2 minute read
While mos, coup les o nly see each oth e r in the m o rning an d evenin g, t he married instructors 011 campus have t he c h a nce 10 pro vide s upp o rt, love and f rien ds hip to one a1101her all day.
IVes remember throwing kegs into lake Watkins incorporate child care into NIC Iiie
The he,. Juh anJ Gcoqe. h.ne ,ur1 m.any d1Angn •I NIC CicOC"gc h:t." bctn an Ul\ltlfclllt nn
1..afflpts\ fot )S )CJ.I'\ ~It Ce..Cbt\ En.itla,.h. hu1n11nlli.c, itnd film Juli h • n itdult t,,hi< l'd111,:11l111n m\lntei<lf nnd bu~ bten I QC:hm3 {WI c:unpu-. for I l ~c.in.
The 1,c-"c.an ramcmbcr"°llcn 1hcc:a.mp1n w.is !ttO 11msU lhiu facully in.I ,tudc:n.u. p1u1tc1pa1cJ m u,c.ial e~c:n1,. ffleh a, btd nc-() ond t;atapultit1J bc:er Leg, inl•• lhc tale Juli \li;1;,. 1nc,iiJ,·n1 or F1k:ul1y· Wive,; Club dunt1l:, the t'..111)' )'t'1t11 of tb~
1.uUej;c.. 'Mk' dub wo fo11ndcd ~"'"'"' mo,r,.1 f:1,uh), a1 1I~ 1ime W;1, dom\n.atrd b)' n,1,1le• 111>d II J,11\~ 1bc \1;1\Cl,. C(lll!J«tl(III to lhe f.'.Ollt15¢ Ctl\'U OIIIUC:m l'b~ dvb "°•l' re~n,1tih: (o, IIJJllllg.uJ~ c,·cnh. ,u,h .ll3 the hcd f'ilCt'll and lhe catupul11DS,lk'h"ltie."-
J11h land Gcorie. me, II• fr~nc1·, hOU.\C. while .UtC'ntlJn.g S001bun 0«,on Uni,cn.il)', Tbt')' h.ivc ~n marric:d for lS }C.lin. They hll,·c ,.,.,,ochildttn, BranJon, 3 1 aod Ry:a11, 29 The ,...,.11 ,11ld 1e•hin11uge1huon c~mpu., i~ a pos.iU\C' e~pcric:ntc tor 1llC'.1n.
·We c.m \f'Clkl "''CCJr:ct1d, •nd hulid~.)'$
IQg_cthc:r 11nd v.c can ,hare 1rad11ng upcm1,cc,.." Juli said
The l vH heve been marrfod ror 3S y Hrs 1nd have both taught together at NIC for 12 yeera.
Sprauges met, fell in love on campus
The: Sflt'!lguc, t11e lli.,m1" 100. C)fl ampu~. wi1h Don ic..addni p,)'Ctlolo1t claiscs .and Ocbn 1e.ad1.lng '" the F.nafl\11 divi\t(ll'I Dan hJJ 1iwJ,hl ns NI(· r« more lhNI lO Yt.tlh.. Ol:b~ ro, l!I )>cial'\. They Ila e been mmlcd (a( I b ye.an;, Tbe> ha\Jt>,•a.t1h:l lJtett, 1"''0chUJmi ach from prc:vtOU\ m:uringn llOO '4'0 dllldtrn to,c:llm. Th,: chUdl't'n 11\ ~e frum I ~ io 30 )t:nn old. The. Sprague,. n,ct on Clllll9'J\ 11W nwnied m Se.ittle.
ln11ruct0t1J Don end Debra Sprauge have team taught• cllias togethe r pr,oi,:i~I.NhHillnl oan·, hobbic1, iarc 1..111 boaungend 1,1,dgbt lifting. Ddlra'\.uttrnding unJ ptdcolna
Lt1t1i1 Vt111\.w 1u111aJn...:r111tda1"~<4~inuy md 1n,l (OJl;h lWI (',IIUJ)U\"111.I hi' •·tic l..•u1t4 1 " 1'3.Jl lllfliC ,k,rhlJ'UK'f!lillP','ChaloJ)' 111\UV,CIUI' , Hl· h.1~ b«,11l1 NIC lu, nuK" }t.1h' ,-he h,11 bttn httc- lo• foe fhc> h.:1,·ch«nm.1mrd rot u, )'.:m ,1nJ h,-'C • lfl,noolh ·e>lJ ,oo ("onn(lt, lu.·ct'lfd11,i 10 uwra, 11-e W.10c:in1 rnJt') bi.·,n.it 111~ou..r~ l1f1 c-.amru t'O..".al.l (' ll uJJ rl.f.lmu ,1tk:
111 dk'lr ,r1.11ibfuJ1ip II hclJ'\'41!hlhe fanul)' lik ti "'"II Wt ~me-~1cr lht c:olkgc "-at lbt' tMtl) drt'J'I oU po1t11 fm lh • L..iur.1 ulJ "\\ hl't1 I i:~·t, ""·oulJ he ct1J1t111 hi, dll), I '\looulJ bt' hcJiMini 1111n,: ani.l '4·r ~nu)J u..Jc CurmClf nff"" -wr lm'e titing ,n,1h1\1ur,., ..:11.w.·hmg 1, LC''4·tt· lltt.arn, UUtat.alll
()f,n 111,-l lkbna li'am ~h II lrlllcd cl11..._, "1be \rudcnb 11«m to enjo)· 1hc dlhctenct tof J!tNlll;1h1y 1he finl.eJ cl3~ ~i'e,..,,"Oc-hr.\u11j Tea,;lun,. (111 t1.ur1pu~ cc,pctber bJ., 1u drnv.i:Ncb ~h lb t>fl("f) lhc1r inn.II i:c1, miJ.CCturiMulU'tlt\gct tl11dr w:hcdutc, ntld .1'1!C011lu!<IJ 11,111 whk:b insU\IC1ori~it:..::h1t111hc,l.i1.\.\ lbt.)·bl'l1t'\'t'Um..:hlnttojt'C'Uh!too cutnj'll,111'1 • po,,.thH:: e,pcricn(:e for lhent
We l"mpaihl1-c whhc.ch tt1tlC'1 nn1I hol\ "< the opponumt) 1oa,mmu,1 c.u1c mocelhanotht':rcouplb~U~ \l.c ~!ft 1hc '\ilmc pmrcs.. ,on " Dtbfl .aid