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'llnlrt -ui· .- sta11111111111 or 'Cbater 1111 Jester' b) J•mk Oool< Sr11111vlR~r
Abey JUU&cd ktU\'.;~ and !faming tOt('hc~ .a:.• pm(t:s~ooa.l down. cbnc11t,: \ mgit1g and cn~~mui,: t"n,')wds-. Hh d:iys u a profDSWOB.I tovrn tnny be !Nfle, but Abe; hit\ (~,.J a nc:111· wa)' ,,..1ui,-c fun
Membalo(WStx:acl) forCmQn AA:li;hl'QN\&ll know Abey ll\ ·~ ihc J~" Anxhronl.'im mc-.'ll'&\(Tc'i1l1ng \Offltd1a1'1, rNm lhcf*l « fulu,c_ pro(it«ganlT.llftl 'A-hich bepn "\;l )ut'li a,:o h) .i 51\lUpof Stllllfocd Lhll\\"NI)' sruik:ob 11,ho wunll'dto k-olftl ,tlOC'c ah.."Ul the rncdlc,111 t.lniet-
A.bey and '<''O'l.11 lll.h:1' \Wdclb p:irtid~c In i:hc S.c.A • 11iutd-11,·ldc,.,..
Thcy ffflt:lttd the ljtJU b)' M:umlntr lhrll'lt'll'n ~"nfdlet11UC\.- Thc- n'IOn: ~,pltlk,pm_-J,in~thctnOn:! J~Yll,'ro ltlii;(IIJ)Or;lkd
Anlldwon-.'ffl pmrJ r,c,p.1bn(y CJIW ~IOO 'A'Ol'JJ wide
'"I w.,, lltwnl:'Jwld)· llttbt' S.C..A 11,bro I io.1W llfricnd \l.'Ol'l,;l"'on ~ir ,umor, Aticy_\llld , n...tafwlwb:-·,,".l)daill&•IIJhcu.p&airx:dlht wholcS.C.A.~11IJIIIOl'ltomc. · ~tndk'S.C.A. ~poopkfnimlhe.umo.o( 5<KlAD to 1650AO
They~~ ~C'Ul,p,l&IOft.Ol'ISMI \iliJ Q.1Mlll1X. At. the S.c.A. C'\ffll'i &he-} i-,,,...._f<'OPI< ""ThtS.CA.tl•"~('l•>i),~ AbcyYid • 1i·,~nJCMaf)\lUfft'.tll ltfe
IOI bccomln, a KUii)·diffcn:-1i. pcrY111"
Aht)' ~be~~iotic•~ r1 bi.\OCXUJ,..;oo mlhcS CA~''< heb
~k-1, lllld Ir 1\.1,. • '"1\,111 nlCIUlh"
I.« ~r,l..t)"L'dlll\orti\~ro&eMtlhl:S.CA hfl1al'l)')'On. \\llh<e\"'Cll kin~ ut1hc UnltCd ~. Abe)· w.11t \\Jkd hclai~dx:-..h1rr Border~
A'lh1~i~a,11u!lp.111..Jl 11ijri,Jorn l"hc s_c.A_ mtCC.\ a fC\I. 1lffle'; 1a mc>nlh to ~"t'Uk'dw timtt, 1bcy ji:I)
Ulel.l~.111 pmc,, 'lltb a ··IO'> lht 111tnb." h;1\\" om nndcn1fh .snJ fqtflt Y..1th
1fletJic1r.il ~ilpmi.. ~ic.Tdi.alt\ -.cllclo(b1ng. umu. j,:wclty, '*t'ClpYh-1 food.
'"Cbl\11k) ,,. !ht mou '"'"'-..a, upm f-."1C1t ffl the S.(' A - '1IJ bi..wry mlj,;tr ~N~b(llt\-O Ucl"llll'lo 9b:~)··).'"\'oontt.1Mclllt:')hll.\1nnfnnc andha\t fun \lt.ltbnut .Jl11rkbldlhmp. ~ide1.ttt,·trta.ar,,ti,J11rp;,~CA11~JJh.""'i11111~lllJ<T''-"'7n~!~
,.....,._, "II )W \\,IOI ~mo.14 gu), lb.-..C1:VU11:i£ lhc pba._"t '"b"~ 'lolldAh..')"'\
-ire 0:t n. -A lot('lf pc.,:flk nm thru,gh 1he s.C.A. IU'lll.ftd llllml).l. W(ffl:rl
In l.ao. Lee.Id hi" ..,,,J(' Ulwn 1 At,gu'IU d'Jc-OIIW) 1M ,4 IID C.A
C\1-"Jll. They ha,c l>AU <"'h•IJR-n ""ho "'(,,(')flartlCIP,1lt' 1n c~ S.C.A
)-&r unJ ~en 1u,.,ncfu, n,o.. Ab:y \lt..B m tu1 ..i..,:itlcm dill pt.l hkm 111.1
'"f1J lhc S.C.A. lllt' !IOI l,>Okt~ht.l'Wn upoo ~~(lri,.,...bll,tJci.ntt
Cltff"I~""'-" Abe) -i.);11.t ·t,Tl')ht\t)'htrr.Mdlhcu1c.'"
Ab;:)· i::rn1:1,onbf1 1ncknlt1IUl')'~.oo-f\1C" H, $CIOf "ro«1edJ)
~une ,i eknk'J'IIU')' "'I•"" tta.:hd"
'1 "-.w 1,ttcxh any-.trn: up t,l l.hC! sl:oh ji!1'111Je."' Ir wiJ ·A,1 thncpk
~IC1111lli.Ufmnlich'dcllt.fflll1rOOV!pcap(cYrilh lwoc.:apt.~1101
Abey 1.i1lc.l tt,,. d,,,abkoJ tea"hcrhc n11.1hl hdr W1- 1nundo'-IM'ld ...,h.i, 11 " l1U'. Ht ~ht> 'A',"lllh lle:ll.:hitlfl IObe ~thaft}'At 11 fh
"'Ilic S.C.A..11>.~"•Y 01.hcr-ld,t,y. t.'"lh:\ upa kll~umc." Abty\ollid. .-\ hl.e 111-..).Y:"c,tcndcd f.lllnil}", f:.\U)tiad) CIIIO..O oadt f«1l(IC~MCbu Abey ,...oufd bl.c 1oro,"" dc:i1l0t1~r.11,on oo I.hr: NIC c.ttnp.K ~11nc thl• )<¥ "'n.tS.C.A ti.a let u(flln..anJ it.\'"'1ll&nl)· 'tlOfflC(lring I v;,11.1IJ \I.Mil ri>dofnr the tae 4" In)' life-;' Abey -.uid. tiu1 ptqlk-.t,oiipmuqfU)' mcmhe:n.lrlpf~bc ll\)'C'.111"r!okl•IIJm1'1lba\c llffllOt Allr\'dll,wt<JllC"IWlhcp.iblK'. few ltllltt' infmn;1t1ut1 DiNlllt t1x, S.C'A c!l1ll t.« Abey Ill nJ.lOM! cs C"·nwil Lee A.bey (a.k.1."Ch11te, the Jetler") ahows ott his authenUc two-handed bHtard a word 111p1giclitK1r.t0cn
M~lp1.'0M.,.ire ma)"u. Nc,n.fflC'tlR'nc.t11 p.,,,klp.'llc In dll:c.,'C'nt"S.
Student's hobby strips stereotypes
Alway stresses savvy over st r ength in logrolling strategy by Jlblln Rufus SpMt Etllftlr Sumc uUK-n t.J..c 1l1t11 )'t•un, J.ihfhh:I'\ tc, ¢Ilk( clov,, ot flt hud:, bc.l!l\k'd hrmh.."T)1,;.J., l~tc tht O\'er11~ ,~ 1o1~t.:,~lfl1: i11 the' lufllib('rj11Cl. cr-cnpc1ttlon. Al\\.a) ~•11 \l,lll)Ch\w. obk 1(1 mukc btt nm1\ ~n the an. c.W ,putt.or nuybC' ~l\lrmt'ot tt1rlu1~ "'Tbry'rc lumbcrji1Ct1o. ..,k'.11\lvu&)·, o lfl.iltl.C11n, 11'1.tj\W 'Tht)·Jlh-t w,o.,1t w "'l.n the .JI ~,l!nd '-"'"l'"•liult. 1l11t) have ti) cntnJ)C1t 10 C-\-tt')' t,<"nl ·n,,;~ J:CI <'n thctt AoJ I bcat&hcm"
S11~t' tlc-rllrl•1t info'I rvlll:nll 1hr ~fllnc•l, t l l-puurii:I
A1¥i.af 1UI"' comp:k'd 1ntlf't' th.in J01im,·,. She.- ba,(llkri bN•t1 owkb«l 11t.al11U Ltildttk,niJ t. 1111.11. ,2U).pt11md
1..c:¥•Noo m m1d-~r1t·m~r Sh( w11l t,1,111 ~1llll(l(lm 11)."#intn f.'.dlru,lt) llic"p111 , n(,·n-(dh~ 11.rl 'JTIII lldu,u) 1 t!I al»lll 14n,.1m11t:iiNµcl\'ll\l\llt1rkle1ht ,,a.do,"'" IJ.,h,f1,n\"C'J\lnlhcnull111l-'""hlnn h•.l.'.in 11up.~1 .._ill fur lhc ITl('n h• ht loM(' ll1Co11trol 1hr I,, I•) 'lf"tu1111 Ulc1u ;inJ u,JnJ 1hdi h.J 111:C' 111 \ 1111\'f .-11n Atv..i) \lillfl llin-t l.t'\\1\t<kl lit) hlk'\ '.\I_.,..., I\W ~INl!lhttidutt lier llllti,:-J l!Jl"\I v.b.·11 •••\Al1t">h1 ! """°",1"1tk• r,cn1-i1 v.·h111nllu1.'n&.~ hrr 1011t111 11nJ I~ 1dw;1>"'C'1k'4lw.-,C"J her h)pr.at1KC the 1.1,W .\l u) ;;.;aJ i.hc •w1tnl "1 f'R'\t lo hc-r'<"ll lh d 1.br ~Vo11l<I \ 111..1 thir1I W1tlk'lithml Shc.uJ ""rb..1compct1taon,khn11d~ U1,..ht•11 tn nl)" ,mnJ Al'A·ity-.i111J •·1,,_.1,1t1l1l~Jll1f1\ •1-.J l h.alft.irl1Dflln common v.lth him fl'N: lWC'tui bifliflJl U!C llltnU'-1 i!l~•Jd., \ Jb11,.'l 1e'\I l,nc,,p,a,tt1C"Jl1Jlf ,...")hn1,1,i·..-n,h.: u, 1,.11 li:ul t>lflrl)C'J l1)fl'- Cc11t1p:-1u11,, ..irrn't .tlk•ia~J tu l< 11..: hni· Pl fo.Jl tntn lt11; dnn\. Oictt' K 111h1l'V 111111111 11111< lmut JlrlJllll;'((>IIIN.;;1nfiiMhl11o1.Jr """·\\'\ahl ••• II lhc "-m~• f'C'\"C"&\nll•1\-.hct( tn,m )l",(1 ,\~I "fl.: (QUirmcn1 nn·1.11ll tlJ.d l.u~\ c11!~-r l\l"·lY tit "be uw,1hci;ut,hetdt'.sl ttfl I~ l\d1,;l.b '°"IT ,1,.~ .ind ll.l\ cnet.al ~11,i.c.\ 1.hilkJ ii, ,\I\\~~ h.J•Cl~()thcfll:l1t11i1"t. \111.• •.t1o l,11ft1C11\, HI J;>IYU"Ul"IIC\ 1111J thttrk·.11lrn;. ~ii ,hc~itl t.hc tu, lfl'C "''1thhulrng l1 ',d,ffcn:-n1 • \lw11>" u1J ·1111•>1. a ,c of p-.-.i,c 1 rt.r-.1 (.ihout \Ill ho~n a \I.,"<' ). I \loo11h,11t't ..:.ill II lieu, .& 1~1h•till. bttt I .:uua:ht taill) la.\l I k•~(" 1l II ,a J"'"'J C\ll'I\CNh ~ '1.1.utkl Iott