ANODYC™ Effetto Metalli Anodizzati by Molteni Vernici

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Collection Anodyc





Creative Visions


Harmonious Collection


Technical Beauty


Architectural Tecnique


Precious Colors


Exclusive Precision





Creative visions Our expansion

Molteni Vernici riscopre la sua arte e la dona al mondo. Lo fa attraverso nuove scoperte e creazioni che derivano dall’armoniosa fusione della chimica e della fisica piÚ avanzate da un lato e dalla rivisitazione della tradizione piÚ radicata. Ecco che nasce Anodyc, la rivoluzione del vero Design. Molteni Vernici rediscovers its art and gives it to the world. It does it through new discoveries and creations, which come from the harmonious fusion and union of the most advanced chemistry and physics from one side and the revisiting of the most rooted tradition from the other. Here comes to life Anodyc, the revolution of the real Design.



Harmonious Collection

The Purest Design


Anodyc rappresenta la prima serie di vernici e finiture speciali firmate Molteni Vernici, in grado di imitare perfettamente il risultato unico e sorprendente che deriva dal piÚ tradizionale processo di anodizzazione elettrolitica, rivoluzionando in questo modo sia il mondo dell’industria che il mondo dell’architettura e del design. Anodyc represents the first series of special finishings created in exclusive from Molteni Vernici, finishings which reproduce in an unique way the surprising result of the most traditional process of electrolitic anodization, with a strong revolution both in the world of industry and in the world of architecture.


Technical Beauty

Modern Tradition

Linea di prodotti monocomponenti ibridi mano unica a finire (in funzione del supporto), la nuova serie Anodyc offre il vantaggio di garantire la massima luminosità e brillantezza al supporto trattato, il mantenimento della colorazione e la continua ripetibilità nel tempo della tinta desiderata. Costi industraili contenuti, un’impressionante bellezza strutturale e un’unicità galvanica sono solo alcune delle caratteristiche più importanti che rendono Anodyc una delle finiture più apprezzate e preziose in tutto il mondo. Line of one-component hybrid single-coat products, the new series Anodyc offers the advantage of guaranteeing the best brightness to the treated support, the maintenance of the coloration and the continuous repeatability in time of the desired dye. Low industrial costs, a stunning structural beauty and a galvanic uniqueness are just some of the most important characteristics which make Anodyc one of the most precious finishings all around the world.



Architectural Tecnique TIPOLOGIA: finitura monocomponente COPERTURA: coprente POT-LIFE: 8 ore APPLICAZIONE: spruzzo SPESSORE: 20 micron UGELLO: 1,2/1,5 mm RESA: 1o mq/kg PRESSIONE: 5 atm ESSICAZIONE: aria 24hr, forno 60°C 1hr, 120°C 30’ PACKAGING: 5/10/20 kg SUPPORTI: ferro, alluminio, zama, ottone, acciaio, leghe metalliche, ABS, nylon, PA-6, polipropilene, poliuretano rigido, polimeri complessi, policarbonato, polistirolo, fibre composite, legno, MDF, HDF, multistrato, listellare marino, melamminico, nobilitato composito, supporti galvanici (tutti i supporti devono essere preparati con gli appositi primer).


TYPE: one-component finishing COVERING: covering POT-LIFE: 8 hours APPLICATION: by spraying THICKNESS: 20 microns NOZZLE: 1,2/1,5 mm YIELD: 1o sm/kg PRESSION: 5 atm DRYING: air 24hrs, oven 60°C 1hr, 120°C 30’ PACKAGING: 5/10/20 kg SUPPORTS: iron, aluminium, zama, brass, steel, metal alloys, ABS, nylon, PA-6, polypropylene, rigid polyurethane, complex polymers, polycarbonate, polystyrene, composite fibers, wood, MDF, HDF, plywood, marine plywood, melamine, composite nobilitate, galvanic supports (all supports shall be prepared with specific primers).


Precious Colors Colori metallici, armonia di forme e linee, danno luogo al Design piĂš esclusivo. Metal colors, harmony of shapes and lines, give life to the most exclusive Design.



Code 15105 Gold Series 5

Code 15101 Gold Series 1


Code 15102 Gold Series 2

Code 15103 Gold Series 3

Code 15106 Gold Series 6

Code 15107 Gold Series 7

Code 15104 Gold Series 4


Code 15112 Silver Series 12

Code 15108 Silver Series 8


Code 15109 Silver Series 9

Code 15110 Silver Series 10

Code 15113 Silver Series 13

Code 15114 Silver Series 14

Code 15111 Silver Series 11


Code 15119 Bronze Series 19

Code 15115 Bronze Series 15


Code 15116 Bronze Series 16

Code 15117 Bronze Series 17

Code 15120 Bronze Series 20

Code 15121 Bronze Series 21

Code 15118 Bronze Series 18


Code 15126 Green Series 26

Code 15122 Green Series 22


Code 15123 Green Series 23

Code 15124 Green Series 24

Code 15127 Green Series 27

Code 15128 Green Series 28

Code 15125 Green Series 25


Code 15133 Violet Series 33

Code 15129 Violet Series 29


Code 15130 Violet Series 30

Code 15131 Violet Series 31

Code 15134 Violet Series 34

Code 15135 Violet Series 35

Code 15132 Violet Series 32


Code 15140 Blue Series 40

Code 15136 Blue Series 36


Code 15137 Blue Series 37

Code 15138 Blue Series 38

Code 15141 Blue Series 41

Code 15142 Blue Series 42

Code 15139 Blue Series 39


Fields of gold

Exclusive Precision

Anodyc, la rivoluzione del Design piĂš esclusivo firmato Molteni Vernici. Anodyc, the revolution of the most exclusive Design by Molteni Vernici.



Molteni Vernici Molteni Vernici s.r.l. Via Dell’Artigianato, 44 22063 CantÚ (CO) Italy P +39 031 734181 F +39 031 734222

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