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The Spanish Club met Oct. 5 to discuss plans for two candy and cookie sales which they will hold on Wednesday, Oct 13, and Wednesday , Oct 20 Karen Brueher president , asked for volunteers f rom the group to help with this project Karen said that proceeds from these sal es will be donated to the Alliance for Prog r ess
Mr. John McFarland, club sponso r, sald tbat he would Uke volunteers fr om the group to attend meetings of o ther clubs o n t he campus, to tell the! r member s about t he Alliance for Progress
Mr. Robert McGlnty , Carol West, and Charles Nelson left by c harte red plane Satu rd ay , Sept 25 at 6:00 a m for the OECA convention in Boise. The purpose or the club, accord! ng to Nelson, was to elect state o!llcers
T h e candidates from NI JC each received appc,lnbnents Charles Nelson was elected vice p r esident and Carol west custo dia n , Nelson added
Mr McGi nty said that the main r eason N!JC candidates won was that they were p r epared The group arri ved in Coeur d ' Alene again about 6 :0 0 p m•• he said
Richard Y oung, P{eslde nt of the Friday Club, reported Lb al his group has begun ho l ding fall meetings
He said that the group has already discussed conflict and religion and American culture The su bject to be discussed at the aext meet· 1ng ls decided at the beginning of each session, Richard said CIRCLE K CLUB
Ml ke Hendricks r eported that the Ci rcle K C lub will hold a meeting on Thursday, October l'i , in room 30 during activity period He asked that members notice this change Crom t h e regular meeting time.
0 The Frit!ndly S1ore
41h & Sho,mon MO 4 °3155
Phi Theta Kappa
Pill Theta Kappa, NLJC s hono r ary scholastic society, plans a bJsY schedul e o f activities, both academic and social according to o rganization president. Sally Spain. This year ' s advise r. Raym on d L stone, Academic Dean, has recommended a more schola r ly atmosphere as one o f the goa l s of t he soci ety's functions Sall.Y said Tentative plans Include possible fi r esides, panel discussions, debates and speeches on various subjects which wlll b e se lected according to the Inter ests o f the club'S members, she added.
Because Phi Theta Kappa is working ro r the academic welfare of the school , t he entl re student body wt II generally be in,1ted to these activities, she explained
In a more social sense , the organization plans to sponsor teas, dances, sales, and dinn ers Each membe r w!l l have an oppo rtu nity to share in the responsibility of the numerous functions.
Membership is open to students who have compl eted one semester or fifteen o r mo r e credit hours with a grade point or not less than th ree p0lnt , whi ch Is a B. Any applicant with those qualifications is welcome to take part in the PTK program of academic se!r-improvement, she said
Father Bro ge[y, St Ano •s Catholic chu r ch, and chaplain or the Newman Club, spoke on club mem b ership at the meeting Oct. 11 In Room 25, Elections for club office r s will be held CcL 15, accord; ng to Phil Erickson, president Ann Matson and Mary Leigh Plimozich were as• signed to make posters tor the el ectlo n.
The Newman Club ls a Catholic organization composed or Catholic students and ls also open to anyone· who wishes to attend , Elick· son said. P'acuJty adviser is John A. McFarland and president Phil Erickson
The Debate Club r ecenUy elected its officers accord· I n g to Richard H yneman , director Those elected we r e: Cand y Dahl, president; Jan Bull , vice president: and Barbara Diltz, secretary
The club has accepted an invitation to the annual de bate at Centralia Junio r College, Nov. 5 and 6, Hyneman said They wi ll ente r a girl's and a boy •s team , he added explaining that approximately 30 co I· Jeges, uni ve rsitles, and junio r colle ges will pa rticipate
The team will serve as hosts lo the annual high school debate tournament to be held al NIJC Nov 20, he said Thi rty high schools from no rth I daho and the Inland Empire will attend the debate
Cardinal Service Club
Barbara Scharff. treasurer of the Cardinal Service Cl ub, repo rts toot the club has el ect ed two new officers.
Tbey are Diane Wachter, president, and Jo Ann Rich· mond, vice-president Two other of!ic er s , Karen Parliott secretary and Barbara Scharff treasurer, have been r etained from last year
Barbara also stated that CSC ls consider ing unifor m patterns. She said that members of the club will sell advertisements fo r the basketbal l prog rams next month
Barbara said that any gi rl s Interested In joinl ng CSC should attend the next meetIng which will be held on Tues da y , Octobe r t9 in room 26 during act! vlty period
Dorm News Men
6y Fr onk Bogordus
A special meeting was held Sept 22 to elect dorm omce r s Th e results were as follows: President, Chuck L ytle; Dorm Sec r eta ry, Pat Yates: Freshman Representati ves, Rich Britton and Phil T urne r ; Sophomore Representat1 ves. Jim Iverson and Ray Sen smeier Every one is hoping ror a good year with plenty or act! vttles
There is a good crosssection of dorm students represented which we hope will bring out a lot of good Ideas Here's hoping that the sub 1vW be allowed to stay ope n a Ii ttle l onge rthe guys and gals sure Like to get together for a coke after the gi rl s ' stu dy table is ove r !
There was quite a Jam sessio n Sunday nigh t - tbree guHa rs and plenty of action eve ryone joined In and had a ball
Th ere will be a dance sche dul ed to the near future in the r ec room of the men ' s dorm.
FOR P.E. CLASSES soccer ls the ·game in which both women •s sports classes a r e now participating , according to Mrs Catherine Scates, instructor.
She added tha t Dave Gard· ner, who played soccer in Canada, was helping her coach the girls fol.eel yovr friends ot the BALL & CUE
Tune on your hands?
412 Sherman Avenue
Join the NIJC league SLOT CAR RACING
QUESTION: " Which foreign couritry would 11ou most like to viidt? Wh11? "
PATSY LEWIS , Preshman , B usiness Educati on : " Franceto learn about the country and see tr what they say about France and French people are true. (Any place in Thrope would suit me fine! " )
LJNDA ROBINS. Preshman , Home Economics: " I would most like to go to Rome, Italy to see the anclent ruins and other cultural aspects."
DENNI.S PONSNESS, Fresh· man, P r e~ental : " Th e French Riviera , because of the beautiful terral n and the abundant sights. "
BARRY CASWELL. Fresh • man, Forestry : " North Viet Nam. J want lO go where the action is come on drafi, get me while you can "
MARIE BOZARTH, Fresh • mall, Home Economics: " In• dla because !'Ve heard so much about the country from two boys who are from there, and because thei r customs are so different
DONNA BLANFORD, Presbman , Home Economics: " ThaJJand. I've heard SJ) much about the silk that'!; made there I'd like to see how It 's made into a finished product and see how the ! f dustry ts run In that country •
WILLIAM SEUFERT F resh • man Electron1cs: '"Ibale !and Thailand is r elatfvely unimproved compared to most countries I n the Eastern Hemisphere and Its presence!; is not universally kno wn. Its backward state of exi stence Is interesting because of its Indifference to o uC 0"0 . ..
STELLA y ATES Business
Instructor: "Ri gb t now Ja p~ Interests me-because they have a different culture to 1earn about and because they are making great strides Ir helping themselves. "
COLONEL JORN A , Mc FARLAND <Rel.), Lan~ag~ Instructor: " Greece J'Ve never been the re, thou gb I ' ve alweys wanted to. It Is the birthplace of western cultu r ? and cl vlllzat!on. "
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