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Anthropolog y Class
Visits Major Li ving
Area Ot Ne z Perce
The major Uving area of the Nez Perce Indian tribe was lhe r egion visited by the NIJC an· thropology class on ao all-day tield trip October 23, according to ~trs. Jean Martin , ooe of the students The group left Coeur d ' Alene about 6 a m. with their instructo,r, Mr Raymond Stone, Academic Dean of NIJC The round-trip to Whitebird and back to Co eur d'Alene covered about 450 miles
Mrs Martin said that the first stop malle was at the top of the Lewiston g,:-ade , which overlooks the valley where the Nez Perce tribe made their homes. Next the gr<>up proceeded to the site of the Spaulding Mission which was established by the Reverend Henry Spaulding and Mrs. Spaulding.
The next stop was the tribal council center at Lapwai , which is a new modern building with recreational and lunch facilities Mrs. Martin said that the groups, however, stopped to eat their lunch in Lawyer Canyo n , which ls named for Chief Lawyer, who was an elequent spokesman for the Nez Perce in their troubles with the white men. During the af. ternoon there were stops at the site of a battle between the cavalry and the Nez Perce Indians near Cottonwood, and at a viewpoint overlooking Tolo Lake-a traditional camping spot for the Nez Perce camas gathering par. ties.
The highlight of the trip, according to ll1rs. Martin, was the stop at the bottom of Whitebird hill , where the owner of the land where a ba t tle between the Nez Perce and the cavaJ.cy occurred escorted the tour to the site of the battle Graves of the 33 soldiers killed in this battle were seen here.
Later the group visited the site of another such battle, and the basalt rock known as the Gross Body by the Nez Perce, which they considered the spot where the tribe originated.
Pi ck Up Annuals
Student$ who have not picked up their 1965 annual s are urged to do so at once.
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Newly elffted officers of the band, under the dlreetlon of James Bums are from left to ri9ht front: Diana Woller, librari a n; S1117. Spafn' llbrerlan; Ke ren P erriott, MC:retary. Bock: Keith Lien, pru • dent;'St•v• Mo•, vic•president; Richard L , m~ma9er.
27 Girls Chosen For NIJC's Drill Team This Season
The drill team Is back at work unde r the di rection of Karen Schoo l er and under the supervision of Mrs Catherine Scates physical education.
Karen said the 27 girls a re al ready busily preparing for t h ei r fi rst public appeara n ce which will be at the basketbal l game Dec 1.
Newly-elected officers In· elude assistant leader, Karen Parriott: secretary -treasure r, A nn Reid; a nd representative Diane Wachter.
The gl rls s el ecled al the tryout for the 1965~6 team a re: Elaine Adkins, Dona Bouchard, Janet B!lleher , Katby Ka rr, Sue Fletcher , sally Hakala, Rosemary Hansen, Susan Laskey, Jane Laur, Sa ndy Lee, Patty Len · non, Roberta McOhee, Janice McGregor, Lynn Owens, Ber• nita Oxford, Karen Parriott, Ann Reid, Vickie Raybell , Sherri Rowe , Shannon Sarratt, Colleen Turnbow, Dian e Wachter, Diana Weller and Barbara Whitel,y. Alternates are: Ev11 Reed, Frances Spencer, and Candi Stoffer
'The drill team meet~ every Wednesday night from 7:00 to 9: 00 p m., acco rding to Ann Reid, reporter fo r the group.
Cheerleader Tryouts Scheduled Nov. 17
Cheerleading tryouts will be held Wednesday , Nov 17 du rt ng ac ti 'II ty period , Ethel Mae Bright student body pres i dent. said recently. All interested pe rsons should register ln the o ffice by Monday, Nov 15
Tr.Y<)ul<, may b@ ln croups, but each person will al so have to do an lndi viclilal cheer, she said voting will take p l ace in the gym immediately after lbe tryouts
Five regular cheer leaders and one substitllte will be chosen.
! would like to encourage the rel las as well as the gi rls to try out fo r yell leaders They can be just as effecll ve , If no , more so In creating spirit," Miss Bright said.
Anyone Can Enroll For Skiing Lessons
Anybody can enroll for ski lessons, Mr. Richard Champoux, ski club adviser said, in one of three categories-beginning, in· termediate , or advanced. He aJ. so said be would like to clear lhings up regarding this year's skiing lessons and school cred· its
But for pbysical education credit, he explained, you must be enrolled in either freshman or sophomore sports. Those enrolled in individual sports, he emph.asized. such a.s golf, bowl · Ing, and so on, cannot drop these courses to get credit for skiing. However, these student$ may participate in the skiing program without cre<lit.
Lessons will be given Saturdays and Sunday!.--the student may choose his day-for a sixweek period. Two additional weeks will be allowed at the end of this period, he said, for makeups, actually making it an eight· week period.
Mr Champoux said tbe head of the ski school at Schweitzer Basin will be here within the next two weeks to sign up those for credit in the PE cl.asses. All others will be signed up in the hallway at the entrance to the maln office.
Those who wish to participate on the racing team he ex· plained, will be required to sign up for the expert skiing division.
C osts will be $19 for beginners, $2:; for intermediate stu· dents and $27 for rulvanced students, Mr Champoux said.
Job s Avoiloble
Students wanting pa.rt time work may see Mr Herschell Relbc in Room 10, he said. Suppor t Your Adverti$ers
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