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Birdy Blastin'

Birdy Blastin'

i,,A,hk)MC)<'f' j,,1"11tf"I RtP4mn t<.1111 •.u Jlbl ;i f'OPP) -.ticn knn:,(n Rod NC'll h(:rfrrim,t.11l'dl) .,,,h11h.kl.a1Jt111kl11lcr1)!


11110.1 ,m....tl 1r:ittmc1ll 111 M ~w v.bcn Kntr~

111 All~tali.tfl "ib,crt,c1J•l.:.lt mn. wa. fllMBlf'II

1,&J wktc hctnn wltlr,lc 1116. Jt1\\1nJ" "f

11tJ Jcinf <'ff) i.by lhillF,. M.c l~1nr un ll~ dlocJli.111;,,u11br v.111,kl"tl

"'Thc-rt..,...t..ii·tt'.l'll""l) 1uc:.in,1tll1eup.:ann,cnc toJoV.,i&Cto•lor.Pf ""iaJf'Wm, w I Jia\lu.:itd

-. Rod ,d She !\'IQ\ cd an>Und "° ntllCh dl,erc •.bn·, n1t1.:l1 ~ah1lt1 t in ha ltfc. w:, :II lhc

11.fll' K,11 w.1\ II~ 1110\.1 w.atil!: Utlng ,bd1.I fll)d ftlO'l"t\J ltl O .l t,1ucr .l(IIIOrll,rnl lllkl \OOll lltt"" \\.lla\.'\llot 111J 011 fU111UnJu,( Ku Rod', exh1htl of hes .,.-or\ "Oa}, lD tbc W!c 111,0,,1:><,: N 11.c,nJ"f!U) :11tbtCamttAn

Cjil~ 111 Rc-.-.~111.i.-U 1'bt C\lllbttopt"!Kd oo. 1ar111w1ll l."lln11nix:tol"C"P(Afmmiam

.,Jr m M1,nJ.1) Fnd:1y 11nhl On .lO

O.. IW!d-out r,ul\llttit , ~ Ka.t llnd Klny, anU1lp;a111m1tofK..itl)111enci1i1oak111) 10, r-.·o or tl1ie pru 111#, ,,aly ii..t-u&: K.au·, 1.lil II iJ'n tht r..11111miHh.ltlk1,... ni.t f1t1l, w ur,Ju~ htc Kw, fl(T\cd "P"" J11t · Ko:I '-I.Id Rod', cx.h1~1 ui..lude, K,cr;al 1ot«l ""1*lflh1r ·, til t 1, Rod ...ad \ I~ h!IJ lhr.'llrilil11 t \k.11111 lhct,e )'Colt bclott t,b( llctU,111) J,d 'Ille lie I w., K.1l;r'1«al,1r .11ndR~M1d ,hc1h,'IJ1h:l 1l1c~'Wp11.110 ffl.lght )..,._,\ ~ood 1h )'IIIJ l'ffl,ltlll'I\I

A ln<l'd

'Simon Birch:' no small feat

Jolm lrvlng'a novel adapts wen to big screen b) ~.u ru11p1.•, Stn11~,:l/hpf'(Jtr d0lior1d(iitbi11ooth11 ~1\i&l,S1nldl 81n:h ** '* ht 111 Ii, the: ralrn lir :1 nun'•bnd~o cbc fpla.)"cc.lb)' nev.~,0tt l11n Mkluc) SmllMh,tJ:and bcamc hn) ml~lc: .\, ume pa..c ~in.111\ f*\-'ftl\ ~~ntcJ him

~ol ht• '"w1.14uct1ci1." "° Sime.in MJU.ghl kwt- c:h.e~hcte

Ur (<JUnd tt in thr l,i•mitol hl\t!f'lly t,lt'nd. J<1r" fJ'll.a)i:d b)·

-1u~1, P..-1."s'" Jl)C Mauclo) •••f 1n Jt1C" yuuni .11111 kM1.g tl'llll~r.Rcbcocu !J!la)cd~A\l'i.lc) ,..i, S.monv.,n I hoynl ~1:aJ1hand dul\mJcd bJ.,. swm, "-hnollt'.J(bcr onJ k• •• 1op N(ll(b ••• \\'orth1hcS • • Vt«o ~~1111 * ·s~-,;rh' rr,rmai.t ffl(lf"C 1b:i11 :i kv. ume"I. bnn,in \"Offlrdy 111 the film lkbo),d1"'"\\"t•IJU1 &al .,hnUI c.-;hntha-11\11 fmJ dwm\Ch'f<i -.1.lddtnl) bttc)r1iut5, mfu•u•C'd v.,1J111.11,., c pc1;i.ally

~• Uc tk~>t.~ .tCl'\hh nn l\fN.' 1-,f tlk- 1ml\ '""" hh ~UnJ.i) l cla\•v.1nC'bcv~Ll.llly k,1,,h11l1hcdcw:Ndioo.,f1hc

Cllri~m.b p:lfl'.:inL Thwih UlC '°"'>' "''ffl: d1rfCttt11 111 f'i)'~k;III :l(lSJCClll'IL'C. the)'

Juitt"Jatbire;; ll'IC)' v.t~OOChon•n1h~l<WI Jtiev.-'»1.N.1 Mlm1J

CJlll 'ltl,o W, tbl t;11htr \U'ICC' hh molhtr '\);,Ii kttplhjl u 'iO.'.rtl :mdSm.1onw,.M11CJtofindhi\purpl>\C't11hJc- J«v,,1., bcaim1n11c\lle,, "f)C'tl.llJr lldt hi\ mt11hn-twwFhl hn.tx 8m

1pb)Wb> Of:i\crPJ111c1. 1ti.; 1,t:v. 1t1.i.11 mha 11.k. Mcunwhllc, SIIIIOII tult,i • Ill-in& I<• him :111J. 1h( IYl-0 het.1.11~ lnmJ:...

The: ,~., 1c 1hr:n uilt, .it1 uru~liptetcd ,um At a litdC' btuc µt11t, S!M1.'1n bit> foul b.ttt tb.Jt hlt\ h111 rno1btr 111 tlw hC'.ul

,lll4k:Uh htt 1111• ka,t:• ·~ v. 11h1hC'Wllft\Vtt;'rcc.lquc1..Ut)Q

Wkkn:11tyolh11 fa1her. l'hc lltlj!tdyc.u.sc.iaconflJct btt11o«n die (nco,h, bin 11 11. n,,c St,og, h \'~·d :ind the boy11 re

'«ltl uff apit1, 1,yin1 lC'I Cl'lfl~tucr their mi~1iooi. In 111< <:l'IJ,

~lh'" finJ,. hit. I"'~ 111 hfr:: bt t'lixOffll~ a brm Joe doc:

6'cu,'Cf who h 1\ rit:1IIC'r 11., 001 1• 11<1c•p1cd b)' Ou D,,n'1

'"X'f),ll'• aJl fm1Mhct.1.

Thi• mG\'IC opem )'Wf 1:)0 II,) lhc i n.'l11ufic-;1n1 b ilk lh,ntt, 11'1

Jifc anJ ltlJ.L:, 1bem bt.lUU(l.ll hdpU'IJi tb. aJI IU fe:a,n 1 \.,lhi~bk lr\w,c Mmll.':les do h;apptn .and can thln,:t" oor II\\'" in 11'11111')

'-,Yt..C\('lt dttklfh they HI.J~ bcoo.l) .'\.fccH.tlJ! II )W.iteOflC'

I uf lk (mun.Ile peopk 10 1h1., mM-•e. tti"11-.:1nbc.r ooc. 10 foric1 )'Otu KlecflC'~ )OU ,n- go•ns 10 nttd II'



Our hypothesis:

If> l')C nll'tliJn,: («ClCT),1fl1'10l'flJti) t.., bt rm of lbr tit'"'" SUU 8 111 Ruthcdord., NIC d 1ft:l.'C(lr 1,r1000 foofnl«-c. 11ppn,achcd an-phi~ dcM,!tll Ut,;tnictor SLC\"C c, v.11.h !ht IJ,e.j o(bo ilU\kllll cbiplil'I. tbr tne•ltl'"JJ h. Par'l.cr and hi ,fa.,, ~rl) 01Cec1'llcd lht d111lkn,t' ·nic, ' '""knu win ,ri111 i11co 11\t ec-,rm...OAO fotQCh or the 1.11.1rant\. ti.Mlhtt,,tlWft.nt -,\I bi,.,,: a1bc1111r• .,1o11ot, U"t0nmhc- 6111tllkn)· and hll'crllp, Paik.a wKI he w1111b eo !'lute lhe proJc..1 "S\ .~kl hkr , f"(",)Jblc."' The 1>tudl:nh will prqc:ILICC idell\ 10 bt pttR"n1tJ tn Rud)crf'on.1 b)' 1hc k;a;tn I~ The id<'a,. '1,\,111 then br nun11r111,:u1rrd IIPOdlt SUB In the rl<1Bl'lina ~llfC' of 1hc the ri;cudcno, wtll , , ,11 otiic,' ,e 1.a1m111l\ to gsuher il.k::a.\ Rudiafont (lro\idcJ Plllkcr utJd tht t.'.&11, '*'th hloepn11b Ol lbc SUR rN&1t11nc\ ltllnJ w,th malfflal, Hom ma,awl'lc) to tlt p !hem .J'Cl idclK Pdd:ttsaiJ the (.I\IJcAls ~·1 ir-1111t ~uCIII)" t.,) tbi,:D SOlll(1hfoa ,~ U..\ the SUB n,j,J•U.'1111~ He tw DC-\l!r cllcn II JliNJ('CC lll lhl, 1nApil11llie \lfJl,h bbcl.lM. '"Tiu, ,s an iC.\('~pl1t1rnill) uakm.cJ J1l'l&JC) 1N:1b up to d,c dln)lcn~.·

11e i.s. Cif'i41ihtc: Jc,tp ,,mdcnu flClfflUUI)' •,uM'l: 01J , ,mulattd proJtti;i: ,uc:.h t1 btOc:hUR'<\,, bu1i1k'U l'Wdti~'I, M 1.leitc'"- tl~'f'IIP:l'l. boo1\JJ..:l.tl\ Jtld fW1"VIIC1 label, E..ch ppf11< dc,ign cbh III Nit fotti~ on d iffctc111rrojc(;h rci, tbt m~ctioD of thc:11 pon(ol1~ •l dicmJ uf It.cir '(\:ond)CJJ

P.utttPJd 1bc:-Sl.l6~.,.,,ll&i\C 111< ,r\klcn1.11d,ffcrm111tt.:1or

C\pctfUit' h "ill tw: ,wd fot lhe,n .,.,·t,cn 1bc:)' '°'io \C'C tht-rr linilhti) fl"l)J«I; u al,o m:i,yhcfptbtm,k-c-l~lttbhl', thtilitt 'lioatht) v.ur1tt1.11•.J.cm

1bcirc'tt«r;· Parl.tr ,wiJ f Quick Hits

Emery's now open

Tut- c:ulin.wy 1111, Jrrranmcm -,vdi:111 nm a,id l'9(filt('d 1.1urun11 tlOW opc:o M the~ fkk.,r of the I-IC"dh1nJ 8111ld1nJ. h h t)(')t'n M

JI a.ft! f~)·•. Wcdnc:....t..p :a111l 1 huf'41>--. fo, t,rc&IJ.a;,1 ,..,..ly The tc-.t,1111ri111t v.s1tl be: offr:lins: h1nd1 \000 f(Jf n,t'f'l.11ii111n1.c11fl 'lQ6.J.,J,

Check out cJubs on campus

NIC <tllcn m•n)' du~ 1f1,1l 1t.1.; ,:..:.orcd 1qv,·1rd the.' IQtttt)h tof 1hc "1ulk1si lbc Crciui,c Wtitlr111 ("lub ""'""" " 14 .\0 p.m

Ian Michael Smllh 1nd ASl1i.y Judd Pft)YO lhal size Isn't lmpo/1101,

IInstant Movies

Ku)h Hour•• lit Cir tnd11A1 ,,, c,1-.;..t ;11.unrvJ,.u11; Fu 1TIO'olC'.\. '1w.·,h Ht_-\\:l'ot11,1 d/ll('J'C'l,t. Allh,.1111 h !11 h,l lu\,: 11 WIii\ ~ar1Jfi.nn,01mT1,--ln lkrlr• v.s l)p.cll{A-.CD.!th)(l1~ ~-~l:Lud*-"""' •iJ. u(c.u,c. \IIC dyn,.w,.: d110, al kkicC,..in..,..iC,..... Tlll:~ffto;1,.:dll"

1M) fl)"IIIR~l\it..lnj:•IJ1,1w·.11l{'Vo blt!,,1..thm 1t11, ftl(t\ic 11 ~,, 1111\'('l.1 l '11>.an I A'JCl'nd'l ••• "'-"')\.-b,1,in1,'1.>lk'~t..11mpn1 1ummg foll; tab into tt:iJ.11; K(r,cp1ng IQ UlkWOCl llolUI "'Sat'iWl." -Urb,m

WeJn('\41l)• 111 Jlva.un Slitnn"et. It'\ mce1mp llff' 1nfo1matanJ:.II

-.nttn, atC •c-lcon~ "l'hc NIC Sump('hlbt, loatio1 (or p:opk 111rbo llft U1IC(C'1.IC'd In U2n1JK. I( llll l!rt lfflt'rf'lolCd Ill bcin!C. p.it1 ul th" fti('olr dub, a,.114.:1 Jt\h1J llull ill t,67.07.ll (.,,rcbv 1,nw: ,rnJ pl;1t.."'t uf mce11 n1,\ ·

I ,c-nJ, 1.h,·.,1'uJh 1r,r..1u11 I t.1111, \11uo11\\'.U1C.°)1iilJanJJ.cd l.i.:11,,,,~ n-J 1..d.:.t Crtw1

1~"1111• '\\'1) lg,~ )\IIH~l!Glf IJlr' Nil "CW ttilll"I!

IComing Attractions

8 0 r t I.JO

··0,1,.. m the' U(e I o RIJ o..,gc.,h:lhn b)- Jeooiftt Rod. 6to,v.cll (.:omc, Gollk:ty Mnml.ly Frida)' IO•tn ,1 p.,n

8 Ott. 11 'l lCS)'mc,bon)'Ordxr.t N., "'An b,·camg_of lmprc~"oo"m " Sebu.la Ambtori11m 7.30 p"' ,\J11lh. S7, :r:ic-n1or C-'iu.1.tn.,• S5 Ulld S1uJc:1"1; SJ, J&Ji.7780 a Oict. 19. ~n, 1 NfCTbcaa~ O:pc ~'*'' '1"11nutlc" Sdiukr A\ld11«1um

1:ltlpm AUufh S5,Scl,klf Cl10.c'~SJandSrudcnt., SI 769.77~0

8 X0\.6-ll t'hc- L.b: Caty Pl.t)'IIOU~ J"l'l'!Cffl' ,.,_l'!Mh ~r IJ.n"•-·" l...ikc Cil) r1 ~hot1\.C f.llh &: G,1nku IS p.m Fnd:a~· lllllJ S;a1urd.a) c ·cn:1n11. 7 p.m Titut)(LI), 11nJ J p.m. S11tul\WY •nd Stmd,.y n1.11J~ ,\du!~; SIO, Su:idttmJScru1)( Ci111~·1h· and C1uklR'tl 12 & UOOCr: $(, llaul'Ml:ar Studm1" U "67-"2)

• N@ , 9. Ott. 9 f1!1nt0$QIJ1h)' c:,l'l1b11 h) lll\lf\K'hlt T1111 Chmllc, JJc,..,v.dl Cafflc'f O.illct). \\'ed,d,1)"

I011m -Jpm l l()o.~"dNO\ 15-21 a NU\ 14 NIL J""u Co and hu i:..hcmblt

Ao E.,ttut1t l.'Ji J1uf S....b11lcr ::~;~;~ 1n

• No, .20

NIC s, IJlphoak: 81111J & 11th 8100(1'\ ''Gillhrnn; ot !he twiJ\ Ccld'lf11i.c: the n~,,k:,· Stlmkr A..tmlri11m7'k>i,.m f~ C,tt:k.'C'n. 769 TISO


~JC Syml)hc,l'I~ Ori:hc\tn. Coac.tttOio.r& M..Ji1J:,d SmR,CI' '"'Mlillkk c:,r Chrt>41i1~,Schult:r A1Mlih>1'i1.11n. ~y 7 lOp.m unlJSulldl)'l.pn, ,\IJult~· $1.$c-n1""° C itu,c;1>~· S$ iwlJ S11.kitflh, ,i.1.. 1(fJ 77RO a Ott.tU-11 lhih(Ll)' Putt.cry S:lk. ~Y.(11

Cornor'411C'f)'. M<inJ.i)' tri\t..y

1011m "'P"' a 1)tt u

NI(' S)tnfltl,;'1nyOtd1t'\tr.,"11h rnr:mbtrofN IC('otlc('11 C'1toir \k'-,wb S1ni,·A·L0111.Sttt.llo

·\Uil1!1)11\ln, 4 p n, Ad1.111,- S7 Sc!nlot C"i1l1<n, S5 .and Stmknt~ SJ. 71,9.771)0

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