4 minute read

Birdwatching classes now offered

J '4.U MYrl .u,d .fl'lncd ff ta mtt1 B('14· peupk I t.h011,ht It V.\II.IIJ be :i.goad '4,l)' l\1 n~ othct pcork '4ho Ilk tbt out.Juul'\, .,hr uiid t\aJ 1 l\:1, Ianh v.'" be, ur\olwnxnt In tht Alll!ubcwi SuL'lct)' and ~\I011, lt11;tua., ~~pt"llCl'!CC lb.it dut\'.ltd ~r IO\\ilt\l ln,lNl:tmg IJ~ uu-.un,u11llr

Uk: ~J '"'ll-.c, •II h..i\C diff¢trtlt 11\.fl'l'll.1" and

~h.alknl'C' 811thkf tJkt~ fll0\rdl11CC111:11t 11· \Lrrit lmcn \b1r1 fwe )'CW' ago

I•J h ti\--. hu h,mJ tl1ld ~nc:J 1Jire 1'.ilton.&l Audubon Sue~) t.• np.1nJ ha w.xM (~k- Tic Abdt,bon So,;k't\ fiAllin JWl•lhitd) ot1 bmh, ball

Reduce stress with Tai Chi

,oid rn, Ch, "u,cd for henlth benelirs

\ n nK'\\otldtn St1111,,>lR,1~•rk1

SJftU I, a p.1r1 of r\C'')Ja\ lilt •t11.l r,copk 111.J thctr °""" V.'4), CO

J: .i-.11hu Soci.al Sci<ncc ln,an)i:1or K.111 l:nl. ,\ndrcauon C1f1c1cd an

&l1<ro.i.ll\'(' 111('.III\ ul ._,,pU'lf! 1th ltttH Ufl II J,1r1 !!C WclllloC'tl

811· l•cmy )ol\lJcn11 imd !,Kully mcmt'lt'.o aucl\J<d Ille ti.a Chi t,,o,r&.Jior, ~ron'\ol>fC'IJ b) Stlkkl\l Jk1alth S<n j('('\

AhJ1c:j1,-..,n h..,;41\.CCI ,n \'Illa~, 11t,J w..a>" nl 1.nr11,r -.,th ,1,e,,

~na11 ,,,0,1 ol 1hl.' 11iurL,hor, 1hcn tk1oon,1ro1tc:d • '"'"' orT1u Clo

Ile npJ•lllCd ,u), or c,,rln; w11h trc s UM.·l!Wrnt 1neJ1t.i1inll

~11pp1•111r~r", ,l«plnJ O'h1~111; .a1.Sa~11\.IU,t, Ilk: T.alt:111

)c"ii Andt~\.win aJd 11,c dtftcrt"1tc:c t,n.,«n )l'fil and I 111 C'tu"

)'flS;I ..Ud, hc11 mu1o1;lr" ,uid WrtdN pt.nlU,.JC•. wl11IC' llli C.ht fou<t

':i!1 RIO\C-JIIC'r"II m.:Li1lAIIOll 4nJ 'IUcnic1hl'nln,: JflJ ttla,1n1 the bQJ~ l\ndn:,h1<1t11.ild •II Io j!CJ irnfl(lt"Llnl p.ri I "1l~ng., nh ,trn.,

EASTERN WAS II IN(;ros ll'JI V-Ut\1 1 \ ,, . an lcl"dlll.Rl111 r..,,., t11V11!1Au.tWondl.i19Ulf

He ""fil't''>lN" lo•··faa, l,~·-,u,:a,. h,;b ffhc, dkt -.uh pknl) ~1r cu·r\;J\C fk•l10q l i11.atn1ing n~ \\"JCC.1hJc, u,thc: m<>m1n1 will hioul.1encr,r Tut (111 w11s u;.,:J h)' ,,,mr 1h • HJ!hlint,ian. ~11 lnd.t) it hCAU£ht rnr1tiC"iM'111!h.bC'nch1 ilfC' hcnci (u, \tit t.ktrn-< 1'11i Chi h b,1..,.J un di¢ phllo,.urh) c,r

Alkltcll.HUB t.tld Ch.it JU~kt. laNIC' W('!\kln hol1ft1 anJ rtlldln.

T tt•Hffl. "'h1.:h Jni('IIICt 1h111 411 thlna, 11rc Ul\ittd wc11'11n I l.llll\Ctllt'

1hal .il,.·.a)1 "'"-' aDd al••)t will be.

T""o t)flC'\ t\f la.I Chi iatt perfornw~; Y1.111s licu,i 1ht ,ho,nu mclhniJ or~1, n1mC"mc-n1'- V,nr hruiJ 1he1ooacr vu11ton (I( lfN n14.1\'C'tnt1th. o\11 mnvcmi:flh ;,.re !JOflt •lo"°ly, wt11d1 ,\Mrc:.114,Qfl uiJ 1, mu~h 11\t> ~,llin!-' ~m. rrnmaC01:01•1t \i.ill1ot1l tltt11. 111111

Senor Froggy

,iw ,be~\ rah htr \l~OI " Jt':1, 11 gtllt pl.xc 'Ahh • 1/.ll ()I dlfrcrcn1hobil.al-' from ~laftck 10 v.Q.1dt.A1•1\1of1e:ld1Yt11h:1 ~ol rt¥~ hkc bJucbulk., Bue:hk ruld. Ut1thla 1n1Cnd, co uffrr a~rt>ird Y1o1ld11og dllM fc, atklJo, lhl$ '1¥'1'£ '4tllcJ 'D.iru\l..\khln, b)' f.J(' ti w.,:U ,n four courso ll'I Klch' Colk:gr rangioa lf't"lm ··tw~- to ~1n -.r« A.rdli1«1urt" " M oa of I.hi: chlldrt11', t'tlUf'kt art' 11 OOC-i.b)' •ff-arr whc~ the lduh b 1nt11a~h IIJ,':(,f..\\(\ CNl NII for ICVfflll v.ctl.~ The lhrtc EJcltrhoAcl lS5 )~t'\ and OIJtt) COU:RC.'\ 'JJil'I fi\"C rTg1.1L.v urLit1J da)·1. To rc:-J i r for BUi:tiler',cJ~c..nco.lJ 71:R-3333 «fill OUl 1heretk&AliOC1 lboet In 111(-t,act u1,tic w,m("f"/Spnng 1w, Opportu11,1.e., m Ii<• aad Tt21iftin1 c.illfog fow:ad J11 the Admi1.~it)fl\ Orliet of NIC

Ideas for the dateless on Valentine's Day

LO'H:.1u "C.~OVOl)lQthita1t. Yes. ,1·, l •1 l &IW1C ti.me~ }di llfiun. A tlllM: wbrn 111 II JW' IYI ~)fntn&h,wc1hc.lr111tl(nc!Jlb no- -cn Md !.":Indy, ')tnl)Oib:w,, ll'ltn' C11d.lC\, dl •nm C, N01c,·~ a lo\'l'.d one, )'Q(I , 1111 Nl,·e a fcw more dA)"l 10 lure wolC'(lnc 1n He~ .u~ a,~., 11UU'"t.tlon• for •n&tlllll •"'iplirKM& ocher. 'Ilk' pc,--.)(1.iJ IIJi aR 1t\\-.,)·\ iw1 o ril1t'ln, alhcr to 600 true lovo or 1f )'O\l'tt klokl.1\J (or l.111;hl. Ad, ,~ult' people of a ll ages. gcodm 111d ~,u.al t>ntm!li(Jil JI )l)ll'rc I rul r\ltll,U\hl;'.,)WtilltilWIY, find• fe• ~)fll"tllCC ad, th:it rcaJ Wfl\Cih~ 111cc "'SWM "«kh!S SWF l'or looJ ""11,Jl,1. cuJdh ni ai.t flO',.\Ablc rebuothh,p."' Arant.her ilir• ("' lhr hoprlc."W)' lii.,t-c: d11llo,~ i1 a~ ''kil,t:ly tu:~m·· ~t1111 mom. T~II: ~, ;ve cOMtanlly r~uring \l.;iricf of 1n,e k1\e fuwd on.hoc. I only ,1.1Q('1>t thlt, for lbe.e\rmncly ~. hov.c,-cr. mo,;s or \hnM- "c:ybcr- rrl.st1on,hlps d0fl'1 t,w too loog lbrtr b o1l•n)'11 a ~..-c 1NI )'OUl"Dtv.·c:.h111 bwdy i11 a prison lmniitt Oft Je.-h row ur a"'"™~""'' from the ~·rons salt of the: lf.ick..~ Of ¢0llt'\C, lhM! muy bt' \hllC ont ill II million dwDCC di.a r111t bnnp )'t.ltl iugethet 1,,·u1!1c 1n(ounAC!l,111 wpcth1Jh•11} For 1ht"KC "'11o ju,, auft IC.'('"ffl 1,\ find Mt. ar M~ R1ihc. cbi•c free. 11ft pknt) of v..11yi 10 be h..('PYon Vaknunc', O!ay, from 1hc I.Me~ ""''- OIC>\',C 10 dtc Oki cb»li:\ YCIJ CUI ,111o·a)·W vnd )'()UIW:U dotttl,. ol Oo\\en 1nd QlffJ)' 11nd rnalc c,ff)·onc: t":bejCOlOUI, .A,,in,r ~1v,d,,,1 Hf'Nlf.811Vt,!Y}l(ro-w. C.a,,1!'U"lf.t: W~tlool.t't*

H elp is avai lab le to di sabled

Ninety-nine students receive aut1tance. byJ11itqur ltm1m SrtJllm-lllrpmttr J.J1 Adiltm.,29. Snni.Jpaitn.\:l'lttllUJt.,JU\l:IC!f, ha,; W"Vnitd '*'11hti:hool 'YIX'Cjll'liorllig.htll.&'IQd)·•hi;t. Slitfk'l'I\ l'ffi)\'(l2$,$ht..i«tfl upsit:int ~b.(Wl Rpe. ~n UmC' Jurk",b adcompn:bcnuvt. ntlLl:I by c:lil.,~ lflroosJI Dt\olhilit)· ~l,,lrfl'I" St" K.'n (US.\) • The Sludrnc Council ror Stuibu. wilh Dis.mllitiei bcGd It). titled moeuncoaJ-.~ Tht'1.....:u.wooa11*'1'c!Llurtthe!~t~la111t1 fjrflCIIII wpot.Udon DSS1,iho:clq>otlm<,,t-lor--10""1u><d w.idenb-v.flhlfuabt.lilin.. NIC bcpn (W""ldlllJ "4Wnl' lb-,t,mit'C "'dlsabltJ OR Aua Sbiln-.t Dllnllcl, N d'IC fiN (iJll-t1t11C OSS CMN!outor Srudcllt, -v.Jtb ,w.d,OOf!l)iu\ C. he.tr""'" p,,)dio~ ph)'IIC:at mobtlil),Ji')~dolenly..rllllc:ami dn,ihffric\1ro:1,"C' Mll.'llmntodatm ,n fl \1lnd)' cf "''II)" '1'bt lltt\,U,. un:- ~1,'1)1 lndm~. • i:-.:1,, !WlW. fbina impaired •bilillli n-.yta'Cl,e~he wntl('a 1nurut'I""* hY ll.'-~lrntnhond horQrv.\.,..... pcfcrmt al t.eab tq,. 1 m::,~~\U:ll~=~ blindne»t1M) ffat\Tlab. bcmd y.od,.. ~~tuodt11111dauis in Bnulk nrwc n••f1C'f'I ll\ IOhcrn:,ulat homcworL Ad.arm is t.»a111 an wni )lcpt,. s ••nc10J1«ft11~ ·-rm ooc upcam,. llllttlUCWl"lto , ,,-c: ""° v.ua umc. "" band u, ~~ll.tllq'kl'ICJWIOONCAtrn~,01:1~~ Clp«tMillm,•. Adanl\ glJ D.an.itlf 11-1-Citlll.cd -,'C'lo<nai ~nh v,tiQ b 1ow tiw:y tum: k.vn1n,a: Jis.lbilldcs.bu1.wcloct) :ib(i&ll~ 1'ic.Kt ~lb nh kurulng d~ibilllk\ bl,.., I\Q'llF towpcrior I~'" llwrlJ~ ··t1·,aneurolc,s.aJcll14..-hWls«i 10~ \\...,o1 ~1111\C (Wl(UOO. TotjUillJf)' for avk'a dwtiu&lf oss. a~ mu\& j.YU\'io: c,1raa1 "°""""""


Tbc ciC:,,,t °' •na for lt.lmlnc ~l'llltli.lilia. it, lhc mpcDibi.11)' of dlt '-ll.liXTll lta wuckrll f«L hco, sZ-.,rtl.\)' ha\cukaltnlt!J Jlupu,rnclll 11ohicbr.. .uffinf.a~r111collcsrCAlll'.fW:1U.bror-.be:dlouldfn C01nttalt100.u1,d,., "'h', n-.afl)'confidC"l1d.JJ." Ou,lllt~..::u.1 ''Noone In UIO DSS otria: • 111 ,ll,,.·lnlt~..::a:,mmaU11fiillll\V.-id1ou1lllfflpcrmb , lion.'"

S11JdC',.\Of rxult~ memtcn u~ In leamana,~ tbcxar iJW: S1UJr111 Ccx1nC"il '°' Scu1Jrn1> v.lith Obobihllt"l lff 1rw,1Cld IO &ht bl'.U menln, it1 ~'Ill. ThalRlbt, Feb It t':lll 764-~ "1r ln(ornuttlon

Sablrday classes begin Feb. 20 fhc A.lum m A otui!wC'J ¥fill be n.fknn.s fPIJt S~} cb,.111t, lq,tM ftl ott Ft,l,. lO The MhlU1 Sia,u~ 1n W "1tt" _.111 •lodcd,,,I<" t tht .,.,.e.1bct, ~()(1( m.rlct. fath,ol' atk.l ,:.ink:nq: EAtb db-1 w ill b~ for thMCbl1in,..n,Jro,.1SIO Lu°'-1)¢'1,l'lllbc'\'fflV' Wd l be1ndlakd An)"nl'le in 1hc «ltnffl'91\11v CIIII .i end The ON cl.I" un Feb !O, ti11¢ll "I, Our 01m.1r Os,angini r will b. i..ul{.hl b), R,lbm Qpin11. ul1m~n'°JN. at 1~m WiuhiAJIIOlt VOl',ct)1t) · h'i NdC the Cotur u( Ywr 11wmb • •·ill lw:Wt' JPCll.t'f Did Rifl.:iod. a S ih a Valle) ralf'\n). cw.net on Feb ?7. "& II or 8cJir Coo.,'CN1aoc1 ida • ,wc._bnx: c:r or a c-t)'.UIba r w.,Ut,c: on M~h (, wnh a alt'• fi1t:1rk:111J ~,~1f1mt1 , ptllkanc Thcllblol_.ooM.lrth 11u IJl~"lhit\ 'l.'ft 'l to!•lh 1fljl0~ onJ v. h.at I do b.1 t" I 11.1n 11d oJ ,\ finilllCl.al caow1l#CIC from ~1"J ,1n,m will ~pc:11,.l n,, mPU 1nformalicia Cllfl the A1umn• A<t,.oc:1atlClft a, 76"•7SO(,,

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