Missouri Freemason Magazine - v54n03 - 2009 Summer

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Brethren: As I travel this great state I find exactly what I knew I would find: Brother Master Masons hard at work in their communities. I have, to this date, traveled east, west, north and south. In every direction I found brethren acting to meet the needs of their communities. I would have expected to find no less. In the First degree proficiency you were asked where you were first prepared to be made a Freemason and your answer was “in my heart.� That means you were a Mason before we ever proceeded to confer any work upon you. Our job as friends and brothers was to instill Masonry in your head so that you understood it is the work of Freemasons to do the work of the heart. We are taught that every human being has a claim upon our kind offices and that charity, next to a belief in deity, lies at the foundation of Freemasonry. The brethren of this state have learned the lessons well. The Brothers Helping Others program was simply a way to get you

to share what you are doing in your communities. It also afforded me the opportunity to extract an invitation into several lodges that otherwise would never have invited a Grand Master. I know that because I once sat in the same position many of you are in. I also know that from the Craft I came and, shortly, to the Craft I shall return. It is my honor and privilege to visit with as many of you as is humanly possible. You, the brethren of this state, comprise some of

the very best men this nation has to offer. I know this because I have had the opportunity to be among you. I would like to think that I come from the same stock. The low or the high is irrelevant; the path is the thing we must all keep in sight. The brethren of this state will be the ultimate judges of what has been accomplished this year. Janet (my wife) and I hope we have traveled the right path. Our intention, in the beginning and until the end of our journey, is to do what is right and in the best interests of the brethren of this state.

Rocky E. Weaver Grand Master A.F.& A.M. State of Missouri

Our Eternal Thanks I cannot begin to tell all of the brethren, ladies and youth of this state how much Janet and I appreciate each and every one of you who voiced or sent their condolences, flowers and gifts for the losses of our mothers. Janet lost her mother on December 25, 2008 and I lost mine on February 6th of this year. The loss of both is inconsolable but all of you

66 Summer 2009

have made it much easier because we know we are not alone. Life is a journey and in every journey there is a beginning and an end. The one thing that makes that journey worth the effort is the friends we make along the way. Thank you for your fellowship, friendship and for caring. Rocky and Janet Weaver




Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri

VOL. 54 NO. 3


Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications


Biography: Dale M. Bryan


Events and Announcements


District Deputy Grand Lecturers 2009


District Deputy Grand Masters


Grand Lodge Officers


A Most Worshipful BrotherElvis A. Mooney


The Plumbline


Harry Truman’s Masonic Life


Missouri DeMolay


Missouri Rainbow


I.D. Me at the Fair


Masonic Home


Masonic Service Awards


The Work of Our Craft

Committee on Masonic Publications Rocky E. Weaver, Grand Master John Hess, Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary Zelwin B. Eaton, Past Editor E. Otha Wingo, Assistant Editor Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-628-6562 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org Please note the change of address for the Missouri Freemason:

P.O. Box 1120, Kearney, MO 64060-1120 The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be submitted to The Missouri Freemason, P.O. Box 1120, Kearney,


FROM THE EDITOR’S KEYBOARD Brothers, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is the Missouri Freemason is very popular and is attracting more articles than ever. The bad news is the Missouri Freemason is very popular and is attracting more articles than ever. For a number of reasons which I won’t go into, we are receiving far more articles than we can print. How bad is it? As Johnny Carson would say... It is soooooo bad that your editor’s precious article didn’t make the cut this issue. Now that’s bad! It’s also bad... or good, depending on your point of view... that we are now picking and choosing the articles for publication. In other words, your precious article is in competition with my precious article and all the other precious articles that come pouring in. So you might be asking yourself, “What can I do to make sure my precious article gets into the magazine?” That’s a good question. There are a number of things. For example, remember when your high school English teacher said, “Neatness counts,” – well, she was right. But to be succinct, I’d like to briefly review the top five things you can do to make sure your article gets into the magazine. They are: 1) Email your article. 2) Email your article. 3) Email your article. 4) Email your article. 5) Email your article. In case you’re wondering, the second group of five things looks surprisingly like the first five. Brothers, it takes ten times as long to process an article from hard copy than one in electronic format. I’m only human and believe me the article I don’t have to retype is the one that gets preference. As they say on my wife’s soap opera, “That’s not a threat... that’s a promise.” “But, Brother Editor,” you may say, “I don’t have a computer and I don’t type!” Steve Harrison, Editor You know someone who does. MO 64060-1120, not later than the first day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right due to limitations of space, to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $12.00 annually. PERMISSION TO REPRINT: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. CHANGE OF ADDRESS (Important): Whenever a member changes his mailing address without notifying his Lodge Secretary and a mailing of the Freemason magazine occurs, the Post Office charges the Grand Lodge 75¢ per undeliverable Freemason. PLEASE, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change so that the Grand Lodge can then be notified. GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI INTERNET ADDRESSES E-Mail to the Grand Lodge Office grlodge@momason.org The Grand Lodge web page www.momason.orgPhone: 573-474-8561

Summer 2009 67

DALE M. BRYAN MASTER, MISSOURI LODGE OF RESEARCH Right Worshipful Brother Dale M. Bryan was born in St. Joseph on September 4, 1953. He graduated from Lafayette High School and Missouri Western State College in St. Joseph. Dale started driving a dump truck for his father when he was 16. He worked for his father as he attended school. In 1976 he bought into the trucking business with his Father. They sold the truck business in 1978 and in 1979 they started Bryan Motors. Dale continues to operate the business today. Dale’s father was a Past Master and three of his father’s brothers were Masons. His Mother’s Father and Brother were also Masons. Dale joined Zeredatha Lodge #189 in 1976. He was initiated on 6/22/1976, passed on 7/27/1976, and raised on 8/24/1976. He started as a line officer after giving back his proficiency. He served as Master in 1983. He has since served on several eral Lodge committees and is currently the Lodge Treasurer. In 1994 he served as the Grand Sword Bearer under Most Worshipful Grand Master Gordon Hopkins. Dale has served on numerous Grand Lodge Committees including Public Relations, Committee on Charted Lodges, Forms and Ceremonies. He is also a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research and is it’s current master. At the Annual Grand Lodge communications in 2008 he was elected to the board of the Masonic Home of Missouri. Dale joined the St. Joseph Scottish Rite in October 1976. He became active in the ritual work. He worked in the 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 27th, and the Traitor degrees. He acted as the director of the 18th degree for a number of years. He also serves as the Sovereign Grand Commander in the K.C.C.H. investiture. Dale has Served as the Master of the Lodge of Perfection, and the Commander of the Council of Kadosh. He was honored with the Knight Commander Court of Honor in 1985 and received his 33rd degree in 1991. He served as Executive Secretary from 1990-2004 and as the Personal Representative to the S.G.I.G. in 1994. He currently is a member of the Valley’s Executive Committee, and a member of the Temple Board. He is also in charge of the Kitchen during Valley functions. He served as member of the Board of Directors of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri from 1990 - 2008, and was a member of Scholarship committee and the Benevolent committee. Dale joined Molia Shrine Temple in November 1976. He was a member of the “74’s” Motor Patrol from 1978-1982 and served as the secretary treasurer for the unit. He was a member of the membership committee and served as membership chairman. He received several awards for membership including a workhorse award in 1980. Dale is also a member of the York Rite and the High-12.

Green Tree Dedication Planned of the Green Tree Tavern, see the Spring, 2007 edition of the

MWB P. Vincent Kinkead has announced the the monument for the Green Tree Tavern, site of the first Masonic Lodge west of the Mississippi, is planned for Saturday, May 30, 2009 at the Green Tree in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. For the full story

Missouri Freemason Magazine. For additional information on the dedication, please contact the Grand Lodge.

Events and Announcements: May 30: Green Tree Tavern dedication, Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. Contact the Grand Lodge of Missouri for additional information. June 17: DeMolay International Alumni and Masonic Charity Golf Tournament at Moila Shrine, St. Joseph. Proceeds to benefit Scottish Rite, York Rite and Shrine Charities. 8:30 AM Shotgun Start. Entry fee: $90 per player. Call (816)891-8333 for additional information. June 21: St. John the Baptist Ceremony and Friends of Masons Day at Mt. Moriah Masonic Mausoleum, 10507 Holmes, Kansas City, Missouri. Event begins at 2:30PM. Masons and non-Masons welcome. If you plan to attend or have questions, please contact John Robbins at jrobbins6@kc.rr.com. June 26: Brookfield Lodge #86 annual Chiggerfest outdoor 3rd degree festival. Degree work begins at 4:00 PM. July 1: Deadline for the Fall edition of the Missouri Freemason Magazine. August 13–23: MoCHIP event at Missouri State Fair (See details p. 90 or contact Nick Cichielo at (573) 424-3683 (Nick.mochip@charter.net). October 16: Webster Groves Lodge golf tournament at Paradise Valley Golf Course in Fenton, Missouri. A four-person scramble. Entry fee is $75 per player. Proceeds will be used to preserve the historic Webster Groves Lodge building. For additional information, see www. Webstertemple.com or contact Ken Bossaller at (314)223-0658 (bos1958@aol.com). The Missouri Eastern Star is supporting the MoCHIP program through the sale of lapel pins at a cost of $4.00 each. To order one or more, contact your local Eastern Star Chapter or contact Steve Crotty at (816) 518-6857 (scrotty51@kc.rr.com). 68 Summer 2009


District Deputy Grand Lecturers 2009 District 1 Timothy M. Dunbar 24 Settlers Tri Hannibal, MO 573-221-4034 tdunbar@sbcglobal.net District 2 Melvin D. Collop RR 1 Box 43 Rutledge, MO 63563 660-434-6519 flyingt-e@marktwain.net District 3 David D. Powell 2414 North East St. Kirksville, MO 63501 660-216-2848

District 13 Robert E. Hutchinson 406 E. Elm St. Huntsville, MO 65259 660-277-3836

District 25 Jerry Bradford 64 Hwy. E Jonesburg, MO 63351 636-359-1655

District 14 August L. Bottom 627 Industrial Blvd Slater, MO 65349 660-529-3511

District 26 Rickey L. Uebinger 203 St. Leo Dr. O’Fallon, MO 63366 636-281-8102

District 15 Stanley E. Massey 10011 Linn Grove Rd. Odessa, MO 64076 816-230-7029

District 27A Thomas E. Kuhn P.O. Box 515151 St. Louis, MO 63151 314-487-2906 tek_kosi@sbcglobal.net

District 16 District 27B Donald E. Gilkerson Michael F. Jones District 4 22009 ON THE COVER: A Greta Kempton painting of Harry S. Truman in422 his S. Hanley Rd. #1 Gale L. Jones NE 172nd Street St. Louis, MO 63105 Grand Master’s regalia. 14395 W. 190th St. Kearney, MO 64060 314-322-8585 Hatfield, MO 64458 816-628-6538 stlcriminalappeals@yahoo.com 660-845-2423 District 17 District 27C District 5 Michael E. Wheeler David C. Riek David W. Moyer 7212 Southwest Karen Rd. 2316 Esquline Dr 307 East 3rd Street Trimble, MO 64492 Fenton, MO 63026 Grant City, MO 64456 816-804-9171 636-225-3094 660-564-2584 hiramsson@yahoo.com District 18 District 6 Paul F. Miller District 28 William J. Hollingsworth 9111 E 74th Cecil Y. Isaac 320 W. Torrance St. Raytown, MO 64133 14137 West State Hwy 47 Maryville, MO 64468 913-722-2243 Fletcher, MO 63030 660-582-8573 573-678-2642 District 19 District 29 District 7 Lyle K. Croisant Larry W. Beck Lawrence R. Crawford 809 NE Independence Ave. 903 Halifax Dr. 9147 County Rd 27 Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 Rolla, MO 65560 Bolckow, MO 64427 816-524-6446 573-364-7685 816-428-4201 lbeck@fidnet.com District 20 District 8 Harold L. Davis District 30 Virgil Eugene Caldwell 29100 S Wolf Rd James E. Portwood 901 S. Grant St Freeman, MO 64746 326 Basswood Rd. Gallatin, MO 64640 816-250-2265 Sunrise Beach, MO 65079 660-663-3773 573-374-5174 District 21 jsportwood@netzero.com District 9 Micheal J. Joyner Anthony J. Battaglia 10 NW 730 Road District 31 8444 NE Old 36 Warrensburg, MO 64093 John A. Parks Hamilton, MO 64644 660-909-3356 Rr 1 Box 544 816-288-9191 jjoyner@wcblue.com Flemington,MO 65650 ranchhouse@centurytel.net 417-754-2611 District 22 District 10 James G. Wade District 32 Thomas E. Christine 2801 West Henley Drive Alvin O. Griffin 401 E. 6th St. Columbia, MO 65202 Rt 2 Box 267 Shelbyville, MO 63469 573-474-2630 Butler, MO 64730 573-633-2358 816-297-2589 District 23 District 11 Grant G. Smith District 33 Kent E. Cheek 31240 Wakata Road Christopher C. McLemore IV 314 S Oak St Lincoln, MO 65338 RR 4 Box 238 Monroe City,MO 63456 660-668-4341 Nevada, MO 64772 573-735-4992 balloon@socket.net 417-667-5485 District 12 Gary A. McCormack 1304 Kathy St Fulton, MO 65251 573-642-6932


District 24 Joseph M. Keeler 7023 Hwy. HH Catawissa, MO 63015 636-271-1390

District 34 Robert D. Lockmiller 2342 S. Timbercreek Ave. Springfield, MO 65802 417-886-0152

District 35 Michael K. Bodine 1724 Hardwood Rd. Marshfield, MO 65706 417-234-2623 mkb1972@hotmail.com District 36 Noel R. Mason Rr 1 Box 175 Black, MO 63625 573-269-4657 District 37 Edward W. Hutchings 310 Center St. Farmington, MO 63640 573-760-9320 waynehutchings@sbcglobal.net District 38 E Otha Wingo 126 Camellia St Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 573-334-9210 District 39 Randy Jennings 729 West Main Ave. Bernie, MO 63822 573-293-4635 District 40 Jonce B Chidister 1113 Charlotte Dr. Malden, MO 63863 573-276-7673 jbchidister@hotmail.com District 41 Billy V. Jones P.O. Box 811 Poplar Bluff, MO 63902 573-785-5038 District 42 Randall D. Upton 809 Webster St. West Plains, MO 65775 417-256-1560 District 43 Gary L. Benskin 241 E Hines St Republic, MO 65738 417-732-7851 District 44 Kevin M. Sligar 360 Farm Rd 1100 Monett, MO 65708 417-235-6593 ksligar@jackhenry.com District 45 Donald C. Gardner P.O. Box 262 Jasper, MO 64755 417-214-0988 District 46 Matthew D. Ruth 1402 Pineville Rd Neosho, MO 64850 417-439-0134

Summer 2009 69

District Deputy Grand Masters District 1 Jack Kairy 8182 Highway MM Hannibal, MO 63401 573-221-1365 District 2 Michael E. Peavler RR 1 Box 113A Novelty, MO 63460 660-739-4453 District 3 Thomas C. Yunick 39185 Elm Trail Unionville, MO 63565 660-355-4332 District 4 Larry T. Odom 415 East 7th Street Trenton, MO 64683 660-359-3054 District 5 Mike D. Cook Rr 2 Box 105 Grant City, MO 64456 660-786-2368 District 6 Rex Barnett 708 W Lincoln St Maryville, MO 64468 2748 816-582-8906 District 7 Larry P. De Shon 141 SE 68 Rd. St Joseph, MO 64507 816-279-4796 District 8 Ralph F. Ray PO Box 8 Coffey, MO 64636 660-533-4965 District 9 Jerry D. Galloway 4381 SW Hollow Rd Polo, MO 64671 816-586-2560 District 10 George T. Teeter 28603 Katy Dr Brookfield, MO 64628 660-258-2739 District 11 David E. Cox 529 Mcward Drive Bowling Green, MO 63334 573-324-5043 District 12 Donald E. Fairley 1007 West Street Mexico, MO 65265 573-581-6658

District 13 Joel C. Ridgway P.O. Box 65 Cairo, MO 65239 660-263-6237 District 14 Kenneth R. Osborn Box 148 Arrow Rock, MO 65320 660-837-3480 District 15 Mark S. Schroer Po Box 285 Wellington, MO 64097 816-934-2537 District 16 Keith Porter Hensen PO Box 312 Lathrop, MO 64465 816-740-3699 District 17 Larry D. Davis 1000 Mary Kay Lane Platte City, MO 64079 816-858-2034 District 18 Lloyd C. Callwell 704 Canter Raymore, MO 64083 816-322-3394 District 19 James E. Leath III 12417 S. Al Gossett Road Lone Jack, MO 64070 816-697-3785 District 20 Clarence L. Jennings 24405 E 315 Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-293-5360 District 21 John T. Cecilia 932 Ridge Dr. Warrensburg, MO 64093 660-747-6070 District 22 Robert E. Gander 10801 Old Concord Dr Bunceton, MO 65237 660-838-6297 District 23 Stephen T. Liebi 58188 Little Moniteau Road California, MO 65018 573-796-2749 District 24 Frank D. Wright 1222 Wright Road Owensville, MO 65066 573-437-2886

District 25 William R. Gatewood 109 Fort Worth Way Wright City, MO 63390 636-745-3136 District 26 Thomas H. Hamlett 395 Annie Ave Troy, MO 63379 636-528-4670 District 27A Terry L. Duffy 900 W. Cumberland Rd. St. Elmo, IL 62458 618-780-4370 District 27B Charles F. Wiegert 8640 Green Springs Dr. St. Louis, MO 63123 314-843-8676 District 27C Craig A. Skinner 2434 Stoney End Ct. Florissant, MO 63031 314-540-2585 District 28 Francis D. Jett 4791 Werner Rd High Ridge, MO 63049 636-677-2885 District 29 John W. Bayless 99 Rutz Subdv Rd. Cuba, MO 65453 573-885-0252 District 30 Michael E. Day P.O. Box 905 Lebanon, MO 65536 417-532-4699 District 31 David G. Turner HC 77 Box 1000 Pittsburg, MO 65724 417-852-7288 District 32 Larry D. White Route 2 Box 263 Butler, MO 64730 816-297-2628 District 33 Charles E. Morlan 1005 S High St El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 417-876-4325 District 34 Gregory V. Ross 4715 S Hwy 123 Fair Play, MO 65649 417-694-2010

District 35 R. David Norman Rte. 7 Box 7061 Ava, MO 65608 417-683-2843 District 36 James M. Johnson RR 1 Box 182 Black, MO 63625 573-269-4747 District 37 John L. Ritter 307 W Sycamore St. Desloge, MO 63601 573-431-5547 District 38 Otis L. Long 812 August St. Jackson, MO 63755 573-243-6882 District 39 Gary D. Kitchen 15458 Horse Shoe Ln. Dexter, MO 63841 573-624-3097 District 40 Jackie D. Crawford 208 Barbara Dr. Kennett, MO 63857 573-888-5830 District 41 Bill A. Humble 3339 North 14th St. Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573-785-2987 District 42 Royce E. Wheeler P.O. Box 685 Ava, MO 65608 417-683-9077 District 43 Johnnie L. Essary P.O. Box 1426 Forsyth, MO 65653 417-546-3979 District 44 Donald B. La Rue 13397 Lawrence 2210 Verona, MO 65769 417-498-2319 District 45 John C. Kuehn 2323 N. Miller Joplin, MO 64801 417-62-0401 District 46 Timothy W. Lewis 13618 Pierce Ln. Neosho, MO 64850 417-455-1488

Regional Grand Lecturers 2009 Region A Bobby R. O’Dell 24238 Hwy U Bucklin, MO 64631 660-695-3612 Region B F. Wayne Dugan 8130 Southpoint Dr. Camden, MO 64017 816-496-5533

70 Summer 2009

Region C Michael F. Armstrong 505 NW Englewood Rd, Apt 1 Kansas City, MO 64118 816-454-1370 Region D Norman E. Harrison 207 Drewel Ct. Eureka, MO 63025 636-587-7913

Region E Joe W. Johnson 10607 Wurdack Ave. St. Louis, MO 63114 314-429-0782 jwjohnson@primary.net Region F H.R. Huey Higgins 3730 E County Line Rd. Rogersville, MO 65742 417-753-4839

Region G Wayne G. Tucker HC 3 Box 222 Ellsinore, MO 63937 573-322-5712 wtucker@mymailstation.com


Grand Lodge Officers 2009 Rocky E. Weaver, Grand Master (Janet) (501) 106 Park Ave., Buckner 64016 Cell Phone: 816-645-6178 E-mail: rocky09@embarqmail.com

Randall M. Berger, Senior Grand Steward (642) 1251 Strassner #2204, Brentwood 63144 Cell Ph: 314-724-1132 • Bus. Phone: 316-727-4854 E-mail: ezgoer@aol.com

Larry C. Reynolds, Deputy Grand Master (Bettie) (477) 443 Wildwood Dr, Rogersville 65742 Home Phone: 417-753-3356 E-mail: LCarvel45@aol.com

David Haywood, Junior Grand Steward (Diane) (84) 1335 Greenmar Dr., Fenton, 63026-3350 Work Ph: 314-658-7315 • Home Phone: 636-343-1830 E-mail: wg84sec@hotmail.com Brent Stewart, Senior Grand Marshal (Kris) (114, 602) 5325 South Bearfield Rd., Columbia 65201 Work Ph: 573-499-0635, Work Fax: 573-499-0638, Home Ph: 573-875-3052 • E-Mail: cbsmmason@aol.com

Gail S. Turner, Senior Grand Warden (Tina) (82) 106 Haliburton, Brookfield 64628 Home Ph: 660-258-5072 • Bus. Phone: 660-258-3394 E-Mail: gtkaturner@sbcglobal.net Work: gail.bankbp@sbcglobal.net John W. Hess, Junior Grand Warden (Ina) (501) 125 Groom Ave., Liberty 64068-2419 Home Ph: 816-781-4086 • Bus. Phone: 816-325-1335 E-mail: sgmo4@sbcglobal.net (H) W. Marion Luna, Grand Treasurer (526) 1101 N Main St, Piedmont 63957 Home Phone: 573-223-7291 E-mail: luna@boycomonline.com Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary (Lenora) (366) Woods Ct, Columbia 65201 Home Ph: 573-886-0288 • Bus. Phone: 573-474-8561 Fax: 573-474-3601 • E-mail: rmiller@momason.org

Jerry F. Ward, Junior Grand Marshal (Shelda) (31) 6000 N. Strathbury Ave., Kansas City 64151 Home Ph: 816-587-9377 • Work Ph: 816-587-9377 E-Mail: jward6000@kc.rr.com Lionel Goede, Grand Sword Bearer (Ginny) (281) 780 Murray Hill Dr., Fenton 63026 Home Phone: 636-343-3730 E-Mail: ggoede@charter.net Ronald P. Zimmer, Grand Pursuivant (Becky) (31) 1628 Magnolia Ave., Liberty 64068 Home Phone: 781-792-1631 E-Mail: Harvey Soule, Grand Chaplain (Barbara) (642,79) 590 Sara Lane #207, Creve Coeur 63141 Home Ph: 314-567-3455 E-Mail: harvey0000@aol.com

Stanton T. Brown, II, Grand Chaplain (Janice) (501) 25005 East U.S. 24 Hwy, Independence,MO Home Phone: 816-650-5000 E-Mail: sbii@aol.com Hershel Bledsoe, Grand Chaplain (Janice) (620) 4236 North Haven, Springfield 65803 Home Phone: 417-742-2097 E-Mail: Jose Palacios, Grand Chaplain (Selle) (455) 5612 Staely Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 Home Phone: 314-481-0361 E-Mail: jspalacios@charter.net Erik G. Holland, Grand Chaplain (Karen) (220) 8720 N. Arcola Ct., Kansas City, MO 64153 Home Ph: 816-880-0777 • Work Ph: 816-645-7038 E-Mail: eholland@ultra.ccp.com William J. Bowser, Grand Orator (Phyllis Jane) (78) 2819 Mulberry St., St. Joseph 64501 Home Ph: 816-232-2257 • Cell Ph: 816-261-7302 Fax: 816-232-2955 E-Mail: wjbowwow@aol.com Harvey J. Wells, Grand Orator (Carolyn) (618,392) 600 Lakeview Dr., Grain Valley 64029 Home Phone: 816-896-3610 E-Mail: wellscs@comcast.net

Randall J. Jones, Grand Lecturer (Darlene) (439) 4005 State Hwy KK, Rogersville 65742 Home Phone: 417-767-2737 E-mail: randalljayjones@yahoo.com

Miguel Madrigal, Grand Chaplain (76, 324) 11 E. Kansas St., Liberty 64068 Work Ph: 816-471-7335 Home Ph: 816-836-7495 E-Mail: mmadrigal6668@comcast.net

John W. Gibson, Jr., Grand Tiler (Jane) (31) 6610 N.W. Waukomis Dr., Kansas City 64151 Home Phone: 816-587-8766 E-Mail:

David L. Ramsey, Senior Grand Deacon (Friday) (71) 2709 North Lincoln, Kirksville 63501 Home Ph: 660-988-1415 • Bus. Phone: 888-457-3734 E-mail: dramsey@nemr.net

Alvin O. Griffin, Grand Chaplain (Terry L.) (254) Rt. 2, Box 267, Butler 64730 Home Ph: 816-297-2589 • Work Ph: 660-679-3532 E-Mail:

Rickey E. Clevenger, Assistant Grand Tiler (193) 31741 W. 120th St., Excelsior Springs 64024 Home Phone: 816-630-5630 E-Mail:

Jon B. Broyles, Junior Grand Deacon (Anna) (366) 1427 Carriage Bridge Trail, Ballwin 63021 Home Ph: 636-225-8873 • Cell Phone: 314-520-7578 E-mail: jbroyles@momason.org

Chris T. Harrelson, Grand Chaplain (Sandy)(391) 608 Twilight Dr., Raymore 64083 Home Ph: 816-322-7260 • Cell Ph: 816-803-6901 E-Mail: chris.sandy@comcast.net

Dr. Steven C. Monrotus, Grand Organist (232,139)(Joan) 229 Valley Drive, Farmington 63640 Home Phone: 573-756-9020 E-Mail: quasifan@hotmail.com


They stood before me, tall and brazen, In the dimly lit night. Two majestic pillars, Adorned with fantastic symbolic light.

We approached a winding stairway, And began to ascend, Fifteen steps of knowledge, Not knowing what lay around the bend.

Having ascended the stairway, There were ceremonies to employ. With care, my mentor recited the facts Of an ancient Biblical story.

To think, our ancient brethren Beheld the same scene… My guide spoke of antiquity, And great knowledge to glean.

With each step, a new lesson. My knowledge begun to expand. There is truly an order to this universe! And certainly a Plan.

We were tested time and again, By guards to ensure our aim true. But at last, we were granted permission, To pass within, without further adieu.

We passed between the pillars On a journey to understand, How to progress from the world of a child, To that of a man.

From the Earth’s rotation To geometry and musical joy, To the Deity’s celestial hemisphere, And magnificent glory.

Entering the Chamber with awe, I passed from child to man. I gathered my new working tools, And set out to build according to Plan.


Summer 2009 71

A MOST WORSHIPFUL BROTHER ELVIS A. MOONEY Grand Master of Missouri, 1968-1969

“Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, And in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep step with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him keep step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” The quotation from Henry David Thoreau, 19th century American author, poet and philosopher, was used in the official Grand Lodge biography about Elvis A. Mooney coauthored by Dr. and Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Harold O. Grauel and Dr. John C. Bierk. Dr. Grauel, who had appointed the then W. Bro. Mooney to the Grand Lodge line in 1959. had been his college professor of English, as he was also teacher to later Grand Masters Fielding A. Poe and J. C. Montgomery, Jr.1 The oldest living and senior Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M. of Missouri, Most Worshipful Brother Elvis Alexander Mooney of Bloomfield, passed away in that city March 16, 2009. M. W. Bro. Mooney, who was 97, was also the senior living member of the historic “Truman line.” Highly respected throughout the state and well-beloved within the Masonic fraternity, M. W. Bro. Mooney was often consulted, not only by his colleagues of the legal profession and fellow citizens but also by Masonic leaders who “followed in (his) train.” A word most often applied to the venerable Grand Master was “sage:” “the Sage of Bloomfield (or ‘of Stoddard County’)” or “the Sage of Southeast Missouri.” Hundreds of Masons remember his informative and whimsical recollections in the Grand Lodge session of 1999 about the late President and Past Grand Master Harry S Truman. Our future Grand Lodge leader was born in Bloomfield on May 10, 1911, the son of the late Alexander and Eva Elisa (Edwards)) Mooney. He received his early education in the Bloomfield school system. He graduated from Southeast Missouri State Teachers College (now University) in 1934 and for six years served in his home town school system as teacher, principal and superintendent. In 1940 he resigned to enroll in the School of Law of the University of Missouri-Columbia. This further education was interrupted by his military service in World War II. On Nov. 2, 1942, he entered military service, eventually becoming a Naval Lieutenant. His wartime assignments found him with a gun crew on merchant ships, later in Submarine Chasing Training School, then to the Western Pacific Command. He became the commander of a 72 Summer 2009

supply ship before his discharge in 1945. Following the war Bro. Mooney was able to return to law school and in 1948 received his LL.B. (now Juris Doctor) degree from the University. On Nov. 10, 1941, he had married Edna Lois Evans, who passed away Dec. 3, 1995 “Lois” is remembered as a gracious presence among Masonic wives at Grand Lodge sessions. M. W. Bo. Mooney is survived by two children: a daughter, Kathryn Mooney Skelton (Bob); a son, Elvis Alexander “Chip” Mooney (Gina); and a grandson, Robert Alexander Barney, all of Bloomfield.. Elvis began his long and distinguished Masonic career in Bloomfield Lodge No. 153 in 1934 where he would serve as Worshipful Master in 1940. In the York Rite he was a member of Kingsway Chapter No. 144, R.A.M., El Camino Council, R.&S.M., and Cape Girardeau Council No.55, K.T. A long time member of the Scottish Rite bodies of St. Louis he was to become an Honorary 33rd Degree. Likewise he was a member of Moolah Shrine. In addition he was a member of Bloomfield Chapter No. 385, O.E.S., and Past Worthy Patron. In addition to proceeding through the offices and stations of the Grand Lodge, Bro. Mooney served on the Committee on Jurisprudence, as Chairman of the Committee to Revise Forms and Ceremonies, and then as President of the Masonic Home of Missouri before his election as Grand Master in 1968. Much of M. W. Bro. Mooney’s Masonic companionship and counsel was flavored with good humor. At a Scottish Rite reunion some years ago a number of class members were young men whose long hair did not sit well with some of the older brethren. Some of us were visiting with Bro. Mooney in the vestibule between degrees when the subject came up. Bro. Mooney pointed to the large bronze bust of Albert Pike with flowing hair down to his shoulders. “Oh, well,” he observed. “If it didn’t bother him, it shouldn’t bother us.” Elvis Mooney exemplified patriotic and civic leadership as well as his Masonic achievements. Returning to Bloomfield as a fledgling lawyer he was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives. Later he was Prosecuting Attorney, He was a member of county, state and the American Bar Associations. A student of and frequent speaker on history, he belonged to the Missouri and Stoddard County Historical Societies. He was a past president of his local Kiwanis Club, a THE MISSOURI FREEMASON

member of the American Legion and AmVets as well as various social clubs and Phi Delta Phi, the legal fraternity. Elvis was a lifetime lover of hunting and horseback riding, in truth, a man’s man as well as “a Mason’s Mason.”: Dr. Grauel chose well the quote from Thoreau. There were many ways in which Most Worshipful Brother Mooney did march to a different drummer. He was a fierce individualist, not afraid to stand alone. But, this article’s author reflected, you never saw Elvis alone. Others constantly sought his company, conversation and counsel. The reason surely is found in the words with which Dr. Grauel closed his biographical sketch: “Grand Master Mooney is and always has been a complex personality. One part of him is suave and professional; a sec-

MASONIC COURTESY IN PRAYER By Judge C. Clyde Myers There is a courtesy which should be observed by all those who pray in public. Failure to observe it marks one as intolerant or as bigoted. Recently we heard a Federal judge’s wife, who has spent a lifetime studying and teaching Christianity, say, “I am to give the invocation at the luncheon of lawyers’ wives today. It is a mixed group as to religion, so my prayer must be tolerant, neither Christian nor non-Christian.” Every Mason who prays in public should have heard that remark. It indicated a religious tolerance that is commendable, and, which is taught by Masonry everywhere, but which is too often forgotten by Masons at prayer. Sometime ago when a prayer was offered in a Masonic group, we sat beside a Past Master, who was a Masonic student and lecturer. Several religions were represented. The Past Master turned and said, “That was a good Christian prayer, but it was not Masonic. It was not at all courteous to those present who are of non-Christian faiths.” Until the publication of the New


ond part is colloquial and homespun. One part is unassuming and modest; a second part is fiery and involved. One part of him accepts the traditions of the status quo; a second part works diligently to alter those things which stand in the way of a more perfect bond among men. One part of him serves; the second part leads. Throughout these contradictory halves there runs a single thread which holds his separate selves together: his dedicated belief in and love for the species called man. It is for this, above all else, that we, his brothers, bestow on him our love and admiration.” - J. C. Montgomery, Jr. 1 The author is indebted to Grand Secretary Ronald Miller, P.G.M. Fielding A. Poe, and officers of the Scottish Rite of St. Louis for their assistance.

Constitutions in 1723, a Mason was required by his obligations to be of the religion of the country in which he labored. The Mason in Arabia would thus be Moslem, in India a Hindu, and so on. The European Mason was hence required to be Protestant or Roman Catholic, with the consequent belief in the Divinity of the Christ and the Trinity. This continued until long after Martin Luther’s time. When Anderson wrote the New Constitutions, however, which were published in 1723, this was changed so that a Mason is required to express belief in one Supreme Deity, a belief in which all men agree no matter what their faith might be. As a consequence, a Masonic Lodge may have in attendance at any meeting Masons who are Hindus, Jews, Moslems and Christians. A perfect example is the Lodge in which Rudyard Kipling was initiated, the Lodge of Hope and Perseverance in Lahore, India, in 1886. His Apprentice Degree was conferred by a Hindu, the Fellowcraft Degree by a Moslem, and the Master Mason Degree by an Englishman. To make it even more interesting, the Tyler was an Indian of the Jewish faith. This has meant a Fraternity of men of many faiths who meet as Masons regardless of differences in religious belief. The Jew, who does not accept Christ as Divine, meets amicably with the Christian who does. These, together with the Hindu, the Moslem, and

many others, meet in peace and harmony. Yet when they pray in a Masonic gathering there are those who forget that their Masonry is nonsectarian. They pray in the language of their own creed forgetting those present who may be offended. Mackey says that Masonry is a religious institution and that its regulations inculcate prayer “as a proper tribute to the beneficent author of life. Hence it is indispensable obligation that a Masonic Lodge should be opened and closed in prayer.” There are prayers in the initiation of a candidate and in other places in Masonry; yet each of them is nonsectarian and therefore Masonic. sonic. Any Mason regardless dless of creed, may reverently bow w his head during such a prayer and at its conclusion say, “So Mote It Be.” Editor’s note: The artiticle above is a reprint from “The New Age,” published in approximately 1950. MWB J.C. Montgomery submitted it feeling it has significant relevance in our Lodges today. Dr. Montgomery is an ordained Methodist minister.

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THE PLUMBLINE By Matthew G. Copple Thus he showed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand. And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, a plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, “I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not pass by them any more; Amos 7:7-8 The words of the Prophet Amos create a solemn and somewhat frightening entry point for the Entered Apprentice seeking passage to Fellow Craft. When spoken in the 8th Century B.C., they served as an ominous warning to the people of the Northern Kingdom that their iniquities and wickedness would soon be punished. It serves as a similar warning to the Fellow Craft. As an Entered Apprentice, the Mason is but a child; his purpose, as is the purpose of all children, is to prepare for adulthood. Apprentices are expected to make errors, and it is the responsibility of older Masons to teach them through their mistakes. The first degree is a time of formation, of intellectual and spiritual birth.

The Entered Apprentice is like the People of Israel in the Desert of Sinai. The Chosen People relied on the Great Architect for bread and manna, and looked to the column of smoke and fire for direction. So the Entered Apprentice looks to his Fellow Crafts and his Master Mason for spiritual sustenance and Masonic direction. He is the ward of the Lodge; all Masons are responsible for his growth. The Fellow Craft is no longer a child. He is a now a man, capable of making his own decisions. He may not yet design the work upon the Trestleboard as the Master does, but armed with an education in geometry and the liberal arts and sciences, and informed by his obligation, he can now read the designs upon it and turn those drawings into useful labor on the Temple. With understanding comes responsibility. Once settled in the Holy Land, the People of Israel were free to seek their own destiny, to choose to accept or reject the Law, and accept the consequences of their actions. So the Fellow Craft is now his own man, a journeyman who is no longer bound by the contract of the Apprentice, free to walk the path to

Continued from page 91 not known in 1959, when Wm. R. Denslow’s 10,000 Famous Freemans was published. Anti-Masonic writers, conjuring up the worst accusation they could imagine, called him “a high degree mason.” Francis Scott Key was a member of Concordia Lodge No. 13, which still exists in Towson, Maryland. Last fall, the Grand Commanders of both Scottish Rite Jurisdictions had a celebratory luncheon with special guest, Brother Francis Scott Key III, great-greatgrandson of the author (The Northern Light 2/09, p. 31). Francis Scott Key (1779-1843) was a poet, an author, and a highly successful attorney in Baltimore and Georgetown, and was a U.S. District Attorney. He defended Sam Houston for assaulting another Congressman and prosecuted Richard Lawrence for attempting to assassinate President Andrew Jackson. He later published a treatise on The Power of Literature and Its Connection with Religion (1834). In the War of 1812, the British had burned the Capitol and White House, and were preparing an assault on Fort McHenry and Baltimore. A friend of Francis, Dr. William Beanes, had been captured by the British and was being held on the ship HMS Tonnant. Accompanied by Colonel John Stuart Skinner, he received permission to come aboard to negotiate the release of Dr. Beanes. After dining as guests of the British officers, Beanes, Skinner, and Key were detained until the attack on Fort McHenry was over. They could do nothing but watch the bombardment of the American forces. During the long nights of Sept. 12 and 13, 1814, they could only catch glimpses of the star-shaped fort with its huge flag (42 ft.. long, with 8 red stripes, 7 white stripes, and 15 white stars), which had been specially commissioned to be big enough that the British could not fail to see it from a distance. The shelling stopped suddenly in the middle of the night of the 13th; the darkness prevented them from learning which side had won the battle. As the sun began to rise and the smoke cleared, Francis and his friends caught a glimpse of a flag, but in the mist could not determine which flag was still flying. Finally,

the magnificant flag was recognizable as American. In his excitement, Francis started scribbling the words of a poem, which he called “The Defence of Fort McHenry.” On his way home he completed all four verses, which were printed as a handbill, which indicated the well-known tune to which the poem could be sung: John Stafford Smith’s “Anacreon in Heaven.” Although popular as a patriotic song, it was not until 1916 that President Woodrow Wilson ordered it to be played by military and naval services on patriotic occasions. It was officially adopted as the National Anthem of the United States by an act of Congress on March 3, 1931. An original copy written by Key was purchased by the Maryland Historical Society in 1953 for $26,400. The actual flag that Francis Scott Key and his friends saw that September morning is preserved in the Smithsonian Institution. P.S. This has become the official story of the song’s origin and was so proclaimed in 116 closely printed pages in 1914 by Oscar George Theodore Sonneck, music librarian at the Library of Congress. However, there is another story. In the 1940’s a manuscript music book was found in the California State Library, in which the tune of the Star Spangled Banner was found under the title, “The Royal Iniskillings.” The book was owned by William Brown, an officer in the 6th battalion of the Iniskillings Fusiliers from Mullaghdun in County Fermanagh, in the province of Ulster, in Ireland. The song was known as “the tune the Americans pinched for their national anthem.” The melody was traced to Iniskillings bandman, William M’Keag, who wrote it as a march for his 8th battalion. After a scandal, this 8th battalion was dismissed from the royal army and the members emigrated to Boston, taking their marching song with them. There the tune was converted into another song,, “Adams and Liberty,” to celebrate President John Adams’ defiance of France’s in The Pirate Wars of 1798-1800. It was first published in American Vocal Companion in 1798, 16 years before Francis Scott Key wrote new verses for it.

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Master Mason – or veer from it. The Great Architect stands upon a wall made with a plumbline. The wall is the Law, eternal, true. Adhere to the Law, and the plumbline will show you true. The stern words of Amos remind the Fellow Craft of the seriousness of his quest and the penalties of failure. The Fellow Craft is no longer a ward of the Lodge; his contributions and his mistakes now reflect on the Lodge and his Brethren. He can no longer plead ignorance, as Amos warns the people of the Northern Kingdom. You know the Law, Amos says; God has set the plumbline among you, and should you not be found true, your punishment will be swift and unyielding: The high places of Isaac shall be made desolate, and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste, and I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword. Amos 7:9 The Fellow Craft who fails to act by the plum, does so at the risk of destroying his sanctuary, his high place – the Temple which he began building only a brief time before as

an Entered Apprentice. If the walls of the Temple are bowed, if they are not true, they will not hold weight; they will collapse, plunging the candidate once again into darkness. The plumbline has one last lesson. Freemasonry, we are told, is a progressive science, taught by degrees. We must begin at the beginning, as a rough ashlar, pitted and uneven. Only by the steady application of the Mason’s art can we hope to become perfected, ready to be fitted in the Great Architect’s Heavenly Edifice. We must be true from the first step on our journey, careful to always correct deviation from our Masonic principles. We must use the plumb at all steps of our Masonic journey, making small corrections along the way, to ensure that when we at last lay down our Apron and put away our tools, we “humbly reflect that order and beauty which reign forever before Thy throne.” “Matthew G. Copple is Junior Warden of Kansas City Lodge #220. A fifth-generation Mason, he was raised in 1989 at Dawn Lodge #539, where he remains a member.”

FLORISSANT LODGE #668 MERGER WITH OVERLAND-OCCIDENTAL #623 By Curt Fulbright, PM For the members of Florissant Lodge #668, December 12, 2008 felt bittersweet. During the open meeting Florissant Lodge presented a 25 and a 50 year jewel, and several endowed memberships. After all the presentations and closing remarks, Florissant Lodge #668 “closed” for the last time. For a number of years, Florissant Lodge has been like so many other Lodges that struggled with membership attendance and attracting new members. The loyal “core group” of attendees kept the Lodge functioning but were unable to significantly ensure the viability and longevity of their Lodge. During Curt Fulbright’s term as master he requested that members explore the idea of a merger. Veteran attendees and members researched, polled and discussed. A committee was appointed to further investigate a merger. Within a few months, the committee recommended a merger with Overland-Occidental Lodge #623. After discussions with Overland-Occidental Lodge #623, votes were taken by both Lodges. By January 1, 2009, the history of Florissant Lodge ended more swiftly than its creation. Following the merger committee recommendations, members decided the merger should take effect January 1, 2009. At that time the Lodge would celebrate 50 years as a Lodge. Also at that time, WB Cecil Fulbright would attain 50 years of masonic service at Florissant Lodge. Cecil was presented with a 50 year jewel and certificate on December 12, 2008. Cecil helped organize and form Florissant Lodge. He and his friend Bill Nash were the first candidates initiated. Cecil’s half-brother, Louis Seabaugh served as a Charter Member.

Cecil Fulbright received the only 50 year pin presented by Florissant Lodge #668 for 50 years of service at Florissant Lodge. Very few men receive the honor of 50 years of service to a Lodge; even fewer receive it for continuous service at the same Lodge. WB Curt Fulbright performed the ceremony and presented his father with the certificate and proudly “pinned” Cecil, along with other family and Florissant Lodge members, Cecil’s son Kevin Fulbright, and grandson Shane Fulbright. Florissant Lodge also presented WB Tim Woelbling with a 25 year jewel. The Lodge secretary, RWB Don Taylor officiated and presented WB Tim Woelbling with his jewel and certificate for 25 years of Masonic Membership. The members of Florissant Lodge 1 also recognized a handful of faithful brothers for their many years of service and presented them with endowed memberships. These brothers involved themselves with regular attendance and assistance at Lodge functions throughout the years, and some are even Charter 2 Members. These are the dedicated members that attended and supported the Lodge during the good times and held it together during the lean years, enabling it to survive 50 years. Many of you know these brothers. When you see them at Lodge, either yours or theirs, congratulate them on their many years of service. Thank them for the accomplishments of Florissant Lodge #668. Let them know that Florissant Lodge may be gone, but its memory will live on in the hearts of many Masons.

Photos: (1) 50-year award ceremony (l to r) Shane Fulbright,WB Cecil Fulbright,WB Curt Fulbright, Kevin Fulbright. (2) Endowedmembers (l to r) WB Ron Burt, WB Don Kley, WB “Skip” Alfred, WB Ron Angel, WB Ralph Woelbling, WB Cecil Fulbright, WB Dale Heise


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HARRY TRUMAN’S MASONIC LIFE AS REVEALED IN THE TRUMAN LIBRARY’S COLLECTIONS by Sam Rushay Supervisory Archivist Harry S. Truman Library & Museum One hundred years ago, in March 1909, Harry S. Truman, future President of the United States, became a 3rd degree Mason at the Belton Lodge A.F. & A.M. This centennial anniversary is an appropriate time to recall the Masonic life and career of Harry Truman. As part of its series of public programs throughout 2009 commemorating Harry Truman’s 125th birthday, the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum featured, “Brother Truman: The Masonic Life of Harry Truman,” on Saturday, March 14. This program highlighted rarely seen and unique items from the Truman Library’s collections. Information about Harry Truman’s Masonic life and career has been published before, notably in Allen Roberts, Brother Truman (Highland Springs, VA: Anchor Communications, 1985). What I want to do in this article is tie details about Harry Truman’s Masonic life to actual artifacts, documents, and photos that are in the collections of the Truman Library. The documents, oral history interview, film, sound recording referred to in this article are available for research at the Truman Library. The Library also has available for research photographs of many of the people and events mentioned here. The artifacts described are located in the Truman Library’s museum collection. Harry Truman was born in 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. His family moved to Independence in 1890, where he attended public schools and graduated from Independence High School in 1901. After working in a series of jobs, including service as a bank clerk and bookkeeper at two banks in Kansas City, Harry moved with his family to his grandmother’s farm in Grandview, Missouri, where he lived from 1906-17. It was there that he became interested in becoming a Mason. In a letter that Harry wrote to his girlfriend, and later wife, Bess Wallace, “One day a cousin of my mother’s who lived on a farm east of us came over to look at some livestock. He was wearing a square and compass with a big G in the center. I told him of my interest and desire to join.”

Harry did join. In January 1909, he submitted a petition for Belton Lodge 450 A.F. & A.M. William Waskon and Howard Lindsay recommended him. He earned his first degree in February and the third degree in March. In his own words, he said that he spent that spring and summer “teaching the plowhorses all the Masonic lectures.” In the fall of 1909, he was appointed a deacon and a year later, he was elected Junior Warden. In 1911, he organized the first lodge in Grandview. On January 30, 1912, he reported to Bess Wallace that he “went down to Drexel last night with Mr. Blair [a Belton bank clerk] and acted as assistant district lecturer.” He went on to comment about “teaching block-headed Masons how to talk,” observing selfdeprecatingly that they would “have to be blockheads if I taught them.” That letter is one of about 1,200 “Dear Bess” letters that are in the possession of the Truman Library. In 1917, Harry Truman earned his thirty-second degree in the Scottish Rite. In 1923, he was elected to the Palestine Commandery of the Knights Templar in 1 the York Rite. In 1924, the Grand Master of Masons in Missouri appointed Truman his deputy for the fifty-ninth district. In 1930, William Gentry started Truman in the grand lodge line by appointment. For most men, such honors would have been the culmination of a Masonic career. But Truman’s career as a Mason was just getting started. Throughout his life he cultivated his Masonic friendships that enriched his life and nurtured his political career. In the 1920s, Truman was elected to judgeships— administrative positions—in Jackson County, Missouri. In the 1930s, as Presiding Judge of Jackson County, Truman was a key player in the building of a new Jackson County courthouse in Kansas City. This new courthouse cost $4 million and the main funds came from a voter-approved bond program backed by Judge Truman. During the dedication ceremony in 1934, Judge Truman sprinkled corn over the courthouse model, and poured wine and oil, all Masonic symbols of the wages in which the builders of King Solomon’s temple were paid.

Photos: (1) Harry Truman shown shaking hands with Brother Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, with Grand Master Harold M. Jayne (1956 – 1957).

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JJudge d T Truman was elected to the United States Senate in 1934. During his re-election campaign in 1940, his Republican opponent Manvelle Davis bad-mouthed Truman at a meeting in Wellsville, Missouri. When Forrest Donnell, himself a Republican candidate for governor of Missouri and a witness to Davis’s comments, was asked if Senator Truman could have been elected Grand Master and be the low sort of person Davis claimed he was, Donnell replied, “Of course not.” That statement was published and in Truman’s view, cost Davis “thousands of votes” in what was a very tight election. In 1940, Harry Truman was re-elected as Senator. That same year, in September, he was 2 elected Grand Master of Masons in Missouri by the grand lodge session in St. Louis. In late 1941 or early 1942, Senator Truman made a public service announcement film extolling the virtues of Masonic Service Associations. He mentioned that the Masons are like a group of brothers serving in the armed services, and that a soldier in his time of need could turn to a fellow Mason for friendship. He described the Masons as exemplifying charity, and as being unostentatious and sincere. Elected as Vice President on the Democratic ticket with President Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman became President of the United States upon the death of Roosevelt on April 12, 1945. In October, Truman was coroneted a 33rd Degree, Inspector General Honorary and Honorary Member of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Throughout his two terms as President, Truman never forgot his Masonic identity. On November 21, 1945, Melvin M. Johnson, Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, presented the Gourgas Cross to President Truman. This medal was named for James Joseph Gourgas, who was credited with preserving the Scottish Rite during the “dark days of AntiMasonry.” The medal is the jurisdiction’s highest award, and it is awarded in recognition for notably distinguished service in the cause of Freemasonry, humanity or country. President Truman thanked Mr. Johnson in these words: “I appreciate this more than anything I have ever received.” On December 17, 1946, President Truman met with Frank Land, founder of the order of DeMolay, and the

National Officers of the Imperial Council of the Sh Shrine i off North America, in the Oval Office. On April 12, 1948, President Truman received tickets to the Shrine Circus from Almas Shriners. Truman was a Shriner himself, having been elected a Noble at the Ararat Temple in Kansas City in 1917. In 1948, he sat for a portrait in his regalia as Grand Master of Masons in Missouri (shown on the cover of this edition). He told the artist, Greta Kempton, to concentrate on the gold collar, the gavel and the apron. She recalled, “During the sittings he explained to me the principles of Masonry. I was very impressed because he mentioned so many of my own ideals. He certainly impressed me because you don’t hear many people talk that way.” During his tough re-election campaign in 1948, President Truman took time out of his busy schedule to endorse certificates for young men joining Masonic orders. According to William Bray, a staff member at the Democratic National Committee, the number of requests became so great that people left the certificates, which were returned by mail after the President found time to sign them. In one instance, however, Truman insisted on being present in Beech Grove, Indiana at the raising of a young Navy man whom he had recognized as serving aboard the Presidential yacht, the Williamsburg. Bray reported on the inconvenience and logistical nightmare that followed the President’s last-minute wish to change his schedule to accommodate the young man and his father. “[The President] said he was not interested in the details but to work it out and bring it about.” Truman was not even interested in the public relations value of his detour. Bray reported that “It was not until two days later that word ‘leaked out’ about the President’s detour and it 3 did not make the press feel very happy that they had missed quite a scoop.” During his second term, in February 1950, the President attended a Masonic breakfast at the Statler Hotel on George Washington’s Birthday. VIPs in attendance included the Secretaries of Defense, Treasury, and Labor, the Chief Justice of the United States, and the Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. 4 Harry Truman’s Masonic affiliations and friendships crossed religious lines. Such was the case with Rabbi Sam Thurman, Chief Rabbi of United Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis. As Truman progressed in the Grand Lodge Line to become Grand Master of Masons in Missouri, Thurman served as an active member

Photos: (2) Truman’s Past Grand Master’s jewel. (3) Truman’s 33° ring. (4) Truman’s Masonic Apron.


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in the no non-advancing officer’s position within the Office of Chaplin, eventually being appointed Grand Chaplin of the State. Their leadership positions resulted in a strong personal friendship that lasted beyond Truman’s Presidency. Thurman appealed to Truman for his support and assistance in obtaining the independence of the State of Israel, and Truman called on Thurman to deliver the benediction at his inaugural ceremony in 1949. One of the more interesting and important events of the Truman Presidency, the renovation of the White House, had a Masonic aspect. The renovation of the White House was a massive project that was undertaken in 1948 and completed in 1952. Truman followed the planning and progress of the renovation closely, and he was pleased to learn that some of the original stones in the White House interior walls bore the mark of Masonic symbols. Writer


John Hersey noted that Mr. Truman’s Masonic career may have prompted his interest in architecture. After all, the Masons use the tool of building crafts as symbols. Whether it was the Jackson County courthouse or the renovation of the White House, Harry Truman took an active interest in buildings and their design and renovation. The same could be said for the establishment of the Harry S. Truman Library in 1957. Masonic officials participated in the cornerstone-laying ceremony at the Truman Library on July 6, 1957. Present were Harold M. Jayne, Grand Master of Masons in Missouri and two Past Grand Masters: Truman and Earl Warren of California, Chief Justice of the United States. More than a thousand Masons joined the march from the Masonic Temple on Pleasant Street to the Truman home on Delaware, and from there to the Library. Author Allen Roberts noted that “Promptly at 10:30 a.m. they arrived at the site and the time-honored ceremony for the laying of a

cornerstone by Freemasons was performed.” Roberts erts pointed out that this was a unique ceremony in one respect: “It is highly unusual for Freemasons to lay the cornerstone in a building that is completed and ready for dedication . . . .” Harry Truman was a great student of Masonic and United States history. In the early 1960s, he spoke with author Merle Miller about the anti-Masonic movement of the 1820s-1840s. Here is a part of their conversation: Merle Miller: What did they have against the Masons? Harry Truman: Nothing, nothing. They claimed that uh…they cooked up a situation and claimed that some fellow was going to give away the secrets of the Masons, and I’ve got every degree there is and if there are any secrets to give away I’ll be damned if I know what they are. At any rate, they claimed that the Masons up in northern New York had thrown this fellow over Niagara Falls, because he was about to tell what they did in the Masonic Lodges. And it was a situation that was made to order for that period and it was just a case of hysteria, and it lasted, as I say, through a presidential campaign. Truman was well aware that stonemason William Morgan’s disappearance triggered (falsely, in his view) a sense among western New Yorkers that the Masons represented a secret, aristocratic conspiracy against ordinary citizens. Still, that hysteria, based in fact or not, was a real factor in the 1828 and 1832 Presidential elections. In 1972, Harry Truman died. As Bess wished, his funeral service was Episcopal, a Masonic service was included, and a Baptist minister read a prayer. Public interest in the Masonic aspect of Harry Truman’s funeral continues. During the C-SPAN TV series about Presidential libraries in 2007, a caller asked whether or not Truman had had a Masonic funeral. In assessing Harry Truman’s Masonic career and its importance, Gaylon Babcock, a friend and neighbor of Truman, put it this way: “Harry was a very good lodge man. In fact, I have quite a number of times told people, in talking about Harry, that I think one of the things that helped develop him as a speaker and made it possible for him to get acquainted and become President was his Masonic work.” Truman, himself, wrote: “My Masonic career has been helpful in teaching me to get along with people, has caused me to become more familiar with the Bible and inspired me to read a great deal of 6 history.” It is hard to imagine a more flattering tribute to the Masonic orders and their importance to Harry Truman.

Photos: (5) On March 14, Masons and guests from across the state met at the Truman Library in Independence for a symposium on the Freemasonry of Harry Truman. Dr. Sam Rashay, the author, conducted the program. Shown above after the event are (l to r) Ron Miller, Grand Secretary; David Horner, Director of Development of the. Masonic Home of Missouri; John Hess, Junior Grand Warden; Rocky Weaver, Grand Master; Dr. Rashay, Supervisory Archivist of the Truman Library; Barry Denslow, Junior Warden, Belton Lodge #450 (Harry Truman’s Original Lodge); Ron Jones, Chairman, Public Relations Committee. (6) Truman’s handwritten thoughts on Masonry.

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NOTES ON SOURCES I found Allen Roberts, Brother Truman (Highland Springs, VA: Anchor Communications, 1985) especially helpful in the preparation of this article. Also useful was Robert Ferrell (ed.), Dear Bess: The Letters from Harry to Bess Truman, 1910-1959 (NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1983); Ferrell (ed.), The Autobiography of Harry S. Truman (Boulder: Colorado Associated University Press, 1980); and David McCullough, Truman (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1992). Brian Burnes, Harry S. Truman: His Life & Times (Kansas City Star Books, 2003), also contains interesting information about Harry Truman’s Masonic life. Truman’s Longhand Notes containing diary-like entries concerning his Masonic service are located in the Truman Papers, Post-Presidential Papers. The William Bray and Gaylon Babcock oral history interviews are available on our website at http://www.trumanlibrary.org/ oralhist/oral_his.htm. Many of the Truman Library’s photographs and descriptions are available on the Library’s website at http://www. trumanlibrary.org/photographs/index.php. The film in which Senator Truman spoke of Masonic Service Associations is located in the Truman Library’s motion picture collection (number MP 72-15).

The Truman Library has over seven hours of tape recorded interviews that author Merle Miller conducted with Truman in 1961-62 as background for what became his best-selling book, Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman (NY: Berkley Publishing Corp., 1973). President Truman’s ring bearing the number “33” is in the Truman Library’s museum collection. Mark Beveridge, Museum Registrar at the Truman Library, notes that Truman wore a Masonic ring featuring the double-eagle of the Scottish Rite and the numerals “32” until he received the 33rd degree in October 1945. From then on, he wore the special ring of the 33rd degree. Both rings are in the Library’s museum collection. Truman’s Gourgas Cross Medal and several Shriner’s fez also are in the Truman Library’s museum collection. Greta Kempton’s portrait of President Truman in his Masonic regalia is at the Truman Library on permanent loan from the Masonic Grand Lodge of Missouri. Furthermore, in the Library’s museum collection is Truman’s jeweled badge commemorating his service as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A. M. Missouri. Samuel W. Rushay, Jr., is supervisory

archivist at the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum in Independence, Missouri, where he worked as an archivist from 1993-1997. From 1997-2007, he was an archivist and subject matter expert at the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. Sam published “Listening to Nixon: An Archivist’s Reflections on his Work with the White House Tapes” in the fall 2007 issue of the National Archives and Records Administration’s Prologue magazine. He is the author of the forthcoming article “Harry Truman’s History Lessons,” which will appear in the spring 2009 issue of Prologue. A Columbus, Ohio native, Sam holds a doctorate in U.S. history from Ohio University, where he wrote his dissertation, “The Farm Fair Dealer: Charles F. Brannan and American Liberalism” (2000), under the direction of Truman biographer Alonzo Hamby. Sam’s grandfather, Charles A. Simerall, was a member of Westgate Lodge (Ohio) 623 F & AM & Scottish Rite. Mr. Simerall earned the 32nd degree. Sam, his wife, Laura, and their two children live in Liberty, MO.

“FOREVER CONCEAL, AND NEVER REVEAL....” Edward A. Plitt, Beacon Lodge #3 Every Master Mason has made this promise 3 times as part of his Obligations. We all, (well, most of us anyway,) live up to this and everything else we obligate ourselves to as Freemasons. There are some things, however, that should not be concealed and should be revealed to our families so that our wishes may not go unknown or worse, ignored. In the past year or so, I have sadly had about five or six friends who were long time Brethren pass away. I believe almost all of these brothers would have wanted a Masonic Service; however, they failed to inform their families, so most did not have their wishes fulfilled. In several cases, the brother was not even wearing his apron. When I asked the wife or children where the brother’s apron was, I either got an, “I don’t know”, or “What apron?” This was not as big a problem back in the days when most Freemason’s wives were Eastern Star and/or their sons followed them into the Craft. Sadly, that is rarely the case today, especially for younger brothers. No men in their 20’s, 30’s or 40’s give much thought to dying, but it does happen. We are ever traveling on that level of time! A more personal case was my own father. Though my dad was a very proud member of Beacon Lodge #3, St. Louis, as well as The Scottish Rite and didn’t hesitate to tell anyone of his affiliation, he kept everything so secret, that when I was a young THE MISSOURI FREEMASON

boy, no one in my family would have been aware of what to do if he had passed away. Because I had joined Beacon Lodge 2 years before my dad passed away, (In fact, he died the very day after I received my 32° in the Scottish Rite) I knew what to do to be sure he got his Masonic Service. Now that my oldest son has become a member of Beacon Lodge, he is aware of my wishes should something happen to me. Brethren, no matter what your age, be sure the person taking care of your arrangements if you should die, knows of your Masonic affiliation, location of your apron, if you want a Masonic Service, etc. If nothing else, put this information in a letter, kept in a conspicuous place marked: “To be opened in the event of my death. “ If you do not attend Lodge on a regular basis and your next of kin doesn’t know your Blue Lodge contact information, (Since most Lodge halls don’t have phone lines, they are rarely listed in the phone book) tell them they just need to contact the Grand Lodge and they will gladly provide contact information. If you have moved, but have not affiliated with a Lodge in your new area, your home Lodge or the Grand Lodge where you now live can help you find a Lodge to conduct the service. Just this past spring, Beacon Lodge was contacted about a brother who had moved to our area and had passed away. We held the Masonic service for him and his family. He didn’t “conceal”, did “reveal” and his wishes were carried out. Summer 2009 79

90 years ago, in Kansas City, Missouri, The Order of DeMolay was founded. Ever since, it has sprouted wings and has stemmed all over the globe with chapters in every state and various countries. In June 2009, Missouri DeMolay will be hosting the International Supreme Council Session back at home, right where it all began, in Kansas City, Missouri. Our organization has been booming up until this point and our membership has more than doubled since where it was merely five years ago and this year we will have the most active members compared to any other jurisdiction, an accomplishment that has not been met for nearly ninety years. One might ask: How has Missouri DeMolay managed to grow so much within the last five years? One answer is Masonic support. DeMolays in Missouri are blessed to have the best support by our Masons all around the state. Being a Mason myself, I know the importance of building quality DeMolays to help ensure a positive future Masonic body, and there is no better way to build a man of moral character and strong conviction than to start at an early age. Missouri Masons understand this. Missouri DeMolay has an unrivaled amount of support from the Grand Lodge and local lodges; over thirty Blue Lodges around the state sponsor DeMolay Chapters. The Scottish Rite, York Rite and Shrine also provide sponsorship as well. Within these Chapters are numerous Masonic advisors who have committed themselves to the responsibility of being mentors to our DeMolays through intelligent guidance and an unblemished system of enhancing moral leadership skills. However, just because something is great, does not mean it is as great as it can be. Perhaps, there is no end to the potential greatness of our fraternity, but we can always be better. There are still many 80 Summer 2009

Masonic lodges in Missouri without a DeMolay Chapter and many DeMolay Chapters that could always use more advisors. You can make the difference in the lives of so many young men by just giving a few hours a month to a DeMolay Chapter. There was once a time when Freemasonry was the most well known fraternity in this country. There was once a time where DeMolay was a common household word and to be a Mason was to be a man looked up to, a man revered and trusted by all. Now, to the public, the word DeMolay is somewhat lost, and to be a Mason is to be a mystery. This land used to be rooted in Freemasonry. Let us replant our roots. Let it be made known to the world that “ours is an order based upon service and not mere empty forms.” The Order of DeMolay offers young men so much more than is imaginable. We are dedicated to preparing young men to lead happy, successful, and productive lives by combining our serious mission with a fun approach that builds character and brotherhood among members. If there were any time to seize this opportunity to get involved, that time is now. Within one’s lifetime comes chance and opportunity. Please do not let the opportunity of becoming a DeMolay advisor and making a difference slip away. Now, more than ever, is the right time to get involved as we continue to build Freemasonry through DeMolay. Please visit us online at www. modemolay.org and do not hesitate to contact me, or any of our leaders, if you have any questions. Service is the best gift you can give to others while also helping yourself. Ryan Matthew Cockerham, 32° State Master Councilor Missouri DeMolay THE MISSOURI FREEMASON

HAPPY SUMMER TO ALL MISSOURI MASONS! Where does time go? I mean, really…it seems like “yesterday” I was installed as Missouri’s Grand Worthy Advisor. Here I am, though, sharing my last report with you!! Winter and Spring kept our Rainbow Assemblies busy—here is just a glimpse… Ashland’s new Mother Advisor, Karlene Baylous, now leads a fine Assembly that promises much growth for “tomorrow.” Columbia initiated 9 new sisters in 2008--information booths at the middle schools ROCK! Faith-Sarcoxie picks up trash along the highway and then compares their loot! Harrisonville is stirring it’s pot—is it adding some Sparkles and Pledges to it’s roster? Lamar’s Crystal Felkner became the only person in Lamar High School history to make the state honor band…AND she made 1st chair in Alto clarinet. Lee’s Summit worked hard to make its April Garage Sale for District 4 a success--benefiting our Scholarship program. Liberty has 10 Pledges and 2 Sparkles and now a Worthy Advisor whose theme is “Pretty Odd”—you’ve got to go there to learn more! Marlborough hostessed my final Grand Worthy Advisor’s visit on April 4—complete with Grand entertainment from all of District 4, theme music and a time capsule (containing me!). Mexico hass some very loyal Rainbow Girls and a fine team m is coming together to make membership happen. n. North Kansas City has helped the children at Synergy gy House and provided dog and cat food/supplies for an animal shelter. Instead of buying gifts for one another at Christmas, Republic brought items to donatee to the Family Violence Center. Rolla Assemblyy continues cultivating it’s fine reputation inn the community. St. Charles also has a new Mother Advisor, Karen Harris who is planning even more new beginnings for the future. St. Joseph-Harmony held a magnificent Saturday Rainbow Round-Up leading to its first ever Pledge Sister installed! St. Louis Assembly participated in District 1’s Leadership Retreat at the St. Louis Scottishh Rite in November-learning much during the organized events and exercises as well as the overnight stay. Thanks to any Masons who helped make this possible. Twenty-four girls attended with 11 adults helping out. AND, at its District Christmas Party, nearly 100 items were collected to be donated to the Crisis Nursery Center. Service, once again, was a regular participant in the Santa-Cali-Gon festival in Independence — selling ice cream...m-m-m-m. Wentzville assisted the St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department by helping needy children Christmas shop for their family members. Members of my Pulaski County Assembly home continue their ever-loving support of me. They’ve traveled with me and made certain I’ve had wheels to get places. I KNOW I couldn’t have done this year without them—thank you, all! My theme of “Love One Another” is easily and often shown by each of you!! Fidelity, Piedmont, and Springfield continue to work hard at recruiting—not only girls but hoping for caring adults to step forward THE MISSOURI FREEMASON

for a half dozen months to a year or more. Could one of those adults be you… maybe even your wife to help with younger girls? Our Pledge Mothers don’t have to have a Masonic link — just some love, an ability to plan a bit and be a role model for the girls ages 10 and younger! Please be part of the village it will take to raise our Rainbow Girls, Pledges and Sparkles! On June 29, I turn Missouri Rainbow over to our new Grand Worthy Advisor. Her name is Kristyn Sample and she will be a senior at Columbia’s Hickman High in the fall. She is active in her church and the Columbia Aeronautic and Space Association. She is interested in flight and the Air Force, and plays hockey with a Hallsville league. Kristyn’s biggest hero is her older brother who is a Marine currently serving in Iraq. I wish Kristyn bouquets of love — please be certain to talk with her when you see her at your events or one of our ou activities. I know she’ll be grateful!! I’ve I come a long way…and still know there is much more mor to learn. I feel that I’ve only begun to fill my Pot of Gold G a little bit — there are so many memories I’ll always cherish from this year…but, really, I’ve been alw privileged to receive so much from all my Rainbow pri years. I know, too, that many of my memories ye branch back to you — the Missouri Masons — men br who w freely give their time and talent to make our organization a success. My thanks to you, ALL of o you! So many people have helped me through this y year and shared it with me — I love and thank y each of you! Finally, a very special thank you to Joanie Hedrick, our State Dean, who helped promote our State Service Project--Missouri’s Domestic Violence Shelters--Live, Love and keep k Laughing, Joanie!! It says in our Supreme marketing information “Growing up can be tough on young girls. “G Somewhere between the pressures of fitting in, So doing well in school, and being a good daughter, do it’s easy for a young mind to mix up a few priorities. Girls can get lost and forget that the pri important things in life can’t be found in a store, imp hair salon, or on the most popular list in school.” a ha Sound like a young lady you know? Rainbow gets girls ready for life! Introduce some girls to Rainbow! I’ll always be grateful someone introduced me to Rainbow! It’s made a tremendous difference in my life…and I pray that it will continue to make a difference — not just in my life but in many girls’ lives throughout Missouri and throughout all of our International Jurisdictions!! (Rocky Weaver can help get you information about starting an Assembly in your area!!) I believe it’s time to turn off the TV, turn off the computer, turn off the iPOD and turn off the cell phones. It really IS time to turn on to Rainbow. Service and leadership — just like the glimpses you’ve read above. Open your hearts and your minds… Rainbow CAN BE a family kind of business! And while you’re learning more about and doing more with Rainbow: Love One Another! Amanda Fisher, Grand Worthy Advisor, State of Missouri Summer 2009 81

SOUTHERN MISSOURI IN CRISIS––MISSOURI FREEMASONS RESPOND Sikeston, Missouri—February 3, 2009—“We’re devastated!” came the words of a Sikeston woman living in the remnant shards of last week’s ice storm. There had been no power to this region since Monday, January 26 when the ice storm hit hard. Forced to rely on emergency shelters that were ill equipped to handle the droves of residents forced from their homes, and no help on the horizon for what was quickly becoming a state of emergency, Gloria Chaney reached out to those she knew she could count on. The call was placed Friday, January 30, to Ron Miller, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, the state-wide body of the Masons. Gloria explained how utility workers were able to restore power to two churches and a school, but that food was unavailable and desperately needed. That’s all she needed to say. The Freemasons of Missouri took it from there, accessing the organization’s Disaster Relief fund as authorized by state leader, Rocky Weaver of Buckner, MO. Contacts were made and the relief effort quickly coordinated by Jon Broyles, a state officer of the Grand Lodge, who with the assistance of Gale Bennington, a member of Noble Masonic Lodge and manager of Schnuck’s grocery store, and R. Matt Wilson, also a member of Noble Lodge, delivered $1,000 worth of food supplies to one of the shelter churches at midnight that same day—10 hours after the initial call. With the arrival of that truck, came the realization that what was initially perceived as 350 individuals in need, had nearly tripled to 1200. There were only enough supplies for 1-2 meals. Once again calls were made, plans put into action and $3,000 became enough food to feed 1200 people 6 meals, arriving not a moment too soon at 7:30 Saturday evening, January 31. The Grand Lodge of Missouri would like to gratefully thank and acknowledge Schnuck’s grocery store and Sam’s Club of South County for their assistance with the food, Ace Logistics for providing the delivery truck, and the members of Noble Lodge #684 of Creve Coeur, Missouri for their assistance in delivering the food.


Five years ago, when the concept for what would eventually become MoCHIP was still in the planning stages, the vision of the president of the Childrens Foundation was to be able to have a booth at the Missouri State Fair, identifying children. That idea of our now Grand Master Rocky Weaver is now coming to reality. The Board of Directors of the Missouri Masonic Childrens Foundation is proud to officially announce that there will be a MoCHIP booth at the 2009 Missouri State Fair in Sedalia this August 13th through 23rd.

What we need to make this event successful is YOUR participation. MoCHIP events rely totally on volunteer support. The booth will be open from 10AM to 6PM every day of the fair. The time each day will be broken into two shifts where we will need at least 20 people per shift. For those that have never worked a MoCHIP event before, there are several jobs, none of which are demanding, many that involve computers, many others do not, and training is provided for each one. Hotel accommodations in the area (within 100 miles) are practically unavailable due to the fair. Members of the local lodges will attempt to accommodate as many overnight stays as possible for those that are volunteering more than one day. But it is recommended that you anticipate coming

to Sedalia the day you’re volunteering and returning home that night. This will be a showcase event to let people from all over this state see what Freemasonry is and what it does for the community. This is your opportunity to be a part of this historic event. If you could volunteer 1 or 2 days during the Fair to come help out, or if your Lodge would like to coordinate to take a whole day, please sign up now! Check the MoCHIP website www.mochip.org for more information and to sign up to volunteer online! Or contact MoCHIP State Coordinator Nick Cichielo at (573) 424-3683/(626) 5306069 or nick.mochip@charter.net.

Regional School of Instruction • Region C • RWB Michael F. Armstrong June 20, 2009 Grand River Lodge #276 Freeman, Missouri, 9:00AM

July 18, 2009 Alpha Lodge #659 North Kansas City, Missouri, 9:00AM

August 22, 2009 Amsterdam Lodge #141 Amsterdam, Missouri, 9:00AM

ON THE COVER: A Greta Kempton painting of Harry S. Truman in his Grand Master’s regalia.

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NEWLY NAMED EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KEITH NEESE Right Worshipful Brother H. Keith Neese came to the Masonic Home of Missouri July 21, 2008 as Interim Executive Director. During the February 21, 2009 Board Meeting held at the Masonic Complex the Board of Directors officially named RWB Neese as Executive Director for the Masonic Home of Missouri. Keith comes from a long Masonic background which began in 1969 at Acacia Lodge #602 in Columbia, Missouri, where he served as Worshipful Master in 2001. He was honored with the 33degree in 1997, became the Personal Representative for the Columbia Valley Scottish Rite, and became a member of the York Rite in 1999. He has held many positions within the Fraternity, including serving on several Grand Lodge committees such as Long Range Planning, Ways and Means, Entertainment and Distinguished Guests, and Investments to name just a few. In 2004, Keith was asked to be the Grand Orator for the Grand Lodge of Missouri and is an endowed member of the Lodge of Research, Acacia Lodge #602 and Columbia Valley Scottish Rite Masons. Some of Keith’s civic involvements have been through the Columbia Chamber of Commerce where he held numerous positions on committees. An active member and supporter, Keith served on the Commercial Campaign Division for the United Way. In addition, Keith is an active member of Parkade Baptist Church and was elected Deacon in 1980, and remains an active Deacon today. Keith also serves on the stewardship committee and is the churche’s Moderator for its monthly business meetings. In March 2009, Keith celebrated 46 years of marriage with his wife Beverly. They have two married daughters who live in Columbia and six grandchildren that keep them busy. Keith brings a lot of experience and knowledge to the Masonic Home, with his successful business background, as well as his fraternal and philanthropic history. The Masonic Home of Missouri is proud to have Right Worshipful Brother Keith Neese as the new Executive Director.

FRATERNAL BUILDING COMMITTEE, INC. MAKES GENEROUS DONATION TO THE MASONIC HOME Fraternal Building Committee, Inc. makes $1,000 donation toward the purchase of medical equipment for the Masonic Home’s Assisted Living Facility in Kansas City. Facility Administrator Kathryn Johnson and Director of Nursing Lisa Pritchett plan to use the

Committee’s gift toward the purchase of a new portable electronic vital-signs monitor. The new monitor will enable nurses to monitor a resident’s vital signs without interrupting their sleep, providing higher-quality care and a higher quality of life for our residents.

Pictured, from left to right: Bro. Bob Hunsperger, Vice President of Fraternal Building Committee, Inc; Bro. Fred Harle, Sr., President; Kathryn Johnson, Facility Administrator; Bro. Don Meinsen, Treasurer; and Bro. Dale Titus, Secretary.

Your Attendance is requested! May is right around the corner and that means so are Grand Secretary Area Meetings. If you are a Masonic Home Representative and can attend a meeting in your area we ask you to please do so as we will be providing important information for the upcoming year. THE MISSOURI FREEMASON

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Fellowship Lodge #345 had the honor of presenting 50 year pins and certificates to Brother Robert Booker and Brother George Bostick. The pins were presented by Past DDGM Roger Adams just before Fellowship Lodge’s Official Visit by the 45th District’s DDGM, RWB John Kuehn. Pictured at the altar, right to left, are Brother Booker, RWB John Kuehn, RWB Roger Adams, Brother George Bostick, and Fellowship Lodge’s WM, Rod Trimble.

On April 8th DDGL Kent Cheeks presented Brother Rex Cragen with his 50 year pin at Ralls Lodge #33 in Center. The open ceremony was well attended by 5 other area lodges as well as family members and friends. Mrs Cragen is shown proudly placing the pin on his lapel. Later, Brother Joe Wilcox was initiated into the mysterys of Freemasonry by WM. Ray Dowell.

On January 22, 2009, Meridian Lodge #2 awarded Calvin Lawrence his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. WB Richard Rammelsburg made the presentation.

Recently Brother John E. Moore of Warrenton, Missouri received his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Brother John is pictured with his family around the cake served at the reception.

Latimer Lodge #145 presented Bro. Wayne Heavin a 50 Year Pin on Dec. 11, 2008. His wife Anna Mary is shown here presenting the award.

On January 12, 2009, Brethren from East Gate Lodge #630 presented Ralph W. Johnson his 60-year pin. Shown (l to r) WB Forrest G. Lowe, RWB Carl Terry, RWB Mike Armstrong, WB Jerald Pritchett.

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On Thursday, January 8, 2009 the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Rocky Weaver, presented 60-year pins to members of Sheffield Lodge #625,Kansas City, Missouri. Back row (l to r): WM Joseph Swan, MWB Rocky Weaver. Front Row: Ward E. McVay,Chester White, Fayne B. Boesch, Edwin B. Mc Burney, Charles Melling Jr. The following brethren were also entitled to the pins but were unable to attend: William Bowman, John Heillman,Henry Penniston, Kenneth Coffman and Quincy Huddleston.

On Friday, January 23, 2009 at Mt. Washington Lodge #614 Worshipful Brother Fred Harle (right) presented Brother Calvin V. Daniel his 50 year pin and Certificate form Grand Lodge. Present were Brother Calvin’s wife, one son, daughter, two grandsons, families and friends. Brother Calvin’s two grandsons are Senior Steward and Junior Deacon at Washington Lodge.

Elvins Ionic Lodge #154 member Bro. Arthur Clayton Osman received his 50 year pin and certificate on March 2, 2009. Making the presentation was RWB John Ritter DDGM 37th Masonic District.

On February 17, 2009, WB Paul B. Cox received his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri at Dexter Lodge #532. WB Cox’ wife Margaret made the presentation.

Sampson Lodge #298 of Theodosia awarded James Pettyjohn his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri on January 20, 2009. RWB Randy Upton, DDGL and RWB Royce Wheeler, DDGM 42, made the presentation. Pictured (l to r) are RWB Randy Upton, James Pettyjohn, James Weeks and RWB Royce Wheeler.

Brother Daniel Ulam receives his Grand Lodge Fifty Year Jewel, pinned upon his lapel by his wife LaVon as WM Mike Luellen (right) holding his certificate and WB Tom Norman (left) look on. Brother Ulam was raised February 14, 1959 in Westport Lodge Nr 340, which merged with Swope Park Lodge July 1, 2007. WB Tom Norman is Past Master of Westport Lodge.


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On April 14, 2009, Washington Lodge #87 AF&AM raised Brother Scott Decker and Brother Chris Adams to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Both, pictured here with WM Gary Gabbert, are fine young men and will be an excellent addition to our Lodge.

Three brothers were raised on February 28th at O’Sullivan Lodge #7 in Walnut Grove. Left to right Proud Dad Lyndon Tummons, John, Ben and Brad Tummons and WB Bill Vaughan.

Breckenridge Masonic Lodge #334 AF&AM held its installation of officers on Thursday October 9, 2008. Performing the installation was RWB Bob O’Dell, who came from Bucklin, Missouri along with two other officials who served as Marshall and Chaplin. The Lodge installed Pat Johnson as Worshipful Master, with Rick Herrington as Senior Warden; Teddy Joe Sanson as Junior Warden; Raymond Johnston as Secretary; Ray Johnson as Treasurer; Jim McClain as Junior Deacon.

DeSoto Lodge #119, had its installation of officers, on Jan 8, 2009. There was a meal and fellowship before the installation. The officers for the upcoming year of 2009 are: (l to r) Patrick McMullen (Treasurer), James Westcott (Senior Deacon), Woody Walker (Junior Warden), Christopher Kamman (Worshipful Master), Hal Fielder (Senior Warden), Lester Fielder ( Secretary), Glenn Stinson (Marshal) and Marvin Jinkerson (Tyler). Branson Masonic Lodge #587 sponsored the Missouri Child Identification Program (MoCHIP) at the Hometown Radio/ Skaggs Regional Health Fair. Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., 273 children were processed, with the help of some 40 volunteers. Herb Terrill, Master of Branson Lodge, expressed his appreciation to the Branson Community for helping make this MoCHIP a big success. The Lodge thanks KRZK/KOMC Radio, the Boys and Girls Club, Branson Police, Taney County Ambulance, and Dr. Johathan Thornsberry for their support. Other donations were welcomed from Wal Mart, Papa John’s, Domino’s and Krsipy Kreme. This was the third year for Branson Lodge to bring the Missouri Child Identification Program to the Branson area.

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Shekinah Lodge #256 presented a check for $500 to Crystal City Elementary School on behalf of the Masonic Home through the Creating a Partnership program. The funds will purchase clothing and needed materials for needy kids. Pictured from right to left: WB Don Ponzar, RWB Elmo Blum, Gina Stahl, WB Bill Nausley, WB Bill Noce, WB Todd Litzau, Marty Wynn.

Most Worshipful Brother Rocky Weaver stopped by to visit some of Fellowship Lodge #345’s senior members Wednesday, April 7th. He had the opportunity to present Brothers Helping Others pins to our older and wiser Brethren. Pictured are (right to left) Bro. Stanley Small, MWB Rocky Weaver, Bro. Bill Troutman, and Bro. Jon Wilcox.

During the month of March, 2009, the Masonic Home Of Missouri and Greensburg Masonic Lodge #414 joined together to provide a donation to the Knox County R-1 school. The gift will help the district provide everyday school supplies to make school days better for those in need. Worshipful Master Loren E. Carriker and Treasurer and Lodge Education Officer William J. Mallett presented the check to Carolyn Primm, school counselor.

On February 12, 2009 Lambskin Lodge #460 had a visitation by its Brother Lodge, Lambskin Lodge #165 M.W.P.H. At this same meeting Brother Mark Bacon was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Left to right: Mark A. Ausbrooks, Marshall; Jeffrey D. Giles, JD; Eddie Thomas; Terrance L. Gragg, SD; Jay Traxel, WM; Mark Bacon (Newly Raised Master Mason); Christopher B. Randall, WM; RWB Craig Skinner, DDGM, District 27-C; RWB David Riek, DDGL, District 27-C.

Friday, June 26, 2009 Brookfield Lodge #86, will host their 1st annual Chiggerfest outdoor 3rd Degree Festival. It will begin at 4:00 p.m. But there will be plenty of activities going on all day, so come early and stay late. Fellowship at its very best • 3rd degree work at its best Loads and loads of fun • Barbeque and cold drinks Visit with Master Masons from all over Directions to site: H 3 6 to Marceline Jct., turn north on Hwy U exactly 5 miles to Ludlow Road. White house on northeast side of Jct Hwy U and Ludlow Road with white vinyl fence around it is the site.


During his visit with the brethren of Owensville Lodge #624 on March 5, Grand Master Rocky Weaver recognized SD Mike Craig, right, for winning a round-robin competition on Masonic ritual hosted by the Ransom A. Breuer Association of Masonic Lodges. MWB Weaver presented Brother Craig with a plaque commemorating his achievement.

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On April 18, a Public Safety appreciation breakfast was held at the St. Charles Masonic Temple building in St. Charles, Missouri. Employees from the Public Safety and service agencies including Police, Sheriff’s Department, Fire Agencies, 911 Dispatch, the County Ambulance District and Emergency Management were invited to breakfast as a thank you for their efforts in serving the residents of St. Charles County. All organizations that meet in the St. Charles Masonic building were sponsors of the breakfast. They included: St. Charles Lodge #241 AF&AM, Pride of the West Lodge #179 AF&AM, St. Charles-Missouri #1 RAM, Alexander Chapter #242 OES, Galilee Chapter #12, White Shrine, St. Charles Assembly #13 Order of Rainbow for Girls, Bethel #40, Order of Jobs Daughters and St. Charles Chapter, Order of DeMolay.

On Tuesday, January 13, 2009, Brookfield Lodge #86, Brookfield, Missouri, had its installation of Officers. MWB Rocky Weaver, Grand Master of Masons of Missouri and several of his Grand Lodge Officers, traveled to Brookfield and honored Brookfield Lodge by installing the 2009 Officers. There were in excess of 120 Brothers, Family and Friends present to watch the installation. This installation was preceded with a delicious meal of brisket, ham and all the trimmings prepared by Brookfield Lodge #86 and Florence Chapter #124, OES. After the meeting they served ice cream and cake. Pictured: Front row (l to r): John Balman, JW; RWB Bob O’Dell, WM; MWB Rocky Weaver, Installing Master; RWB Larry Lentz, SW; Back row (l to r): RWB George Teeter, Secretary; Micky Overton, JD; RWB Don Allen, Treasurer; Jim Thomas, SS.

Officers and Members of Troy Lodge No. 34, AF&AM acted as Installing Officers in the Winter Installation of Officers and Advisors for Troy Chapter, Order of DeMolay. This relationship has become more or less a tradition between Troy Lodge and Troy DeMolay. Pictured kneeling, left to right: W/B John Ratcliff, Wentzville and Naphtali Lodges, Chairman of Advisory Board; Brother George Frame, Troy Lodge, Advisor; and Brother J.T. Taylor, Troy Lodge, Chapter Dad. First row, left to right: Donny Schroeter, Junior Deacon; Alex Ratcliff, Senior Counselor; Shawn Taylor, Junior Counselor; J.B. Schroeter, Master Counselor; Adam Schneider, Senior Deacon; Eric Schroeter, Junior Steward; and Anthony McKinney, Senior Steward. Back row, Officers and Members of Troy Lodge No. 34, AF&AM, left to right: RWB Russ Tinker HLOH; RWB Tommy Hamlett, DDGM; W/B Phil Cary, LOH; Brother Ken Burch, S/W; Brother Jon Schroeter; Brother David Hill; and Brother Justin Butler, S/S: 52 Members and Visitors were in attendance, a great time was had by all, and the ceremony was followed by a delicious beef brisket meal with all the trimmings prepared by the Master Counselor’s Mother, Sister Sue Schroeter.

The “Creating a Partnership Program” was established in order to nurture and grow relationships throughout the community in which Masonic Lodges reside. Specifically, the Masonic Lodge queries its local schools for those unfortunate children who are unable to purchase warm clothing for the winter months. The funds can be used for coats, gloves, hats, sweatpants (for accidents that occur at school) etc... just to give examples. The program works as follows: the Lodge queries the schools within its jurisdiction. The schools complete the required paperwork and return it to the Lodge Representative. The Lodge then makes a portion of the contribution (within its budget) and the Grand Lodge of Missouri covers the remaining amount. The Program is a wonderful tool for the local schools to utilize in order to assist underprivileged children, and an avenue for the local Masonic Lodges to offer assistance throughout its community. Pictured (L to r): SW Bob Baker, WM Wayne Gerdes, Samantha Visser and Mary Smith (East Elementary).

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MWB Weaver had the opportunity to visit Missouri’s oldest 33rd Degree Master Mason, and a Past Master of Fellowship Lodge #345, Wednesday, April 7th, Worshipful Brother Bill Cartor. WB Cartor was Master of Fellowship Lodge in 1952. WB Cartor was also presented a Brothers Helping Others lapel pin.

At the February 12 meeting of Clintonville Lodge #482, El Dorado Springs, Missouri, dinner was prepared by the Ladies of the Eastern Star preceding the meal. After the meal a drawing was held for a painting of the city park donated by Peggy Sibley. The winning ticket was drawn by Sister Lillian Sunderwirth a 50 year member of the Eastern Star and the widow of WB Wilbur Sunderwirth, a Past Grand Patron of the OES of Missouri.

Monroe Lodge #64 held its annual soup supper on February 23, 2009. There were 25 members and guests present. Brothers Albert Ely, Jack Jones and Gene Howes cooked chili, vegetable soup and oyster stew for the event. Brother Glen Wilson and family brought cheese soup. Deserts and vegetables were provided by other brethren. Brother Frank Coberly gave a presentation on some of the lodges’ history and discussed lodge activities within the community. Pictured are Jack Jones, Albert Ely and Gene Howes as they prepare the meal.

Most Worshipful Brother Rocky Weaver visited Fellowship Masonic Lodge #345 on Friday, April 10th to help confer the Third Degree on Brother Jared Malcolm. MWB Weaver conferred the second section of the degree. As an added benefit, Brother Malcolm’s grandfather was able to be present during the conferral and made this a very special evening for our new Brother Master Mason. Pictured are (front row, right to left) Bro. Burney, (Jared’s Grandfather,) Bro. Jared Malcolm, MWB Rocky Weaver, (behind right to left) Worshipful Master Rod Trimble, and RWB Ron Zimmer.

Cooper Lodge #36 has started a new program that we hope will catch on at other Lodges. Brother Bill Sullivan gave a pamphlet to Brother Roy Cary To read. An article of interest had a picture pf some bicycles. The story was about two Lodges in the state of Washington that started a Bikes-4Books program. Roy talked to Steve Guffy of Riverside Lodge #112 in Wenatchee, Washington, where the program started. Roy learned that a boy’s and a girl’s bike were given to the local school principals to give away each semester. The teachers decided how the bikes were to be given away. Most schools put the child’s name in for each book read. The more books read, the greater the chance of winning. The program was so successful that all the schools in the county now take part. One girl read 750 books and did not win the drawing so a member bought bikes for the most books read. Roy brought the idea to Cooper Lodge #36 where it was met with enthusiasm as a great way to help kids. He then contacted Superintendent of Boonville Schools, Dr. Mark Ficken who approved the program. Dr. Jeanne Gordon of New Franklin also approved the program. Mrs. Reardon of Central Elementary School, Mrs. Williams of David Barton Elementary, Mr. Lammers of Saints Peter & Paul and Mr. Dunn of Blackwater all agreed that this is a great program. They now have the information and will discuss it with teachers as to how to proceed. Roy asked some businesses if they would like to be a partner in education: Dave’s Country Market, Exchange Bank, Medical Arts Pharmacy, Citizen’s Community Bank, Robert Aplers and Roy Cary were all glad to help. The bikes are in the schools so the kids can see them. Now that it is implemented in these schools, Roy will ask other Lodges to take part in the Bikes-4-Books for their schools. We’re sure that this will get a lot bigger next year. Pictured (l to r) Brothers John Holtzclaw, Todd Hill, John Ernst, Roy Cary, Chris Cary.


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Past Master Tom Miller received special gifts from the Abraham K. “Iggy” Ignacio family. At the request of Frances Ignacio, widow of Iggy, Past Master Roy Cary presented Tom with “Iggy’s” Ararat Shrine fez at the Boonslick Shrine Club meeting and with “Iggy’s” Past Master apron at the meeting of Cooper Lodge #36 on February 10, 2009. Roy said, “it was an honor to do this for Frances and ‘Iggy,’ he was my best friend.” Pictured (l to r) JD John Ernst, Chaplain Tom Miller, Past Master Roy Cary, SD Matt Price.

On Saturday January 31st, 60 or more members of the 32nd Masonic District of Missouri attended the annual Coon Supper sponsored by the 20th District in Pleasant Hill, Missouri. From the left MWB Rocky Weaver, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, with his new coonskin hat, center WB Melvin Smith of Crescent Hill Lodge #368, who out of the group of Masons was recognized for the most years in service (nearly 60) as a Master Mason. On the right RWB Alvin Griffin, Butler Lodge #254, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Others in attendance from the 32nd District, Don Moore, Rick Hurshman of Butler and Charles Bridges of Adrian.

The two Masonic Lodges of Kirksville; Adair #366 and Kirksville #105 Presented a Check in the amount of $2,009.28 to Superintendent Pat Williams of the Kirksville School District. These funds provided by the Masonic Home Partnership Program are used to assist with much needed clothing, coats, shoes, boots, and a myriad of other articles. Pictured from left to right are Mark Whitney, Masonic Home Representative Adair Lodge #366, Kelly Snipes, Secretary Adair #366, Jane Wheeler Health Services Director Kirksville School District, Pat Williams Superintendent, Kirksville School District, Bob Steele, Master, Kirksville #105, and Bert Holloway, Secretary, Kirksville #105. A total of 241 students were helped.

On February 26, 2009, Lambskin Lodge #460 along with Webster Groves Lodge #84 and Spirit of St. Louis Lodge #27, had a Grand Master’s Presentation. Most Worshipful Brother Rocky Weaver, Grand Master of Missouri was present along with several of the Grand Lodge Officers. There was a Masonic Home Presentation along with a talk by the Grand Master on his “Brother’s Helping Others” program. The Grand Master gave out pins to everyone who did any kind of Community Service. Which pretty much covered everyone present. At the end the Grand Master was presented with a beautiful Pocket Watch with a Knife Fob. The Watch was engraved with the design from the “Brother’s Helping Other’s” Program. On 11 March, Sedalia Lodge #236 hosted a luncheon for Masonic widows and ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star at Ryan’s Steakhouse in Sedalia. Following the meal, a presentation by Sara Snodderly, Director of Public Relations for the Masonic Home of Missouri (MHM), explained the potential benefits MHM can provide for those in attendance. Ladies present were Minerva Alcorn, Ruby Brummet, Elinore Campbell, Lorrene Downing, Jackie Durnell, Elneta Estes, Lillian Ford, Doris Grigsby, Donna Hooker, Sabrina Hooker, Betty Keane, Patricia Keane, Marilynn Luetjen, Barbara Marcum, Lucille Meyers, Ellen Rodgers, Melinda Stansbury, Elaine Talley, Marva Taylor, Dorothy Winnie and Euphemia Zahringer. Also in attendance were David Horner, Director of Development, MHM; and Bill Talley, Worshipful Master, H.H. Luetjen, Past Master and MHM Representative, and Bob Weikal, Past Master and Secretary, all of Sedalia Lodge #236; plus Lee Winnie, Past Master of Corinthian Lodge #265 in Warrensburg.


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Right Worshipful Brother Dennis E. Fetter, Master of MagnoliaEuclid Lodge #626, presented Worshipful Brothers Kenneth Dow, Joseph McKnight and Harry Becker with their 60 year pins and certificates.

Missouri Grand Master Rocky Weaver visited Owensville Lodge #624, AF&AM, during a regular stated communication on March 5. While there, MWB Weaver presented a 60-year pin to Bro. Robert Landwehr, right.

Richard Drey, left, recently was honored for being a member of Owensville Lodge #624, AF&AM, for 50 years. Presenting the 50-year-pin to his father is Richard Drey Jr., a member of Stockbridge Lodge #691, Stockbridge, GA, who traveled to Owensville for the presentation.

Liberty Lodge #31 raised Trevor Thompson to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 1, 2009. Trevor is a fourth-generation Mason. His stepfather, Rod Howard and grandfather Don Lake are both Past Masters of Liberty Lodge. His great-grandfather Ople Lake was also a member of Liberty #31. Pictured (l to r): WB Don Lake, Trevor and RWB F. Wayne Dugan.

Thirty two members and guests were present at Vandalia Masonic Lodge #491 where the new officers were installed Tuesday evening, January 20. Front row, (l to r) Garland Strother, Senior Deacon; Steve Kohl, Senior Warden; J.C. Davis, Worshipful Master; Kenneth Brundege, Installing Master; Louis Clithero, Senior Steward; William Kohl, Marshal. Second row, Don St. Clair, Installing Marshal; Rusty Strother, Junior Deacon; Ed Babb, Treasurer; Kenneth McDonald, Junior Steward; Charles Scrogin, Chaplain; Rennie Davis, Secretary. Not present for the photo were Tracy Detienne, Tyler and Ray Oden, Junior Warden.

On January 7, 2009, Warrenton Lodge #609 AF&AM presented a check to Laurie Jansen at Daniel Boone Elementary School in Warrenton, Missouri to help needy children get coats, shirts, shoes, underwear and school supplies. This is the second year Warrenton Lodge #609 has participated in this program which is sponsored and funded by the Masonic Home of Missouri. “We are just getting started with this worthwhile endeavor and want to include all of the schools in the county.� said Peter Schmidt, past master of the Lodge. Pictured in the attached photo from left to right are: Dan Elliott, Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Laurie Jansen, nurse at Daniel Boone Elementary School and Peter Schmidt, coordinator and past master.


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THE ANACREONTIC ODE Dr. E. Otha Wingo, DDGL 38, FMLR — otha.wingo@gmail.com Dr. E. Otha Wingo, DDGL 38, FMLR — otha.wingo@gmail.com Delegates at Grand Lodge several years ago were puzzled and amused when the Grand Master called for the singing of the opening ode, but inadvertently called for The National Anthem. Half of the 1200 brethren present launched into “O Say Can You See,” while the other half were singing “My Country ’Tis of Thee.” I’m not sure what the organist was playing, since the organ was not tied into the sound system and was drowned out by the cacophony. To our amazement, somehow we persisted to the end as the final notes died away. As a graduate student studying classical Greek texts in the original language under a world-renowned professor at the University of Illinois, I read the nine Greek lyric poets (5th to 7th centuries B.C.). The most widely known of these poets are Sappho and Pindar. Only students of the classics may know about Alcman, Alcaeus, Anacreon, Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and Bacchylides. Anacreon (563-478 B.C) was widely acclaimed in his

own time and much sought after in the royal courts of Polycrates of Samos and Hipparchus of Athens. Lyric refers to the meter of songs or odes accompanied by the lyre. His poetry touched on such themes as the Muses, love, and revelry, but he also had a reputation as a composer of hymns and epigrams. His statue on the Acropolis and his likeness on coins showed him playing the lyre. The five books of poetry by Anacreon are preserved only in a few fragments, collected from the citations of later writers. His continuing reputation was based on the “Anacreontea,” poems closely imitating his style, and more recently (1776) in the official song of the London musical club, the Anacreonic Society, and of the United States (1931). We move to 18th century London, where a group of musicians, having formed the Anacreaontic Society (1771-1786), gathered every two weeks at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand for a concert followed by a dinner and celebration. They amused themselves by writing new verses in the style of Anacreon’s

songs, and adopted as their society’s official anthem “The Anacreontic Song,” written by an early president, Ralph Tomlinson, Esq. (some say it was a group effort headed by Dr. Thomas Arnold). This song is usually referred to as “To Anacreon in Heaven,” from the opening words. Each concert opened with this song, which depicts a squabble among the Greek gods, to which winegod Bacchus is the solution, and all join in devotion to “the myrtle of Venus and Bacchus’s wine.” The tune was composed by John Stafford Smith (1750-1836), the organist of Gloucester Cathedral, a member of Royal Somerset House and Inverness Lodge No. 4, which still exists in London. Other known members of the Society apparently had no Masonic connections. This song became a favorite drinking song, still being sung in 1814 when Francis Scott Key composed “In Defense of Fort McHenry” to its tune, later renamed “The Star Spangled Banner,” and became the National Anthem of the United States. His Masonic membership was Continued on page 74

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