1 minute read

Environmental performance

Disclosures 103-1, 103-2, 103-3

"Health Safety and the Environment are at the heart of our decisions. In carrying out our activities, our Group takes inspiration from the principle of safeguarding the Environment and Health.

We are committed to ensuring the continual reduction of our environmental footprint. We assess and measure the impact of processes and products and always consider the use of the best available techniques."

- From the RadiciGroup Code of Ethics -

ESG principles are additional parameters to financial indicators. Taken together, they provide an all-round picture of a company’s commitment to sustainability. RadiciGroup has for some time made ESG an added value, starting with the significant work on the environment it has carried out – in particular over the last decade. The RadiciGroup’s environmental policy, which finds significant expression in its Code of Ethics, integrates environmental concerns into a series of practices, plans of action and projects. The Group:

The following sections provide an overview of RadiciGroup’s environmental results grouped by complementary data inputs (received from the environment) and outputs (delivered to the environment). The topics covered will be as follows:

Materials used (input) - Waste produced (output)

Energy used (input) - Air emissions and quality (output)

Water used (input) - Water discharged and quality (output)

The 2021 results are based on a different reporting scope from all previous editions, as they also include some manufacturing, financial, commercial and service companies not previously included. This is to increase the inclusiveness and representativeness of the Report. In the light of transparency, the change in results l to the new reporting boundary is indicated at the bottom of each table.

Preserves the intrinsic value of resources and makes best use of them.

Decouples the use of resources from its economic growth, as much as possible.

Engages in the ecodesign of reduced-impact products, which are safe for the manufacturer, the user and the environment.

Promotes energy transition by using renewable source energy and fights against climate change by reducing emissions.

Measures the performance of all its production sites on regular basis and communicates its environmental performance in a transparent manner.

Materials used

Disclosure 301-1

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