Volume 58 No. 1
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M.
“Missouri Masonic Family” Brethren, I am humbled and privileged by the honor you have bestowed upon me, electing me to the position of Grand Master of Missouri. It is an honor that I do not take lightly and I promise to you that I will do my best to serve you and the position with the honor and dedication it so richly deserves. The installation ceremony at Grand Lodge on Tuesday, September 25 was very special for me and a memory that I will cherish forever. I wish to congratulate our junior Past Grand Master, MWB John W. Hess on his great year and the success of the 191st Grand Lodge Communication. I want to thank him for his friendship and support as we served together over these past 8 years. By the time you read this, the Grand Lodge Area Meetings will have started. The meetings are more informal than in the past as we continue the process of long-range strategic planning for your Grand Lodge. Last year during the Area Meetings, you were asked for ideas and suggestions to improve Freemasonry in Missouri. We are continuing with this process during the 2012 meetings at which attendees are divided into small roundtable groups. These roundtables work to prioritize the ideas that were previously submitted into an action plan to guide us improving and promoting Freemasonry for a new generation. I hope you made plans to attend one of these meetings and participate in this process. At the area meetings, you hear more about the theme for this Grand Lodge year – the “Missouri Masonic Family.” This theme has a threefold meaning. First, we are taught early in our Masonic career to use the 24-inch gauge to divide our time and not to neglect our usual vocations. Our Past Grand Master, MWB Reverend Elmer E. Revelle, cautioned us not to make “Masonic widows and orphans out of our wives and children”. I would encourage you to find a balance in your life between home and fraternity. I urge you to find ways to include your family in Masonic activities and organizations. Make time to be a husband and a father. Secondly, we are all first and foremost, Missouri Masons, not eastern, western, southwestern, etc. Masons. I have been blessed during my journey to the East, to have lived in three parts of this great state. Throughout this journey, I have met and developed friendships with Missouri Masons from every corner of the state. My experience has been that no matter what part of Missouri you call home, you will find men within our Fraternity that you will proudly call “Brother.” Working together as Missouri Masons, I believe we can strengthen and improve our Fraternity. Lastly, a booklet published a few years ago by the Grand Lodge lists more than 46 different organizations and appended & adopted bodies within the “Missouri Masonic Family.” Not all of the men who become Missouri Masons will want to participate in the ritual and fraternal aspects of the Blue Lodge. Some may be more ON THE COVER: Missouri’s new Grand Master David Ramsey. Background photo by MWB Ramsey’s wife, Friday. Committee on Masonic Publications David W. Haywood, Senior Grand Warden C. Brent Stewart , Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-558-0436 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be e-mailed to editor@momason.org, not later than the first day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November.
02 Winter 2012
interested in marching with the York Rite, some may be interested in parading with the Shrine, some may join to get involved with our youth groups, and still others may join because they want to volunteer at the MoCHIP events. Whatever their interests, Missouri Freemasonry has an organization or place with which they can get involved and be active. Help these Brethren to find their place in our fraternity, encourage them to get involved because involved Masons will stay engaged and maintain their membership within the Fraternity. A historic event in Missouri Masonry will take place when the Grand Lodges of Missouri and Kansas co-host the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America (CGMNA) on February 16-19, 2013. This will mark the first time the conference has ever been co-hosted between two Masonic jurisdictions. This annual conference will be held at the Sheraton Crown Center in Kansas City, MO. A host dinner and reception, open to Missouri Masons, will be held on Saturday night February 16, 2012. Watch for additional details about the cost to attend and how you can participate in this historic event. Volunteers may be needed to help greet attendees at the Kansas City airport and to man a hospitality room or information booth at the conference. If you are interested in volunteering for this special event, please contact our Grand Lodge office. Again this year, the Grand Lodge will be selling a Grand Master’s coin. This is the fourth coin in the series and all funds raised from the sale will go into the Grand Lodge Endowment Fund. Please help with this important fundraiser by adding a new coin to your collection. I will not introduce any new programs year. I feel that the Grand Lodge already has many wonderful programs in which the Brethren can get involved and participate. Encourage your Lodge and the members to get involved, to participate in MoCHIP events, to hold a Masonic Open House, educate their members and to bring a positive, public face to Missouri Freemasonry. In closing, I once again want to thank you for allowing me to serve you as Grand Master. I look forward to meeting you as I travel across our great state, working together with you as we strive to strengthen and improve the Missouri Masonic Family. Fraternally,
David L. Ramsey Grand Master
Submit articles to:
editor@momason.org Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. OFFiCE OF PubliCaTiONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. POSTMaSTER: Please send address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite b, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.
SubSCRiPTiONS: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $12.00 annually. PERMiSSiON TO REPRiNT: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. CHaNGE OF aDDRESS (important): Whenever a member changes his mailing address without notifying his Lodge Secretary and a mailing of the Freemason magazine occurs, the Post Office charges the Grand Lodge 75¢ per undeliverable Freemason. PlEaSE, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change so that the Grand Lodge can then be notified. GRaND lODGE OF MiSSOuRi GRaND lODGE OF MiSSOuRi iNTERNET aDDRESSES E-Mail to the Grand Lodge Office grlodge@momason.org The Grand Lodge web page www.momason.orgPhone: 573-474-8561
ThE mIssouRI fREEmasoN
the missouri freemason
vol. 58 no. 1
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications
contents 4 David L. Ramsey Elected Grand Master for 2012‑2013 4 LeRoy Salmon Joins Advancing Line as Senior Grand Marshall 4 Did You Know … 5 Untempered Mortar 6 Rudyard Kipling 7 If I'm In Trouble, I Go There 8 Bates County Museum Hosts Masonic Civil War Program 8 Polar Star — Rose Hill Assists Firefighters' Fund Drive 9 Missouri Lodge of Research Dedicates Masonic Library 9 Missouri Freemason Deadlines 10 Clifton Truman Daniel Relates Stories of Harry Truman at the Lodge of Research Breakfast 11 The Lost Word 13 Man's Best Friend 13 Brother Vest's Closing Arguments … 14 Missouri Lodge of Research Releases Annual Book 15 Widows Sons Continues to Grow and Aid Charities 15 Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation 16 Missouri DeMolay: Building Freemasonry Through DeMolay 17 Rainbow for Girls: Every Day is a Celebration! 18 Job's Daughters 19 The Masonic Home of Missouri: John T. Litzau Named Masonic Home of Missouri Representative of the Year 19 Masonic Home of Missouri Representative Luncheon 20 Spotlight on Decatur Lodge 20 Seventh Annual Truman Club Dinner 21 The Work of our Craft 25 Masonic Service Awards the missouri freemason
Winter 2012
From The Editor’s Keyboard I love technology, math, science and all that "geeky" stuff. I want the latest gadget. I want every document I write to be in electronic format. I built my own "cloud" storage because "amateurs" like Google, Microsoft and Dropbox weren't good enough for me.* I love it, embrace it and the last thing I want to be labeled as is a Luddite. So, with some reservation, I have a message for the world: Don't abandon paper. In fact, along with that, don't abandon any of the "old time" analog archiving techniques. I mean it. Everything today should be digital… but not exclusively. Why? There are lots of reasons, but there are a couple of really good ones. First, you've got to have the technology to use the technology. I have a boatload of old "floppy disks" around the house; not just the "modern" 3½ inch ones, not just the older 5¼ inch floppies, but the ancient 8 inchers. Try to find a way to read those bad boys today. They're obsolete. They don't even make good Frisbees. Think that's going back a bit far? You think your CDs are safe? Studies have shown the average life of a CD is about 25-years. Uh-oh! You'd better run and check that Dire Straits CD you bought back in '85. Actually, the professional CDs have a life up to 100 years, but the ones you made... not so much. Besides, who knows if 100 years from now there will be a machine that can read a CD? A thousand years? The solution? A good old fashioned record player. Really. As you read this, the little Voyager spacecraft is at the very edge of our solar system ready to enter interstellar space. Know what's on board in case it encounters any extraterrestrials? Not a CD, not floppies, not tape, but a record and record player with instructions on how to use it. ET probably doesn't have CDs, but he'll be able to operate that simple gadget. "Yes," you may agree, "but that's a really special case. There are no ETs around here." Well... probably. So guess what: the official sound recording media your very own Library of Congress uses is 78 RPM records! Space age vinyl 78 RPM records to be sure but, still, Thomas Edison would be proud of us. And, naturally, original documents and books are the official hard copy storage media. That brings us to the second reason. Even if we do have the technology to read all this material, a single coronal mass ejection from the sun or, God forbid, a nuclear war could wipe it all out in an instant. Granted, if we ever have a disaster of that magnitude, our biggest problem wouldn't be whether or not we had last year's copies of the Missouri Freemason. Still, if we could survive such a disaster in the long run it would be nice to have our historical documents. Hence, paper, vinyl and analog copies would be mighty handy. That's why the Library of Congress is making sure we keep them around. We all should — our personal and public treasures. We're now in the process of establishing the Missouri Lodge of Research Library. It's a vision of Harry Truman that is finally coming into fruition. It's going to be something to be proud of. It will be as modern as can be, with as much as we can put online for Masonic researchers to use. They won't even have to come to the library. At the same time though, we can't be duped into putting everything we produce exclusively in electronic format. That's exactly what Encyclopedia Britannica has decided to do. There will be no more hard copies of that iconic research tool (founded, by the way, by Brother Andrew Bell) — a huge tactical error in my estimation. Let's be optimistic and assume there won't be a nuclear war. Doesn't matter: that coronal mass ejection is right around the corner. So let's keep pumping out the paper copies. Luddites of the world unite! *OK, so that was kind of lame. It was easy. Your cat could do it. Provided, of course, that your cat has a longer attention span than my cat.
Steve Harrison, Editor Winter 2012 3
David L. Ramsey Elected Grand Master for 2012-2013 Most Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey is a graduate of Central High School in St. Joseph, Missouri. He earned a 4-year Apprenticeship, Journeyman Electrician Certificate from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Missouri Western State College. MWB Ramsey is the Manager of Energy Efficiency Programs for Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. in Springfield, Missouri. MWB Ramsey petitioned Savannah Lodge #71 to receive the degrees and was initiated October 18, 1990. He passed to the degree of Fellowcraft January 17, 1991, and was raised to the degree of Master Mason March 7, 1991. He served as Worshipful Master of Savannah Lodge #71 in 1999-2000. Serving the Grand Lodge in many capacities, MWB Ramsey began as District Deputy Grand Master of the 7th Masonic District serving in 2003-2004. He has also served as Chairman of the Grand Lodge Ways & Means Committee and as a member of the Grand Lodge University Lodge Committee. In addition, MWB Ramsey served on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri from 2000 until 2004. Last year, he was president of that board. MWB
Ramsey serves on the Planning Committee for Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America which will be held in February of 2013 in Kansas City, M issouri. He is a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of St. Joseph, KCCH; Moila Shrine Temple in St. Joseph where he served as Chief Aid in 2000, 2nd Ceremonial Master in 2003, 1st Ceremonial Master in 2004, and a member of the Membership Committee. He is also a member of the High Twelve Club in St. Joseph and the National Sojourners Chapter #63 in Kansas City. MWB Ramsey is a member of First Christian Church in Savannah where he serves as an Elder. His service extends to the community as a trustee of the Heartland Foundation; a board member of the MidAmerican Chapter of Multiple Sclerosis; a board member of the Missouri-Kan Regional Council of Governments; a board member of Missouri Economic Development Council; and a Volunteer Teacher with Junior Achievement. MWB Ramsey and his wife Christin "Friday" were married in 1974, in St. Joseph, Missouri. They have two children: Carra Ramsey of St. Joseph and Timothy Ramsey of Maryville, Missouri.
LeRoy Salmon Joins Advancing Line as Senior Grand Marshall Most Worshipful Brother David Ramsey has appointed LeRoy Salmon as Senior Grand Marshall, the newest member of the Grand Lodge of Missouri's advancing line. Born in Pattonsburg, Missouri, Right Worshipful Brother LeRoy graduated from Wathena High School, Wathena, Kansas, in 1963. In 1966, after military service, he began working for the CB&Q Railroad (now known as the BNSF) in Sterling, Colorado. There, he held many positions from yard clerk to Regional Manager. In 1984, Brother Salmon began military career again, becoming full time active duty with the Missouri Air National Guard in Saint Joseph, Missouri. He attended college classes in Business Accounting in between overseas deployments and retired in 2005. He has three children: Steve Salmon, Robin Hayter
and Sandy Roman. He also has two granddaughters, Brittany and Darrian, and two grandsons, Logan and Alex. RWB LeRoy's Masonic accomplishments are extensive. Raised in Zeredatha Lodge #189 (now Charity- Zeredatha), he is currently serving as Lodge Secretary. He was a DDGM last year and is also the current Junior Warden of the Missouri Lodge of Research. In addition he is 1st Vice President of the Missouri High Twelve Association, has held many positions with the St. Joseph Valley of the Scottish Rite where he is currently Venerable Master of Lodge of Perfection and also is a recipient of the 33rd Degree. He is also active in the York Rite where he currently is Grand Standard Bearer-Grand Commandery of Missouri, and Governor of Edwin C. Carpenter York Rite College #181.
Did You Know …
tution, on March 17, 1926. "Taps," written by Brother Daniel Adams Butterfield, was originally called "Butterfield's Lullaby." Abraham Lincoln petitioned the Masonic Lodge in Springfield, Illinois, but did not join, thinking it would look like he was doing so for political purposes. Brother Richard Gatling invented the Gatling Gun believing it was such a terrible weapon fear of using it would actually save lives.
Brother "Jimmy" Doolittle earned the Congressional Medal of Honor flying missions to Japan enabled only by high octane aviation fuel he had invented. The Liberty Bell cracked while tolling the Death of Chief Justice John Marshall, Past Grand Master of Virginia. A Masonic Lodge, Henry Knox Lodge of Massachusetts, was constituted on the ship "Old Ironsides," the USS Consti4 Winter 2012
the missouri freemason
Untempered Mortar By RWB Douglas Reece I happened to be at one of our jobsites today and noticed the brick masons scrambling around like a bunch of ants whose nest had just been disturbed. Our foreman came up and quietly informed me that we may have a problem with one of the rooms we were roughing out. As we walked toward the room, you couldn't help but overhear the brick mason superintendent climbing all over someone's case about the wall. I looked in amazement as the floor of the room was littered with eight by ten CMUs, short for cement masonry units or cement bricks. They were everywhere and the only thing left in the walls where they had been were the switch box and conduit we were putting in. It was then that I heard a term we use in Lodge. The superintendent exclaimed to the young brick mason, "You used untempered mortar! I hope it's just this wall." With that the two left the area. There was nothing left for us to do except remove the box and conduit and wait on them to rebuild the wall so we could set the box and conduit in place again. On the way home I got to thinking, which is unusual for me since it causes my hair to catch on fire and gives me a headache. Anyway, I was remembering the apron presentation by the Senior Warden as he tells the newly made brother, "not to daub with untempered mortar." Alright, what does that simple sentence really mean? How does it apply to us today? In order to answer the question we must first look at the terminology contained within the phrase. Daub is still used today by various trades, in the science arts and so forth. So, I looked it up and it means to coat or smear a surface with a thick or sticky substance in a carelessly rough or liberal way. As a noun, daub means plaster, clay, or another substance used for coating a surface, especially when mixed with straw and applied to laths or wattles to form a wall. Its synonyms are: smear, spread, coat, and soil. Today we use one of the synonyms to effect the meaning of the word "daub." Ball players use spread, coat, put, and smear. If put on the baseball; by a player, the pitchers and umpires call it "juicing" the ball and that's illegal. However, prior to being used in a game, MLB baseballs are rubbed with what is called Mississippi Mud and comes from a particular region of the Mississippi River. The mud on the banks of river has a certain mineral make up that is not found anywhere else in the world. They use it to take the sheen off the newly made baseballs so they won't be slick. Cement masons call it "buttering" a brick or tile. Do you find that we often "smear" or "daub" or even "juice" what we feel our lives should be in order to appear better than we are? Sometimes, more often than not, it is our ego or our pride that is doing that kind of talking instead of the honesty we were taught earlier in life. This can stem from falsely assuming that we need to measure up to someone else's expectations or a guilty feeling that we don't the missouri freemason
measure up to our own standards and expectations. "Untempered" means "unmixed (in proper proportion)." In order for concrete to be strong, there must be the right amount of cement mixed with the water. If too much water is used, the concrete will be weak. If too much sand is used, the mixture lacks stability and is grainy. If too much cement mix is used the mixture becomes unstable and easily compresses into dust. By this definition of "untempered" we understand how the wall at the jobsite fell down. But in order to get a better view of the actual phrase used in the ritual we should take a look at the Scriptural reference it was derived from. Ezekiel was a country prophet in captivity and had to contend with the false teachers in his day. The false prophets were prophesying out of their own hearts. They had seen nothing and were guilty of lying and divination, saying "The Lord said:" but the Lord had not sent them The Lord through Ezekiel described the false prophets as those who would daub a wall with untempered mortar: In verse 10b of Ezekiel chapter 13 we read, "One built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar: Say unto them which daub it with untempered mortar, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it. Lo, when the wall is fallen, shall it not be said unto you, Where is the daubing wherewith ye have daubed it?" (Ezekiel 13:10b – 12 KJV) Now in consideration of the above scripture reference we can apply the second meaning of "untempered" which is "not moderated or controlled". If we look at the story in Ezekiel in its entirety we find that Untempered Mortar has three characteristics. First; it lacks stability. The Holy Word points out that the virtues and values of God are the prime ingredients for the mortar. The Freemason is charged with laying the proper foundation upon which to build his moral and Masonic edifice. The laying of that "cornerstone" has to be done with the proper Mortar of life. Without the proper mortar under his cornerstone the base will crumble and crack. Second. It lacks strength and is weak. If your life values and virtues are not held together by those of God; and you are trusting in the wrong things of life; it is possible that the people you meet may be influenced by what you say and do. We as Masons are taught to edify and build up the people we interact with. We are taught to build our relationships with the Mortar contained within the Holy Word. Sadly, many have built their spiritual and moral walls the sloppy way. The good news is that we are warned not only of this as entered apprentices, but how to find the correct mix or recipe for our spiritual mortar which will help rebuild the moral walls. And Thirdly; Untempered Mortar lacks security. As Masons we are taught in the first degree that the lessons in life revolve around whom we place our trust in when we knelt
See Untempered, next page … Winter 2012 5
RUDYARD KIPLING By Dennis W. Spears – Alpha Lodge #659 & Moberly Lodge #344 Like most people my first contact with Rudyard Kipling was in my childhood through his books and stories: Jungle Book, "Riki Tikki-Tavi" and Kim. Not until 1972 did I come in contact with Kipling’s work again. Having just graduated from Junior College I received a graduation card from the wife of a former boss, friend and mentor who had passed away. On the card was Rudyard Kipling's poem, "If." The words struck a chord and it was my first contact with what might be called Masonic philosophy. It would not be until 1981, when I joined the Lodge that I came into contact with that philosophy again. PBS aired a movie about the death of Rudyard Kipling’s son during WWI which rekindled my interest, and I presented a short Lodge Education Program about Kipling summarized below. Rudyard Kipling was born December 30, 1865 in Bombay, India to parents considered to be Anglo-Indians, British-born, living in India. He was named for Rudyard Lake, the area his parents had moved to prior to his birth. In 1870, at the age of five he was sent to England to live. In 1878 he entered military school and returned to India in 1882. He married in 1892, moved to Vermont and returned to England in 1896. He passed away on January 18, 1936 in London, England. Kipling received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907.
He was the first English writer and youngest recipient of the award. He wrote the following books, novellas, short stories and poems: Jungle Book, "Riki Tikki-Tavi," Kim, Captains Courageous, The Man Who Would Be King, "Wee Willie Winkie," "Mandalay," "Gunga Din" and over 500 other poems. Baden–Powell, the founder of scouting, used themes from Kipling’s Jungle Book and Kim in creating his junior movement, the Wolf Cubs. Rudyard was initiated in 1885, into Hope and Perseverance Lodge #782 in Lahore, Punjab, India and served as secretary. It is interesting to note that he was elected secretary the same night of his initiation and he recorded the minutes of his own degrees. He loved his Masonic experience so much that he wrote six Masonic poems: "If," "The Thousandth Man," "My New Cut Ashlar," "Banquet Night," "The Palace" and "The Mother Lodge." These poems can be found by Googling "Rudyard Kipling," and I highly recommend them to all Masons. Though not Masonic, he also wrote the poem "Jubal and Tubal Cain," names recognized by most Freemasons. The most fascinating story about Kipling’s Masonic career surrounds his receiving the degrees. He was initiated by a Brahma Somaj Hindu, passed by a Muslim, raised by
Untempered, from previous page … for prayer and the Lodge prayed for us. As we have seen in the episode of the wall at the jobsite; if we build a wall using the best bricks with untempered mortar, or the work isn't right, it will be for nothing and fall down. Many of us have built walls in the name of religion, Masonry, ritual, good works and so on, but if that mortar, or work, is not properly mixed with the recipe from the values and teaching of the Holy Word, we will find our wall lying in a heap on the floor of life. Erik X. Briseño in his article, "Untempered Mortar," for the Grand Lodge of Texas Masonic Education and Service Committee, says it this way: "To the speculative Mason, tampering with untempered mortar carries a most significant charge for new apprentices, and Freemasons. We must constantly prepare ourselves carefully, weighing our thoughts, actions, and deeds so as to create a spiritual temple that is stable, beautiful, and lasting. Each choice made in life is a part of that mixture, adding strength or weakness, as the case may be, to the character and reputation we have. Due attention must be paid to gaining and applying knowledge, acting wisely, and reflecting upon our spiritual journey as Masons." He goes on to say, "As the apron protects our clothes from soiling, it is a reminder throughout the degrees, and ever-
more, that the purpose of the Craft is to achieve unity, peace, and happiness. Spotless conduct and character are goals, and the preparation and application of the mortar of Brotherly Love and Affection are what unite our Fraternity, now and forever." (Source URL: http://www.grandLodgeoftexas.org/ node/171) Sometimes in life we build our walls and our foundations with untempered things. Our egos and our pride often get in the way and we "daub" that wall or foundation with more "untempered" mortar to cover the sloppy workmanship we have allowed in our lives thus far. Masonry gently reminds us and shows us some practical ways to remove that mortar and replace it with a solid and properly mixed mortar so that our lives will reflect the good work our Father in Heaven has started in us. In closing; let us, as Masons, remember the closing words of Charles H. Sprugeon's sermon, "The Wall Daubed With Untempered Mortar," (number 816) delivered on May 31, 1868 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle: "If we build there, we shall build well, but if we build elsewhere, the great hailstones, and the overflowing shower and the total destruction will overwhelm us! As you remember this, may God help you to escape from ruin for Jesus' sake." (The C.H. Spurgeon Collection, Ages Software.)
6 Winter 2012
See Kipling, next page …
the missouri freemason
If I'm In Trouble, I Go There By Dana DeWeese, PM, Jefferson Lodge #43, Jefferson City, Missouri The evening came to a close and, according to my visiting three-year old granddaughter, it was time for a bedtime story. I was exhausted, but grandpas never shrink when faced with a loving request. I asked her what she wanted to hear. She said, "I want the Three Bears." "Sure," I thought, not knowing I'd forgotten how the story ended. I told the traditional story-line: one bowl of too hot porridge, the other too cold and the last one that was just right. Goldilocks ate it all up. Then the chairs: one was too hard, the other too soft and the last was just right. You know the story. After Goldilocks drifted off to sleep in the best bed in the house she was awakened by the bears — after they had seen all the "destruction" she made throughout their house. When Goldilocks awoke, my recollection of how the story ended also ended. But since grandpas never disappoint I made up my own ending. Indeed, I made a Masonic ending. I told that all the bears and Goldilocks piled into Papa Bear's pickup truck and headed to Goldilocks' house. As Goldilocks exited the truck at her driveway she heard Papa Bear exclaim, "If you ever need help again, look for a Mason." Goldilocks asked, "How will I know he's a Mason?" Papa Bear pointed to the Masonic emblem on the back of his windshield and said, "You look for that symbol. If you are ever in trouble, you go there." (I showed my granddaughter my Masonic ring.) They all waived and the Bear family drove off to their home. Goldilocks went safely into her house. THE END.
I felt good about my storyline change and my granddaughter seemed happy with the ending too, because sleep came quickly thereafter. That was in October. Then in late December my father passed into eternity; a 60+ year member of Marceline Lodge, #481. He had military honors and a Masonic memorial service, but before the public arrived we had a small family gathering at the funeral home. My now four-year old granddaughter was there too. She knew nothing about the gravity of the day. She made her way around the funeral parlor enjoying the beautiful flowers, the video viewing area, the arriving family "and elsewhere about the Lodge" as young children are known to do. Then she came to my side at the open casket and exclaimed that Great Grandpa was sleeping. Her attention then moved to a Masonic table display we had nearby. Pointing to a large Masonic wall emblem Dad had enjoyed over the years, I heard her say to anyone who cared to listen, "If I'm in trouble, I go there." Dear Brothers, if you don't think the little ones in your life are listening and remembering, think again. And Dad, if you can read this, thank you for passing your Masonic legacy to me as your father did for you. Thank you for raising me twice, once as your son and again as a Master Mason. And may every Mason — in spite of all the risks and possibilities — remember to act upon that portion of our vow to aid every "in trouble Goldilocks" as we live our lives upon the level. May God bless us all. THE END.
Kipling, from previous page … a Christian and the Tiler was an Indian Jew. Here is a true example of the brotherhood of man. Men from four different cultures and religions with different Volumes of the Sacred Law sitting together in peace and harmony is Masonry at its finest. The Indians of Lahore were so impressed that men from so many castes, religions and cultures could meet together as if by magic that they referred to Masonic Lodges as "Houses of Magic". In our present day world with its hate, mistrust, suspicions and fear could four different cultures and different religions with different Volumes of the Sacred Law sit together in a Lodge in peace and harmony? I hope they could, I fear that they might not and pray that I am wrong. I leave you with my favorite and Kipling's most beloved poem "If" – think and enjoy Brethren:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, ' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
the missouri freemason
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
Winter 2012 7
Bates County Museum Hosts Masonic Civil War Program Alisha Cole, a Principal with Arcadia Consulting in Kansas City, spoke at the Bates County Museum August 11, on the topic of "Freemasonry's History in Missouri and the Civil War." Alisha is not a Freemason, perhaps an observation that goes without saying, but a chance assignment in college, where she studied his- Freeman Stanfill, Grand Orator and Alisha Cole. toric preservation, led her to a lifelong study of the Craft, "I had an assignment to study a building built after 1920, which reflected some older style of architecture. Within a matter of hours after being given that assignment I was at a dinner with friends and one of the men at the table suggested doing it on the Masonic Temple in St. Louis, because it was based on Solomon's Temple. My fascination started with that." Ms. Cole developed a special connection to the Bates Country Museum when she directed an assessment of the museum for the Missouri Humanities Council. During that engagement, she met Museum Director Peggy Buhr, and the two have worked together on various projects since. Peggy herself comes from a family of Masons and is also a member of the Eastern Star. "The more I have learned about Masonry and the history of Bates County and the more I have learned of the impact Masons had on the reconstruction of the county after the Civil war, the more impressed I am. They were truly the pillars of the community. They were the men who saw to it schools were built and roads were planned out; they served in government and all of that continues to this day. It is quite a legacy." Given her relationship with Alisha, her involvement with
the Masonic community and Alisha's expertise in Freemasonry, it was natural for Peggy to arrange the August program. Acknowledging area Masons have always worked closely with the museum, she employed the assistance of Rick Hurshman, Secretary of Butler Lodge #254, to get the word out. Freeman Stanfill, Grand Orator, represented the Grand Lodge of Missouri as Ms. Cole spoke to a full house of area Masons and their friends and families. Ms. Cole's presentation touched on the origins of the Fraternity and some interesting facts about its development through the years. She highlighted accomplishments of Missouri Masons in the Civil War including Sterling Price, David Rice Atchison, Thomas Fletcher and several others. In addition she related stories about Masons elsewhere in the Civil War, including the act of Brotherly friendship Captain Henry Bingham extended to General Lewis Armistead at Gettysburg, even though Bingham fought for the Union and Armistead fought for the South. "In the Civil War," she concluded, "11% of the soldiers were Freemasons. Over 300 generals were Masons and 60% of all Masons fought on one side or the other. Don't let anybody fool you; the Freemasons have had a huge impact on this country." After the program, Peggy Buhr conducted a tour of the museum, which contains a Masonic display in its "Timeline Room."
Part of the capacity crowd gathered at the Bates County Museum.
Polar Star – Rose Hill Assists Firefighters' Fund Drive On Labor Day weekend the Firefighters of Creve Coeur Fire District were out mid-day on Saturday with their boots in hand collecting money for the MDA telethon. Later in the day, the firefighters benefited from some down-home charity themselves as members from Polar Star - Rose Hill Lodge #79 arrived to prepare dinner for them. Polar Star - Rose Hill is just down the street from the main fire house of the Creve Coeur Fire District.. Eight of the members of Polar Star - Rose Hill and a lady of one of the members, arrived at Fire House No. 1, unpacked their sup8 Winter 2012
plies, and got to work preparing a wonderful meal of turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, and pumpkin pie for dessert. Firefighters from Fire House #2 were able to join the meal. Although 2 of the EMS personnel had to leave on a call about halfway through their meal, the other firefights enjoyed the food. There were enough leftovers that each of the houses had a little something for another meal. This was the first time for Polar Star - Rose Hill Lodge #79 to prepare dinner for the firefighters, but it will not be the last. the missouri freemason
Missouri Lodge of Research Dedicates Masonic Library Most Worshipful Brother Harry S. Truman was a founding Brother of the Missouri Lodge of Research and in 1950, while still President of the US, served as its Master. Brother Truman, at the inception of the organization, said it was one of his dreams to see the establishment of a Masonic museum and library. In 2008, the Grand Lodge unveiled its Masonic Museum in a ceremony that saw a standing-room-only crowd gathered with Masonic and civic dignitaries assembled to commemorate the occasion. The acclaimed museum today stands as a repository of Masonic history and has seen thousands of visitors come through to view the exhibits. It also stands as the realization of part of Brother Truman's vision. That vision was completed on Sunday, September 23, 2012 when Missouri Lodge of Research Master Larry Houge, accompanied by Grand Master John Hess and the presiding officer lines of the Grand Lodge of Missouri and the Missouri Lodge of Research dedicated the new Masonic Library, at the Masonic Complex in Columbia. The expansive ceremonies included an ecumenical worship service in which RWB Bill Snyder delivered a message on the theme of "dreams," and talked about Brother Truman's dream as well. RWB Bill Snyder conducts the RWB Thomas Truman, ecumenical worship service. Accompanied by staff member Adriene Price Green on the piano, provided a musical interlude. Upstairs, attendees found a room that, prior to a month of preparation, had been essentially empty; it was transformed into a large, carpeted, quiet area lined with shelves and books and will, in the future, provide a venue for important Masonic research. The dedication of the Masonic Library, like that of the museum across the hall, saw a standing-room-only crowd witness the ribbon-cutting and opening of the institution MWB Harry Truman had visualized. His grandson, Brother Clifton Truman Daniel headlined the list of dignitaries which also included representatives from Columbia city hall, Freemasons from other states and the officers of the Grand Line and Lodge of Research.
Brother Clifton Truman Daniel talks about his grandfather as he addresses the crowd at the library dedication.
Most Worshipful Brother John Hess, accompanied by Deputy Grand Master Dave Ramsey and Senior Grand Warden Jon Broyles, dedicated the library with the traditional elements of corn, wine and oil. Following that, RWB Larry Houge, assisted by officers of the Lodge of Research, cut the ceremonial ribbon to open the Masonic Library and to see Brother Truman's vision come to reality.
A dedication with corn, wine and oil.
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Winter 2012 9
Clifton Truman Daniel Relates Stories of Harry Truman at the Lodge of Research Breakfast A standing-room-only crowd greeted Brother Clifton Tru- he was reading to us. Turns out it was Thucydides' History of man Daniel at the latest Missouri Lodge of Research Break- the Peloponnesian War." Brother Daniel said he found that book years later, "I got a glass of wine and fast during the Grand Lodge gathering in started to read it. I got exactly two pages Columbia on September 25. Brother Danin, closed the book, gave up and finished iel was the latest in a line of distinguished the wine." speakers in the Truman Lecture Series, Brother Daniel has written two books named after his grandfather and former about his grandfather. The first, Growing Missouri Grand Master, Harry S. Truman. Up With My Grandfather, contains stories Brother Daniel entertained the audisimilar to those he related at the Lodge ence with remembrances of his grandof Research Breakfast. The second, Dear father and personal anecdotes of his Harry, Love Bess, is a compilation of letchildhood, disclosing little-known facts ters his grandparents wrote to each other. about the president. "Being Harry TruBrother Clifton talked about writing the man's grandson," he admitted, "led me to second book and a problem he faced with embark on a research and writing career that project. He revealed his grandmother when I had no intention of doing that at Bess was reluctant to share private moall." ments and had burned many of the letters Brother Clifton told the audience he she had written to Harry. When Harry had no idea his grandfather had been Clifton Truman Daniel addresses the Lodge of Research Breakfast. found her destroying the letters he urged president until he was six years old and her not to and told her to think of history. started school, when the other kids asked him about it. "That evening," he said, "I excitedly ran home "I am," Bess answered. Fortunately, Brother Daniel manand asked my mother, 'Did you know Grandpa was Presi- aged to find several and included them in his book, saving a lot of valuable history for posterity. He said Harry and Bess dent?'" To a room full of laughter he revealed, "She knew." Daniel said, "When I was young, Grandpa commanded a missed each other when they were apart and on occasion great deal of respect and sometimes you avoided him. You wrote each other twice a day. Brother Daniel related many more stories about Harry avoided him because if you weren't careful, he'd try to teach you something." He went on to relate, "One morning he Truman, giving his Brother Missouri Masons a rare insight grabbed my brother and me before anyone else was up, found into the life of their famous Grand Master and President. He a book and started reading to us. Later, my mother came into indicated his next project will be a book about the victims of the room and saw us listening to him read. She asked what Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A packed house was once again on hand for the popular Lodge of Research Breakfast.
10 Winter 2012
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The Lost Word By Dr. Robert Wheeler, PM The oldest active Masonic Lodge in Missouri was char- have been discovered and lost. Significant is the explanatered in 1816 by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee as Missouri tion given in the Book of John: "In the beginning was the Lodge Number 12. After Missouri became a state and the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Grand Lodge of Missouri was formed in 1821, Missouri Now the Word stands for ultimate reality, truth and divine Lodge Number 12 was designated Missouri Lodge Number source — that which created and gave ultimate meaning and 1 and subsequently merged with Commonwealth and St. purpose to life. Early in Masonic history a legend was introduced to Louis Lodges to become St. Louis Missouri Lodge Numprovide progress, and some degree of clober 1. Remnants of the original jewels used sure for the search to find or recover the by Lodge Number 1 are displayed at the Lost Word. According to historian Albert Rose Hill Temple in Creve Coeur where the Mackey, this probably originated in an anLodge now meets. Included are two triancient Lodge in York, England, and starts gular plates not recognized as jewels but with the biblical story of Enoch. He was a with the same engravings indicating they close descendant of Adam, the first man, were used as Lodge jewels. and being so righteous and trusted by God, The question of why these triangles were he was given the Word. He inscribed this on part of the Lodge jewels opened the door a triangular metal plate that he buried in a to some interesting history. First, it must be vault nine levels below the surface of Mount noted that the equilateral triangle has been Triangular jewel engraved, "Missouri used in the past by many different traditions Lodge No. 1 A.F.&A.M." The author Moriah. At each level was an arch through to symbolize equality, perfection, deity, and points out this is important because which the next level could be accessed with engraving is also on the other truth. Sometimes referred to as a delta, it that jewels, indicating the triangle was the deepest one being the Royal Arch at the vault containing the inscribed plate. During is a symbol of the sacred name of God, the part of Missouri #1's jewels. excavation for the foundation of Solomon's tetragrammaton. In early Freemasonry it temple, the Royal Arch with its vault containing the Word came to represent the goal of striving for knowledge about was discovered but kept secret by Hiram Abiff. Subsequenttruth and deity. History and anthropology indicate that this striving has ly the temple was destroyed and during its reconstruction dominated societies ever since their origination. Because about five hundred years later the vault was rediscovered. of an elusive nature, it became a social activity forming as- But, once again it was kept secret for about fifteen hundred sumptions and beliefs that in turn formed organizations, re- years until rediscovered by the Knights Templar. Mystery ligions, and religious institutions. Psychology and sociology and intrigue have built up about subsequent disposition of indicate that these organizations and religions provide useful the Word. There are different versions of how the Enoch legend was benefits that alleviate many human needs such as support, belongingness, purpose, acceptance, leadership, ethics, and introduced and used in Freemasonry, but it seems to be fairly salvation. In modern Freemasonry this striving has became well accepted that it was recognized in the early 1700s in symbolized in the "Lost Word." It is a fundamental theme England. At that time, Freemasonry groups were local fragthat becomes crystallized when a Freemason becomes a mented social associations of men attempting to surpass the Master Mason, and is ramified in the legend of Hiram Abiff, dogma, subjugation, and limitation of medieval autocracies the overseer of the building of Solomon's Temple and sole and churches. Their activities fitted in well with the unionpossessor of the "Master's Word." With his demise the Word like craft Lodges of operative masons that were declining was lost, and members of the craft are admonished to pursue because of the reduced construction of stone cathedrals, and thus developed the Lodges of speculative masons. The term its recovery. Freemasonry of today is the result of hundreds of years Freemason came to distinguish the speculative from the of developing this theme. The English scholar Charles Law- operative masons. In 1717 four of these Lodges in London rence points out that since Masonic development has mainly joined to form the Premier Grand Lodge and attempted to been through verbal communication, many different inter- incorporate other Lodges, and to organize and standardize pretations and reports have occurred. Even writings of Ma- procedures and ceremonies. It is reported that the Hiramic sonic historians have different versions that impart colorful legend emphasizing lose of the Word was introduced into variations in associated legends. Coil's Masonic Encyclo- Lodge proceedings around that time, and the Enoch legpedia gives many uses of "Word." Most often the Word is end providing the Word's recovery was also introduced. merely a password that allows access to special benefits, but The Enoch legend was deemphasized, though, and that was from many ancient cultures come stories about a Word as- a major reason many Lodges broke away in 1751 to form sociated with ineffable mysteries of life or mysteries that See Lost, next page … the missouri freemason
Winter 2012 11
Lost, from previous page … their own Grand Lodge and became known as the Antients (Ancients). Lodges that remained with the Premier Grand Lodge became known as Moderns. It seems that the Moderns wanted the highest level of the Craft to end with the Word being lost in the Third Degree initiation ceremony, and its recovery being an important continuing task. The Antients preferred closure by having a degree using the Enoch legend providing for the Word's recovery. This chasm was solved in 1831 when the Antients and Moderns compromised and formed the United Grand Lodge of England. Their new constitution stated that the Craft consists of three degrees only: "the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch." The Hiramic legend used in the Third Degree probably included at that time a provision for finding the Lost Word, but the Enoch legend was relegated to advanced degrees in appendant organizations. Royal Arch degrees are now used in both the Scottish Rite and York Rite bodies of Freemasonry. It is known that Antient Lodges in England used a triangular metal plate to represent the divine Word. Since settlers that formed the original Missouri Lodge came from Lodges in the eastern part of the newly established United States, it is possible they were associated with the Antient Lodges in England and used Antient ceremonies. The Enoch legend could have been used either in a Fourth Degree ceremony or as part of that for the Third Degree. A search of the minutes of the old Missouri Lodge failed to find any clarification, but the triangular plates on display testify that something of the Enoch legend was used by Missouri Lodge in the early 1800's.
The Lost Word symbolizes mysteries of life that still are not fully known. Julian Rees proposed that the Word represents a Masonic secret that is the personal experience of a Freemason, bound to be incomplete because the nature of Deity and of our own existence are perennial mysteries. Striving to provide for an understanding of the unknown is a characteristic that accompanies human consciousness. It is an abstract task difficult to manage, so focusing on search for the Word representing an Architect of the Universe or Divine Truth is easier to grasp. This pursuit is recognized in Freemasonry as a progressive science that is personal in nature requiring respect and tolerance for varied interpretations as well as dedicated effort and openness to new information. Through this process, many mysteries of life become clarified and "good men become better." Dr. Bob Wheeler is Past Master of St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1, Past President of St. Louis Chapter #22 National Sojourners, Past Commander of Albert Pike Camp Heroes of 76, and a member of St. Louis Valley Scottish Rite, Missouri Lodge of Research, and Alhambra Grotto.
Let Us Sing, from back cover … music books for a songbook he was preparing. Among Lowell Mason’s 1600 compositions (set to tunes from famous composer) is the familiar hymn, “Nearer, My God, to Thee” (Bethany). Noting that one of the songs was patriotic (Gott segne unser Vaterland, “God bless our Fatherland”) and a melody in Symphony No. 3 in G Major (“The Great National”) by piano virtuoso and composer Muzio Clementi (1752-1832) having caught his attention, Smith wrote his own lyrics and sent them to his friend Lowell Mason, who published it and arranged for its first performance at Park Street Congregational Church in Boston on July 4, 1832, sung by 500 Sunday school children. He called it “My country, ‘tis of thee,” which he later changed to “America,” after omitting a fifth stanza because of its strong anti-British sentiment. This hymn was included in a collection of his 150 hymns, published in 1843, in The Psalmist, “the most widely-used Baptist hymnal of the day.” The tune had already been England’s national anthem (“God Save the King”) for a century, having been published in Thesaurus Musicus in 1744. It had a long history of usage as a patriotic hymn in Germany, a military hymn in Switzerland, a national anthem in Denmark and in six other places including Prussia (Heil dir am Siegerkranz, “Hail Thee in
Victor’s Wreath”). The melody had made its way into American colonies by 1761 and had been used with different words at Washington’s inauguration in April 1789. Beethoven wrote piano variations on the tune and Haydn incorporated it into his own compositions. “America” became the de facto national anthem of the United States (along with songs like “Hail, Columbia”) for the next ninety-nine years, when it was officially replaced in 1931 by Francis Scott Key’s “The Star Spangled Banner.” There is still some confusion about which is our opening ode (or national hymn). About 1200 Freemasons witnessed the following event. The Grand Lodge annual communication was just beginning at the convention center auditorium in Columbia. An organist had brought his own instrument, which was not connected to the sound system, resulting in uneven distribution of the music in the large room. I was sitting with others from our district on the left side of the room, where the organ was located. The Grand Master called for the opening ode. To the amazement of all, about half of the audience was singing the Missouri Opening ode, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” and the other was attempting the National Anthem, “Oh Say Can You see.” We never did figure out which one the organist was playing. The cacophony came to an end about the same time, and the meeting continued.
12 Winter 2012
Selected References Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia (1996). Richmond, VA: Macoy. Holy Bible (1976). (King James Version) Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Lawrence, C. (2010). The Key to Modern Freemasonry. Surrey, England: Hamilton House. Mackey, A. (1921). Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Revised). NY: Masonic History. Rees, J (2006). Making Light: a Handbook for Freemasons. London: Lewis Masonic.
the missouri freemason
Man's Best Friend By Steve Harrison, PM, FMLR The trial never produced any evidence the victim had done anything to provoke his killer except, perhaps, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The killer insisted he was just protecting his property. The facts of the case, however, were never in doubt. The killer fully admitted firing his gun in anger with intent to kill and leaving the body where it fell. The following morning the killer's neighbor, Charles Burden, discovered the body. Enraged, he went to the authorities and began a year-long battle to bring Leonidas Hornsby to justice for the crime of killing Old Drum, Charles Burden's dog. Leonidas Hornsby was an angry man. Something was killing his sheep and he wanted it stopped. Any of the predatory wildlife in the area around his Kingsville, Missouri farm could have killed the sheep but for some reason, Hornsby was certain dogs were responsible. "I've had it," Hornsby told a neighbor, "I'm going to kill the next dog I see on my property." Then, on the evening of October 28, 1869, Hornsby found Old Drum wandering on his farm and made good on his promise. Hornsby's brother-in-law, Charles Burden, lived on the adjoining farm. On occasion, Burden and Hornsby had gone hunting together with Old Drum and Hornsby had even called him, "one of the best hunting dogs I have ever seen." That October evening all of Burden's dogs came home except one, Old Drum. The next morning Burden went in search of his favorite hunting dog and discovered the body. Hornsby never denied shooting the dog and Burden did the only thing he could in order to gain some degree of justice: He sued Hornsby for damages. The trial turned into one of the most convoluted circuses in Missouri legal history. Through the original trial and three appeals, the dispute finally reached the Missouri Supreme Court on September 23, 1870. Along the way, the case attracted a bevy of high-profile lawyers including David Nation, husband of temperance zealot Carrie Nation, and Brother Thomas Crittenden, a future Missouri Governor whose "dead-or-alive" reward led to the killing of Jesse James. Burden's attorney throughout was Brother George Graham Vest, member of a Lodge in Frankfort, Kentucky and also a member of the York Rite in Sedalia, Missouri. Vest,
See Man's, next page … the missouri freemason
Brother Vest's Closing Arguments … The following is the surviving text of Brother Vest's closing arguments. The final half of his speech has been lost to history. The same words are inscribed on the monument to Old Drum in Warrensburg, Missouri: "Gentlemen of the jury, the best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter whom he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us — those whom we trust with our happiness and good name — may become traitors in their faith. The money that a man has he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolute, unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world — the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous — is his dog. "Gentlemen of the jury, a man's dog stands by him in prosperity and poverty, in health and sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow, and the snow drives fiercely, if only he can be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. "If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace, and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death." Winter 2012 13
Man's, from previous page … a future US Senator from Missouri, easily got Hornsby to admit he did not see Old Drum doing any harm to his property, nor was he certain it was dogs that were killing his sheep. Although the crime was vicious, it was nonetheless a misdemeanor. Its record was destined to fade unnoticed into history until Brother Vest stood for his closing argument. His inspired words now stand as legendary to dog lovers and have been cast in bronze on monuments to those faithful companions. What he said was so powerful that acclaimed author William Safire said it was one of the greatest speeches of the millennium, "[Vest's oratory] ranks with that of Patrick Henry, Abraham Lincoln and, maybe, God." Laying the facts and arguments of the case aside, Vest addressed the jury: "The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have … the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. … He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert he remains. … and when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death." History records that when Brother Vest returned to his seat "there was not a dry eye in the courtroom." The Supreme Court of Missouri later upheld the jury's verdict: Leonidas Hornsby was guilty of the killing of Old Drum, and was to pay Charles Burden damages amounting to the sum of $50, the maximum amount allowable. In 1958, the area Chamber of Commerce, with backing from dog lovers across the country, erected a monument to Old Drum on the Johnson County Courthouse lawn in Warrensburg, Missouri, near the site of the crime. It pays tribute to Old Drum and George Graham Vest, a backwoods Missouri lawyer and Freemason who was the first ever to say a dog was "man's best friend."
Missouri Lodge of Research Releases Annual Book Each year, the Missouri Lodge of Research distributes a book to its membership. This year for the first time in many years, MoLOR has published a book by a Missouri Brother about Missouri Freemasonry. Steve Harrison's book, Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi, chronicles the westward expansion of the Craft in the early 19th century and reveals the key role the Grand Lodge of Missouri played in that effort. It also details lives of Missouri Brothers who have made a mark not only on Freemasonry but on history itself. Dr. J.C. Montgomery, Past Grand Master and the dean of Missouri Masonic authors, has said of this book, "The 17th century scientist Isaac Newton wrote that he had been 'standing on the shoulders of giants.' Whether Mason or nonMasonic reader, you will feel that way as you travel through the pages. You will have deep gratitude for those Missourians whose life and labors, informed and formed by the influence of Masonry, helped shape the destiny of our state, our nation and even our world." RWB Nick Cichielo, Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research, has declared that a limited number of remaining copies of the book will be made available to new members as well. Until the books run out, if you are not a member of MoLOR, contact Lodge of Research Secretary Ron Miller at the Grand Lodge Offices for information on how to join. Membership is $25 for US Masons. Upon joining the Lodge you will receive your complimentary copy. There is no charge if you can pick it up, or a $5 charge for shipping.
Bibliography: Denslow, William R. 10,000 Famous Freemasons. Vol. 1. Richmond, VA: Macoy & Masonic Supply, 1957. Print. "Cedarcroft Farm Area Guide: The Story of Old Drum A Man's Best Friend Is His Dog." Cedarcroft History Guide. Web. 26 Jan. 2012.<http://www.cedarcroft.com/ mo/olddrum.html>. Safire, William. "Faithful, Even in Death." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <http://partners.nytimes.com/library/ magazine/millennium/m1/safire.html>. Old Drum. Television documentary. Distributed by KSHBTV, Kansas City, ~1985. A court case in Johnson County Missouri brought us the phrase “Man’s best friend” to describe our canine companions. 14 Winter 2012
the missouri freemason
Widows Sons Continues to Grow and Aid Charities The Widows Sons Motorcycle Association is an interna- cluded 75 motorcycle riders throughout Missouri and Illitionally-based association of Master Masons joined together nois. The riders collected over four vans filled with toys for by a common passion… motorcycling. It was founded in the kids who were patients at the hospital. Recently, the Men of Tyre chapter helped with the Bloom1998, with the purpose of offering aid and assistance to Masonic Widows and Orphans. Since then it has become the field Veterans Memorial Day Service in Bloomfield, Misfastest growing Masonic organization in the world. There souri. Other chapters traveled to Kansas to help with the Special Olympics Ride in Council are chapters in Canada, Grove. UK, Japan, Mexico, AusThe chapters in Missouri have tralia, and Scotland to members from areas and Lodges name a few. throughout the state. Members The Missouri Widown a variety of types of motorows Sons prides itself cycles. Missouri members are on its charitable duties Past Masters, Masters, DDGMs, and strong belief in faith, Veterans and active members in hope and charity. The Lodges, the Scottish Rite, York group supports its MaRite and the Shrine. They come sonic Lodges by providfrom all walks of life, but stand ing a positive outlet for Sons representatives recently rode to the Grand Lodge together as Brothers in the faith. riding with like-minded Widows building in Columbia. Shown left to right, Grand Master John The Missouri Widows Sons Brethren. At the same Hess, Vice President Steve Hackett, President Mark Klein and Grand Secretary Ron Miller. patch is comprised of various Matime, members enjoy the fellowship of Fraternal Brotherhood. Most importantly, the sonic symbols, the words "Widows Sons," state of affiliagroup's goal is to promote Freemasonry within the motorcy- tion and the name of the individual's local Chapter. Members cle community. The Missouri Widows Sons is open to Mas- also wear a patch depicting the square and compasses. Memter Masons in good standing who own and ride a motorcycle bers from other states may wear a slightly different patch, but all use the words "Widows Sons" and proudly display the of 500cc or greater. The 14 chapters that make up the Missouri Widows Sons Square and Compasses. The Widows Sons organization does not intend to speak hold a strong belief in helping others, and making donations for or represent any specific Masonic body. It is simply a to Masonic and other charitable organizations. Recently, the chapter in St Charles, the Sublime Knights, Riding Association of Master Masons, requiring members sponsored its first toy drive for Shriners Hospitals for Chil- to act in a way that reflects well on Masonry. Members meet dren – St Louis. Local media covered the event, which in- upon the level and part upon the square.
the missouri freemason
Winter 2012 15
Building Freemasonry Through DeMolay Amongst the darkness in this world, there is a flame in each one of us that will either stay lit or become extinguished based upon the way we choose to live. While each person is individually responsible for making the right decision, Freemasonry allows us to join together in our efforts and combat the evils that oppose our holy ideals. While it takes a lot of passion for an organization to grow, Freemasonry should thrive on our ambition to do what is right for ourselves and for one another. Our future lies within the youth of our nation, which makes it absolutely imperative that our sacred principles be taught to those who have yet to make a positive impact. The members of Missouri DeMolay are exceptionally grateful for the support of our father organization. The success of our order is measured by the leadership of the countless Masons who graciously devote their time and effort toward making quality leaders out of young men. Our two organizations are undoubtedly a never-ending cycle of support for one another. The outstanding Masonic support that is so apparent in DeMolay helps foster adequate leadership opportunities to ensure that many future Masons are coming from a group of individuals with parallel ideals. By supporting our youth, the future of Freemasonry will be placed in trustworthy hands. After all, the Order of DeMolay was founded by a Master Mason. Dad Frank Sherman Land, a 33rd Degree Master Mason emphasized the importance of teaching young men at an early age how vital it is to live a clean and moral life. Missouri DeMolay is blessed to have Freemasons who are well aware of the importance of instilling our sacred principles in today’s youth. DeMolay in Missouri is thriving more today than any other jurisdiction in the world and has been for the past several years because of the never ending love and support of those Masons. Missouri DeMolay would not be where it is today without these commitments, and the men making these commitments know how beneficial it is to Freemasonry and the world. These commitments you have made to DeMolay have made us want to join the Lodges. Over the past couple of years, Missouri DeMolay has proudly afforded Freemasonry with countless members coming from our ranks. Even though we are flourishing, we have yet to make a dent in the amount of eligible young men in Missouri, and have shared our principles with only a fraction of a percent. 16 Winter 2012
In perspective, each quality young man we initiate into DeMolay has the potential of becoming a Master Mason. Missouri DeMolay continues to grow and become more and more successful because of the relationship we have with Freemasonry. We are truly Building Freemasonry Through DeMolay by dedicating ourselves to this Masonic Brotherhood. While Freemasonry is our foundation, DeMolay is the future of Freemasonry! Among the countless people we have to thank for our success in Missouri DeMolay, we owe our greatest appreciation to the Master Masons of Missouri. We look forward to sharing the experiences that are to come and once again would like to thank you all for everything you do for DeMolay. God bless you! Brother Brandon Cockerham, 32° Scottish Rite Mason (State Master Councilor)
Members of Farnsworth Chapter Order of DeMolay with the newly installed Master, Jim McManigle of Bolivar Lodge #195. The DeMolays assisted with the presenting the colors for the Installation on August 26, 2012
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Every Day is a Celebration! I've just returned from Missouri's Mason's Grand Lodge! Everyone was so friendly and kind! Thank you for taking the time to speak to me and help me get directed! I'm now headed to Missouri's Grand Chapter where I'll not only speak but carry in our Rainbow Flag at their Opening. I've had two receptions so far — one in Republic and another in Centralia. Both could be considered carnival themes — yet both were quite different. After the visit in Republic, we loaded up our vehicles to travel to Joplin to tour the Scottish Rite Temple — such a beautiful building! Next I'm headed for Rolla — I can hardly wait to see what they have in store for me! At the end of October, we held our first ever Bi-State Initiation. Illinois Grand Officers came to the Scottish Rite Temple in St. Louis and, with the Missouri Grand Officers, we initiated girls into many Assemblies in both states! It was definitely a special day. We opened a new Assembly! It's the first in many, many years! Poplar Bluff is now an official Missouri Rainbow Assembly... and, if the rumors are true, Branson may be next! Two in one year? Absolutely the best news ever — and, who knows, there may be more before my Grand Year is over. Can you help us? Can you look in the corners of your Lodges for Rainbow paraphernalia that isn't being used? Can you find girls and adults to put that paraphernalia to use? (We'll send you some folks to help you get organized!) Can you email our Supreme Inspector at khakid@aol.com to let her know what you can do to help us? I know she will be glad to find some help for you — either putting an Assembly back together to use that paraphernalia OR sending help in moving that paraphernalia to some other part of the state that now needs it. You may remember from the last report that my State Service Project is the Scottish Rite Clinics for Childhood Language Disorders in Missouri. I know many of you have a special place in your heart for these Clinics. Specifically, we will be collecting books that are targeted for 2-6 year olds. The new State Dean of the Grand Cross of Color, Bobbie Harris, will be working with me on this project and we hope to report that hundreds of books are filling the needs of the children who attend the Clinics. Books may be new or very gently used and the Rainbow Girls may deliver them throughout the year (reporting to Bobbie or me the numbers delivered). They can also bring them to any of my visits and I will make certain they are promptly delivered. My schedule of visits is on our website (www.moiorg.org) and you are welcome to join me at any (or all!) of them. By the time you read this, we will already be pushing toward 1,000 books! the missouri freemason
Thanks to all! Rainbow Gets Girls Ready for Life! We are striving through Rainbow to build a better womanhood — striving to elevate leadership, mentoring our younger members, service, integrity, forever friends, tightening our ties with our Rainbow Sisters while welcoming new ones, FUN and much more. Remember to check out that calendar to come see us! We love visitors and always try to do our very best. Also, please send your friends and family with young girls between the ages of 7 and 19 to our International website for more information: www.gorainbow.org. Every Day IS a Celebration! Chelsea Thomason, Grand Worthy Advisor State of Missouri International Order of Rainbow for Girls
Winter 2012 17
Hello Missouri Masons! I would like to thank you for the wonderful generosity and hospitality the Masons gave me at Grand Lodge. This was my third time being at Grand Lodge but only my second time getting to speak to the membership. I have enjoyed my time there every year, getting to meet new Masons and visiting with those that I have already met. Thank you for all the support that Missouri Job’s Daughters has received from the Grand Lodge and all the individual Lodges around the state. On October 13, 2012, Missouri Job’s Daughters got the opportunity to make a presentation at the St. Louis Scottish Rite Reunion. We would like to thank the Scottish Rite for allowing us to be there that day and we hope to get the opportunity again in the future. This month the Grand Bethel will be hosting a Family Trivia Night at Webster Groves Temple on November 17, 2012. There will be a pasta dinner before the trivia at 5 PM and the trivia will start at 6:30 PM. The cost is $15 per person, which includes dinner and the trivia. The proceeds will be split between HIKE (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund) and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. There will also be raffle items and 50/50 drawings to take part in. So bring your family for a fun-filled evening with Missouri Job’s Daughters! If you have any questions or would like
to reserve a table you can contact me or my Grand Bethel Guardian, Mom Carol Zimmer and/or my Associate Grand Bethel Guardian, Dad John Brand. December brings a new start to our Bethels around the state in Missouri with the installation of new Honored Queens in each Bethel. We welcome you and your families to witness the Installation of Officers at our Bethels and we encourage you to meet us girls and our families. This would also be a great time to bring any girls that are related to you so they can also get a chance to meet and get to know us. I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to let Missouri Masons know what the Job’s Daughters are doing in the state. Please know that all Masons and their families are welcome and encouraged to attend these and all Job’s Daughters events. Looking forward to meeting and greeting you during my travels this year and remember – YOU ARE OUR HERITAGE. As always for more information please check out our website at www.missouriiojd.org and www.jobsdaughtersinternational.org, or just ask!
Moolah Youth Queen Lydia Aiken from Bethel #49, Moolah Youth Princess Jenna Walden from Bethel #19 and Grand Bethel Honored Queen Tiffany Hudson.
The three Masonic Youth Leaders after giving their speeches at Grand Lodge. Rainbow Girls Grand Worthy Advisor Chelsea Thomason, DeMolay State Master Councilor Brandon Cockerham and Job's Daughters Grand Bethel Honored Queen Tiffany Hudson.
18 Winter 2012
Live, Laugh, Love, Tiffany Hudson Grand Bethel Honored Queen 2012-2013
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Corporate Offices 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A • Columbia, Missouri 65202 1-800-434-9804 ~ 573-814-4663 ~ 573-814-4660 (fax) www.hohome.org
John T. Litzau Named Masonic Home of Missouri Representative of the Year During the year many Masonic Home of Missouri Representatives throughout the State assist us by referring, educating, and supporting our Outreach Programs. They take the time to educate themselves on our Outreach Programs, submit a widows list, use our resource guides, work the Creating-A-Partnership Program, and maintain contact with our staff on a regular basis. This important link with the Masonic Home enables us to continue to assist Masons, wives, widows, Order of the Eastern Star members and children. Each year, the Masonic Home of Missouri recognizes a representative who has gone above and beyond in his dedication to his duties. This year’s honoree for Representative of the Year is Brother John T. Litzau from Craftsmen Lodge #717. John received a plaque from the Home in honor of his dedication to his duties as a Home Representative. When asked what he thought about receiving the award, Brother Litzau stated, “I was surprised. I have been a Home Representative for at least five years and enjoy staying in contact with our widows and helping others in my Lodge. I feel it is my duty to do so, but I’m honored to accept this award.” Brother Litzau became a Mason in 1994, after being a police officer in St. Louis County. John was working several jobs and struggling to make ends meet, but many of his fellow officers were Masons and they kept encouraging him to join. John declined due to time constraints, but then he met one of the Past Masters of Craftsmen Lodge #717. When again asked to join, he finally did. He was soon elected Secretary of the Lodge and found that he enjoyed the camaraderie with others. Brother Litzau has also served as Treasurer and writes the Trestle Board, an electronic newsletter for his
Lodge, which he also sends to the widows from his Lodge. His Lodge sends out birthday and Christmas cards to the widows, and John spends time each month updating his widows list, making sure that the Masonic Home of Missouri also receives the list. To further add to his willingness to make sure that others are taken care of, Brother Litzau attends funerals for Masonic Brethren and makes sure that the widow has his business card and knows how to contact him if she has a need. John and his wife, Esther, have been married for 39 years and have four children between them, Todd, Michael, Darlene and Danny. He enjoys helping his wife sell items on eBay and playing on the computer in his spare time. Congratulations to Brother John T. Litzau for his hard work and dedication to the Masonic Home of Missouri.
John Litzau receives the Masonic Representative of the Year award. Shown left to right: Deputy Grand Master Jon Broyles, RWB Litzau, Grand Master Dave Ramsey and Masonic Home Executive Director Keith Neese.
Masonic Home of Missouri Representative Luncheon The Masonic Home of Missouri held its Annual Representative luncheon on Monday, September 24, 2012, during the Annual Communication at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri. Over 150 Masonic Brethren attended our luncheon and received training material including a new informational program video, a new brochure booklet, our Annual Report and several reference items for referring and making applications for those in need. A presentation on the packet and introduction of the Outreach Programs was given by staff of the Masonic Home of Missouri. Grand Master Ramsey and President Broyles were on hand to present the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Creating-A-Partnership Program and Representative of the Year awards. The Creating-A-Partnership Program is a matching funds program that allows the Masonic Home of Misthe missouri freemason
souri to partner with Missouri Lodges and Chapters to help children in need throughout the state. The Masonic Home of Missouri may match up to $2,500 per Lodge or Chapter each fiscal year. This year, five Lodges received awards for their participation in the Creating-A-Partnership Program. Congratulations to Acacia #602 (Top Lodge), Sullivan #69, Decatur #400, Hermann #123 and Sedalia #236 for their support of this program. The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Representative of the Year award went to John T. Litzau from Craftsman #717. The Masonic Home of Missouri would like to thank our Representatives for their dedication and support of the Home. If you have questions or if any Representative was unable to attend and wishes to obtain the training packet, please contact the Masonic Home of Missouri at 1‑800‑434‑9804 and ask for Rhonda Stone Lightfoot. Winter 2012 19
Spotlight on Decatur Lodge Several Lodges were honored during the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Representative luncheon on September 24, 2012, but one stood out for its participation and dedication to the Creating-A-Partnership Program. Decatur Lodge #400 is located in Pierce City, Missouri and has about 40 members in the Lodge but they report that only about 12-15 are active members. For the past 22 years, this small Lodge puts together a fundraiser called "Howdy Neighbors Days" which calls for over 1,800 pounds of ribs and 1,000 pounds of pork to be cooked and served to over 1,300 residents and guests in the town. Funds from this special dinner are used to support the Creating-A-Partnership Program. After receiving the Creating-A-Partnership award this year, Brothers Don Lakin and Michael Ferguson were excited to share how their small Lodge gets the job done. The Creating-A-Partnership Program, in partnership with Decatur Lodge #400, has assisted 57 students this year out of a 370 count student body of the local school district. With over 73% of the local school aged children qualifying for free or reduced lunches, the Lodge knew it could help with the Buddy Back Pack Program, which provides food for needy
schoolchildren on the weekends and evenings. By raising funds through their annual "Howdy Neighbors Days" and other dinners held in the Spring, the members of the Lodge are able to raise over $2,500 towards the food program, with the Masonic Home of Missouri matching up to $2,500. "I believe that when you nurture the children, you nurture the community", stated Brother Ferguson, "and in return, you nurture all". Brother Lakin explained, "Having Masons do this sort of project has increased the awareness of our organization and what it means to support those in our community. We may not be the largest Lodge but we have a camaraderie that enables us to make a difference." While Decatur Lodge #400 may not be the largest or have the most members, it has made a difference in the community and has been a wonderful partner in the Creating-A-Partnership Program with the Masonic Home of Missouri. If your Lodge would like to know more about how to become partners with the Masonic Home of Missouri and make a difference in your community, please contact Tisha Woodard at 1-800-434-9804.
Seventh Annual Truman Club Dinner The Truman Club, a donor society named in honor of Harry S. Truman’s commitment to the Masonic Home of Missouri, was created to assist the Home in fulfilling its mission by encouraging ongoing support for the Home. The Seventh Annual Truman Club dinner was held on September 22, 2012, at the Country Club of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. This annual black-tie event celebrating donors is sponsored by the Masonic Home of Missouri and honors those who have supported the Home by making a financial contribution over the past year. This year, the Home recognized seven new Lewis & Clark Society Members and two Thomas Hart Benton members. The Masonic Home of Missouri also welcomed six new Truman Club members who joined this year and attended the dinner for the first time. Society honorees include: Lewis and Clark Society Members RWB Stanton T. Brown II RWB Leonard L & Donna Cook Brother Glenn & Carrie Koehler Worshipful Brother Joseph M. Miller Worshipful Brother Steven C. Monrotus RWB Douglas H. Reece & Gayle Behr-Reece RWB Thomas A. Spencer Thomas Hart Benton Society Members Captain and Brother Donald Allen & Arielle Huggins Worshipful Brother Jim & Yvonne McManigle Annual Membership to the Truman Club requires giving of at least $100 during the calendar year and is renewable 20 Winter 2012
January 1, every year. Lifetime Membership begins once a member’s cumulative giving reaches $1,000.00. Lifetime members support the Home at defined levels of cumulative giving named after some of Missouri’s most illustrious Masons.
The greatest benefit of membership in The Truman Club is the satisfaction of knowing that your collective financial support facilitates the transformation of Masonic tenets into reality for your Masonic brothers and sisters in need throughout Missouri. Members of the Truman Club receive certain courtesies and benefits, as a way of honoring their diversity and generosity within the fraternity. All members receive the Truman Club Lapel Pin and an invitation to the annual black-tie dinner. Lifetime members further receive the Harry S Truman Bust, which symbolizes the enduring legacy made possible by their giving commitments. Membership is open to Missouri Freemasons, Order of the Eastern Star members, widows, spouses, descendants and friends. If you have questions or would like more information about the Truman Club, please contact the Masonic Home of Missouri at 1-800-434-9804 and ask for Julie. the missouri freemason
Lodge Notes • MWB John Hess presented the first ever Missouri Grand Lodge Ritualist Emeritus Award to RWB Ralph Kolb of Crestwood-Anchor Lodge #443 in ceremonies March 24. The certificate recognizes over fifty years of teaching in the fraternity. RWB Kolb holds several instructor cards with card numbers as low as "2" and renewal letters as high as "Q." While a stroke last year has diminished his speech; his mastery of the ritual remains. The Lodge and RWB Kolb were further honored by the presence of eight other Grand Lodge officers from around the state including RWBs Thomas Truman, Ronald Miller, Nicholas Cichielo, Stanton Brown II, Ronald Jones, David Haywood, Jon Broyles and Craig Skinner. • After many years of faithful service WB Bernard McIntyre has retired as Secretary of Lanes Prairie Lodge #531. At the Lodge's last meeting of the summer before going dark WM David Elrod presented Bernie with an engraved plaque commemorating his many years of service. WM Elrod left him with the words of wisdom that he may be retired but we still need and want to see him at our meetings the second Saturday of the month. • On Saturday April 21, 2012, the members of Sampson Lodge #298 teamed up with the graduating seniors of Lutie High School in Theodosia for a fund raiser breakfast served at the Lodge. All profits were donated to "Project Grad" which provides for a fun and safe post graduation celebration. • The Brethren of Wayne Lodge #526 in Piedmont awarded Darian Elam Pyles, a graduate of Clearwater High School, with a $1,000 scholarship. Darian will be attending Missouri State University and will be studying to become a veterinarian. Darian's Aunt Sharon and Uncle David Bearden were a part of the Masonic family. David unfortunately lost his battle with cancer last Christmas. Darian's mother Denise Pyles and Sharon will be there to wish her the best in the future. The ceremony took place on May 10, at Clearwater High School. Wayne Lodge offers its congratulations to Darian. • The local chapter of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association organized a toy run that brought in more than 100 toys for Shriners Hospitals for Children on May 26. More than 70 riders traveled with their donations from St. Peters, Missouri, to the Shriners Hospital. Members toured the hospital to gain a better understanding of how their donations will help. • In the span of seven months, eight current members of Progression DeMolay Chapter have been raised as Master Masons in Fenton Lodge #281 and Algabil-Freedom Lodge #636. These include Fenton Worshipful Master Phil VanTine, Mike Singer, Sam Puttman, Adam Frigerio, Christian Dinisoae, Jake Singer, James
Masons from Mount Hope Masonic Lodge and the Masonic Home of Missouri recently donated $600 to Odessa R-7 Schools to help provide needed school items for its students. Bob Keyserling, left, secretary for Mount Hope, and Larry Andrews, Worshipful Master, presented a check to Robert Brinkley, R-7 District Superintendent. Photo by Bud Jones.
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Barton, Alex Limpert and Jacob Grosche. • On May 3, 2012, Ivanhoe Lodge hosted a Dinner for MWB Harry S. Truman's Birthday and had a presentation from WB Larry Sebby, Volunteer for the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum on MWB Truman's Masonic Life. It was very educational and everyone in attendance enjoyed the presentation. • Union Masonic Lodge #593 held its second annual Bib Overalls Night on September 28, 2012. The Brothers prepared and enjoyed pork tenderloins, baked beans, green bean salad and apple cobbler. • Swope Park Lodge #617 has raised James Earl Crawford to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. WB Charles Farris obligated Brother Crawford and WB Bruce Cottingham symbolically raised him. WB Cottingham is Past Master of Old Mission Lodge #153 in Prairie Village, Kansas. • At the 2012 DDGM-DDGL Lodges of Instruction series, Alpha Lodge #659, North Kansas City, captured the award for best overall attendance for the 5 sessions. This is the 25th consecutive year (1987-2012) that Alpha has won the award. • On August 13, 2012, Osage Lodge #303 raised William Trent Mitchell to the 3rd degree of Freemasonry. Brother Mitchell's grandfather, Robert Jeffery Mitchell Sr., and father, Robert Jeffery Mitchell Jr. participated in the ceremony. • Branson Masonic Lodge held its Fall Charity Breakfast on Saturday, September 29, 2012. Lodge members considered it a success because of all the hard work of Chairman Don McQuirt along with Brothers, friends and people from the community. This breakfast is a fund raiser for over 70 Christmas baskets the Lodge has given needy families each year for the last 35 years. These baskets include a turkey or ham, potatoes, flour, sugar, canned goods and other items. Each basket costs about $75. • On July 14, 2012, Sampson Lodge #298 and the Theodosia Methodist Church co-sponsored a community "Welcome Home" celebration for Sergeant Nathan Gilbert, who returned to the Theodosia area after eight years of service in the United States Army, including two deployments to Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne Division. WM Len Modlinski and JS Al Croom greeted Sergeant Gilbert and his family as they prepare to walk along the Patriot Guard Riders flag-line into the church hall. The Combat Vets Motorcycle Club also participated, as did the Theodosia Fire Department and the Ozark County Sheriff's Department, (Nathan's Mother is a Deputy Sheriff). Brother Elmer Roberson of Sampson Lodge sang
Forsyth Lodge #453 was delighted to confer the Third Degree on Clint Wayne Gailey on August 23, 2012. Brother Gailey's father and grandfather were present, making three generations of a Masonic family in attendance.
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At the Alpha Lodge installation of officers for the 2011/2012 term, WB R. Allen Moss (son) transfers the gavel of authority to RWB Larry Moss (father). This is the first time in the history of the Lodge that a father has followed his son as Worshipful Master. RWB Larry Moss first served as Master in 1996.
Winter 2012 21
On June 30, Pride of the West Lodge #179 from St. Charles sponsored a Charity Poker run for a sweet little girl named Marley. Members from different Chapters of the Freemason’s Motorcycle Riding Club were glad to participate, even in the 105 degree heat. From left to right are Brothers Mike Richards, Jeff Wappelhorst, John Lukes, Dave Zika and his wife Christine (who won top prize, and donated it to the family), Don Owens, Mel Fossell, Gary Hovatter, Mike Karlow and Don Miller.
Members, family and friends gathered at Rose Hill Temple as the officers of Polar Star - Rose Hill Lodge #79 were installed on August 5, 2012. Pictured are, Row 1: WB Ralph E. Simpson, Treasurer; Jeremy N. Wolfe, Senior Warden; WB Randy C. Davis, Worshipful Master; WB Samuel D. Wilk, Junior Warden; RWB Alan E. DeWoskin, Secretary. Row 2: Andrew J. Yarbrough, Marshall; Adam K. Kissner, Junior Steward; Lance E. Woolbright, Senior Deacon; Scott A. Snyder, Junior Deacon; Robert N. Kissner, Tyler. Row 3: Jeffrey A. Parrotte, Master of Ceremonies; RWB Richard L. Smith, Installing Marshall; RWB Jon B. Broyles, Installing Master; RWB Nicholas R. Cichielo, Installing Chaplain.
On June 23, 2012, Hope Lodge #251 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Washington, Missouri, donated funds to the Loving Hearts Outreach to be utilized to purchase a ton and a half of food for the Washington food pantry. Pictured from left to right: Charles Coy, John Erfurdt, Jr., Daniel Neu, Sandy Crider (Loving Hearts Outreach), Dave Whittaker and Terry Coppotelli.
Osage Lodge #303 installed new officers on Aug. 12, 2012. Front row: Paul Daniels, Tyler; Tom Middaugh, SW; David Bishop, JS; David Phillips, Treasurer; David Grubb, Marshall. Back row: Lawrence Cripps, Chaplain; Gary Jones, Secretary; Alex Grifee, JD; Thomas Hieber, SD; Dustin Campbell, WM; Travis Barker, JW; Willy Bishop; SS.
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• Hermann Masonic Lodge #123 held its 163rd installation of officers on August 21, 2012 with the following slate of officers in attendance: Ray Ham, Dan Mariano, Justin Alfermann, Ben Grosse, Norman Harrison, Steve Lynn, Robert Schmidt, Ken Gerloff, Ken Lerbs, Glen Ochesky, Leo Hendricks, Rich Requarth, Jason Grosse and Charles Kelsey II. • Branson Masonic Lodge held its first annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 8, 2012, at Thousand Hills Golf Course. Because of the hard work of the golf committee and other members the Lodge made over $2,500 to help support the charity work they do in the community. The Christmas Basket program is the biggest event along with MoCHIP, among other outreach programs for needy families. • Easter Lodge #575 made a donation of $1,100 to the Franklin County Honor Flight. Arthur Banks, Carl Stahlman, Gene Atterberry and Tim Huff were instrumental in raising the donations in memory of Brother Stanley Manion. • On August 25, 48 people gathered at the Gainesville Masonic Lodge to witness and participate in a unique dual installation of the officers of Sampson Lodge #298 and Robert Burns Lodge #496. RWB Wayne Calhoun, District Deputy Grand Master of the 42nd district served as Installing Officer. RWB Craig Carter, Past Grand Chaplain, served as Installing Marshall and WB Huey McIninch, Master of Bayou Lodge #365, served as Installing Chaplain. Master Masons representing 5 Masonic Lodges and members of three Eastern Star Chapters were present at the ceremony. • Higginsville Lodge #364 held an open installation on September 10 for the 2012/2013 term. Participating were RWB Bruce McWilliams, Installing Master; Jon Edwards, Junior Deacon; Bernie Miller, Worshipful Master; Desmond Roach, Senior Steward; RWB Bob Hayes, Secretary; Scott Siegfried, Senior Deacon; RWB Jack Padley, Tyler; Doug Harvey, Senior Warden; WB Eddie Ludlam, Junior Steward; RWB Bill Siegfried, Chaplain; WB W.N. Gray, Treasurer; Dru Felkins, Junior Warden; RWB Steve Walden, Installing Marshall; RWB Lloyd Lyon, Installing Chaplain; and Bob Siegfried, Marshall. • Richland Lodge #385 installed its officers for the 2012-2013
"America the Beautiful," followed by RWB Craig Carter, Past Grand Chaplain and current Master of Mansfield Lodge, who gave a very moving welcome home presentation. Afterward, there was plenty of food for all and local musicians provided country/western entertainment. • On September 18, California Lodge #183 installed its 153rd corps of officers. Jr. Past Master Bryan Wolford presented the gavel to incoming Worshipful Master Jim Dearing. • Bethany Lodge #97 was honored to have the following visiting Brethren help with the conferral of the Master Mason Degree: RWB Thomas Truman, Brother Kindle (Father of Candidate), Candidate Curtis Kindle, MWB John Hess, RWB Stanton T. Brown and RWB Stanton T. Brown, Jr. • Hermitage Lodge #288, in association with the Pomme De Terre Shrine Club, held a Back-To-School Back Pack Program and MoCHIP event August 4, 2012. Seventy-one children were identified and 112 back packs were given out to children of Hickory County. There were 42 volunteers present, 28 being Master Masons. • On Saturday, September 8, 2012, Arnold Masonic Lodge #673 held its Installation of Officers dinner. New officers are: Junior Warden Michael Sparks, Marshall Alan Kendall, Senior Warden Charles McClain, Junior Deacon Richard Braun, Senior Deacon Robert Bowles, Worshipful Master Brandon Hoosier, Secretary Ray Schuchardt and Chaplin Matthew Larussa. • Arlington Lodge #346 installed its officers for the 2012-13 term on September 1, 2012. They are WB Bill Harrison, Don Vineyard, WB Arnold Bassett, WB Bill Robbins (Installing Master), John Brown, Jimmy Doye, Master Quentin Davis, WB Jim Helton, Garry Allen, WB Donald Warnol and Andy George. • Bolivar Masonic Lodge #195 installed officers for the coming term on August 26, 2012. They are Olin Meadors, Tyler; WB Elwayne Harris, Treasurer; Shannon Stafford, Senior Warden; Stacy Stark, Senior Deacon; Jim McManigle, Worshipful Master; WB Jim Hensley, Chaplain; Chris McAntire, Junior Deacon; Terry Green, Junior Warden; WB Jim Whitman, Secretary; Will Westmorland, Senior Steward; Steve Tygart, Junior Steward; and James Stewart, Marshall.
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Brother Gary Hinderks of Lathrop Lodge #506 was recently presented a Lap Blanket by Brothers Harold Edwards, Roby Walker, Porter Hensen, Don Griffin and Ralph Rupe. The blankets were made by Eastern Star Past Worthy Matron Wilma Christopher and are presented to members who are ill or shut in. We want to "THANK" Wilma for her endeavors as they are greatly appreciated. Her husband, Carl, was a member of Lathrop #506.
Hermitage Lodge held an open communication September 7 for the purpose of installation of officers. The installation was attended by friends and family of the new officers. Pictured, left to right, first row: WB Conrad Pitz, Jerry Stone, WB Kenneth Bridges, Mark Houser, John Donohue, RWB Cleo Fields. Second row: Mackie Snyder, Jerry Lightfoot, Dennis Heckadon, Wally Davis, WB Henry Garcia. Back row: Installing Master RWB John Parks, Installing Marshall RWB David Turner, Tyler Brent Oestrich.
Washington Lodge #87, AF&AM, on Tuesday evening July 24, 2012, was pleased to honor its Past Masters. At the meeting, Past Masters filled all officer's stations. These Past Masters, with the help of the members present, conferred the Fellowcraft degree on Brother Jeff Riehm. Lodge members thanked the Past Masters for their service to the Fraternity and for continuing in all the great traditions of Freemasonry. Pictured (front row, left to right): RWB Chris C. McLemore III and WB Charles Don Adams. Second row: WB John J. McDwell and WB Billy L. Cooper. Back row: WB G. Tim Black, WB John W. Shoemaker, WB Drexel R. Atkisson, Jr., WB George H. Luce and WB Darrell F. Heaton.
Over 100 people joined in the celebration at Clay Lodge #207 on Sunday September 16 in Excelsior Springs. After a lunch served in the dining hall, the DeMolay youth group presented the flag and Job's Daughters sang "Nearer My God To Thee" in a special ceremony. The members installed as officers were Jack Dotson as Worshipful Master, Craig Jones as Senior Warden, Worshipful Brother Brian Kennedy as Junior Warden, Shannon Freeman as Treasurer, Clyde Cline as Secretary, Right Worshipful Brother Rick Clevenger as Chaplain, Billy Boucher as Senior Deacon, Jim McCollough as Junior Deacon, Worshipful Brother Ted Lipscomb as Marshall, Worshipful Brother Sid Cantrell as Senior Steward, Jared Stewart as Junior Steward and Stephen Boos as Tyler.
RWB Larry Houge, outgoing Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research led the ceremonies on September 23, 2012, as dignitaries gathered to dedicate and open the Masonic Library in Columbia. Outgoing Grand Master John Hess looks on as RWB Houge addresses the gathering.
Grand Master Dave Ramsey is traveling around the state with his Grand Officers Line to conduct the 2012 series of Area Meetings. MWB Ramsey is asking Brothers for ideas and feedback in small breakout session groups. Pictured here, Grand Chaplain Ty Treutelaar moderates one of the groups. Shown clockwise: Dr. Treutelaar (St. Louis Missouri #1), Carl Jennings (St. Joseph #78), David Johnson (Saxton #508), Darrin Potter (Gower #397) and Dennis Vogel (Brotherhood #269).
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Crescent Hill Lodge #368 held an open meeting Thursday night June 28, 2012, to install officers for the new year. The evening's activities included a homemade ice cream and cake social. More than 60 people enjoyed three kinds of ice cream. The following officers were installed (first row, left to right): RWB Art Zelmer, Senior Deacon; WB Melvin Smith, Treasurer; WB Jack Rabourn, Senior Warden; WB Charles Bridges, Worshipful Master; WB Tracy Rugg, Junior Warden. Back row: WB Edward Jackson, Tyler; Joe McElwain, Marshall; WB William Jenkins, Chaplin; Paul Haskins, Senior Steward; RWB Ray Campbell; Secretary. The Installing Officers were WB Don Winchell, Installing Master; RWB George Berrious, Installing Secretary; RWB Alvin Griffith, Installing Chaplin. Photo by Randy Pike.
For a limited time, the Missouri Lodge of Research is offering a free copy of its book, Freemasonry Crosses the Mississippi, to new members. Call Ron Miller at 573‑474‑8561 for details. Lodge Notes, from page 22 … term on Saturday, September 15, 2012. Participants were WB Thomas Shaw, Installing Marshall; Gene Fleeman, JW; Kenneth O’Dell, WM; Martel Goldman, SW; WB Carl Cummings, Tyler; WB Paul Herd, Secretary and Installing SD; RWB Michael Wallace, Installing Master; Steven Eberharter, Installing Chaplin; Shawn Perry, Marshall; WB Donald Ferguson, Treasurer; Domenic Trewett, SS; Michael Moeller, SD; Ronald Hawk, Chaplain; Phillip McCombs, JS; and Eric Myers, JD. • Linn Creek Lodge #152 held its 149th annual installation of officers on September 22, 2012. Participants were Cole Bradbury, Sr. Deacon; Richard Simons, Sr. Warden; John Stephens, Worshipful Master; Benjamin Willerton, Jr. Warden; Kurtis Vansyoc, Sr. Steward; Paul Warman, Marshall; WB Bill Gansemer, Installing Chaplain; Michael Bowman, Jr. Deacon; RWB Gary Bowling, Installing Master and Lodge Chaplain; WB Larry Clemens, Treasurer; WB Kelly Luttrell, Secretary; WB Tony Helms, Tyler; RWB James Portwood, Installing Marshall; and Ronald Russell, Jr. Steward. • Branson Masonic Lodge #587 held a Missouri Child Identification Program (MoCHIP) at The Boys and Girls Club on Saturday August 25. Twenty-three volunteers processed 131 children over the course of the day. Branson Lodge thanks all the volunteers along with the Branson Police Department, Western Taney County Fire Department and Jennifer Popowich (who served as a clown). Culver's sent a mascot to pass out tokens for free ice cream. Krispy Kreme Donuts and Papa John's Pizza fed the volunteers. Branson Lodge is planning to sponsor more MoCHIP events, which are free to the community and compatible with the Amber Alert system. • On September 11, 2012, Washington Lodge #87 installed its newly elected officers, who will serve for the year 2012-13. We look forward to a great year in Freemasonry with these Brothers at the helm. We thank all those who came to witness this event, including RWB Chris C. McLemore III, Installing Officer; Perry L. Ellis, SW; Bill VanKam, JS; Zach Adams, SS; WB Tim Black, Marshall; WB Billy Cooper, Installing Officer; WB Bob Willett, WM; WB Drexel Atkisson, Chaplain; WB Homer G. Ellis, Tyler; Jeff Davis, Treasurer; Scott Holmam, JD; WB John Shoemaker, Secretary; Chris Adams, JW; and Scott Decker, SD.
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St. Clair Lodge #273 in Osceola installed its officers for the 2012-13 term on September 16 in an open ceremony at the Lodge Hall. Pictured left to fight are (first row): WB William Dill, Senior Warden; WB LeRoy Raymond, Junior Deacon; WB George Pyeatt, Marshall; Russ Smith, Junior Warden. Second row: Bob Means, Tyler; WB Roy Scarborough, Secretary. Third row: Pat Holley, Senior Deacon; WB Rusty Raymond, Treasurer; WB Douglas Pyeatt, Master. Not pictured are: WB Mike Dines, Senior Steward; Larry Hudson, Junior Steward; Roger Korth, Chaplain. The Installing Officers were: RWB John Parks, Master: RWB Robert Keeton, Marshall; WB Henry Garcia, Chaplain. Members of OES Chapter #30, Osceola, provided refreshments.
• Several members of Mt. Zion Lodge volunteered to help build a house for Habitat for Humanity. They gathered and began construction on September 15. Secretary Jerry L. Marsh, Junior Warden Lenny Eagleman, Jeremy Barnes, Jermiah Jones, Ernie Reneger, Jim McKee, Senior Warden Mike Topliff, Bob Gosnell, Dustin Anderson, Dan Hatley and Paul Bolander all assisted with the effort. • Union Masonic Lodge #593, held a blood drive on July 28, 2012, at the Lodge Hall. Twenty-two donors were present during the blood drive and 16 productive units were collected. Five of the donors were first-time donors. These 16 units may serve 48 individuals as the units can be divided into red blood cells, plasma, and/or platelets. Union Masonic Lodge has already started planning for the next blood drive. • On August 11, Swope Park Lodge held its tenth Missouri Child Identification Program (MoCHIP) event, during the annual Three Trails Day celebration at Hickman Mills Junior High School. One hundred six children were processed, adding to the 150,000 children processed statewide since the program began six years ago. The event was headed by Brother Brad Fowler, Regional Coordinator and WB Charles Farris, Lodge Coordinator. Volunteers from the Swope Park Masonic Temple included 10 Lodge Brothers, representatives of the Eastern Star Chapter, Job’s Daughters, DeMolay Chapter and Swope Park York Rite Bodies. Several A+ students from Ruskin High School were also present and assisted. All of these volunteers allowed for the efficient and timely handling of the large crowd. This was the fourth MoCHIP event held at the Three Trails Day celebration. • On Wednesday August 8, 2012, Pride of the West Lodge #179 in St. Charles held its annual installation of officers. Participants were Jim Bischoff, Junior Deacon; WB Jim Wion, Junior Warden; WB Bill Dickey, Marshall; Mike Klecz, Senior Deacon; WB Scott Schultz, Worshipful Master; Rob Heady, Treasurer; WB Jay Underdown, Tyler (and Installing Marshall); WB Dave Larkin, Senior Warden; RWB Tom Hamlett, Chaplain (and Installing Master); RWB Bruce Hubbard, Senior Steward; RWB Albert “Doc” Howe, Junior Steward; WB Frank Davis, Secretary; and RWB Al McMichael, Installing Chaplain. Pride of the West Lodge #179 is a daylight Lodge that meets on the second Wednesday of every month (dark January and February), with breakfast at 9:00AM and Lodge opening at 10:00AM.
the missouri freemason
Woodside Lodge #387 presented Judge Ray Lee Caskey with his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri, during an open installation of officers ceremony on July 7, 2012. Brother Caskey received his Master Mason degree on June 9, 1962. RWB Wayne Calhoun officiated and Brother Caskey's wife Jeri presented his pin.
On Monday, August 6, 2012, Willard Lodge #620 presented WB Charles W. Stiver with his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. RWB Randall Jones officiated. WB Thomas Beason is shown presenting the pin, assisted by RWB Don Haden.
On November 17, 2011, MWB Jimmy D. Lee presented Tom Jerry Allen his 65-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Brother Allen is 93 years old but still took the opportunity to attend Lodge to receive this award. We are very proud to celebrate the longevity of all our 50plus year members, especially this one, at Henderson Lodge #477 in Rogersville.
John Kozlowski of Dangerfield Texas, formerly of Hermann Lodge #123, was presented his 50-year pin at Oasis Lodge #79 in Dangerfield. Pictured (left to right) are John Kozlowski, Hazel Kozlowski, and Brother Ross Dickson.
Following a family night dinner at Alpha Lodge #659, North Kansas City, WB Wayne Croy (PM, 1971) and Brother Billy Sullivan retired to the Lodge room to receive their 50-year pins and certificates. WB Allen Moss, Master, presented the pins. Pictured left to right are WB Wayne Croy, WB Allen Moss and Billy Sullivan. RWB Larry Moss, Past DDGM, conducted the ceremony.
On August 1, 2012, at a closed meeting of Rolla Lodge #213, WB Jim Kittle presented Lee Malone with his 50-year certificate and pin from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Pictured (left to right): WB Jim Kittle and Brother Lee Malone.
Brother Kinneth E. York of Richland Lodge #385 has received his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Worshipful Brother Gerald Hill made the presentation on behalf of Richland Lodge #385 on September 26, 2012.
the missouri freemason
Clay Lodge presented Worshipful Brother Jimmy Logston his 50‑year pin on July 16, 2012. Brother Logston was initiated in 1961 and served as Master of Clay Lodge in 1969. He attended Lodge for 10 straight years from 1962 to 72 without missing once.
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Branson Masonic Lodge #587 had the honor of presenting Brother Arthur E. Bergold his 50-year jewel on Monday October 1, 2102, at its regular stated meeting. WB Kevin Weibe made the presentation and Brother Bergold's Daughter Kathy pinned the jewel on her father's coat collar.
On August 28, 2012, Jack Hearrold (left) and Mike Miller (right) presented Paul Poteet with his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. WB Hearrold, Past Master of the Lodge, presented the awards at the Poteet residence. All three men are members of Censer Lodge #172 in Macon.
Sunday September 2, 2012, Hebron Lodge #354, Mexico, Missouri, presented a 50-year pin and certificate to Ronald Barnes. Pictured left to right, front row: Norma Barnes, who pinned her husband, Ronald Barnes and WB Randall Barnes, son of Ronald and Norma. Back row: WB Jared Barnes, grandson, who made the presentation, and Wayde Barnes, son of the Barnes.
Vandalia Masonic Lodge #491 presented Garland Strother his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri on June 19. Brother Strother's son, Rusty, and grandson, Logan, made the presentation. Brother Strother was initiated November 20, 1961. Refreshments followed the meeting with several other fifty year members in attendance. Pictured (left to right): Brothers Garland Strother, Rusty Strother and Logan Strother.
Greenville Lodge #107, AF&AM, presented WB Bernard O. "Bernie" Marlow of Silva, Missouri, (third from Left) his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri on June 7. Brother Marlow received his degrees in Overland Lodge #163 in St. Louis in 1962. He later served as Worshipful Master of that Lodge. He transferred his membership to Greenville in 2005. RWB Dean Cruddington of Grandin performed the ceremony. Pictured (left to right) are RWB Cruddington, WB Keith Marlow (Bernard's son), WB Marlow and WB Ted Marlow (Bernard's brother).
For the second time in six months, Schell City Lodge #448, Schell City, Missouri, honored a Brother who had attained 65 years of membership. At a special meeting on February 25, 2012, Brother Clarence Luther was honored for his 65 years of membership and service to the Masonic Order. The luncheon and presentation were attended by MWB John Hess, many of the Grand Lodge officers, a large group of friends and family and many Brothers from the District. Pictured are: front row: the recipient's son Carl Luther, Mrs. Clarence Luther, Clarence Luther, Grand Master John Hess, recent 65-year member recipient John G. Lewis and his wife, Frances; back row: DDGM Eddie Belcher, Senior Grand Marshal Stanton T. Brown II, Grand Pursuivant Thomas Truman and Grand Orator Freeman Stanfill.
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Gary Crockett, Past Master of Alpha Lodge #659, received his 50-year pin on July 9, 2012. Pictured left to right are RWB Larry Moss, Master, his granddaughter Clarissa Carver, WB Gary Crockett, his Daughter Julie Carver and her husband Dan. RWB Larry Moss, Worshipful Master and Past DDGM, performed the ceremony.
Worshipful Brother Bobby Grisham received his 50-year pin and certificate during a ceremony held prior to the opening of Robert Burns Lodge #496 on July 19, 2012. RWB Wayne Calhoun, DDGM of the 42nd Masonic District of Missouri, conducted the ceremony. RWB Royce Wheeler, DDGL of the 42nd District, read Brother Grisham’s Masonic record. Jerry Kiger, Worshipful Master of Robert Burns Lodge, performed the duties of Senior Deacon during the ceremony. Brother Grisham’s wife, Imogene, affixed the 50-year pin to his shirt. Thirty-three people attended the ceremony, including Master Masons from all three of the Ozark County Lodges, as well as two Master Masons from Yellville, Arkansas
Fellowship Lodge had the great honor of presenting Brother James Koonce his 50-year certificate and pin at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Lodge on Thursday, September 27. RWB James Hardy (conducting the ceremony), presented Brother Koonce with his 50-year certificate and commemorative pin recognizing his milestone accomplishment. Pictured (left to right) are RWB Hardy, Brother Koonce and his wife, Carolyn.
ThE mIssouRI fREEmasoN
On August 2, 2012, Laclede Lodge held a 50-year ceremony for Joe Bob Graven. There were 25 members present for the occasion. Brother Graven was Initiated on April 13, 1957 in Competition Lodge #432, Passed to Fellowcraft on April 5, 1958 and Raised to Master Mason on July 21, 1962. He affiliated with Laclede Lodge #83 in 1982, when Competition Lodge #432 merged with Laclede Lodge #83. Pictured from left to right are Barbara Graven (who pinned the lapel pin on her husband), Brother Joe Bob Graven (standing next to her), WM Bradley Thomas Hicks and DDGM Michael Edward Day of the 30th Masonic District.
Fellowship Lodge had the great honor of presenting Gerald Keller his 50year certificate and pin at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Lodge on Thursday, September 27. RWB James Hardy (conducting the ceremony), presented Brother Keller with his 50-year certificate and commemorative pin recognizing his milestone accomplishment. Pictured (left to right) are Brother Keller’s wife Jeanie, Brother Keller and RWB Hardy .
On May 3, 2012, at a special dinner meeting of Harold O. Grauel Lodge #672, Cape Girardeau, Brother Henry Shipp received his 50-year pin. RWB John Crites made the presentation with Brother Shipp’s wife Norma and many of his friends and Lodge Brethren in attendance.
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POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.
let us Sing Our Opening Ode Dr. E. Otha Wingo, PDDGl 38, FMlR otha.wingo@gmail.com
I was making an official visit at a Lodge in my district, which shall remain unnamed, when the opening ritual arrived at “Brethren, let us sing our opening ode.” Then the Master said, “We’re going to skip the opening ode.” Since I was present to evaluate the ritual, it was my duty to point out that the Opening Ode is a part of the ritual for opening a Lodge (and of course the Closing Ode is required as part of the closing). Privately I discussed this with the Master, who said they didn’t have a musician and their singing was terrible. My response was: You can “forget” the Opening Ode, but you cannot omit it! [I won’t even mention the too frequent practice in Lodges of “forgetting” to open on all three degrees.] In the Grand Lodge Proceedings for 1970 (pp. 91-92), the following item appears: The [Ritual] Committee was requested to consider the advisability of deleting the “opening and closing odes” from the ritual. We are fully aware that many Lodge meetings are opened and closed without any singing. The common excuse being, “We Can’t Sing.” The omission of these odes was discussed at a number of meetings in various parts
of the state previous to the meeting of this Committee. After a lengthy discussion in which we tried to evaluate the effect of making a change, your Committee agrees that to make one change in our ritual would be an inducement for others to try to make other changes. No two Brethren seem to have the same idea as to what should be changed. No change should ever be made in the ritual until it has been proven worthy and has the approval of all the Brethren. It is the unanimous opinion of this Committee that no change should be made in the opening and closing ceremonies. The Opening Ode for Lodges in Missouri has been “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” (America) as long as I have been a member (since 1966), but I have not discovered when it was approved by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The Masonic Manual of Missouri (1952) indicates “Opening Ode. (Any approved Opening Ode.).” The Baltimore Masonic Convention of 1843 (summarized in From Mouth to Ear: The Genealogy of Our Missouri Ritual [1936], by Henry C. Chiles, and fully reported in The Masonic Trestle-Board [1843] by Charles W. Moore and our own Stephen W. B. Carnegy) attempted to establish
a uniform ritual, but the official report does not stipulate a specific Opening Ode. Thomas Smith Webb’s The Freemason’s Monitor or Illustrations of Masonry (1797) states: “Any of the Odes used in conferring the three symbolical degrees, are appropriate to be sung in opening the Lodge.” Webb’s book and an undated Masonic Manual of Missouri included an ode written by Thomas Powers, “Come, Brothers of the Craft, unite.” The New Masonic Music Manual, by William H. Janes (1898) includes five opening odes, with stanzas for use at the closing, e.g., “Glad Hearts to Thee We Bring” to the tune of America. The Standard Masonic Monitor (1878), by George E. Simons provides an opening ode, “Within our temple met again” (Dundee). Samuel Francis Smith (1808-1895) was a Baptist minister, author, foreign language expert, and editor. As a student at Andover (MA) Theological Seminary (1830-1832) and later at Harvard, he was a translator for fifteen languages. In his last year at Andover, he was translating for famed organist and composer Lowell Mason (1792-1872) some lyrics of some German school Continued on page 12