Volume 51 No. 3
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F.&A.M.
the missouri freemason
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri
VOL. 51 NO. 3
Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications
contents 67 68 69 70 72
73 75 78 81 83 84 86 90 93
Grand Master’s Message Biographies The City With A Masonic Master Plan Brother Marries in Polar Star - Rose Hill Lodge #79 A New Record for the Missouri Child Identification Program MOCHIP has Successful Day at Fenton Masonry's Journey West Grand Secretary Honored In Surprise Presentation Why I Became a Mason... Sharing Missouri’s Rainbow Treasures... Searching for Masonic Home History Masonic Home Launches the Truman Club Masonic Service Awards The Work of our Craft
Committee on Masonic Publications John M. Nations, Grand Master M. Robert Berger, Deputy Grand Master Bruce R. Austin, Senior Grand Warden Rocky E. Weaver, Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary E. Otha Wingo Ex-Officio Member Steven L. Harrison, Editor, THE MISSOURI FREEMASON Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-628-6562 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org
Please note the change of address for the Missouri Freemason: P.O. Box 1126, Kearney, MO 64060-1120
66 Summer 2006
FROM THE EDITOR’S KEYBOARD The cover of this edition of the Missouri Freemason shows Deputy Grand Master Bob Berger, Grand Secretary Ron Miller, Grand Master John Nations and RWB Randy Berger, WM of Polar Star-Rose Hill #79. These brothers gathered together with about 200 others on March 14 to honor RWB Miller's ten years of service as Grand Secretary. Not only was the entire evening a surprise to RWB Ron, but it was also his birthday – one he probably won't soon forget. Maggie Stolzberg is a talented photographer from the St. Louis area who specializes in wedding photography. She took the photograph on the cover of this issue as well as many other photos, which appear in a collage with the article. Not only that, she provided the photographs for another article – nothing less than her own brother's wedding in Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79. Her website is http://www.maggiestolzberg.com. Check it out in order to see more of her artwork. In all, she must have about thirty pictures in this issue. That must be some kind of a record. Now, that event made me wonder how common lodge weddings are. So I posted that question on a Masonic bulletin board and within a couple of days, I had responses from all over the world. Compare that to a group of mid-ninetieth century brothers in Ore-
The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be submitted to The Missouri Freemason, P.O. Box 1126, Kearney, MO 64060-1120, not later than the first day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right due to limitations of space, to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 652026535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.
Where in the world?
gon Territory who wanted to start a Masonic Lodge. It took about two years from the time they made that decision until word came back to them in the form of a charter from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Their story appears in this edition. I have to thank Zel Eaton for suggesting the article and providing some incredible references. In addition, many thanks to John Olson of Oregon's Multnomah Lodge #1 for the photography. Finally, did you know there is only one city in the world known to be purposely laid out on a Masonic theme? Think it's Washington, DC? Think again. Check out page 69 for the story of this interesting place. Steve Harrison, Editor
SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $8.00 annually. PERMISSION TO REPRINT: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. CHANGE OF ADDRESS (Important): Whenever a member changes his mailing address without notifying his Lodge Secretary and a mailing of the Freemason magazine occurs, the Post Office charges the Grand Lodge 50¢ per undeliverable Freemason. PLEASE, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change so that the Grand Lodge can then be notified.
GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI INTERNET ADDRESSES E-Mail to the Grand Lodge Office grlodge@momason.org The Grand Lodge web page www.momason.org Phone: 573-474-8561
As we move into the summer months and look forward to spending more of our time out of doors and with family and friends, there is a becoming impulse to direct our attention away from the imperatives of our Fraternity. However, the important mission of our Fraternity never takes a holiday and virtually every day - indeed every hour - we are improving lives and improving communities all across our State, and beyond. In all my travels, I am repeatedly asked about the activities and programs of our great charity: the Masonic Home of Missouri. In recent years, there have been many great enhancements to the Masonic Home and its programs, and it is vital to the success of the Home’s mission that each member of the Fraternity understands the opportunities it offers to improve and enrich lives. The residential living facility on Bannister Road in Kansas City. The quality of life at this facility is truly heartwarming and to be there with the residents is one of the most memorable trips you can make, and I urge anyone who has not visited the facility to do so this coming year. At the Bannister Road facility we have both private pay residents as well as those who are part of our second great program, the Outreach Program. The Outreach Program constitutes the greatest change in the Masonic Home since the Home was founded more than a century ago. Instituted in the 1990’s, this program allows the resources of the Masonic Home to reach people in every area of our State and even beyond our State, and to direct resources to the places and the circumstances which best suit our Brothers and Sisters who need assistance. Whether it is helping to meet financial needs to allow one to continue to live in his or her own home, or whether it consists of assisting with retirement or nursing home care so that our Brothers and Sisters may remain in their own community near their family and friends, this program represents one of the strongest commitments to improving, on an individual basis, the quality of life for everyone it touches. The expansion of the Outreach Program has allowed us to provide direct assistance and services to hundreds of adults and children not only in Missouri, but in many other states around the country where our Members now reside. The Outreach Program is one of our programs every Missouri Mason may rightfully be proud of, and it is a model which is being copied by Grand Jurisdictions around the country. As has been true throughout THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
our history, the Masonic Home of Missouri is leading the way in caring for our Brothers and Sisters. Probably the least known of our major services is the Social Services Program, yet it has the potential to be one of the most important resources for the members of our Fraternity. This program seeks to assist our membership with questions regarding a variety of issues, whether or not they are Masonically related. You can call the Masonic Home even if you just need help finding another resource. For example, if you need assistance finding Meals on Wheels in your community, or you need information about how to apply for governmental assistance such as Veterans Benefits, you can call our Social Services director. Perhaps most importantly, you do not have to be calling about you or a member of the Fraternity. If you just have a question because you want to help a neighbor, our Social Services director is there to help you. In a day and age where there seems to be a myriad of agencies and answering machines and impersonal approaches, our Social Services director will personally help you get the information and assistance you need. I am particularly proud of this service and its commitment to helping our membership be better neighbors in every community. Over the past couple of years, two additional programs have been added with an emphasis on reclaiming our heritage of assisting children. The first of these programs, which constitutes the fourth major program of the Masonic Home, is the Childrens’ Outreach Program. Through this program the Home is able to assist children up to age 21 as well as mentally or physically disabled children of any age whose parents qualify through Masonic membership. This com-
mitment is extremely important. Many of our members have adult children who have needs which are beyond the resources of our Members. Your Masonic Home is ready to help. The newest major program of the Masonic Home is a partnership to help school children. The partnership includes the school, the local Masonic Lodge, and the Masonic Home of Missouri. Each Lodge is encouraged to discover the needs of its local school children and do what it can to meet those needs with assistance often as simple as helping purchase school supplies. If additional funding is needed, the Masonic Home will provide assistance to the Lodge. Every Lodge is encouraged to be part of this program to meet the needs of the school children in every community across our State. Brethren, it is extremely important that all you fully understand the programs offered by your Masonic Home and that you communicate with your Members regarding the available services. We know there are Brothers and Sisters whom we could be helping now, if we could find them. The Masonic Home cannot act if it does not know of the circumstances, and the Home cannot check on the personal circumstances of the more than 50,000 people who may qualify for its assistance. Every Lodge and every Member has an affirmative duty to look after our Masonic Family and to summon assistance if there is even the remotest notion that assistance may be needed. No Lodge should suspend a Brother for non-payment of dues without due inquiry into the circumstances, particularly a Brother who has been a member for many years. If you are told that a Brother cannot pay dues because of financial hardship, you should bring the matter to the attention of the Masonic Home even if the Lodge has the beneficence to remit payment of the dues. I beg each of you to remember everyday this basic truth: your Masonic Home exists to help you, your Brothers and Sisters in the Fraternity, and your family members lead better lives. We need your help, each of you, to make that happen. I hope all of you have a safe and enjoyable summer. Fraternally,
John M. Nations, Grand Master
Summer 2006 67
Junior Grand Stewar d David L. Ramsey
R.W. Brother David L. Ramsey is a graduate of Central High School in St. Joseph, MO. He earned a 4-year Apprenticeship, Journeyman Electrician Certificate from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Missouri Western State College. R.W. Brother Ramsey has worked for United Electric Cooperative, Inc., a consumer/owned
electric utility located in Savannah, Mo., since 1987. He is the Marketing and Communications Manager. RWB Ramsey petitioned Savannah Lodge #71 to receive the degrees and was initiated October 18, 1990. He passed to the degree of Fellowcraft January 17, 1991, and was raised to the degree of Master Mason March 7, 1991. He served as Worshipful Master of Savannah Lodge #71 in 1999-2000. Serving the Grand Lodge in many capacities, RWB Ramsey began as District Deputy Grand Master of the 7th Masonic District serving in 2003-2004. He has also served as Chairman of the Grand Lodge Ways & Means Committee and as a member of the Grand Lodge University Lodge Committee. In addition, RWB Ramsey served on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri from 2000 until 2004. He is a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of St. Joseph, KCCH; Moila Shrine Temple in St. Joseph
where he served as Chief Aid in 2000, 2nd Ceremonial Master in 2003, 1st Ceremonial Master in 2004, and a member of the Membership Committee. He is also a member of the High Twelve Club in St. Joseph and the National Sojourners Chapter #63 in Kansas City. RWB Ramsey is a member of First Christian Church in Savannah where he serves as an Elder. His service extends to the community as a trustee of the Heartland Foundation; a board member of the Mid-American Chapter of Multiple Sclerosis; a board member of the MO-Kan Regional Council of Governments; a board member of Missouri Economic Development Council; and a Volunteer Teacher with Junior Achievement. RWB Ramsey and his wife Christin "Friday" were married in 1974 in St. Joseph, MO. They have two children: Carra Ramsey of St. Joseph and Timothy Ramsey of Maryville, MO.
Junior Grand Deacon Gail S. Tur ner
Right Worshipful Brother Gail S. Turner graduated from Lincoln R-1 High School in 1970. He continued his education receiving an Associate of Arts degree from Hannibal LaGrange College in 68 Summer 2006
1972, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Missouri in 1974, and a Masters of Education in the area of Secondary Education in 1976 from the same institution. Right Worshipful Brother Turner was initiated into Jackson Lodge #82 in Linneus , Missouri on December 12, 1977 where he has served as Master and Secretary. His past areas of service have been as District Deputy grand Master 19851986 and a member of the Missouri Home Board where he served as finance co-chair. He currently holds membership in the National Sojourners, Kansas city #63; Heroes of '76 Old Glory Coup, Kansas City #63; Liberty Chapter
#3, York Rite; Council R.&S.M. 350, Liberty; Scottish Rite 320, Kansas City (Southern Jurisdiction); Ararat Shrine, Kansas City; and Royal Order of Scotland. His service to the community includes serving on the Grand River YMCA Board of Governors, being treasurer the Brookfield First Christian Church, serving as a board member of Pershing Memorial Hospital, being the Chairman of the City of Brookfield Board of Adjustment, and being the past President of the Brookfield Rotary Club where he is still a member. Right Worshipful Brother Gail Turner and his wife Tine have two daughters, Katelin and Abigal.
The City With A Masonic Master Plan One of the enduring myths in anti-Masonic folklore is speculation that Washington DC was designed under a Masonic master plan. This is not true, despite the existence of a pentagram in the configuration of streets North of the white house – probably a coincidence, and a lopsided square and compasses over by the Capitol. This is not the case, however, with another American city. In 1816, Hector Kilbourne, a surveyor and the first Master of Science Lodge #50, laid out the original plat of Sandusky Ohio. He designed the city on a grid of equal-sized squares and rectangles representing an open Bible, with a square and compasses located in the center. He named many of the streets after famous Masons. Below is an existing-day aerial photograph of Sandusky. See if you can locate the square and compasses. Notice streets delineating the top of the compasses and bottom of the square have not been completed. This is, in fact, the way they appeared in the original
Photo courtesy TerraServer USA
design. Nevertheless, the square and compasses are clearly visible.
If you need some help finding them, see the picture on page 66.
Attention Lodge Secretaries Grand Secretary’s Area Meetings The purpose of these Area Meetings is to provide an opportunity to communicate, which is a necessity, for without it we cannot succeed. The Grand Lodge Office wants to provide aid, information and assistance when necessary. All secretaries are encouraged to attend an Area Meeting, if at all possible. SITES Scottish Rite.Temple, St. Joseph Independence Lodge No. 76, Independence Rose Hill Lodge No. 550, Creve Coeur Fenton Lodge No. 281, Fenton Farmington Lodge No. 132, Farmington Bloomfield Lodge No. 153, Bloomfield Rolla Lodge No. 213, Rolla Masonic York Rite Temple, Springfield (United No. 5) Masonic Complex, Columbia Kirksville Masonic Temple, Kirksville Shelbina Lodge No. 228, Shelbina
DATES Tues., May 16, 2006 Wed., May 17, 2006 Mon., May 22, 2006 Tues., May 23, 2006 Wed., May 24, 2006 Mon., May 29, 2006 Tues., May 30, 2006 Wed., May 31, 2006 Sat., June 03, 2006 Mon., June 05, 2006 Tues., June 06, 2006
TIME 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM
Please feel free to attend any of these meeting sites or dates. I'm looking forward to meeting and talking with you. If you are unable to attend, please make sure your Lodge is represented. Fraternally, Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Summer 2006 69
Brother Marries in Polar Star Rose Hill Lodge #79 Brother Robert (Bob) Stolzberg and Kathleen (Kass) Adams were married at Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79 in Creve Coeur on January 31. The ceremony was conduct-
Polar Star-Rose Hill a few days before he was married. Attending the ceremony were members of the families of the bride and groom and friends, including many
Brother Bob Stolzberg and his bride are all smiles after their wedding at Polar StarRose Hill Lodge #79. Photography by Maggie Stolzberg (www.maggiestolzberg.com).
ed by Harmony Lodge Past Master the Rev. Dr. Darrel Curtis, senior pastor at St. Marcus German Evangelical Church in St. Louis city. Brother Stolzberg was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in
Brethren from Polar Star-Rose Hill. Editor's note: We wondered how rare a wedding in a Masonic Lodge might be, so we conducted a little poll on one of our bulletin boards. It turns out weddings in
Lodges are not very common, but they do take place now and then. They seem to have been more common in the past and also more common in Europe. French brothers who responded said they frequently have a "conjugal recognition" ceremony, which is not actually a wedding. One brother sent us a book-length Masonic wedding ceremony from Turkey. None of this seemed as impressive to us as the ceremony at Polar Star-Rose Hill must have been. On behalf of the Masonic brotherhood in Missouri, we wish the bride and groom all the best.
The Little Pink Card This is a story about a little misunderstood pink card. The Proxy Card is a very important piece of paper to be used at Grand Lodge by a Brother. Now, the rules state, the proxy card is to be used by the W.M., S.W., and J.W. when they cannot attend Grand Lodge. A Brother that is chosen as a proxy has to be of equal or higher rank than the Brother he is proxying for. Which means, he must be a sitting WM, SW, or JW or a Past Master, not a junior deacon or any other Brother that is a member of the lodge. If a Brother is SW of Lodge A, and a JW of Lodge B, 70 Summer 2006
and is attending GL as a representative of Lodge A, he cannot be proxied for Lodge B, again the rule states cannot attend the session of Grand Lodge. This was the worst year since I have been on the Credentials Committee for proxy problems. Every Lodge secretary needs to get the constitution down and read the rules concerning proxies and how to use them. The card is very easy to fill out. The top line is for the name of the Brother who is going to be the Proxy. The next line is for his title(PM,etc), the third line is his signature. The person issuing the
proxy card fills out the bottom, name, and office title. The Lodge secretary has to put the lodge seal on it (if not it is void). That is all there is to it. If the officer that is sitting in the chair is attending Grand Lodge, then he doesn’t need a proxy card. The SW or JW do not need to proxy for the WM or each other. Most of the confusion comes from getting points for attendance at GL for the achievement award. The proxy card really has no use in this purpose, it is for voting purposes and being sure the lodge has recognicontinues next page
Patch-In to Service
Widows Sons ride for fun, brotherhood, charity its three jurisdictions has chapters Standard dress for a typical in just about every state, and other Masonic event runs the gamut countries including Mexico, Canada these days from formal wear to and Western Europe. It jeans and cowboy boots. has three levels of Minus the formal membership: wear, there was Active, for Masons nothing different who ride motorabout the outfits cycles of 500cc or seen at a recent more, Masonic Scottish Rite Associate, for Freemareunion in St. Joseph. sons who do not ride, but Nothing, that is, until Cecil want to participate with the club, Searcy walked in sporting the and Associate memberships open unmistakable look of a biker, complete with leathers and "full patch." It's a look, which at first says, "don't mess with this dude." Another glance or two at Cecil's patch, however, begins to raise some questions. The name of this motorcycle group is the "Widows Sons." The patch sports a winged triangle containing a square, level and plumb surrounding an all-seeing eye. Beneath the Widows Sons members Greg Roades, triangle the patch reads, "Meet on Bob Bowman, and Cecil Searcy (seated at the level and part upon the square." computer) assist with the MoCHIP ProSomeone might get the idea this gram in St. Joseph this past February. isn't your typical motorcycle "gang." to anyone. In all cases the prospecCecil, current Master of tive member can "patch-in" (earn Brotherhood Lodge #269, confirms the Widows Sons patch) only by fillthat. According to him, the Widing out an application and being ows Sons are not ruthless... but voted in by the membership. relentless, about promoting There are two chapters in Freemasonry, supporting Blue Missouri, one in Kansas City and Lodges through active participaone in St. Joseph, where Cecil tion, promoting the tenets of brothserves as the chapter president. erly love and relief as well as the The St. Joseph chapter meets the sport of motorcycling within second Sunday of the month Masonry. between March and November – The Widows Sons is an Business at 1:00, ride at 2:00. international group, which among Pink Card continued
tion at GL. If you have questions regarding this little card, then contact your DDGM, or call the Grand Lodge and speak with the Grand Secretary. Lets keep this valuable tool for the purpose it was designed. Respectfully submitted RWB Joseph R Smith Chairman, Grand Lodge, Credentials Committee THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Exceptional Brother Lights the Way By Jack DeSelms January 14, 2006 – Rising Sun Lodge #13. The Lodge opened at 7 AM and proceeded to confer six 1st Degrees. There were 2 DDGMs, 3 Past DDGMs, 2 Regional Lecturers, 3 DDGLs, 10 PMs of Ris-
The Widows Sons combine fun and Masonic activities. The group is very active in the MoCHIP program, participating not only in St. Joseph, but surrounding areas as well. On June 3, it will participate in the third annual Ride for Ryan, a ride to provide scholarships in memory of Ryan Consolver, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2002. Later in the year the group will sponsor its second annual justfor-fun Poker Run and continue its participation in MoCHIP events. In
The Widows Sons of St. Joseph. Front Row L to R: Bro. Bob Bowman, WB Larry Crawford, WB Cecil Searcy, Bro. Ken Russell; Back Row L to R: WB Kyle Chilcoat, WB Harold Chilcoat, Bro. Greg Roades, WB Doug Plowman, Bro. Rick Gross.
September it will join thousands of other riders in Council Bluffs for the Loess Hills Rally, which benefits the Red Cross. The Widows Sons is a relatively new and growing group. Cecil is available to talk to anyone about membership in his chapter, another chapter or even starting a new one. His email is crsearcy@hotmail.com, and the group's website is www.widowssons.com/mo/. Feel free to contact him for more information. Don't mess with him, though. ing Sun, and 5 WMs of other lodges. A total of 9 lodges were represented with a total of 32 Master Masons. Five of the six of the degrees went as expected, but one was very special. WB Vince Taibi was in the East conferring the degree. WB Taibi was the Master of Rising Sun during the years of 2003 – 2004. Nothing exceptional about that, except that WB Taibi is blind. In January of ’04 he was injured helpcontinues page 80
Summer 2006 71
A New Record for the Missouri Child Identification Program ST. JOSEPH - A new record was recently broken at the Missouri Army National Guard Armory for the Child Identification Program by the Masonic Brotherhood Lodge #269. According to Dennis Vogel, Past Master, previously the numbers were 330 but this time they raised the bar with 621. "They processed 621 kids in 10 - 1/2 hours, and it is in my opinion the best program the lodge has ever initiated," said Vogel. On Saturday, Feb. 18, 2006, the Masonic Brotherhood Lodge #269 hosted a program by the Masonic Children’s Foundation called the Child Identification Program. This event was held at the Missouri Army National Guard Mayes Memorial Armory in St. Joseph. In attendance were the Mayor, Police Chief and Missouri Highway Patrol. Thus far, since Oct. 1, 2005 there have been 14 events statewide and there are 27 more scheduled across the state and they have identified 2,261 children. The plan has been submitted for a fall event in St. Joseph but it has not yet been confirmed. The local Masons also thought it would be a really good thing to do just a military day for the guardsmen and their children, since who would better benefit from having this kit than those who have to relocate frequently like military personnel. It is their hope to make it a semiannual event locally. There are even plans in the works to coordinate with the Missouri Army National Guard to utilize armories for these events in the future. The program provides a computer disc that contains pertinent information to locate the child in the event they are abducted or reported missing. The information on the disc includes: Full-color digital photographs showing various 72 Summer 2006
poses, a complete set of digital fingerprints, distinguishing characteristics, such as hair and eye color, scars, etc. The disc will also contain contact information on the parents and guardians. Included in the ID process a "toothprint" dental impression wafer will take an impression of the child’s teeth, which can be used much like a fingerprint. A wafer also provides a DNA sample that is taken from the cheek cells in the saliva as well as a scent for Canine Search units that is pure and exclusive to the individual.
risk of abduction or exploitation our children now face in today’s society by conducting Masonic CHIP events regularly in the community. Parents are reminded to take the kit with them on trips and vacations as the completed kit can be immediately provided to authorities to aid in the recovery of a child that is missing or presumed abducted. Thus far their only true limitation is the fact that they have only one set of equipment for the entire state of Missouri. The hope is that with more successful programs like
RWB John Hess works with other volunteers at the record-setting St. Joseph MoChip event in February.
During the event, children progress from station to station and the whole process takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete an ID kit. The Masonic CHIP event is run by volunteers and provides parents a completed ID Kit on the child that contains vital identifying items to be given to law enforcement if their child is missing. The mission of the Masonic Children’s Foundation is to raise public awareness concerning the
this one in St. Joseph it could be expanded in the future. For more information visit their web site at mochip.org for additional details.
Volunteers set up the height chart.
MOCHIP has Successful Day at Fenton The date was set, January 21st, now what are we going to do to make it happen? The first thing that came to my mind was "promote, contact, publicize"! What better way to make your community aware of Masonic visibility plus provide a much-needed service. The first thing we did was contact the local police to get their support and provide us with a police officer to do the fingerprinting, along with a retired Highway Patrol Officer. Then we talked to one of our local dentists who was excited to help with the program. As the news started getting out, a local funeral home asked if they could get involved, and offered to underwrite the program for us. That took care of the cost of the lunch for all the workers, as well as donuts and coffee in the morning. Letters were then sent to the area school districts. The Northwest School Foundation immediately called to see what it would cost to become a sponsor. We were able to tell them that no funds were needed but their part of the program would be to publicize the program and endorse it to all of their K-8 students. The district also put it on the front page of their web site. They made their own flyers and sent them home with all students in their district. We then sent letters to the local churches. Several of the local churches publicized it in their church bulletins and the catholic school in our area publicized it in their church school news bulletins. We also had WIL radio DJ's, Cornbread and Bo Matthews, agree to promote it on their shows. We contacted our local Chamber of Commerce; they put a flyer in their monthly newsletter and on their web site. Most of this was done for two months before the event. The day arrived. R.W. Brothers John Hess and Gail Turner arrived at 8 AM. We had our volunteers there to help them unload
and set up the equipment. R.W. Brother John Broyles arrived and began training our computer operators. By 9:30 when our first families arrived, we were set to go. Since our coordinator had been at
Parents and their children filled the crowded room all day.
Police assist with the fingerprinting process.
Past Grand Master Robert Downey and his wife helped his daughter register her son.
A dentist and her assistant worked hard all day showing the children how to make proper tooth impressions.
Data entry workers remained busy throughout the day.
Workers weighed each child.
one of our pilot programs a couple of years ago, we had a heads up on what plans had to be made. We are happy to report that 337 children were Mochipped that
day. We were prepared, as we had set a goal of 300. Registration was done upstairs in the Lodge Hall with a play area set up on the west dais. Parents could fill out the forms without having to watch their children. They then proceeded to the basement of the Lodge hall where they were first chipped or swabbed depending on the age of the child, by the friendly children's dentist team. Next were the five data input stations, where the 3 pictures were taken and all information from the parent's form was entered. They then moved to the fingerprint area where they met the police lady and gentlemen who fingerprinted them. The next station the information that was entered along continues page 77
Summer 2006 73
RWB Richard L. Smith Receives Truman Medal for 2005 Each year the Grand Master awards the Truman Medal to a distinguished brother for his service to the fraternity. The 2005 recipient was Richard Smith of Polar StarRose Hill Lodge #79 and Benjamin Franklin Lodge #642. MWB Dr. Elmer Revelle made the following remarks as he honored our outstanding brother. As I came up through the advancing line I was often told, "The most important decision you will make is your appointment to the Advancing Grand Lodge Line." I have discovered an additional truth during this year: "The most difficult decision is choosing only one brother to receive the Truman Medal." My first thought was to find a brother in a lodge making a real difference in his home lodge and/or community. It didn't take very long to discover that there are far too many brothers dong this to be able to narrow it down to only one. Many of you and other brothers across the state are doing great work for our lodges. So, I then decided that I had better re-read the resolution that was adopted in 1983: "Be It Resolved, That the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri establishes the Truman Medal, to be awarded by the Grand Master to individual Freemasons for their distinguished service to the Fraternity. Based on the words "distinguished service to the Fraternity" from the resolution, I went back to the drawing board and asked myself the following two questions: 1. "What brother has given such distinguished service that the impact of his work is still felt today throughout Missouri Freemasonry and will most likely continue to be felt into the future?" 2. "What brother can I hold as a positive example when I issue the challenge to `Live in Harmo74 Summer 2006
ny'?" Brother Dick Smith works well with all sorts of persons and tries to find a workable solution that is 'win-win' for all involved.
The answers to these questions helped me narrow the field and select the brother who will receive the Truman Medal this year. Brother Richard Smith’s Masonic history sounds like so many • He has served as: - Worshipful Master of his Lodge - District Deputy Grand Master - Associate Guardian of Job's Daughters • He is an active member of - Scottish Rite (Past Master of Kadosh) - Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri - Shrine - National Sojourners - Hero's of `76 - Order of the Eastern Star - Masonic Home of Missouri Board - Other Masonic bodies Still, this could describe many brothers throughout the state; so let's narrow it down a little bit more. He has also previously served in his Masonic area as: - President of the Scottish Rite club of St. Louis
- Board member for the Walker Scottish Rite Clinic for Children with Language Disorders - President of the Square Club of St. Louis However, these are not the accomplishments that led me to this selection because many brothers have such a Masonic history. His distinguished service to Missouri Freemasonry takes deep root in the area of Masonic Education. His leadership in Masonic Education has given us (among many other things): - The Entered Apprentice video, which is still in use today - Educational booklets following each of the 3 degrees - Officer's Manual - Enhancement of the Achievement Award His foundational work in these educational endeavors also provided the "springboard" for the development of the 'education' portion of the Chance to Advance Class. This distinguished brother has served the Grand Lodge of Missouri as Chairman of the Masonic Education Committee and has also served as President of the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education. He has also given service to the Masonic Fraternity in Missouri as Grand Orator. This brother became a Master Mason in 1975 in Rose Hill Lodge #550 where he served as Worshipful Master in 1981. He continues to hold membership in the newly consolidated Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79 and in Benjamin Franklin Lodge #642. He and his wife, June, reside in the St. Louis area and have a son, Benjamin who is also a Mason; a daughter, Holly; and two grandchildren. It is an honor for me to call him Brother and Friend. The 2005 recipient of the Truman Medal is Right Worshipful Brother Richard L. Smith. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Masonry’s Journey West i The Grand Lodge of Missouri's jurisdiction once extended from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. By Steven L. Harrison, PM Joseph, MO. Spratt learned Cornof the petition.v In the mid-nineteenth cenwall was not only organizing a trip tury the information highway west, This group entrusted the to Oregon, but was also a Mason. not to mention the main travel petition to another Freemason, Joel Spratt asked Cornwall to deliver the route, was a dirt path stretching Palmer, who planned a trip back charter. Cornwall agreed. On April from northwest Missouri to the east during the summer of that 1, 1848, a year and a half after the western frontier of this largely year. Brother Dougherty, a merGrand Lodge of Missouri issued it, unexplored, uncharted young chant,vi instructed Palmer, a mesthe charter left St. Joseph under the country. However dangerous, slow senger for the Hudson's Bay Comcare of Cornwall, his brother Arthur and unreliable, this highway, the panyvii to deliver the document to and their guide, Tom Fallon. There Oregon Trail, is the reason Missouri one of his business associates, were two others in the party. and Oregon Masonry have been James A. Spratt, in Platte City, MisIn Cornwall's own words, closely connected since the first souri. "The Charter was placed in my care edition of the first Oregon newspaat St. Joseph, Mo., late in the per went to press on February 5, month of December, 1847. I had a 1846. small party of five persons on the On that date, three Freemaway to California and we crossed sons who had survived the treachthe Missouri River a little above erous journey west placed the folCouncil Bluffs [Iowa] and traveled lowing ad in the Oregon StatesJoel Palmer used this powder flask on his up the south side of the Platte Rivman: journey from Oregon City to St. Joseph in er on our way to Californiax." Masonic notice: the mem1846, when he carried the petition for bers of the Masonic fraternity, in the charter of Multnomah Lodge. Oregon territory, are respectfully Presented by his grandson, Frank B. requested to meet at the City Palmer, McKenzie River Lodge No. 195. Photo courtesy John Olson, Multnomah Hotel, in Oregon City, on the 21st, Lodge #1. to adopt some measures to obtain a charter for a Lodge. Spratt's Lodge, Platte City #56, endorsed the petition and Joseph Hull, sent it on to the meetingviii of the P. G. Stewart, Grand Lodge of Missouri which William P. Dougherty. approved it with this simple entry February 5, 1846 appearing in the proceedings: Stewart was a watchmaker "A charter was granted to by trade, who had come to Oregon Multnomah Lodge, No. 84, on the ii from Springfield, Missouri . 19th day of October, 1846, locating Dougherty was initiated, passed The records of Platte City Lodge #56 the Lodge at Oregon City, Oregon dated June 24, 1844 Show five Entered and raised in Platte City Lodge #56 Territoryix." The following officers Apprentices, including George Spratt, in 1843iii. signed the charter: John Rawls, who was instrumental in communicating In addition to these three, between the Grand Lodge of Missouri Grand Master; John Taylor, Deputy four other Freemasons, Fendall C. and Multnomah #84. Courtesy Grand Grand Master; E. S. Ruggles, Senior Cason, Leon A. Smith, Frederich Lodge of Missouri. Grand Warden; F. L. Jacoby, Junior Waymier and Lot Whitcomb, a Grand Warden; attested by FrederNot long after they started, businessman from Vermontiv, ick L. Billon, Grand Secretary. Cornwall and his party met up with attended. They crafted a petition to At this point, the snail's Orrin and Joseph Kellogg and two the Grand Lodge of Missouri pace at which information traveled brothers named Hathaway, who requesting a Charter for the first back then becomes quite apparent. were making the journey westward Lodge in the Oregon Territory. The The Grand Lodge of Missouri from Ohio. This group of seven Lodge would be named Multnomreturned the Charter to Spratt, who men continued the trek together. ah, after an Oregon Territory Indian held onto it for over a year, apparCornwall learned the Kelloggs Chief. ently because he could not find were both Master Masons and told According to Dougherty, anyone suitable to deliver it back to them about the important cargo he Joseph Hull, who had been raised in Oregon. In December 1847, Spratt carried. and was Past Master of Milford met Pierre B. Cornwall in St. continues next page Lodge #54 in Ohio, was the author THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Summer 2006 75
Masonry’s Journey West continued
Arthur and Fallon, headed for the hills – literally. Joseph Kellogg carried the Charter to Oregon in a rawhide trunk he had constructed in 1834. This trunk, the Charter Trunk, sits today in a place of honor in Multnomah Lodge #1.
wine and oil. Brother Berryman Jennings conducted the Lodge constitution ceremony. Jennings was a man of firsts. Not only was he a member of Multnomah Lodge #1 and Burlington Lodge #1 in Iowa, but is also credited as being Iowa's first
The Francis Street Ferry, St. Joseph, Missouri, as it appeared in the midnineteenth century. It was most likely here Pierre B. Cornwall began his journey to Oregon with the Charter, although his party did not cross the river until it reached Council Bluffs, Iowa. Painting by John Falter.
The trip was not pleasant. Indian wars had erupted in the northwest. As a result Native American tribes along the trail were doing what they could to stop the westward migration. Cornwall and his party were captured and nearly killed. Fallon's wife was the daughter of a Pawnee chief. This fact, Fallon's knowledge of the language and customs of the tribe and a bit of fast-talking by Cornwall led to the group negotiating its release. Nevertheless, afterwards some younger braves still pursued the party. Cornwall suffered an arrow wound, which, fortunately, proved not to be serious. Upon reaching Fort Hall, near present-day Pocatello, Idaho, the group learned of the discovery of gold in California. That did it for Cornwall. He entrusted the Charter to the Kelloggs and, along with
Joseph Kellogg's trunk, known as the Charter Trunk, carried the Multnomah Charter on the final part of the journey. Photo courtesy John Olson, Multnomah Lodge #1.
The Kelloggs delivered the Charter to Joseph Hull on September 11, 1848,xi over two-and-a-half long years after the small group of Masons had met and requested it. Hull immediately called a meeting. The brothers met at noon on the same day on the second floor of a building owned by Daugherty. The improvised Lodge furnishings consisted of a barrel of flour in the East, a barrel of whiskey in the West and a barrel of salt pork in the South, symbolically representing corn,
In 1948 the Grand Lodge of Washington erected this plaque commemorating the memory of Pierre Cornwall on Multnomah's 100th anniversary. It clearly shows Missouri's influence on spreading Freemasonry to the west, even beyond Oregon. Photo courtesy John Olson, Multnomah Lodge #1. 76 Summer 2006
schoolmasterxii. Later he would become the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Jennings also was a member of and installed the first officers' line at Multnomah. The officers were: Worshipful Master - Joseph Hull Senior Warden - Orrin Kellogg Junior Warden - Fendall C. Cason Treasurer - Joseph Kellogg Secretary - Joel Palmer Senior Deacon - Lot Whitcomb Junior Deacon - Berryman Jennings Tyler - J.H. Bosworth The original petition named Brother William Dougherty as the prospective Senior Warden, but he succumbed to the promise of gold in California before the Charter arrived in Oregon. The Lodge named Orrin Kellogg to take his place. This first meeting lasted sixteen hours. In addition to consecrating the Lodge and installing officers, they initiated, passed and raised two brothers and conduced a first and second degree for another. Christopher Taylor, who had a stellar Masonic career including continues next page
being instrumental in forming the York and Scottish rites in Oregon and later becoming Grand Master, became the first Master Mason obligated west of the Rocky Mountains. The story might well end here, but almost immediately after this first meeting gold fever hit in full force. The ensuing exodus to California decimated Multnomah Lodge. Many members, including WM Hull, left. During the next two years the Lodge accomplished little, if anything. About this time, the Grand Lodge of Missouri began wondering how its fledgling Lodge was doing. Speculation suggests the Grand Lodge contacted John C. Ainsworth, a Missouri native who had come to Oregon at the insistence of the very same Lot Whitcomb who attended the initial meeting in 1846. Ainsworth stepped in. He reorganized and rejuvenated Multnomah Lodge and, in the process, became its Worshipful Master. In Ainsworth's words: "In 1850 I overhauled the records of Multnomah No. 84, at Oregon City, and made a report of the situation to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. I revived the old Lodge and, after much labor, got it in working order, and was elected Master at the first election ever held under the charter, and was, therefore the first elected Master of the oldest chartered Lodge on the Pacific coast.xiii" Largely due to Ainsworth's efforts, Multnomah Lodge #84, Grand Lodge of Missouri, survived to become Multnomah Lodge #1 Fenton continued
the way was checked and the disc was printed along with a paper printout. The last station was where the parent received two laminated identification cards with a plastic bag holding all the information. There was also a play area set up downstairs where the children could play while the parents stood in line. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
when the Grand Lodge of Oregon was established on September 15, 1851xiv. In 1948, commemorating the 100th anniversary of these historic events, the Grand Lodge of Missouri, represented by Grand Master M. E. Ewing, presented
This plaque, which the Grand Lodge of Missouri presented to Multnomah Lodge #1 on the occasion of its centennial, hangs in Multnomah Lodge #1 today. Photo courtesy John Olson, Multnomah Lodge #1.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1 with a plaque of commemoration. The plaque reads, "THE GRAND LODGE, A.F. & A.M. OF MISSOURI extends to its daughter, Multnomah Lodge No. 1, greetings on the occasion of its centennial. Should auld acquaintance be forgot." In addition, MWB Ewing presented Multnomah a duplicate charter to replace the original, which was destroyed in a fire in 1860. In today’s world where first class mail is considered "snail mail" compared to the instant connections achieved through the Internet and the telephone, it is difficult to comprehend the difficulty midnineteenth century society faced when trying to send information vast distances. The expanse between Missouri and Oregon was daunting, and the trip across the Every child left with a balloon, compliments of Bethel #43 Job's Daughters. Our computer operators never left their stations from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM when the last child was finished. Their comments were, "We would do it again, we hope it never has to be used, but if it helps only one child, the day was definitely worth it.”
plains and mountains was not just slow and inconvenient; it could be fatal. Despite these circumstances, a group of men felt strongly enough about the importance of Masonry to overcome all the obstacles in their way, and among the names of the pioneers of Oregon Masonry are men with roots in Missouri, the Masonic home of Oregon's first Lodge. i Unless otherwise indicated, information in this article is from How Freemasonry came to Oregon – A Brief History, by Frank W. Knoll, PM, Multnomah Lodge #1, Oregon City, Oregon, 1965 ii Oregon Native Son and Historical Magazine, Vol. 1 May, 1899 No. 1 iii "William P. Dougherty" by WB Tom Kingsbury, Steilacoom Lodge #2 F&AM of Washington, http://www.steilacoomLodge2.org/tressleboa rd12-04.htm iv Early Days and Ways in and around Milwaukie, Transcribed by W. David Samuelsen from Mr. Harvey Gordon Starkweather, January 12, 1939, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/or/hi story/wpa10.txt v "ibid., Kingsbury vi The History of Pierre B. Cornwall Lodge 289 of the Free and Accepted Masons of Washington Compiled by Steve Cronkhite, http://www.wamason.com/Bellingham/289pg3.htm vii ibid., Cronkhite viii Speculation that this meeting took place at the Holiday Inn Select in Columbia, Missouri, is probably unfounded. ix The History of Freemasonry, 1898, by Albert Gallatin Mackey, Part II, History of Freemasonry, Chapter LV, History of the Introduction of Masonry to Each State and Territory of the United States x Washington Masonic Tribune, December, 1995, page 4, Grand Historian's Note xi History Of The Walla Walla Lodges, http://members.hscis.net/~alexan/walla7/hist ory.html xii Annals of Iowa, Volume III, Nos. 5-6 AprilJuly, 1898, The Early Schools and Teachers of Iowa, By T. S. Parvin, LL. D. xiii ibid., Knoll xiv ibid., Mackey
There were hamburgers, chips and brownies in the kitchen being served for the workers (those that couldn't get away, ate their lunch at 4:30 after it was over.) Fenton Lodge #281 and Bethel #43, JDI, both received petitions that day and names of several prospects who are interested in their organizations.
Summer 2006 77
Grand Secretary Honored In Surprise Presentation Almost 200 members and friends of Missouri’s Masonic family attended a special program that surprised Right Worshipful Brother Ronald D. Miller and honored him for a decade of service to the state’s Grand Lodge. The event was hosted on March 14 by Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79 in Creve Coeur. Those attending had first had a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner and watched and listened to an informative program by the Masonic Home staff – the reason RWB Miller thought he was attending. Those attending included virtually all of the current Grand Lodge line, many Brothers who had served as Missouri’s Grand Master in the past and top officers of the Eastern Star and other Masonic-affiliated organizations. The surprise start of the evening started when "The character of an organization shows Polar Star-Rose Hill’s Worshipful Master, RWB Randy through the people who are in authority. Berger, called RWB Miller to the East and presented What better person could we have to reprehim with a beautiful clock to commemorate his 10 sent to our general public through thick and years as Grand Secretary. thin, through times of joy and even those RWB Miller quickly quipped that, in being givtimes of sorrow, than Ron Miller has been en a clock, "I don’t know if my time is up". for us?" With Deputy Grand Master RWB Bob Berger - MWB J.C. Montgomery, Jr. sharing emcee duties, the list of distinguished brothers paying tribute to RWB Miller started with complimentary remarks by MWB John Nations. His testimonial was followed by others, including many of the Past Grand Masters present. Past Grand Masters in attendance included: J.C. I was on the committee to help select the (Jack) Montgomery, William Chapman, P. Vincent Grand Secretary. We interviewed 6 - 8 men Kinkead, Vern Schneider, Steve Toybes, William for the job, but when Ron Miller finished... Soutiea, Don Scott, Robert Downey and Dan Cole. we weren't done interviewing yet, but I Brothers serving on the Home board also thought, 'that's the man.' attended, as did the staffs of the Grand Lodge and the - RWB Bruce R. Austin Masonic Home. Many of them joined in paying tribute to the Grand Secretary. Many District Deputies also attended. Most of the tributes included descriptions of the Grand Secretary using such words as "integrity", "devoted service" and "class". RWB Miller responded by saying it has been a privilege to serve with so many fine Grand Masters and other Brethren. He noted that "each Grand Master brings something special" to the Grand Lodge. He also praised his staff, noting it was their work that helped him look good. The audience, which filled "I cannot do this job by myself. I work with Polar Star-Rose six women who work very hard to make Hill’s renovated and Ron Miller look good." remodeled lodge - RWB Ron Miller hall and several rows of folded chairs set up west of the altar, also joined in singing Happy Birthday to RWB Miller. The evening of fraternal fellowship ended with those attending doubling back to the lodge’s dining hall for cake and more animated conversation. Polar Star-Rose Hill was especially happy to host the event as three of its members are in the Grand Line and two of them serve on the Home board.
"Grand Secretary is one of the most challenging and demanding jobs... There is no harder worker in the state of Missouri, I can tell you, than my friend and our brother RWB Ron Miller." - MWB John Nations
Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79 Worshipful Master RWB Randy Berger Presents RWB Ron Miller a clock to commemorate his ten years of service as Grand Secretary. 78 Summer 2006
"I truly love my job. I can't wait to get there in the morning, and I can't leave at night." - RWB Ron Miller
Summer 2006 79
Lodge of Research Prominent Masons in Missouri In order to facilitate the process of creating biographical information for the Lodge of Research, we have created this information sheet. This is basically what we need for the book(s). It is really not difficult to write. We need biographies from all Past District Deputies Grand’s both Lecturers and Masters along with any Brother who would like to make a contribution. 1. Where you were born? 2. Where did you attend school? 3. To whom are you married and how many children, grandchildren and etc.? 4. Where were you employed and for how long? 5. Any military service you might have performed. 6. Any additional achievements relative to your life that you feel would be of interest. 7. Your Masonic History is a natural. This information will be used in the books concerning Prominent Masons in Missouri. Please mail to: Ronald E. Wood, Jr. 1904 N. 36th St. St. Joseph, MO 64506
Exceptional Brother Lights the Way continued
ing a neighbor get out of the snow. While in the hospital, the doctors discovered a tumor that had surrounded his optic nerve. Vince had been suffering from diminished vision for some time, but the true reason had not been discovered. The doctors determined that the tumor must be removed and were very concerned about the location of the optic nerve. Unfortunately, the doctor’s concern was valid and the nerve was damaged to the point that Vince’s vision was permanently lost. Vince went through rehabilitation and occupational training with his usual good humor and good will. He works for the State of Missouri helping employers and job-seeking candidates. The state has worked with him to ensure his continued employment by providing the equipment necessary for a 80 Summer 2006
10 Reasons to Become a Mason A Masonic Lodge is: 1. A place where you can confidently trust every person and trust your family with them also. 2. A place where, within moral and civil guidelines, free thought, free speaking and the spiritual growth of man, can grow into its fullest potential. 3. A place to meet outstanding individuals from all walks of life, that a person would not otherwise have had the opportunity to know and call brother. 4. A place to be a part of an organization which has for its principal tenets: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. 5. A place that provides self-development opportunities, leadership training and experience, and to improve public speaking skills. 6. A place you can go to seek support as well as give it. 7. A place where moral virtues are taught and through these teachings a regular reinforcement of the moral virtues is experienced. 8. A place to spend time with a group of brothers who, by acting as good men, make me want to become a better man. Not better than others, but better than I would have otherwise been. 9. A place to become better equipped to serve Church and community. 10. A place to meet with established members of the community and to become a part of the community. Freemasonry: The Fraternity that cares!
sight-impaired person to work in an office environment. Vince has returned to work and continues to help others. Before Vince’s surgery, he was quite proficient and conferred many degrees. After he got out of the hospital, the brothers encouraged him to return and get involved, which he did and he has re-acquired many of his skills. The brothers in Lodge and Study Club have not created an atmosphere where Vince was treated as a disabled person who deserves our pity. Instead, the brothers treat him with the same respect and love as any other brother, including typical harassment that occurs in Study Club. Vince has been presented with the Rising Sun Mason Of The Year award this last year because of his sprit and fortitude. The only assistance given to Vince is an escort when he must come down
from the East and to be told when to perform a function when there is no verbal cue. Vince only wants a quiet "OK" when he needs to do something. Vince’s goal is to be able to perform all ritual in the East. When Vince enters the Lodge, his typical entrance is punctuated with his saying "Ok guys, quit being so cheap and turn on the lights!" One time in study club, when light was requested, Vince responded with "Yea, me too!" After several minutes of laughter, and many tears wiped from eyes, order was returned. His spirit, smile, and brotherly love make him a beloved member of Rising Sun. Our cardinal virtues are Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice and Vince’s life has exemplified these virtues. This article was edited and approved by WB Vince Taibi. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Why I Became a Mason . . . By Steward M. L. Pollard posed to his wife, one of the stipulations she made Stewart M. L. Pollard is a member of Ralph J. before she would agree to marry him was that he Pollard Lodge #217, Orrington, Maine and served the would have to petition a Masonic Lodge. "She was Masonic Service Association as its Executive Secretary active in Job's Daughters.) from 1977-87. R. W. Brother "Jack" Kelly, Past Grand Master of Stew shares many stories of "why" men have Texas, recalls that when he was a small boy in Indiana become Masons. MSA would encourage Lodges to use he was recuperating from pneumonia at the time that this STB as a program and ask the Brothers present to his grandfather died. He remembers being wide-eyed tell their story too!! -editor when the house seemed to be filled with men wearing Prior to his initiation, a candidate is asked pertifunny hats with white feathers on them and carrying nent questions relative to his motivation in seeking the swords. He was told that they were Knights Templar privileges of Masonry and is asked to give assurances and were there to conduct Grandpa's funeral. He also that his decision was not influenced by mercenary has fond memories of the kindnesses and concern the motives, However, he is not asked to be spemen had for him. When it was explained that his cific an to what actually influenced him to grandfather had been the Commander of the Knights become a Mason. It is not until we listen to the Templar and the men were there because of their ritualistic exchange between the Worshipful love of his grandfather it made a great and lasting Master and the Senior Warden that we hear impression upon him. One of his most cherthe question "What induced you to become ished possessions is the engraved Templar a Master Mason?" The ritual answer to sword which had been his grandfather's. that question is familiar to all of us. He claims that that early exposure to The Master of a Virginia Masonic brotherhood was a great influence Lodge a few years ago received word on his desire to become a Mason. just as he was about to open his lodge A surprising number of brethren that his guest speaker for the evening informed me that they were Masons as a had been rushed to the hospital result of the urging of their children, who moments before. Undaunted, he were anxious to join one of the youth opened the lodge, conducted the necgroups, and many of them expressed how surprised essary business, and then announced the they were when they learned that other close family alternative program for the evening. "What induced members or business associates were sitting on the YOU to become a Mason?" he asked. After allowing the sidelines when they were raised. Had they known that brethren to think about it for a few minutes, he called these family members or friends were members of the upon several brethren to give their answers. It seems fraternity they would have petitioned sooner. This that each of us have vivid memories of when, where points up the fact that we tend to carry Masonic "Secreand why we made the decision to apply for membercy" too far when we fail to talk about our Masonic activship in the world's largest and oldest fraternal organiities to our friends and family. zation. A young Junior Warden of a Wyoming Lodge, This paper was inspired by the answers given approached me at a Grand Lodge of Wyoming Annual on that night. Since then, all over the country, that Communication and announced that he was a Master question has been posed to many brethren. The Mason as a result of an M.S.A. Short Talk Bulletin. responses have been fascinating inspiring and interestWhen asked to explain, he said that he had come home ing. Basically, the responses fall into several general from work one day and his father passed him a copy of categories: a Short Talk Bulletin, suggesting that he read it. That Examples set by family and friends evening he did read the bulletin and the following Urging of wives, mothers or sweethearts morning asked his father for a petition. As a matter of Demolay activities curiosity, I asked him if he recalled the title of that Short Impressive Masonic funerals Talk Bulletin. It turned out that it was a bulletin I had Masonic Charities written several years before, entitled, "Dear Son". I hope Curiosity his father knows how proud I am to have assisted in Surprisingly, the number who indicated that being an influence. they joined just so they could get into one of the A District Inspector in the Grand Lodge of appendant bodies, or who acknowledged that they Maryland is quick to explain that he was influenced to were ASKED to join, were so few that it appears not to become a Mason by the example set by Past Grand be a major factor. Master William Jacobs of the District of Columbia, who One Grand Master confided that when he proTHE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Summer 2006 81
In the January 1989 issue of the Virginia Masonmany years before had been the Dad Advisor of his ic Herald, there was an open letter from a newly raised DeMolay Chapter. "I wanted to be just like Dad Jacobs, brother (Bro. Michael Stairs of Willis V. Fentress Lodge who so willingly gave of himself to every boy in the #296, Virginia Beach, Va.) As his letter so graphically Chapter. If Dad Jacobs was a Mason, then I wanted to explains his motivations in joining the fraternity, generbe one! What an example he was to us!" ous extracts from his letter follow: Ed Rose, former Director of the Veterans "Several years ago I met and married a young Administration Voluntary Services Division, tells this woman who would turn my life around in ways neither fascinating story related by his Grandmother when he she nor I expected. You see, she is the daughter of a was growing up. It seems that she and his grandfather Master Mason. I knew very little about Freemasonry had gone to Arkansas from their home in Virginia for a then, but the more I became acquainted with her father vacation. While there, his grandfather became gravely the better my perception of Freemasonry became. My ill and passed away. His grandmother was at wits end. respect for this man has grown to immense proporShe wanted to take the body back to Virginia for burial tions. He is a good man, an honest man, a man of in the family plot, but she had no funds until she could virtue and integrity, a spiritual man; a man that will go get back. Fortunately, the Coroner learned that her husout of his way to do what he feels in his heart is right; band was a Mason, and contacted the local Arkansas a man that can't be swayed by the evils of the world lodge. Almost immediately, members of the lodge and a man of immeasurable character and pride. The were there to comfort and console her and to offer more I got to know this man the more I began to think assistance. Within a few hours, they had made arrangeto myself that there must be something to Freemasonments for the body to be shipped to Virginia by train ry. and she was provided with a train ticket to accompany Several years after I married, I approached my the body. Members of that lodge also travelled with her father-in-law and asked him until they were met by how I could become a members of her husMason, He said, "All you band's lodge. She quickly “The more I got to know this man the more I have to do is ask." I did and went to the bank and began to think to myself that there must be soon thereafter, I was initiatwithdrew funds so she something to Freemasonry.� ed into the mysteries of could repay them, but - Bro. Michael Stairs of Willis V. Fentress Freemasonry. This was the those who had accompaLodge #296, Virginia Beach, Va. first step towards what have nied her could not be been some of the richest, located. She told that stogreatest, and most profound ry over and over again to experiences of my life." her grandchildren, emphasizing that that was the kind To avoid him any embarrassment, we won't of men they should try to be. Ed likes to tell that he identify the brother who confided that his original motimade the decision to be a Mason when he was eight vation to join the Craft was because he thought it years old. Isn't it great to know that there are men of would be "good for business" He had noticed that a that stature in our government! number of men who were in the same line of work Ill. Brother Joseph R. ("Jose") Gilbert, 330, a were Masons, and that maybe he could gain some Pennsylvania Mason living in New Jersey, gave this advantage if he were to become one. As he progressed reply when asked what had induced him to become a through the degrees he realized how wrong he had Mason. "Without the built in advantage of having my been. One of his business competitors served as his Dad or brother as members of the Craft, I made my mentor as he learned his catechisms and became one decision to petition a lodge for membership only after of his closest friends. On the night that he was raised he much thought and some years of decision. I did my was amazed to find his father, his father-in-law and two best to find things I did not like about Freemasonry and of his uncles had flown in just to be with him on that found that I was wasting my time; there was no such "Special milestone" in his life. It was then that he fully thing! Every man I saw with that pin on, every man I realized how wrong his initial motivation had been. called a dear friend who wore the Square and comThink about it! What induced YOU to petition passes, every man I met in Business, at church, socialfor the degrees? Think about the Masons who have ly...all were of a purpose, a principle, a way of life...that influenced your life, and your way of thinking. I felt a kinship with. I felt quite sure, even before I submitted my petition, that the men I assumed to be THE SHORT TALK BULLETIN Masons as I went through life, were an accurate repreThe Masonic Service Association of the United States sentation of what I would find if I were fortunate VOL. 70 April 1992 NO. 4 enough to be accepted. That was over forty years ago Republished with permission and I have no reason to think otherwise since that night I was raised. I thank God for that!"
82 Summer 2006
Sharing Missouri’s Rainbow Treasures... Greetings to everyone! I have so much exciting news to share with you. On February 4th, we met in Wentzville to institute a new assembly and to install its officers. Fifteen young ladies were installed as Wentzville's first corps of officers. All these girls seem very eager and I'm excited to get to know them better as we all welcome them into our beautiful Order. After the installation, everyone was invited downstairs for a delicious meal before heading home. They had an amazing candy house that we were able to tear apart and take home actual candy bars. m-m-m-m The day was very successful and I thank everyone who made the day possible and thank those who attended. A special thank you to any Mason who had a small or large part in the day! I continue to enjoy explaining the State Service Project as my travels intersect with those of our State Dean, Yvonne Young. We are gathering many supplies (from food to leashes to cash to more) for various Missouri Humane Societies. The donations are adding up very well and we are excited about our final presentation at Grand Assembly in June. I also enjoy the time and effort Yvonne and her group of State Officers is giving the Grand Officers and me. Yvonne is only a phone call (or, more likely, an email) away and her support of our young ladies is tremendous. Thank you! The Conferring of new designates are about to begin and, if you are a Master of the Grand Cross of Color AND a Mason--please attempt to attend at least one of these ceremonies in Missouri. More information regarding dates, THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
times and locations can be found on our website: www.moiorg.org. My last official visit is on April 1 at 2:00 at North Kansas City's Alpha Lodge location. This visit will also be my official reception. I'm not quite certain what is being planned...and even though it's April Fool's Day...I'd like as many people as possible to attend. That evening is the much-anticipated DeMolay Knights Dance honoring the Masonic Youth Groups' Grand Officers. We always have a "ball" and are always grateful for the "above and beyond" this group provides us. Our thanks to them! From "my" district surrounding Kansas City to the districts surrounding Columbia, Springfield, and St. Louis, I send our appreciation for all the fun, food and prizes (!) at February's Masonic Youth Day. The public ceremonies were informative, the pizza was phenomenal and having time to visit with old friends as well as making some new friends was a delight. We hope more Masons will come in the years to come so you can introduce yourself and so we can thank you, personally, for all you do! Have you visited a Rainbow Assembly yet this year? Have you helped a Masonic home? (Did you see the article in the Winter Issue #15 of the "MASONIC Home of Missouri" about "our own" Teresa Harris? We are so proud of her!!) Have you volunteered to bring an Assembly refreshments, fresh ideas, a membership challenge OR have you bought an ad for our Grand Assembly program book? (Ad amounts begin at $5 and end at "how much do you have?") Do you have questions that need answering about our Order? Please look at that website quoted previ-
ously and find an Assembly or Grand Deputy to check in with--if they don't have answers, I can assure you they will find them! My year is nearly over and the next Grand Worthy Advisor will be installed on July 3, 2006, in Springfield at our annual Grand Assembly. Grand Assembly is a time of coming together--for our lovely Rainbow Girls, Grand Cross Masters, Pledges and more. We enjoy our meetings, our swimming, our banquets--we enjoy everything there! Please find some time to support our soon-to-be-new Grand Worthy Advisor! She needs you...WE need you! Puppy Licks and Tail Wags, Pamela Baker Grand Worthy Advisor State of Missouri
~ NOTICE ~ SCHOOLS OF INSTRUCTION June 17, 2006, 9:00am Ivanhoe Lodge #446 Kansas City, Missouri
July 15, 2006 9:00am Higginsville Lodge #364 Higginsville, Missouri
August 12, 2006 9:00am TriLumina Lodge #205 Marshall, Missouri
Michael F. Armstrong, RGL, Region C
Summer 2006 83
Searching for Masonic Home History On February 25, 2006, the Masonic Home of Missouri unveiled the first exhibition on the history of the Home from 1889 to the 1990s, to the Board of Directors during a luncheon reception at the Masonic Complex in Columbia. MO. The exhibition is open for public viewing Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 4:00 pm. We are in the process of planning a formal grand opening in the near future. At this time we are inviting the Masonic and Eastern Star membership to assist in providing additional artifacts to enhance our displays. Due to the change in focus from the original ideas of a Masonic Museum, our request for items is more specific than general Masonic items. This first request by the Museum is for display items that may have been used at the original Masonic Home located on Delmar Blvd in St. Louis. When the Delmar facility was closed, an auction was held and many of the contents were sold. We are hoping that many of those articles are still in the possession of individuals or Lodges who may wish to donate or loan the items to the Masonic Home Museum. The Museum is particularly looking for furniture, curtains, pianos, dishes and silverware, clothing worn by residents, toys, and sports equipment played with by the children, books from the library, and artwork or mirrors that hung on the walls. The museum is also interested in any mantels, staircases, chandeliers or other building fragments that people might have saved from the wrecking ball. And finally, we are also interested in any photographs, scrapbooks, schoolbooks, or papers or business records saved from the Home.
Since this is the first stage of the Museum, we will continue to approach lodges and chapters with request for items that will tell the story of the Masonic Home and the supportive bond between the Lodges and Chapters and all our members. If you can help or know of someone who might be able to help, please call the curator, Cindee Herrick at the Masonic Home Corporate Offices at 800-434-9804 or 573-814-4663. She may also be reached electronically at Cherrick@mohome.org or by writing the Masonic Home of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite C, Columbia, MO 65202.
84 Summer 2006
Help the Children… All Lodges and Chapters we need your help. NOW IS THE TIME! Please join us in raising money for our two Children’s Programs by getting your lodge involved with our 4th Annual 'Leaves of Au8tumn'Golf Outing. Pictured above is Corinthian Lodge No. 265 Putting Green Sponsorship $25.00 (Lodges/Chapters only) Putting Green with Ad Booklet $35.00 (Lodges/Chapters only) Driving Range Sponsorship $75.00 Bogey Sponsorship (Hole Sign) $250.00 Ad Booklet $25, $50 or $100 There are many sponsorship levels, if you would like more details please contact the Public Relations Department at the Masonic Home. 800-434-9804 We wish to thank all the Lodges, Chapters and members who participated in our Outing Last year and who have already donated toward this year's tournament.
Silent Auction, Live Auction & Raffle prizes are also needed.
September 11, 2006 Shot Gun 10:30am
Age and Length of Membership Guidelines for the Children’s Outreach Program In order to qualify for the Children’ s Outreach Program you must be the legal dependent of a Missouri Master Mason, Female member of the Order of the Eastern Star or a child must be an active member for twentyfour months in Job’s Daughters, Rainbow for Girls or DeMolay. Whether you are qualifying under your parent's membership or your own youth membership you must have been a member in Good Standing for twenty-four months. The Masonic Home does not discourage anyone from making application however Age and Length of Membership are reviewed and taken into account during the approval process by the Masonic Home’s Board of Directors.
ATTENTION! Masonic Home Representatives It is Time for Grand Secretary’s Area Meetings It is getting to be that time again when the Director of Public Relations for the Masonic Home will be traveling with the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri for the Annual Grand Secretary’s Area Meetings. These area meetings are not only for the Lodge Secretaries but it is also for the Lodge Masonic Home Representatives. We want to encourage all Masonic Home Representatives to attend an Area Meeting, if at all possible. The meeting list is available in this issue of the Missouri Freemason.
Attention 2006 Masonic Home Representatives: Each year the Masonic Home of Missouri holds a Luncheon to thank the Masonic Home Reps for their hard work during the course of the year. This year the Luncheon will be held on September 25, 2006 during Grand Lodge Annual Communication. This event will be held from 11:45am-1:00pm at the Holiday Inn Executive Center. We will send more detailed information out closer to the event. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Summer 2006 85
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Summer 2006 89
WB Lester J. Brown received his 50 Year Jewel and Certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri at Liberty Lodge #31 on February 13, 2006. He was raised on February 11,
On February 19, 2006, Angerona Lodge No. 193 presented Brother Ralph Conley his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. RWB Wayne Dugan and WB Rick Clevenger made the presentation. Pictured from right are Brother Ralph Conley and his wife Jane and Marla and Jonathan Jannings (daughter and son-inlaw of Brother Conley).
1956. WB Brown was one of the first brothers raised in Liberty's current building, which was completed that year. He received his EA and Fellow Craft degrees at the Odd Fellows Hall in Liberty prior to the present location's completion. Addressing the brothers at the presentation, WB Brown said, "The thing I remember most about my third degree was we didn't have a carpet in the lodge room. This floor was nothing but cold, hard cement!" WB Brown served as Master of Liberty lodge in 1966, served as Treasurer from 1972 - 1978 and remains one of its most active members. Pictured: WB Ron Zimmer looks on as WM Adam Fauss presents WB Brown his 50 year jewel.
On March 2, 2006 RWB Jerry Hanson, Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee presented Brother Joseph B. Denson of Sikeston Lodge #697 the certificate and 50-year pin of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Brother Denson received the award at a stated meeting of Bartlett Lodge #697, Bartlett, Tennessee.
Brother Ed Ryan of Masters Lodge #542 received his 50 year pin and award in March 2006. Presenting the pin are R.W.B. John Jackson, Senior Warden and W.B. Dave Fritchey, Secretary.
On February 28, 2006, Union Lodge #593, Union, Missouri presented a 50-year pin and Grand Lodge certificate to Brother Dr. Melvin Jones. WM James Cooper presided and Bro. Jones’ wife Maxine presented her husband with the pin.
Bro Jim Ellis, an active Master Mason from Ben Franklin Lodge #642 after receiving his 50-year pin from RWB Bob Berger.
RWB Bob Berger, after presenting 2 50-year pins to both of these brethren from Ben Franklin Lodge #642. These 2 brethren are Bob’s relatives as well as members of his Lodge. Pictured are Joe and Jeri Schenberg, Bob, Elaine and Ron Beiemer. 90 Summer 2006
On April 6, 2006, M. W. B. Fielding Poe, Jr. was honored for his 50 years of service to Freemasonry. M. W. B. John Nations after offering his personal words of thanks presents the 50-Year Jewel to Fran Poe to pin on the guest of honor, M. W. B. Fielding Poe, Jr. Past and present Grand Masters attending the ceremony: M. W. B. J. C. Montgomery, Jr. (1978-1979), M. W. B. Fielding A. Poe, Jr. (1976-1977), M. W. B. Vern H. Schneider (19841985), M. W. B. D. Robert Downey (1991-1992), M. W. B. Wilfred G. Soutiea (1999-2000), M. W. B. Elmer E. Revelle (2004-2005), and M. W. B. John M. Nations (2005-2006)
A. F. & A. M. 50 YR. MASON Cooper Lodge #36 of the Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons Fraternity was honored Tuesday evening, Jan 23, 2006, to present our Brother Master Mason Jim Marshall with his 50 year service award. The evening started with a dinner in his honor and the award was presented by the District Deputy Grand Lecturer Jim Wade, from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The Certificate of Service from the Grand Lodge was read by Brother Bill Sullivan, Secretary of the local Lodge. Jim’s wife, Dorothy, attaches his 50 year pin. Congratulations, Brother Jim Marshall, and Thank You for your service to the fraternity.
On February 2, 2006, Ray Lodge No. 223 and Plattsburg Lodge No. 113 presented Brother Elwyn Elliott his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The presentation was made by RWB Wayne Dugan at Oakridge Health Care Center in Plattsburg. Pictured At Camden Point Lodge #169 on Jan 3rd, WBro James Wesley Paden received the 50 year jewel of a Missouri Mason. He is flanked by his two sons, Jim on the left and Loren on the right. The presentation was made by RWB Larry Cook, DDGM, 17th Masonic District of Missouri.
Learn more about
from left are Brothers Elbert Dixon, Charles Shoemaker, Jeff Elliott, Larry Freeman, Elwyn Elliott, Richard Duncan, and Skip Willdermood.
On Thursday, January 5th, 2006, Bro. Robert Witten of Trenton Lodge #111, was presented with his 50 yr Missouri Master Mason Pin. The presentation was preceded by some very enjoyable piano music. After the presentation program, refreshments were served in the dining room. Pictured are three other Trenton Lodge 50 yr pin holders and the two presenters: left to right: Bro Paul Ellis, Bro. William Robbins, R.W.Bro. Bob O'Dell RGL"A" (who presented the pin), Bro. Robert Witten (recipient), R.W.Bro. Delbert Gentry (Chaplin for the presentation), and Bro. Justin Griffin.
On April 14, 2005 Kennett Lodge No. 68, Kennett, Missouri presented Brothers Dr. John Scott and Bob Lamb their 50-year pin and Certificate. Pictured are Bro. Scott, RWB Bob Young, DDGM of the 40th Masonic District and Bro. Lamb. RWB Rodney Pitts made the presentation. Thirty-eight members and guests were present.
Douglas Lodge #361 AF&AM of Mascoutah, Illinois presented Brother Gerald B. McKean his 50-year pin and certificate on January 6, 2006. Worshipful Master Richard Copeland of Douglas Lodge presided at the ceremony held at Brother McKean’s home.
(Child Identification Program) at
momason.org/programs.asp THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Summer 2006 91
Tuesday February 21, 2006 was a memorable day for the members of Perseverance Lodge No. 92 as they had the privilege of honoring Brother Claude E. Hawkins for his 50 years in Masonry. RWB Francis (Pete) Johnson presented Brother Hawkins his certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Brother Hawkins wife Roxie had the honor of pinning his 50-year pin to his lapel. After the presentation, Brother Hawkins was escorted to the East, where he made a few comments concerning his 50 years in Masonry and thanked everyone for making this evening an enjoyable one. Afterwards everyone was treated with cake and coffee in the dining hall.
A. F. & A. M. 65 YR. MASON Cooper Lodge #36 of the Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons Fraternity was honored Tuesday evening, 2/14/06, to present our Brother Master Mason Jesse T. McMahan with his 65 year service award. The evening started with a dinner in his honor and the award was presented by the Grand Lodge Deputy District Grand Master, Daren Clark(Right), District Deputy Grand Lecturer, Jim Wade (left), and Cooper Lodge Master Eddie Fisher (far right). Congratulations, Brother J. T. McMahan, and Thank You for your years of service.
On February 12, 2006, six members of Craftsmen Lodge #717 gathered at Bethesda South Gate, St. Louis, to present their fraternal Brother John Peters with his fifty-year pin from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Brother Peters was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in America Lodge #347, on May 22, 1956 and was presented his pin early because of health problems. With the merger of America-Good Hope Lodge #218 and Harmony Lodge #499, Brother Peters became a charter member of Craftsmen Lodge #717 on March 14, 1997. Pictured standing are WB James Shadowens, RWB Wayne Roscoe, WB Tom Kuhn, SW James Henson, WB Jerry comer and WB Robert Anderson. Brother Peters is seated.
On Thursday, March 16, 2006, Marceline Lodge #481, held an open meeting in its dining room to present Bro. Richard King his 50 yr Missouri Master Mason Pin. There was a large number of family and friends present for this ceremony. Bro. King is also very active in the local TriCounty Shrine Club parade unit. After the ceremony there was an ice cream social. Pictured left to right: R. W.Bro. Bob O'Dell RGL"A" (presented the jewel)., Bro. Richard King.
92 Summer 2006
On February 19, 2006, Liberty Lodge No. 31 and Angerona Lodge No. 193 presented Brother Frank Maudlin his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. RWB Wayne Dugan and WB Rick Clevenger made the presentation. Pictured from left are Brothers Frank Maudlin and Gene Clevenger and WM Rick Clevenger.
5/25/2006 - Thur. - District 17 Rising Sun 13 K.C. 7:30pm 6/03/2006 - Saturday District 16 Missouri City 9am RWB R. Jones & RD Robin 6/20/2006 - Tuesday - District 8 Winston 8pm 7/08/2006 - Saturday District 7 Lincoln LDG 138 at Fillmore 9 am 7/29/2006 - Saturday District 17 Rising Sun 13 K.C. 9am 8/05/2006 - Saturday District 16 Plattsburg 9am 8/19/2006 - Saturday District 6 Maryville 9am
MWB John M. Nations stands with the brothers of Wayne Lodge #526 during his official visit March 9, 2006.
Past Master Walter Acker, of Windsor Lodge # 29, Presents a check in the amount of $300.00 to asst. Scout Master Dale Eckhoff, the results of our fund raising dinner 03-18-06.
New Madrid Lodge #429 recently Installed its Officers for the 2006 year. They are from left to right: Junior Deacon Bobby Rooker, Senior Steward Wayne Godwin, Junior Warden Marc Godwin, Senior Warden Leroy Nunn, Master Johnny H. Edwards, Treasurer and out going Master Glen Medlin, Secretary Charles C. Harley.
Washington Lodge #87, Greenfield, Missouri held a Masonic Widows Dinner and program on February 14th, 2006. Front Row: Velma Jewell, Marge Walker & Dessie Learning; 2nd Row: Edith Friend, Elnora Russell & Henrietta Lowrance; 3rd Row: Nancy Brown, Neomi Wilson & Pat Atkisson Back Row: Frances Thomas, Irene Finley & Mary Hunt Prizes were given to Dessa Learning for the eldest Widow here, to Neomi Wilson coming from the greatest distance and Masonic Sweetheart, Elnora Russell. Submitted by John W. Shoemaker, WM.
Caruthersville Lodge #461 held its annual installation of officers of January 7, 2006. Pictured are 1st row L to R: Mike Akins, WM; Michael A. Burch, SW; Christopher Gestring, Tiler; RWB Clyde Pruiett. 2nd row L to R: RWB Bob Brannum, Treasurer; Joseph I. Pattillo, Marshal; WB Alfred J. Holland, WB Bob Livesay Installing Master; Tom Burch Secretary.
Area Masons and the Grand Lodge of Missouri and some private donations donated the necessary funds for a laptop computer for Tianna Crocker who has a physical handicap. The lodges contributing were Barnesville, Hopewell, Bunker, Eminence, Grandin, Summersville, and Mountain View. Presented by Herbert Shell DDGM of the 36th Masonic District to the Southern Reynolds County R2 School District. Pictured from left to right: Herbert Shell; DDGM, Christianna Crocker; mother, Tianna Crocker; student, Randy Crocker; father, and Nancy Bland; school counselor.
Missouri Freemason Deadlines ISSUE Fall, 2006 Winter, 2006 Spring, 2007 Summer, 2007 THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
DEADLINE July, 1, 2006 October 1, 2006 January 9, 2007 April 1, 2007 Summer 2006 93
The Masonic Bodies of Weston perform Community Service Weston Lodge No. 53 and West Chapter No. 197 teamed up to conduct a ‘Child Identification’ event (CHIP). The CHIP is sponsored by the Masonic Children’s Foundation of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. This event was held on December 17, 2005 at Weston High School. This program needs about 30 volunteers to conduct the event, for which a call for help was sent out to surrounding areas. Masons from Agency, St. Joseph, Gower, Edgerton, Platte City and Eastern Star ladies from Platte City, Edgerton, Parkville and Barry were on hand in support of the event. Along with getting the community involved with the CHIP’s program, they helped needy families throughout the day. Between 25 Masons, O.E.S. ladies
and other volunteers they put together 300 fruit baskets for senior citizens. This tradition stared by Weston Lodge in the early 1970’s is still going strong. In addition to the fruit baskets, the volunteers delivered groceries for a complete Christmas dinner to more than 25 needy families; they also provided coats, boots, clothing & toys for the kids in those families. The costs for these events were raised by the fruit sale Weston Lodge held along with donations from individuals and business in the community. They raised approximately $6,000 to help support needy families. Larry Cook Past Master, Weston Lodge No. 53 DDGM, District No. 17
St. Clair County Lodge #273 held its annual Veterans breakfast on Friday, November 11, 2005. The purpose of the breakfast is to honor Veterans and their spouses. Veterans Day, Friday November 11, 2005, St Clair Lodge No. 273 hosted the annual appreciation breakfast honoring all veterans and their spouses. About 75 veterans of WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and Iraq attended the old fashioned breakfast. Late last year, Terry Tullock, Senior Warden of Tyro Lodge #12, New Caledonia, MO, discovered the lodge's original charter while going through some old papers stored in the Lodge. The charter was folded in an envelope and in deteriorating condition. Lodge member John Robinson III volunteered to pay to have it restored. At the January meeting, Bro. Robinson and his family presented the charter back to the lodge. The date on the charter was April 7, 1825. Tyro Lodge is the oldest continuous chartered lodge west of the Mississippi River. Pictured with the restored charter are John Robinson Jr., Willard Rieffer, John Robinson III, Paul Robinson, and Dan Robinson. (See related story on page 95)
Workers included WB John Reeves, Bro George Pyeatt, WB Leroy Raymond, WB Roy Scarborough, Bro Doug Pyeatt, Bro RG Fields, WB Bill Dill, Brenda Kerns, Sharon Medina and WB Jim Courtney. The breakfast has been well received and more attend each year. On Saturday, October 21, 2006, Perseverance Lodge #92 in Louisiana, Missouri will renew its efforts to hold the annual Grand Master's Breakfast. Ask the older members to share their memories of these past events and you will be inspired to participate this time. Promptly at 4:00 A.M. the Worshipful Master will rap the gavel and the proceedings will be under way at Perseverance Lodge #92 at the corner of Georgia Street and 7th Street in Louisiana, Missouri. Once the lodge is opened, the Worshipful Master will welcome all visitors and introduce his officers. The Grand Master will then be formally received, given the Grand Honors, and escorted to the East, where he will deliver his message to the brethren. Promptly at 5:00 A.M. the lodge will be closed and the brethren will retire to the dining room for a breakfast of ham and eggs. A free will offering will be collected and used to cover the expenses of the meal with the remainder of the money going to the Masonic Home. Since this the first time that this event is being held in several years, please let us know how many from your lodge are planning to attend. We need this information by the first of October to help us plan the meal. Your timely responses will help us make this a successful event. Please send your reservations to: Kenneth (Bucky) Ward, 13984 Pike 273, Louisiana, Missouri 63353 or call my phone number which is: 573-754-6328. This is truly a unique experience that we would like to encourage each of you to come and participate in. Mark your calendars to reserve this date with us.
94 Summer 2006
Arlington Lodge #346 AF & AM hosted a CHIP workshop on Saturday the 28th of January. CHIP stands for CHild Identification Program. Members of the Lodge and other volun-
teers provided parents or guardians of children a disc. The disc contained color digital photos, fingerprints, and other important information critical to the recovery of the children in the event they should ever become lost or abducted. A dental impression and identification cards were also provided as well as refreshments. Members of the Pulaski County Sheriffs Dept. and the Dixon Fire Dept. were also on hand to assist the children and provide handouts. For more information about CHIP you can go to: momason.org/programs.asp
Several years ago the Caledonia historical society applied at the National Register for recognition for old houses and organization in Caledonia. Some of them were approved. We are proud to announce Tyro Lodge received a plaque from the National Register of Historic places by the US Dept of Interior. Lodge members will display the plaque pictured above in their lodge building.
Joplin’s Fellowship Lodge #345, chartered in 1870, was the host of an historical Masonic event on the evening of February 10, 2006, at the beautiful Scottish Rite Masonic Center. Most Worshipful Brother John Nations, Missouri’s Grand Master, Most Worshipful Lawrence J. Mersberg, Grand Master from Kansas, and Kent Callahan, Grand Master
the gorgeous Scottish Rite dining room. After dinner, Lodge was opened in due form in the auditorium where Fellowship’s Willam Center received his 50 year service award that was presented by Most Worshipful John Nations in a very poignant ceremony. During regular business Fellowship’s W.M. J.H. Lawson presented each of the Grand Pictured receiving his Fifty Year Award from MWB. John Nations is William Center.
from Oklahoma, plus many other Masonic dignitaries were all present at one very special communication. The evening began with a succulent prime rib dinner prepared by Sandy Claar and the Knights St. Andrew and served in
Masters a check for $1,000 to be given to his favorite charity. After regular business was conducted each of the guests was introduced and asked by Fellowship’s Senior Deacon, Right Worshipful Rod Tremble, to mention their years of
On Tuesday, January 10th, 2006, Brookfield Lodge #86, installed its officers for the 2006 year. The open installation was preceded by a fine meal prepared by the incoming Master. Pictured left to right, front row: RWB Bob O'Dell, RGL "A",(Installing Master); RWB Larry Lentz, DDGM 10, S. Warden; WB George Teeter, WM; Bro. Chris Butterfield, J. Deacon; Bro. Roy Wells, Tyler. Back Row: Bro. David Ingram, S. Steward; RWB Don Allen, DDGL 10, J. Warden; Bro. Carl Jacobs, Chaplin; RWB Jerry Black, (Installing Chaplin); RWB Eddie Smith, Installing Marshal). Not pictured: Bro. Porter Robinson, Treas.; Bro. Jesse Hicks, Marshal; RWB Gail Turner, Junior Grand Deacon, S. Deacon; Bro. Roger Carr, J. Steward.
Masonic service. There were 64 guests who had a combined 964 years of Masonic service. Then the Grand Masters from Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas were officially received and given the Grand Honors. Each of the Grand Masters was very excited to share his enthusiasm over the new Masonic ground that was being broken in their Fellowship’s WM J.H. Lawson is shown presenting a $1,000 check to Missouri’s Grand Master MWB John Nations. Also pictured are: center, Kansas’ Grand Master MWB Lawrence J. Mersberg, and standing on MWB Mersberg's left, Oklahoma’s Grand Master MWB Kent Callahan, who are also receiving $1,000 checks.
respective states and the fraternities rising memberships. Fellowship Lodge is thankful to the Grand Masters and all the dignitaries and visitors that made February 10, 2006 a very special evening.
Summer 2006 95
yself In Freemas M e v o r p onry To Im The Other First Time Publication of the Grand Lodge "For the first time in its long history, Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Missouri, has an official publication," is the opening line of the first issue of The Freemason Vol. I. No. 1 (December, 1954). This publication began as the first action of the newly formed Special Committee on Masonic Education, appointed for that purpose. The first editor was M. W. Bro. The Rev. Harold L. Reader (PGM 1937), Grand Secretary. While searching the archives, I ran across the other first time publication, The Missouri Grand Lodge Bulletin, described as "The Official Organ of the Masonic Service Association of the Grand Lodge of Missouri." This was a quarterly bulletin published during 1924. Its purpose was stated on the first page: "The Bulletin represents the first attempt by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, through its Service Association, to present authentic information and assistance to those lodges in its jurisdiction, who are desirous of carrying out a program of education and service." Ray V. Denslow was the editor and publisher. At the end of the year, the four bulletins were bound into a hardbound book. Although reference is made to future articles, so far as I know no other Bulletins were published. Highlighting the four issues were four Missouri Freemasons: Kit Carson; Samuel L. Clemens; Grand Master Joseph S. McIntyre; and the Marquis de Lafayette. These are well-known, except perhaps the Grand Master Christopher "Kit" Carson was raised in Montezuma Lodge No. 109, December 26, 1854). This lodge, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Living in Taos, New Mexico, Kit Carson and other members of the fraternity established Bent Lodge No. 204, under dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Kit was Junior Warden. He nevertheless attended almost every meeting of Montezuma Lodge. After returning to his family home in Missouri, Kit met General John C. Fremont, while traveling up the Missouri River on a steamboat. General Fremont had been engaged by the United States Government to explore and report upon the territory beyond the Rockies. "Fremont immediately knew that in Carson he had found the man needed to accompany him on his perilous expedition and so we find Brother Carson accompanying the General as a guide and companion during the next few years." Kit’s familiarity with Indian languages (he spoke five Indian languages, in addition to Spanish and French) made him a most valuable man to his government. Mark Twain, of Hannibal, Mo., is one of the most widely known Missouri Freemasons. He received his Masonic degrees in 1861 in Polar Star Lodge No. 79 in St. Louis. "His brother, Orion, had secured an appointment as Secretary of Nevada Territory and easily induced his
brother Samuel to accompany him as his private secretary. He had received his third degree on July 10 and on July 26 we find the two brothers at St. Louis, Mo., on the overland stage headed for the Territory of Nevada, arriving there in August, 1861." M. W. Brother Joseph S. McIntyre, from Mexico, Mo., was a member of one of the most distinguished law firms in St. Louis. Growing up on a farm near Mexico, Mo., Joseph worked his way through high school and went on to become a distinguished student at the University of Missouri. He enjoyed the distinction of representing Missouri at the First Interstate Collegiate Debate ever held. He won a scholarship for law school. After practicing law in his hometown, he moved to St. Louis. On January 12, 1900, he was raised in Mexico Lodge No. 544 (later merged with Hebron Lodge 354). His Masonic progress culminated in his election as Grand Master in 1923. He was a member of the York and Scottish Rites and the Shrine. The Marquis de Lafayette, a French nobleman and distinguished soldier, who came to the United States to assist the colonies in their struggle for liberty, assisting General Washington without pay and outfitting a regiment as his own expense, visited the Grand Lodge of Missouri in April of 1825 and was made the first honorary member of the Grand Lodge. Lafayette had been made a Freemason at Valley Forge, with General Washington in attendance. "In all of the busy years of his life, during the scenes of turmoil and confusion that marked the bitter period of the French revolution, in peace and in war, from enthusiastic youth to serene old age, Lafayette retained his love and veneration for the Masonic fraternity, practiced its virtues and revered its principles." In addition to articles and photographs on the lives of these distinguished Missouri Freemasons, the first and only volume of the Missouri Grand Lodge Bulletin contains a wealth of other articles of historical value: George Washington’s Masonic career; the public school crisis; the symbolism and poetry of our flag; John J. Pershing, a Missouri Freemason; Hardin Lodge No. 87; the examination of visitors; information on previous Grand Masters; Col. John Ralls, Grand Master and Mexican Soldier; the beginnings of Masonic philosophy; Gen. W. P. Jackson; a history of Unity Lodge No. 6, Jackson, Mo.; and the investigating committee. Keep a sharp eye out for older Masonic writings that will help you to "improve yourself in Freemasonry." Dr. E. Otha Wingo DDGL 38 otha@wingo.org
POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 2579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.