20 minute read
Lady Cards kick into first place
Women riding s ix game wave by Amlxr .sc,:,.,dl im1,n,-l,q."'1rl,r Th, ttm(n', 'IIOCCO 1cn111,;011i1inun 11,qvc,t h1 null." 1tK- pl.l)ufh "' 1ht (l,er1111 rcq•d ,mrruv~ 10 !I. 1-~. Tht •omcu h~"c C'ltha •tlfl or tkd 1.hc la~ tor\ r.unc.-. rtu: L,.J.) C.uJ, 1111;< ~bi,:U Valk) CnllcJ.!'C' (ML Vcmc>n. W•,tt> fritla; ,1nt1 E\'ttt·tt t·'1mm11t11t)' C','11~· S-11urrl~) 8olh iue hnmc g1n1oC, NIC riro111u.\l) rl•)"tcl •J.tlni.t 1bc,C' C'wo ttom, 1.nd won Cv1cb 8111 tucn.,..inttt opl111ncd hh conrtdcnce in hh 1c.1ru pl1;mf!" u ,,uehnfC r-,lg.imo\l..ttl.c:nll "Ou, depth "how, [ i-.e,sw.lnter \aht •·\\'" h"c quality pl11ycr-. camtng urr 1hr bc.'tk:h. \\',ewe a h.:,ll(f lc.atu. We c,pcC'I It• w1tt bulb Jllfflc:\ Tht k.un ltA't'C'lcd to Wo1.1ric:htc \'u1k:)· c·ummunity Cullc1e <k.1 7 rt1e Carch h('at We,ut.chce .l·O in •• wom,cn·s. Nor1h<wel.l \1hlcti< A 11ocn111tm of c- om111u1my College, 't.OC:cct 1,1t11e S111urd.t) ,n W~nah·hc< Wit\'h Br)'n Ot\olin :,.t:utl.!J url)'i111htcfl,,.1tp,U 10111.i.lci1 1-0 C'll~ ic J\n5rhtt. 11::eJ die ~lint with I.a- JOA! U1 lht ~lh llllnU~ W11h Ntc;·t, _.,n.
1:tw:aiu,,AruwT- the,.. .a,e nu 1ic:J for tiot pb~e ,n 1hc ronft.rrni::c Thr
Young team hoping to learn chemistry
Cards deterllllned to turn •oand 8-17 overall record b) I'rub, Ba rn hart .S'r111u1rl t'f('t'l'1"
The C1uJ1n,1h, \Ollc)·b,dl IC';ttll J, ,111f 1);1t11i11g lhh 'i(,1\fU'! w11h thcu I 7 rtt.:(lrJ ht 1hc ~Wl\t.' t.:,-..1fetc11a.at1J l 17 11\t:~II "'I tlchC\C All lt11Mtfi ,tniLQ:I(, bul tla\lni: lu hH lhc,c 'Volley ,- j, the nnl) wi1y u rn1j'l1ove y(lurr.cU m your lc,1m v.ill1 lhc c,;pcncncc ol t"limh!n11 hxk Uf! tllr mc,u:11ta,1n to rcach 'IUtcc~, ii.I 1hc 1op,np1111murc 11ulm.ll." hlllc.ot JC"~1oh.·a
J,lllk ..:nil
,·\~·1.-.1rd1n1 I•• 1.. u.d, C.11l}' Cuttb ,llcrc ,,. 'IUII hope IClf 1he C'1udui,h lhl\ '('.aw,n 111 n,ul~ 11 t:uetkh,,,:l 111'1i.1 Wrln1hrc:oofm:nct' The C.u~hn11h. ;u;ccudln1 Id c·,mi.._ ,,n,rt>· ate .1 >1.1tmg k-1m illal they t.:L lbc C1rf"1nt,1111I ) ol hil\iffR pla)td v. Uh "~h vtbcr 1.,,1 \C.&.'-1,n 11'i" "C'A\11" -111 11\'C Ille CarJJnAh Ille dtictlllt.U')' ll,c, necJ to bc\."Vmc 11 u11hca:l1ltilc ICIIIO l'I0\11 o1n!;I QUI -.,C,l..0,,.
"'The •hh .a1t hc:c:uimng more (Ol'l'l•tc,u CtllJf!d.:111 and IOUJ!h(f JTIC'nt lly • C'unl\-..llll c-,,..,1.al Frni<. h~ ,i~ J.:111~ On StP' 30, the Cilltfollll, rl.1)·1..'d
IS..3. IS·12 in ahc SWAC: ,:onll."\I.
Jl!Jlft4t lbC'Jr jl;UC\1 l!a\tc.rn Uu1b
Collc;C' Jankt 11Jfmcn1cd 6Jl;.1cm Ut.h't. dc1t·n1oc \,t, Ith hN ts kills.
F.a~tcm·, ii;irl\ 9.frt uB:ahlc m l(JUC'h hff wuh 1hcir 10 ~ilh by A,hlrt'
R(>nW:r l"t)\YI Fem\ Y.. h abk IU
Jii,. 1i.x af Eirncm LIJah', re1ijn1, The C,udinth 'Acte 1te\•cnhclr,~ dch'.itN 3-0 CU, IO, 10-l<l 11,1'11 IS •
'.?t h~,1cd Snow Colksc, a S0u 1hcit1 ld,th1, rt\'al ThC' C.1rdinah rave Sl'IC'lw nin to, 1hc1r l'lloncy wilh hH'. IQJtldtt'\ lb.Jt \\'1.'JC C1il.fCOld)' do~c Snov. W()fl 1hc: fir1t 1\io"O m111chet ~nd NIC v.on lbr lkll 1wo.
C>n ScP4 28. 1hc wd)' C1~rJlniil1.
UBfan1.1n11tc:I~. Snu'o\ wc1n lhc l•,.t mn tc:h 1(1- l-i. Jul e Jcmmc., 11 '"'hnicn ltt,m F.mmctt, Idaho. ~,ii ablt 10 rece ive nint' d1g~ rn the.
C"urJ, lo,~ )-?. Jct(lmt: 1-. a "toor:h ddcn,l\c pl•>·cr"' arco rd 1ng 1a
CUni, The CurJ• finJ*d the mlll(h l~·K IS-IL JS-l. j~IU.16-t On Stf'II 27. lbc Cllt'lt11wh 00\.tcd
Oiu< Stale CuUtfC. krome ont.c JSl'.aln "dptd k.S 1bc ('.ardlnnh w11h bcr 11 dJJ,. Minke: led the k.lM wuh 11 ldl, nd I .t di~- 1~ C.,tlln.d-..
WNC cab le- 10 come tl\U OQ IOP b)·
Men's soccer gaining deserved respect
Wc trt ,1,,1t1U\$ ,l!TIO\l ,aJI ln:\l'Jmcn rightnt:, a.'Cflv.intcr i.:ikl f.t~~1mcr l1J11htr rommctiu'CI dw rxptritll()C h.as bttn lbc kc:y fact..x- tn d't:ar dtlcal\ uaJ lht 1dcn of tho (l'O"h pla)'ing a, • 1t1u11 h,, b(-c,i on a~JU\ lmcn 1 In lht or11nlut1 Of Ei~enwinttr, lhcir tt1nJi111cncy of l'c>tt.:cn1t1111ott tn tht" 1aruc ti.a• • I", h.lmp..,i:,Jttlc111rn11111n9Qlaho. ·w~ v.-111 h11"C' l;1p1-C'" lor IU 11d11111n" E.i."°n,,..111tcr ,.a.Id ~·nhtni lhc nccl.l fur 1hr 1cam 10 1.ikt t'\<'f)'lhlnJ from 1ht" pr«lkc CiC'ltJ '"
(' .irdi EttiU,J COO\"(rtcd f10,11 mktf\t"5Jn t11 (tfl>anl. hclJICJ d" mc:u ddca1 Wall• Wllllll CQmnrnnu,· Colk-£?c b) ~~"1mpli,h1or II b..l tcld m1bc6-l '\100I) 11.t (8ri1tt,) 11.11,.gtc~ COl'npi;,wtt" in lll'!ll1,r1,1e,o;1l,"'f1\C'lll'h11Crultl ·He 1kat1'1 get~°' ncn,11U, 11nd 'l'\"l1tl II) JU.'l fii.d I \lt11) to pl( U Ni."l
111p four ll'lltn, from n,h
J1\·1•1t.1n ma._c pl1a)t10" C\1h:,. Mc:1Lk ~nd Mau MOOltC'tlll c:a.h I J•>ll t,1 tic..t \\'aU.1. Wall• (.'..-,rnn,urrn,
,,1111 nf 1ht ,:.wic ,n Nit", 1·U ...,11, m·tt Cvmmuml)' Culltf( u( Sp,.~nc
Sq,. 10 ·0n p.ipcr. lbl\ luo\• tik~ a tW ptnc."' E1w:n..-.111lt1 ,11d Tbtif go.the b11\I a IOI of bir, U \oe, t111~ co ld h..lttc cin,I) lxt-na '.\·Oj.11tM:-.'" S IC h.1tJ 1-i t.th>h on go.al cum~1,,Sf*O'k~',...,._
I ltiOOJJll ~(' pl.ll)'CJ 1<111)'
11,,'tll. F1\C'rw,in1tr ,II.Id Th" Wal Olli M,t l!'lnlt IH11b oilcn"'~C'I}' and tkltn\nelr.·
K..tlte Rupr:n·, huJcr
Former soccer club player now varsity star
Mllb'a rftml 1111111 'IIIIIY' b.) \mbC'.rSt.'4tll fil'tt1mrlft'fl(1fll',.
C011fidi:,1CC(lby Tbc~ 1wo wonl.H.;iulil h«ornr \)'Ofll'l)'~1ht1pbol'llC'WT
C'ub)' \kilk l.ll"COnlph!,ho bcr i;oal 1b" ~a""" "'MyptOOll.tl~lfQf,~
Janke helping rehab young volleyball team
IIC'bool. J.inl.: pl11>·.,.-d tlub, ,1llt>·h.lll J11At.c-·, t'Apcflt'nct, 1ndu.Jc JUnlOt nauolllll, while plil)'III# t luh \Ollc.')hllll ,.,nl.ti\91('.dffl lt.,Jc,rwho,\ \cr) goat
«M'nttu." cocach Carly Curti.<i Yl.J. *'Janke n l)Oll llfrn 1J 10 pu,.h her 1c.1mmnte\ m the M".Xt
IC\C't •
J;anke', prv.11100; flk:ludc '*hiJefl1lua •nd -cncr Jankf unJ lk'r ,,nuly li\·c ,n CO(Uf d'Al,:-oc.JlllU..c tj.thc)'Ul.ll:lg:C t(IJ IJ,rec
··My f.111nily i¥,upcru1ht," Jiankt. !.iid. ·M)'
1nochtt j, ;i hcattt1ful p:noi, 111\adc and CIIM
J.1ntc ''>, ht l-sdn,1:n by cbe pure l'°"c o( the! µinc H~r ,1,1bbc,m~,. Ytdl to ,u««d,
IV!J <:W!pch,aw:,-, h~\C .aho anributcd tt, her
C11.rdu·w.b :ff le.id hy 1~111:t't t1mfidcncc and abiht)' lo pl.a)' 1h(o a,amc
JiulU ha\ been pfa)'IR.g. \l)llcybalJ \irll.'.C l]IC \a;Uh ,r.t«. All lhh,Uj.h 11.1nk,1 hl~h illi.,l htJI
Whi:.n Lllk1ng about the CartUn.al'l 1h1, '(.a'oOA. J:inl.i= ,aid "I btlK,--e ,II 1Cll.ff\" ,tro11k. but h.:i\'lftf tn hit t~ \ ,1llr)'ll l, t he ,,nl) "'"J)' tn 1mrro,c )'OUN!lf or )'t>Ut t('11m
,y; 1tb 1he tApcntl'.::c ol d11nlt1nj b;M.'."k up lhli mwnuiin •.., rc;;t(b \~ al tbc top!"
Ja.11\l' 1' J ju,mutl\ltl n1.1p Hcf r1,,"1tht boo&.: i, '"'flic:: l""mpt,ef' b)I G1bnm. Accordfl\8 to faokc. C\t'ryo,,c '1wuld n:.J Prop\cl b«llll.~ 11 dtaJs '4 11h the w;alk of life m •
Jl()eliC SCMC. 13111:e lo\t.'\ to'llfritc poffly and
Jl.)ljffllt, 5hi! b,u l,I jwnuh tb,11 \ht h•, ~nrt¢n ,n ,Jna: ~,, 1 Uulc snt
Alter 1tni1,hrnjt 1be .,chool )'Cllt 111 NlC. hc:1
'\·oll,t-:,'b.111 :int1 tu~·ini: ~cb a grc-,1 (,w1ily E,cf)·dot ,he lcill'M n,orc, llhoor bcnclf and to,·n bmc:11 m0tt l,c~.iU'< to ha 11 Ii. It wJL,tt of lime not to lq,·t: youncll l.i\t rtttl)' ~Me you h11,e a di.:inc.-c 11Dd }1C' h.iippy lll1IJ 1hwlkful (of t1k," J:111ir w.itl
Career runner leading NIC in the right direction
Wisehart credits llllber for succas
IJ) (~tflC littJUICCloUrf s,m,nrl rtpqrl('t
St\c:,al key f.itlt1.r, ""lrn;h "4:!0nc lcacn lt.kk~h~p 1n ...i) •pcirt, .1rc C\f'ettctkC' and dC'ttmimauon ""'CJI .:i, \Ull('lly bc:lng ll n1et- llllll lmt p<N>n to be 111UU11J for lhl! Cf'l'I\~ COOlllr:,' IC.lffl A,hJI!)
L-.cJwit lJ.ll., pto\'t111.:> be .all of 1hc eho,~
SI.: beg.an her ntnnln1 c.atter 111tc ""' whcrt her futflcr ,111ocd her up for 1& ,1,,m1k nk'C! (OCtt'tntlefote tt:h}'t',11)
Ht:r ,ttt«-mlk na,.-.:.• 1n .:~•ue,c rrcit1io1bly fee more 11).e ,1 w:11~ in the part!
Wflllamene Invitational
The Nit cnH C'(li.lflU) 1c-o1m 1r.,cJtJ lo S..km Ori!• la.,1 S:alUrd.11)' r i;ir I~
W1ll1•1Tk"tte lo~ll•tmn.il •I 8uil1811B lllr mien J1llh.."'t'd J ~th ou1 (lf )7 k~m llflJ lb< women: hnl~bcJ l;ld1 uut of ,t le.ima. onr l'kll hlJ11M't than I.IQ )'t'Ar Qiarhc ~lll(f ltd lhe SIC' men plxlna ,lt,ch Ff1ui...,nc \lceh4n lc-d she ""0111C1 w,11h bet' t•l•~•nt: 111 6i 1h
Wu,clum b\cJ ,._ Llhb}', \ton• , hut m,n-ed to Mt1."'1ul" her (1hb gntdc )t'.u', \\hcri:
111laldcd. n.11d i:r lu11.1cd from Valle)' C1t1hu.1n Hlfh SchQOl f1.a1h<QJ Valley C'ullc~ "'It\ v.hctt i.he
17~i'chc, Wkffliltt
,omktcd h("t I k 1t-\J,.C'd bet JMlot tot.1¥1111 k1~r(lf mtcn, 11~)' tucl ia dw-.::c tu 111111,. Well. II~) c11lked' W.all.U1H\'t1k-11II) ,.n \p(IC .a gooch1hk1i= • milt ,\\\''1}---0r aio mik,.. Wh.ti Wi.~b.ut lt>,·n t~1,1 .\boot her u::.uo
111h~1 f'\'(l)'(IM 1ch.alan1 l'll'lll ~c:11, aod die) llho r,u,h uct, ud1Cr "Loi\ t1l 1e,un111.11r-, an: ,u 1hc '\,unc k'vt:1 ~r t.h11pr,• ~It ,.,uJ..
Hct t11.1I 10 tun 111htric-n11le rn 1n UI minUtC\ .nJ 20 t<--."'lmd\ 1 o ;1.:hlt:\'C: thl" go11I ,tie foci, ,l,c t~ 100~ 11111....ck .aruJ 11 ~11\lfl~ff 01Cnt1d Jl'!ilil), ··1 kd rn}'<lf UIIJWIJvmp," W 0wud "OOd
F ca ,urini1: THUNDER ALLEY l,lnu m
1:m: inc 1hi. uakm an4 I \\~nl co u~ 1l 1q f>Tlc 1hin1 Whch1in IO't·c.l ,1bout high
1hc: hc,c of m)' 11biluy.
'l("bO(ll \\.a, hca11ni tbc be>),; in P1'41C:h1.'t' A~
,he rc..:.11U~. ·"J'ttc bi1~ \lo-etc tli,e onl) onl!11
'"pr:icllcc: du,t would P'"h me."' Her mo,t memorable' riiee 1, her hl~h
"(.bv(1I 4,i4(10-me1i:r rcll)' lcam. • ,-.;c wbcrc four girh, c.u:.h run 01>1: l•p 11tound the u.:k. H:et t~4ffl wok. lint pltKll' b)' W'I 1n1;ctJ1hlc 1.S·1Ct.'C)t1d 1,up. She rcc.l1h, '·S'Vt'r}lhmtdKkcd lhitt l",11,.'C''"
Whchun. -.11.iJ ~he Ion:-, running for many diffcrtlU ttlll>OllJ. Slk lu'l'C\ be-mg .aroo.nJ n.s.turr. o.Dd ,he gcb lo lth'c:t pcopJe ··Running 11 gn.11 .ems rclte\cr,'" l,c: ~itl Wbc:n ,be', not ml\mntt. ,be', ttu,ydcttn~ ,d1d11h urL, tt.»ding or wrnc ochcro11icloor ac11,i1)· Wt..chan cre<bu. ~I ,ukJ tu:-r 11.J.I fur her ,uccc:.u • ooo g<H m~ into ninmng,"' ,be 1o;11d. He', ;1lway, ban 1bc.rc hlr me Wl!,,i.'hitf1 plan, to lltlClld lht' l lll\COll)' ut Mo111.111.d afm gr.ktu•Un,l!- from NIC. So f111 ,be hu\ P"'lttl time In 1hr "'"' IQ n1inutr catq1.ory tooc mimrlc off her goi1n. Roou..o, lor her wtll be her lc!MJ. c:oolh. lmt11l.t member,,, nnd fr~BC!i.
1CJ~1nh1o~(lffl(111Clft' conrtdcnt I Med to d1in). p•,l11w-111.Sp:c11dulUlt' 11t'g111n-c.-w..,ntd. So far thi, ~ht1n ta.., st11h plcnt> tr1 bi: '"'!idem abouL lo tbe niJi.c gamn \be llrA.\ r l.t)td in Mclllc:4:CIClfflbu\Cl.l 1httt ,o:ih 1111d ,ix :i.,,i'i&., 11uit ls .in ,,cf'tgc o f c.ltlC o:,ml tlt' ~i.iJ pcrpmc McJl:"Jc. • mKtnddct rroim rwatin h1.lh. '-Wl1tJ rl;r)ing \OOIXfind1c:11ixch~.Sht plJytll fouty('.tlAf111 \,ll'il) ,nd duh tc;un,. Me,Uc h;MJ no rl~,u to\'Qrllll'l\lc pinyin•~• 111 1be coll<'FJ.il.c l~ct. Her ~"\I friend', d:ld \\J\ her rooch onJ ht kJK'A' NIC '-'*ti 8111 E1..cnw.·1n1t:r ·we 1NIC)"''C're~l'lg r« our J1nt \4Nl) lUMJfL l .:a!Jaf 1hc clubo;1CM;b, ..,...ho I hte\'e l..11l>\\nfor)'t'°"".-:i..1Jd &.i!nWlhlff. He 11ttftll11DIC'd Coby ll\ a J)OltllOII r«Nil, The ran.ttmii-l-...\\ (\,t,ypl.i)'-..~in I be high ,icboc,l "'*C toumu.mtm in c.ttl)' Mtt't. $ht- uUI l1Jd nCll made ,1 c:ommlt~" "8111 c11Ucd and m:ruitcd me," •YoU,ybaU \"aJdOIII \'a0c:) l'.(;., at~ 6pm.M<IDLt) Ocl 16. t ullt'i:t urs-th,rn Idaho Jt ~. 1 pm Th11nch.y, <kL 19 W11U.1 W1JI• C.C.,.,11 Wall.J wa11 W-.!L, 3 p.11L Sll&un:l.ay. U;t. 21 •M•11°<St><t<r Sb.-lf \all., Colll1tf,• l\ilfl~ l p ,n 'FnJuy, (Ji.1. l.l t:u•rr.n C'X • ldnc'. 11.JO p.m. S.urcby, 0..-1 1, Cotun,bt.l 8 ia Coll~. Iii Paw.,1, \\'J h. :,111 W""""1,y, O<I. IB. A,t,llnucC.t·~.•Bcllc'\i.:, w..a, ! r 1n fodly o.:t. :o 1-Amood, (.',( 11& Edmand", W..tl,t'INlll ~.i.tuh.la),0.....!I Spok1u,c,('.C.,,a1 home, 12·)0 pin S.11tutd,>, Ckt 2.!l w.u. W•Jl• ("..C.• 111 hornc. I pm Wcdir<.d.tv t-iov. I • \\()IU<'n's Socce1• !>u,ch I ,lkr (",~qr • humc,,lr..m f'"fid.l)·,Ck1 11 •.'f«TIIC.c.,,.,hi,me, I!.~ pm s.rutd.y.~I I.& C"Ol,mlb, o..tn ('oUr:tt. 111 P..i.~u \\&Ul. ,2 p.'" WtdneMb)', Oc:1 I~ lklfnue l'.C., .S Btlk,i,c, Wah Zp.m. mlo),0.. :?0. l-:.ctm.11od1 C.C 1at Edn1uo,h, W» h. n(l(ln'i11Wday.Ck-"t. ll !'tpokauw- C.C. ;11 htimc. I!·'tt p.m. S:111,N,tily. <kl. 28 W•lla \\.'11Ui11 t.<.: at hooic., I pm Wcdnctd11y. Nlw I
"U1idMc11ldc. ·1nc,ctc,-c11 \ "do.I NI<: un • m:nmin1 mp; I JU\t lll(WCJ up h«t 'rhoogh h.ldn'l \t,1lt"J (M campo, pnc,r,a ba mo,-c. s.hc (lftj(),, many •"f!Cd" <)i' bdt1J • C.asd11i..l ,iy la\'ontc p;,11 urpl<l)inl a1 MC'l\lhtwf'P(lt11.bclcam ttn'l\"fmm~t:r),;,flC. t,pcd.aUy \llldc11t, .ind otha o11hlc1.c,, ,\ll'JLk \lid "\t) te-"l r1i (ll'i1e 1hu111 :1hou1 pbyina l.;tc? I h11tr th.1t \I.C: h.i,e l1l1 1de .,t,u, tn®r ~me•. c~n·t \\c)1n1
11)·,.,.. Mc1kl,· o nnt wre \\il!CR' \Ix
•.u1t1,ojOI0"'11Co11~1)Cllf Somr uf Ilic: \lfometl on the- cc1m h11,e dn"u,..c'd CAl1)1cmng a uni,tr.it1 t<>gdbcr ""-'' )<nr Her bn1 fll('nd Tant. pla)> ~"Cff ut
•hcte IDffleolbct r11tn1l:.-
.Ulenlkd Fflf u1..\rir111on Mcd,fe look, 10 bet ttammllttt rather th.an n. Mt1J(lf Lt:ap· Soettr pb)c:r ~he ~id ct1:h player 11,n her t')wn unlqul!: 1.1u.ahtih F« t\,1mplc.
$.il'llb Mqt'f:\ '>W1<d M UMl"41ul nttw l.1..u >~ bd~t l\'Jirianh
,1Aned ('~ llll'Ul [uh 1111d dn.nk Glltontik bcfm:. pmo.," Mei~lt uid -SU..h ,, 1 hc::ahh nw llfld ,11111 iunJ. fi,h \\ 111 pi,c n, Ct!OC)' lt1 ordc:r 1t1 rncu, bl:C(lfc awnc ~ktk~ 'l.llld .!!hr *111 J\l tel die \idc: durutj. Wlll111 UP' Ulld Alfftch ,too eCn:r.. tcmnll') fl.thr.-d Valle)' tn\'llaUOrtlll. at Kill1~pdl. M1ffl , S~wJ..y, On I< Ola ftM 1n,it.1tl,11l'lal ISi Sprtbrw ,in'ay, On !I
• lniramuml SpoN fltnhitD Toum1Mrnl n1 a.unc f\1011tlnSt:a.ooun
WcJoti.iliv,C'k.t II
C....tFlaoFootbaU (luunplon\hlp itanw. • kaiw,,:y•I ,1 l(}p111
Co-,c,d ,ulW)"ball offld•h romitl~ .11 IM ,pa,uo(f,«. nooo Thund11v (kl. 19
C.~c>-td u1Unha!ldddllrw,at IM pon,uilk~.l:Jor•· fyi,la,-,O.., C..".o-ad icilk)lllll ltiaull,l't'n nittdtta, • IM ,prin off1CC' llllt~ M~ l(l.,y, Occ. 23 l,m,g:IC' Poot lwmammt. ,t smic f(,(1iu Mt sue. aooc, W~) .0..'l.2~ hx tt,(orrnatldl Oil Jn,ramotU,I \(',om,. phrnc 7t~ m,<I: 7(/J.HS~Cltri'Ull.hc foU'llflllJhl Spx'h<>fr.«lnthc ti.,.,.u k~I u( 1he StudcDI. l"nm11811Ull111s.
• Outdoor Purrults Motk CUmbln~ Ad,·tntu"'.•'
Vatll&gl", W.nll S. ..SulL (A1 !< I< IS ,i71ll
S.Uinc Clink, .al NIC S""'-'P(M
Bea.h. S..tSRb)'.<kl 21 (S I OJ r,,, mf••nU11t1.•n cin Ouci.kx\l Puo.ul11. c-all lf:H.11\mcx \'t• 1, th,: l..nwa- l.t\d f'l lbi: Smdcnl un,oo 131.nldiu~
" tl'Offl S).5() ID $.."i.501nl.1 i11cfodt a lUJK.h item ()f yw1 chotcc I.be i.oop ot 11'1c di} brc.s llnd de,m ptO,:l'lm i!I headed b) tn~II\IC1« Rid.
~~'"" eouldn'I bell ticul'.'r "''ll)' to Cl'l)o)' lotk'b, .an..1 w11b # lul.c..ldt /lew 11 lttl\ ltk.t li~ll!UIIC. hlllc: SC';i.ttk dintr. En.:I') ·, ~n·c-~ lunch on l ~\d.ay, Wcdr.e'441.~· ,1ad ThuN.lol)' in,m 11 IUll.·1 p m MAIi> r•"lf!
Sdmlt/ IIOO ,,. n,.n by IS C'nlhia,b,.tk oullM') ,1m student. When he w.n :!2. lic upcncd The Oruon Pti,ch, Iii~ uv.11 coa\lAI R'-,rn1m1n11n Wo1~tn'ltue1 11 Wlbop.-c.Jllr rh-c )'d&f'4,Cfflpl0)',l'J 11 pc<>plt.s cnmin.g a 11r,ot 1n the Oc,t Plai."'e\ .8ool."' IJllc.' 11( the tit,~,,~ In 1hr ~flRh¥iW IQ COL
Schtilu Uxa totwcd to ChlcaJO fc.w ~hit ht
!..lid"""' u,d fflO\\"d b.ac:l
Id.ii"' in 1990 w '\wt NIC't. 1.1din*')' .111'- JIR)&flltll Tht prognun 11.:, ~n-mmuh cb\., th;i11ra11~ ,1~lconl\ In m.&11)' arc.1., of fa.;,J prep.a~ll11f1 Jl\·('t\11)', -.i::ning :md 11.n 11,~-nill \indcn!J1Dd1Aj: f°'ld ctlu hmc:ry', V.,;i\ a ,n1:all ~-I~
IReview l.hc-w~U rt,1.111nuu In 1hcolJ ,1u<1co1 umon bwldmg unti l u Wlb ITIQ'f~ 10 u 1 narn"1'11 IOQlorn, an IYQ1_ II h.i, bttn w:rvinJ '>dtonl f11a1lty. uuJc-1~,. .mJ the' ptuplc ot C°"ird' Aknr wnb Ma:llml faq Jnd ft1('1\.ill)""Cniccc,enincc. S1udrnu 4ft' cncout11,:td toe.at III E~l') ·"· whh or "'11holn res,ervatJC'l'l\, 11'1 ,uPS')llf1 or fclkw, \Wdcnt,, 11.tld the culh1,;11') :1th rrot,ram but art" onm di\('®~eiJ bccm.\C! 11'1. b.1nt to find. The «ilC'\l 'it.'J)' togci lbc:rci,tolD.t 1N.'lah~Hk cntraocc of I.be H<:dluaJ BuUJlna. ~.,d 11p 11.r
~llinandlookdJ~lym1hc1tll NIC',~ kt'pt\tCl'Cti,Wte
A h13hllgb, wU I l-oet1" rund.1)·, CM ~.a. '<lltle'D llmc:ry'• will bt ~nins:, "fl«111ol Gcrnt.,n dmnct tudllt'pubUc from,:'.1().7:~p..111 u.uo,,,ms lir 1111 a.tkm(l(lo ;i1 blli.'f)'' cxl')t'rkncin, • fflt'J&l 1h111 onl) fill, ~·our ,wtn.k.:J, bul (I.II\ 1hc.' cuJinul)·.u,, -.111Cienl.6 uh a>nfidentt ifl l.li,c.ir '4'0'rt; ii', dcfmirdy .,.,vnb u I« info,rmitkm or l'C\C'f".&lllXb all 76'>-nl\1
Art by local 1rt.J.11 Mary Farren ls on dlaptay at U'le Come, Gallery. Tho ehow la open till Oet. 20.
!II lll botl..tdff"
CuUn11ry Ar1a a1uct.nt Amanda Haines cooks hnhbrownt 11 Em•ry·•. Tho studOnHun restAUt'ant setvu tunch rrom 11~1 on Monday, Wednuday and Friday.
Gonzaga art professor shows off hands
Gallery show explores hllman lorrn 's intncac1cs by Krk.tlntJ1!$S.f .Vffr.lftl llf"Hl',- pbncrma 1bt w,dh. uf 1ht: ~~ell C«ncr Gallct') att till' mi.(d media pnnu: IIDJ Jr•-.·UtJ' o( Spol.allr' annl MIii) I ,1rrril. TIIC' nhlt'ltt i~ ~'flt"I\ r111ht public frl'ffl Sept 1511, lkl YI, hrrtU' • tt\:l"1'11 v.ur~ uplor« d,c 111b,;.imt.1tJ 1111,d n1ulh~l11.)tt\.'d l1u11t.u1 fumi f;im:11 u:'oed C'\"'C£)lbtn~ fmm v.,QOO c:u111n1~11n ,ia,1\.~ll~ In mk bl(ltlUtf 10~:uc hc1 lat(')C «ttlrtcKln. The o,'ffl'tdln:i tbcme ofhc1 "'orl I, the twmaa lwld and 1h m;,;n)· l'A'l\.l..ln1 ;mJ mdrtlrn s: lllrmt. f .,m:11 u~ 'ft'\UIU, \\'iNled-ous colon '\f)J1tt.hcd .,.,.i,h "rd1;1n,, o( ,Cl t,l,1d, inl.ttnn1~rl',ctt,- l1. ol Jl~"C porllll)'lnt Ml Clpcfl h,i.tlJ f('.lkh.a11J,) nu, IJl lflfl 111kfit-fK!t, \.~mho1f7.in•® OlJ.W1'M.-iCOI ~c Jkt 111!~( .wiJ Ckfl'C~( s.t~lc \Nrm to bung umt)· 101hr oolk'°"tion F.anitll h ilJl a1.~1.,1,e pro(C\....orc1I art.,, Ck.i1:.1ga 1,1,u\'mtt) .,._,b a m.a.,1t1'tt. drMf« in rrinun.alin1 from the llniwCNl) of CincinnJtt. Hcrrc«nt -c>ln«hit,,11. m.:hrdC' 1hc An: Sptm (i.allny ,11 Cric:1.11 d'Akfk· lhl.' Jundr ,\n Mt1\t'Unt unJ 1hc Cb.t\C 0:ilh:I')' m Sf'IO.._llnr 111..t t.hc foh11.tltd Bctt) Gru~ O..lkry cil 1he Nonh-.na Pnn1 CoutlC'tl in 1•0111.al'd $un~ of Pum:11',c:wfk't tit,(d u tnc:luikJin "'OU«cl.i ,o" hclJ, h)· dX" l..'11)' of Sc,;iak the: UOl\'Cf\ity of ·rt\lU,., dtc Unhtt\it) 11( Ctnd11,i..-11 d~ Hciddl"1:11, Dt•mhu1mg CC11J1f'i'R), 1ht 0.111a N.IIJl'lnlll Aodany of Fi"'-" ·\t1~. a~ v.ell 11\ m.,ny othctph-,t( cobrcUuru
An cl("C'mng m.~pciiclft v.;i" hdJ tor Fiandl on Seri !l 1n the l~'"'c:11 Comet C''31kty On Seri- 26, PamII (:ut1JU1.~" •.itk•nt tour ,r dlCI t'lhlJi.1~. fol)IJ'A -dh)' :11Mkk1dkliw di\4'\IWt>(I i111bt SlJO 1lic r,h1fltt ••orcnaail fiw 1111hc: publ1~ &hrwJh (A.1 20.
Russian comic tragedy plays Schuler
Llalgnera Make Large
Seta, turn young cast IMlllbers Into aldel'IY b)' Hannon) 'h> k>r Stlt/mf'lt~J"''"'
Ru,,13n culhuc """ he unmd!JlYd u1 Nortb lcbhq b)' 1hc 1hale:r dq,11rtmm1 in ~rJy No,·t1nbcr d1tu11gh
'"AMnr1th 1111 hcCmmtrt," .1 pl11; d1r«te:d by dic-,1tCf imll'\11;1111' Tim
"A Ml'Wllh 1n lbt Cotmlrf' Wlll be p1t(OflTICIII tri Bow,"('11 Hau· Sdwkf
At.1J,1nnumNcn 2- Mldthcq.JI lkginn10Ja17:'\0p.m. txh nip:1 of pn.tdunian. aJm1"""'1 run• fttlfl1$.S far aduh, Sl t.lr '-'n!llr' .ind SI lor
,1111k-nl, f.00 ,hlMnn f.a..""'l.lll~ ,1,11,I
•U ,n fttC' v. uh 10. The~ will runopprodrnMtl) lW1~bi,uh; '"tli11. r,ot.b11.1111n o ller1. "f'Pt'C'IUIIII) ror thc1ht11tct 1'3t1mcn1 v.11h1rttinp .i,~C'll~uto1m11, R.tt1d ,.-JJ. Tht1d11U1 1h.11 1hl\ f1111) h Ru,,i.1n 1, ,ur~ btt·,1,11,e 11 ntrc,, U little wlhlt'C" lbc f'IOI ol th,, rl•y oontt.m\ .i ?I • )'e.11-0IJ ma.Jo IVtt,r who , i\ll\ • <"1unlr) ~l'l(' tn R\h,,a. Al<k-e)' h 1he lutnt .:ind h l'll:t)c:d ti,- Cetlln An~lt 1'ht- lS-)c.&r·ul1.I \l.·1fr 04 lhtbomr. played b) S!cphi»nc 8r\1..ti Cidh 111 lo,c v.tth thf hat.or Hn -.11nl. Vern ti.i(lv. ho f•lh in l()';t "'11h lfk )',.IOI.Ill~ lUIOf nu, t.:~nn..:-1r.11cd)' l'unJ\l~ ,,t fh·c "'-'Cl'ICS uni.I c;on111in, rn.iny wh-rlol , th 1moh·e roiti.u,c(' that R.arn:l. W i.l 'l«mlli\hwtd Thcc.i\lWll'i~\ol
12mct1tbtr\ 10 be111t cum,11 NI(' ,1uJcm\. 11,ll'I fl)ffl'l(r r.t1.tdm1 .iOIJ one: ,.,,,nu11untt) mcmbc'r Thtto arc m11n)· ~1,p un..l u \.v1C'1y of m,IM·up~lgn\ u\CJ fo, 1bc podlK:1l'On Joe co 1bt f..:c d1111 1hcl't' arc l~·ycar-11kl C.11\l mttt1bt,.. rfay1og Chet p.l,11 of tiS•)'C.tr-old th.Jlill'tC'N. llli, pR)' Ide\ grc..l "flrOllUBII)' hll' m.2k.t up (kllla. P.llrid, Tttdw.1)· Ju,d Sl.)I),: Alhct 11~ bi.1th m chwi:,-t ot 111.-kc·t1p dhill,t1lttttbcl'I.L)I Judy McCit\t~). Cbl"f)'I Cahffl alklJC'\.\icaCl.Jboorylltt'bwldlJ1$ tCN\1~ Imm "°lill~h. llu.sc ~h aro been,: OOilt dut r -quitt K'..llln, 16 be rt.nio\cd 1n ardct fotthc w:c, 10 f'h (11'1 the- .\lajtc' fo\lm Van fAttiq i, 1.n dl.arge, flf i,ccnt d(-..ign ia.:nJ (lhC of the nt.1t1)' inv~\1.-dln1>M! o.ftdir\iSff Tt1h 1 thcfil"II ~ bt't.ds--~$:1)~ "'Tlic.ro 111"t' .i Ii.JI! o f fl1iln huun bcang fltll UtlO JU).{ the \("('l'IC Jr.1gn it\c.'.IJ," R•rl"11id Joe Jl!Coby. dM" 1hcatre dcp;111me11f,IU"t IP'fhC in lhl r,rr,ductiM. It. tt po,n1hlt lor moi.t o l the.' wund Jc\1sn pfa~ v.·.- ill"IJillJlf)' v.ntkn b,
M.u,\1.\11 ha,1 lwSL"Or'' sod wa~ IM~
1n.11~ta•~ tnt11 ~111?U\ti b) Unan Friel
RurM:k~,ticcn on 11'c.': r,..1(."c.an1J'llll fo, I Z )'t'"" Thruupl1 d1en1 be h.i~
Ruoc,k. hM .llw K"qut"\lcJ lhlLI oo ~·..Choo! ~tJ d 1ddn:.n autnd Jut IO 11,r .uphl\li,c.t lnn u l the miitet1.al "Mll'\l lu5ti 1iebl)of ) t WCn~ .,.,ooltJ pmh.aM) C11J11)· thi,. liui I don'I Lttl 111.1ny )'oltnJ,:l'tll\S"lhal -.·uulc.l."' Rarie\'W!,J .~.tit' Kelya, ClfflJ Hough. contron1a Matvor, Da n Thompaon, aboul his conatant haraaament In Brain Fr'-'• '"A Month In lhe Country." The play run5 Nov 2-4 and 941
Rapper fills childhood dream bySiamC1tmuo11 ls&E&/ltM ·nit ru"t \tnc ol"C•llln' Mt' b) Lil' 7.anc k.llunni R.&B puur 11 2, 11111lo c,·4;1ylhms,lc.u Ml lh c 1he lifca(alflf'hrit)· ,\ made ml(f•, ~") bi#j:-1 thanlhtmlithe1 aau ~·IJJ fo\l.' tvvt' I'm re111n· p:a:idMt fmpo\Cd 10
M)· homlh~ll m.. cin In) 11inl•1ltt uuw cillll..:ki,ct.,111 lf.1 all about• )'t11mr rnpprr u:~11111 } I Rt\li CW hl\ fil'\C 1il\lC of ntt•n()', lltld fp,lfltl t'.KhAOOn«) ..«1>11de>l 1t. Wclltnl1 1 nt 1t.cm11nyht1Y. L,r loft(', ii 17 )1!,U<(Jkl filPJ"tf fmtll )'(l'(l\l'".1'., rap,. in o. \l)'k- rc-i:s11nb«1t1 ol tht' 1.ott:" rup;i.: Sh.ilu.l H"1l1I on.don•l kill mrJll"' )ct 1bt'J<'- will aic.,er be w1u1bcr r.11pptr "'ti(, 1111 'l'•l lllC bani. Jri11l. 11-'U v.·tlh ~t111r c.t1:'A' 4nil Jct hl'AJ), uf lhc 1c1w, i,nur ®I "t>n~ flf >'our 40 for )OOr ,11.1 trcv. 1tnd ,ry lil.c Tupa..· "'Ouk! lie w.i., •nd h the bt,1. Hut th1' tu) rnJ"' IJJJly "•mil.at , Ht\ Wl~'t' h hi,:Jlc':r t1111,h,111&cl) o1im1Lar ()j,(:,)\,:ft'd hen ht- \j,,11tcml;· JI )CJn ulJ. Lil' l.111&'1 h,1, .11"-il)'\ drumed 11t 1h11. 11Jt-um •rut hat Jffam, ha,..: fn1l1td1<Jhtd1'iC' the Wo,ld WiJc Fntc111un1111·lll'~'"I)' i(Cl(utd, rc.k.a:i;c ronl.un, IS 1ru..li., dc1111hnt /.1111:'') rn.c: ltum 11 u,orh 1\1:/thbcitt,,,od 11111k· hip lw-11,p.1i111,t11 Th&' 112 "1CIJ( h,u 11ti11r-ndw moit r'.1), t.ut 111•'t 1hr 1,aly wnlJ w<lnh li\.ltnin,: to Oi'l thl" n>. On"\\ hll mt1,1 J 1io',.. I.All<" \(11(n WC' pt'Hh ,,c d.e.1.11111 ltllJ J:<'UIO# cau~h,. bul ,, q\llcl 10 ro1m ,,1.t11h.it ti<' cktt,,n·, rrp-t1
lllC' jil'Ollfl II\ 11 "l'J'l'III\ i.;)lby kfliaA lbtt< \('.al'\ lie~ v.bcn J.t.~ Kt'tm\ 4111•1 U'nn), 1hcnutCotur i.l'AkN! tvftd to, llw .t,,,ppv,ntr'1 blnhlM"
1hey al..,,,.,. liOUM llY<ft c;l,IUJJ IIMt.U) ~· l,,pi. on MIICl\,~'U1JIMlrii'-.l 0111t:m,h1~ha1r•1l,II~ ltu, Jl&;lya l.cml~· 14..'ll..ln pl&)cJ b ('ntlu,111., uGul, t111btu,r,l,oro-·oold,C'H'f) rl~l lhi,"..ni::,
J1Utl'Gl1t r'Jff'UOI\ ,11'1 tMI f..cir: d,um,hn M~an
\li.>ih' l,'lllttln,Uut1,11fcw, IOftl"Jf1'191l~W,..,.a, tOWI. Kenn) ~,1"1ii1ir Juhnion l\llil • fr• u1:,un.1r f:IIIIM "'''°' .'U'III Rn.ut t"".il.LUIIII (u_, "IIIS tiakut' \o;tll•J alW fJL,r \I, 10,ilr.._ lltQ111hr1nd,l4i:M.'.cJ
Wl:KlnO lhlh(}' pf ,,,,•J .1nil~J.lo!li Ol.l!,&1.l\11\,11 \0('41 ouch.rr&:r, \11Utl\gftom1h,:,at.,-. ',lt,'Cft tnmlpt"I pUytr <.koH Mia:, and 11• ('b,tn'k'ouw;r ,~ M, Ji,..i:i:xy iill i-17'11 ..ruw .iUL= lt1t 1111;,, At~, lhe f1N 'Mlllf,hatlo!UIC-.ltefk.C\IIMJ.ui..m1carc,frtt ltdutT aoJ Ott l!w: llhH , I~ N::IJ !illlfc.°d illl'llllkf uu1i1&..ha\tnzdt·11 l,111 11. o! l~tic,-,, ,.,I
01\1,'!Atd SikDC."C, rki.cd ur 1ht' f\"" 01 lhc gnt, The .ne tillnc hum the w.k nf oricflt' l>iwin.cd ~1lcncc·u,..,..,.._
Civlliud Anlmat 901• up close emf personat wtth the C11Mr1. lbe IHnd ha• upcomJn9 ahowa In s.anle. wash. tl\On TUOlday, Oc1. 31. lho band playa at North<own Mall lh11lJ O.. lbt~ J;J,fl .,;;1n;,, tl)tJ pl-O'C',l h>.tt
Thr) flla) hi~bt,p. \U- run~. relP"f'IH tia.-z•111111..W.,1rlC111 fll •klcd. '',\'( hll\'(I qn.1111 Jlftd11:1:1ru JC'llonn
''"'\\ir'fl' • 1.WUh., J•1r1 Yid I! fiGhl llllrJ flll\Ulfattllll •Dll 11w, -,..,,rlJJ:) t'kmtlli,"fo11bcput!' ('njoyncc.1o1>·1n,.: 11'1 motf iihout run 1hi&n an)llun,: r11:1ip,1r tbe fa-l.11 1tbcy rnpy c,·cry 11,h,,w.1111d for· 111.11-~~~l w•nc.Nti.hu•· b.u itl.Uf"ioUIJJc~n'ooc lhu-. oon. M.And 1,rJI 111 lnf•m~ t'\l"t)lhUijf.' OD( thine thr} JtbetAII) .i,:ttt OQ" IJlll!it Lbk hi mu~,c Tht) Ra.~ t~t'l')llun1fom11:r11t1'- hr11~ 11.1 Oi.;.atri tu \h~ P11twn '° \lN.lf1 l•i "iubhmc k• Sn Pl,roh tU°""'C'41hM h) 11)0.lfilffflQ !heirt"(l rt..i~m.. lntu mu..,; m!C1lt ,r,rcu..1!11."C', on lbclkmrk-nrmm, .!OOOcn,..lllUOR ••11h kn) G.arc111 11nJ ottln #1t~I•. ttP,1."\CIU\OIIC' ofll~ hind, niallt i.i.r..~
11 •» dlcU" lincpcr11Jffl1.a.u,.,~ t(llf~"tb.:re. lhey 11ft' IO,;luy S11hp1> k.1.-=kcf1 rl:J)<°'t ll(l"ll. l'tl'I IIQC\ln,bna l')tfl(' h.1 1ol JM!n't f!l:'1~ lat111 nr1e
Q l 10 I then v.·C" wrut DIii illnJ lhc t,1JU..S !'ti)' w.{.cd I !lt-'1-\. k ft-ctl I'll firtJ .iJkr 1h.t1 ,h,c,.. [Yen11n11.c. m) U\lli pbml.i::n ilnu 1.b,,1 nit:hi.." t~p,upbalt•1JlTh ~-all~"k •-.111CJ11111.1,..: ,i.~· \t~H 1hc,1 fo r rlfun •ll~h ""A11t1Q the tnMC)', t.ut 11 .t oo.J their lo1lnt 1-r~. b'OhK•m •hkl1 'u1umlib00.tllf'luntbccxna
A, f111.,. mabo,: 1t bog clrnl!, 1~ t.nd W1J 1h;a1 it ju\1l\11'l tbc1r umt )et. They fci:1 them •1111."MIC': 11,¢1 ~\Ch11H: Wbxrpl~iflll llnJ lltllll)<iC \.lfht(if wh)' 1hc-y mJk musk ,n tJko ftnl plllCC'
Afterdtml.1n11 1n101hc t1111ti111J lnl"1'1rid(l
Ct\'dl«.d AJtun.al will b( b:ack 1n tilt «.1 1,1,111> •
•IIO\I,, tlfl Ort JI, 111 l rurt. UI -.;'unbta~·n \tall kC'~mbtt.bc4,;1vtU,cd,tiu. be llll lll'litn1l,oo lQ £C'l llho&d of the group (C'lr ~lng cwr oa>, t\lht1 lt1fw1n.,11ot1 c•rn.ulthern ut l"ht Jct.11l11..itwi1 fl(OOh would ll'll,'t I Jccm pct~'tnc i:eol the prot,km, II,~ v.,.id 11 fac1r1a ud,t iw la\c~ l.iid. \\t 1" in lcifd -UflPWI ~I th!: ak'~1 ,n~h~l,lllllf'C'hlrr~'\l.qed c1\ ibudanuNlW'houn.11lcocn, or ditdi ou1 1hc:11 \loeb•dc Ill _.wv..tvdi/'abnbnal i:om
Music styles collide
tip-hop, rock make blteratln9 Pllnlll b) o"" H.r)fl ~,U1.a,l1(11Qt1~t \l,)lld:,J,.1,vup1 •l'cn)A.11Tt1,1w.•mr •..,- 1:,p, l°'ilf'"IC !UllW\ tu:hll'!lht,ojttd• ~·tn.1111N'l\~rh l~.l\h II ffl.bl ~IW)l,1111 ufJrt.1t1t'IC',ttJUJt'I otie l,..J 1itU('1' l.1,uJf{._d,hlhc t•r.m1'1.·h1M,.r f::«<vcn" f'luJui.'n \fTIJ f·tnnal) .\llt't•llA:l'u,,aa Jw~ ..\pin).l ll'C' \l fo~&Pll\\u rilnf nan (n'C )'f,l,r..
Matrix star fits 'The Watcher' role perfectly
'Perfect pretty-boy' change~ acting irnag~ lnJu.ha'e'-• X111111drr;v,,,,,
1)1)~·,'IU~ I
)"OUf"<ICII •di Revie" hh(J,,n1 Do~·f'll.lt'l:all} dHnl )UO -.uuJ..t lt•»II lii.""1.1
Fh:~,'t'll w;1li.'hur.g )'OU :i.ftt'r }'Q!l H'•· thl\ hJOYit? I'd tr.I)' prott.)bl~ tu li&:1cyvu~dc..iJ..-1h.lllnr
)'ourr.tlfafltt)nu 'CIC lhc
W.at..:bc!(' pJll)1tlf 01 l~tffl Ke•n11 Jt«,(11 ri.,,.. a r,>d,n ~I l1Uctth,1th,t1, befflm11:rdc:m11t )lj:M.u1i,. ~loJ..-d\liumen f<,r yt:;w, Ht rt.)111hr 1i.1n ,..,c,-w,haanl~ ""'fll ar,J I~")'Qlo w.,indm11111 he: k 1ht (lt'f(«lJ'Kll)·bo>' 111.11 rn't)l'ioc.t) 1!ui1b lie: I\. Clf~tlC'.:11,.1u.illy h1nc.i.dN:ktJJt-100 1 \Cttr ~1ll1n, t~w >~'"'" 111 l.t" Ani,:dra. lli.: m1ir1lc:fl"rwn,h lht: dtttt11\·COI\ tbC'CJ'IC i1110 ndttp ~Alie IA Jtrrtt 1,1t1"" lullmit lhl: "-'1"1111.lft ht!'\ lt11l'tan11.:all) 111Hlhrd Wtfh 11c d...'1«11\"C' rLryi'IJ l'i) J,.mc, St*kr, m,1,c1toO,ea,1,:01n h,ipn 1)1 cac:iptng thi.· p,1'1. dr:J."', dh.JbtlJtyandJ,-=ui·1 dl'Jmu.chmurt lhln \I,, hn,pl)d1:llt.1vn1.r,l.a)·N b) Mam.a fomc, n,,. nnu~r fuiJ, lhc J..'1«11,C' 111,it comm1.c1111 h.t!:m 111111 -.·itll • rnurdn ~rrtt ,nlll-.:~ l'llt-11Mitlkrtr•11t.r.·hc,. f011d)I, 1\-111..ilL'IJ 1rhl•h1d11, l.1MCJ( tfnf'IM:
,un.:e they l,~t ,n IIJ(h b 1f c111t,1, lll1t1pectul\"\l,'){tbcm,\Ctld,thcm
• ,he dttcc:IIH" •!Id 110·~ tum tlnC 4l)r W fil'ld 1hi: ai,J hefo« he lcilb htt Thoe 111t1hod til ktllio,: ~1,11n,~1lal.on by ('l 'lfl(I 'A'IIC. Olc01.tnc.thtn1u,de1?"ri, te11dm3 the ptl."1Un:1t h• di h Jope..ifiC dc1o.:t1\C fDf the U\WII W"(IUfU('n!.11 lilltr a1,,,_ lie ftth 11'.lt ,he dtrtet1\'t 0'4t,. lum 11 "tJwi'- y®• forLdl,n,. 1.hc \\'!Jllllltl. "'''° ,,,~ h.!pp('ntJ j() ni.anicd, bcfm: her hu\bci:nd (Qi.Jn.J Olil. \J,e ,..a, h.l\'lnl an eiff,ir Hr al~ fttl, cloo,c lo bun llct'uu« tM ~Cld1\·c hlli bcc-n a JMtl othb life for )'t"An. t 1~ I ulJ. 1hr u~u•l ~numnt,d l.dkrcnp A.'1 ctic plol 1h:1d,"ri' ;1nd a (o'W ltKlff gut,, die, OC1C of 1bc pld11~, tt"tti\t1l 1um,ouc1otic tbrd1:1«U,c'" ~>·d~°''"'· h Ju 1wh.apf'"l'
IIAt the- dc:tcclht' i, dc,~tnrutF ll l't'bl1~~p w11h I.he P',)~hololtl" tit J."tl• thr \lime ftthn,1111, when lhe murdrrttl11kd h1~gutfrtcttd l'ir.t. <we .11.: ltd 1othe par1 v.hl,•rc thtdrkcti\·c pull~ the "take- me and la her go~ ~1mbo-jumbo and. ""fll. 11111 c.an ~Y abc.'111111\111 j, 11ew, 1nr\lllP,,)1;bomlJl'dcrtt' l'ltk;1,'C'lhctt'>I ot I.ht mtMt' hit J1.1u1~we:1mJ hopi:youcn,oy,c~ 111110.b in I did. fl w'" "~ v.dl wrictcn and actOO out. 11nd c,·m h,1,.I • f~ i.'\Nnk';ll 11NMIICl'II\. A,1,tin, 1he mctVW i, 11lr W.iq;tKf"- ilrld ii it i:n thr-.'ltc:n. tlO'I'. S« 11 befo,~ he--'«' )'W!
123"" U.i.nJc~ Ave Coeur d'Alene.. ID 8.HJS (208) 772-6800
AMo 16-2 500 MHz computer IJ"' ~i.U:,4.•M 111'.1 fcuta.r~'t\1,.,.iic,1,111111$1,LC'.o.11< 6-1,-mSOlA\4 1 u,m1qp;O.UUm'I 11<:iBH...SUnl'! ,V,,n)KO\I 011111 .,.u.1i,. n,1111mit\t11\'...,~ ltrJW 'ictnol~ w•••·-''~k<Jl!natO Jl~~JllrVl ~UN.'1-w\'OIU'i \1,0.T~i'Ti\'l'XON :1,,11,m~ 1101\C~S.X~m 111'(1, l,tsA. 11 "-)Hl1"1a ',\l m1!S:nJl~111..-.CU FRliE l 'nhm,tcd rmcmct Acee\!,
PLAN~ \hlhlWI\ ,,11.lt,l&an, t~1"i:asl.allw111 l.ilC ('(lfl linnrd fron, Jill!N I llc.nf"9tncml(JIIINitt.M hr-.oold hlc i.1 h,1\t' 111 le.l"\I ttell' v! 1he ('IVflm<lflatr.1."1,,lut,·;if1ri:pl-X'f SI", oul h~I" V.1!\c Jon,c 1h11 11\"nltil!t 'S1'-'ln\i.llJ The pl.m1t1r111 r1111r.,~idrtJ1:ct1 u ., 11rJi11 l~I ~utlb1>.WC r1.ioo1na: '" ~h tu Cl, \k•111 :Ql,1 he',\ IJI ,u Jo'ftn ""'th '-luJtnh 111 hdp fi~rr' (JUI dUUJr:111\.il lhc h'ddcnc'c tull \I.Ill l'ICCll llrrull> .tJ,alc'tl-Cu( Ctll"Otllanil) tu ,he 1.'\ll~.- \&cin .,IJ Hl!'Wllllt:Jtbcl"rc~olJ dtwnb •ere J~·"1nh\hcJ ln I~ 1hc1c\\,1\1~~11cao1t111mi1)' I ltulhtl -.'t,llq:e'.~tuJci,I,\ It.Mt' ITl•lff ,mrihtJ 111>11h 'P'f11n1alkl llnt·-.1,Jat!\,·ct.t'l. The ,Jl1\'CArntt1~ilflCt.11tlOI (;cnta ·t.on.11how,<-"'l1.11.11u1h.ect mi.i,.:h w1 ,n !lflwit. At.t.11nhn& •., JllfJffl1o l'-:-~ulJm1:w1lltir1 rt.,..- •h.r,_. Amffk'11t1 lt.Jo..ut
CANl'U\BIS Cl11h f•X,. to lr~1.t1l1,tlC'l111thlil!h• "'111H11ur(1 rmm f)i'lft' t lli.: ll fRA ~m111 ~·1on In ('fNnht mu1j1.1,l1U M.1n)w11i. c:,,1IJ h... 1t1flrllnl k1 U,Qoc-~UlM 11!1J1rM:Jk11I fl."f,in.:h IMll111nl~1 "'-,ndut'l tN.inJ C1fl 1h Jifwnwi.Tut,1,;.:il bt"nrf1h IC l k-A. rmltihih .a..l11lh AOCI< h1, t1 111h'41ft:'hl1 l'<101inurd fl'Ol11 Pfllf' 10 Ir, ,.., h11 nn1 un1C' ori 1hc mK on \l;i\.c
!1.IUJau CIIIIII pchrr AH ,116'nh .-how.11n1t0kwnllb.;""1
,\nicni:.1•111 lra.11.m hm111,:c Jtt 'i<,'('~;aJWt 1'111 U> Mng tho ('ocur ll'Aknc:1 b.a..l 111 IJI(' ..:.1tttJ1UI t1Uf
1',(W!U'll\\ln;;a..boullol C\t;1)t'll'lc."J1,1rgl'1l\l.l1J
\'..Ul'll'U" hhtJi?I UISafl'lfffl(t t11thtri111plan' fl,r,~("OC'llt d'Ah:~tn~ Ui~ 'T'fll'IJ the n1lk~r UC\."mt• «imm 111rc "'b-tNJOl.lltlo.nJ
Jt'lflf:1olSc.aulc.a,d1t m-hhtt:tian1I Jt~ir.n l1nn The Coaai 'd Akn~ 11ihc- tu&.,dortwk'J
IJIC' S 19,fk t tor 1hc: dt,lvn rtuiv
The coll~~ and tht 1t1bc .,,,II be jnttlu'II on Fncby Ill di-.c·u,, ml•~ h1ul rwi~.
1'hc 1."CtllCt l\ rl.i.nncd IO hoo..c d~,.,,1:11,un, for the Amrr-11.:.ars lnd1.11u Snide, proan1m. dJ,ptay
.1tl".nandp)l,).l.bf)'• lu.tdlcw',.hnnl-, .at't'II. JIUJttl, A.Aid
!ti.I 11 mi&bl he mott 1hw1; C'l!k ~1k11n,_ ~"'*'t-•IJlnocl>,; 1naJ..-vf lf\'lffi 11\.l nj 11'\;N"IJWll.llnpubh.: p&.i..-sc:i bulJJ,nr. unth11 mll'IOf1.•ro'tall~~IK1 a l\ll1t'ht,tt11l11ie1or«1.tw:&a1ewiJ
.Ju.uibutliOO Id fflitK!n,. Cnubport
I'll IMflju.&na ®I C'l1 lbt IUIC, l1ld unlkca\tJc:uhi,·11Cioofo1
1..-ummcn.l.11 tut< .\cca'dlng IO Stic..;ldcr. one or lhe 111;.IJOI" ~tcp,. lhc dub Dl'Cds to \;IR l hi,-)('mct.1Cfl\fimJ l'lbflltJI uur hir-hoP audle1ice.'"
Pt•.rh.,ps some~ lhc tMatN rwl tu'"" m the .tbuln v.<11o11J ti;a," IQ tit lq:<:ntk T01ny l1.1mt1i1 and Ou) 0~ of 81..k:l
~~th 'fk) iq;,pe,ir wuli pn'luf"\ the uni) riap Jnk1p romp.w.lblc IO thtm. tbt Wu Tllttt
('La.-. 6uth JFOUI'\ W:.~ on Wu r11n,', ~r"'For ~t.u,cn S;a.\c- • lbc: t,ig ,gm&lp!I OCI thb :ifbwrl lrx:Swc: s,~e.in (1'. 1.>11WA. S.1,11,e.X,E"e11.bt. l<>111"h1tdlo
College Students Only' hncl ;anJ Wl'h ttlC. ti ill b(oMUIJt t,f mute I\IIU.141 CIC"ltl('l11\ let ltC' ,,•1n1h,I!' i,1 u, ~ulTl'IUnd111p, J11rrcn,,oudd'111111 w1II bc..:1,1hut11U)' ,<l'l,ilh~ •lw. II h.t,fJttnm.l1'Mfllt'lllkJl11 pl.-:.:1llcffllftr in 1b:t11'1Cft.rr-.1 hct\H.J, t.« Jhill aoJ north of ~Urt11aJI
Anoctr.- .t1p.xl of 1hc ffiil~r r~11rollll'pit\ln,m('fl"olt.hc
Rtitl1n H(l(ld ,;,1mppu1111J A\
""'°" ., thh filll. 1hc luUcrc ,11 "fiend ~.CIClC) o( rh oi,,·n ,,.,.iq k> l.1>,,r1Jt('lll\fflf,op,rtk)Ot1(dl,e d:nl(IJ:rou111l1h.11 l1A111t1Q ~nK111tt, un 11. 11CtOh t>l thl' D:p:111mrnt l.11ndc. til.nlr.lmt TI1i, \l>IU ltt.&ec- SO.10 pai1unJ '1""'-
F uba r by Ian Sudick
Borlc ...ikl I I.At he hlipn tl'I h.1\'l"dllrwhc,lt".11\'.tp.t,..l'll hJhted 1tll(I tumc,d 10 nvk:1' t lap•,w/c Jlill~•111 ate. in Jul)' 4 ne.,t )tilt "1hi1¥1 1ill:(NMI Nim.1kd SJ'JO,'XX,. mMl') th.al Uu,\,i.l•~tuJ;.('lt'\llQIII<~ Vaknop honics by James Bell tR.1.rrcA.µ1ri'tfttw:\ll1dlinct. Mqt,t1l)c,q,.fl1rf\111. K1-1btt, S.,tnrJu~. CbaJ Sn111l11Rtd H~1t Olih Pc:ppn,1 !ind tlthrr t'CIMdlng ,innu fruri Luud Ra.«1.h Wll.t•mteidtU1d, I.OW R(ll,'..b.1,1l•lASl,>bc:C'll'IC'ol I.be bi:"11ri.Ol'd•of'chr
'"1)1hcr1nit1.111ndfon1b1wr \pent mut1;hl~ 50 Ct11C11 P:, WftliilUtt'. UC! f\,1Jl(ff>nrk. ph11"C: <-aUa. 1ndr1wi1lm$",Sottl;ic 1ne,111t '<111-e IICIDIS tu11tti.1t it»ut S.22.UJOll '<lllf"'•1111am11l,.td1ntwf,p=1l,· Sh«kln..Jd f>tlkin Mid tht <lub h con,.iJain1 a bcnicfd cic,in..m aild T~Mk,.(utf.t.ltloCfflcl&a f1.u11lkmw,,..