Break a leg!
Sept. ta. 2002
A&E/Page 10
en ot hatred now haven et learning aner.,
utler: 'stolen property' b~logy anctothc, c1w1ronm1:ntlll h<UC'NIC politkaJ fiC::icncc m~tructor Md
human rights .itthisl, Tony Stewt1n, waU be l3king fl()llliC•I ~1:ncc m:ijors
~~t:!7ur:~:~~d~!~=t~)'¥ "'
&urning pftjudicc in10 pt'l~ful
n,ca:planc.c. Coo~quc.nil)', mny hrnc nicknamed the propeny Pc3cc P:ni:... hut Andct!IOn Mkl the uff,dal,e ts IM Rjmrock Propcny.
te:!~ ~~r:a::~~~:~::~
and JMOO Kennan $0.3 millloo CMI l.1w Mril In m). w,n.givtn 10 dlC NIC Found.1tion by n:uionnl h1Jrnan ripi, ,cll\t<t and lcL>hq n,1h~ Grtg carr. C.rrbol•III>• lhe property from '"' Kennan, ru, SlS0.000 •nd then p;ud an ood1tioual ~J.00 to hnw the - - (,wa<ti'b< lkl1d ..U).
"'lbc f'l(flflCny I\ .1 of the !iChool's klng-tc.-nneommltm.:.n110 "'l'P"n h11mau righl>." "id NTC l'lt-sidro1Mld!adllurk
"Bill w.....,,h """Id be proud." ~"Id ~l.t!Ml inururt«" Nl~ i:tow.bhl Wi1..~mu1h.6l, who p,.~d 11w;1y AUg. 27 ol a,mpbc:uiuo.< lrum t,,u Gcluis'• di"'""', wns hc.'ld of ,ho Non1"'<.SI dcmoliSh<d. s,.,......1ocig"llh Roo ~ or Co.1li1ron f(lf Ilwua.n Olgnil) 11od had hl,hou<c boml>ed m lhc 'l!Os by ncvld:tbo F:lll'\, put i.ll houri;: of m.'U1ual n:u:is. I lc "fl(lkc 1ll lhc ;;icboors 13Jx)rto rcston:- ilic l1nd to,,., natural sute. Oln then PftSC-ll1cd NIC"ilh the In JX'n. Although the a,mpnund t\ no k>clget deed to th.c bmd <m Mfln.ln l.u~r King in use tJ>· the Ary.In N.11•1'~ lhey h:i,..,, D.1y la,t J:mu.:iry. on I.ho co,ningcnq ntM k(1 tbc ~ 1 . Buller ..«ill pc-caichc-1 1h111 thc bnd 1,1,wld noc. be~ or hh fflC"."-1&( In N-,11h fll..lhl1 .11 thc oodapc'<i t0<20ycar,;.
Cburch ot JcwsOirist O\risuan.
When a.ucd how he felt about the tunen1U5Cof hit r,'lffl'ICr cumpound.
Budmlaicl. Tmgladlhe,cl,ool~ cn)Cl)'ing ~IC srokn propcny." Prewdcnt Michaotl Bwt.c said tlw1
h<'• ·aiac1 ,he prop:ny" "'"" u,cd r.. c-dui:anional mthcr 1h1n h1urful puq,osel,-
Sutler rt!bukes tht h:ucru1 L1bcl, "preach I cnt:~ge of foo."- 10 our """· our p«Jplc.- He ol!o denied any knowledge of UIIJ'll"O",,:,ked \iolencc a,,nmluro by lhc Af)•n N..tion,,
cbimlni 1h,a lhc lll'"•P 1w. l""eald ARYA.~ NATIONS·c:oot-.ll"&"J
itilffrcpo11,. M)tjft,C lntc!t'Stc.J in gcttulJ involcd
,•.ttudent gO\C.mmcm ii cncooro,tJ om lat irc..-dtm.,n (.en.ator. kaa1011 a.TC" rc.<•J'l()mi.blo tt~r -.cn1ing all NIC ,tutlc.11t, ,ct'Vlng
toml'lliUte1oamJ ri:procnung NIC !be: Idaho S1utkrit Association. Thi!')' rnmt put tn .u le:i~ four office
pcr'4Nk. '\S'OC l\ th..: \Otl."C ot 1hr ,tt1tk110,,• rec Prenlltnl Btuy Cnk,.. ..10 ,;11d. ) 11 gd n.n opponuoiry tu tw,'C o l\.il.V
tome d«iskiri-1n.akio& th;i1 rct1ll) ~lhc,rudcot.._.. b.Llort l'Cetf\'C a monthlyw.-iic nt ,lanJ offiec 'f)IIC"C. They nbo 11tcl'kl amfcttnee wilh the ASNIC t,o;mL El«tion p.xkt-t'i.1U'C bit-in& td in 1he S1udtn1 Vnlun .and 01c l\11tilaMc i" rhc:
~:1:~t·~~~~~~3y, 1 m11nd1uoiy tDC\!llng will ht' 11,t
m lhi.,ASl'lllC•off,ccon Mond.,y aonuncc d,ue\ 1nd re,:ul.11kln Dca,o.,. will he hcld Sept ;o.Oct. l. IK"' stna10Bwfll be swotn fnto
tbc. \.\.'(VnJ cd Oc1obcr fw mtorm.tlHXl 11~,p b) 1bc ASNlC :tor cnU 7bO.S04?.
Pr•toch 11udent Adam Starchman from prepares the brick oven for the dJnner rush et Btb. See page 8 for a review of the now downtown restaurant.
Outdoor Pursuits hires new coordinator Former UI assistant takes on new positio n , lkl-SJ Dal\!WO ·~ <l:;t'9 Eol
W.b tht llK1 ol v.iluabk <mph))·cc, and ju~ tcpl.accmcnt 1hu, far.1hc Outdoor Pu~uil<i '.Jfllm llill facc m.i}or ch1tngc) aod t'nhthi,fAII
P»ii.l C'bl\'\ld,, 3!. former Uni,·et"Uty uf ld11ho P,Oj.nlm as,¢i\UIIII c:uo,JinJIOr. 913.<;
b) 1 wmmiu~c ron!ti\lmJ ('I[ facuhy,
mlandmU '" replace JM(1n Lukc:r crOu1d01.H Pun. uibc0t1rdJn1m)r. ~tt.Socatcd 10 W.i\ where he Dptntl.l hi~ ov.11 c1u1Jnor ac1M11c .. bi1\inc~(.
CliM1J ..,itHclce1cd 1rom more 1han 40
Jpplic'.1111)... Thc-C(')fflmhti:~ chO<-t rnc applic-:ll1l-~ :,,nd nanowt'd the choic,c~ 10 throe: b((or, m11ting Ill< fin.:i.11.lccMon.
The top lhtec ~..:re \'Cry dose,- ASNIC Advlwr Ocun l\cnncu -.atd. ..He will lj~t lhc progr-.un l<> lhe ncx,l lC\'ct.. Outi.kklr Pur.uJ1, """-' dc~h ;umthcr l~'I .after she rt~•t1ruti1ic,,1~ or Assisurnl C'oordin;llor Tudd llo.'C.'.'. whUl\~!lingi1munJ the world. Chi""-'a is a.lreacly geanng up f.01 tbe upo.,ming y..: ,u .. \11 tnJn uud .wti\lilic~ pl.1o.ocd for Scp1t011'cr ,md Oclohie:r arc filled • rc11 imprc~d Wtlh the fi111 two mon1lb.." Om, i, '3id "Thcy..irc oompk!t~I)' fuu.-
Chiw~ ~id kc feds th.3l the program hat 11
kn nf polcnthlL Ht e111,vrkin,J:hl(f~;1h: 1 ..ecc.1mlary ()(Hition. an ~~lsuuu coordin.1tor. The im1Jla.n1 would he~d th, rcnlJIJ ph,~m at N IC', Sun,pot throui;houc 1h.: \ummcr ~li011 ;a~ well J\ rcn1..1, thmugh thcoolkgc. "I think YIC Q.JUIIJ g1.11 a s,c-a.1er rc1u.m from \11Jdcnt.,-, ~ said CbM•ii ,,...uuld C\-c1\lUJII) like 10 btJd anothcrv;in 10 1he rrogrnm. He i'I in the
\ludrnt, IA.I thal.• Chh'\>U \aid. He .11-.11 plaft\ on rn.Jung • group 10 C&nltd.1 thh v.;ntcr 10 d(I -.omc b.;d; a,unty 'ikiing I.! v.cU :~ Ice dimbing..
.. rm II t,lg-time ftd\'Ctuuris1." he said. · 1 hilVC ., pai,.,lan for 1he cnvironmi=nt, and I w;1nt to Jhiarc m)· pas.,iun wi1h otbtrc.· Oiw~jsoriginJll)•from Lfndt'nhu!'\t, N.Y.. ,1
onall city on Lon&lsl.and. Om.'\'Uspcrn lhn:~
)c.'Ui,, In the Army, '131ioned in Genn,111)· durin;thcGuJrW:11. Hc:wnri;cd 11)1~ welder wilh hi. ,~1ber tor $.11 )'~an t,efort mO\'ing 10
10 C'ost~l Rtc..1 mm )'C:iU {('r
ldahl> w fmish his cduc:.i1ion. I I\! ii, ma.rti«l 1ar1d b.i'i wire, Jessica. i, ptcgi,aru with lhc C:OUple't ti~ chikl.
stuJcnM and cominunicy mcmhcr...
..I'm op old surfer. "'ll 1 \'.'Oukl kwe t o ~ 1,>ur
d'Aknc and is busy p.tintingl:lDd~i1 up,
p~,~orplannlng.i trip
·Toe bah) "d11e rigJ11 in 1hc middle or.kl The oouplc rcccotly 1'ougiu a house m Q1eur
ASNIC purchases new llag poles Ivins' major project almost complete tp, Btt.ay Du.lC\.'Jo u. nvnof<W<w One rcquircmeo1 of :.1udc:n1 go,·crnmcni
rc:pr~n1:.tivts at N'1C i,;; to romplctc :t
lha1. 1 CJl~;UJ\~!elti:-. 10 11ay 1 mi.1dc: 11 difference .. hin"'. ,,., het formerly llllc:ndcd the College or Sou1hern fd11hlt, hcg3n his m11Jnr ptojccl «1uc~t Jai1 lall. as a s1udcnt•tlcc1cd ,ophomurc ,o,uuor. h..Jn• eamt up whh
lvin,. !i:i.h! be fch lbt ..i::htx1I flag 1hould hoc loca1cd right in the center or campu~, hul was unsure of lundin~ oflcr rc,ieivins exp,.nslvc cs1lmatc, frn1n 1.uc:A hu,;inc,,c~ l:-Jc took hii idea t('l lo..,;t year', ASNJC Prc:iidcnt Chase \Villfom1. ¥. ho approved tbc idu, Vice Prcddcnt of Student Service~ BfUcc Gifford 11!~ i>h)'cd lht
(~~w~~,!~~~~:\: t:~ble ~~:{1~~:~~:i~~~i'~~:;tn'
up with
diM~:~,d nnl work.
the (If dc,ignina II sthool Ong. His idc:u w11.s: based on hii. c,pcrieni:e 111 CSI. · 1 liked when I dr<Wt into c11mpu$ and
A(ttt - rcw dtscusoon, with a vanc1y of r,tafr a11d facuh)', l\/in, ~lccided tu hll\'c all three Onf polcJ tc·l1,cah:d 10 1hc center o( c:1mpu~. m front of the Student Union
S-3\li 1hc Amc:ric-.nn nag .1nd the college n113
11( CSf. .. IYin~ Jllid. ,,-\t lhi! ume NIC did nnt h11ve u school
0.1g. only 111 American Orig :md" .s1a1c flag. Both "'ere luc~1cd on the far ene.l of the
o;occe.r rieh.l tow.1rd the Seiler l1u1Jdrn1.
1oucH us
lake h
Burke wai un.\uto oJ the idem and 1 1 p1~~~ ~~:.~~,: :S~~!"w~uld
The proJc:ct ~'" co,11>, hu1 whh the :10:umul11ttd monll)' in the ASNIC rCKr,;c lund. enough money wiu ,.\,II.stile: 10 complete the IO~k.
'Tbt ASNICtt"C:r'\c tunJ tr,gcl\crulcd rrum
ONLINE: BY PHONE: 769-3388
BY FAX· 769-33R9
m"nc}' h:R c,\·tr from &he budget ilf 1hc year be Core. It is r<!servtd for prujc~ duc('tJy bcnefiti1l& nu dent., ··The project fil 1hc de fin Ilion of 1hc reserve (und."' be. ,aid. Tht project was "''Orktd on .ind oomplc1cd Q\''Ct 1hciummcr. lv[n1m1dc (rcl1uen1 phone
ca.Iii. and \C1u ma.ny cmn.lls rront his job s.i1c in W Vcg-ctS., Ne,. 10 mnke the fitudiution~.
"'Ori,•ing onto c,mpu.'i at 4, o.m. (n;:Jm t,fc\'ada: nothing could hove made me
::ff,i?I~~= ;:i~cc the heautifull)' lh Ong Formc:r crick :u'Jd field rooeh and ndvistr l..ev.i.s \Vo1k.in1 shatH the feeling.. -The firtg poles swecu; Wa1k.m'lc &nid. The school nag is in the pmcc:1,s ot being (DJdc. £.rna Rhinehart fro m ~ollcgc tel:iliou,. is in charie oC rc,makin1 the seal into ii n~g..
au":J :i~101c?i:::t;: ,~f~a;:~::i~~~;of retire the o1d one:,. dMS',!\
n~'! ::rc':::!~~l~ht
&r•\~ ,n front of lhe
w- ,...... ,,~
G A cockrQa(h can • .a..: live several weeks • §a_ with ilS head cut • -.:::, ••• off. cS
C: ~
Residents take volunteer work seriousl Spokane area. priva1c non-proh1 org1nizu,on offcrin: ,oci:ilind nnd Thf4 year llf nC) t.liffcrcn1. Engli"h .tlrC'Ud)' 41upporl ,e1rvJcc~ lO di1:1bh:d men .11ul Residents provide wi!h origami fonunt•h:llcn. am! 01hcr c:-ra(t!i. b,) muy ttntlllivc Hudtnt iuppon wonicn 01c:- t'hildrcn .:and their motbc:rs. 11 wn diWcuh hlllh'IC\\ gcu1ng people activities ·re.SH anlJ Englhh hdlavc 1imflllrly, help at Spokane !.clllcd planned by prl'lviding help for lhc. undcrprMlc 111 fin.L "'Thero v.erc llufc kid~ up co "I'm the qu ..tlty of life i\ cnh.mccd for boib women 's shelter 1ccn:igcr• there.· En,m,h ~11id. ·The)' were plannm,g VOLUNTEER TRIPS indi,· and 1hc community. the \•otunteen.
--· A
!!f~re ftcr ,111ly ti111: v,cck ot school, relldcnl• of tbc NIC dMmi1ory nre
on 1heir feet .and ready 10 bcain
helping pcuph:. ouhidt ttf the collcJc
,ummunity tlovcn residents lrlll\'ele:d 10 Spok:'anc on lhcH Or\t \·1)luntcc1 Mtlgnmcnl 10 St Marg.ioret', Women·~ ,ind Childteo's Shcll<r ,tn Scp1. 1. by ltall D1~c1or Maureen Engh"h,
wtfd; 1hn~c kJd.s need 1mmcth1ng tor them 10 Ju~1 <ti d<'lwn and focu~ on."' Many o( lhc Yi omen in tho .shelter v.ere vcr)' yQuog mo1hcn e:Kapang c.lomclltic violence 11.od badl) in need of tvpport "'It wait good for lhc: Huie kid, 10 get l<l pby with people. because th<ly'rc ju!i1 i:iround their me'lffl'I ,111 thi: tim~. It 1110
trip, 10 lfoU"C C)( Charity. 1hc Roould
• Ron•ld McllooaW Hoo<c • St Mllrg.lfCII Wc1mcn's.1.nJ
McDonald Huuic ind
Childtcn', Shelter
~ack 10 St.
• Houw: uf Oi.aril)
good for them to luwc an oullct,,. hall
,esitleru end volunteer LAC)' U,ac uld. 'fhe NlC dormc h:t"c" •hor1 hi"ory, but one rn whlth -.olunttcr work ha, played :a vital role. La11 ycM E:ng.lish CQOrdina1cd '>C'cral "olun1cer trips in the COA.
ori Marrin
M,rny rc'lidonh arc wUling 10 help HI 1hc communit)o 1herc ii tard y a
\horlagc ol people who 1uc rc:11dy. .. When 1 do 1bosc scr"icc p,ojc,u I .tl¥-1,y., ha\C! 1 full ,11n, • B.ngll1h •.tid. ti.1, asked h3ll residents 10 sign-up ror vnluntctr iu~1snmcnu. 'When ¥i·e a:.<' 1u St. Murgarc1•, aph1.
wc,uhJ bc wltJing: Ill 1111cc 01hrr people~ they drm·c,"" uld E.ngJlt,h
Luc he, King o ..y." English uid. The dorm, h:m.: also worked exttm,h·tly with Toi.ii Employer S111h,fllctfo11 Hire (TESUJ, .t
Anyone: ,.,.hr!I
1,,·oult.l like 10 p;u11cip111c In , olun1cc, wo,k Lhrnugh 11'1c dorms can conh'ICI •
a, 1h< mldon« h•II 769·S9J~
Rosdahl 'writes aloud Nil~ RoMIAhl. Journ.ah"m m~lruclUr, will be 1hc fo:atu.n:41 writl!'r in the rtut of 1hh C.oll'~ Writtog Aloud Wric,ngAluud "an c,-cnl ~nsarcd h) the Office: of g s1udcnt Ewnt~ tb1u fcitures nk'>n1bly eo.cninp of poetry
u~1tding b) noted \\'fUc:rA. TI1e 1,; crtt-ourage.c.l 10 particip;1tc by prc.-.cn1ins1hcir own w1.11k."'llc hnt ira~ructed in 19~S. ln ,1ddJhan to 11 roum.ill~. ht also kr.c:l lU 1be advlk:r of The Stn1mcl, I writc.s a column for the Spol.:c,mnn-Rcvlcw every \Vc.dfte,£ :uw.:11. Ft(K<llahl \\ill prc.\Cnl hii.wo,~11 7p.m, Thul'$duy rn 1~ 0 ~ ;·~1 ~~~1~°;~1~u~h;~:~:la1ionwill be Oc1. 17, fc.11unn1 Timo1b~· P1lsnm. :ii PM:aliic Northv.c-,t P"lCI and ,
former NIC' in"1ru,mr
Frisbee golfers get cour 1\ ftub(( COUl'>C -~ one ..I.Ch\ •I) !1\klc<l 10 NlC-, c-ampu:i
l~k pro1c.,s111nal COUQI.(' ,tun~ by the 11n,ph11h~tcr, ntaf cf1mbinJ WAil. Siit1l \\Ill j,jlOn be ur lc..tlinjl: pfa~ t.brot chcrour\C.
""'"a....,.,,,..s-r i
lrm.i Otmoda from Me:xleo, Sludlea for hor cJtizenshlp lHI at the adult education centOf which i.s toeatod on lhe corner of Lallesldo and 5th SL Helping hor 11 Kim Chooley an ESL (English as a Second La.nguage) toachor at tha center.
ABE offers specialized classes Program relocates to old WWP facility hvM.uit SUtlOj! Sl'lll•r"«'II
rh<- .,.\dnlt ~ .E..lucalicin fmttnlm has rtklcn1cd io 1hc former W~hinp.011 Wat.Ct ~ ( 1 ' OffI(( at SOJ L,1kt,idc A\\".. The rnn,.~ -..1, p.1tt1~ltv due 100-.<eR'M'-'dlngon cht NIC camf'(K: lhc ihiecr ,~~umi:- or Mudt.nt\ 111cndin31bc: ~hool ha" fou;~d miln) du.1'J,"CS ID o.11 ~"'bd(ca.mpm. h(~. Tlic ~lbuc
~,l'I nol lhc deciding pulnl fnr rclo.·,1.lton. h~C'\"t'f", -r1l<' r<":t."°n h1r1hc n"ICJ\i: ',l1a., h> riQl,uue prc..n-m P"(H..tb ..\BE Pn,gam Dif'Cl.."I.Uf Rt.·~ F.1irfl<1d ~,lJ ~ey bc.i:na in
the clc:MlllC)\\11 ~munuy, we ore more acu\'Sible 10 1hc pc-op!¢
,\Mlehrr I ~ oflcrtd :u th, «ntcr. EngUWl a., a ~"mncJ l.Angu:igc. h:h JDCfCMCd in ill impunarxc O\W the pa~ kW)C¥"''Thc ESLcb.':' i\Uff(:rcJ fl'\.: d1l)" a ~Ct'k andalronts.m1111y pe,ortt 1hc opponutuiy 10 ~arpcri lhcir E n g l ~ " ' ~kin n:11 indi\·idu~i.«.'t! 1ln1c sp:m. lbc '-lulknt\ ,ire.Ihle t.o QOfflC and go ou 1h~· please. m~lclng 11 c.1~1a to juggle wort II.Id !ilmily iehcdules. Thi,~ r;pecl~Uy Unportaru h) t~ 11\-cra,st: (,1uden1 \!:ht, m.,~c, "-"" of the C\-nter and 11:1 f,en·~ Th* $1udc.tU.S 11rc o:rou:nd the age of 30 01kt b/1\"c mm'h more s;oln& on fn 1hdt lj\\~~ bl!sidcssclx1ot HtJ\\'l.'\"l!r, the t-hadcnt, who find a \\-ay lo fit :m ~1ion around C\'Cf)'lhing eke in thc.:ir 1;,.~ sccan to be ipreading tho woru ,~tnat !httCQlCr.
LA.\4 &he progr1tm !ISonc$Cn'Cd .1ppmxirn;' l.JOCI "".:~r'\i.'. St\ldcn1, with i,; drop ou.t rate uI oil.I), four p:rtt1n. With web .a kw. Wit~ the l'Al.l\'C'. I~ ABE Program hit\ bttn .iNe co CJIPilf>d iti drop uut pt«.-..:n1,ige,. lhe: « nkr hiu the highbl nate Qf rompl<!lion flpcr.ll1olWevcrungbOun.ukl 1lll'i;', offcBmorclh:l.n 100hc)Ut'Spt-r of• ~ 1 olit~l:lnd in Nonh Jd.'lho. ""..:ck ot "m.all. ~pco.ilutJ cLh.~ l'hc 1,rucknb 1'tt 111blc to pid Nu fcckchatg1:J\lohcn.:t ~udtnt C'!ll'Qlbin 1hcABE Prt,gram, lhc.u n~n ,dmJuli"-. '~°'°"ntrollng on d1htr Engli•h flt rn.alh or. 1n 1hf1t11h 11,c OED IC~ ofv,fiach lht're OJ'C fr,c, CO:!,,( $l.$11ptNC. tOlnc (',l.'o('.\, hol h Sludentt ttlu"\I be 111 lca1tl6 ~:us.of l,e 10 join. PhnlP lbc kuldu-, abuofl1.•r, d...: ,"11)' 0601c-.cing~itc an the (i,.~ iikt11ifalk-in a n:qu1rcd, n.., '11.tll as fonn.d rcconh 11llrlll.:m a:iunlil!\ o{ ld:lho. \\·hich nw.1rd..."J8l I s1udcftb d~ ff'Qlln 1bc I.,.~ "$ChOOl 1he-SJUlkn1ammded., i( 1hc Uudc.nt fi under<$ i.n lhc rue )' alune. Th~ Work Kc), Prognam, 18. Nobod} ,., turllCC.l .iw,y lrom p:ttin.g an cduea1k,n, keeping w11 h ;_:d:f::~';:~i~~::~,~!::~~wi1hina 1he program's t'lplm cnli:r. opco exit· pohcy. 0
~''How do you feel about dorm residents?" \.:,\J Q) ~' cG imim"1tuJit 14,nlaMh·ar:
"1',ruthlrr,c p<Op/, JU.Jt kind
"/'mubt,:fan~ 1,m11/in'
<(lumgt>u1 .. 11h
,,...- .. -
Aruimdit Ch11mpbt-rl::iln,
"""" ipons
bmtt',\,e41JA• nl(t'8(1fllfgl()
,t,,,,.._ nt'a.
c..,,,..1 M111Untr,
Jun M11cC,qor,
Kit'\fo \VriJtbt, ,a;~,~ 21.,....,
Prubc-c-!'. a,c D\'allllbk for rent In the Ac:1tYilics Center
"'lnfomuuiom w. n~t:ail'I' in 76'1-33S.4 lhc St.JR m pl")'c.rt. can uM. 1hrir own.
Hansen resigns. accepts new positi Tlm Ho..nor;cn. dlrc:e10, ot 1luman Rc.,oum:~. hit\ 11c.ccpt po~dun "~ director of Hum11n Rc~hJfUi 01 PatboWI) A1o~ia1c, '.\h:Jieal Lil:k)rnh,ric., in Spolulnc. 'Which "n11II hro:1dcr rc.i.p.tct,ibditi~ uf a n:g.ion1I comp11ny.
.., le C('rt~fn1)· h.t.\ hrouglu .1 nc.:"" \'i\Jun"' Rc~urct(, ,Hld hi\ kind hc•.rl ,1nd l1il commitmco110 ~ h.t.) '1luv.~ lhfC'IUfh 1111 hi'- aclh hl~ here." Jl'J"nldcnl Mldsil Surkt 1:1.11.l "I v.,11 mL~'- him pc,"°1i.1lly and r""m m,is, b.s • leaden.hip ,n I luman Rt'<,()urcc.i.. I l.11:t.~n pl:tns on ,1.-arhn& h1" ni:-w ~ 11M1n nn Oct 4 and b.t, \'Olun1ccrcd co help ,innouncc lhc job l)ppat1unity he through Im, Inland Nt1rth\\'.::-.t regional human rc:~Urt'C) 11CtY,(Uk,
H,,n\,Cn\ ult.I pi.t\:ition ~ould h< llllcJ hy mld4Cm~atr. "\Ve lllt bOlh oplimi\tic thol we ca~ fi111J 11 c:nndidlllC v, v.111 brin~ T1m'\. lc\tl or c1uing and ~1hical lc:ukn:hlp to NI 8urke:~1J
New computer lab hou The Mol\tcad Computer Lish\ ncv. houn und prinllllJt 11.Cl'\K".: arc nQ\\ in pl.'tOc
1'hc PO)•for•Pri.nt st'r.-icc CW.h S0.02 pt.r<11;idc fot blACk 'whUc and $1 (or c.,ch«.-o1or tide. 11tc Molm-:ad Ubt1J)' ecn1tr <h~~c11 $0.10 for c~ch black nnd "'"hite copy. A camplcmt.nt;u)' «lfl)' card 1, O\·,ulahlc in the (Offlputa worth ,1 $? \·aluc.. Once 1h111 is ui;ed. ~trnn:!o "an n-u~ the Clltd afterpunmg ;uldhinn:al muntyon ii Card~ are u..-:iblc in the hbrary and computer lab. The Jibr.acy And (Ompuier l11h will he: npcn 7:30 un. LO1 p.m Mol.'ldl)"·ThufMiay.7:J.010 S p ,n. FriJ.11y:J. noon to• S:"S1urd11y,.. nr,d 1.S p.m. Sund.a)~
Picture ID's now mandato In v.11h FHRPA r-cg.ul:uioos. wUI ID a pho-10 10 when re.questing .any inforrn:1hon 1h11 ma1tc.r ot,1udcnt ttconl, includin& ltanS("npl! and das:s 1thcdulc1i Tht Rcgiiurn,·a Office tnrouragci other offiet& th:11 ,H1dcnl rcrord, u, tln '-imfbrly ,\cJJi1i.onJlly. ,1ucknn will no tonger need lhe:lr in~ttVd ,l&Jl.tlurc lo wi1hdrav. lrom a ttlUf'M:'_ S1u~nl\ nnl} need 1"l ,i3n 1hc..,, 11hdr11wal rorrn.
Fall food service hour
"We have a very good, mature staff.''
M:aurccn lln&lt'-h
_ .... Out or'"" 1682 pc<)plc ,.,,~lh<clt,I,,,~·"' l"fU',i..bJforlJ.]8.
Thi! AA\arc pbnningK''
<"11WO< '"I" 1hroui;b Ouidoor
"d.-m.u,yo.,n\lnUl\ll)'\t'Met IK't.~"U'f,.
IC suPPUff a memorial dla,pt.ay allowlng students to exprffs the-Ir oplnlon1 and emoUon, r09lrdlng ':e
ll)Vll.r<ln1n'31Cd"11.1~•a(1h, hall.<>11 lJ,a,.hM66H9l2.
...,.....01 Sep1. 11 .
~ducation center offers new opportunities oppom,nily."
A $Yl<IO'l)grm....,p,o 10 Nanh ldnho Colle~ bl' lhe Oq,c,nn,,:ntuf &lu<aooo"' IUO<J.,, E<b::.IIIOo Oppo,tun1t)•Ccn1t:r thn1 \\1ll<o,a·wt.bc: 6',nooixtn-u{khl,o.~toG.i)· .,rvio:s,h:u •1lll'C pn,.ldcJ • takd ottlM,ng .wis,hat
•mki not normlllfyC(l(Ndcrcubcgc • an t'l(lOOft. 1><n=J'""'d<d~uJc hdp,.,lh n.......i ...i.
,;,plicaliua ~ and t.n.l')bc ('\'Ch '111.lffle Oln!\1' ~ 11-.: Sk'\\ «nll.·r•·i!lhi:kotc(I vpunui dlt'
s.uJc.. u....., lbldmg'" !he Slud<fll Scnm olfn. l'h11t.c), 11 &b.-~1tcJ In NIC.11-.iD~ lel'init >J\Jm 1h,u ,re dwllmaabou• P"ll"' ,ny hld,cr
I t,11,111g I.he tbc«nlef ln;; h1C."~ hr~\.'\U, '\\ilJ poblhl) IIIDU'\C atdncnl ltC dlCO.iik:,:C.
CNYnl,UIAatcd. -NIC'docus \l,itb rcauictott11 in ilxpl!l .... ls«a•~hh¢,<l,oc,l,1ralinonal, IIUdmb. E<X:'4iDbc rc:lmingout lOD ~farn1 J'l(JJ'IUbtiM ~ pcw.._-n1ml "'Ud:ntl.
Tbcrcit nllt'llbct
"EOCwillhe reaching out to a l'eotcnadll: differ1111t pop11/(lfia11 lmn""411< ofpot~nrilll s1t1de111s" ..... The f.wcotion
Ga:S) C.:ollnu.n
"'"""'""" io.k1C11cdi.1
>'1>'•., ,t
h 111 hup;.~pm,wl.rrtv.a ii.Umr: "'bal kloho'•MlCIOITl)'o<i<Mn.0,ot,,,Jp,t<lw<h«nCUI ...Sbiprcducalm ""'l>ml lo<lidngai lc,s tundin,. f'llndull lnr ,l,K propm bcg,n S.p< I.and 1Jx -,boul,lt,cup.,,.Jnmrongbythocn<lOC Sq,,. Dr. t<t,llc .... l<:cft lClcacJ ., be lb< l;w:mloa<Jr,p,nWJll)ICl:nl<t-·n.: 1111111..,ilwl'll)'lng&•thrcc mon:pc..-a< fW1 ol Lhc rn1f*D. Ilmnak.-lhi..--...: p,wonstm, ,.Jn-..1),p,ncun,b•~-AIICflllc_.,.hoJ
\tsttcd. lbty'A1ll •~1unbq:,11uctbisout 1hme •M
lUll)'Ck'\.-J the prucnam such~ fint ~ -
UW\~otldlboiDMc1'iC\1W,J11,s11t.U'NIC••J~atllltirlguplht\)'!'lf Add'lftl1c nt.-«J tAtb!JwM"'ft fur a procratn l,ld ID tbt,. 1t1 the
olllc~-""1- ~,th -
cdiK:.1tk11t 1hc'Sdt1te. lhc o.11didllo, mw .1h.1 l'C It!
Chemistry student honored Hasz awarded plaque, $500
b) Cra.ig Wikltt
1udcn1 Tonn H.a\l. lS. wi,
huMh:J Wcdnc~· Sept . .J .. in
Seider 11111 ((1r hl,uccllc1Kc m
1.'.hctnnlr) 111. llZ;ind ll4 lfai.t
tcCCl\td thc Honon C'hcmt1il1') Aw,ml fur ti ..\ lnfl the hfo,hc,11)\,<nall OPA for - ~ - - - _ . .iU 1hrcccl.1'."(• AU lncctul\·c:s ;lrt :.1.tucbcd tu rorrn Huz. chemistry motor. wak&S lhe long dOrmanl HOnora 1ht ••-:i.rJ mch,dc I r,laquc, 1lM lull hmlltry Awatd for excellence.
• lalramural Doublu Pini Po •1 TOUl'UaMUf IQ lcwrcr 1,.,.-lof Suh 12pm Sept
,1<· Onllnt' S11FtA1 h'1C'IC
olicauboft v.,d~-,p m OriftY<ood O,., Rti,ol'Q lZ ,a ~pt Ut (h\"'c ;-t.ra).
•itat \11n•a uern1' Nnf.arF11Qhtt aiemJ1tJioo ...,..,,,h hor in Drittw,n,."'I R.ct R,,om 1l
G)·m 7 r,m. Stp, 2ft
rwurat ;1Nbt)' M do c:hcmltitr) him it ir, .a 1Ul111Ct 1111unc aiuf dtun. lfiut
hc.lilC"c,1ha1 u h,,unply 4 rrwuerar rd)in,on onc:'a t.elf ,nd t,cina
.. Pu, 1hc ~-ort 1n10 1hc cl~"• and do \,1ur hmnie\l<ort. H.a-u \aid, '"attd )'ou'll gcl lhc Grndc
...Nalons:"Lcr the ground heal" conllnutd rroN pa11,e I
~ , c &.tk/i dw,n;.,. ~g,uof A.t).an h.,ic: 11nd \.'K'kncr pcrsi.,t A local Ill"\\" ilnnPUnccr ••hn~to mnalnliQlm)Tt100'l,,Mld th;i,I ~ mcmhcro(thc Alyiln N..iuom recently du"C.1.ltncd hun 11nd his w1fc ,Ye-null. An exl'C'rpl of the c,,,mJil n::ad" .., h;n,: heard )'IJW',w ntlWl rr\e timtl •nd c..-h Wilt' J human n,hbao.-nd...
•lnlr•m•t• 1 Oouhlo l'•ol f o urna mcnun lowcf kwl 111Sub I? p.m. Oct I
' 5.ttc,t dovh l r bc .-drr \'1.Skqtt V.111,:y ,~
• Jntt1cawral ~Un•••n Ci aid 1our•• •nl 1
u~n,fcr 10 Ul. wbcrc. be .... 111 ni.11o-r in C'n·1I tnamccnng. Hc t, nnYt lh mg in 10'\\n Y..tth til, wife ,1n\l ,1c:pJ.1ug.b1cr• t L:.u 1,,1,y, th.11 he doc, Ml fcc:l 1h111 ht: b Jlfttd al ic:kn«. or 1h111 he hA\. H)'
bl.'ar i1 )00 n~t~b'Ct"UIC J)C(MOOlUIC II
•\'ollt7batl \11 U1abS1a1tC0,lk,iCln O,rn11 ,m w ~ V\m ~ p.m.. ~ 1X
''l'lla11 10 do 111 Coeur d'i\h·nc' h,• t-:nr hc:&ot oncn1.1tlon. •·orb hC'lp IQ Onfr11rooJ ltoam tlpm (fn:cpt1a111}Sc;pf 2C1
Nie; ftrld 1 r.m. (..1,m,n). .5 pm. cmc.,iJ
rc:mJndcJ IUJl\.c t.hc .,\l.,IUd lhlt lim('_• At NIC llav i• "''t\1k1n.& 1
•Voll~tball••, S.11hWtCC,loOr1 tl.a.mcu
,a.xp1.. 1@(rt« pi.u.1).
Jcltlc, liil ·r~nn hall •,n:h •• ,,u1,111nding ) 1h:11 •c Mre
b.."\-U lbc\it.'llfflOl ~ Hcciiod lhc bn.lll&I mu!lbt-,., (!of his dog in 1Q99b)· AJ)'ln
• l111, u1oul Ciolt To•ra••,111 Po11J cnN (i()ll O.t011C '.':.30 p.rn ~pt is
'illtttbol A•ar <n ro \heai. 1n P\M'\k.'thom Scr1 1ll
'lo«n duubltbu dcr n. \\1:u.11chu ,T' SIC WdJ rm. (v.orntll),$pm cm,nJ.
)'1!.ilf IUllMlft ,I\ •ell a\ '$$OU r«- th cuncnt ,cmc,1cr :mJ ihc Cht'.m1,tl) •nJ Pbr,k:1 tbnJhouk. H111'l ,'-t\arTcnil)· enrolled in has mphonmrt yur. Alt lhtcc chemin-ry d1t,'<, w(rc 1111u:n 11'1 hi• freshmen )c.llr. ln th.)t )'Ctr be. .'IC"l,Ulrcd ,, J.S GPA t-lc~l\cdCnu-r)t~n1n1h1. U.S M~nnc corp,. prior 10 h1l. cn1ollmcnl .11 MC He cnh:n-d the Manne Cc.1rpo,; artcrgt1du11ion fr-01n KeUl•Jt, IIIJ,h $ch()('! Hey.·:..\ horn ilnd n1hc:d ,n Kellogg .iml v..,u .. unioncd iri lbwa,i during hh'\1cc. .. ,1 hu bc:t:n •lmo,1 tour ,Ince 1~ t..,,1 chcm.i\U\' a•,ard h.u, b«n ai,·cn," Chcmluf}' hs111ruc1or Jim
Ad\-cnluttt.''-tfun 7p.m. Oct I
The C-mtail tkom.lla.,n.-f~to.lNilh n11.:bn n:nnounrcr Abn Bctg.. fk'l, \lo;n~ocd dl.1.iin in ln,nt u(hk Mme sn in I~ by nro-Nll2i\ who11o"trc kl"pu~ ll)'1C)C«bcs l~I p-c: frum hkpllpi, .ti the 1llat pwpo ba,<ina: l'«n
I .._
_.nd .iam,..i.
.,!..~:!'.!;,,..., lO Rlmrook Road 11 home to I°"""'
------ =====-.::..:==--=-=::..:=:..:'.......'...._1<_,_'"__ "_-"" bclll
now acreage for
E COUNTRY FA IR MARKET f.LsrO\l l:lfITll'iG • Sf'. lf'OOD PKODI CE • ll I IR) ,,11 ,,nn,1 \tn1-.
UIOI Lhwoln \l'ny • 6G4-20U7
*Student Special*
Unlimited Tanning Per Month
Confftene<!Room Gifts & Greeting "'rds
,._.,,_ an Nol'tmwR WomanM,,ig.uiN
22 3 '[1Q2590 . ... _i_i _ _ _..... ftta~~=!~'~l l0330lQ)-3
•• '
665-5996 2310 "· 4th A.crou from Tbot.o Eat
p...,. .
3: 0 c::
H orne Depot opens a new store >- fN!lry 43 hours.
:::, 0
-= cS
•• ••
I WHAT I THINK College emplovees need to make competitive wage
L.__\- ~
nothcr employee rcMgnU1g. And 1hc rca.wn behind it? A job offer ><ilh clo<c 1u, ii not the same duties and responsibilities. bul higher wogcs. ASNJC klsl 1hcir trna.surcd odminh:1ra1ive assis.tant. Julie King las1 \\eek. hccalbC of '.\llhal)'. The ,audi:nt-fcc funded progrim could not generate cnouth (unds ta nii~ hc:r ~rtlary Ill o ,ompctilhc \\~gc. King had been working two job> for the post yea, "nd
a.C1er searching 1hroughou1 1he )unuucr. she found :1
high« payingjol> at• loc•I blo<>d hl,nl.. King ha,• four-year degree from 1hc University of ldnh<>. lt ju~l r,.ccm, sad 10 n1e thut a college can nu1 ort.:r cornpe1iti,-e ...,-,,gcs in Norah Idaho. Director of Humotn Rcwur(C). Tim Han~n. htl) pul in his lcucr of rcSi!(Dtulou afccr working at NJC for only:;:i rcwyean. Ha1t.'-tll abo round:. highe, pay111g job. dose, to his home in South Spok•nc. A<.·c:ording to an iu,onymous sourer. NtC employees 11re :unong the k,we"t p.Jid in ,ho !IUrmunding. nrea rollogC>. No, just fnculty, ,taff as well In comparison. n food <1iervitc worker al NIC i, paid less lhan n McDonald's C".mployct.:. ·The a,•em~ student "Aurkcr mah~ $6.oo..6.SO an hour, whOc a McDonald's \\'Clrkermakcs $7.00 110 hour. Why work a1 the .scboot1 M3)'bc.JllSI mayt,e. the lack of pay rorrclott!i with •.omc of the auitu~ on cnmpus. Some of lhe Y.Orkcr~ aturndc$ tend 10 rub off on 1be Mudcn1s. M:i.)·bc I'm ju.'.'!l upset that Julie i.\ leaving. hut I h.avc :a ,<Jlid poinL We urc losing another gre,u employee for rc,Uolln\ th;u don'I sec:m 10 be right &111 tNtouo 11 ,., ,\l.,""""t l.d,u~.,f ni, .W"tl11MI. l/u ('l'fllfaru
&,,,..., Jo Ito ffli;.,,ul bp •ruuw U1tt:1 to ,Ju ,mu.,, 1t,11J fh/~1,n"I' 11 M $w~n f(.,1,,,. $J ,...a,.1,1,,., ••• tJM'l(lll11Jtf im it't' i,...
Aftct living only one dJ:)' 1n 1hc dotm$, I\\O NlC happcncJ bc(ott school C\'Cnbcg;U'I
It'\ tealty 100 Nd 1be OU· <.ampu.s kaanty fo~'I f<>tm on the rc:al mm1nal1; for itbllltlCC 1he pt.oon rnpon<uhk for m)ftins up lhc ICX1 books 10 rwiicC' the pric,, or golJ bulUon
Cann,olll rnm, • beuu
fau'A'Ond<!rv.hal happened 10 all of 1b:u
h.u.c.b.-11, l1'3C:k ~md CfO'i\· C<tUnuy. par.1phctt1;tJi1 1h11 1t.;10,
'Oki c•n campn, while
those ,porlutill cri11cd 111
Nie? ·n1•frc <1ill 1><,ng .K1ld i111ht bul ~llh
Clnt ttl.lljor JiUcrt.ncc, now ,hey MC bcio.g sold IH ·oO'tl"1,k \por1,mc-ir.'Huh, 11li, b "* wod- of pure m.artttinggcnius: ii be:a~ a.U 1h.: legillm~·t1fa
\l.a1h:J dll lhc
hclt,1 rr,utol
un~d\ut1'CT1b..:r 10 lbc 11111hon" nC poll«: OU 11.'CO.. Tclc,hlon th1.M"II ""Th< /Ind;
Orillbh Shi..w. had cffce11,\:l\'lr.if1PCd 11.e im1.1s<- o1 th~
1a1bc.,h. hdplul ,m,1IJ ll"Ml1 pnlli.X 11111\'.c-t inh, ffl)' ht-,·ul. It ~1oly 1( llm,.· n IJ«S~ h.,:forc Iha tlh1..unt1 ~111.l1J 1'C dJ.1hl:d a11<11n:Jhty \Cl !Oll'<: 1il.c ll r.tn1~1:1 c.....1.,iu~ lhnM.lfth. p;,;prr m.xh... hp.11tc~ a1y Vcl) 1tmilli.r ht\\hcl\\uUr b(im,wsll•;dk ntto )lM.ll at c:..~lfy lhc mnmc.m )-C:,U kick.:tl ),,ur 1,;ct 111110 th, t.W MJ. dC'Jk.J
ba,kcchall pl.:t).:~ w~rc caughl Wllh R'UlnJU,U'III. Th.ti
~-l.. lS ftet ufl 1hof~ 1iPJ)NJ 1hc:\.IMJJ crnh. cw<r. Whil( bo.11rr11w11m ~My tu ~hotc it (101.UlpuJ 3ccurity suiard ,potted them and dcduCC'd ~I on« ttu\1 the kl).U h.:.d been tun 1nm t,y a mcicor· t,o.,1. Security <>llcd Ql"A
police who then calkd the CoaJ1 Oum!. After 1hc 11utboril1d had •huwn up Md thc1Jtu1ntf.ln\\.b,russcd Qui 1bc cklerly gc:ntltm.iiJl 1nd hk gr:i.ndthHdrtn were
yPUr <:)~• lor an r. 1h.: h1g. Nd t,Qy,i •n btui: arc jt.l\t Mt \(Nbk todrap ln ,11
J'f,·..:~t): lh" mo~nl U~~cri:rh.:t"
a,1,rtd the ~rntt,iddtn ronc:' nf c:,ccs<,;..l:.
11..._w fouod m. . 1 . e ~ WJhl )'Uu nOIJCC Sc1rnctbin3 c,u1 or the alfflCr Qr your ~,c.
Jl'l:ll.ittg the e.xpcrici:,cc ~n )'OU )'OUt
Thai·~ f1ih1. froin bthmd lhn1swpic:K)t.J.1, Juokmg bush; th.: hn-pcndang_ door:n ol a Cr'O\\ n V'K'ton.l ha:~ c-mc:rged aod puUcd out riJhl bch:nd )'OU. n,..: then,c m\l(jc (r\,m "'J.-.~..... i>eucJ ill )'OU nt~lc:e the offlttr l\ w!J~trc:!,ll) llltiJ1n1 Crnnt bchlud
()uf1e '" the contrary or 1hls st'c:nllrio. 1~ ldt.'\'t\i<m (alli.\C)'th111 m~u1teucq CXU'l)S,ensoty S)O','..:f 10 l rrh'C Ill lhcStft
1helr\\,:ap.,nor~.mi.: t11t1rgun. You Q}' ,lloltd, il~dOCl your p.t!o.W:rigcr. Qh
,l1i1.11.>1.. (i>nl), nu,1 v.ilh the doubJc u), aml bcain 10 im!J&inc: 11 hund«!d .,..'3)1 to skw.> )~IUI" C4f ckM n lncumpki.iou.,I)'. None of
ck.u-\ hi\ rhrt)Jl ~od CllUgbs in your fa«-
beforc. :u.king fur hccnsc and regduatlOn.
You lhC: lnrunn.1tion a.1,d hi\ "mnbtcf' mu.,uiclu: twitchc-., Wi1h gJcc i» ht v.oobk.-.. b:ic:k lo ..w 54"whrn: r~\IIJ out. m:,.kinf: nuc ,11,._r c.11'11'1h:<hc.-c:tin1 countl~-. houri( will ~\ bdon: he ttturru,. 1h.i11h1;rc9,-crcni,~bl1hc~·)(muy "'"' All hope: f~i 11flt:r)'''• arc hJ.ndcd lbe p,-,.._ on llx p1., ..1 hnlc 111aUr,11k:ic creep.. tK'kct.-\\·hCh )'Ou nocitc roukt n:st !iqutt~ly ,,.,\er \•uu \''U p:I CIIC'l'llnnahlc \lo 11h ~JUr tttl lhc ofricer·fi h.,Jcling 011m,p b.ijmu.
Hull puh1.")' r,.CJJ, !.ll\llli.111J WIii be: .Jkmcd uttl)'
In •"'nJ.ukc \\l~h th( '.\lC ,mnldng
=~~:~y~r,n:~~~~::~ ~:~~~ri::!~~:1!:-
1n dcMgt1o11cd c,h:nor ,11(.:a... Mtmhcr. of 1hi: Colle:!,'.,· (On1QIUIIH) IIIIC. IQ not \nntl..c v.-11b1n :o feet l'II the \!RIN11>~ In the ESl buddina, nr;1r npcnablc v,.Jndtt•,u ind Jlf cirwla11un in1,1ke1: DiJ )'ou hear th:,r' l\\clll~kct.1! The.
ltu.udl DHnr l• ,t ,r/'(JtrN /OI .,,... ~II("" •,
"!:~:~-:;,~,,:;;; ~~:;';!~"!:.~,:·;:, SlriYrtRQ.,..SJ,,,Onhtll
••• ,.,~· NW/ir,.tWI
only 10 exhale once im,ide and 1hc ~
:,=J~J~21~~~e~.:~~ ,-moke right before
~~!~!il0~j;~~,~~r(~~~ll .~:;~:c,
?':m nOOUl 10 talc'
l ttlkt h.:wc lu 1dd, btau.w Jam :~omcbudfc Ohl1n, dot1'1 qn_okc for)W' C)Wft good. It re.All)' CAI\ kill you.
~l'\'Kes pcrwnocl h.a,·c 1hc: rfghf and
.it-c cucuuttfccJ. lo tt":qm:.!.l dgiircnc,. tt_ga.r" .ind ~ c\1i11gul"1ltJ or that lht pc:r,.c111 IC".i\C lh( pr1.·1ttL'°'"\. II '°'ould
(,I/JIM lluD11 •"f'O"'(rJtJt Tltt .5' l l t t ~
,,,,,.,.,.,. ~11,1ttrn1Am"'-,-r11111,11Jiill ,O#'tlaliffJrlUl4..W'""'1Clt»,'w#,rnP..-"
THE SENTI NEL liri<A<llkino,
un.i:. e.11;.,.,,,,., K,1.,0,11., Omn o.>bM K.otrin., Ooupll Ru"'<l1Dun..
Jol o U)<r Ad.Im Eimobo
~:,~~~1~i~1~338R. F"": (206) 769.).\89. E-mnil
l.currsmnybc m:aill.'d to1hcScn1mcl.c•mtiltd.fued or hmu,ght 10 Room SJ or the Sieben Suikllng. The SeQtlJ)(r~ uddrn.s b: 1000 W. Oardcn Ave .• Coc:ur-d'Al.:1se, ID. S3St4
M\·!l)'l tllldTUpl1.-d by :an impnbtc. beJldS! blue uniform wb(~ mam priori!)' ittnl be 10 ""'.. (l,lur tick«) and plOl«t(l"'l n:-tltcment fun(k), ~
C":tu9nt carrinog<nt.. Or. v,.hco tbt \\'C'lthcr become, in~lemcnt. )® callilt till :and imok:c In your ma:, .,.,um eat ~h lh1cning 10 )..-.Ur fi\'(lritc CO . P1cMc don·t ~mokc n~Br the tnttlflCC'I to the buildingii: nnymo~ lhoo~- J Cdl ltll)'OU how miany limesJ ha\chcktr(' bn:alh while walking 1hrou,&h l1x c ~
11.,~, "·hi,
8 u.rb', blatl brlt
The Sl:n1incl Y.Ckomc:s lcllen ti.> lhc editor. Those wh() ..ubml1 k:t\(.11\ mu~1 limit thcrn to JOO word'i, \ign thc:m Jcs:,hly and pn,vjdt- :i phone numbtr in order to .,·crify :1u1hetuci1y
::r~~·:::cu::i~~~~.:=1 ~~~~c!~f;h~~~~L1'l:!=;::.~( ~::..a~::fZa~=:lb~
l\·C' bc\cn here lc,n• ~-nuuih new., thill I 11.-d I h.a,·c the ris:h1 It,;...~ 1hinc wllu ml11lc tu ,ome ltlfl~ld('r;11tl<1R tnr lh()'o( nl ui c;a,n I hre.:tthc \\h~n 11.111cm-phn1( In l!nlcr. in J'llfhcul11t Uc
hopc:lc:s,Jy pm!ano drncr.
If you don't smoke, I won't puke·
'"s.:1.fct}' tt.i.WIU"
money and C\'lff\· inJO ),UCl'IC
1hcm v.1>rk and )OOr ruMC\lt-' mirror bccomn\'C ~lth bouncing rc.'CJ :md blue obey be on br...J<"I P°"'°bl)', J<l it '611 11&,h~ You pull M'Cr. in a pc::rpc:1u.J state of o;,esn•111Ctt&.Qllly- rcinfOlff 1bc imo,:r: muucrin&any four-lc.ui:rwont you tan JohMy law hiutl al wo,~c<l._ t<,ffc:-c inCJa 1hink ofand in a mu1ncnt',:, limc an off'K't'T ~and and• be<:! J<•i.1' Jtid< ,n the other. 'j, hiL.t appc::ircd OUL~idc )'OUrwindow. Are all o(ficcrs l~''-iblc. lal) .JJ ..GoqJ tu\• ~lr. orfJCCr, Si,, Is lhc:rc d1ng1ct,crric,1 Of a,un.c ""'· hu11l>o h fOO'lelhil'la v:1Ung~""Thc ponJy omc:cr atarth for Ihe needle in IJ)C ha)'Qek-• )Iii
,pt<d. YPu lhoogh1 '.\OU bad 1hewholc
:~.:.r:;'~;r;n ror
Q ; IIO't\ canon a."-\·ldcking sc:hool Pl\'5"icknl be I h;ad boollcgg~d Pokc'mon video. dung? A Jt can't. Pcrtw.p.. Whife I'm \Urt ",(1metl.:t) Pr~idc'nl Mic:b•el Butkc', these ccrnble pieces btud: belt ln Tac Kv.-,n Pt> clo1hina. wlll he worth k>h mi~ 1ho pul~ of .i rC"A Qt and hH~ or money, Hof D()\\,' hk I/IICkc)S. but 10 me i1'11lk: ii jmt ..eem, ,uangoly Wd. bot thinJ.1,h)C\! tighdnt 1ccnagc 1un~ l ha,-e. for Mlmc tlme. h.1d 1 nlbcr uobcolthy <ibsc»io11 Suno,pol Rentals on the wi1h ninjaa. 1ffl)'!iel! cb.hMc:IJ North Bc:i.c;h ...,.sclosed for n in ninj~ cu1kry IJ~ child and aho,11imto•..c.:r1bc6tlmmi:r It l~u.ired~(jt(:~SO 1l ' j "her an cJdc-.rty m.n and hit pmb.lf\ly a good thing I lfllkkhildtcn rt.nled n nc-.·cr puriurd J Ctln:cr m k.,1)'1L (or 1hctrOm lime. m:artial ;uu, but hey, prop.. 1llt "'l'lke (rorn n pa...,-c, bon1 10 Burke.
Police take pleasure in citizens' pair. loo:
Hey. oren 't these...
nn.t day Jillt! ...?
lliU.ryflowon Mit<Gn:tt
Lindla) lt..,..
~llrn ltcinrich
,&Tlie tongue of a
'- blue'whale is as
f._ 'ion.,ps-an
inductor receives lehievement award ':J,(usic instructor music rcnc-bcrs *hen bo wh in
school. He tccci, ·cd hit degree:
1·0/unteers skills r,fuJic fostructor Grra.rd
~r:c:~nf~~::c,::~~~ti\·e t:t:;:~r::~:1~:,: ~:~~~:ha1 -.:bing tkilb and work in 1hc t,;;un.hy. Miuhcs ~}~ it\ h~
a«ots. • · 1( I u:pr..-..s t'nthusUl.lm over
cfomcn1111then 1hcy will :«OfflC in1crcs1cd 1bc-mlC.lvcSi"
~ said. The teachers tb111
.O('Ollrtged him were thoJ( "come at a moment where ""'• occd ><'mcnnc 10 gi\c you .1recdon."' ,\1111bet· in1erc41 in muiic bcs.Jn ,b.ra be w.11 • chnd "'hi1c
, to h1J fo·c SIS1CO. ~
f:.idc., of how music wis {Qrmcd coLl.)uragcd him 10 11') Jle btgan ~,1:rtorming dl pcn:1,1:s.,.inn lnMrument.s but "t111ttually rno\•cd onto 11tring mtr11ffll'.J11A.
.. \bthc.s dt<idctJ 10 become 1 t'!astc in,mmor hcc:,un• he tairtd the \\i'Otk or his own
from 1ht Unl\'tr5ily or ld11.ho in
Moscow, 11t1cr '11,,l,kh he moved 10 Arizona lo Cot 1hrre yea,< U an c:le.rncnlary orch('~U'II conductor h WI!\ importan1 fnr bi(ll to recum to CO<'ur d'Alene, \\-hC're h~ h:td g_l'(JWn up, he Yid. "lb-crc's a feeling
cm--lmnmcnt here,'" he ,.-Id. In addh'°n 10 being 11n lnnructor. Ma1hc1 i'$ a l"11ductor of ttlc Coeur d'Alene Yovth
Orchcstrn 11nd is 11 compt~f or SC\"Crlll works, mttn)' of which ;ir~
be Inc pr,c,micrcd ind tcplnycd in the tOmmwuty Ibis fall. He ha$ cumpthed "Ork., for orchcs1r~• choir :iod OOnJ t'Qm{)O'itioo. ~pc:daUtlog in worb r._,, large groups. "'I'm plcasell 1b;it they're mostly util~cd b> Nie.· he ~id. Thouah Mathe... dtk"'in't h.avc much time: ror an') thing unrdiucd 10 music. ht tric1 co spend "'h..11 iparc time he h11i. w11h h~'. The Facull) Achie\·cmcnt A"'.lrd came wuhSl.500 in priu. money. mu,.1 of which, Mathn uid, will be: $pcn1 10,1,:ud :111 old trud: ht recen1ly purc:h,i,l"d, Miuhe.s said thl' ""'-ard i, fmponant hcc:i.u~ there jf. • idC:111 lh~t I dC\Cf\C thi~
1- - - - - - - - - - -
/Outdoor pursuits program offers ~cheap winter fun
The Sn~ Ride~ ('lub. an :ltcru;ion u( )'UC\ Outdoor Pimui~ prog:nam, began about S· ~,un n;o by Eric O'Rricn It ill grown to hc:comt' a group ;;::,:.~cmbcr>iu~ ol roughly 45
; Tht ba~k go1l1 nf 1hc dub it t..> jin)l,1dl.'! a(fordahle IQXlaunod1uic.,m tn winter sports.. lbc club m:akCJ trips., lhllq>ortatlon. (ood and ludging ••be ,t.ier'.$Ainu-.·boarder-'$ "Xtttbool. The description for the club i~
.• ro11..,, (from 1hc NlC td,,.itc): "'The ski dub provide, IQdcl'lir~hh lhe opportunity to 1tc101btr studcnl~ wi1h mutual lfllcrnu and di~S$ various an:11 llbOn, and 1he h11c11 in lltuipmem.'"
Paul C'h1V\1~ Otlldu' Punm11.-. tnd Rcnr:il Program cuordm111nr i~ one or the ne"' fates al tht head of 1hl\progn&m, tic n<11 only c.mph111\1~ts 1h:u the club is a grcal place to meet i.iudcna with similar in1ercst1., bu1 h h also .1 gr..::11 phu.-.: for people of :any experience ltH:l 10 ioln. Oiiwi1 ,Jid that trips 1'1!1 )Cllr rangtd from a u'ip 10 Whi,tlcr. Canad;, nrid I nne·"<cck trip Cl.'I
JadcioOn Hole. Some nr the.> t'lhcr t\·cnu: that help 10 fund the dub and keep price, luw for -students an: tbc Warren Miller film :ind Jht Ski Sw11p. Pmc~tdi from the Wanca Miner film arc "iphl 1,pon.vtri and the SnO\\i Riders Club. The fiJm will be shown .iround Dec: .• 11nll the Ski S"w11p 'will huppcn 11,ouind L,1e Oc1ot,.:-T 10 ltllc Nu,·cmbcr The ska)"\\lp rcquucs you 10 hring in oquipm1,1n1 th.,t )'OUw.anl m ~II. and I.he Snnw Rider. Cluh kecf" a pereenh1~c nr the ~lcs.
CLUBS: <onclnu<J pog< II
Kevin Vogel, llberaf art.a mefor1 originally from Wash., engages In such acttvtUes •• DHketball and
Student follows in footsteps Eleventh Vogel enrolls, continues sibling pattern
by Tucker Kohl Jlow many kids from 011c family have hecomc North ld.11ho College t tudcnu? Five. ,even. eight? An tidYiser 11 NIC for the put t I )'CBfJ, U Y. lb Wiukin, ihough1 he hnd 11ecn th(lffl all when Chrl\ Vcigcl bcc11mt the tOcb child rn tu, fam1l) to enroll In the fall uf 2000 Chm c:ondnucd II ru11nu,g nroa.k &.1:nr1cd
by his )im:r. Al\nt Marie, who nth:nded NJC in 1984. Over the year~ Wa1knu htd come to know many or lhc Vogel'- but never 1huugh1 there "'ould be another.
In chc lllll oflOOl Kcvio Vogel
Clliually rolled imo Watkin't omcc. Kc\llo is cbe I Ltb child in hi,; family 10 go 10 NIC' Of mctting Wa1kini. Kevin ja1d.O't Hc kepi 1utra1ah1 face, but I ~ould tell inside he v.,:.s thinting •Ano1hcr one'W"' Followln1 Kevin arc 1wo more siMrng,.~ The 12th hope, 10 romc to NIC. ho~e\'er. the. 13th it not ,o
sure.. Bolh Chri, and Ke.v1n Vogel arc full-11mt 11tudent\ and very 111bh:1ic. Chris-pl111ycd brs$<bill throughout high .school and on the All•Star 011)cb111f 'team in Spokane. The Vogel.$ hnvc been Involved wilh mtramural sportll 0\1Cr the yc:10. KtYin has pl,yc:d ba5.kc1b;dl
throug.hout high sc-hool ~,ms mlldc. the W:a1hlng1an All Sl;lrTum. lie 0
Iii nc:,w uyinJ out for t11c N I('
men·, bllkctb411 team a1 .a walk.· on Wh;u molivmtcJ thc,c l 1 kidi lo go h' college" C'hrb e,rh1ini:d h.: nc\•cr thought of not ;mai: 10 c;c,Ucg~. Kc,·in affirm, it wnn·1 .a rnauc, or but o m,11cr of "'wheo"" ;and "'whc11:,"' Uc ulJ going m collc1<: ic a way ro Ix .1eth·e. to 41"'lfS do iumcthioJ and tn plan for 1hc future. Chris iaid. p1nnnin~ for thi: fuuuc- fl'Hill\.ilt;J f\lt:I)' t1nc uf thc.m "'Mom J1dn·1 \\.llnl u.. tu be lar.y.• Kevin ,..,1d. "'KnlJ\\'IMJ 1bcrc
tu Kevin. "'1( 1hc. ,icry tltM home mom ,·ou wlJI t'\.'C't meet.·· Sbr gt11du.a11:d ftom N'otft Umversily .arid h11s be.en• hOU'I.C\\ii(c for the l.ut 36 )'ClllfS, tindra .,nd Kevin St, recently celcbra1cd 36th a.nni\'c:r1ary. '"North ld.aho Ct,llca.c h .on 111-
itc.1!:tOn college;· Ktvfn uld.
"localed in 1he t,.c.,, iita1e in the. caunuy." '"Ir "hc-:mtiful,"' Chrb uid
' P~oplc :arc , cry goinJ. ... ACtcr ar.1du•ting, Chri,; phtM 10 get ll degree in hw.incu 1nd :uchHccturt! 1n (.'.d1fornla. Kevin\ IP u11n,rcr ,ind mid)'
"!/someone is missing a ta/em, someone else
Ate 10 bdort me I'\ mc,11\·atmn tc,
do hcttcr ,cadcmic.1111\• Yuu feel lib you ore going, to tchool 1.1l u. place you kno...... Without (ln11nci11J 11ld the
will havei1. •
VoJclJ' C!OH pf co1lcgc cduc~1ion1,
Kc~'in Vogel
O.R eslimued ll $27,000 for the
firs, l l kiJ\. Anne Mone. lhe c1de,1 of lJ libHng\, wc11l un to from Gontaga Univcl')1ty. She tc.,chcs
Ill All~S1in11 Elt!mc.nti.u") Jn Spohnt 1 The 01hcr kids. ~('Irk in Seattle. Spokane. Po,t hll\ o1nt.111, far ;way II\ San Jo~ in flc1d.i ..uch a.s teaching. m1nagcmcn1.
eontractln&. nu1 ..;ns and hu.,lnC' ...,. Kevin de,c:r-itxs hill f11mil) "'rc..11 big .1rnd t1iht Kt, in Vogel Sr. greduiucd from S.inua Clara, where he recd\-eJ • dtgret io mcchanic:il cng,nccrinJ, H e worU 11i Ji fire in\•estigamr. al'I dcc1r1c1I ct1ntr.u::1or ont.l tc.Ltheo. u
lhc NIC Workforce Triuning
Center in Po,l Failh,. Linda Vogel, mtuhcr. ncciording
11rts .at the Unh·ct1ily or ld:.ho. If
he m¥1kcs Che NIC bad,;clbtall learn in October he would like 10 stay on at NIC HI play rtlht'r thlln tnn\:fcmng Ill the ipt1ng
Both hhllbcrs hope their )'Ounger sine," wJII d..:c:id~ 10 go co
NIC. "'Th111 be: prctcy cool, all 13," Kc\·ln Maid. Watkin• Jokes '1111h John Jcn~n of the NlC 11dmislioM office. suqcsti11c ,, punch C'Btd. huy 11 1uilion1 .ind get
t11iorr«. ·Our lalc:n1.11 blend in tu m•l.<' one big ,.,mil)" Kevil\ said.. '"If wmconc 14 m1~n_g :i 1nlcn1. ~mconc cbc \\ill
Humanities offers different perspectiVe, understanding Students team the culture and history of bagpipes
by Suzanne Sterner ·Amuing Gm«'" rc.,wundcd through Bos\l.CII Hctll
Sept. 3
n, Jc$.\~ Bryant marched into V,rg;inla
Johnson·• Hum.anilic-s 101 d.ns pl.i.yiog chc bagpipes.. 8ryan1. ttdministrah,.c 1ui\"lan1 In tho I luman Rcwurcc Offi«". arri'.·cd dr~scd ,n trndl1ional 11tlrc.complc1c \\.ith (culhcrbnnnct :ind uu1nn kilt. She began pluyfng the b~gpip,cs as fl high school litnior. Durin1 colh:ge, Bryant her 111lcn" tn playing various-Ji&$; wcddJng.1. runen.ts. e-.·~n opc:ning fur a Rod S1ew1ut (Onoen. Cum:mly. 1hc
uf tbi.s ioc1rumt:n1 wi1h lhc students as part or a cro\.'>· conccpl learning expccieoco. She hoped 1h1u through thi5 cxpc.r1t:t1cc and rc.Ja1cd actMHcs., her ,tudent& wouJd belier unden.11nd che history 11nd culture surroundlns bagpipes as well~, the topic of schema: our pcnpccth·e of lhe ttorld u we sec: it.
9,yanc 51accd chAI hl.,orf<1lly. bagpipe, d.,cc bock 10 btbHcaJ rimes. E11rJy forms or 1hc ios1rumcnt were
f!lfl)'(d hy the Egyptfan~, Greeb and R<1milO!t. They wett commonly pl:i.yc!J dudng 1hc Middle A&el.- She ill"° '1id that diffe,ct11 rcglnn!i pN>Clucced lliffcrcnl \l11rietic.~ ol p,ix,., cvolvina from ;. simple chllntcr and drone to wh!U we kc 1od11y. Bl)·ant\ pipe~ C<lnlam lour ~rts. The: b;tg t:s m:1dc [ron1 a iytuhctic TC'fion material and k filled with air hy hlowing 11llC'J th.e pipe, Md 1.l.~1ng Lhe: arm 10 m,111t~in the correct ptes):utc. The droncJ or plpc.s. commflnly made of ao c.nd3ngcred mn1cr1al. ACnc:an Blackwood, a.long ..,,.1th Lhe dtan1cr a.nd bltWi pipe, ,1,clc:upm the c-ir. The blowpipe i, rhc tube th.tu allo~ ~lr ioto the
i:t ~::r.;.~~;c:!~ f~.~~':e~::S~1{:::~~~ 1
and providcs l bt' melody.
..Tb(l ba!lPipc.s :art' uniqu~... Bry301 s.11d. "in 1ha1 they have no volume 4--0nlTo1."' The n,nc 001cs avaiJ:iblc )Ound the same. and ane "'~'*Y 10 provide souod variationi ,~ ringer deJttcnl)' on 1hc c-h.an11.:r '"It take.Jone to 1wo y.:aD orpr.ictlcc on ii chanter before a uucknt hcgin1 pl.1yin1 the cotnpltle in,1rumen1."' Bf)ut said. Thtrc ,, a wide 1,,11nc.ty of bi1ap1pc mm~ from rneliu,chuly to pcrLy jigs. B{)~nt said sM i~ dnnvn ll) tht bagp1pt. bccauM: of the cb.nllcngc and hia),cr lc\'CI of ttthnical !olills in~·oh-td. "'II ij 11dffficul1 mMruincnl cc, ma\lC'J,"'<hc &
WtDHESQ,\v, S<'1', 18, 2002
Alon! Phollts nnd ,tory by
Luke £eo_!gc_ _ ·photoed,IOf·
11 n< ~«L. 21 pct,ple.~5rll!i milcs.and600 fct'I in cl~ [mm the Salmon lo lh<' ~
Rr,·cn c»mblM 10 m•1kc Cunyt1t1
wmmcr ~:tlans up 1hc: ,wn 1h1n
O.'ruroom •·tht tk.°'l kepi lltCl'cl ~ 1hc cnur.c «:.11t1log. Ksuhy H ~ ~· for tlm,c whn"A~lll rachcr
~~:::~~ :~: :;!~~~~:~!':t1 I> q,n.,mcr ',,Cnte<,l(l', when~ ~l\idl".nlJt:" ch.111« 10 c."Cp(rit'ntc: l:n~letJs.c ~·l gd1vitiC\;rnd~~Thc Jl. curri<u1um h ~• hiet~cc:n Rt£P1ttrc lcwi~on on 1hc cool t.11odor1hr,
t,;,nto.. It'\ s..ik 10 ....,,y lh.lll C'\Cl)'<mC l 1c1 \\Cl !'tut thi\ k.1rmn2, c'(pcr~~:
~~:;·:~~~:~~t::~':~~\~~ hike along ~ll)Oft WIIIJI) rtc)ll 10 I
Peret: pk1Pgniph, thJll 1'.)lmboht.c t1 seascim,1 oc:1t,'il1d and rdlgic,u,-'l
Brt-aUu!-1 dllublc, :it II rh·crtide r,
O'lfl.-'-'°'itC-J'llflOr whi1c ~111 liC't'«l1 "'t, nibbed Into c.,ch othrn 8dlll< ht>lll "' lhc wn ~chc:'( (ull ~ JI'<' 103:dcJ tind the fltOUP la~J· Into the: wide ~n),m HI.J t.kgttc JIil
romnmn. roas1ing 411)' unpro1cc.1c4 •\fti::t l<m,:. d.A)"' ..,-rno.11111g.spln
,v. imnung !lnd m<l!Cl import11.n1~.
napping. 1hr nigtu, 11ft' fil~d 'o\1,1~-~ V.;lfCf Rnd C,,01)\'CO•OIIIOO l;.\'rl)1lllll:
cuopt.·r.:tlh<'_dfon on lhc river 1unch and dinner ~ a hufkC and c,I'. hclP' 10 pt,:-p.i.n: ii Md dciUI up tbt ..They're Mthing4an ur phcnomrnAI.'" raft guide T«l,d He" Outdoor Punullir. ~'lld .iboul rc:l.lcJII guidel. The: gu~ \\'Ork pro:ictl'\'C" ln,uuctnn dnJ 'Cudcnh 10 ,lf1.tO geat. prepare fOOIJ and tCoUI 1ht, ~wirlf111 (!JlTCtllS cmb .t.ludclll\
"r a"
Uk~ J.mndry in 1h~ \ptn qtlc m.1chlnc:. Bct.ilJc ffl.t.11)' CllfflfO thcrt' «ipic.h ~unh tl«i1in,: (reel) "' ,u.\J
pct1un.:il Oohllif1n dc\'tcl'. Gtm•r' ,;audcms of1cn SW11D lhrwgh 1h~ nnJ om,..o;;,.\ 1~ riVt"r 10 jump off of .S )O·f~I clif(\. Students trek deep Into the Coleman Mine, which was one maJor reason for early Interest and aetttemont on the Selmon River.
THt ~Na.
Gulde and NIC alumnus Enc O'Brien showora al Cottonwood Creok midway bo-twoen the last camp and the take-out, Hells Sar.
~e River Bank rock\., C.,.,'O, 1hree nnd M.iddenly lhc whole &JOUJ1 t... .-.kipping fOl,;k,: <l(f('I$..~ lhc riH~,. Each day )Ocncthing tcnally new hoppc::os. The unc:.~eJ c.1n be c.q,c.;ted. Tl\rcc jtirl,;:indn guy~i1t1n.gon the bc:uch reading the tequircd material (or an cvc-nu1i d1:;c~100 tr11rtSfnm1, into a mud slinglog p;my...Girt pm,.•e(' I~ pmc.Jaim1:d in unh.on Over lht humble guy und tbc rourwaffl uf! with ti swim and rc1um 1~ camp for dinm:r. Some oFthcwildlirc that.stmk:tu.s nmJcc include: haw~,. hc1on, <leer. n:i11lc,;m1.kc., beaver B.nd oner. who roll nmund on 1hc beach~ )Cr3t~hll\& thdr The tcrritori:LI h1lwk diVc bomb,. a heron when ii movei. too c:losc to its .i.re11, n:sulting in "hrid.-s and ruffled kathcn high 11hu\'c the raf111nd then 1bcy di5.1ppear in 1helr separate wn)~ Urn~ p:i~ in camp w1tb game., Uk~ U1npqtM, (The Siilmon R,w:.r God), Studenh d.idkn.go eae:h otbcrs' mln4' with 11 ci,clc drawn in the ~nd and three ,1ick.~ p( equal pruporliOn. The lcoder of the gomc licgln~ by 10\..'iiog 1he <;ticlu fn10 the cirtlc and 11,;l;lng 11 peMn in thC' group. "wh:i.1 i, the number?"' How migh111 pc.rwn know v.h~I numt>cr tho suck$ reprc:'iCnl? Thi,; k the t1:h~llcmgc 1h:,1 tldc.iLr;some fora whDC', bul lho siitne 15 not condutkd unlil utl
ha,·c ICilmcd lhc wuy or tht- Untpq\la, ·1nc ~me: tnn be phi)'t:d witru.'lul sl.ght but no1 without the scuc;c of sound. One must listen wi1h 1he h!!lp of the Un,pqull to dctcnnine what the. number 1", resulting in hounr. oflaughter a.otl mind
Dotty Quade splatters mud on Oultln Payno at tho Maloney Cfffk beach, which le the northern moat point of the- So:fmOl'I Rlvor.
El(NCJIQNAI FACTS • ~ S..,lmcm rfocr is the -on~c"' undnmmcJ ri\~f Jo the 48i.Ul.4"5.
• Ltwi!i 11nd Clark ntt.:rnpted 1hc !itfl p;t,;M.J;\': lkM·n lhc S 1htk~ u, •~~. \d thL")' ~L 11: Ull'\IU;CC\\fUI
l. 11\)'1'11 C1a~,.,(IC'lfft ('I-,..{'\ 1/3 1hc rri~ uC 1t cUU'l1t1<~•lk- jCUid('\l 1r1p tnl:'ludl11~ 0
• rhc Sll P~rcc lndian\wcrn n:mCHIA tb,: fi1111 pc~,('llt! fl' lr.-c .iJl'rtg du:
Sialmnn. • On June: 17. 11:1'?'7, Ch1,1Jo\C'ph'\ h~nd c\f Nez P~,ce lovW'c Anny TtUOf'\ al Wtutc Bird Ctrt\1\111 itnJ \\'Oil with c>ut ,1ny lo,;,"'' 10 the 1ribc:, • TI,c e-.uli" St..anhi.,lJo hJ., m·cmw tbc,11 \lonll~ nlan,. the:
S.1Jmun. ~umns t'llll n.;itivc grosses :and rc.ulJmg 1n hJgh~r rhk 111 m~
"'I'm bcuin' 1hb d ooc of the let!<I NIC
nafling lriJ>S we s.c:e in ,1 long 1imc/' guide
Jed Scdl.wck sold. In actuality 1hc somt trips that ran last )-C!i.r ate_lxlng continued Md rumor has fl 1hcrc wiJI he IY.t.»trit"J~n the Salmon flt..'d Mtmn)er. Thero 1., n. ~thn1 co life on 1hc rl\'cr
nn<.1,1 rutl9 dcq, within pcn;on During a ~ck crip Ihat rh)11hn, OC'Wr. gmdUAIJ). yet unrontrollably. Stuck:nu w.,ke up -,1 r-unrlk, wnrt IU prepare tt.nd dean up mcuJ~ load and unload raft,. learn u> biugh al e;11ch otbcn hum.or. arc c-h:ilkngcd by lbe ph~iat1 dcmllntb c>f tht ri•1et .and scule dOIA'n for sleep under th~ b~d a nd hri_gtu /ll..-y, hlge1hcr
"'Tho Rlwr ol No Return." the Salmon, Is home to many wh e aand beaches Uke Schwartz Bar, Where Kllldee, soar up and down shoro o.nd starthlslto blanket tho canyon.
PAOE 6 & 7
Wt-v. .....,, 13,~
,_. 3:::
--= 0
•• • ••• •
T fie nerthern
most Mexican
>- restaurantis in
0 • -c:5 Barrow, Alaska.
PtE &
,Fl; ,9
Brix offers fine dining, fun and entertainment at affordable prices New restaurant opens on Sherman, night club opens Friday beneath
by Tiffimy Hundt If yuu•n: looking for n fun place to go ror a on the town. do I have 1he plice for
)_'9U, Brix. located atJl7 E. Sherman Ave. l,i
Co-:ur d'Ah:ne·s ncw~st addition to line
di~& ~:!1~i::1 t
Everything Crom 1ablese11ings. 11ruc»phcrc,
wine sc:l.cctk1n and food prcscnuuion have.
been carefully sclootcd to provide goC'Sli whb
a hip,_lun,}'CI ela~y.dinlns REV1tw
• 8n,'(d1d1i axik
From 1hc moment I w.i1l:C"d - - - into this test;\urant J lo\·us
JIA1Ap; trJ,wmtn ti,iu.Ad1
cxtn:mcJy lmpre~ by the-amount etf dcu,n h:id gone in10 its mo king. W:inn ycl)c)\I, waJJS"•.urrouod the dining area and the kite:hen. Yt'hich can be .seen through dear
lh~11lk.".ah:t-.c.u'i J'ltcP411.-d 1nah1~'1!
g.las:. pane,. The chc.(s cru10 their maslcrpicccs nghl
in front of c-..cryonc. providio1 lhc guc1b with I look ut how their rood 1\ prtp.trcd In a laric brick oven. which al50 P:rovcs 10 provide 1hc guc.sts wi1h :ri mild fonn or en1cn1inmen1. Lars,c cherry wnod table'- thtc look 11, ir
~!bfe~~r~i:! ~~rl:1~!r ~r°!i::1~ ~1~:~~:. ~! ,~:~b:1~~~ri~~~,rk:~~y ~::P.~~~:J I hit\·c ever seen before. 1
Students audition tor "On the Bazzle" dur ~the 1n-e mc:1nlfll.tnd nprt'«ioin m tomcl•a>t 001 ht1t1J m't'~kdWKi,I hatf"'.Y 11\Mta,gb ~. T h e ~ t.m1nown fotttan l.1nriUJ:~ 1na11.,,:w to
Ol'flsz(lphn, Ylhn b.1~ bid OCJt.btni C.Wll!ICh:appell In hi, IUo fir all)1hing kl brnz ahmn. en Cm.Uy h,m,: • ~ Tbc:lt bole '-dl!UN: is1,:11Dt'd 'b:.a~c,n du: l'ilmt'• """'ewr.acwx 111V1e1•1'411'11:)·h~ k''Mlit;b.c t'l'IOOIIM<'l'1'11.1lb tbtir cmpll~._,r..,,•hl,dol"tll ~ they\~ Jacm:J his"lhap-a.nJ M.lmc lol;mam Ulln~
·1 li~ &0 ~'nlctUltl ~Del m.J.e people h.1r~ • '"3id Kciu:,c ~a:1ur1. ml.Diclll'IJ 1bc;1kr m1j,cw, 11oi: nt
Play will hit stage in October, November by Jan;a 01v1dson ·A& [Edler
AgdiUQN for I.he NJC fall lh~tc't ~lion ·On the fbw.k•v.1.TC hdd 1J1< m;i~otSq,c. Jhntl Uin Todd I.COUR Hall MMyptOplc th(,y,'(J up CO 11udU10C1. al1bouJb not qui1e lO t'OfflJl'ktdy fill Ibe l,l IICIIJII parh lhe .W..Tlpl allls f«w,
Upc:,a 11,rf\~ ptOlipedft'e ac1on ~~ Q't'A'llmcd
bydlrtteot, pnxk,tttnod ~-.,or. ·nm Ram. that panacii-tlftJIIS 1hh pby munt • ~road of cummkmt:1:U," bcca~ of the 1i111oand cffo11 «:hcarA!sC\'-'lY "''t'd'ni&),I from '1 Ut 9 mr1miScpt. 16alld the lioalprocb:tion"fml.lld role. Thenetu;al •llditionproctSS-OOOs.iR«lcilbcac:tOn
tta&n,(rl)tn lhc:~, Thq-•crrn'ICOO'lplctdycold rta.dl!. ~~ *-TIPC• I*' 00:n l'Yaibble for• rwo,cby checb':lul(lnc.:Sq,c.4, bu, n..till \l>bOOQi)' td.:. Glandrlgaw.aty fn,m lht-.:ripc 10 add dnmi1!JC 0111'C Of 1C1C11C «mblooo, ofdrpcftdence from 1ho book., cumprombcd OIICS ablllry lO rlftdwhtfe! the hcc.k. thqo Wl!fC:,A\'fl1thlltO"WIJlt.iidtbcttv,,:rt~ft:whi~
CDOOm1J•lloo11bc-°"1mg~cll)Q)'lnc themacf'l.'\.."l¥1ollik liut11in& l,l) IJIIC h112ooroc.n.dWllgM tM:h t:,, v.htn ffill.hc it. Ol,e .ICIUr tlliJ 1:Mfc'-\ wnurily. "AudiUQ.c»#f\!lllw11>Tt¥.':at'f,•~Joc~.
1hcater-ithlJUCtC1r"tlo"'lll ~n...i sn "()o1t,.;· • 7...andttt.11 lihopl.«p:-1 IMaJ updgb1 maa ..,itb 1e.:wrail iMuc:sduriog the ciitalkll" n(1lk pl,w, rPmdy kccpraahif , ~ ~lrom bcrmm:m1-' hein,bifc :tl"tp.11riD£:,. ll('Y,' ml Q)io« tOWNI • wllonn tMri: 1h.u\ ~!Jhlly 911 1he ~side, H11.,.,n,: t\Ol ;l(ll.'d 1na f.,.'W)'C'IIB. J11e• ,u.lrtuu~"CI ht,~,~,
"On Ille' R.a:¢c· h ni.aioly 11,wt 7-<ill!¥kr\ twO
~~nmnWJulHn Vi.:~ 'oOlh:i1 ur,ccif1hem.
happen co llwm 1hoso:~ln3at11;et1tw: a11d,1ion ~IJtncbdnaaNL"lO comml.ll\'v.:ilb 1he ~•nee 11nd ttrw, )'INCUI n:Q 11111 nw.nv •1 n11i1: fltflt' • M«N araon h11\'cn'I tn1J1;h ol a prcfcn.'fle\•a> Mwhllffl lll(y ht'wmc, l\111 Sbcmm.D $\hc:'dlltctf•beMt11.H~r Sbc1.a\\.SO,,..tha1 Wcinbcrl 0,rilll)plltc ('00\1n, dia.i1n,, ION lhc hU5bo.ntl tfco -.,: llA 4.ul.ll '-lru.,mc,n 1h,d Sci\ Mm 1n C\'Cn ikqx.r Owd Longo ,h11f'l'i &c1"1cofShcnDM1°J i.lfllttion. 1Al.1tn,I oUc;riffl( o1 w..,- ~cuum&llla'.\~ lhrwc,bu ditrcrtnt fmrnoh1rt.• be '-'id. As 1odrn f•b~. II~ lil.c. II.pit ·rnmmldJcrn'm11','ICI.
One of l~ hlltftlilbu. l.:w ~ ,n illicndanoo cnmi. v..lJc:n Longo. 111 lhc ICCf,:IC\1 of tJ>.. tftm."IOtll.. f'bycJ Huffer. Hf,. port~·:il cil7.:mdct'1 uil(ir auiw mtul
kmn,c hinu, li,.p 111J all. li:.:,vina: the mom m brJ g;tb\'lfla\lj!blct.
Allhou$h "On 1ht R.tdc" il•Cl':llrlt'dy. 11 doeml .,1atw. f.c>r thc;aMdl~ cnml~mud).. ·A1lil"ll, I WIIC\~J.·•~ShonyG:ibu;mp Nid. "hn it m.-k ,-c;n-.c all,;l'~ing 1' (prtbmc,,W "h"1: l1;,.," Erin l lll.:t>t..1he,1kf nu,:,,• .aid I A~,r\1.1n1 ilit~'tor to Rarick ~Joe VcnlJ't".\. Thall • h,.-lh1rd~~er 111 NIC ,,.., 11 lheu.tcr m/1,)0r Vmlld h:L, 11. badcau,und in ~nteJl.\lnm(fU aDd Is pimu1n,.. J Jc:~ m 1h~t«-. A\ tu tbc:.111dl1ion.'I fti. nl&ht. bt sa,rJ.11hinklfry\\'t:ntv.cll n.-reWtt.~ eulbWWffl from t\l.'J\\"f!C "Otl die RavJ1.··" at 19'hccnnuy f.1reebyTom SlOJ'l()OltJ wtw ab,o.'f,toCe ·R('ll'cncr.:inu end
Ou1h,t1csi,tcm1111: Dc.r "Ont~ Riazle~ h,nbeeo lht impirahon of Thom1c,n Wildt,-.,. "lllt M.ltdsnulc~ mlJ *I ldlo Olll)'r h b,u111ll tbt ck~m, Clf • hit 1.'0ffll-'\lr lu11, miM11kt'n idcnt11)', ~ g . Uc,,.. ,n1tt,:111:.odcomll.tll himl). ~rforn)JDIX'>v.,llllCOn..11.Nov, t,!, 7, 'lalld\1 (lit ~ d i I f11U,~bulcr Auditc,ri:uffl. Ao:,'OIIC' llll~"n!~ ID bcll'MJ \\ prodlJt'IIOQ 1111.dcumctl IO ~ · v.'tth Raridl'. •baut fl
"ON THE BAZZLE' CAST UST (CAST LIST SUBJECT TO CHANGE) .. .......OJ &hnl,ton - .• - 1.c>n~-o ....._. Nol>'\!tcn.~t •
... - .... NkUC Pdlcn
Lmgkr - - - - · - - J ..1e Joe(M'> Ul.:m1dc - -...... KrnLtt Shc-rman
~..NQC ycl (aQ
__...,,.__ .Not )"I call ......... Michclk Jcw,hury __oct,t,y lloflb .Nl'll)'tlcaW
.... _·- _ .Andre\\ Compton
.... .••. ...Andr<"WEariqucz ,,_, .--Nnt)~taul
Oebt>y H81l(fo ond Nikkie Pillon read from scripts at auc:tl1ioo• for ·on Ill& Rawe· Sept 12· 13 B1Jdijioood kl< tho play.
- - -..shC")'C"-pl Gcnnan m1n.-....,_,........-. -····-···-... Ltc1a Junker Ocrma11,"1CWU1---" .... ··---··-·-·-- Mkhellt Lana Olizcn, ""'"""""' wom..... . ..Mi<hclle I.and. ,\hdrc:w EruiqU1C1., Monb Bk'rnucn, Andri;IN Comptoft. C'btril
( ..nlordli. l,mily, fmb Huo1
Col an :airtsy storyf Conr.Ml A&f f:d11or b n.a lJ,wjdson. Phone: 769,3.188. h,i: 7<>9·1389. E•m.UI: Stont1nel@nlc:.tt1u
A & E
oldplay album debuts at No. 5 ~ Rush of Blood to the Head" full of potential hit singles
fbc llritM qu~nc1, C<.lldpi..y, i\n1It rrg;;,in. , IJSlt wim thc:ir sta.>nd rubum C'.llkod ·A R~ ['(,:<id tolhc lleati.• Yoom.1)'runtmt,crd,at, the soo; "Yellow: ll ~ Im with ttll l'll lhc b,U¥h out there likt tlit\i, Cmk .and
Springsteen plavs favoritesin Tacoma The B oss and E Street Band loved by audience at highest profile tour of summer
ad, Qlldploycan pllly with thcbdl or
111talbumh.L'"tn:.adyhh No, I tn 1oorc1hnn ~ 01flC$, induding United Ki11ij00m. ~,Kl It a l No, 5 in I.he. Un\fcd SU\lt:\. 'fbt 11lbum b. r,o¥,wtd bi)· th< ril"ll c,ingie ·10 J'b('c.* v.hich ktl\.1lUIII)' the fin.I k1ng lhlal tbt.-y llfttt lb.cir dchu1:klburn "P:i,~llut.,,• for the mil'I p.1J1.1hcalbum111Unlkprc11y ,(OnccntrsJung mostly on 10ng writ.i11g ll,.atl IUJ)'lbln;clsc. Ewn though o<Joo ~ II tJmcs.1($ .-i Uulc n>tlrC cncrgc-lic and M)mc,1,.ha1more pc-rsonal th..m their fia t JV.Wld,il be surprised if !he ~ singled 111c Scil:r1tist,•"' hic:h ls:. ~ow pi.:ino-dri\"<O son&, ~00 ~ the R:fVIEW lati., Oeor&c lllt,um ·Au
' - - -, Mu.u Pa.~ I dl1nk I.hat ~II of the~ on tbo lllbum
.,.i1i< f'Jlffltl.1l""1gic, ,fms of1he ~ m kwc lOl~\\oith WCM'
ln\tJ 1bl.\ nun .a,. t:d c.t1.·ah'1ft for 1nm gn.-w loud..'.r
Whdv nt;1ny ul dh! old
The. Txnnu Dome ...,--;es
f-"\o'UOIC,\\>,cf( \\Cl\"Cff U!lti lh,..
hc:lpttr1~violin l1"-;i'
titled 14·ith acitcrucn1ilOd
•1,bt'IW, I !w," •~ o,:l)' 1h·at the
:am;uJng. Frooubc.n:: 1hcy
1n1lcip;llion ;l,j Bruct
DC\\' \Ill~\ \\CIC QtMolultly
Spr~lc~n and the E Sc.reel
bc11otiful lt.l he~, anJ ffld\l p&ayeJt1ll\\dlhw. Thl.'utw.J (lb.:)'C'd a-. Spnnj~.'•lcCrl a.~J
11w1."<1''13c'mbu: J c.:1u",•Hdw
10 hrin& it drM-n YtMI Q)OIJ
d,1~1C ''&m in the USA.. LP.
ntmm1 hc:,r .1 pm rlrl'fl.. \Vnh
111.; inln,duc;uon the bnnd w,L\)ik:c nnoc l'tl C\,:r ~cnhc(cn. hosmcduring d~ Uflhc:IH ..M.,U)' S Pl~." Spri:n~..tca lO)~d w 11b the .ludic-ncc co.lhns 1hc E sm~ci: ll.1nd lhc "J,r~1c.1,,t house
llaod look 1he ~ for 1hc,r
drn-cn i,; ~A pl:>ec. rl,c<.1k1\1ih,itc lhcy'IIIVC l'\."OltiliQg dlll:'
ahlm, dk.')' atircw a IOl or !()I~ 1JUL l ~ i1 !iCM11ldcd hJO mu..h ll.kc.1bclr (11'\I album. When 1hc Nnd Nt'I pl~ they an:; dedicated tu t1 Cllll\l:: It> help v. ,LIi ' Ca1r trOOC." "'hich 4.-ducu.c p¢i.,plc on cmc:milllnri.;il frndc ~- h ('(IUJd be 1h:1t the fillt ,;,ong on 1hc albwn
"Poltlilt could be .1bou1 lhc:Mat,j«L I think lhlll this is;in lllll\1m d1<1t youcnn Iii.ten M:all thcw.iyth~Ul\likc !nMlofdk: nfuum~ 001there. Aod w11h mmol"!i 1h:1t thl1a-iol!Jbc the lasteJbum.,uu ~ uu \A'lt it up~1lik )'OU cwt.
littl 1our1:ogcthcr in more than 20 ~~r,., I cun<lckr fO)')Clfooco(
RMEW ,he fonun.iitc - - - ~ toh.,n~ btcn u, U.llt'ndancc Augu\12 1
al the hl1t,h~1profile l(.iur ~ farihi;t.)i.:~r
Touring be.bind I.bu chart 1oppin,1 '1k Ric.ln.g:'" CO. Spring:.11.:cn'.ll bcurtfclt 1rihu1t tu tht: 1,_iy of Sept. ll. thcrt\li,liPOdoub4 th.1l "'llk= h1o" h,ii.ft0t l&..1hls&1.ufl
"ft :S /1111 ro be in Tacom<1 ... l W{IS
~tcd ln ' "''c,1L Wi1h noopt:11in3.tet, the bmd Optocd \\ilh the mlc trnd nft"'T'hc Riiing;"' The ~'IUJtd quali, 1tk: 111k111cd E Su·tet Band
B,u" Sprin,1,14.-. n
\1nfoJdcd he.fore my(')'<!:\.. Sprinpt!cn's wik. YOCU!ist 11nd tuillrbl P1mi Sdalfa ••nd aullnrl'\I S1c\'cn v,n1....1nth lc;1ntd int.o tbt mk with Spring.'"ccn :.s thi..")' did on ~1 m;atl)'J.()clP,. Uyoudon't know
V,mbndt for l1is mu.r,i,cal
.,l)lhde-', )'OU migt11 koow him rmm 1hc hit 1180 !Jlow '°'Th,(: Sopra-· M0\1ngintnN~1mt
D,ly,.. nlw. off"'Tbc: Rt~ng... SpringMcC"n 1,bcw."'CI lit\ hi\
Alllhl Bush of KeUogg to vlsual1z.e a beam of light moving from the watch in her r1ghl
hind to th611ghl bulb 10 light lt up.
\luff 1Ai1h .:in incm!il1lc r,1.111ar M1h ~n ~:.-me "'lbe big m11n," C.1.,~tK,'C' Ocmw1t1 "h3.ling 001 one or hK famom ~ ~,Jos. The cn.'Md ck-".uty
hur,.l i111(11\lo-•Hla.o...,Jo... lbdl11nd... -wbich tnm'Cd
mitt ..t l~nJl1h)· j;im. nrwJ 1hc
:,n , 1C)XL~u; J,.'tl11ar up;.nu1i; fie unlJ Seuu.. ck•l,\ :nng o1 haunlm~ h:mTIOn), he ~OJI 1hc: .1n~1cJ "f::mpt'f' SJ.:,· pb.y1n_gh1111nut11L·-1 v.h1,:n In· ~--;i,n't ~ng,ing. 1t tmll: ttl) h,t.:i1h ,,.,,.ay The: equally p;.a.....i(~l>atc ... 'fou'rc M1'.,ittg..• 3bt.,ul a lardij:hh:r l.,JkJ in
Whc)C\'C:f "k! that James OtO'An is the hlll'lk..,.l ...,.od:ing in ffifM' bu_,;i llet.'( hAS 001 seeo thdt min in action. Dy the end ul the 2 112·00\lr. 22.~•ni,; hi~ !'II~ ,.'Ofk \bin wn,.
" 'Wlloa,• tho en,wded Grand Bay RG<>m hewled II magician CM&loplloT Carter asl<ed
bqipnTna of 1hc number by P11lu.qani qy.'ih , .r AW Al, l,.,'h,m N., rirobkm. Wi1h 1hc
Nini.I httht"h<•lcv.orJd." 1111:11 he saiJ., ..It's fun 10 be in i,IO."llfl.ll... l '-'.t.. be~ fora "'"·d: "",: nigh,.. referring 10 a dflK! he gol \lei. w.hilc in lO'tlln 11 \\11\ r,cat fun w;uchjna him b.::am a_, he intmiJuc:1.-J hi, m.,1~t1f \(I mnnyycar,
here for a week one night.··
Rt')' Billan on tcybo11rdSi Nill
t»fan:n tin p1tiu·. O.iny ·1~:,lkn1 on t\a."-i. lhc '"mighty• ~ii.'( Wcia~tg on druw..,, t>nnny h-dcrici lm 83 ocr-in. Clarci,cc Oi:rnffk>n!. c>n sax. wife l\itd, uod nt rnur-.c '"link" StC\-en VnnZ,.andt. lb: b:1ncl rc"'u1n..oJ " J>IIK't"· Vrllh the cn.1wd 'Wngillg 1tl()ni
""' ll'lc \VoclJ TroJc C'cnicr 1111..Kk. fc~turirh'. g:U"'I mu,;ician Sowl< ·1yrt11 ,,n \tinfu, follow(d. The moni.1 f'*-*cd IJp v.11h
101hcchonttof"'Tumit up. 1um II ur, tum 11ur'"
The '1,ow C.IO!,C..'d uuC " 'lb ..Cnundn' On A M1rac:lc.'' t)fl -The Ruing.," which ''-1.S not I\ cllL'W\\! ll',·c. lhe ltugcl)' r'f'ular ·111ut1dcr RCll)d" arul the ..unnlna "Into Otc Hrc.• al'-0 c,u ''The Ri~lng."
W11ittni On A Sunny Day", ill""10U1bcnNtl> llcrc Sprin~lc01 >lnl'\\-ctl th:;11 ht n. a m;ui for .111 ~he p:uf'lc .1, hi; intcni(h:J "1th 1hr CHMd. b111.d-..1.Jrri"c lh,; 11,tb in th..: fn.nll and pmmplln, lhc fml nf • roupk ur tJng~Wonp. • 111~ Pn11u~ Lm1.l ain.c ncx.1. wbkh wa., .:i hut.:t rnw.d
TI,c. lu~ cna,n, ioalutlcd
"'l>iancin' 111 Til(' Dark." wtik:h 1hc .1ud1cna:- kl\.'Cd, ihc h,ud· p;inymg. •· Rrunrod" in wW1:h
I \lo';Jj1."UOIIUIIO'-C!,'.. d tbt:~
Sptiu~,tcl.':tl and Ckmm~li
Jk,ok cbc,rhull\ to 1hc mw.'d .inlJ "Bum hl Run.
cvuktr,ull ,>fl n1\ l.1\'\11111: fmm "The Ri Jni;, 111,03 called "W11rW'J Apa.JI" hC'f.'Qtr,.c aC lh~ d1;111linJt ln lhc
(Onthm1!d on~#- II
lalhere coming to Coeur d'Alene Portland group pro m ote ·This lonely highway... .. l!r flal;uyFl""<" I
The modem rock band. Vi.lbcn: rrorn
• tmland. th.\ l MJUlcJ UUI In a \tudio h~nJ i:"o »wing arad 11.;U be "l"'~jnc COC'Ur d'Alene ('rt Tbaanda)' and Frfd.1y ,llKl In S1)lit.11nc un \dant., y 10 prQtn,lle 1hc11 flC'4- nlhum i'hi \ ....~'""1"t-."
Valbert\$top 1hmu&h Cntu, d'Alene and ~DC h pitr1 Of thcH' 12•-t.1.."IIC IOUr pl-1n (or ~ Tbc:yv.-1.11tlc-, throolfi Aril.,
Tan. Vtah. ld.aho. Mone and other pt&rt<i '"''
1hr MJCl,&,e.,t, Their l'il'lil n11titn1l 111ur ,oU be
• lh<r,1101200:i. la 199'7 tht: t>.at1dt.1~.itN ill own t«OOJlnJ 'llldio. Subconic ltewrd:$.. anJ bw.aJ111
Orit,in.1lly. 1hc N nd uan1.-d ool \\ilh tlu« ~.ant.I in F~b. 2001. ,l!Uitlkt'i~ Srotl
M1ilhp!ijc)tl1Ctl lhc hand MNU~ (I( And•y lwoc1ti on \'(l(:tll,:andpi1.:1r. Rud) ao...."dcnonba.,;.., .ind \ocai, i..nd r-.1.lh V.m'V~k,c, on tln.imt. 1ltc l>;1nd came together m IWJ lrl'ltatuly, Pro«ni\t:~·\1-11, 1hc firu .album rdelbt'd b)' !he in OCl. lfMlll. \tc,rc 1,IOOc:opi~ of the album \Oki wilhin the flnt yeu.rhwMrtlewd lt111411«MNCkral1h-= No 2 best-selling lllhun1 Ul i•orititnd fPf nu,c "''"" i.n 1:1, f\l\\ lhc)· were cm tb(' Tup 10. "Thh loacJ>· highw;l)' • k Valbi:~'c (ii'\& tull,kn1,th o;thvm The alhutn rcf'lrt.-"b wbl!tc 1hc bilnd hi1<i: pine .. nd where the) are Join, ~we rCl'tll) u!>Cd 'ln'-timlt)'. Promiser :ll 11 1ool ,~l bcn"' untkf,.UtnJ the ut behind r~C1rdil!A,. cng1n«n.n,: and rcod11e1,on. Kooolls.1ld. ·We had ne-,·cr rt';ill)' ~nt ii ~II h)' rnmt:kcs b.::(~-.rc ~ 11 w.t,, " link rouJ):11t1 1lmes. The fin.;iJ product ga•,c W.C\"tf)·lhin~ v.t nc<"llctl 10 mile dk nc\l ttc\\td 1'0Und t:\·cnbeuct"'
lbc t,;1nd ~ ~en ldft't'lhcr lor )e.;11·~
Thi.')' ptoduc.'e, <"ngi.nccr. MU' ond r,romotc their 11lhum Tho band deslpn tbcffl ~ •od:ut11o~,rt. l'hc n:unc V~OM:tt runio (rom • in 11'1: l'«WI"< mo1o·lc ~ M)'lhin1i9 J.Odbp,o.lOUDCC'd,'Uh•l«r lkcau>etl,c
h:md k •,n pnpul:11. 1hd1 mmk lw, even u:xhc:d J11pan ind Gtrmitny. lnAp,11 :?001 lb(')' ll'tcc t.mlm'd tbc &ru.l oC the Mootb. ·1r )1>1.1 .... .am 10 m.s"c 1, happen. )'Ou ~ h) do ii fot )'l.llllXlr.· Koontt ~kl. "Sure. lhcrt .ire 5,1t~11 p1..-ctplt .,,,.1111 '!'·iO help )1'11111.J cn11kc opponunnic, fnr yuu, lhL'Y \\iOC'A".n ~Ue\'C UI )'t.Klr m1.1...1t -hen )1,JIS !UC h.tvi"3A h11d Ulfll' dc>inc it yooni:H. but 11o'bclf,cr you .1,c ~15t1cJ or i.ndiepc-ndcnr, )'OUh.i,;c to tl!CbC\'t' m)Qlt vmrk. ,and 1b:n m~ Jmpo,tin11)', ic1 om chert and ~\Hk f,:ir it."
V.1!h1:r<" win be per(ormin; free at the lroci Htine To\nn in Coeur d'Alene ThWTt(bi)' nrxl F1kL1) .ii 9:lOp.m. Tru.: L,nnd "'"" be pcrl'ormlns in Spc.>k.toc 111 Moo~ S.tllUdil)
,::::=:============--..:::;--;: : -_- -_-- - - - - - - ,
Bring vour valid student LO. and get:
10% off decks and ampsl 15% off auto accessories! 20%off speakers and subsl hrlll WI~ lrtl1UIHII IIS111l1tlln Ill f!SctUlll CII 11111 •• IPDllt• 11 ult or .iew tut 1t111u. lnslalladtn bY IJIDtlnllllDI OIIY. Ill wtrl IS .... - 1M •est
cenm,, 1nsta11ers In Ille 111111.
i..ons and PocJons have 101 ortterent scenis Plus they can lftake scents lllat y0<1 can create' We have tons ol bath >luff. 50 come 0<1 d<,Wn 10 ltie Coeurd Aleoe Shops' The Shops a: the Cooutd"Alene 210 S~rman Ave Coeu11fAle11e 10 83814
www balhsh~
Valhoro will be In Coeur d'Alene SepL 19 and 20 al the Iron Horse Tavern .
IIOR1H IMHO R1ES N.l.C. SPECIAL $15.95 per month* •'Jo Set-up Fees •\Jo Down Payment \fcmbtnh,p tnd udc,: • \"T\IN\1,\STI R\- 011'1>· TRf\0\IILI -\ • f RH &. \1.\('IIINI'. wmarrs , lfR081C'i.S'llP.CHOI P WH(;HTTR,\l~ING • ORBOk.10.
. rwOOR rvntM: c ussrs • PFR.!<O,AI PROGR\\I
• I O<"M"K ~ \HOIH'.R f'~Ol .lTIE.'i
6125 sunshine street Ste: I Near the Sltver lake Mall
rn1s IS \ LIMITED rlMli Of!l'CR
Coeur trllene
NORTH IDAHO FITNESS "fimc" for E,<t}onc·
We Justsomid lletterl J!8.i
!t-lp f)
664- 6213
•296 Sunse.t Mall • 1, Cd'A • Acro1i1 Hwy 9S from ChlWs
~ Every time wu • lick a stamp ••• = ~you're consuming • ~ 1/10 of a calorie. ••
SPORTS ------------------~----------------~------------------'· · I
"'" ll1l!
Volleyball hopes to challenge in SWAC~ Curtis optimistic about upcoming season, 'excited about new talent' k hcod ,,i11cy1,,11 c<>:>ch C"rll Cun ii wh;ll $he lhinl\ ab(iul er ream and one word rome" up: nashy. 1'hcy hll\'C Oashe1 of greatness. flMhy hilting 3nd i. IIMhy !l)I<. 'l"he voUcybalf te.1m '1:0ncd lhi.., 'Ca~n :almost Nmp)('lelynC"W. With
jw.t lv.'O rcturncn from last year·,
$qu1.1d Curu~ i, optiltmtic. Many of 1hc ti;itl, came: ltmtt ~,~1\.11 bigh 'iChool leam• or c,,1bcr JwJil)r cotl(gCS. • Jam \'(.rye:mtC'.d about 1hls 1e.,m: lhC)· 111c \·cry deJJC.i1cd und play wilh 1 101 urOa\h."'Curti.\.i.tlJd. Hl'm WI)' CX<!ited about lhe cialenL.. Curt" uld tJm t\\v pl~)·c.r, 10 '4'1'.Hch for Amy M~h.utn0n ;ind Nl<olc Bn.>ulllard. ..Amy is going robe tun towa1ch
hcr"'"""""< dljl>an<I Nicole o>an
"ColoradoNort~""cm Y<.1>1
:;~:~::::':":.::;:;~~;~ n•
The Card) tw1.·c t14'0p11)'Chfrom Cotur d•AJcne. Amr Strangtr ind K:atlc Ziegler
Colorado Nortlrwc!>lcm. 1bc Eil."tC.:n'I U11bpmt'ilt;t.\UJ1
win; we pll,ycd t)Ur.gamc find sec: ii iu .~ w nCidcr,cc huddcr."' The Card, will ual::e- on Y:ikimu Valley CC SepL 23 :u home :u 7p.m ThcywUI 1bo bo1,t Salt Lil.kc City CC S<pt. lb ,II ?p.m llnd UJAh Vullt) CC. Scpl. 28 cat .l p.m. willbt admlt1td £rte tn
cxr:ilinl;mstch."<wtt,1,;_1.kl. "lty,.r<a ck$! mJtch. paniaUyhralw t1r lttshmcojiucr\.··
till gam1:s. Md vu.riou,contcst.snnd ~mes will late: pl:w.-e le1r prifc~ including a 'diving' «1ntul and a
In 1~ ~tiOn opener$ the C.nrdin.1!1. had linlc diff,culty
mi:roomlng Easkm UJ.Jh Wld
Cun!.\ &1id 1h.:tt j,bC fl"eb I.he 1cam
c:.: ol
SEPT,28 UTAH V/\l.LEY CC 3.1!0
'k·1ude,1' cornpc1itinn
OUblNr t:~ Pursuits *"' consumed ••• lht Ci1
Septemhe,; Octob~i trips completely ful~ri· bvS.U\I Wh1tridd
The bt.Kh p.sny 1ba1 Ou1Jdor .r ursuiu-!"t threw"'" \,pl :? wa1; ju~, the bcgmnin; rJ B
~: l~:1z:::;~i.~1~k~fa~~Oc4io oommunit) n,~mhc.n 1m: ,ill lnviltd 10 J'ilflKip:atc. OuldQor Punmh t.11 a 1mn•profi1. A~,;i-w:i1ttcd S111,k:n1, uf N(lnb ldl:a.ho College apon!oOn.-d pNW'olffl here at NIC Thi\ ~mc~r th~ ,m· \f)On'WJring C'\~U:b web ;11- ii l..a)oLking 011 the l°"'·~r S;1lrt1oo RM!r. \llhitc•Willc1· rafliog nn the TM:1011 Ri\.cr and h.1ekp;.dini in Brilhh C'olumhi11 CIICA.W,,O,.-r•htilln.t
KrysU Walker, a goalkeeper from Helena, wO<t<a on diving 01 prae1lce. Tha girls loam plays Treasuro Valloy 1oday a1 NIC.
women looking tor NWAAIE repeat last )'(at aftd v.,b tw:ot'd to the t1.U-k'lumn111cnt Mun 1u the N\V.AACC chamP,01t,hip; Bri.inn.n Nebon. a Jc(end.crimld-Jiddcr; Mepn fohn~. a mid-fie.ldi:r; Mmull Johft1i()n. ~1 mid·
Girls take on TVCC tonight, Skagit CC tlcklcr.Stcpbflinc tomorrow at 3 p.m.
Austm, :i (o1'911td aad 1(jm('6mbs.a
rhc learn t1lli0 bo3~t111 .....l!ta'
by Nick Grimmer jlhn Co:ichofth(. Ye.v Aw:ird Mda Non.m\e)t Atbk:tk A~l:nic,n t•f
Communily College c:h:unpion!i-hip undcnbdr bell, bc11d coach BIil Eiscnv.in1cr ,lnd b~ l::ldy Cardin:J, an: gcarin3 up for lhc corniossca!tOCI. ·me team posted a 21·2-3 n:«,rd liast )'tat and Jo,1 key pbyrn IIUdJ ••Tiffany ll<ck (1w<>-tlmc ,olHIWAACC pl•>~'~ Tonin Kri1<e<t. Klttlc Rupc:n. 'tiffany Hott:, and MVP ('J( 1he
~W;\,-\CC 1oum:,mcn1. goatkccp:r Se«:o.a Primmer. E.ic,cn~-intcr ~id the progr;1m Ml"1Clmc strong pt.ayers rt:lumloi 1ocluding v,phmllOtC\ I.Aura
Hn.rvcy, a mid-r1eldcr/fon,.ird who bad IS go.ab.
Wld ftt".Shman cl3SS inclutl\flg l!ricit H,,uck. a mkl-ricldcr (mm Coeur d'Alene flig)l School. Wuh llbigl-Ow,n Sept Cl ,,t Communuy Colkgc and upmmfn.g ,~met agAimt Skag,t CommWlllf and fa•ct1:tt tommuo11yCol!cgc, Ei' 1h,e ftilmha!ithcpol(.ndp,Jto dcfcnll 1B ttcn1,11. -rh0> may l>c t,c the bes.ttc.unth11n1.,...<r bcfote bcc:t~ of depth
• OICQirull•iU l¥t(1t1Tl'CaW.ln'
V.tky lud,y•L J
p.m • Th<C:.W.•il j,l,ySk.JP""~~ CCF~••l p.m. P..~ucc,112 rm. Soltunby.
nntl iwcrall f.ttcng.1b." Eiktlwintc-1' 1,11,d 'With• s:imng.!!:um and if the tCJm C'J.n pull 1ogt:1h~r like lhe:)' dtd l.:t."}'C.11.t. \\1nnin&1nn1hcr 1ldc 1, VCty po»ibl(:
Ei'Cft\\in1cr,aid the le.ague wtll he the :ttron~ 11 h3( b(cn in fl long 1ime. He Qid team~ lib W;1lla,.\Y11ll.11., "-hn NIC be;u in tbc ch1mptemship gnmc l:u1 )e:ir 1-0 and F..dmon<k.. the lieaguc \\ill be moR" toup 1'1)C. C.nbopc:ncd 1hc kall(,n ~hh win,i ewer Tre~rc Valley C(lffl.mUnJty College :ind
Spokane Falb Communtty College. Dolh g;imcs we~ wnn 3-0. Mea:•n Johnwn. Whilrwy Johcuon ;md 01ckca 'L..'llncr -.cored for tbc Canlm$1pin,i1 Tn:.a!.ure V.illC:)'
The team dropped 1bc:ir li~1 g.,imc so far lhii )'CAr, Satutu.'ly, 11t Imme 11pin~1 W:all.'1
Community College. The score .,.,M 3-2. The C.nk ln<t dc(cndor Huuc:k 1hi> liCl50n due so:10 ACL 1c1r. She bad fiurp,CI')' (~tr the 'lumme, The k,1m pined II fiCW ai.>;titanl coacll, BrillM'I}' Cox. a fom,cr NIC iUCt'ef pLlycr. Cqx graduated in 2(n) and puouing II bachelor's dcgr« in c:dut.i.lll.'ln 1h.mugh tbc: Unt\·cn,ity or [Who211NIC.
Paul ChJ\'••is: dir«tor of Outdoor Purr.u11" )clld he h 4.~pt('iaUy CU'IICd ii 1bc moun11.1lnccringibackpxkln1 1rip. Co-.t, fcu th, ~r,i1i<, ranee frQm noth lo $40. C~ inc:luck.-,.: trtt.m.p0rta1iors, usa fee\ ,11td croup c.quipmtnL Unronunately••1l1 I.J"lP' for 1hc fim 1wo
mc:1ntl11 of 1hc "<mc;:o;tcr i.11\! compl-etety fw l,ul murc: \\'Ill be uUcred 1hn,u&Jlou1 Ibo )'1.:ilf,
AJI Ille OutdO<lr Pur.u11 ad\'cntUt"C$ :m gc.wll 10\\·1u·d beginners. People c.,( lllJ s: le\•cl,-, ~n! ('l'l(()Uragcd h.l participate. Ctliv\is mcntKmi t~ll uJI the trip1 a~ ol' Cdc,p-rntr.-c nature" He emph.i\lze\ 1h11 dccitjon~ mAdc .ire groop llcci:.<ions. Th~ popul,1rityuf Outduor rtm:uh~U g.r0\1o ulg • 11h a 1-1.('aJ)· tncrcasc: 1n pi1rtK'tp.1n1, over the )'C-ar'i. Efflplo)'c:.C.
Kauiru 1hu1 thr:\\()m(n"i irn)w-~', 1rip \l;as 11uch • $UCCC» l:t.11 ~Ar lhC)' ilrc ® ,n, ;l \l,'(lmcn'\ b.K::\pactinl
nip in R~piJ Rn'tr C.Ul)'OO Oct. JZ.. f3. Outdoor Putt.ult, .tlSl) rents c\'C:rythinc trt)(l1 \11ow•<hoc" 10 ~noc, for Ihose l<ioking to hit up the Jl'C.St 001doon oo thcir own TilC)' bavc spcci~l nuc~ on
ten1ab, for Nl("~1uJent... Anrone mtcrc.,1cd in p.1r1iap.1ting m thr U\'Cnb c:1111 find "Chcdulc< in the pine rooo or !he sun or ~1 1hc corkho:trd up~lai~ People wanting 10 n:nl equipment ca.n fiod 1he n:nt.LI office ckrwni1aan in the SUB. FOf more inrorma1ion or an)'OflC intcrc•tcd in doJng \I.Ork stutty. conUK"t Chlwt., •• 7t\9•7tl09.
Men host Wenatchee Valley tonight Eisenwinter begins fifth
O,:ilhome. Oorisl.assoundSamAjitf.C01cd. TI>e lcam tk:fc;11cd W:iJb WaUa Commu111.ty CoUegcS.1ullU)•,3,2. Thci;:unoi&Spl.1)""h' hc,mo. The: mcn·111e11m will i.ake-on Wena,chcc V:1lk.')' C..nmunity Colic!!< >I S IC>olghl il>C)' al,o l1ll5I Sbg11 VaUcy CC Frid>y at S p.m AOd 1,-.rou CC
season as head coach byJ R Conrow Sl11ll#'ee(
mdtlng1ht,c,milln.dmatch In 111< crcncc f.lnalsbtM&eason, lhc mco·~ ·r 1ciim Is prc:p:aN!d L0111ar1 .n. fresh )'CilJ of:1cti\'C «1mpc1ilion. 1'bc men Nl\'C 24 pl.i}'Cn.on 1,hcii ros1ttwilh JUSl r... rmm 11e3d 0m EiSen\\in1er (ecl,i; ronfidrn, abouLhk "We arc uncxpcricncc(l.11nd ii is hard 10!."1)' bow will progrt',..,.. fa1ie' m abo )'01.u,e. AF,--s..,i,'C, &alcnted, N\'t, do.ire td 1m:proi,.t and b,,.c good chtncisuy tuxl nuke-up, whkh 4houkl mJke u~ a \'tt)'gc)()CJ
lll?p.m.Saturdu.y. Thk Ii EisclJ\\'Ultcr'~ founh )-ear u 1hc he~ ro.idt. He bas been the ,•rdn·fflDCh fur1hcpa<ia
1hr~yc;i:P. iand wa- thc clubcmch for ooc sca.~n "l b-c 10 \l,"'C)ric v.-ith )'(lllng people. enjc))inc l~lng: oubidc and cnjo)•wmtirig thfOl1gh d'1311cngcs." Eisc11'4inta said. "E\'C:l)'lLl)' "'ffldhing new h.1ppt:ll'l,•nd it', fun '°"'mt lhmUJb lhor.cch.llle~ to bCUC'J )®Bdf • ~()wrall. lhc tc.artl 11,,1.J good \IUft .11nd CM gu fiU
1c,1m.• The 1c:arn ti build.Ins on 1hcsuo:cs.\ orb~ f!ClJ50Cl as the men e:1ptured 1bc NWMCC tide and cumpc1cd in the confcttnte finak They,. ere de(catcd m the scrnirinnll. "We \\'Ctc \'Ctydi.~nltd in the Jou: our penal()' til'lcn,1:rc ...,Tu,1 hurt u..~• Eisc:n...,'tfitcr wcL The Otnb dcfcAtcd Trc,..,. V:ilky Scp1, IJ.
1h~)~..,. h isjuq 11 qocs1ioo of howm.inypll)>crt.
~cp up 10 1hc pbtc: EknwJnlcr $Aid. ·11 dac."1'1 nmtw v.ho 1hc opponcm is. v.hcrc ~Jllu)'.whothercfk.oe \Vh.a11bc r;c:IJislik-c;v.e prc~rc the "be-Aid (;i.;en'Auncr iii a.ho the 1c.-pirw d,rt'C'Wr for 1he O~mpic Oc,ci9rmen1 Prov,un (ODPI ond 1hc drrcdor of pl:ll)'Cf ll.lld co.JCh dc:vdopmtot fur the t'txur d'Aknc SI ins Socx:cr Oub
1.ICl.f!W •
Gil Jenkln1, a derander from Wost Unn High, Ore., 1,1.. to allude hit oppOMnt. Tllo men•a team wlll &ake on Wenatchee Valley CommunJty College tonight at s p.m. on tt,e
Phi Theta
uc sc.oi IUl IR\lhntional lellc.r and (om, tQ read nnd
Jli"otd Crom pag< S
tind when it's clc.11rcd, thc uudon1 h free to apply for
~pa benefits many rill t1UL i!I prOCesMd. ~o~ Scp1. lS, In the
.<11fll'Alcnc Room, ~ r , wdl dccillo cvcnlr., ~11.1u dbtcs and club
p, Thi.\mcctingi!I
,t!:~nfh~t, ~~~:.~:· fart. qualify. IC you can l'itrivc 10 gel full hOUf~ ~nd
~ ... ,o 1he public.
good grades. are many
l"f«rur1her lnform,11ion, Chlvvi.: om«: 769"11 FAX: 769-5940 C•
,-: r9-ul_(htwis~ tlk Phi Thcto. Koppa
~. ~:~:;r,:~:.::'C3f ~i.. t,a.s around 1.50
K>ppa Oub
.,, • dull ror e.vco'botly. It ,t-Jl1'\i1iuion only. Ccr1ain !flllllrtmcnu mu!l:t be me1
efl inlo the club. You
IIO' l'S1£CI II mtnimum OPA JJ.Sand ha\·c full-time aJ,t11.tstt1lu.;;(or:11lcMt
~11bC- number or hours u
IIIHilnC Sl31US:). S1udcnts
The cy,,,popp,ng beocfi1 b $33 milHon in tran,c(cr scholaffllil>$ th.nt ate :av11ilabl~. not to mcnllon the countloss other si:holanhips that ore D;\-"lulnblc to member~ The club tan help members tu 11chicve 1be tb1loo:tl Dc3n'l U~1. Yuu get an sorts of rccognhion to go with your diplc,ma ,;,.bco )'OU grlduo11e. And h loob: a,rc1u on J resume,
run and bcnc.fil 1hc C(>mmunlty t1swcll.
Activilies range f'rom lnvotvcment in Ibo KSPS ttlt,ahon. H1bh11t for Human it)' sind 1he. S!\in1 ASNIC pn,gnun roe r~c
tbitdr~11 of students. Chrin[c , empbatii-c:\ piuai p::ucies and more rtl:i.,cd nentS (or member,.. Phi The10 Kapp:i it a <:111b that )'OU can be ,·el)' in\•oJvc:d in or p.!l"'i,·cly in\'olvcd in -depending Ori
wh.H benefits you would lite
opponunity to get in,'Dlvcd,.
K.!lthy Chri!tic., ndviscr or
Mill'I)' Olhtr .-u:d~1io, II~
1be local chapter, 11:ild 1h:u the club 1s 11150 ao
in a fu11, 11oclaJ 1111d nch c.xpcric.ncel. Chrlonic $tre~t thill tb~.oci:il aspc.C'I iJ nbi,g p:irl of 1110 cxpcricnec.
to punue. For more tnfonm11ion on our local chapter, cnU ChrL"t(ie 01 ext. 340.l. Pal Uppen 11 t'iL 3249 or M~rilyn W3-0-:ircki at S9IO. For lnform1t1ion on 1he
among tithC'r thinp.
l'UlliOlllll M>CiCI)', \'1\ 11
•rd from pa~9
1-tc t,rought the hou:sc ~dcM·n ngatn (ot encore ,.~. ill ...ttich be. snt alon~ :n 11< pl3oo 10 pcrlorm "My
'c.yor RuillS," ongm:dly ,nue11 i..bout his beloved
somc11mes ~he: (anc-1cd
and ~mttuuei< lhe
her-.d( a. famou, opcrau.: pLiUl1>.t
le.ldc.r ol' i, South American coup
~wy Pllrt, NJ., but proved
ok• fi1tingan1hcrn topo5,1 11oll N~w Yod: City. Sdalf.1 ,DC! VanZnndt provided 11un12i!tf b.,ckup voc.n.l.J. Spnnpteen then nuW~ •
·m1,rorTatom:i's Food ufctinc and ror c:ivi1 riJhl~ r,trywhorc bcc.ou!4<: 3f1cr ,J... "'II goc) with the tur( Jbcn you're born m the LISA." he saJd b(i(ore •ncblf\S into lhe cl..13:5,lc 1Jom in Uk' U.S.A... This b .i good m11n Md • p>dAmcrican.
Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene 664-1390
lOlW.~ C.'IC ,.fA\rf""
11 1 F""" " '
Glow m w tltak '4itr Ugh,.s, black r,RltrS, crnJ UVE dtt,ja)! Every Friday Night! 11:30 pm· l:30 am
Student's Discount
Unbelleooble sh0<~! Incredible fun! TURKEY SHOOT LOUNGE l:nJO:Y ~ur fiJI 1ema lcunge =l gnU/ World Famout Mafl?rita'S • New Mkro Bre~t! • Bloody Mary,· S.W, • Gtt;u Food! • Fro,ty Mug B«r
FlVE TV SCREENS TO CHOOSE FROM! Watch ~wr fa\'Ofite tporllnJ event in ti d~n, i:.omfon.ible 1111mo,phcrt'!
THURSDAYS 9pm • 11pm
$5 Aclmiisioo & 25 cent:
&u.~in.,r, Sh« Rental, Frmeh Frlu, & Sod.t
24-hour Hotline
324 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Otr first~ of the Stll1«I
isinthe ~ L4MC«lrd'AleM~ ~
North ldahO College Student Union Building Main Fo)'er
Onsn. Trenteript£111lual!"'1 TreMftr~ AA:aclemieMlislng rlnonclal Aid Rtll(etentatlwt Admloolon Speclallli.
W~sdar, ScptA• 2$t/i am Potions hfflr 101 o,ffe,ent scen1S- Plus !hey can scenis lhat you can create' We have tons of bath stuff so come on do""1 to 1ne Coeurd'Alene ~ ' The Shoj)s at Ille Coeurd'Alene 210 Sherman Ave C<>eurd'Alene ro 83814 WWN balhshebaS com
12 J)tCJ).
Come fltJIMlllft a,d 1111ft for your MW offiars. l+1lere do r«' _, to ski this yw-?11 us lw,w/ Qwt,,,,t)~~,,,_,,,,fH.'/lfJI J,w!lf/MU
Mike Tht four YHrConnectlon In Coeur d'AJenol
Lewis,Clark STAT E 0
New atudonta vacato the cruise boat on Lake Coeur d' to 1wltch to Indoor classroom ses~on, et NSO Aug 23.
Summerd 's en
!/ l<
More than 600 attend New Student Orientation .u,d one f.tculty member CM~
by lkL2:0alcs'\iO t~ i a Eoa'
daytlul11omc,;r mart.:dthc•nd of ..-ununer-tumC'd 001 bell JDl1)'
~ NIC'• l\'<w Sludcm Oricldation (NSOi SruJcms Crom tlll O\'Cf chc Nc,n.hwtst &:1thc1o.l Aug.. 23 ICJ (ind out QSI( lnfoona1ion oot the ooUcgc lh<.'l' \lo'CTC to ru:lffld JWl lhrcc ~ btcr Sru<looi, "•.. ,nllll<dia1clys,,,<1cd by rnon: than 6t.J ,'()lunlterS whc:n they "'""'d oo """I'"' Thc:yp~1cmlin the SchulerJ-\udftorium ror a hrit:60, ind 11 v.dcmlc Crom NIC Pre~iden1 Mkha~I
8"tk<. ,\SNIC Pltiddcni Jeremy lvin,
iand New Admis.siom Director John
Ncwliitudi.!1n.~w,datlc:~ IOO~ms wcrothc:n,;plltintoaroup,o( l0.20aD1.1 '!enl tolhofirst~n.citherina d:tYroOmor(Jn affl.lkt.!W\iuekl t..akt Coeur d'Aknc. Students v.l:'re led IO their rc."f)l:(ti\'C" __,,,,lnLccKildowH"11by n:rumlnsswdcniscol1),og,;gn.. 'liq
stopped lora<nacl: bn,ak llk1oi thoW'JY, lnthc:~m~,new Now Admission, DI.rector John Jensen advetti&ff NSO with eklewalk chalk.
i.ttKlcms v.crt Muffd.l with ialonua:uoa
rnnam,g rrom homcwotk io&rudcnt LO, conk to I lc:illh Senior,.
~'oCSWOOnnJr;tudcrlb¥11et1: gr.,;ncanopportunjl)'10;~1nyqUd.tion they mipl havcat>out NIC. · Woh.JdJlotolfun." ;\SNIC Sa1:Llor Nllic: Hllbb i;aid. "'The group J,C,(..JM\\\'lml rc.,Uvv.cll, StuJent11 wcm &)\-en info~t~n
poci«,,rmmthcmliq;<li!lcJ•ilh COUflOlt\.ClU~ m:1ps,Mudytips :tl'kl «~kg< &oonn:itimt U.S. U.,nk lll,o
don:ated notcp.,ds..cups. pens.and pau-it m>t1,.., 10 rill the packcc,;. The groop\
c.~~llacdop.tnd~mburgcn ~ ¥tl!TCSl:l\'Cd1tnlltbctcmp:nruct
retld1od .,-,,rlJO<kg,,,cs. T,<hlru"""'dlspcr<cdand~ k)Ur¥"'cre.G'",-'1l bys:cudent lcadct1.lli
Bonk hdd gan,csMd ilCU\ilb. PWC studcnb 1n opp!Jriunil)' to'Nin fflOAC?".I
takea a walk with NSO voluntHrs.
put"'• U.S. &nknm,unL
NSOw,1,<~by 1com.mri1c<f
rompri<o,J or>1udcn"' WJ!fisnd fncutay. Voiuntceruumdcd 1 three-hour tl'liningsa:sioo "ith S"*i
0coDCU. Thoprogran,•ostum<d"" ~11heo<bn,.<li<lnsoffic:etb~yc:,,. ) "We w.111t1.-d 10 put together a progmmdl3l~in(Qffllation., ~-l>AAd ""loomts lbtni .. the -i 1lmc-.'"8cnncu~1kl "'lt"'"3S'"I)' • Bcnntu -AS>«:wa1a:] a (ftkotatiOn on 00\\, 10 ug
NlCOnlincbclon:liMhinJthc ""'""'While hnlCoithestucScnt$v.crc in
sp..:n1 ipprm:imi:ncly an houre)n a c:rulrc ~ 1"'1ellll1g ID music and~1nnmg ~ The~thcn~itcbcdfur
-· ::::a. .
" ~:::t'''"''°'*"' •
Thc:NSO('(lfflffl}u~will~ meet 1odc-bridaodmJl}(t~ on tmpr'(l''Cmenb for-nCllJ ~ r
All ln•ll,COO«M•""'c,:pmsed ~ ~ttve rcsutuwith them~<\: wnt-1 for NS<>. NcwMudcm~intl'OOI):
tu 0, liul~bi, abouLNICaw.ltwd fulill
Coen, the,
boubecue"'':lS hdd ()n the l,cach !ur
~lhis)<al.NS0h.lsbccn Olplmrd ll)' ASNIC Miser Do"1
"We wamed to pw together a program tlwt provides i11fon11atio11 a.r well 11s welcomes tht studt•ms."
photo, by Luke George Pt>oloE-