Volume 58 No. 2 SPRING 2013 Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M.
Know What You Are Doing . . . “If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple: Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.” ~Oklahoma Mason, Will Rogers. Several months into serving you as Grand Master I still worry that I am not worthy of the position and will let you and history decide whether or not I knew what I was doing, but two out of three is not bad! I have really loved serving you as Grand Master these past few months traveling the state of Missouri, enjoying fun, food and fellowship with Missouri Masons. And my Brothers, I certainly believe in Freemasonry and the good things that are happening in our Lodges across Missouri. If you missed attending one of the seven Grand Lodge Area Meetings, you missed out on a wonderful opportunity to share your vision for the future of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The main focus of the meetings was the roundtable discussions where the Brethren came together to share their ideas and concepts for a better Grand Lodge. Attendees were asked to give additional input on results from the surveys on six different areas: 1) How can we improve the experience a member has, from the very first contact he has with the organization, through his initiatory and education experience, to his on-going participation in Lodge activities and functions? 2) How do we improve how we educate our members about what it is to be a Freemason? 3) How do we improve the effectiveness and operation of the organization, from the Lodge level up to the Grand Lodge? 4) How do we spread what Freemasonry is, within the organization, and to those in the community and world? 5) How do we best serve the communities that we are in and by what methods and programs? And finally, 6) What other ideas do you have to improve the fraternity? The Grand Lodge officers acted as scribes and collected many great ideas from the Brethren. The Long Range Planning committee is now charged with condensing and collating these ideas into a mission statement and focus areas for the upcoming years. I wish to thank the many Brethren who attended one of these meetings and gave their input and I also thank the Lodges and temples that hosted the meetings. Your Grand Lodge has been working hard, putting a public face on Missouri Masonry. Four of our Lodges, Memphis #16, Willard #620, Weston #53, and ON THE COVER: The Grand Lodge of Missouri’s Square & Compass Courtyard, one of nature’s concealed recesses. Committee on Masonic Publications David W. Haywood, Senior Grand Warden C. Brent Stewart , Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-558-0436 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be e-mailed to editor@momason.org, not later than the first day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November.
30 Spring 2013
Crestwood-Anchor #443, celebrated significant anniversaries in their history with Dedication Ceremonies, renewing their relationship and commitment to their local communities. Our Lodges are not building many new facilities these days, so this is a ceremony that most of our Brethren (and the public) have not seen. Several more public events are scheduled over the next few months — watch the calendar on the Grand Lodge website (www.momason.org) for times and locations. I encourage you to contact me or your Grand Lodge office if your Lodge has an upcoming event in which your Grand Lodge officers could participate. At this writing, your Grand Lodge officers are busy working with the Grand Lodge of Kansas to finalize plans for the upcoming Conference of Grand Masters of North America. The conference agenda is set and some interesting sessions are planned. One breakout session of particular interest deals with Warden’s Training. Two jurisdictions, Texas and New Jersey, will share with us about their programs that are designed to help Wardens prepare for their journey to the East. The need for additional training and education for our Wardens was a topic often mentioned at the 2012 Grand Lodge Area Meetings. Continuing a tradition established a few years ago, there will be a Grand Master’s Chance-to-Advance class held on Saturday, May 11, 2013. The GM C-2-A class will be held in Booneville, Missouri, this year due to the opening of the Lodge of Research Library in the space used for previous C-2-As in the Masonic Complex. I want to thank Cooper Lodge #36 members for their willingness to host this event. If your Lodge wishes to have members participate, please contact the Grand Lodge office. I will close with a quote from another famous Mason, Red Skelton – “All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner!” I look forward to seeing you in Lodge. Fraternally,
David L. Ramsey Grand Master
Submit articles to:
editor@momason.org Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. office of publicationS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. postmaster: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535.
subscriptions: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $12.00 annually. permission to reprint: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. change of address (Important): Whenever a member changes his mailing address without notifying his Lodge Secretary and a mailing of the Freemason magazine occurs, the Post Office charges the Grand Lodge 75¢ per undeliverable Freemason. please, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change so that the Grand Lodge can then be notified. GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI grand lodge of missouri internet addresses E-Mail to the Grand Lodge Office grlodge@momason.org The Grand Lodge web page www.momason.orgPhone: 573-474-8561
the missouri freemason
the missouri freemason
vol. 58 no. 2
Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri SPRING 2013 Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications
contents 32 Grand Master's Conference Meets in Kansas City 32 Missouri Masons Honor Soldiers Returning for the Holidays 33 Prince Hall Lodges, Sikeston Join Together for a Second Degree Ceremony 33 Missouri Freemason Deadlines 34 What is Evil 34 Mountain View, Woodside Lodges Host MoCHIP Program 35 Membership Survey Process Continues 35 Jefferson Lodge Celebrates Its Heritage 35 Masons Assist Mountain View School 36 The Content of their Character 37 Letter from Clifton Truman Daniel 37 Alton G. Roundtree Presentation 38 Missouri DeMolay 39 Job's Daughters 40 Rainbow Girls 41 Masonic Home of Missouri — Being Good is Commendable, Doing Good is Admirable 41 Invest on Our Masonic Future 42 Leaves of Autumn Masonic Home Golf Outing 43 Regional Grand Lecturers 2012‑2013 44 Grand Lodge Officers 2012‑2013 45 District Deputy Grand Lecturers 46 District Deputy Grand Masters 47 The Work of our Craft 53 Masonic Service Awards
On the cover:
The Grand Lodge of Missouri's Square & Compass Courtyatrd, one of nature's concealed recesses.
From The Editor’s Keyboard We recently had some family business to take care of, so my wife's cousin, let's call him "John," and his wife, let's call her "Mary," arranged for us to meet in a conference room in their church. After our clan finished its business John and Mary gave us a tour. The building had burned down a few years prior and everything was bright, shiny and new. We all oohed, aahed and gawked. Then we went outside and I saw something I had missed on the way in... the cornerstone. It was a large, beautiful marble slab and you know what was prominently carved in it, don't you? You got that right... it was an elaborate square and compasses. "Oh, look," I announced to the crowd, "the Freemasons dedicated the building." "I know," squealed Mary, "Isn't that weird?" Weird. The word echoed through my brain like it had exploded from my 1970s quadraphonic speakers playing one of those old reverberating radio stations. Weird. Are we weird? I mean, I know there are people who think Masons are weird, but they're usually the types I think are weird, right backacha. But I don't think Mary is weird. She's part of a mainstream Christian church that I always thought was pretty open-minded and tolerant. Not weird. What's more, on the way in I had seen what I presume to be a parishioner's car with a Shriner's emblem on it. Is he weird... the church pariah, perhaps? I doubt it. And besides, if Mary was espousing the viewpoint of her church, why on earth did the members decide to have the Masons dedicate it? I can't believe that's the case at all, so I have to believe that collectively, the church members hold Freemasons in high enough regard to invite them to lay the church cornerstone. So, this must be something Mary has individually picked up. Well, she's not alone, is she? Freemasons are weird? Are the men (and women) who support the Shriner's hospitals weird? Are the people who support dozens of other charities like the Knight Templar Eye Foundation and Scottish Rite Clinics weird? George Washington... was he weird? Omar Bradley? Clark Gable? Will Rogers? Thurgood Marshall? Richard Dreyfuss? Fifteen US Presidents? Peter Marshall? What mainstream Protestant thinks Peter Marshall was weird? How about the founders of the Mayo Clinic? Is the Fraternity whose Lodges served as an early model for democracy weird? Were many of the leaders of the American Revolution weird? The very first organization to break down class barriers, declaring everyone in Lodge to be equal? Or the Lodges in Belgium that first put forth the shocking idea that women are equal to men? How weird is the first organization known to promote worker's rights? Guess where many of those "weird" leaders in medicine, education, the arts, literature, music and architecture came from. I'll admit there are some Freemasons who have done some weird things. In fact, I'm writing a book about them. However, for every Freemason who did something a bit offbeat, I'll bet I can come up with a hundred non Masons who were more weird. Mary's opinion about our fraternity wasn't the first time I had heard that and it won't be the last. Still, it perplexes me. Maybe I'm just a little... well... weird. Thanks to the Masonic Service Association, whose new pamphlet, "What Has Masonry Done For The World," served as a reference for this article.
Steve Harrison, Editor
the missouri freemason Spring 2013 31
Grand Master's Conference Meets in Kansas City Grand Masters from the United States, its territories, Can- 2002, is the Conference's Executive Secretary/Treasurer. The Associations and Committees of the Conference, ada, Mexico and visiting jurisdictions from around the world convene in Kansas City this month for the annual meeting which will address relevant issues facing the Fraternity at the Conference are: the Child Idenof the Conference of Grand Masters in tification Program (CHIP), CommisNorth America. This group represents sion on Information for Recognition, the largest gathering of Grand Masters in George Washington National Masonic the world. Memorial Association, Masonic ReThe Conference is a voluntary meetnewal Committee, Masonic Service Asing of the leaders of Freemasonry, prosociation of North America (MSANA) viding an opportunity for the members and the National Masonic Foundation of the various jurisdictions to interact for Children. and learn how others approach the issues The Conference plans several social facing the Fraternity. events as well as tours of many of the This year the Grand Lodge of Misarea's attractions. It has also planned souri and the neighboring Grand Lodge Grand Master Dave Ramsey and Grand of Kansas will co-host the gathering, Secretary Ron Miller join the Grand Master a full ladies program. The Council of which meets February 17-19 at the and Grand Secretary from Kansas to serve Grand Secretaries has also planned sevhosts for this month's Conference of eral events on its own to address issues Sheraton Kansas City, Crown Center as Grand Masters in North America. specifically facing the secretaries of Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. Missouri's Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother David L. the individual jurisdictions, as Ramsey, along with the Grand Master of Kansas, Most Wor- well as a Kansas City BBQ at shipful Brother Don Newman, will serve as host Grand Mas- Independence Lodge #76 and ters. The Grand Secretaries of Missouri and Kansas, Right a tour of the Truman Library. Worshipful Brothers Ronald D. Miller and Tracy Bloom will The event culminates on Tuesserve as the host Grand Secretaries. RWB Miller is a Past day evening, February 19, with President of the Conference of Grand Secretaries of North receptions hosted by the Grand America, which meets in conjunction with the Conference of Masters and the Masonic SerGrand Masters. In addition, Most Worshipful Brother Glen vice Association, followed by a E. Means, who served as Grand Master of Missouri in 2001- grand banquet.
Missouri Masons Honor Soldiers Returning for the Holidays By WB Randy Davis Officially known as Holiday Block Leave, what we have called Troop Migration happens every year around Christmas time in December as the soldiers that are in training at Fort Leonard Wood are sent home to enjoy being with their families for a couple of weeks before reporting back. While the USO has been doing an excellent job of providing aid and comfort for all soldiers that move in and out of Lambert Airport during most of the year, the holidays, and especially the Troop Migration, puts a huge load on any kind of support system. In the past, some 8,000 to 9,000 soldiers moved through Lambert Airport on one day. 32 Spring 2013
About two years ago, Garrey Keathley, of MagnoliaEuclid Lodge started something special. He and several members of his Lodge went to the airport to shake the hands and thank all the soldiers that were there. The following year, Garrey put out the word to all the Lodges in the 27th Masonic District of Missouri that they were welcome to come and join them in talking to the soldiers. Polar Star - Rose Hill Lodge #79 and Saint Louis Missouri Lodge #1 joined these efforts last year. Not only did we go around thanking these soldiers, but we also brought along doughnuts and pastries.
See Soldiers, next page … the missouri freemason
Prince Hall Lodges, Sikeston Join Together for a Second Degree Ceremony The town of Sikeston was established in the 1860s in the state of Missouri’s Bootheel area. Throughout many years of growth and the occasional setback this small town managed to survive and become one of the staple cities in Southeast Missouri. Prince Hall Masonry has existed in this part of the state since the 1860s as well; however, there have been little to no relations between the Black (Prince Hall Masons F&AM) and the predominately Caucasian (AF&AM Masons). The two organizations during the early 2000s, on the Grand Lodge level in the state of Missouri, began to come together in the true spirit of Brotherly Love. Over the years that spirit has begun to spread throughout the state. On November 10, 2012, the 6th Prince Hall Masonic District F&AM (Peaceful Lodge #181 of Sikeston, Wardell Lodge #157 of Wardell, Goldstar Lodge #168 of Poplar Bluff,
Harmony Lodge #40 of Cape Girardeau, and Claude F. Wise Lodge #171 of St. Louis) held a Second Degree at Sikeston Masonic Lodge #310, AF&AM. Brothers Fred Neal, Wilma J. Bonner Jr., Ed Pavey, Lorenzo M. Ware Sr. and Harold Nabors worked diligently to build a bridge of light that will shine for generations between these two organizations on a local level. It was a proud moment for all involved as a valley of separation established long before all of the participants were born was bridged for all to see. We look forward to a long and continued working relationship with our Brothers, strengthening our organizations, while portraying shining examples to our community and humbly demonstrating those Masonic virtues we so dearly treasure of friendship, morality, and Brotherly Love. Editor's note: The accompanying picture was modified slightly to compensate for backlighting. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Soldiers, from previous page … Garrey has continued to marshal the efforts of the 27th Masonic District in talking to, thanking, and shaking the hands of many of these soldiers. This year, the group of Freemasons that were present included Magnolia Euclid Lodge #626, Polar Star - Rose Hill Lodge #79, Webster Groves Lodge #84, George Washington Lodge #9, and Saint Louis Missouri Lodge #1. This year, we had donations of 40 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts from Magnolia-Euclid Lodge #626, ten dozen pieces of fruit from Algabil-Freedom Lodge #636, 600 snack bags from Centric Group, 2,000 homemade Christmas cards from local elementary school students, $400 in Starbucks Gift Cards from Saint Louis Missouri Lodge #1, and $500 in Starbucks Gift Cards from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Most of the Masons showed up at Lambert Airport between 3:30 AM and 4:00 AM on December 20. We hastily took stock of what we had and started out taking around the doughnuts, fruit and Christmas cards. As we thanked many
soldiers they offered their appreciation. This year, due to Fort Leonard Wood allowing families to pick up soldiers from the Fort, there were only about 4,000 to 5,000 soldiers at the airport. In addition, many of the soldiers that arrived early were already past security checkpoints by 4 AM, so the airport did not have the same shoulder-to-shoulder, squeeze-to-get-past feeling that it did for the last two years. However, we were able to get some snacks and lots of the Christmas cards past the checkpoints to many of those soldiers as well. There were weather problems that delayed and canceled flights throughout the midday and afternoon. Saint Louis Missouri #1 took the afternoon shift, came through the airport and talked to many of the soldiers that were still waiting to go home. In all, it was considered a very successful effort. Our primary purpose was to make sure that our soldiers knew they have a huge group of supporters here.
✮ Missouri Freemason Deadlines ✮ Summer, 2013 April 1, 2013 Fall, 2013 July 1, 2013\
Winter, 2013 October 1, 2013 Spring, 2014 January 3, 2014
Email all articles and pictures! the missouri freemason Spring 2013 33
What is Evil? By Sam L. Land, LEO, 32°, KT It is my personal belief that the best definition of the word cold is "lacking heat." I believe that cold is the natural state of things in nature. I also believe that the best definition of the word darkness is "lacking light." Nature is the best way to understand most things as Nature is the creation of the Great Architect of the Universe and a result of His perfection in creation. The universe as we know it is both dark and cold. It is cold unless there is a source of heat and it is dark unless there is a source of light. We in Masonry say time after time that to make a better man it is necessary to bring him from darkness to light. Darkness seems to be the natural state of man if he must be brought to light to be better. We live in a world filled with opposites. Anyone can think of a couple of dozen opposites if given the chance. What is more difficult is deciding what that means. We spend years learning and deciding what we feel is the correct direction for our lives. Will we tell the truth or will we lie; will we love or hate. While our environment plays a part in these decisions they are still, in fact, our decisions. The most important idea to hold on to is that God is always in perfect balance; He loves but not too much nor too little. He forgives but not without punishment. He provides for what we need but allows us to do thing our own way. God is always in perfect balance. He created an environment that was just perfect in the Garden of Eden where we could play to our hearts content enjoying the perfect weather, eating the perfect
food, drinking the pure water, and having a perfect relationship with God. He also wanted us to have free will to chose our actions and make our own decisions. To this end He gave us the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If He had not given us that tree, we would not have been doing what we wanted to do but what He wanted us to do. His love for us was so great that he gave us that choice. We chose wrong. Up to this point in time we did not have to make decisions. Things were not right or wrong, hot or cold, bad or good; as "baby bear" would have said, "They were just right." Instead of acknowledging our great gift of perfection, we chose to learn; to know for ourselves. The tree gave us the ability to know that we did not know. Knowledge cannot be taken back. Once you know something you know it forever. That was why we had to leave Eden; we took a step away from God and decided against perfection and for knowledge. It was a one way decision. In that one instant of time all the opposites of our world came in to being. That step, that decision, that action, we decided to call evil (sin) and believe that it made us inferior beings, needing salvation for our crime of passion. Over time we have managed to step; farther and farther away from God and His truths and attempted to create a world that would recreate Eden for us. We created a material world full of things we thought would make us happy and, in so doing, created the need to collect as many of the things as we could in what See Evil, page 43 …
Mountain View, Woodside Lodges Host MoCHIP Program What do you have when you've got a bunch of kids, parents, community volunteers, and Masons together... a potential success story. December 1, Mountain View Elementary School hosted a child protection registration. This event was sponsored by the Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation, Mountain View Lodge #637 and Woodside Lodge #387 at Thomasville. Eighty-four children received a mini CD that contained their basic personal information, a digital photo, set of digital fingerprints, a sealed dental plate and a pair of identification cards. These were given to the parents free of charge and the packet was set up to be compatible with the Amber Alert System. All information was given to the parents and nothing was kept by the processors except the signed permission slips. Almost as amazing as processing so many children in a mere four hours was the response of local volunteers to help when called upon. Sixty-seven people gave up part of their Saturday in order to help out. Mountain View High School’s Junior Honor Society should be given a special “attaboy” for 34 Spring 2013
providing such a large group of enthusiastic young people to assist. Masons came from all over southern Missouri to help. The event had volunteers from Springfield, Summersville, West Plains, and Eminence to supplement the workers from Mountain View and Thomasville. And, of course, without the help and active participation of Loren Smith, the principal of Mountain View Elementary School, none of this could have been possible. The Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation has been conducting these free-of-charge registrations for seven years and has averaged 25,000 completed packets each year. Freemasons have always been known for their commitment to helping their communities and future events like this will continue to be available throughout the state. Mountain View’s Ancient Free and Accepted Masons Lodge #637 greatly enjoyed providing this service to its local parents. The Lodge is dedicated to the growth, betterment, and safety of Mountain View that has been its home for over 98 years. the missouri freemason
Membership Survey Process Continues
Grand Master David Ramsey is continuing the Membership Survey Process that was started last year to provide the membership's input into the development of the fraternity's long range plan. Through last years survey, we identified the top five issues in each of the topics that we provided. This year, the survey is looking to find the best ideas on how we should implement these top issues. Starting February 1, 2013 and running through April 30, 2013 an online survey will be available for you to provide
your input into this valuable and important planning process. To access this survey, enter the following link in your web browser address field: bit.ly/UNC5Pm Paper versions of the survey will be available online on the Grand Lodge website momason.org and in the January Lodge Secretaries Packet to provide to those brothers who do not have online access and want to participate. Any questions? Contact the Grand Secretary’s office 877-B-A-MASON (877-226-2766) or e-Mail: grLodge@ momason.org
Jefferson Lodge Celebrates Its Heritage Thursday, November 8, 2012, was the occasion of the Hall. The top floor was removed before 1897. In 1889, the 171st Anniversary Dinner celebrating Jefferson Lodge #43 Lodge met on the third floor of the Merchant's Bank Buildchartering as a Lodge in the Grand Lodge of Missouri. A ing on the Southwest corner of Jefferson and High Street. The first building the Lodge purchased was the old Knolllocal artist, Carrie Carroll, recently donated a painting of the Lodge in memory of her grandfather, Brother George meyer Building at 318 East High, built in 1908, and first Tergin. With the addition of this painting the Lodge now has used as a Masonic Temple in 1916. It was used for more than 60 years. In the early years it was only used on the secpictures of its last five Masonic Lodges. ond floor for Lodge meetings. In later years Jefferson Lodge received the lower floor served as a dining room and a Document of Institution on reception lobby. It was sold in 1978 to the JefOctober 10, 1840. On Novemferson City Housing Authority and was razed ber 15, 1841, the Grand Lodge as a part of the city's urban renewal effort. of Missouri granted a charter. On November 4, 1978, a new building at Jefferson Lodge #43 ranks as 603 Ellis Boulevard was dedicated in conjuncthe sixth oldest Lodge in contion with the 137th Anniversary of the Lodge. tinuous operation in the Grand Lodge of Missouri. The very Grand Tiler Lawrence Don Haden, DDGM In 2006, the Lodge sold its land and building first meetings were held in Clifford R. Dobbins, Worshipful Master Michael to the YMCA of Jefferson City. The Lodge C. Rohman and Grand Master David L. Ramsey James Dunnica's tanning yard stand beside Carrie Carroll's painting of purchased land on Smith Place (renamed Manear the foot of Jefferson Jefferson Lodge #43, donated in memory of her sonic Court). Construction on the new Lodge began in May, 2007 and was completed May Street, close to the steamboat grandfather, Brother George Tergin. of 2008. All guests received a parchment copy of the original landing. For a time in the late 1870s and early 1880s the Lodge minutes from the October 20, 1840, meeting which was held met on the fourth floor of Bragg Hall, also known as City under dispensation for the establishment of the Lodge.
Masons Assist Mountain View School Winter is here and so are the extra expenses that come along with it. With the ever-growing demand on parents' pocketbooks these days, sometimes students have to do without. It is not the parents' fault; everyone can use a helping hand every now and then. For some students, that help came from Mindy Spurgin, the school's counselor at Mountain View's Liberty Middle School, who saw an opportunity to help and knew whom to call. She was able to identify several students who were in need of a few basic necessities. Not Xboxes or iPads, but clothing, jackets and shoes. After compiling a list of needed items, she sought out Mountain View Masonic Lodge #637 for help. The local Lodge has been active in the community for almost 100 years. It is comprised of local men who have made a personal commitment to the town and its citizens. The
Lodge's goal is to help good men to become better. And with that in mind, Mountain View contacted local business Al Church, Master of Mountain View Masonic owners as Lodge #637, presents a check to Mindy Spurgin, well as Lodge Liberty Middle School Counselor. members and raised the funds that were needed. Receiving thanks for the gift, Al Church, Master of the Lodge, said, "That's just what we do."
the missouri freemason Spring 2013 35
The Content of their Character By Randy Davis, Worshipful Master, Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79 "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." ~Martin Luther King, Jr. If there is ever an expression that brings home how we, as Freemasons, ought to act not only towards all Brothers, but with all humanity, this should be right up there. We are told in Lodge, "it is the internal and not the external qualifications of a man" and we were often taught as children to not judge a book by its cover. Where do we go from here? Dr. King's idea was that he did not want his children to be thought of as "black" children. And in his vision, he would not see my daughter as "Chinese." His point was that we should simply see them as children. When we apply this to Freemasons, we should not think of our Brothers as black, white, yellow, brown, red; but simply as Brothers. In our current society, this is actually hard work. Adjectives are words that are used to describe nouns. Positive and negative connotations abound, and can be used to a huge effect when trying to influence the opinions of others. When you take a noun such as "people," we will often use adjectives as labels. Those labels can become stereotypes and flags to how willing we are to look for their character content: black, white, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, male, female. We all do it. You probably did it too as I went through some of the adjectives in the previous paragraph. Sometimes we consciously do it, but most of the time it is in the subconscious of the mind. We don't realize that we're doing it. No, it is not fair, but it is human nature to seek out those who are similar to us in appearance and values; and to walk away from those who do not fit our own mold. So we paint those adjectives that we favor with a positive tone, while assigning a negative tone to those adjectives that do not match our personal views. The science of Freemasonry teaches us to be more than that. Most Worshipful David L. Ramsey has said that we should treat every Brother, and every potential Brother, with the type of respect that would be due to any Grand Master of some jurisdiction; because we do not know what the future brings. Do you know what lies in the meat of an unfamiliar book that is unopened and lies on the shelf? I wonder if we would go back to the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, to an honest realization of what genuine brotherhood in this fraternity of ours really means; if this would close the gap between where we are and where we should be. We are told that "Freemasonry unites men of every country, sect and opinion and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance." I count myself amongst the fortunate, because without having become involved in Freemasonry, I would have likely not encountered or made friends of the various men that I now know or hold dear now. We travel in differ36Â Â Spring 2013
ent social circles, different employments, and have different lifestyles. Yet, we come together under the banner of God and Freemasonry, and all is well. From all those things we hear in Lodge, things that we hear over and over again, we should actually listen and apply these things daily in our lives. We take these men that we see in Lodge, and we give them our attention and trust. We value them as our friends, companions, associates and neighbors. They are our Brothers, through thick and thin. Just to be with them, spending hours in their company, working side-by-side, it is just for the pleasure of doing so. It is not for any business use, networking, or making money, it is for the relationship with a man that you can count on as a friend and a Brother. These principles should extend further to the whole of the human family. When we see people different from ourselves, do we leave the smile unsmiled? Do we leave his hand unshaken? Do we leave the greeting unsaid? It goes back to that closed book. That book on the shelf might be a thin volume or it might be a somewhat thick tome. We see a title; but until we open the book and start examining the content, we don't know what we'll find. It might be a something that we'll treasure for the rest of our lives. But if it is never opened or examined we don't know what we will have missed. When we cross that river to the unknown country, we will come to a door. When we knock, will the door be opened? In our closing charge we are told to "Do good unto all." For surely the best way to overcome evil is to do good. Whether we want to or not, we exemplify the Fraternity when we do and say certain things. Not only in public, but also within the confines of those walls of the Lodge, we should watch our tongues. It is far too easy to tear down an edifice than to build or construct one. This is doubly so when we base our opinions solely on a label, stereotype, or some artificial construct. There is a way to make constructive criticism or comments, without purposefully destroying somebody's ego. This should especially be the case when we have a newer Brother or prospective Brother in our midst. Brother Albert Pike wrote in Morals and Dogma, "It is also the duty of Masonry to assist in elevating the moral and intellectual level of society; in coining knowledge; bringing ideas into circulation; and causing the mind of youth to grow; and in putting, gradually, by the teachings of axioms and the promulgation of positive loves, the human race in harmony with its destinies." Brethren, I also have a dream. I dream of a time when we will all be of the same mind to work, live, and refresh ourselves together. I dream that we as Freemasons are here to build a better way for those that are coming after us. I dream that Freemasons will help build bridges, so that we may go where we have not gone before. I dream that Freemasons will bring light to the shadows, so that we know that we are not alone. the missouri freemason
John W. Hess 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B Columbia, Missouri Dear MWB John, Please forgive my long delay in responding. I wanted to thank you and the Missouri Freemasons formally and say how happy I am to have been made an honorary Missouri Mason. As my grandfather might have said — and with respect to my Illinois Brothers — you’re as fine a group of fellas as can be found anywhere in these United States. I sincerely enjoyed my time with you all this fall and honored to have been asked to help dedicate the Lodge of Research library. Grandpa would certainly have appreciated your bringing that project to fruition in such great fashion. I look forward to the day I can spend more time with my brothers in Missouri. Until then, should you need my help for anything, I'm at your service. Fraternally,
Clifton Truman Daniel
Join us as Alton G. Roundtree shares fascinating stories regarding the history and development of Prince Hall Freemasonry. His presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Alton is, along with Paul M. Bessel, author of the bestseller and internationally acclaimed book, Out of the Shadows: The Emergence of Prince Hall Freemasonry in America (Over 225-years of Endurance). He is also author of The National Grand Lodge and Prince Hall Freemasonry: The Untold Truth. Alton is in the process of completing a book on the history of Prince Hall Freemasonry in the District of Columbia. He is also in the process of completing a book on the History of the Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters. When: Saturday, May 4, 2013 Where: Grand Lodge Complex, Columbia, Missouri Time: 12:00pm Price: $20 (Lunch and Lecture) Brethren, Ladies and Guests Welcome
Alton G. Roundtree is the President of KLR Publishing. He retired from the United States Air Force after a 20 year career. After retiring from the Air Force, he worked for the Mitre Corporation and Northrup Grumman.
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Master Mason Dustin Sanders New Missouri DeMolay State Master Councilor It was an amazing opportunity to recently be installed as State Master Councilor of Missouri DeMolay. Masonry has been a main facet of my life since joining DeMolay, and it is special to continue my endeavors in this organization. Since joining the Blue Lodge, I have always appreciated the dedication the Master Masons give to developing DeMolays, and truly providing the foundations of our future. The new State Officers have dedicated themselves to uphold the proud tradition of this Jurisdiction. The State Officers have many new events planned for the term, and I look forward to the Masonic involvement in these events. I can ensure you the State Officers will not waste the opportunity that has been given to them, and will do all they can to make this term outstanding. Throughout my time in DeMolay, Master Masons have provided the best Advisors and mentors to the members of DeMolay. Their selfless caring made my choice to join the Blue Lodge extremely simple. After seeing the profound affect Master Masons had on the youth of my community, I knew it was an organization I wanted to belong and give back to. The similarity I have seen between all Master Masons is their willingness to give back and their true care for others. Master Masons have proven to be the best advisors for DeMolay, and become the role models for our members. Their support allows DeMolay Chapters to function, and their members to develop the traits of leadership. Missouri DeMolay not only provides a solid foundation for a young man’s future, but also gets them excited about continuing
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their time in Masonry. Members of Missouri DeMolay have consistently joined the Masonic Lodge, and especially to the Lodges where their advisors belong. Not only have DeMolay members joined Lodge, but they have also become totally involved and leaders of their Lodges. Again, I would like to thank the Masonic Family of Missouri members for all they do for the youth organizations. This time and effort has had a great impact on my life, as well as countless young men throughout the state. Missouri DeMolay has many exciting events planned for the term, and I look forward to the continued support from the Master Masons of Missouri. Fraternally, Dustin Sanders State Master Councilor Missouri DeMolay
the missouri freemason
Hello Missouri Masons! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year! Missouri Job's Daughters have been busy promoting our Order and initiating new members. The Grand Bethel hosted a Family Trivia Night in October and raised approximately $1,000 to be split between my two charities, HIKE (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment) and the MakeA-Wish Foundation. We started off the New Year with new Officers in our Bethels and initiations around the state. Promotion is currently going on in Florissant, Missouri, to get Bethel #50 up and running again. If you know of any girls between the ages 8 to 19 that would be interested in joining there will be a promotional party held the first Saturday every month at Mizpah Mt. Moriah Temple. Our annual fun weekend "Mini Session" will be held March 16 and 17 at the Stonecastle Resort and Conference Center in Branson, Missouri. The weekend will have a Fairy Tale theme and there will be many Princesses on the loose and possibly some other fairy tale characters on the prowl too. We will also be seeing a Branson Show Saturday afternoon. Everyone will get the chance to be awed by the magic of Kirby VanBurch! On April 13, we will have our second annual Promotion Banquet at Andre's Banquet Hall from 7 – 11 PM. If you would like more information, contact Mom Judy Royce at jjordan0907@yahoo.com. Hope to see some of you there! Missouri Job's Daughters are excited to be hosting the annual Mid America HIKE the weekend of May 4. Each year we join with members from Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska for this fundraising event. This year the event will be in the Kansas City area. If you know of a child who could use help from HIKE, let us know and we will put the family in touch with the right people. On May 18, Bethel 19 will be hosting my reception at the Webster Groves Masonic Temple. The
Job's Daughters, DeMolay, and Rainbow Girls at Kirkwood DeMolay's Halloween Party.
Kaarin Hoogstraten, GBJP, Tiffany Hudson, GBHQ, and Amy Bush, GBSP, right before the Job's Daughters presentation at the Scottish Rite Reunion.
reception will be formal attire and a dinner and dance will follow. All are invited to attend! I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to let Missouri Masons know what the Job's Daughters are doing in the state. Please know that all Masons and their families are welcome and encouraged to attend these and all Job's Daughters events. I am looking forward to meeting and greeting you during my travels this year and remember – YOU ARE OUR HERITAGE. As always for more information please check out our website at www.missouriiojd.org and www.jobsdaughtersinternational.org or just ask! Live, Laugh, Love, Tiffany Hudson, Grand Bethel Honored Queen 2012-2013
On December 1, members of Job's Daughters Bethel #36 asked Santa to visit Samaritan Lodge #424 during their breakfast and take pictures with children who donated canned goods for the area food pantries, as the cost of the photo.
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Hello Missouri Masons! How has your 2013 been? Make any New Year Decisions … and kept to them? The picture of the beautiful girls are the 2012-2013 Grand Officers who were able to make it to the 1st ever Bi-State Initiation with Illinois Rainbow Girls. There were probably this many additional Missouri Rainbow Girls plus adults in the audience (Illinois probably had this many, too!). This Initiation was held at the Scottish Rite Temple in St. Louis. We practiced the night before, many stayed in the dorm at the Scottish Rite and then had a fabulous Initiation the next morning with over 20 new members (for Missouri and Illinois combined). My 2012 was amazing. I’ve shared some of it with you: The Grand Installation in June, my travel to Tennessee's Grand Assembly, our biennial Supreme Assembly (held in Grand Rapids, Michigan), Masonic Youth Day (thanks again!), Grand Worthy Advisor visits in Sarcoxie, Rolla and Centralia, Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter and our State Dean’s Reception in Lee’s Summit (you should have seen the books in trees!). The highlight, so far, would have to be that Bi-State Initiation! But, nearly sharing first place would have to be the days I was part of the “team” initiating and instituting two new Assemblies. Often, to get an Assembly started, much of the work is done by Masons (like you) who go way out on a limb to make the beginnings possible. We now have Poplar Bluff and Taneycomo Assemblies, bringing our count in Missouri to 23. Some of these Assemblies are quite strong… and some need more help from you and the other groups meeting in your Lodges and Temples (or meeting near your Lodge or Temple). Please make a phone call (drop a note, send an email) soon to the closest Mother Advisor (found at www.moiorg.org) and see what you can do to help — you may also contact our Supreme Inspector, Catherine Dent (khakid@aol.com 573-729-6590). I’m hoping my 2013 continues that amazing theme! I still have a Grand Worthy Advisor visit in Raytown, the
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DeMolay Knights Dance in Kansas City, Rainbow Sundays throughout the state, Grand Court, Oklahoma’s Grand Assembly, my reception in Wentzville, and more work to be done with the State Dean on our mutual State Service Project. I know I don’t need to tell most of you how much the Scottish Rite Speech and Language Clinics need volunteer time and donations. Missouri Rainbow Girls and Grand Cross Masters have exceeded collecting 1,000 books for their use — many of which have already been delivered to Clinics throughout Missouri. Our Rainbow Girls have also toured the Clinics, cleaned, asked questions and become advocates for this great project. If you can, please drop off a half dozen books at one of our Assemblies or “in our name” at your closest RiteCare Clinic — we’d appreciate your assistance greatly! Please mark your calendars and planners NOW! Missouri’s 87th Grand Assembly will be held in Springfield, Missouri. The 2013 Grand Opening Celebration is on June 30 at 3:00 PM (lining up distinguished guests at 2:15). Please bring your Masonic brothers, your wives, your family and your friends to witness this fun-filled and jaw-dropping event! You’ll see girls as young as 7 giving memory work that will blow your socks off! There will be dancing, outstanding scholarship presentations, a roomful of awards and so much more. If you’ve ever wondered about Rainbow (and just can’t get to a nearby Assembly) – we’ll be glad to show you!! If you’d like to attend more than our Opening Celebration during our Grand Assembly, please contact Tina Belfield (jastinafarm@marktwain.net 660-332-7602) who would be happy to answer your questions as to specific event dates and times. Missouri Rainbow wants to be seen … by MORE of the Masonic Family in 2013! Every Day IS a Celebration! Chelsea Thomason, Grand Worthy Advisor 2012-2013 State of Missouri International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
the missouri freemason
Corporate Offices 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A • Columbia, Missouri 65202 1-800-434-9804 ~ 573-814-4663 ~ 573-814-4660 (fax) www.hohome.org
Being Good is Commendable, Doing Good is Admirable "To assist eligible adults and children in need by practicing the principles of Freemasonry." The above lines are the mission statement of the Masonic Home of Missouri and nowhere is this better displayed than through our Outreach Programs. One of our programs has quickly become a 'favorite' with Lodges and Chapters, assisting over 25,400 children over the past nine years. The Creating-A-Partnership (CAP) Program is a matching funds program that creates a partnership between the Masonic Home and the Lodge or Chapters to assist children in their communities. Lodges and Chapters can work within their communities to identify a child, children or a project through schools or local community organizations. Once a need has been ascertained, the Lodge or Chapter must complete and submit an application and worksheet to the Masonic Home of Missouri for approval. The Lodge or Chapter can raise funds toward the need, with the Masonic Home of Missouri matching up to $2,500 per Lodge or Chapter each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Recipients of the CAP Project-Based funds must be 501 (c) (3) public charitable organizations, as defined by the IRS, or public entities, such as school districts. Matching funds must go toward the purchase of specific item(s) and cannot be used for general operating expenses. One Lodge that has successfully utilized this partnership with the Masonic Home of Missouri is Sullivan Lodge #69. The Lodge has participated in cooperative projects with area school districts in Crawford and Sullivan counties by purchasing necessary clothing items for children in need for several years. The Masonic Home Representative for Sullivan Lodge #69, Brother Bob Martin, explains, "My Lodge became interested in helping after observing students walking to school without coats, hats and gloves or wearing clothing that had seen better days. We knew there was a need in the community and we wanted to help." After speaking with
As part of its Creating-A-Partnership (CAP) program, the Masonic Home of Missouri recently made a generous donation to be used for needed clothing items for students of the Sullivan School District. Bob Martin (right), Masonic Home of Missouri representative and member of Sullivan Masonic Lodge #69, is pictured presenting a check for $596.21 to Dr. Matt Parker (left), Sullivan Middle School Principal, and Connie Juengel (center), Sullivan School District social worker.
school officials, the Lodge began to raise funds by holding monthly breakfast meetings at the Lodge and other fundraisers through their Square Club, which supports the Lodge's charitable activities. According to Connie Juengel, Sullivan School District Social Worker, the funds helped "all children in need by having a supply of socks, underwear and sweats in each nurse's office throughout the district." Ms. Juengel praised the Lodge members "for their continued support and recognition of children and families who have a need in our community. The Lodge is so easy to work with and to have this program that matches funds is incredible. We truly appreciate the Masonic Home of Missouri and Sullivan Lodge #69 for their generous gift to our district and children." The Creating-A-Partnership Program's application and worksheet are available on the Masonic Home of Missouri's website at http://mohome.org/CreatingAPartnership.html or can be mailed upon request. For questions regarding the application or qualifications of a project, contact Tisha Woodard at (800) 434-9804.
Invest in Our Masonic Future The Masonic Home of Missouri has been serving Missouri Master Masons, their wives or widows, ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star and children since 1889. Although our services have transitioned from ‘brick and mortar” buildings to our current Outreach Programs, our mission of providing for our Brethren and their families in need remains the same. By contributing to the Masonic Home of Missouri, you are making an investment in the needs of our Masonic family throughout the State of Missouri.
The Masonic Home of Missouri spends 100% of each unrestricted dollar given to the organization on direct assistance to our clients. However, donations alone do not cover the assistance provided. The remaining assistance, other program costs, and all administrative costs are paid for with investments and other income. Protecting our donor dollar and providing assistance to our clients is of utmost importance within our model of operations. A copy of our IRS Form 990 See Invest, next page …
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Save the Date Masonic Home announces changes to 2013 golf outing The Masonic Home of Missouri is excited to announce the 11th Annual ‘Leaves of Autumn’ Golf Tournament, a fundraiser that supports our Outreach Programs. The event will take place on Monday, October 7, 2013, at the Columbia Country Club in Columbia, Missouri. Through your participation and sponsorship of this event, the Masonic Home of Missouri has been able to raise funds to continue to support Missouri Master Masons, their wives, widows, female members of the Order of the Eastern Star and children throughout the State of Missouri. Last year, the Home spent $1,269,430.28 (does not include Creating-A-Partnership Program) in direct assistance to our Missouri Master Masons, wives, widows, female members of the Order of the Eastern Star and children through our Outreach Programs. This year’s event will see several changes, including a new course design, sponsorship level changes and a new raffle event. The cost for a 4-person team this year is $500/team
or $125/player. Due to the popularity of this event and size of the course, we only have 30 team spots available, so sign up early! Team or player registration forms are available on our website at https://mohome.org/ SpecialEvents.html. Team registrations must be received by August 1, 2013 and full payment for the team must be received by August 15, 2013. Payments can be made by mail to the Masonic Home of Missouri or PayPal. We also have sponsorship levels available for the golf outing this year which are slightly different from previous years. To become a sponsor, visit our website at https://mohome.org/ SpecialEvents.html and download a sponsorship form or request one to be mailed. Sponsorship forms and payments must be received by August 15, 2013. Questions regarding this important fundraising event can be directed to Julie Wiecken, Donor Relations Specialist, or Rhonda Stone Lightfoot, Membership Relations Specialist, at (800) 434-9804. Let’s be there ‘Fore’ our kids!
Invest, from previous page … and Annual Report are available on-line at http://mohome. org/Publications.html for all to see. Our annual assistance provided for the past year is also available on our website at http://mohome.org/region-map. html. Without the financial support of our donors, we would have to limit our services. There are many ways to support the Masonic Home of Missouri. Making a cash donation, the most popular form of giving because of its simplicity can be done by either mailing the donation to the Home, by telephone or by our new secure donation webpage at http://mohome.org/Donatemain.html. You may choose to join the Truman Club, an elite group of donors who have made an annual commitment to support the Masonic Home of Missouri and who receive special recognition. For more information on joining the Truman Club, visit our website at http://mohome.org/Donate-2.html. We also offer a way to make a lasting impression through support of our Square & Compass Courtyard (see cover). Personalize a stone for yourself, a family member, your Lodge/Chapter, or someone close to you. Information on our beautiful Square & Compass Courtyard can be found on our website at http://mohome.org/SquareCompass.html. The Masonic Home of Missouri also accepts planned or deferred gifting opportunities through your will or designating the Home as a beneficiary of an insurance policy.
If financial donation is not available to you at this time, consider giving the donation of your time to the Home. Supporting, educating, volunteering, referring, and helping us get the word out about our services are just a few of the ways you can support the Missouri Outreach Programs. We are always looking for enthusiastic people who want to make a difference in other people’s lives. We have many opportunities for you to become involved in our mission and programs. Our volunteers assist us by preparing for mailing to our Masons, widows and families. We also offer opportunities for our volunteers to help us with organizing luncheons, trainings, and fundraisers in their areas. No one knows better about the best meeting locations than the people who live in that area. There are many ways for you to become involved in the programs we offer. To find out how you can make a difference, contact us at (800) 434-9804 or visit our website at www. mohome.org.
42 Spring 2013
Make a Difference, Become Involved, and Invest in Our Masonic Future.
the missouri freemason
greatly expanded in Nichomachean Ethics VIII & IX. There are three types of friendship (philia), based on the object of one’s affections: goodness (agathon or arete/ virtue), pleasure, and usefulness. Friendship based on pleasure (what is pleasing to you) and usefulness (what’s in it for me?) depends on a fairly self-centered evaluation of each other. Friendship based on character — that is, disinterested friendship, i.e., unbiased by personal interest or advantage, or selfish motives, vera amicitia (true friendship) or amicitia perfecta (unconditional friendship) — is formed by valuing another individual’s character as good in and of itself (“bearing a tongue of good report”). The focus is on the other person, not on oneself. Those who are friends for the sake of virtue love and admire each other as “good friends and true,” and can therefore reliably enjoy the pleasure and fulfillment in each other’s company based on these virtues. James Monroe (1758-1831), the last president who was a Founding Father of the United States, during one of two goodwill tours in the summer of 1817 after becoming the fifth U.S. President, spoke to the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati concerning valiant patriotic defenders of the country: “May they cultivate the same manly patriotism, the same disinterested friendship, and the same political integrity which has distinguished you, and thus united in perpetuating that social concord and public virtue on which the future prosperity of our country must so essentially depend.” In the November 2007 issue of Freemasonry Tasma-
nia 22.4, M.W. Brother Julius Kearon, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge AF & AM of Tasmania wrote: “The words of the carol [“While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night”]…were written by Nahum Tate, an Irish poet and dramatist who lived from 1652 to 1715. He wrote other popular hymns, and the following quotation comes from his writings: ‘Friendship’s the privilege of private men; for wretched greatness knows no blessing so substantial.’ Friendship is important to us as Freemasons and as private individuals. As Freemasons we are enjoined to avoid topics of discussion which might cause disharmony. In the final address to the Brethren in our Installation ceremonies the Installing Master recommends that Brethren ‘enjoy every satisfaction and delight that disinterested friendship can bring.’ I was once asked what this recommendation meant, and explained that disinterested and uninterested have different meanings, with disinterested meaning uninfluenced by self-interest.” The poet Horace (65-8 B.C.) states in Satirae I, v, 44: Nil ego contulerim incundo sanus amico: “There is nothing that I, as long as I remain sane, shall ever compare to a congenial friend.” More recently (1882) T. L. Haines (The Royal Path of Life) in poetic prose wrote: “Pure, disinterested friendship, is a bright flame, emitting none of the smoke of selfishness, and seldom deigns to tabernacle among men. Its origin is divine, its operations heavenly, and its results enrapturing to the soul.” At the closing of every Masonic Lodge meeting, the Brethren are reminded that the Lodge is a “sacred retreat of friendship and virtue.”
Evil, from page 34 … ime we are allowed. It is rather like a television game show; or maybe the game show is like our life. Our God, being the perfect being that He is, all knowing, knew in advance what He was creating and made allowance for us to make that mistake. He gave us the desire to receive and we have been receiving ever since. We just love to receive. Unfortunately, we always find that when we do receive we get little or short lived pleasure from it. Eventually we get to the point of asking ourselves why we go to the effort. It is at this point, fearful of never finding happiness, that we begin the search inside ourselves for the answer.
It is at this point that we seek out Freemasonry and ask to be brought from darkness to light; from cold to warm. To do this for ourselves we must seek light and heat. As we do we learn that we must learn to control our desires to receive and learn to give. Materialism means we must get as much goods as we can and we must get them at the expense of the other guy. Spiritualism means that we give as much as we can to the other guy so that the other guy does not need for the basics of life. Only in this way will we begin to return to that Garden of Eden bringing us and God back into that relationship of oneness that we desire and the only path that will lead us to happiness.
Disinterested, from back page …
Regional Grand Lecturers 2012-2013 Card # Name . . . . . . . . . . .Street . City, State, Zip ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Email A . David D. Powell . . . . . . . 2414 Northeast St. . . . . . Kirksville, MO 63501-2114 . . 660-665-5857 �� flytyr52@hotmail.com B . Michael E. Wheeler . . . . . 7212 Southwest Karen Rd Trimble, MO 64492 . . . . . .816-804-9171 ������� DDGL17@aol.com C . Glenn H. Burrows . . . . . . 4806 NW 57th Ct. . . . . . Kansas City, MO 64151 . . . .816-225-5679 �������� ghb1947@aol.com D . Robert E. Lee Martin . . . . 6985 Schmidt Lane . . . . Sullivan, MO 63080 . . . . . .573-457-8380 ������� martin@fidnet.com E . Michael L. Apple . . . . . . 912 Kylemore Dr. . . . . . Ballwin, MO 63021 . . . . . .314-440-5814 ����������� mbapple@att.net F . Christopher C. McLemore IV . 13537 E. Neosho Rd. . . . Nevada, MO 64772 . . . . . .417-321-1166 ��� ckmac@sbcglobal.net G . Wayne G. Tucker . . . . . . HC 3 Box 222 . . . . . . . Ellsinore, MO 63937 . . . . . 573-322-5712 �� wktuckers@hotmail.com the missouri freemason Spring 2013 43
GRAND LODGE OFFICERS 2012-2013 David L. Ramsey, Grand Master (Friday) (71) . . . . . . . . . 2642 S. Williams Ct., Springfield 65807 Cell Phone: 417-379-9700 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� E-mail: dramsey1791@gmail.com Jon B. Broyles, Deputy Grand Master (Anna) (366) . . . . . . 1515 S. Riggen,. Kirksville 63501 Cell Phone: 314-520-7578 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ E-mail: jbroyles@momason.org David Haywood, Senior Grand Warden (Diane) (84) . . . . . . 1335 Greenmar Dr., Fenton, 63026-3350 Work Phone: 314-658-7315 . . Home Phone: 636-343-1830 �����������������������������������������������������E-mail: wg84sec@hotmail.com Brent Stewart, Junior Grand Warden (Kris) (114,602) . . . . . 5325 South Bearfield Rd., Columbia 65201 Work Phone: 573-659-3442 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: cbsmmason@aol.com Nicholas R. Cichielo, Grand Treasurer (Lori) (79,501) . . . . . 16815 Ashberry Circle Dr., Chesterfield 63005 Home Phone: 636-530-0143 . . Cell Phone: 573-424-368 ������������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: ncichielo@gmail.com Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary (Lenora) (366,156) . . . . . 605 Adens Woods Ct, Columbia 65201 Home Phone: 573-886-0288 . . Bus. Phone: 573-474-8561 �������������������������������������������������������� E-mail: rmiller@momason.org Robert C. Floyd, Grand Lecturer (417) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204 Fairlane Dr, Cape Girardeau 63701 Cell Phone: 573-837-9317 . . . Home Phone: 573-334-8395 ��������������������������������������������E-mail: grandlecturer@momason.org Richard L. Smith, Senior Grand Deacon (June) (79,642) . . . 830 Coalport Drive, St. Louis 63141-6013 Home Phone: 314-878-3626 . . Cell Phone: 314-724-0392 �����������������������������������������������������E-Mail: dicksmith09@charter.net Ronald D. Jones, Junior Grand Deacon (Susie) (476) . . . . . 418 Chestnut, Odessa 64076 Home Phone: 816-230-4982 . . Cell Phone: 816-419-2535 �������������������������������������������������������������� E-Mail: RSDN92@aol.com Robert T. Thomas, Senior Grand Steward (Kathryn) (515) . . 50 Apple Farm Rd., Crane 65633 Cell Phone: 417-294-4147 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� E-Mail: ddgm43@centurytel.net Stanton T. Brown II, Junior Grand Steward (501) . . . . . . . 25005 E US 24 Hwy, Independence 64056 Cell Phone: 816-547-3487 . . . Home Phone: 816-650-5493 ���������������������������������������������������E-Mail: sbrownii@momason.org L. LeRoy Salmon, Senior Grand Marshal (189,269,600) . . . . 2933 Cook Rd. St. Joseph 64506 Phone: 816-271-3262 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: leroysalmon@gmail.com Timothy R. Ramsey, Junior Grand Marshal (71) . . . . . . . . 403 S. 31st, St. Joseph 64506 Phone: 816-646-9560 . . . . . . Cell Phone: 816-646-9560 ����������������������������������������������� E-Mail: Timothy.Ramsey@altec.com Thomas W. Howard, Grand Sword Bearer (Erin) (612) . . . . 6551 State Rd. PP, Mokane 65059 Home Phone: 573-676-5887 . . Cell Phone: 573-220-3220 ������������������������������������������� E-Mail: thoward@callawayelectric.com David R. Ingersoll, Grand Pursuivant (71) . . . . . . . . . . . 310 S. 14th, Savannah 64485 Phone: 816-294-2629 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: dave@ingersollinsurance.com Gayle D. Bedell, Grand Chaplain (Patricia) (345) . . . . . . . . 348 S. Ozark Trail, Goodman 64843 Home Phone:417-364-7197 . . Cell Phone: 417-827-9066 ������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: gaylebedell@yahoo.com Brian K. Goldman, Grand Chaplain (Libby) (642) . . . . . . . 11831 Spruce Haven Dr., St. Louis 63146 Phone: 314-569-0445 . . . . . . Cell Phone: 314-341-5561 ���������������������������������������������������� E-Mail: briankgoldman@aol.com H. Al Barnes, Grand Chaplain (105) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21896 Forest Trail, Kirksville 63501 Phone: 660-627-2801 . . . . . . Cell Phone: 660-341-0803 ���������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: hbarnes@cableone.net Thomas L. Truman, Grand Chaplain (Pat) (501) . . . . . . . . 19300 Colony Ct., Independence 64058 Phone: 816-830-5709 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: Tru.Man62@aol.com Ty G. Treutelaar, Grand Chaplain (Cecily) (1) . . . . . . . . . 7542 Wellington Way, St. Louis 63105 Phone: 314-401-3978 . . . . . . Cell Phone: 314-401-3978 �������������������������������������������������������������� E-Mail: tgt365@gmail.com Kyle B. Chilcoat, Grand Chaplain (Krista) (269,71) . . . . . . 2605 Lucille Ave., St. Joseph 64506 Phone: 816-364-3820 . . . . . . Cell Phone: 816-261-9750 ����������������������������������������������������������E-Mail: tabsltd@stjoelive.com Dale M. Bryan, Grand Orator (189) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2118 N. 33rd St., St. Joseph 64506 Cell Phone: 816-261-6593 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� E-Mail: daleb356@aol.com David L. Jacobi, Grand Orator (Marcia) (2) . . . . . . . . . . 3025 Silver Bow Ct., St. Louis 63129 Home Phone: 314-795-1732 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� E-Mail: oket14@sbcglobal.net Lawrence Don Haden, Grand Tiler (477,608,158) . . . . . . . 4695 S. Farm Rd. 243, Rogersville 65742 Phone: 417-753-2080 . . . . . . Cell Phone: 417-766-4197 44 Spring 2013
the missouri freemason
District Deputy Grand Lecturers District .Name . . . . . . . . . . .Address . . . . . . . . . . City, State Zip . . . . . . . . Phone Number ���������������������������������� E-Mail 1 . . . Eugene W. Wescott . . . . .2020 Hayden Park Lane . . Hannibal, MO 63401 . . . . . . 573-221-2307 ������������ laurie3678@yahoo.com 2 . . . Jason T. Glass . . . . . . . .208 E. Sigler Ave. . . . . . Memphis, MO 63555 . . . . . 660-342-1441 ���������������� jglass83@yahoo.com 3 . . . Charles Cooper . . . . . . .31457 State Hwy. A . . . . Greentop, MO 63546 . . . . . 660-626-4793 ����������cecooper@marktwain.net 4 . . . Gale L. Jones . . . . . . . .14395 W. 190th St. . . . . . Hatfield, MO 64458 . . . . . . 660-845-2423 5 . . . David W. Moyer . . . . . . 316 East 3rd Street . . . . . Grant City, MO 64456 . . . . . 816-724-382 ���������� mstudios@windstream.net 6 . . . Marlin F. Slagle . . . . . . .1260 W Crestview Dr. . . . Maryville, MO 64468 . . . . . 660-582-2914 ��������mslagle@embarqmail.com 7 . . . Douglas H. Reece . . . . . 8110 Covered Bridge Rd . . Platte City, MO 64079-8130 . . 816-532-3154 ������������������ pddgl7@yahoo.com 8 . . . Gary Caldwell . . . . . . . 26570 State Hwy. Y . . . . Winston, MO 64689 . . . . . . 660-749-5725 9 . . . Robert Arthur Gentry . . . .14689 Woods Lane . . . . . Rayville, MO 64084 . . . . . . 816-510-9922 �������������������� agentry@esmc.org 10 . . . Michael L. Dodd . . . . . .7659 Highway AA . . . . . Shelbina, MO 63468 . . . . . . 660-651-4039 ������������mldodd@marktwain.net 11 . . . Phillip J. Moody, Jr. . . . .2001 Southern Hills . . . . Mexico, MO 65265 . . . . . . 573-473-6910 ����������� phimod265@yahoo.com 12 . . . Gary A. McCormack . . . .1304 Kathy St . . . . . . . Fulton, MO 65251-2251 . . . . 573-642-6932 � garyamccormack@yahoo.com 13 . . . Lloyd G. Lyon . . . . . . . 18988 St. Hwy. E . . . . . . Carrollton, MO 64633 . . . . . 660-542-1702 ������������������� lglyon@gmail.com 14 . . . Roger B. McWilliams, Jr. . . 704 East Marshall . . . . . Carrollton, MO 64633 . . . . . 660-542-4399 ���� rbmcwill2009@hotmail.com 15 . . . William R. Siegfied . . . . .7724 2nd Street . . . . . . . Higginsville, MO 64037 . . . . 660-238-1256 ���������������������� billsieg@ctcis.net 16 . . . Donald E. Gilkerson . . . .22009 NE 172nd Street . . Kearney, MO 64060 . . . . . . 816-628-6538 ���������gilkersondon@yahoo.com 17 . . . Michael C. Allen . . . . . .7353 NW Rhode Ave. . . . Kansas City, MO 64152 . . . . 816-746-0577 �������������mofire237@yahoo.com 18 . . . Paul F. Miller . . . . . . . .9111 E 74th . . . . . . . . . Raytown, MO 64133 . . . . . . 913-722-2243 19 . . . Kenneth E. Crawford . . . .39100 E. Cline Rd. . . . . . Lone Jack, MO 64070-9516 . . 816-365-4829 ��������������kec392ogmo@aol.com 20 . . . George Barrios . . . . . . .881 East 1st Street . . . . . Peculiar, MO 64078 . . . . . . 816-779-5928 21 . . . Michael E. Sutton . . . . . 137 SE 125 Rd. . . . . . . . Warrensburg, MO 64093 . . . 660-238-2587 �����������������reflog53@gmail.com 22 . . . David Wheelock . . . . . . 4524 Knox St. . . . . . . . Columbia, MO 65203 . . . . . 573-823-2716 ������������bdwheel99@yahoo.com 23 . . . Gary N. Baskett . . . . . . 1020 Sassafrass Dr. . . . . . Eldon, MO 65026 . . . . . . . 573-392-2111 24 . . . Lawrence G. Loomis . . . .2172 Burnett Rd. . . . . . . Bourbon, MO 65441 . . . . . . 573-259-9787 ���������������mlloomis@fidnet.com 25 . . . Michael W. Brandenburg . . P.O. Box 222 . . . . . . . . Montgomery City, MO 63361 . 573-489-0946 ��� brandenburg-sheila@yahoo.com 26 . . . James R. Tinker . . . . . . .1020 Sleepy Hollow Rd. . . Troy, MO 63379 . . . . . . . . 314-607-7664 ��������� russtinker@centurytel.net 27A . . Thomas E. Kuhn . . . . . .P.O. 515197 . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO 63151 . . . . . . 314-487-2906 ������������ tek_kpsi@sbcglobal.net 27B . . R. Miguel White . . . . . .7909 Martys Dr. . . . . . . St. Louis, MO 63123 . . . . . . 314-814-1221 �������������� rmw74@sbcglobal.net 27C . . Michael P. Singer, Jr. . . . .1864 S. Arlene Dr. . . . . . Arnold, MO 63070-1953 . . . . 314-265-7556 ����������thesingers@sbcglobal.net 28 . . . Kenneth P. Mc Cutcheon . .616 N. 10th St. . . . . . . . De Soto, MO 63020 . . . . . . 314-852-9730 ��������������kpmccutcheon@att.net 29 . . . John J. Tune . . . . . . . . .501 S. Mc Arthur . . . . . . Salem, MO 65560 . . . . . . . 573-729-5094 ������������������jjtune@hotmail.com 30 . . . James C. Morgan . . . . . .17937 Highway HH . . . . Lebanon, MO 65536 . . . . . . 417-532-2246 �����������suemorgan9@gmail.com 31 . . . TBD 32 . . . Charles O. Bridges . . . . .RR #2 Box 475 . . . . . . . Adrian, MO 64720 . . . . . . . 816-297-2880 33 . . . James R. Leonard . . . . . 1400 S. 951 Rd. . . . . . . El Dorado Springs, MO 64744 . 417-876-2384 34 . . . Wayne J. Beach . . . . . . .4910 S Prairie View Ave. . . Battlefield, MO 65619 . . . . . 417-766-6332 ��������������wjbeach@hotmail.com 35 . . . John L. House . . . . . . . P.O. Box 335 . . . . . . . . Mansfield, MO 65704 . . . . . 417-830-2028 ���������jhouse152@centurytel.net 36 . . . Noel R. Mason . . . . . . . RR 1 Box 175 . . . . . . . Black, MO 63625-9707 . . . . 573-269-4657 37 . . . Richard W. Kaeser, Jr. . . .710 Lansdowne St. . . . . . De Soto, MO 63020 . . . . . . 314-954-0953 ����������������������rick@webster.edu 38 . . . Johnny L. Schlenker . . . .117 Gray . . . . . . . . . . Chaffee, MO 63740 . . . . . . 573-887-4930 ��������� redbird108@hotmail.com 39 . . . Randy E. Jennings . . . . .PO Box 474 . . . . . . . . Bernie, MO 63822 . . . . . . . 573-820-2898 ������������squeak55@hotmail.com 40 . . . Jonce B. Chidister . . . . . 1113 Charlotte Dr. . . . . . Malden, MO 63863 . . . . . . 573-276-7673 ���������� jbchidister@hotmail.com 41 . . . Earnie D. Wilson . . . . . .3687 C.R. 415 . . . . . . . Ellsinore, MO 63937 . . . . . . 573-998-2081 ��� earnie.wilson@poplarblufflodge209.org 42 . . . E. Royce Wheeler . . . . . PO Box 685 . . . . . . . . Ava, MO 65608 . . . . . . . . 417-683-9077 �����royce@wheelermowing.com 43 . . . Tom Williams . . . . . . . .4241 W Mesa St. . . . . . . Battlefield, MO 65619 . . . . . 417-551-1877 ���������twgw5500@sbcglobal.net 44 . . . Jeremy L. Willman . . . . .8086 Lawrence 2194 . . . . Monett, MO 65708 . . . . . . . 417-393-9508 ��������jwillman2000@gmail.com 45 . . . Jared B. Richmond . . . . .4412 W 20th St. . . . . . . Joplin, MO 64804-8130 . . . . 417-627-9081 ����������jaredrichmond@live.com 46 . . . Matthew D. Ruth . . . . . .1402 Pineville Rd. . . . . . Neosho, MO 64850 . . . . . . 417-439-0134 ������� matt.ruth@rocketmail.com
the missouri freemason Spring 2013 45
District Deputy Grand MASTERs District . . . Name . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . Timothy V. Coy . . . . . . 15822 Cottonwood Ave. . . . 2 . . Robert E. Ward . . . . . . RR 3, Box 146 . . . . . . . . 3 . . Melvin L. Hall . . . . . . 22956 266th Rd. . . . . . . . 4 . . Richard G. Jones . . . . . 504 N 16th St. . . . . . . . . 5 . . David R. Brown . . . . . 401 W. Jefferson St. . . . . . 6 . . John M. Vernon . . . . . 510 6th St. . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . Steven G. McDermit . . . 1917 Rosewood Terr. . . . . . 8 . . James E. Read . . . . . . PO Box 5 . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . Michael A. Marvin . . . . 307 East St. . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . Dean McAdams . . . . . 24210 Halma, RD 2 . . . . . 11 . . Charles M. Scrogin . . . . 710 W. St. Johns St. . . . . . 12 . . James M. Mosley . . . . . 22199 Audrain Rd. 320 . . . 13 . . Ronald L. Kribbs . . . . . 3762 Hwy DD . . . . . . . . 14 . . James D. Merchant . . . . 24466 W. Hwy 122 . . . . . . 15 . . Robert L. Hayes . . . . . 2004 Cypress St. . . . . . . . 16 . . Ronald L. Elliott . . . . . 186 Jackson Ave. . . . . . . 17 . . Bobbie E. White . . . . . 3406 NE 56th Terrace . . . . 18 . . Daniel A. Sewing . . . . . 1605 Christi Lane . . . . . . 19 . . Chris T. Harrelson . . . . 608 Twilight Dr. . . . . . . . 20 . . Dennis R. Adams . . . . . 707 Third Street . . . . . . . 21 . . Micheal J. Joyner . . . . . 10 NW 730 Road . . . . . . . 22 . . Kenneth E. Redding . . . 2412 County Rd 2610 . . . . 23 . . Clifford R. Dobbins . . . 2008 Wooded Lane Rd. . . . 24 . . Harlon R. Wise, Jr. . . . . 11 Edith Drive . . . . . . . . 25 . . Bradley D. Seger . . . . . 24727 Justice Drive . . . . . 26 . . James E. Wion . . . . . . 10 Paula Drive . . . . . . . . 27A . Raymond M. Wilson . . . 1921 Hurstgreen Ave. . . . . 27B . Jeffrey A. Parrotte . . . . 401 Gateford Dr. . . . . . . . 27C . Gary L. Holmes . . . . . 2055 Mel Drive . . . . . . . . 28 . . Wayne R. Williams, Jr. . . 614 Wal Mart Dr. PMB 105 . 29 . . David W. Watkins, Sr. . . 401 W. Washington St. . . . . 30 . . Gary T. Bowling . . . . . 316 Dennis Stoner Rd. . . . . 31 . . Douglas L. Cavanaugh, Sr. 12864 Summit Dr. . . . . . . 32 . . Robert M. Dines . . . . . 3310 NW 751 Rd. . . . . . . 33 . . John F. Rummel . . . . . 16465 East 752 Rd. . . . . . 34 . . Carlin L. Smittle . . . . . 2250 E. Langston St. . . . . . 35 . . Orvil L. Loge, Sr. . . . . . P.O. Box 1854 . . . . . . . . 36 . . Marion E. Williams, Jr. . . 24071 Highway 49 . . . . . . 37 . . Daniel J. Ward . . . . . . 1004 W Ridge Rd. . . . . . . 38 . . Lee W. Crites . . . . . . . 455 Hawks Landing . . . . . 39 . . Gary D. Kitchen . . . . . 15458 Horse Shoe Ln. . . . . 40 . . Walter T. Chidister . . . . 1209 Charlotte Dr . . . . . . 41 . . Dean E. Crudgington . . . Rt. 3, Box 53 . . . . . . . . . 42 . . Earl W. Calhoun . . . . . 1025 N. Howell Ave. . . . . . 43 . . John H. Van Slyke . . . . 4421 E. Farm Rd. 64 . . . . . 44 . . Kevin M. Sligar . . . . . 408 S. Cedarbrook Dr. . . . . 45 . . Robert W. Davis . . . . . 411 E. Morrison Ave. . . . . 46 . . Glenn Clifton . . . . . . . PO Box 665 . . . . . . . . . 46 Spring 2013
City, State Zip . . . . . . . . . Lewistown, MO 63452 . . . . Edina, MO 63537 . . . . . . . Unionville, MO 63565 . . . . Albany, MO 64402 . . . . . . Albany, MO 64402 . . . . . . Fairfax, MO 64446 . . . . . . St. Joseph, MO 64503 . . . . Coffey, MO 64636 . . . . . . Lathrop, MO 64465 . . . . . . Brookfield, MO 64628 . . . . Vandalia, MO 63382 . . . . . Mexico, MO 65265 . . . . . . Moberly, MO 65270 . . . . . Marshall, MO 65340 . . . . . Higginsville, MO 64037 . . . Liberty, MO 64068 . . . . . . Gladstone, MO 64119 . . . . Raymore, MO 64083 . . . . . Raymore, MO 64083 . . . . . Belton, MO 64012 . . . . . . Warrensburg, MO 64093 . . . Moberly, MO 65270 . . . . . Jefferson City, MO 65101 . . Bourbon, MO 65441 . . . . . Warrenton, MO 63383 . . . . St. Charles, MO 63301 . . . . St. Louis, MO 63114 . . . . . Ballwin, MO 63021 . . . . . . Arnold, MO 63010 . . . . . . Farmington, MO 63640 . . . . St. James, MO 65559 . . . . . Macks Creek, MO 65786 . . . Warsaw, MO 65355 . . . . . . Appleton City, MO 64724 . . Stockton, MO 65785 . . . . . Springfield, MO 65804 . . . . Ava, MO 65608 . . . . . . . . Black, MO 63625 . . . . . . . Bonne Terre, MO 63628 . . . Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 . Dexter, MO 63841 . . . . . . Malden, MO 63863 . . . . . . Ellsinore, MO 63937 . . . . . West Plains, MO 65775 . . . . Fair Grove, MO 65648 . . . . Monett, MO 65708 . . . . . . Jasper, MO 64755 . . . . . . . Alba, MO 64830 . . . . . . .
Phone Number ���������������������������������������� E-Mail 660-341-9401 �������������������� tcmlcoy@gmail.com 660-397-2624 660-344-2282 ���������������������������� hall1@nemr.net 816-726-3173 �����������hootowljones@yahoo.com 660-726-3301 brownplumbing@windstream.net 660-541-3331 816-262-8728 ���������������������� sdm@stjoelive.com 660-533-2315 ������������������ jjrds@windstream.net 816-341-2762 ������������� ccsd723@policeone.com 660-258-7149 ��������������������dean@shighway.com 573-721-0077 ���������� cbscrogin@windstream.net 573-581-1285 660-651-5906 660-631-5683 ��������������� jdmerchant@gmail.com 660-238-2861 �������������������������blhayes@ctcis.net 816-781-5933 ���������������������� relliott8@kc.rr.com 816-694-9243 ������������������ kcbobbie@gmail.com 816-419-9176 �������������������cscom@sbcglobal.net 816-803-6901 ���������������������� chris.sandy@att.net 816-536-6696 ������������������������ dra1945@aol.com 660-909-3356 ��������jjoyner01@embarqmail.com 660-651-4258 ������������������keredding@socket.net 573-418-2322 ������� scottishrite33rd@yahoo.com 573-259-0788 ������������������ rwise289@gmail.com 636-456-4481 �����������������bradseger@yahoo.com 314-518-7850 ������������������judyjim2@yahoo.com 314-398-4269 ������������������ matito32@yahoo.com 636-751-3138 ������������������� jparrotte@charter.net 314-607-3816 ������������������� lodgerat@yahoo.com 573-631-3920 ��������������shiverhooks@gmail.com 573-263-0073 573-480-5300 ��� texashornedtoad@hotmail.com 816-288-0609 ����������������������ldcsvettes@aol.com 660-598-6217 417-276-8025 ������������jrummel@windstream.net 417-844-2423 ������������������� carviv05@gmail.com 417-686-0925 ��������������donnaloge1@yahoo.com 573-915-3663 ������������peanut63631@yahoo.com 573-330-6000 ����������ward-daniel@sbcglobal.net 573-243-8987 ����������� ddgm38thmo@yahoo.com 573-614-1370 ���������� garyk@newwavecomm.net 573-276-7675 ��������������chidistert@sbcglobal.net 573-429-4693 ���������������dcrudgington@live.com 417-597-2604 ��������������������� wasam11@live.com 417-848-1844 �������������jhvanslyke@hotmail.com 417-440-0762 ����������������ksligar@jackhenry.com 417-394-2015 ��������������� bfdavis1@sbcglobal.net 417-388-5017 ��������������� cliftong1@hotmail.com the missouri freemason
Lodge Notes • On August 19, 2012, Bee Hive Lodge #393 in Lawson held its 141st Installation of Officers. The following Brothers were installed for the 2012-13 year: Steven Bolan, WM; Barry Mathia, SW; J. Matthew Nolker, JW; M. Lee Ross, Treasurer; James E. Adams, Secretary; Larry Lanning, Chaplin; Todd Hachman, SD; O. LeRoy Pointer, JD; Scott McFarland, SS; William Talbert, JS; David Burgess, Marshall and Louis Ingerson, Tyler. The Brethren of the Lodge wish to thank RWB F. Wayne Dugan, Installing Master; Arthur Gentry, Installing Marshal and Liberty Commandery #6 for the presentation of colors. Special recognition was given to WB R. Wayne Briant. WB Briant is retiring as Secretary of the Lodge after 49 years of service. Lodge Brethren bestowed WB Briant with the honorary title, "Secretary Emeritus of Bee Hive Lodge." Wayne still plans to be active in Lodge and help guide the Brethren in "seeking further light". • Senior Steward Kenny Goodman notified Branson Masonic Lodge about an area family that needed help. It was a family consisting of a single mother and her 15 year old son. The son was having a problem seeing in class, even though he sat in the front
row, but his mother was unable to afford a pair of very expensive glasses the son needed. Branson Lodge stepped in and made a donation toward the cost of those glasses. Although it was not a requirement for the donation, the Lodge was proud to find out the son is the Great Grandson of a Master Mason. The young man has already set a goal of becoming a doctor. Branson Lodge will also add the family to its Christmas list to receive a Christmas Dinner. • Mount Hope Masonic Lodge #476, in conjunction with the Masonic Home of Missouri, takes pride in serving the community. Jim Smoot, Master of Mount Hope Masonic Lodge #476, presented a check for $500 to Laura Scott, President of the Odessa Backsnack program. • On December 14 and 15, the Swope Park Family packaged and delivered 100 gifts to the veterans who are in the VA Hospital in Kansas City. This was the sixth consecutive year in which the members of Swope Park Lodge have done this to support those who have served to make this country a great place to live.
Brothers from Memphis Lodge #16 are shown building fruit baskets for delivery to widows and shut-ins. This has been an ongoing project for many years
On Monday evening December 3, Samaritan Lodge #424 took part in the annual Bonne Terre Chamber of Commerce Christmas parade as part of the Lodge's community involvement.
Branson Lodge has been giving out Christmas Baskets containing food and toys to needy families in the Branson and Hollister areas for the past 35 years. These baskets contain ham or turkey, canned goods, toys for the kids and other items. Each basket costs about $75, depending on the size of the family. This year, Branson Lodge delivered 61 baskets as well as 2 dozen cookies to each of the 34 Lodge widows. The Lodge has two breakfasts during the year along with a golf tournament to support this project. WB Don McQuirt, Chairman, also extended his thanks to the community for contributing to the program.
O’Sullivan Lodge #7, Walnut Grove, was very proud to host Most Worshipful Grand Master Dave Ramsey at its regular communication on November 13, 2012. After an extended amount of food and fellowship, Brothers opened Lodge and attended to regular business before receiving Most Worshipful Ramsey in due form. After receiving the gavel of authority, Most Worshipful Ramsey spoke of his travels and expectations for an exciting upcoming year and commended O'Sullivan Lodge on its charitable participation and involvement within the community. He also agreed to come in June to the town's music festival and dedicate the new flag plaza in the city park built from two of the Lodge’s cornerstones.
the missouri freemason Spring 2013 47
Union Masonic Lodge #593 donated $200 to the Union Missouri Food Pantry on November 19, 2012. Shown left to right: WB Norman Helms, Jr., Worshipful Master, Union Masonic Lodge #593; Jan Brennan, Secretary, Union Missouri Food Pantry; WB Buzz Barrows, Secretary, Union Masonic Lodge #593.
Brothers from Alpha Lodge #659 visited the Rainbow Assembly #55 and Job's Daughters Bethel #33 in October to celebrate Halloween. Pictured from left to right are fat lady Dennis spears, Blues Brothers Bill Hillyard and John Blankenship along with RWB David Dowell as a clown.
On November 8, Linn Creek Lodge #152 presented a 50-year pin and certificate to William R. Robertson to recognize his years of membership as a Mason. Shown left to right are WM John Stevens, Brother Robertson and RWB Gary Bowling, DDGM of the 30th Masonic District of Missouri.
Members of Samaritan Lodge #424 prepare to give away 500 hotdogs and juice to kids and parents on Halloween in the Lodge dining hall. Brother Dale Hawkins has promoted this community involvement program for the past three years. The event lasted two hours and brought Masonry to the community.
On December 1, 2012, the members of Sampson Lodge #298 in Theodosia hosted their regular "First Saturday of the Month" community breakfast, which included a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. The area children enjoyed a hearty breakfast prior to talking with Santa and receiving some pre-Christmas gifts from the North Pole couple.
On December 15, 2012, members of Samaritan Lodge #424 delivered fruit baskets and Christmas cards to the widows and shut ins of the Lodge. Pictured are WB Lester Flieg, RWB Dan Ward, Wayne Adams, RWB Dale Newcomer and WB S. Wayne Gibson. Not pictured are WB Mike Stevens and Dale Hawkins who put the baskets together.
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Worshipful Master Todd Hill of Cooper Lodge #36 presented Past Master Roy Cary with a plaque of Appreciation for the work he has done for the Lodge and the Boonville community. Pictured (left to right): MWB John Hess, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri; Gary Whitehurse, Senior Warden; WM Todd Hill; Roy Cary, PM; DuWayne Rahmer, Junior Deacon.
On December 21, 2012, members of California Lodge #183 and some of their wives gathered once again to put together food baskets for families in need. The local 4H chapter assisted by donating toys and books for the children. California Lodge has been doing this for at least the past 15 years and plans on continuing it for many years to come.
On October 3, 2012, St Francisville Lodge #588 and the Grand Lodge of Missouri had the honor and privilege of conducting a cornerstone ceremony for the new Clark County Courthouse, located in northeast Missouri. The new Clark County Courthouse was built on the location where the previous Courthouse had stood since 1877. There were approximately 600 in attendance at the ceremony.
St. Charles Lodge #241 installed its officers for the 2012-2013 term on August 5, 2012. Pictured, front row, left to right: Chaplain David Hoffman, Junior Deacon Lonnie Willis, Marshall Tracy Smith, WM Ryan Georgen, Senior Steward Terry Harris, Senior Warden Jason Johnston. Back row: Senior Deacon Darren Beck, Tyler Russell Georgen, Secretary Kenneth Wright, Junior Warden Joseph Kimble, Treasurer Thomas McCann, Junior Steward Danny Brown.
Central Crossing Masonic Lodge #674, Shell Knob, Missouri installed its officers for the 2012-2013 term on September 26, 2012. Pictured, front row, left to right: Cecile Morris, Treasurer; Frank Herbert, Senior Warden; WB Mark Pry, Worshipful Master; WB Rod Phillips, Junior Warden; Larry Neukirch, Secretary. Back row: WB Bill Reidlinger, Senior Deacon; Ken Ballard, Senior Steward; Steve Overbey, Marshall; Scott Lowe, Chaplain; Ron Strickland, Tiler; Dan Selover, Junior Steward; Ron Jester, Junior Deacon.
Members of Fraternal Lodge #363 of Robertsville are shown here with food items for baskets distributed to 31 local families who needed a helping hand at Christmas time. Pictured left to right: Gary Bay, Russ Humphrey, Buzz Haddock, Eugene Sam, Bill Waller, George Mosely and Danny Diesel (chairman). VFW Post #6665 of Pacific, Mt. Olive Church and Fraternal Lodge have come together each year for the past 20 years to provide for local families.
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WB Donald Vandegriffe presents WB John Crossley and WB Rodger Janes their Sub Three Cards at a regular meeting of Belle Lodge #373.
George Washington Lodge #9 installed its officers for the 2012-2013 term on September 11, 2012. DDGM Peter G. Cauchon installed his son, James R. Cauchon, as Worshipful Master.
Brother Scott Lamaster was recently raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at Swope Park Lodge. RWB Larry Cameron (left) obligated him and RWB Fred Troxel (right) raised him in the Second Section and gave the Lecture and Charge.
Lynn Jones (right) looks on as Worshipful Master Todd Hill (left) presents his father, RWB Wayne Hill (center) with a Past Master's apron at the Cooper Lodge #36 officers' installation ceremony. Wayne is Past Master of Howard Lodge #4 of New Franklin.
Swope Park Lodge #617 raised Antonio R. Martinez (center) to the sublime degree of Master Mason on December 13, 2012. WB Melvin Tacke (right) conducted the ceremony with RWB Larry Cameron (left) obligating. RWB Paul Miller, DDGL, gave the lecture and RWB David Colburn gave the charge.
Brother Marc Ashley Wheeler, Union Masonic Lodge #593's newest Master Mason was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason during a special meeting on November 19, 2012. Brother Wheeler, left, is shown receiving his Masonic Family Bible and his Certificate of the Degrees from the Worshipful Master, WB Norman Helms, Jr.
On October 20, 2012, officers of Sampson Lodge #298 participated in the local "Meet the Community" event held at Lutie High School. The program is sponsored by the Theodosia Area Chamber of Commerce and is intended to introduce area residents and seasonal visitors to some of the businesses, clubs, and community organizations that are available in the Bull Shoals Lake community. Pictured (left to right): Wes Frazer (Senior Warden), Darrin Reed (Senior Steward), Dale Cutbirth (Treasurer and Worthy Patron of Eastern Star Chapter #130), Lewis Nauss (Senior Deacon), Al Croom (Junior Deacon) and Len Modlinski (Worshipful Master).
Branson Masonic Lodge worked with the Veterans Task Force during Veterans' Week in Branson by working at the registration desk to register veterans coming to Branson. Worshipful Master Rick Hutcheson and other members including WB Al Jones, a 29-year veteran of the Air Force. WM Hutcheson would like to say thank you to all the members who assisted in working with the Veterans Task Force.
Washington Lodge #87, AF&AM, presented WB Harold G. Simmons (shown at left) with the Lodge 25-Year Service pin and certificate on October 30, 2012. We thank and congratulate him for these years of service to the Fraternity. We look forward to many more years of working with him, keeping the tradition of Freemasonry alive and well. WB Don Adams made the presentation with the assistance of WB Larry Decker (shown at right).
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The Mountain View Chamber of Commerce operates an annual Christmas Tree Fund where its volunteers work with local businesses and community groups to raise funds, seek needy individuals, and purchase presents. Mountain View Lodge #637 was proud to be a part of this program for a third year in a row, contributing a total of $900 to the fund. The funds were gathered from local Lodge members who didn’t hesitate to dig into their wallets and help provide for those who may have gone without during the Christmas season. WM Al Church is shown presenting the donation to Linda Lewis, Director of the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce.
As a part of its Bikes-4-Books program, for the first semester Cooper Lodge #36 placed 46 bikes in 8 local schools: Hannah Cole Primary, David Barton Elementary, Saints Peter and Paul, Blackwater Elementary, Fayette Elementary, New Franklin Elementary, Glasgow Elementary and St. Mary's Elementary. Hallsville Lodge also put six bikes in Hallsville Elementary School. This would not be possible without the Partners in Education helping each semester. Thanks to all of them as well as Roy Cary, John Holtzclaw and Todd Hill, Co-Chairs. Pictured left to right: Gary Hildebrandt, Justin Boggs, Tim Boggs, Roy Cary and Josh Skases (Walmart manager).
Union Masonic Lodge #593 donated $200 to the Leslie Food Pantry at the Leslie United Methodist Church. Shown left to right are Pastor Mary Avizenis, Leslie United Methodist Church; WB Gary Tourville, Treasurer, Union Masonic Lodge #593 and Mary Nienhueser, Head of the food pantry. Recipients expressed their sincere thanks to the Masonic Lodge for the generous donation.
Do you know the four Crown Jewels of Missouri Freemasonry? Answer on page 53
Swope Park Lodge #617 installed Ed Culver as Worshipful Master on Saturday afternoon, October 6, along with other elected and appointed officers. WB Justin Dryer began the ceremony by having members of the William F. Kuhn Chapter, Order of DeMolay, present the colors, followed by members of Job’s Daughters Bethel #1 performing the Bible Ceremony. Installing Senior Deacon WB Charles Farris then presented the Installing Officers: RWB Lawrence Cameron Installing Master; WB Robert Harman, Installing Marshall and WB Gary Barron, Installing Chaplain. Several ceremonies took place after the installation, which was followed by a meal in Shotwell Hall.
In November, Samaritan Lodge #424 collected toys for the St. Francois County Caring Communities toy run. Pictured are WB Jim Joyce, RWB Dan Ward, Brothers James Stewart, Kelly Richardson, Dan Simpson and WB Mike Stevens.
Lexington Lodge #149 held its Installation of Officers on Tuesday, October 16, 2012. Pictured are (front row): Kenneth Sisemore, Ernest Hanson, Robert Hayes, Junior O'Dell, Roy Barker and Kenneth Nadler. Back row: Stan Massey and Mark Schroer.
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Alpha Lodge #659 joined with Job's Daughter's Bethel #33 and Rainbow Assembly #55 at the Boo Bash Mystical Forest in Machen Park Saturday, October 27, 2012, handing out brochures concerning their respective organizations. The event was sponsored by North Kansas City Parks and Recreation. Pictured, front row, left to right are: RWB Dennis W. Spears (Tiger) and WB Bob Chester (lion). Back row: Bill Hillyard, WB Howard Silvers and WB John Blankenship. Also attending were WB Bob VanVater and Alpha's newest Entered Apprentice Brother Berhauer and his wife Fantasia.
The Missouri Grand Lodge Public Service Award remains in the 15th Masonic District. On November 12, 2012, members of Mt. Hope Lodge #476 of Odessa (2011 Award recipient) traveled the rough and rugged (20 miles) road to present the Public Service Award to the 2012 recipient, Higginsville Lodge #364. RWB Ron Jones (Junior Grand Deacon), a member of Mt. Hope presided over the formal presentation. Higginsville received the award for the work Lodge members accomplished in restoring the Higginsville Railroad Depot for the Higginsville Historical Society.
Branson Masonic Lodge #587 newly elected officers for coming year 2013 are as follows: Worshipful Master Rick Hutchesen, Senior Warden Kevin Weibe, Junior Warden John Bahler, Secretary Herb Terrill and Treasurer John Kustron. The appointed officers are Senior Deacon Greg Bahler, Junior Deacon Bob Huels, Senior Steward Kenny Goodman, Junior Steward John Tate, Marshall Keith Huels, Chaplain Robert Hindbaugh and Tyler Lee Hampton. The officers were installed on October 6, 2012, by Most Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey, Grand Master of the State of Missouri.
Samaritan Lodge #424 received checks from Boyer Funeral Home and First State Bank of Bonne Terre. Using these funds along with the Lodge check and matching funds from the Masonic Home Samaritan Lodge donated $3,000 to the local school district as part of the Creating a Partnership program. Pictured are WB Brian Boyer, Janice Bess of First State Bank, RWB Dan Ward, WB Bob Nugent, school-based Social Worker Nicole Sprinkles and Assistant Superintendent Katie Bockman.
Christian Lodge #392, Oak Grove, Missouri, held its 143rd installation of officers for the coming year. They are, front row (left to right): WB Carl Castle, Treasurer; Greg Baer, JD; WB Rixie Crawford, WM; Zach Burr, JS; Ivan Braley, SS; Adam Kurth, Marshall. Second row: Danny Vaughn, SW; Jeff Keehler, SD; Mark Creswell, JW; Ronnie Larsen, Chaplain; RWB Ken Crawford, Secretary; WB Jerry Hatfield, Tyler; WB James Leath, Jr, Installing Marshall. Third row: RWB James Leath III, Installing Master; WB Don Dennis, Installing Chaplain; WB James Rumbo, Installing SD.
On September 12, 2012, Monett Lodge #129 installed officers for 2012-2013. Pictured left to right, front row: Darrin Henson, Skip Smith, Andy Brandt. Second row: Chris Lee, Benji Oakley, Nathan Bowen, Vern Miller. Third row: Brad Wells, John Eden, Jeremy Willman, Scott Cloyd, John Hurst. RWB Jeremy Willman was Installing Master and WB Brad Wells was Installing Marshall. At Grand Lodge, September 24-25, the Lodge received awards for hosting a MoCHIP event, Bronze and Silver Ritual Awards and was designated a Lodge of Distinction for achievements during the term of immediate Past Master, WB Benji Oakley.
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Worshipful Brother Carroll L. "Buck" Rhodes (left), of Poplar Bluff, a former longtime Greenville resident, received his 50-year Masonic Jewel and certificate on January 3, at Greenville Lodge #107. Brother Rhodes was initiated September 24, 1960. He came recommended to the Lodge by the late Brothers Cecil Rhodes and Corprew Jones. He served as Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1974. WB Lavern Daves (at right), a longtime friend of Brother Rhodes, presided at the ceremony.
Branson Lodge Worshipful Master Rick Hutcheson visited 50-year member Robert Osburn in Hollister on October 30, 2012. He presented Brother Osburn with his dues card. Brother Osburn was very appreciative of the visit and was informed that as a 50‑year member he no longer has to pay yearly dues to the fraternity. WB Hutcheson reminded Brother Osburn that the Lodge was there to help if he needed it.
Greenville Lodge #107 recently presented WB Arvey Dees (right) of Williamsville, Missouri, his 50-year Masonic jewel and certificate. WB Lavern Daves (left) made the presentation. Brother Dees first petitioned Greenville Lodge for membership in December, 1956. He was raised to Master Mason on May 2, 1957 and served as Worshipful Master of Greenville Lodge #107 for the 1971 Masonic year.
On September 15, 2012, Macks Creek Lodge #433 celebrated with WB Donnie L. Poynter as several family and friends joined him in the presentation of his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Doug King, Worshipful Master of Grand River Lodge #276 presented RWB George Barrios with his 30-year award on November 12, 2012.
Ken Johnson, born in Perryville, Missouri and a member of Missouri Saline Lodge #226, was recently presented his 60-year pin by WB Ben Morin of Edgewood Lodge #82 in Edgewood, New Mexico. Brother Johnson is one of Edgewood's charter members and serves as Lodge Historian. He was raised at the Saline Lodge #226 in 1951, at its old location in St. Mary's Missouri, where his father Roy Johnson was a member.
The four Crown Jewels of Missouri Freemasonry are: The Masonic Children's Foundation mochip.org/ The Masonic Home of Missouri mohome.org On November 2, 2012, Dale Wolfenkoehler of Excelsior Lodge #441, Jackson, Missouri, received his 50-year pin at the Missouri Veterans Home in Cape Girardeau. RWB John Crites made the presentation with Brother Wolfenkoehler's son, Brother Rick Wolfenkoehler, and many of his friends and Lodge Brethren in attendance.
The Missouri Masonic Scholarship Fund momason.org/programs The Missouri Lodge of Research http://molor.org/
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On April 18, 1012, Mickey Brown of Billings Lodge #379 presented Gary Hale his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Belgrade Lodge #632 presented a 60-year jewel to Bill Vineyard on Saturday, August 25, 2012. RWB Noel Mason, DDGL, and RWB Eddie Williams, DDGM of the 36th Masonic District are shown making the presentation.
Right Worshipful Brother Ray Adams, on behalf of Grand River Lodge #276, presented WB Cloyd Musick (left) and his brother WBÂ Myron Musick their 50-year awards on November 12, 2012.
Potosi Lodge #131 presented WB Lawrence Missey and William A. Campbell their 50-year pins and certificates from the Grand Lodge of Missouri on August 8, 2011. Pictured (left to right): Lawrence Missey, RWB Cecil Issac and William A Cambell.
In a joint ceremony hosted at Moberly Lodge #344, Jim H. Patton (Clark Lodge #610) and Jim H. Littrell (Moberly Lodge #344) were presented 50-year pins in recognition of their many years of service to these Lodges. Robert Hutchison, DDGM, made the presentations. Pictured (left to right): Lloyd Taylor, Ron Kribbs, Jim Littrell, Jim Patton, Ed Miller and Robert Bohm. A large gathering of Brethren and guests attended the gala event on January 7, 2012.
On July 10, 2011, Larry Storm, Don Rives, Bob Davis and Harold Sprenkle presented a 50-year pin and certificate to Kenneth L. Potter of Jasper Lodge #398. Also attending were Don Potter (nephew) from a Lodge in Kansas and Norman Rush (cousin) from Fellowship Lodge #345.
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On June 21, 2012, Worshipful Brother Truman Askins, Herculaneum Lodge #338, received his 50-year pin and certificate. His wife Betty presented his pin and RWB Francis Jeff presented the certificate. Pictured left to right: Betty Askins, WB Truman Askins and RWB Francis Jeff.
Brother Edgar Carrington was presented his 60-year membership certificate and pin at a special ceremony of Mt. Vernon Lodge #99 on May 1, 2012. Hats off to Brother Ed for his long years of service and commitment to Masonry. Brother George Ramsey was extremely proud to make the pin and certificate presentation. Pictured left to right are Brother Carrington, Brother Don LaRue, Mrs. Carrington, daughter, and Brother Ramsey.
WB Jack Triplett presented RWB Charles Clemen his 50-year pin and certificate Saturday afternoon December 8, 2012, at Woodside Lodge #387. Brother Clemen’s granddaughter Tina presented his pin. A cake and coffee reception followed the ceremony.
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On September 10, 2012, Potosi Lodge #131 presented Lowell Bay (center) with a pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri honoring his 60-years of service to the fraternity. The Lodge also presented a 60-year service pin to Jesse Thompson, who was unable to to attend the ceremony. In addition, the Lodge presented 60-year pins to out-of-state Brothers Robert J. Hixon, James B Chaney and Emory C. Wilson. RWB Cecil Issac (left) made the presentation along with RWB Wayne R. Williams (right).
Worshipful Master Cary Boltin of Butler Lodge #254 conducted a 50-year award ceremony for Bob Berry on Thursday, December 6, in Butler Missouri. Lewis Jenkins from Christian Lodge #392 in Oak Grove presented Brother Berry with his pin. Brothers Jenkins and Berry joined Butler Lodge together.
Monday evening, November 5, 2012, at Elvins-Ionic Lodge’s regular meeting, RWB Daniel Ward, DDGM of the 37th Masonic District of Missouri, presented WB Walter Horton with his Grand Lodge 50-year award. WB Horton’s wife Ruth presented the pin to her husband.
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POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.
Disinterested Friendship Dr. E. Otha Wingo, PDDGL 38, FMLR otha.wingo@gmail.com
“The satisfaction we, as Masons, derive from disinterested friendship, supporting worthy causes and in seeking Truth is, unquestionably, the most valuable recruitment device the organisation possesses. Alas, for too long this has also been Freemasonry’s best kept secret.” (W. Bro. Graham Spence, PAGDC, Provincial Grand Orator). Freemasons refer to each other as “friends and brothers” and it is axiomatic that membership in the fraternity requires “a tongue of “good report” on the moral character of every petitioner. When I was a newly made Freemason, I attended an installation of officers and noticed the words “disinterested friendship” in the final charge to the officers and members: “Finally, my Brethren, as this Association has been formed and perfected in so much unanimity and concord, in which we greatly rejoice, so may it long continue. May you long enjoy every satisfaction and delight which disinterested friendship can afford. May kindness and brotherly affection distinguish your conduct, as men and as Masons.” I had not then learned of the Short Talk Bulletins, but now I know to expect in them a discussion of just about
any Masonic topic that comes up. Here is the statement from Most Worshipful Brother B. Stuart Parker, PGM (Manitoba), in a Short Talk article, “The Heart of the Fraternity.” “Over the years and through the many happy experiences that I have had in Freemasonry I find that a conviction has grown in my mind that the warm heart of Freemasonry, the source of its great power, is friendship and brotherly love. Here we have something that is unique, something that exists between men of good will. The friendship without any mercenary motive — we use the strange phrase, disinterested friendship — friendship that has no motive other than friendship for its own sake. The shared experiences that unite men from all walks of life and of every age. These things do indeed form a silver cord running from heart to heart that unites us into one sacred band or society of friends and brothers.” I had just spent years reading ancient Greek and Latin texts, so the reference to disinterested friendship immediately brought to mind the famous treatise on friendship by Aristotle. Of the many treatises on friendship in antiquity — from Socrates (c. 470-399 BC) via
Plato (c. 429-247 BC) in Lysis, Symposium, and Phaedrus; and Aristotle (384322 BC) in Nicomachean Ethics among the Greeks — to Cicero (106-43 BC) whose Laelius de amicitia reflects the influence of Aristotle, it is to Aristotle that even modern day writers go for the essential discussion of friendship. Plato puts the famous pun into the mouth of Socrates in speaking about “the art of love” — ta erotika (Symposium 177b8-9) — hinting at a connection between eros (“love”) and erotan (“to ask questions” — his favorite technique for teaching). Cicero places himself in the role of Laelius — “Just as I wrote as an old man to an old man about old age [de senectute], so in this book I write as the most loving of friends to a friend about friendship.” Cicero summarizes friendship thus: “Friendship is nothing else than harmony in all things, human and divine, conjoined with mutual goodwill and affection, and I am inclined to think that, with the exception of wisdom, nothing better has been given to man by the immortal gods” (de amicitia, 20). Arisotle’s succinct definition (“Good will mutually felt is friendship”) is See Disinterested, page 43