2 minute read
Cross-country teams place sixth at national
, .... WIH Region 18 ..., It Ima, IIIICel llintll It 1111111111 by J('ff'Y \fa nltT ~IUiMl H,, ,,tr,
IC'\ men', •n.d 11umcn·, croh·i.:uun1t)' lt:tm• bolh pl11ccd t.lllh 11 lbc NJCAA l>t•btUn l Nuttvn;ll ChM'lpt,.in,hl-p No\ 13 al tile O~bctk °'14d ("ow-,c. 1n L.an,int, Mieb. Ah:o.andtr Toma,., wtu, be.;om" NIC', hr•I
Rc1tion 18' chlmp1on 1oncc 1982 Oc:1. 10, fed 1bc: men ntnih plt(e.. fomn. • ,upbomott. nn the ?J.OOCJ.mcter c.oune 1n ~j rnll'u.11c,, I? "°cot1d11.
Sophont0tc J•m,c Hc,m.ln canK" 111 171h pltt,Ce In aq 11 10 le.kl the CatJin;il "''"'m:n i.n tbcu S,000. rne1crr.cc.
The lntrl 1 ,u,th,placC' firulh h the "C«IOd·be\t fanuh • the runioaal mtc-1 ncu to Ille 1987 fot11th· pl.tee fim h Rick:, C{tlltce (JI Rtibura. ldmn. I.oak
1hc mrn·~ h ilt.
In d"'
•·(:!Men'\ 1c.im C"Umr,cti1Jc111. ~IC', Rttiioo
I S nvah Rid.:, College, ,he C1'11qc o( Socuhrm l,faho 011c.l l ,ta.b Vu.He)· Sutt CoUt~· pJ~cd (ir,.1, -«OOJ and 1turd fttpct11Ytl)'
Olbcr NIC rom~IIIC')tt nnd 1hc:1r n,11100~1 ti.mel lni:1\alk'J men blch CaUIJ.nn (26: I~ I), Neil SmllJI (26:·H.2). Cb.u-1te' Mdler r26:4Jj). l'r'C\'Ot Carbon (27:06.4,H. Wintctao,on1 Rtadcn U7:.Jl.3}. J.a~11m Ku rt, (28.2().2) 0114.I Yt()IIICJI Janel Falk (20:12.lJ. O'Cborah Mo)'ct t20:'.\S 4), Kell)' 8t'11n (20.4b.SJ, Mhlc)' Wi~b~r1 (20.52 ll, X.1ic ll;1wn (2.1;31.1) and Mid)tUc Pa.rk.et (1l:00.6J
\i1Ucr who f1niwd '.\6ch O\'Ctall, fuu,lted 1hc raec dc"pi1c: be11,1 hu b)' u cat Friday niJht In piclur Mllkr t.uffcort'd lxlmp-; •od brul!IH, 1md lhc atlcndinJ ph)'\k"WI g.a,1: bun cblill~ I~ mn
To1Jui<J, NIC"1 No I ruaocr on 1he ~wououy
1can1 c.a1mc oua \\•11h un f" ~ivc run rraht,11'11 fin.1 pl!K"e Al 1hc N JCAI\ Region 18 CrOJ,<t-Cou1nry
Wl1h ll;>oul I h:IJ(.,ruk lt'ft fl lhe r iahl•blOmckr n.:r bell.I at !he Co:t.ird'Akllf' Re'i')l1 OoltCouflC'.
Tom~, wa, * k 11,,d nc:d. apimc M1U: ihatchcr of' Rltb Colk11c- 1111d Ma)ecJ Ab"'® al UL11l1 V•Ue) S1a1e Comil1uni1y College Wi1h lhc fin.a l lum .atoond l.lhll ~p. lhe 1hrce nmnm u,ulcl the f1ntSh llnc ahead. Ru, h w•\ Tom,1:•·• tWT110 \lune. ud wuh gm.u Wpi.-.l(ift lr«n ~e. he •a\ 11h~ io pull .:away from Ji•• t,•ompccho.-t 1111(1 wm the f';IQC by nlnr -.cooDCb wuh • 11.JM of 15:47.6. Tcwaa., "P the fi.m runnu 10 '4'an the Re3~t C'hllmpionshl!'I lorlMCllltfJ114b.iJ1Ce 191l2.
"'I wa\ h..mln, ttall)' ball thtougholll lhc race, b,n throush to.U:lnit wjch Oud •nd th,ternnt IP him 1dhna fl'IC' lO c;10.y 'lrong Md koep v,+~hinl, I w~ able to pU).h PII"" the pal.n and linM, tilmng. Toma\ IA>d
·He nm bclwufull)." bc:'ml c<uch Le"'h Wa,Jutk
•wd. .,.o '\,CC: Ald-sanf.Ur hcnd co head 'wllh 1hoe guy~ Wllb ;u 600 mek'ft. let1 ca su. ll1k.l e,·muall)'
•·tnmng.the ru..-c: by nine. \t<'Ollld.,. it Ju,l lft!IC
Tomo and the c.annn.J me,1 AIIJ. won:1at f~d •
IOU&Ji Rtch College jQU~ ll.hilc •lt0 r.cins, lh(' Collq, ol Swtbau lJ..ho. Ulob Valley Swr Coli<gc.
.,... flathead COllwnumiy Col lttc
"I'm rtalJ)' booorcd, w,d JU)I f,O C'."(Cl1~ to ;tUefttl ti.&OOl\ill, "T(lrtW, lllUd o( quabfy,nr fo, the n.:iUOl'I.II ln«'I.
Ntc's natJonal cron<:0unlry contenders, front from lett: Mfc.helle Parker, Aah'i:; W~,t Janel Falk, Deborah Moyor 1nd Kelly Beon: mfddJe row AJekaand.ar Tomas, Winter Braden, Jamie Herman and KeUe Hawn : bectc row, Eric C.lllton, Nelf Small and Jason kun:r. .i1sd 1bcu !I.lie. i:um1nf 1n fourth lnr the mtll b:adl)' Oe111ng 1he chinu 10 i:ompcte •sa1n \J 1cip runnins leam,. ac,o"s lbc ct'un ll") i~ • gru.1 (lt)p('rt:Wllt)'. Chc-ntll, II ¥.:t\ J food ra&.'C'. ciuc: Ill my JOCd \lat. And I JIDI kit •l10Sli! lilrougboot I.be rncct lltid l!M.'.klly I cbdi,•tmc dunni: the. rat.it On 1he women', ~ilk ..nphonwre Hcttn:111, rim:.! lbt l'ictr 11.1 1bc rca1ontil miect 9-llh ran I hh rl:.L.e ;.1and 1n g w11h • time ol 19;46.0 In 1hc live ~ihmu·1a race ln tbc cave111U nmd,111, lhe V1li1JJ~ from R11:~,
1.1r1,I 1t.·t1111rtt H,1thc.JJ •a., filth. Accotdlntt 11'1 w,ul10,, he kit 111;11 hh IC"ilm cmc,itnc)' room 11f1cr be1n1 h11 b)' ,11 foll.file '"f'm rc.tlltcM:1rtJ roqu,.tily rtlf mauooal~." Kul'll ,aid :iJtcr 1hc. ft$i un,al inc.:1 "l Ju,1 "'Ill.ltd JI ,o
1> l tUf,!J!kd Al lhc 1c,ih.1no1I l1lCCI Si.:ll\c;-,". a,;h~· tionc,,. ..-J ttlc JlfC'.1-IUfC r4 ntna1n11n 1·n111M 11( rnrnJ, al'llJ family -..·('t(' .ill fa:1un uf dlC' 11,ugg:k 11'-"linJ the R'Jlrlfl.-1 l'll«I .ii 1ht Jlnll WIit ,11111.·IUnJ 1.tKk.ln'I int~l ll,c, m.:ct 11, .u h1&1LI wrd, f11t W111lun, .-nd t111il11'\ht.itll1,"ll;ILnc:'\..
Lan~lng MIiier w1" rcp<irtedl)' l1ke11 10 cbie