!a)-cr auJ ,inJ,'Cr·r)"lc-r Ciampbcll, Jnmnncr Orct: Catrla.tlJ~ Joe \lal1.l'lft1~ ,1nJ ,a.wphon1,1

M.&11 Rooliln .,.1M) did: the fA)tlp', UNNm..·m,11 soJo'4ork

The: l)pt<lf mu~,c; pt.t)~'IJ by lh11111ruup WiJ' 11hn(t\t II m,~ ()t C:(ll'lfemPQfC!r') md. 11,.J aod th.:) Jid th..: mn r,retl)· well. u,c, They 10IJ me their inn~'"" \1.1.'l'C b:1ttdli t.uch ,ij~

Subll1nc;;,.IOO.n M)cr a111I P.tul S1mnn

The on))' Dllhce.tbk proi)kfn "i1h U)I; iwori "''' \I.hen T)kr (.1mpbc:ll "'"' pl.atmi,I ,ing1n1, he 11lnk,J\.l 1&.1 a ..upmi.11ural u~. but when I~ '°'i" ,p.:11.lini:, ht ~PdcJ ,·er) (m11d 8uL be mon:: lhllli up (w-dwu 00fl'1tk:rin11 bi: w.:t~ pl.1)'tn8 11 OibM.wn J\11\111 (an~ l),f 1bc finc...tquall1) phnr,; oo dlC ,.~ <11 chi~c:.ilnh).

The)' h.iid an lntr;S(I I~ .1UdKn«' 1"-n iodhiduul, ·ere \Cefl di:uv.:inJ up fro11t ~1uon1 J few ul ~Ir "°'121", "hidl h mnn: ..On'lr: "'prnre~),;c,m1r ('(lftr..'t'n., pr'U\1,l,:c f10m Jll.-"Clpk Al..n ('COS)le \«hall) ,hn~«l b11.Crc,.I, ,ucb ,h

C.,wlie Cttkrqwlll. '10.1,'t'SlCml ~udics IJULJ\11' whn 1h1wpit they "cre Am1dun: ,,r \"U(\l 11nJ

iC') 1licJ didn'I ba\e JncRr.1.1 JU\t ctn

Cc:mttl~either Ke-vin

mnJor,wkl Ro) Yorie,21. bu.,aoe,.,m.11J0r.

hc'lth n.i:~ thitl the~· "'t.tekcJ ,. "'

The Slu&."nl E\C'nl\. 8oiltd did a lNI) gt-.:11.1

job ,cu~cr (ll'O,tthng C1ttflt,mmc:n1 ft1r

.,,udcnK And for 11n)'l'lOC ~ho would hl.c OK'lr( ~nowkdgcilNKll d,cba:1)1J BiJ(JU.lbc) ha\·ca v.d~III: "'""" IIC1\t'bl) h llO\\,C\('f, u11d« «mwui:tlnn

fheater ends year humorously with one-act play s

>erfonnanc e keeps sold-out audi e nce la ughing


...... n

first 11igh1 0, the c\ fof one-act play, led "'N<Mhln_g In Commnn" sold 001 Arni

tmlllQmU, wn1lng~)lt•mJH) ot1t for 11 ,pocc,n Sa,urtfa) NiJtll Ll\c.." HI!' took., t¢.111tw I"~" toi)fl\l.llntl) 1111hr v,t1rkSt)l 1Ui.11.-1()fJUIJI.UJ<l tbc ,u,cy m anOUU'll#!.111'1) h),lttl\'al .,.ay. Tho octPr \\ h,, ,.,,.,. h.wm;g 1he ru~hhnutc. GcurgeSJl('lviri frtlillipCi1tl~n), f)UI c:iou w~pJ "1'11.11 pctfClfmJn«, p.1n1,_ Jo"-11 I rs,c-.,n ~nll."d""'n, I i<' Wd Ill 1.""C. p)VII mlbc li-N fhc minutt.. ol the pl.i)· pull do-,o,11 lib. p;auh to w,· a p:ur of tc,.I w,d while holl.CA, wh,d1 he',\11" dm'lnj \'•rioo, ~nr1o of Ult pl.a) 1lie bt,'(,(.f\ (ft!Oll!,C W()fe wen: 11,11 C-\CClknt choltll'.' m...SC., by (&,tUlllC Judith McGi,Cfte). C.:srl..nn 'l''lb II pcrfccc hi lnrlhc p:;in urOturltC-- Gttal job by d1r« lur foe J.:ub)· lur tu, C.'lift.S upcn1:< Aluni Ocorp.c·, ,\.ptu-. 1"---rform.t1,0C \l.;l\ 1hc ll'W,trat.ed lbm....-1,n d,,m.·,~. li.llen l'CfT')

fl):htt)' H1111b) Ellen 1&:a)·td 1lr.c1111111l'1llJ)' f.-afm 1.nd rcla)ed1t,C".oorgc for;,oc h~, lml'.'t,lffl/Jbcpn 1or1mblc fillbfromdic pby"' l l:1111lc1 Hu111,tht pl.,)' conu nucd. l!ll<'n lt.N ha «IOI Wld 001 of (l'\l)U"fll)()fl 1ncd 1ochQl:c 1hc l111c11.uu1c,,rc;IC'lW.,~ Thl~ doo '4,11; 11111o}-nc n111I very him1) Af1tr the pta) ended my ~tfNl'Ulth and chttkl '4cn:- l>Ofe r,om t1u,1~htn; und I \lo·:t~ cmving toott'. TI.e-«0ndpl;l) "'lilind {).11c:·"nnc:nby HonU1t f-ootc •DJ dir«tcd b) Tin, R.#icl, Y...i!I 1"1V1ro or• quiet OOmc."4,~ comc:dt The. ploy .,..u 1n the late wnn,rro( 1928 J.n H.iiTl!J(.'l"I. Te.\w. &»I~ Henry (Ndic PIUenl wu.., dt,pcr111tl) U")lPJ 10gc:tl1rrrurt:eSamS.U...-:yCIJ.cb,- /ohn.woJ o ~1tc 'l'1lt prot,kn, WM th..i S11111 Nanc.1' "':i., 1:1Nnplc1.CI)' uni.TIOpC'fllll\C ,UIJ ti;htfuit) '°· ~be. did (1(111 hlc. l~ix k~n cl)u'\1111 H•n~, and n:h.1\1.'d 1~ be mot" to him v.hct1 he ~mttd tier lt1 her aWJt'i. boo)(. S.1111 N:tnc.')' l\"t.:itwed Ilic n111"1l1tt.1gb,- (mm thl'

:i.udicm«.Sbc act cdh)..e.1 l)'f)K.llJ ~M)

"".,.11 ~n; f~111dn'°me1hlng ~he: didn'1 hkt

SI.-: rolled her eye, C<KbUnll) .i.11J o11h,,A)'~

..ocnc Mln or "'nw1·tlo.: ~ooimcnc for hc-r .111111 tM her hlil\d r..:h,;. Sn N',u,c) \pcm 1hr v.hok

nl(lh( ui,n1t 1a.• h.:i,d a, "1!it! ('('IUkJ bl tel nJ •Mpor,r

F<l h.

The nieJU euded i1h the pl.ay Ao,u ~ 111

Oco1lh In Rnmc.- wn11c:n ani1 dift'lt'ti.-d hy D.\mi:I

F.dn 11 1hlon, fOC'n'ICt' N IC 1.1uJCt11. ()r1 the wrf111:\!

1hl\ pla) K'Ctl'lcd I) be abool a 11.JJ.rtor. • 1,l.ayv.ngh1 u 1d • t..Jr1codc1 1itv;umg ln 11 h..Jr 1ihou1

Ure 11ftd 1hcir pluicc 1n d Btit the 't1bt~.\l o1 the pli3)

W3' th.d •fC"'O&d IC"'i<lft hi 1,nl j\ldj..'<" I book h)· Jh ,(,1, A, ll'lc-p)ll)' cn(l,:,c.l. tbe pb)'..-.nfhl, at,l.till1~tnr iallJ bastcoder<'lk:h g;ilnt'd .icn-pmncc 10\\·IM'd one wtu1brr.~nd,·('n ck,"kipcd,. rn.:11cl,hlp 0,.·erall, the 1b.:.'11crckp11111nt1'11'1o fmal pmduaK'lfl pll,'C the aud&eflo..""t '\CllfflC' l1u1glu lbc) v.·oo'f\CM~n forg.d

Col an artsy 1toryt Cont..ict A&E Ed11(.l( M11)(tyWohrom Phon~: ~f,(J.3388. Fax: 769·llM E,.,n1all: Scntlnl'IO'

~rt~The n<a me W ~ndy • originated from Sir : i ,.M .Barrie,-author : 12
: c:> A RTS E r\& NTERTAINM ENT ' ------ - ------- --~---------------------------
of "Peter Pan."
Gultari ll Chri s Reynolds, keyboardlll Mike Jarzabek and drummer Ti m Jarzabek play at thO Second Nature a skatepark In Sandpoint.
1"' iu the Schukt Audil orium. The~ w:as ....,gonl) for 99-lo. lbc ai.gb1comi11tcd or three d i rltrffll pt11y1 all 1'iicdb '+'r-hh nuchi11; in oommo.11, • "''>' ~te 111lc. 'tliefiN pluy. °'ThcAchw',NTgh1m~." t~tW :=:db~c:~:::;.~11!:: - non-~tap, l:11,1~-c,ut-loodpl;y.l. 'A'llh the cnllni. .u1chcn,;:c, loo~bcd ror 3.S '111~ It\ \\ C OA·1tchcd lh ili comedic pk,c unfold • C..1. •h• playwfii • Chri,,ophd Dln>na ny n\'Cf co N'(W York rig.hi IIOW 'A"ilh hi\

City Pere specializes in perfecting beverage by Rcbc<ao Hams -l(1hcy ,-.ay 1Jw •,1ttt)' 1, 1bc pi«" or llfe •hco MU•.c Spcins and l'ae\ZI. Buder may Mve hi 1'"' W~'t'l. TI~y att 1hc ownm or Coeur d' Ci1y • nc-\\'t1'll l~sboptoctucd on Founh S1tcc1.

C'o:urtJ'AkntCil) 1\.-n:ha."bn-n open fot (h'C ~«u 4nd ha., a Wrc

11\e'ftl,I t('.a11.1nn11. ,,.rr« and pilrltY,,

Thc~"lK'n wcfrum K:,h-~pcll

Mon.1.,IU\dtbc:)' m,;nt'~l 111Co.:u1

d'Almc b!it )-eat

'The) b.xh v,i.wll!d W(fffl.'nt ckn::nt5 111 Acol1t:t J~ di.i.n d,-:) couldn'1 tind around httt w, the)

d«ld<d 10 °""" •co1rcc ,hop of

lhclrOWl'I, ThebuJillt\) h:o

""""lhon 170 vark!ie!) e>r corra:

11a ~nJ:,.:1nd t he)' arc h;appy lo onStt ln)'lh.ll CU..1.t()mtf'\


Afc:u.uttth111 m.iy



houn.. Ci1y PcN

WI}' ,>pen unail

11 p.n1 00 v,1."CL •

Summer ~ no excusl to not be in shape

Water valuable for h It'i,tlattiroeof)Cllfag.un_flJ,W,"'•

One pobkm m:n•l1t). !IIW th111',ai.Clf. v.ci11h1 rromwlotcr Oon'L "''On')'i()'W·ft Rine-!>\ buff.Hmat\! II (cw , ,mpk11pt. 11 b;i,ck int0 the )v..-in; on l.hin.p

1.•offtt'pc1TOl.iwr ll)-.ldtu<lot,1 cotJtt.lhet.bop 1('::f"l'~~\(),C<lic1Ct'IUCC".011ncJ pop. bocdcd v,,11Cf. hli:nJod J.ru1l.'> und k'a,,, 1D1:luding chi, tr::i. The)' uJ\O prm.Jde Jin ~ffll) u( bJlcJ good!.. inrhlllm)I, bil,i:h. mull in.,. doOUIJi, c;iiUI.IOXM'I J!Jlh..C'MIUI nkc .al'll.l(ut\Lln: Within Ill(' l'IC:ll kW\-, U,e «lfl~~~pl,il\\ °"' l\11\llljl:

fCll'IIJ rrntl.lM:I\ 1n1.:-hldlfl1t Al'Ci bee'< crnt,\..1111' iWJ turlo!) anJ chcc« rn1r.....0111,

The:- coff« i.bop h.11• tY.o ,p.xi.t.11~

,,rr« l'Uhhk 1"" 1.iu\fi anJ 1.>u,-:h

1applc ch.II "'"'cd hnC i.U c:olJ. TIIC ~1bbk &<J ! 11n, t.h,,1 tea v.1111

The fint \tcp b In dnnk mOft Wlttt In,tnt! or • c-an i)f pop.g_nlh11,mcc refrcsh.i.n.,t,L.i ",o.r WAIC'f. In biology clfulle>m<d• ,1mpk rormub IU ~l l('ullde how miach \',alct)® \MOW drink. Tllk:e your bckf)'l'-cighl and m1Jl1lpl) 11byJ. Th(n ukc tb.,t nurubn and tli\·lidt ilby l wdl gnc }'OU tbc number of ~nee &lac uer you tlC!l'd 1~d,111k • d.11, For uut:a:t: you W(".ith ISO pound,, 11 v.oo.ld bt tSIJ '( 75 dj,Jded b)' 8 = 9.J.1h.-1 i, ho\\ man~ 1J;t,~ nf v,.·acrr )'l'lll v.-ould nel'd to dnnL W1111i:rh goi.xl (qryour,ptcm~ )UU h)d.n&leJ On hul , d.a)'I v.iu lc C\t'tti,inJ the bndt ,wco1~1 •·111a kl •ew1 l,Y.t1ilc10 a,,upon)Pt1rhcxfy'u• 1 ,upply. The llll'U S.tC'p b to~ ~hlinS be.ltbr k.~ 11 1'1> h.nJ t.o \\\lk.·h )~'l&r did tcallll)

b:tb) ~,ep,i wlll help Are )'OIi focl!na.tia.r- 1 Gnib n canuc , tic-k :ind OOl a canJ)' hw ol h11\ 11\{I: ric:11 >OuP,, fordrnner l~\C n"lov.·~fot drt,,1n,i. R('d wi ll &J\c~k protcln il ntt'd~ but mnenffl ro Cbt ii II modcndun. A J)leec o( tm'llt ibc.,uld lit or )oor fi~1. Not a 20--0Ut'ICc ponC'J'hoe'C M:i1c ,,urc lt)C'.al 1hc nmniml ol food &be Ptf-DJnid ,u~otm \ddlng rMa• \Ci! 'Ubk\ u.ould be bdpM. !Ind )wt' bodJ 1hal\k )W II\ the tl'l(I J::.xnrl'k' I\ Ill~ a kt'y 10 b,o1n, hcl)h,h) .._1w,r,l 'Yol ll l'<'~.~11rcoomon: )-uu illc wo bu.,) Suan '>11\IU 1n mi, de "' W<"ll. SiBCC die ...,.c.iahc:rbu.anucr, itll•

bt,i 1:aptnr., ~lh a l th,• l'loftum c,1 the-

t.lnn.L Thc!Jnnl.h

"W~ w11~11ed


idea." thb •

Jrin\ an1~c chlldtcn.

*'·'lky c~ 11'JC namcCocu,

d'A lt:l'l(Ci1) Ptf\' bei;1u1 -c 1hey

',\Un.led 11 lOl"C~ the l~"TI J~tt Wll.\\P(llcdlhJ:1 WI)'

bc:\-.iu~ J)trt '-Oumt, 11\c ii i., goiog

w ('Cd )1JiU up.*'° they u~ pm.·

bx:11.z,o if is. rqm:;scntacl\c of•

The caUee "hor 111oo.:,crn,cn~ C'drtt.ailllbolh~ncn, c.pen1,11 how'S, of ltilC' 1-:,,tm& w !,'Cl 1hc rit)I1 blend. The)' Nid lhc-Jl"d«t 4upol mrftt.tllkt1.!2~h101c11hc prr!t'l.:t ,hot_ tb: ..tlol Ii Jctul) put

II\ !ht CVIICC 11'1\l~ kl I~ dN\lpl the 111 ~me ·\ (OIJplo '9(>0nlub or tn.,m ,, llkkd 1n ~th dk' I•

l.'.ICIQI \hi~ I 1'1(11.rt:'J "-111,·n tbr ,,de w11h.1tchc l;,cl\"1t11CW.1), UJ tatl Sth:ral 1htnC\ C:tJt a£1ci.t lhc 4uoll,1yor1bct<1'll°«)ud111, 1hr kmpmdun: vubkk ,n,J ho\t.· Jnni,: lht-~n1of1.nctlct.'flJM11nd Al rc:-c,1, ii' Ak11c c,, l\-r1. tbc &am att tm"'-rnd "'hen .;,m((,n,c "'dc:f' • (Up ol (~((C't' w, dk' Ul'ltomcr 1\.-«nr,. lrnb "·ur "' ~c>ln:c

rr 1.·u;\ll,n:k'f-. no1 w,ncu "'i1h 1bc-",tl ec.tht~ "'il)Jo11u,<r Lex.ii 1ui111th1 pb),' rrlday,. md s;a,1.11rd;1)"?, p.1n te1 11 p.m. In the down ti\1,,. of 1hc cuff« !'lilt.I~ lh..O\\l'ltR ilt'c ll('t1l1111 vr mc"C1l11g rnnm\ C'ui.1omcl' •-tlo l°lu)'


Steve end l oll Jonos aro 1orved "tho boat coffoo In town'" by coownM Teresa Butler et the Chy P ere on Fout1h StNJet and Sherman Avonue. somellung tiitfenmt. c,.,.w,mc:r<.an dnul things wit/, <101111/s 1111d ...s nibble"" the a variety ofj{)()(/.1. Sil ::':"" 111 ill< '""'' we tlzo11ght t1p this ,,,. ,,,.-cJ ,.,,

J)C11«1linte 10 c.,t'tci~ ou1doon and•~ ip1m t«.-.


1he \'.11.eino lht T\ d.lC!>n't count Gd upli °""illk amundTu~Hill Or.ifbK)l.'lltllJ J )(lur lhing , cec oa I bike. Ni,, rw,t 1,oi. OI.C )OU :&clwally pedal MIike ~Ure )OU \U$ bi;(Ote and uflcr worfcouc, Strc,,:hlnt hclfl lllltm 1ht 1oo,c!cs: up M> the 100,,k'~ arwl &hocked Y.hcn )~ ~LUn C\ct(i\JDf. Sfl'PIII .-i.o hdpt prc,-cmmu,;cle \tt111n11'1;a A l.tyclcmcnt 1u "lll}in1 ht'.althyi, II) lblnp m lite Dc-q,t~'" )'mlr,,clf and'*' pt(IC1tl,Sljn:mng. ~inadOft h l!lbundll n'NW J)C'l)plc', i.ocabulary.ntld 11ffll) k,top lhn.t Tr)' 10 n:rno, t' •II wulCC'dcd _,.. Ii(, lkfk.l'w1hi1.t\b;ltdw11hntl1ht~ bu1~~ isaatthb~ldhecu1Ct 0on·, ltt 1bc. J1nJc ltlfn11. WIid 1,1pand Ill• t'lt popon inn. W11.b tb!!.c 'Qmplt- , 1q,s,)OU .dwJJt,c fet:l bc:1te:r m no cimc- :ind be r'C:ld)· IO •tkltl Lhe,umrntt.

Crow just 'keeps getting better'

who can't &ingClfpl.a) ;in 1nruumm1 domin>llins out ,1,...,,<c!o. i1 i

ltlll) • jct)-~ O."'C4Klft h> h11,c a new CD ttlt-flscd by a mat.urc. l.UC:ntc-d

,ingcrlllOOg·wntcr,u1.h •\ Sher)-1 Crow

FoUowing up "'The Okltk: Sc,,>OCI~ foot )Cars


p,wio. Wutltu:C'f ort,at, Mid M\, throuat,o1u the album Add 10 tbaa i. aa,1 or rUlt' mu,ict.lltl, In her NDd wn<l 11,

'A·ho'"•Who o,( Jlut"II Qppc'illilOI.O, lhh -~ mmic 1h.1t It ''*'C°d ,Lnd AJm)l1ndinJln the upbcll opcnlntr fflll.·k "'Slt'\t Mt'Quccn," Crov. k clc:uly 1nnkiog a

J>Ca1emw1 \Nhca1 ,be ''°Ii"· '"I 1Un'1talrln• .ru1 off no one/Biby lh~1 "''M )CStctd:1y-

Wi1h 1h11, ~·re oo to ;1. ~Ml ,un

·Yc~fre An Ot1J;IIW" fc11t!,ll'N It"' \\'~ ,np t..:.Jm) Kn, 111 at suc1.1 voi:ahu,. .inJ (Ill' It', So~)'"' tJl( , c,. r«Oll)UUbk ,mcc or °'1n Henle)·pn, ,n 111-ith ("rn"'

L,~'> k<)l>Nudpl•J«llnlnlo<•

TL"nl.'fl (l;.'l(Tuin ~hf, Hc.111twt~1

k11cb hi, Clllcnl brrc 1t1J on 1v,,1, uthrf

-..)f't,,a.\ "Acll

I lhin~ thi: h:rgh1igh1 of 1h~ •lhum 111 u,c-

N:aulifi.d "'S..fc And ~nd."' There i, .a

rtJ1l l«h1tg Pf '°""Jnd nr,.'«rL1n« hc:fc to II pov.ffiol mtlo.f)· build, anJ

bu1ld.1o 10 Ill almof.l ti1hn\l,Mt: litu,h

Ct0>A' rr-.,u> ahn\l, mrhrt \«al L11rn1

b<rc fn 1hc 1l1k N I ,.mc,n.c'tn0n"' ,1r1,I

"'l>ii'inond Roacr W1C, lt.: v(l(';II

'f'OCJiJh' WlJh OCIC &Jfht'r (rico1b. aOO UCIC

"f1hc1.1~\afl'QCL.Sk:\'1c Skk., ltJ

•·O.utflOl'Ct Rc,ad," Crow \ltlf'• -1jfc i"

\\o'h111 Happct1-.wtlik )'"u·,~m.aL1nJ

plllll'lllllf lhlll )OU 1,c,td Ii NShl m

)·~~thallc.b A f'O\\o.."rfuJ J.wtcmi:ot indccd.111115 wh;M .i ,-,y 10 l~r~ 19.-t\ lakt\lCd "'rJmcn t,.annun 11'-' hlp:thcr

'·I .id.) K,d'' 1•Jots nl f1111.)'CI .i hll

d.ul en,,. ,h1g1o.

mid,, "\\'c-111,ct (."I\Jrmcl.'' t, tc.11 "'-''-'~KAI ticau1y. TIit or Jc,., rrnim" at ..tic ''"G'>, ~a«.au.e 1 i:01 n() UOl'l\\ho v.·nl br1n; *"" 11.·Rti, 11111hrrll.1'~ t·m v..ui,hmx the: "C.ilbct t:WitUlt'li ,ltid \to>IUting (Ul lhc ,1ntn1·11c,nwnao.·IJll"\llc.;111w,~ ,-cry mct,u,dic1h ,1nnt1o and'ltiu 11.-um ;u:'-'Ul'lltiin, htr ,11r1 thls , , ~ d~,

PA.GE 12 TtCSenNl. A&(
' "'
The Jazz Ensemble reheitrHI "Rly'1 Rock House" for one ol their rlnal concul.t. "Sp,lngtfme Jan, " which featured Cho Jau Compeny a, well , was held May 4 In Schular Auditorium.
lbcif $'00!.I\ L'..111 CQ,ftJ.uct n1cdln5:J U. lhc ~,c:trll.'mftc:t •("ururd'A~ C";t) rtlckt, CJ.:irt m..11 l i'I I da-...cnd •) rup. •CocunJ"AJc-1....-(:uy Ptft l\ Of'C13 on M'"'ld.l~ lhmugh Onu-,J.i,) b:lf1a.111.t1., 10 p 1n Fm!A)' 1111d ~1.1tday t. \Oam 11 II r.m and Sur1J;H M,1 m lo8p1u.1oJu tn..iit,:J 0t1 (,,unh Srrtct ----------------
Album follows theme of ended relalionships t,z Lurd.8•11 Slalwllor• W 1\h 1111 lbc'ICln; ~UC(l'I<
flC<t. "c'mrm,c"ffl(II( ti.I!! a I pnw11.1Ju1g ol thc =\~:.:~t~~t:!!'~ rnd.en •Oil l~,h boll"'1> In addidon IO pnlllucms d,c 1lbl.lm and .rne,ni I.cad ~ocab. l:l1ntlt:d Cf'O\" pl4~ acow,uc gwtar t:lcc-ITTC
"' I \lo.1nl lo 1Al:c- yau doYo'fl fn lh~• fHff· J WUlll 14' l'o-,11,1) the blood frMI )'OU h,anJ,., J \lo'll ) 10 ffl.1~C' )OIi <ott/)'0..1 btlcwtf: lO me.• I daooF'.hl II wa~ 1nicl'C\"uni 1h;al Slc,>1K i·cmpk _Pdot t Scou W~•Wld 1-, ~ch1cJ for 114khomu1.J r,oduc:don m ,tic~ or 1h1 , numticr ,1,lnn~i, •*~ cndm,t wnh 1hc line> "'"'°""''i1mc, loocly l" noc <1nly i. ',l,t1J\l,'blit flk.'\'' 11\11\( k.nG'Yo;l\.'(l.nd •f you JCC' mt 1.'t1ukl )UP Im: n,r "'t1h a ~ilc/w f (lll'lr1 ,o.• "',\iti knc '" JnJ ··nuk fo \1) Pt)(;ln;I'• an: jOC'ICI '<\np. but noi up 10 1t1c umc k,do(c\1.i~1entll.\tJ,c tc,tOl lhl." lt,u-m. 8111 d 1ccmht111
'"Sotak Up TI1c Sun"' It nb\Qlu.i.cly infoctiow "''Ith a killtt bclcl;hc:"' , The lir,;t lime I hcud 11 lht \Un 'A;u. atunm,: r,n mt alld ii juu. n'lldc me fed g'OOIJ All O\CI to htmCKM ~•n,.·rm~Mll~tipthc sunlgonnA tdl ~'"'t'l)OOdto hfhttil up (I'm gOMltctl 'C'mth4tt-Tbcntht'IOfllt COIJl 1/Hth "'OClt mt "5 on/-o I cao roo.:l on•Y°"'&O•&lrt· •·1t'11 Only t.,wc" rc.1rum.•Do1hetor C'tO\li-'" bu,ddlc,. Q\\)'l'lt1h 1'11lrnn,, on K~I \('QJ,, 1111J )'I.""• W'C ~I)' CAU dn11, It 1111 bc:.tuUfht , 'Yoatffl bul1lJd '>t«pl"J lD cro ,u_,l tutlled .ao 1hl\ )e1r. ,uid Jthl her'! i;:c:umg N.·1tc:r and l,ttter l rt't'QffllTICfld lhu rtlbu111 IQ .U)'t,•nt' lonk1t1J fof 411~;11 u who pt1,-i rc:al lnll\111,' LY'fla:JI I' Gory luacoon, hua1>1111<1 or Gem,an lntll'UCIOl'.at!?, Isaacson, proper to be Mrved by Sponllh .,_.ot the French Dinner" Aprll 19.

Summer ~flicks hit theaters

1fovie s attempt to g et ~tie of ' bloc kbu s te r'

t JJtul l"1vMIV'II\ and r~, m I.M~

t,..; ,. · ; tinu,r~ ahcaunrJ w.H,1q dup

• '\/\ of aNoi.-1.butler tQl(lll.

.} 'A , .-n,colf•l1il Spidcr\hn."'•Jk

.1,. ·hm • ahptr bd · 1mcmrua"' A1ld lbc' ot ,1 1n 81.: U Sott,e of lht Dlhft

)>.~ Clff lht Ji,c 1h1\ ,ummt'f \I, hk.:h ,houkl hr , lk't.cnl 1rcludc-_1hefl hn~11h1.uh ,n1 ,1.1r W•n lpooJc Z: /\U.ik.l ur thl..., U. lloUr•ood-1.l.llton c.'tl ·~••-ih-)



at \(lllkf·\1• Unadn, t~m. llcrr t\

1Pl 1(1( 1h"..c lh.i doa•t rcmc-m""-·1 1ht- NM",. ln,m ti)(' \ tomk 1l.1p.

Su t• \tudcnt Pt-ter P.irll'1' 4fo~)hn1rw ,1 ,i.1Jrc) b1urn r,y 1 JtllCl illl) .JIC'ttd ,piJn,UMP


11, -,1,,...,. lntod Ii..,, o

!l*'Ol b(O ,k lor die •llcwoa Of ,,.., J0t

~, 1n tcpior lift MN a\ the t.panik'\·

,.,,.,~, •rf\-t.hnflnl hem, hr hfhl\ 101 !he

:p--..,.uf Jlk'ld, h.a11lh1u: • bunth ul f1t•,1h hle


C.inhl1111W1llcm 0-.1(oct ""ho Hin" out ltt

!:ltbnlfricslJ'11J.aJ ·\Jtolhc,1t'lf) lane of ..,,. •·• ft'C11) tnlldlabo"" hb~II

'Jason X' brainless simplicity

Te n th addition doesn't st ray from it s stan d ards

I ,er •'t'"¢1J..• ..,.ha m1t,:hl k-pr,ffl d >ou allo•td l'K"'b

l.hiUl'll)\lrrt Jllllo f!P. Ja, Ill

C(!IIICd)' 111tbC'.-UO,.•filk;b•mlJlla"Cb«II

.~ ...,..1 t.rnlgptaDd b,t,n ..S

,-.s. -""'· iu. "'""

Elb: fsl'lol lC'\llo tn.h of hn rc·1ph~ In f1p.

al hrlr th: l!lniunl-Vft."Cfl C.ut,lin hrin&

it Nm1m~1,11C,., 1•l thc'l..r l~h

\t1.,;t'l••lffM IIC'O~ !,(hc,,ll )'Ctllt ltf11U,thl

tptn lor • fltW l'ffl(l'Mk>ft IO cnJ"Y 01

UiC bfUtu auJ.irfk.~ K JOHIJ I•• he dime

ml~ 1p•llht1 h"tliodol lalc CIJIIII., GUI OD lbt l""arlorm

lbor\ a. -~ lhc wca1ct of De'- 1Chxr iWirt \\a 11dlt1t.alirt,S \lotlb c,i,ol CIIC'C11 and

MoiftWD,'fiJU11111J',mNIM\I ti,\."11'11C'

bu \c1ri.,nh11, !,i I "llh thr Q.11 .,,_. ,.11

..tmo.c f't111\iilt1\ 11lly f'O"IJ'l'"llk J Jue h1 the

wtwrn11 11 ,th \\l,ltld fr.ilk


, ,_ C.•, (PG-t.l. ,t..,- IOI

t,;p .,., .!1....,.,-lml)

An.I f)1r,~"on cl>J (lu;l,11,) ,, 110t

>teh lh.-, c,.v.hcnd11,,11.1d~,:1~t.tnt

n. he Jl1''' lhRllUjh 1hr lfllUIIII# "' It kUn'ilo

Lu1hirr 11.JJic Orif'n.n1. Ir• lathn':1

11f "''* to be c•••I. H.atr,..,,n klffll bCJv. so and "'tic nlOI • "\\Ah htt M'!' '"qlidrcJ

b<" oo'°"Ja O.U, u.n;...,_ bul Gil Md a Oil. he 11;, ICbool and '*1.n \lonl,.dntro)m,thc~I' aJnflftl, mt••k Mid £rUJnj • t,taut1f11l 1!1tl

r\c-1.•11h~n) ahcrc-rn.1hc:' ~u,r,~i,,,nf'il ~11mlmt.ll\r'ttn:1.tin'I.

i.l~lc 111 n,,w,~ lmc t, aim.~ l""a:v111111, .\ lltfJ b(.;umn ,._.,. then no.:h 1he

t,p -lloolpop,bnl) ..,.Wl.od,kf...S

a tittf idn4ity ,--mn 8111 ,dorm • • prncm

........,r,,ht.\\1", .-pr-lO

I( ,,J ,1 illy~)OU•l• r 11,y

"'1 "' dt'l!'I Ofl,\\('f d'-1111",hfull)

c.r \\ 11n f plwdr 2: AU1dt ur Ilic- t lonu '.-13, \ta, 16) 1..,som11ol,c; 11 t• ·r• m,,,,c

1 tlf r.,.h ,.,k Utft,,,.,. ,, Ill IC ..-;) • Lal,. J*)l anu\ t.. .,.Jl~,t,....wtic~off

1' pud ffl\ llelftol

"I•"' ., dff'a'I,. ni

1 l.11"'C ll.M ay.?AJ uMIIJ a ~k('JJ'CI M, •nJ v,.1wt mat· he

r,f tlir t,,.·11..-r mm, thb wn1nitr, l• a huk

(1tm ci.lltJ frlWfflnLI.." '1111 ,un Rnto1n •• ·tid \.1llcu.-<I \I P.-,:hinoa,, the ..,.., ,1

:,.~, 1 .•::.,~:~!\::,. ,n 81kL, .-Uioo I\ Hu are the) bnn11ng ta:._

) Jo""' ""'tthoot mill.11'11 II loo\.

"" l ht')" Mt<k'l.'.h:nolt.'I)' l<ltt'ol)llliltlhe ol htt l'Cl1n thal twtrt cr.i,c..J 1n lhc:' end ,,t ,lnJ a.r•-. t.:L Ttu, 11ptt1 pnnit1 C1ft cure U> dMAf: , tPG.J•• J ,4 1 .~tdl\~.loPl1•'lot)'oa ·~

•cN 1bd,()·H'I fonht (;,cM ll.lnc •ho

1fl'le ian Amcni,:..111 H.:Ol'I, S.:01.ib~ anJ 1hr

•,..-,nunll tolilc m 11111 11 -k'n)'.:lh li~c mm ,c 1h11 JM&IC', tnd fJUm lhf 1'"''-'N:"'°'•

lam an: u, 1,--. a cry 1-r,ix1;J tmat

Ullanl ol • P GIK>,l,• ""1 II,;l<n" n dlerol<ol\llogy.lolloMd"l'•illl

l'nM, Fnd. s.i.t, \l<hcll< (;dkr ,and lk"ll""'"Offltt Lirwil(~ ti pa,.tilcm w11h thh, u d 1.1l C\'tl') 1111.: 1n th1,

,an·t fut ShaU) .and Sl,.~,by. •• t1n1ng lo rflruurh the llull) a-ooJ (111.j n1.ktUM',

1n I I! ,,i In u~ ""'1C'1 c~,a,k.kt1ni Olt pl\:'""'""

lih1n tnwn) I lk'.:\tf .,...._ nr he:tnJ R~l[W uh hild tplt,,,.rural Ile um1•1ni."'' olU·ratckTfVlfllll)\IC'I I 11m ram *Olllr.1 aoe 1&n) f:uui mr tDNi.wd ll\ bdnbMkh:d.Mld lo

c,nl)' wa,udcdNl"-f'CIIUlll•liftinllrCldtcn)' lctba$ llm •~oa aopt,ldlc ol , ..., l8il. •tiicla blltd ltlr n hid b«a f'irpatoft' mt'PI Ult ull.alMOII ~he f\>Yicr

I q1,utc \Uf'l¥1\IC'J 1,c1 k-.irnlh1' .,.illtJIC l<Mh M,. " \nJ.a, ,"'i\fltt". 111< rl, •n, 111,c ,,, hr:1.U1k" ,1mr11. ii), a Jf011P 0, lk\("f~l,I\I( dc'\l·ltlp:d <kltikll'h bn:omc C(n0f1ml .111trdo(n\UJC, and lbrloWf: she re-mum uf J.ntlft \ ,-.Jrhca, Tbb (-.XU,,. ea • ,p.:c &Mi, dwiDs a Odd cnp .-..c" IU'lld) n1'1rfr "'*-' 11-=, u.-...1,aaa..'"7"rine INI)• tuncf(lll k left 11m I' •htff d'lre 'tlt•Cf r~

Jlc mN tn~l#C' • rcnpc,;1nC'

Jo l ie's blond hair distracts reviewer

I l "

AkhMP I c.:.Jill I GIid Aaa('l1111 Juhc o, Noad hair. I tti,Olltlhl 1h• • l aft' t•t \,unc-1h1ru: 1JL., ht• it, •11, an ClK 1110\Jt 111,;llffl(' 01.n on I nJ.1)', \rul !t, l111dl ,.~'1e

.ildn'1 h8"¥Ca ~wcoak'IW •ilh Tht ..t)albnllllfttttJIIII•~ -.-,~:sncChffoerof~ ,1., Somtm111cL1id.-.tar1

~1118 \t Cleo COlllfflrP,i;YiacoUidct. •.dlahro.t,"\'lffi1C"8111111fflkf Tbra:miC' 1tl«l.1011.n•(1••d) dr) ""1llm.ln,: ao.tit,o. l~W 1A1

1tlo\l.1: the"""" IC'~·acrucfwltlf 11l~h('

l!lh"J("'lhrq! <i1,,111hcc.,kn1,1,t ,r.11111ic111 vi 1h11 mm1.:, ii , lf'PM'"l11 aohuJ) •ho w..-odcJ t111 Iha film

1ucl. It 11\•~litflOU~) AIJ 1ft 1U.11'lu ..-,VIC •;n • jolt dut lhmil..t WVCT U,c h:Ui ldiJ If \OIi DQ~ttit.lllO'llit lllcMl•-»lllllllit ~uUlOll\ir.1n',.and)CIII uu,eu,N•f.c9 ~lfflttlo)OUC'Wldha,-a ,t11.,-lloo'"'llridi

I••** O UTSTANDING .,... GOOD •• OK •H) AS0~

Jik "*1, to Inc hn bk at th&' fwt~ ud t,rul,1; up •1th hnh&.1,hiiffld,p.·h\\tl.bht'r nmctafttll" (I :J••ri.1 »um,1 .,-9: I!\""

10 N( '1'11,~ top10.uc:M' Jtlh

I 1hu1l 1tu1 dw rkit v.,1., \t'f)' l"""I bm I •t1Uu11·1,c1 pa..i Joie", MnnJ hair I dlNIL IMI tb:y ,uakl b.1,t' Ill* lollDQftUllttt'1hftS ., hldemottatw;Will~lbc',-.,

ttbllllft\NJ'" ll~1,1c:r,•ltnlt

L 11.rn ,antfnhc)•llolel1f,tb I

~urpoicJ to bt J''tfC"\:I

R t\'llW She t1.1, .1 t'~"' J•ih " J•tUrn~llot • .ii.:111,· ha )fr •ho p&.y, ,~ lbt \(','Ille \1Jrl11Cn a:a.J a th:n.."I! ao tic oa • ~._

"""''2ll<d"A\t t,,• 'bro Lame hfG &ul$mnt'

tllN'I, • halnck:,.~ .ma •NJ dnnh he

UP pml"-1 lbc tlmn'C' UI\ fl'\"d,l.1IOII

U)I IP!ll lhto St'11Uk Sc.-h3'o\A\ '!It Ill 't'<hl, II ',1,111 h1111 tx111~ 'A('8tll(t h

Mlrl'"ll"'J 1.11 be ,unn) .m-l th.ii Jc,lic

••IIJ~ \\ len •II Pl I l,e bomcltM IIWI I p-cdktKIID .ut1 to OOfflt tnJt IAl!lte 1,

t,Qc1n,1,,,.,.1J ,1~ cl'd,t!U'I I lhol\1i:h1 lh:ail 11 w1, • J1h"11) fund fTIO\I<', WUlfllUI U)Jfl# Ill Jl\C i.'4'11) Ui\•t'tiJ, I !o\h k.lnJ 11( di\lll"l"ll•dllc:J v.11h 11 I 1ho~&N 1~ lhc'~ could h:a,c I''°" fl,ltUIC! U110 UIUM' cbaac.1a tac,,,., C"'C'I) tllnlCJ ou1.- But. I prv )'GIi ..... srt.....,_..

o...s...i.c C \\ · :.; R2-0:?.nJC: PO~ r.:.:sr..-1, •hcfWm A ifc R.cp,bl.; t, ownhl"'I 1J )'"' ka\c: "'IXII d1e lt1,1kl', rnan) d the ,uf1W1~l1,;1,,e~11n<'n1,.41)'tu~b(l).lt2·02 Utinjl 1MIJ I.he u11u.a11'1 l111*' 1.i 1hc .._1ia.Jn,r:1n.-.pcr, Obi \\anll.~,',poJ,,,aiank.nrct.tir ~"C',•Aftaia\._f'*alltr~Y<a!a t, ""'~-ot·v,r............ 1i.~llll~-("'\l 0'18'DW~b ~.tuby•lnn' S.wnc 111:htrthmr:1 ~"\5 mdlb. tn:,\JC' an: ~l.;:C"\\1rrdu,fllol)lo"'db)· \wnud I J.acl.1,1e, h,n;n,: • bltJ.'a' ro~ 't'<iunJ 0.<'1'1111'111km l r"t 111t1 "''"lllk'd oo dic pb,:1t.11'idon11~ ThcR" art l'k'"" \lll.&1t1HUi.h l.l.(°OUQI Uoulu Adltim ,m.c,. .an:ftJf1' IO fMo -inl: ill

"°~kh II

• • t· 1,,1'llc "'-,ns:a;i 'G r..d.o~• man~ cllbckr.ildt'dJcdiC"<ud _,... ll&Ca,"C'fllT p:ra;cl •twt~tlla*n ft"fl'IMt) ...-.1'1'11.)11) dmfiku tlbl,.roniM,:<'. ._,.1... Jrnaand w.i,~111 tlC'l'l'klofthC' mm 1n ,.,.,1m5: few d"11.· 1h1ttl ,·r11•0Jt In \1.1,il;h 1\ 'llo!II ~umi,: O,vth V.tdrt 11~-di:r.Cllrl\tCft!cll••~h)·(~ l.uat _, lffCV"' to be. b.-au Cl)f .\-.iLhr la 8d.s ._ on1, atnd "* do,e •ho •ctr IC'Wffl) ...,,QS b) thrl (luop,_ Th: •tdr 1~11,~ 4«'0nd tn\lA!hnrnl 1n tht '1a, "an"'Of)' t\darlni,i1idm,wclt('n,,1\11U )IIJ "''"'' "Ill'(" u,1J "''(1lnKr u~ IJIII$ ~ \" 11nn1ha \l,.'lf w.,,.. film. \ 1") tf, I• op:Tullll di)· 'triu flll) kneeoll.l.ld lifttiae1rnblbt l't\lol 19 ilJU1-~lluanllftfflldalt'°'"'lbcdlcar Titn:: IN:-, IO p;m lb: um,:•._ m;b ""l)b>-r',m"Yi.,nm,iasamn,..Sw\\

ft"~film1a11\ll\111l>\I) "Jw&i:"")\"°'dci;h"'"'l'llil)" l~twtlhk Ii.Im, m.1~ IIIC'(Oft'C'hc\lollli )'"''

~lbrffl0'1'ichi111mr C>.q,bnc:JON 6u11, biic"b. l"IN pb:-, • ckand,prq, nd pa. m1 ffO WtU •ha"ff •UJ "9 ll'C Id IO t«, hi.I lhf pcwlC"'"i ffl' ah• Mulit flCil lo mlt.l I) .1h,11'1. IIIC' tAk<' on 1111, ,,.nt,mrr·, Ir.. l'nlllJ'C',tU11.c,v.: ),,u,11 tlli n1111tic,' A&E Kant-Slarsu-'*-V-ln -Uno ctnemo·1·Jaoon X."
'""" 1hc km, ,onn,n \ho..., k1 ta.ale • fflU\ lit" fon:wm,,ct)' ""° Lmr: eU1a11ob llal._.U sbt'pcu•\Wl Jar)UD •ilblbc rdca1C ot U1rlJII X t*, Ult nracM • din 11,tH Xo •uh~ 1k \\ "'i•t•f lhal rl'•lit'i1 J......,, 11, die- lu.1un:.1n ,p,11...- .oJ c-,t'A1\1Ally. •1th 111.·w 111J11. ll~c,·cr. lx\:111\C thhtuol plAC 111 ,, lhc flJCurc"udi"9• ·~~l.&J cffo,1., lvJIC'I uatm#l,lllir"1l\l uf •'·' ,1 a1,.•a1
' Life ' lacks good end, characte r development
r11rIW1cC', ",ntttl)· •m.l 1lt1101.aall 111 one. II )1t11'rc loollot I,,, a men•< 10s,~ •11h )C,Ur ltl('lkJ,. I v.ooldQ·1 rcall)' "'""'' 1ht, o,w ,1thdush ·tJrt or ~-1h111 Lt.L.t tr ttalh •W11·1 &ha bad I wt10"J Lant. Komgan (Angelino Jolie) h- die · Nie unUI ·-"""'P'edlctsllerdNthlnlllo"'°"'""Uteor Something u 11.• • qun1IOCI' t • ..iJco. 'Star Wars' fans already waiting in line Ep isode [I' co ntinu es as Skywa lkc r turn s 10 dark side T:.: 4uc-..i1r,q•llf1herllitanoflJq,e,,,.,Jc11' Ck'11fJ!(' Lua.,· llllWlltl \\,',in, Cpt( "'·u • 1111.1Ch h)f\." " 1lc ltN 1.,, been &11\•\'tttl In Sdnk:', tm)(' t.bc (JI!» M,t tceoiAIIB:'IOMX"~t,u\\#'llp'iOl.kll.,...,0,.0---.1-.,AtL...i. I Rt\-lr\\ ti't)a,'\llll')"•~WW - t."J.dlc1mlll kw din ftftic •fflllll tic wnc • ""Tlc l'hmtml M,:o;Ji:C'• .,.i,o: M1fflC nimnt(d n;I\'\\ .u.h J J.u Rin l.1'lffi11.·tt"f <W IAkc Ur1)tf111"'0 adlft$ "~ 11p11.11Tnttn l!.pi..i:dc-l l\n11.11r UIC rruimint1 art I \kGrq:1•, ~L J.aci'ldl.,U~P11rtman.l• \t.. Owmid. f,-l Cu. 'o&', 't'1lk'l" ,\Ml:d U....l"anil!aA_..-,Omd>,-'-" "-,."(Urlbc1\\at1\1"C.'C"t C)l;loHftDa'"1C'I. :,. 1t.t'anc1'1..SKcn1n H,1.atRl 02110mmc tht ~i>r111n-J hunch • Im· Sl.&1 WllfiCJ*, u>fltUo11rt!1 lt\ ilh A11ill.1n·,
ancmpt ) t«\\IIDl>~hnndhcf J•J•Bml1.,lb:"""">'-"'""""'"""'""'-_, , _..otfhcllrmp, anti) r ~bt...'Ol'l1rl·~-bnnkll'!p' ()i,cit,,of ,•:,huo. P•lf4illrit n Surren.e 01;.ci.."ttk-.r h I~ 1v1111,lfCll.1 thlll \'t-S..
l'rn nt'II k"1u1U,- ~c bo• '"' •uu.14 dau&I) 1ti1i mu,w h hi\ ·---*·""""'..........)

Baseball comes to an end at NIC

b) lkl\) 0.1k,,io 1t.nd C'r.l.lJ. Wll..o;,;;


No11heblN v.11.yto luibhulf their

l:hl )C,i'A>fl ;11 NJC , The ('W,, Ii~

lhitt-ar-roor gAro~~ in o four,g_An\C

non-lcag~ dooblcho.ler with Pr.uric

Ac.,dcm)' l.a'it fricby nnd Sa1urday The

Oinl'\h.1\-cdmppcd 19ci,J 1hei:rl.1!.l2.'


Tl'lt' CIU\\ tpht d~ firs&

doubkhcadtt. Ma)' 3 •.11 NI(' 1134,n.\l

Prulne Academy of Ulhbridgc:.

Alben.,, Canfl.n41 pltcbt'I' Ckotr frttborn

p11cbcd II uoc-hittc.r, fUUCk 001 e1gh1

11nd ,,.,111};.eJ (lnC iu llleCutdJ J 1-J

\-icrnry (n 1he Opc'f)C'r

In the nli:httap lhl' Cnnh P\ Cup,,

t a.~ T'ndric ,corod nine run~ lo

1he )i.-1h l.nning fix 1 104 win.

··1ein't fit111rt 001 how 'we can p l;t,)'

n.:al wcU, 1btn in lhc OClil 11runc Call

.ap.ir1 an nnt innin;:-- hellll t'Oikb l'llul

Mwuar<Josald Rooble Recuetk-."O Wtm &for-7 with twodouble.;,and II triple and Ry;in

8am.1 WU .S-(or-5 "'hh a double..

In the finl 1;1me the CtrdJ. 14

hih "'hilt Pnairic hnd ju1o1Pile. ln pme

IW(l lhc Quds. h.:1d IO hlh a.od Pmiric


Track, field send 2 to outdoor nationa in Odessa,Texas

Wat k in s prep ares for e nd of se a byJ~.Conrow

Twency fiye men and women hJ.\'C ql.llllincd r« na:lional!i~ 1111d they m'C 14111 rund-rwS>OI for di< rrip ,n the rm1 two wceb we naiscd oboul S2 and 111,od1Ct$6 in doMIIOM," jottd Lewis. Wllltin~. head 1.."0at:h " We wlll be' N1f1PY whh • m.inim11m of $ l6.oM. but C'.ltlr ulLin):ilt' gool b, SW,000." The _,nucs lh""'gh Fndoy a..Si:nchde~p,i1.CS'i1lehat:i 0.}•fisl\t~ trip,30lfkSRWt,.ma.uagc,,u mowuiu bi~.ccc. 1'hett .r.: :atv.·uyssu,pri~ lo trnd: and f.eld,ju11 Ii.kt it 1.~ Chn.\tffla.\ itll ovet-,.iin." Wllk111i said. ' 'f'in ''Ct'/ pou!) or how Ille...,. ""'how Mlidlcd 1n:i,, v. llik •'Orking hanl academknlly, Wld ~pctmg w,1h :all 1hcir hwt~Thl1 11 Wh)' I lo-ve tbi:s job."

The O:itd,;«impcwd in the DtJ•

HNtltl,.'ln l~V1tntior\a.l III Spolaoc Conamunhy College S:irunby. Bri;m

8:iticock c.,pwA'(I fow'lh w ha111.n1Cf

1hmw \\ith 1 nev.• pen,,oul bcM; 167 f«1 I u~b Uc.uJsok)()Ktbiidan1bc.

,J.,. pu, Md ninth in lhod...,.,

8 laM- i nylor qu,,U(icd for n:itiooab wilh a 4:03.0ffltbc l .500mt"CCI'$.

Jenlllf« woo lhc shot put 'iltith a k>l)o( ~2 Shc a l'iOWOII the

•mer1hmw with a ISS-~ and 'OOl

>OOnnd 1n thedi~.(123-0J.

Megan JohnM>n (f\tal1flcd frw

no.ho.tl41s in, the I jOO 1tid AfCe Stot1e

q111Mcd 11,pu,. pl-.lng 1h1rd in 1hc


• 'r:.cC..itd,ti.,nc,lruPJIC-"d i11,

Lu,1 I'' 0111 cf ?.l $,ll:O.

• fhc Ord, ll.tll 1.,lr 01:1 CSI 1od.&y 11110c fnu rouud •'ti drn.tMc climln.itkin 1num1mtn1


• The C"1111h ;10: Cl-lit ag.ns11.-

CSI 1h111e;W01:

• G.-orr f r~bom " lhrnJ m 1tie SWA{ Ill ,tnl.MUllo

'ACTC ~wppc,d in lheirtr.lC'b 7-S. llnd 7-


Jord,1.n Hofk>w•yMruc.·l. lklltigh.1

bd'ore be:tng rtllCYC\l i'n 1hc fnunh

inningl.lhhc linlg.:itneb) Btn UN:11

Cord1n:tl c,:iuchc:t J:iy Buph~lll w~ru 3-

lor-l 11nd Mc.-."hen 'i'1u '?-f,v...& w,th two runs 'tCOftd to, 1he Canh

The cw "'ffl ,huroot In 1he \eCOCKl

,;;amc, Cht1t Sm11h "'~fll 2•fQr·2 f('lr 1h,c Co.n.h.niJI\ in the~ game Of\ Saturday

In dll)' IW() ot I~ ~flts lhc Cardm,:l)s

A~ 111c41m 1hc ( .ird:\ tlaii 11lnc h,,, m

1Jwo rm.s e:m"' .:il'lfl fht' hitw '" th, ~"l,nJganie

Jn.\01\ Wc,k-r-..p.1hn <m,,llc\J 1hc ~ullu founh in ,tie-SWAC in. RBl '1; w1Lh43,,w.1twohchi1"21he Ile v.-~ abo 1>1.Jtth m will.ks and rourth Ill olft.c.mpc• Wllh 301 H(! put OU1 268 nf the chance, Fn::cOOm 'tl.1J.;, 1h1N 111 strd,(Wb w,1.b SJ 11nd Ry11n S11U'*"""Y WM fiJt.b \\11.b N. fttcl>om w.a, il))(I tibh u, UUlUI$.,. pi1,bcJ 4Lld SJ.Uowa) \\.~ fifth in llbu:Oub

The c.nb c-.n:mr up short April 27-28 \lilth "~-1 br. to the.- co11c,~ or Sou1.htn1 ldabu Cill. wbo pla.) \ i.ht1ru40p f()f lhe C•rd~. five pf d'f CNdln..:d, 11 erron.•.Pioc:h-Mtn Mcachtn had a thn:t'-rui1 doobtc "We pia)'Cd tarib-tc de(cru.c." Puul Mrultfttd() i,,"IJJ I'm disappomtcd " The Cord-) 1())1iill (ow jUI.Ol¢s of the loor~pmc1;tt1t,: w11h ',,Q)tt'IOf 9-7. 10. 0.11 '"" 10.2 Thi;) fou).hcd 1he r~gulunc:u.o11 li\Uh 11n 0\'ffllll 11.'CMJ ofZ:t,..28 O\·i;rwl l'he('atd~ he~ 1nw~,·~11 ac1ioo roday. In S1. ~l'J:,C, UWI The) fa.:"C 1he ~d-~i;dcd College of Southem ld:iho. l'b<- lou.m..anicuth dolihlc clnnil'llUJOO

1.500 DIC'l1,."n. Manda Jobnoon lim!lhcd in die 400 A med 11 WhJLv.'Otth m WC AprtJ

JlO)Cl<-1" , bnt N>«l<d>uml tl1n,c 11111M;111ial ql.Ullilic:~ In ;mo1hcrsutpl'i,c.OI..SGodd;ml

V.'~ cl~ t'Mltcr tb.1n e.tpcded from hi,: l1.Anntrin1 lnJW')' and compeicd 1brousti1hc~orthc-<$C~ innr1

•l~ 10 go OOd;, to Nadonah ror1~ dw1ce co OOCOfflC • four time ni11on11l cl~1ptoo. The v.Ottl(n'~ rnu b tt) fol~;

IOOm- S-Brinney Fulwilcr. lJJ3. 200m-12·FulwUcr.27.4ll.,IOO,nMCllank>hn«)O,l:CIO.S9 IIOOm- 1· Tiffan)' Hoh.t. l:23.8t: 4-A~ Stl')f)C,

2:25.79 1.stl0m-J.S-.4:$1.18:Sl.olr11 HO(tlandeL, 4:S6.89 SJJOOrn11-NicolkCluuo,20:31.90. l(nn Hurdlc,-9-Jc,sica$1u,ft0/ch. 16.81:

10,R>Cllcl O,i<s•old. 22.84.400,n - J. Jubc Pc1erscn, 1:09.47~4,,Ah ~.

1:12.'IZ: >Sluirufclr. l : IJ 71 )J)O(l,n Soocplcth:1$C- l , Fn11K'fl)CM~.

12:t5.4S;J.Mlllldi Johruon. lHl.55.

4x100Rel.l} - l·NIC.51.l.S x400 Rcla>:- 1-Unhmlcyof ~i0111~.

3:58.83: 2-NI\:. 4:03.56: 6-l\1 C l<lWl

"8".4:2M2. Hlgl1 Jwnp -J.Jo<,1ico Nkl-oh. S"Ot.(X); S.Arit'll Vocgclt.. "'11.00. Lon.gJ11n~-9..Vocgeli:.

15'0.UO Oi~-4,.JC"nnifcr 8mndlc®, 118.0SJIO; IO-Emlly Deslcr, 102•1000. Hammer-?, B"""-1'ellll.157-t0JIO Lq tbc~'li dn·bk,a: IOOm-1>

Child Ooolx:rt, 11 .64. 200m - U. O.-bben.23.n.$(X)m-g._T•) IS9A8: l)·Jcn,my lvon,.2,oo;i, ClwtsSW.,2:04.00. l.m,, • \V'JC$, (Unh¢lC)' of Mom11111>., 4.01.93: l l •CNrlic Mlllcr.4 10 Ry"" Tu,s,4·1144: 13,Jnluon 4:12.24~ 14-Todd UM.4:IS.7 1; I Cl'3d Wrdlln

6"0?.00 Pole V""1t -6"°"'ld>. I l"l 1.7S.Sltoc l'l,o-~ B-t.50-01.25. I l •AAlliaa~ 4U>8.75. Ois=-IHl11""""

144-10.(11); IJ.Oirt Boe1,. IJ'l«J H11mmcr -S0ocld.ud.




I2, 8111>."'1.



143--08.00. lnEugl"ll(': (\,kt,'s IOOOOm- M· Mm«•.J.? IS-Willhn.32:41.-IO. 0nApril27. d>rll!4mhadJJ~ 1 Pufltn3nlUldl:'.ugcnellOOIMM!'e

n:u1la.: Prom f'Uitm:m:- W(lffltfl' -10.Fulwiler.SOCln> - S.MeJIIIII Johmoo,:?:19.41. 1.l()(lm-l• f!cm:,ndcz.4,59.6. 9·M•nd,S,o.1.6; IOOm llurdk> - 6Gje»~ld.16,82. 7.Sbon..f,~Jl Ii 3,00l)m Sl<'Cplc<ha.<c -6-11:42.48; 4xl00 Rclny-1-W S1.1e. 45.llO, 6-NIC (Nichob.Arsl Voeg,:1c.S1wt.Cc1,.o;e,..wr, ,,.. ,

John..,n. -): ff,p> Jumr-' Siran.ccl,.5-03.00 7 wen: bold

S-03.00.8-Vocgclc.5-0100: 0...,, 10-Boonchc,w, 1 11 .IXl;8-Broadlc:w,IS4-0'I.OO. ford)emen:400m- t 1-V.'hll: 51J6: 800m-17-Ry,nTu».l:OI

I.SOOm - 10-0cne Bctanooan."tt'

5, 1S:'l6.61.6Bct.ncoon, 16;12:.14, 7 ~;eJSC11.

Cards out in two at Region 18 tournamen

'4'0ttd four I\IRl off of Kcl1nX'r. \\1M» p,c up cigh1hie., •DIJ ure 'iii &Iii. The lo\, totted me Can.I., into II k)t(:r~I g,.unr: 11pin\l ftk:k, Col~. Rlck\.11:lefillb!iiCCd,\ltd~ chec.itrds2- 1 on

M.1>· J pcmi.n, 11llct1d k>dlC Mlftoo.11 limdy Ll~crnr Rid~ Colk,c hil ct.c wu)n~ Mn@lc jo tbc botwmoftbc o,e,'\'rtth lll.l'llttp; !uJi,e 1h(Vdc~lhc'vil..'1,;,ty, NIC took a 1.0 le&.I nf\er'rrut•Wd l'• RBJ Jootik In 1hc: sttth Meg.1n C:wpc:ntcr \C\tfl.,I from fib!: bis,.. Rkb 1.icd tht me in lhc btlCI001 of the 1,i1h .i14'2'Tl'i\'")'A w~ crw,hcJ nn RBI 11ul.ltl" witb mo ()111, NIC hikl 1hrtt hlh In fflC Wcm1p:1rcd

Valk)' h:t.) ID (t\'tt111 ~'()rd or 30-20und IS

ranL:cd third In LI~ Scasli: West Athltt1e

Conft"tcOCC NIC h 18-2.4 m-cta!I wad 1, run).:c-J Mllh In cht

S\'IAClOU:1 ofcigl11 te~msl.llicCard.,:b.1~ (h"C"

ht1 iinchc ltM


l Ciia~d. -~ champ~asa -= 0 wa lk-on at NIC. • • • • • • • SPORTS --Chris Smtih, 20, a freshman from M iddleton, Idaho, contemplate$ the dugout before the l ast home leagu e gamo on April 2 7.
Cards finish season dropping 19 of 23
4:18.35: 21-0ua 4:2-1.76.5.llOOm- 1-Uso.1"6 Wllllu1. 16:06.98: 6-Mdlct.16'" IOj)Q()n1- l·Alclt Ni<actr,35~ 100.,, Hurdle> S-Gobbcn. 16Jl -<OOm-7-0.vldTu».1:03.75 J Slttplcrha.S<- l·BrnndaoR..« (UniYtro;iry of Idaho), 9;4691; 2 Mowell. (EWU). 9:53.49; 3.e,n, s,.,,rreJd. 9:SSM; ,,.D:o,idl ll:)3.()9.4d00 Rcby - l Whn 42.:ZS: .S.N IC. 45.DCJ 4,4ll0 R i'11C, l:J2.96. Hi8)tJWTip -7•R Wbio:.
16: 18.49: IIOmHunllc,- ~ 16.61 l.!IOOm S""plettwe-1.Qt Charle$. Oub NW. 'l'.27.28 z.Bi,ir T•tloor. 9:27.79. 8-StmRdd. lOJr~S Hiah Jump- 6-Wbuc, 6-02.1$ Put - 5-Baboook.S l -Ol.2.l:l)i.Jooch,m Ol,cn, ltl,ho. 178.0J!I>. o,-1A1v,aod.164~1.oo.s•.su: nt 07.00. ~Bon,.142-0).00:6-C,odd;,rd, 181-0l.OO. J~.8,bo,d IS7-06.00. Fool•Wrigll<
Truesdell hits so lo home run in opening round b~ Scl.5)' Du c,r;ski ~Spom,&ltol' We~ 1'"0i11g cc, rock ~tt ~.111e)' Cc>mm1inlt)' Colle~ 1bl, )'Gtt." ~a pitchtt MnndjAlton ~idinlbc M.vth 131SSucorThc: Scn1lr1d. •·;i.( far fR,l'.n md,11'1' MJ) 1:1.ll 'IVCC (l(()uutlo, Ore... c:n.1 hcJ 1hc Cutdin,J, 61 The llnrth Idaho CoUeJ< ,ofiball 1erun lm\cltd u, Own. Uwh. lO pill)' the C"hu~'ll\ ,n 1hc opcmnt ruuud orRegiort 18 h)um,1ment play ThcChukffi hlld 13hib.ldf 11 oo b:1.-,c111x1 ~'Ul'td in t"·er, mn1ng c,:CCC'( lbc fmt T~a.-.m'ft
thr Catd, a 1-0 lead Iii I~ mpi,f die~ inmna ~11h ' ~lo honll.'.' nan Kam M...Ollk) .Uld K:1ra KclJn,n-!h pidiaJ thrtt inninp for ch() Cardanl\l'-- \ 1dldlcy •lldli\i:d ,..,...., v.1lh cm fhC' h iu With one wtlll. and t~'OMr1kW\lh 1',casun: Valley
tu Ric:bi-c ,'CR AJtc,n hu u OOtlcr m 1ht. o\C\cilth mn,ng. who 10 ~on a'-11aW«, !Ind t\'C!JIU:&IJ)· M!Ol'\."Clon Li~k'r'-fo\it1.t1,te. Uwh VuJk)· \!llfJIUred the n:g,arutl hlk O\'(f Ohdc SlalC 111 tbc- i;hurnpilln~h.ip IU1d wtll ..J\'IUI« ll'ld~ NJCAA 1m1m11mi:t11 ,n Flrnndii t!e-'I ·"""·Knsan Kellup OnithcJ IJIC: r:anleJ fifth m 1hcSWAC "' uajl(o b;ii~ 1'!.S C.11rp."1ttcr w:l\ eighth in ,luB,tdng ~MlllfC, founh 1n lrifife\ «l)J X\C'l'IIII ir.oo-li;.~~.Ahan\\iti-.C\nlth tn uppo!,ing ~n·, b,.1ui11~ Jl\\fl~"\

Moving On ...

Walle-on receives scholarship to University of Georgia this fall Goddard given second


ror • )' pu1 • h,d1 011 h ,• 1hro:'A 11l• drc.1rn~ lie ~tune 10 NIC' from Carrolton. o.,. , n._,t h«iJt.1\C oJ • ,i:hoha,-hip al rc-r bu1 h.!caUj.t hi: ht d 1hr tJc,irc IC) dt'I \I.bat he h1,ed. thrc-v. '"'Ml' coach 111 Gc-orgi,1 ht',. 1hc i:oaL.h here:."" Goddard uid. l decidtd 10 ((nnthctt .a11J ~c ,r I 1.ou ld *•IL on"

welght throw, w111 move on to tho Unlvoratty of

Lu~t )C8r he ~tm Ilk: "'"Ctghl throw and 1ht han11ncr 1hrow wil h a SA 82· ntC t C!t 101>'1:. A lthoosh Godch1td i {i...rO(lc l atld wdJh, ?5.S round he doc~ no1 bdlc.,.c ti1c ,ccount, for bh ucccu:. " ly 1ccl1n1c1uo" "has n1.1 \c1o rot Jood, 11p1 JU'i"I m,- 1,u:· Goddard 11aid m~ 1cchniquc b<: bing ht' 1opo.'a~ coun11c,, hooN worku•,: on. Sorncor,c hkc Ooddud who has• drum of bc,comlng an All·At11crlc11n at the: Uni\cttrh) uf Gcvrgiu.. where be b.11, 1ccehcd 11 -.cbtll.:lr,ihip IC> lhlO'A ne'II )CJ\f, ffllbl 1pend t\Cr) i,ccond tocuw:d on throwrna.

Tb•t ts C!{cw;tl_y wtw Godd.ud doe!i When heh n-a1 wa.tch lnc hb fa,Qlitc jhi)\\, "'The Be~, 0.1mn Sp0rh Show Pcr1tld." he: 1, 1h1nL1n1.1bou1 thrciw , ng.. For fun he lift wti3h 1ii: F01 fun he thro,.,,. For run h~ v. 111che1 ""i.Jc1:>, o.)r bi• 1hrow1ni ccdmiquc loolong for IIP.)


~uc ha, 11\ii ,t), .ct en eun,pk fnt m"' hcC11u11c nr the pcr,on h u •. lfr 1i.,. pe11,n11 lh.11 1 lr~di. h)' P•iuupll!' OodtJAtJ i.iJd he hil'- cnJo)td the 1v.11 and ia h.:i lf ~ear,. he hA\ ,pcnl hero: t,u1 will bo f:liu.1 ttJ rclutn ,., OentJi• 11nJ w 1bc W&tm(t WCl'llbcr 'Ouc (1( the trk.l'-1 1.lifflcul! 1hlt1gs .1h11111 IH·ins here WH lc11m , n11 hn"" h' dm c 1n 1hc •no.,.. he •:' II<' alt.o mb,c"' lhc cul1u1r in C:,.nr111t, "'I am nol u,e 10 cht l•cl m cuhur11I diTcri.ll)·," GnddJtd \.lhJ Th.ul 1, one ruwn I think 11 1, really !o.lld lhc) 1U't' cuulnJ 1~ nthltuc: prt111r•m, .st Sil bccau\C it bti11J• d1Hcrcm ku1d1 01 people hom JHfe,c:111 1'1n.ce, lt11'cll,et O<>dda,ll lh.rncd m1tn)' thing, 1.lur-1111 hh 11mc berc ••~IC. hut 1nn,1ly he ha~ learned wh41 it ID1<"' 10 Ma:cccd "'\1) ume here h;1.., 11w;ht Oil" 1h•t you really b;a\ e 1n wod. h.ud rn, the 1t11ntt11. )'OU \ltant 10 be •uc<cidul •t 111 Ille h~

~ll d OllddauJ ha"' pro,cn lwd "'"''l. dtdlcution and l.'ammumcn, rc•lly dri pa) otf. He i, follu•rn~ 1n h1~ gr• ndb 1ttc,·, (4,C1Mcp1 a11 a pt'rwn ""In, le•d!o by ei.umplc

Eatcher looks to play elsewhere ptista will leave NIC after sea son

f 1K1si>:Oulcv -

~hlli.111.~f J.&)' 6~\U ~'.ch hlic JU\J

her numl'oct tl) '\loho h.),c flh"llit~ll

i1lhk1!c ~""• ti\11 H.1ptil.l.1 iJl"'t> Clwil

bt-r" pei'Mlnalicy :111J il hum,•o ,wry hi11

11 i~ rtAUy hud tor nx lop&..) f)l.t1,1,

b like I .an 111.iyin,; fur nt.llh•nR; H.1r,1111a

Bupllua came to !\IC' aft<r 1nadu11trn111mrn

11ctlw High Schoo-I m W+th111..-,a. H11~11u.

h,11 been p l.a)ihi; ~"'Ctll&II \UICC be \I..J" 4

Cttl 11\e I ti.aye hccn pl;l)·,napttst)· mu, h

whok l1fo.00 811ph\ln ,.llJ.

Ht ha,mw,aJ i1111ur,dmJt1) hfflc',.,lfl lh(

, pll)fog aJl1)C)l,I C\Cf) bid fi"'h

dfalh(1fllt ,.i.i..1tdicr

I lik.t 1h.:t1 poMtion b.x:-•UJ< I 11m 111,1,h"J

'''-">' pl.s),"' B.-.1.o11.u~1tl "''fo~11.tu..iJ

·brt)'tXI bll\Clo0~.atilcta1n:.act (11.'1.l.llOd

c ln~111)1.11o I 111.t.1,3 \h.,.I h, \\h;it 111.1k.e...

p,od" lbpli\b JCJIC' llOl plirn oo 1,;mmint tu NIC

m1 'it'tnC\k'f h m,'T. He f\'n.'lWJ .11

I Kholi,,l'\hrp th~ p11N f1.\C hlll lUltl~'II

kr. A S IC 1hl\ )at

hc: -uJ -1wm111ns:01oa {r:c: 1h:111AUI ,,,.., O\f,; thf OJIP0'1Ut1il~ to V h.i-da!J. Rii:hl l'lllY.. I Am "'l)l"rl I ha,<"

l'IX'Cn6.l 11rfc:n IN,i,\ ll t:nupJc coUcJ,'t', hid home and ooc -.--olle~ 11, C.u1,fomi•. hm 111.:"c ""' mu ony ffrod dtc,'iinfl,.-. He 'l.llld he ~,old ratbcrro 104 c:~1Ut:i.:: hctt. rn lhe m11i11l111kl a1,d opct11.·~ ,o,ncct1,n, d1Ul"~fll lh;Ul he JtJ pw.,n, ur I IO'o\(\ff, he d,IC'o m,.., 1t w:l1i He mn.~ 111...- wann \\C-atht.-t.tnJtbo.'bc-.v.:h

Mir I "',:n: 111 Hav.ilu rithi nnw .1 ~, ,w pn'lb,.thl>· b(-1111hebead,.hcid)' t.i.:ml.i~.· he lJd Ood)' boonhnf! i ~11 hobb)· he hat h;td ,u,.,"C ~I I k .il'IIO h~, 11'1 fO 111C1\ b anJ l1,;1ni oui \nth hi, f ticnJ."' .ind f111r1il> ,1yri.m1il~ micmbcn..uchoci,:oftbcm.1Mt:

u1~ Mt mad,•I " 0.ipU~• "''..i

He- h111 t'AOOIJcr t.i~lt'l"!! 11001wnor&t hmdllCh Hh \i~. who ht ~iJ h .ll'ltu ,e:ry good 111J1lctre. hdJ)l."d gmtk tum m 1o11hk-lic:i.

"'S.he ,ho me what .\hedld th; 1,11( rcsrtu.cJ doltl& w I would Mf mllk(' 1,1:mc mist4l.c:,.'"fll:)llj,j

Kig:ha no.,.. ~J\t;i 1-. ...,,d.111~ i.J.,..llld u dcir1.-c inp...)'~h.,t~. " I ,-. m 10 bra h,~h ~hot'il CW"ll\Clor ,md A blaa.l"ball «-:h."811pei,1.1 wiJ." I juu c n·c ~Qt 4w;1y fn'lln the pon

t;,.:n dlOOJtb hb t~pcrience Ill N IC b.J..<i bN:11 a jh(,n OlllC', hC' h:.t" ,u IJ lcilmCJ ,iwn)' thing. ubcu haN:t\llJl,.about him~,r and 11t,out li(c M:,coocltw1,1i;hl mcho.,..· 1vrl,1) 1h¢1 u11t

Attention College Students!

.11 a htrJ.c1 ae,cl He w1s:ht me "'h.M 11 uke.., 10 ~-.uttcwuJ.n()Cjui;tonthc (ttld,butin tire:·

8.lf'C,.,!.1 ~I.Inf Nit M.«ti.'lll ro.'ICh P.1ul

M.1ivardo 0ap(.l,t..a h..) bttn lof'Cl."d to leant a..,., w .cmc 1hrou!!hlifc'H'Ol'\tbal~. T11.111)W

11'1,111) u( I.hem h"""" botn diro-. n in hi• ~rci.1l111n Artcf Sept I I .he fcllt'C\I h,: V."(JU)d br IIMC' IP n} htltl1C '6nJ Cltn.tma. whh ht, (amlly,blll he did The m,h, hcamc s-, bow,i Jooa and I Wll.\ fC'all y ncn·ou 1hc endn:: uinc," 8.;i,ptj,a ,aJd Wruai be: will mi.,., 1!1e fflO!ol about XIC '" 1h.:-.:uinmunn)' ""ft:ic ~oplc hctf: 11tt J~- E,'Cl'),,ne b so frk:ndl)· rhi, J,. ,it.a 11 Jf1.'.IC place tn fo·e.'" he <,aid~'"Oh. and l 1QC:C.~ I will mi,c,,. IJlC- ~)..., hl"t.wxdtb. It tbt li:l'fltumr lha\'c,tvcr li \('1 ,n 11. crr~fl thooB,11 I got ftod u:p _. i1h ii ''Ct) tw., Of hb 'f)(1Cl being cut. B11p1ir.t:1 I\. IM5!.I)' \.lJ for the Utb""hn'lllm'I hcJh'o1 1bt Wilie 1,ppocwru1.ct' 1h.11I~ Vi~tai,·cn 111N IC • 1am hc.1t btt.amc die) 1a~c ox ar, t1p1>0Ctutut)' B11p1hta suid. '"I Am IIQC 1hml..1nl! ln kWh ol \oC.lO~i.,, I •m 1htnkin¥ in tcnru or ~ocher ._Mb wOOw.1ot lOroflte: htn: t(V !he \.;ltl'lt opp(lRlln1C)' but ',l,·tll no loogcrbll\C: 1.1':ln,,;,c,"

tlaplhu. 'Mlid chl, b lhc '-l(lr}' ht would lcll .~ "'ho N \ (-pmp,.,:!,Cd IOCUI lheba~bJU f'"1'1'1ffl if hr t11('1uJhl lhey \l,,OO Jd li 'lll.'n

Freshman Jay Bapti'1a, C.rdlnel ea1chor, pl an• to transflf from NIC after h4I k>le s hl11c.holarshl p du e to cull tn the sports program

chan ce
Hcumecc,NIC ha:,u..c he v..t, 11,iena K'l."(lfld 1;hA11« 10 ~njcip te in 111,port th,u he lo\·cll. • ,.port be w4, for'-'<'d 1a 11\c up hii jun,r,r )·tor m h1ah ':iebool afttf I\ car ac-cid~m lcft h un \.l.'\'C"R'I) 1njur1:d.. I d1, a ~nC' m m) rih • .ind 1hc d.i~hho11td ot lbc car ,,..cn1 1htt>U),!.h t11)' arm," Ch.J OCM.IJ.uJ \.ii.Id o( hh a«idttlt, pou11in3101hc <;cn.ron tli•.inn , um ,tall not ..:omplt'l('J) hC'11h~d '" Tb11 uuur)·, v.hic:h lcfl ll•yC11.r·o1d (iQtlc,!4fd b1 u. ca.,.1
w11y to funhcr pcrrut 11 ~o.w,-rne~ He camr- 10 NTC wuh I drum and wUI lc4\<C' Nl<" u 1hmwm1 cll.,mplc,n He hr~kc che Naw;.i,al Ju111or College i\lblctk A1o\od11tl4)n INJCAM tC"'<1tJ ID •IN 1nt:n·, )S-p<1u nd "c111ht 1hro• wuh a l(b 1 of 62 fcC"I l1.a in~hc, OotJd.!ud &i«, 11 1(11 or 1.rcdil for hb iUcce~1. 10 tlia. Jtiindf1 11,cr. who he tllid bi~ role moocl Goddard, sophomore record breaker of the .. He ha •Jw•)'li bun 1tw:.rc f(lr n1c tJ,ro111hou1 my c1.1llrw:: !Ire., Oot.lda/d
M..,.r r., ldoo't 1h,nl I couk1 o1ir1,nl 10<.'0ltk Dl'\t )Cllr OOV. l!Ul d!C)' Wl" W.IIIJ ;1"4) ~·bflltNlip.'
The school year may be ending soon, but don't let the same be true for you r H EA LT H I N S U RA N C E. Apply now for the Fortis Health Insurance Student Select policy: Mafor Medical Health insurance. • Provides year round coverage Ind Is renewable even if you graduate, tave school, or end the semester. • Affordable premiums with Credit card !IYment options. Don't wait to take advantage of this prog ram. You must enroll in this plan the semester ends. n.1u,.u111 A lfOUltANU Brian Goetz, CPCU State Farm Insurance 1701 N 3"' St. 667·6468 l~IllS'I' 1fl~EK 01~ 'l'UE SEIIES'l'Ell IN 'l'UE SUII tNUNSET Jk>,fiJNG CENTI!R 102 a;;_3•Aiow , 6 5,2695 f <"'"""" 'IIIUNDEll ALLEY Glow Ii 1/w, darlc !tut, hg/11,, bwck ltRhu and LIVE d«-Jll'J! Every Friday Night! l 1: 30 pm • l :30 am Unbelie,,al,le show! lncre<IU,I~fu n! TUllKEY SHOOT LOUNGE En,o;/ our fwU >tNIICt lounge and tnll' . WorLd Fa:mom Marpri tu • N('W Micro n~wc! • Bloody M•m • B-5Z', • Frosty Muic Beu • Crn1 Fondl FIVE TV SCREENS TO CHOOSE FRO M! Wa.1c.h your brorite sporting tvtn1 lo • dean, romforuhlc • t roofrhr,d GROUPS WELCOME! Q,VAAt'tEll MANIA THURSDAYS 9 pm • llpm $5 Adm,,.lon & 25 cen t: Bo,<ii"I, Sl,oc Rmurl, F"""it Fries, & Sod. (~•,'·,,I HOW CAN vm ' CO WRONG?

GRAPHICS; Fine ans

dcpnnmem refuses posi1ion

10 currem heud due 10 lack of master's degree

conlinutd htn Paet 6

Curriculum Council appro\ ini:, iAA"h •

rLm w4. the ,~1 olfkiM \\Utd from thr uJndni1,tr.uon Rprilina lhi.:

rrogoun (o, t.i, mMth• Otlc ~cp m

!ht righl d1m.:Uon, in lhc \Jew t1f th~

,udc11t\, "'"4.~ .a $,40 ,()(')) 1c<hoology

l(r.lM llll'PfO\eJ by 1hc ln,1Ni.tlot111I

COltlll;il aoJ lh41 '91M u~ ,o

pur,jli\1c' MY.. M11Cintchh computeh.

KWJDttli, \OflV.Att and cfi,llilll drnv. mg"'.UI: lto,t,,t"U.lhi.>11it.\•nne,.

lime lffllll. and rgtllrc budi.'ffl for I.he

(lffl, ffW)' oK;IUJlll)' be 10\li(f d1:an in

pr"C'fiCJU,\ )eate.dlk to Mlllcwidc bu<lJ;d


Ctt "l)C:.Vhc.ldal tnolbt'f au.cmpc tu

r11w fondi.nt: for fnlPhic dni11n by

m ,lmg 1111110 o. rrofe<."onal ,1Nhn11,;1I

pt\1Jl'amhu.t )'eat,but rntti~ \\:I,\

ooc app«m:d b)' lhr board or du«toD

0cc ti.I\" lhili lft ll&bl of n:cffll budt:ct

ai1 ~n rmtc,,liQl'lo1-1CC:M~I ptoJraoi.,

b) dlC' hl 1,o Jc,i\ll\U,lrt lflAI ti \\ii} 1111

t.1nt,pcokd bb,,ns few 1hc dlorr 10

fail II W01Jld ha-v, b«n

dcu1n1tolltl M(l(t,a profc5~ionJI·'"Ci«l,;lid "'A\ ll

\\'0.\,10 h.uklk (he rue.a Cl()O\(r,.ml)

Athletics: Move woul d

save more than S127,000

«inHoutd &om hgt t

1Ulll 1'1ti.J•'tl l"f'~nccd in M")' for t1

lrM ~Ddin,:· 84wd Chai.rper)On

~htil.i Wood ,:ud,

One optJon pre.s.cntcd is 1bc: Jdea. ()f

,e. 11..:hmg from the Sccni< \V~

Athlr-1k CMfetci,cc: l.d 1~ IM1c:r.

more r~uitll\'C: and argwih1y man:


"""'°"'i~l11>n ()fCflrnmuni1y Colkto, In the mo,t t'tttflt board 1ncttlni tl,r')

lttlldt U lh.U thh tcJca b Pnl

l(ilni; hl he i;on1,1dc«d

·Wclut,e- nnobliJM•<m 101hc

S\\' AC: \\t v.cne m1,1rumrntul in

Jc,dopm,: ii, lnht«: Roll} WilllltlU

~1rJ "\\< v.m: ln.1otrtnncotal m llt\rlopmg ii. Toa.1;,wnc th1u 1he

l)r.i& "e Vt(:fC plkcJ UI h)' hc \IJ~ \I.a:' hnd ltl ni.-U.c •(lnitkunl c:uu 111 program, in ,tie prorc: \

llttt'IA. We. ,.,.,ulJ hit,~t.·ompcmudcd

d\.llt ~JtwtU~ If 1tc fflo\oJ paphk

dU1Jl'l mf(J I~ pco(~".IC"'"'\l·l('(htll(':11

r1.1Ddmg mech11111\ffl fortbd)i:u.r• no\\ 1 fr~mGl'l, said ch.:

JIICtU on swrd thac the t1\11.lcnh "''"t«I

'° b,ot lnl>rt"eoope-tlllnn v.uh me adrriu,1~ion in dcr.cnnuuug 1bc futwt" of dlC po~. The n'lole ,,1lh,: ,mck.nb c:w.cC1rnc:n.1hc le ,.1,o p.) lor wh.11 •tic tofk~ ptuv,tk1i. '4ih emplwut"J. \luohur1hc lc11..-r,.,a,,

,t\o-.1.· of SUf!ClOR forCk'm(nl,, \\-ha, tw:ou..e bcJ(IN nnc pot\cla • ~·, dcgrtt, would 11t11 kt con.,~ u.1

hclJ al lhc 1niph11: tk,,µ:n f'"llfnm

MIMI) <1r 1hc 33 ,1u11e111, "'bo \i11nod ll,c kctc:r acklcd brltt> o.bout Clcn,an, ~<e\<et,tbcffibkt'~de~ pn:rr:q1u,ttc1 ,f'M.1rop11C'IIUI h 's eon1nict11.'II pahi:o) for all NIC' ~lit" to t:11hcr hi.,c 1hedcF,: « 10 11.:hk\c ii 't\-ilhht • o«Uin l)OI.UI af\d hini1tt: i11 onktcnb:t"ntplu)'OJ Id 1be c:ullr,c.

As 1n ioclu..U,, rrC\f'U"klnlll, Ckmmn b Jt~u,,·c l•f ,tie n:q,uN-tnffll ·A m~..:icr'• ck&rtt t'i enu~l) iq,propnAtt forwmc ticld., bul f ~oukl lJCk •'°"-00 and tet am.:l)tl't'ti 1n P.P. .• but II v.·ouldn't mM.t' me a pro(~ornil"fb,c-k, uid I• mn...aa·" in pu;phic dc\i,:nl wouldtfi mnl.c me ,.,mntt t>noux), I•• I.UIIIP,.-tt on a nation.tit k,d ," he said ·N~ Id be

NWAA<."C ,, ,.,.Mdtrfvl hn·1 nC'\."t"1-i.anl)· Ink Wt bou1Jn'1111mr for m<edJ« ri1y. Rttcmly, M11ur)' k11)·, mhkuc dm:clOr of the Communlt} Cotlert',. or SpoUnc: ttCSJ, whtch l\ II mcmhet ot 1he NWAACC. ~l J memo to Jim Hudle)·. NIC', otliklK director. ~ho""1n~ hnw ,nu.:b he 1hlnb NIC .,..ouJIJ ..a"c b) ,w11ch1n1 co the NWAACC elm< to SI27 J,00 \fo'(I of the '\:\un,:,. R~) 11,id. would be U\cd from 1111\tcl

.c.1pcth<•. 8t1t ;iiidc (r(lffl abt \.ll\otnp hy Ju~t J\l.ltchini:. he orrt'r'(d IT)('J~.

"We:. wdl hdp )QU N\:C ltlC'i(' l"polU b)' w,in,~ INl\'tl "1t 1111)' olhtl

"'.t)' ltw.. WJXild \;I\C co,h • he, 1&1d Rci11nlki.1; 1he •port, w11J not be \.IJ\cd, bu11h,e b,Q;u·d ha~ dc:t1dcd IC' .tild~i MRrlC c.J the 1:tics«rn, ,\t d1e


~,,rc,pe..·ctul ,ibt,u.11he IJtjt11t.t't111 I th,nk; v.c:~ m Jwl. re.all; ~U) 111

tughJ~ ~CI II \C rtc-lJ~. rieltl11il;c

,mrt,i, tk-dgn Ctn (1hr. ~lbl 1t'u.Ll) compic:1t'7Thl)t',\\lw 1h1 ,i1 aoou, I' in snpanns ,tudcm, to cumpcec. I \J1ould~·\\h1t:1lbe et1~,CC1l1011 I, :ibocn, and I \bould tit .llblc u, comf)C'IC my~lr" h h WlllkCI} ClcmcMI\ \\ 11J be:

'*~ •-=,c tall Ho"''t\-U graphic Jnig11 Ml1dtnh ht,pc 10 be ht.Md Ut l')Oficy dcca,i®'". 8()Ch Ott 3nCI

Jobn..oa lwa1o~ 11at.etl 1h111 .t Jntphic dc.~1:11

pmft1>SK'lnally ._, a 1Je.1ipc, 11.1,d !nu ar.tot&ocill l)'. I don'1 bo"' diae thc:rt''• ~Uy ,ioint lube • place for mt 10 1.cad, •D)'fflflR l de> Ilk( t.c«tiing,And I'll m1w 1.cacl1in(I., ""' tbe.y·~ soln, 10 h irc ~bod)',tind ~'llhi\t lt11tt.t.kch hi• ov.n:· Clcmo,i, \lijd. ··ror1hc ,tudenb' t.llle.1 bopclbc) ,ct loCln'IChody -.tic,·, ttldy and w1D1na l(t mul.e'lffl'l)(dlilnS.l!f,(~)') ~ho'\ ao aJ.,«tale rt'lflhc 11udcntJ. llQ1 only on ,tw1 te,cJ. but who CIQI help 1hcm m lhc c:l&.,\l'l)('lfl110 be rrof'c,munafs But 1~·11hin~ 1herc·, pl~ ror me to help \li1lh rhac an)'fflOtt,

l\i,nl 24 n1tttfnp:. the au1ht, Pn.•,idtnt Mkhar.1 8w1,t' 10 coodoc1 a "!ull·f.Cnlc" and comprcbcmhc ~,tew' eo1 1t1: illhlelh:: ptognm br&lllnill8 b(\"I (il l Th( ~00) \\ill lQCd, •I Wblll l hc potpc,1~ onhtcuc., ha,·c Ill N IC blM'd on l~collt£,<e0 rmuion~od a:011.b.

n.1, \ IUd )' will lDC.ludt qll'rniou i,b,ou1 IIICJck:mu: problem ,. u,cludl11g 11hle1t 1Nmffi,-1n ;uld poar <c:bolblle p('rfornuu1« ·\\( e\r'('f.l lhi:m In bit dtah \llllh Wliod~1d, fhc hoii1d v.-,11 ,ncct 6 pm M:&) 29 fot tbo fit-ti ftad1na ,,r the budict, wtm:h \\ iU include 1hc oriJ1n1I rtconsmct:tdauon-c m.o1.k b) Burke. n.c tt-uding and dcc,,.on 111 be made 11.1 the Junt mcc1u'l&

Traveler: Junker ,mies in CDA for cducalion coollnucd tn>m I J.tC"J

If, an IJl.'\.'Olnphlihmcm lk:' \11111 all1.."(W'lte1b.A\ Wfi,•dlCt." Jimkt.'f adnuucd thal he W<1t,.1 l,c na,bin, w • uao-fcrr!n~ roJk1c to punuc ;i Nehclor'1,,~ I lffi a bft-,1.L he ~IJ .i.:tth II ,milt l thmk I mrihl S\">loMc'lrl..O iUldSoolllAnk"rica

While: die I\\QoyQr Jcsrcc: JM11 ,rt"ill dc.11 toJunlcr lt'li the~ hi.''s mc1 that ~\'C rtn-11)· ,IOodellf ·r,cfflt'1 11. 1o1 of ~a fncq lic~:· bt.1oalll -n.: h,iq: lhit\g'CIOIC.icb'" Jfc,.lidltt,tl11pl,lll'Utl~ d,pfinmit. Pl'""bb :ta the Unl\"ffllJ W1-•.t11n1:,1~. fot •Id .in tcra:llq llnu1,tic:-n.11'-ctht:op:nl'Old. JbcCic,-c:1nthalt)1)t'otG he ~iJ I can oom,.nue bc11'1$ "'" am.•

Publications Club


Bring in your books to se l I • Brin g in your dollars to buy

The first week of the semester in the SUB

-.i'ldcm will tit' on 1hc cocnm111ce In -e1t<t tht rcpl.tetrfkf!I Ir.Id Pl &be rm,ram.. Ci« nbo h;;o c,1c.nckd IIJi invit111ioft for any 11\ldcnU *'Y1ll1 ~,~lion, l!l(Olhe and ,pea l.\·hh JllminPfflC)et t:lcmon\
"-'ill k«

Bob end Jed aerum 't> ultimate bs ~·eo mhinin; bam yord anl ies • with prop er diner etiqu eUe.

"'1 '-\ :___

I --,, ..,_~! I [1 Grow a little this Su mmer y, r..

Rt:.C,ISTrR F.,-\RLY. o.-,rt'l' .,...11.,

r,\\kCJ ,..,TI<Atlt>NTO 20-$ 0(>+.fJ.7.! o M,,,,d.<,•""'9Fnd., 1-DO,,,f, ,•-h' "f"n

Summer Work

Apply online at

d click on the Petersburg ink


Contac t us for information d get hooked on fish!

Summer employment is rom the las t week of June ough first week in ptember. all (907) 772-4294

I h...~~ ,l Whtn ~ ou So.j s u,11!5 f..,nn.:, OJ\d nobad.:, lo.v3hs

SCU BA L E SSONS 1 I $195•

Learn co Scuba Dive in 2 weekend.a I P,ickage Price includes:

> 4 Pool Dives • 4 opeo water: Dives

> Re n tal equipmant foe

All 8 di..,.01 > c1auroon in1t.ruct1on Get. Certlf.ied aru:t 9ot college erodi t Get a,ore out of your Se nior Tripi call OI\IERS WEST at , 664 - 0751 Act novl Classes fill PAS1'1 •In group• of aix or $225 per pe.rtJ.Ot'I 10% Discount to Students with ID Come and Try the Ne w Yotbe Mate A Healthlvl Alulratlvo 10 Col!M & OVr Now G'"'1 r Ftull Smooth1• THESENT'N:L P~17 Allo I h,l<- ,t Whl!l\~e.r"" ~ Ov<r lJOur I'-~ w 11, o. w ON bo..c.kS vP o.t'd rvn.s 0ver ~ovr htO<l Pregnant? 0 Birthright can help yo u. -free pregnancy tests -communi ty referrals ¥111 Selllnlay. Karllcb¥ I< ;.~ ¥2nd & 4111 Salunlays: Live Muaicll of COffq -inf ant & maternity clothing ¥3/d$alllrday. lloln1 Gama Nigh!¥ aid cotnfor' ¥GNM Coff!iell r~ :f.(ll'r.i IIRodret~ • ¥Closed Sundays ¥Mon-Thurs. 6:30 am.· 9 p m ¥Fri · S8L6:30a m • 10pm. 665-5996 2310 N 4th Across from Tho Long Ear The Sentinel staff wants you to join! Sign up today : ComJlOO 9 23 Sh e rman Ave. Coeur d1 Alene 664- 1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline

Festive Fun

Cinco de Mayo event brings co lor, games, f ood t o campus

h) f.rntl) Dt•,I«


'-'l""P.&()CI tlq\\Cf', tkc.orul<'J each l11blc h1 1hc Cir.ind 8.;1y l>111jnt

Room II

IC)l.1Uc.h, of \ hn1chl Ou11n.1J'1atu Oo;11cd

llinu,111,hout 1bc SUB Cioco de

M,1J,f'l,lhc tihh uf\t.)'. wa,

L"tlcbta(¢1I Mia) '.' '" the SUB

anJ In l'hri.t.u11n,on


C1.1l111nal o.:tn hie, '-UttcJ 6

p.m and cr.1n11nucd 11n1il 10 p.m

lnh,rm.,11on booch.1o in ~h dtt

gym 1inJ SUD foyn rt,."n11udcJ

81.k'l!i Ill enter 1hc do,,, priJc

dr11v.m,: "ihik pm\1l;Jh1g

in(OMIAU(m 1ibou1 the- nighl IO

cumc. A ~\·(n mcmher

M.i,i:ichi band. M1tri111ch.1

GW1n11Ju•w, ftum S1.u1n,111dt.

Wa~b fill~ 1he~1irt SUB

\I.Ith. Mr1.1cun umc, (.'olored li$hh, a imc>kc

mlkhlne." 1trobc li,:tit ~nd

m.uu"c: ~~k(n co,crcd 1hc

~lllJtC pll11(\.11ffll in th(' 1:)'lff

mttli.rng Wll)' rm 1hc ti p.m

dutxc k11~on rrom Shct)'I

8on1t·S1po, \\ohO

h.1,;'., dC#,fCC or IUU ic,,:c Fill~

,,olunt('Cl':IJumpeJ ur lo Join

&n11..S1pc IH ,be in11wc;1c,J the S:ilu.ucrh> \ICp. Stuggltn ,!owl) ,oined eager learfk:r~ ., lht ky•,on, progn:,\Cd. Mul1tple

11eu,1oc, v.crc flffctoJ for kids in 1hr: Grand ~y Dimnp.Ronm, indudrnJ Plillc, Puppch. WOii') 0(111~. Ojo tic Oil'"tOnd'•t)til,


W\:WA.11«-dto"'->WthC'ma, rnuch '11.J1utc "'-' po:i.>Jblo," Bum, ,.,,illt>f11etch11Jtt11 "'\Vctmclhc\JtJlfl cutlt.Jl'I:', ,, lricndl.) 11'111 i, COC'Ur d A1cnc, lhl ill a) C!~it\W.C01nf"1 A l.1r;c ~hn l'l:lf \loll\ pltccd m

''We love Mexican culture; u's so frie11dly. •• Mllnlk'hl.11 Aryudkl Bum, OncodflMll'jll) llt«'ldle

rn.11 or I.Ill: \1,ir\erpl.11.'t' ill 1hr SlfB. T¥i'O IOQS taNC$<0mplc:1.: with tondl.t chll',, "A a:tm t.+11:.oe·\t, chW'lk)' ~. chopped onklll, and JkcJ j;tl;1~~ V.C'l'C rtpkc1i~cd 1hruus;hoo1 1"c n1gh1111 gucsu divul5t!d 1hc1m,chc, after p.,..)Jna, SI

1\t.chcp«6aw <od<d~IC ch1ld~1i..· o ,ght. 1hrtt for each of l~foura,;~ group, r,m.glng frominfomto

12. Krd IAA'c

1·K1ou.,I)' h.1 COIIC\11he pklhOl"'o1(1rto)''tt

Jnd c,1ndlc 1h.11

Stoptlen Johnson, I rtfth g rader II Holy Family In Coeur d'Alene, dlaplaya hla winnings from the plNIIM.

All« (C)lorinJ aP\I MA)'lln \1:hh Vl1h1n1e.:t, hc.Jp1:d l,\Ul(k lhc chiklrc.n 10 \1.l.'xicn11 ,tn •titJ'-·ra(t, Tk fh" litblc1 ror 1~,c ad1\.htr:.. t.t.·t'rc ftlScd 1,,. ti 10 pm. f,1m11i~t.'.OPJrt'~totht

C.''C'fll M:anUC'l11AAflt.H:Uo Hum,, v. h1.1 l) lull blood Mc,ar.m, !o\·1111.:J .,.,.,.ha~.i. h,11

1,i:lkd rrom ihc bc:"'1cnptl'illlth S1cphcn Johmoe. o(Cocur d'Alene, ""hen l.~l~~t du11gllb!m1dsa1 tJJllll fq)lkd I \lo11hd«p 1hotl11,b1,"th< pift;1l'*\" CdcbmciQnJc:

M~'<tflf\Wed lu ix it ~ru, c.v.:.01 v.i1h much wrpon 11.J ~ruJ 1ncndancc.

St\ldcnhff(lfflf..4,uom WaJun,100 lim~c,-.ity nttendcJ 11hn licann, rrom II fort1J cJf° the lk-1inhcs and ,catcJ, "Wr: 1bo11,:bt "''~ \loou1d come duv.-11 hc1:.1u~ o.;.,: Jon·t ,~all)' Lno" "'hill c·inco de Mayo i• 11bou1 •Ml -.e all ~rr L Spmw,h

NIC dance loachet Sheryl Bentz.Slpo le&da a salsa lesson early In tho nlght for e group or particlparits. Ten to 12-year-okla grab for the nrst 01 three plnlllaa atte, 1 ftnal btow -Mlromlhen,pe. CoHn Rayne Vlgll, 5, watcheshla lalhor, Vlrgll Vlgll, aa he moku hi• own Pollo Puppet

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