5 minute read
~panish Club
Sponsors Talk
By Dean Madin
By Col. John A. McFa rland
• Last week the Spanlsh Club sponsored a talk by Dr Boyd Martin or the Uni · • versit.y of Idaho. The subJect was "Idah o, Partner of the Alliance." The message brought by Dr Martin was, n fact, a Ooal warn! ng to us; the people or the under· developed countries of the Western Hemisphere must be eh elped to achieve at least a human level or existence, or they will very soon fall to communism.
• Most o r us are ramJlla, wlth the Alllance F'O r Progress. initiated by President Ken · nedy to help the people of eLal!n America. WIBt we are not acaua.inted with ls the fact that out of the alliance grew a people- to-people move'm ent whe r ein lhe citizens or a state would choose to work directly with the citizens o( a l..al!o American country In ~ artne r shJp I daho •s partner In the alliance Is Ecuador.
Dr Martin was one of the rou r Idaho citizens lnvl ted by the state Department to visit E.cuador and come up with a Plan whereby Idahoans and eE cuo doreans could work to • gether Elsewhere In this Issue can be found a report or Dr. Martin •s talk
• we have no guarantee !hat thJs plan will work. &t we have lried doing nothing In Cuba, and we lost Cuba. We • tried waJ ting until too late in Vlet Nam and the Domini· can Republic, and we have bad to send troops lo those etwo cou ntti es Perhaps Ir we and the other twenty - two states who have partners In the alliance work hard and ligenllv with the Latin American people to raise their U •toe condltions to a dlinl l!ed level , we may avoid a,1ng to confront commu nism in those countries
Members of the Spanish visit other clubs on the campus to obtain help In any • waY practicab l e. You can all contri bute by cooperating wt lh any member o f the Spanish Club who m~ ask your help
• An experienced photographer
Is needed for The Review
Contact Mr Wendt In the business office if inte r ested.
• This ls n paid position
• Pf-fN'tn rl f'RE'SH
Mcmoriol Sprop & Florol
The anthropology class took a fleld trip to the Medlmont area on Oct 2, accord! ng to Raymond Stone, Instructor. The group gathered at NIJC at 6:30 a m. that morning Part ot the day was spent excavating an o ld cave , but no artifacts were unco,•e:red. Later the group found several small artifacts ln a ploughed field belonging to Mrs. Ruth Han son
Mr. Stone said that on the return trip, the class took time lo do ~ome exploring near the Cata.ldo Mission and found part or an oltl stone mortar. More trips are tenta· ti vely planned by the anthro · pology groups he said, addlng that these trips will give the class '"a somewhat broader understanding or their subject."
The Pin Cushion
Exc:ius1ve Yordoge Shop
Everyrh,ng For The Seamstress
310 Lokes,de Ave. Coeur d'Alene. ldoho
Attend Live Music Dance
The second dance or the new year was held Saturday, Oct 2, in the siudcnt union. Nearly 300 students attended, according to Jerry Gregory, chaJ nnan of the Social Actlv· itles Committee.
Live music was prov!ded by the Shadows, Coeur d • Alene band.
The next dance is scheduled tor Oct. 30, according to Gregory.
In the Sept. 29 Issue of the Review, the nnme or Clllry Palo was listed as having attended the DEX::A Conference In Boise. carol west attended the confe rence ln place of Oary who was unable to go.
Boat Drive I Nn
Fri od Chicken Home of rhe Coriey Island
Oe/lcfovs HomburQ(lrs Shorr Orders
Meeting Held To Nomi Nate Cla Ss Officer Candidates
Student Bods President
Ethel Mae Bright called a meeting of swdents to on:ler Sept. 29 at 9:45 a.m It was the first mooting for the classes and held for the purpose or nominating officers for the coming year
Those nominated for the omce ot freshman p r esident were Neil Peterson and Ken \\'niters The nomlnees for the office or Vice-president were Wnlly Tdal , Sheryl Bergstrom , Terry Anderson, and John O'Neil. Those noml· nated for the office ot secre· ta,;y we re Susan Bernard, Sally Post, and Linda Rob· b1ns. students nomlnated fo r
Woodcock 's Drug Store
Condie> - Sundries
B26 N. Fourth St , , Co ur d 'Al• " • sophomore o!Ocers were president, Kent Young, Terry Harwood, and Roger Beck • Vice-presidential candidates were Jerry Wagne r and Sharon Heath and ror secretnrytreasurer, Shirley Smlth , April Evans, and Ju<I.Y Gehlen
Sup e r-Duper Word
Isn 'I. It amazing how lhe small Cry can Pronounce that super~uper word - Supercall· fragillsticexplall doclous even though their spelling and reading grade may I eave much to be desired In llne with thnt, one of lhe most unpro· ,1ounceable words for an English speaking pe rson to Juggle around is the PoUsb wo rd ror a May bu11Chrzaszcz In case you are Interested Jt r hJmes with lhraaszcz.
Otoh in o & lyp,n o Suppli u INTERSTATE lYPtWAITER CO 4 17 S'i e, ~, ,., Aw • • Pho n e 4 ,)CI I
You may be able to take advantage of the new 2-Year Air Force ROTC Program!
Wh at's the purpose of this new speeded. up prog r am? It's designed to permit students with two academic years remainingto participate in lhe Air Force on-campus officer education program. Those two years can be in either undergraduate or gr11duau status. or a combination of both. Successful completion of the program results in the award of a commission in the U.S. Air Force.
Then lhose who attend o junior co llege n r c no longer sh ut out of ROTC? That's right. One of th e pnrticular purposes o( this progrnm is to give students who stan al a junior college-and then move on to a 4-ycar institu tion-the chance to become officers through Air Force ROTC.
H ow do I appl y for this progra m? First, contact the Pro(C$SOr of Aerospace Studies at the Air Force ROTC host-college nearest you. (There arc 182 Air Force ROTC units in the U.S. and Puerto Rico.) He'll arrange for you to toke the Air Force Oflicer Qualifying TC$!, and the required physical cxaminrttion. I f you pass these, you'll be interviewed by a board of senior
Air Force officers, who will decide if you are to be chosen to attend a Field Training Course, a six-week course (which you can begin in Jun e or August next year) designed to let the Air Force judge you and you j udge the Air Force. Only after both arc sntislled w,11 you be enrolled in the program. You have nothing to lose-and everything to gnin - by applying
As an Air For ce ROTC ca det, wiU I r eceive pny? For the Field Training Course, your pay will amount to approximately SI 20. During the school year, you'll be paid S40 a month. and you'll also get free uniforms.
Is th e <I-yea r Air Force ROTC co u rse st ill avnilnble? Yes, many colleges and univcr.;itiC$ are continuing the 4- ycar program, which you m ight wnnt to consider if you arc thinking o( transfernng to (a nd spending 4 years at) suc h a school. Students in the 4-year program may compe te for the new Air Force ROTC Financial Assistance Grants. which pay the cost of tuition, books, fees, sup plies, and equip· mcnt. pill$ $50 a m onth.
What is the Air Force ROTC cuniculum like? It's been thoroughly revamped. You won't find pnt answers and traditional ritualized solutions to problems Students arc taught to arrive !ti rhei r own conclusions, and to test them agains t those of class mates. l>)'mbOhc of the change is the new t.ille-D epanmcnt of Aerospace Studies.