12 minute read
Voter Reg istration In South Assembly Topic
en Alie ,.
Editorial ..
Conf Usi On Mak Es For Misunderstandings
Too often mosunderstondinqs arise between s1uder1ts and administration regarding what students con and can ' t do. Recently this was exemplified In the hemming ond hawing over whether several abstract paintings of nudes, oointed by o student could bed, splayed in the sub.
There seemed to be two issues involved the displaying of nude paintings and the absence of clearly defi,.,ed regulatioM or The seot of authority for defining them. Tt,e first was se t tled, a l though not without some disagreement ond eml:xirrossment The lost is still fuzzy for mony of us Wos ther~ or was there not such a ruling?
Due to the student's frequent lock of tnformotion regarding schoo l pol icy or his misunderstanding of 11, discon1en1 has developed This is unforlunote os i I lends to give both odmi nisirorion and s1udenrs o disodvontogoous image. Blome i s placed wi I ly ni lly-ond often unfoirly simply because no one knows quite where to t\Jrn for clarification. Resentments flourish, often needlessly
Perhaps this slluatton can be improved, perhaps not, but in any event a ridiculous precedent hos been banished ond the future decision of what wi II be displayed in the sub wi 11 rest with the srudenr representatives, o responsibility along with on opportunity to demonstrate the maturity the student body often fee ls it is nor credited with having.
He yells for the government to bolorn:e the budget and then tokes the lost dime he hos to make the down payment on a ca r.
He wh i ps the enemy ond then gives 'em the shirr off his bock
1-'e yel l s for sp,.--ed lows that will stop fosr driving ond then won ' t buy o cor if it con'! go 100 miles on hour.
He knows the line -up of every baseball teem rn the American and Notional leagues and doesn' I know half the words in "The Star Spong led Bonner. "
He'll spend half o day looking for vitamin pills to make him live longer, then drive 90 miles on hour or> slick pavement to make up for the time he lost.
He ties up his dog but lets his 16 year old son run wild.
An American will work hard on a farm so he con move into town wliere he con make more rnoney so he con move bock to the form
He is the only fellow in the world who,•. ill poy 50 cents tc, pork his cor while he eats a 25 cent sandwich.
He i s never reedy for war bvt he hos never lost one.
We ' re the country that hos more food to eot than ony other country in 1he world ond more diets to keep us from eating,,
We ' re the most ombi t ious people on ear,h, ond we run fron, morn i ng unti l night to keep our earning power up with our yearning power
We' re supposed to be the mott civilized Christion no:ion on earth but stll l can't deliver payrolls without on armored car.
In America we hove more experts on morr10~ than any other counlry in the world and more divorces.
Bvt we ' re std I nice folks. Colling a person '•o real American " is the best compliment you con pay him Most of the world is Itching for what -,e hove, but they_'II n"ver hove ti until they start scratching for 11 the •''°.,Y_:;_e d,d
Retiring Idaho
Prof Is Honored
Atten din g a special recognltlo n ban que t at the Uni ver· s ity o r Id aho F'e b. 23 in hono r o f Mi ss Ma r gar e t Ritchie, who is r efirlng t his spring after l e achin g i n the home economics dep artment at t he Uni versi ty , w e re Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stran ahan , Mr s Bett,v Gordon Mrs L ynn F r <>d rlkson and Mr and Mrs P e r ry Christianso n
Mr Bruce Reid, English department, spoke briefly ln Introducing Mr. Samuel ~'ancher and Mr Thomas l.)•nch, Spokane attorneys who spoke on the voter reg! slration problem ln lhe south at an assembly F'eb. 22, Both men had volunteered legal assis· tance to students trying to help in the rntcr reglstrauon drive in Mississippi last summer.
F'ancher explained coun procedures and his as;;ignment to the Job of appealing adverse dec1 sions. Be cited several speci fie instances of prefudlec- he iencoun tered and added that many Negroes nre afraid nnd discouraged.
In answer to a question rrorn a member of tho audlonce regarding prejudice, he ,<aid, "Oown there ll 's practiced publicly; here II ls practiced privately."
Lynch described the siluaUon In the tthetlos us l'~IY bad and told his audience that If Ne11roes were n different nationalit;y. "They'd probably have burned New York." He said that "murder wears a badge" and cha!· lcnged the South to deny lhe truth of the statement.
Lyoch spoke fa\'orably of the work of Ule Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitlee and its works.
Both men spoke in relerence to the problem in Mississippi but added lhul the problem is possibly as great In some other areas ol the South
Student Board Wants Elec Tion Laws Change
A special mel!tlng of the Student Boord 11·Rs hrld Feb I 8. acconllng to Lorinda Wachter, secretar\', for the purpose of discussing amendment or the by-laws concern· Ing the election of officers from elUter class.
A molion was made lo strike the seuience from section three readlng, "Oindldates shall be members from thl' frl'shman class."
The motion was discussed and approved.
11 r Oo!J'( WtN YoLJ e"x~ 6COO MAR'(5 - 111E
Debate Tea rn A t Idaho Speech Meet
Bu SY as al \\'8-1' S, the N (JC Debate Club attended another conference, this lime the Tdnho Speech Conference held F'eb. 19 and 20 at the Co Uege of Idaho In Caldwell, accord· lng to Bob Leighty.
Teams represen led many Idaho schools, hc said, lncludinr the U. or I., Idaho Stale. College of Tdaho, Northwest Nazarene College, Boise Junior College, Ricks Junior College, Le1,is and Clark Nonna! and NJJC.
NIJC members who attended were Phll Erlckson, Jim Brooks. Gary Deeslen, Tom Gilbert, Oavid Parsons and Leighty, he added.
Mr. Li tchfield Will ,Speak At Conference {
Edwa rd T Litchfield, journalism instructor at No rlto Idaho Junior College, has accepted an lnvitation to ~d- • dress a seminar at the Uno verslts or Idaho at Moscow APl'll 2. He w!ll lecture, al the I 9th annual High School ' Jou malism Conference on headline writing for news· pa~;s,two-da_v conference ' at ' Moscow usually d~aws about 300 students and advisers from all parts of the s~e., according to Bert Cross, head or the Department of Com· munlcntions at the university.
I the lime Miss Ritchie was head of the home economics departmenl.
Miss RltcbH worked as an advisor when the home economics department was established at North ldaho Junior College She and Mrs. Stranahan did much In making a home economics curriculum possible at the Junior college
Barber Shop
Or. Ju ne B ricker a former Del Gittel s tudent o f Ml ss Ritchie and no w Ex ecutive Oireclor of the
American Home Economics Asso ciati on i n Wash i ngton, o.c .. gave the main address
A new amenctmcnt was sug· ges!ed, she said, that would make It manmtory for a member of the student boanl to cr.ain laln at lea~t a 2.0 a l'erage. Discussion followed and Russell Brown, president, BPPointed a commlttee lO drn" u11 and discuss the proposal. Those appointed were Phil Erickson. chairman, Betty ,Johnson, Ray Hansen, Tony Edwa ms, ~tlrs Ross and Marcia Anton~on. Betlv Johnson asked about high school students usini: the student union She •,1;u contact the student union manager and discuss It rurther according to Miss Wachter.
Woodcock 's
Cand,es - Sund,;es Presc.r1pf10M
8 2b N. fourth St • Coeu, O'Altnt
A team of Erlckson and and Lclghb won three of li"e, being one point short of the 20 qualicy points required !or the Certificate of Excel· !encl! in Debate, Lel,::ht,y said. A team of Brooks and Parsons won one of O\'e, a..c;; did that or Gilbert and Oeesten.
Bob Leighty. only NIJC member lo enter the extra events, won third place in the extemporaneous speak· mg calegor~· on the subJect , "Civil Rlghts - A Continuing Amt>rlcan Issue". he added.
Sadie Howkins Dance t\ sadi e nnwklns dance wll I be held \1arch 12. Music will be by the Shadows. \\ear your l(rubbies.
G REENHOUSE FR ESH m.u mm,nom mucams CUSTOM D(SICllcl> Off Sttett Pa.rlono on MIiie, Avt:
T!Jfn Wos:t ot 1000 BIii: on 4th
TU.11\0l.l Oll>IIS UYlllOE a T1tE WOllD ~ho - MO • -8 218
Mr. Lltchtield, fonner n 1w~ editor of The Spokesman Review and Ion g-ti me n e.1 s• papennan. participated in a similar seminar recently \l.Jr , a Washington state conference conducted al Whitworth Col· lege in Spokane His subject then was editorial writing. "
' s,;J~:;'~~:~~!:';t::~· 1:~:1~
,,,. ,•arone osn 1he ,o " o ' do,s.
l:[ven by the NIJC c!Jlptcr or Ule Home Economl cs Association. King Prank
Fi ~ Rlto and princes Stu >Kimball and Jim Fromm, chosen by ht1\'lng rece1 ved the most "10,•e notes" from sn¥1enl body, reigned.
Music was rurnli<hed b,v the Imperials for dancing and decorations of red hearts lh~ the walls Inscribed wltll the names of couple~ attending.
In the student nrnc P, a ,s t!'t, ll white scroll work chair was set against a background of Valentine lr<'es and two large satin hearts as a set· Iii% for taking plcturPs or the couples
Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stranahan. Dr. ,ar1!J Mrs W·nn Froorlkson, Mr. and Mrs Alan Sorenson, and Mr. and :\Ifs. Laverne
• C!h airman of the dance was Ter ry DeCoss. Officers of the sponsoring organization are Timllie Rodgers , pres·
•!di nt: Maureen Mt'Donald, vice president. Laura Lee Yeoumans, secretary, Ber· nl!f Ox ford, treasurer; ,Janet ~MOntandon, historian: and Mrs. Florence Stranahan. adviser lfflc E PROD UCTION

Ci r cl e K Clu b members have been busy according to Mike Hendrlcks, vice 1)resi· den t. The club held its weekly meeting In the Stu· dent Union Feb. 25 and dis· cussed lts plans, he sai d
Members will be guests at a dinner and meeting of the Coeur d'Alene KiwMls C iub March 3 , Hendricks said Membe r s wi ll direct traffic at the northern district high school tournament , he said , adding that they have also been taklo g copies or the Cardinal Revlew to students ln the el ectronlcs building They are wo rking on a placque whJ cb the, plan to hang 1n the Student Union , Hendrl cks said lt will have a red cloth background with NlJC in gray lett.eri,.
U. of o l. SaturMday , Marcbol3, iR s $2.SO Ennd $3S.oo. white trees blooming with hea r ts and nowcrs lined the ent r ance or the Student un1on Peb. 27 Cor the danceThere ' s a Texas Cadillac dealer who has a pl l e of small foreign ca r s In th e comer of hls showroom with a sign, TAKE ONE.
HMailing thi s coupon could be th e most important step you will ever take.
----- ---------------
Gentlemen: Please send me Information on the new 2-Yea r A rmy RO TC Program, I am now a student at (collGjje o r u niver sity) and plan to con ti nu e my schooling at
CO. io Lt ITEIIPIIESS • • PHOTO o;:;:su • 100 N o ~ S,a,t:T Cocv o o•L.c c. lo MO
The Army Reserve Officers Training Cor ps has a new progrnm designed specifically fo r men wi t h t wo years or college training. If you plan to trans fer l his fa ll to a school offering Army ROTC , you may be able lo qualify for the Ad,•anced R OTC Course, whic h leads lo a commission as a Second Li eutena n t whe n you get your degree. Cnder this program you w ill receiv e $40 per month during your junior a nd sen io r years
The traininl( and cou rsc of study aren't easy, but. the rewards are grea l. The exper ience yo u will get in managing men, i n o_rgan iz.'\t ion l echn iques, in se lfdiscipline and spea king on you r feet co uld set. you
Public Welcom.e
The war in South Vietnam Is one of stoalt/, and ambush; helicoptors play a lead in g role.

SUBve rs ion
QUEST TON : Oo uou think the ,,uni.shmcmt of c:rl)tl/in(I flir , Force _,tcadcm.v cadets for cheattnu roas excessive?
MlLO HARRJS, psychol ogy · " I feel tho.l the Pun!shmenl • wo.s not excessi ,•e The ~Ulltaiy A cademies are upholding a traditi on that Is ('S old as the country itself. • Row can we ex peel to hn ve good mi I.I t.ary l eaders Crom this sort af an example A leader who cheats himsel! • wlll cheat the men under his command._ ,
THOM THOMPSON , dtal11'!· tics: ••After reading the ' articles lr:i Llf'E and LOOK magazines, r feel that the cadets were striking l\ .t against an honor system. e But I feel that the cadets are not in a position to Judge the merilS of that partlcut.r , sYStem; no matte r how you just! fy dlshonest,y, It Is wrong.' '
Kenneth S. Armstrong RECENT F1RsT- HANo oN-THE-scENE ossERVAT10Ns
tr J "
The time of yeor s $()On opprooch,na when rhose wr> feel as though they cOLlo ,ail a ·,oy, 'Tlay •ronscend +e 110,k· a-day world in a wove of iuvy blue nsembl s. S111ts u·,d two prece dresses mod ol mot<:>r,als n wf11ch v,r, kins ,een: ro rloo1 away ore easy I pock II o suitca ,. or'<:! 1rav · 1 11 II.
Whether your travel 11ardroue ,,; navy blu '• be g?, 1, som~ other spnng color , 1s bec;.t 10 ...-eur o rnorcriul rho• ·s eos 'o keop clean arid lif'I fr o
H you pion ·~ 'oc1r rf"ei cv,n1t,y 1)- c; s r b car t vis t relatives in a ~istori ~to•,, ,t ,s · ,s • r Of' y r wordrole around one bos c color. t st, I o trip, s or·clo1h ~. CJ suit, an afternoon dr" s, c..,n,f •·able .valk n ~f ocs, ona ro1.r' t,eQr 0(,:? oprrOpt 1at , f, r I~, f,-,t"r Or J, fClU are Q0 1no on a 'our o Eur , ye -sl- Id ~ol< ot lt.;.o,i;t •.•, > suifs, on cftomoon dr,~s-s., at, -.at r 1 roll'., car, comic,rtob (; walking shoe• 01>.:I leov 11 e ~p r• c,l < 'll home "' !• o close t.
As .w.1 o/1 know e , f,,, , our m~nn r< 1•h <>very wore "" soy and ,nth every mQ•• rr.ant V mk Berore ph,nn,ng trrp 10 o place whe, "!O °""' knows u~. ,. ,~ bes• ro •1r,d lxick and obsen·e hoo w b?hov at home J d nrrAJn.J oeo.r:/e we know.
Do you bum c,,pre'te tr'l<n ·r1~nds, !x,,ro, l,pstlck and combs , ,nterrvpt other pocp • C'1 r Jtrc.n , or t •.o ~Y thank yov wl,en otnc0 Clne d ;r,JC •h,nq /or yoo~ It • remember ,f ,r be~ 111,:., 10" tot;,' ro •Ii SUB or 10,00J m,/es o.voy, u is o1'woys ,mpor' mt • t:,e ~,..~,derurn of 01h--r oeople 's feelrn(f.: • ••• , •••
Shoe!'!;, purse , on,..l 1 1. ,d t, of 1t--o !-Orne cc'or Wh11 , navy b Ice, onrt rE.d q 1111, r.avy blue d ,;.s. Bio k docs ..,ot
Campus Chatter
Know why so many bo:;s wore suit~ wl u, ,ennis shoes F'eb. 26-·to celebrate the I 7th annh·ec:;a1r of the Y• k races ln Aknm, Ohio Oh.
suir a reallu s/rtkinu blo11de rc,·errtlv--her name 11·a, Rohlrles Dahlberu and ,\fun• What gc,roenus lrns'' wlU1 so many beards around school, I'm b<>ldnnlng to wonder II It tsn't Gillette's centennllll anniversary or ,tumelhln~.
I'll bet some faculty mem· bers were nursing pretty sore muscles after lhat basketball game with the Vet' s Club. Th<'re n rP also rumors that u similar baseball grune will be comlnit up this spring.
There are some ptapl, •~ho are ,a111nc that w, 1mµos,iblc to s land Wappv natr that he's a rral lire ktna. b11l I'm tr<>nckrlno Ju.,/ 1rho could .~tand htm he/or,. Vo o!fense. F"ro 11k.
The a iris al the dorm uri•n't roo sut,sttt,d trilh their n~u, frnnl dMr: thc11 lhtnk ti /nok.s Ill,<' /he cnt,unc:c lo a ~hou•1.·r ro()m.
This nice weaUJer makes you think spring ml ght renlly be on lL~ wov, but don't be fool ed. the ground hog saw his slwrlo11 F'eb. 2. Two mow II eeks or st<>rmy weather left for suri,.
A Kansas :ullng sllltes, "When two train:; apprr1ach each other nl a crossing, they ~hall both come to a Cull stop, and neithe r shall start up until the other has itonc."