Volume 52 No. 3
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F.&A.M.
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri
VOL. 52 NO. 3
Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications
Grand Master’s Message
Polar Star-Rose Hill Honors Grand Master, Two Other Lodge Members
Masonic Reflections: The Enduring Power of Masonic Symbolism
Boaz and Jachin
Hamilton's Favorite Son
Missouri DeMolay
Job’s Daughters
Missouri Rainbow
The Masonic Home Of Missouri
Masonic Service Awards
The Work of our Craft
FROM THE EDITOR’S KEYBOARD Three brothers – a former Grand Master, a veteran of the craft, and a relatively new brother – have, so to speak, teamed up and written two thoughtprovoking articles for this issue, which discuss Masonic symbolism. MWB J.C. Montgomery, Jr. gives us his thoughts on the importance of symbolism, while brothers Doug Reece and Kevin Hampton have written an in-depth article on Boaz and Jachin. The cover artwork represents the concepts discussed in these two significant articles. The center grid on the cover is an adaptation of a block of postage stamps from Tajikistan. For the first time in a while, all three youth groups have checked in with articles to bring us up to date on their activities. Reading through these articles was a personal reminder to me of how much fun I had as a youth in DeMolay, and how important its influence was to me, and the Job's Daughters were to a friend as we were growing up. And this is not to mention how important those organizations continue to be to Freemasonry. Be sure to take some time to read WB Joe Joyner's article on Bryan Price, a true Masonic hero in our midst. Brother Price received severe wounds while defending our country in Iraq. There are probably no words to express appropriately our gratitude to Bryan and his family, but Brother Joyner does so by telling his story. Something incredible has happened at Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79. Three PSRH brethren currently hold four of Missouri Masonry's top offices. We don't believe this has ever happened before. Inside this edition we have a report on a special and historic meeting PSRH held to honor these brethren. Maggie Stolzberg provided the photographs for the article. Maggie is a talented photographer, who has done work for the magazine before, including a recent cover. We appreciate her support of Freemasonry. Finally – some unavoidable housekeeping. I lost about a half dozen emails in preparing this edition. It couldn't possibly have been my fault. It was the computer's fault. Anyway, if you sent me an article by email and do not see it in this issue, that is probably the reason why. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you resend your article I promise I will get it in next time. I have now installed a backup procedure for my email, which is foolproof. Hmmm... Perhaps a poor choice of words. Steve Harrison, Editor
Committee on Masonic Publications M. Robert Berger, Grand Master Bruce R. Austin, Deputy Grand Master Rocky E. Weaver, Senior Grand Warden Larry C. Reynolds, Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary E. Otha Wingo Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-628-6562 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org
Please note the change of address for the Missouri Freemason:
P.O. Box 1120, Kearney, MO 64060-1120
66 Summer 2007
The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be submitted to The Missouri Freemason, P.O. Box 1120, Kearney, MO 64060-1120, not later than the first day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right due to limitations of space, to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. Do not submit clippings for publication. OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $8.00 annually. PERMISSION TO REPRINT: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. CHANGE OF ADDRESS (Important): Whenever a member changes his mailing address without notifying his Lodge Secretary and a mailing of the Freemason magazine occurs, the Post Office charges the Grand Lodge 75¢ per undeliverable Freemason. PLEASE, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change so that the Grand Lodge can then be notified. GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI INTERNET ADDRESSES E-Mail to the Grand Lodge Office grlodge@momason.org The Grand Lodge web page www.momason.org Phone: 573-474-8561
Brethren, At the conference of Grand Masters held this year in Portland, Oregon, Missouri had the distinction of presenting its outreach program to all the jurisdictions of North America. The presentation, an hour-long program, was so capably choreographed by Karen Bell and Barbara Ramsey, resulting in them fielding questions from the floor, as well as after the presentation for nearly an hour. I want to personally thank them for their professional manner in which Missouri was presented and perceived by our peers. During a question and answer period at the conference, the C2A Classes were discussed. Almost all of the states have adopted this program, many with different requirements than ours. Regardless of the requirements, the most important information obtained from this session, membership decreases dramatically without it. As I travel to all parts of our state, it is encouraging to find the renewed enthusiasm the membership is showing for our fraternity—in part due to the Chip’s program. The
REGIONAL SCHOOLS OF INSTRUCTION REGION C RWB MICHAEL ARMSTRONG JUNE 23, 2007 Buckner Lodge #501 Buckner, Missouri, 9:00 AM JULY 21, 2007 Swope Park Lodge #617 Kansas City, Missouri, 9:00 AM AUGUST 25, 2007 Belton Lodge #450 Belton, Missouri, 9:00AM
lodges are responding and participating with 119 total lodges that have already put on our program, and more scheduled. In fact, we are booked thru November of this year. Since November of 2006, the MO Chip program has appeared in 158 newspapers around the state along
with 32 Television stations and 60 radio affiliates. We have received some five million dollars worth of free publicity to date, and anticipate more in the near future. What a great opportunity we have to show how Masons help children in the various communities throughout the state. We are also looking forward to this summer when the Grand Lodge will participate at a lodge meeting in Professor Hilliard J. Goldman’s house in Ste. Genevieve, MO. This meeting will take place at the original Nicholas Janis House, or as it became known, the Green Tree Tavern, on the site of the first lodge meeting that took place some 200 years ago. Right Worshipful Brother Jon Broyles is collecting a group of Masons to dress and reproduce a lodge meeting as it was done in 1807. I urge as many of you as possible to attend, and this will be one of Masonry’s most memorable events.
Robert Berger
continued from back cover Imprecations (not implications). The word imprecations means curses, whereas implications means inferred or suggested meaning. Shewed is pronounced showed, not shoed. The Latin phrase for Holy of Holies is Sanctum Sancto-rum (not sancto-ri-um) Be sure that M & T alone are EXcepted, not AC-cepted. Accessory sounds like ak-sess-ory, not assessory. The second Perfect P of E is Pedal, pronounced PE-dal, not PED-al. Harassed is HAR-isd, not har-ASSed. Unerring is un-URR-ing, not un-EAR-ing (but I doubt that this will be changed). Barbarous is BAR-ba-rous, not bar-BER-i-ous 10. There is a proper way to make a mistake! We have a standing rule in our practice group for making a mistake in degree work: keep going as smoothly as possible. Do not fumble around, backtracking, trying to correct an incorrect word, or to retrieve and insert a dropped word or phrase. There should be no discordant chorus of prompts from other brethren. This distracts and confuses the one speaking and often causes him to lose his train of thought entirely. If the speaker needs a prompt, he can indicate that by glancing at a specific person nearby. Under no circumstances should anyone interrupt the degree work to point out something omitted, an incorrect step, or substitute word. The candidate will not know a mistake has been made and he will hear the correct version at a later time. We seek to perfect our ritual by study, review, and practice. We strive to perform the ritual in the smoothest, most correct, and most impressive manner. Dr. E. Otha Wingo, DDGL 38 otha@wingo.org
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Right Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey is a graduate of Central High School in St. Joseph, MO. He earned a 4-year Apprenticeship, Journeyman Electrician Certificate from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Missouri Western State College.
RWB Ramsey is General Manager, Tri County Electric Cooperative, Lancaster, Missouri. He has been employed there since August, 2005. RWB Ramsey petitioned Savannah Lodge #71 to receive the degrees and was initiated October 18, 1990. He passed to the degree of Fellowcraft January 17, 1991, and was raised to the degree of Master Mason March 7, 1991. He served as Worshipful Master of Savannah Lodge #71 in 1999-2000. Serving the Grand Lodge in many capacities, RWB Ramsey began as District Deputy Grand Master of the 7th Masonic District serving in 20032004. He has also served as Chairman of the Grand Lodge Ways & Means Committee and as a member of the Grand Lodge University Lodge Committee. In addition, RWB Ramsey served on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri from 2000 until 2004. He is a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of St. Joseph, KCCH; Moila
Shrine Temple in St. Joseph where he served as Chief Aid in 2000, 2nd Ceremonial Master in 2003, 1st Ceremonial Master in 2004, and a member of the Membership Committee. He is also a member of the High Twelve Club in St. Joseph and the National Sojourners Chapter #63 in Kansas City. RWB Ramsey is a member of First Christian Church in Savannah where he serves as an Elder. His service extends to the community as a trustee of the Heartland Foundation; a board member of the Mid-American Chapter of Multiple Sclerosis; a board member of the MO-Kan Regional Council of Governments; a board member of Missouri Economic Development Council; and a Volunteer Teacher with Junior Achievement. RWB Ramsey and his wife Christin "Friday" were married in 1974 in St. Joseph, MO. They have two children: Carra Ramsey of St. Joseph and Timothy Ramsey of Maryville, MO.
JOHN W. HESS, JUNIOR GRAND DEACON John William Hess was born in Albia, Iowa on March 1, 1951. He is the oldest of three children of John Francis and Patt Hess. John attended St Mary’s elementary school and Albia Community High School. After high school John attended the University of Iowa and received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Creighton University in 1975. John’ stepfather J. Edmond Slack was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Astar Lodge in Albia Iowa at the age of 89. While attending Creighton University John was a member of the Delta Chi Fraternity and served as a member of the Athletic Department as a Lecturer in Physical Education. After graduating from Creighton University John was employed by Roberts Diary of Omaha Nebraska and worked out of their Grand Island facility as a Regional
68 Summer 2007
Sales Manager. John moved to Kansas City in 1982 and was employed by International Distributing of St Louis as the Kansas City Sales Manager. In 1985 John joined the firm of J. Nick Gray and Associates. John served as a partner with the firm until the death of the senior partner in 1992; from 1992 to 2004 John was employed by Mo Kan Distribution as a dispatcher and Regional Sales Manager. Presently John is employed by the State of Missouri, Family Support Division as a Child Support Specialist. John is a member of St. James Roman Catholic Church in Lib-
erty Missouri. In August of 2003 John married the former Ina Winfrey. Ina is the Daughter of Emerson O. Brown and the niece of Stanton T. Brown. John served the Boy Scouts of America as Scoutmaster, District Commissioner and on the Council Camping Committee. He was honored with the District Award of Merit, Vigil Honor from the Order of the Arrow and the Silver Beaver Award from the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America. John is a member of the Delta Chi Fraternity and served as
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SENIOR GRAND WARDEN ROCKY E. WEAVER Right Worshipful Brother Rocky Edward Weaver was born in Kansas City, MO on November 12, 1948. He was the first of four boys born to William Junior and Maude Esther Weaver. Rocky was educated in the Kansas City school system and graduated from North Kansas City High School in 1967. He attended Maple Woods Community College for two years. He was employed at Ford Motor Company in Claycomo, Missouri for over 32 years. On June 1st of 2001 Rocky retired from Ford because he decided that wasn't what he wanted to do when he grew up. He and his late wife Judy started a small embroidery business in 1997, which continues to operate out of his home. Rocky lost Judy to a brain tumor on August 30 of 2001. They were married for 31 years. Rocky has one son, Bradley James and four grandchildren Olivia, Zebulon, Calista and Jacob. Rocky is a member of the First Baptist Church of Buckner. As another chapter unfolds in his life, he wed Ms. Janet Berwald of Lyndhurst, Ohio on November 15, 2002. He now has a step daughter Cheryl Berwald and step son Alan Berwald. RWB Weaver served two years in the United States Army. He attended the Aviation Maintenance school in Fort Eustice, Virginia where he finished first in his class. He was then sent to NCO training school where he attained the rank of Specialist E5. He finished his stint in the 177th Army Aviation Company at Fort Benning, Georgia. RWB Weaver enjoys reading-especially historical fiction--as well as books on Masonic subjects. He and Janet love to travel. He enjoys golf and fishing as outdoor sports. He also loves to teach whenever given the opportunity, and being part of a team effort. RWB Weaver is a member of Liberty Lodge No. 31 (initiated in 1983) and holds a perpetual membership there. He was Worshipful Master of Liberty Lodge in 1992-93, and was the fifteenth Master in a row to receive the Grand Lodge Achievement Award. He was interim Secretary of Liberty Lodge from June to September of 1993. He was the President of the Liberty Masonic Temple Board in 1991. He also has perpetual memberships in Buckner Lodge No. 501 and Kansas City Lodge No. 220. He is also a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research. He is Grand Representative to Ohio. He was appointed to the advancing line as Senior Grand Marshall by Most Worshipful Brother Glenn Means in September of 2001. RWB Weaver is a past High Priest of Liberty ChapTHE MISSOURI FREEMASON
ter No. 3 (1993-94), Past Illustrious Master of Liberty Council No. 50 (1993-94), and Past Eminent Commander of Liberty Commandery No. 6 (1993-94). He was the 1994 recipient of the Lewis and Clark Award from the Grand Commandery. Rocky is a dual member of Independence Chapter No. 12, Independence Council No. 49, and Palestine Commandery No. 17. He also holds a dual membership with Ascalon Commandery No. 16. He is a member of the Order of High Priesthood, Order of the Silver Trowel and the Past Commanders Association. He is a recipient of the Missouri Knight York Cross of Honor. He was elected to the advancing line of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in 1994 and was elected and installed as Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Missouri during the 139th Annual Conclave on May 21, 2000. Sir Knight Weaver has Honorary Memberships in the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, and the KYCH in Arkansas and Oklahoma. He is a Grand Representative to Iowa for the Grand Commandery of Missouri and Grand Representative to Finland for the Grand Chapter of Missouri. RWB Weaver is a charter member of Harry S. Truman York Rite College and a recipient of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America Order of the Purple Cross. He is a past Sovereign Master of Kilwinning Council No. 19, Allied Masonic Degrees. He is a member of Buckner Chapter 280 Order of the Eastern Star. He is a member of Ararat Shrine in Kansas City. He is an officer of Mary Conclave, of the Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine. Rocky holds memberships in the Past Masters Club, Sword of Bunker Hill and the ORCOMOT Shrine Club where he is a past president. He is a member of the Royal Order of Scotland, Societas Rosicruciana, Tipperary Council of Knights Masons and the Forty-Fivers Club of Past Grand Commanders. He has received the DeMolay Legion of Honor. He is a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Kansas City, President of Chapter 63 National Sojourners of Kansas City, and an officer in the Heroes of '76, and is a member of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests. He proudly serves as an Advisory Board member of North Kansas City Assembly No. 55, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. Rocky is a recipient of the Grand Cross of Color from the Supreme Assembly of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.
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WB Mark Ballance, past master of AlgabilFreedom Lodge #636, gave a presentation on what Masonry in Missouri was like 200 years ago, Dressed in the attire of the era. Photograph by Maggie Stoltzberg.
Missouri and executive officer of Missouri DeMolay. All three Brothers emphasized in brief remarks the importance of cooperation by all the organizations operating within the state. MWB Berger noted a special meeting will be held later this year to discuss such cooperative efforts. The Lodge’s current Worshipful Master, WB Larry Petkovich, and its past master, RWB Randall Berger, who served as master of ceremonies, both termed the evening as a historical event. Both pointed out there is no known time in Missouri Freemasonry’s history where three such office holders were members of the same lodge. An audience of almost 100 enjoyed a traditional corned beef and
Freemasonry’s Leaders Urge Cooperation - Most Worshipful Brother M. Robert Berger (left) and two other leaders of Missouri Masonic organizations urged cooperation within all the state’s Masonic bodies when they were honored March 13 by Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79 where all three are members. Joining MWB Berger were Right Worshipful Brother Bob Cockerham (center), top officer of Scottish Rite and the Order of DeMolay in Missouri, and Worshipful Brother Lester (Al) Greene, potentate of Moolah Temple. Photograph by Maggie Stoltzberg.
Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79 honored Missouri's Grand Master and two other Brothers who lead important organizations within the Missouri Masonic family. All three are members of Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79. The honorees at the March 13th event were: • Most Worshipful Brother M. Robert Berger, Grand Master of Missouri’s Grand Lodge; • Worshipful Brother Lester (Al) Greene, Moolah Shrine potentate and a past master of Polar Star-Rose Hill, and • Right Worshipful Brother Robert W. Cockerham, Scottish Rite Deputy, Supreme Council, Orient of 70 Summer 2007
Charles Wasserman, Grand Orators; Nick Cichielo, Rick Kern, and J. R. Latta, Grand Chaplains; and David Jacoby, Grand Tyler. Right Worshipful Brothers Broyles, Berger, Smith, Cichielo and Kern are members of Polar Star-Rose Hill. District Deputy Grand Masters attending included Right Worshipful Brothers Alan Dewoskin, 27b, and Guy Ross, 27a. WB Greene noted that while the main focus of the Shrine is the hospital, Moolah also “finds time to have some fun.” RWB Cockerham asked “isn’t it great to be a Freemason?” and reported on the fast growth of DeMolay in Missouri, which he said leads the world. MWB Berger emphasized the
Representatives of the Shrine listen closely to the guests' presentation. Photograph by Maggie Stoltzberg.
cabbage dinner before the special meeting and refreshments after the event. The audience included Past Missouri Grand Masters J.C. Montgomery and Steven I. Toybes, and two past Moolah Potentates Gail Bennington and Barry Todd, now chairman of the board at Shriners Hospital in St. Louis. Grand Lodge officers attending included Right Worshipful Brother Berger, Senior Grand Marshall; Jon B. Broyles Jr. Junior Grand Steward; Ron Miller, Grand Secretary; Harvey Soule Jr., Grand Marshall; Richard L. Smith, Grand Pursuiviant; Webb Edward and
importance of the MOCHIP program, which is allowing Freemasons to help children across the state and has resulted in positive public relations for the fraternity. The state coordinator of the program, operated by the Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation, is RWB Cichielo of Polar Star-Rose Hill. An added feature of the evening was a talk on the early history of Freemasonry in America. It was given by WB Mark Ballance, past master of Algabil-Freedom Lodge #636, in his role and costume as a mid-18th century English gunner sergeant with the Royal Regiment Artillery, 1st battalion, number 7 company, number one gun. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
MASONIC REFLECTIONS: THE ENDURING POWER OF MASONIC SYMBOLISM by Dr. J. C. Montgomery, Jr., PGM Among the vivid childhood memories of visiting in Uncle Harry Dickey’s Illmo home were the M a s o n i c mementoes: the white leathern apron which we kids sneaked from a dresser drawer and wore; the Knight Templar sword which we waved at one another; the framed Scottish Rite patent on the wall with its strange Latin words; a Masonic picture in the kitchen. But we were also intrigued by a short folding rule with heavy brass hinges. Many homes had carpenter’s rules,
three feet or six feet: but this one was different, only twentyfour inches when unfolded, not in six-inch or foot-long arms, but in eight-inch segments. It was not until I became a Mason that I understood the meaning of this important Masonic device. And because of military service, further education and professional moves, I never had the opportunity to ask Uncle Harry, a proud member of Illmo Lodge No. 581,1 where he might have acquired this Masonic artifact. Uncle Harry was an assistant division superintendent of the old Cotton Belt Railroad. As such, he made many trips between St. Louis and Texarkana. Probably he found the rule in a railroad salvage sale, although it seems strange that lodge property even from a defunct body would have been in such a place. An article in the recent Scottish Rite Journal raises the question about what happens to lodge properties when a lodge moves location or if it discontinues. Nonetheless this pre-Masonic recollection has led me to reflect upon the lasting and pervasive power of Masonic symbolism. Each of us was
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Whether you had brothers growing up or not, you are probably aware by now that you are "adopted" into a unique family of brothers comprised of many personalities. We have all heard about (or experienced) how siblings fight and compete, yet remain loyal to the death if necessary, to protect one of their own. As a Masonic brother, you are now exposed to a similar dynamic, but your resolve to stay in this family may someday be tested. The following is an example of why you should remain within the brotherhood. Jefferson Lodge #43 in Jefferson City, Missouri sold its old building, put everything in storage, bought new land, and is working to build a new Temple--but not without problems. As you might imagine, personalities have clashed along the way, interests have been diverse, and polarized factions have developed. But through it all we remain brothers still. Some of the building committee meetings have been very tense, to say the least. The planned Lodge hall was too big for some, too small for others. The building would cost too much if all on one floor, but no one wanted another elevator. Some roofing materials were too expensive; and on and on. To give true account, strong words have been kept to a minimum, but hurt feelings litter our destination’s path. Fortunately, every brother has remained true to Masonic principles, so no shots have been fired. Our spouses, though, must have thought of us as immature children limping home meeting after meeting. We all wanted something different, and we all had our own ideas. Surprisingly, we never withheld our talents, and most of us have endured to hammer out the necessary details. This seems to be the secret to our likely success. We never gave up on ourselves, and we never gave up on the collective goal of having a beautiful new building we can afford for generations to come. We will soon break ground for our new Temple, yet I am certain there will still be conflicts. But something very important is taking place at Jefferson Lodge #43, something that needs to be noted. As we struggle with each new issue, we grow closer as brothers. We are becoming a functional team, a brotherly team developing something bigger than ourselves. Over hot coals we crafted a common vision, then embraced it. We have suffered together, that’s for sure. But it’s probably not unlike what many married couples experience as they mature in their marriage to value the institution of marriage more than they value their individual needs. As Masons we have come to value the institution of Masonic brotherhood more than we value our personal wants and desires. At each new meeting brothers now place their swords at the Tiler’s Outer Door and enter as true brothers upon the step and under the due-guard of a Master Mason. Collectively we are crafting a home for ourselves, for the other Masonic bodies, and for brothers yet unborn. In the truest sense, Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, and Master Masons are building for tomorrow. Because our cause is just, we rushed upon, seized, and bound the various villains and issues, and will soon bring glory and honor to our Creator in our new Lodge home. Proving once again, a brotherly coalition forged in fire is priceless. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
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“THE BEST THING MASONS HAVE EVER DONE….” “That nice, young man,” said the voice on the telephone, “the one on TV. I want to speak to him.” “Well,” said Johnny, “I guess I’m that ‘nice, young man.’ I was just on TV talking about the child identification program that Missouri Freemasons are sponsoring. It’s called MOCHIP.” “I’m calling from Kentucky. I’m an old lady, and I’ve known about what the Masons do for a long time. You know, hospitals and such. I just heard your interview on TV about what the Masons are doing now, offering free identification kits for children. That is the best thing you Masons have ever done!” Johnny was in the final hours of planning and preparation for the MOCHIP program in Cape Girardeau. After the TV interview his phone was ringing with calls from all the surrounding area. Supported by Wehrenberg Theaters, our MOCHIP event was held in the lobby of Cape West 14 Cine, a large modern facility. The next day found that lobby crammed with more than 500 people, children, parents, grandparents, friends. The MOCHIP crew from Grand Lodge’s Missouri Children’s Foundation with 12 computers were assisted by 52 volunteers: from lodges, churches, DeMolay boys, policemen, dental professionals. It takes only about 15 minutes to Last year we complete the full identification of one child, but with so many present, it was not uncomid en tified 12,361 mon for children and parents to wait up to three hours. In talking with children and parch ild re n. This year in the ents waiting in long lines, I heard no one complaining about having to wait. Children fir st th re e months we will were provided with coloring books, crayons, and refreshments. Throughout the day chilha ve id en tified over dren and parents arrived. Some left, planning to come back for the second MOCHIP 8,0 00 ch ild ren and event two weeks later. The identification process spilled over the 4 PM closing time and we ar e on tar get to finally ended about 6:30, when we ran out of supplies. A total of 397 children were idenidentify 24,000 tified. this year. The second event was almost a replica of the first. 413 children identified, making a total of 810 children served in both. This story is being repeated every week throughout the state. Dr. E. Otha Wingo, DDGL 38, Member, GLMEC www.masonichip.org
SWOPE PARK MASONIC LODGE CHIPS EVENT A SUCCESS The Swope Park Masonic Temple family was well represented as both chapters of the O.E.S., DeMolay, Rainbow girls and members of Heroine Lodge joined their brothers of Swope Park Lodge to conduct its first CHIPS (child identification program) event. Rainy weather outside, while inhibiting participation by the parents bringing their children, absolutely did not affect the sunshine of fellowship enjoyed by the Masonic groups working together inside. We processed approximately 75 children, ranging in age from 14 months to 12 years, though the program. Everyone took an active part, from assisting parents to fill out the paperwork, to measuring the children’s height and taking their weight, directing them to the computer workstations where the data was entered, photos taken and scanned and fingerprints taken. A photo ID and mini CD disc was given to the parents, moving to the final work station where a dental impression and DNA sample were taken and placed into a plastic bag for insertion into the manila envelope given the parents. The importance of getting parents to bring their children to these CHIPS programs cannot be overstated. Bro. Kenny Best, our Senior Warden and chairman of the program, told of how CHIPS saved a family on vacation from losing its child. The child, separated from the parents, was abducted in a mega-store. Fortunately, the mother had the ID packet and gave it to the store security. They flashed the child’s picture and name on the security monitors, closed the exits and caught the predator and rescued the child in short order. OUR NEXT CHIPS EVENT WILL BE MAY 5TH IN GRANDVIEW. Encourage anyone you know to bring his or her children out. It will be held at Triumph Structures of Kansas City 4020 E. 138th Street, Grandview Missouri. WM Dryer works for this firm and was instrumental in setting up this next program there. Bro. William Huff, Grandview Lodge #18 Senior Warden, assisted us to set up and run our most recent CHIPS event. We discussed Grandview Lodge participating in the May 5th event along with us, as it will be held in Grandview. We have a third CHIPS program in the works for next September, and will announce the time and place in the July Rambler issue. 72 Summer 2007
continued from page 71 told that Freemasonry’s allegorical teachings about morality and the rules of life were brought home by the use of symbols, so much so that the thoughtful Mason is constantly finding new depths in life by remembering, visualizing or actually seeing such representations, The late Southern writer Flannery O’Connor made great use of symbols in her novels. She explained this in one of her essays, saying that symbols “connect two points, one is a point in the concrete, and the other is a point not visible to the naked eye but believed in by the artist firmly, just as real to him really as the one that everybody sees.”2 Of course, Masons are taught that the twenty-four inch gauge, a working tool one might associate with carpentry, points to what a later generation called “time management;” or some might say it has to do with the stewardship of time. Although the Masonic-taught divisions of time may seem unrealistic in the frantic pace of many of our lives, often ordered by electronic planner, the recollection of the gauge reminds us that life ought to be balanced else it is not lived to the fullest. There are many good books on Masonic symbolism. Venerable writers such as the late Charles Hunt and Allen E. Roberts have given in depth treatment of the symbols. There are good articles in Mackey and Coil’s encyclopedias. The Internet will give access to thoughtful writings by Rex Hutchens, a recent Grand Master of Arizona. And, of course, there is much to be learned from Albert Pike if one has the patience to dig through his lengthy writings. The Scottish Rite Research Society has recently re-published two books by Pike with very helpful annotations by Arturo de Hoyos. In spite of all our modern complexities, the deepest truths are often found in simple actions, objects and experiences. Masonic symbolism is very plain to the point of being commonplace, but the truths are profound and far-reaching. In fact, this author believes that if the Freemasonry internalizes the meaning(s) of Masonic symbols and remains open to their deeper meanings, life will never be the same but will constantly be enriched and enlarged. Coil3 tells us that there are “approximately 90 specific, well-defined symbols in Craft Masonry.” He classifies them as “Geometrical, Architectural, or Operative Symbols” or as “Non-Operative, Speculative, or Theoretic Symbols.” One example of the former would be the Twenty-Four Inch Gauge, of the latter Circumambulation. But who is to say that the little brass-hinged gauge does not invite soul -searching, i.e., speculation? “There’s nothing like a good Masonic handshake,” an older Mason said to me when I was a younger Mason. The right hand, of course, is important to Masonic ritual and more importantly to Masonic character. It is the emblem of fellowship, accompanies the solemn obligations, is a sign of peace and fidelity, and is extended in help or in a plea for help. In one of the lodges to which this author has belonged, the very act and lineups for balloting on petitions became an occasion for hearty handshakes (often to the disapproval of lecturers). But what better symbol is there of the difference this Masonic fellowship makes? We are told that symbols were the first vehicles of written communication. There is a sense in which the famous prehistoric wall paintings in the caves at Lascaux, France, THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
were more than primitive art; they were rude symbols of the life those ancients lived. Coil, who sometimes wrote with a humorous twist, relates that Chinese picture words showed “peace” as a house with a woman, but a house with two women was “quarrel.” The best-selling novel, The Da Vinci Code, has as its hero, Robert Langdon, university professor of symbology; and symbols play an important part as the mystery moves on. Every family genealogist can take delight if he or she uncovers some heraldic emblem, which symbolizes family history. As might be expected, the use of symbols has a dark side. City youth gangs have adopted their own symbols. Older Americans will never forget that the swastika symbolized all that was evil in Nazi Germany. The symbol of the Ku Klux Klan reminds us of a sad chapter in our nation’s history. Nonetheless the symbols of Freemasonry all speak to the good life and reinforce the best dreams of humankind. Although they are not intrinsic or unique to Freemasonry, in the fraternity, they are at home in any culture or civilization. They illustrate and support nobility of character. They are signposts along the road to the Cardinal Virtues; they help actualize the fundamental Tenets of our Order. They are as fresh today as they were to our ancient Brethren. One should remember that the symbols are not the sum of Freemasonry but rather the vehicle by which the lifelessons of the Craft are made visible. The symbols both conceal and reveal. Consider the square and compasses. Paul Bessel writes in his book, Masonic Questions & Answers (p. 19): “They have many symbolic meanings in Freemasonry, and when placed together they form the most common symbol of Freemasonry. They are placed on the altar, on the Holy Bible, to symbolize lessons about man bettering himself. The square symbolizes morality, fruitfulness, and honesty. The compasses symbolize selfrestraint, skill and knowledge.” And how many times have they led to acquaintance and friendship when seen on a man's ring finger or coat lapel? What Masonic symbols have influenced your life? Uncle Harry probably never imagined that the twenty-four inch gauge would have such an influence on a tow-headed kid and become a life-long symbolic force, but I think he would be pleased. MWB J.C. Montgomery served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1978-1979. He is a Fellow of the Missouri Lodge of Research, where he also served as Master. He is a former editor of the Royal Arch Mason International Journal as well as the Missouri Freemason magazine. A 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, MWB Montgomery has been recognized as an outstanding Masonic author. He holds a doctor of divinity degree from Central Methodist College and is a retired United Methodist Minister. Notes: 1 Illmo Lodge consolidated with Harold O. Grauel Lodge No. 672 in 1991. Illmo and its sister town, the former Fornfelt, had many railroad employees from both the Cotton Belt and Missouri Pacific railroads. The two towns merged to form what is now Scott City. The Illmo lodge was also the original lodge of the author’s late father. 2 Quoted in Theology Today, January 2007, p. 444. 3 Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia, rev. edition, 1995, by Allen D. Roberts, “Symbols.” Summer 2007 73
BOAZ AND JACHIN By RWB Douglas Reece and Bro. Kevin Hampton How many of you remember what the Senior Deacon’s lecture in the 2nd degree talked about? The first part of that lecture talked about the pillars in the front porch of King Solomon’s Temple. I am not sure why we call it King Solomon’s Temple because he built it for the Lord and it was dedicated as the Temple of the Lord. The two pillars of the temple were located at the entrance of the temple. As we look at the entrance, these two pillars were massive. They were cast of molten Bronze and adorned with network, lily work and pomegranates. The networking was, and is, a symbol of which signifies unity; the lily work from the whiteness of the lily and the position in which grows is symbolic of peace; and the pomegranates because of its seeds denotes plenty. These pillars were 35 cubits in height, 12 in circumference or 4 in diameter. This equates to approximately 53 feet high, 18 feet in circumference or 6 feet in diameter. Bear in mind that the chapiters were another 5 cubits in height or another 8 feet. In the book of 1 Kings 7, the description of the pillars is given. We do not know how big the globes were, but we can assume they were in proportion to the size of the pillars as a whole which we can come to the conclusion that the pillars were approximately 75 feet tall in total. As we look at the entrance to the temple, the pillar on the left was called Boaz. His story is found in the book of Ruth. 2 Chronicles 2:10-13, Matthew 1:5 and Luke 3:32 give us the lineage of Boaz which shows that he is the Great Grandfather of King David or King Solomon’s Great Great Grandfather. His name in the ancient Hebrew means “Strength”. The pillar on the right was called Jachin. We have a discrepancy between versions of the Bible as to how it was spelled. Some of the newer versions show it being spelled as JAKIN. But, the ritual and literal Hebrew spelling is as we use it with a CH. instead of a K. Jachin is a personal name and means “YAH established” or “God Established”. He is the 4th Son of Simeon and original ancestor of a clan in the tribe which is denoted as Jarib in 1 Chronicles 4:24. He is a priest who lived in Nehemiah’s time and is from Jerusalem. In the listing of priests as found in 1 Chronicles 9:10 and Nehemiah 11:10 we find that he is the 21st priest in the rotation of priests to care for the temple or as the Hebrews call it “ministering to the House of the Lord”. Nehemiah chapters 9, 10 and 11 show the order of Priesthood and who was assigned to do what and how many it took. King Solomon in his wisdom, according to several commentaries, used these two individuals to name the pillars in keeping with the prophecy, which states, “In Strength, will I Establish thy house forever”. Many theologians conclude and agree this prophecy refers to the coming reign of the Messiah and his kingdom. Freemasonry does not speculate on this aspect of the prophecy but uses it as a literal description of the temple only and the meaning behind the two pillars. Freemasonry lore also supposes that Hiram Abif cast and built the pillars. There is no concrete evidence to support the claim but the inference and conclusion can be made to support this. Hiram Abif, actually spelled Hirum, in some of the translations, is mentioned very few times and there seems to be some confusion as to whether it is the same person. What we do know is that Hiram Abif, as described in 1 Kings 7:13, was a skilled craftsman in the art of metals, stone, wood and colors of fabric and fine linens. He was a master engraver and designer according to the writings of Josephus. His mother was a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and his father was from the kingdom of Tyre which explains his knowledge in the craft arts. According to Josephus, the Jewish historian, and Esubious, a Roman historian, we know that Hiram Abif did complete the temple and was commissioned to build other buildings for King Herod before his death. The columns which you see on the warden’s pedestals are representative of these two main pillars. The junior Warden’s pillar represents Boaz and the Senior Warden’s column is a representation of Jachin. Historical writings from the Cathedral Era of Europe show that the craft guilds of England and Europe established them as a means of distinguishing when the paymaster of wages was in his 74 Summer 2007
office. Early writings denote that, who is now called the Senior Warden, was in fact in charge of the construction and pay for the workmen. The Junior Warden was the person in charge of all the lodging, food and drink for the workmen during mealtimes and after the work day was completed. Hence the explanation of why we change the position of the columns at certain times of the ritual. The main lessons of Boaz and Jachin are found within the decorative elements themselves. Brother Kevin Hampton from Kearney Lodge # 311 makes this observation, “Also in relation to these 2 pillars as representing parallels of mankind, we should study the illustration of their ornamental adornments. The lily, and the retired situation in which it flourishes, teaches us that we must learn to open our minds and hearts to all of mankind; to retain the fact, in our compassion, that as one pillar only serves to support the other, we are also obligated, and should offer our support, not only to the brother who may have stumbled and fallen by the wayside of life but to the aggregate of all mankind; to offer help, aid and assistance to those who may be in need; and to make that total concentrated effort to add to and not subtract from, the whole of human existence.” Brother Hampton also defines the network in this manner, “From the intricate connection of the network, we can also perceive that all of mankind must learn to live in peace and harmony with his brothers, sisters and with nature; to appreciate the beauties which the Great Architect of the Universe has given to us to enjoy and not to dominate, exploit, or manipulate it; and finally we should be taught to discern the sounds of Brotherly Love which ring loud and true to all those who will only take the time to listen.” In concluding the explanation of the elements Brother Hampton states, “The pomegranates and their exuberance of seeds proclaim to too many in their minds, seeds of skepticism. To the avaricious person that vast number of seeds represents Greed and its collaboration, the selfishness of despotism, because the word Charity and the symbolic intention of this fruit is alien and anonymous to them. To the enlightened and true man, who practices the application of his Masonic teachings, these pomegranates manifest the plenty, which our Great Architect of the Universe has provided for all. It is individuals of this caliber who have come
to understand the true meaning of the pillar’s adornments; men whom unquestionably enjoy sharing the bounties of life and that the abundances of our earth were placed here to be apportioned equally.” The two pommels or globes, the meaning of which, as described in the ritual, is to encourage the study of the sciences and does not have an alternate meaning other than to allude to the first degree lecture which announces to the whole of humanity that Masonry is as unending and as universal as the blue arch of heaven. My brothers, we may conclude from the Bible, the ritual, the explanations of the symbols and Brother Hampton’s observations that the most inspiring feature of these two pillars is the fact that they were created to be of equal status and as such we were certainly given the power to be our brothers keeper, to console with our brother in his time of need and to share with him in times when the joys of life abound. In closing, stop and ponder the lessons taught by these two pillars, which are on guard at the entrance of our lodge room. As these are on guard, as silent sentinels to our work, so should we ever see them as the entrance and pathway for all men to walk in Charity, Relief and Brotherly Love. RWB Doug Reece is Past Master of both Temperance Lodge #438 and Adelphi Lodge #355. He is Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 17th Masonic District, and serves as chairman of the Masonic Home Library and Museum Committee. Doug is a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research, Secretary and Masonic Home Representative of Temperance Lodge # 438, has a dual membership with Agency Lodge # 10, and Weston Lodge #53. He has been awarded the Honor Lodge Achievement award each year as Master of Temperance Lodge and the Truman Honor Lodge Award as Master of Adelphi Lodge. He has attained all of the Ritual proficiency cards and the Individual Ritual Award and was appointed District Deputy Grand Lecturer in the 7th Masonic District. Kevin Hampton is Junior Deacon of Kearney Lodge #311, where he was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in February, 2006. He is also a member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Kansas City, where he serves as Captain of the host, Lodge of Perfection.
BRYAN PRICE - MASON AND HERO By WB Joe Joyner As Masons, we are extremely fortunate people. Because we seek to connect ourselves with others who share our beliefs, we often find ourselves surrounded by good men—men who care about each other, their families, and society as a whole. We tend to love our country and strive to do what’s right. We look for ways to be serviceable to others and to our communities, not because we expect anything in return, but because it’s the right thing to do. It’s who we are. Occasionally, however, we encounter one of our own who stands out from the rest—one who gives more than anyone should be expected to give, yet never hesitates, never stops to ask why, he just does what he feels is inherently the right thing to do. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
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Missouri Freemasons have among us such a man. His name is Bryan Price. Many of you have heard of him or perhaps read about him in the newspaper. Bryan is a Fellowcraft at Cold Spring Lodge No. 274 in Leeton, Missouri. Shortly after Bryan was initiated an Entered Apprentice, he received orders to deploy with his U.S. Army unit to Iraq. Unlike some, Bryan didn’t complain, he didn’t question the deployment at all. “He was quick to tell you that he volunteered for the Army and was in Iraq because he wanted to be there,” said Bro. Ron Wheeler, of Holden, Missouri. Less than three months after arriving in Iraq, tragedy struck Bryan. After having already completed several extremely dangerous missions, Bryan’s number came up. While on patrol as a gunner on a Humvee, the vehicle in which he was riding struck an improvised explosive device. The explosion left shrapnel lodged in Bryan’s lower back and legs. He was instantly paralyzed from the waist down. Some might say that simply being hit by an incidental explosion doesn’t make a hero, but those people don’t know Bryan Price. Those people have never had an opportunity to meet and talk with this young man and discover the kind of person he truly is. Bryan Price is a hero, and someone all Masons, and indeed every American, should revere. It’s not the fact that Bryan was injured and may have permanently lost the use of his legs that makes him a hero to all of us, it’s the fact that he gave of himself voluntarily, The fact that he never questioned the duty he owed his country, the fact that he came back in a wheelchair, yet still displays extreme pride and patriotism. Bryan’s doctors have told him that he’ll probably not walk again, but that prognosis has not affected his determination. He is currently undergoing rehabilitation MWB M. Robert Berger, Grand Master, meets with Bro. Bryan Price at the military hospital at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. backstage prior to a benefit concert held for Bryan February 4, 2007. “Bryan is not a quitter,” said his father, Bro. Travis Price, (Photo by WB Joe Joyner) of Chilhowee, Missouri. “He has a very positive attitude about everything and insists that he will walk again.” Masons throughout the State of Missouri have come to Bryan’s relief. Led by the efforts of Brethren of the 21st Masonic District, many of you have made donations, held fundraisers, given words of encouragement, made offers of assistance to Bryan and his famiBro. Bryan Price (foreground) with other members ly, and most importantly, of Cold Spring Lodge No. 274 following his Fellowcraft Degree on February 1, 2007. With Bryan are prayed for his full recovery. (left to right) WB Larry Fox, WB Jeff Wallace, and An exact accountWB Bill Criss. (Photo by WB Joe Joyner) ing of what has been contributed is difficult to assess, but is estimated to Bro. Bryan Price and his father, Bro. Travis Price, folbe approaching $10,000. lowing Bryan’s passing to the degree of Fellowcraft Bryan has always said from on February 1, 2007, at Cold Spring Lodge No. 274, Leeton, Missouri. (Photo by WB Joe Joyner) the beginning, that the amount doesn’t matter. It’s the fact that people care about he and his family that’s important. That’s a perfect example of the kind of man Bryan is.
An account has been set up to accept donations for Bryan and his family. Anyone wishing to contribute may mail a donation to the BRYAN PRICE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE, PO BOX 111, KNOB NOSTER, MO 65336. 76 Summer 2007
HAMILTON'S FAVORITE SON By Steve Harrison, PM It is part of the American Dream. Any man or woman, even of modest means, can, through hard work and perseverance, make it to the top. It may be rare, but it does happen. Many times more rare is the person who makes it big, but never forgets those modest beginnings or the people who were there to help along the way. Such a person was born on September 16, 1875 in Hamilton, Missouri. The house he grew up in was less than six hundred square feet. His parents, devout Christians, scratched out a living on their rural Missouri farm while his father maintained a Baptist ministry for which he was not compensated. Times were so tough, when he was merely eight years old, his parents made him buy his own clothing. At this young age, he sold livestock to support himself. As if economic hardship were not enough, chronic health problems plagued him so much he had to leave town for a better climate at the age of 22. Despite the odds against this young man, by the time he passed away in 1971, he had built, lost and rebuilt a retailing empire, which survives today and carries his name. Such were the meager beginnings of James Cash Penney, better known as J.C. Penney.
J.C. Penney's boyhood home, Hamilton, Missouri
The Entrepreneur In his first job at the J. M. Hale Dry Goods Store in Hamilton, the other clerks capitalized on his inexperience and perceived weakness. They bullied him and stole his customers, which denied him much needed commissions. The bullying he received at Hale's Dry Goods Store taught Penney to stand up for himself. But even as the young trainee began to learn the sales trade in Hamilton, he contracted what doctors diagnosed as a susceptibility to tuberculosis. They advised him to move to a drier climate. Following this advice, the twenty-two year-old Penney moved to Denver and opened a butcher shop. The butcher shop failed, not because of Penney's THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
lack of skill, but because he would not give special favors to powerful clients. In those days it was unheard of for a shopkeeper to treat the rich and poor equally. In J.C. Penney's book, treating people fairly and equally was the way things had to be done. Although Penney's butcher shop was not successful, two men, Thomas Callahan and Guy Johnson, who owned a chain of dry-goods stores in the area, were attracted to Penney's enthusiasm and work ethic. Callahan and Johnson offered him a partnership in their new store in Kemmerer, Wyoming. Somehow, Penney scraped together $2,000 to buy in (roughly $48,000 in 2007 dollars). In 1902, with his bride Berta and their infant son, Penney once again pulled up stakes and moved to Kemmerer, a frontier mining town. After five successful years, Penney bought out Callahan and Johnson. He kept the name of the store chain, The Golden Rule Stores, because he felt it fit his philosophy and Christian heritage. In 1911, he moved the chain's headquarters to Salt Lake City, Utah and two years later changed its name to the one everyone knows today, J.C. Penney. In 1914, he moved his headquarters to New York City and built the retailing empire now known throughout the world. It was never an easy road for J.C. Penney. From his meager upbringing to the bullying he endured in his first job, the loss of two wives and subsistence in the western frontier, he worked hard for everything he had gained. But nothing prepared him for the stock market crash of 1929. Penney lost everything, but eventually, after much soul searching, he not only rebuilt his company, but also brought it back stronger than ever. Not many people make it as big as J.C. Penney. But as rich, important and busy as he became, he always maintained close ties to Hamilton, Missouri. It was no coincidence that, as an important milestone approached for his company, the opening of his 500th store, he decided its location would be in Hamilton. Penney personally traveled to Hamilton and presided over the gala grand opening of the store in 1924. It was located in the same building as the J. M. Hale Dry Goods Store, where Penny started out as a clerk many years before. Always a man of loyalty and character, Penney waited until the Hale's retired before locating a store in Hamilton. Notably, and also not by coincidence, the occupant of the second floor of the building was the Hamilton Masonic Lodge.
Brother J.C. Penney and Hamilton Lodge While his company's headquarters were in Utah, Penney became aware of the activities of the Freemasons. He found the character of the men and their charitable continued next page Summer 2007 77
J.C. Penney building, Hamilton, MO. Hamilton Masonic Lodge #224 occupied the second story. The Masonic sign is visible next to the far right second story window. In 1960, the Lodge brothers painted the stairs on the right side of the building black, at Penney's suggestion.
lodges in the area congratulating Hamilton Lodge on its 95 years of service to the fraternity. Brother Penney was the featured speaker of the evening. He began his talk by remembering his uncle, A.G. Davis, who not only had been a charter member of the Lodge, but had also founded the town of Hamilton. He went on to talk about his boyhood and upbringing, which had been rooted in strong Christian principles and strict religious training. He pointed out that, while neither his father nor any of his grandfathers had been Masons, he felt the precepts they taught him at home were consistent with those in Freemasonry. Penney talked about the death of his first wife, Berta, in 1910. He said this was a very difficult time for him, and had it not been for the fact that he had a foundation of faith to give him the strength of character to carry on, there might not have been a J.C. Penney Company.
activities to be consistent with his deep Christian beliefs. Being familiar with the Masons through an uncle, he joined the fraternity. Penney was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 28,1911, in Wasatch Lodge #1, Salt Lake City, Utah. He was a dedicated and active Mason. In later years, he went on to join the York and Scottish Rites, receiving the 33° in 1945. When his company transferred to New York City, Penney became a dual Brother J.C. Penney at Hamilton Lodge #224, October 30, 1962, with 25-year pin recipients. Left to right: Floyd McAfee, J. Clayton Gurney, Penney, Morris Bram, Leo Mikes, WM Clayton Snymember of United Services Lodge # der. Photo courtesy Tom Strade Photography, Bethany, Missouri. 1118, NYC. Over the course of his He also thanked God for his own continuing good health life he became an enthusiastic supporter of the Rites and at the age of 87. made significant donations to the fraternity. He told the crowd his Masonic home was Wasatch The year 1962 marked the 95th Anniversary of Lodge #1, Salt Lake City, Utah. He said he recommended Hamilton Lodge #224. Knowing that, at age 87, Penney every Master Mason go on into the York and Scottish might not have many more opportunities to visit, the rites, "I recommend the higher degrees in Masonry with brothers of the Lodge decided to make a big celebration of all my heart. I'm glad that I am a Mason and I advise the occasion. They invited Penney to attend. When he every Mason to attend church, because Masonry can nevaccepted, plans were underway for one of the biggest er replace the church." nights in Hamilton Lodge's history. The ladies of the East"In closing," he said, "I am very glad to be here this ern Star pitched in and planned the dinner. Lodge Secretary George Dodge sent invitations to all Lodges in the 12th Masonic district as well as the District Deputy Grand Master, District Deputy Grand Lecturer and every member "I recommend the higher degrees in of Hamilton Lodge. The date of the meeting was October Masonry with all my heart." 30, 1962. After a ham dinner, Worshipful Master E. Clayton Snyder called the meeting to order. The meeting was pubevening, and may God bless you, each and every one." lic, and the Lodge, decorated with flowers compliments of Worshipful Master Snyder closed the meeting a local vendor, was filled to capacity. after the remarks. The members present took part in an After introducing distinguished guests, WB Snyinformal social gathering with Brother Penney after the der presided over a 25-year pin ceremony for brothers ceremonies. Morris Bram, J. Clayton Gurney, Floyd McAfee and Leo Mikes. He also read communications from brothers and
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The Stairway Hamilton Lodge #224 has since moved, but it originally occupied the second floor of the J.C. Penney building. By 1960, the exterior steps leading up to the Lodge were in need of a coat of paint. The brothers of the Lodge decided a coat of aluminum colored paint would make the steps look attractive. Since Brother Penney owned the building, the Lodge wrote to ask permission to paint the steps an aluminum color. Several weeks after writing, Lodge secretary George Dodge received the following reply:
May 26, 1960 Dear George: I have just returned to the office from a two and a half months trip and have found your letter awaiting me.
This picture of J.C. Penney, shown wearing a Masonic pin and his 33° ring, is on display in the entryway beyond the outer door at Hamilton Lodge #224.
Philanthropist and Farmer J.C. Penney never lost touch with the people of Hamilton nor with the values he shared with them, his Christian faith and Masonry. He spent the remaining years of his life building his many philanthropies and running the farms he owned. Penney raised and bred Black Angus cattle at his farm in Hamilton, Homeplace Farms, which consisted of many acres surrounding his boyhood home. His herd eventually earned the reputation of being the best in the country. Here he was able to stay grounded in his heritage even though his retailing empire had led him to immense fame, fortune and power. Brother Penney died at 95 in New York City on February 12, 1971. In a moment of reflection late in life he said, "I believe in adherence to the Golden Rule, faith in God and the country. If I were a young man again, those would be my cardinal principles." We know by his actions and his dedication to Freemasonry that he also believed in the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Of course you may have my permission to paint the stairway leading up to the Masonic quarters. Though I don't pretend to be an authority, I am wondering if black paint wouldn't be more successful than the aluminum. The latter would, of course, show up better but would it last? This does not mean, however, that I would object to your using aluminum paint should the members of the lodge prefer it. Best wishes, Fraternally yours, J.C. Penney The Lodge brothers immediately went to work and painted the steps. The color they used is, in fact, the color the steps remain today… black.
Bibliography • Minutes, Hamilton Lodge #224, October 30, 1962 • University of Missouri System, State Historical Society, Famous Missourians, J.C. Penney, http://www.umsystem.edu/ • J.C. Penney Company History, http://www.jcpenney.net • Wasatch Lodge #1 Free & Accepted Masons of Utah, http://www.wasatchlodge.org • Bizography, J.C. Penney, http://www.bizography.org/ • Grand Lodge of British Columbia, Masonic Biographies, James Cash Penney, http://freemasonry.bcy.ca • Hales, Dean, Curator, J.C. Penney Memorial Library and Museum, Hamilton, MO, Interview, March, 2006. • WB David Swafford made significant research contributions to this article.
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MISSOURI DEMOLAY AND FREEMASONRY “WHAT A TEAM!” Missouri DeMolay is on the move again for 2007! Since the New Year began Missouri DeMolay has been initializing many new programs. These include Membership Drives, Public Awareness, our new Missouri DeMolay Web Site (www.modemolay.org) and Electronic Newsletter, and even our new Leadership Training Camp. As well as these new programs, we are also working diligently toward preparing for our annual State Conclave this coming May over the Memorial Day holiday in Jefferson City, Missouri. In planning for Missouri DeMolay’s Conclave we have made several changes to our schedule as needed with the estimated increase of attendance from last year. We have also reached out to our Masonic Family to donate to our Yearbook Program to help the DeMolays and Squires attend Conclave. We thank all of the Lodges and Brethren who have contributed so far. In 2006, we had a record year with over 500 members of DeMolay and over 600 at our Banquet Sunday night. This year we are expecting an additional 100 to 200 DeMolays to attend. With initiating over 200 members last year and starting several new chapters we are expecting another record year! We have made a few changes in our schedule to allow time for all competitors in the ritual tournaments, and to allow our judges breaks throughout the busy day. If there are any volunteers to help us judge ritual competitions at our Conclave please contact us for further information. We also added a few changes to our Sweetheart Competition as well as some of our athletic tournaments. Our State Junior Councilor, Ryan Cockerham, developed a new program that coincides with his Membership Program: “Turn Up the Heat.” With this program we will have a VID (Very Important DeMolay) Room where there will be extra games and refreshments after our curfew hours for those who initiate at least one new member into our Order before Conclave. We are expecting a very large group to participate in this program. As for now, we are having several initiations around the State, bringing in new DeMolays. We even have three new Chapters forming at this time. We will be welcoming back the Grand Lodge of Missouri’s MOCHIP program! Last year we had dozens of children come and complete the identification program, and we hope to get the word out even more so that many more children from Jefferson City and the surrounding area may participate in this great program. We are proud to have the cooperation of Grand Lodge to sponsor this event at our Conclave. It not only raises the awareness of the MOCHIP program, but also helps the members of the community. Several Chapters have initiated new members as of January 1, 2007 and Missouri is again well on its way to being number one in membership for yet another year! On April 21, 2007, we will have a State-Wide Initiation for both our DeMolays and Squires in conjunction with the Scottish Rite Reunion in St. Louis Missouri. It will be located at the beautiful Scottish Rite Cathedral in St Louis, and will start promptly at 9:00 am. The top Ritualists of our organization will present these Degrees. We are having the more than 30 chapters from around the State come and participate in this wonderful opportunity; and are expecting a large class from all of them to be initiated in honor of our very own Illustrious Brother and Dad Earl E. Walker, 33º, Grand Cross. Dad Walker is a most dedicated Master Mason in all aspects of DeMolay and Freemasonry and we look forward to honoring him for his many accomplishments and contributions to our Masonic Family. That evening we will be holding our Scottish Rite-Knighthood Youth Ball for all Rainbow Girls, Job’s Daughters, DeMolays and their guests. We are excited about the year so far and looking forward to working with all of the members of the Masonic Family to reach the goals we have set. We are “Building Freemasonry through DeMolay” and loving it! We thank all of you for the wonderful assistance and guidance given in the growth of DeMolay and look forward to making it grow each and every day! Fraternally, Cory C. Meyer State Master Councilor Jurisdiction of Missouri Order of DeMolay
80 Summer 2007
Hi! My name is Katie Rodemacher and I am the Grand Bethel Honored Queen for 2006-2007. With my term rapidly coming to an end June 24, 2007, I would like to tell you of the success we have had through the year. With putting about 20,000 miles on my car and visiting almost all the 23 Bethels, it has made my term an enjoyable one. This year with the help of the Missouri Lodges and the Order of the Eastern Star, I am happy to report that we are able to give out at least 5 scholarships. I am very proud of the girls in our state because we have raised hundreds of dollars for the American Heart Association and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Our Missouri girls have gone to lengths this year as we have even left the country to show our Masonic Heritage in Vancouver, British Columbia. We are honored to come back to the states with many outstanding awards and appointments from the Supreme Bethel. Our daughters have also hiked many miles in the name of HIKE. HIKE stands for Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund, our national charity project. Job's Daughters International has raised over two million dollars so that we may present hearing aids to children in need. This year we have seen the fruits of our labors as we have given out numerous checks for hearing aids here in Missouri. We are proud to announce that we have had a net gain in membership this past year also. With some girls bringing in as many as five petitions, which qualifies them for the Missouri medallion. Not only have we had a net gain in membership but we were also able to reopen a Bethel in Farmington and have the possibility of a couple more with interested lodges in the near future. Missouri Job's Daughters are amazing young women. No matter what you ask them to do, they are ready to serve and create. We just had our annual mini session in Branson, Missouri, with the theme of "Glitz and Glamour". The girls put on an amazing fashion show where they had to create a dress, model it and narrate the presentation. The Bethels were so creative that we didn't have one duplicate style of silly outfits. We were also privileged to host our Supreme Guardian, Associate Supreme Guardian, Supreme Librarian, and Miss International Job's Daughter. It was an absolutely fun weekend. In the next couple of months, our daughters will be attending the State Officers' Reception in Kansas City, the Shriners' Parade in St. Charles, the Scottish Rite Youth Ball in St. Louis, and the Mid America HIKE in Topeka, Kansas. Our girls are always traveling in service and in fun. Our Grand Bethel Officers will be performing a State Wide Majority Service on April 28th at Bethel #1 in Eureka, Missouri and followed by my reception. Planning is underway for our upcoming Grand Session in Jefferson City where our daughters will be competing in Ritual Competition, Music Competition, and Arts and Crafts. During our session, I will also be turning my title over to our Grand Bethel Senior Princess, Diane Lynch. If you are interested in having your daughter, grand-daughter, niece, etc. join Job's Daughters, please check out our awesome website at www.missouriiojd.org or contact a member/adult of Job's Daughters. I also want to thank you for inviting me to share remarks with you at your Annual Grand Lodge this past September. I was also invited to give remarks at Grand Chapter, Grand Amaranth and the Supreme Session of the White Shrine. Well, my year came and it's almost time for it to end. I can only say thank you to our Masonic Heritage for making us the "the Fairest In the Land".
LODGE OF RESEARCH PROMINENT MASONS IN MISSOURI In order to facilitate the process of creating biographical information for the Lodge of Research, we have created this information sheet. This is basically what we need for the book(s). It is really not difficult to write. We need biographies from all Past District Deputy Grand’s, both Lecturers and Masters, along with any Brother who would like to make a contribution.
1. Where you were born? 2. Where did you attend school? 3. To whom are you married and how many children, grandchildren and etc.? 4. Where were you employed and for how long? 5. Any military service you might have performed. 6. Any additional achievements relative to your life that you feel would be of interest. 7. Your Masonic History is a natural. This information will be used in the books concerning Prominent Masons in Missouri.
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Dear Missouri Masons: I hope you had wonderful holidays and Santa brought you everything you asked for. I know I had a great time being off school and getting to spend time with my family and friends. This year I went skiing in Colorado for the first time ever and had a blast. More importantly I made it home safely without hurting myself on the slopes! I've been doing a lot of Rainbow traveling. Have you seen me? I have been to several installations and it's really been special to see new Worthy Advisors get installed and even install a few of them, as I remember how special that day was for me. If I've missed your area, I apologize, but many installations overlapped--not to mention how unpredictable our weather was. Although, I no longer have any official visits and installation season has come to a close, my travels are far from done. I'm looking forward to attending the DeMolay Knights dance in Kansas City on April 7th and I will be attending Grand Court in St. Louis as well as the Supreme White Shrine sessions in Tulsa, OK. I was asked to bring greetings on behalf of Missouri Rainbow, because the Supreme Worthy High Priestess is from our great state. This is a huge honor that I am very excited about! Lacie Rosterman and Niki Lodholz will be attending with me; it should be a great trip. I can hardly believe it’s been 9 months since I was installed. When I travel, I love seeing all the girls' smiling faces...as well as our adult sponsors' smiling faces. I am so proud of all “my” Missouri Rainbow Girls! One of my favorite sayings is, “To the world you may only be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” I would love to look back on this year to remember all the great things we did for Missouri Rainbow. Whether you are helping the "older" girls of an Assembly to be a big sister to a younger girl or you are doing "whatever it takes" to help membership increase in your area--go for it! It only takes one person to make a difference. So let’s EACH make a difference! Do you receive our newsletter? You can email khakid@aol.com or lg40kids@aol.com for details on how to get it started coming to your home. In our last edition there were reminders about our upcoming spring Grand Cross of Color conferrings and Grand Assembly information. Target 2007 is an exciting marketing adventure that is being explored and, as always, our Pledge groups report their continued growth. In this newsletter our Scholarship information flowed onto two pages! What awesome programs are now available to our girls! Amazing Ashland, Ramblings from Republic, Harrisonville Happenings, Notes from North Kansas City, Charity in Columbia, Faith-Sarcoxie Fun, Lively Liberty, Musings from Marlborough, Pulaski's Performances and more were highlighted. Ready to subscribe? Did you know you can help Missouri Rainbow raise money from the comfort and privacy of your home? Try using www.goodsearch.com instead of your usual search engine. On your first time, go into its website and choose Missouri Rainbow's name (look for RAINBOW plus SPRINGFIELD, MO) and your future searches should hold onto it. If you can't get into the website through your usual browser, try using Netscape or Internet Explorer...eventually you'll get there and you'll be helping us out!! Hope to see you at Grand...it's rapidly approaching!! Rainbow Love and all of mine, Miss Samantha Stutzman, 2006-2007 Grand Worthy Advisor, State of Missouri, International Order of Rainbow for Girls
KING SOLOMON'S PASSPORT During the Grand Master’s Area Meetings, our Grand Master, M. Robert Berger, introduced a one time only program. He challenged anyone who would like to participate to purchase a “King Solomon’s Passport” from the Grand Lodge office. As you visit another lodge, have the secretary sign in the appropriate place of this passport booklet. After a booklet is filled a new one may be purchased. The person who visits the most different lodges during this Grand Lodge year will be awarded an Endowed Membership. You will need to return the filled passport booklets before Grand Lodge. The Grand Master will announce the winner during Monday's session. King Solomon's Passport is available for $3.00. If you have question please contact the Grand Lodge Office, 573.474.8561 Ronald D. Miller Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Missouri 82 Summer 2007
MASONIC HOME 5TH ANNUAL GOLF OUTING The Masonic Home 5th Annual Golf Outing is approaching quickly. There is still time for you to get involved!
DATE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 PLACE: A.L. GUSTIN GOLF COURSE COLUMBIA, MISSOURI TIME: SHOTGUN START AT 10:00 A.M. SPONSORSHIP LEVELS: Putting Green $25.00 (Lodges/Chapters ONLY) Putting Green with Ad Book $35.00 (Lodges/Chapters ONLY) Bogey Sign $250.00 includes a sign at a hole with your name on it Birdie Sign $500.00 includes a sign at a hole and on a banner and you will be featured in the Ad Booklet.
AD BOOKLET: All ads will be done in black and white Business Ad $25.00 Quarter Page Ad $50.00 Full Page Ad $100.00
Silent and Live Auction items are always needed and welcomed! All Proceeds from the Golf Outing will go toward our two Children’s Programs. The Creating A Partnership Program and the Children’s Outreach Program are helping children across the state of Missouri. Your financial support is continues to make this possible! You are the Masonic Home! If you are interested in getting involved please contact the Public Relations Department 800.4349804.
Summer 2007 83
continued from page 68 Vice President of his Creighton Chapter during his senior year. After graduation he served three terms as a member of the Board of Regents. John also served as alumni advisor of the Iowa, Creighton and Kansas City Chapters of Delta Chi. John is a member of Buckner Lodge # 501 (initiated in 1994) and holds a life membership there. He was Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1996 and 1997. John is also a Past Master of Kansas City Lodge # 220. John is a Past High Priest of Liberty Chapter #3 Royal Arch Masons, a Past Illustrious Master of Liberty Council #50 Royal and Select Masters and also a Past Commander of Liberty Commandery #3 Knights Templar. He is a member of the Order of High Priesthood, the Past Commander Association in Missouri. John is also the recipient of the Knight York Cross of Honor (KYCH) John is a life member of the Kansas City Valley of the Scottish Rite and currently is 1st Lt. Commander of the Council of Kadosh. John was honored with the distinction of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor (KCCH) in the fall of 2006. John served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri from 1999 to 2003, serving on the Admission and Discipline committee and the Administration committee. John served the Grand Lodge as District Deputy Grand Master for the 59th District and Grand Orator. Grand Master Stanley Thompson appointed John to the Advancing Line as Senior Grand Marshall in 2004. John is a Past President of the Kansas City Chapter of the National Sojourners as well as Past Commander of the Old Glory Camp of the Heroes of 76. He is also a Past Excellent Chief of Charlemagne Chapter of the Knights Masons and Past Celebrant of the Missouri College of /Rosicrucian’s. He is currently Junior Warden in Kilwinney Council AMD. John is currently Vice President of the Masonic Childrens Foundation and has been involved in the creation of the MOCHIP, Missouri Child Identification effort.
YOUR ATTENDANCE IS NEEDED! MASONIC HOME REPRESENTATIVES Starting May 15, 2007 a representative from the Masonic Home of Missouri will be present at all Grand Secretary Area Meetings. We ask that all Masonic Home Representatives attend if their schedule permits. See Grand Lodge of Missouri for Schedule and times.
ATTENTION KANSAS CITY RESIDENTS Did you know as a Private Pay resident you can have your rent deducted directly from your checking or savings account each month? Contact Jodi or Julie for more information. 1-800-434-9804.
CALLING ALL MASONIC VENDORS The Masonic Home needs your help! We are asking for everyone to get involved with our Masonic Home of Missouri Annual Golf Outing on September 10th. We are looking for donations for our Silent & Live Auction. Please contact Michelle Phillippe with questions 800-434-9804. Examples: Gift Baskets, Overnight getaways, tickets to sporting events, Sports Memorabilia . . . and more!!!!
LODGES AND CHAPTERS!!! Don’t forget to schedule a time to hold a lodge or chapter meeting at our Masonic Home in Kansas City!!
REMINDER Lodges who have 90-100% participation in the Penny A Day program will be recognized by the Masonic Home of Missouri for their participation. Remember to call us if your lodge has achieved this goal. Your pennies go farther then you think!!!
84 Summer 2007
“REFLECTED VALUES” ARTIFACTS SHOWCASE MISSOURI MASONRY by Cindee Herrick, Special Project Curator The selection of artifacts, photographs and artwork for the exhibit Reflected Values mostly wrapped up in March. It is an impressive and generous collection of interesting and evocative objects from many aspects of Missouri Masonry. Some were selected because they connect with specific individuals and others relate to certain topics and themes of the exhibit. The next issue of the Freemason will showcase a few more of the artifacts, photos and works of art. Cigar Box from Jacob Lampert’s cigar factory. Lampert was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 191213. He built a decent business manufacturing cigars. The box is on loan from the Masonic Temple in St. Louis and it will become part of the Generosity Gallery.
Miniature carpenter’s square is hand carved bone or ivory with the name Ralph Coulthard incised and filled with ink. On loan from the Grand Lodge of Missouri, the miniature tool will go on display in the Everyman Gallery. Photograph of Lampert with some members of his family. Lampert never married. Instead he helped support his widowed mother and many siblings, as well as the Masonic Home and Missouri Masonry.
Photo of storage shelves ofs suit jacket
Photo of storage shelves of hats
Summer 2007 85
Schell City Masonic Lodge #448 hosted an event honoring Brothers John Lewis, Everett Prough and Ted Thomas for their 60 and 50 years of service and membership in the Masonic Lodge. A potluck dinner was served before the presentation. DDGM Ed Sprenkle made the presentations as their wives pinned the honorees. Afterward the honorees introduced their families, and then all present were introduced. Members and guests were from various Lodges around the area. After the ceremony, all present enjoyed cake and ice cream. Mrs. Eric Christy of Appleton City baked and decorated the cakes.
WB Gary Dryer, Master, Swope Park Lodge #617 awards Bro. Clyde J. Rayburn his 50-year jewel. Bro. Rayburn was raised Dec. 15, 1955.
Congressman Ike Skelton will receive his 50-year Masonic Pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge in a special communication at his home Lodge, Lexington Lodge #149. The ceremony will be held at 3 PM on June 9, 2007. Lexington lodge is located at 125 N. 11th St. in Lexington. If you plan to attend, the Lodge suggests bringing your own apron. Prior to the ceremony, Congressman Skelton will be the Grand Marshall of the Heritage Day parade, which begins at 1 PM. Masons who wish to send a congratulatory letter please mail to Lexington Masonic Secretary, 1518 South St., Lexington MO 54067. Your letter will be forwarded to the Congressman.
Brother Charles Weedman (left) raised June 1955 and Brother Willard Heidbrink (right) raised June 1956, receive their Grand Lodge fifty-year certificates and jewels from WB Weston, Lodge Secretary, Swope Park Lodge #617.
86 Summer 2007
WB Harry Brown (right) receives honors from Missouri State Sir Knight Kris Woods, State Squires, recognizing 75 years of DeMolay membership. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
On June 27, 2006 the Brethren of Adair Lodge #366, Kirksville Lodge No. 105, Grand Line officers, friends, relatives, and visitors from area Lodges gathered at the Masonic Temple in Kirksville to honor Most Worshipful Brother Dale C. Motter, a member of Adair Lodge #366 and Past Grand Master of Masons in Missouri, with the 50 year jewel and certificate of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. RWB Robert M. Barrett made the presentation. MWB Motter’s wife, Maryjane pinned the jewel on his lapel.
On June 27, 2006 the Brethren of Adair Lodge #366, Kirksville Lodge #105, Grand Line officers, friends, relatives, and visitors from area Lodges gathered at the Masonic Temple in Kirksville to recognize Brethren of Adair Lodge #366 who have attained 25 years membership in the Lodge. Right Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey made the presentations. Each Brother received a twenty-five-year lapel pin.
On June 27, 2006 Adair Lodge #366 presented Bro. Gerald. E. “Shag” Grossnickle a pin signifying 60 years of membership in Adair Lodge #366. RWB Robert M. Barrett (right in photo) made the presentation. Bro. Grosnickle’s wife Sara placed the pin on his lapel. For those Brethren who enjoy the sport of Turkey hunting in Missouri, Bro. Grossnickle is the man responsible for the return of Wild Turkey to north Missouri.
On June 27, 2006 Adair Lodge #366 presented Right Worshipful Brother Robert M. Barrett a pin signifying 60 years of membership in Adair Lodge #366. RWB David L. Ramsey, Senior Grand Steward made the presentation. Bro. David Barrett, RWB Barrett’s son placed the pin on RWB Barrett’s lapel.
On June 27, 2006 the Brethren of Adair Lodge #366, Kirksville Lodge #105, Grand Line officers, friends, relatives, and visitors from area Lodges gathered at the Masonic Temple in Kirksville to recognize Brethren of Kirksville Lodge #105 who have attained 25 years membership in the Lodge. Right Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey made the presentations. Each Brother received a twenty five-year lapel pin.
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On February 12, 2007, Liberty Lodge #31 presented 50year pins and the certificate of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to Brothers Eonal Mclaughlin (left) and Marion Rhoades (right). DDGL Don Guilkerson and WB Mike Probst presided.
WB Norman Pearson, Past Master, was presented with his 50-year pin at Weston Masonic Lodge #53 Thursday night, March 15, 2007. Pictured are: WB Norman Pearson being presented his pin by his wife, Mizella. RWB Larry Cook, District Deputy Grand Master, on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, conducted the ceremony.
Brother Frank Myers is shown being presented with his Fifty Year Masonic Service Pin by RWB Phil Lawson, DDGM of the 21st District, who is on the right of the photo. Brother Myer's lovely wife Maxine is on the left in the photo.
Washington Lodge #87, AF&AM, on March 27, 2007, presented WB Lack Allan Fitzpatrick the Grand Lodge of MO. 50-Year Membership Service Award. Making the presentation for the G. L. was WB Billy L. Cooper. RWB CC McLemore III read his Masonic History and presented to him the G. L. Certificate. Bro. Fitzpatrick was Master of this Lodge in 1962. He is a cattle farmer and resides in Greenfield, MO. Congratulations and Thanks Brother Fitzpatrick for your years of service to the world's oldest and greatest fraternity. Pictured above - L to R Chris C. McLemore III, Lack Allan Fitzpatrick and Bill L. Cooper.
January 20th, 2007, Cambridge Lodge #63 and Arrow Rock Lodge $55 held their annual St. John’s Day dinner at Maxine’s Tea House in Slater, Missouri. Honored guests were the Masonic widows form Slater and Arrow Rock; also a 60-year brother and his wife. Brother Clay Mead received his 60-year jewel at the dinner. RWB Leo Bottom made the presentation. Other guests were RWB Bob Hayes and wife Willa, RWB Stan Massey and wife Betty and RWB Ken Osborn. Pictured left to right: 60-year recipient WB Clay Mead, deputy officers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri Leo Bottom, Stan Massey, Bob Hayes and Ken Osborn.
88 Summer 2007
Shown from left to right Brother Harvey Dye Jr. Brother Harvey Dye (recipient of 50-year pin), WB Ronnie Dye, and Brother Jon Dye, RWB Mike Wallace presented. Harvey Jr. and Ronnie are Harvey Sr.'s sons and Jon is his grandson. WB Ronnie Dye and RWB Mike Wallace presented the pin. All are members of Waynesville lodge #375. The presentation was on April 10, 2007. All present had cake and ice cream after the ceremony. Photo and submission by WB Bill O'Dell.
On February 13, 2007, Bro. Cecil H. Gunter of Poplar Bluff Lodge #209 was presented the 50-year jewel and certificate of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. His wife, Margaret pinned the jewel on him. RWB Bob Crackel presided over the presentation at Poplar Bluff Lodge. Brother Gunter reminisced from the east on his 50 years of Masonic service.
Winton “Butch” Albert received his 50 year pin and certificate from Arnold Lodge #673 on March 8, 2007. His wife, Eddie, presented his pin, while Worshipful Brother Rich Kraus presented his certificate. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Poplar Bluff lodge #209 presented Brother Carroll D. Chronister his 50-year jewel and certificate of the Grand Lodge on February 13, 2007. His wife Janice pinned the jewel on him. RWB Bob Brannum, DDGL, presided. After the ceremony, Brother Chronister reminisced about his 50-years of Masonic service.
WB Harry A. Maitland received his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri at Pomegranate Pyramid Lodge #95. WB Maitland's wife Judith presented her husband with his pin June14, 2006.
On Monday evening, March 5, 2007, RWB John Ritter, DDGL for the 37th Masonic District, presented certificates and pins to Elvins-Ionic’s two newest 50-year members. Shown in the picture are Brother Carrol L. Mull, RWB Ritter and Brother Leo G. McCrorey. Both wives were present to pin their husbands new jewelry on them. Summer 2007 89
On February 10, 2007, at Lanes Prairie Lodge #531, in Vichy, Missouri, RWB John Niccum, DDGM of the 29th Masonic District, Presented a 50-year membership certificate and jewel of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to Bro. William W. Sherman. His wife Meritta pinned his jewel. Bro Sherman then gave a very interesting talk on his travels through the years.
O.R. “Bud� Thomason receives his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri in April of 2006 at Bray Summit Lodge #173, Gray Summit, Missouri. Pictured left to right: WB Frank Lesinski, RWB Norman Harrison, WB Thomason, and RWB Richard Weible. WB Thomason is a dual member of Caruthersville Lodge #461.
Brother Roy Hodgson of Grand River Lodge #276 receives his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri on February 3, 2007. Brother Hodgson is shown in the center of the photograph flanked by WB Samuel Branch and Mark Gallaway of El Reno Lodge #50, El Reno, Oklahoma. The presentation was made at Brother Hodgson's home.
Recently, Worshipful Master Ray Smith presented an Achievement Award to RWB Elmo Blum for his 60 years of dedicated leadership and service to Herculaneum Lodge #338, Herculaneum, MO. His family, friends and a host of Masonic brethren joined in the celebration to roast and toast Bro. Blum. (Pictured: L to R WM Ray Smith, RWB Elmo Blum, Past Master Earnest Eldridge)
At an open Communication of Nodaway Lodge #470 George English and William J. Hollingsworth were presented 50-year veteran member awards by RWB Fred Foster, District Deputy Grand Master of the 6th District. Each was presented a 50-year lapel pin and certificate for his many years of faithful service to the Masonic fraternity. George English received his 50-year award from the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Illinois. He is a member of El Paso Lodge in Illinois. William J. Hollingsworth has been a very active member of the Masonic Fraternity having served as A District Deputy Grand Master and as a District Deputy Grand Lecturer in addition to holding several proficiency certificates and having served as Master of three (3) different Lodges including Nodaway Lodge #470. Mr. English is a professor Emeritus of Northwest Missouri State University. Mr. Hollingsworth is a retired Missouri State Highway Patrol Sergeant. 90 Summer 2007
Pictured left to right, Master Squire Tyler Walden, Senior Squire Jacob Lininger, Junior Squire Andrew Hoaglan and
Squire Chaplain Conlan Miller with Manor Advisor Bro. Neal Cowan proudly looking on. The Squires are the newest Masonic youth group formed at Swope Park temple. All Masonic bodies meeting at the temple were represented in a large assembly for the occasion. The ceremony began with presentation of colors by William F. Kuhn DeMolay chapter and opening prayer by WB Gary Barron. Initiation and installation was conducted by Independence Manor Missouri State Sir Knight Kris Woods. The Order of the Squires of the Round Table was established in 1995 in Vancouver as a pledge for the International Order of DeMolay.
It's mission is to allow young men from the ages of 10 through 12 to have an opportunity to participate in some of the fun activities with DeMolay, but not to be overwhelmed with the age differences and ritual work that is part of DeMolay The Squire organization increased rapidly throughout different jurisdictions after it was first established, and in June of 1997 the first Squire Manor in the world—Vancouver Manor from Vancouver, Washington—was invited to the International Supreme Council to make the declaration of Squires international.
Swope Park’s first new MM raised in the new year, Bro. Justin Dryer being congratulated by dad, WB Gary Dryer (right) and his brother, Bro. Tony Broome (left). Bro. Justin was raised on his 23rd birthday January 11, 2007.
Summit Lodge #263, Lee's Summit, prepared and delivered 6 Christmas baskets to needy families in Lee's Summit. Many of the Brothers donated food and money for these baskets. Pictured are some of the Brothers who helped prepare baskets and deliver them. L to R Front row: Richard Gumerman, Shane McCray, Kirby Vanatta, George Watson, Dick Brighthaupt. Back row: Hershell Spurlock, Truman Jones, Lyle Croisant, Sam Davis, Bob Spence. Not pictured Leo Bledsoe.
Bro. Kirk Federhoff (rt) receives his apron from Secretary WB Warren Weston of Swope Park Lodge #617. Bro Federhoff was raised December 9, 2006.
District Deputy Grand Master of the 9th Masonic District Jerry D. Galloway made his official visit to Hamilton Lodge #244 on Tuesday, March 20, 2007. The meeting was preceeded by a dinner. RWB Galloway brought greetings from Grand Master Berger and led a discussion aobut endowed memberships during the question and answer session. RWB Galloway (left) is shown with WB Jim Martin, Worshipful Master of Hamilton Lodge.
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Knob Noster Lodge gets “extreme makeover� Dreary weather did not dampen the spirits of the members of Knob Noster Lodge #245, Knob Noster, Missouri, as they turned out on Saturday, February 24, 2007, for the first day of a lodge renovation project. This was probably due in part to a delicious breakfast prepared by WB Les Stewart. Arriving with biscuits and gravy in hand, WB Stewart quickly brought warm smiles and full stomachs to those who turned out to help.
WB Les Stewart (foreground) and Bro. Kyle Hookey (background) prepare the walls for fresh paint.
The primary objective for the first day was to repair the walls in the lodge room and apply a fresh coat of paint. Based on recommendations of the Temple Board, the membership had previously agreed to change the wall color from white to a neutral medium tan color. The work continued on Friday evening and again on Saturday, March 9-10, 2007. During this 2-day period, walls in the kitchen area and ante-room were repaired and painted. The results were much better than expected. The lodge looks great! Previously, safety-related electrical repairs were made and exit and emergency lights installed throughout the building. New fire extinguishers were also purchased for placement in various locations in the lodge. Funding for this project was made possible by voluntary assessments paid by lodge members. A few weeks ago, each member was asked to pay an assessment of $100 with the understanding that all proceeds would go toward lodge improvements. The voluntary assessment program has been extremely successful and has enabled the lodge to correct some longstanding problems. The improvements will not only provide a nicer place for lodge members to meet, but will also provide a safer and more enjoyable environment for the many community events held at the Lodge. Members of the lodge look forward to inviting the community in to see the improvements. The following Brothers and their wives participated in the 3-day project: WB Randy Eckert and his wife, Becky, WB Robert Cass and his wife, Linda, WB Larry Fox, WB Joe Joyner and his wife, Margaret, WB Les Stewart, Bro. Kyle Hookey and his wife, Tammy, Bro. Dave Helm, and Bro. Ray Mora.
The Tribesman Shrine Club of Ararat Shrine and Albert Pike Lodge #219 will be hosting the Oklahoma Degree Team.
OCTOBER 6, 2007 Bennett Auditorium, Ararat Shrine Center, 5100 Ararat Drive, Kansas City, MO 3:00 pm lodge tyled (masons only) 7:30 pm buffet style dinner (open to the public) 8:30 pm dance program with photo opportunities after. As this is a Masonic function, times are subject to change.
Bro. Ethan Bragg and Bro. Dave Helm of Knob Noster received their Master Mason degrees during ceremonies conducted at Knob Noster Lodge #245, Knob Noster, Missouri, on March 8, 2007 and February 22, 2007, respectively. More than 20 Brothers from Knob Noster, Warrensburg, Sedalia, Holden, Leeton, and Kansas City lodges participated in conferring the degrees. (L-R) RWB Bob Weikal, DDGL, 21st Masonic District, Bro. Ethan Bragg, Bro. Dave Helm, and RWB Mike Armstrong, RGL, Region C. 92 Summer 2007
$20.00 per person, $10.00 for children 10 and under. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Tribesmen Shrine Club in supporting Boy Scouts attending camp and on staff at H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation through camperships and scholarships. For more information contact me at coreynkc1@sbcglobal.net or 816-453-2677, for tickets contact Butch Pugh 816-322-0271, 15417 White Avenue, Grandview, MO 64030.
Cooper Lodge #36 hosted a fund raiser for Daniel Cary, son of Noble Chris Cary. Daniel has been selected to go to Holland for a People to People bowling tour. He is one of 16 picked to go from the United States. Noble Arlin Baker made chili and other volunteers made sandwiches and desserts. There were enough guests to raise the funds needed for Daniel to go on the trip. He is very thankful for all those who helped and is very excited about going to Holland. It is a real experience for a 15 year old. Photo (L/R): Noble Arlin Baker, Lady Beth Cary, Noble Chris Cary, Lodge Master and Noble Roy Cary and Daniel Cary. Submitted by Sam Thompson, Scribe, Boonslick Shrine Club.
After the regular stated communication of Wentzville Lodge #46 on February 7, 2007 Boy Scout Troop #853 presented a partial initiation ceremony after which RWB Russ Tinker then presented Bro. Christopher J. Newbold, District Deputy Grand Lecturer of the 26th Masonic District, the Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) prestigious Daniel Carter Beard Award at Wentzville Lodge #46, located in Wentzville, MO. The award was created in 2001 and is administered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to honor Masons who are currently registered Scouters and active in a Scout unit, district, council or national affiliate, and who have displayed outstanding dedication to the scouting program through: developing of Scouting units; assisting lodges in forming units; exemplifying the Scout Law and Masonic virtues; recruiting scouting volunteers; and strengthening the relationship between Freemasonry and Scouting. To my knowledge, Brother Newbold is the first Master Mason in this immediate area to be honored with this award. Submitted by Frank H. Davis. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
December 12, 2006 was the scene of the St. Johns Day Celebration and dinner at Warren Lodge #74 in Keytesville. In attendance at the Dinner and Program were a number of Warren Lodge and Warren Star, OES, members and guests. After a delicious ham dinner, served by the members, a program was given depicting the First St. Johns Day Celebration and Dinner at Warren Lodge, which was held on Dec. 29, 1845, the year Warren Lodge was founded in Keytesville, MO. Excerpts from the original Lodge Minute Book were read describing in detail the event of that early day, also a number of events of the same era of Historical Interest; members going to New Mexico to fight in he Mexican War. One member lost his life, his remains were returned to Keytesville for burial, description of his funeral service; mention of Col. Sterling Price who was a member of Warren Lodge was also serving in the War in New Mexico at that time. Guest speaker for the evening was RW Bro. David Ramsey, Kirksville, Senior Grand Steward, Grand Lodge of MO. He remarked on the history, and then talked at length about the Grand Lodge Children's Identification Program. Appropriate musical selections were offered by Mrs. Debra Sellers, vocalist, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Wood, pianist. Pictured Left to right: Bro. J. D. Archer, WM; Bro. Ken Osborn, 14th DDGM; Bro. Leo Bottom, 14th DDGL; Bro. David Ramsey, SGS Grand Lodge of MO; Bro. Joe E. Manson, Warren Lodge Secretary. Assisting, but not pictured: Bro. Harold Breshears, Chaplin; Bro. Charles Kendrick, Senior Warden; Bro. Rodney D. Blackwell, Senior Deacon.
The Missouri Freemason
DEADLINES Issue Fall, 2007 Winter, 2007 Spring, 2008 Summer, 2008
Deadline July, 1, 2007 October 1, 2007 January 2, 2008 April 1, 2008
Summer 2007 93
Pictured on the left is RWB Rocky Weaver, Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Missouri; in the center is RWB Frank Hazelrigg, Truman Medal recipient, and on the right is MWB Glenn Means, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The occasion was the Mokane Lodge #612 annual Oyster Supper to honor its Past Masters on January 6, 2007. RWB Means gave an interesting and educational speech on the qualifications of 'Regular' Freemasons. Br. Hazelrigg is also remembered as past Secretary of the Missouri Lodge of Research and his work in the York Right.
Warrenton Lodge #609, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons presents a check of $200.00 to the Jonesburg Bank for the benefit of the Lindsey Garrett family who lost everything in the fire that destroyed its home possessions in early December 2006. Presenting the check is Alexander Mount, current Worshipful Master of the lodge, along with Willard Allen and Peter Schmidt, past masters.
A check for $300.00 is being presented to Willard Allen for the benefit of his son, Craig Allen and his family. Alexander Mount. Worshipful Master of Warrenton Lodge #609, and Peter Schmidt, past master of the lodge make the presentation. Craig Allen was seriously hurt in November 2006 when he fell off a deer stand while hunting and is wheel chair bound, being paralyzed from the waist down. Craig's son is hospitalized and in a coma, having been hurt in a car accident in early December. The accident killed his grandmother Patricia, Willard Allen's wife. Willard is a past master of the lodge.
On December 15, 2006, Warrenton Lodge #609, Warrenton, Missouri, Pauldingville Lodge #11 of Wright City, Missouri, and Grace Chapter #323 of The Order of The Eastern Star held a Christmas Benefit Party for the widows of the lodges at the Masonic Lodge in Warrenton. Santa Claus, who brought presents for the honorees, treated the ladies, members and visitors to a festive meal, good fellowship and a visit. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the Christmas carols and jubilant festivity.
Stockton Lodge #283 celebrated the honor of having three generations of the Dawes family as Master Masons at the Regular Communication October 19, 2006. Pictured here are: (Front Row) PDDGL Jim Kilburn, Bros. Peter Jackson, Dean Dawes, Mike Dawes and Mike Dawes II. (Second Row) DDGM Ed Sprenkle, Bros. John Rummel, and Doyle Fry. (Back Row) WM Nicky Bullard.
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Southwest Heritage Lodge #681 Officers for 2007: WM John Kuehn, SW Jim Carsel, JW Jared Richmond, Treasurer WB Ray Moody, Secretary RWB John Pace, Chaplain Matt Stoller, Marshal Mike Kerby, SD Dick Beardsley, JD John Billings, SS Jesse Bruce, JS Rick McCully, Tyler Seth Richardson, Installing Master RWB Roger Adams, Installing Chaplain WB Harry Guinn, Installing Marshal RWB John Pace.
On Friday, December 8, 2006, several member of ElvinsIonic Lodge delivered and presented 40 cases of food to the Elvins Food Pantry, Park Hills. Lodge member donations at its monthly dinner meetings provided the funding for the food. Mrs. James Peterson, co-operator of the pantry accepted the donation and expressed her gratitude.
Criterion Lodge #586 Officers for 2007: WM Sam Porter, SW Ralph Handlin, JW Bob Brock, Treasurer RWB Jerry Gaddis, Chaplain RWB Roger Adams, SD WB Glenn Clifton, JD Lance Pugh, SS WB Danny Passley, JS WB Richard Palone, Tyler Herman Passley, Installing Master RWB Roger Adams, Installing Chaplain, RWB Carl Branden, Installing Marshal WB Richard Palone.
On December 7, 2006, Worshipful Master Ray Smith presented a check for $200 to Ms. Terri Dallas (Event Coordinator for Jefferson County Special Olympics) and Ms. Jane Howell (Global Messenger for Special Olympics and Special Olympics Hall of Fame recipient for 2003 in Missouri). Ms. Dallas is the niece of Bro. Paul Grobe, Special Olympics volunteer from Herculaneum Lodge #338. Pictured: (L to R) WM Ray Smith, Jane Howell and Terri Dallas.
WB David Swafford pauses for a few moments to have his picture taken with Brother J.C. Penney on March 20, prior to a Lodge meeting in Hamilton, Missouri. WB Swafford is currently the Master of Vincil Masonic Lodge #62 in Cameron.
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Myself In Freemason e v o r p m I ry To
HINTS ON LEARNING RITUAL As a university professor of ancient languages for 35 years and instructor of Masonic ritual as DDGL for 11 years, I will presume to offer suggestions for learning ritual for the purpose of degree work. Several years ago we started a weekly ritual practice in the 38th Masonic District. This has greatly improved the quality of degree work in all of the ten lodges. 1. Practice aloud, when possible. Masonic ritual is an oral tradition and practice. It is designed to be spoken, not read silently. Part of the charm of ritual is the sound and cadence of words and phrases. Ritual is poetic prose. If you study the ritual silently only, you will be surprised and distracted by the sound of your own voice, when you speak the words for the first time. When you speak the words as you memorize, they are easier to remember, and your phrasing becomes more natural and meaningful. 2. It goes without saying that anyone who works in conferring degrees should learn the work perfectly. So, why am I saying it? Because I observe work by brethren who do not know the ritual well. I use the word perfectly advisedly. We should always strive for perfection, even though we may fall short of our goal. This is why we should always practice and review. Think of how much better our ritual is, when done by brethren who have studied thoroughly, practiced frequently, and reviewed regularly in order to do the best ritual possible. Compare this with degrees that are done by brethren who have not learned the work adequately and are content with degrees poorly presented. Worse are situations in which brethren once knew the work well, but continue to do the ritual without brushing up on the wording and floor work. We hear substitute words, rephrasing, dropped phrases or words, and frequent need for prompting. These are the result of neglecting practice and review. The best professionals in every field always review and practice. 4. Ideally, all ritual should be learned from an instructor, using the cipher only to remind you of the wording when your instructor is not present. A major cause of errors in ritual is memorizing directly from the cipher without learning to read the coded words correctly. The cipher states explicitly that it is “an aid to memory,” i.e., to assist you to remember what you have been taught by your instructor. We must face the reality that there is not always such a well informed brother available to instruct you. At the very least, when memorizing from the cipher, be sure to have someone check your interpretation of the abbreviations, before committing the work to remember. Otherwise, incorrect words will be learned and, even if corrected later will mistakenly pop up to haunt you when
least expected and without even noticing it. 5. I’ll give you a “rule” that I once gave regularly to my students of Greek and Latin languages. This would apply especially to reviewing ritual that you are learning or have previously learned. If you don’t know the word or phrase, look it up or ask. If you think you know the word or phrase, but aren’t quite sure. Look it up or ask. If you are absolutely sure you know the word or phrase, look it up or ask. 6. There is a little trap that even the best ritualists can fall into. We may know the ritual perfectly and perform it well and often. Without practice and review, some of the precision may fade. I encourage all brethren who do degree work to review occasionally by reading through the ritual without relying on your memory. This reinforces your clear memory of the wording and refreshes the words and phrases in your mind. 7. Do not proceed with a degree, even if scheduled, if a sufficient number of qualified ritual workers are not present. I observe lodges having a third degree with a dozen persons present! This is not fair to the candidate, obviously. It is not fair to sideliners, who are there to observe and renew their own previous experience. But think about it. It also is not fair to those conferring the degree. Saying, “Well, we got through it” can never bring a feeling of satisfaction. I won’t even mention that it is not acceptable to plan a degree without the lecture! 8. One contributing factor to poor degree work is failure to arrange in advance those brethren who will take part in the ritual. This is a shoddy practice and unworthy of the office of Master of the Lodge. I find it appalling to recruit brethren to fill various offices only after they arrive at the lodge, without arranging for every worker in advance. Such lack of planning too often results in poor degree work. Finding someone to fill a part upon arrival should happen only when a designated person has to cancel at the last minute. 9. Learn the correct pronunciation of Masonic words. I won’t make a long list, but here are a few that are often heard: Breth-ren is two syllables: th is soft, as in breathe (not as in breath); not brothern, or brotheren, or bretheren. Omitting plurals: Add s to the pronunciation of words like Entered Apprentices (ap-pren-ti-ces, not appren-tice); lodge of Fellow Crafts (not Fellow Craft) Artificer is ar-TIF-icer, not ar-TIS-ifer. I hear this 90% of the time. Think of artifice or artificial to get the sound.
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POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 2579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.