Missouri Freemason Magazine - v59n02 - 2014 Spring

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Volume 59 No. 2

Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M.


First, I wish to thank all who gave their thoughts, wishes, and prayers for my family during the premature birth and untimely passing of my granddaughter, Shanna Enzie Gottleb. I owe an extreme debt of gratitude to my officers and Grand Lodge office staff for their efforts to continue with the direction that we had started while I was focused on my family. Many are starting to embrace the ideas of “Change for bringing improvement,” “Incremental change by many brings a larger improvement,” and “Making a greater difference” all working together in unison. Together, the sum of our incremental efforts will bring about the improvements which we want to see. So I’d like to take this opportunity to address an issue that has been occurring with increasing frequency. As a member of this private, fraternal organization, you freely and voluntarily took a binding oath promising to stand to and abide by our laws and edicts. This doesn’t mean only the ones that you agree with. The governance of Freemasonry was structured by our forefathers with the creation of Grand Lodges to enforce an adherence to the laws that they, the voting members of that body, direct to be our laws. This body also proscribes a standard of operation that maintains a standard of uniformity that keeps each Lodge operating with the same structure of principles, so they are all practicing the same type of Masonry jurisdiction-wide, not acting on their own, becoming something that we might not recognize as Missouri Freemasonry. The Grand Master is given powers by those same laws to see that our laws are followed and a method of enforcement. He also is given the power to be the ultimate authority to decide the meaning of those laws, between meetings of the Grand Lodge voting body. No one likes to be wrong. But often our bylaws can be confusing and difficult to come to a complete judgment of their meaning. Often members will quote the bylaws without through study, or even just say what they believe or have been told is in them. Sometimes members will decide the bylaws mean what is in their best interest, without regard to the effect on that standard of practice of Masonry in their Lodge. As an organization, we have done a poor job teaching members on how to apply these laws and rules in an appropriate way and that has caused many of our problems. So here are a MWB Broyles, right greets Alaska Grand Master James R. Harrington who joined Plato Lodge #469 in 1984 while stationed at Fort Leonard Wood. MWB Broyles accompanied MWB Harrington on a visit to Plato Lodge on December 2.

few guidelines that may help keep you from violating that oath, especially if you aren’t meaning to… • If you need to know the meaning of something in the bylaws, ask your DDGM. He is the authority in your district on the law. If you feel that his determination is not correct, you can ask him to get the Grand Master’s interpretation. His decision is final, pending ratification of the Grand Lodge voting body. • Many brothers speak about Freemasonry in public forums, including Internet social media networks, such as Facebook. I hope each would realize the difference between what should be discussed in public versus what should only be addressed in the privacy of a meeting or other private communication. Also, you should often state that any opinions you may state are your own… non-members may not understand that you as an individual do not speak for your Lodge (unless you’re the Master, or for Missouri Freemasonry, or even the fraternity as a whole). • While questioning authority and speaking out about it is your right, remember that speaking in a forum that can not affect a change in the origination is just complaining. Remember those Masonic virtues, silence and circumspection. Your rights are not restricted, but your oath binds your involvement to be structured to engage you in the process of changing for the good, from within the organization. There are so many different undocumented protocol, procedures, and guidelines. One could spend a lifetime learning them all. When addressing things that you feel are issues with the organization, with the council of other Brethren, they can help you find a way to work WITHIN the organization to affect the change... or improvement... that you are hoping for. Fraternally yours,

Jon Broyles 2013-14 Grand Master

Committee on Masonic Publications David W. Haywood, Senior Grand Warden C. Brent Stewart , Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman

day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November.

Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-558-0436 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org

Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. office of publicationS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO

The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be e-mailed to editor@momason.org, not later than the first

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Submit articles to:


65202-6535. Printed by Tribune Publishing Co., Columbia, Missouri. Periodicals Postage paid at Columbia, Missouri. postmaster: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO 65202-6535. subscriptions: The Missouri Freemason is mailed to every member of this Masonic Jurisdiction without charge. Domestic subscriptions elsewhere are $12.00 annually. permission to reprint: All recognized Masonic publications have permission to reprint original articles from The Missouri Freemason with credit to the author and the publication. please, contact your Lodge Secretary with your address change at 573-474-8561

the missouri freemason

the missouri freemason


vol. 59 no. 2

Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri SPRING 2014 Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications

contents 32 Barry Cundiff Appointed to Advancing Line 32 Sampson Lodge #298 "Mason of the Year" RWB Royce Wheeler 32 On the cover 32 Missouri Freemason Deadlines 33 What is the Length of Your Cable‑Tow? 34 The Symbol of Symbols: The Point Within a Circle (PWIAC) 34 Who is your DDGM? 36 Missouri Lodge of Research Spring 2014 Truman Lecture, Saturday, May 17, 2014 38 Missouri DeMolay 39 Job's Daughters 40 Rainbow Girls 41 The Masonic Home of Missouri — Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future 41 The Calendar is filling up Fast 42 How to Show Your Support — Celebrating Masonic Home of Missouri's 125 Years 43 The Work of our Craft

From The Editor’s Keyboard “This,” he said, “is Freemasonry.” That observation was offered by Gary Hinderks, a friend, a Brother and, among many other things, our Scottish Rite Personal Representative in St. Joseph. He's been around awhile and I guess if anyone would know what Freemasonry is all about, it would be him; but when Gary said that, you could have knocked me over with a feather. That's because, as he said it, he was pointing at my column in a copy of the Missouri Freemason magazine. He didn't know it, but he had just paid me one of the best compliments I have ever received. I'll let Gary and others be the judge of how well my writing represents the fraternity. I just know this: I write about things that affect me and that are on my mind; and Freemasonry is on my mind a lot. I may not be the world's most gregarious person, but I have more friends than I can count. The thing about being a Mason is you're going to have something in common with anyone else who wears the square and compasses on his finger or lapel. It doesn't matter if you've never met, you'll have a lot to talk about. Last summer I went to Illinois to meet a group I write with... the Midnight Freemasons. We didn't know each other personally, but sitting at lunch with them, you'd have thought we were a bunch of college buddies getting together for a reunion. I write about our friendship. We've all heard the claim: Freemasons give... fill-in-the-blank with your own figure... $_____ million dollars a day to charity. I've heard that as high as $4 million and as low as $1 million. Not long ago, CBS news reported it was $2 million. The Shriners Hospitals' annual budget exceeds $750 million. Until they began accepting insurance, that alone covered the $2 million per day. Still, factor in the myriad of other Masonic charities and it seems the CBS figure is about right. We are a benevolent, giving organization. I write about our charity. Freemasonry is rich in history and tradition. Our ritual is deep and thought provoking. We apply its symbols and lessons to our everyday lives to help good men become better men. We are devout and constantly searching for greater light. We find that path through the examples of our Brothers, the Bible and other volumes of sacred law upon which our principles are based, and literature we create based on that symbolism. I write about our principles. So thanks for the kind words, Brother. I am humbled. Ours is a fraternity worth writing about; and, to the best of my ability, I try to do that. I write about our friendship; I write about our charity; I write about our principles. Friendship, charity and principles... in some circles they might call those things Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Steve Harrison, Editor

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Barry Cundiff Appointed to Advancing Line Last September, with the passing of Right Worshipful Brother LeRoy Salmon, MWB Dave Ramsey filled the open position in the advancing line by appointing RWB Barry V. Cundiff to the position of Junior Grand Marshal. At the ensuing Grand Lodge meeting, RWB Cundiff advanced to the position of Junior Grand Steward. Right Worshipful Brother Cundiff was born in Kirksville, Missouri in 1961. He attended Truman State University graduating in 1983 with degrees in history and economics. He subsequently attended law school at the University of Missouri in Columbia graduating in 1986. He has been engaged in the practice of law since his graduation and in Kirksville since 1993. RWB Cundiff married his wife Audrey in Jefferson City in 1992. They have one son, Brody, who was born in 2008. RWB Cundiff ’s father and both grandfathers were members of Adair Lodge #366. His father and paternal grandfather were both Masters of the Lodge. He was initiated,

passed and raised in 1983 and served as Worshipful Master in 1998 and again in 2001. RWB Cundiff is a member of the several Kirksville York Right bodies and has served as High Priest of Caldwell Chapter #53, Illustrious Master of Kirksville Council #42 and Eminent Commander of Ely Commandey #22. He is also a member of York Rite College #188, Heart of Missouri, Tipperary Council #62, Knight Masons, and St. Chrysostom Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine. He is a 32 degree, KCCH, member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Columbia. RWB Cundiff served at District Deputy Grand Master of the Third Masonic District from 2003 through 2007. He has served on and chaired the Appeals and Grievances and Jurisprudence Committees of the Grand Lodge and also served on its Long Range Planning Committee. He served on the Masonic Home Board from 2009 to 2013.

On the cover:

This elegant Square and Compasses with the letter G is displayed prominently at the Masonic Complex in Columbia. It's located... well, where do you think it's located?

The members of Sampson Masonic Lodge #298 in Theodosia named Right Worshipful Brother Royce Wheeler as the Sampson Lodge, 2013, "Mason of The Year." RWB Wheeler joined the fraternity and received the degrees in Freemasonry in 1992 as a member of Rockbridge Lodge. His long list of Masonic accomplishments includes being Past Master of Rockbridge, Bayou, Robert Burns and Norwood Lodges. He has served as District Deputy Grand Master of the 42nd Masonic District of Missouri. He currently serves the Fraternity as Secretary of Sampson and Robert Burns Lodges, Chaplain of Norwood Lodge and District Deputy Grand Lecturer of the 42nd Masonic District. He is also a Knight Commander of the Court of Honor, Scottish Rite (Valley of Joplin).

✮ Missouri Freemason Deadlines ✮ Summer, 2014 April 1, 2014 Fall, 2014 July 1, 2014

Winter, 2014 October 1, 2014 Spring, 2014 January 5, 2015

Email all articles and pictures! 32 Spring 2014

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What is the Length of Your Cable-Tow? By Sam Land With a length of rope and two wooden stakes, it is easy to stick one stake in the ground, tie the rope to both stakes, and then circumscribe a circle with the second stake. This work will provide us with a point in a circle and that image is well known to every Freemason. If you want a larger circle just add more rope. In this material sense, the limit of your circle will always depend on the amount of rope available. It may be lengthened or shortened at will simply by changing the length of the rope. We can observe use of this principle nearly any time we wish simply by looking in yards, front or back. We will find anything from a dog to an elephant constrained by the rope tied to a stake. At the length of the rope will always be found a circle created by the tread of anxious feet trying desperately to be free of the rope. And so it is with us; we constantly fight against the constraint of the cable-tow we are tied to. In the materialistic world we live in and are educated about in the First Degree, we learn that we are never truly free; we have so many cable-tows tied to our bodies that it is amazing we get anything done at all. These cable-tows are of variable importance as some are just annoyances while others are life or death conditions. The physical cable-tow is used mostly for restraint as in criminals and animals. It is used to confine them both to a certain range of movement that we will allow them to have. It is a matter of control and authority. In a land of freedom it is considered very bad manners to attempt to control other human beings in such restraints unless there is a danger of escape or damage. The ultimate cable-tow for human beings is the noose that, one end tied to a tree branch, allows the human being to circumscribe a circle on the ground beneath his feet. In the Second Degree we find a far greater use of the cable-tow. When we use our minds to consider with rationality the several choices we make each day, we are tying invisible cable-tows to ourselves just as surely as if they were made of rope and wooden stakes. We bind and unbind ourselves to and from obligations many times daily as the need arises and our rationality asserts itself on any given situation. They, too, are of many degrees of urgency from nearly unimportant to life threatening. We just do not realize that we are doing so as it is so habitual with us. Some common cable-tows of this type are choosing whether we will be a good student or just a passing one; if we will have a lifelong relationship with our mate or just a temporary one; if we will spend to the limit of our credit card or maintain a safety balance of debt to income. Will we give full time work or just part time work to our full time employer? Will we tell customers that work is needed when it is not just to increase income? Will we attempt to do the will of God or will we do our own will? In the Third Degree we are taught that the end of life is certain yet the aftermath of death is not, depending on

the length of our cable-tow in the life before death. Here we make the decisions of highest importance: will we serve God and will we serve our Brother of this world? Still we are made to set the distance of our cable-tow and choose either the way of love or the way of pain. God has, since He created the Universe, a cable-tow of His own which He administers perfectly. It is He that is the center or dot in the circle and the Universe is the area circumscribed by His cable-tow. Master Masons have begun the difficult and often painful task of looking both outside and inside themselves to find the cable-tows, give each of them a reasoned examination, and made a judgment whether to retain it as is, retain it altered or discard it totally. This is no small undertaking and requires patience, rational thinking, and the knowledge of how to convert an unwanted habit into a desired trait. This difficult process is that which brings the Master Mason to true light and allows him to rejoin with the Creator in Unity. Many of the habits we have and actions we take are of small consequence and require little of our time to evaluate. The very first one is to decide who is in control of our life. Are we or are we allowing outside forces to dictate our lifestyle and beliefs? It is a powerful decision and personal feeling that overcomes each individual when he faces this issue and overtly decides that he will make the decisions for his life and only allow outside advice on the decisions to be made. It changes the whole outlook on life as a process. Will I be a person of punctuality or not? Will I be a person of truth or not? Will I be a person who cares about the needs and feelings of my Brothers? Will I be a person who raises my children or will I lateral that off to someone else? When we decide to take control of our life, we chose to be responsible for it and the decisions made. As we go through the day it is easy to find numerous examples where we have unconsciously made and followed choices over long periods of time. It may just take a second to recognize this and a second more to determine that it is the way we want it to be. Fine and good! From now on we will recognize that we made that decision and know who to blame if we find later that we should have altered it. We can observe each relationship and ask ourselves if it is the way we want it and, if not, decide what to do about it. This takes a bit more time to make a reasoned decision. We face decisions at work and at play that will follow the same pattern of evaluation. We may find friends and acquaintances who we have thought to be supportive and, under evaluation, find that we would be better off without having them in our lives. This decision and its application are more difficult yet but we are dealing with our own life and who we spend time with and consider advice from is of utmost importance.

See Length, page 36 ‌

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The Symbol of Symbols: The Point Within a Circle (PWIAC) By Bro. Dennis W. Spears — Alpha Lodge #659 & Moberly Lodge #344

We have all heard, "… there is represented in every regular and well-governed Lodge a certain point within a circle…" at least once in our Masonic careers. But have we ever asked why this symbol receives that distinction. This places the Point Within A Circle (PWIAC) on a par with the Volume of Sacred Law (VSL), the square and compasses and the Letter "G." The explanation for the symbol states, "The point represents an individual Brother; the circle, the boundary line of his duty …" a seemingly paltry explanation for such an important symbol. What follows is a brief summary of what writers like Pike, Mackey, Peterson and others have theorized about the symbol. In sum, no one knows where the symbol originally began. Most believe it came from Egypt and represented the Sun and the God Osiris. Most agree that the point represented the Sun or the altar and the circle represented the universe, the Deity or the concept of HIM WHO has neither beginning nor end. In some cultures the circle represented the female reproductive organs while the point the male phallus. Together they represented the union of the masculine and feminine. Many other explanations are given for this symbol some of a Christian nature, some astronomical and others philosophical. For operative masons the PWIAC's original purpose was to check the workman's square to make sure it was true. The symbol is geometric and states: draw a circle, put a dot anywhere on its circumference, draw a diameter so that it crosses the circle on both sides, connect the dot to the points where the diameter crosses the

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circle, the result is a right angle. Today the points where the diameter crosses the circle have become the Holy Saints John (Moses and Solomon in some jurisdictions). The dot on the circumference the Volume of Sacred Law (VSL). We now circumscribe our passions and not our tools and as long as our actions remain within the circle, we cannot materially err. The PWIAC has always been fascinating and one of the most interesting symbols in Freemasonry. There has to be more to the symbol than the explanation given in the Ritual. This explanation never really explained why this symbol was deserving of being represented in every regular and well-governed Lodge. Viewing it from the prospective of a Speculative Mason the following symbolism came to light. We are taught that Geometry is the basis on which the superstructure of Freemasonry is erected. Further that Geometry and Masonry were originally synonymous terms. A point is the beginning of all geometrical matter, so must the point be the beginning of Freemasonry. We are told that the point is an individual Brother. That Brother is YOU. You are the beginning of Freemasonry. It was YOU that asked to be made a Freemason, it was YOU that knelt at the altar and took upon yourself certain duties, responsibilities and made promises to do and not to do certain things. It will be YOU that either succeeds in YOUR duties, obligations and keeping those promises or it will be YOU that will fail. Lastly it is YOU that will or will See Symbol, next page …

the missouri freemason

Symbol, from previous page … not travel the road progressing from a good man to a better man. YOU are the Alpha and Omega of Freemasonry; without YOU there is no Masonry. The circle is a line, albeit a curved line, and a line is the continuation of a point. The circle is the continuation of your promises, obligations, duties and responsibilities. The circle reminds us of the Compasses which are necessary to draw a circle and which teach us to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions in due bounds with all mankind. The Compasses are the true measure of a Mason's life and set the boundaries of his conduct. That he may rise to eminence by merit, may live respected, and die regretted. The VSL at the apex of the circle is given to us as the rule and guide of our faith and practice. Thus our promises, obligations, duties and responsibilities begin and end with the VSL. It forms the boundary of our duty beyond which we are never to suffer our passions, prejudices and interests to betray us. It is placed at the apex to remind us that it is the highest and holiest of Laws and was given by the Deity as a gift to man and as long as a Freemason acts within the bounds of the circle he cannot materially err. St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are emblematic of the Plumb which teaches Rectitude of Conduct; a life lived in good conscience by the standards of right and wrong. On the one hand we should walk uprightly in our stations before Deity, on the other in our stations before man. Always remembering we can do neither until we walk upright with ourselves obeying the maxim — "To Thine Own Self Be True." The Plumb reminds us of the virtue Justice, that standard which enables us to render to every man his just due without distinction. It should be the practice of every Freemason never to vary from that principal. The points formed by the two plumbs and the VSL are emblematic of the three tenets of Freemasonry — Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Brotherly Love teaches that all mankind is of one family — the high, the low, the rich and the poor — created by one Almighty Parent and as inhabitants of the same planet are to aid, support and protect each other. Relief to the distressed is a duty owed by all men but more especially by Freemasons as it forms a bound of sincere affection between us. Truth is a divine attribute and the foundation of all virtues. To be good and true is the first lesson a Freemason is taught and reminds us that we must remain true to ourselves and to each other. The three points further remind us of the three supports of a Lodge — Wisdom, Strength and Beauty; Wisdom to contrive, Strength to support and Beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings. Lastly they remind us of the three principal rounds of Jacob's ladder — Faith, Hope and Charity — Faith in Deity, Hope of immortality and Charity to all

mankind, Charity being the greatest of these. The angle formed by the two Plumbs and the VSL creates a right angle and a square. The Square represents morality and virtue teaching us to act honestly by following the "Golden Rule" in our dealings with our neighbors and especially with a Brother Freemason. It teaches to square our actions by the Square of Virtue with all mankind and in all our dealings. The Diameter divides the circle into the high and low, the top and bottom, while leaving the circle intact. It teaches that the human race is all of one family, all of one blood and the same in the eyes of the Deity. Freemasons are concerned with the internal and not the external qualities of a man. It is those internal qualities on which every man should be judged and receive his just due. The Diameter is also emblematic of the 24" Gauge which reminds us to divide our time for the service of Deity and a distressed worthy Brother, our vocations, and refreshment and sleep. Lastly, the Diameter is representative of the Level which teaches to treat all equally. It teaches the fraternal equality of all men they being the offspring of Deity and all of one blood. No eminence of station should make us forget that we are Brethren. It reminds us that we are all traveling upon the Level of Time to "that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns." Because a time will come when Death the Grand Leveler will reduce us all to the same state. Finally, the point and the circle are emblematic of the All-Seeing Eye, the Deity. We must all pass through the "dark valley of the shadow of Death" and each one of us must make that dark journey alone. Although we may hide our thoughts, words and actions from the eyes of man, the All-Seeing Eye whom the Sun, Moon and Stars obey pervades the inmost recesses of the human Heart and will reward us according to our merits. Freemasonry is truly a system of morals veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. It's Ritual and symbols are infinite in their application and teachings. The PWIAC being the Symbol of Symbols incorporating the VSL, the All-Seeing Eye, the Square, Compasses, Plumb, Level and the Gauge, along with their teaching and lessons is worthy of being represented in every regular and well– governed Lodge. It commands far more respect and study than we give it. Many, if not most will ask — How is it that you see all of this? The response, to paraphrase Master Po, is — How is it that YOU do not? See Symbol, next page …

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ILLUMINATI: Fact and Fiction

Short Talk Bulletin — Vol. IX, August, 1931, No. 8 Brother P. Todd Decker KT — A Reflection on the Symbolism of the Point Within a Circle. The Symbolism of Freemasonry — Albert G. Mackey Michael Bradley, Secrets of the Freemasons, Barnes & Noble, New York, NY 2006

The Short Talk Bulletin, The Masonic Service Association of North America, Silver Spring, Maryland: July 1954 Vol. 32 No. 07 William O. Peterson, Masonic Quiz Book: Ask Me Another Brother! A Masonic Primer, The Book Tree, San Diego, CA, 2006 Albert G. Mackey M.D., Lexicon of Freemasonry (Philadelphia, McClure) 1908, Barnes & Noble Book, New York, NY 2004

Length, from page 33 … In our dealings with God we come into the area of spirituality in our life. While it is the most basic, it is also the most important. This is the area where we decide what is truth and what we will believe about the philosophy of life. We must decide on our position of not only what is right or wrong but also under what differing circumstances. This process takes time, reason, and experience. We must look at each belief and decide how we feel about it and how we plan to act upon it. Is God real or not? Does He care or does He not? Does He make things happen or just allow free will to reign? Is there an afterlife and how is it achieved?

Even at the end of a long and carefully studied lifetime a man may not have fully completed his task to make union with God. He will, though, be well on the way and have a great knowledge of himself and his God and will be quite capable of walking hand in hand with Him through the Garden that he has created for himself. This is the life of a Master Mason. And, also, along the way, he will have begun to spread the word to others and make his findings known to other men who are or will be following the same path. Remember, it is you that you are considering, and there is absolutely no one more important than you. If you don't believe me, ask God when you see Him.

Symbol, from previous page … References:

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Perfection, from back page …

control and responsible to it. Nothing should be left to whim or fancy of individuals who may be ill prepared, with the quality of the degree we have conferred, the inaccurate or irresponsible. Textbooks, manuals, short candidate is unlikely to have a fulfilling experience that courses, schools, forums – these should not operate as will inspire him to proceed with the next degree and substitutes for the work of a Lodge. We can only hope improve himself in Freemasonry. that such tools may assist and inspire. But the stones Freemasons from time immemorial have encour- must be hewn and squared in the quarries where they aged individual members to fulfill the injunction, “To are raised…. Looking at the overall picture of AmeriImprove Myself in Freemasonry”—by forming study can Masonry candidly and thoughtfully, it seems to me clubs and research lodges, Grand Lodge committees the greatest single need of our Craft today is a memberon Masonic education, publishing pamphlets, articles, ship with a better understanding of what our Fraternity and books, exploring visual aids from stereopticons to is and especially of what it is not.” digitized computer programs. The Grand Lodge ComThomas Smith Webb, in The Freemason’s Monitor, mittee on Masonic Education consistently strives to or Illustrations of Masonry (1797, 5th edition, 1859), provide resources for Lodges to fulfill this mission. remarks (pp. 6-7): Anthony R. Baker, Past Master of Quatuor Coronati “Many persons are deluded by their vague suppoLodge No. 2076 writes: “Freemasonry is like a univer- sition that our mysteries are merely nominal; that the sity. Of course a university has a history and studying practices established among us are frivolous; and that that history is undoubtedly enjoyable for itself. But let our ceremonies might be adopted, or waived, at pleaus not forget that a university has a function in the mod- sure. On this false foundation, we have found them ern world, it has valuable teachings to communicate. hurrying through all the degrees, without adverting to Masonry too has valuable messages for the modern the propriety of one step they pursue, or possessing a man, for us in the 21st century” (A.Q.C. 125 (2012), single qualification requisite for advancement. Passing p. xi). through the usual formalities, they have accepted ofAt the same time there have been tendencies to re- fices and assumed the government of Lodges, equally duce requirements and expectations for candidates and unacquainted with the rules of the institution they preshorten traditional degree programs to “save time” and tended to support, or the nature of the trust reposed in make it easier for new members to “become” Freema- them. The consequence is obvious: wherever such pracsons. The result has been in too many cases to ignore tices have been allowed, anarchy and confusion have the new member, who loses interest quickly unless his ensured, and the substance has been lost in the shadow. natural inclination is to study his new organization’s This grievous fault, as common at the present day as in history and teaching on his own. I noticed that with the 1797, is chargeable upon the Masters of Lodges, and recent surge of degree work in Lodges, there is little can not justly be imputed to the candidates themselves. increase in attendance. Too many of the newly made If the blind lead the blind, what other results can be members are never seen again. There is no active plan anticipated!” of Masonic education for these new members. A few “Were the Brethren who preside over Lodges are self-motivated to seek out Masonic information ­ properly instructed previous to their appointment, from books and the Internet. There is little encourage- and regularly apprised of the importance of their rement, even from those who signed the petition, to take spective offices, a general reformation would speedily the initiative in maintaining contact with take place. This would evince the prothe sponsored member. priety of our mode of government, and Most Worshipful Brother Dwight L. lead men to ­acknowledge that our honors Smith of Indiana summarized his fawere deservedly conferred. The ancient mous treatise on solutions to perennial consequence of the Order would be reproblems of Lodge membership and parstored, and the reputation of the society ticipation (“Whither Are We Traveling? preserved.” – 1962), thus: “6. And then, humbly begStrive for Perfection, but until you ging pardon of the Sacred Cows, if Plans achieve that goal, strive to do the ritual and Programs and Systems there must to the best of your ability, enjoy the work, be, there is only one which has stood the Brother Voltaire (1694–1778): and whatever you do, do it for the canditest of time. It is that which is carried on “Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. date. In our striving we should not allow within the framework of the Lodge, inside (The perfect is the enemy of the perfection to be “the greatest enemy of its four walls, by its authority, under its good).” the good” (Voltaire). the missouri freemason Spring 2014 37

Hello! My name is Brandon Rarey and I was installed as State Master Councilor of Missouri DeMolay on November 16, 2013. I believe the 22 Jurisdictional Officers will serve Missouri DeMolay to the greatest of their ability and create an even bigger and better organization. The state installation was held at the St. Louis Scottish Rite Building. There were a lot of people there to support all of the officers and, to tell you the truth, that night would have not happened without the help of Missouri Masons. From the sound crew to even my own installing team, most of them are, like myself, a Master Mason. It was a privilege to be surrounded by such a large amount of leadership that this fraternity gives us. Throughout the year we have held “Open Houses” to bring in new members and we are going to continue having them. They have been extremely successful, ranging from 24

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new members to 70 NEW Members! This is a great way to build the name of DeMolay and start new Chapters. If you are interested in bringing a DeMolay Chapter to your Lodge please don’t hesitate to ask because a new Chapter will only benefit you and Missouri DeMolay. I thank you for your assistance and continued support. We all have one common goal and that is to make this world a better place to live. We have many events coming up this year that we plan on having everyone in the Masonic family come out to join in on the fun; so to see what Missouri DeMolay has coming up, please visit our website at Modemolay.org. Fraternally, Brandon A. Rarey State Master Councilor Missouri DeMolay

the missouri freemason

Hello Missouri Masons! I hope you had a warm and wonderful holiday season filled with family and friends. Missouri Job’s Daughters had a wonderful 2013 and finished the year off strong. December, also known as installation season, hosted many Bethel installations as they marked the end of the fall terms and the beginning of new spring terms with new corps of officers. I am so proud of the dedication of our members and their endeavors for this term. Due to our unpredictable Missouri weather, January was a month a few Grand Guardian Council activities. As we progressed into February our schedules picked up with many official visits. It has been a great reminder of how wonderful our members are as Mom Julia Wallace (Grand Guardian), Dad Gary Dryer (Associate Grand Guardian) and I traveled around the state. The weekend of the 8th and 9th we visited Bethel #43 in Fenton and Bethel #47 in Mehlville. A few weekends later we traveled to Bethel #60 in Jackson, Bethel #36 in Bonne Terre, and Bethel #56 in Hillsboro. March also will host a number of events, with official visits starting in St. Louis: Bethel #49 in Crestwood, Bethel #5 in Kirkwood, Bethel #19 in Webster Groves. Towards the end of March, we will be attending a few official visits on the western side of our great state: Bethel #7 in Smithville, Bethel #33 in North Kansas City and Bethel #15 in Sedalia. Following all of these official visits, March will conclude with our annual Mini Session. Mini Session is planned solely by the Grand Bethel Honored Queen from picking a city, to sitting in on contract meetings, countless hours of planning to finally executing a fun filled weekend for our amazing ladies. I have had the great pleasure of planning my Mini Session so far. Make Every Connection Matter Mini Session emphasizes the everpressing role of media in our lives and how it is our responsibility to make every connection matter. This weekend is on March 29-30 in Columbia, Missouri at Stoney Creek Inn, and will feature a mall scavenger hunt, an appearance by an inspirational drum band, Sheltered Reality, cupcake wars, and so much more! I am really looking forward to sharing three years-worth of my hard work with Missouri Job’s Daughters. Mini Session also happens to be our Supreme Visit as we have the great honor to showcase our Missouri Masonic family and members to our International leaders, one of them being our own Brianna Hall (Miss International Job’s Daughter and Grand Bethel Junior Princess). Finally as April is upon us, I hope to see many of you at the State Officer’s Reception in Kansas City on April 12. In addition, I personally invite you to my reception as Grand Bethel Honored Queen on April 26 hosted by my Bethel at Crestwood-Euclid Masonic Temple in Crestwood, Missouri. I hope the day is filled with memories (embarrassing or not…) as well as donating my hair to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is one of my charities for this Grand Bethel term

Bethel #5’s (Kirkwood, Missouri) installation with our Miss Missouri Job’s Daughter Caitlyn Washington PHQ.

Crestwood, Missouri Bethel #49’s installation of Officers on December 7, 2013.

and I have been growing my hair since June 2011, when I was elected as Grand Bethel Junior Princess. I, as well as a number of our members will be donating at least 10 inches of hair to be made into wigs or hairpieces for children with cancer or terminal illnesses that lead to hair loss. If you know of people who would like to donate their hair and/or attend the reception please feel welcome to join us! Overall, Missouri Job’s Daughters recognizes how blessed we are to have such a wonderful Masonic family; and we are proud as peacocks to celebrate our Masonic heritage! Sincerely, Amy Bush, PHQ Grand Bethel Honored Queen

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Rainbow Gets Girls Ready for Life! Welcome Spring! Well, really, as I write this it's the end of December and the temperature dropped 40 degrees last night (55 to 15). So, right now, I have to say: Br-r-r-r! This is the halfway mark of my term as Grand Worthy Advisor. I have traveled across Missouri visiting Rainbow Girls and Assemblies in the Ozarks, Ashland, Columbia (for our State Dean's Reception) and many other towns/cities. My reception and local visit in Rolla, was canceled last week due to sleet and snow. While beautiful, it was too dangerous for our Rainbow sisters and friends to make the trek. This spring I have two visits scheduled, April 12, at Grandview Masonic Lodge where District 4 will be hosting (Marlborough, Service, Lee's Summit, St. Joseph, Harrisonville, North Kansas City and Liberty). District 4 is known for original, entertaining visits and I believe this one will live up to that reputation. They are even planning a Teddy Bear Tea Party downstairs at the same time as their (closed) visit upstairs so Pledges and friends will have something exciting to do for the first hour or so! And that evening will be the muchanticipated DeMolay Knights Dance honoring the Grand Officers of the three Masonic Youth Groups — YES! On May 3, I will be visiting District 1 in St. Louis (Kirkwood Lodge). District 1 consists of St. Louis, St. Charles, Fidelity, Wentzville, Poplar Bluff and Piedmont. St. Louis and District 1 are always so welcoming and gracious — I am really looking forward to this visit, too. "My" Rainbow Girls throughout Missouri have embraced their challenge of adopting nursing homes. There have been many craft projects and visiting with the residents of many homes. Just recently, Christmas caroling was enjoyed — some with just the girls singing and some with the residents singing along. Fa-la-la-la-la! I look forward to their reports and the creativity they are sharing. The Rainbow Girls with the Grand Cross Masters have also learned more about the "Gift of Life" foundation. They are obtaining new knowledge about what organs can be donated and what the steps are to become organ donors. These two State Service Projects are in addition to the animal rescue and low-income child care facilities, domestic violence shelters, hospitals, food pantries, clothes closets and other organizations Missouri Rainbow Girls support year after year. It's time again to mark your calendars! On Sunday, June 28, 2014, we will begin our Grand Assembly sessions with a 10:30am closed Rainbow session (for registered guests)— featuring Ritualistic Opening, Balloting and Initiation of new members. Once again we will be at the John Q. Hammons Convention Center in Springfield, Missouri. Then, at 3:00pm, it will be time for our Formal Opening of our 88th Missouri Grand Assembly! I sure would like as many of you as possible to represent Missouri Masons at

40 Spring 2014

this Formal Opening! After our many entrances, our Grand Representatives will perform a Cavalcade of Rainbow's Jurisdictional Flags and then we will switch to our youngest sisters, our Pledges, as they perform a Pledge Ceremony welcoming new members. It's amazing how well these 7-11 year old young ladies memorize and exemplify their parts! We'll see a number of scholarships presented as well as the Grand Master's Award, Grand Commandery Award, Assembly of the Year Scholarship and trophies for the Greatest Increase in Membership (2012-2013) and Greatest Number of Initiates (2012-2013). I hope YOUR local or closest Rainbow Assembly is represented by any number of these Sunday events! (AND, that you are present to cheer for them). It's been an exciting "first half" — Masonic Youth Day, Grand Chapter, being represented at Grand Lodge, two visits (and hoping the snowed-out one can be rescheduled), fall Installations, our State Dean's Reception as well as a full school and work schedule. I truly am looking forward to the "second half" — two more visits, a Grand Officer's Retreat, spring Installations, Nursing Home visits and more. To close, I borrow a quote from Mufasa (The Lion King) that sums up our support of one another: "We are all connected in the Great Circle of Life." Please connect with your local or closest Assembly … and please come connect with us at our Grand Assembly in June! Connecting Rainbow's Love through a Lifetime of Service, Rachel DeLashmit, Grand Worthy Advisor 2013-2014 State of Missouri, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

Rachel DeLashmit and Catherine Dent

the missouri freemason

Corporate Offices 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A • Columbia, Missouri 65202 1-800-434-9804 ~ 573-814-4663 ~ 573-814-4660 (fax) www.mohome.org

Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future After wrapping your tongue around the word "Quasquicentennial" a couple of times, we want you to start thinking about something: Quasquicentennial means "pertaining to or marking a period of 125-years." The very amount of years the Masonic Home of Missouri will be celebrating on June 14, 2014. In the year 1889, the United States was 113 years old, Coca-Cola Company was incorporated, Grover Cleveland was President, there were 42 States and Thomas Edison showed his first motion picture. Social Services, as we know them today, did not exist. If a spouse passed away, there were no survivor's benefits, no Social Security, no Medicare/Medicaid or Dependent Children's aid. If a Mason passed away, his wife was responsible for finding a way to raise their children with many times no job skills or experience working outside the home. It's no secret that Masons take care of Masons... and their families. In 1889, it was no different and some very forethinking men came together to incorporate, build and run the Masonic Home for Orphans and Widows. These men began the process of building the foundation of a durable charity that continues to help those in need today. Throughout the years, the Masonic Home of Missouri's Board of Directors continued to build on that foundation of assisting "eligible adults and children through the practice of Freemasonry." They chose pathways that allowed them

to first operate homes that could assist people if they moved to St. Louis or Kansas City and then through programs that come to the a person's own hometown. Throughout the 125-years of existence, the Masonic Home of Missouri has continued to embrace the future but always celebrate our past. Our current Board of Directors and staff would like to extend an invitation to you to attend our 125th Anniversary on June 14, 2014, at the Masonic Complex. There will be a host of events during the day including a charity golf tournament (to be played on Friday, June 13, 2014), a special Masonic Home of Missouri's Children Reunion, special displays of the original stained glass from the Order of the Eastern Star Chapel and Church from the Delmar campus, silverware, newspapers, brochures, photos and other items from the former residents of the Home, guided tours, and much more. We will have a commemorative book and collector's coin for sale during the event to mark the occasion. The collector coin has been designed from the original 1889 dedication coin and will be displayed, along with the original, in the Masonic Home's museum. As more plans are finalized, we will inform everyone of times, etc. on our website at www.mohome.org, which was re-launched on January 1, 2014, with a new design, celebrating this special event.

The Calendar is filling up Fast The Grand Lodge's Achievement Award has a section that awards points to Lodges for working the Masonic Home of Missouri's Outreach Programs. This year, the Achievement Award allows for a Lodge to receive 25 points if it will host a Ladies Luncheon and Tea. This program has been very successful in the past year and has gained popularity with the Lodge membership, their ladies and honored widows. Several Lodges held a luncheon, tea or dinner and invited their wives, honored widows, daughters, and even mothers to attend to learn more about the programs the Masonic Home of Missouri offers. During the event, a staff member from the Home spoke about each program, whom it was designed to assist and how the Home was able to fulfill its motto of "We are Where You Are." By being able to talk directly to the Ladies and members of the Lodge, the Home was able to offer education for future life changes that a person might

experience, such as an elderly Masonic-affiliated parent needing financial assistance, the death of a spouse, or how to partner with the Home through the Creating-A-Partnership (CAP) Program. Several Lodges partnered to hold an event together and had wonderful turnouts. Some Lodges chose to have their own special event such as a Sweetheart Dinner or special entertainment from local talent. The fare was everything from salad/soups to full meals. What truly mattered was the ability to reconnect with widows, educate those who might need the Masonic Home of Missouri and the fellowship that all shared. If your Lodge or Chapter would like to host an event, please contact Rhonda Stone Lightfoot at (800) 434-9804 to schedule it. The calendar is quickly filling up!

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How to Show Your Support 125th Commemorative Ornament

Enlarged to show detail.

Celebrating 125 years of helping Masons, their wives, widows, female members of the Order of the Eastern Star and children throughout Missouri is a special event. We are excited to offer several items to commemorate this special event. Both items below are available for purchase through our website at www. mohome.org

This limited edition pewter collector's ornament commemorates the 125th Anniversary and is available through the website or our Holiday Fund Drive. This ornament is only available for a limited time and is the first in a series of ornaments that will be released over the next four years. This first ornament shows the original home on the front and has information about the formation of the Masonic Home of Missouri on the back. Cost is $125.00/ornament

125th Anniversary Commemorative Coin

Celebrate our 125th Anniversary with a Paver Stone

This 1.5" antique silver finish coin became available on January 1, 2014, through our website, from our Board of Directors or at all Ladies Luncheons and Teas. Lodges and Chapters are welcome to purchase the coins to sell or give away within their Lodge/Chapter. There is a limited amount available. We have the original coin that was presented at the dedication of the first home in 1889 and this coin closely depicts it. The design on the front of the coin is taken from the original coin and shows the first home. The back of the coin shows our 125th logo. Cost is $12.50/coin

In 2014, the Square and Compass Courtyard at the Masonic Complex will undergo a face lift and all stones will be replaced with granite pavers for a brighter, longer lasting impression. A commemorative 125th anniversary stone will be placed in a special section of the Courtyard dedicated to this momentous occasion. Donors who wish to "engrave" themselves in the historical celebration have an opportunity to purchase a special 12x12 paver with their name and a short message for the Home for a special price of $250. Orders must be placed no later than February 28, 2014. The redesigned Courtyard and commemorative stone will be unveiled at the 125th Anniversary Open House in June 2014. Contact Julie Kirchhoff at (800) 434-9804 for ordering information.

Stone Size 12 x 12 18 x 18 24 x 24

# # Masonic Characters Symbols 40 1 70 2 100 2

Price $300 $550 $800

Save the date — ­ Saturday, June 14, 2014 — to come to Columbia and help celebrate the Masonic Home of Missouri's 125th birthday. 42 Spring 2014

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Lodge Notes • Sampson Lodge #298, Theodosia, in conjunction with the Masonic Home of Missouri (Creating a Partnership Program) donated $400 to Lutie School to provide Thanksgiving meals to 35 students from financially disadvantaged families.

Union Masonic Lodge #593 welcomed its newest Master Mason, Brother Michael Daniel Snyder, on November 8, 2013. Brother Snyder is shown holding the Master Mason Degree Certificate, which Worshipful Master Harry Zerwig, right, presented. Brother William Koch assisted with the presentation.

• On October 23, 2013, Sampson Lodge #298 in Theodosia donated $250 to Lutie School to help fund a trip for the Officers of the Theodosia Chapter — Future Business Leaders of America — to Dallas, Texas, to attend the FBLA National Convention.

The 593 Booster Club, supporting Union Masonic Lodge #593, presented Mr. Gary Biere of Bland, Missouri, with a Remington Model 770, .243 Rifle, which he won by having the winning ticket drawn at the Stated Meeting on November 8, 2013.

Cooper Lodge #36 donated proceeds from its October chili fundraiser back to the community. Lonnie Tucker, Chairman, thanked all of the members, their ladies, and the community for their support. The Lodge sent 46 fruit baskets to Widows and homebound members. Baskets were taken to Boonville, Columbia, St. Clair and Richmond. Gift certificates for food and paper products only were purchased from Snoddy's Market, Jennings Premium Meats and C & R Markets. A $900 certificate was given to Harvest House, $900 to the Agency on Aging and $300 to other families in need. In addition, the Boonslick Shrine Club donated toys brought to their annual Christmas dinner to Harvest House and 50 other families with children.

Approximately 50 Master Masons and prospects attended the Mokane Oyster Dinner on January 4, 2014. Pictured are Most Worshipful Brother Jon Broyles, Grand Master; Joe Devile, PM, Fulton #48; Brent Stewart, Senior Grand Warden; Ty Treutelaar, Senior Grand Marshal; John Douglas, Secretary, Fulton #48; David Haywood, Deputy Grand Master and Jerry Taylor, Treasurer, Mokane #612. Other Grand Officers present included Grand Secretary Ron Miller and Junior Grand Warden Richard Smith.

Branson Masonic Lodge worked with the Branson Veterans Task Force in November during Veterans week to help register veterans. According to Greg Schnapp, the program registered over 5,000. The members of the Lodge had a great time talking with the veterans and listing to some great stores. Many of the vets were Masons. This was the third year Branson Lodge worked with the task force. This year, the following members were involved: WM Kevin Wiebe, WB Bob Stapleton, WB Rick Hutcheson, WB Bob Hindbaugh, Kenny Goodman, John Bahler, Scott Adrian, RWB Herb Terrill. Worshipful Master Kevin Wiebe expressed his thanks to all the members that volunteer their time to work this community program.

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On October 21, 2013, Most Worshipful Brother Jon Broyles officiated at the Kirksville Lodge #105 Installation of officers. Pictured after the ceremony are Past Masters from Kirksville and Adair Lodge #366. Front row: WB Charles Allen, RWB David Powell, WB Marcus Dew, RWB Barry Cundiff, RWB Charles Cooper, RWB Mark Whitney, RWB Bob Barrett. Middle row: Middle Row: RWB William King, RWB H. Al Barnes, MWB Jon Broyles, RWB Richard Mansfield, RWB Marion Rehm, RWB Dale West. Back Row: RWB Brent Motter, WB John Rehm.

On December 17, members of Samaritan Lodge #424 met at the local school board meeting to explain the "Creating a Partnership" program. There they formally announced the joint collaboration of the Grand Lodge, First State Community Bank, Boyer Funeral Home and Samaritan Lodge in donating a total of $3,000 to the North County School District. Pictured are: school social workers Angela Dawes and Nicole Sprinkles, Lodge Secretary Dan Ward, bank president Kevin Cook and Junior Warden James Stewart. Not pictured is WB Brian Boyer.

Forsyth Lodge #453 hosted its annual Chili and Stew charity fundraiser on November 22, 2013.

In January, Swope Park Lodge #617 assisted Temple Gate Lodge #299 in raising a new Master Mason. Shown are WB Doug McDonald, WB John Hoeykens, WB Jeff Engle, B. Cory Buys, Larry Comeron and WB Ben Pagel.

Branson Masonic Lodge honored Master Masons widows by cooking over 85 dozen cookies and delivering them to 26 widows, along with a Christmas Card and an invitation to a Widows Luncheon to be held at the Lodge. The widows enjoy receiving the cookies each Christmas and Lodge Brethren have a lot of fun and great fellowship in making this project a success every year.

In October, 2013, members of Hale City Lodge received information a local citizen who could not access his residence was in need of someone to oversee a project to build a wheelchair ramp there. Several local Lodge members stepped up and spent a Sunday afternoon making a local residence accessible by wheelchair. Left to right: RWB Lloyd G. Lyon, A.J. Ikenberry, RWB Lee Fisher, RWB Harold Shatto and WB James Burks.

44Â Â Spring 2014

In December, 2013, Sampson Lodge #298 in Theodosia, through the "Creating A Partnership" program of the Masonic Home, provided winter clothing to twenty underprivileged students of Lutie School (K thru 8). School staff distributed the warm clothing just prior to the Christmas break. Pictured is Sampson Lodge Senior Warden Wes Frazer presenting the Creating A Partnership check to Alexandra Kellett, President of Lutie School's Future Business Leaders of America. Ms. Kellett assisted in coordinating the project. Also pictured is Sampson Lodge Senior Deacon Lewis Nauss.

On November 20, 2013, members of Union Masonic Lodge #593 recognized one of the Lodge's youngest Master Masons, Brother Daniel Lee Bates, on his graduation from the Missouri Sheriff's Association Training Academy. Brother Bates hopes to join the Franklin County Sheriff Department soon. Shown with Brother Bates is Sgt. Steve Becket, instructor at the Training Academy.

the missouri freemason

Ivy Leaf Chapter #215, Order of the Eastern Star, members “decorated” a money tree at their December meeting. Money from the tree and non-perishable food items donated by members of Ivy Leaf Chapter #215 and Jewell Masonic Lodge #480 were donated to the Pleasant Hill Lay Clergy Council. Pictured are Harold Hackler, Worthy Patron; Sandra Hackler, Worthy Matron; Trina Wilt, Pleasant Hill Lay Clergy Council member and Ron Beatty, Master of Jewell Lodge.

Santa and Mrs. Claus braved the severe winter weather conditions on December 7 to join with the Masons of Sampson Lodge #298 in Theodosia as they served their regular "First Saturday of the Month" community breakfast. The "kids" (both young and old) who were able to make it to town that morning enjoyed visiting with the couple from the North Pole. Junior Steward Howard Freeman and his wife Joy made the arrangements for this special visit.

Richard Smith and Brian Maenner presented a check to the Food Bank from the 22nd Masonic District Association on October 29, 2013. The funds will buy three tons of food for those in need in central Missouri. Pictured left to right: Rich Smith, Secretary/Treasurer of the 22nd Masonic Dist Association; Brian Maenner, President of the 22nd Masonic Dist Association; Todd Pridemore Development Manager of The Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri.

Cosby Lodge installed its officers for the 2013-14 term on September 3, 2013. Shown left to right are, front row: Alan Bodenhausen, SW; Gary Richey, Sr., WM; Scott Harman, JW; Larry Carpenter, JD. Second row: WB Carl Keith, SD; WB Elbert Turner, Treasurer; WB Jerry Davidson, Secretary; Nelson Cornelius, JS. Third row: WB Larry Chambers, Marshal; RWB Dennis Vogel, Chaplain; WB Emmett Bryson, Tyler; RWB Larry DeShon, SS.

Billings Lodge #379 presented checks to Clever, Billings and Hurley Schools for their programs designed for helping kids: Backpack and Care To Learn. Clever School Representative Debbie Krasser. Billings School Superintendent Cynthia Brandt, Hurley Grade School Principal Joey Little and K-12 Counselor Kaitlyn Whitehead were on hand to accept the donations. Lodge members present were RWB Tom Williams, WB Vic Peterson, Terry Bean and Dave Hart.

Richland Masonic Lodge #385 elected officers for the 2013-14 year on August 14, 2013, as follows: Martel P. Goldman, WM; Michael W. Moeller, SW; Eric D. Myers, JW; WB Donald J. Ferguson, Treasurer; WB Kenneth J. O’Dell, Secretary; Michael R. Baber, Jr., Chaplain; David Krisher, Marshal; Domenic K. Trewett, SD; Phillip D. McCombs, JD; Cameron A. Millar, SS; Morgan Dowling, JS; WB Carl Cummings, Tyler.

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Hale City Lodge No. 216 partners with Rho Eta Sorority and the Ministerial Alliance to deliver food to families in time for Thanksgiving. Shown left to right: RWB Lee A. Fisher, Rho Eta Member Janet Fletcher, RWB Harold Shatto and WB Don Lightfoot. RWB Lloyd G Lyon assisted with the delivery and took the picture.

On October 31, Samaritan Lodge #424 members gave away 500 hotdogs and fruit drinks to trick-or-treaters and their parents as part of the Lodge's annual community involvement program.

Elvins Ionic Lodge #154 held an open installation of officers on December 16, 2013. Shown (left to right) are, first row: Henry Harmon, Tyler; Andy Inman, SW; Patrick Mullins, Master; Garry Dalton, JW; Ted Jones, SS; Eddie Willis, JS; Dave Stokes Marshal. Top row: Larry Kelly, Treasurer; Jon Berry, JD; Alan Rawson, SD; Doug Bales, Secretary; Allen Dalton, Chaplain.

Mt. Hope Lodge in Odessa, Missouri, raised new Brother John Rotlol on January 11, 2014. Pictured from left to right are RWB Dean McAdams, DDGM of the 10th District; MWB Gail S. Turner; RWB Ronald D. Jones, Senior Grand Deacon; John Rotolo; RWB Stanley Masey; RWB Brent Stewart, Senoir Grand Warden; and RWB Stanton Brown II, Senior Grand Steward.

Branson Lodge Brothers assembled over 60 Christmas baskets during the week beginning 12/16. The baskets included toys and over 80 dozen home baked cookies. This Branson Christmas Project has been a part of the community for 37 years. Chairman Don McGuirt managed the project with the assistance of the Lodge Brethren, Eastern Star and Rainbow Girls.

Wakanda Lodge #52 in Carrollton kicked off its annual toy drive to help those in need at Christmas time. This year's collection was donated to the local YMCA and Ministerial Alliance for their collective event during the holidays. Pictured (left to right) are Tyler Bowlen, JS; Lonnie Martin, WM; RWB Bruce McWilliams, Chaplain and Michael Hamblen.

46Â Â Spring 2014

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Allen,James F. Allison,Gary D. Anders,Joseph D. Anderson,James Bruce Anderson,Ronald D. Bailey,James Farris Barlow,Wayne E. Bartles,Damon E. Beam,Ronald G. Beeler,Anthony W. Blankenship,John L. Jr. Boles,Donnie Odell Bond,Leonard F. Brackenbury,Vernon A. Jr. Bradshaw,Benny D. Brady,Harold H. Braidlow,Loyde V. Brandon,Richard W. REV Bridges,William E. Bright,Roger K. DDS Bruce,Marion V. Bruens,Walter W A Campey,Robert L. Caplinger,Walter H. Carnahan,John W. Carpenter,Jack Ray Cate,Norman H. Caton,Albert B. Chambers,Larry E. Charles,Ellis E. Combest,John F. Cotter,Ronald C. Cox,Bill J. Cox,Charles L. Cox,Donald R. Crum,Charles D. Curtis,Howard C. Dalton,William A. R. Davis,Bob L. Davis,James Davis,Richard L. Denham,Russell L. Dick,Lynn E. Drake,Dale D. Draper,Harry J. Dreppard,Larry J. Edwards,Robert G. Eldridge,Robert C. Ellis,Larry D. Evans,Alfred H. Farris,Harvey R. Fish,Gerald Allen Fisher,Eugene O. Fisher,Lee A. Fisher,Richard C. Floros,Peter O. Fonville,William J. Francis,Jerry D. Fremon,Charles L. Fri,Frank A. Jr. Friedman,Russell A. Gann,Jimmie E. Sr. Garrett,Eugene R. Jr. Gloeckle,Paul F. Goans,Daniel E. Goe,Orval J. Goodnight,Venton David Govero,Fabian Jr. Gray,Robert R. Grisham,Richard R. Gruensfelder,Albert L. Hadley,Ronald A. Hahler,Jonathon E. Hart,James M. Hayes,Paul E. Hendrickson,Howard G. Hinch,Harry S. Hoffman,Richard L. Holtzclaw,James W. Howell,Thomas E. Huff,Thomas Martin Humphrey,Ronald W. Humphreys,Charles W. Hurst,Stanley V. Hurt,William E. Sr. Jennings, Gerald G. Jones,Richard R. Jones,Roscoe W. Kerby,Robert K. King,William L. Koch,Douglas A. Lambert,Kenneth R.

Service honor roll

50–Year Date

4/11/2014 4/16/2014 4/14/2014 3/28/2014 3/21/2014 3/20/2014 5/4/2014 4/2/2014 4/25/2014 4/3/2014 3/28/2014 4/27/2014 5/27/2014 3/14/2014 3/12/2014 4/27/2014 5/15/2014 4/16/2014 5/13/2014 3/7/2014 3/12/2014 5/7/2014 3/16/2014 4/6/2014 3/30/2014 5/22/2014 5/30/2014 4/28/2014 4/3/2014 5/5/2014 3/13/2014 5/14/2014 4/15/2014 3/31/2014 3/26/2014 5/8/2014 4/6/2014 5/20/2014 4/18/2014 5/5/2014 4/9/2014 4/20/2014 5/11/2014 4/16/2014 5/9/2014 5/9/2014 3/21/2014 3/14/2014 5/2/2014 3/14/2014 3/20/2014 4/18/2014 5/12/2014 3/30/2014 3/7/2014 5/12/2014 3/14/2014 3/27/2014 4/16/2014 3/10/2014 4/11/2014 5/14/2014 4/28/2014 3/27/2014 4/25/2014 3/5/2014 3/21/2014 5/6/2014 5/26/2014 5/14/2014 5/9/2014 4/3/2014 5/9/2014 5/2/2014 5/14/2014 5/18/2014 5/28/2014 3/22/2014 3/12/2014 3/5/2014 5/14/2014 4/10/2014 5/22/2014 4/17/2014 5/28/2014 7/18/2013 4/21/2014 3/20/2014 5/5/2014 4/16/2014 3/28/2014 4/23/2014


Barnesville #353 Bolivar #195 Cooper #36 Wakanda #52 St. Charles #241 Independence #76 Hazelwood #459 Cass #147 Alpha #659 Salem #225 Alpha #659 Belton #450 Lamar #292 Independence #76 Four Mile #212 Granby #514 Equality #497 Meridian #2 Tuscan #360 Nodaway #470 Hale City #216 Weston #53 Fenton #281 Rising Sun #13 Gate of the Temple #422 Gate of the Temple #422 Bloomfield #153 Charity Zeredatha #189 Brotherhood #269 Ivanhoe #446 Naphtali #25 King Hill #376 Bloomfield #153 Phoenix #136 Neosho #247 Laclede #83 Clay #207 Jefferson #43 Shawnee #653 Equality #497 Friendship #89 Adelphi #355 (H). #80 Craftsmen #717 Plattsburg #113 Crestwood-Anchor #443 Table Rock #680 Trenton #111 Liberty #31 Wentzville #46 Polo #232 Union #593 Pauldingville #11 Algabil-Freedom #636 Hale City #216 Blackwell #535 Sullivan #69 Lanes Prairie #531 Clintonville #482 Glenwood #427 Raytown #391 Overland-Occidental #623 Saline #226 Oregon #139 Fenton #281 St Clair #273 Hebron #354 Sedalia #236 Joachim #164 Webster Groves #84 Bridgeton #80 Mizpah Mt. Moriah #40 Versailles #320 Bridgeton #80 Osage #303 Shelbina #228 Russellville #90 Bridgeton #80 Belton #450 Higbee #527 Potosi #131 Brookfield #86 Iberia #410 Fenton #281 Trenton #111 Lincoln County #682 Rising Sun #13 St Joseph #78 Henderson #477 Glenwood #427 Friendship #89 Ray #223 Allensville #198


Lambright,Stephen K. Lee,Donnie G. Lemons,Russell W. Levy,Richard I. Litchfield,Richard L. Logan,Lowell W. Luben,Selwyn Mantle,Robert F. Marlay,Richard J. Marshall,William G Maze,Allder D Mc Cammon,Robert S. Mc Conkey,Alan P. Mc Connell,Ernest T. Jr. Mc Donald,Dale E. Mc Knight,Toney L. Mc Lard,Fred H. Mealy,Delbert F. Means,Mac D. Jr. Meyer,Albert C. Millett,Charles W. Morrison,Gale B. Morrow,Dwight L. Mosbaugh,Paul R. Mullins,John R. Muncy,VirgilJr. Nunn,Lee I. Occhi,Marion L. Osborne,Cecil K. Parkinson,John Jr. Patterson,Albert L. Jr. Pendergrass,Raymond L. Pickett,Gilbert R. Poulsen,Raymond E. Pritchett,Roger L. Raupp,F. Neal Raymond,Ronald L. Riggs,Darrell B. Rogers,Paul E. Rohlman,Darrell F. Roll,Hugh W. Jr. Rollins, Robert A. Roloson,Wilbur Runyon,H. Lee Schanks,Billy J. Schneider,William A. Schofield,John E. Schreiner,Charles E. Schwering,Harley E. Seeler,Jack Richardson Shafer,Theodore R. Shettle,Philip Simpson,Robert L. Slagle,Marlin F. Slates,Roger E. Smith,ClydeJr. Snell,Marvin A. Snider,Ronald Sparlin,Darrell W. Squires,John P. Statler,John D. Stephens,James William Strickland,H. Wayne Sturgess,Donald G. REV Summa,Donald A. Sutton,Darrell J. Swanson,Henry L. Talbott,Roy E. Temple,Raymond Paul Thomas,Teddy R. Treese,Charles A. Trimble,Dean Turner,Jimmy R. Ulrich,Alfred F. Vogel,Dennis N. Walker,John Victor Webb,Clay R. West,Dale C. Westfall,Gerald C. White,Peyton W. Whiteside,Richard F. Wilson,Clifford W. Wilson,Roy A. Wilt,Bennie C. Winslow,John W. Wood,Larry G. Woods,Carr L. Wright,Harold E. Young,Logan D. Zellmer,Jack C. Zink,Clifford L. Zumwalt,John L.

50–Year Date

5/26/2014 3/13/2014 3/19/2014 3/23/2014 3/12/2014 5/9/2014 3/3/2014 5/16/2014 3/24/2014 5/28/2014 4/29/2014 3/19/2014 4/9/2014 4/2/2014 4/13/2014 3/20/2014 4/23/2014 4/18/2014 4/12/2014 4/18/2014 3/18/2014 4/3/2014 4/20/2014 3/14/2014 5/17/2014 5/11/2014 5/8/2014 4/8/2014 5/23/2014 5/16/2014 4/30/2014 5/4/2014 4/7/2014 3/17/2014 4/20/2014 5/7/2014 3/7/2014 4/20/2014 4/10/2014 3/25/2014 3/16/2014 3/17/2013 4/28/2014 4/11/2014 3/21/2014 5/10/2014 3/30/2014 4/16/2014 5/2/2014 4/16/2014 3/28/2014 5/1/2014 4/6/2014 3/3/2014 3/14/2014 4/29/2014 4/2/2014 5/19/2014 4/27/2014 5/6/2014 3/19/2014 3/11/2014 5/2/2014 5/26/2014 4/18/2014 5/2/2014 3/18/2014 5/24/2014 3/21/2014 4/26/2014 5/28/2014 3/18/2014 5/25/2014 4/9/2014 4/3/2014 5/4/2014 5/5/2014 5/5/2014 4/22/2014 3/13/2014 5/14/2014 5/6/2014 4/11/2014 3/4/2014 5/19/2014 5/8/2014 5/7/2014 3/17/2014 5/7/2014 4/3/2014 3/28/2014 4/4/2014


Webster Groves #84 Henderson #477 Bolivar #195 St Louis MIssouri #1 Palmyra #18 Butler #254 Ivanhoe #446 Galena #515 Gate of the Temple #422 Washington #87 Washington #87 Ancient Craft #377 Athens #127 West View #103 St Louis MIssouri #1 Kirkwood #484 Excelsior #441 Mokane #612 Crestwood-Anchor #443 Mizpah Mt. Moriah #40 Raytown #391 Overland-Occidental #623 Charity Zeredatha #189 Fellowship #345 Canopy #284 Callao #38 Mizpah Mt. Moriah #40 Hermann #123 Richland #385 Raytown #391 Solomon #271 Gate of the Temple #422 Charity Zeredatha #189 Corinthian #265 Lathrop #506 Ivanhoe #446 Fellowship #345 Charity Zeredatha #189 Bridgeton #80 Billings #379 Temple Gate #299 Magnolia-Euclid #626 Western Star #15 Vandalia #491 Greenville #107 Spirit of St. Louis #27 Independence #76 Excelsior #441 Tuscan #360 Meridian #2 Neosho #247 Glenwood #427 Charity Zeredatha #189 Nodaway #470 Potosi #131 St Francisville #588 Nodaway #470 Queen City #380 Mansfield #543 Solomon #271 Chaffee #615 Ralls #33 Independence #76 Plattsburg #113 Kirkwood #484 Elvins-Ionic #154 Warrenton #609 Granite #272 Waynesville #375 Grand River #276 Nodaway #470 Hartford #171 Pythagoras #383 Meridian #2 Agency #10 Ancient Craft #377 Ivanhoe #446 Kirksville #105 Cairo #486 Joachim #164 New Hope #199 Spirit of St. Louis #27 Gate of the Temple #422 Shelbina #228 Kirksville #105 Gate of the Temple #422 Monett #129 Mt Vernon #99 Skidmore #511 Butler #254 Raytown #391 Sheffield #625

Email your service award pictures to rpence@momason.org Service award recognitions appear at http://www.momason.org/service-awards

the missouri freemason

Spring 2014 47

POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.

Perfection Dr. E. Otha Wingo, PDDGL 38, FMLR

otha.wingo@gmail.com To avoid “the extreme ritual correctly and com- been through or in the process of learnacceptance of the word pletely). The place for do- ing the work himself. There should be without some risk of tering so is in private study zero tolerance for general prompting minological inexactitude” and in continuing prac- from undesignated officers or sideliners. (as Winston Churchill tice with those who will Subtle prompting by a designated perexplained to the British be working in the degree. son nearby, if needed, does not distract. House of Commons in Professional performers We could well observe the words of 1906), let’s say at once that always practice regularly. the notorious English satirist, Charles Perfection means ExcelRitual workers may not be Churchill (1731-1764), who wrote lence (“the highest degree professionals, but the best the year before his death: “By difof proficiency, skill, or ex- Charles Churchill (1731-1764): ones are those who review ferent methods different men excel;/ cellence”). Perfection has “By different methods differ- their designated part of But where is he who can do all things a bad reputation; it does ent men excel; But where is he the ritual before the de- well?” Or Francis Bacon (1561-1626), who can do all things well?” not mean flawless, but fingree is conferred, then do who in his Essay on Studies pointed out ished. It is not a destination, but a pro- their best in the degree. that we are “perfected by experience.” cess. It means doing your very best. A There is a proper way to make a mis- I mentioned private study of the ritual, related word from the same root is pro- take! Work toward perfection in your because only when each person strives ficiency, which since 1544 has meant study and practice of the ritual and when for perfection in learning his particular advancement in knowledge or skill, you make an error during a part will the ritual practice competence, expertise, mastery, or the degree, keep going. Nothprovide its best advanquality of being well-qualified. The in- ing is more distracting than tage. If every ritual worker junction “Be ye perfect” (téleios, com- fumbling around to correct learns his part perfectly plete, Matt. 5:48) refers to completing a mistake during the ritual. in private, but never joins or putting the finishing touches on an When the speaker continwith the others in practice, action or goal. ues without interruption, the finishing touch will We should strive toward perfection in even with a brief pause, the not be achieved. our Lodges, from performing the ritual candidate will not be aware The degree work to educating our members, to having a of it. Some who know the should be a memorable dinner. We often hear in our Lodges the correct words or actions experience for the canexcuse that “nobody is perfect,” there- will notice, but the candi- Francis Bacon (1561-1626): “We didate and a satisfying are perfected by experience.” fore it is OK if we don’t do the ritual date will not be distracted. experience for the parperfectly. My response is that everyone He can be given any corrections later, ticipants. If we are not pleased can strive for perfection (learning the when he observes the degree he has just See Perfection, page 37

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