7 minute read
A not so 'S imple Plan'
)r1 •I bnua.Jc.,1, rutC'J) entcnulnin$ Rick. '"A Simple Plan-'***) m,\y bQtc 1hC' .-, crag-c ,-;t'...,_r, undttl)lr19 ph~ nf 1hc cv.o,bnur mo,·ic hi" 1hc 'P''' ,n ;i11 rnorall>· ~rra,cd
<locJcty, but 1.1nfonun1udy v.uh lmk cnh·H•1nmct11 value
The nll,)\'1c bcgm, v.uh c ta.s.,ic fnrt',haiJo~,n,. :\ (ti,- in• bc.n h<-ll)C •nd ftlLIWC''t u,v'-"hccnc111111
*'**'* fopNc--.-h *** Wonh1ticS. ._ * Vidrti )pn:ul • ·$tti.11111JT1,• k'111n& the ,..:enc t:an111111n 1ht1111rh the hln, w,1J\ no•
,1urm, •ndcro...,,
Greed_ The ti.a,,<' r1oc ri1t.c:., 1u; ugl) ht'ac.l \,..heft.; tWi\l <>f llll C' ~·au-"(', H.:tnL tD,11 P,nlon) h1, •hnple hrothcr J11eoh (Bill) U(\b nwnonl ,uld 1bc "'"''ti d1-ut1~
Loo f8ttnl hriK(lltoJ, ldcr.._,h lllloll ttt'(' 1n onln 10
Jl\'c)ki h,111111 a fn, m lhc moJ Wh,·n M11() fk1h.
J acob', d.)s, k.ip\ hom 1hc IN.1Ck tu d1 1" lhC' fo\ inlo d1e (Qtt\t. the ,ncn h>il1• hrr
In a fC"C'U\'tr)· ccin11nuutJ'i. ~l)ahltle tw:lwctn tl.1111. •nJ
1•uu, Lou lluo\lo, .a ,nov.t,,.all tlllo wlt.11,r,een~ tcJ t,c ,1 moonallr\nnv.. t1n\oluJ of ;JI l-l;mk.l t"1 1 "" c;r.a.\hC'd plane c11m,u11inJ: $4 -I 111illi1,1n, AJ1n 1nt.t hi • bcttrr
From left. Bron, llnacoc,, Bill Paxtoo and Billy Bob Thorlon loot ot I etaahed ptanoe buried In • pile ot enow
Instant Movies
Bird on display
Oregon artist dltplays art work In galery b)'kallTuppu Stnt1t,~l R,,.,,11t, It w•~ a tt~moty o~ ur Jul'll' Lc~I A •l.xt1t1!tl whRI v.1th han,l, tc:.1du11i
:!:;c:;}!~~~Ml~~c.,.;;:;i~~ ~:~~::~11::: 1 \luu',r t:01 M•II • • • t11c Prinn' c>t <,11-pnmrn tT v.cbol dccdt bb be';un "'Yuu"\ot Ciot \1.il~ ii t:~plit* Juli.I Rcltab1ibtq1.
E\tll Hanl._· • up,1i11d1n11 prc:p.niuu wife. s.ir11h t,..1tn,HU.lt C<>m<dy J'hd h die oJN"f 1,I ;i Sr.w Yml (8riJt=cl hmJ.a), h bhctn b~ JttcJ *lmi ,he' f('c, lhc- wh..-rc tiv,ul('n m·•I,;, l\\11tiru1hro, • '111,·..- rhi*,gr ;,he, \\hl1 l1,<1 l'lllklftll u(SIOO Mlh 1,nthe 1atile" fkr c.rh.'.OU0tjl:Cmr.n1 pl.i~t'd l:'I) Tom II.ml, anJ•pnn,.'.C, v.huor v. th t,cr fi.,rJ)I.( lbl nr 1he cho1tt lctid, 10 t1'c Jc:ll.lhot aJ.c pcupk ltltl.l \ic 1 Ryan. foll in buunJ lct(llx.Ttt)' lie,._ ll4tn•J~f11, 1,ft11Jn- 11
O,t< or th< mu,i •nto11uln1 !Ju, 110, mmicpunra~, lo,-c \\ilh t11,h 1itb..-r Tbo.:-rrvit, ,11hc11 l \llhs:I tfh•l>rrl•J cl.a•hn
1, 1h1111hc\C iut- "'no«n.sl" pt1,plc ~h,, 1,nd ihc, t th1uusrh .an t•n·llnc- t1C'flS.ll:c'deiirt1')', 1bt ~•th J•L1t \'\1,,Mt c.ap.ttlly fu• t\'II fnghtcnitiJ. ""<'" icrttl>·•n~. Pcopk rt"la1n,1hh1r thrm 1111h1-1 h1bh~•.i ~.uandonJ llw: chi lJ,ci·• v..lm wo11IJ hc,,1,11, to put 11n 1.11d Jog lo ~rc-cr ~ould Tht fl.'Unlrln nt "bJI')' Pfu.Iuc,:d llll•thrr. bu1 f1~ 1bc11u,chc, hlminJ their brad, and coinmmlnj ·'i1«rki~ in Scaut..-· l.tft.1m•1ds 1'1~t1m-,, 1ir«1111"'-n,a t-nn1 1~ l'tmnldtk\ k:(1.afhl r1rtu co,t11N Lu.L, lbc 1.\n.a\l.ni.a1 I\\Oh>ti-ctt~,. f\·"11 v.11h Thit, mov1t' C\'Okn lh c hr,11n 1n mnrnl lh()llJhL. but ('\cihnf fOltl.Hl!H" ul \'~I l<i.dmrr '' ti~ a t.ar""'luJ~a;~t thH
Tests are hard, Bagels shouldn't be.
"'RnPtes.n.l WIJl"b""lwlauni ~uc;::nt.0-dllf.dJ Cm,aCloll<r)""'*l;h
OIi! lr-i1fn lhC' IQUt t ;11dh1,1l d1t«1io1n The b•l.iun111d wa,, • tuoJh l11nlhc&pc wu.t the 1~y '*"• 11o h11t- The tiUc +.pt,ke r,,r it'-CII Met, JMnrl.ul.f"1ntMc.1T1i1•r) The ~alnting: c.itmc from the mrruo,y 1.1J Launt Suj.'UII. WI Otqil.., an1,t ho\bt.,..,ui.'>N R«ctu Stlliltl Wc,ru•11ubt"Nlf G,ll<ty Th< Jal"'> r\h1~1rJacollttht1nof~O t1 t t,,,,t.,1.J'l(I,.~ ,:i..·b ltwnip11,: 111'111ul A Llu111 Nuge.n1 28, began "!I.I.ft (o,;,1. i.unlC' a l1tik pttlntlng bec:au&e It wne • 1*~~ N11f1M1 a.aid she ~(¢fl, productive way to be pgutem11m.i.ll r1n.n ••• tt"" Ntbellloua. ..i.Jlrocn II dt.ani;C' 10 b( dt>W'IOdK'.at N\ll:Cn1. ?S,delidtJtn ~,hlbu tin •,,r'-: ...r Nit'.,,,., ~h,n~ ,iAllcm.~at S,-.1h.,,c..a Cullc-~ NICpm-cd 1n111f11I w.a:11rc,tuncJu..:i.1100, hbcd c-1.pnan..e Suicnt 1111J. "fcandoa,.ll.J.:1bn"' :i.1.J ulk w1~h 1hc 1ouack11t1. NJHllitlJt. 1ft' UC'dlt'J
"'°"ha 1:L1ld """' n,c,.lium 1ni1tt'J ""llh ,hlfcrcm ,,,1,. ~u.i:rul hnd;. her h,m1b on 1hc p.llt't n1lc 1t10fc: ttt..11 her t,c,u,h
'1'hc "''" kil\'\C\ ,IWf'l""lllltl 11(\llhaC \1,.11\Cm..C Ua·tc- tw- Uld nr hi:1 rainlin;, Nure• -.1udi<eJ .>11bc Mlll)l;i,sJ ln..i1tutt ullJ .at 1be N~ Yurt. ~00111 h• ~.:1ul An Sl)c,('~1;1nckd lia lkllll'M"f. 1m1I HUdM."l11n Fbcl'Cc, hi1J~, Al tb..: S1uJ,o An, Cenltr l11kfn.a1lo11.1I. b.:tci:-r lllQ\loA SA.(.~ I Afk", lhn:c: yeo1t1101rr11fe.s~911.1ll)I p1<ldl-.:l11g an. -he NA r,ti,t111cJ ht'r "'If._ n.,1tl1M1.ill, Shi" h4i ,~ef,·ed av,,1.nl\ hum riumimiuw. •n g11llt'n~ an1J «ntcn Hrr 11n h,111 httn W't'n in ,he \ I.R C..lkf)· 111 S(:v, r,,11.. IJIC' Curulll\, Ore • Art., Ccntu ,aaJ ptn"t"\ fmm •·J.tt"lTN Sm.all Wndi. :uc bran, c1thih1tnl 111 .\INn,·, O~. ~llft'nl', h,,on,c c.1lohi1 ""'"'' 111 Olu" \1 ,1.1t1t.t1n (.°1)mfllul111) ('uUC-~(' in J\oft.llrlofl. ()11• Shr '"'r1,td nD.av,.ttJ fvt' "'01l 11hJ \\-u P.111tt111lp .llrt 11,1\tet" hi ,11,rrnng wt1,1 U UIC nnpin.anr.:t" Crt»J.1.ng bu~inc,., 1o1t1t.-l1t,1e,;lllll»t tn111Lningcl.aw:,. ~11 K 111•JJ1>n.u1• 1f >·ouJLrr gotug u, wll )•IU4 ~be u1,I lk(-cnl Sm,dl Wo,f..,•\lo1llbeont.1hrt,1y ut1hl f~b 19 .iml II ~arrt~'-llc
IQuick Hits I I -'- ,L
Free jazz concert
,\SSIC •tlJ pre""nt htt tol'h.c. 1 lt.i.lufinJ lhc' Jut 1:11'°'•111hk, c:n111kd ~J1111 NJC.'" r·nll.a)', I ch I~ will .il,o tc.uurc g1k'1-I Mlkit\h Al1u1 Cl,•mhrthn:,. Gary l.Jc111l•..:,lin1 :a.nJ U.an,dfh1h1dt. ll1t- ,,,ii,crt ,.,II fc.uure mu~w: hy l>ule lll1n&tn11. Cv,int ll~o4" l11'41111Jft)' flk>H' ,\,lrt11011•rt 11- irc< AnJ h tcql.litC'd for flum.1t11111 ,1oilr-nr<1 r,,r enf111111~tu,i ,.u i(I> 77KO
'B iller Cupid' & 'Doll's Housc'to open l"h.; WAIIIA dcpa.nu,~111 pret<,\I 1111.~, pl.i) ,\ t>i>II', 111111~.' nttc.Q h)· fknnl ll'! o,c.o 11f'l"I\~ op f'oeh 1..5 1n ~:hukr \udit11riu.m. II fc11turn NIC ~11.1cl,·hi. J-..:tib S1.111tc~t. l..l."C'J.1 Ju11lf't Guml"C\:hf • •·0111<'1 Cup.1,1·• ""·rlttcn h) lutmcr ,11,,knt O,uucl l.Jnn~tun, pt.ay, \f~d• 1·2 llt ~d111la A"'111111rnn1 It fl'•iutt, 1,rn,knl\ lJC"td. \iohkr, BwokC' SkiJmo1t'. Am" W11th111nJ lvm1er ,tuJcrth Rd~:,·ta Mctnl,,"IQ .u1J Edml'hlfl Rcoer\.itiun~ 01111o.iu1ttd but ~;.mng n hriuteJ 1I.If tlllfWm 1.1101'1 :ihuu1 i,1hc-r pla)"c11ont.1a I m1 R~nd, ;ii 76'1-)llO i( )OU llfc u ~t loo.Lin;, fot • 1ooJ rln\e 11 ,hull µf '" r rnkc(u"'r bu1 \Oh.'C'\Jf \fota and 11ao,·1c ~-a, coo warm (un., fC'cluii: v.bcn you lt'uc ,h~ thc:urr. m.a\:~ 11p In, 11 ""11h \1u.:bcllt
• \brch l ·l l>r.1111.i Dep1. rrna1h "fffttf.l'
C"Hpid ," 1IU't\.'tetJ b)· Al P\ICI~
S1;huk1 AuJltdOum, f·Jt>p.111 ·\dull, S.S. '-('l'ltOC, \,,chi ldren
'$1. 769-3:10 ptt-i,c:111t "Jan: Mt'/' Srhu ll"t Alld11orwm, 7·'Upm frtt 769,7180 hb.l.~l.t NIC l-uu1W11.1lo" ptt\C'nt "'111.,. ('olon 1.f \1u,k Sdt1kr \ 111l11nn1,1m ~.at, Rpm SunJ.1y lpm.7M-'7ht"I a ftb. ZS-21, .\l •r(h J.fi Otam.11 l~f'!l rrc-wen ~ " .\ Ovll'11 lluu~:· d1rt,1cd h) Mant)n l~n~~hn. sdlul.:r Aw,h1nri111t1. 7-'.\CI rim A4ulh
• .cni~, SJ ..:.tu1drt"n \I a March Ill "lit S)n1pftu11y C.>rt-h "\lr>1'•
)outh conccr1 "Tbt' Orc-htSln
Guc. tu 1t1r HlrdJ h·~JurinJ
JuJJt: f'O\\tll .ind fJob Or..anno,,
Sd1t1ltt Ai1Junrn1111. r m i(NT7M
• \111rch 28
Spolua.1,t• \)mphlln)' J("'.,l\lflltf
And11,:.1 H.Jdlin,C'r. (li11.n11
Sd111l t'r -\uJ1tdf1um .? I' nt
Rl.""4.:ncJ ""au ng \l'l, 16, Stuilcr1h ll..df pr-j c 7H).77)((1 j
Ipinzotti: NIC lawyer
<JIY> ligia1ion cos ily , cc,ntJnutd from Pago 1
11:ktlm.an Mid 1bc P11uou1 c.,i~
•• ·a.a.1.1 t'il.~." t'lfl t~,c: or re,tne lfOOlminahM. l Pil'lt:t.Cll 1,~•Jsn1 ro, _.J1.,ck'*ddlimtar), whJCb Si'ltffl.*fl,-uimiaJu~ s1(W]OO for lo\:\ o1 ·a,n.and
WctJ,,ct ~kt iw:ttkn~nl 1, llwa~~ ((Ml..;dm:d .i~» mean\ uf rtdUCiOll, lhc: ~O,,.b hh'Oh~ \\ 11J'i h1ia.1111ioo. .but U1.11bec:lllbt .a ln,ge lllfk!Ulltfll lllOfle) hJll..lrtaJy ~n -.p:-01in d1c-1:.11sc, Ql.d tt"\ notlActy. Be,klr,;t,¢,~eostl)'. Wrutl 1'lid hupuott t:ll.e.. tune. She ,IUJ 11~, ri1h1 nq11o bath 1),)nk-111.-e teelm1 i11fc>rm111ion /rum oae Alll\f.hrrltl1'SlhM1bc:1rial d;itc rould ti!: a )'C.V Or more Away
!IFall '98 Dean's List
S.uJi'nh ch,:1blc for lhedcan'" Kn.tpp. K11111n.t l.wnptiete, Ouuin r$fUl\lUffl of 12 t<tc'l!lll and t'lb&ain t-"..nc- MJlci.. Carey Mlltlhr'M.
11,c,niN bt enrolled in .a l.Jwmn. Ttimi Lawnc. Le\ Likt:'4.
J F* po1t11.11 \·C1'4'C or J.1S or Ki:mbc:rty \tt>rpn. S1c,·c11 p;11-t. Sludmb atc" Ji~ttld bdcw. M.:Tigbt. 8nu.1ny Murphy, Al.us ll)·t,omt't(>Y,n N'ol»u~.Cnmer-_.:ordb)',
J0,4.HO FJi1.al'it1h (mua. btc:a Orto.
\Jhol Ltc Bl.um, 0 1,h, n.rtcnc P:iRC. Jaiib p.,,.,1. Jf!ff l)\erland, Su.u.n N-.~, Rccefd Pc:n1ko,\ct, °l),Mlfl Pclcr.nn, Jo fl,elk,ue: Camcr'1f'l Llo)-d Mme RoyNl, Kun Schimke..
Bi.ncMnt; Chcl,ea Hodg~ L)rM.bc:y Sht-rv1k... Mr~1lh
Dmn Tuc:Ltt ~tupkH, J,Qe SdfQrd. T11f•n1
&oontcn f'<n')' Allen Athby, Spcnc(t, f-.rie Stoker, Y~ f..r(if'laod M}tn.. Tommy Pc1e11.0n SIOrtK'., Suti.lllQC Sutt0n, l._,,rricia eam,,...- Jus-=• Pt.1.kt:non Wnnd.t "t'ikkwil, Akband:1 r ('.«oblfi, Rkruird C11tt. Jnnl« rocn.,.. JCMphilit Tow,uJin. Hoq_Wld Jaticl Turt.in310a, VK1Qf V•len1c,, corur d'AkM; D.l:f'.C'1 Pln,tb V«nKirl, K•1 W1ts..,n,
9o,.;ll N.al.h.ln Main Tc:mplC'rnan. Mdlt:IJe Tiwr111i)(t..
.\llll,IIICbM. NJcolt: Atk1,.1,t1n, C)11dl1a Womc.ldidl-(f, KnMlna
S,tl'lud 81~op. MIU)' Ann Wood, Xi:.ol,ui X11w:•
Bd,Wr,n. HIINl.lh 81')'1111. Roben Colburn Richanl Skt'll')'i
Sandi.. T~ Hurt. Rorida Oalcon C•rdtt'S; Kacc:lyn
81&1<11.. R)JD Buti.crus. 1'rt\tlf T;atum
Clri\tll'I, Sh:ay c ~,. Kar.t 1-lani.'\Qn: Wil6c: Dotrdl
C,\·IJ,llf, R.wlal Collin-. l ha)dtn Robin BiU\o S"11dna
\kle'5.t Coot. Kathlttrt C.wida- Bri.\eq, Aogc.l.a Chn\l..,n\t:11,
Pact, Kwt oart,y, T;a1n11nnd OtlUltl OeJ~IIC'\', ·~Iller
~-d. Nicbol.:h fi t.,po11rick.. Julie" Oc,mnu. K.ffll Pf\11.. Mclmda
Atc:rNn, <iyn (bmn, Chri.uine Or.if. O:ank l IWII.J..
0mm. Chn'itc>phcrOnty. DMCI Sh.fine H°'*th• Lcvt Inman,
QuNI", Mari!.toa Hl:fri~. JtrinJfcr J ~ Knn lobt.,, Ke.M
Xdlffl Hlcbcn, Ja\Oft lhlL R~ Kc:-rlcr, .\lurad
I~ Sh.ari J.aitiit)OQ. Cbcrtt l<h.tlhrv TMI Len,~ Su.mi lohlMO!t..Clwicc-n l<a'\IIC1 0r.h.'C l.c1,1;~ D'A«y l.ut."1&. Juat1 ~. Coru.t.1nc.: Kunhllll. Carol Ofmcd.1,Chii\•ci. JlbOO Owen'(, f
2923 N. Government Way. coil Across from Les Schwab Tires
R.1~hm.m 11a.itJ lhc.."'fC ha\~ bct:11 no~di~,."~oas
I\ Cutrmd)' dwi.'\l(lfl cbdat for the C-ollric SluJh: (".(ncc, Clormuly knov.11 lh the l..e:Jmiq CC'ntet) knit •d ~he cou1m·1 tomn~oalheca...,,. Chimera 2000 by James Bell
Uw S.1:k:ha-Narnm,, 011vtd bmmcll. J:urQ s,ooc. Trac, Tumbc)v.'-BW. C00\11111« Umphri:i,;, F.rirt Wcub
K.ln~Oft! JArtd D.tll\(11\, JU\1111 s.,..,,
Kootenai: Waldy Q(,\l.,hn t..wi tott. t<~ 1n,1.i:,.._.,i::1m>
Whrlnr)' l'iord:n111n· Ru~b Bchnlc
Oronn11 S~\·eft R,;,cl
O..bum· Unda 81.t(k, S&Mlk)
Paul• &nj.mln Fnnk
Pltl(hurSt; Tn-M C<iwJtr.
~MH*llmunJ, Kl:iyb
Plumnwr. Trud, Sr11~ Post t'all, Willi.am 81JClunott• 8~~.Mch~~ Chadw,ck Cwmlop,,m, An11e.Maie Fodkt, Jolin Glllil~n. Su111n Hollud, H1111nah H0t1on. Shmi Lovkt. Melis~ MOOff. Daniel O'Neill, Rhillllft4 o·~.u BlllncflclC'Bm,Am.ai,d:i l\l<hri,.Sondn Ru-.,. Slwtc.-nc Sheaffer, Ntvara S1mfllan, Loricl Si..al~ktt. Jc""" Walu. Rooe wm, Pntst Rh t.f'~ VUJ Atktrmu, RbnnJ., l<hnc. Sara Vak:otlnc Rtlhdrum Pbilllp Al\lfflOn.
Joel U;ubor Si.xcy 81111011, Heidi
Can.oa. Rhon(b Frtermn. Kjdt.ty
H11t1.wri. Rkh11t\l lhrprr. Judnh
Jason. Kru.ti K11.1ln1a11, Rt:lbcn Lemm., Cbriq,npeic-, M.g«. ffillinc,he MMtbe.,.,> Todd Mu,rellcr. Am)' NUbUn·Morfiu.
Jose( Pk>ct111C1. April R...,hn. Dcborall Tsch3:uikr, Sap: \1uy t...it3, Jake'
S 1tohmie)'tf S.ndpnfn t Bc-1b Alulcr.Scuct t"'.Jran, S~r Fera..:i1o0n. l..ulcH~«w1 \La,vinNOC'ffl r>.1n,cl N;llJIIJ. Ad11rn Pcrbng,rr.
Ott>l.cbc11 C1,1ru n-. Je\lie Htuoo.
Ti.n.tSnt1 0..1,1dSM'\.'l.let
VK'torV~ Sllnrton Rrerd.:J Pntd1di
.Splrh 1.alrlc. fhtrord Kcllt:r.
~bnut Sol "(t, Kruta PuUcr. Pall Sduntdl
SI. Morie,- N•Lhno t!u:m,. &..ta
Annot Modttll. bcqyel>'" 01.111k:
Wlllllla. H~lly Hsn\lCtl. Enc:
Knqcr. Michael LiiB311
\\'orlt'y. Vu.lt'tK' r'IN ~.
'4tndy Madcl~t(ln
\\A.\HIXCT01' Cohitltr' Arn:inda l.1~tl0(1 Spobnf'. lktlt Huddlt. Shclb) WltlJ1-.t1nh
Tuorom• 11IIOCMS Ol.dl
\IOmANA Conntd-Tammy S..w)t'f
Lives by Ian Sudick hed.:- out the v;,rd winning ~- onlirw s.1 ic.edu/ sentinel
/tvdent Event, Pre1ent1,
On sale now. Contact Campus Recreation l ocated in the Siebert B uil ding Baseme111.
JtcstnetioDs OD SwJcd 1HJXtioDS. s-.. m-,r«1 ,., l1"ldwt.
°?•ek '4, 3,,k t;..,~, &/.c ekf t;,t y,,., e/.uk.f ,o,4 6,,/1.f, '1 IV( 'll k.uf' tf.~,.,, a,,t (sv~, f ~f.ttkf flpft~•>f ~•dut f.l~ll ft~,t... f t,"~,, L~~k ,~, f•S1tf.