GRAND LODGE INSTALLS CORNERSTONE IN LACLEDE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB & KEG PATROL BUILDING After years of discussion, planning, fundraising and construction, the Wilbur H. Bradley and James C. Morgan Center and home of the Laclede County Shrine Club & Keg Patrol has finally been completed. And, what a memorable treat it was to see the final touch celebrated by the setting of the cornerstone in a formal Masonic ceremony. The time, date and places were 1:00 PM, Saturday, 3 May 2008 in Lebanon’s Laclede Lodge #83 and the adjoining Shrine Club building. After being welcomed by WM Richard Johnston, RWB Larry C. Reynolds, Senior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Missouri, acting as Grand Master, opened the Grand Lodge in due form on the Third Degree of Freemasonry. He then proceeded to put the Lodge at ease, provided instruction for the
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upcoming event, permitted pictures to be taken and led the formal procession of designated Grand Lodge Officers to the Shrine Club building. Many Lodges, Shriners, Masonic bodies and individuals were present and participated in the event. WB Wilbur Bradley, the first Rajah of the Laclede Shrine Club and designated Deputy Grand Master, tested the cornerstone to assure it was “good work, true work and square work.” WB James Morgan, the virtual architect and principal contributor to the work effort involved in constructing the building served as a member of the Grand Lodge Officer line-up. In attendance also were Lebanon Bethel #66 of Jobs Daughters and representatives of the Lebanon Chapter, Order of DeMolay.
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri
VOL. 53 NO. 4
FALL 2008
Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications
Grand Master’s Message
Freemasons as Missouri State Governors
Three Presiding Officers
Canton Lodge 287
How We Attract and Retain Members at St. Louis, MO Lodge #1
Freemasons Riding Club
Brother Dale Williams
Black Jack: Missouri’s “Six Star” General
Missouri Rainbow
Missouri DeMolay
Masonic Home
Masonic Service Awards
The Work of Our Craft
I’m one of those guys who writes a blog. If you’re unfamiliar with what that is, you may have at least heard the term on the news. It’s short for ‘weblog.’ It’s also short for “the guy who does this is insane enough to do a lot of work for very little compensation.” I publish daily and then sit back and wait for the readers to make comments and tell me how wonderful I am. Yeahright. Anyway, the thing is, I’ve been pretty successful and have lots of readers, but they don’t leave many comments; maybe fifteen or so on an average day. The ratio, it turns out is about one comment per 1,000 visitors. I’ve learned, however, that the comments I do get are pretty well reflective of what the entire readership is thinking. So what’s the point? The fact is, we probably got about the same ratio of comments regarding the new format to the magazine. However, like the comments that come into my blog, I’m sure they were reflective of the thinking of our readership. In that vein, I didn’t hear a single negative comment. As far as I know, every single person who contacted the Grand Lodge or talked to me in person, phoned or emailed, thought the changes we had made to the magazine weren’t just good – everyone thought the new look was spectacular. It seems we hit a home run with the changes we made and once again, I’ve got to say the credit goes to the brothers on the publications committee, including the Grand Secretary, the two editors who preceded me, and others who were so supportive and helpful. In future issues, we’re going to use the new format to feature some of the better photography and stories inside the front and back covers. Those features will include larger, color shots of Masonic events and sites around Missouri. In this issue we featured the cornerstone ceremony at the new Laclede County Shrine Club & Keg Patrol building. On page 97 of this issue you’ll see an article that describes what we are looking for. Please look it over and send us a nice, high quality picture of your Lodge, a Masonic landmark in your area or pictures from a big event. In the meantime, you may also feel free to send us your comments. We’d love increase that ratio. Steve Harrison, Editor
Committee on Masonic Publications Bruce R. Austin, Grand Master Rocky E. Weaver, Deputy Grand Master Larry C. Reynolds, Senior Grand Warden Gail S. Turner, Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary E. Otha Wingo, Assistant Editor Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-628-6562 / Call for Fax Please note the change of address for the Missouri Freemason:
P.O. Box 1120, Kearney, MO 64060-1120 The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be submitted to
The Missouri Freemason, P.O. Box 1120, Kearney, MO 64060-1120, not later than the first day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right due to limitations of space, to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $12.00 annually. PERMISSION TO REPRINT: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. CHANGE OF ADDRESS (Important): Whenever a member changes his mailing address without notifying his Lodge Secretary and a mailing of the Freemason magazine occurs, the Post Office charges the Grand Lodge 75¢ per undeliverable Freemason. PLEASE, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change so that the Grand Lodge can then be notified. GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI INTERNET ADDRESSES E-Mail to the Grand Lodge Office The Grand Lodge web page www.momason.orgPhone: 573-474-8561
Fall 2008 95
Brethren: By the time you read this, the 187th Grand Lodge Session will be quickly approaching. My year as Grand Master has flown by too quickly. Thank you Brothers for making it a most memorable year for me. You have left pleasant memories for me that will last a lifetime. My wish is that you will treat the new Grand Master in the same manner in which you treated me. This year has been a great “ride.” I have seen Freemasonry at its finest. The best people in Missouri belong to our Masonic families. You have made me feel welcome at your Lodges and other Masonic events that I have attended as your Grand Master. Masonry in Missouri continues to grow in numbers. Much of this growth is due to the success of our C2A classes and our MOCHIP program. As I traveled to Lodges in our state, I see young men in increasing numbers, and many of them are holding offices in their Lodges. Brothers, the C2A classes are working. We have the same percentage of these men that are staying active and learning the ritual as those who learned the proficiency. Don’t shortchange these C2A Brothers. They are doing a great job in Freemasonry. As you know, I have stressed a mentoring program to be given in all Lodges. I am happy to report that many Lodges have started a mentoring program. It is as simple as having a well-informed Brother sit with a newly made Brother and teach him about Masonry, and answer any questions this newly-made Brother might have concerning Masonry. I have also stressed giving this newlymade Brother work in our ritual. 96 Fall 2008
This will keep him interested in the Lodge because he will feel he is needed and is a partner in doing the degrees. Keep his family active; have sit-down dinners with his wife and kids, have fundraisers, call the Lodge from labor and have programs that will interest the family. Our MOCHIP program is second to none. As I write this, we have registered 58,000 children in our program. We have six complete sets of computer equipment at this time, and every weekend all six are being used somewhere in our state. Hats off to RWB Nick Chichielo, his wife Lori, and the countless number of volunteers that are making MOCHIP such a success. Several states are copying our program. Missouri is leading the way. During my year, I have attended five Grand Lodge Sessions in different states, attended the National Conference of Grand Masters in Louisville, Kentucky, the Conference of World Grand Lodges in Washington, D.C., the Imperial
Shrine Session in St. Louis, and visited Lodges in every corner of our state. While in Washington, D.C., I was able to lay a Masonic Wreath at the Missouri section of the World War 2 Memorial. I did this on your behalf to honor all the Freemasons from Missouri who served our country during that terrible war. God Bless all our servicemen, both past and present. Thanks to our Grand Secretary, Ron Miller, and his staff of wonderful ladies. You made my year as Grand Master so much easier with your help. Also thanks to Karin Bell, Executive Director of the Masonic Home, and her wonderful staff. The work you do to help our Brothers, their Widows, Eastern Star Ladies, and the underprivileged children is second to none. I also wish to thank my District Deputy Grand Masters and our Deputy Grand Lectures. You are the glue that holds this fraternity together. THANK YOU ALL! Many thanks to Past Grand Master Bill Soutiea, who appointed me to the advancing line nine years ago. To my wife of 45 years, “Sisser,” who did a lot of traveling with me this year, and never complained, and the rest of my family and close friends who supported me this past year. May our Father in Heaven continue to bless our fraternity and our wonderful country. Sincerely and Fraternally,
Bruce R. Austin Grand Master THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
There have been at least 34 Freemasons who have served 35 terms as Governor of Missouri. These Masonic governors served for some 127 years, getting a little confused around the Civil War. That means that Freemasons have served as governor for about 67% of the time Missouri has been a state. We have had numerous Freemasons serve as Senators and Representatives, including MWB Harry S Truman who continued on to be the 33rd President of the US. Masonic Governor Alexander McNair Frederick Bates Daniel Dunklin Thomas Reynolds Meredith Miles Marmaduke Austin Augustus King Sterling Price Robert Marcellus Stewart
Years served 1820 – 1824 1824 – 1825 1832 – 1836 1840 – 1844 1844 – 1844 1848 – 1853 1853 – 1857 1857 – 1861
Missouri was officially recognized as a Confederate state by the Confederate government and was represented in the Confederate Congress and by a star on the Confederate flag. During the Civil War, however, Missouri was also claimed by the Union and had two competing state governments. (Note: This unusual situation also existed to some degree in the border state of Kentucky.) The first Missouri secession convention voted to remain in the Union in January 1861, but a series of military conflicts ensued. Missouri Unionists and the federal government eventually gained control of the state capitol and established a provisional state government in July that remained loyal to the Union. Meanwhile, the Missouri legislature, made up largely of Southern sympathizers, passed a resolution to secede and join the Confederacy, which was signed by Governor Jackson in October.
Masonic Governor Hamilton Rowan Gamble Thomas Clement Fletcher Silas Woodson Charles Henry Hardin John Smith Phelps Thomas Theodore Crittenden John S. Marmaduke Albert P. Morehouse David R. Francis William Joel Stone Lawrence Vest Stephens Alexander Monroe Dockery Joseph W. Folk Herbert S. Hadley Elliot Woolfolk Major Frederick D. Gardner Arthur M. Hyde Samuel Aaron Baker Henry S. Caulfield Guy Brasfield Park Forrest C. Donnell Phil M. Donnelly Forrest Smith Phil M. Donnelly James T. Blair, Jr. Warren E. Hearnes Mel Carnahan Roger B. Wilson
Years served 1861 – 1864 1865 – 1869 1873 – 1875 1875 – 1877 1877 – 1881 1881 – 1885 1885 – 1887 1887 – 1889 1889 – 1893 1893 – 1897 1897 – 1901 1901 – 1905 1905 – 1909 1909 – 1913 1913 – 1917 1917 – 1921 1921 – 1925 1925 – 1929 1929 – 1933 1933 – 1937 1941 – 1945 1945 – 1949 1949 – 1953 1953 – 1957 1957 – 1961 1965 – 1973 1993 – 2000 2000 – 2001
(Note: Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan was killed In Plane Crash – ref: – October 17, 2000. Wilson assumed office at 1:10 AM after Carnahan’s body had been formally identified. The date is muddied by resources, which give the wrong dates.)
MISSOURI MASONIC SITE PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT The Missouri Freemason is interested in receiving color photographs of interesting Masonic sites in your area. We’d like to see and publish pictures of any type of Masonic Marker, historic site, homes of Famous (and semi-famous) Freemasons, interesting gravesites or any other site you think is of Masonic significance. We plan to publish some of these in future issues. Please send as high-quality a photo as your camera can take. We prefer digital photos taken at your camera’s highest quality setting. If you don’t have a digital
camera, send prints but, again, quality is important. Please email your submissions to or mail your prints to P.O. Box 1120, Kearney MO, 64060. When you do, please let us know that the picture is for the Missouri Masonic Site Photography Project (and not for current publication) and give us a brief description of the subject. If nothing else, send us a nice picture of your Lodge Building. Thanks.
Fall 2008 97
THREE PRESIDING OFFICERS David E. Miller II is the Worshipful Master of Country Club Lodge # 656 in Kansas City Missouri. Brother Miller was installed as Worshipful Master of Country Club Lodge on September 17th, 2007. His term as Master will end on September 15th, 2008. Brother Miller has recently graduated with his Associates of Arts and Sciences Degree in the discipline of Paralegalism, where he earned double honors. Country Club Lodge has raised six men so far this term and has scheduled degree work to raise two more men this summer, giving them the opportunity to achieve the 5% Membership Award. The Lodge has every officer’s position filled with regular attendance from all of the officers and Brethren on the sidelines. Country Club Lodge is also going to accomplish the Grand Lodge’s Truman Honor Lodge Award for the first time in the Lodge’s history. Brother Miller is active in Eastern Star, Royal Arch, Cryptic Masonry, Commandery, White Shrine, and attends the meetings of his children at the Order of the Squires of the Round Table and the International Order of Job’s Daughters. Brother Miller’s son, Conlan Delaney Miller was installed as Master Squire of the Swope Park Manor, Order of the Squires of the Round Table, in Kansas City Missouri on May 4th, 2008. His term will end in August of 2008. Conlan is nine years old, in fourth grade, a student in the Challenge Program in his school district, has been the class president and is learning to play the piano. Conlan was able to attend his first Annual Conclave competition this year in Jefferson City as the Master Squire of his Manor and was able to take home ten trophies for ritual proficiencies and sports. Conlan competed in all of the Junior Division ritual competitions and won 1st place in the Master Ritualist and 1st place in the Expert Master Ritualist. Four of the Squire boys, including two Past Master Squires, were able to attend the
2008 Conclave where they collectively took home a total of twenty-six trophies for their Manor. Conlan also presided over an Induction Ceremony at his first meeting as Master Squire, where he obligated the candidate from memory. Conlan is very excited about Squires and DeMolay and hopes to become a Master Mason when he turns eighteen. Brother Miller’s daughter Nachelle Heritage Miller was installed as the Honored Queen of Job’s Daughters Bethel # 29 in Independence Missouri on June 22nd, 2008. Her term will end in December of 2008. Nachelle is thirteen years old and is in seventh grade. Nachelle participated in the Job’s Daughters Junior Miss Missouri Pageant last year at the Ararat Shrine in Kansas City. Nachelle has been elected by her Bethel to participate again this year in the Job’s Daughters Junior Miss Missouri Pageant, which will be held in St. Louis. Nachelle’s interest in Job’s Daughters began at a Scottish Rite family picnic in 2003. Nachelle started her Job’s Daughters adventure as a “Jobie to Bee” and was able to petition the Bethel for membership when she turned ten years of age. Nachelle was very successful during her term as Senior Princess, where she was able to exceed expectations for fund raising. Nachelle was able to attend this year’s Grand Bethel event in Jefferson City as the Bethel’s Honored Queen. Nachelle has chosen Wayside Waifs as her charity. These young ladies received a perfect score in the sign language competitions, taking first place, they took 1st place in the Bethel Sign making competition and took second place in the duet competitions. Nachelle took 1st place in the Arts and Crafts competition for making jewelry and while at Grand Bethel, Nachelle was given the honor of being appointed Grand Recorder. For a period of almost two months, Brother Miller and his two children will be the Presiding Officers of their respective organizations simultaneously.
REGIONAL SCHOOLS OF INSTRUCTION • REGION C RWB MICHAEL ARMSTRONG November 15, 2008 • Sedalia Lodge #236 • Sedalia, Missouri, 9:00AM
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CANTON LODGE 287 MEMORIALIZES LONG-DEPARTED MEMBERS In the past few years, the members of Canton Lodge 287 came to understand that many longtime, faithful members of the Lodge had passed away. Sadly, the brothers realized that they were asked to attend too many Lodge funeral services. Under normal circumstances the loss of so many members (the Lodge lost 36 members in a 10 year period) would cause consternation and difficulties for the remaining members. Under the strong leadership of Worshipful Masters Brad Davis, J.R. Winters, and Charles Dewitt, Canton over the past three years has grown slightly, maintaining a membership of 72 to 75 brothers. As new members joined and began to learn the work of the Craft, Master J.R. Winters expressed the strong desire to remember and honor the Lodge’s past, even while looking to the future. In 2007, the Lodge decided to design and plan a special memorial service for those brothers who have passed on. For its first, initial memorial service the members decided to honor those who passed away within the past 10 years (1997-2007). Future memorial services will be held every three or four years honoring those who succumb and go to be with the Supreme Architect of the Universe within the cycles of time. The Lodge’s plan is to hold these memorial services as close to Memorial Day as possible. The first service was held on June 2, 2008. A public memorial service (family members of those who have gone on were invited) and 36 brothers lives were remembered
with honor, 24 of whom had been 50-year members. The text for the memorial service is as follows: 1. Master: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I find no pleasure in them,’ before the Sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark. Remember him before the silver cord is severed or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring or the wheel is broken at the well.” 2. Senior Warden: speak (slowly) - Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4; Senior Deacon: lights candle on Lodge altar and Master’s Chair; Junior Deacon: lights candles at Senior Warden and Junior Warden Chairs. 3. Junior Warden: speak (slowly) - Ecclesiastes 3: 5-8 and 17; Marshall and Tyler: prepare bar at doorway. 4. Chaplain, Secretary and Master walk together to Lodge Altar; Chaplain: speaks Psalm 23; Senior Warden and Junior Warden lead Lodge members to Altar where a Square is formed, lights are dimmed. 5. Secretary (standing next to Master on left side, Chaplain on right of Master): slowly reads names of those we remember (pause after each name). 6. Marshall: strikes bar as each name is read, silence for a moment. 7. Chaplain: closes with prayer from Romans 8. 8. Master: speaks Ecclesiastes 3: 9-14 - Lodge members retire to their chairs or stations, led by Wardens.
Much has happened at St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1 with respect to attracting, retaining, and having in attendance at meetings our new, young Master Masons (MM). RWB Ron Miller asked me to describe how we systematically, during my 3-year tenure as Master, worked to achieve this goal. For many of you who are reading this article, I ask you to suspend the belief system you have had and the ideas with which you have been running your lodges, because this may seem different to you. I am using tools and techniques that I have developed over the past 19 plus years as a financial advisor that have allowed me to attract and retain my clients. One over-riding theme has occurred since I started in the Senior Deacon’s chair- the lodge exists to serve the brethren, and in so doing, the brethren will serve the lodge! While we THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
are committed to growing the Fraternity and increasing the supply of Master Masons, growing any lodge for the sake of growth, and having no participation of the membership, does not lead to a healthy lodge. Each lodge has a specific personality and it is important to have new, young members that fit in the lodge, and the lodge must also fit the new members! One of the first items, and I can take no credit for it, is that we have a website that is actively monitored by our Webmaster, WB Robert Wheeler ( This website has been up and running long before I joined the Lodge. In this day and age, young men do their research on lodges on the Internet. WB Wheeler receives an email, replies to the email, and forwards both to me. I return the email within 24 hours of my receiving it, if I am in the US. Fall 2008 99
I email the prospective member my email address as well as my cell phone number, and ask him to contact me. Within a very short time, the prospective member contacts me, and we begin a conversation. During the conversation, we discuss the Fraternity in general, STLMO #1 in particular, and most importantly, we direct the discussion to him. One of the main goals of the initial conversation is to determine that he believes in God, is not a criminal, and what he expects to get out of Freemasonry, and what he can also give to Freemasonry. I discuss our lodge, the level of attendance at meetings that we have, and the demographics of the attendees of the meetings, which includes 17-21 MMs under the age of 50, with another 5-7 MMs over 60. I make it clear to the individuals that our lodge may not be the best one for them, since each lodge has a different personality. Once a petition is received, an investigation committee is formed. During the formal investigation, we focus on why he wishes to become a Mason, as well as the usual information. We then turn the discussion to what are his life objectives, how he can help others, including fellow Masons, as well as how we can help him achieve his life objectives. We then focus on what he is interested in, what life experiences he has, and what experiences we can help him achieve. The focus of this part is to let him know we take his achieving further light in Masonry, as well as the rest of his life, in high regard. This part of the investigation is guided by a questionnaire, prepared by myself and others, that focuses on the non-Masonic part of his life. Some people have likened it to a job interview, perhaps they are correct, but we are trying to determine whether the lodge is a good fit for him, and him for the lodge. This is in line with our goal of not just growing the lodge for growth’s sake, but growing the lodge in the right direction, with the right people, for the right reasons! Constant communication with the petitioner during this process is important so he knows what is occurring. Upon being initiated, we do what we can to get him passed and raised as soon as possible. Once he has been raised, we begin putting him to work right away in an area which is important to the lodge and in line with what he wishes to do and can contribute to right away. We also begin teaching him ritual, customs, and one or several of the officers begin forming a bond with him so that he feels part of the lodge and the fraternity. Ideally, the Master as well as the line reach out to him, and he to them, and a social network ensues. After the new members are comfortable in the lodge, the Master’s role is that of an enabler of relationship growth, not the primary relationship person. In so doing, the Master fosters a climate of fellowship and good feeling on the part of the brethren, and they begin to trust each other as well as the Master. The next step is to change the traditional lines of communication and idea generation from the top down to the bottom up. Over the past three years I have encouraged 100 Fall 2008
and expressed that all ideas, from all quarters, will be given a fair hearing in front of the lodge. The goal here is to have the brethren manage up to the Master as opposed to the Master managing down. This has worked. One important distinction that I have also noticed is that people do what is inspected rather than expected. So, as Master, one must inspect the expectations on a regular basis, and manage down and encourage the managing up. This tends to reduce surprises. If the result of the inspection is that the expectations are not being met, one must remind the brother, in the most gentle manner of his failing, and redirect him towards his goal, reminding him also that his word as a MM is important. This has the result of reminding the brother that he impacts others beyond himself, and that the rest of the lodge is also depending on him, and ready to help if he needs it! There are times that the reminder is repeated to the same person. In general, only one reminder is necessary. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to make this occur. It takes time, commitment, energy, and the collection of current contact information. Most importantly, the new, young brethren need to know that you care about them, their ambitions, and fears. By reaching out to them, actively forming and maintaining a bond with them, and encouraging the young people to form bonds with each other while in and out of the lodge, they will look at the lodge as a place to hang out with their friends, away from their spouses, and start and continue to attend meetings. This last point is very important. There is a clear distinction between Master Masons under 50 and those over 60. The younger group’s wives, generally do not want to cook for the men of the lodge, and think it is OK that the men go to meetings, do man things, as long as they come home after the meetings. The men over 60 and their wives like the family nights at the lodge, and enjoy getting together, and seem not to mind doing the cooking for the lodge. This poses a dilemma for the Master. Do you accommodate the past or the future? At STLMO #1, we have reduced the family nights to 2 or 3 a year, around holidays, and it seems to be working. We do not have great participation from the younger members’ families, but the members do attend. We also have the meal catered so that the families are our guests, not servers. Other lodges must make their own choices. But one thing is clear; you cannot have it both ways! A choice must be made, and the wrong one will cause a reduction in the participation of your younger members! Gary Kwawer is completing his third consecutive year as Master of St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1. RWB William Buchholz appointed him to his first office right after being raised in 2002,without ever having seen a full meeting. He is a lifetime member of the Valley of St. Louis AASR and a member of the Photostaff at Moolah Shrine Temple where he has been director of the unit for the past 4 years. He has been married to his wife Ann for 20 years and has two children and one grandson. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
The Freemasons Riding Club is an association founded and designed specifically to introduce motorcycling Freemasons to one another. We are comprised entirely of Freemasons with a love for freedom that is only found on two wheels – in the wind. We find our best place working in our communities and supporting various causes and charities, especially while riding with our Brothers. Ultimately, we are the same Freemasons that you have known throughout your life and all of history – a fun-loving Brotherhood of charity that is reflected in our works. We are dedicated to promoting good will in our local communities while promoting safe, fun and professional motorcycling. We are not a gang or 1% club! As Freemasons, each of us strives to be an upright and lawabiding member of the community at all times. We are active in our Lodges, dedicated to supporting the Widows and Orphans of our Brethren, and are always mindful to present a good impression of Bikers to the public when riding together. This is the introduction to the Freemasons Riding Club that is on our website: www.freemasonsrc. com. If you are a Master Mason who rides motorcycles and enjoys riding with like-minded individuals, then this organization might be for you. The Missouri chapter of the FMRC is called the Mo Lights and we have members statewide. For information on the FMRC or Mo Lights, contact RWB Joe Smith via email at: smitty@freemasonsrc. org or phone 573-433-4904. To join the FMRC, all you do is apply on line and submit the required documents with your lifetime dues (no annual dues).
The FMRC has several events for its members each year, the biggest being the annual Labor Day Rally. This year it will be at the HUB facilities in Marble Falls, Arkansas, which is just outside Harrison, Arkansas. During the Rally, there are scheduled rides, meet and greets, dinners, etc. Each year we also ride to Laughlin, Nevada for the River Races (Run to the Sun) and Rolling Thunder in Washington, DC. Each state chapter has several rides and get-togethers. There are thirty-six chapters in twenty-seven states, with Texas leading the way. The Grand Master of Tennessee and the Grand Lodge of Texas have recommended the FMRC as a benefit to Masonry. The membership of the FMRC is made up entirely of Master Masons, with EA and FC being able to hold a limited membership, which is converted to full status once the MM degree is complete. The ladies also have an auxiliary and are active in the organization. The grand chapter is made up of three officers, Director, Assistant Director and Chaplain. Each chapter has similar officers and most require annual dues or lifetime membership fee. Personally, speaking this is one of the best Masonic motorcycle organizations I have found since starting to ride again in 2005. If you want to belong to a group that is dedicated and a lot of fun to be around, hen you need to check out the FMRC. Joe Smith is Past Master of Arlington Lodge #346, PDDGM and Past Chairman of the Grand Lodge Credentials Committee.
BROTHER DALE WILLIAMS RECOGNIZED FOR MASONIC FUNERAL SERVICES Not many people get recognized for attending funerals, but Brother Dale Williams is an exception. Williams, a Master Mason of Corinthian Lodge #265 in Warrensburg, recently received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Grand Lodge of Missouri for having conducted 150 Masonic Funeral Services over the past 43 years. That number makes him the leader of 26 Master Masons in
the State who currently perform the rites, and the holder of the state record. WB. Bill George, secretary of Corinthian Lodge made the presentation to Williams on May 19, 2008. “I’m very proud of that,” Williams said. Williams joined Holden Lodge #262 on December 3, 1964, and was raised to the Degree of Master Mason on February 4, Continued on pg 102
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MOCHIP SPEAKS AT STATE CAPITOL–GOVERNOR BLUNT SIGNS PROCLAMATION FOR MISSING AND UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS AWARENESS DAY Jefferson City, Missouri—June 17, 2008—A day of celebration for those missing and perhaps even more so for those so helplessly left behind. Miracles do happen as Missourians have borne witness to the recovery of two missing teenagers in 2007—one after five days—the other after four-and-a-half years. For many this is not the case and the Missouri Missing organization tends to the needs of those family and friends seeking closure. The proclamation set forth by Governor Blunt proclaimed June 17, Missing and Unidentified Persons Awareness Day. A dedication to the voiceless missing. Nick Cichielo, State Coordinator for the MoCHIP program (Missouri Child ID & Protection Program) and Public Relations Director for International Masonichip (the parent CHIP organization) was contacted by Peggy Florence, co-founder of Missouri Missing, whose grown daughter went missing on June 17, 2007. Jasmine Haslag’s disappearance has since been upgraded to a homicide, but because there is no body, Jasmine remains listed as a missing person. The organization reports there are at least 48 unidentified bodies in Missouri. Peggy Florence believes one of them could be her daughter. She also believes an identification packet like the one provided by MoCHIP could have made all the difference. Tools used to help recover a missing person are not age specific, they are the same and MoCHIP has them. Deemed “one of the most comprehensive child recovery and identification programs in the nation,” by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), MoCHIP is brought to Missouri families by the Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation (MCF) and dedicated Freemason’s free of charge. Though the children’s foundation must adhere to the guidelines of reaching children 0-21 years of age, programs like MoCHIP can be established for people of any age. The Missouri Missing provides a living will for the Missing, DNA swabs and fingerprinting. Being asked to speak at the June 17th proclamation celebration provided Nick Cichielo an amazing forum to impress upon Missourians that it is not our youngest citizens who are the most at risk for abduction. Nearly 2,000 children are reported missing or abducted in the United States each day. Reports indicate that teenagers are the most frequent victims of both non-family abductions and stereotypical kidnappings—81% were children 12 or older (the National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children (NISMART). Cichielo was on hand to answer questions and provide a mini demonstration of MoCHIP in action along with Jon Broyles, MoCHIP’s Technical Director and Masonic Children’s Foundation board member, and John Hess, President of International Masonichip. MoCHIP in a nutshell— MoCHIP events are held each weekend across the state—55,447 children have been processed to date. The program consists of five major components—digital photographs, digital fingerprints, vital child information and emergency contacts, a dental bite impression, and two laminated ID cards. The photographs, fingerprints, and child data are burned onto a mini-CD that is compatible with the AMBER ALERT system already in place. The dental impression provides a virtual diagram of the child’s biting surface, which, like fingerprints is unique to each individual, and further supplies enough saliva to provide a DNA sample that can also be used as a scent source for trained canine search teams. Combined, this five-part process provides a dramatic, time-sensitive recovery tool for authorities. All this information, calendar of events and much more can be found on the Web site.
Continued from pg 101 1965. A short time later, at the prompting of Brother George Collins, Williams learned the Masonic Funeral Service. His first Masonic Service was on September 27, 1965, for Brother Albert E. Mayhew, a Holden businessman, who was born in 1870. In 1970, Brother Williams transferred his membership to Corinthian Lodge, and on August 15, 1970, he became a member of the Scottish Rite in Kansas City, achieving his 32nd Degree. Williams conducts Masonic Funeral Services in Jackson, Cass, Johnson, Pettis and Henry counties. In the 1960’s, the Service was always conducted at graveside, no matter how bad the weather - extreme 102 Fall 2008
heat, frigid cold or driving rain. Later, funeral directors suggested the Service could be moved inside during bad weather, Williams added, “That’s better for everyone.” The latest Masonic Funeral he conducted was on May 17, 2008 for Brother Kenneth Hitchcock, Sr. of Warrensburg. Looking back on his years of service, Williams said, “I don’t know where the time went.” Williams said his last Service will be his own, which he has taped. “some of you will see life after death” during his presentation, he said. Williams expressed appreciation for his family’s support, noting his duties often took him away at a day’s notice, and for the support of other Masons.
BLACK JACK MISSOURI’S “SIX STAR” GENERAL By Steve Harrison, PM Cypress Lodge #227 sat in session when an alarm at the outer door interrupted the proceedings. Under instructions from the Master, the Junior Deacon ascertained the cause of the alarm and announced, “Brother John Joseph Pershing, a retired US Army General and victorious commander of the United States forces in The Great War, desires admission.” After receiving instructions from the Master, the Junior Deacon opened the door and escorted the General to the altar. The General gave the proper signs and the Junior Deacon conducted him to the East, where he sat at the right of the Master, who also happened to be the current Grand Master of Missouri, James W. Skelly. Pershing was back in Laclede, Missouri, his boyhood home, where he would take part in the ceremony to lay the cornerstone of a new school. When asked, the General rose to speak. Taken in by the emotion of the moment, he was visibly shaken. He told the large crowd although it was his first visit to Cypress, he felt he was standing on sacred ground since his father had been a member there. He explained that
Brother John J. Pershing, in a 1975 painting by Richard Leopold Seyffert. In the painting, Pershing is wearing four gold stars, the insignia he chose to represent his rank as General of the Armies. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
the “exigencies” of his life had kept him from being as active in Masonry as he would have liked, and he had usually only participated on special ceremonial occasions. He expressed gratitude for his warm reception and said he looked forward to the ceremonies that afternoon. He then joined his brothers as they moved in procession to the new schoolhouse.i *** John Fletcher Pershing married Anne Elizabeth Thompson on the eve of the Civil War. The couple set up residence in Laclede, Missouri where John eventually purchased and managed two farms, a lumberyard, a general store and worked as an outfitter for the 18th Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. The first of their nine children, John Joseph, was born on September 13, 1860. In a divided state, John Fletcher stood squarely on the side of the Union. As a younger man engaged in commerce, he took several trips down the Mississippi to New Orleans. What he saw of the abysmal treatment of slaves on those trips made him a lifelong abolitionist and instilled in him a compassion for the plight of blacks.ii He passed this along to his son, a fact that had significance later in the General’s life. Young John’s first memory was from a terrible day when, as a four-year old, he witnessed the near death of his father as a band of outlaw confederate troops raided their store and home. The senior Pershing grabbed his shotgun and started to run out in defense of the house. Only the terrified begging of his wife stopped him from rushing to a certain death. Shortly after the incident, Union troops arrived in Laclede and restored order. While John’s mother was upset with the soldiers for taking so long to come to their rescue, to the youngster they were near-gods. Seeing John’s infatuation with the soldiers, his mother found and cut to size a Union uniform, in which John proudly traipsed around town. Later in life, Pershing remembered, “I certainly saw a lot of soldiers as a child and liked to be with them.”iii The Panic of 1873 wiped his father out financially. This loss forced the senior Pershing to become a traveling salesman, and put John in charge of the farm. His family lost all of its other business holdings, and eventually lost the farm as well. Initially intending to be an attorney, the dire economic situation forced the seventeen year old to become a teacher at the nearby school for black children. His experience there taught him tolerance, which he was able to put to use in commanding African American troops in later life. He also endured racial epithets and exclusion from mean and less enlightened locals. During the next few years he continued to teach, and moved to Prairie Grove School, where he developed a reputation as a strict disciplinarian. At the same time, he studied at the Fall 2008 103
Pershing’s boyhood home in Laclede is now a part of the Missouri State Parks system. Pershing lived here from about the time he was 6 until he left for the military.
State Normal School in Kirksville,iv where he earned a degree in didactics. Having graduated, he began his legal studies, but his sister showed him an advertisement for a chance to compete for admission to West Point. Pershing saw this as a great opportunity for an inexpensive education. He entered the competition, won and his life took a completely different direction. He was not an exceptional student at the academy, graduating 30th in a class of 77, but he was older than most of the students, earned their respect and became class President in 1886. Each year, he attained the highest rank possible and in 1885 led the cadets at the passing of the train bearing the body of President Ulysses S. Grant.v During his first four years out of school, Pershing was on assignment with the 6th Calvary, performing duties in the Southwest United States and Northern In this capacity he participated in battles that quelled one of the final Sioux uprisings in 1890. It was also during this time that Pershing became interested in Freemasonry and petitioned Lincoln Lodge #19, where he was raised on December 22, 1888. Eventually, he also joined the York Rite and Shrine in Lincoln. While there, he became a professor of military tactics at the University of Nebraska and is credited with instilling discipline and turning around what he considered to be a poor attitude among the troops. Pershing was always a strict authoritarian. He never was well-liked by his troops, but they always respected him. (Pershing was such a disciplinarian he is credited with inventing the “jumping jack,” named after him, and using it to whip his troops into shape). In October, 1895, Pershing was put in charge of the 10th Calvary unit of Buffalo Soldiers and promoted to 1st Lieutenant. The Buffalo Soldiers were African American troops under the command of white officers. Once again, Pershing found himself a leader of blacks and his compassion and understanding strengthened his leadership ability. Three years later his unit found itself at the battle of San Juan Hill 104 Fall 2008
alongside the Rough Riders of Theodore Roosevelt. Accounts clearly show the gallantry of Pershing’s troops as they charged up the hill with Roosevelt’s, at one point saving the Rough Riders from destruction. For his effort, the military awarded Pershing the Silver Star. His commander, General S.M.B. Young said of him, “He was the coolest man under fire I ever saw.vii History credited the Rough Riders with the victory and generally has failed to credit Pershing’s Buffalo Soldiers with their role in the campaign.viii Several differing stories exist accounting for Pershing’s nickname. The most credible point to the fact that he respected and favored the black troops under his command, a position that was not very popular at the turn of the century. Having seen the valor of the Buffalo Soldiers at San Juan Hill, Pershing, who also answered to the name Jack, publicly praised their efforts while favorably comparing them to less capable West Point cadets. This earned him a nickname, which was meant to be derogatory. Pershing kept it. The press caught on and began calling him “Black Jack,” a euphemistic form of the original name. The army sent 38-year-old Perishing to the Philippines in 1899. Perhaps because of the distance back to Nebraska and his inability to be an active member, he demitted from Lincoln Lodge #19. No records exist indicating he picked up membership anywhere else, leading to a 20-year gap in his Masonic membership. By 1903, Pershing, now a captain, was back home and spending a lot of time in various functions in Washington, D.C. Here, he met Helen Frances Warren, the daughter of Wyoming senator Francis E. Warren. When the army ordered Pershing to Japan a year and a half later, the couple married. By this time, Pershing was well connected in Washington and even caught the eye of Theodore Roosevelt, who in 1903 mentioned him in his State of the Union Address and even suggested he should be promoted to Brigadier General. When that promotion came in 1906, the army passed over 900 other more senior officers. Pershing’s long years of service, his bravery on the battlefield that earned him the Silver Star and other achievements were forgotten in the tumultuous outcry that the army had promoted the son-in-law of a powerful senator over other senior officers. The press threw scandalous accusations at Pershing, including a story that he had lived with a Filipino woman, fathered two of her children, and then paid her hush money. Pershing never commented on the charges.ix In answer to the critics, President Roosevelt himself came to Pershing’s defense, “To promote a man because he married a Senator’s daughter would be an infamy; to refuse him promotion for the same reason would be an equal infamy.”x For the next several years Pershing and his family enjoyed a fairly stable life, by military terms. While he bounced from assignment to assignment, the couple had four children, three girls and a boy. During this time Pershing was in charge of Ft. McKinley in the Philippines and found himself in Paris in THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
anticipation of a Balkan war, which never fully materialized. Pershing, always the disciplinarian, was disappointed in Early in 1914, the army moved Pershing and his family the size of his army and the condition of his troops. He to the Presidio in San Francisco, where he commanded the continued to drill the soldiers relentlessly while more troops Eighth Brigade. The family set up residence there, but three arrived. He soon discovered the European leaders did not months later the long-standing government in Mexico fell want the help of the Americans; they simply wanted men and the army ordered the Eighth Brigade to Fort Bliss, near to fight alongside their own troops. As a result, Pershing El Paso, Texas. kept the American troops as a separate unit, a decision that Pershing’s assignment at Ft. Bliss, among other things, caused controversy and dogged Pershing for most of the was to chase down the Mexican revolutionary leader Poncho war. Historians, however, credit this insistence on keeping Villa. Due in large part to lack of cooperation from the the American troops separate for strengthening the United Mexican government and political pressure from the United States’ position at the peace conference and even making it States government, the mission was an exercise in futility. more influential as a world power today.xiv A year later, Pershing had things well in order and had The war didn’t last long. By April of 1918, the Germans decided to move his family to Texas. On August 27, 1915, were already mounting their last desperate defense. Pershing he was working in his office at command headquarters. His recognized the value of a united front and finally put his troops aide, Lt. James L. Collins had stepped out when the phone under the command of General Ferdinand Foch of France. rang. Alone in the room, Pershing answered. The voice on The move paid off and by November (on that now famous the other end was Norman Walker, the Associated Press eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month) correspondent in El Paso. Germany surrendered. Having communicated Predictably, Pershing and sketchy details with Collins his troops returned home earlier in the day, Walker national heroes. Almost thought he was again talking unpredictably, he did what to him, “Lt. Collins, I have many other Generals have details on the Presidio fire.” failed to do and stayed out “What fire,” asked Pershing. of politics, claiming he best Walker immediately realized served his country as a he was talking to Pershing, soldier.xv The United States not Collins. He proceeded congress rewarded him by to give the General the most Past Grand Master Harry S. Truman along with sitting giving him the rank General devastating news of his life. Grand Master Harris C. Johnston present General Persh- of the Armies in September, His wife and daughters, Helen ing a certificate naming him an honorary member of the 1919, the highest rank ever (8), Ann (7) and Margaret (3) Grand Lodge Of Missouri as a part of the Masonic Week achieved by a living United had perished in a fire at their activities in Washington, D.C. on September 30, 1941. States soldier. The designation home. Only his son Warren Photo courtesy The Royal Arch Mason Magazine. qualified Pershing to wear six (6) had survived.xi Consumed with grief, Pershing traveled stars, but he never chose to do so. Instead, when given the option of designing the insignia for his unprecedented rank, back to California and then on to Wyoming to bury his he elected to wear four gold stars rather than silver ones.xvi wife and daughters. After the funerals he returned to his command at Ft. Bliss with his sister and son. He was named Chief of Staff of the US Army in 1921 and In the meantime, war raged in Europe. President Woodrow retired from active duty three years later. Wilson had promised to keep the United States neutral; With his public life winding down, he reaffiliated with his however, a series of events including Germany’s insistence home Lodge, Lincoln #19, in 1920. It is a virtual certainty on unrestricted submarine warfare and the interception of a he never joined any other Lodge during his 20-year gap in telegram from Germany encouraging Mexico to declare war membership, since that is what he stated on his petition on the US, prompted Wilson that the US should join the for reaffiliation. Nonetheless, on January 5, 1939 the Grand fight. At his urging, the US declared war on Germany on Lodge of Nebraska presented him a 50-year jewel.xvii Having April 6, 1917.xii joined the Scottish Rite in West Virginia in 1920, he was awarded the 33° in Washington D.C. on January 6, 1930. Within a month, Pershing had been ordered to Washington On February 24, 1942, MWB Harry Truman, then a United and set sail for Europe. Simply put, Wilson needed a leader. States senator, made Brother Pershing an honorary member Of the available American Generals, the decision came down of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. to Pershing and his longtime rival General Leonard Wood. Pershing returned to Laclede several times after the war, Wood was not in good health and also had what Wilson delighting the local citizens with each visit. During his visit perceived to be intense political ambitions, so he selected in 1936 after meeting with Cypress Lodge, he walked with Pershing to lead the American Expeditionary Force.xiii THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
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stabbed in the back, betrayed, that their army had not been defeated. The Germans never believed they were beaten. It will have to be done all over again...” Eighteen years later a shocked world found out he was right.xix
Clockwise: The apron Pershing wore at the cornerstone ceremony. The General inadvertently took it home and returned it with a letter of apology; Pershing at left wearing his Masonic apron at the ceremony; The cornerstone as it looks on the building today. Pershing photo courtesy Knights Templar Magazine and Pershing Home State Historic Site.
his brothers to the cornerstone ceremony at the school. Speaking to the crowd on that occasion he was far less emotional than he was in making his remarks to the Lodge. He encouraged schools to teach students their obligations as citizens. He said the US was the greatest form of government ever and encouraged the crowd to uphold and live up to its ideals. He said he had grown up in the area, always enjoyed visiting his boyhood home and hoped to return.xviii He never did. Pershing died on July 15, 1948 and is buried in a simple soldier’s grave at Arlington Cemetery. Throughout his retirement, Pershing remained out of the limelight, but in 1923 he granted an interview during which the press asked his opinion of the chances of another war. Pershing replied, “We never really let the Germans know who won the war. They are being told that their army was
i The Royal Arch Mason, Vol. XI, No. 4, Winter, 1973-74, p.s 108, and Ray V. Denslow, Knights Templar Magazine, Missouri Section, Spring 1977. ii Smith, Gene, Until the Last Trumpet Sounds, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, p. 3. iii The Hotzclaw Raid: Clifton Hotzclaw was a member of Quantrill’s confederate bushwhackers, Smith, Gene, Until the Last Trumpet Sounds, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, p. 6 iv Today known as Truman State University. Pershing Arena, an indoor sports facility on the campus is named in Pershing’s honor. v vi Precious few records exist to indicate Pershing was anywhere near Nebraska on the dates he was raised in Lincoln Lodge #19. vii viii Smith, Gene, Until the Last Trumpet Sounds, John Wiley & Sons, 1998 ix Muench, James F., Five Stars, University of Missouri Press, 2006, p. 88. This is one of the few times the President of the United States has mentioned a General by name in his message to congress. x xi Smith, Gene, Until the Last Trumpet Sounds, John Wiley & Sons, 1998, 129. xii The Zimmerman Telegram; zimmermann/ xiii Rothwell, C.L., Knight Templar Magazine, September, 1975 p. 14. A third Candidate, General Frederick Funston had died suddenly. Wood, a Freemason, had been injured in the Philippines and the injury eventually lead to his death. xiv xv Congress awarded George Washington the equivalent rank posthumously. Other high ranking Generals have had the similar designation “General of the Army” or its equivalent: Brother Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army; Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower, General of the Army; Brother George C. Marshall, General of the Army; Chester Nimitz, Fleet Admiral; William “Bull” Halsey, Jr., Fleet Admiral; Brother Omar N. Bradley, General of the Army; Brother Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, General of the Air Force; William D. Leahy, Fleet Admiral; Brother Ernest J. King, Fleet Admiral. xvi xvii John J. Pershing, Freemason and General of the Armies, The Royal Arch Mason,The Royal Arch Mason, Vol. XI, No. 4, Winter, 1973-74, p.s 108. Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska Henry H. Wilson presented the award. Given his 20-year gap in membership Pershing did not technically qualify for the award, but it seems the Grand Lodge of Nebraska made an exception for the old General. xviii Denslow, Ray V., I met General Pershing, Knights Templar Magazine, Missouri Section, Spring 1977, p. M-60. xix
Black Jack Pershing, Internet Urban Legend For the past several years an outlandish urban legend has circulated on the Internet regarding John Pershing’s handling of the Islamic Moro population in the Philippines. There is more than one version of the legend, but the gist of the story, completely untrue, claims Pershing rounded up 50 Muslim terrorists, executed 49 of them with bullets soaked in pigs’ blood, had them buried in a mass grave and covered the bodies with pig entrails, barring them, by an erroneous perception of Islamic law, from entry into heaven. The yarn goes on to claim Pershing released the 50th terrorist so he could pass the word about what happens to scoundrels who mess with the United States. While Pershing indeed had skirmishes with the Moros while he was in the Philippines, there is no evidence he ever had anyone executed. To the contrary he said many times he wanted to avoid any Moro casualties.
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When asked about this tale, Dr. Frank E. Vandiver, professor of history at Texas A&M University and author of Black Jack: The Life and Times of John J. Pershing, said, “I never found any indication that it was true in extensive research on his Moro experiences. This kind of thing would have run completely against his character.” In addition, according to the American Muslim Association in North America, “The notion that a Muslim would be denied entrance to heaven for touching a pig is ridiculous.” Pershing was certainly a strict disciplinarian, but he was neither impulsive nor cruel. As a whole, the Moros revered him and voluntarily bestowed their highest honors upon him. Pershing, by his actions, showed he respected the Moro population and, when asked about his mission in the Philippines said, “I am here to wage peace.”
RAINBOW GETS GIRLS READY FOR LIFE. Hello Missouri Masons! As I write this we are doing all those final preparations for Grand Assembly (the end of June) and anticipating Supreme Assembly (the end of July). I guess I’m thankful packing for each is nearly the same! I love Supreme’s new website and tell everyone I can to take a look: I AM a Rainbow Girl and I’m proud of it! I dedicated this year to “Everyday Heroes” giving my Missouri Rainbow Sisters a unique challenge: “Try to help a child (or children) who are in Missouri foster care…or just try to help make the difference in the life of a child”—that was my plea for this year’s State Service Project. Just to give you an idea of what we have done this year: 500 glue sticks were donated to the Kansas City area so foster children could make memory books; monetary donations flew to Coyote Hill Christian Children’s Home in Columbia, Missouri and Angels Arms in St. Louis, Missouri, $1,000 worth of clothing, toys, and furniture was donated to the Kids Store in St. Louis, $750 worth of clothing and toys was donated to a foster family in St. Joseph, Missouri and closets are being cleaned out around Kansas City so “new and gently used” items may be donated to the Midwest Foster Care and Adoption Agency in Independence. There are also many “hidden” stories—I’ve heard about Christmas baskets and presents that were provided, kids in foster care being taken to basketball games and even some have been able to join and be active in Pledges and/or Rainbow. There were so many stories—I hope you have heard some from your local Rainbow assembly!! (Or if you get our newsletter, bunches show up in there!). Here is a quote I received from one of the foster moms after receiving a care package from us in the mail: “This is the first time in 14 ½ years that anyone has done anything like this. I am usually on my own getting clothes and gifts for the children and when you have nine children, this gets quite expensive. So I really appreciate all you are doing to help. The kids were all excited to get the clothes and just opening the boxes was exciting, so thanks again…I think what you guys are doing to help out children is a great thing.” I want my Missouri Rainbow Sisters to know this year was about THEM—they are the heroes of our organization. Everywhere we traveled wonderful people welcomed us. We have made wonderful memories and made new friendships that will last a long time. Not only have memories been created and great people met, but we all “grew up” some by traveling Rainbow’s “yellow brick road”—at least I know I have! I believe I would not be the person I am today THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
without Rainbow. Before I joined Rainbow I was very shy—it’s true! I traveled alone this past semester for a seminar and have talked to important people in impressive positions within the sports industry. I introduced myself, held my head high, and felt confident in how I was dressed…which IS a large part of someone’s first impression of you! Because of Rainbow I can speak in front of a group and I know how to address adults—I also know appropriate AND inappropriate behavior in a vast array of situations. I hope and wish Rainbow continues to make a difference in my life—but, more so, in the lives of so many other young girls becoming young women! Missouri Rainbow stayed busy through the spring—we held our Grand Cross Conferrings under the leadership of our State Dean, Melissa Felkner, from Lamar. Our adults attended a workshop where membership was a hot topic and, of course, we’ve hit those final fundraising efforts with gusto to help with Grand Assembly expenses. Like most of you, I cringe at today’s cost of gas…but the miles of smiles seems to still make it well worth the cost. I hope you agree! I’ll soon turn this crown of Missouri Grand Worthy Advisor over to Amanda Fisher…I know she will do all she can to keep Missouri Rainbow’s rich history safe and our future one of building—in bunches of ways. Please let me take a moment to tell you about Amanda. Amanda is from Pulaski County Assembly, which meets in the Waynesville Masonic Lodge. She is a sophomore at Drury University where she is majoring in Theater and Secondary Education, with minors in speech communication and global studies. After graduating, she plans to further her degree in theater and education and, later, either pursue a career in acting or teach high school speech and theater. “Love One Another” is her term’s theme and she’s using hearts and butterflies as her symbols. The State Dean serving with Amanda will be Joanie Hedrick from Liberty and their State Service Project will be to provide supplies to women’s domestic violence shelters throughout Missouri. A list of items and locations are being provided at Grand Assembly. Well, I guess this is “so long.” I hope to see you again as I continue to work with Rainbow in the upcoming years…I’ve marked my calendar for Masonic Youth Day and will keep you in my thoughts during your Grand Lodge sessions. By remembering that God’s greatest gift to man is Faith— all of us can continue being Everyday Heroes!! Niki Lodholz, Grand Worthy Advisor 2007-2008, State of Missouri Fall 2008 107
Missouri DeMolay has just returned from a very successful DeMolay International Supreme Congress session. The session was in Anaheim this year. June 18-22nd Deputy State Master Councilor Ryan Cockerham and I were a major part of the focus groups to discuss items of importance across the DeMolay world. I have noted many of the honors that Missouri DeMolay received below. The individual chapter honors will be listed on the website
State Master Councilor Justin Woods & Deputy State Master Councilor Ryan Cockerham
✓ SMC Justin Woods was elected as a member of the DeMolay International Congress Cabinet. He is one of only eight DeMolay in the world elected such an International Officer. ✓ The coveted Louis A. Lower Membership Award for the #1 Overall Membership for DeMolay International in 2007 - this is the third year in a row Missouri DeMolay has achieved this Award - it is the Top Award for Membership granted by DeMolay International. ✓ The Frank S. Land Membership Growth Award for Missouri DeMolay securing more initiates than majorities in 2007 and contributing to the membership efforts of DeMolay
International - Missouri DeMolay was also the #1 Jurisdiction receiving this Award - now for the fourth year in a row. ✓ The Gorman A. McBride Membership Award for Missouri DeMolay’s successful membership efforts by initiating more new members in 2007 than in 2006 - Missouri DeMolay has repeated this over the past four years. ✓ The Grand Master’s Membership Award - Recognizing the best overall performance in Membership. Missouri DeMolay was not only the overall winner for the most members, but also for positive net growth, and new Chapters. In the past four years Missouri DeMolay’s net growth is more than twice any other Jurisdiction in the world, and Missouri DeMolay continues to post more new members than any other Jurisdiction in the world. ✓ The First Line Signer Award was bestowed upon Cory A. Crain - Southwest Missouri Chapter - for his outstanding membership efforts in 2007. ✓ Missouri DeMolay received the Outstanding Communications Award - for Most Outstanding Website and
Communications - again a repeat for Missouri DeMolay. ✓ The Grand Master’s Executive Officer of the Year Award - recognizing Missouri DeMolay as the Most Outstanding Jurisdiction in every category for the Order of DeMolay worldwide. This is the most coveted Grand Master’s Eagle Award and the first time in history it has been awarded to Missouri DeMolay. ✓ Missouri DeMolay was also honored as your Executive Officer was elected Grand Senior Councilor of DeMolay International.If all goes well, we will have a Grand Master of DeMolay from Missouri at the 90th Anniversary of DeMolay International, which will be held at the birthplace of DeMolay in Kansas City Missouri. ✓ The new DeMolay International Hall of Fame inductees were Edgar Mitchell who was part of the Apollo 14 crew and Ed Schafer, the current Secretary of Agriculture. ✓ Congratulations to the newly installed International Master Councilor Richard Eells, II from Georgia and International Congress Secretary J.D. Olsen from Montana.
In early April, I attended the Grand Court of Amaranth and brought greetings from all of Missouri DeMolay. I performed the Ceremony of Light and met Grand and Supreme officers of Amaranth from all over the United States. The 27th Annual Ararat Shrine DeMolay Knights State Officer Reception was held on April 5th. This is one of my favorite events each year. We had a great turn out and the music was amazing. Thank you to the DeMolay Knights and Illustrious Potentate Dave Gordon for hosting the evening. The 5th of April was also the DeMolay International speech contest for the jurisdiction of Missouri. We had participants from around the state to share speeches about “What’s right about America”. The first place senior state and Region VI winner was Gabe Eggers from Excelsior Chapter in Jackson and the first place junior state and Region VI winner was Bryce Evans from Excalibur Chapter in Blue Springs. The following weekend, April 11th & 12th was the DeMolay International Membership Conference in Kansas City. Deputy State Master Councilor Ryan Cockerham, State Senior Councilor Kris Woods and I attended the two day conference 108 Fall 2008
to discuss and share information about membership from around the country. The Valley of Saint Louis Scottish Rite Reunion on April 26th. The Squires of the Round Table initiated two new members and DeMolay induction, in honor of Dad Earl Walker, initiated six new members. The day ended with a Masonic family banquet. We were honored to have singer and songwriter Howie Damron in attendance and enjoyed brotherhood, food, and entertainment. State Senior Councilor, Kris Woods, was my representative at the Grand Master’s Youth Day Committee meeting on May 3rd. I have attended this event since its inception and really enjoy the interaction between the three youth groups. I look forward to seeing everyone in Columbia for the 2008 Grand Masters Masonic Youth Day on August 9th. On May 16th, a basketball team from Missouri traveled to Louisville, Kentucky and participated in the DeMolay International Basketball Tournament. The team from Missouri won an award for the best Sportsmanship and I won 2nd place in 3 point shots. The team was made up of players from the 2006 & 2007 Missouri DeMolay Conclave 1st place basketball teams. The same weekend, State Sweetheart Chelsea Thomason, hosted a Poker Run in St. Louis to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Program. It was a successful day with many chapters sponsoring and giving their time to assist in the different stops along the run. 2008 Missouri DeMolay Conclave!! Memorial Day weekend brought chapters from all over the state together to compete in sports and ritual and to make new friends and build brotherhood. Conclave Chairman Induction teams from Missouri and Kansas Ryan Cockerham’s theme this year has been “SEVEN” representing the seven precepts representing the cardinal virtues of a DeMolay: filial love, reverence for sacred things, courtesy, comradeship, fidelity, cleanness, and patriotism. For the first time in Missouri DeMolay history we were honored this year to have both the DeMolay Grand Master Pat Hart and International Master Councilor Austin Whitaker in attendance for the entire weekend. We were also honored to have singer and songwriter Howie Damron and his wife attend the whole weekend and participated in the fun. I am proud to say that the newest inductee into the Missouri DeMolay Hall of Fame was Dad Sheldon Snitz. For the entire list of honors and awards, check out the Missouri DeMolay website Conclave page and photo gallery. The following youth awards were presented: Grand Commandery Youth Award Richard Aldrin Bantigue Lebanon Chapter Cryptic Arch Mason Youth Award T.J. Bodenstein Excelsior Chapter Royal Arch Mason Youth Award Scott Buttrey Mineral Area Chapter Grand Masters Youth Award Douglas Stalling Carondelet Chapter The weekend started with Induction Ceremonies! Congratulations to our special guests and all the new members! International Master Councilor Austin Whitaker Squire of the Round Table Class had 13 new members, Grand Master Pat Hart DeMolay Class had 21 new members and Howie Damron Order of Knighthood Class had 20 new members. One of the most amazing things about the weekend was the “Bear” auction, Dad Cockerham, Dad Walker and all in attendance at the DeMolay Conclave, raised over $89,777 in one night for the Kid’s Helping Kid’s supporting the RiteCare Language Clinics. As of June 30th, DeMolay has raised over $101,000 toward the $10,000 goal! Also, the Scottish Rite Foundation presented Missouri DeMolay with at check for $60,000 to pay for the Leadership Training Conference in August and in perpetuity pay for the annual insurance due from each chapter that attends Conclave. On June 7th, Missouri and Kansas DeMolay got together for an induction ceremony at Ivanhoe Lodge. Missouri presented the initiatory degree and Kansas presented the DeMolay degree. Four new members were initiated into the order. After the ceremony, we played paintball in the caves. Summers are always crazy for the state officers and this year is no different. In late June we attended Grand Bethel and Grand Assembly. In July, I attended Conclave in Oklahoma. The Missouri Leadership Conference was at the end of July and was an incredible week of team building, brotherhood, and fun. August 1st was the Mineral Area Outdoor Degree. Grand Master’s Youth day was on August 9th and, I look forward to seeing and meeting you at Grand Lodge in September. I already mentioned at the beginning of the article about International Supreme Congress in California. I am very honTHE MISSOURI FREEMASON
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ored to be representing Region VI (Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas) and hope that these new cabinet positions will be able to help improve communications and ideas throughout DeMolay. I am especially excited that Congress will be in Kansas City next year and that all of you have an opportunity to attend and see the DeMolay leadership in action. On a final note, I enjoyed talking about Walt Disney, Sr. DeMolay, while I visited Disneyland and the DeMolay history that I feel when I am visiting. I have a few pictures to share of the trip. If you would like more information on any upcoming events you can check out our state website at or contact me at Justin A. Woods State Master Councilor, Jurisdiction of Missouri
Continued from back cover treason that he was arrested and brought to trial at Richmond in 1808.”6 Although found not guilty by Justice John Marshall, the trial and the killing of Alexander Hamilton in a duel ended his political career. General Benedict Arnold was one of Washington’s most dependable and intrepid commanders. He “marched from New Haven at the head of a company made up of volunteers from the Governor’s Foot Guard and the student body at Yale. On May 10 [1775], Ticonderoga fell to a group of irregulars organized and financed by a number of men at Hartford… Arnold arrived from Cambridge with a Massachusetts commission in time to accompany the assault party, being refused the command.”7 Colonel Arnold and General Richard Montgomery had led the unsuccessful Canadian expedition, which had been launched, with high hopes. As a volunteer Aaron Burr accompanied them. The two-pronged invasion had been wasted by sickness, bitter cold and rugged terrain until finally a mere handful remained to assail Quebec, the key to control of Canada. The assault was beaten back, Montgomery killed and Arnold badly wounded.8 McCullough describes Arnold as “one of the stormiest figures among the generals…hot-tempered and arrogant….but he was a fighting general and Adams cherished him.9 Then Arnold became America’s most notorious traitor. Washington had placed Arnold, as one of his best fighting generals, in command of the fort at West Point. In September 1780 General Benedict Arnold conspired to commit treason by turning West Point 110 Fall 2008
over to the British, with whom he had long been in traitorous communication. He was commissioned a brigadier general in the British army and was paid for his property losses. The next year he compounded his treason by raids upon his mother country, including an expedition into Virginia which burned Richmond and made an attack on New London, Connecticut, his native town.. Were these men Freemasons? King George III was not a Freemason, although the majority of the male members of his royal family were. Aaron Burr was often considered to be a Freemason, because of his frequent association with members of the fraternity. In the words of James Case, “There is not a shred of evidence that Aaron Burr was a Freemason.”10 Washington’s Masonic connections are well documented. The original Masonic records of Benedict Arnold are unknown, but it is well established that he affiliated with New Haven, Connecticut Lodge No. 1, on April 18, 1765. Dr. Benjamin Church, the first traitor, was not a Freemason. The Masonic record of General Nathanael Greene remains unclear, but in 1825 the Grand Lodge of Georgia united with the marquis de Lafayette in laying the cornerstone with Masonic ceremony. Among Lafayette’s Masonic honors was being elected an Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Both John Marshall and John Hancock were well-known Freemasons. Viewing the 7-part HBO miniseries JOHN ADAM has started me on a roller-coaster ride of reading about our Founding Fathers. From David McCullough’s John Adams (2001), on
which TV series is based, and 1776 (2005), I learned infinitely more about him and his comrades. Then I read Joseph J. Ellis’s Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation, followed by his American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson (1996), then Stacy Schiff, A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of American (2005) and Joyce E. Chaplin’s The First Scientific American: Benjamin Franklin and the Pursuit of Genius; Lewis C. Wes Cook, Colonial Freemasonry (1974), Page Smith’s John Adams in 2 volumes (1962), and Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton (2004) Oh, yes, all this brought me back to The Federalist: The Famous Papers on the Principles of American Government, by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay (first published in 1788), the now classic edition by Benjamin Fletcher Wright (1961). Traditio is an important part of the history of our national and of Freemasonry. Both our nation and our fraternity acknowledge with embarrassment those events in which traditio had the pejorative connotation of treason. Both our nation and our fraternity are proud of the traditio that is our heritage, including the traditions of our Founding Fathers and more than two centuries of our history. 1
David McCullough, 1776, p. 10 Ibid., p. 136 3 Ibid, pp. 55-56. 4 Joseph J. Ellis, (1996), p. 207 5 Ibid., p. 284. 6 James R. Case, The Case Collection: Biographies of Masonic Notables (1986), Vol. II, p. 36. 7 Lewis C. Wes Cook, (1974), p. 29. 8 Page Smith, John Adams (1962), Vol. I, p. 239. 9 David McCullough, John Adams (2001),p. 315. 10 Case, op. cit., p. 36. 2
By Cindee Herrick, Special Projects Curator The Masonic Home of Missouri has been fortunate to have received talented and dedicated leadership over the 120 years of its operations. Some of the leaders are showcased in Reflected Values, the new permanent exhibit at the Masonic Library and Museum in Columbia. Four of the many men and women who have served on the Masonic Home Board are Robert R. Kreeger, Archer Alexander Johnson, Tolman White Cotton , and George William Walker. These four men served for decades, offering their skills to the complex children’s and old age home in St. Louis. They were showcased because after serving as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, they served on the Masonic Home Board for many, many years. Their biographies tell us something about Missouri Freemasonry of the early 20th century. These were the “old men of the lodge” when the present generation of 50 Year Men were initiated. Robert R. Kreeger served as Grand Master in 1908-1909. He joined the Masonic Home Board in 1911 and retired from the Board in 1942. Kreeger was born in Jackson County in 1856. After graduating from the University of Missouri, he taught school, entered law enforcement and moved to Kansas City. Kreeger began in the Sheriff’s office in Jackson County, but when he moved to Kansas City, he went to work for the Customs Service at the Port of Kansas City. Kreeger was made a Master Mason in 1888 in Temple Lodge THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
#299 (now Temple Gate Lodge #299) and was elected Worshipful Master in 1900.
the era when men could prepare for a legal career independently; he was admitted to the Greene County Bar in 1890. Johnson was elected City Attorney for Springfield in 1898 and again in 1900. Johnson’s legal expertise made him a very useful member of the Home Board. Johnson was made a Master Mason in 1894 in Solomon Lodge #271. Tolman W. Cotton served as Grand Master in 1914-1915. He joined the Masonic Home Board in 1917 and served until 1952.
Robert Rochester Kreeger
Archer A. Johnson served as Grand Master in 1911-1912. He joined the Masonic Home Board in 1914, serving on it until 1940. Johnson was born in Kentucky in 1869, moving to Laclede County, Missouri, with his family in 1877 to farm. Johnson was from
Tolman White Cotton
Archer Alexander Johnson
Cotton was born in 1868 on a farm in Reynolds County. He attended Carleton College in Farmington and graduated from Concordia College in Gravelton before attending medical school at Beaumont Hospital College in St. Louis. Cotton clearly found profound value in serving people through his medical practice for he became a Health Officer and he was active in local and statewide medical associations. Cotton was raised in the Fall 2008 111
George William Walker
Barnesville Lodge #455 in 1889 and demitted to Van Buren Lodge #509 when he settled in Van Buren. As a physician, Cotton worked closely with the Infirmary staff for the good of the residents. George W. Walker served as Grand
Master in 1936-1937. He joined the Masonic Home Board in 1938 and presumably would have served longer but died in 1946. Walker was born on a farm in Illinois in 1876. He taught school and attended college in the summers until he began at the Medical College in Louisville, Kentucky in 1900. Walker then studied at the Medical Department at Washington University until 1903. Walker returned home and was raised in the Jonesboro (Illinois) Lodge #111 in 1904. He settled in Cape Girardeau and affiliated with St. Mark’s Lodge #93 in 1906. As with Cotton, Walker’s interest was in the infirmary at the Masonic Home. These four men share some interesting similarities. They all grew up on farms. They all left the farm to become professional men, three of whom in fields that are defined by specific academic and educational
training. Three were Methodists; all four belonged to major Protestant denominations. All were from Northern European lineages. Three of the men were from families from border states: Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina. These similarities tell us something about turn of the century Missouri history. They tell us more about early 20th century Missouri Masonic culture. Biographical Information is from Biographies of Most Worshipful Grand Masters Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri 1901-2001, Ronald E. Wood, Jr. (editor), Missouri Lodge of Research 2003. Available for sale through the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The museum is open Monday – Friday from 9am until 4pm. It is free, open to the public, and at the Masonic Complex in Columbia.
THE MASONIC HOME STRIVING TO FIND THOSE IN NEED As the Masonic Home of Missouri travels throughout the state of Missouri we continue to speak to Lodges, Chapters and other Appendant Body organizations about the programs that are available to eligible Missouri Master Masons, their wives, widows and Missouri female members of the Order of the Eastern Star. If you haven’t been to a Masonic Home Program in a while you may not be aware of how many changes have occurred. One of the biggest changes was the start of the Outreach Services program that began in 1991. For those of you not familiar with this program it is a financial assistance program that was designed to assist those eligible members who demonstrate having a financial need. What does eligible mean? In order to be eligible for the Outreach Services Program you must be a Missouri Master Mason, his wife, widow or Missouri female member of the Order of the Eastern Star. In addition to this you must be in good standing at the time of application. In the case of a widow, her husband must have been in good standing prior to his death. It is also important to remember that you must demonstrate having a financial need. A good rule of thumb to remember is when an individual only has approximately (3) three to (4) four months of financial resources left to pay living expenses; this would be the time to contact the 112 Fall 2008
Outreach Services Staff of the Masonic Home. We request that members utilize their resources before applying for financial assistance. One final thing to keep in mind when making application to the Outreach Service Program as a guideline, age and length of membership is reviewed. Guidelines apply to both Masons and female Eastern Star Members. The guidelines state if you joined prior to the age of 40, you must have 5 years of continuous service; if you joined between the ages of 40-49, you must have 10 years of continuous service; if you joined between the ages of 50-59, you must have 15 years of continuous service; and if you joined at the age 60 or later, you must have 20 years of continuous service. We do want to remind all applicants or potential applicants that we do not discourage anyone from applying when guidelines are not met. The Board of Directors reviews each application and makes decisions based on each individual’s situation. What types of Services are offered through the Outreach Services Program? Three main types of services can be supplied. We extend Monthly assistance to assist with a monthly shortfall one may be incurring, we can also supply money to pay for one time expenses or to pay down back owed bills like utility bills, medical expenses; we can assist paying for medical equipment, dental, hearing THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
or eye expenses and pharmaceutical expenses. One-time payments can be granted for numerous types of differing items. Last, but certainly not least, we can also assist with loans of Medical Equipment for things such as walkers, wheelchairs, liftchairs, canes, etc. Again, please remember all cases are looked at on an individual case-by-case basis and it is at the Board’s discretion as to what type of assistance is appropriate for each individual’s situation. Where can you receive this assistance? You can receive this assistance if you are still living in your own home or apartment, you can receive this assistance if you would like to live at the Masonic Home Residential Living Facility in Kansas City or you can receive it in a residential
or assisted living facility in the area of your choosing or if you choose to move out of state you can receive this assistance living outside the State of Missouri. The Outreach Services Program is here to support those members who are struggling to stay afloat or are doing without in order to cut cost. We have found individuals who quit taking needed medications in order to cut expenses. This is not the answer. Please contact the Outreach Services Program at the Masonic Home of Missouri if you have questions or want to make application. You can also visit our website for any additional information at
THE CHILDREN’S OUTREACH PROGRAM This program was started to assist with various medical expenses for Masonic children and is making a great impact on Masonic families throughout the State of Missouri. What Makes a Child Eligible? Eligible children include: ✓ Dependents of Missouri Masons or female Eastern Star Members ✓ Or the Masonic Youth Organizations such as; DeMolay, Job’s Daughters or Rainbow for Girls * This program assists dependents under the age of 21, and can assist dependents over the age of 21 if they are mentally or physically disabled, which makes them dependent on their parents.
What Types of Assistance are Available? Through the Children’s Outreach Program, the Masonic Home can provide a wide variety of financial assistance for Masonic children. Assistance is available for but not limited to: ✓ Dental Exams ✓ Vision Exams ✓ Hearing Exams ✓ Medical Bills ✓ Medical Equipment ✓ Medical Expenses
If you have questions about the Children’s Outreach Program or would like further information, please contact the Masonic Home of Missouri
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Breckenridge Lodge #334 presented Brother Donald E. Wright his 50 Year Pin and Certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri on August 9, 2007. Brother Hardee Richey presented Brother Wright the pin and certificate. Brother Wright’s wife placed the pin on his person (pictured). In addition, Breckenridge Lodge #334 presented 50-year pins and certificates to Brother Jack R. Wilkerson, Brother Ray O’Neal and Brother Perry W. Jones (Brother Jones unfortunately had passed away in late 2007, so Breckenridge Lodge forwarded the Pin and Certificate to Brother Jones wife).
On Tuesday, April 15, 2008, Valley Park Lodge #629 was honored with a visit by Most Worshipful Brother Robert Berger, Past Grand Master of Missouri, who presented Worshipful Brother James R. Bauer with his Fifty Year Pin and Certificate. Worshipful Brother Bauer was initiated November 19, 1957, passed February 18, 1958 and raised April 15, 1958. He served through the chairs and was Master of the Lodge in 1995 and again in 2002. Many visitors and family members were present at the catered dinner.
On Sunday April 6, 2008, Bethany Masonic Lodge #97 presented 50-year membership pins, in an open ceremony at the Lodge hall, to Beryl Arkle and William Riggs. Mrs. Rosie Arkle pinned her husband, and Mrs. Ruby Riggs pinned her husband. Brother Arkle was initiated on May 1, 1957 and Brother Riggs was initiated on September 1, 1957. Lynn Poush served as Lodge Master in the presentations. Other officers were Gale Jones, Senior Deacon; Dick Hamilton, Secretary; and Gene Ishmael, Chaplain.The presentation was especially meaningful to brothers Arkle and Poush as both entered masonry in the same lodge and had worked together for many years. Bethany Lodge #97 now has twenty-nine 50-year members on its rolls. Pictured (l to r) in the white shirt. William Riggs, Lynn Poush, Beryl Ark1e. Photo and narrative by Gene Ishmael.
WM Lyndall Johnson of Polo Lodge #232 presents Roger Cramer his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri on April 24, 2008. Brother Cramer’s wife and mother assist with the presentation.
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On May 6, 2008, Dexter Lodge #532 presented WB W.L. “Dub” Conner his 50-year pin and Certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Making the presentation was RWB James Smith, DDGL of the 39th Masonic District. WB Connor’s wife was present and participated in the ceremony. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON
Grand River Lodge #276 Held an awards night on May 12, 2008. Shown receiving awards from RWB George Barrios (l to r): Glenn E. Dutro (60 Years) accompanied by his wife Dixie.
Grand River Lodge #276 Held an awards night on May 12, 2008. Shown receiving awards from RWB George Barrios (l to r): WB John Mabary (35 Years), Marlin Hunt (45 Years), WB Don Winchel (45 Years).
At the Stated Communication of Corinthian Lodge #265, on May 19, 2008, we had the pleasure to present a Grand Lodge 50-year Service Award, to Brother Jim Kimbley. WB Bill George made the presentation. Pictured: Brother Gerald Kimbley presents the 50-year jewel to his father.
On June 5, 2008, Brothers J.P. McLane and Bill Hollida received their Grand Lodge 50-year pins and certificates from Greenville Lodge #107 in a double presentation. They both began their Masonic careers by being initiated in Greenville Lodge on February 20, 1958. Pictured (l to r) are RWB Wayne Ticker who made the presentations, Bro. McLane and his wife Mary Ellen, Bro. Hollida and his wife Shirley and WB Chip Costevens, WM of Greenville Lodge.
A 50-year pin presentation was made to Elmer Ray Prebe the evening of June 5, 2008. The ceremony was well attended by family and Lodge friends. Most honorable Brother Robert Barrett of Kirksville made the presentation. Brother Prebe is greatly appreciated by all. Pictured (l to r) Viola, his wife, Elmer Ray being pinned, Don Woodward WM of Edina Lodge #291 and Robert Barrett.
Nebraska’s Centennial Lodge #326, Omaha, presented Missouri Brother Sam Tsichlis his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri at his home on June 5, 2008. WB Mike Horton, Master of Centennial Lodge and WB Phil Edwards, Secretary made the presentation. During the visit Brother Tsichlis reminisced about going to Lodge in Scotland. Brother Tsichlis is a member of Naphtali Lodge #25 in Missouri.
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On June 17, 2008 at Dexter Lodge #532 Brother Leroy Temples received his 50-year pin and certificate. RWB Elmer E. Wilson, PDDGM, and PDDGL of the 39th District, made the presentation. Brother Fred Halbert pinned brother Temples.
On June 19, 2008, WB Wendell Shands of Naylor Lodge #568 was presented the 50-year jewel and certificate of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. His wife Doris pinned the jewel. The award ceremony was held at Naylor Lodge #568, with many friends and family attending. Brother Shands gave an inspiring talk about his 50 years of Masonic service. RWB Bill Humble, DDGM, Poplar Bluff Lodge #209, presided.
On Monday morning, June 30, 2008, Washington Lodge met at 10:00am to present Charles Clifton Killingsworth with the Grand Lodge of Missouri’s 50-Year Service Award. On June 9, 1958 Brother Killingsworth was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in the Albert Pike Lodge #303 in Wichita, Kansas. Pictured - Lodge Master, WB Tim Black on the left, Geneva and Charles Killingsworth in the middle and WB Bill L. Cooper, representing the Grand Lodge, on the right.
At the July 1 meeting of Kirksville Lodge #105 Brother Larry D. Gardner was presented with his 50-year membership pin and certificate. Pictured L to R making the presentation Right Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey, Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, Brother Larry Gardner, his wife Karen, son David, and grandson Mason.
Meridian Lodge #2 was honored to present Brother Elmer McHenry his 50-year pin and certificate on July 7, 2008. The ceremony was held at the Green Park Nursing Home. Hs wife Arlene assisted in the ceremony by pinning on his 50year pin. Pictured left to right: Arlene, Carl Meyer, WM-elect Billy Pyle and WB Mel Meyer.
On Thursday, July 10, 2008, at Ivanhoe Lodge #446 in Kansas City, Missouri, had the distinct honor to present Right Worshipful Brother Sheldon Snitz with his 50 year pin and certificate. Missouri Grand Chaplain Snitz received his Entered Apprentice on May 18, 1958, was raised to Fellow Craft on May 20th and became a Master Mason on July 15, 1958.
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WB O.W. Mallow presided over the regular meeting of Potosi Lodge #131 on March 10, 2008 when the Lodge initiated Patrick Campbell. WV Mallow is a member of Potosi Lodge #131. He moved his membership to Potosi in 1975 from Ellins Lodge #599. He has a total of 61 years in Freemasonry, and is an excellent ritualist. Brother William A. Campbell, the candidate’s father is also a member of Potosi Lodge #131. Shown (l to r) Patrick Campbell, WB O.W. Mallow, RWB Cecil Isaac, DDGL and WB Wayne Williams, Master of Potosi Lodge.
Branson Lodge #587 sponsored a MoCHIP event at Branson’s Shirley M. Schaefer Unit of the Boys & Girls Club of the Ozarks on Saturday, April 19, 2008. Twenty-seven volunteers staffed the event, registering 133 children. Volunteers shown (l to r) are: Scott Aogue, Darold Doriathan, Bob Elam, David Colignori, Wayne Beach, Herb Terrill, Dale Roller and Billy Rader.
The Willing Workers Quilters from Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Gillespie, Illinois donated over 200 quilts and laptop quilts to the VA Medical Center in St. Louis. On April 10, 2008, John A. Murphy, MSA Representative at Jefferson Barracks delivered over 100 quilts to John Cochran VA Hospital with the help of several brethren from Pride of the West Lodge #179. On April 14, 2008, John met with several of the lady quilters at Jefferson Barracks. The ladies not only donated the quilts, they enjoyed meeting with the veterans receiving the additional 100 quilts. The joy and compassion that was given to the veterans by the quilters is indescribable.
Thirty members and 32 guests attended the Grand River Lodge #276 fish fry in Feeeman, Missouri this year. The cooking crew (shown l to r) are: Chief Chef Bob Cummins, Sami Manthei, Ted Thomas and Jeff Sickels. During its regular meeting on April 14, 2008 Grand River Lodge #276 made a presentation of the HIRAM AWARD. Receiving the HIRAM Award were RWB Art Reece from Cass Lodge #147, Past DDGM of the 20th Masonic District and RWB Harold Davis from Grand River Lodge #276, DDGL of the 20th Masonic District. The HIRAM AWARD is given to those outstanding Master Masons who have shown dedication to the Masonic Fraternity and to the district demonstrating they are honorable, true and dedicated Masons. Pictured (l to r): RWB Art Reece, RWB Harold Davis and RWB George Barrios, Master of the Grand River Lodge #276, Past DDGM of the 20th Masonic District.
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2008–2009 officers of Herculaneum Lodge #338. Front Row: (L-R) RWB A. Elmo Blum (Sec.), WB Charles C. Sloan (Sr. Warden), Truman R. Askins, Worshipful Master, Cecil L. McLard (Jr. Warden), WB H. Ray Smith (Marshal), WB Jerry C. Garland (Chaplain), Second Row:(L-R) Robert F. Hicks, (Sr. Deacon), WB Robert A. Anderson (Treas), WB Howard H. Inman (Jr. Steward), WB Roger D. Oliver, (Tyler), WB Charles R. Acre, (Jr. Deacon) and WB James W. Cannon (Sr. Deacon). Herculaneum Lodge # 338 AF & AM installation was held on March 22, 2008. The Lodge room was full with over 100 in attendance.
Warrenton Masonic Lodge #609 has been working with the local schools and the Missouri Masonic Home in a Partnership to help needy students get clothing, shoes and school supplies. This will be an ongoing project and eventually involve all the local schools. Pictured from left to right: Jimmy Tipton, Lodge Master, Bobbie Russell, Principal, Patty Russell, School Nurse and Peter Schmidt, Lodge Past Master.
On Saturday May 3, 2008, members of Wentzville Lodge #46 traded their lambskin aprons for chef’s aprons. They donated their dining room and culinary talents for Boy Scout Troop #853’s annual pancake breakfast, which raised over $3000.00 for much needed supplies and educational material.
MWB Donald E. Scott proudly raised his son, Keith B. Scott to the Degree of Master Mason on June 30, 2008 at Independence Lodge #76, Independence, MO.
The Masonic Home of Missouri and Troy Masonic Lodge have partnered with nine Public Schools in the Troy School District to provide basic needs from socks, shoes, underwear, and coats to eyeglasses for forty-one school children who were otherwise unable to obtain them for daily use in the 2007-08 school year. Pictured are Thomas Hamlett, Master of Troy Lodge, Vanielle Vogelsang, Principal of Hawk Point Elementary School (one of the nine schools), and Densel Webb, Representative to Masonic Home of Missouri from Troy Lodge. The Partnership between the Masons and the Public Schools is an on-going project and is administered through the school counselors. The benefits to the children of the Troy District exceeded $6,000.00 in 2007-08.
Tyro Lodge #12 of Caledonia will have its outdoor degree 14 miles west of Potosi on 8 Highway at the Bay Farm on September 20, 2008. Food and fellowship all day, Anvil shoot at 4:00PM, Lodge at 4:30PM. Menu: Port steaks, baked beans, potatoes, cakes, soda and coffee all day. For information call Glen Weiss at (573) 779-3426 or (573) 734-2822.
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WM Lyndall Johnson of Polo Lodge #232 presents a 50-year jewel and certificate of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to William R. Zwygart on March 6, 2007. Brother Bill is a retired banker from Polo. WB T. David Swafford assisted in the presentation at Brother Zwygart’s home.
Crescent Hill Lodge #368 held an open informal meeting at its hall on April 10, 2008 to Honor Brother Art Zellmer for his 50 years of outstanding membership in the Lodge. There were 58 people including family and members of various Lodges in attendance.
On April 24, 2008 Lakeville Lodge #489 (Bell City) presented Gerald Griffin his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. RWB Elmer E. Wilson of Dexter Lodge #532 made the presentation. WB Harry swinger participated in the ceremony.
Brother William (Junior) O’Dell was presented his 50 year pin and certificate by WM Chris Arnett, Ray Lodge #223, June 5, 2008.
On Thursday evening June 19, 2008 two members of Butler Lodge #254 were presented 50-year pins and certificates. WB Quentin H. Cumpton (right) & Kenneth R. Watts (left) were each presented a 50-year pin and certificate by RWB Stephan J. Dixon in the presence of about 40 Master Masons and family members. Brother Cumpton was pinned by his wife Blanche and Brother Watts was pinned by his brother Richard Watts who had presented him his 25-year pin twenty-five years ago. All members prior to the presentation enjoyed a family style dinner. Photo by RWB Alvin O. Griffin DDGL 32 Dist.
On Monday, June 23, 2008, Liberty Lodge #31 awarded the 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri to four brothers. Shown receiving their awards from left to right are Reid Flippin, James Cassidy, Earl Jones and WB Kenny Aiello.
Fall 2008 119
TRADITIO Dr. E. Otha Wingo, DDGL 38, Fellow of the Missouri Lodge of Research - “All Americans are traitors,” proclaimed His Royal Majesty George III, King of England, as he arrived in royal splendor at Westminster at the opening of Parliament on October 26, 1775, his booming voice echoing the reverberation of the cannon salute and the cheering voices of 60,000 subjects lining the streets. He had denounced the “rebellion” for seeking American independence even before the leaders themselves had openly declared their intentions.1 When the Continental Congress voted to dissolve the connection with Great Britain, on July 2, 1776, the delegates at Philadelphia realized that they “had committed treason” by renouncing their allegiance to the King.2 Traditio [from trans + dare, to give over or hand over] is the Latin root of both words: tradition and treason. Traditio evolved from the process of passing down customs and beliefs to the next generation to an act of betrayal of one’s country. The element of treachery was already seeping into usage at the end of the 12th century. In the midst of revolution, the dividing line between tradition and
treason becomes vague and this was the situation during the American Revolution. Not only did King George III consider all Americans his subjects and therefore defined rebellion as treason, but the leaders of the fight for independence from the King and the British Parliament dubbed as traitors those Loyalist Americans who did not support their cause, but remained in support of England. Not so well known is the “first American traitor,” Dr. Benjamin Church, who was the surgeon general of the army, head of the hospital at Cambridge,3 and one of the local dignitaries who had escorted Washington into Cambridge the day of his arrival. “He was as prominent and trustworthy a man as any in the province, it was thought, a member of the Provincial Congress, poet, author, a Harvard classmate of John Hancock, and an outspoken patriot. Yet the whole time he had been secretly corresponding with the British in cipher, and was in their pay.” McCullough tells how his treachery was discovered from a “mysterious enciphered letter” which had been brought to Nathaniel Greene, one of
Washington’s top generals, famous for capturing the mercenary Hessian forces at Trenton, NJ. “The letter was deciphered and Church exposed. The whole army, indeed all New England and the Congress at Philadelphia, were stunned. Who could say how many other Dr. Churches there might be? Church was tried, convicted, and imprisoned.” We know the names of Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold. Were they patriots in the American fight for independence? Yes. Both fought valiantly and were considered heroes. Aaron Burr became the third American Vice President. “Because of a quirk in the electoral system that prevented electors from distinguishing between votes for president and vice president…,Jefferson and Burr had received the identical number of electoral votes.”4 The House made the decision. Later Burr was “caught conspiring to launch a fabulously ambitious scheme…to detach a substantial chunk of the American Southwest and set up an independent nationstate with himself as the benevolent despot.…His actions so savored of contiunes page 110
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