6 minute read
Mod ern Busin ess Requires New Ideas
To Be Successful
Business Teaching: Trends and Techniques was the theme or th e No rthwest Uni versi t lcs Business Administration Conference which Ml ss Loretta Du nnigan and Miss Gertrude Gllbert aUended on Oct. 29 and 30. The conference was held at the Lakewood Center in Tacoma. Wash! ngton The hosts were tile Pacific Lutheran Universlcy and !he Uni· versi t.v or Pu get Sound. It was a !tended by more than 200 Instru ctors from the no rthw es tern states and the northern provinces or Canada
Miss Gilbert and Miss Dunnigan both reported that this confe r ence was an excellent source or ideas and mate r ia l s for bu si ne ss administration instructors arrl their students
Speakers Included such people as WU llnm Owen, Man· power Developme nt Director, Weyerhauser Company, and Dean Joh n W. Cowee , University or California Schools of Bu si ness Administration
Miss Gilbert reported that Mr. Owens emphasized the Importance or learning to listen attentl ve)y, to follow directions accura tely, and to writ e with Clarity and o rganization Be stated that most people have only a 25% rate or listening; and that in live years indu stry will r efuse to hire anyone who does not have at least a 75% rate Mis s GI lberl also r ep o rted that the speake rs st?essed the importance or Oexibility to tbe business administration studenL Business no longer operates by imi talion: to be successful a business must be an Innovator Jts ma nagement a.nd employees must have c r eativity. She said that a student shou ld co ncentrate on business theory and be prepared to use tbi s knowledge In a Oexible manner.
Fri cd Chicken
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Delicious t-Jambvrge rs Short Orde;s 'l306 FroJ'lt AY~, (,.,w, d'Alene ldoho
Modern Drug Center
Asb Minutes
A meeting or the Student Boa rd or No rth Idaho Junior College was called to orde r by iresldent Ethel Bright on November 2 The minutes of the pr evious meeting were r ead and approved
Under old business Phil Erickson. vice president. reported some ditflculty l n obtaining confirmation on the sl gn announcing sbJdent bo<lY events
A report from the furnishing committee said that General Telephone crui possibly Ins tall an Intercom system in the Student Union addition , but no prices were quoted Mr. C Weston Hatch, student uni on director, said est! · mates on a sound system for the SUB will be ready by the next meeting.
Th e summary or receipts and expendllllres through September 30 was explained
Under new business, a comm! ttee with Sally Post, fr eshman sec retary , as chai rman was Bl>l)Olnted to pJan a dinner havin g as our guesls the sllldent leaders rron: the area high sc hoo l s Mr Raym ond L. Stone, Aca· demic Dean, speaking for the Booster Club , told the board or the club' s concern ove r the lack or student Interest in the sports program
He u rg ed the board to take some a ction to IJr,prove such participation and Interest
He also mentioned the deslra btll t;y or printing a pam · phlet which would advertise the college I n speaking for the faculty, Mr. Ston e offered faculty help at anytime In anyway needed by the hoa rd.
A r equest was made by Mr Herschel Riebe !or $25 to repaint the eagle on the Po rt Sh erman gate The motion passed to appropriate such funds.
Mr James Bums, band director, requested $72 for unifonns for fou r majorettes
This sum was also alloted Hoger B eck, sophomo r e president, speaking for the bowling team , asked fo r $40 for team shirts. The board voted to allot Ibis sum.
The meeting was then adjourned
Betty Johnson , Secretary
See us for ba tt eries , needles, tubes repoi,s on tape recorders sels - rodoos
QUEST ION : ,, vo u had $100 to donate and had to select Q11e organization to which one would it go?"
BrLLIE JO HAZEL. f reshman, Secretarial Science: , would give It to an or· phanage or a home for underprivileged children - here lo the United Stales because 1 feel that we shou ld help peoP le in our own cou nl?y before we t ry to support people all ove r the world.''
EDDrE SLEEP, freshman, Education: "The Idaho Youth Ranch at Rupert."
RICHARD BRI'ITON JR., f r eshman Education: "MY donation would go to some type of athletic organizatio n fo r better athletics o r athletic scholarships ." (P s "If I had SLOO I would keep It.")
DON WILSON , freshman, Industrial Ar ts: •'V eterans "
SHERRI ROWE, freshman, Education: "To the NIJC music department for a new music room ."
PATSY BROW N freshman, BA , ··Teen Cballenge."
CURTIS CHASE, sop homore, Radio-TV: "Diamond Cup fl.Ydroplane Association, to help finance the annual races, which are a tremendous economic boon to this area.' '
KEN NEWELL, sophomore, Education: "I wou ld give it to the social Activities Comm.ittee."
JOHN BUDROW sophomore, Business Administ ration: "I would donate my SlOO to CARE. l think Lhe more we help underdeveloped nations and people, the mo r e IL would prosper the United stat es. Not just b y gaining us more In ends and better trade, but It helps to build respect for our country and thls Is something we need very drastl cally I'd donate It to CARE
WAYNE REAM, freshman Business Administration: "I beUeve I would do nate it lo the Stu dent Acti viii es Cl ub."
VINCENT COLEMAN sophomo re, Radio and TV Productio n: "P robably the most deserving o r ganization would be one which helps unde rprl\11eged chi ldren I thi nk this would be the o rganization to which I would donate the SlOO."
Education Vital
'• I do not think lhat l he system of interest , as II Is pro· fessed in America is, tn all Its parts sel f-evident ; but IL con t.a.l ns a grea l number or truths so evident , that men, If Ibey are but educated , can · not fail to see lhem Educate. then al any rnie: for the age or implicit self:sacrlfice and lnsllncUve virtues I s already Oitling fa r away from Iii>, and the lime i s fast approaching when freedom, public peace, and social order i lselr will not be abl c lo ex1 st w!thou t education ."
Alexis DeTc:x:queville (1805 - 1859)
Quality Important
Ci vi Ii zation and hu mo.n progress must d epend tn the long run 0 11 the quaJi ly or n1en and w omen.
- Harry \l'OOdbu m Chase
Campus Club News
Three new mem bcrs , Janis Sl oop , Shirley Snith, and Mabl e Hanson wer e tapped for Phl Theta Kappa Oct 27 , according to president Sally Spain. PTK is the campus scholastic honorary society
Mem b ership in this socl ety Is awarded fo r maintaining a three point ave r age while car rying at least fifteen c r edit hours during the previ ous semester. l\lr. Raymond L. Stone, Academi c Dean. is spansor of this group lni· tiation ce r emonies will be held soon, Mis s SPaln sai d.
The Orst meeting or tbe Speech Act! vi ties Club was held Monday in room 31, r epo rte d C onnie Van Hess, r eporter of the f!JOUP , She said that new ottice rs for the semester were elected They are Tom An thony, p r esident, B ob B r ainerd, vlce president , and Madeline nitso, sec r etary Toni George, assistant pro gram chairman , will aid cl ub advisors In providing a program at each meeting. Reporters for the club are Charles Nelson and Connie Van l:less
Sally Spa in or the Cardinal Service Club r epo rted that this group is making uni· fonns, consisting of red and white houndsto ot b- checked ski rts, and r ed vests, with the club emblem o n the shoulder. Snlly said t hat money for the material used In the vests was p rovided by the stu dent boanl, and the vests will be used by fuwre members of this group
T he plans ro r this year include ticket collectlo ns and program dis tribution at college activities.
A film on the construction or the Colden Gate Bridge is planned for the next meeting of the Engineer ' s Club, Mr. D exter Moser r epo r ted Th i$ meeting will be held on We dn esday , Nov. 1o.
Circle K has ordered three U. S documents, The Dttlnration of Independence, Ule ConslilU· tion, and the Bill of Rights from the Llbrary of Congress. Whan those documents arrive, Ute club will frame them and hang them in the library, Mike Hend· ricks said.
Spanish Club
Forty.four doJJ ars was coJJecl· ed by the Spanish Club at its recent candy sale, Vince Coleman , member, reported. Vince said that the money will be giv en to Lhe Alliance of Progress. Colonel John McFarl and is ad· viser to the group
Speech Activities Club
A Speech A ctivi ties Club ha s been orga nized. i ncorporating all 1he speech classes an d ope n lo any interested studc nl Those interested should see Dr Earl Priddy , director. for more information The gr oup has h eld one rnccting
We look backward too much Thus we miss the passing moment