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Contacts and useful addresses
Disclosure 102-3
Registered Office (Parent Company) Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. Via Verdi 11 24121 - Bergamo, Italy Administrative Head Office (Parent Company) Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. Via Ugo Foscolo, 152 24024 - Gandino (BG), Italy Sede Operativa (Parent Company) Radici Partecipazioni S.p.A. Via Ca’ Antonelli, 55 24024 - Gandino (BG), Italy To learn more about the Sustainability Report: Disclosure 102-53
Communication & External Relations. Via Ca’ Antonelli, 55 - 24024 - Gandino (BG), Italy tel. +39 035 71 54 11 - communication@radicigroup.com