6 minute read
Learning to regain a conscience
adm11 c: be 1md Ufhcn ,n h i \ i;.id #<lll 11 '1tlllc ornery.•
Thi1. i, wlM btuu l!-111 him to 11. plk'C O,O,.t llC\tt tma,i~ die)·
Y..ill cnJ U.f1 fltl'°'-1
\lion. AKbinJtt h.tuftd hun\.CI( lfhU'*1 '<1"\'mi .a l\\11·)car fl"\.CIO ~tJt.c:11((! m Om'\C
St11tt Pc'.n1tcnuM)'. Planl)' "'to.uhnun1i.tt1.1ri1y.
"I didn'J h;,\.c; 1t l.:'-'n~wnor. l "'"" c»nd1huoeJ not h• feel."'
He cnntnbu&cs lhb mc)\.11)' to hi, "b··)'t'M'nuhtllf)' lcrm. Ht
"11j he v.•, \"i.llkhlt(lth.-d b) 1hc ouht.lr)· noc to feel. ncic 10 ctbii:111, o!MJ the 111.,1 1hJng he wanted \lill\ • co,ncitnc:t". He toUJfJ 1'11>1 :alfon.l ht h.!l\>e I to1uciencc know ill M)' Jµ\CII l illflC )'OU mi1tht 1\#,'t-(' (0 pu ll 1he tngcr."' be u.lJ.
P.an ol h it 1111111u'lg ".t' IQ 1hr 1nft1nU) Ube: fir,htill& force> tb.11 tool,. bi1n 10 Onmnay fnt '"'" yc.1B. On~ ur hj, k:.1\ n hr C&ttlC' bad. lu the Uncrcd Swe~ 111 h(o,c l'M:- uwmtd hi, hlth kl'IOOl •v.«thcart L..wnt. tuhcr
Tnuqln& ,1, !Kit cw~) and Jt.:.wlnJ: bh Wtfc •11, nm c,h)'
\\'hh '° truwy ,ttC'lc.\ 11-1 k ll , hi." tM°kn tall:'" atioo, one ol hh rttanlrit t\l!'Ulll1C", the- u•inlflg wi1 bcins fl o*n in on tboppm, •nd ttpcllh11t or awng lhmuJh dlc but1J111g l'llm'1uttt
•n)11'1'C 1n the hU'lldm1. lnchrdmg c, , hlUh
HO'W would be f«I if • lime c.:unc 1t.'htft n:t11Jy bad to till
~inti.In 111m,m 11.11d "hlktrc1t1
~An)1hinJ for1ht-rnd rC'>UIJ," hcttpUW
WJlh • mi11.uut' of 1h11, 111tiludc ,ll1d 11k<1ht1I, ru.chlngtr
A n et lcovtng tbr mil itar')' 10 ~* ht, m.uri:.,c tn 1911S. he fou"'9 hJm-.elt ,11 11 ..,..,1h no c:t~lc:"nc.T Hr V. .1.J ,ampl) lmJ!'I') 1md C\'(f')'OOC w:b bc1CW'W hin, , v.oo.lJ Olll,) ~JtJlt U'tft<ll'lt\~ t'\ef)OIIC t \t \t,'OH lk>lhi nj. A~hlorer ""11.l ··1 rx ,'\'.r ...atutc~ 11, fem.de. c\'tft if ,ht ranked llho\cmc, rtu\ amtudr1 finall )' c-.iughl up en him ,,,.hik gC"nmi drunk o,,e n ght wMI pl11.)' i11a I r1tme of' Ru~~loiltl roukuc w.ith his wrrc fk 11(11 tlfll)' found hinl'.C.lf dlvun."ed, hu1 ~,n, a 2.S,mooch fll'itOn 1cm, Mc hAJ b«n durged w1d 1 IW&Ull w ith 11. deadly ..,,.. ..I fl.ad fl 6' b)' H' 11 v. 1th • "ttl bunk, a ctuct 81bk for my p illow Mid .in ilidu,1rlaJ toilet th.at wou ld 0\l'h M)'lh1na:."
AW'husgtt u.ld ~b,ng tu~ tr:mpotal')' bocnc.
Wl.1h drur, whkh he bad pknt)' of, he fou~ hn pd lul'' ~, be wtiA:1l'IIIC mightnU• ..a,•ior With I\Offl11t.gc ~1odohc-WV1rd tt.a.llnt tffiJIIYft, rmm i br Hiblc. Thruugh 1Qd1ng etrtull':'lo nnd ti(1fog V1t1gb1,. AxhinJcr fo'*ncl II way 10 rc.licvc hii 1~,tonllnlJUtip(ttll1tJW.1nlf)
Whco he fiN got out of pri.on. be••~ rcka.\Cd to 1h,e Ocparut1ffl1 (If C~,n, At lim 1k , 1, 11 rc11 1hc an;et .1nd piJ'4'Cf tlut he wa~ to cond1uo.ltd 10 fod. In faci. he. con,ldettd go111 lnlOthe French Fotelgn l.q:ion when he nru liles,pcd PUI behind 1hc bl&lb wire. HO'll.rH·.r. 1hc 11lp1,1la1iOnY o r par-olc le.1.\oC!ned th" \UJ1ftl'llllt)' f.'olttm 111d he: Wl\j (Clfel:d 10 \CICk • J)')'C:hl.;Jtnc o aJ1.u11ton.
In hi~ frf"'\ I culll..lbon ht'.: W4\: d,li,no'Cd .1nll•social wllh twmicida.l tmJcocieL Mier )r.m o r J»)"Ch1111ric 1tt:a1mems and • varicl) .or rc-osr,.m~. 1"(:hm"'°r ,1Ud he w n'i a,hl:c 10 i-egum \On1t1hinJ he hid forgoncti tl\JII he h.-id lo.a. hi, ett1.,.;lcr,cc,, Tod•) A1~hingcr altr o d, N IC ,cc lnnz • dttrcc 111 11forn111i on Tei.:hnolof:)'. He sa i d he h •• 1bov1:h1 .ibou t cnr,,llini "' the mUHar) •J:•ln 11omcJ 11y, wlfh o frcih ptt'l,f/lC(1hc. and 4 J1((cft'nl t.u11e of n unJ. 81,1.l f<W OO'A be it! bJrP)' •Ucnd.lng N,C "°'*'t,"NOftV"1Ce """"'-" l"HVlkmtJng his Ille after tl1e mwuuy wNle ettenclng NIC.
S h ould've taken the train
Wl tb airplan e cras hes occurring more ohen, a train 11 a safer bet
Pe(,rle: lfC droppi.ag lake d)h ti.I)'\, •. hll'r2tl y. And h ..«tm lllc heatln1t ubouc plint 1,.T1'ihl.., loobng for vimffl."i of pl11ne cni,hn and firunng out :~:;:0 r::.:
John F KenneJy Jr .inJ coinp11n). P•ync: S1ewan and ,.: wmpany. t¥1·et l:lllK' Angels and 211 pw,cnF;t.!I\ ur E.gyplA&r h.\c all mcl .:, chc.ir dentrte while 1navthn.J tbtougb 01.11 pc,h.1p, noH11-lricni.ll y-\U~ ;;,w11hm W lll.'i.l fi\'C mt'lnlh1..
Alr 11'1\d JLI\I di.it" (IOt ~n, IJ.kc la<'.quc- HflnJm a .,.,fc bc11~ day, Ille Wt Ont in I.be rflne' h (tlf'C<U11\& IO Cb.I: the door cc1CJ1plt1cly, h•CA'fl(ntntal r lloh an: Oying unf•mlh•pl.llk'\ lf'hou,imd, m.i)'tit, 1rulhon, pf W..Pil)<"t d1llbar, wen: pcm rinding 1t.uJ m:o,tnn, die bod,c,1. in Kt'nnt'dy''-> 'Arttb,e uttlycomum them'"~• ror f"'Vfl(t"NmliJ And pn:~nll)' co,tl)', to1boriou~ WIid rc,,,ibly d:an;.:rou, dim, MCI undtr \U)' In tttr1t'\t' lhl: bbd, bo, .uid bodK'lo of "*>r<Air 1h:: l.l'.J un~ I Jln.· fn,m B~tpn Id Spo~ ,..,a St. Loon. t:>ien,i.:.r IUld 800,c la.u Cbn,mm, -.-e wc:tt jUM llbctid or • mrpli 11p. \l\lffll dtJil ,,.,.wJd t.but ~n Cbkli~o·, O 'H:n for "">'· We take-oil dclll)'\ 1t1 tto.toci ctuc: co moclwmcal diffie1,11&k,. de" 1i.:ct arplkd In Otn\·cr .ind mociu na dooc: lhrou:Jh 84,L'oC' Jue t,1 e l~l·mln.ulf' tt..ihr.ilton U..1 °"r plimC ,...,1,11dn'1 ntr')' cnou,h fut.11" nl.\M: 11 aU lhc v.-•> 10 S,rolcult' -,.a,n,1,min, hcaJ "Aincf,. \fy onl)' tif Ctllllml a:mc b> li~e.,,n, 10 I.be pil(I(~· fild.io Lbanr1cl. Whc111hc: pl.atw \l~Jcml) dnirr,a.l ur rook., :lbarp riJ:bl tum. I ~·1,1 prtparcd t .:ould."'c u~""J Spokane', ,1u~h) 1hu.1tuS w..hcn "'r finally b.nJc-d thtu hoot1. l1L1e l tt11:ht adaul. I'm • flntbndtt" lruo1 IQ"ll,a, llolad 1 111.c: w \etp n\)' (ttf firmly Ofl the rrou1.S I ha,·c OMltil back IU'ld forth {ICf'OU. t h1\ ((;MJ/IU) lo(\CtaJ time-", O\'t't the Pllciflt' U) Au'\Ullh11 .and in die fri:i1tT o( 1111 Al.1.,ka.n tiu\h rune, bu1 J an fttl m~ ll)·1n;d.a)'"'tlolwU1s 11)1;cio,c
1n p<>ur wca lh<'r nnd piloL\ arr nyinJ CAJ)C4Wvc. hit1,bl)" ll"Liuaolo,ll"'.JII, \'ti')' fta.-:1 )el \et)' ft~ pby'~IO)'.'. 1t·,1111·cll-li;OO'An Jati tl.aa natiolllll as well as 11:11cm:ioon111 tir tmcl h:i.,- tncrefbtd More pl.~nes: we O)iog i.O tnJ w t or airp:ll't" c\·Ct) hour Ui;an CVff before.. A 11 come. conrrolk:l"l. pllOb,: aod night IWrndUCllS .art htt,qlint hkc Cf"IIJ)'. le'). 1',R' Hl ha\.c .n empty ,c:.1 or ae1 a h a1 meal on II plan<" _,.,.,..
AnJ .11'• ttAII>- 110 ,utpmc 1ha1 wilh di the lnctt.n\ttl .:u~hr 1n 1hc alt di("~ arc bOund b) be 1nctt.ucd nun,hctl <II mit,caku l41~n11, (»trJ ighh ..nil b1m" ml\ld c, in tlw ...,.i ld hlueyond<1
U I do cotl up n11n1 a,:llln raallin'iJ nt)' hcna Judg.mmo. 4tld if my pl.tnt t.ft'Ji,e,. ltltu tht ky Wlkr\ ,~r die A ll.an1111; fl.noel:. on wnocJ II WC,n·o. don't b()ibc.t loo&:if\¥ ror nt)' miw1uH ...nd~don'1 t.ue.11t1ybc.!Jy• (l"lf1 .m1 dc.J~ I thould'\t clc:n II tr11h1
~Z'!C mt is bo"W e,ff)bocl)' l'- l<'UIII$ \0 Jorqu,, u0Srm111rl wporur. Hl'rt'I/Jtlfftm, mr '1(,m.'ft To u~pnnd to Arr ,,,/.,mn, ('lffUII lia al nlr1cn1tnrlll'hm11f(fil.,""'
Love of snakes lets custodian live in a 'reptile heaven'
Knowledge and expe ri ence wi th snakes hel ps in ~nake resc ue rnon1h. 11: bn.11 python -.n11l.c w,n
1hr lull•llmt' caml)II, cu"l001i111.1111J ,n hi~ IJWe tr~ he colltth 1.Clko. f111u:in1Uio11 for ,n;1kc) 11n1:"c he wu S )'ell'I o ld
I IOH" lht dci;cn: 11 ', ~ruL: hr,nvcn."' he Yid.
Hu\l.tol1na ~rt'w up 111 Pa)Jkwn mJ 1w hlaJ tlu.1.
Whc:IJ Olhcr ~foldrc-n ~·ac rb> Ing bit.II Pr c-hmb1ns: ltl:!t'i-. "'''" OUI .a.c;vchin,i lor 1tni0Chcr -.n:tl.e ft> Id! to hk c:ollm,on
He lake\ h 11 irnake httbby •<"tiotnly. bccaU\C ttrced1 n1 and J.cllina ,pcc1fic t 111J , of ,nakc11 n proht.ablc. He h..u bred m111'1 >" dtfTcttnt Lind, or "pccic11 and 111 one lime owned 75 py1hoo• rre)C'ntl)', hr 0111tt one l(ln1 ,lt.U'.e bm .he pl.in, 111 "art rollcttmg m<lft' in 1hc forurc Ho'Al:rton 1.vn1idcr, hlm~lr .!I herpc1ol~j1U. Thi""
1\ "lffiC(ll)C who rlll)t';l, and b rttd\ VI.Ike,.. He l"' \ 'Cl)' know-ln.li,c:.1ble 1tni.l c~n &lb\\'t'J alm~t M)· qoodon 11 ptN">n frul) tu,-c obw1 die ,uti,cct Ve ry fr¥w ,n•l.t'.; 11t1t1d. ptopJc arcordJ nJ tu
H<>wt:non. P«,ple «re more fll:el)' ro be ~nl by a dog oc a be:it thlt.tl a ,N11.t. be .aid "1bc (cM of , n kt:.1 ii. blown 001 ol propc,ruoo," Howcnonawt J\1."COnflnJ to chc. Un l\·cttil)' of \ bn.1cbuJC1U.
Uma.~s u1tn,kin '\lo'f:bt1r.c, Hfflilt,'tf10111'1 ~n'11C1u,11 \ corra'1. The -.~Jt<" , 1111u t,1\111 tbttt we m,lll)' ML1kt m)'lh'i '41th ""-" ~iake\ Mt uJ11».t lll 11o.a.ys cbcribcd 11., l1ttrcr th.1n 1bc)' t't'i11ly tre. ud thn lilt: wolld i• O\'Cl'f\ln with po,i~, \IW.~ H°"'-a,·cr. \'t'nomnu, ,o.tkc\ mule up about ti) pc«:c-nt of nal:t ,pctlic, W\lf'khodc HO'A·cnon a;ot bb rcpuution i11 ~ being tht ··,l\:ll:c m11n'" a fr,,i. )car, J1$0 v.htn '4mC cOJltl(' MWC!tih .&1..\',c-J. him tu brini h i\ 16-foul A1hinu Ourmc'I.C
,ruatc toampu,.. He obfitoJ the atw.Jcnh
" II ~I. It umquc CJ';pcricnt(',• HO\\uton said.
The U1JU' th,l! ,u, found on C'Jmp.,., l.ut mondl
'*'' h.ann.lc,.• anJ In .i .11.itc t1l ,hock. Hov.cm,ft (ODc1udeJ. ba."<'d Ofl J1i , C.JpttiCIIC'('. He ,;,aid hr lboulhl l hC' IMl.1.• rr1,tli"ll,I) h11,d t"c.apcd (tPm I pn\4~0\l,flC'r Whl:rt HO\\tn<WI f~lld I.be nalt'. n ~,u. covt:l't.'J
In tt1ti-1or r,il and ,~tfcon1 trnm bypotbcnn l::i. He imn1Cd1a1e1 ; c.11f<'d Duncan E't' I St.:n f0t lilt phone nu1Mt, «>f Rt.9t1lc Rt.cue. 11.e J)unc.a,1 Pct S1ure c:mp~ ,uunti:d 1h.aL 1he \NU be brouglt1 to ,tic
..tl•tt". MJ lh111 cmplo)tt1 cciu !J ho.,~ 1hc: J1n.akc