The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 6, February 4, 1999

Page 5

Reverse discrimination case lands in court

n,.,1,1,1,,,11 Ripn<-nolnllot,-d

l 1arn1•s CcntC'r C'111rlot«' \l&r)' Pllll.olh ho

lllll I~ Sf(' •fl11m11t1\C' lk~IOfl rlJn •.u flOC

Htlaldtbllhw•~ 1 polq W be -,.;tcd, die apphnal mHI m«t Ille ffiUIHIIUffl qu&ltfc.ll•MI'-

8''P11~ hi fol'." l'l'H1 •httt ,tk 'f11n J(ru(J 1.1 full

p"MIIOO ia W ,tc l arrun, rftllrr tl..n•) lhdua,aa Pi•10411 • 1.&•Jtt ••'4 tbc ualy maad&t JlfT rrquunar•t hv lbt pn11wa wa, tbt tbr

Joc I rtiu1a. •bi.1 JuJ 111.M lu\C • tl\atk"f • ~1<',fCt and ::. .:~:~11

"""'""""'"'·-·"'- --~l('-


rlatolu.1~..-. c:.nt lllk.1 ,.,..oo puibabko uu~ ltwtt'd t~I he"'*' hired hoc11u,c ht 'Aii:l

ID ~mhrr. R1(hm.2n 1.41d 'Aec,d wiJ ltat jlJb •n ahftUlcd a\ bnDi far II •HIii • aa*f"• dqru M ~IC doc-I IOO<'lllllft lurt flC'Ol*'•i:bi1111a*"t"Coa1P"~~ The~ Mlllld l\a,-e .ettfl.a!A ann1n1 ,,t1Q11C tii1 adr,n-,·

Snyders Symphony

w.....,..ap,,,,o5211'" Allt'f pi "'Al l:bc 0,.-t. I IDCfllaJ, II v..a, v:tti lu lhc I a:ub:y \,~n:,hh, •'htrt:


k"".ll;hn fadl UlDC' (or yea,.. rim~ an ac~ h c,.shmcd

1:1,. ui.dou •ad t\lllC'S(' ,,.n •• .. C'f(COOl' IC•o.btf 1114 ,tio•t t-c>lh rrofrnh,Jnal ,,~'"6'tll uJ r101 -.1c,1ul c1h11., Ha,c,I ettl lllh. ,nmr 1n11ructor1 bcl~,t teaurrd Uhtru,;100 ~Id bt ull,dp,ofn,on. Ad,ocaln of dlit rro,otal _.., SI{ lhiJU!JlalttnMep•ldlOlha~, coOt,t't

J,•)'7C L1ikf, I ai;uh .\ ·-rmhl) h.,11 d11•\ol.' M Jt'l,t.1111 fhMli th,; ~ok "h. hi iJlc' dtdQ r ••nl (ht IICuby k'! hr 1r,fd 11Q ~ltfk,da,nalCb.aart •flal •t' do~ halll IIIUCfl •C' arcP*l-' LlJ(f Mid. th;, iNI I "'1U(n:.(-,J&tcrc ,..,.-.u1t(lt11t t'r..n H.l!# ~I ,he iUr"I c•rpt1\c,l 10 lhC' clunic but ~··~l)lllf'PUl'ld. •bo (fl'IIW \bt ~I U) cciamnmll) ,aaar,. lllWVCIO" 111it1,e N ,r npl W lie c:alled I pafOlOf tOmttimn 1h11 1n1.luJt1o rut>11dunc a t1111,l Id !h,: 1.i1thct!11I\ lr\·d lht rc,·tnl (b.ilnic i:11 '-ll""l Jt.:.111 tlllc, 10 vJ<c r1n1drn.1, "

Native A me r ica n st ud ies sc heduled for fa ll 1999 11111111111N • 1111'1


h) ,\nnk! \\oodtn S....twlll.r('fHtit

board of I~ •ti tlG Ult JINSltlt of ttw l'fQj((I ;af lhtH bn :0 mt"Cl1n,:, 1,ht N~l,(' Anitfl(l)R ,cu,hC"\ l'IUJl,Uh h bt'UIS! t"'-1.ibli,htJ part llf lhc IWX'·p.,UII j'lb4. •hkfi ..--.. c\bblnbt'd h'I' IP)C tii.llUJ of ww.cnaadclldoncdbJ lb:Ccaer d'AWw Tnt<iela l.t) 1991 11w tullktl bl ~·td tllrroduc1ar) C'OllW a 1ac &nd cthDit:' ttlat1u11, Ctillnc Amtn.:u ladim ••\kilr) -.S h1tra1u1r nd" uJthl1••11vr ,.,,'tf11fflC'111 cnunc. \,111\h c,111nn, 1ltt1 l,111,11.13c: llfk•~rn h) Ost C'1)("1,, J' l\ltnc h1tic 111111 tit .iJJt:J 11>11,c rrosr.un All a1.iQC1.1tc ,-.1 an, or an IIIIPtl:II

If &hl5 fml<' llw CuUtp SC'MtA', ii •1 I'" trfOl'C' ow~"' lnnlCn ,....

........ Clll'III r,,,S,lffl. 11,1 f,I 1hc n111c rot111 pl11n 1r1...t11J"' iu111111,c: NI<' bt,11ld1n1,, ,11Htt c.l.nuoum• ,11J ot.i p&.:nOlti..&Cf"- IDUM 1D1P9tUD1 l:otot d Alcac al lndcu (lf cah•ul

a 1111rod:u1..LOr) COl.lfll

• )t..:c Ir. f1hmc kctilltOO\

• Arntnan lndun Hua,-, .&:le<-. ~ 00\-cmmtlll

h.ir1~•np l 11utrc \ru,,1 \UJl'\'.1111."J h,IHIIII ,Ill h,&111h 11.iriw ,aod II COC'Mf'd'"-kllC' 1nbll flllDl' fo•r co1mFV111ttt. kn) Off ,a.;c prt'lllk'Pt for~ I.W dlar 1.11 trtdin of tk A•no.o IDlhaa l.l.UC:1 r,oi,am •111 ITIMfn. but IOllle 11;; rw• , he C'q'!ltakal 10 anocnuy cwr.C', .a wme 1cn11tut1un, ru1t111al 01Vl'"hll) lhA"\f••t \11,-11c hon u1ij 1h.a1 nil't point flJCit:hng, 111t tic1111 lw:hf un • 1r111l,u b.a.11t, u,J bC' 11 rnt•h•I w1d11 1bc cu.a•nl to 4c1tre1ac •ho •111 li••l4 tbC' propJM4 nalNQI dnffl11)' c:c::llltl' aad a.,. aac:ll k •ill Cllil'd r triNl' att \_ •idl \IC cm ndlaral fa1.\IIIJ 11114 ,1..111 for 1br rrnsnu:1 tit w.11.I, ,.,11 lool a1 h111nr ,.,.11 of(;,1lnf Ho.arJ mcm~ ,.,l(flJ(J 11,c IIM \1,1tt l.t11:\llt1111' 1!1111;1\tuo J.dl Jilin R<,iw In.nit« wd tbt 1t1I\IMUR wa, ,upe,o,11\C NIC 1-.ptttwJ •• r1, bow tllc ,,., CoaPIHII) COlkft'• (SIC ad C'oUqe of Sfttbr1n llhWJ •or\ lOJdbct a.., ¥lo ,,,oa wtd h w.1, 1 r-,u11,-c IIIXC'bfti •1th C'.$1 ,,,on u1d ,~ ~oUCJf• uw-J hi U>fllJltlt. "111 n,m,,, •·t-o1h -.·on. MCflhn I tl1inl II v.111 tllC wa)' 1111M h1tuft' rr.:, \hi::bacl H111le ,:aff a 1v.111muy ol the pttWM&ltoa k 1N1k • uw 1oi.Gt ••ll!M(l&I .\pprOJl'Wllllim' Cunmuatt IIWtWlp Qf U1C \UIIC' lqi,.lahlrc dlmal 11lr l...a •C"Cl f1' ldwuf) \i,ce Ptnideftl fllfStlMkm SnTKn r>,nt.J Undu) •111 ttpin •runa tnmllmcm 1111he boltJ 111be MaffflfflC"t11n1

Former librarian pleads guilty to child porn charge

llundn.-d, of -.c,,ually t\plirn p1.-111n:, founJ nn hl>r:1ri3JI', o lli cc cumpu1er. tloppy di,k, b\"111' ~ltq,.~, A lo111Kr ~ll rr.nrc~ hbranan r,JcaW ,uill)' TSIC'WU), I>« 11, jn l,•di•r l coon tu l'll'""C"'"' ,h11J f"tlfMAh) 00 h11 ,'>flt('( (t•1npilff l «,d anJ ftdn.11 M1\'nl1p(Of1. fouDJ ~• of wuatf) nplld1 pclUICI of dul4rca ,u1rd o• D•"ld P<-rtC'Hh 1 coUcp C1JIUPUkl an,i "' nnr,y d1,h it~CllfUl.ftJ t<I the l: 'i At1114M)''• O!h~ , ,•II••"' t'mpluytu•, Jhcu~c,l'J tht 1m.:.a,:u Junai I M,11Cll 2' •urd1 uf Pitrru11tl1 " libr,ry ofhCC' co•r•IC'r Tll,ow C'•r•o1cn •trC' 1a,eq11111•1 .11,,.110111 tbal rcHUUII 1111:iJ Nt-n 1J11wu11,:1hc«ifftf'ld,« An1lr~\\ 1:111nc) u·,,.u,h libr.uhrn. u,d a ,1,1U mcraluu fo.anJ '°"'" obJti;OoH1 111,1,11;11 UD Pcffulfll • nfflPIIIC' \:,cc- PTc,.id,tM f.w I~ ,en) ()irC' u, llt'll1htd

l'm<mll -rt(tYtt'tOlllu\~ Jt,o.:aull , r1111t1rfl)' uf ~r 11l. .111c• IC">lj.!ltCJ h11n1t111j11hl'llltldll)'ll,1kf l lhnz)•f1 "1.t.11 eocmtr1 \l,n \lolta t.&MJ PrtrC'aab •n -CTJ "-) aaJ .tad DOC Ith to 11li. He • .,, ,et, nltd lonlfflf. \l.<111•.-I ftr f('C''III 1 1 1 nr 11me u1 h1, oflKC' 111,11h ,u,u1n1 ,·1t,1rd ind h1ho ott,• \\,•llauiJ ~.:o,Juti Id U A1lon1C')' Jlfl'kit, Prrrualt ,-;I~ aloac •ka M pl.teed bu.J1C'd, o>f ,nu\11 it pUd1 pbolot., ,0111,r • h1ch .1rru"J '" ~<' r,rcr,ulxKrnl n11n11n l' fttn,1 11 •il l t,e wnfc-t1..:fJ \l.11(h I ,.J ucu vp to hu ,c.u, In r11h1D dJh,r f•• IIPID 'IUQ.l'l(l lk' ,._ hC'it •• ,,;onll C"arohH pcad••t """""llf 81un !(o.c111ln, ht,raf~ 1u111.1111 ci,,1.1L11ltl1t ,urc1•hm, ,-iJ 11.c lltit"111) (armu& polk-c 1hr -~ t•l laan.t 'Ac Ja\l lnnl c•l't)boJy.• S.csu•• u;id. • \ OIi C-MI I rc:atty l4lt ltw f,cedoa o/W1C"ofdltlDSC111C1n-.,·

sentinel No R 'I II I O A II O C o L L I· G E -~J. \\ \\ \\ Ille c·du/w111111c·I Time m w 1V flllighlfllllll'/1/ \ &E/Pa gc 9 Tougl) guys1 llre5//en hit top 1111d botwm i11111'1111igh1s Spor tvPage 7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ali11le "tll'ee/'' for • • irr/1, md1ers. • Life/Page S- • • lnllde°""'-hrnin Cnmo llcro<h , Ne,,,, l\nch ~Caknd.v .\&E C'lkndar 10 c~ II
\Voman 1.:la11n, u,111.~gc·, uhinna11H.· ~clurn plan <lduncl, college rcvi,c, plan arr,uv~CI at t\c tlm, ltc ta•d lhiil t \ tfl d 11 ••• wp1ot,wtd. 11 Vo1-'Ul•h1'1 l1.1\f' fflJo.Jt II \li ll,.l"nlct w.ttlcP1"",i1,,1-~
lht Ima -~ tt,,'Ct\1113 • Ilk IW!l, Ulil' Cate b 111 1hc "'c-1\·11 Jo,,.,")' -.Laft llt 1M C'orur J'Akl'IC' h:,k1•I {'ourthoul(' b,hl'}nllo:lt>r
f'asudu I~ t>c'cn •01t.1111 ,,.-n hint i• 1ht' t c..i,n1n, ('cllt• 1 1111.J h~t • J.1= MC", aftmnal1'te a11onpla ta. l&GJcr;mc tt'ollioa. 0.. \\ ctn-l. u IOOf1IC'1 '"' ,1c~uid tbcr plaa •n \Cd for t-o re•"*• \tw .....S aac, IO bri-, N ii:zto C<>mphan« •kh 11,c '- It...,. R,;i,t, ('-10J 1•c• "'«•11,c fmm ltmt' llmf 1hc rlat11 l\ccd rt'\l,11111 h~ ...iJ ht •a, Glft.l"•H' th• ,1c h.aJ m·tw<J 1t. 111w1111t1•raruonpofcy
lli,re,in R1du1u11 ullt-.J the MC o1ffiru1a1"c 4'11<11, pt,n drk1.1.n-c •Bot ui:d 1h41 'tC-s pw..11 wa,. l"'1nttf) 'I lioc CA\C' l1:1r, l l'IN"tl Hied in W.M """"" ~lld ft~hm..,, , •iuuna lt'C' • ,1,N. 1,1.u,r l<t:'4:f llom th., Ofp:anmnn nl JMlai« '° (;.l.'40 cwld toe f.W. r.Jcht «-1. 'NI(" h11• ll'it'J llltt pt~lii.:\o II\ \ AppC)tlltM~nh." WrtrrJtaid. PINZOTTl-cn Pago 11
Title match: instructor or professor? ........-_, ....... .. dim.- ......... ..... b'.' "di> ,,_c..... The Colle-SC- '\(UIC 'ott'I locl.l) °" iahtthtt 1tnu1cd 11n.uu-.i.,u ••II t11t (J1llo,l 1u,,(cuclf' I Ofll)C'f IDICrlm ,.,., Noa Btll rwrowJ IM 1Jc- bd ..pflas 10 the Collqc: ID 0.1. I lb(CtU!S
around the' ,u1,,.,,. \11111• Kltnt~·, • •111·c~h 1n,1nu 1111 -.hob•• s:a111cJ t<!811ft' 1,11J man\ com uauy (Pllcp• 1t• fc•llo• 111 ._.., ....,...,.._ lidt1 l11111 1\·• 11lly Kl•Dt<'f Uld ·1 llrrC' • ·" ~J Id d'illlf
aaoilltr C'Cllkff9ibc'~II· ..__ ... _ .. __ lmtn•:t1n JuM •• 1o bttf 111P _., WCI. t\l1nrer ;aho wi.l hxtll'tl•ftl p1,ln11111'\ 11111h1 tic hnkc,I 11,1111 ml'tll, Mnl 111,11 nrMl'I mort hl:x.?' Jl'fflP tfiMCh •hrn fa lf;mlf'f ll> kamlc. prol'ruct --t\1• ,oold cane l!(Ol,klftl tll lhc fulufC' bttl It • 10 pttdl I Ille ruJun'.11.thru.s 1,, .a11 e mill mnuJt. I.IJr1 C'rM.:Oll(.tft,l •n•IIU\I :o.i. lo ~-urn1t111in, a11t lheUl"lp'OlllMl!llhc

the: ruooe"')I a.;q1.mcJ ro, tb(' r,om 1h1; A5~1C i\mh1h,11Jnn 1ccnun1 .1nd S~IJU lrom 1hc- \h m1..~ ftc 1ht: NI<' un, a1,J Rill, 11,11

fd1JUt10na1 ~rrvu;c~ •<-cuu11t 11ttd rl•cC' 1hr mu,1c)' intn lt1t·

°"S'ifC ;,1,un,cU".r ,c1vk1:, 'l.11t.111t

•nd 191 •riutn hy frnbnuan Hnah1f

OcJUm Orl1ehtv, •h1<:h llt\VhcJ ,\SNIC

lbt money v.ould he .11toc111c-J h• hto1p J1uJ011, 1n nreJ nf Sheck r off1('tf.' 111tcoiht11.~ 10 wor~1hori; •n!S

(ll,,in~lt~s ~t\'i~cl. mccunr t,nda Mu:h~I •,cal1h anJ ~t'lln(h o>ord1n~1or •r,c,\C' on Uim ~bco.kkr w, ,..-(l(n in al 1ht' J;1.n• .W mt~anr to ,crla·c

MM!f of Slut.ltnt l fc.ihh Sctt·i1:C', ni thC' J.iin.. :!4) rucclm;.. lormer "iorihonu'lf~ St'll RcRcc: Or~pC't- \\hO ff\itncJ 111 1'1i,e,c ilJC' 1ncru,1n1 rrut,lrn1, ~111, lkp1.-"1u• "'"d 1rtu.

Learning Center gets new name, new look

Leaming Center name change nillec1s emphaNis on ski ll s. division chair says

•r Jamlf" Crook St"llll<"IR~J'<•rtn

lh<" Lc-1mm, Cm1rt ,;iri1t• bad. 1,uiu ,tmotrr hnul "'J\h

•ore 1ll1n a ~ltrr<1cn1 ruamo Wh111 ¥.Jt callt"d 1hc I.C'arri,n,

C.c:nter Room 12.J In Kildu"" Ila.II. v.c11t tlnuo~t1 ,11-,n,

i. l>l.-«1nbcr

Chitin~ h1coi. opc:o ,p-,ce In 1hc Cull.:gc Si.111, ('cnlcr ~Al

toiio,delcd unn 11o1,n ~m U d#,u011m rtlC buliilnt'ii n,1nmnh,

~*knh ,uc u,u1c- 0111• of 1hc cbHruum, for ,ilkttnh t1«1Jlng 'rip anJ the 01hcr f(l\lffl u ;a quk1 t~,tin,t a,c4

rlt•i,,. pl~ \\.)K"I( ,IUJ(IUt (1111 JO 10 UP lt>ll "lld A:(i

hifffol<I.'C\'t(l(uf AHl'./Cil"J>

An 01\Cft bou'CC ro1 tbt' 11pcnmr 01 1h~ nt"'*I) 1:ba111~.1 c,,11.:ac

'II.ill,. C.-ntrr wa, J1ut 6. ·&cv.cctl 11\c Cl)n1mun1ty Af('nc.c,, fllC'uhy Jnd 1hc- communuy

••~, I"J to WO pt"urlci t.bu"'cd ur,• F.11th~IJ ~d ll~ 1111mt chan1cJ fto111 l.tam1nr Ccn1rt 10 C"oll.:;;c. !>l1lh Cotrt tu rcJk,,;1 D1ure ul •)\JC \lot" do here.• 1.111J \lithcll,r Jttdt. divhiflfl ,b.11, .,, Collcsc .Slull1, C°(m11'N. "'Thi, " a ri.,~~ •here d1\0 IC , 1 I~ <•f cn1rftd.,1,. Oft I.Ill,. 1 bt Collt'a:c Sl.tlh Ccnltf con,1•t• 111 .iJuh b.1.-~1, cJiu:.J11Uon. l't1llcJC S};all\ (tnlhC• OED IC\11111, pt:Cf IUllltiUJ. \nhUIIC'Ct 1uumn1, 4 v.r1111ia .:cnlt'f, m;atb~lcnc:c ,tuJ) a:riler. l,1,1\11,n, 11nd «t~unm:,. Yoco1Uun.1I t.p«i11l t1ttd1,. lc"ina anJ f.ntli•h u • tea'lfiJl.iftitU.t~ •ff• ..iuck:,u N, nttd un ,;.umru• lbc:) 11br11,1ad cf!(\;._ hrre w \11-C ,cv,., IJ (' nJ ,tlm.1 them Ill the Uppr11f!fl,,UC If('-',• MJd r111rf1dd Cun,uu1.1~ 111aJor Jqhn f'oley 11;J 1hc C'111CJiC Skill, C'e11lt'l h !MJV. tot m,c,rl"' ,r,ai:i,•iu aft.II pn atr"'l hlc it bcU,:r'" ti< \oud

I News Briefs

Spring e nro llm e nt sets record omu11l t!'nmllmC"l'II figurc:t, for N1c·1,pnn11tC1nc,ttr were ttlnt<d

l1.:.c,1ot UYC'r Int ,rnnp 11,iJ an all·llmc blah

Coltc,c u lfMalll1

rn 1hc dual cnmllrntnc Pf'Qtnltn ,, • rcw~rdin,: to tct 1ha1 moiT 11nd 11\(IC'C ,ruJc.,u, 111c ch00t.1ftJ

:!~~~;,1~:~!':"' du:JJ tdun1t1otu1I coal( n,d Ku k kocnir.

NIC celebrating Black His1ory Month with guest speaker from NAACP

~il~n TIM11118\. rm1deat 111 1ht Spcobni. di,pecr uf 1hc r-i1:mon•I ~i;ation foe CM AJ,·11t1etmcnc at C'olotcd People .,.di \P(U Ori !be 1opcof''"*«'!Pr JI" 111-11.Jo•m hb 19",Hca•d l

Auduonum Jb(ll,u.1" l'll ll'I «kbfai ,cwt ~r O.wdt ftwocy \.kont.11 A~ •nd-•tr~'4·1Urouu 1h.- .~

First Securi1y give., scholarships. libmry granl

In tilk llcccmtirr, fine ~unty hmnd..1tlV1 P"C"<" NIC • f'l'C'•l«m

Mtdi.Jtl &,b • S"-CXX> \(.holM\.h,pC(lntrihubi,o onJ, SJOO hbtw)a put. "'Sd1ul.,,hip llilPJl"fl conhnuc, 10 !'le a tap pnonty:· NfC

Found41mQ lilC'('VIIVC Duccrn,- Sloe Si:htnl. -.11td "Dc,p ll,e aur ,rluJh·cl) Inv. cu,1, m•n)' f\lC 1udfnh ,c>t1ld tloC' uMbfc l'l .iuenJ

Cl,11c,c • tlhoul r1na.nici11l tltlp "'r

Nlt: tu~ ttut,·td a11nw1I "":howdUp (11(1tt1~1ion, aricl 1ibn1.ty p o1ru., uo111 1he Ant S«11n1y ~lll1.11ion

fbu )(41, the- fin.I S«u.rn; Foul!J.Ouc:11 will ~unlfl l'lltt 1ru1tt Iha• SISl)JQ) 111 t1,J1of.i,,~1p, aad rran.11 io ~6 ~<itk,.., •Id \Ulht'f'ihet-. un

11111,.rC'h.. o l IS pcrtcne fmrn 1997

Coeur d. Alene tribe cider speaks on values

C-,11.1!ll;JJ uw:~ •ill dl-.-uu

\('oc:urd'Akn,;, Tribcddn it1id Tnbol

rebuoo, ~~1'fll ~nrn.:an lf'IJi.11" and 1100-lnd1.;r, ma wor~41c,p hdcd

""SC'\rn Xe; Amctidft ValU(1..' IIC'tu) StJobn., 11 lumwr prof~w, ttf Allk"flCMU ln,UJ1D S1uJln .11

"ihrff!w c·om.n11.1aily f'olksc will ,,r,..,n Ute: ~,c11,·~ut'\ rmfl(lftale 10

A~nc..u1 hwf11t11 cuhural hfc 111Nl huw Che) llfrccc ttl11..Holl\ bC'hr,ttn

4.mttinn hki.w1~ •nd rK••lftJUll'I, Si:kibri •·di lrum 11 r 111 t-c-b. ZJ in T., \I Ln1urc H~O

Applied Technology plans open house

T«h Sh(,11,o 'J(I, •11 Op(o tlou,c for pc~rlc intcrCJ.ICd ii\ •Pr11cd

ttd111ul0j)' proauutu, .,,II 11,dudc 1uu,-. "' 1~ appli~J t~1.:hnuloi,-

1111..,li11t1,. drtf'M'Wl,l};IOM\ •nd pronde ltu,lrl\l;, ,.,.i,h ;111 orfl(ICIUfltl)' IO katfl 111oft .iboJ11tic rrdJl'Wll~ 'llC M. r,r..o 1,f','llc)II\ T«h ~how 119 \\'Ill ,ru fil.,.;c f-ch. Ill nnx, art 1nim 1n a.m. ,~ nnon onJ ttam ,l- 1,u,,

rnsLructors selling candy bars for Habita1

C'Andy ta n ,jjl 't,c: Ufl lbrourh >IU c;H"IP'I Jurlnf lhol loMl'IOWf h) r.ali.t totlo!IC) for 11.ahitaJ for lt\l,111.1111il)'

T~ ~•In. h,44cd hy 1n,11uctt1r, \fon,1 anJ t·ha1I Klinccr. •Ill

-'utKld,u • J1,n.111ioo ru llabnal fot H11m1ll'ltt) The don.111ic>D. alonJC

..-11h J;atio,, pro"'tk• the n•un, 1" bu1IJ bou•c• Im umlt1rrn1krcJ:

l)CC)rtt &ro11nd1ht- •·Ofkt T~ kh11,cr, •""'• \1 1t h 1hC"1t h,-o JJ1urh11:n, a11; ,·ohuttccnnc 1n a Ha.bu.ti for Human,ry/01~1'!.d \'1t1.11t' prt1Jro,m in 1o1,fhch lbc) • 111

,pc-nJ 1v.·o •c-d,, Od, 1oumm"' bvtldios a h11v,c In f,'iJj, 11 Soutb

P«ihC l•L1oJ Mlum The> ¥nll 1-la)· •ilh a h11,1 tlm1ty u1 fljl. loiat

mtl-J pnn1,JCa dun.al1ua 111Ja11fu1e Tbt cnd,- ~,, ~hlch OIi bt' f11ond 1n die 1111\wcll H.111 om~. 1n the Engh,h ,lcp,.nmcn1 anJ .in,wu, other r'""'' vn c11mpu,. c()IQ(' in U11tt 1Jilkrcn1 ,w1ct1n •h11l,oJ., l:.lfund, .ad cri~p rk~. TI'C oo,t uf OIi( hll.r N. r.-;hec- llf (t)Uf ~:aJt·1ll11pcd ,1K~rn II \I. ,0. ('CClh or ~l\lrh \\'I ii ,01uw.atd !he $?.~)O (t>.il f,,r 1nfonna11on. CAIi \tnn,1 KhnJtr ;.I 7M 731J or (.-h.aJ Khn,:c, 1M 76'/..ll,W

Local station~ share school c losure info

SIC cla"c. nt.•Y fi.t. ucicelcd d1,1(1 lo 111JCl1 ~C'ulhc1 and dn,u'lf

r;un.,illicm, To l:~cp up utl 1~ t'°'1,1rc~. ,.all N IC at 169-J)C)O Of I

~00-1,-1 U?h," m;l'lrdini: •111 f\e a,•1bhl~ •l ie, & am The folluw1ns T\' and radio ,1.i1tc>n, will i1oho bw1uk,i11 clO\\ltC iflfr1rffll1Uon KV~IIKHlQ 111 C~ur d'Akrw. KSPT/KPNOiK18R lri Su.odp01n11 KW,\l 1n Wall111,,c. KBR 111 Bnrmt'n Fen). Kl1DX antJ

K \LY in Sf!',l.:llrt. ,1.11J KHQ 1 V C"h~I &. K,e-m fV O\it1nc,I , • .uJ KXI.Y Ch:1u1nd 4

Former student dies in plane crash

,\l'I NI(" gndM£lC d,cJ Jian J' IP (r<."Ml'latl,. fmc~ 1rlJUftt• t«~h-cd 111

a p l11M tfC~tl v.~ilc i.cni"I •1Chlhc- Nlll00,11 Gu.aid Rich Vhlnt.iina, ~IC. •1\ • (ptc\lt)' t111Jl.lf M NIC' ,1l\d.a ntt:'mbcr o! 1he ~\Cb.all ccJotm, He ~,,td f~l!Jr ,un •ith the. ..\tr f'.orcc l'l<"lort"" wlksc. v,,u11.a11,cr .,.t,1ltJ for 1he Bdrtui 01 l.1mJ M.1nnJi"rncn1. hbho fcl(i:\l llll'-1n,,. up ttlJ. *' Auud dr,\cj ro, Dmrold UI.J e .RM lie ~ocJ in lht' S»IIOAi11 for n ,.t'.t.n

Book swap checks ready for pick- up

{lie'\:~, « fflldy Id l'X' !'kulJ tip iJI S1cb!'t! 51 fol ho,,l. <\tlkt Ill 1hc ~duh',blri.~wap B,ook'\lhat•am'110ld(";Ulakitle~up

h) \lldwJtt' \lcSttlt) "ir,uUt<ttk,rm1u

A. nulr \1Wf'.1H med i:ccun,i lhot ht~, be ncnkJ UU, "<11lnlrf tu, a ~(lnt(".,\t1hc'twll'>k•ll'lfCl)..-c

Studonto CN11lnglor pe,ktng pllcNflnd them 1tuc.kln a ln!llojaJT>, _., --Campus N e w s rel.ut'J
i.y Junk <.'rook ~~!l:c:!;\t1 ~ Jw..111,r· ,' llrr",1" lb: t-1udr11u J,a,1~ti1ll1 tntt11J~nl i111lc l1-J1 2U A.\'llt ' ltlft1tr1J "'m• 14t,lcJ 11 81111 •Pf'ltn,cJ
ll~h n1 the folfo'MnJ 'o\(,r~
8111 I IJ.-. b) 11c,bn1.J11 'icn. lar11 lc111 mu,('J h11,h ,,110 1u ~imbtu\C
dlan\.C., d
Prc-,IJolc Ju,1111 Ruhh, v,nlllc um 1?3.
n1tTo'CJ 1J1r,u~luw: .a k1UhlJ 'Y*ffi noc
Jun. JU .ti lht .'\SNIC'
were 0111 14'0. v.nnrn hy Ruhn
• hl'-•i ~,11,n ill\ p111.... lk ~14-.J And hflCJ hn ,h1t1 Ill f'n>\t
b~I llhlc.-1 ft"Gl.lcJ the !up uf ,ti~ booL II, t..1nJc,J 1h.:o ~.:i-l ,,.er 11o11J th&C'C'W'1,1t 1.1·Akac l\1oh1.t were "1fl<d ,n llllatll
I"\, C'fTlplt1)~t. •f•,rrcd I 111an .,..,.., h..t btti. l,('<tl ~•ulfinp
hl'I rDllll\:ltlh't:
Thursd~y. Feb. 4.
:: ,~~·n::::r~!~
l\"puncJ thac J., l99 -uatcn1, nrc 4111,:,nJ.tnt thi~ ~trr Thi: ~olleg,r ~unhuto:t d~ fMUb co c lllrp 11'1f'llu. ofr,c• ,hll.ktll.., 1111 lnm:J.\C 1n 1hc rctwu o[ lmurr !llU!krtu OM matt hip 1ehaot \.luJcmr. pan1dr,at1n1

,. ~btw.lduit to 0111 h 11\i: ,h,;.1t,h1

full)· Wmc:t1ArdJK'r,..,d · C'um:citly.', blgfC'I toal i,itcbrtll\g 1011ft at home. Wiacsanlnt.r ~id dlC'R' h .ta ownr.h ·!nun« nia«m 1'111 ~m(lllt; C\ CC')~Y v.-•nt, Jr., help 1ft d« '6c:J ht "''OUld help 6111 COA1jn~ hb, flCIIV(' Ure. (\'Ctl ;aO~r the •ckknl Ht founJ • ~iw1.i1, e\l~tum-rw1Jc: ~httktulr th.It Y..lli •'"' BUI'" ,,m be oetu·e o.,1dtion Tbr e1:N. ho•c\c, 1, S..l.000.

Health Servi~ gets a healthy change

,i:MI. IIMIII ad""'"°'""'' ~ll'd1nu10r-.lflltnie ~uu~. Swck: llc.illh IIIJPl1)kbel~•lch.lrom11"'holl ucp;,u11ot,,..~ lf alflab(~tnutk, d:ac) cbl·tj."f \CIIIJ dln'l :n..11y ~,lhaprt,cnp:~ Chey couruc:J tbr [~bl NI \\ti.JI

1.t ~'1*'111\"dnrwneodlt-<1por1M:.!l...c ol 1 ~uletne~ ,1nJ w lltuJc. 1\r,.e 1R' 1v.o c,J 1hr. ~'.\l)n, he 1n1~1llcM,.l'lfitllMJ'J'Olll ll11r d.J.." h,u, c:1tr0llment of 12 The fall k"u1'-'ft h matt

d~"-'room onc:"ntcd •nh CWIC' "'t\\n ~. ourlnsr, pfa11 oed lhc

'ffflll in,oht11 n1CWCtmAal l'l,dJ urnc. Sl~eJfl'I ont·

11.11( ,mt.., ftt 1h( 0.:.IIV E.qlbprtietll j\ livllll IIO mil Ill a I~

<tMI IJ ,wdc:nt, dn not hll\ C' lhtir tw.n SCJr. St:UIJcno \ki "' Ml :;.pt)k..u'lc -hh of Jut) fl.,..._ f.i~t.n Sch,u"llld IKltJ Look OuJ

P.i"), -.bkh all nffrt ('TI'4'1 «IUIU) trMl1.

Sc,c,~I c>l lbt ,._I llfQ\ pro,* '\nlri:

)IQ brlac,·c:1 du, If) lit' • m1,!Jud t.J>CVI tk ..aid pc,.,pk thmt 11'1 tN.>nns or ln\<1)1\¢' to1, mtk:b twJ wod; ""lli.1t'\Cl{ll lJUt, 1I )UU Wtht P"f'S'Ulicdinlqi.o:,'" l'fflltf "3id (',o,,., COUIJlr) '1.i1ng in'o'ol, c.11 111idc rai,rc uf ft('.hniqutt. ind11d1n1 1hr ,L.11n1 ~hruq,.r for nll'illf. 'i:lemaili..ins. 1,iunnr lad ~lf) "-iing One ~h~uie. ~Jl1'lttPII,. 111\c•hnac:kia: rullina 1hc \kitt. Tdcmarliag •• ~111,111 t.11..i1Jlf on'""°"'" <.'Qlrrcn- 'Ws. • The- da" ollc:n 1n.c,uc11m1 on ufct)' conccrm fo,( CtO\-). c:"OIUllf) ,kieh- ln~luding. ualandu: ll*.U~fltn. UPVt oaht;Jlic\lt •'• bu,curu alld tbc us-t (I( ihovcl, ,nd pt,;ibc, fot findinJ •kiil;n U:U.£111 tn an .a,.tbtldw fouct t.J.t1I en", tooauy ,lLlnv b nw.;h 1.1ft1 1ha11 J.i,, n.hill in ,11 wificty(';il(JO'ln

If ,hldrr11i "i."" w PJN,e ('ft)<.\ CWf'llf) killl$ D.flcr the~UILU J'Ak-!ir""' I\O\) \: IM~ 1h( P..thnlk C'h1h ,md the 1111.and

h~ t( p:qir 1ho11 li\i: """"'' 11'l1t11,Jfwt,h1.\ M'I h.'l°QC).11: ·~dlih

• \n)di!



po:uk;' \11di,d d. l~ealtb Snvica tro 1,1 hrip f*IICnC' dlilri&"' chci1 lilN)'b 'OlhcyetinSU:)'hc.lhh) Sc.u&rw:Hc.lllb.Smtct,.v.i.l11101dun rtQ.h•kn ff"JMll:ifll llC'I!· Sl'U Ibo 11:1L11•h

Undo Michal Nurao Prac:Woner

E,'Cr)'lhiJ,r •tll "e-.-..rn11.\ll' h· lk ,~ MW \.fu.W Thm-•1IJhom«<sp.lL--C1lll~~llJJ IWUMlr,.1i11ro,,1 ,wdcilftl.'Cl.~lfJll't'dto thtcn1mp:J~ 11,)'A Ulllhc ~lt'III f'kx,ttilthc lkJlund lkl Iii !l!J, I.bey ttlO''t°d Jlm,-,.,,1'11t,Q~QR4\L

M"tc:IMI \4.tdtJIC 1hinb\\ha:1 l kl..l~ Stn..:n hm lb:. Sllll. ll wdl bt('MJtr r«

~1.w finJthmt.a-1 ~U A i.nnw flt.JI Hci,hh ~:r,1«1 t:..r-hm Jbr: ~·

n.c~w Studenl H°'l1b Scn·.:n -..u t-c kll:JkJ ,an the IC'l."alld n00ir oftbc S\Jft near Srudc:OISl:l"·ice,..

M~ ~1tw 111-bai Jleall:h ~IIOC':, nw.l\'l\l 141 H1)1tu..S. rc-,,rk1tiooat11 bt•tt1umbtr o1·pa1~wwldtkett.a'C Hn",c,,..,-,i,hc.14~,t,ctnt.11tlh.~h11\1'~ailhtwmt,Viflh .ft-cn,lt" ?~ pMatlti 8 d.t\' M1ttwl "t,d.' full tittllC ••nune pr.a..1Jll0nft' ,ind l\i1'tdmmi'IG!ld.iM wtd br.Jd! t:Wrncim~ Ml!Chcr 111irr.c:pr.a-t1hnncr.P,il)c\md,11\IR.~p.ir1t1nll' C'orcnc Cahca~•tCICl'Nl)'pantnnc. M()c,l ot'lheputieltbtbe) vc ate ..,lllk,it.., h,t11,yin, 1&111JCtilllt'.\ttlx:)· '« f.-:ully, Oli.ldrm",Cfflttt k.,J,. ,inJ kcad ,~,n~-t.

Ua.,glJy, Hcl.tlh ~·.job ls IIO l «-p th( \',,IJtlJ'U' btuldl~ Studmb f\lJ SI I t'\fl') -.«t'IC"lla' 1,w.·Jtd tblih ~1tt11 t.hftllll,.."11 \IIJdera f«::oc.-, d.:ff' I\POefwfcforMudffll \'OJl:1.- said thlll la mt nn )'C"~n h.ft bm:, • I(~• .tic he ri..iit rtttn'CJ '""' ~ ,11hind,.. "Wt man..,c \\llbwba wth.i~" Midial "-W. ''Rt.ii Ill dicpm.l, l1DWNl1 'ien~ proplc:\\'anl"' So If' \f\ldcnt, '" ' ffkllt'\C'l"'ncn. lbll:hSffl:~ •111 Dft'd mart' tlllMC) Mic::h;,hc~ k,do•t.uft\oelm~neurcwtn1«what1hc~\\Ql1t1 -~ltlbc:illhca'I!. Snvkn ltldi.Jt 1ramr for 1111001 mJuna. grlktlll pb)-ucaic,w,. w~u.tlJy tr11MM1UNdM-.lW1C',1Jntt,farull) f'l:u1mr1te-ruith,,lll.l ~lr\lel11at1.,:mdprt~ ~. rbere.n~htt~Mlom,~,.aiUNc. Thtn:-raiiu:lwrKC°I\ olln'lelbboo,t,al\d b1nhro11crol plh. "'bidl n o orv1,•11J SJ ASNICbas "'~'Yr~ k• l.llldmt• t11ho£ ~rc,m

Thc-l11r11J..a1btUICJJorlhan4mn~ripcWJl'l.\ll'ld l lca!th$tn,K.Ghop('RfiYCd;a)'11D'¥tttL \ kllJ.a)thn~Thur..J,,,} 1.)$ pin .JrT!d.ly811.1n.1o?;JOp.m. Vi""lffm.ak 1') ~-.:ritllrncrwooly. 1J 1111:ffkl ttl.lc1~.~unc:.Ja)·41ppwamrll(,cun hi: fflllJt Midi.ti llllrJ dMd ~k.akh Sen~ .,.,uru,u, and thi:,°'~ .r.2)' IIC'~h) We~noo-ttltclllcnirtg aod non-r1dgmenul. ih.1f1CII# ti.t.~ Mdlal wiJ.


and cnprnccnog cl1m('- I UIC\IIO£t"Cln fid1.b." butUlt')-1:1chdl

• •vc= " ,'l,,,.~111,001 Ow ls arc th e o nly bi rds that ca n see the color blue Thu,sday. Feo 4, 1999 Life Campus donates tor injured employee 1111 Pal'ltll 'hit-hind' 11W1 _.. 111111 81 ,!OIi. IIJ f rik• Ooiwpa 14,.tJ,rf>I' 'Rill hm~ J'~. ffl)' 1,~lmc hwldy,"'uld 6ru«- Wh.cprdncr, m..i1t1.t'ft4!'«' plvrnbtt end rncnd. Rdl P11i,i1h •iio •cdt\t Jn Cl'>"1f"l1tr Scn·M:c-~ w-11.\ 1nv,1oh~ in an 1•1h'4'1Mlhtli: a«l~l 11.C No-.cml'.x."f tic ,utrcrrd a broken 1~4\<JffJI h1mrur.1l)1c:..L AhhooJtt1bc.i1ttfllinln111w:othli.nrmt,.hC' (.111110l .al~ \to)k cnu~ Wini:,.ar\J,1i:r h,h ,t.tftt'd a 8,ll l\,r;,1b fu-11 Im~ • \lrtild)' f,ICUIIJ, '!ltff!l:llltlhr CVltlfflWlllJ tt.i,e J..wt.akJ J1kft St,71IO Wiott1.a1dtln 11ud C\-cnlu.11), BiJI u1uM nJr tJU\di,t\\h tttudftliUII\ ,!kl C\rnn...:""'lthil l ltdc!K'tlbt-d11 a,, ·v.-tittldt•lt m,l\.lnl111n l-ih. · But \', 1tsc,.arJnet ~J 8111.,.ould U'IC 11 moo: IOJt'I for a \\llft hi ik er• bile t1&e 11iddt lt.b ~Id, fl\ ,wt abour Bill l1im.ttl/: 1t'.iul>m111h,1.,nmp11r, wr , ,,,,,,. ll>Rt!thu 10 htlp -Br11ct Wi n~gardntr. Af11lnl nan ce Plumbl'r b«nu,c 1J,c Pura1J11 h;,..,e ,11 ,r,111 Intl 1'ht Ct1111p.1tcr Service, httd M.alnkml'kc lkranmtnh rtttnlly hdl*l ltw Pl"itllh, rrnwe their d1ir11-, it110 1bcir ua1h~r'll one: t.((lf) lk.111~- Hc.ihh Sc:r,tc:t, 111.kk L'ookk,. 41W lunch for tht wwl r:a,t) The: Mtunlrniul«' Jcp.'l1tt11C'1i1 IIC'fpcd lhC' l~1111b'• n:.moJd the t»1hrouu1 l'hc C"U,wy A.11tj'llo(lra.m h~'Jlltfl lhc:" i111nll)'food i1t1J ,o;uwrd 1hcm a (rccn:r "'''h rrP~ r,'°'h P,c,111dt bcr•R ,vtm1y • SI(' lU \C.1" "'" Al flr,J be: •(lfk.c:d pan llme m m.11n1C'fl11n.:c aod r,in umc 1n. tompu(('l' ltf\'iCt,. Tbc11 l'lr: ,~11i.hcd 10Ci1r11(\\ltt-t Si:r,11.:c, full umc ·Wh.alc\.tt tic <kJr.. hr 1.1\n u 1ha11 an,1,1,c ch~ 8111 tn111)1'd l1l<ll(lf Nnc·shdu,1, b,t.m, aod b)al:rnJ. lk lifittl •tilbh lhc« Uffie' # "ttk In 1hc l)'MI J1,1nr1 , tJh lwteh. W1~J,11IJJIC'J l:hU alt.1i17• hem IChH' Pllt'111h b11.i 1hr" l!IJ~. r•rt• J1 and 13 and• bQy. Y N1\ KID wu abo In tbe ooctcknc. bvt will tl'\."U"et
}uu 11i..tmc • WukpfJntt 'IMI. flcQt.\"dcd:i1,--, W11'11t'\l11C'f 'l.;l,d he 1, IIJ!tam.l •t the ,1;1ppo,1 ot the campus Md cummurnl)· lhc Ponlh', ncigblwil" ba,c \\\'O:cbi:d hPu~" \\1th tbt.m h '~ nut :ibc',u1 8111 huri~lf 1t'• 11.huut tJ1Ji. ,._;unp.h. we comie r,~gc1hc:r ro hC'lp," he l.lut Bio.logy Instructor o,vkJ Fottlf Ol'\d put tludctnt cro counuy tiding.
ln.sU\1c1('r teaches clru.s every fall and spring b)-F.,mkobtrv,o,it $r"1fJk'I N'f",nrr It a ,.._)' ltl t'tlja) dti.· ••nlCT t<.a.iOlt,"" u~d Oa\ll.l l·rr.l!'t, ~,nl(lil)' 111 \lr\k;I ,r ,nJ C'fl"-• QCXUUf) lkai.J,,. icNh\l\lJl~l "'-•IV J.ULl?hQftlJjiW'ic)
Biology instructor teaches x-c skiing
lt1 w.,bieh MC i'TI,1'flt'd nlll\.. thi, V!Wld t.'Ut I.lawn M ID)' ,If h ll\'Uq!, '" m"» 1r.ul ~\\(l(Wt,C \'Cf)' bani f-'(Jloftr
Un1111n: Nmlic Club Thr- m~ '""°''>' eta:.\ otrm t,uch .i nx.m: k• t'M.'ttl'C' ....i 11 duu:u IO p:'1 DUI 11M mJOY tho~
Students will find Health Services on second floor or remodeled Student Union Building b)'~ Oon'1(.lln IJ{r,, A«orJ1111 ao \1
beC",.,..,ln(t 1hr tOixsc Otw:r 1ti1ni:,. J.UCh e
wud ~kol
W!dJ tic e111r ms
rl~ cooJd
decpa,id f.n1J)
hcallh I'\ Ji~ a po.,!' oflhc
·l)jp<,1 """''"'"""r There·,• bl ,: utl'lil i11,.·U<1,Wr11.J rllbc• nrrh-r Rillll•l'p'IIU•.-" Pt,.ul'alU I..JM<l)(i'(lfl Sa."} r;c.luc'atlllll R1rhl fll'.M)'f1Ublt,·t1oi,:c, 10L'nl ll11,:dll1.111 •\lolMaf°,vho.. 19 I'f71tfulh f./,.,111t11.~n &li11u11'.11:,111 "'K"""°'~ I- "Oiff«tnlcuil11.m,111 ~W'dii'S)- 111 ll,e~-'iwk,.A lewn.C'.l>p,."tllltyfrW"
\l11rcf."IC1'ID.4Q Yop lf,.iJ(IOOWA)' m.i1b
What kind of classes would you like to see offered a t NIC? '"'-nt1111CVrtl01, Jtll\JCkl..;ht\bltol,io.c ·Paul K o~akl) k.l:O -Coun lk')' Pt'lff',l,)n, 17 "''~' R,11Adnm1 Rn1fttlru11o llrhi.f/JO(f t.A,.:ihttflltt Ct•Nl/"'t"!(/ll('f'h•IJ( ·•U~.nda RlchardVJn J I Corm ,rAt,,.... ~1.i, M,,i
Cattwria;tn. IIS .... -
ll,1,1ohl,,J., ~l11i,fl',,

Birdwatching classes now offered

J '4.U MYrl .u,d .fl'lncd ff ta mtt1 B('14· peupk I t.h011,ht It V.\II.IIJ be :i.goad '4,l)' l\1 n~ othct pcork '4ho Ilk tbt out.Juul'\, .,hr uiid t\aJ 1 l\:1, Ianh v.'" be, ur\olwnxnt In tht Alll!ubcwi SuL'lct)' and ~\I011, lt11;tua., ~~pt"llCl'!CC dut\'.ltd ~r IO\\ilt\l ln,lNl:tmg IJ~ uu-.un,u11llr

Uk: ~J '"'ll-.c, •II h..i\C diff¢trtlt 11\.fl'l'll.1" and

~h.alknl'C' 811thkf tJkt~ fll0\rdl11CC111:11t 11· \Lrrit lmcn \b1r1 fwe )'CW' ago

I•J h ti\--. hu h,mJ tl1ld ~nc:J 1Jire 1'.ilton.&l Audubon Sue~) t.• np.1nJ ha w.xM (~k- Tic Abdt,bon So,;k't\ fiAllin JWl•lhitd) ot1 bmh, ball

Reduce stress with Tai Chi

,oid rn, Ch, "u,cd for henlth benelirs

\ n nK'\\otldtn St1111,,>lR,1~•rk1

SJftU I, a p.1r1 of r\C'')Ja\ lilt •t11.l r,copk 111.J thctr °""" V.'4), CO

J: .i-.11hu Sci<ncc ln,an)i:1or K.111 l:nl. ,\ndrcauon C1f1c1cd an

&l1<ro.i.ll\'(' 111('.III\ ul ._,,pU'lf! 1th ltttH Ufl II J,1r1 !!C WclllloC'tl


l•cmy )ol\lJcn11 imd !,Kully mcmt'lt'.o aucl\J<d Ille ti.a Chi

t,,o,r&.Jior, ~ron'\ol>fC'IJ b) Stlkkl\l Jk1alth S<n j('('\

AhJ1c:j1,-..,n h..,;41\.CCI ,n \'Illa~, 11t,J w..a>" nl 1.nr11,r -.,th ,1,e,,

~na11 ,,,0,1 ol 1hl.' 11iurL,hor, 1hcn tk1oon,1ro1tc:d • '"'"' orT1u Clo

Ile npJ•lllCd ,u), or c,,rln; w11h trc s UM.·l!Wrnt 1neJ1t.i1inll

~11pp1•111r~r", ,l«plnJ O'h1~111; .a1.Sa~11\.IU,t, Ilk: T.alt:111

)c"ii Andt~\.win aJd 11,c dtftcrt"1tc:c t,n.,«n )l'fil and I 111 C'tu"

)'flS;I ..Ud, hc11 mu1o1;lr" ,uid WrtdN pt.nlU,.JC•. wl11IC' llli fou<t

':i!1 RIO\C-JIIC'r"II m.:Li1lAIIOll 4nJ 'IUcnic1hl'nln,: JflJ ttla,1n1 the bQJ~

l\ndn:,h1<1t11.ild •II Io j!CJ irnfl(lt"Llnl p.ri I "1l~ng., nh ,trn.,

EASTERN WAS II IN(;ros ll'JI V-Ut\1 1 \ ,, . an lcl"dlll.Rl111 r..,,., t11V11!1Au.tWondl.i19Ulf

He ""fil't''>lN" lo•··faa, l,~·-,u,:a,. h,;b ffhc, dkt -.uh pknl) ~1r cu·r\;J\C fk•l10q l i11.atn1ing n~ \\"JCC.1hJc, u,thc: m<>m1n1 will hioul.1encr,r Tut (111 w11s u;.,:J h)' ,,,mr 1h • HJ!hlint,ian. ~11 lnd.t) it hCAU£ht rnr1tiC"iM'111!h.bC'nch1

Alkltcll.HUB t.tld JU~kt. laNIC' W('!\kln hol1ft1 anJ rtlldln.

ilfC' hcnci (u, \tit t.ktrn-< 1'11i Chi h b,1..,.J un di¢ phllo,.urh) c,r

T tt•Hffl. "'h1.:h Jni('IIICt 1h111 411 thlna, 11rc Ul\ittd wc11'11n I l.llll\Ctllt'

1hal .il,.·.a)1 "'"-' aDd al••)t will be.

T""o t)flC'\ t\f la.I Chi iatt perfornw~; Y1.111s licu,i 1ht ,ho,nu

mclhniJ or~1, n1mC"mc-n1'- V,nr hruiJ 1he1ooacr vu11ton (I( lfN n14.1\'C'tnt1th. o\11 mnvcmi:flh ;,.re !JOflt •lo"°ly, wt11d1 ,\Mrc:.114,Qfl

uiJ 1, mu~h 11\t> ~,llin!-' ~m. rrnmaC01:01•1t \i.ill1ot1l tltt11. 111111

Senor Froggy

,iw ,be~\ rah htr \l~OI " Jt':1, 11 gtllt pl.xc 'Ahh • 1/.ll ()I' from ~laftck 10 v.Q.1dt.A1•1\1of1e:ld1Yt11h:1 ~ol rt¥~ hkc bJucbulk., Bue:hk ruld. Ut1thla 1n1Cnd, co uffrr a~rt>ird Y1o1ld11og dllM fc, atklJo, lhl$ '1¥'1'£ '4tllcJ 'D.iru\l..\khln, b)' f.J(' ti w.,:U ,n four courso ll'I Klch' Colk:gr rangioa lf't"lm ··tw~- to ~1n -.r« A.rdli1«1urt" " M oa of I.hi: chlldrt11', t'tlUf'kt art' 11 OOC-i.b)' •ff-arr whc~ the lduh b 1nt11a~h IIJ,':(,f..\\(\ CNl NII for ICVfflll v.ctl.~ The lhrtc EJcltrhoAcl lS5 )~t'\ and OIJtt) COU:RC.'\ 'JJil'I fi\"C rTg1.1L.v urLit1J da)·1. To rc:-J i r for BUi:tiler',cJ~c..nco.lJ 71:R-3333 «fill OUl 1heretk&AliOC1 lboet In 111(-t,act u1,tic w,m("f"/Spnng 1w, Opportu11,1.e., m Ii<• aad Tt21iftin1 c.illfog fow:ad J11 the Admi1.~it)fl\ Orliet of NIC

Ideas for the dateless on Valentine's Day

LO'H:.1u "C.~OVOl)lQthita1t. Yes. ,1·, l •1 l &IW1C }di llfiun. A tlllM: wbrn 111 II JW' IYI ~)fntn&h,wc1hc.lr111tl(nc!Jlb

no- -cn Md !.":Indy, ')tnl)Oib:w,, ll'ltn' C11d.lC\,

dl •nm C, N01c,·~

a lo\'l'.d one, )'Q(I , 1111 Nl,·e a fcw more dA)"l 10 lure wolC'(lnc 1n He~ .u~ a,~., 11UU'"t.tlon• for •n&tlllll •"'iplirKM& ocher. 'Ilk' pc,--.)(1.iJ IIJi aR 1t\\-.,)·\ iw1 o ril1t'ln, alhcr to 600 true lovo or 1f )'O\l'tt klokl.1\J (or l.111;hl. Ad, ,~ult' people of a ll ages. gcodm 111d ~, t>ntm!li(Jil JI )l)ll'rc I rul r\ltll,U\hl;'.,)WtilltilWIY, find• fe• ~)fll"tllCC ad, th:it rcaJ Wfl\Cih~ 111cc "'SWM "«kh!S SWF l'or looJ ""11,Jl,1. cuJdh ni ai.t flO',.\Ablc rebuothh,p."' Arant.her ilir• ("' lhr hoprlc."W)' lii.,t-c: d11llo,~ i1 a~ ''kil,t:ly tu:~m·· ~t1111 mom. T~II: ~, ;ve cOMtanlly r~uring \l.;iricf of 1n,e k1\e fuwd on.hoc. I only ,1.1Q('1>t thlt, for lbe.e\rmncly ~. hov.c,-cr. mo,;s or \hnM- "c:ybcr- rrl.st1on,hlps d0fl'1 t,w too loog lbrtr b o1l•n)'11 a ~..-c 1NI )'OUl"Dtv.·c:.h111 bwdy i11 a prison lmniitt Oft Je.-h row ur a"'"™~""'' from the ~·rons salt of the: lf.ick..~ Of ¢0llt'\C, lhM! muy bt' \hllC ont ill II million dwDCC di.a r111t bnnp )'t.ltl iugethet 1,,·u1!1c 1n(ounAC!l,111 wpcth1Jh•11} For 1ht"KC "'11o ju,, auft IC.'('"ffl 1,\ find Mt. ar M~ R1ihc. cbi•c free. 11ft pknt) of v..11yi 10 be h..('PYon Vaknunc', O!ay, from 1hc I.Me~ ""''- OIC>\',C 10 dtc Oki cb»li:\ YCIJ CUI ,111o·a)·W vnd )'()UIW:U dotttl,. ol Oo\\en 1nd QlffJ)' 11nd rnalc c,ff)·onc: t":bejCOlOUI, .A,,in,r ~1v,d,,,1 Hf'Nlf.811Vt,!Y}l(ro-w. C.a,,1!'U"lf.t: W~tlool.t't*

H elp is avai lab le to di sabled

Ninety-nine students receive aut1tance. byJ11itqur ltm1m SrtJllm-lllrpmttr J.J1 Adiltm.,29. Snni.Jpaitn.\:l'lttllUJt.,JU\l:IC!f, ha,; W"Vnitd '*'11hti:hool 'YIX'Cjll'liorllig.htll.&'IQd)·•hi;t. Slitfk'l'I\ l'ffi)\'(l2$,$ht..i«tfl upsit:int ~b.(Wl Rpe. ~n UmC' Jurk",b adcompn:bcnuvt. ntlLl:I by c:lil.,~ lflroosJI Dt\olhilit)· ~l,,lrfl'I" St" K.'n (US.\) • The Sludrnc Council ror Stuibu. wilh Dis.mllitiei bcGd It). titled moeuncoaJ-.~ Tht'1.....:u.wooa11*'1'c!Llurtthe!~t~la111t1 fjrflCIIII wpot.Udon DSS1,iho:clq>otlm<,,t-lor--10""1u><d w.idenb-v.flhlfuabt.lilin.. NIC bcpn (W""ldlllJ "4Wnl' lb-,t,mit'C "'dlsabltJ OR Aua Sbiln-.t Dllnllcl, N d'IC fiN (iJll-t1t11C OSS CMN!outor Srudcllt, -v.Jtb ,w.d,OOf!l)iu\ C.""'" p,,)dio~ ph)'IIC:at mobtlil),Ji')~dolenly..rllllc:ami dn,ihffric\1ro:1,"C' Mll.'llmntodatm ,n fl \1lnd)' cf "''II)" '1'bt lltt\,U,. un:- ~1,'1)1 lndm~. • i:-.:1,, !WlW. fbina impaired •bilillli n-.yta'Cl,e~he wntl('a 1nurut'I""* hY ll.'-~lrntnhond horQrv.\.,..... pcfcrmt al t.eab tq,. 1 m::,~~\U:ll~=~ blindne»t1M) ffat\Tlab. bcmd y.od,.. ~~tuodt11111dauis in Bnulk nrwc n••f1C'f'I ll\ IOhcrn:,ulat homcworL Ad.arm is t.»a111 an wni )lcpt,. s ••nc10J1«ft11~ ·-rm ooc upcam,. llllttlUCWl"lto , ,,-c: ""° umc. "" band u, ~~ll.tllq'kl'ICJWIOONCAtrn~,01:1~~ Clp«tMillm,•. Adanl\ glJ -,'C'lo<nai ~nh v,tiQ b 1ow tiw:y tum: k.vn1n,a: Jis.lbilldcs.bu1.wcloct) :ib(i&ll~ 1'ic.Kt ~lb nh kurulng d~ibilllk\ bl,.., I\Q'llF towpcrior I~'" llwrlJ~ ··t1·,aneurolc,s.aJcll14..-hWls«i 10~ \\...,o1 ~1111\C (Wl(UOO. TotjUillJf)' for avk'a dwtiu&lf oss. a~ mu\& j.YU\'io: c,1raa1 "°""""""


Tbc ciC:,,,t °' •na for lt.lmlnc ~l'llltli.lilia. it, lhc mpcDibi.11)' of dlt '-ll.liXTll lta wuckrll f«L hco, sZ-.,rtl.\)' ha\cukaltnlt!J Jlupu,rnclll 11ohicbr.. .uffinf.a~r111collcsrCAlll' C01nttalt100.u1,d,., "'h','confidC"l1d.JJ." Ou,lllt~..::u.1 ''Noone In UIO DSS otria: • 111 ,ll,,.·lnlt~..::a:,mmaU11fiillll\V.-id1ou1lllfflpcrmb , lion.'"

S11JdC',.\Of rxult~ memtcn u~ In leamana,~ tbcxar iJW: S1UJr111 Ccx1nC"il '°' Scu1Jrn1> v.lith Obobihllt"l lff 1rw,1Cld IO &ht bl'.U menln, it1 ~'Ill. ThalRlbt, Feb It t':lll 764-~ "1r ln(ornuttlon

Sablrday classes begin Feb. 20

fhc A.lum m A otui!wC'J ¥fill be n.fknn.s fPIJt S~} cb,.111t, lq,tM ftl ott Ft,l,. lO The MhlU1 Sia,u~ 1n W "1tt" _.111 •lodcd,,,I<" t tht .,.,.e.1bct, ~()(1( m.rlct. fath,ol' atk.l , EAtb db-1 w ill b~ for thMCbl1in,..n,Jro,.1SIO Lu°'-1)¢'1,l'lllbc'\'fflV' Wd l be1ndlakd An)"nl'le in 1hc «ltnffl'91\11v CIIII .i end The ON cl.I" un Feb !O, ti11¢ll "I, Our 01m.1r Os,angini r will b. i..ul{.hl b), R,lbm Qpin11. ul1m~n'°JN. at 1~m WiuhiAJIIOlt VOl',ct)1t) · h'i NdC the Cotur u( Ywr 11wmb • •·ill lw:Wt' JPCll.t'f Did Rifl.:iod. a S ih a Valle) ralf'\n). on Feb ?7. "& II or 8cJir Coo.,'CN1aoc1 ida • ,wc._bnx: c:r or a c-t)'.UIba r w.,Ut,c: on M~h (, wnh a alt'• fi1t:1rk:111J ~,~1f1mt1 , ptllkanc Thcllblol_.ooM.lrth 11u IJl~"lhit\ 'l.'ft 'l to!•lh 1fljl0~ onJ v. I do b.1 t" I 11.1n 11d oJ ,\ caow1l#CIC from ~1"J ,1n,m will ~pc:11,.l n,, mPU 1nformalicia Cllfl the A1umn• A<t,.oc:1atlClft a, 76"•7SO(,,

page 5 The NIC Sonunel Life Thursday, Feb 4 , 1999
.Iworkforce Training Center leatures new nature classes for all ages by \'.•U.lK' \Uddleton vn1m,IHrf't>1t1·r
IUmJ ~.1Rht1~ iloll"I NIUIIY tnlhll)f;I\I~ Uf 411 ~~\C,1111 C'\J)IUl't lt,cir '"1""'._1, riin,111, .a.hit hutlicr din i:h d>1.\.'IC\ t•Ucrt'd ti,· tbt Educ:,IUM (111111111.w 1,, Ilk- \:, A1,1Juhon 'M.11,;kly, t\.nt,11~ H1a.hkr \ht P"' 1J..-. • \,,nCS) ol \Wr~ oo l'Ullunal M.ab)C\:b. \11th .)11. hitd,, ':•J.un,,md ht""'l d1.1uurh IJ'k· \\'urU~\.c lt.all1ll'lf l'ei1,a ") hkt' .ill Ff'O'!pi\.
itn •ht', ftlJI\)' •'lhrt .lite.a. t,I am>C'nahnn VIC wajJ
aiur~ for NIC me.,, tu 1n,,.,.·m1 'IA:~)<! lobe._.,., a l-10,og· IINl\lCIOf 1111 • ~•tllCC' 1:cnter in Ma.illC.. A, tbC' c:b:linllllll of tht .\udubon'lt t.hc- fltllb 1rr\Clf 1n,f'1,'0.1
1,r lht'" ,ulunittr cdul.'1U1•• (W'l'j\."\'t\ llk \CICJd)' 1 k.o on The t0r11:1)' 1 IICh I \.Intl) of fttW1npt1.n,J4;!4.._~ ;it l(IC"lllk'horoh OIC funtict u,lc'q,no:tet for f o1milll SIM Park ltd ~I "'M.:ir,.h \lalnb, '- Iola.'\ c,f 111,nl. foonh and f1(1h padtn lhM Sh 1ht 'l\tll.ancb .. __ Socia l Kllf!Qe lnstructot Kart•Erlk Af\dru.uon performs Tai Chi to musfcu HurN PlKUOonor Pat O.Smet watches
ln n1.u1y
...... 11111111;1-. littm.tloN! A!ll1n fctri11tclplltll,y~ ,., rl:IPyk:lnlc. 11:*"lt l.l~&
Cflffl:f, C,i,rm,t1 SM 111)" ldwlu n "'°'°""" ~n..1!1.lC~!'fll Sot II l\.)'~ ......... 1ht1r19 ..,...,~
1:n®}, M.itd, -li 11r k p.111 11.> t> \tip m Tlw- ti.a,, 1<t p,1rt ui 1tic Worl.:fortt roilnmg lllwf Cunununit) Edoca1ioo program n,11 7f1Q.l444 fDII' """e 1nrPtnr111,1;n
-aid 01;al •h1J1c.• h.;:i\'C' ;!HJ\lln tl1C' r1.-;1"c ol f 111 C'h1 .Jc.v., ~o•n Ilic llun rai..:. and hurnt\(~ rcipl.nuloo
b tcadnns • ·rat ('hi 1n,I Sun, Pil11.1our1 i.Clau, tic:11nn1n~
Specialit)ng in fres h delicious MeAic<mfood 59 ce nts Tacos All day, tlvery·day r--------------------, : 10 % off ! I I 1 for NIC Student s : & Fac ult y with co ll ege l.D. : I I 1.....,,.1•1tw : I ,,..,..,....... L--------------------~ 71h nnd Sherman Downtown Coe ur d'Ale ne 765-8522 of Mica B,)' a, ',l,t:ll 11, mM)' of her okkr' gtoU;N Mka S..y is 11. otl.l.tnd 4ttJ.. about JS ffllffil'ID \001h 0 1 ll:IWII, adopcJ by !ht Audubon ,Soc.ct)' anJ ia\C'd for Jll'o( w..:bcvc nu BuC'htrt 1mr:rpmod rordlC park for ,,.u uu:1uneN and 11 .111 here th.M W al.ined f\'llK:b oJ 1hc. lnllwkJ~-c. or pl1111to., llnl4ct'\ a~ wlldhfc
i, ll\.111flJl'llllnliC', ,nd ,om,c peq,k: •rtn't fontuutx: lo C\C'D (I.Gd~ 10hr 11ollb Ob. if nnly 1hc "'md ol lo~ w~ \ol) pnf«c AMit" Woodell fore\'Ct)"o(,c Valcoune·,oo.ybritst .i~hin,. anJ for thi'l...e of )'(N llrllhroul

\ fr. HQ)«r i, •ro,11)' 11kc p,y,- \j;c;l 19· yow.c,W AvhR)' Mll.-1.• "Mlbal1 pla~ frflfl1 lcblbo Fall,. 11('·1 \'tt)' htlpfUl 1\HIUl'.k-M, tJi:a, .,..o,t,,; 'A 11h him •ftd tie dof,i,·1 kt WJ)thitlfi \lop hln tmm WIW'k1fl8 IN!rd. Holter mcn'C'd 11, Nooh ldidw:• 1.11 clJhll• Mid On1~hcJ "4-ho!tl bcrc llc.111t»d,cJ hw.ineu "',11

IA 1970a1klMw 1f!tl\cl,h1\ uwnln,, i11 lhe,:ym.vt4 Holrrr'~j11h 11'11,lul.ln, '<Illa, upUw JYlr'I ror ,p,r,.11111C\"tt1t, iNi hdpnr "''"1;.,mtfy athlir~, 1111h dl(',r Ju11t~ I lil','.' 'lfltd.1111 "'"h ll1t W'-"° Uoltet sa.lJ.. U1tf\'l' al"';1>·1 Mn rl'CIII w nk'."'

Frid Holte< alld hl.t compe;nlon Zokor •PM<t eome Ume

to gain

Hoitt, ulJ he tn)op r1.o.hin1 and hunr!n, lh lncoch, l111;.h1Jing A1hlclic Oltb:a,;,t Jim Ilt"Mlcy an,,t mcn' i hn..dodb.111 ccach f t11ih .,..,.,...

"n1t"ai1/e11n11 gr,. thr tmt,llttr wm Jlrl. mu/ 1 ,11 prru,·n/JJ'" -Fud 1/,,fv,

Hotnrs;111J \i~I, klW',,-1 n:11.II)· c.ban~t"~' th..· )'!!'an_ Jlt ,JJJ 1ky'tt<',fndkfl~ whim aud b: 11,u l\cH.'TII.W 11.ny tm1.1hk Umc Id hi, 1-1 )e,111.c,41l "f!Onc,tt .o.panitl. z~•«. ''lie roe, f,·~-hctt: I do.. Ho•rtt u1d 'lie'1- i..1~, the be,1 hul'ltlnJf dc>J.

'"Ob, I kaJky can'! cah.·b •11 fi1.h!• Hob« ,ildi11<k(tl'l.~1·,et.11e-Frt°d1JilllCCI "·a18or9. 11ndhc-'5b«n•'«> J!Olrtdh·c p;vtormy lif(','" He.die)' ».iJ. Jk., a gn:M guy. NOi anl.r t.. ht hrtn a l'Nt" nllOdd (or \ l.udcnll. ht'11 bttn like• fllthtt tOIIOfflC." Fttd a.11d 1"lfc Rila M,"t" bcffl mmiN:I M )'t'ati. Thdt 1Ntt \'hlldrcn ptiluilltd frlf'm NIC. 1&11d tbt)' ha\~ t"'°o f1M.kiuldren.. R1u is• hrtJot1g Coc:ur d'Alcflcreui.k111

"frtd 14)"1 ht'• a iQO(J fi'OOlt\&O, 00! I 1111( t11n, to lall)'l,' I'm ~41:f!'" Hc~lcy \lid l 1MO. Uc ,Oifl<'.d lhe Cotur d'Akl!C' polli."C for« 1n 194.2. ~bcrr-hr wortrJ for 15)'< "'I fk'\·« ~h~,r 11111l'lo.'kl1•· H1ll1q1111W }Cil:11\jtly 111 h1• 'Jl'lff 11mc. UtlUrt i.aW beC"J(l)'t. fi-hht!f. hiµicm, -~ llfiJ 1..1~l11J h1,t:wwt(ln1ticllllc. He; «,·1>4,N a pNI cJQI (J( hb

"'Th( older )'OU gl1. the tOOghcr )'OU ,-:t. :tn1.l l',r1


llld 1 - Hr, bcllmc:J '"Su.•ct> hlll\kt.,'"Holttradvid. -vaudon'1 tel ,tn~1hh111, fot fr«"

bt Krlly l>t-ntr l "''""''"'' '"''"',\c't'onhng kl mat', t",,1,ldt,r..11 L""NCh Hi;igh WatMm the worn hnk 10 tlr ml..,,.ing ,,a thC' ha.,,r1tiiill dlllia 1, 1hr poUM gllllni \\aiv.lfl l1,..,h"ht1l ,1,l)o RaJl.ai1ll llult'\, ki11&hbnJ, Oa..wat. ,u"(lrndctl for •iMltniu;~ WM"6fl"',11furo:d 11,u11po'tiw. w111n,g upju"t~I plnyC"n 1n 1b(' n\.J ain.l~l llifilltM 1he Cnlk',c "' \c;JU1hc-t11 ld:ilk1 TbrrC''t, more- le) the '1<1f) W•b11n lid lhnt· 111,,11-a , mnl1.l1 n:~111"1 Sll bef,.«tt H'u~ a.nd ll n1llc)i\all rLa)'l't Jhr11·111uac.1.'1l.....-d11(.-r.1hng1hc,11(11l(y W.i\CW1 loo1idlti~CkllkJtt ffmn• ~11'1rnt"tll .,m 1-ituLffl 11110 and Wat.on wad Htl'.lb ,u'f)C(1al the ,11flt") NII rl.i)'Cr lliJ u :h ,-)hart.~ fhlk"I mumcd lhe h\llr". Al.:<."OHJ1"1 n1 Walklft.. Htlrt. "~' dwJtJ. with bft'wdq: and tt1&«1tl£ Dt.i1t.-i 1tw tlrnt 'A l)tl'I hnlr. v.«1 br0Ut1. Wmsot1'• team 'UoClll a fUUjLh 1999'°". P,\llllJ ,1 \.2 u~U \tftl..Y tlw brnl. W.i'°" ukt mtr111nFi"I rl~~ h.t\ pul 1hl: 1ci1m'• en.ins off W11h

t:.~=~','!!f!t,:Z~:.'!~iqu~~~ RtQk

control on J.aaon ~u• ot R~k• College. R•amuuen won the ma1c.h 15*\3

Reigning Champions

Thl•••a;Mc:......-- ,,, .,, __.., - v- ._ 111-,, Wrestling team eyes 12th title, lends off Ricks

b~ Ju"lln k~1fu, .\rttrrt f.d,ri•r fix' v.1~hn11: ,q11.;.1d ,i,ttllli Ju h11n 11-. ,·~npl'tlll11n 11, ,·~'1) u,ht,

11la,., 1 t»rt.athtalttJJ Rc11Jon 1,t h":..IJi:11.J, htn k,d,, ('ollt'gC 1r-io.l ranJ.:cd In IITI: 'JJCA..\I fdl to 1bc

b\t't1g1n1• h11IJ .z,.11 l.a,c J<mJ.ay The- win 1,1umt'J nw:111111 If)(

t~hh "'h,,1 llrt'.al 11 14 I\~ t~ \'IL1nc., lal m1,r1th Rld ~11·

lhe onl) ~1,nft"trn~e 1c•m 10 bc111 *Ill{" 1hn §t'itMNI NJ(• .\>\ p:•II• pl.i -cJ N1C al N S 111 the ,,., t,111l11tJ l..1,1 -«Ir..

A f1N1W"f•1111 p111 lor 117 piMll 'w'IC '1,lOUcr 1Rl) )Ac~

1J11e mon:ir111nm ith &Pit ot1I; fMt1 ,,1 the n1rht cr.c, P!,lj.o ,).c:

f"°l1• an \o1l"w'll'., r1n, S.."t1fl R.ocno\.Vn &WrC";MJ Jll\firt Blot IS-11 in Pffllllf". thc m&N u~ro..c mll!d\ c,J lht r'"'""''-

RM,.,.., pm,'111._.•t,.., .a 1:t...Un1i:c for the l'anJ,tllll• 11'1 1hr ,10ddlt' •

"'fil,'hh but fine,IK'd -·dt1 1,M 1tu~ ~·,n• ovtro.11 (1119. 165 aJ hea'°)"rl~IO or the 10 111,1,~hN. ~,• ~ere dtd,kd b). dlrtt or f ('wer fl'Olnl\ 8 'WllunLly. 1ht'\li mu" 11' -..daticd in hJhc, ~tic 1hc NAIA

1ur·1an~I N1it1hc:ml.iih.1-. l\adno1n.,ubieai\''-"II thcma4()..3•l*in8-

.._..,,1htn1, .an C'I.IC'll\1011 tJI MMh11ta S1.1c U11\1,et1111)'. hi,,IJ, a rtJ\loC'tlul 10·-1 r«11rd, 1o,1usll dne 10 Oi\'hion I OUahoma St•I"

l'fm~•I}' ar"'l.11111,dlC'I' 10MlchlpnStau' U11hff'll)'

r,,,.\;I\ r Whilc:omb 1ouir"cd 1hr rac1 1ha1 Nonhun , •

f'O\!,ett,,.,u-< ma 1111P1c c.,pcrirnccJ .ind CUl'11pe,111vc lic'.i,Jue.

-1 hl."rC" ,,11·1 II IIIC'CI We '4"1\'."\lkd •t111t\\ lhC'm dull ,ht:, Wffttt'I b..-ue1.'" Wh1JL'Offlb wk!. •·t,u1 ;n • f,w 'ill«h. (!C'Ople ~·1 JOlttJI: to

·t.,w,u1;N1110111b·1 k) St11f!C opcnc\l mcf ckw,,:J the looc ,1,1nrut11 cffOfb for thc-Cat\k •·Uh• 11-M \kri!.hK1n ,1,n NrinJ~'\ T)wn Tbtvkt,e in tbr IR-4· poul'IJ 1'f1u.;i(.cl \1SU '111 H lhr onl:, C>lbct kam ICI ~1 ltlt C.rJ.,, J\ IC' 11,inc,,h1.1 I!·' U\1."1~1. ··----·-·-··, , Honor,.. II ;- . . . . . "So many people ~aid he wouldn't make it. He"ll make it. I tinnly be li eve il"

f'W>tld v.c,11 rbc)' w;anc<I h.a\·1na pmbkml 11rn die \l,UIIIIJ Sl(Mnt fi.l.lttl •• \U.~J .111d lllllet lkktod ofl

,., I<= The v0,cJ MAIIIIII Jl.lllld Wra,al((l a bo)rie 11'1 fNI fOOI p11111nr him on 1hr U'IJi,1ci.l lht. IA,nf f\1,1' ftt4ntts fc,c(cd W1111M to u:·.Vr.llij..'C pli)·m and poi, hon, ~uuf'C'h•II) wr' II 1-ct our 111.1 • •Mr arid ,ii111

r'a.)1n)l A> & 1,C'llm b((orc- lhr end P1".ca'IQII.'" l(cq, uJd

"'I'm ttlllJ) puud. be'~ done \"Cry 'cll: W•t'°" "'111d

.,~ca IIIWl)' pr,,pk ...,_. he "'oolJtt'1 nMikc i, He'll makt'

of trouble - llugJ, UQ/wnt llu1k,t/x,I/ { ',me/, 7-foot c:cnto:r overcomes problems. prove; powerful. producttve b.) ..t~M(liln•" .V11mttlk,r1rtrr A w1ule ht \11' 1th f.c:c a hr 11 r11..,unc o r hm1'1C'lf .1 l-)"Cltl-olJduiddni11hat,L.c:1hall onalddr r~\tt..· h,;•op 111,il hung lnim hi\ dn1.11 Jw,ut1 0cliu Kttr h no ,1t11nj.,'ff 10dunli111, nor i, bt ,I .J.n1ntn- to thf r.11r1t 1.C N\lcthilll Kt"Cp. ZC• 11,cri1 •JI l•rlm ~t.lC\I )t'lln ll,1r•ling lhc M•• l'" dl•tc1&.1

""hl 1h., etapt f~II' t111t hb n~

X«p 1:1"1 he h.11.1 a lut ,,., ~m hh ,,Jph11mm<:

,~<lTfll 41,h ~bl,c-,I ,-ub ,ldJ,piric 1ehi,.\l 1>1" ,r111nr


In tbt l(ip IS w;unn1 and f ,dd JOi!I pc,wnl.lF in !he SQcn1e "°'" Alhktic Cclflfc~ 111, ¥t't'.a M\t.mnyhctJctcm< ,\4,;1t11f\tinJtt>Wa1 1n. Wt ,lll!dkt. 4u1cl.;r ,:u)'\ s i\·c Kccp wme JJl"*IIN11, ·•r1111a'Otki111 "" J1, 1hoo,tt." ~Id 1hc ,cm.I~ fWIL J\nd)u.\l 'illhlll I, Kttp',ta,..onJ,mo~·, A till\Mk-p illllll. ht hln toc: d l 1k BOl.111(' Du:nl ~C\-ord, n,11 tQ \\'an(lfl lhli ~.-~n11 h.,, he<'.- a ll,11Jr hu,

nlh"#, The) IIIUU'd WI WIii'!. ,uvo, IQt'II IUIJ

1utonr ~·h&111ht d,nnai:(' ha..t. hccnOOtll" Kttrmt1-~J pna.1...:r t,111,: JJ.) bi• funtor,c~vl"C'C:lll.lW he v.,h \I<.~- the nett¢))·, bt -..col ,mu i nt Jt)m o1nJ 1>tv1(\f '*"''"lnjl 1111.t11111I. ..,1ncth1nir he v.».11·1 \Uf"l)O'C'd Ct'I ta,,:, d1111l5: .,n.:i: he hild fmi-<J rr.- II« 1h&:- l1~) l,cfotc:. Uun11~" •tui,:.: pt""'"' ~111l. 1ht bii..kbNrJ ~l,f,lltl'N. JWJ hr""*° kid.CJ 1•1h1I ,, tn,,I ""nk' ec--.ictiet~ ..11.J f•ult) Jun'ltl) tn kttr j,:tJu11 ,oc;hml filt Miite,nt.•,'' Kttp \ill.I ·11 th<y don't hit" )·1JU, II<)~ )'C'N •· Uc 11cmt,u1<'• i\\fl..:\'l\\>'1 lt p::ri;:c.1M Jf\lP,ut flllt lt'I thh ~•~" >,i,citppl;1)('J\..1f~1ryt111\lMh.1lllu,tl"t'ltirmir1)ntimii """" n111l1C..t All ln,:W", A11 11riJ All t'•'flf("h'.tio.Y' hb ~•IWlt ""'' H.- t,tnnl r,c•n rvl•' at 1;rt11t1. Al 7.f,11,c 28$ pou~ l<«P ""'II• 1n1imidial1n1. He hlld &JUI pulCflll.-.1 llfllj '11,·AS Joot.Qg (or\lo·ntd 10 hi., )('nllJt )CM 11\C At:1111»! d1"ri1.1 hail acbcr plane Keep ib rormJ ,I) fmhh hl, l.1.\1 )'Coll o1 hlaJ!.

IL I fttml)' brl~'o,: ii," Wuh 'i\'ilU11 hM' l"x•IO lln.lvn'\1ty ufSol.tlcro

('ullf(,m,a w,l.011 ai l(i.~p WM!iOl'I bcltc;,·t' ht caold be tht 11:1'1 Jtlaf<'r fnwn fd:thtt 10 1110\'C" Oii 10 [)lv(,j'l)n I

l\l"".ttNIII Kttph.u RCched uffm lrom llc:ru,. U,c eoumry, ham 11.a'ill·ml '" Po.,~kk~. but he u.\J he i~"1,utt

¥11tt'"rr:tic:·11 uend 'fhl1, l\ Kttr'\ linl 11n.epbyin,: I Ddtttt )<"~.n."

W11111-.,. 1.ll'K.I ·lk n~lo ~-~akci. bu! he lc;m,; ftnm them U hi! "',ud' ward. he'll be rtaUl&cd by a big-lime .ct.11,1 Tht:Ji.M.•"nprofcwtnmlo,tq"l).bltthe1.:,111·1 hl!Jei v,b(tt IK! l;.lllllt from" >{ttp iu, rnn.oen h101\t"lr lhmug.h\'lul tbt' l,Oll~ tllftl1n11 in 1ht-11Jp-lS blticl.c:d i.hQU_.ind rt~ m the: ~WA< l k 1,1;.I he • Un~ b" 141'-ctCL.\ tu hh J""rTltl). T tlf)'

ondO,~. ""l'hry'\"C' h:kl ;i Impact ~)fl my life-. T'bilt'I .,h)'

I'm llCft' ''°"" "tic t.ikl. "l',l! OV\'fCorl'IC a IOI of dtfir:1t, tor"tk•"'1'c1r I •1111uda)'. t hey',~ •upp.ll'\(dme IW re~nt."

The NI C Sentinel F«>. •• 1899 C: Roman!. coinP<i the : phraw lunatit, becau"' : Sports -= 1hey 1hm1gh1 a full : o moon c,1051'<1 epileµ1ic a lt acks.
.... CllrilllliiM IIJII II llllzll"I b} 01mW Jnnon ._,,.,111ilk1r·'ftn If oolloJ) \Cl up Ille flC'lt fo, u \-olk)NIJ ;.an.r Uf Sul uut !J.1,klbaJl\.((11 ptktl(t' ¥i1'Ul•l lhcrt tw:, a CUfl~·.• ~k~• MC .llh~le. 11ttn·t v.on~J. ~1,1-< dlC')' ,11uv.· filrJ Holr.c.'r', ,r1tr-'lv face u lhcrt 1.0 hl'lri them ouc • Uol,n, St.ti.s,nt"cnip\·ohala! NIC lot nC'11tl) :C, )'<'.al" Hie bC'tc,ffi .n ll<'wn1iu1 .l(Cunty J:WltJ
Former police officer graces NIC for 29 years
IWI)' from NIC to go fishing.. "'Ith 100n
AReged theft sends Hines packing; men's basketball lacks point gwnt
Scott RasmuS:Mn Ughte
J«>M I"1n\(m. N,otu,, 1(1.lho,, tud a toffl 1an,1c. Wa1w,n the tc;im "'•" .tho platunl h) a llu ,q1tdieffl.k. Ou.arJ f"tl.'J RC'lbtn.l,oll, Qiwt1.1. SY 1to1ic•11htbc lh1 ~tnle 11~:'.ll'l('otld J'A1rt1Crwl1\'eOlild C11cdr)"• dnl«.iirJ thumt, •We'A!hott't.i&I) IOrtilltht· h.i,oo,"tr-O!Jf ht.t,.,'' W11i1"11;lftf,,)IJt1r1ht' lt:'ltWlntCIIJA!ml"'-
a. l ~1 Nmhml: 1h(y'rc iu1n11i1,tift1~l
Keeping OUT
Ht tdlk'J 1.ll!\lo II l''lll
W'tiol.11 tn i\1llm,;,n. lk t11\ly v,~-.ali..lWC'd tL1 Por ill ''"~ prucs. l'lc\;.I~ W.Mt11na,,:,n ttqllil'('t. ooc rc:,v mJdenc) k1be tbg.t>lt. lcpaJu.uedtRllln £'ullm.a.n 11,;rb S.:bOOI In 1990 Ahtt ~llOCI. Kttp ~on:aJ oo M o , I na 1.t1 ~11 Lbkc Ciay. He rO()I: 11am: )t:AN off fmm "hoof i,.Qll b.1, kc:1b,\II before, mumlnr to MOK.'Ow, He 1old hi, ll'llllbcf thilt tic .,•l'IIC'd ,ci to bad, 10 chN.11 mid plly NII Iii- 11iom. O,;t1it,c:AlkJco:wcltHu,:h W1,-.01u11 flil(' \\hn cou.ldrfl,c btt11 nl!Ott plC"•~ Ji1 in•al~d011ll1thttt.Mn."Wat,o1t~ "Hr,l1.1d JI 1'JJ hod) 111.J \11,'(llf"ltiJ ~n:1 lx,ch Wat\MI ,nJ K«p ..,,rte Otl J\i, "~"h' ,md \lloc»inc,,-.c,,. Ith "lr(llfth h rilll'u~l~hht,. 11..i,ounJ111g 1111d ~.xu,g. 'I tat~ ~l'lf"C'. 1•'lt.ty,'" t<t't'p WJ 'Tm 11ut llltalJ ...... Ktep ,ttm,, 10 bt ~r"I 1h 1fUl.h,. ntn.,l1tJ

Difranco rises 'Up'

Sin ger/songwriter s howcases

ta lents with mode rn folk appeal

b) AmyWr!J~t Art.i & lntt'n11J,u,1r,,r &/1t11r

Antrnr~·~n"', conn«11on li'l lllw.11.: '1idn·1 (OfflC'f«lft'l'4111l'\CJ4'lhi::

radio ti.111mm tbt rau,,,n~" "'hco

btt f),IIC'Qh '--Wkt hou~ ._.hill!

mm::hn1 lhnxi1b m SIi"'· Th.11',

tu:,~ 11.1U began. 8)' IO ·)·r.u,.-ulJ

\he ~1 pl~yiog O...."Oll~ltc ri,1uu ,md

J.USJiDC in bi&,, JruunJ Buff•I'-'. U; 15 \hr,..,, "1-fihnJI Mr ov.n

1,nni; I.hid brt.ui'" poem,

-sutcC' I w•o huk ,d, l"\C

ah•..iy, lbou,J,.t tn llllni. ,Lum~

column~ 01fn1nro ,~1d.

Utt b:..:a.smuM help,; w e\.pl:u1:1

ba un:lqllt' minical at)'k 1ho1 ""

11Wkk her o rt.,pcc1ed mu\tl.

'TocJTbr ,.....

C'cmeAv..r,tonlr -

A,¢1\.ut NVl'M)'~m




TldrC..... HJ, ""ro)lla

Th,~ h Olftancu·, l21h lbc ,occnnJ ~ma )OIi "l j'I Up

tlr l'p l!p Up"' hiu. 1t1c ;1ppciil l,111 h,t' pc:rfortn•l'll:c wtth 1hf

polished •UUod <,( .t ~lud lu r«,•d1nfi "'h t, ~a.u.w: li,c 1"Clftkd

mMI utn In t' 1n n ,1u1,ho N,1w1bctt'•a<01i«flt ,

1...alt' m•n) ocher Oifr.uil't'l .t.lbmn,. thh Ql'IC': foll,w.-... !.Ult. h fk:11,

'il.J(h 1«IILI l"-UIC'l,, pMblcm, lhM pbflJC the n~ai,n

In '°°'' like "11, or l'h(,:"' 1.11J '1"m.l.k- ()o111.,11" Oi(fflll.'O Ldks

.,bout ho'llo (lfflf'lk 11';.t ck1ft·1 rully cart- 1Jhou1 '-'-"~ bu111ll.~ aboo1

•nu:c,al'ldhov. ,-.L"et lhe ·Jeff)' Spnntn",r~w. n Alkt•.lut

1ha-c 1, •lofll rnlK'h hor,t ""'' n!dcmruon Th1,,«hll$ oJ U\11h h>1I Sbc,mg. ,1bwt 1n1.11:11h..1t nwlc )'OU 1hmL "'thiu bal our ,o-.-crnmc"at 1~ f't'.ally do,ttJ! to u, • Who It c.~11) kd,11111 l'IUI for

A not so 'S imple Plan'


)r1 •I bnua.Jc.,1, rutC'J) entcnulnin$ Rick. '"A Simple Plan-'***) m,\y

bQtc 1hC' .-, crag-c ,-;t'...,_r, undttl)lr19 ph~ nf 1hc

cv.o,bnur mo,·ic hi" 1hc 'P''' ,n ;i11 rnorall>· ~rra,cd

<locJcty, but 1.1nfonun1udy v.uh lmk cnh·H•1nmct11


The nll,)\'1c

bcgm, v.uh

c ta.s.,ic

fnrt',haiJo~,n,. :\ (ti,- in• bc.n

h<-ll)C •nd

ftlLIWC''t u,v'-"hccnc111111

*'**'* fopNc--.-h *** Wonh1ticS. ._ * Vidrti )pn:ul • ·$tti.11111JT1,•

k'111n& the ,..:enc t:an111111n 1ht1111rh the hln, w,1J\ no•

,1urm, •ndcro...,,

Greed_ The ti.a,,<' r1oc ri1t.c:., 1u; ugl) ht'ac.l \,..heft.;

tWi\l <>f llll C' ~·au-"(', H.:tnL tD,11 P,nlon) h1, •hnple

hrothcr J11eoh (Bill) U(\b nwnonl ,uld 1bc "'"''ti d1-ut1~

Loo f8ttnl hriK(lltoJ, ldcr.._,h lllloll ttt'(' 1n onln 10

Jl\'c)ki h,111111 a fn, m lhc moJ Wh,·n M11() fk1h.

J acob', d.)s, k.ip\ hom 1hc IN.1Ck tu d1 1" lhC' fo\ inlo

d1e (Qtt\t. the ,ncn h>il1• hrr

In a fC"C'U\'tr)· ccin11nuutJ'i. ~l)ahltle tw:lwctn tl.1111. •nJ

1•uu, Lou lluo\lo, .a ,nov.t,,.all tlllo wlt.11,r,een~ tcJ t,c ,1

moonallr\nnv.. t1n\oluJ of ;JI l-l;mk.l t"1 1 "" c;r.a.\hC'd plane c11m,u11inJ: $4 -I 111illi1,1n, AJ1n 1nt.t hi • bcttrr

From left. Bron, llnacoc,, Bill Paxtoo and Billy Bob Thorlon loot ot I etaahed ptanoe buried In • pile ot enow

Instant Movies

Bird on display

Oregon artist dltplays art work In galery b)'kallTuppu Stnt1t,~l R,,.,,11t, It w•~ a tt~moty o~ ur Jul'll' Lc~I A •l.xt1t1!tl whRI v.1th han,l, tc:.1du11i

:!:;c:;}!~~~Ml~~c.,.;;:;i~~ ~:~~::~11::: 1 \luu',r t:01 M•II • • • t11c Prinn' c>t <,11-pnmrn tT v.cbol dccdt bb be';un "'Yuu"\ot Ciot \ ii t:~plit* Juli.I Rcltab1ibtq1.

E\tll Hanl._· • up,1i11d1n11 prc:p.niuu wife. s.ir11h t,..1tn, C<>m<dy J'hd h die oJN"f 1,I ;i Sr.w Yml (8riJt=cl hmJ.a), h bhctn b~ JttcJ *lmi ,he' f('c, lhc- wh..-rc tiv,ul('n m·•I,;, l\\11tiru1hro, • '111,·..- rhi*,gr ;,he, \\hl1 l1,<1 l'lllklftll u(SIOO Mlh 1,nthe 1atile" fkr c.rh.'.OU0tjl:Cmr.n1 pl.i~t'd l:'I) Tom, anJ•pnn,.'.C, v.huor v. th t,cr fi.,rJ)I.( lbl nr 1he cho1tt lctid, 10 t1'c Jc:ll.lhot aJ.c pcupk ltltl.l \ic 1 Ryan. foll in buunJ lct(llx.Ttt)' lie,._ ll4tn•J~f11, 1,ft11Jn- 11

O,t< or th< mu,i •nto11uln1 !Ju, 110, mmicpunra~, lo,-c \\ilh t11,h 1itb..-r Tbo.:-rrvit, ,11hc11 l \llhs:I tfh•l>rrl•J cl.a•hn

1, 1h1111hc\C iut- "'no«" pt1,plc ~h,, 1,nd ihc, t th1uusrh .an t•n·llnc- t1C'flS.ll:c'deiirt1')', 1bt ~•th J•L1t \'\1,,Mt

c.ap.ttlly fu• t\'II fnghtcnitiJ. ""<'" icrttl>·•n~. Pcopk rt"la1n,1hh1r thrm 1111h1-1 h1bh~•.i ~.uandonJ llw: chi lJ,ci·•

v..lm wo11IJ hc,,1,11, to put 11n 1.11d Jog lo ~rc-cr ~ould Tht fl.'Unlrln nt "bJI')' Pfu.Iuc,:d llll•thrr. bu1

f1~ 1bc11u,chc, hlminJ their brad, and coinmmlnj ·'i1«rki~ in Scaut..-· l.tft.1m•1ds 1'1~t1m-,, 1ir«1111"'-n,a t-nn1 1~

l'tmnldtk\ k:(1.afhl r1rtu co,t11N Lu.L, lbc 1.\n.a\ I\\Oh>ti-ctt~,. f\·"11 v.11h Thit, mov1t' C\'Okn lh c hr,11n 1n mnrnl lh()llJhL. but ('\cihnf fOltl.Hl!H" ul \'~I l<i.dmrr '' ti~ a""'luJ~a;~t thH


Tests are hard, Bagels shouldn't be.

"'RnPtes.n.l WIJl"b""lwlauni ~uc;::nt.0-dllf.dJ Cm,aCloll<r)""'*l;h


OIi! lr-i1fn lhC' IQUt t ;11dh1,1l d1t«1io1n The b•l.iun111d wa,, • tuoJh l11nlhc&pc wu.t the 1~y '*"• 11o h11t- The tiUc,ke r,,r it'-CII Met, JMnrl.ul.f"1ntMc.1T1i1•r) The ~alnting: c.itmc from the mrruo,y 1.1J Launt Suj.'UII. WI Otqil.., an1,t ho\bt.,..,ui.'>N R«ctu Stlliltl Wc,ru•11ubt"Nlf G,ll<ty Th< Jal"'> r\h1~1rJacollttht1nof~O t1 t t,,,,t.,1.J'l(I,.~ ,:i..·b ltwnip11,: 111'111ul A Llu111 Nuge.n1 28, began "!I.I.ft (o,;,1. i.unlC' a l1tik pttlntlng bec:au&e It wne • 1*~~ N11f1M1 a.aid she ~(¢fl, productive way to be pgutem11m.i.ll r1n.n ••• tt"" Ntbellloua. ..i.Jlrocn II dt.ani;C' 10 b( dt>W'IOdK'.at N\ll:Cn1. ?S,delidtJtn ~,hlbu tin •,,r'-: ...r Nit'.,,,., ~h,n~ ,iAllcm.~at S,-.1h.,,c..a Cullc-~ NICpm-cd 1n111f11I w.a:11rc,tuncJu..:i.1100, hbcd c-1.pnan..e Suicnt 1111J. "fcandoa,.ll.J.:1bn"' :i.1.J ulk w1~h 1hc 1ouack11t1. NJHllitlJt. 1ft' UC'dlt'J

"'°"ha 1:L1ld """' n,c,.lium 1ni1tt'J ""llh ,hlfcrcm ,,,1,. ~u.i:rul hnd;. her h,m1b on 1hc p.llt't n1lc 1t10fc: ttt..11 her t,c,u,h

'1'hc "''" kil\'\C\ ,IWf'l""lllltl 11(\llhaC \1,.11\Cm..C Ua·tc- tw- Uld nr hi:1 rainlin;, Nure• -.1udi<eJ .>11bc Mlll)l;i,sJ ln..i1tutt ullJ .at 1be N~ Yurt. ~00111 h• ~.:1ul An Sl)c,('~1;1nckd lia lkllll'M"f. 1m1I HUdM."l11n Fbcl'Cc, hi1J~, Al tb..: S1uJ,o An, Cenltr l11kfn.a1lo11.1I. b.:tci:-r lllQ\loA SA.(.~ I Afk", lhn:c: yeo1t1101rr11fe.s~911.1ll)I p1<ldl-.:l11g an. -he NA r,ti,t111cJ ht'r "'If._ n.,1tl1M1.ill, Shi" h4i ,~ef,·ed av,,\ hum riumimiuw. •n g11llt'n~ an1J «ntcn Hrr 11n h,111 httn W't'n in ,he \ I.R C..lkf)· 111 S(:v, r,,11.. IJIC' Curulll\, Ore • Art., Ccntu ,aaJ ptn"t"\ fmm •·"lTN Sm.all Wndi. :uc bran, c1thih1tnl 111 .\INn,·, O~. ~llft'nl', h,,on,c c.1lohi1 ""'"'' 111 Olu" \1 ,1.1t1t.t1n (.°1)mfllul111) ('uUC-~(' in J\oft.llrlofl. ()11• Shr '"'r1,td nD.av,.ttJ fvt' "'01l 11hJ \\-u P.111tt111lp .llrt 11,1\tet" hi ,11,rrnng wt1,1 U UIC nnpin.anr.:t" Crt» bu~inc,., 1o1t1t.-l1t,1e,;lllll»t,. ~11 K 111•JJ1>n.u1• 1f >·ouJLrr gotug u, wll )•IU4 ~be u1,I lk(-cnl Sm,dl Wo,f..,•\lo1llbeont.1hrt,1y ut1hl f~b 19 .iml II ~arrt~'-llc

IQuick Hits I I -'- ,L

Free jazz concert

,\SSIC •tlJ pre""nt htt tol'h.c. 1 lt.i.lufinJ lhc' Jut 1:11'°'•111hk, c:n111kd ~J1111 NJC.'" r·nll.a)', I ch I~ will .il,o tc.uurc g1k'1-I Mlkit\h Al1u1 Cl,•mhrthn:,. Gary l.Jc111l•..:,lin1 :a.nJ,dfh1h1dt. ll1t- ,,,ii,crt ,.,II fc.uure mu~w: hy l>ule lll1n&tn11. Cv,int ll~o4" l11'41111Jft)' flk>H' ,\,lrt11011•rt 11- irc< AnJ h tcql.litC'd for flum.1t11111 ,1oilr-nr<1 r,,r enf111111~tu,i ,.u i(I> 77KO

'B iller Cupid' & 'Doll's Housc'to open l"h.; WAIIIA,~111 pret<,\I 1111.~, pl.i) ,\ t>i>II', 111111~.' nttc.Q h)· fknnl ll'! o,c.o 11f'l"I\~ op f'oeh 1..5 1n ~:hukr \udit11riu.m. II fc11turn NIC ~11.1cl,·hi. J-..:tib S1.111tc~t. l..l."C'J.1 Ju11lf't Guml"C\:hf • •·0111<'1 Cup.1,1·• ""·rlttcn h) lutmcr ,11,,knt O,uucl l.Jnn~tun, pt.ay, \f~d• 1·2 llt ~d111la A"'111111rnn1 It fl'•iutt, 1,rn,knl\ lJC"td. \iohkr, BwokC' SkiJmo1t'. Am" W11th111nJ lvm1er ,tuJcrth Rd~:,·ta Mctnl,,"IQ .u1J Edml'hlfl Rcoer\.itiun~ 01111o.iu1ttd but ~;.mng n hriuteJ 1I.If tlllfWm 1.1101'1 :ihuu1 i,1hc-r pla)"c11ont.1a I m1 R~nd, ;ii 76'1-)llO i( )OU llfc u ~t loo.Lin;, fot • 1ooJ rln\e 11 ,hull µf '" r rnkc(u"'r bu1 \Oh.'C'\Jf \fota and 11ao,·1c ~-a, coo warm (un., fC'cluii: you lt'uc ,h~ thc:urr. m.a\:~ 11p In, 11 ""11h \1u.:bcllt


• \brch l ·l

l>r.1111.i Dep1. rrna1h "fffttf.l'

C"Hpid ," 1IU't\.'tetJ b)· Al P\ICI~

S1;huk1 AuJltdOum, f·Jt>p.111 ·\dull, S.S. '-('l'ltOC, \,,chi ldren

'$1. 769-3:10

ptt-i,c:111t "Jan: Mt'/' Srhu ll"t Alld11orwm, 7·'Upm frtt 769,7180 hb.l.~l.t NIC l-uu1W11.1lo" ptt\C'nt "'111.,. ('olon 1.f \1u,k Sdt1kr \ 111l11nn1,1m, Rpm SunJ.1y lpm.7M-'7ht"I a ftb. ZS-21, .\l •r(h Otam.11 l~f'!l rrc-wen ~ " .\ Ovll'11 lluu~:· d1rt,1cd h) Mant)n l~n~~hn. sdlul.:r Aw,h1nri111t1. 7-'.\CI rim A4ulh

• .cni~, SJ ..:.tu1drt"n \I

a March Ill "lit S)n1pftu11y C.>rt-h "\lr>1'•

)outh conccr1 "Tbt' Orc-htSln

Guc. tu 1t1r HlrdJ h·~JurinJ

JuJJt: f'O\\tll .ind fJob Or..anno,,

Sd1t1ltt Ai1Junrn1111. r m


• \111rch 28

Spolua.1,t• \)mphlln)' J("'.,l\lflltf

And11,:.1 H.Jdlin,C'r. (li11.n11

Sd111l t'r -\uJ1tdf1um .? I' nt

Rl.""4.:ncJ ""au ng \l'l, 16, Stuilcr1h ll..df pr-j c 7H).77)((1

Page 10 The NIC s.,,,.,..
Arts and Entertainment
lhc v.dl l,eif'lj;' ~l'f 1hi,(11Ul1U)-1 lbc .ir1,.,1·r 1, ,101,iat~ .\ni l>ifr;w.;o
llll'dlll' and deception overtake the Ives of tine men b) NaCalk Mlddkiun !iNUm,t•l /t(\~t'f A tdfC\hlnt \WIidt IU lhC'
Thuroday, Fob 4, 1999
l'ft1llt'1a.,1hr ~t-dtCt11hlc.•lkl•nhr I I( • ~bc_,__._·•..:•P_•_M, 0 0 • h_ rr===",,"',,·,,01,,1 ,, ' ,, '""' ,, " ,,""===;.i..=",,"",,",,''=== ~mmg
I A l[IT
r--- ---- ------, : ()~~:irr:~ : : rree 'Drink : I I I frncel/H.,f..,."*"',,,_"'''" I I ..,....,._.,.f'i""CJi.w t,,. \':"""' I L-----o...-,. -· ...-,~-:J 223 W.Applcway 77-Bagel 121 W Prairie Ave f,i/l,,fr/.J! I ·.ut1ojft.'ulnh11, Hnrllh11Al1tn1,1tmr ,,;fo" feoJ r-- ---:--:-- - - -, I \ ~I~jfj~ I I , · · I I 25 % off I : for NIC students I 1 & faculty : I with college I.D. I I ~ ;t., ,. • I ,, .,_, • ,,t·'#>1i,) M1nt,....-nir 111 L----------.J 2lJ W. Ar.plcv,,a} 76~ ~So Ill W J-,.311.CA"'° 771-%1~ .l'h
C"J.JUr,, 8
Coll•sa is ,,.,,J ·-sh "' s•• ,oft •
off day
'l!ll hb 19 "Rttf'nl Sn1.4.U \\orL.,'"b)
N\lj?Oll. a,"'v.tU C,\fllC'r



Ipinzotti: NIC lawyer

<JIY> ligia1ion cos ily , cc,ntJnutd from Pago 1 Mid 1bc P11uou1 c.,i~

•• ·a.a.1.1 t'il.~." t'lfl t~,c: or re,tne lfOOlminahM. l Pil'lt:t.Cll 1,~•Jsn1 ro, _.J1.,ck'*ddlimtar), whJCb Si'ltffl.*fl,-uimiaJu~ s1(W]OO for lo\:\ o1 ·a,n.and


WctJ,,ct ~kt iw:ttkn~nl 1, llwa~~ ((Ml..;dm:d .i~» mean\ uf rtdUCiOll, lhc: ~O,,.b hh'Oh~ \\ 11J'i h1ia.1111ioo. .but U1.11bec:lllbt .a ln,ge lllfk!Ulltfll lllOfle) hJll..lrtaJy ~n -.p:-01in d1c-1:.11sc, Ql.d tt"\ notlActy. Be,klr,;t,¢,~eostl)'. Wrutl 1'lid hupuott t:ll.e.. tune. She ,IUJ 11~, ri1h1 nq11o bath 1),)nk-111.-e teelm1 i11fc>rm111ion /rum oae Alll\f.hrrltl1'SlhM1bc:1rial d;itc rould ti!: a )'C.V Or more Away

!IFall '98 Dean's List

S.uJi'nh ch,:1blc for lhedcan'" Kn.tpp. K11111n.t l.wnptiete, Ouuin

11,c,niN bt enrolled in .a l.Jwmn. Ttimi Lawnc. Le\ Likt:'4.

r$fUl\lUffl of 12 t<tc'l!lll and t'lb&ain t-" MJlci.. Carey Mlltlhr'M.

J F* po1t11.11 \·C1'4'C or J.1S or Ki:mbc:rty \tt>rpn. S1c,·c11

p;11-t. Sludmb atc" Ji~ttld bdcw. M.:Tigbt. 8nu.1ny Murphy,

ll)·t,omt't(>Y,n N'ol»u~.Cnmer-_.:ordb)',

J0,4.HO'it1h (mua. btc:a Orto.

\Jhol Ltc, 0 1,h, n.rtcnc P:iRC. Jaiib p.,,.,1. Jf!ff

l)\erland, Su.u.n N-.~, Rccefd Pc:n1ko,\ct, °l),Mlfl Pclcr.nn, Jo

fl,elk,ue: Camcr'1f'l Llo)-d Mme RoyNl, Kun Schimke..

Bi.ncMnt; Chcl,ea Hodg~ L)rM.bc:y Sht-rv1k... Mr~1lh

Dmn Tuc:Ltt ~tupkH, J,Qe SdfQrd. T11f•n1

&oontcn f'<n')' Allen Athby, Spcnc(t, f-.rie Stoker, Y~

f..r(if'laod M}tn.. Tommy Pc1e11.0n SIOrtK'., Suti.lllQC Sutt0n, l._,,rricia

9o,.;ll Main Tc:mplC'rnan. Mdlt:IJe Tiwr111i)(t..

eam,,...- Jus-=• Pt.1.kt:non Wnnd.t "t'ikkwil, Akband:1 r ('.«oblfi, Rkruird C11tt. Jnnl« rocn.,.. JCMphilit Tow,uJin. Hoq_Wld Jaticl Turt.in310a, VK1Qf V•len1c,, corur d'AkM; D.l:f'.C'1 Pln,tb V«nKirl, K•1 W1ts..,n,

.\llll,IIICbM. NJcolt: Atk1,.1,t1n, C)11dl1a Womc.ldidl-(f, KnMlna

S,tl'lud 81~op. MIU)' Ann Wood, Xi:.ol,ui X11w:•

Bd,Wr,n. HIINl.lh 81')'1111. Roben Colburn Richanl Skt'll')'i

Sandi.. T~ Hurt. Rorida Oalcon C•rdtt'S; Kacc:lyn

81&1<11.. R)JD Buti.crus. 1'rt\tlf T;atum

Clri\tll'I, Sh:ay c ~,. Kar.t 1-lani.'\Qn: Wil6c: Dotrdl

C,\·IJ,llf, R.wlal Collin-. l ha)dtn Robin BiU\o S"11dna

\kle'5.t Coot. Kathlttrt C.wida- Bri.\eq, Aogc.l.a Chn\l..,n\t:11,

Pact, Kwt oart,y, T;a1n11nnd OtlUltl OeJ~IIC'\', ·~Iller

~-d. Nicbol.:h fi t.,po11rick.. Julie" Oc,mnu. K.ffll Pf\11.. Mclmda

Atc:rNn, <iyn (bmn, Chri.uine Or.if. O:ank l IWII.J..

0mm. Chn'itc>phcrOnty. DMCI Sh.fine H°'*th• Lcvt Inman,


QuNI", Mari!.toa Hl:fri~. JtrinJfcr J ~ Knn lobt.,, Ke.M

Xdlffl Hlcbcn, Ja\Oft lhlL R~ Kc:-rlcr, .\lurad

I~ Sh.ari J.aitiit)OQ. Cbcrtt l<h.tlhrv TMI Len,~ Su.mi

lohlMO!t..Clwicc-n l<a'\IIC1 0r.h.'C l.c1,1;~ D'A«y l.ut."1&. Juat1 ~. Coru.t.1nc.: Kunhllll. Carol Ofmcd.1,Chii\•ci. JlbOO Owen'(,



2923 N. Government Way. coil Across from Les Schwab Tires


R.1~hm.m 11a.itJ lhc.."'fC ha\~ bct:11 no~di~,."~oas

I\ Cutrmd)' dwi.'\l(lfl cbdat for the C-ollric SluJh: (".(ncc, Clormuly knov.11 lh the l..e:Jmiq CC'ntet)

knit •d ~he cou1m·1 tomn~oalheca...,,. Chimera 2000 by James Bell

Uw S.1:k:ha-Narnm,, 011vtd bmmcll. J:urQ s,ooc. Trac, Tumbc)v.'-BW. C00\11111« Umphri:i,;, F.rirt Wcub

K.ln~Oft! JArtd D.tll\(11\, JU\1111


Kootenai: Waldy Q(,\l.,hn

t..wi tott. t<~ 1n,1.i:,.._.,i::1m>


l'iord:n111n· Ru~b Bchnlc

Oronn11 S~\·eft R,;,cl

O..bum· Unda 81.t(k, S&Mlk)


Paul• &nj.mln Fnnk

Pltl(hurSt; Tn-M C<iwJtr.

~MH*llmunJ, Kl:iyb


Plumnwr. Trud, Sr11~ Post t'all, 81JClunott• 8~~.Mch~~ Chadw,ck Cwmlop,,m, An11e.Maie Fodkt, Jolin Glllil~n. Su111n Hollud, H1111nah H0t1on. Shmi Lovkt. Melis~ MOOff. Daniel O'Neill, Rhillllft4 o·~.u BlllncflclC'Bm,,d:i

l\l<hri,.Sondn Ru-.,. Slwtc.-nc Sheaffer, Ntvara S1mfllan, Loricl Jc""" Walu. Rooe wm, Pntst Rh t.f'~ VUJ Atktrmu, RbnnJ., l<hnc. Sara Vak:otlnc Rtlhdrum Pbilllp Al\lfflOn.

Joel U;ubor Si.xcy 81111011, Heidi

Can.oa. Rhon(b Frtermn. Kjdt.ty

H11t1.wri. Rkh11t\l lhrprr. Judnh

Jason. Kru.ti K11.1ln1a11, Rt:lbcn Lemm., Cbriq,npeic-, M.g«. ffillinc,he MMtbe.,.,> Todd Mu,rellcr. Am)' NUbUn·Morfiu.

Jose( Pk>ct111C1. April R...,hn. Dcborall Tsch3:uikr, Sap: \1uy t...it3, Jake'

S 1tohmie)'tf S.ndpnfn t Bc-1b Alulcr.Scuct

t"'.Jran, S~r Fera..:i1o0n.

Ott>l.cbc11 C1,1ru n-. Je\lie Htuoo.

l..ulcH~«w1 \La,vinNOC'ffl

r>.1n,cl N;llJIIJ. Ad11rn Pcrbng,rr.

Ti.n.tSnt1 0..1,1dSM'\.'l.let

VK'torV~ Sllnrton Rrerd.:J Pntd1di

.Splrh 1.alrlc. fhtrord Kcllt:r.

~bnut Sol "(t, Kruta PuUcr. Pall Sduntdl

SI. Morie,- N•Lhno t!u:m,. &..ta

Annot Modttll. bcqyel>'" 01.111k:

Wlllllla. H~lly Hsn\lCtl. Enc:

Knqcr. Michael LiiB311

\\'orlt'y.'tK' r'IN ~.

'4tndy Madcl~t(ln

\\A.\HIXCT01' Cohitltr' Arn:inda l.1~tl0(1 Spobnf'. lktlt Huddlt. Shclb) WltlJ1-.t1nh

Tuorom• 11IIOCMS Ol.dl

\IOmANA Conntd-Tammy S..w)t'f


Lives by Ian Sudick

hed.:- out the v;,rd winning ~- onlirw

s.1 sentinel

/tvdent Event, Pre1ent1,

On sale now. Contact Campus Recreation l ocated in the Siebert B uil ding Baseme111.

JtcstnetioDs OD SwJcd 1HJXtioDS. s-.. m-,r«1 ,., l1"ldwt.

°?•ek '4, 3,,k t;..,~, &/.c ekf t;,t y,,., e/.uk.f ,o,4 6,,/1.f, '1 IV( 'll k.uf' tf.~,.,, a,,t (sv~, f ~f.ttkf

flpft~•>f ~•dut f.l~ll

ft~,t... f t,"~,, L~~k ,~, f•S1tf.

fllursday, Feb 4, 1998
We have cars for students!!
Don't get taken by high pressure or high prices.
~<s@@@L2i>~ s.f;!~w~~
'90 Geo Storm Runs greall $2.495 '84 Honda CRX Low Mllcsl $1.495 '85 Volkswagon Scirocco Super clean! $2. J95 '87 Toyota 4Rwmer SR5 No problems wilh thls one! $5.295
Avatlablc. trod~ & consJ.gnmcolS welcome Call us: AutoCorp
ab:1ut wnlcmcnl :i;IJ cta..1 the cullep ha..\n·1C>ffcred
• )<lb k,cflm:1n
~ll.(Oll1. v.bnlw
IIDtml'lhJ)t'd $1.hU 19%,
wad MicbtUe Jerde.
Polize by Darin Deyo
The NIC Senllnel
Page 11

From start to finish, the renovatton of the Edminster Student Union Building has been a twisting road...

bl !)1ephanlt' "ilf))..ts .~111111 I Rc-fl'.>ntr fltt nwlf1' 1tt.m 11 )'t'.ir 1111J ii ls.Ill ur Wlb!M1R\ft 1hc Sti.ku1 Unioc1 Bu1ld1n1 will llq:t A.Ch..duJrd lu ,~k.c o.1n1ml ol 1ht t.11klin1 Jn c;i,1y fc:MIM), -.1*h th 1lw cv111rn,J lttu1Jin£Ct"n1ra;t .-Xflrdm, kl 1>11,Jd lblcba:), ,...::c Mutbsl "<nll.C, Alla tuntml 11nJ ff\.'Ci11agpcrmb.1.lua f~ llichiT dcpan,nrnt. hope, k.i bc-t(in fflllvin, hi 1c-ly

"'It',., \·cf)' run\J)llcatcd 1tn>1."tutt 1111,l 1no·u• Ll..o:dw)' QjJ.. ~1 \\'11111 .,,tuJtnt, lO 'AtJH, In ll'ic fwnc '1!wir and t.:1.) Wo.,. \od ,11aiknl\ co1ncllpn"'l tn be 1mprtucJ Wt!b 11bou1' (ffl u( 'l'lk.t:. lh\." SUU will Plf« totntdun: fO( c,cr)nneo Oct.1gn<"d a, Dpl~ lo\·lltff' thad:!nl, .;an ~I tlmt af)J fct:l <OJT1f<1cti1hlc. lhc ~V8 will hll~t ((llllr l<l'UIJ$Ct,

• r,11,~ lnom l,ll'lC JilllTIJ 1tnJ fooi.l \t'rvl~ lite \Jlil(IOlt\ boci,k\toni, fV tooni~. ulh.,;e'- nlcn-n« h'<lffh, OutJuc,,r P\11,,.m Carl:'Cr Scr'Vicn alld tm1ncrov, 01hc1 \IUtll hOCl.l One ot lh( molt pun11rw:nt fc-;111un Iii a -...·c th.f\JV"l!I' p Urtp1aa' for,,lldetu.s LO

Anu1h.-'1 cbtgn aq-a.'1 of thr Sl'H 111:itu,~mr 11'1c outalJo •• 11nd lO I.Rt' •h•~ Of lhc' t1JU,llilf lWlllUndttlJ:t. lb:\'Old flt: 10' 1nJ,il)'. Th,, IL'- a(C()fflph,hcd by the bra;c 1111i11nH,~ v.11'11iow, ,tu.a 1 •r lhr ,u1un 11V>b)'1(11.m~c 1111:•

"'\\'c tneJ 10 n~C" •rlatt thll1 h C1J1Cft and Jllf)' frc Mudtnt~ l.Jt11I"")' LIIJ

1~(\.11,~C'J(i-.;iur,c Gttll •tllfl"lt\"idc fc,odvnnfor 1hc .SU8.(m,pk:l~w1lh

«tt11l h.Ac.J&<of-.i..!oOUr,·mlcrl'.ool. A~-

chrouth fltm1;it v,.,lf funnel •tlllknh, 11, fnam the 1t1 n rrttrnnce lltt'11,, 1h11111rb the food

~J«11«1.1 und c:&1,h1cn., 1tw•• the duUns at\".ll

Wnh di~ oprn1n, of 11,c Cni:~\cJ (}.,o'>C Gnll. th~ C:ak and l;ducatc<I Cup ..,.111ll,""111.lldf'i,cuJnw p:al'1 (If 1h1, JC'n'I~( Jf 1hc Sl'IJ 11;1()(1 w:c'\'te<don

v.dl C'ftoorh 1h..- fJuco11nJ Cur ml) rc-cYJ"(n ul the luturc. .1uc111"J1na 10

Lln\lw)' The onl\ c,ptt,~Kr,;1«01\t-J.mpu\ "'fluJJ ~nuln ui 11',c: \lro due- 1ri

Thi\ 1x:~· t1.ivc11 for ,tud1:11t1h.Au1 t(ornc fttt Tb'C' S$ m!lliafl pt•*'-----t

11o;~cd 1110'\d)' lhroufh ,t»Jt-nt rtt, Sludc:111, al\11 Ult1'1c:o.l Julb,rr,nc p.bc-e

.md ci11npk1c fOW w:n,,c dunng the 1.-"\111,,ru tu,n t)f the NttlJlnr \\'11" 1h(

sr•nJ (lprrun a1oulld 1~ corfl~f. tbr b11il,Ji111 •~IJ 11110tc: 1t1Jn 1u.1tc 1,1p lor lbc

co t10 ulkc

.lJ 'rlJ b.J 927. s'tni..ccs ,dems relocatt 10 "1empo"9'" office,. B1j>ks1ore relocate,. nncr w~ding shop ,n Hedlu,ut


Food service, 19 lroduces two a1crics into unused arcaiofill void o UB cafeteria: Card in, Cafe in gym Educated Cup in Oswell.

Pogo 12 The NIC Som1fK!I
/ w

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