8 minute read
Onty Four Sloth F.-om Campu,
Faculty Guests At Foods Class Dinner
The foods selection and serving class purchased , pre· pared and served a l uncheon of salmon loaf, carrots, aspar· agus, fresh Cntil cup , hot muctins. and lemon pie to Invited members or the faculty in the roods lab \larch 5 , according to Mrs. Florence Stranahan, Instructor.
The rnvited guests were: R1 chard Champoux , Bruce Reid. Or. Eva F'etz, Mrs. Lucile l.lloge, Mrs. Catherine Scates , Ray Stone, Mrs. Florence Stranahan, Mrs Betty Gonion, Warren Keating, and Francis Oak berg.
Th<> Student Board met Feb. 23, accordintt lo Lorinda "achier, secretaiy Phil Erick,;on reported that hls committee is still preparing its report rego.rdin g changes In the constitution.
Ne" business included n report by Ra.v Hansen who ~a1d change,; are being con:;ldered in the by•laws of the Social Actlvi ties Committee
The poss! bili ty or examlnlng chnnges th,:, Uni versi~· of Idaho is making in I ts con· sit tution was coosi de red. she said.
MR HUOliES, English !.1· • structo , : "There ls a con· Oict between military protocol and the hQnQ r !IYStem For examp l e, a prl vd,e doesn't • squ enl • on a major The honor system is in cont radiction with the mlli~I}' system However, the chelit- • ers were punished fai rl y for violati o n or a commtln d and promise. " -
JANET COULTER, educ!a-, tion: "In an Air Force Academy there Is a definite lradltlon and hono r that 1t1e.5c boys l!\'e under Everyone 1n • the school knows these lmdltlons when they enter and they know the punishment , I{ they are caught breaking any' part of them. Each boy knows what he 1s losing when he violates these codes Sil, I feel that their punishment ' was Just and anything but excessive ."
SUE LANGSTON, ho, •e ' economics: "l do not feel ] that the expelling or Air Fo rce Academy cadets Cor ch<'a ting was excessive. r l, don't believe that we want the heads of our military la graduate fTom their academies to head our forces by ch~t-, lng.
29 Hew Colleges
Twenty new Junior colleg~s' were opened in the last year a l one, accommodating 15,000 students In all, iJl· most three quarters of u' million students a re now aitending junior coUeges t I
* * * * * * * * f '
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Yi3J!dal Frosh Avenge
Earlier Loss To Cards
1 T • hi I Id ,andnl ~rash n,cn~ed an t'arher las,- to th,• Card1nnls '"'" ning the ,ravl'llng North ~<.la lt o five. 89 - 84.
Th" Cards had built a 5-1 •i.nt lt'ad i.t the ln1ert;.'.l <e ion, 4 2-37, but lhi, Junior ~undal 's 6-6 forward Dave Dillon, brought th, ' ho:ne tea rn back to lead th - with , • 18 Point second hair sconng spr~e.
North kluho'.s Bill Smllh lt'amed ·., Ith Vern Ben i;ston .l o • earl'\ the Corri attack ~coring :?I and 1 8 points.'
Snu tb and Bengston guided the Cards throu11h u,e first , ·allf "tlh sham outside shootin n:l trp-lns.
Cord fo"'ard and reboundIng ace Steve Brixon, again • . ,,et the C:ardinal' attack mo,1ng with booro control and brilliant defense.
\'andnls hod Ii ,·e ,i1a.ve rs scoring in the double fl gures, most of the poinb C•lming in the fadinR minutes or • he game.
• !llorth kfaho's fom·ard Dick Schultz, showing no :;tgn:, or his arm Injury. ><cored 13 po -.·ts fur the Cardinal cause.
The Cards Jos.~ lo the Vandals r>ut the Cards at 15-8
_,'3 ooc scorrns ti of J· Charh,• S1.J1:, 15 Craig Johnson I;. Da,·e 01, ron 25, Rick Dll\ 15. Craig Cook'-' 13, Davi' McCun" ~. Lam· Kn climttt •r 2.
:s;rJC: Bill Smllh 21. ste,·e Brixen 13, Les C -rt ,r 4. Stan ObNgh 4, J!mmv Jnl' 1. el)l t k Schult;,; 13, V,•m Bengston 18. Bob Brainnrd I.
ialanced Attack Swamps Tigers
• • T 11e C· r1t .i ,; o,·er th, Le11 Is and Clark Nurmal
T i gers, 86-63. Th~ Cords, a. ,dfnng fnst behind u 11e U balanced a11ack, rJn the n team Tigers off the nl!rt. bu!ldlni: a 4 7-35 rust
•.tart margin.
'.llorth ltlnho 's Vl'rn Bengt, n and Dick sct&lllz led th ·• Cardinal attacJ;, sconng
• 19 points a1>t1•ce.
A II of Uw C:u rds sow a ctton ,n the Feb. 19 contest. and o ' • of them rrgistered In the core book.
The Cnrd" rolled t, an
Vet's Club Downs Facuity 'Te am'
It was a cinch for the Veteran's Club when they Played the NIJC racu lty Pnb. 24 during ncllvlty Penod ID the CYmnastum. They wiped them out wtu score of 22·14, accord1nc to an anonymous veteran.
Bob Poutre made an out· ,,,andlng back st de cont ributlon for the \'et's Club. the 6Pokesman added. The plOJs used IO ~realest advantage for the Vet's team, he said, were ailed the "kicR•Rolly-inthe-shins" play and the "sneak -n round-oohtnd-hlm."
The VeL ' s Club 111Jokesman nckled that he would like lo comment on the lmpartialll)· shown lhrou&hout the game b.', Bill Srntth and Stev(' Brixen und to extend the thnnks oi the club to them.
.~side from some educated nltl'll!pts at cheating (ram the faculty, along wl th their geueml lack of eondllionfo11 esrly lead of 13-6 ond from there on out, the game was rie,·er in trouble as lhe Cards scored their 15th win or tbe sen.son.
'"1denl In Mr. KeaUna's limp, they played a line game also, he udded. ~Ir. Reid's recovery or both the ball and his temper was remarl<nble.
The whole t~ing was intended in the spirit of fun, ceven the articlel. the anonymous informer ackled, and speaking for the enure Vet• eran's Club, added that he hoped It won Id be wrPI ved In the :;ame spirit.
Early In the second half, Coach Rull)' Wi llintns had i:ooe to ht, bench strength to finish the contest, and the cards scored handily acaiost the percnnlully wcuk L<: Tigers.
'rhe Cards controlled the boards with fOll\'llrd Steve nrt,en's talent:; and l!Cored quickly on fast-br<'aks nnd ball-huwklag defense.
:-tJC Btll Smith 2. Steve B xen 3, Les Gardner 10, ,llmrn,y ,Jo<' 1·1. Vern Brngscon 19, Dick Schultz 19, Dave Cardner 2, F'rank Durlln,ton
I .Stan Obergh 9. Ron Boyer 2.
L<:N: Doug Clbbons IS, trown rd .Judd 1, Rex II JckS 7, Rick Roooson 16, Bart Hwr.i !ton 5. Jerry Knott 4, Darrel Ahertn 9. G , Yuurnans 4. Pete Kraack
Modern Drug Center
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NIJC Booster Club
Exists To Bolster Athletic Program
Every Tuesday al noon a croup of Coeur d'Alt'lle businessmen meet for lunclieon at Flitz •s Diner on Sherman Avenue. The purpose of these mrrtlngs Is lo suppor t the athletic program at North Idaho Junior Coll er.c - th1 s c,rganlzallon is known as the N !JC Booster Club.
Accordin& to Mr. Joe ll'hlt• l P)'. NIJC Booster of the Year, this orcantzaUon was !onued for the purpose or "boostin&" athletic endeavor,; at the Junior Collec~
A Stale law in Idaho pro• hi bits Junior collei;e. rro awarding athleUc :,cholarsh1ps so the Boo~ter Club strives lo maintain funds to 1iro,idc for the fees of somt nthletc,;.
Mr llbltle) said that wher Coach Rotty WUliams became head ol the athletic depart mcnt at J.C. a group of local businessmen felt that rather than gamble on lostng Conch Willi ams becausP or n poor sports r,ro11rum, th,•y would like lo orsaniz<i to suppor, the athletic dcp:mmen1.
'lie fe••I that a great deal or school pride und 1:1chool ,ptril h bu!ll around the athletic pro~ram 01 a college· the athletic program supports much or lhP social lire of a school. Athletics ure one focal Point around which s<'hool Li re ma.,· tw organized.
Cards Lose Finale To Whitworth Frosh
oc, v,,,, p•r, r~'lnq, C b Eo tmo" e ,ntes t, bo~ldng 1, ot 25 uttempL, rrom tbc• t'harit, line Thll Ptrotes KCOred onl)· right po!nL~ lrom th£' !1eld In the 11econd ha If!
The tree-throws saved 1he i:arre ror the II bttwnrl!I five. and thr Pirate,; won lhe cuntc:st from the llnr, 78·70.
•.\lthou,:h lhe s1,ort.s pruirram is not the most Important port of n col loge, the Booster Club reels that it ts n necessar:v part of \\t,ll-roundrd college life," Mr. i\'hlUey i;ald.
The Boo~ter Club Is going to worn \\tth the Veteran •s Club ln tiponsoring u sports banquet Md dance around the la.st of March, according t. ~1r. lllltUey Letters will be awarded t.D NIJC athl ctes who have enm<'d them nnd the players ol the Year will be named, he SQ.Id.
'• Ever) thine the Boo><ter Club doM I< entirely rar the benefit of th<> Junior College. Xone of our membN>< mak<' any pron, from "ortmi; \\ilh tho Club. all proccc,ls from dances and ram es nre tu med di reclly back into the college. 11~ \\Ork the vear aro111d and If any Junior College group kno\\s or ans wu..v In which we <'Un help thNn. or t I thr1· would 11 ke to hi,lp us, we \\OUld be de· llgllted H a rt')lresen1.11t1,·e of thet grour would attend one of our Tu,•«loy noon meetings." Mr. Whltle:v concluded
[~I, IOU• Ho,nburgors F-::.,.,~, Serv,ce In To=
X, "lh n drr ts last ,eason 11a,nc 10 the llhuworlh J. V. Pirates, 78-70. on thi, Plra1t•11' home lloor. Tho Card's loss rlnlshes the seasc,n f ,r the :-.·orih Idaho umm "1th a 15 1, in. 9 lo,,,- r~'Cord.
\l'bilw orth Jump0 d to an Parlv lead over the sagging Curds, pickinc up a ~1-33 ftrst hall 1mri;ln behind the hol•shoolln~ ot forward Frank lnHell.
The Qmls subsUtuted heovllY. trylni:: 10 find a ,conog comblnanc,n, bot It '"'<'med rhut utl ot th,• aud,; w~re nit. The ,·L~ttors &core<! i<luwlv and lost rebounding control to tho ra~ ter Pirates.
The horn<! lean Pirates rutled ea»ll.v along 111 the cnrlv minutrs of the S!'cond hell, strt'IChlni: their ltarl to 23 point:;.
The Cards switched dt'fense putterns mld·":tY through the second 20 m!nut<'S and stowed th,• fast-runnir.~ Pirates to a <'rawl and cnme back lo within to potnt::1 with lrss than ,,1 ght mlnuh•s to play. Thi, Card dt•lense contmued to hold and the Cordinals made o bid lor the trod.
'l'hl' Puut,•s relied on heavy Card foultni: to clinch thf
THE PIN CUSHION r xcl us, v, Yordo!){' 'ihop L~~ryrh,nyf..,, TheSc-..;m~l,1;:ss
'llO I -,k ,,d<, :.,.,.,, -"- r
BOX SCORFS ;;;uc: st ,e Brixen 9. Les
Cordner I~. Jimmy Jo<' 12, \'1•m B<'hRSlnn 9. Bob Bmtnurd 2. Dick Schultz 16 Stnn ObrrRh 4, F'rank DarJtni;ton :?. Hon Bover ~.
11.J.\'. • Poster llalsh 4
Oeorge F.l hut 11. Eno I lkhm!dl I:?, Dun Mui l< •nl\ 2, Da ,. e Rhodes 8, SteH• Kin, ze r 18. Frank ln:;ell 23.
IINghtlilt~r Norbert SChPmansky ho l ds the A A c ,~cord lot the hea,·) wPillht class with lntal three 11ft or ') pot~d •
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